farmers suicides in india

Presented by J.Vishnu RT/2016/604 Farmers suicides in India

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Page 1: Farmers suicides in india

Presented by J.Vishnu


Farmers suicides in India

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Who is a farmer ?

Farmers’ Suicide statistics

Common features in majority of suicides

Reasons behind the farmer suicides

Impact of Suicides

What government can do?

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Who is a farmer ?

Farmer is a back bone of India.

A farmer (also called an Agriculturer )

o Is a person engaged in agriculture, raising living organisms for food or raw materials

o A farmer might own the farmed land or might work as a laborer on land owned by others.

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Reasons For Suicide

Stress factors such as financial difficulties or troubles with interpersonal relationships often play a role.

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Farmers’ Suicide statistics

On an average 38 farmers commit suicide everyday in India, one Indian farmer commits suicide every 32 minutes between 1997 and 2005 and since 2012, this has become one suicide every 30 minutes.

1803 women farmers committed suicide in 2012.

13754 farmers committed suicide in the country in 2012.

Almost 75 per cent of farmer suicides have occurred amongst the small and medium farmers.

Indebtedness was the reason behind the suicide of 93% farmers.

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Common features in majority of suicides

91-94 % of suicides are by family heads.

91-97 % of those who committed suicide are males.

84 to 89 percent are married.

86.5 percent of farmers who took their own lives were financially indebted.

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The most immediate consequence of drought is a fall in crop production, due to inadequate and poorly distributed rainfall.

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Monsoons Farmers in India over dependence on the monsoons. There is regular break down in the meteorological cycle of rainfall,. In India, 93% of area fall under dry land farming, which means totally

dependent on the rainfall as irrigation systems are scarce, not equally spread and are not efficient

Sometimes more than normal rains causes flood which also destroys the crop.

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Lack of proper irrigation

Indian farmers are heavily dependent on monsoons,. They don’t have any source for proper irrigation farming. Irrigation farming is when crops are grown with the help of irrigation systems by supplying water to land through rivers, reservoirs, tanks, and wells.

58% of farmers having committed suicides had absolutely no irrigation facilities.

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Due to overdependence on groundwater for all purposes domestic or industrial

Ground water table is decreasing at an alarming rate. Many farmers due to lack of proper irrigation systems, use tube wells and

are now facing problems due to it.

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Lack of power supply

Many tasks related to agriculture are power/electric dependent.

Costly or no electricity supply proves to a significant problem.

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Girl child

Dowry is still present in many parts of India. Dowry creates financial pressure on the family head.

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Indebtedness Indebtedness was the reason behind the suicide of 93% farmers. Out of 17.64 Lakh farmers only (25.3%) farmers could avail institutional

finance in 2005-06. Private money lenders charge high interest rates between 48-60% p.a. Higher rate of interest in the co-operative credit system e.g. up to

12.5% to 14% till last year. Cooperative sector brought down their interest rates to 7%, even then

the farmers are taking loans from the private individuals.

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Crop failure

There are many different reasons for crop failure

Late Monsoon Heavy Monsoon Pests, Insects Climate Change Drought

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Impact of Suicides

Suicides leads to loss of sole bread winner in the family.

It causes a lot of psychological distress to family.

Impact on children’s education.

Other family members attempting suicides.

Children sometimes lose both parents to suicide, forcing their education to a halt, especially if they have to work in order to provide for their needs.

The families moves from farmers to permanent labor.

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Preventive measures

Provide financial literacy ( how to use credit, work out on cost-benefit analysis of investment, risk coping mechanism i.e., insurance – crop & life, increasing savings).

Focus on creating alternate livelihoods.

Encourage multiple cropping.

Generate awareness on pesticide usage.

Provide timely government input subsidy to the farmers.

Provide quality of seeds.

Government in advance should state the premium price for the crops.

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What government can do?

Addressing Root Causes

Bank credit to all farmers with adequate scale of finance

Effective crop insurance to cover all crops and all farmers

Inclusion of tenant farmers in all support systems

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Thank you