lihel inquisitors suicides will work now keep...lihel ask telegraph managers about messages to j c...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY APRIL 21 1908 2 r j 1- U LIHEl Ask Telegraph Managers About Messages to J C Lake- The committee investigating the Lll ley charges of corruption of Congress went gunning in executive session to day but got no genie It examined behind closed doors T P Cummings and W A Porlaus New Orleans of the Western Union and Postal Telegraph companies respec- tively The committee asked these mon If any telegrams addressod to J C Lake of the Lake Boat Company hac come to Now Orleans while Lake was there They replied that no telegrams had come through them to Lake Inquiry was lu line with the committees sus- picion that Lakes visit to New Orleans was rather hurried after he heard the present investigation was to begin In open session today Mr Lilley asked that as the Lake Companys contracts with Russia are to be examined to de- termine whether the United States has paid extravagant sums for Its sub- marines the Electric Boat Companys construction be also examined Contradicting a written statement to committee by Commissioner of Pat- ents Moore Martin W Littleton sub- mitted documents to show that the Elec- tric Boat Company received In 19W a patent for a submarine device through Lieut Charles P Nelson Reveals Secrets To Lilley Probers Dull care retreated through the door Yesterday afternoon as Grant Hugh Brown took the witness stand to testi- fy In the submarine investigation and the committee and spectators had a most enjoyable session Incidentally Martin W Littleton counsel for tho Electric Boat Company Is going to lila A bit of damages against some one to compensate him for a pair of terribly lacerated lips Brown took the committee and the spectators Into his confidence at the very outset of his testimony He had no secrets to hfdc He gave the committee tnough inside information on the pro- moting business to enable any one of them to go out tomorrow and form a giant trust just as he has dbne on many occasions A clever word here and there and to leave behind just the suspicion of an impression that he held in one hand a corporation worth a few millions were according to the wit rerpes a few of the ways in which Is necessary to approach a corpora- tion with a view to bringing about a consolidation with a like com- pany Brown admitted that he would not fr l badly if each corporation president deluded himself with the that he was dealing with an authorized agent of his competitor Its part cf the game said Brown Go on said Mr Howard between laughs you interest me greatly Mr Brown really got down to he took a tall out of President Rices testimony He declared with em- phasis and several times that when he approached Mr Rice in March of this year merge the Electric Boat ompany with the Lake Company Mr Rice This investigation at Washington must be stopped and stopped quick Surc replied Brown that sine non of the deal He denied that he had mentioned the name of Senator Bulkeley of Connecti- cut as the agency through whom the investigation could be stopped The last time I heart of Bulkeley said even know was a united States Senator Todays Vital John RecordsB- irths and Ethel Jones boy Charles L arid Louis Smith girl Morris and Mary Zinnamore boy Edward 31 and Marie C Willis Jr boy Edmund A and Margaret B Varela boy Walter E and Mary Spring boy Carl W P and Mary S Stodder boy William E and Mary J Swain boy Morris and Addle Powell girl John J and Alice K McAulIffe girl Robert W and Ethel Louisa L Neely boy Joseph T and Nettie Lynn girl Delta M and Wllhelmina Knapp girl John E and Minnie M Hummer girl Robert and Bessie Gouldman boy Edward and Frances P Gummel boy Gaitano and Theresa Guiltre boy Thomas C and Anna C Donnelly girl Joseph W and Emma Cox boy Harry F and Lillian M Crouch boy George F and Irinc 21 Carrick girl Aloyslus and Jennie Babbington girl Raymond and Katherine Baker girl Christopher D and Mary W Bartel mus Francis C and Emma A boy Marriage Licenses John Baxter and Hattie Penny Twining City D C Eugene W Marryman Washington and Carrie L Hicks Va Rkhard F Fussell and Luelle W Brooking Hanrico county Va Amos A and Gertrude B Bow- ers Washington Frank Grajek and Rosa Degen Rich- mond Va Millard A Belt and Laura E Fisher Washington Huber F Seltzer and Margaret E Smalley Washington Deaths May E Thorn years 1412 Thirtynfth street Henry R Beach C years 314 Fourteenth street southwest Susie Poole 2 years 781 Morton street northwest Joseph H Westmoreland 1 year 40 G street southwest Marlaixie Sllfer 90 years 102 0 street northwest Mary Scott 63 years lAG Maryland avenue northeast Owen R Wixom 60 years 600 Massa rhusetts avenue northwest Edward C Gill 80 years 2S12 Fourteenth street northwest Bonjanjln H Blunt 10 year 22S Twelfth street southwest Emily J Crist 2 years S41 Seventh street southeast M tta Newell 60 years I01S Massa- chusetts avenue northwest James J Ferraro 12 years 634 New York avenue northwest Infant of Delta M and Wllhelmina- Krfcpp 3 days 1232 B street southwest NAMED HACK INSPECTOR Major Sylvester announced today that Sergt John McTaggart de- tailed at the house of detention and who formerly did duty in the Second prerJnct had been detailed as Dis- trict hack Inspector vice John S atts who has been obliged to give p the position because of 111 health S JSfrgpant McTaggart has been on the force more than twenty years INQUISITORS IN SECRET SESSION Ths t re8ldent hen 4 else oo he be was governor or Connectlett idnt Philip and R King boy Barry Moyer 47 A 9 man- agers Joannette ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < Suicides Wife Wanted Too Will Work Now to Keep Children I 1 Mrs Emma Robinson First Wanted to Jump Overboard Iam left four young children on my hands At first it soemed as though I wanted to take them and jump into the river Now that the worst Is over I will have to make the best of it and go out and work- to earn money with which to feed and clothe my oMIdren just like many other women have to do With these words Mrs Emma Rob inson whose husband Leo Robinson committed suicide after endeavoring to induce his wife to die with him to- day expressed her determination to face the world and earn a living for herself and children Hardly mora than a girl Mrs Robinson had been married eight years and the suicide lat night was the culmination of what at first promised to be an unusually pretty romance Separated Few Weeks Ago Mrs Robinson is the daughter of the late James Wood of Alexandria Her mother Mrs James F Wood lives at 1914 F street northeast Mr and Mrs Robinson had been living in Alexandria A few weeks ago the couple separated and Mrs Robinson came to to make her home with her mother Robinson it is said had made several attempts to induce hid wife to return- to Alexandria Realizing It i thought that the es- trangement would probably result In a permanent separation from his wife and failing to effect a reconciliation Robinson who was a glass blower came to Washington last night with the avowed purpose of ending his life Earlier in the evening he had tried to borrow a revolver from his brotherin law in Alexandria Unable to do this he purchased two ounces of carbolic acidWhen he reached Woods home he was told that his wife had gone to the theater with a party of friends Robinson went to the theater pur chased an admission ticket and hunted up the party Finds Wife in Theater 1 felt some one tap me on the shoul- der said Mrs Robinson Sand lookJog around I saw my husband standing In the aisle The curtain had just gone up and I couldnt imagine what he was doing there He whispered to me that my baby was sick and for me to come home immediately I left the theater with him and we boarded an H street carHe never said a word about killing himself until we got oft the car at Ninth with Mrs u Washing- ton C ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Officers for the ensuing church year were elected yesterday in the Episcopal churches of the Dis- trict of Columbia These officers In eluded vestrymen warden treasurers registrars and delegates to the dio- cesan convention which will meet May when a successor to Bishop Henry- Y Satterlee will be elected The resulted- St Joseph Burden M T Endicott Dr W M Sprigg Samuel J Millard William E Williams Dr George Barrio R J Earnshaw C W Huske Registrar Alfred T Gage Wardens Dr D C Gordon and J Sprigg Poole Dek gates Dr D C Gordon J Sprigg Poole and M T Endicott Alternates Joseph Burden R J C W Huske Takoma Parish Vestrymen James Taylor James H Lightfoot Henry H Roberts Robert S Brown Norman E Jackson Homer Geurry Jesse B K Lee Isaac C Hoat wardens James Taylor James H Lightfoot registrar James H Lightfoot treasurer Robert- S Brown delegate James Taylor al ternate James H Lightfoot Church of the Ascension Vestrymen Dr William C Rives Dr D Percy Hickling S E Kramer A M Poyn ton Z D Blackstone S W E Pegues Jonn G Capers and C C Calhoun wardens C M Koones and Charles S Johnson delegate Dr William C Rives alternate Dr D P Ilickjing Church cf the Advent Vestrymen Dr A D Coney BenHmin F Taylor William Berry Harvey B Major George Brown J H Vottner Reuben- A Small and W D Hellen St James Warder Josiah Shaw James H McIntosh Vestrymen Henry- L Bryant George H Evans Charles A Massie R H Hudson Seymour W Tulloch Charles H Miller H Hooks Dr Francis J Woodman regis ter Henry L Bryan delegates Henry- L Bryan George H Evans alternates Charles A Massie R H Hudson Is all that is necessary to show that the system will ab sorb more nourishment from Than from any other known food Many persons have lived GrapeNuts and gained strength when nothing else would remain on the stomach or medicine Theres a Reason elec- tions AndrewsVestrymen An EasyTrial GrapeNuts on I food I I Protest- ant c 7 N ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ LEE ROBINSON Who Took His Life Because His Wife Had Left Him street KP helped me d wn U step and then he said Emma 1 am going to kill rays f and I wajit you to dt me Things I am going to end it of carbolic acid here and we will end our lives together Phtln the phial to his lips Robinson drank morn than the contents He then grabbed his wife around the throat and to the bottle to her lips Mrs Robinson broke away and started running up Ninth street As they reach- ed corner of F street Boblr on to weaken front the effects 3f the acid His wife urged him not to drop in the street but to make every effort to reach the house She hurried on in front of him Runs Into Policeman Just as they turned the corner into F street Robinson ran into the arms of Lieutenant Falvey of n h police precinct The wpmans act ons bud at- tracted the officer and w e the man staggering behind her the of- ficer knew that everything was not as it should he Are a pollee officer Robinson asked him Well Ive Just swallowed- two ounces of carbolic acid I want to die The lieutenant carried the man to the Ninth station which ia only short distance away He was taken to the Casualty Hospital in the police am- bulance and died a few minutes after reaching the institution is twentytwo years old and her husband was They were married when she was a school girl in short dresses They had four children Lee six years old Hia- watha four Lee three and two months The three oldest children- are in Alexandria where they have been spending the last weeks with Rob inrons mother at 1121 Duke street Coroner Nevitt gave a certificate of death suicide and the body was taken to Alexandria this morning iUs cant on the way they have been and all I have a nottle be- gan I I I the f came ou Ieclnct a I I I ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Episcopalians Elect Officers Delegates Will Choose Bishop Trinity Church Wardens T G- Kbaugh William M Steuart vestry- men James E Bell G S Whltmore E N Waters J Buckley Henry Eng high George N Acker Corbin Thompson and William E Myers dele gates T O Ebaugh N Waters al- ternates William M Steuart and G S Whitmore- St Pauls Wardens J tf McKinney and H L Rust ve trym n W B Dent H K Dixon L A Pradt Dr W F P K Belly F Faust Commander C C Rogers and Gen C H Whlpple registrar Dr H M Dixon treasurer J M McKinney delegates J M McKinney and L A Pradt St Dr John C Nor wood and Darwin D Moore vestrymen J F AuttinJanmt 0 DampficV Jams R Bell H L Dixon Dr W P apper Charles J Prckett C A Thomas and Dr J R Wilder registrar J C Bur reIn treasurer Eugene Brooks dele- gates Dr J C Norwood Dr J R Wilder and James O Bampfield Christ Church southeast Wardens James Berry and H J Cawood L D Taylor H J Cawood John Schroeder J E Hutchinon C W Terry James Berry John Stevenson and S P Harfon cemetery committee- J E Hutchlnsrn Jme Berry and H J Cawood delegates Totfn Lane Johns and Charles L Hutchinson alternates Thornton Hynson and W Arthur Storm registrar L B Taylor treas- urer C V Terry CELEBRATE BATTLE TONIGHT The anniversary of the battle of San Jacinto will be celebrated by the Tex- as Society of Washington at the Pyth ian Temple tonight Representative Champ Clark of Missouri will speak Do not Confound our artistic and beautiful Jewelry with other houses who are trying to imitate us Iinclos Company has been es- tablished since 1896 Washington store ortatllsacd 1902 We now have 5R branch stores and manu- facture and import all our own tho reason We un dersell all others LINKS Spec als for Wednesday Our 14karat solid gold filled links set with Lucios Qfl ff diamonds Special i pair 1 V7 V- o Every season finds our Hat Pins more firmly established in popular demand The t goods in this class which we make are characterized by such P god taste and 1m of design- as to secure their ac- ceptability to the best dressers Prices range from LUCIUS 1307 F St W Dr E Dr Koen DeC J gOodsthats pre slvene8R t vestry- men I j E II 2cUp- K1GHALT JEWELRY ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DAUGHTERS CLASH OVER THE MINUTES- OF LAST CONGRESS Continued from First Page Cuba was one of the accomplishments- The said New York banner State having enrolled eight Massachusetts and Iowa follow with five each and Indiana the District of Co lumbia Pennsylvania and South Caro- lina were close competitors Other figures given relative to the growth and spread of the order word as follows Marriages 414 resignations 510 deaths 4SC dropped 3S1 reinstate- ments 45 The admitted memberships April 1SOS are given at 68436 against 60696 last year The actual memberships are at present 537SI as against 4tt iS last year Tv difference between actual and admitted memberships was ex- plained by spying that members are numbered consecutively as taken in whllr deaths resignations and other alines reduce the actual membership jf society Want Badges Separated- Mrs Amos G Draper registrar gen ral said that she would lUte to have congress authorize the separation of the insignia and ancestral bar badges at the expiration of the contract It frequently delayed Daughters she ex- plained of the two being made together For instance it was ex that it had cost the society 34 fo ascertain whether the ancestor of A prospective delegate was an ensign or second lieutenant in order to com- plete the ancestral bar although it was not germane tj her membership In fu- ture Mrs Draper wishes to have each applicant pay for the ancestral bar If it is retained Mrs John Paul Karnest correspond- ing secretary general made a detailed report of tne work accomplished by her foree during the year It was received with of the con vent on and its author was compli- mented y the president general upon her thoroughness Historian Reports The report of hiatorfcui general was mad by Mrs J Eattn Guricby- Sh reported that the publication of the Lineage Look was considerably behind and thiit she would ask for authority- to publish these volumes at rate of four instead of two per year until entire set was published The of the twentynflh and twenty sixth volumes ccnUuniw fortyfour records of Real Daughters was an- nounced The she said were greatly appreciated by chapters from public libraries and were instrumental in bringing in many mem- ber to the society Mrs Henry S Dowron assistant his- torian general reported the completion of the nev directory containing Ms ad- ditional chapters and 1MK additional names over that of JSW and yet which had cost but J38J50 more than the J i- directocy State Chapters Meet Meetings of a number of State chap- ters will be held at S oclock this after- noon at which time battle for the election of the ten vice presidents gen- eral will begin In earnest A number f States will present their candidates names to the convention probably to morrow and a systematic lobby will then be on until the elections Thursday Mrs McDermott delegate from the City of Mexico introduced to the congress this morning being one of the few foreign visitors present Reception fer Mrs McLean Fully fifteen hundred brtttbuiUy gowned women attended the reception tendered Mrs Donald McLean presi- dent genral or the D A R by Mrs Charles H Terry and Mrs Henry S Bowroti of New York tat the Nfrw WII lard ballroom last evening Long before the hour for the reception the corridors were thronged with the crea t of Amer- ican womanhood the gathering being one of the most ever as sembled at a similar attain Mrs McLean Mrs Bowmen and Mrs Terry were the only members of the re cetwig party Miss Kortan sang after the general reception wax over after which a half hour was spent in con- versation Following the reception the New York State delegation gave a dinner in honor of the retiring State regentS Mrs Henry- W Roberts at which she was present- ed with a diamond crescent brooch A roll call of the States consumed the major portion of the afternoon session yesterday whet this was completed it was that over 15W delegates bed registered- The Daughters will be the guests Fri- day night at the New York Presbyterian Church of the Sons of the American Revolution District of Columbia Socie- ty A special program has been ar- ranged of addresses by prom- inent persona and several musical num- bers The center aisle of the church will be reserved for the Daughters and the two side sections of pews will be for the compatriot and their ladles while the gallery will be for the general y Memberships Secured in Miss Elizabeth F Pierce recording secretary reported that 3998 cer- tificates of membership had been signed Married BEITFISHBR By the Fresh 3C Miss LAURA E F1SHKR daughter 0 Mr and Mrs John H Ileber of to Mr MILLuVRD BELT or Avery Md April 9 1 6 It Died BRECTNGER On Monday AprH 199S at G a m TVILLIAM beloved husband of Josephine Brennlnger from lets late residence 453 Mas- sachusetts avenue on Wednts day 22d at 2 p a Friends and rela- tives invited Interment at Congressional N w York city and Philadelphia Pa papers please copy UNDERTAKERS- S H EETES UNDERTAKER AND EMBAXaiBR Ins 14TH ST NW- ap3S t PHONE NORTH 1535 J WILLIAM LEE 2 Pa Ave N W Washington IX c Telephone Main 13S5 FUNERAL DESIGNS GEO C SHAFFER lint AND I N W XVWERS FOR FUNERALS ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED FUNERAL DESIGNS entry tfc criptlon moderataly rxlcJ GUDE A Guaranteed Remedy For Piles Eczema Pimples on the Face Dr Costellos Salve- A household remedy easy to mild and sure cure for all abrasions of the skin Sold by all Drusrfsts r ycci 25 CENTS Sanford Drug Co WASKCTGTOW C Prompt Attention to Mall Orders tile the On accow t the the the comple- tion the was repr J t pub- lic general Rev Bris- tol t run ral northwest the Cemetery It ONDJ11JAXlB AND rXVE1- tu elf I ape I D I c S Year Wash- ington ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Banners for Merit Presented- at Meeting This Morning e charming women six In- terested children and one solitary man gathered In the Congregational Church this morning and there discussed the possibilities of the Childrens Society of the American Revolution Banners on which perched selfcon scions arrogant eagles were present tothose deserving them likewise lov- ing cups Then thpre were speeches and one the kindheartedladle offered a mo tion to regulate vivisection they did not specify the manner of Its regula tion and all the time the one man hunched deeper and deeper in his chair and mournfully wondered how he hap- pened to get in The meeting opened shortly after 10 oclock After prayer Mrs Nellis M Rich read a report for the State of New York Then sne was presented with a banner for the largest State attendance and she expressed her thanks Then Mi s i eecher granddaughter of Henry Ward was with a CUB given to liar society Little Mon and women of K during the year There were 502S applications received Her report also referred to the Daughters participation in the Jamestown Exposition The reawakened love of country now abroad in the lend is largely due to the sentiments fostered by the Daughters of the American Revolution said the report This Hall too has been the scene of great educational and religious gatherings and we are led believe that it will yet become a center where the most brilliant minds- of the country wilt meet to confer upon the Important educational and ethical questions of the day Since Miss Pierce prepared her re- pot however it is beMe ad that the Question has arisen as to whether or not the society wilt permit its bali to be used for such purposes by other or ganisations This matter is to be threshed out at the congress there a disposition on toe part of some to stop the practice of loaning the hall rent free to other organisations This discussion is expected to precipitate one of the most lively sessions of the con- gress SENATE TO DEVOTE ITSELF TO APPROPRIATION BILLS Appropriation bills are expected to come thick and fut before the Senate for the next two weeks in fact for the balance of the session Indications are however that they will be largely dis- posed of in the next two weeks This week may see the disposal of two or three of the big supply measures The District appropriation bill will be brought up as soon as Senator GalHnger can arrange It on his return from New Thursday Senator Warren is anxious to get the agricvitnraJ Mil disposed of and said he would can it up as as possible The naval bill emerged front committee yesterday and the pensions bill is practically ready to report The diplomatic and consular bill win be the net measire taken up by the Appropriations Committee D A R Members- Are Especially Invited to In spect Our Beautiful Display of High Art Jewelry- We are tie originators of High Art Jewelry at reasonable prices This beautiful Silver Buckle a genuine U39 A special for two days W Some Buckles in gold finish at same price 1117 G St- Cor 12th CHILDRENS SOCIETY I RECEIVES REPORTS of pest to HIP e I valueour C m be- ing a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 15 cents each 2 for 25 cents cugrr PEABODY COMPANY TroT hi i eason- e d- Yd f4 i- LUS1TAN1A 0 LIJSITA NI- AL S i S ARRow COLLAR NY < > Cut Your Dental in Half We have reduced prices for this week ao all in of dental can receive highclass dental services at extremely low prices All operations absolutely painless All Work T Guaranteed 500 Set of Teeth 350 750 Set of Teeth 500 1000 Set of Teeth 750 1500 Set of Teeth 1000 22kt Gold BRIDGEWORK 3 and 5 PHtXONGS SOc EZTBACTTKG SOc Royal Dentist 707 GSt NW Near Cor 7th Second Floor Hours Daily 9 to S Sunday 19 to 1 DISINFECTANTS Odorless Vampoles Solution of Chlorides purHies For sick rooms or sinks J itt also be used t ew re where purification is needed J 25c Full Quart Bottle ODONHELLS 804 F St Special Notices NATHAN BELL CO Contractors and bidders fr white- washing reid vater painting fireproof pointing whitening and coloring 6O5 lOtk Street 3T E Phone Lincoln 313 apSitf AL PERSONS are hereby warned sac atanaseae Va aft r tMa date April 21 ltt unless tIM far same bears t personal sigmti of Mrs Robert Portnar Signed MRS ROF lllt Lessee CTiOTimro STORED FKEE Have then taken Peter Latteraar Ill 4i4 st nw Clean tl stored free for the season Phone raja apZl30t Room 80S G coran Building Washington 3ft BIB The annual meeting f tL stockhol- der of the ilexicaa Ttiagrapbone Com- pany will beheld in this silica at 1 P the 4TH PR0XXJ4O EDWARD W CREECr President TRY ROSKSTFELiys Brick Cream three flavors to the bride Me quart L3S gallon Special discounts to churches and lodges Phone Lincoln litt atkUMt Paint Brush Free The paints Mil are vtrkrtly reliable quality Oar prices r very low Wben ready to do the touching vatarta Enamel Decorative gnunets for fBni- tttro I tine for kitchen waits Window sad PlcMre Glass HODGKINS 9137th St FRED S GICEJTEB IROX WORKS 1214 D yi w Now is the time to order your Fence A P JONES CO 1S2S nw General house and Painting Stove work a specialty Phone N 4177 anfr Bill need services I Crowns 3 and 5 J Front o oeeG Q safe and reliable disinfettnt- 1iJttoys aU nexious on and im ell frlgerators or for urpose i to U liT goods or materials description to the Pita a William at or r RT J D e 1 lee we I up Mf die here Jpasss Floor varnb se Screen Bathtub EIIameL J1Itnult8ld AJaIIM I that any a any Hotel 4 2 Ann M- on apll4St- I t Th 4 4 I H4 I I 1 mb54t > ¬ + + + > + Special Hotices is not to be classed with oils that fathers brot ers or cousins ship to their retail s as some ItaliAns claim Pompeiai Olive Oil is manu- factured and by tbe larg eet dealer abroad pressed and in the most modern way in- suring cleanliness etc Picture an oil pressed by foot in some Italian househ ld and you will realize the difference Prof H E Kalusowskl of the National College of Pharmacy says that Pompeian Olive Oil is pure and of high quality Per Sale at Reliable Dealers The Pompeian Company i 702 5tk Street N W aBi4tufS4t Our Mergenthalers make quick work of trpecetttog and riu big modem result to a great econ ii in proaawork We can do your prlntrs quickly and at a moderate charge Judd Detweiler inc The Big Print Shop 43O22 11th St NOW IS THE TIME your Paint- ing done Ja A GHnn fth and K sts nw twentyfive y ur in business her strictly pure white lead and linseed oil paint cheerfully furnished ap3St ova NEW STORK to NOW TMdy for TOPfiI- xuwcttom car XMh and C sic aw STUTT- Jc SXYDKR Druggists FlMMM X 7727 3 T STOTT H C SXYDER at aw now located at SK 0 st nw Office hours 1 to S Sundays by ap potouvent aplS7t NOTICE ea O W W 3 Xtoejr Dert lets IHLV e t Miiad Deatal OMes Branc at 4th aact Stanton Flac se lipids p tide anatm 0AM WM 9 a m to S p GKT COOL Xe l Ice crtd drinks siv prompt attention pa ur MRS HAGA ith i X Rave Your Refrigerator RepaIred We can make them as good as new Ga Rftge repairing a specialty J H oirams 2S41 nw North 12S4 K nt v CSCi prartlcal tailor fcc I dl c OAUtc dyeing aad presses dB west called tor ned delivered apaSC- tHAJtTUNGS SANITARY DAIRY Phone N Utt Hntrtttocw and delicious DO NOT FAIL TO USE R A WALK- ERS Celebrated 25c Coffee It Is ur ex- celled R A Walker 1CM Seventh aorthwe ap33Ct- WE TT tRTngT Collect rents make prompt returns s cure good tenants reliable fire ieaurarcs SPINDLER CHAMBERS Undertakers and PHseral Directors 1787 7th IT W Phone S 780 Patronise the undertakers that first brought down tn extortionate fucet u prices We will furnish you a flint 7 class funeral compiet for For a Few Day Oar 400 Cabinets Dna BROOKS STUDIO W Penn Avo N Times Want Ads Bring Results POWEIAN OLIVE OIL pro dean I lf t nave uses apliH IRE oCDONNALL elS d l- IIIIA8t kind ser pW1 s- at attW fteIM Nth and Ices made of fresh always 71 Ave JaW ap1- I l tiC SELL THE e f c1 7tk k P1a S 5 apii WoO re- fined p pre fcictiy i s nt- gp17tf nesee sad retremests s- Ic orders SaYs and erenisas mht neatly 3T Ice reain fr u 9 I Nanok Ar- eapsj tee er ¬ ¬ > ¬ > < > ¬ THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY Open Until 9 P M Gef Acqiiainted With The Hub Credit Way Tne flost Sensational Underselling This Elegant 35 Three Piece Crotch Mahogany Parlor Suite ifci The announcement of this Dig value took the town by storm We were busy all day yester day showing and selling these Parlor Suites Three handsome pieces fit for Made selected crotch mahogany high polish French shaped legs Fitted detachable full 59A Diulml U CREDIT IS YOUR PURSE 9 tt I- II I- i C Value We Nave Ever Offered 20 00 jl taD 11 Iii i ft ff 1- Y J Jt- I t it- i- I tI- I 11I- I of- t 13 tufted silk velour cushions full tasseled regular cash value 3500 Our Credit puce II The uIb lmIrlduitfh and Sts I i jjIJ j IIz- j zj Saturday- rw r iiw i jtuL J1LL TI W E- I c- jji jj M w v- c = < ¼

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Page 1: LIHEl INQUISITORS Suicides Will Work Now Keep...LIHEl Ask Telegraph Managers About Messages to J C Lake-The committee investigating the Lll ley charges of corruption of Congress went




Ask Telegraph ManagersAbout Messages to

J C Lake-

The committee investigating the Lllley charges of corruption of Congresswent gunning in executive session today but got no genie It examinedbehind closed doors T P Cummingsand W A Porlaus New Orleans

of the Western Union andPostal Telegraph companies respec-tively

The committee asked these mon If anytelegrams addressod to J C Lake ofthe Lake Boat Company hac come toNow Orleans while Lake was there Theyreplied that no telegrams had comethrough them to Lake Inquirywas lu line with the committees sus-picion that Lakes visit to New Orleanswas rather hurried after he heard thepresent investigation was to begin

In open session today Mr Lilley askedthat as the Lake Companys contractswith Russia are to be examined to de-termine whether the United States haspaid extravagant sums for Its sub-marines the Electric Boat Companysconstruction be also examined

Contradicting a written statement tocommittee by Commissioner of Pat-

ents Moore Martin W Littleton sub-mitted documents to show that the Elec-tric Boat Company received In 19W apatent for a submarine device throughLieut Charles P Nelson

Reveals SecretsTo Lilley Probers

Dull care retreated through the doorYesterday afternoon as Grant HughBrown took the witness stand to testi-fy In the submarine investigation andthe committee and spectators had amost enjoyable session IncidentallyMartin W Littleton counsel for thoElectric Boat Company Is going to lilaA bit of damages against some one tocompensate him for a pair of terriblylacerated lips

Brown took the committee and thespectators Into his confidence at thevery outset of his testimony He had nosecrets to hfdc He gave the committeetnough inside information on the pro-moting business to enable any one ofthem to go out tomorrow and form agiant trust just as he has dbne onmany occasions A clever word hereand there and to leave behind just thesuspicion of an impression that he heldin one hand a corporation worth a fewmillions were according to the witrerpes a few of the ways in which

Is necessary to approach a corpora-tion with a view to bringingabout a consolidation with a like com-pany

Brown admitted that he would notfr l badly if each corporation presidentdeluded himself with the that hewas dealing with an authorized agentof his competitor Its part cf thegame said Brown

Go on said Mr Howard betweenlaughs you interest me greatly

Mr Brown really got down tohe took a tall out of President

Rices testimony He declared with em-phasis and several times thatwhen he approached Mr Rice in Marchof this year merge the Electric Boatompany with the Lake Company MrRice

This investigation at Washingtonmust be stopped and stopped quick

Surc replied Brown thatsine non of the deal

He denied that he had mentioned thename of Senator Bulkeley of Connecti-cut as the agency through whom theinvestigation could be stopped Thelast time I heart of Bulkeley said

even know was a united StatesSenator

Todays Vital



irthsand Ethel Jones boy

Charles L arid Louis Smith girlMorris and Mary Zinnamore boyEdward 31 and Marie C Willis Jr boyEdmund A and Margaret B Varela

boyWalter E and Mary Spring boyCarl W P and Mary S Stodder boyWilliam E and Mary J Swain boyMorris and Addle Powell girlJohn J and Alice K McAulIffe girlRobert W and Ethel Louisa L Neely

boyJoseph T and Nettie Lynn girl

Delta M and Wllhelmina Knapp girlJohn E and Minnie M Hummer girlRobert and Bessie Gouldman boyEdward and Frances P Gummel boyGaitano and Theresa Guiltre boyThomas C and Anna C Donnelly girlJoseph W and Emma Cox boyHarry F and Lillian M Crouch boyGeorge F and Irinc 21 Carrick girlAloyslus and Jennie Babbington girlRaymond and Katherine Baker girlChristopher D and Mary W Bartel

musFrancis C and Emma A boy

Marriage Licenses

John Baxter and Hattie Penny TwiningCity D C

Eugene W Marryman Washington andCarrie L Hicks Va

Rkhard F Fussell and Luelle WBrooking Hanrico county Va

Amos A and Gertrude B Bow-ers Washington

Frank Grajek and Rosa Degen Rich-mond Va

Millard A Belt and Laura E FisherWashington

Huber F Seltzer and Margaret ESmalley Washington

DeathsMay E Thorn years 1412 Thirtynfth

streetHenry R Beach C years 314 Fourteenth

street southwestSusie Poole 2 years 781 Morton street

northwestJoseph H Westmoreland 1 year 40 G

street southwestMarlaixie Sllfer 90 years 102 0 street

northwestMary Scott 63 years lAG Maryland

avenue northeastOwen R Wixom 60 years 600 Massa

rhusetts avenue northwestEdward C Gill 80 years 2S12 Fourteenth

street northwestBonjanjln H Blunt 10 year 22S Twelfth

street southwestEmily J Crist 2 years S41 Seventh

street southeastM tta Newell 60 years I01S Massa-

chusetts avenue northwestJames J Ferraro 12 years 634 New

York avenue northwestInfant of Delta M and Wllhelmina-

Krfcpp 3 days 1232 B street southwest

NAMED HACK INSPECTORMajor Sylvester announced today

that Sergt John McTaggart de-tailed at the house of detention andwho formerly did duty in the SecondprerJnct had been detailed as Dis-trict hack Inspector vice John S

atts who has been obliged to givep the position because of 111 health

S JSfrgpant McTaggart has been on theforce more than twenty years





hen4 else


hebe was governor or Connectlettidnt

Philip and R King boy





























Suicides Wife Wanted TooWill Work Now to Keep Children


Mrs Emma RobinsonFirst Wanted to Jump


Iam left four young childrenon my hands At first it soemed asthough I wanted to take them andjump into the river Now that theworst Is over I will have to makethe best of it and go out and work-to earn money with which to feed andclothe my oMIdren just like manyother women have to do

With these words Mrs Emma Robinson whose husband Leo Robinsoncommitted suicide after endeavoring toinduce his wife to die with him to-

day expressed her determination toface the world and earn a living forherself and children Hardly mora thana girl Mrs Robinson had been marriedeight years and the suicide lat nightwas the culmination of what at firstpromised to be an unusually prettyromance

Separated Few Weeks AgoMrs Robinson is the daughter of the

late James Wood of Alexandria Hermother Mrs James F Wood lives at

1914 F street northeast Mr and MrsRobinson had been living in AlexandriaA few weeks ago the couple separatedand Mrs Robinson came to

to make her home with her motherRobinson it is said had made severalattempts to induce hid wife to return-to Alexandria

Realizing It i thought that the es-trangement would probably result Ina permanent separation from his wifeand failing to effect a reconciliationRobinson who was a glass blowercame to Washington last night withthe avowed purpose of ending his lifeEarlier in the evening he had tried toborrow a revolver from his brotherinlaw in Alexandria Unable to do thishe purchased two ounces of carbolic

acidWhen he reached Woods homehe was told that his wife had gone tothe theater with a party of friendsRobinson went to the theater purchased an admission ticket and huntedup the party

Finds Wife in Theater1 felt some one tap me on the shoul-

der said Mrs Robinson Sand lookJogaround I saw my husband standing Inthe aisle The curtain had just gone upand I couldnt imagine what he wasdoing there He whispered to me thatmy baby was sick and for me to comehome immediately I left the theaterwith him and we boarded an H streetcarHe never said a word about killinghimself until we got oft the car at Ninth










Officers for the ensuing church yearwere elected yesterday in the

Episcopal churches of the Dis-trict of Columbia These officers Ineluded vestrymen warden treasurersregistrars and delegates to the dio-cesan convention which will meet May

when a successor to Bishop Henry-Y Satterlee will be elected The

resulted-St Joseph

Burden M T Endicott Dr W MSprigg Samuel J Millard William EWilliams Dr George Barrio R JEarnshaw C W Huske RegistrarAlfred T Gage Wardens Dr D CGordon and J Sprigg Poole Dekgates Dr D C Gordon J SpriggPoole and M T Endicott AlternatesJoseph Burden R JC W Huske

Takoma Parish Vestrymen JamesTaylor James H Lightfoot Henry HRoberts Robert S Brown Norman EJackson Homer Geurry Jesse B KLee Isaac C Hoat wardens JamesTaylor James H Lightfoot registrarJames H Lightfoot treasurer Robert-S Brown delegate James Taylor alternate James H Lightfoot

Church of the Ascension VestrymenDr William C Rives Dr D PercyHickling S E Kramer A M Poynton Z D Blackstone S W E PeguesJonn G Capers and C C Calhounwardens C M Koones and Charles SJohnson delegate Dr William CRives alternate Dr D P Ilickjing

Church cf the Advent VestrymenDr A D Coney BenHmin F TaylorWilliam Berry Harvey B MajorGeorge Brown J H Vottner Reuben-A Small and W D Hellen

St James Warder Josiah ShawJames H McIntosh Vestrymen Henry-L Bryant George H Evans Charles AMassie R H Hudson Seymour WTulloch Charles H Miller HHooks Dr Francis J Woodman register Henry L Bryan delegates Henry-L Bryan George H Evans alternatesCharles A Massie R H Hudson

Is all that is necessary toshow that the system will ab

sorb more nourishment from

Than from any other knownfood

Many persons have lived

GrapeNuts and gained

strength when nothing else

would remain on the stomachor medicine

Theres a Reason





















Who Took His Life Because His WifeHad Left Him

street KP helped me d wn U stepand then he said

Emma 1 am going to kill rays fand I wajit you to dt me Things

I am going to end itof carbolic acid here and we will endour lives together

Phtln the phial to his lips Robinsondrank morn than the contents Hethen grabbed his wife around the throatand to the bottle to her lipsMrs Robinson broke away and startedrunning up Ninth street As they reach-ed corner of F street Boblr on

to weaken front the effects 3f theacid His wife urged him not to dropin the street but to make every effortto reach the house She hurried on infront of him

Runs Into Policeman

Just as they turned the corner into Fstreet Robinson ran into the arms ofLieutenant Falvey of n h policeprecinct The wpmans act ons bud at-tracted the officer and w e the man

staggering behind her the of-ficer knew that everything was not asit should he

Are a pollee officer Robinsonasked him Well Ive Just swallowed-two ounces of carbolic acid I wantto die

The lieutenant carried the man to theNinth station which ia onlyshort distance away He was taken tothe Casualty Hospital in the police am-bulance and died a few minutes afterreaching the institution

is twentytwo yearsold and her husband wasThey were married when she was aschool girl in short dresses They hadfour children Lee six years old Hia-watha four Lee three andtwo months The three oldest children-are in Alexandria where they havebeen spending the last weeks with Robinrons mother at 1121 Duke street

Coroner Nevitt gave a certificate ofdeath suicide and the body wastaken to Alexandria this morning

iUscant on the way they have been and

all I have a nottle




the f



Ieclnct a










Episcopalians Elect OfficersDelegates Will Choose Bishop

Trinity Church Wardens T G-

Kbaugh William M Steuart vestry-men James E Bell G S Whltmore EN Waters J Buckley Henry Enghigh George N Acker CorbinThompson and William E Myers delegates T O Ebaugh N Waters al-ternates William M Steuart and G SWhitmore-

St Pauls Wardens J tf McKinneyand H L Rust ve trym n W B Dent

H K Dixon L A Pradt Dr WF P K Belly F FaustCommander C C Rogers and Gen CH Whlpple registrar Dr H M Dixontreasurer J M McKinney delegatesJ M McKinney and L A Pradt

St Dr John C Norwood and Darwin D Moore vestrymenJ F AuttinJanmt 0 DampficV JamsR Bell H L Dixon Dr W P apperCharles J Prckett C A Thomas andDr J R Wilder registrar J C BurreIn treasurer Eugene Brooks dele-gates Dr J C Norwood Dr J RWilder and James O Bampfield

Christ Church southeast WardensJames Berry and H J Cawood

L D Taylor H J Cawood JohnSchroeder J E Hutchinon C WTerry James Berry John Stevensonand S P Harfon cemetery committee-J E Hutchlnsrn Jme Berry and HJ Cawood delegates Totfn Lane Johnsand Charles L Hutchinson alternatesThornton Hynson and W ArthurStorm registrar L B Taylor treas-urer C V Terry

CELEBRATE BATTLE TONIGHTThe anniversary of the battle of San

Jacinto will be celebrated by the Tex-as Society of Washington at the Pythian Temple tonight RepresentativeChamp Clark of Missouri will speak

Do not Confound our artisticand beautiful Jewelry with otherhouses who are trying to imitateus

Iinclos Company has been es-tablished since 1896 Washingtonstore ortatllsacd 1902 We nowhave 5R branch stores and manu-facture and import all our own

tho reason We undersell all others

LINKS Spec als for Wednesday

Our 14karat solid gold filledlinks set with Lucios Qfl ffdiamonds Special ipair 1 V7 V-

o Every season findsour Hat Pins morefirmly established inpopular demand The

t goods in this classwhich we make arecharacterized by such

P god taste and 1mof design-

as to secure their ac-ceptability to the bestdressers Prices rangefrom

LUCIUS 1307 F St



DrKoen DeC



pre slvene8R
















Continued from First PageCuba was one of the accomplishments-The said New Yorkbanner State having enrolled eightMassachusetts and Iowa follow with fiveeach and Indiana the District of Columbia Pennsylvania and South Caro-lina were close competitors

Other figures given relative to thegrowth and spread of the order wordas follows Marriages 414 resignations510 deaths 4SC dropped 3S1 reinstate-ments 45 The admitted membershipsApril 1SOS are given at 68436 against60696 last year The actual membershipsare at present 537SI as against 4tt iSlast year Tv difference between actualand admitted memberships was ex-plained by spying that members arenumbered consecutively as taken inwhllr deaths resignations and otheralines reduce the actual membership

jf societyWant Badges Separated-

Mrs Amos G Draper registrar genral said that she would lUte to have

congress authorize the separation ofthe insignia and ancestral bar badgesat the expiration of the contract Itfrequently delayed Daughters she ex-plained of the two beingmade together For instance it was ex

that it had cost the society 34

fo ascertain whether the ancestor ofA prospective delegate was an ensignor second lieutenant in order to com-plete the ancestral bar although it wasnot germane tj her membership In fu-ture Mrs Draper wishes to have eachapplicant pay for the ancestral bar If itis retained

Mrs John Paul Karnest correspond-ing secretary general made a detailedreport of tne work accomplishedby her foree during the year It wasreceived with of the convent on and its author was compli-mented y the president general uponher thoroughness

Historian ReportsThe report of hiatorfcui general

was mad by Mrs J Eattn Guricby-Sh reported that the publication of theLineage Look was considerably behindand thiit she would ask for authority-to publish these volumes at rateof four instead of two per year untilentire set was published The

of the twentynflh and twentysixth volumes ccnUuniw fortyfourrecords of Real Daughters was an-nounced The she saidwere greatly appreciated by chapters

from public libraries and wereinstrumental in bringing in many mem-ber to the society

Mrs Henry S Dowron assistant his-torian general reported the completionof the nev directory containing Ms ad-ditional chapters and 1MK additionalnames over that of JSW and yet whichhad cost but J38J50 more than the J i-


State Chapters MeetMeetings of a number of State chap-

ters will be held at S oclock this after-noon at which time battle for theelection of the ten vice presidents gen-eral will begin In earnest A number fStates will present their candidatesnames to the convention probably tomorrow and a systematic lobby willthen be on until the elections Thursday

Mrs McDermott delegate from theCity of Mexico introduced to thecongress this morning being one of thefew foreign visitors present

Reception fer Mrs McLeanFully fifteen hundred brtttbuiUy

gowned women attended the receptiontendered Mrs Donald McLean presi-dent genral or the D A R by MrsCharles H Terry and Mrs Henry SBowroti of New York tat the Nfrw WIIlard ballroom last evening Long beforethe hour for the reception the corridorswere thronged with the crea t of Amer-ican womanhood the gathering beingone of the most ever assembled at a similar attain

Mrs McLean Mrs Bowmen and MrsTerry were the only members of the recetwig party Miss Kortan sang afterthe general reception wax over afterwhich a half hour was spent in con-

versationFollowing the reception the New York

State delegation gave a dinner in honorof the retiring State regentS Mrs Henry-W Roberts at which she was present-ed with a diamond crescent brooch

A roll call of the States consumed themajor portion of the afternoon sessionyesterday whet this was completedit was that over 15W delegatesbed registered-

The Daughters will be the guests Fri-day night at the New York PresbyterianChurch of the Sons of the AmericanRevolution District of Columbia Socie-ty A special program has been ar-ranged of addresses by prom-inent persona and several musical num-bers The center aisle of the church willbe reserved for the Daughters and thetwo side sections of pews will be forthe compatriot and their ladles whilethe gallery will be for the general

y MembershipsSecured in

Miss Elizabeth F Pierce recordingsecretary reported that 3998 cer-tificates of membership had been signed

MarriedBEITFISHBR By the Fresh 3C

Miss LAURA E F1SHKR daughter0 Mr and Mrs John H Ileber of

to Mr MILLuVRD BELT or AveryMd April 9 1 6 It

DiedBRECTNGER On Monday AprH 199S

at G a m TVILLIAM beloved husband ofJosephine Brennlnger

from lets late residence 453 Mas-sachusetts avenue on Wedntsday 22d at 2 p a Friends and rela-tives invited Interment at Congressional

N w York city and Philadelphia Pa papersplease copy



Ins 14TH ST NW-ap3S t PHONE NORTH 1535

J WILLIAM LEE2 Pa Ave N W Washington IX cTelephone Main 13S5




FUNERAL DESIGNSentry tfc criptlon moderataly rxlcJ


A Guaranteed Remedy ForPiles Eczema Pimples on the Face

Dr Costellos Salve-A household remedy easy to

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Sold by all Drusrfstsr ycci 25 CENTS


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On accow t






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Rev Bris-tol

trun ral










S Year


































Banners for Merit Presented-at Meeting This


e charming women six In-

terested children and one solitary mangathered In the Congregational Churchthis morning and there discussed thepossibilities of the Childrens Societyof the American Revolution

Banners on which perched selfconscions arrogant eagles were presenttothose deserving them likewise lov-ing cups

Then thpre were speeches and onethe kindheartedladle offered a mo

tion to regulate vivisection they didnot specify the manner of Its regulation and all the time the one manhunched deeper and deeper in his chairand mournfully wondered how he hap-pened to get in

The meeting opened shortly after 10oclock After prayer Mrs Nellis MRich read a report for the State of NewYork Then sne was presented with abanner for the largest State attendanceand she expressed her thanks

Then Mi s ieecher granddaughter ofHenry Ward waswith a CUB given to liar society LittleMon and women of K

during the year There were 502S

applications received Her report alsoreferred to the Daughters participationin the Jamestown Exposition

The reawakened love of countrynow abroad in the lend is largely dueto the sentiments fostered by theDaughters of the American Revolutionsaid the report This Hall too hasbeen the scene of great educational andreligious gatherings and we are led

believe that it will yet become acenter where the most brilliant minds-of the country wilt meet to confer uponthe Important educational and ethicalquestions of the day

Since Miss Pierce prepared her re-

pot however it is beMe ad that theQuestion has arisen as to whether ornot the society wilt permit its bali to beused for such purposes by other organisations This matter is to bethreshed out at the congress there

a disposition on toe part of someto stop the practice of loaning the hallrent free to other organisations Thisdiscussion is expected to precipitate oneof the most lively sessions of the con-gress


Appropriation bills are expected tocome thick and fut before the Senatefor the next two weeks in fact for thebalance of the session Indications arehowever that they will be largely dis-

posed of in the next two weeksThis week may see the disposal of two

or three of the big supply measures TheDistrict appropriation bill will be broughtup as soon as Senator GalHnger canarrange It on his return from New

Thursday Senator Warrenis anxious to get the agricvitnraJ Mildisposed of and said he would can itup as as possible The naval billemerged front committee yesterday andthe pensions bill is practically ready toreport

The diplomatic and consular bill winbe the net measire taken up by theAppropriations Committee

D A R Members-Are Especially Invited to Inspect Our Beautiful Displayof High Art Jewelry-

We are tie originators of HighArt Jewelry at reasonable prices

This beautiful SilverBuckle a genuine U39 Aspecial for two

days WSome Buckles in gold finish at

same price

1117 G St-

Cor 12th









valueour C















15 cents each 2 for 25 cents cugrr PEABODY COMPANY TroT

hi i eason-e d-

Yd f4i-







Cut Your Dentalin Half

We have reduced prices for this week aoall in of dental can receivehighclass dental services at extremely lowprices All operations absolutely painless

All Work

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500 Set of Teeth 350750 Set of Teeth 500

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Hours Daily 9 to S Sunday 19 to 1


Vampoles Solution of Chlorides

purHies For sick rooms or sinksJ itt also be used t ew rewhere purification is needed

J 25c Full Quart BottleODONHELLS 804 F St

Special NoticesNATHAN BELL CO

Contractors and bidders f r white-washing reid vater painting fireproofpointing whitening andcoloring

6O5 lOtk Street 3T EPhone Lincoln 313 apSitf

AL PERSONS are hereby warned sac

atanaseae Va aft r tMa date April21 ltt unless tIM far same bearst personal sigmti of Mrs RobertPortnar

Signed MRS ROFlllt LesseeCTiOTimro STORED FKEE

Have then taken Peter LatteraarIll 4i4 st nw Clean tl stored free forthe season Phone raja apZl30t

Room 80S G coran BuildingWashington 3ft BIB

The annual meeting f tL stockhol-der of the ilexicaa Ttiagrapbone Com-pany will beheld in this silica at 1 Pthe 4TH PR0XXJ4O


TRY ROSKSTFELiys Brick Creamthree flavors to the bride Me quart L3Sgallon Special discounts to churches andlodges Phone Lincoln litt atkUMt

Paint Brush FreeThe paints Mil are vtrkrtly reliablequality Oar prices r very low Wben

ready to do the touching vatarta

Enamel Decorative gnunets for fBni-tttro

I tine for kitchen waits Window sad PlcMreGlassHODGKINS 9137th St


1214 D yi wNow is the time toorder your Fence

A P JONES CO 1S2S nwGeneral house and Painting

Stove work a specialtyPhone N 4177 anfr

Billneed services


Crowns 3 and 5



o oeeGQ

safe and reliable disinfettnt-1iJttoys aU nexious on and im

ellfrlgerators or for urpose


to U liT goods or materialsdescription to the Pita a Williamat

or r







up Mf diehere Jpasss Floor varnb se Screen

Bathtub EIIameL J1Itnult8ld AJaIIM




a anyHotel

4 2




I t Th 44 I H4











Special Hotices

is not to be classed with oils thatfathers brot ers or cousins shipto their retail s as some ItaliAnsclaim Pompeiai Olive Oil is manu-factured and by tbe largeet dealer abroad pressed and

in the most modern way in-suring cleanliness etc Picture anoil pressed by foot in some Italianhouseh ld and you will realize thedifference

Prof H E Kalusowskl ofthe National College of Pharmacysays that Pompeian Olive Oil ispure and of high quality

Per Sale at Reliable Dealers

The Pompeian Companyi 702 5tk Street N W


Our Mergenthalersmake quick work of trpecetttog and riu

big modem result to a great econ iiin proaawork We can do your prlntrsquickly and at a moderate charge

Judd Detweiler incThe Big Print Shop 43O22 11th St

NOW IS THE TIME your Paint-ing done Ja A GHnn fth and K stsnw twentyfive y ur in business her

strictly pure white lead and linseedoil paint cheerfully furnished

ap3Stova NEW STORK to NOW TMdy for TOPfiI-xuwcttom car XMh and C sic aw STUTT-Jc SXYDKR Druggists FlMMM X 7727


at aw now located at SK 0 st nwOffice hours 1 to S Sundays by appotouvent aplS7tNOTICE ea O W W 3 Xtoejr Dertlets IHLV e t Miiad Deatal OMes Brancat 4th aact Stanton Flac se lipids ptide anatm 0AM WM 9 a m to S p

GKT COOL Xe l Ice crtd drinks

siv prompt attention pa urMRS HAGA ith i X

Rave Your Refrigerator RepaIredWe can make them as good as new

Ga Rftge repairing a specialty JH oirams 2S41 nw North 12S4 K

nt v CSCi prartlcal tailor fcc I dlc OAUtc dyeing aad presses

dB west called tor ned deliveredapaSC-

tHAJtTUNGS SANITARY DAIRYPhone N Utt Hntrtttocw and delicious

DO NOT FAIL TO USE R A WALK-ERS Celebrated 25c Coffee It Is ur ex-celled R A Walker 1CM Seventhaorthwe ap33Ct-


Collect rents make prompt returns scure good tenants reliable fire ieaurarcs

SPINDLER CHAMBERSUndertakers and PHseral Directors

1787 7th IT W Phone S 780

Patronise the undertakers that firstbrought down tn extortionate fucet uprices

We will furnish you a flint 7class funeral compiet for

For a Few Day Oar 400Cabinets Dna


Times Want Ads Bring Results




I lft nave




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Ic ordersSaYs and erenisas

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The announcement of this Dig value took the town by storm We were busy all day yesterday showing and selling these Parlor Suites Three handsome pieces fit for Madeselected crotch mahogany high polish French shaped legs Fitted detachable full 59A

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