lif of pi- frame narrative

Life of Pi Frame Narrative

Upload: marcusfelsman

Post on 07-Jan-2016




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Notes on the narrative


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Life of PiFrame Narrative

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What is a Frame Narrative?

In a nutshell, a framenarrative is a “story within astory”

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Examples of Frame


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Titani !the movie"

The story of “#l$ %ose”

revisitin& the site of theTitani “'oo(en$s” the lovestory of )a( an$ “*oun&%ose” on'oar$ the ship in++-

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Forrest .ump

Forrest !in the present"is tellin& his life story!of Forrest in the past"to various iti/ens on

the par( 'enh

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0an you thin( of any

other examples?

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 1nother way to view F%12E


• We an loo( at frame narratives as a

$ia&ram• For example, with Titani6

Love story of “*oun&%ose” an$ )a( 

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Frame Narrative in

Life of Pi

• 2artel uses a F%12E N1%%1TI3E

• 2artel is the “real” author of the novel, Lifeof Pi7

• The story 'e&ins with an 1uthor8s Note,narrate$ 'y an anonymous author 9&ure

• This reates the illusion that the 'oo( isfat:real, when in fat it is FI0TI#N1L

• Why $o you thin( he may have $one this?

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Frame Narrative in

Life of Pi

•The italii/e$ passa&es are the

 voie of an anonymous author whois writin& a story, tol$ in Pi8s ownwor$s

• These passa&es provi$e a$esription of how he learne$ a'outPi, as well as his interviews with Piin the present $ay5

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Frame Narrative in

Life of Pi

• The story has THREE narrative “layers” !plus a“mystery” layer555"

• The author of the novel itself, Yann Martel• The “author” of the Author’s Note !who is tal(in&

a'out meetin& with Franis !2ama;i" 1$iru'asamyan$ interviewin& “real” Pi while researhin& forthe novel

•Piscine Molitor Patel in present $ay who isnarratin& the story of his youn&er self 

• There is one more narrative layer or “voie” to thisstory that is yet to 'e $isovere$5 4ee if you an9&ure it out 'y the en$ of the novel7

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Frame Narrative inLife of Pi

• Now that we have all the layers or “voies” for our F%12EN1%%1TI3E, $raw a $ia&ram to represent them



Pi Patel the


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4o what is the purpose of a

Frame Narrative?

• The shifts in point of view !P#3" serve

to reate a sense ofverisimilitude

•   Verisimilitude < the appearane ofsomethin& to 'e real or true < whenwhat we are rea$in& appears to 'e true

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4o what is the purpose of a

Frame Narrative?

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4o what is the purpose of aFrame Narrative?

•  Willing suspension of is!elief <

when a rea$er:viewer temporarily an$willin&ly sets asi$e their 'eliefs a'outreality in or$er to en;oy the “ma(e='elieve” of a play, novel, poem or movie

e5&5 We an wath >arry Potterwithout feelin& “&ulli'le” as lon& as we,the au$iene, set asi$e our sense ofwhat is “real” for the $uration of themovie5