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Linkagoal - The Goal Based Social Network

Linkagoal is joining hands with Givelight

Foundation by sponsoring their 2014 Walkathon.

Lets help them achieve their goal! #Givelight


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• Linkagoal - The Goal Based Social Network "It is never too late to be what you might have been"~ George Eliot #Goal #AchieveGoals

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All projects need to start with a template or goal setting worksheet, on which they can begin writing down these desires. After they have recorded as many desires or goals as they wish, on their goal setting worksheets, they will then be ready to start taking some action. The goals worksheets will then take them through a prioritizing process, which will allow them to wind up with one or two top priorities, or goals, from which they can begin developing a plan to achieve the top priority goal.

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The prioritizing process will make that special goal a burning desire that you'll be excited to accomplish! If a goal doesn't possess this burning desire for achievement, it probably doesn't have the "juice" to be sustained nor achieved! Get Your Copy of Our "Goal Setting Worksheets" at the Bottom of this Page and Print them Out for Your Personal Use. Whether it's setting and achieving goals, setting smart goals, personal goal setting, we have your goal setting worksheets.

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At the Top and Bottom of Each Goal Setting Worksheet, there are directions for You to Follow. Read the directions carefully at the top and bottom of the worksheets. First, download the goal setting worksheets shown below and follow the link that's shown on the worksheets, in order to make the best use of these worksheets!

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This "process" goes back and forth during the entire game and usually, the team that has devised the best "processes" wins the game.

There is always one "constant" and

that's the goal of winning the game, and

that NEVER changes!

The point here is, you must develop a

"process" or plan to achieve your

personal goals, and this plan can be

changed periodically as you hit

roadblocks, but the personal goals you

set must never be abandoned! We'll

show you how the "process" works, as

we move along.

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Once you decide to change

your thoughts, in order to

change your life, you have

triggered an automatic brain

response that will change the

way you now perceive certain


Whatever change you think you

would like to make, just

deciding to change something

will allow you to begin

seeing things that were not

perceptible before.

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You see, you will now begin to focus on

something totally different in your life,

something that has gotten you excited

about what lies ahead. Setting Personal

Goals is about to become your passion

very soon.

If you have focused on just one of your

dreams, say playing the guitar, or the

piano, or anything that ignites a passion

in you, you will begin perceiving things

about guitars, or pianos, or

whatever, that you never saw before.

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When you decide to make

serious personal life changes, your

brain will begin making these new


Since your brain is now making new

connections, you are about to go on a

new journey. If you set your

expectations to something you really

want to experience, you'll begin seeing

more things that are connected to that.

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When we decide on a goal, we will automatically start tuning in

to things that are relevant to the goal we chose. It's much like

tuning into a radio or TV station.

There are thousands of broadcast frequencies out in cyber

space that we're unaware of until we tune our radio or TV to a

particular dial setting or channel.

When the setting coincides with the frequency that a transmitter

is broadcasting at, we can then hear or see this information.

Setting personal goals works in a similar fashion.

It basically tells our mind that we want information that is

relevant to our goal, and we suddenly have tuned in to

everything around us that has something to do with the

achievement of our new goal! It's a rather phenomenal function

of the brain.

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Yes. Less of me and more of Him. John 3:30 says "He must increase, but I must decrease."

Anthony Martinez

praise God

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Goals are for everyone!

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LINKAGOAL.COM Linkagoal is a goal based social network, it works on a simple yet powerful concepts of Create, Link and Contribute. The site allows its members to write goals (Create), connect with common goals and aspirations (Link) and help someone achieve their goal (Contribute). Linkagoal is based on the belief that the lack of resources, guidance, experience, accountability, and encouragement hinder people from achieving their goals – so why not help them.


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• Linkagoal is a revolutionary platform that combines social networking and the ability to accomplish personal and professional goals.

• “Linkagoal’s vision is to improve the lives of people across the globe – by letting them set, strive, and achieve their goals.”


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How to use Linkagoal?

Discover the goal based social network…


Linkagoal Help Guide Careers Privacy Copyright Terms

& Conditions Blog

Welcome to Linkagoal. Linkagoal is a goal based social

network. It is recommended that before becoming a

Linkagoalian and joining the website, please go through

the following terms and conditions:

Use of Linkagoal

A user must possess the age of 13 to use Linkagoal’s

platform. A user should also agree to all the conditions

and terms along with the obligations and affirmations. It

is expected from a user to follow and fulfill the terms and


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How to manage account

In case any user registers an account at Linkagoal it is

his/her duty to maintain the secrecy and privacy of the

log-in details. It falls under a user’s responsibility and

duty that what kind of content (all forms) is shared and

shown. Account can be terminated, if flagged by any

other user on the basis of unethical or spammed content.

Communication (Goal Creation, Contribution,

Comments etc)

Users can create multiple goals, contribute to others’

goals, post comments and drop messages etc. to other

users as long as they are not threatening, illegal, obscene,

objectionable, and derogatory etc. This can result in

discontinuation of Linkagoal’s account.

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E-communication means, electronically communicating

with Linkagoal’s team. While communicating with

Linkagoal’s team, you agree that all the notices,

agreements and disclosures will be sent and received in

writing and you will have no objection in receiving them.


Content and information shared on this website is

published to notify about Linkagoal Inc. and its activities.

Linkagoal Inc. does not take the responsibility of the

views and information shared by its users and it also

reserves the rights to alter them without providing any

prior notice. Linkagoal Inc. accepts no responsibility or

obligation for any harm or damage including without

limitation, indirect or consequential loss or destruction, or

any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data

or profits arising out of, or in connection with, the use of

this website. Linkagoal Inc. strives to manage smooth and

functional website and ongoing developments have been

made for that. However, Linkagoal does not bear any

responsibility for non-availability of the website due to

technical issues. Rest assured that Linkagoal Inc.’s

vigilant team will make it possible to get things fixed as

soon as it can.

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Kindly go through the Privacy Policy of Linkagoal in

order to understand how private information is dealt at


Changes to Terms and Conditions

To make Linkagoal Inc.’s platform beneficial for the

users, it will keep on changing the terms and conditions in

order to provide users with best of services and

information. This will only be practiced keeping user’s

benefits and accessibility in mind.

Link to Third-Party Sites

This website provides links to other websites. Those

websites are not subject to the Linkagoal Inc. Terms and

Conditions. Moreover, Linkagoal Inc. is not responsible

for the privacy or other practices of those sites.

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Linkagoal - The Goal Based Social Network

"Once you make a decision, the universe

conspires to make it happen"-Ralph Waldo

Emerson #Goals


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Linkagoal - The Goal Based Social Network

"The size of your success is measured by the strength of

your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle

disappointment along the way"~Robert Kiyosaki #Goal #AchieveGoals

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Linkagoal - The Goal Based Social Network

"Success is not a destination, but the road that

you're on. Being successful means that you're

working hard and walking your walk every day. You

can only live your dream by working hard towards

it. That's living your dream"~Marlon Wayans


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Linkagoal - The Goal Based Social Network

Givelight Foundation has their upcoming walkathon

on October 25th. Lets help them achieve their goal! #Goal #Givelight


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Linkagoal - The Goal Based Social Network

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it

complicated" ~Confucius #Goal


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Linkagoal - The Goal Based Social Network

"If you do not believe you can do it then you

have no chance at all"~Arsene Wenger #Goal #SettingGoals

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Thinking Outside The Box

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Setting Personal Goals is Vital to Your Success in Life!

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Setting Personal Goals Can Change Something in Your Life for the Better.

No, life isn't tied with a

bow, but it's still our

greatest gift. No one is in

charge of your happiness but

you! When you fully

understand this, you'll then

be ready to change anything

about your life that you

would like to change.

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Sometimes, people already

have a dream or desire, and

they might decide to make

that their first personal

goal. However, more times

than not, they know

they would like to change

something in their life, but

are not sure exactly where to

start. This is the most

important part of setting

personal goals.

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You must be sure the goal

you're going after is the

perfect personal goal for

you. Otherwise, it won't have

the "juice" to get you really

excited. Soon we'll show you

the "process" that must take

place before you set personal


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There's a "process" involved

in just about everything we

do, including making major

changes in our life, so why

would it be any different for

setting personal goals.

Without the knowledge of how

to use this "process" to make

changes, there's a good

chance that nothing will


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Let's take any sporting event

as an example. Before the

game each coach has outlined

a particular "process", or

strategy, for the team to

execute, and it's called the

"game plan". Each player has

been made aware of the plan

and is expected to follow it

to the letter.

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Naturally, the goal in every

sporting event is pretty

simple, Win the Game!

However, once the opposing

coach recognizes the other

teams game

plan, a defensive "process",

or strategy will be put in

place to counter-act their

plan. In effect, they're

always trying to set up

roadblocks to stop the

opposing team.

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To set goals properly, you have to have a clear starting point. You see, if we can get you facing in the right direction, then all you have to do is keep on walking. Goal setting worksheets can get you pointed in that direction by giving you a place to start from. You have to define and prioritize your goals first, and our goal setting worksheets will do just that!

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Most people continually toy with dreams and desires, but rarely take any action to realize these dreams. They have visions of new careers, going abroad, starting a business, purchasing a business, getting a degree, etc. These dreams become fantasies and are never acted upon, for various reasons. All this can change when they realize that they must have a starting point before any action take place.

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You must be sure the goal

you're going after is the

perfect personal goal for

you. Otherwise, it won't have

the "juice" to get you really

excited. Soon we'll show you

the "process" that must take

place before you set personal


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Linkagoal - The Goal Based Social Network

Linkagoal has sponsored “GiveLight Foundation”

for a noble cause! The GiveLight Foundation is a

non-profit humanitarian relief organization,

established in Silicon Valley by a group of young

professionals in the wake of 2004 Tsunami. It’s an

easy and...more

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Linkagoal - The Goal Based Social Network

"Forget the risk and take the fall if its what you want then

its worth it all" #Goal #Success

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Linkagoal - The Goal Based Social Network

"You are never too old to set another goal or to

dream a new dream." - C. S. Lewis #Goal


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Linkagoal - The Goal Based Social Network

Linkagoal has sponsored “GiveLight Foundation”

for a noble cause! The GiveLight Foundation is a

non-profit humanitarian relief organization,

established in Silicon Valley by a group of young

professionals in the wake of 2004 Tsunami. It’s an

easy and...more

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Goal-Setting -- Wise Words from Famous People:


people-5750834.html#.VFJdCKzOOFM.twitter via

Goal Setting Worksheets / Goals Examples

