life & style issue 9

20 Durban North to Ballito KZN’S FAVOURITE READ SUN 10 MAY Issue 09 Vol 12 LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 06- 19 May 2015 IN PRINT,ON AIR ONLINE Happy Mher ’s Day - Everyday!

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Page 1: Life & style issue 9 Durban North to ballito KZN’S FAVOURITE READ


Issue 09 Vol 12 lIFESTylE mAgAZINE 06- 19 may 2015

in p r in t , o n a ir o n l in e









Happy Mother ’s Day - Everyday!

Page 2: Life & style issue 9

Lately I have found myself reminiscing a little more than usual about people, places and things that no longer exist.

This is because I have been wasting too much time on social media sites like Facebook where memories are stock in trade.

The trouble with this is I always feel a twinge of sadness looking back at what once was. It is hugely self - indulgent and ultimately it’s an utter waste of time. And it’s not only living in the past that’s a pointless exercise – belief in the pseudo-reality of social media is equally empty. We all do it and often it appears that other people are living lives that are more exciting than ours. So, as the cliché goes, “how does that make you feel”?

Some stuff is just a hoot – people who are probably sitting in the same room tapping away on the phone, telling each other (and anyone else unfortunate enough to receive this schmaltz) what they could far better do in person. Sharing intimacies to be read by an entire voyeuristic collection of friends and followers is just weird. Then there are people having an “amazing” time - going to parties, to the beach, having a great dinner, traveling, buying things, doing yoga … generally living an amazing life.

If you were to look at these on a regular basis, it would be easy to compare your boring life (looking at your phone) to the incredible lives of your friends. Why aren’t you doing more? Why aren’t you eating more exotic food? Why aren’t you traveling

or exercising or doing anything other than what you’re doing right now? Why don’t you have a better body?

It’s not a fair comparison, of course. They’re not posting photos of themselves when they’re doing the more mundane things, like sitting around looking at their phones. They’re not posting about their anxieties or boredom, their arguments and procrastination, their insecurities.

But even if you do an apples-with-apples comparison — your highlights to theirs — it’s a pointless exercise because life is much more complex than this and it’s not the highlights that determine our happiness. I think there’s much more than this to consider.

Collective wisdom says that happiness comes from appreciating what’s in front of you, not wishing you were doing something else. You find out what life is about by paying closer attention to it, not wishing you were living a fantasy.

We don’t need to be better than anyone else: we just need to love where we are and what we’re doing and who we are. That’s what matters.

Comparisons don’t make us happier or appreciate life more — they make us feel bad about ourselves. And that’s just so sad.

The secret is to appreciate where you are. Instead of looking at the lives of others, see the good in what is right in front of you. Inside of you. Appreciate each moment, one at a time, and be happy where you are. When you find yourself comparing your life to the lives of others, turn to the moment in front of you and find ways to appreciate it.

“So the universe is not quite as you thought it was. You’d better rearrange your beliefs, then. Because you certainly can’t rearrange the universe.” —Isaac Asimov

Welcome to another edition of Life & Style now also on air and online at

from the editor

• Keepyoursenseofhumournomatterwhat.• Imaginelivingyourlifewithoutfearofexpressingyourdreams.• Don’twaitfortheperfectmoment–itwillneverarrive.• Dowhatyousayyou’lldo.• Getabetteridea,notabiggerhammer.• Dokind,peacefulthingsifyouwantyourlifetostandforpeaceandkindness.

• Shareoftenandmuch.• Don’ttakeyourspouseforgranted.• Beloyal.• Remembertheworthofcharacter.

EDITOR Dave Charles 082 551 4768 [email protected] lAyOUT & DESIgN Sue Charles [email protected] Wheal [email protected] ADVERTISINg mANAgERClaire Veitch 084 511 4071 [email protected] CONSUlTANTKerryn Geyer 079 515 6809 [email protected] DISTRIbUTION SUPERVISOR Skhumbuzo ManyoniOFFICE 032 946 1145 / 3112 / 3674PUblIShED by North Coast Publishing PTy ltd

Life & Style subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to the Code please contact the Press Ombudsman at 011 484 3612/8, fax: 011 4843619

While every reasonable effort is taken to ensure the accuracy and soundness of the contents of this publication, neither the authors nor the publisher will bear any responsibility for the consequences of any actions based on information contained herein. All material in this issue is copyright protected and may not be reproduced without permission.

STATION mANAgERMike Charles [email protected] mANAgER Danielle Fisher 032 586 0555 [email protected]

Coming to you live from the lifestyle Centre Ballito

everybody's listening

everybody's reading

RADIO ADVERTISINgClaire Veitch 084 511 4071 [email protected]

Gaye Kennedy 082 653 9223 [email protected]

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Looking for entertainment for your toddlers birthday party or play date?

Page 3: Life & style issue 9 3 GeNeRAl iNTeReST in p r in t , o n a ir o n l in e

Durban, FrIDay, 1 May 2015 – The inaugural Deloitte Challenge KZn, the latest and most breathtaking edition to the province’s sporting calendar has been staged, and with it goes the last remaining opportunity for runners to qualify for this year’s Comrades Marathon.

The winner of the Marathon event, Shingirai Badza, now holds the official title as record holder of the inaugural Deloitte Challenge Marathon with a time of 2 : 28 : 47. Nonsikelelo Mbambo, the first female to cross the Marathon finish line, holds the woman’s record with a time of 3 : 06 : 22. Both walk away with a monetary prize of R10 000 as well as a Comrades qualifier under their belts.

“We are delighted with the success of this event which demontrates Deloitte’s investment in the province and earmarks its debut on the KZN sporting calendar, supporting Deloitte’s ongoing belief that in order to take out you need to put back in.” said Guy Brazier, Office Managing Partner of Deloitte in KZN. “In a time when people are focused on being ‘busy’, Deloitte strives to promote wellness and a healthy lifestyle for its staff as well as its clients and the KZN community. We are thrilled with the number of people, across age groups, who chose to spend quality time outdoors on their public holiday as well as those who chose to support LIV, our event beneficiary. We received approximately R30 000 from athletes’s individual donations for this wonderful organisation - sincere thanks are extended to all those who contributed.”

“We look forward to hosting a bigger and better Deloitte Challenge in 2016. We believe that given the event’s prime spot on the sporting calendar as well as its status as the last Comrades qualifier and training run, the event will soon become one of the most anticipated events on the KZN sporting calendar. In the first event, we recorded over 4000 entries across all challenges and are very confident that this will be doubled next year.” comments barry Holland, Deloitte Challenge race Director who holds the record of 42 consecutive Comrades finishes.

Brazier concludes, “Deloitte congratulates every athlete for taking up a challenge, and in particular the category winners. Thanks also go out to those who supported their friends and family in this inaugural event.”

New Deloitte KZN Challengehalf marathon

(Female) winner Kate mcdade

half marathon (male) winner

bonginkosi Zwane

marathon winner (Female)

Nonsikelelo mbambo

marathon winner (male)

Shingirai badza

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lIVINg IN ThE mOmENT - free public talk in umhlangaTues 19th May, 6pm – 7pm@ Montessori Pre-School, 122 Round the Green, Umhlanga (Sunningdale)These days our 'on the go' lifestyle and distracted minds keep us constantly worrying about the future, and struggling with the past. We are rarely able to fully appreciate the present moment with all its extraordinary potential.In this beautiful talk, South African Buddhist monk Kelsang Phuntsog will present special methods that enable us to let go of our painful mental habits, and instead empower us to take full advantage of every moment of our lives. In this way we will learn to deeply appreciate the life we have, and to use it to create the joyful and meaningful life and relationships we all long for. Everyone is welcome! No need to book just come along.For more info. Tel 031 266 0148 / [email protected] /

Page 4: Life & style issue 9

4 GeNeRAl iNTeReST 06- 19 May 2015 in p r in t , o n a ir o n l in e

Fully Air Conditioned 3 bedroom homes freehold plots starting from R 2 450 000.00 or 3 Bedroom Sectional Title units from R 1 790 000.00

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ASHTOn InTernaTIOnaL’S first Head Prefect of 2010, Deneil Habig clinched top honours at the

autumn Graduation Ceremony at the university of Pretoria. Deneil graduated in B Comm Honours in Communication Management with distinction, and made the Deans Achievers list, as well as being re-awarded Acadmic Full Colours for the University of Pretoria. At a pre-graduation ceremony, where keynote speaker Mrs Bataibile Mageti, Multichoice’s Value Programme Manager addressed Authentic Leadership, Deneil was announced as the top Communication graduate for the 2014 Honours degree. In 2013 Deneil scooped the top Marketing Award when graduating in B.Comm Marketing Management (Cum Laude). She has worked hard, achieving good enough marks to be invited to join the International Golden Key Honours Society in her first year – only 15%

out of 400 students of the degree were afforded this opportunity. In 2014 received the Alan Grey Achievers Award for placing in the top 100 of the Economic and Management Sciences Faculty at TUKS.

“It has been a long road, and hard work – putting in many hours often until the early hours of the morning,” said Deneil. “I believe that I was very well prepared by writing the IEB examinations and the grounding at Ashton definitely contributed to my success, as the final year has been project after project, presentations and research.”

Deneil is currently studying a post-graduate certificate through UNISA in Education.

To meet one of our babies, email David [email protected]

Page 5: Life & style issue 9 5 GeNeRAl iNTeReST in p r in t , o n a ir o n l in e

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In business it really all starts with branding. Developing a recognisable, credible brand will do more for your business than almost any other business activity. regardless of the size of your business, a powerful brand

will take you out of an ocean of sameness into a lake of differentiation. Here are some key factors to include in your branding efforts:

1. Take control of your brand! If perception is reality, what do people think of you and your business

right now based on your brand? Take a careful look at your business from the outside and begin to make changes on the inside. Google your business, read your newsletters and look at what is sent out to your target market. The overall message that goes out is more than likely the result that comes back.

2. Develop long term brand equity. Every decision you make from now should be done to develop

long term brand equity for your business. Branding can be represented via your website, through all of your business communications and into your target market. Scrutinize the communications you send out to ensure they are representative of the brand you are trying to portray. If your messages are united, your brand is clearly represented.

3. If you want people to buy from you, they need to be able to relate to your business. When people

relate to your business, it simplifies the buying process and makes it easier for them to take action. When they see value it is because they want something higher that you offer, an

improvement to what they currently have. If your business does not improve your client’s life, they probably won’t do business with you. To solve this, ask yourself what your clients need and what they want. Then go about providing it.

4. Create a need and a demand. People buy your product or service when you have shown them

how they need what you offer. Become a problem solver or a solution finder to their immediate problems. If you can showcase a solution to their needs via your branding, people will want to do business with you.

5. People buy people first and foremost. Business is built upon relationships. If your brand can portray

who you are, what you do, the solutions you offer and easy ways to do business with you, then you are on the right track - selling the benefits of your business.

Build your branding up to have originality, relevance and be able to touch the core of your clients. These things make people sit up, pay attention and ultimately support you and your business. Article by: Sean Dercksen – speaker, sales trainer, business coach and mentor. Visit for more.


Finding the time to exercise when you've got heaps of housework - and laundry - piling up can be difficult, but this piece of gym kit means you've got no excuse not to

work up a sweat.

Chinese designers have developed the Bike Washing Machine that contains a washing machine drum in its front wheel. When ridden, the pedalling motion causes the drum to rotate, churning your clothes inside it like a traditional washer.

A generator inside the bike also creates electricity which can be stored for future use.

They say that the device could be a solution for those who want both a washing machine and an exercise bike but cannot find space for both. Alternatively it could also help shave a few pounds off your electricity bill by using pedal power to do the laundry.

The invention could also find use in remote areas where people do not have access to reliable supplies of electricity.

It is not the first time cycling and the weekly wash have been combined. In 2011 Richard Hewitt, a design student at Sheffield Hallam University, announced he had developed a similar device that washes and dries clothes using pedal power. His Spincycle machine could be attached

Now THAT'S A Spin Cycle!Exercise Bike Washes Your Dirty Laundry as You Pedal

If you think that doing laundry is a drag, why not try a new approach. The Laundry Café in ballito is the latest attraction on the laundry scene and by all accounts, it puts a whole new “spin” on things, if you’ll pardon the pun.

They will collect and deliver and their prices are excellent with a wash and dry at just R15 per kg and a wash, dry and iron for R20 a kg.

For the freshest, cleanest, easiest laundry service around call arne on 082 461 9109 or Phillip on 061450 0938 or visit the laundry at unit 11 ashley Park, Garlicke Drive, ballito,

Tel 032 586 0749.

The Laundry Cafewe'll take care of your dirty laundry!

to the back of a tricycle.Riding the bike for 10 minutes would

wash the clothes before the water needed to be drained and refilled before another 10 minute cycle rinsed the clothes.

Page 6: Life & style issue 9

6 GeNeRAl iNTeReST 06- 19 May 2015 in p r in t , o n a ir o n l in e


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Magnificent Mother's Day cocktail...For everything she has done and will continue to

do for her family. For all of the sacrifices and hugs and kisses throughout the years, Mom deserves a special day, a day where it's all about her and thanking her for her devotion. the cards, gifts, meals and thank yous are great, but wouldn't Mom like a good drink? if you can answer that question with a "yes" then here is a cocktails that she is sure to enjoy.The Pink Lady is a classic cocktail that has a light blush color contributed by the dashes of grenadine. It was one of the first "girly drinks" and a favorite of the high society ladies of the 30's.The key to this drink (and any shaken with egg) is to shake it longer than you would with most cocktails to ensure that everything is mixed well. The egg also makes a great foamy top of the pink liquid, creating an intimate looking finished cocktail.

iNgreDieNts1 1/2 ounces gin3/4 ounce applejack1/4 ounce lemon juice1-2 dashes grenadine

1 egg whiteMaraschino cherry for garnishPrep Time: 3 minutesTotal Time: 3 minutesYield: 1 Cocktail

PreParatioN1. Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice cubes.2. Shake vigorously.3. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.4. Garnish with the cherry.

Page 7: Life & style issue 9 7 GeNeRAl iNTeReST in p r in t , o n a ir o n l in e

HoUSeHolD USeS 1. Remove hard-to-clean dirt on tiles

and kitchen countersMix your grounds with soapy water

and scrub on the surface of the stain with a dishcloth.2. Clean a dirty grillThe thinking behind this is the same

as the above. The grainy texture of the grounds will remove the build-up of grease.3. Exterminate fleas from your petWhen bathing your dog (or cat), after

shampooing and before rinsing rub some of the grounds into their fur.4. Unblock the sinkIf your drains are clogged, pour the

grounds into the sink followed by liquid soap and a kettle of boiling water.5. Erase scratches off your furnitureMix up the grounds with vinegar and

warm water and rub the paste gently on to the scratched surface. Use a cotton bud for thin and faint scratches.6. Scour your pansOnly do this on pans that don’t stain

easily. The abrasive nature of the grounds will scrape away caked-on dirt.7. Bake delicious and flavourful

browniesInstead of using milk when you make

your brownies, just add some freshly ground coffee for a rich, caffeine jolt.8. As a meat tenderiser and seasoningThis works in two ways. Coffee

grounds work as a tenderiser because, as they caramelise, they form a crust that locks in all the moisture of the meat. This not only adds a savoury-sweet flavour to your BBQ (pork works best with this) but once your meat is cooked, it will be fork-tender.9. After chopping alliumsSimply rub used coffee grounds on

your hands once you’re done with the chopping. The grounds will neutralise strong odours.

BeaUtY 10. Reduce under-eye puffinessIt’s not just teabags that can do this -

coffee too has been known to remove puffiness from under your eyes. Simply mix up the coffee grounds with some water and make into a paste. Smear it on the affected area and leave to rest for

15 minutes.11. Get rid of celluliteMassage a mixture of grounds and

coconut into the troubled spots, leave for a few minutes then rinse off. Keep doing this every day for two weeks and you will soon notice the difference.12. Wash your faceFor an inexpensive exfoliant, simply

mix a spoonful of grounds, with a few drops of olive oil and a couple more drops of an essential oil of your liking.13. Wash your hairThe grittiness of the grounds will strip

your hair of product build-up from your hair and leave it squeaky clean. Brunettes will benefit most from this as coffee also darkens your hair colour.

in tHe GarDen 14. CompostingRich in nitrogen, coffee grounds

are great for composting and a firm favourite of worms. If you have a compost pile, use one part freshly mown grass clippings to one part leaves to one part grounds. Don’t just use freshly brewed grounds for this – they need some time to break down in the compost for this to work.15. Banish slugs and snailsinstead of salting your outdoor surfaces

to keep away the slugs, just sprinkle the used grounds on your patio and around the flower beds and you will never have to deal with slugs again as they don’t like the acidity of coffee.16. Grow a healthy crop of

carrotsMix used up grounds with

carrot seeds and they will be easier to sow.17. Change the colour of

your flowersThis works especially well

for hydrangeas as their colour can be manipulated simply by altering the pH levels of the soil. The coffee grounds reduces the pH level and will give you bright blue blooms.

artS anD CraFtS 18. Paint Coffee grounds mixed with water (used

different amounts of grounds with varying levels of water) are an easy way to paint sepia-toned pictures19. Make your own candlesCoffee fans who can’t go without a

sniff of their favourite bean can turn old grounds into candles. All you need is a small paper cup, one sheet of kitchen roll, a cup of wax candle ends, a small saucepan, candle wick, scissors, and a small metal or glass mixing bowl. This easy-to-follow method will make one gorgeous coffee candle. 20. Make new wood look oldA tablespoon of coffee grounds, white

vinegar, one steel wool pad and an old jam jar are all you need. Simply place the steel wool and grounds in the jar and fill it to the top with the vinegar. Let the mixture stew for a day. The vinegar will slowly start to dissolve the steel wool, which will give your wood a silvery patina. Once the 24 ours are up, all you need to do is remove the steel wool (remember to wear gloves) and start painting over your piece of wood. Let the first coat dry, brush off the coffee grounds and apply a second coat.

G o u r m e tC A t e r I N G &

e V e N t S

0 8 2 3 3 1 5 9 6

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Featured in the SA HomeOwner October

Edition Page 95-97



ESMake your hair shiny, get rid of the smell of garlic and clean a dirty


The 20 SuRpRiSiNG uSeS foR Coffee GRouNdS...• Mixgroundswithvinegartostainnewwoodtomakeitlookweathered• Getridofsmellygarlicfingersbyrubbingasmallamountonthem• Usedgroundscanunblockthesinkandmakeyourhairshiny

Magnificent Mother's Day cocktail...

Page 8: Life & style issue 9









RAdio Life & STyLe 88.0fM - SHow SCHeduLe

mONDAy- FRIDAy7am – 9am: The Morning Drive Show – Mike Charles & Natasha Freeman, with Matt Williams reporting sport, & surf report by Steve “Hasselhoff” Honneysett. Daily traffic updates from Paul Herbst of IPSS Medical Rescue & “The Caught and Not Bought Fishing Report” with Greg Kruger (Mondays and Fridays). 9am – 10pm: An Hour of Awesome of Music10am – 12am: The Power Play– Erin Dickson with Security Report with Alpha Security on Tuesdays and special guests (Wellness Feature with Helen Weaver on Wednesdays & Nutrition Feature with dietician Kim Martin on Fridays) 12am – 1pm: An Hour of Awesome of Music1pm – 3pm: The After-Lunch Crunch- Danielle Fisher (Fridays) School Sports Special with Coach Dave De Vries & special guests3pm – 4pm: Another Hour of Awesome of Music4pm – 6pm: The Afternoon Drive – Dave Charles & Patricia Malemia, with surf report by Steve “The Hoff” Honneysett, traffic updates from Paul Herbst of IPSS Medical Rescue, & sport updates with Mike Van Buuren (Mondays and Fridays)6pm onwards: Nothing But Great Music…

SATURDAy8am -10am: The official Radio Life & Style Top 20 SA Music Chart Show– Mike Charles,10am – 12pm: Saturday Special – Dave Charles with Anton von Allerman doing the Saturday Motoring Feature12pm – 2pm: The Saturdaytime Show – Sbu “SWB” Nxumalo flying solo2pm onwards: Music for the Weekend…

SUNDAy6am onwards: Hit Music - The Soundtrack to Your Endless Summer…5pm - 7pm: Highway 88 - Highway 88 with Armin Klie7pm onwards: Great Music…

RAdio Life & STyLe 88.0fM – oN AiR, oNLiNe & oN youR MobiLe

Zoe Frank and Milla Herbst from Ballito Lifesaving Club came in to talk about the SA National

Stillwater Lifesaving Champs they are currently taking part in... Good

luck girls

With the Ballito Pro surfing competition about to rock ballito, events co-ordinator Collette bundy came in to chat to mike and Steve on the morn-ing Drive about the new billabong sponsorship and what makes this year's event so special...

Jason Chapman from Chapman Build-ing jumps on the mic to give Dave and Patricia a little building maintenance advice on the Afternoon Drive show..

The ballito Neighbourhood watch's gary Frances and Candice hend-erson dropped in to studio to give us the scoop on what they're all

about... Check out to find out how you can get involved and make ballito great.

MMA champ Amanda "MadDog" Lino joined Erin Dickson on the Power Hour to kick off Freedom Day with a bang!

Mario Ogle in studio with Mike and Dan after his single Wishing on a Star hit #1 ontheofficialRadioLife&StyleTop10

SA Music Chart Show!

making waves On Air…and Online…and in Print...Radio Life & Style 88.0fm continues to win fans across the region.

Attila The Honey!!!! Local lady Kate was in studio on The Power Hour with Erin

Dickson to give her the scoop on being a Derby Girl and the hardcore sport that is,

Roller Derby!

Local songstress Chloe Clark joined MikeCharlestohosttheofficialRadioLife & Style SA Music Chart Show on

Saturday morning!

Dave De Vries hosting the School Sports Special with rising boxing star Dave Rajuili,

his manager Rowland Whitehead and legendary Coach Hardy in studio.

Lastyear'sMissBallitofinalistsKirstenMartins, Michayla Shone & Sharne

Snyman kept Erin Dickson company and turned heads in studio on the Power Hour show. Last year's Miss

BallitofinalistsKirstenMartins,MichaylaShone, Sharne Snyman kept Erin

Dickson company and turned heads in studio on the Power Hour show.

Page 9: Life & style issue 9

gillian’s, the Coffee lovers’ gift shop – Crowthorne Corner, garlicke Drive, Ballito (Diagonally opposite hirsch’s)

084 500 0804 –

Gillian’s seasoned

interior design experience and eye

for the unusual has

created something different here for

you. There’s always

something special for you

to discover at Gillian’s.



Come and enjoy fresh Danesi imported Italian coffee and freshly baked cakes...

Mother’s Day, traditionally celebrated on the second Sunday in May and, because mothers are universally acknowledged for the

qualities of love, care and compassion that they bring to the world through the families they raise, this is one of the most significant

days on the calendar.Life & Style celebrates this awesome tradition and extends the

sentiment to the other 364 days of the year as well – because every day shared in love is special!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day - Everyday!

Where looking like your Mom is a compliment!

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Give Mom the gist of relaxation this Mother’s Day!

Page 10: Life & style issue 9


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SALT ROCKTel: 032 525 4290 Email: [email protected]: 032 525 4290 | Email: [email protected] | Tiffany’s Shopping Centre

wOw – ThaT’S an aMazinG DoUbLe acT!why not create your own very special gift for your mom this mother's day. At wow cutting we are at the cutting edge of fabulous gift ideas for you. We can customise clocks, chopping boards, door stoppers, platters and a whole lot more for you – essentially if you can dream it up, we can help you make it. We have state of the art

waterjet, laser and router cutting technology on hand to cut anything into anything!

And of the subject of specialised cutting, why not spoil mom at wow Studios for a mother’s day make over! Our family owned hair and makeup studio uses Davines, an Italian hair care product range that is organic, eco-

friendly and has a low carbon footprint…but it also gives high impact colour and nourishment directly to the roots and ends of your hair.

Come and experience what Jen, our stylist from Johannesburg, and Caitlyn, our make-up artis,t can do for you. we have special hair and makeup bridal packages too.

073 155 3723 Wow Park Unit 1 Gourlay Rd Dolphin business Park South, ballito

RED lIP STUDIORED lIP STUDIO is situated at Burnedale and is the ultimate place where one can enjoy a little grooming and pampering. Originally called mUym Ballito, Kirsty Turco has now gone on her own and taken the business to new heights. At RED lIP STUDIO there are nu-

merous services on offer. It is not your typical beauty salon but a place where you always leave feeling and looking fabulous. Services include hair styling; make-up services including personal make-up lessons; semi-permanent lash extensions; manicures and pedicures in the

VINYLUX range; expert brow shaping and tinting; and soon to be spray-tanning. RED lIP STUDIO maintains extremely high standards - with staff that have real pas-sion for what they do here. We were proud to be the hair and make-up sponsor

for Miss Ballito 2014 and will be on board this year as well. We also retail KRyO-lAN COSmETICS, which is a profes-sional make-up brand from Germa-ny. Where else can you buy a profes-sional make-up brand in this town? So there are no excuses – next time you have a gap come and have a pedi in one of our massage chairs overlooking the beautiful garden at Burnedale – it will be the perfect introduc-tion to the RED lIP STUDIO experience.

To celebrate the love on mother’s Day, we have included a host of ideas for you to explore in the pages of this edition of life & Style.

IT’S EVEN bETTER wITh TwO!Curves is a Weight-loss and Fitness Centre especially designed for women, featuring Curves Complete, the only programme that includes exercise, meal plans

and individual coaching, all in ONE place. Our program is even more successful when you do

it with a friend or workout “buddy”. Take advantage

of this exciting special that Curves have on offer from the 4th to the 9th May which affords new members the opportunity to save on their joining fee and share

thecostofmembershipforthefirsttwomonthswith either a family member or friend. Curves definitelyworks,butit’sevenbetterwithtwo!It is so motivational to have a friend or family member working out with you, especially with those cold winter mornings coming up, it will be nice to have someone on the other end of the telephone to say “hey, come on, let’s go to Curves today!” Since moving into Tiffany’s centre, Curves Salt

Rock have seen a tremendous growth in mem-bership and owner Anthea Wilkins attributes this to the fact that the Curves program is unique and offers the best value for money in the area. Our members never train alone as a Coach is always available to help them with their workouts, giving motivation, encouragement, support and celebrating results with them. It’s amazing to think that you get all of this support from as little as R399 per month. It’s like having your own personal trainer with you all the time for a fraction of the cost.

contact curves @ Tiffany’s today on 032-525 4290 for a free assessment and workout! email: [email protected]

032 947 2019 | Burnedale [email protected] |

Make-up • Hair • Nails • Lash ExtensionsKryolan • Tanning

Wi���n� ��� M�ms � Happy Mot her ’s Day!

Page 11: Life & style issue 9

w w w . d r k a t s . c o . z aTel: 031 266 5343 • Cell: 076 864 9263

FREE Pre-Lipo Assessment worth R400 (T’s &C’s Apply)

Weight Loss & Aesthetic Centre

OnLine shOp And diet prOgrAm.

Canelands Spa – The Perfect Treat for mother’s Day

Canelands is a luxurious 10 bedroom Boutique hotel literally a step away from the beach in Salt Rock.

Catering for both leisure and business orientated guests with excellent meeting, functions and conference facilities, a top gourmet restaurant, and luxury beauty spa offering the new healing Earth Organic Treatment Range, Canelands beach

Club has already become an icon to those who have discovered this gem on the beach. The spa operates daily and consists of 3 treatment rooms with trained therapists. The spa menu ranges from individual treatment to half day

packages that can be tailor-made to suit the client needs.Operating Hours: Monday - Sunday 08h00 till late, Bookings are essential.

To find out more visit their website or take a quick trip to number 2 Shrimp Lane, Salt Rock, to experience the magic

for yourself.

SATURDAY 9TH MAY“Spend a special morning

with Mom for Mother’s Day” Booking essential

We o� er the following from our studio at Burnedale

- Kids cooking classes - Domestic Cooking classes - Cooking Parties

- Cake decorating classes - Adult cooking classes

Lewaine: 082-378-1912Facebook: � neyoungcooks.ballito

Ceramic Charms plus lemon Essential Oil and lavender Essential Oil

CeramicCharmsareflat,unglazedceramicdiscshand made in Zululand. they package an em-bossed ceramic bird, a circle and a heart in a

sturdy chiffon bag, and each charm has a ribbon to hang it from.


happy mother’s Day, everybody!


Hotel & Resturant - Tel:032 525 [email protected]

SPA Tel: 032 525 4835 | [email protected] | 2 Shrimp Lane, Salt Rock


The most elegant and exclusive retreat overlooking the ocean. Our restaurant offers a sublime menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Spoil yourself with a world class spa treatment or book a special ‘Stay and Spa’ treat.

For a romantic wedding, cocktails on the beach and sand between your toes.......... there is no place so close to the sea.

Boutique Hotel • Spa • Restaurant

Another great idea for a Mother’s Day

Gift is the Soothing Neckz from

the Aroma Soothz range.

Heat the Soothing Neckz to release

the natural healing power and earthy fragrance of pure

essential oils. Soothes and relieves stiff,

aching necks and shoulders. Used to

help alleviate whip-lash, headaches,

anxiety and tension. The individual wheat pockets ensure an even distribution of



MoTheR’S Day GifT iDeaS fRoM lIFESTylE hEAlTh

Page 12: Life & style issue 9

Tel: 032 946 2029 | [email protected]

We hand pick the freshest, most beautiful blooms daily, to arrange for you.

shop h3 Ballito Junction 032 586 0246

get r100 off and a free sports Zone funky flashy light with your shoe purchase from the sports Zone running Co.

(while stocks last)...

sports Zone running Co.

M-o-t-h-e-r"M" is for the million things she gave me,"o" means only that she's growing old,"t" is for the tears she shed to save me,"h" is for her heart of purest gold;"e" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,"r" means right, and right she'll always be,Put them all together, they spell "Mother,"a word that means the world to us...

Give Mom a gift with a di� erence!LET US TAKE CARE OF

THE HOUSEWORK!We o� er:• Aff ordable domestic assistants, fully trained to SETA specs• Once off spring cleaning to live in options• No obligation consultation• We also do individual payroll for people who have only one or two employees , we process a payslip, register & pay your employee UIF, your payslip can be emailed to you monthly with leave, deductions etc.• Train existing staff • Holiday accommodation or investment property services.

Contact Mona on 032 525 4099 or 081 296 6198Email: [email protected]

To celebrate the love on

mother’s Day, we have

some gift ideas for you...

New shoP oPeN wed 6th May

Nail & Body Studio

Acrylic/Gel Nails | Facials | Manicures | Pedicures Waxing | Threading | Massages | Gift Vouchers

Shop 6A l Ballito Junction l [email protected] 032 586 3368


Page 13: Life & style issue 9 13 GeNeRAl iNTeReST in p r in t , o n a ir o n l in e









Jetlag could soon be a thing of the past. An international team of scientists has discovered what they claim is a molecular reset

button for our internal body clock.

Their findings reveal a potential target to treat a range of disorders, from sleep disturbances to other behavioural, cognitive, and metabolic abnormalities, commonly associated with jet lag, shift work and exposure to light at night, as well as with neuropsychiatric condi-tions such as depression and autism.In a study published online April 27 in Nature Neuroscience, the authors, led by researchers at McGill and Concordia universities in Montreal, report that the body's clock is reset when a phosphate combines with a key protein in the brain.

This process, known as phosphoryla-tion, is triggered by light. In effect, light stimulates the synthe-sis of specific proteins called Period proteins that play a pivotal role in clock resetting, thereby synchronizing the clock's rhythm with daily environmen-tal cycles.'This study is the first to reveal a mechanism that explains how light regulates protein synthesis in the brain, and how this affects the function of the circadian clock,' says senior author Na-hum Sonenberg, a professor in McGill's Department of Biochemistry.In order to study the brain clock's mechanism, the researchers mutated the protein known as eIF4E in the brain of a lab mouse so that it could not be phosphorylated. Since all mammals have similar brain

clocks, experiments with the mice give an idea of what would happen if the function of this protein were blocked in humans.The mice were housed in cages equipped with running wheels. By recording and analyzing the ani-mals' running activity, the scientists were able to study the rhythms of the circadian clock in the mutant mice. The upshot: the clock of mutant mice responded less efficiently than normal mice to the resetting effect of light. The mutants were unable to synchro-nize their body clocks to a series of challenging light/dark cycles - for exam-ple, 10.5 hours of light followed by 10.5 hours of dark, instead of the 12-hour cycles to which laboratory mice are usually exposed.'While we can't predict a timeline for

these findings to be translated into clinical use, our study opens a new window to manipulate the functions of the circadian clock,' says Ruifeng Cao, a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Sonenberg's research group and lead author of the study.For co-author Shimon Amir, professor in Concordia's Department of Psychol-ogy, the research could open a path to target the problem at its very source. 'Disruption of the circadian rhythm is sometimes unavoidable but it can lead to serious consequences. 'This research is really about the im-portance of the circadian rhythm to our general well-being.'We've taken an important step towards being able to reset our internal clocks -- and improve the health of thousands as a result.'

Researchers Discover 'molecular Reset Switch' For Our body Clock

New shoP oPeN wed 6th May

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14 MoToRiNG 06- 19 May 2015 in p r in t , o n a ir o n l in e

AS a freediver, I get asked

a lot why I would bother so much with breathing, when its actually the opposite state that we are more concerned with… but the truth is… the lead up to the best breath hold or static is marked by very considered and deep breathing. We become intricately interested in breath in order to lose it…

As a yogi, I know we learn of pranayama (this is from the Sanskrit word prana meaning life force or vital energy and ayama meaning to extend or draw out). But the more that you delve into the mechanics of breathing, the control that is required to make the inhalations and exhalations; I learnt the effects of a fast breath on my body. I also learnt of the effects of a slow breath… in my opinion the only way to learn and understand is to do… and feel… and compute the changes or effects. Where ever you are right now, take a moment to breathe very rapidly for 10 seconds (this is basically hyperventilating). Stop breathing and close your eyes and truly FEEL your body. Your heart is no doubt thumping away and you are feeling worked up? To be honest, its not a great feeling… but this is what we do when we are stressed and afraid… and our breathing makes the entire situation worse. So, we know the heart raises when we breathe fast… so it stands to reason the heart slows and the mind stills when we breathe slowly. But unfortunately since birth… we have been breathing in our very own unconscious, shallow,

rapid breathing, with no thought to the effects on our minds and bodies. Don’t take it too personally, most people are only breathing with about 40% of their lung capacity. But hopefully if you are reading this, you will stop and consider your breath. It’s totally human to be taking your breathing for granted… but with your awareness and your decision to break this really bad habit, you can change the way your body looks and feels… not to mention your mind.

The benefits of mindful breathing is really far reaching… practising the proper techniques of breathing will make you more aware of your breath, thus making the benefits physical as well as mental and spiritual. Some of the most common benefits found are…• Improvementintherateof breathing – opens and cleans the lungs• Reductionintheheartrateaswell and the wear and tear of the heart• Helpingthebodygetridof excessive fat and weight• Curingproblemsthatarerelatedto the digestive system• Enhancingthefunctioning of several organs, which include the kidneys, pancreas, intestines, diaphragm, lungs and the heart• Removingthetoxinswithinthe body• Preventingvariousdiseasesby strengthening the immune system• Gettingridofnegativeemotionslike depression anger arrogance greed and so on…• Improvingthecirculationofblood throughout the body

• Reducingbloodpressure by relaxing the body and soothing the nerves

It’s really fascinating and fun when you start to participate in the most important action in your world… did you know that we do not breathe through the same nostril all day? Right now you are either favouring your left nostril or your right nostril. Close your eyes again and try to feel which one is the chosen one right now. The left nostril is for calming and cooling and the right nostril is for firing and energy. Your nose is exceptionally clever, and just by practising a few rounds of alternate nostril breathing a few minutes each day, you can help restore imbalances in your brain, improve sleep, calm your emotional state, boost your thinking and calm your nervous system.

When breathing is restricted and shallow your body does not feel safe. Muscles tense, chest tightens, jaw clenches and you begin to under breathe. The mind becomes anxious, thoughts race. Know this. Your breathing is your medicine. Deepen, slow and relax your breath. Your body and mind will soon follow.


Focused Posture Exercise can help PrEvEnt injury for Cyclists



PERSONAL TRAINING... Call Johan Dorfl ing 072 340 1213

Catch Helen on the Power Hour with erin Dicksen every Wed morning at 9am on Radio




Find the freedom to fl owAshtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Tuesday 08h15 - 09h15Thursday 17h15 - 18h15

at Sugardance Studio

The Quarter, 1 Stewart Drive, Ballito.

Contact Helen on 079 368 4486 [email protected]

A Key component to cycling enjoyment is rider comfort. Most bike shops will help

you with a general bike setup which is pretty much your seat height and if you are lucky your handle bar position but bicycles are symmetrical, humans aren't. a stable and strong posture promotes balanced motion.

Why do We need balanced motion?Imagine your one crank arm being

longer than the other, or your left handle being further than your right. If your body moves asymmetrically, this could effectively be the case and can cause so many of the common cycling injuries.

Unbalanced motion and poor posture stresses muscles and joints, causing injuries.This may lead you to a cycle of pain. The pain cycle of injury-pain-compensation-adaptation creates a vicious cycle of poor posture, adaptive body motion, increased bio mechanical stress and premature degeneration.

The pain cycle begins as a functional compensation, and over time progresses to a structural adaptation as the body learns to move in pain avoidance patterns. Some muscles become chronically tight and others weaken as injured tissues are avoided. Function, or how we do things, changes. Asymmetric posture and unbalanced or "trick" patterns of motion cause some ligaments to shorten and others to stretch as some joints stiffen and

others become unstable. Whether the cycle begins with unbalanced motion from injury or even habitual poor posture ( even too much time in seated and stretched position on bike), the body compensates for pain by moving differently, compensating and adapting in an ever worsening cycle of poor posture, poor balance, and increased biomechanical stress.

Focused posture exercise may help break the pain cycle with a virtuous cycle of balanced motion.

A motion cycle of strong, stable posture and balanced, flexible motion is the solution for the pain cycle's asymmetrical, compensatory poor posture and adaptive body motion patterns. When joints are unlocked to move freely and muscles trained to stabilize through a full range of motion, weak muscles strengthen, adaptively tight muscles stretch, and ligaments adapt in a virtuous cycle of motion.

The body moves in a chain of motion, also known as a kinetic chain. If you think of a bicycle chain and how it moves over a chain ring to drive your bicycle, you can understand how important it is that each link moves freely to ensure that your drive chain doesn't slip, works efficiently and doesn't cause early wear on your chain rings and cassette. The same can be said for these kinetic chains of motion. Just one single stiff link or joints affects the entire chain and how it works and wears.

Just breathe . . .HELEN WEAVER – LIqUID YOGA

bending over backWards in kearsney

Yoga teacher, Helen Weaver, held a Heart of the Warrior back bending workshop last Saturday at her home

studio in Kearsney. Two hours of intense back bending instruction was followed by tea and snacks in the garden. For lovers of Yoga and good company, it was the perfect

way to start the weekend.

Page 15: Life & style issue 9 15 GeNeRAl iNTeReST in p r in t , o n a ir o n l in e

who is Sean Temple?In the wake of Ashton’s most successful rugby tour ever, everyone is looking to the new coach and asking, Who is Sean Temple?

Sean Temple - Rugby Coach, Ashton - Owner Flux Fluid motion - Kettlebell

Sport training and S+C coach to bok and Olympian sportsmen and women

classes are available for

sports professionals and

regular people who just

want to look and

feel amazing.

lOCATIONS:UmhlangaHillcrestPrime HPI BallitoSomerset WestBoot Camp

FLUX UK (London)

FLUX France (Toulon)

CONTACT:Flux in MotionUnit 7 Outlet Park59 Meridian driveor Ashton Campus, Ballito+27 (0) 78 166 [email protected]


Originally from eshowe people are wondering about Temple, not just because of Ashton’s

recent winning streak (the most successful in the history of the school) but because some of the country’s top rugby players are seen training alongside him on the Ashton Campus. What is bringing the likes of Stefan Terblanche, JP Pietersen, Rory Kockott, Freddie Michalak, Louis Ludik, Craig Burden, Bryan Habana, Al Hargreaves, BJ Botha, Tim Drummond, Wade Paton, Cindy Hack, Bianca Meyer, Lisa Raleigh to Sean Temple for advice? And what does this have to do with Ashton’s sudden appearance on the interschool rugby map?

FlUX IN mOTIONTemple is the creator of an

endurance fitness system called FLuX. It uses kettlebells as its base and couples strength based actions with motion. The secret to Temple’s system? Weaknesses. FLuX focuses on strengthening weakness in order to balance out the body. The result: optimum fitness and performance. Freddie Michielak was so impressed by the changes FLuX training made to his athelticism that he phoned Temple from the middle of the rugby stadium, just as Toulon won the Heineken Cup. Amid shouts and cheers and champagne splashing everyone in the face, Sean held his mobile back from his ear as Freddie shouted, “Sean! I’m going to bring the FLUX to Toulon!” And he has. FLuX France opened at the end of last year.

“FLUX is less about muscle training, and more about movement patterns,” says Temple, “Which is why it responds so well to the human body. We work on the weakness, then create movement patterns around that weakness to make it stronger.”

By their nature, kettlebell exercises build strength and endurance. But Temple has managed to harness that reality into a unique training system that is literally taking the sports world by storm. Ashton Rugby is witnessing these results first hand.

FlUX IN gENESISFrom as far back as Temple can

remember, he was thought-obsessed with how the body functioned – strength versus weakness, the effects of weakness on performance, how holes in training detracted from overall endurance and conditioning.

As a bullied 12 year old, Temple didn’t reach out to school authorities to help ease the circumstances, he instead wrote to the one person he thought

might be able to help in a practical way. “I’m just tired of being bullied around,” he wrote. “I know you know about these kinds of things, so I’m writing to ask for your help. What can I do to get stronger? How can I become ‘better’.” Three months later a parcel arrived to a wide-eyed Temple who tore open the brown paper cover. A body-building book weighed heavily in his small hands. When he opened the cover it was signed, “I hope this helps – Arnold Schwarzenegger”.

For the next twenty-five years, Temple spent most of his spare time learning as much as he could about the body. As an adult and professional athlete (rugby and cycling) he trained with a focus on excellence, and a fascination (still) with how to become ‘better’ at everything he did. This fascination however, was marred by a frustration – he always seemed to just fall short of achieving what he thought he should be able to achieve. Until one day, training in a London gym, he saw, “A wippet of a man in the corner waving a thing around that looked like a cannonball. I’d never seen anything like it in my life. I watched him for about 20 minutes and realized that the bio-kinetics, the biomechanics, of what he was doing were…incredible.” Temple’s curiosity got the better of him and he approached the man, who turned out to be a special forces soldier based in Bagdad, training with Russian soliers on kettlebells at an American camp. The man and Sean became quick friends and he invited Sean to work out with him the next day, “I’ll bring my extra kettlebell!”

Temple arrived, thinking he knew everything there was to know about exercise, fitness, endurance and working out. He was wrong, “I trained with him, no more than ½ an hour – I was so busted up that I was just…I’d never in my life experienced anything like it.” For 4 days afterward, Sean was a wreck, sore in places he didn’t know existed. “Suddenly, I saw all of my weaknesses. One thirty minute work-out basically stripped away everything I’d learned about fitness.”

FlUX UNlImITEDFollowing this chance meeting, Sean began to research kettlebells before bed every night. Reflecting and compiling information that was basically restructuring his thought process about how to really make the human body and sport performance shine. His life in professional sport began with a scholarship for Rugby to PMB University, this was quickly followed by an additional scholarship for cycling. As

part of the national squad, Temple was sent to Cape Town for three months of sport and fitness experiments under the wing of a little known sports scientist named Tim Noakes. Everywhere Temple went, everything he did, fitness and the contemplation about how to achieve excellence in sport performance permeated his daily life.

Before FLuX, Sean’s professional life saw him in finance and software development in London, New York, and Australia. In his spare time, he qualified for certifications and sought conversations with some of the world’s top endurance trainers and coaches. Eventually, tiring of the New York / London leg, he returned to Durban. Shortly afterward, he started African Boot Camps and became to put his long developing theory into practice. In March 2011, Temple left the corporate world for good and FLuX was officially born.

Sean won’t claim it, but ten minutes with him reveals he has an intrinsic sense of how the body works and a deep body knowledge. He notices details and biomechanical issues in a way that is integral to the personalized programs he develops. FLuX is the compilation of this skill, this magic, in action, and the very reason behind the sudden appearance of Ashton on the national school rugby circuit. He designs strength and conditioning programs for the likes of Bryan Habana, Freddie Michilak, JP Peterson (which is why you see the Boks, Sharks and multiple other professional athletes at his door – Athletes who swear by his method. Michilak opened a FLuX location in France, London followed suit. Temple is now in talks for locations in Ireland, Atlanta, LA and there are whispers of Canada. He never intended FLuX to be a franchise model, but success breeds success and professional athletes as well as people serious about fitness and a health and fitness lifestyle, have approached him asking how they can be a part of the expansion of FLuX on a global scale.

So where to from here? With an aura of humble power I’ve come to associate with him, Sean replies with seriousness, and all the possibility that fuels great things in motion, “The future is unlimited.”

FLuX is associated with the World Kettlebell Club, the International Kettlebell and Fitness Federation, and International biokinetics. Temple has a full medical team as part of the FLuX family and full medical regulatory requirements set up within the company.


Some of the benefits of kettle bell training include:•Improved strength•Incredible work capacity (strength endurance)•Enhancedathleticism–flexibility,coordination,

balance etc.•Weight loss•Injury prevention•Mental toughness•Lean & functional muscle mass•Strengthening of the entire posterior chain•Core strength

FlUX – Definition –Aflowingorflow,continuouschange or passage.

Flux in Motion is a Kettle bell and Training philosophy based on old style training with new world thinking. The idea of creating holistic movement is at the forefront of FLUX ideology.

what are Kettlebells?A kettle bell is a traditional Russian training implement that has been used since the 1700’s to develop full bodyconditioningandfitness.Akettlebelllookslike a cannon ball with a handle. The shape of the kettle bell allows for unique positioning of the weight directly above your centre of mass (unlike a Dumbbell or Barbell which must be held in front of the body) and allows you to keep your hand and wrists in neutral alignment, which enable for greater endurance and longevity in the core lifts so that you can produce a much higher volume of exercise and thusgreaterconditioningandfitness.

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16 GeNeRAl iNTeReST 06- 19 May 2015 in p r in t , o n a ir o n l in e









Shop 37Tiffanys Shopping Centre

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* next day due to time difference

THE 2015 DRAW Australian Eastern Time New Zealand Time South African Time


Crusaders v Chiefs 17:35 19:35 9:35


Hurricanes v Waratahs 14:30 16:30 6:30

Highlanders v Blues 17:35 19:35 9:35

Brumbies v Rebels 19:40 21:40 11:40

Force v Stormers 21:45 23:45 13:45

Sharks v Bulls 1:05* 3:05* 17:05

Cheetahs v Reds 3:10* 5:10* 19:10



Chiefs v Force 17:35 19:35 9:35

Brumbies v Highlanders 19:40 21:40 11:40


Crusaders v Blues 17:35 19:35 9:35

Waratahs v Rebels 19:40 21:40 11:40

Lions v Cheetahs 1:05* 3:05* 17:05

Stormers v Bulls 3:10* 5:10* 19:10


Reds v Hurricanes 16:05 18:05 8:05



Highlanders v Sharks 17:35 19:35 9:35

Brumbies v Waratahs 19:40 21:40 11:40


Blues v Force 15:30 17:30 7:30

Hurricanes v Crusaders 17:35 19:35 9:35

Rebels v Chiefs 19:40 21:40 11:40

Cheetahs v Stormers 1:05* 3:05* 17:05

Bulls v Lions 3:10* 5:10* 19:10



Crusaders v Reds 17:35 19:35 9:35

Rebels v Blues 19:40 21:40 11:40


Hurricanes v Sharks 17:35 19:35 9:35

Force v Waratahs 19:40 21:40 11:40

Lions v Highlanders 23:00 1:00* 15:00

Stormers v Brumbies 1:05* 3:05* 17:05



Blues v Bulls 17:35 19:35 9:35

Reds v Rebels 19:40 21:40 11:40


Hurricanes v Chiefs 17:35 19:35 9:35

Waratahs v Sharks 19:40 21:40 11:40

Lions v Brumbies 1:05* 3:05* 17:05

Cheetahs v Highlanders 3:10* 5:10* 19:10



Chiefs v Bulls 17:35 19:35 9:35

Reds v Sharks 19:40 21:40 11:40


Blues v Hurricanes 17:35 19:35 9:35

Waratahs v Crusaders 19:40 21:40 11:40

Force v Highlanders 21:45 23:45 13:45

Cheetahs v Lions 1:05* 3:05* 17:05

Stormers v Rebels 3:10* 5:10* 19:10



Crusaders v Hurricanes 17:35 19:35 9:35

Brumbies v Bulls 19:40 21:40 11:40

Sharks v Rebels 3:10* 5:10* 19:10


Highlanders v Chiefs 17:35 19:35 9:35

Force v Reds 19:40 21:40 11:40

Stormers v Cheetahs 1:05* 3:05* 17:05

Lions v Waratahs 3:10* 5:10* 19:10



Hurricanes v Highlanders 17:35 19:35 9:35

Force v Brumbies 21:00 23:00 13:00


Rebels v Bulls 15:30 17:30 7:30

Blues v Crusaders 17:35 19:35 9:35

Reds v Chiefs 19:40 21:40 11:40

Cheetahs v Waratahs 23:00 1:00* 15:00

Stormers v Lions 1:05* 3:05* 17:05



Blues v Highlanders 17:35 19:35 9:35

Rebels v Force 19:40 21:40 11:40


Brumbies v Crusaders 15:30 17:30 7:30

Chiefs v Hurricanes 17:35 19:35 9:35

Waratahs v Reds 19:40 21:40 11:40

Bulls v Cheetahs 1:05* 3:05* 17:05

Sharks v Stormers 3:10* 5:10* 19:10


Crusaders v Rebels 17:35 19:35 8:35

Brumbies v Reds 19:40 21:40 10:40

Lions v Hurricanes 4:10* 6:10* 19:10


Blues v Chiefs 17:35 19:35 8:35

Sharks v Cheetahs 2:05* 4:05* 17:05

Bulls v Stormers 4:10* 6:10* 19:10


Waratahs v Force 16:05 18:05 7:05



Chiefs v Brumbies 17:35 19:35 8:35

Rebels v Waratahs 19:40 21:40 10:40

Bulls v Hurricanes 4:10* 6:10* 19:10


Highlanders v Crusaders 17:35 19:35 8:35

Reds v Force 19:40 21:40 10:40

Stormers v Blues 2:05* 4:05* 17:05

Sharks Lions 4:10* 6:10* 19:10



Highlanders v Reds 17:35 19:35 8:35

Force v Hurricanes 22:00 00:00* 13:00

Cheetahs v Blues 4:10* 6:10* 19:10


Chiefs v Crusaders 17:35 19:35 8:35

Rebels v Brumbies 19:40 21:40 10:40

Bulls v Sharks 2:05* 4:05* 17:05

Lions v Stormers 4:10* 6:10* 19:10



Chiefs v Highlanders 17:35 19:35 8:35

Brumbies v Force 19:40 21:40 10:40


Blues v Lions 17:35 19:35 8:35

Reds v Waratahs 19:40 21:40 10:40

Cheetahs v Bulls 2:05* 4:05* 17:05

Stormers v Sharks 4:10* 6:10* 19:10



Hurricanes v Blues 17:35 19:35 8:35

Force v Rebels 22:00 00:00* 13:00


Crusaders v Lions 14:30 16:30 5:30

Highlanders v Waratahs 17:35 19:35 8:35

Reds v Brumbies 19:40 21:40 10:40

Stormers v Chiefs 00:00* 2:00* 15:00

Cheetahs v Sharks 2:05* 4:05* 17:05



Highlanders v Hurricanes 17:35 19:35 8:35

Rebels v Lions 19:40 21:40 10:40


Crusaders v Cheetahs 17:35 19:35 8:35

Bulls v Force 2:05* 4:05* 17:05

Sharks v Chiefs 4:10* 6:10* 19:10


Waratahs v Brumbies 16:05 18:05 7:05



Hurricanes v Rebels 17:35 19:35 8:35

Reds v Lions 20:00 22:00 11:00


Chiefs v Cheetahs 14:30 16:30 5:30

Highlanders v Stormers 17:35 19:35 8:35

Waratahs v Blues 19:40 21:40 10:40

Sharks v Force 2:05* 4:05* 17:05

Bulls v Crusaders 4:10* 6:10* 19:10


ROUND 8(Easter and Daylight savings finished AUS and NZL)FRIDAY 3 APRIL

Hurricanes v Stormers 17:35 19:35 8:35

Rebels v Reds 19:40 21:40 10:40


Chiefs v Blues 17:35 19:35 8:35

Brumbies v Cheetahs 19:40 21:40 10:40

Sharks v Crusaders 00:00* 2:00* 15:00

Lions v Bulls 2:05* 3:05* 17:05



Blues v Brumbies 17:35 19:35 9:35


Crusaders v Highlanders 17:35 19:35 9:35

Waratahs v Stormers 19:40 21:40 11:40

Force v Cheetahs 21:45 23:45 13:45

Bulls v Reds 23:00 1:00* 15:00

Lions v Sharks 1:05* 3:05* 17:05


QUALIFIERS – FRIDAY 19 & SATURDAY 20 JUNETeam 1 and Team 2 ByeQualifier 1 – Team 3 v Team 6Qualifier 2 – Team 4 v Team 5

SEMI FINALS – FRIDAY 26 & SATURDAY 27 JUNESemi 1 – Team 1 v Lowest ranked Qualifier winnerSemi 2 – Team 2 v Highest ranked Qualifier winner

FINAL – SATURDAY 4 JULYFInal – Winner of Semi 1 v Winner of Semi 2

#SuperRugbyJoin the conversationVisit our website


for latest updates & information

THE FINALS SERIESCheck our website WWW.SUPERRUGBY.COM for latest updates & information

* next day due to time difference

THE 2015 DRAW Australian Eastern Time New Zealand Time South African Time


Crusaders v Chiefs 17:35 19:35 9:35


Hurricanes v Waratahs 14:30 16:30 6:30

Highlanders v Blues 17:35 19:35 9:35

Brumbies v Rebels 19:40 21:40 11:40

Force v Stormers 21:45 23:45 13:45

Sharks v Bulls 1:05* 3:05* 17:05

Cheetahs v Reds 3:10* 5:10* 19:10



Chiefs v Force 17:35 19:35 9:35

Brumbies v Highlanders 19:40 21:40 11:40


Crusaders v Blues 17:35 19:35 9:35

Waratahs v Rebels 19:40 21:40 11:40

Lions v Cheetahs 1:05* 3:05* 17:05

Stormers v Bulls 3:10* 5:10* 19:10


Reds v Hurricanes 16:05 18:05 8:05



Highlanders v Sharks 17:35 19:35 9:35

Brumbies v Waratahs 19:40 21:40 11:40


Blues v Force 15:30 17:30 7:30

Hurricanes v Crusaders 17:35 19:35 9:35

Rebels v Chiefs 19:40 21:40 11:40

Cheetahs v Stormers 1:05* 3:05* 17:05

Bulls v Lions 3:10* 5:10* 19:10



Crusaders v Reds 17:35 19:35 9:35

Rebels v Blues 19:40 21:40 11:40


Hurricanes v Sharks 17:35 19:35 9:35

Force v Waratahs 19:40 21:40 11:40

Lions v Highlanders 23:00 1:00* 15:00

Stormers v Brumbies 1:05* 3:05* 17:05



Blues v Bulls 17:35 19:35 9:35

Reds v Rebels 19:40 21:40 11:40


Hurricanes v Chiefs 17:35 19:35 9:35

Waratahs v Sharks 19:40 21:40 11:40

Lions v Brumbies 1:05* 3:05* 17:05

Cheetahs v Highlanders 3:10* 5:10* 19:10



Chiefs v Bulls 17:35 19:35 9:35

Reds v Sharks 19:40 21:40 11:40


Blues v Hurricanes 17:35 19:35 9:35

Waratahs v Crusaders 19:40 21:40 11:40

Force v Highlanders 21:45 23:45 13:45

Cheetahs v Lions 1:05* 3:05* 17:05

Stormers v Rebels 3:10* 5:10* 19:10



Crusaders v Hurricanes 17:35 19:35 9:35

Brumbies v Bulls 19:40 21:40 11:40

Sharks v Rebels 3:10* 5:10* 19:10


Highlanders v Chiefs 17:35 19:35 9:35

Force v Reds 19:40 21:40 11:40

Stormers v Cheetahs 1:05* 3:05* 17:05

Lions v Waratahs 3:10* 5:10* 19:10



Hurricanes v Highlanders 17:35 19:35 9:35

Force v Brumbies 21:00 23:00 13:00


Rebels v Bulls 15:30 17:30 7:30

Blues v Crusaders 17:35 19:35 9:35

Reds v Chiefs 19:40 21:40 11:40

Cheetahs v Waratahs 23:00 1:00* 15:00

Stormers v Lions 1:05* 3:05* 17:05



Blues v Highlanders 17:35 19:35 9:35

Rebels v Force 19:40 21:40 11:40


Brumbies v Crusaders 15:30 17:30 7:30

Chiefs v Hurricanes 17:35 19:35 9:35

Waratahs v Reds 19:40 21:40 11:40

Bulls v Cheetahs 1:05* 3:05* 17:05

Sharks v Stormers 3:10* 5:10* 19:10


Crusaders v Rebels 17:35 19:35 8:35

Brumbies v Reds 19:40 21:40 10:40

Lions v Hurricanes 4:10* 6:10* 19:10


Blues v Chiefs 17:35 19:35 8:35

Sharks v Cheetahs 2:05* 4:05* 17:05

Bulls v Stormers 4:10* 6:10* 19:10


Waratahs v Force 16:05 18:05 7:05



Chiefs v Brumbies 17:35 19:35 8:35

Rebels v Waratahs 19:40 21:40 10:40

Bulls v Hurricanes 4:10* 6:10* 19:10


Highlanders v Crusaders 17:35 19:35 8:35

Reds v Force 19:40 21:40 10:40

Stormers v Blues 2:05* 4:05* 17:05

Sharks Lions 4:10* 6:10* 19:10



Highlanders v Reds 17:35 19:35 8:35

Force v Hurricanes 22:00 00:00* 13:00

Cheetahs v Blues 4:10* 6:10* 19:10


Chiefs v Crusaders 17:35 19:35 8:35

Rebels v Brumbies 19:40 21:40 10:40

Bulls v Sharks 2:05* 4:05* 17:05

Lions v Stormers 4:10* 6:10* 19:10



Chiefs v Highlanders 17:35 19:35 8:35

Brumbies v Force 19:40 21:40 10:40


Blues v Lions 17:35 19:35 8:35

Reds v Waratahs 19:40 21:40 10:40

Cheetahs v Bulls 2:05* 4:05* 17:05

Stormers v Sharks 4:10* 6:10* 19:10



Hurricanes v Blues 17:35 19:35 8:35

Force v Rebels 22:00 00:00* 13:00


Crusaders v Lions 14:30 16:30 5:30

Highlanders v Waratahs 17:35 19:35 8:35

Reds v Brumbies 19:40 21:40 10:40

Stormers v Chiefs 00:00* 2:00* 15:00

Cheetahs v Sharks 2:05* 4:05* 17:05



Highlanders v Hurricanes 17:35 19:35 8:35

Rebels v Lions 19:40 21:40 10:40


Crusaders v Cheetahs 17:35 19:35 8:35

Bulls v Force 2:05* 4:05* 17:05

Sharks v Chiefs 4:10* 6:10* 19:10


Waratahs v Brumbies 16:05 18:05 7:05



Hurricanes v Rebels 17:35 19:35 8:35

Reds v Lions 20:00 22:00 11:00


Chiefs v Cheetahs 14:30 16:30 5:30

Highlanders v Stormers 17:35 19:35 8:35

Waratahs v Blues 19:40 21:40 10:40

Sharks v Force 2:05* 4:05* 17:05

Bulls v Crusaders 4:10* 6:10* 19:10


ROUND 8(Easter and Daylight savings finished AUS and NZL)FRIDAY 3 APRIL

Hurricanes v Stormers 17:35 19:35 8:35

Rebels v Reds 19:40 21:40 10:40


Chiefs v Blues 17:35 19:35 8:35

Brumbies v Cheetahs 19:40 21:40 10:40

Sharks v Crusaders 00:00* 2:00* 15:00

Lions v Bulls 2:05* 3:05* 17:05



Blues v Brumbies 17:35 19:35 9:35


Crusaders v Highlanders 17:35 19:35 9:35

Waratahs v Stormers 19:40 21:40 11:40

Force v Cheetahs 21:45 23:45 13:45

Bulls v Reds 23:00 1:00* 15:00

Lions v Sharks 1:05* 3:05* 17:05


QUALIFIERS – FRIDAY 19 & SATURDAY 20 JUNETeam 1 and Team 2 ByeQualifier 1 – Team 3 v Team 6Qualifier 2 – Team 4 v Team 5

SEMI FINALS – FRIDAY 26 & SATURDAY 27 JUNESemi 1 – Team 1 v Lowest ranked Qualifier winnerSemi 2 – Team 2 v Highest ranked Qualifier winner

FINAL – SATURDAY 4 JULYFInal – Winner of Semi 1 v Winner of Semi 2

#SuperRugbyJoin the conversationVisit our website


for latest updates & information

THE FINALS SERIESCheck our website WWW.SUPERRUGBY.COM for latest updates & information


1. Camboh 69.912. Trent 69.083. anton 68.25

rOund eIGhT reSuLTS:Bulls 35 - 33 Lions (Fairly predictable)

Cheetahs 25 - 17 Stormers (Major upset)Rebels 16 - 15 Chiefs (Insane upset! )

Hurricanes 29 - 23 Crusaders (An obvious pick)Blues 41 - 24 Force (An obvious pick)Brumbies 10 - 13 Waratahs (Upset)

Highlanders 48 - 15 Sharks (An obvious pick)rOund 12 yeLLOW CaP WInner!

TIMOT, what did you know that the rest of us didn't?

rOund 11 yeLLOW CaP WInner!Len, yOu dId IT aGaIn!


you win a case of beer from Liquor City @ The Circle and a r250 voucher from

John dory’s Ballito! WeLL dOne!


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6 - 20 MayT&C’s apply. E&OE

WIn TICKeTS TO The SharKS hOMe GaMe WITh CeLL C POWer STaTIOn and radIO LIfe & STyLe 88.0fM

As current Chairman of DOCRRA, I wish to provide this feedback report to the member base of DOCRRA and the public at large with apologies for the late submission.

The last year has been somewhat chaotic with certain members of the DOCRRA Committee emigrating abroad, being elected as officials to the KDM Council and two other committee members having to take more personal inter-est in their own business concerns due to the current economic climate as well as personal health issues.Be that as it may, we would thus, as a result of the above, also serve notice that the AGM for DOCRRA will be held on 28 May 2015. It is pru-dently suggested that a new constitution be drafted by the new Committee and adopted thereafter at a Special General Meeting. We would request that persons interested in serving on the DOCRRA Committee please forward their details to the following email ad-dress, [email protected], with a CV attached for circulation to all members for elec-tion as committee members at the AGM. We regret to advise that neither myself nor Barbara Shingler will be available for re-election, so it is vitally important that sound-minded, compe-tent, eager and vibrant ratepayers or residents step forward and pick up the reins to take DOCRRA forward.In the meantime the DOCRRA Committee wish-es to advise the following to its members:

► The P445 upgrade is nearing comple-tion. Somehow this link road that runs through the new Ballito Town “epicentre”, survived the chaos of the December 2014 and Easter 2015 holidays. We would like to thank the engineers and contractors, as well as Councillor Sandeep Oudhram, for the assistance given during these times when chaos was expected to descend on the link road area. Thank you to the Project Team responsible for the construction of the road. It is disappointing that KDM did not follow through on the commitments given to have the road completed by the end of February 2015 however, with construction and finishing work still on-going. We trust these elements will be completed in the immediate future. There is no clarity on the upgrades to be undertaken to sections under the control of KDM such as the roads by the BP Garage and Sangweni Tour-ism Centre, but I had an extremely fruitful and proactive meeting with a diligent Pravita Ram-narain regarding these issues after a very quick reaction to my enquiry last week. The roads around this section of Ballito are in dire need of an upgrade and the directional signage must be made visible in order to avoid potential ac-cidents around the numerous circles situated in this node.

► Concerning to note is that litter is already starting to accumulate on the center island con-structed as part of the P445 road upgrade. On a personal note, it irks me no end how our town is treated like a huge garbage dump. Everywhere one looks there is litter lying around, especially in the business districts. Can we not be proac-tive and clean up in our own suburbs and on

our verges? Yes, we may not have caused the litter but until those people who use roads and verges as their personal garbage bins are ei-ther educated about their misdeeds or bylaws implemented to fine culprits we must take re-sponsibility to keep our town clean. KDM must here also take full responsibility, as when verge cutting is done, excessive litter which is uncov-ered during this process, is purposely left un-touched, with no clean up crews following the verge cutters, thus showing no intent by KDM of clearing the litter or addressing the inherent problem. Beach cleaners and street cleaners are often left to their own devices, seen just stand-ing around with no sense of purpose, urgency or responsibility to clean their dedicated areas. Do your duty KDM and enforce clean-up duties for the exorbitant levies charged in relation to these specified items in the Annual Budget.

► Taxi Rank – No new timeframe or feedback has been provided in relation to the formal relo-cation of the taxi rank. The current position has arguably served well as an interim temporary option, but KDM now has to fulfil their obliga-tion to the DOCRRA region, the commuters and the Taxi Associations alike, to establish a formal taxi rank as soon as possible in a centralised zone. KDM was quoted in stating that an area had been identified and would be incorporated in the upgrade of the P445 and yet no official action or even notifications have been forth-coming. DOCRRA’s new Committee should at-tempt to liaise with KDM on this matter in order to obtain certainty and to the benefit of all con-cerned. We recognise this serious concern in order to avoid aspects of taxi violence erupting in the area again.

► Road surface deterioration is common cause in the DOCRRA area, from Ballito through to Tinley Manor without fail. Never have inter-nal road structures been in such an abysmal state as they are now. Each year promises are made for the budgeting of the road infra-structure upgrades and each year this budget is either misspent or potentially reallocated. Driving through various areas one can see the simple degradation, with the endemic failed pothole remedial work being implemented. No dedicated planned resurfacing of roads is being undertaken. KDM must not hide behind any Provincial Departments for lack of funding in this respect, as internal roads are their respon-sibility.

How long will it be before road failure will lead to a catastrophic accident, with KDM being li-able because of their failure to attend to this matter as part of their obligatory function to the ratepayers? How long must we face visitors and holidaymakers who come here with the ex-pectancy of a value for money experience, to an area which is seen to be deteriorating day after day and year after year.

In addition we need KDM to vigorously take note of the two roads within their ambit, which are taking severe strain due to excessive road use, but most importantly the risk of safety to road users and pedestrians alike. The Shakas Rock and Umhlali/Salt Rock Roads are coming under tremendous pressure with the potential of life threatening incidences increasing every day. These may be provincial roads but KDM has the responsibility to manage these roads via the Traffic Department. Thus, the onus lies squarely on KDM to ensure liaison with the Provincial De-partment of Roads to ensure that the roads are kept and maintained to the standards required to prevent the loss of life on these roads, includ-ing constructing proper verges and taxi stops. Both off-ramps are in dire need of traffic lights and better traffic management. Why does KDM not take the responsibility to ensure that these tasks are being implemented? The potential for legal claims will certainly escalate through this intransigence of showing blind common igno-rance to the obligation required on KDM’s part.

► Electricity consumption is a major cause for concern nationally but more so locally. DOCRRA held various meetings with KDM in the past where it was categorically stated that

KDM does not have the capacity to service the demands in respect of commitments made to future developments of variant natures coming onto the grid.

It is therefore with great apprehension and trep-idation, that I, as current Chairman of DOCRRA, noted the approval of the extension to the Junction Shopping Centre. Correctly so, as I was reminded on social media, I might have spoken out of turn without a mandate from all constitu-ents, but what ratepayers must understand is that our grid capacity is finite unless provided for appropriately. This has not been done. Our national grid is under severe strain and Govern-ment has openly stated that there will be no res-pite in this regard for the next three years. The country is in crisis. I therefore pose the ques-tion how the development was passed by Exco to proceed, this after earthworks had already begun prematurely as supposed “early com-mencement” . The question begs to be asked how Town Planning together with Exco allowed such action to be entertained without standard Plan Approval first having been obtained, as re-corded in the media and otherwise?

As an individual I am not against the economic growth of an area. In this instance and for the immediate future however I certainly query, and must object personally, to the timing and methodology undertaken to establish this de-velopment without due foresight to its ramifi-cations in relation to the electrical grid, lack of road infrastructure, real lack of demand from a critical mass perspective which I believe cer-tainly doesn’t exist in the area at present, as well as the fact that we are fast becoming a town which will be saturated with “ghost malls”. This is totally contrary to the trend of big mall clo-sures abroad and the preferred establishment of mixed use lifestyle living areas being created instead.

Beware of additional load shedding, gridlock and empty mall retail space in the Ballito Town Centre. Property values will certainly not ben-efit from these decisions. Rates will certainly in-crease and one thus truly fears that only the in-creased rates income is being pursued by KDM to fill the dwindling coffers to the detriment of real material local interests.

► With reference to lack of Town Planning I cannot stress enough my huge disappoint-ment and frustration to the lack of commit-ment by KDM to complete the refurbishment of the Ballito Municipal Offices which should officially house the Town Planning Department. The DOCRRA region is struggling with an inept and lethargic Town Planning Department with various aspects such as Plan Approvals and Occupation Certificates dragging on unneces-sarily for extended indefinite periods. It is thus amazing that The Junction development man-aged to obtain approvals in record time, is it not? Be that as it may, the municipal building stands derelict without any visible construction happening and certainly seemingly no intent from KDM to complete the project. Seriously, the person responsible for this task should be formally disciplined and his or her employment terminated immediately. In fact, more appro-priately, the Municipal Manager should face the brunt of this debacle, as effectively the buck stops with him. My advice to him is to resign and move on to the next deployment. He has not served the interests of the broader com-munity in this area and the sheer lack of service delivery is sufficient proof of this fact. We need competent officials.

► I have to commend Sembcorp Siza Water for the tasks they perform as a Service Provider to our region. Their task is not being made any easier by Umgeni Water’s actions to impose uni-lateral price increases to our area. Additionally, it was left up to Sembcorp Siza water to man-age the still on-going water crisis being expe-rienced in the region. A word of thanks goes out to Sembcorp Siza Water for their proactive management in this regard. Please still adhere to the ongoing Stage 4 water restrictions. Water supply still remains in crises.

► We must count the DOCRRA region as lucky to the limited extent our small area was exposed to the scourge of xenophobia that has run rampant through KZN and our country of late. Incidences were reported in our area and one can only fear more will come.

I personally state my utter contempt and anger to those people who enacted these dastardly deeds to other human beings. It is cowardly to prey on innocent persons in such a way just because they have worked to gain their dignity within the realms of our country. I must also state my disdain with the Government for not acting sooner, not doing more and not recog-nising the seriousness of these events. Rome is falling while the purchases of Executive Jets are on the forefront of the agenda. That alone is R2 billion which can be used to create a viable Jobs Plan for our country, so sorely needed to avoid economic animosity that is seemingly spurring on xenophobic hatred.

The problem lies deeper though in my personal opinion and our Government has to amend their one dimensional party political policies, put a concerted plan together and move to-ward the future instead of remaining obsessed steadfast prisoners of the past. If not there will be nothing left to govern anyway and anarchy will reign supreme.

► Lastly, I wish to state to our residents that even though we expect a normal level of ser-vice delivery from KDM, which is certainly not forthcoming but definitely obligatory, noth-ing stops us as residents, from beautifying our towns and suburbs in the DOCRRA region our-selves.

Many times I have driven through the DOCRRA sector, where owners are blatantly neglecting their verges and properties due to a lack of in-terest to complete potential developments as a result of a lack of potential returns, or the sim-ple expectancy that verges will invariably be cut by KDM and roadsides cleaned up magically. I remember in decades gone past that owners took pride in their properties, manicuring their verges as a sense of honour and sweeping the roadside curbs to present a dignified presence of ownership. This tradition seems to have escaped us and has been filed into the annals of our so called democratic history. Let us not leave everything up to inept Municipal officials, but also take some accountability and responsi-bility in making our suburbs look enticing to us as residents and visitors alike.

This request is moreover also extended to de-velopers to maintain undeveloped land and de-veloped properties, as well as the areas around their properties. Body Corporates along the beach front can certainly play more active roles in this respect. Clean-up and landscaping functions can surely be made part of daily and monthly routines, and yes, although it may be an additional cost, property values and gen-eral aesthetics will certainly benefit from these activities, enhancing the overall reputation of our towns and suburbs, justifying the costs in-curred.

As always seem to be the case, this time please embark on the opposite and don’t ignorantly look at each other to see who takes the initia-tive regarding the aforesaid, but just do it and make a personal difference. Lead by example!

I would like to thank the DOCRRA Commit-tee Members for their valuable input during my tenure as Chairman and at a time that has been somewhat chaotic and moreover quite challenging. DOCRRA needs to move to a new phase of proactive endeavours and fortitude. We request that all mem-bers attend the AGM in order to achieve this goal.

Yours sincerely, Louis Luyt JnrCHAIRMAN: DOCRRA


Page 17: Life & style issue 9

As current Chairman of DOCRRA, I wish to provide this feedback report to the member base of DOCRRA and the public at large with apologies for the late submission.

The last year has been somewhat chaotic with certain members of the DOCRRA Committee emigrating abroad, being elected as officials to the KDM Council and two other committee members having to take more personal inter-est in their own business concerns due to the current economic climate as well as personal health issues.Be that as it may, we would thus, as a result of the above, also serve notice that the AGM for DOCRRA will be held on 28 May 2015. It is pru-dently suggested that a new constitution be drafted by the new Committee and adopted thereafter at a Special General Meeting. We would request that persons interested in serving on the DOCRRA Committee please forward their details to the following email ad-dress, [email protected], with a CV attached for circulation to all members for elec-tion as committee members at the AGM. We regret to advise that neither myself nor Barbara Shingler will be available for re-election, so it is vitally important that sound-minded, compe-tent, eager and vibrant ratepayers or residents step forward and pick up the reins to take DOCRRA forward.In the meantime the DOCRRA Committee wish-es to advise the following to its members:

► The P445 upgrade is nearing comple-tion. Somehow this link road that runs through the new Ballito Town “epicentre”, survived the chaos of the December 2014 and Easter 2015 holidays. We would like to thank the engineers and contractors, as well as Councillor Sandeep Oudhram, for the assistance given during these times when chaos was expected to descend on the link road area. Thank you to the Project Team responsible for the construction of the road. It is disappointing that KDM did not follow through on the commitments given to have the road completed by the end of February 2015 however, with construction and finishing work still on-going. We trust these elements will be completed in the immediate future. There is no clarity on the upgrades to be undertaken to sections under the control of KDM such as the roads by the BP Garage and Sangweni Tour-ism Centre, but I had an extremely fruitful and proactive meeting with a diligent Pravita Ram-narain regarding these issues after a very quick reaction to my enquiry last week. The roads around this section of Ballito are in dire need of an upgrade and the directional signage must be made visible in order to avoid potential ac-cidents around the numerous circles situated in this node.

► Concerning to note is that litter is already starting to accumulate on the center island con-structed as part of the P445 road upgrade. On a personal note, it irks me no end how our town is treated like a huge garbage dump. Everywhere one looks there is litter lying around, especially in the business districts. Can we not be proac-tive and clean up in our own suburbs and on

our verges? Yes, we may not have caused the litter but until those people who use roads and verges as their personal garbage bins are ei-ther educated about their misdeeds or bylaws implemented to fine culprits we must take re-sponsibility to keep our town clean. KDM must here also take full responsibility, as when verge cutting is done, excessive litter which is uncov-ered during this process, is purposely left un-touched, with no clean up crews following the verge cutters, thus showing no intent by KDM of clearing the litter or addressing the inherent problem. Beach cleaners and street cleaners are often left to their own devices, seen just stand-ing around with no sense of purpose, urgency or responsibility to clean their dedicated areas. Do your duty KDM and enforce clean-up duties for the exorbitant levies charged in relation to these specified items in the Annual Budget.

► Taxi Rank – No new timeframe or feedback has been provided in relation to the formal relo-cation of the taxi rank. The current position has arguably served well as an interim temporary option, but KDM now has to fulfil their obliga-tion to the DOCRRA region, the commuters and the Taxi Associations alike, to establish a formal taxi rank as soon as possible in a centralised zone. KDM was quoted in stating that an area had been identified and would be incorporated in the upgrade of the P445 and yet no official action or even notifications have been forth-coming. DOCRRA’s new Committee should at-tempt to liaise with KDM on this matter in order to obtain certainty and to the benefit of all con-cerned. We recognise this serious concern in order to avoid aspects of taxi violence erupting in the area again.

► Road surface deterioration is common cause in the DOCRRA area, from Ballito through to Tinley Manor without fail. Never have inter-nal road structures been in such an abysmal state as they are now. Each year promises are made for the budgeting of the road infra-structure upgrades and each year this budget is either misspent or potentially reallocated. Driving through various areas one can see the simple degradation, with the endemic failed pothole remedial work being implemented. No dedicated planned resurfacing of roads is being undertaken. KDM must not hide behind any Provincial Departments for lack of funding in this respect, as internal roads are their respon-sibility.

How long will it be before road failure will lead to a catastrophic accident, with KDM being li-able because of their failure to attend to this matter as part of their obligatory function to the ratepayers? How long must we face visitors and holidaymakers who come here with the ex-pectancy of a value for money experience, to an area which is seen to be deteriorating day after day and year after year.

In addition we need KDM to vigorously take note of the two roads within their ambit, which are taking severe strain due to excessive road use, but most importantly the risk of safety to road users and pedestrians alike. The Shakas Rock and Umhlali/Salt Rock Roads are coming under tremendous pressure with the potential of life threatening incidences increasing every day. These may be provincial roads but KDM has the responsibility to manage these roads via the Traffic Department. Thus, the onus lies squarely on KDM to ensure liaison with the Provincial De-partment of Roads to ensure that the roads are kept and maintained to the standards required to prevent the loss of life on these roads, includ-ing constructing proper verges and taxi stops. Both off-ramps are in dire need of traffic lights and better traffic management. Why does KDM not take the responsibility to ensure that these tasks are being implemented? The potential for legal claims will certainly escalate through this intransigence of showing blind common igno-rance to the obligation required on KDM’s part.

► Electricity consumption is a major cause for concern nationally but more so locally. DOCRRA held various meetings with KDM in the past where it was categorically stated that

KDM does not have the capacity to service the demands in respect of commitments made to future developments of variant natures coming onto the grid.

It is therefore with great apprehension and trep-idation, that I, as current Chairman of DOCRRA, noted the approval of the extension to the Junction Shopping Centre. Correctly so, as I was reminded on social media, I might have spoken out of turn without a mandate from all constitu-ents, but what ratepayers must understand is that our grid capacity is finite unless provided for appropriately. This has not been done. Our national grid is under severe strain and Govern-ment has openly stated that there will be no res-pite in this regard for the next three years. The country is in crisis. I therefore pose the ques-tion how the development was passed by Exco to proceed, this after earthworks had already begun prematurely as supposed “early com-mencement” . The question begs to be asked how Town Planning together with Exco allowed such action to be entertained without standard Plan Approval first having been obtained, as re-corded in the media and otherwise?

As an individual I am not against the economic growth of an area. In this instance and for the immediate future however I certainly query, and must object personally, to the timing and methodology undertaken to establish this de-velopment without due foresight to its ramifi-cations in relation to the electrical grid, lack of road infrastructure, real lack of demand from a critical mass perspective which I believe cer-tainly doesn’t exist in the area at present, as well as the fact that we are fast becoming a town which will be saturated with “ghost malls”. This is totally contrary to the trend of big mall clo-sures abroad and the preferred establishment of mixed use lifestyle living areas being created instead.

Beware of additional load shedding, gridlock and empty mall retail space in the Ballito Town Centre. Property values will certainly not ben-efit from these decisions. Rates will certainly in-crease and one thus truly fears that only the in-creased rates income is being pursued by KDM to fill the dwindling coffers to the detriment of real material local interests.

► With reference to lack of Town Planning I cannot stress enough my huge disappoint-ment and frustration to the lack of commit-ment by KDM to complete the refurbishment of the Ballito Municipal Offices which should officially house the Town Planning Department. The DOCRRA region is struggling with an inept and lethargic Town Planning Department with various aspects such as Plan Approvals and Occupation Certificates dragging on unneces-sarily for extended indefinite periods. It is thus amazing that The Junction development man-aged to obtain approvals in record time, is it not? Be that as it may, the municipal building stands derelict without any visible construction happening and certainly seemingly no intent from KDM to complete the project. Seriously, the person responsible for this task should be formally disciplined and his or her employment terminated immediately. In fact, more appro-priately, the Municipal Manager should face the brunt of this debacle, as effectively the buck stops with him. My advice to him is to resign and move on to the next deployment. He has not served the interests of the broader com-munity in this area and the sheer lack of service delivery is sufficient proof of this fact. We need competent officials.

► I have to commend Sembcorp Siza Water for the tasks they perform as a Service Provider to our region. Their task is not being made any easier by Umgeni Water’s actions to impose uni-lateral price increases to our area. Additionally, it was left up to Sembcorp Siza water to man-age the still on-going water crisis being expe-rienced in the region. A word of thanks goes out to Sembcorp Siza Water for their proactive management in this regard. Please still adhere to the ongoing Stage 4 water restrictions. Water supply still remains in crises.

► We must count the DOCRRA region as lucky to the limited extent our small area was exposed to the scourge of xenophobia that has run rampant through KZN and our country of late. Incidences were reported in our area and one can only fear more will come.

I personally state my utter contempt and anger to those people who enacted these dastardly deeds to other human beings. It is cowardly to prey on innocent persons in such a way just because they have worked to gain their dignity within the realms of our country. I must also state my disdain with the Government for not acting sooner, not doing more and not recog-nising the seriousness of these events. Rome is falling while the purchases of Executive Jets are on the forefront of the agenda. That alone is R2 billion which can be used to create a viable Jobs Plan for our country, so sorely needed to avoid economic animosity that is seemingly spurring on xenophobic hatred.

The problem lies deeper though in my personal opinion and our Government has to amend their one dimensional party political policies, put a concerted plan together and move to-ward the future instead of remaining obsessed steadfast prisoners of the past. If not there will be nothing left to govern anyway and anarchy will reign supreme.

► Lastly, I wish to state to our residents that even though we expect a normal level of ser-vice delivery from KDM, which is certainly not forthcoming but definitely obligatory, noth-ing stops us as residents, from beautifying our towns and suburbs in the DOCRRA region our-selves.

Many times I have driven through the DOCRRA sector, where owners are blatantly neglecting their verges and properties due to a lack of in-terest to complete potential developments as a result of a lack of potential returns, or the sim-ple expectancy that verges will invariably be cut by KDM and roadsides cleaned up magically. I remember in decades gone past that owners took pride in their properties, manicuring their verges as a sense of honour and sweeping the roadside curbs to present a dignified presence of ownership. This tradition seems to have escaped us and has been filed into the annals of our so called democratic history. Let us not leave everything up to inept Municipal officials, but also take some accountability and responsi-bility in making our suburbs look enticing to us as residents and visitors alike.

This request is moreover also extended to de-velopers to maintain undeveloped land and de-veloped properties, as well as the areas around their properties. Body Corporates along the beach front can certainly play more active roles in this respect. Clean-up and landscaping functions can surely be made part of daily and monthly routines, and yes, although it may be an additional cost, property values and gen-eral aesthetics will certainly benefit from these activities, enhancing the overall reputation of our towns and suburbs, justifying the costs in-curred.

As always seem to be the case, this time please embark on the opposite and don’t ignorantly look at each other to see who takes the initia-tive regarding the aforesaid, but just do it and make a personal difference. Lead by example!

I would like to thank the DOCRRA Commit-tee Members for their valuable input during my tenure as Chairman and at a time that has been somewhat chaotic and moreover quite challenging. DOCRRA needs to move to a new phase of proactive endeavours and fortitude. We request that all mem-bers attend the AGM in order to achieve this goal.

Yours sincerely, Louis Luyt JnrCHAIRMAN: DOCRRA


Page 18: Life & style issue 9

06- 19 May 201518 MOTORING

THe New Suzuki CiAz iS HeRe

SuZuKI auTO SOuTH aFrICa is continuing the expansion of its passenger car range with the launch of the all-new Ciaz – a streamlined, authentic four-door sedan exuding a contemporary, upmarket design language, with a spacious interior and high

equipment levels to match.The new Ciaz is generously proportioned, with an extended wheelbase and

wide tracks front and rear resulting in stable road manners, refined handling, and a spacious interior with ample room for front and rear occupants. The cabin easily accommodates five adults in stylish comfort, while the boot has a massive cargo capacity of 495 litres.

The predominant interior colours are black and dark grey, with the upper section of the dashboard finished in black while the lower section features a dark grey, with silver accents. Smart cloth upholstery is standard on the GL, while the GLX gets genuine leather for an even more luxurious look and feel.

The instrument binnacle is neatly framed by the multifunction steering wheel, which is equipped with controls for the audio system, and Bluetooth-based hands-free telephony.

The Ciaz has one of the biggest boots in its class, offering 495 litres of luggage space. The boot is accessed via large bootlid that opens down to bumper level for easy access. A full-size spare wheel is standard.

Equipment levels are generous, even on the GL specification: luxury features such as electric windows and exterior mirrors, remote central locking, automatic climate-control air-conditioning with front and rear vents, and a six-speaker sound system with FM/AM tuner, CD player, Bluetooth connectivity and both USB and stereo analogue jacks, are standard across all models.

Prices start at R157 807 and include a three-year/100 000 km warranty, and a three-year/60 000 km service plan. Services are at 15 000 km intervals.





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