library of congress · rlwyirs itebtaubant. h am coaftctlo.xekt. ueuclar m kals gebtkdi fixe...

rLWYirS ItEBTAUBANT . h AM COAFtCTlO.XEKT. UEUCLAR M KALS gEBTKDI FIXE DESSERTS EYKBT DAT. rriHnner Parties Specialty 1 M Mli: i'rom PURE CREAM NOTHING NICER FOR DESSERT, FLOVIl'S CA IV PI KM! THV t It will have VANILLA and CHOCOLATE CARAMELS IN IT. It will have MARsn-MALLO- DROPS, WAL- NUT SaA FRENCH NOCGATHi IT. It will have noth lnc In It but what U GOOD, WHOLESOME and T STY. Kaeh Piece Is made JTeah the day it ts soliL, FLUID'S MME AND BEPUTaTIOJI Are Mtahed on these Candles. 27 21 aIn, opp. Court Square, J KT 1'AtACl'-- , J P.X,jA.OE I 875. . .Slain street. - .375. XaE FOLLOWING NEW OOOD3 JUST RECEIVED Jet and Gold Itracelets, let Hair llandeaux Latent. Real Jet and Keal Onyx Earrings, Black tiarnet Jewelry Jiew designs. Side Combs and other Novelties. iiOLD AxND GOLD-PLATE- D GOODS ! 80LU AT BEUl'CEW PKICK8. Q f. lto f hr Manager, MTOL.KX. MA'E - About 14Vg hands high; sorrel, PO'T gi ay balm rlioMtiitc ilfi her body; all leet liil; bmza Isoe; tray scar over rlgnt eye; divw vw- - heavy, vih) sioieti at L. arri depot; hl pay &2o lor Her delivery to ToM KINH. at Bartleit, Tenn., or Lao House, corner Fiont and Over.ou streets, Memphis. JEW L representing crossed pens, A8ILVfclt and mounted on ltd rboou: said Jewel bei'Uigi lo Oiene C iniiuamiery, and ibe finder will . e imiiUlj icd bj leavng saine at No. 12 rfeiirsirii Btierh FLBKVK BIJTTN w-t- patent fastener OOI.D viil pifMH to rhw ift1 e. TAKI)i I P. 1Mb Will heifer place, a bl rk and white CXIW-- On Owner van have her by proving proven woi pln riir-pi- . FOI5 II IKK. BAT, WITH LICENdK jy Annlv at 20 Mnln street. KlMrin AA1 ikUAUU. rooms wl t board ; also, daj board-- I EHLRNldHK at uU Madison street. ."OOM3 furnished rooms with excellent table V boanl. buy boarders WMnted at on Monroe ou jiKONT Ruo UMialf lutnlsued, at No. 104 X? Court street, Suitable lor gentleim aud wile, Or two single gentlemen. Reieienc.'. OOA13 Nice luiulalieii rooms, elieai... at K N. Xr Smi MlKP.tLl. TnBL J. IA WtllTK tti'inoved to MAIM STKEKT. Cnmar Jefferson , uuarr Bli t(UHiu's Gallery, CI risa rum, iFISTULA.nud ' tuer hECr AL DI3SASE3. No buior Mice rjoin business. OtllOd hours: leiuen U to 1 1 a.m.", and 3 to 4 p. ill. Ladles 1 to n p ui. 'nB. K L. LA-- Kl bas temovet bis residence and XJ ofl.jeto H17 M A IN aT., between ilouroeaiid Imlon. .yi-- r B:..vr'" tfHwoiii s or. flONc- i- We bare sn plant illous In PLANTA Arkansas aiid lenneaaee, to exebance lor Mt mi plils properly. Also, nrst class sui)Uib-i- t HODjK, ?ery accessible, to be exjbuiued lor city propeitj, audwlU pay de- ference in ea.M. Also, aiam street STOHK for auburbun home. Tu Reunion to abovo.we have lonit and dealiable list or pmiK-f- cu. subuibau and couuuy for a,e or ecliant. fl. I . hl'li'N. AKorit. 1(t Madison r. I N )!TouiTdbanilT,iM7iosKrid Organs for Saleor rent, t 11. U. HyLLENBHU S, Uuslo AJl.lne, i?H4 Main xtreet WAdONMAKKR-W- bo understand GOOO plos mid plantation work Apply to JOHN UjH-Np- Bli il'a. VHrshatl Co . Ml-- OUd-Mo- cly luiQlsbu-1- . Address K foUNii wnts situation. Addresi-- . tlirougb BOB sio icw. stmii'g saiam wtlHtm 10 g ve. tlADDLJS AN n HKNES3 HtU- i- O GATUiili'HT, HAHaiaoN A CO., JWU n Jiiaiii, o jnu. OK HOOKS To post a nlgbl, from two to SET hours wora. A0lress BO1 KK r. Kt'FR. Ihls offlce. apilvate family, by ayoung nfa": tne BOAKD-I- n relereucea rtq'il'ed. Addrea A., Appeal otbee. KEdM AKKK Kor par- - 3 Utf'tl us at'ur us s. haivmv . ii'n an. M.mplilsfor an Arkansas farm. KKMIjKNCK-I- ti Irailtnx. men in call on DM. K. P. Brr3. tl Mulberry mi ivTiTinN-i- nv mm iiaviitir a .mall planta JT lion on or near the! river, say of 400 or filH) acres of cleared land, might find a pur chaser by auilreMS'nir, wun dhiucuibi i'" leima, WJi. M'CULI.OCIL Wilson's Folnt V. O., Kast rar-ol- i pHrlsli. tanilana. AdJolntn Boblnsnn'a drug store, corner STOH ... ai.d becud , streets; p..nse-io- n tar a c K'ven Ort OI Maren. AO' IV " m r H NICK RKSIIiKNCE-l-O- n Madison and 1,-N- court stieels; eoiiveiilent to Apuly to R. B. Hnowitfii. r las. L. tiooil'oe. 31jladlM i ii.,' 11 iii!i i Iiml nnH ilnii(..uoii. kno I XT the haileinoii Mace.lwo miles fnnu O K Land-- liitf. TviiIca county, MiK!-stp- t. i neie ai bohui j ...r.-- . in II: m state ( f ciill':illou.vl,b a gvanl twinriinHiiu neoeseary oulbou- - In a doo staiaor .. .11 m ir ill milex. wnuoiinanulniuleniei Is, t'n.x 'syli'O. wltb. approved city neceiMa'-ce- Kor furtlit-- r ptirlk-ulii- apiiiy io me, on Ibe prtmisea.or to W. v. t rouum, irrou. a.r R I JCOMS-K'ig.- b.e and C..tir Ro-i- for Law- - iinjinreo lLlhH.'-- l iKUl' AMI HIOK dTORK. iti llain sireet, Clatk's Marble BlixK. 4 Ybsl OaScK "M Adams cL j ct'i.tiallj locsted i L and in excellent coua.t mi. Ai'ply to w. A Ml be o ley. K'Ot w A..HID N. ft. i IiTm. miil. rlHuid. nnt urn. shed rtjoms, J u, re,p,iiiMb e p.i-ile- , wnuout U17 W i.ll on imt. ("ail in Hi.eimnin l 1 1 iiBkuuLaeo ao n.ti lartrt uil ciaa Alain O urerl rt iehMl-e- . cer.ttally located, 44tnrenoi,H- - '.!." and 2M feciud street. Cole.t i o 'a old s and. tt fj tiee--n- sUeet. Na 2rt4 fecoiiU sireet, ctuntr Court. IJwliiiiglHiie on Jessamine street, recently oocu-- . pled b) K. L. TV'P. Dwellinin In thesiibulli. MOO acres well leuoed culllvatable land, two miles fiomtberuy. Welt liupn.ved i lace of acres, nix tulles from c.ty, with line o ltoii gin. Bleei Hiftt- - ooiu and olilo. a on Front. Court sr d Second Slleels. JullN IVEHr.N. JH. Apply to U. N. GROoVKNlt, comer and court. LAN rAlTb.N IbeLUuri I'lai-e- , leu miles south ut Mempbls, coiilaiiiln Silk) acres of good cleared lana lor rem lor one or more years; plenty l water and tine stock range. Apply to R. LiuUley Vraiser, No. W Madlsou street or - KKNO T. HABBI3, !? bile Have, i. Tenru OOsI Larue unfui mailed Ironi loom, wllb small K- - room conueclli g. cu be bad, wllb good board, t7 j Court stivrt. References rviiuired. i OtJW! Fuiiiii bei or unlurnl-hed- , single or In IV suits, witiinut Nwrd; apartments suited lor ili-li- housekeeping, at Jtenrsmjlreet. "i JOOllS-urnlui- ed looms, d lubti per luoulb, l. at 107 Jelleisoii rtreoU two clean, cmuiuouloua resi ii dent's. Ire" rroni rever iiueciion. MIMI4 MKMIWKI MKR. Heponrt t. CHARLES N. ERICH, DlitECT IlIPORTEB OK IloltcniJaii Glassware, French & American China, QUEEIISWARE1 HPKCIALTIK I ar-- l itlsrea. Uirrsrs, etc. asdrai'le FUtea JAnlveie, ti, cte " Uwttrl and Hietnb Ware. 321 Main Street. Memphis, Tenn FIHC WAL.K. CiTTLlSH hOCKA WAT -- Almost new; for cash. P. OCaiilliraiiJjeverilbjiind Broadway. Ft Picketing One power Knglne, Boiler, ENtilMC Pu ly. complete. Apply to j. v. PATRICK. Memphis Hina. TOCK OK O F N FhaTM K- -i C li A N DIa B wito the store ooolalnltiK It; an excellent buslneas point, ab ut sixty milts Imm Memphis, on tbe river. A0-ire-ss HQS Front ulieet, Memphis. KA KM Tbe splendid residence and larm ClUOICK bermllng- -. known as "Tulip Grove," once tbe property of MJnr Donelson, Is offered lor vile to close au estate. The bouse Is a brick man- sion of nine rooms. In good repair, servants' bouses, smoaerioue. stablu and cowhouse, carriage and a No. 1 icehouse, two large barn and elxlH tenant-bouse- a. The farm baa 885 acres of good land, fenced wllb cedar, and a rjever fatUng supply of water all over Ibe land, 4ber being nine lasting springs and a creek. In f tout of the house stands a grove of forest trees of 20 acres; church and scbool-bous- In Iront lot; dltant from Nashville 11 mllea and a miles fioni station. Ibe place is noted for its health fulness and natural beauty. W.U be sold for f iO.OOO, which Is $10,000 less than the Im- provements cost. Aprlr to lt I). BSARD. to K. O. TREANER. Nasbvlue, 'lenn. LitAILrilNti ANU CORN-MIL- CHU A P In firut-- P class order, If application 1 made immediately; engine 1 2 Inch cyllnuer and b stroke. Also, a alt-a- Hre Engine, uf LalPt's make, Cincinnati, Inuuire at Carpeutersbop, fcai Second street. 8AKK Ot.e good Iron sale. meIlum size, lor LUON a bargain. CITT OIL WORK3. MATERIAL AND BINDERY -- Having PRINTING tbe Tipe, Presses (Hoe, Campbell and Gordons Book Bindery and Machinery of tbe 'ate "Boyle Printing Company," we will sell tbe aine in ouaolltiee to suit purcbasers. Adaresa 8. C. TOOK t CO.. Memphis. - Two unimproved lots on Georgia street, LOTS tet front each, by ldo feet deep, near fat. Joseph's CburcU. T. J. LATHA M. I nliJK hf river or rail Quaiitiiy and quality LJ guaranteed. Leave orders at John A. lenle's. 462 ront street, or w. J. Cbaae A Co.'s, 1H2 Main ureet. O. M. fll'EH. HTKAlCb. fb'LK yL Oi e legCT black borse mnle. Beturn to J. A. r oi rest Cos, Bl Monroe stieot, and be rewarded. J. N. BELL, Oliver, Finaie & Co 100 Barrels Missouri Cider. 100 11 alf-lirl- s Missouri Cider. 100 Half-Barre- ls White Fish. 100 Kits White Fish. 200 Hall-Barre- ls Mackerel. 1000 Kits Mackerel. 100 llalt-Brl- s Oatmeal, Barley, Cracked W heat and Graham Flour. 1 000 Bis Crackers and Jumbles. 500 Bxs Cheese. - 500 lirU "Mirer Moon" Flour. 500 Brls other grades Flour. 200 Brls Eastern hugars. 100 Hilda Louisiana Sugar. 1000 Bags Coffee. 10,000 Casts Sardines, Brandy Citerrlef, Brandy reaches, Peache?, Oyster, Tomatoes, Corn, Etc., Etc. to.FiiiiilCo WHOLESALE GROCERS. . Bald mountain threatens to boil over again. Brownsville was on a fearful drunk last Saturday ciht. Pbeutnoma and kindred complaints affl'ct t ie people of Paris. Tbe Kuoxvilie market is glutted with an oer supply of firewood. Himpbreyg and adjoining counties are growing rich in peanute. A firm in FayettPvnla bought fifteen hun- dred BEunfe ekins last month. The V. ris Intelligencer wants a separata Criminal court tor Henry county. There ore clJ, pray-heade- d men in Haw kins county that buve never seen a steamboat. Mr. J. L. S. Travis will irrub the first num ber of tbe Dresden Sentinel in a few days. Pneumonia is repotted as beini? terribly prevalent la Carroll and Montgomery coun- ties. . Jack Sires was accidentally killed by Bink Crosby last Tuesday, a few miles south of Milan. Toe loes of property ia Nashville by the recent storm amounted to seventy-liv- e thou sand duliars. Tha Madison County Herald I saya the Methodist church at Sat til lo was burned last Wednesday nigb.- - Worirs and grasshoppers have done great d image to the wheat throughout East and middle ienncssee. . Several deaths have occurred in Browns ville recently, among them Mr. James M. VViuGeld and a child. In DcKdlb county there ia not a saloon or place where wb.siy can be bought except on a physician's prescription. frof. A. M. Barney hai boug'ut a control- - mer interest in tne ooutnern btanaara, oi .Vl'Minnville, and has assumed editorial con trol. . The lite rainR seriously damaged the levees, roads and bridges in the vicinity of Jackson, but the necessary repairs are promptly being made. The government has expressed, through its officers nt JNashvilte, that the lenient policy heretofore pursued toward violators of revenue laws will be abandoned. Mit Cartcf fihot and instantly killed Hal H"lcomb, in Columbia, Tennessee, on last Tnursduy. The difli :u',fy originated in Car- ter's wish to marry lioicomb's daughter. Mr. Jisepb II. D.iw, of Worry county, lately sold to a gentleman of Philadelphia two Tennessee-bre- d English setter dosra, re ceiving one thousand dollars for the pair. A car was broken into and robbed of quite a large amount of freight at Bradeu Station the other night. Among the packages taken were several consigned to parties in Memphis. Mibs Bright wss struck by light-niD- g, at Jackson, t'enneese, last Wednes- day, but without other damage than being partially ttunned aud having her clothes set on fire. A stranger from Texa?, named Clark, was rounced out of eighty-eigh- t dollars in Browns- ville the other night. A fellow known as Joe Costello was arrested on suspicion, but none of the money recovered. Some of the State papers, and very re- spectable ones, too, are jumping on the county court system with bjth feet, and would kick the whole scheme to Jericho if they had tbeir way. This, with tbe anti- quated grand jury humbug, Bhould be done away with. Mi jir P. T. Glass suggests, through the columns of the Brownsville Democrat, the formation of an asocial ion by tne trait grow- ers and vine keeperf, of that vicinity for the promotion of their interests. These associa tions redound woiiderlully to the benefit cf the members, it properly managed. Among the good results accotupiished by tbe Arkan sas horticultural and pomoiogical society are a reduction of freights and the providing of special cars by the Iron Mountain and oilier roads. - Con U line to Cameron. Buffalo (N. Y) Ejcprest: Tha following is a copy of a which was Bent to Mr. Cockling by Mr. Cameron immediately after the declarations of Pennsylvania for Grant: HARmsBCRO, Pa., Feb. 4. 'SO, 6 p.m. Hon. Bocoe Conkltog, Washington, D. C. : Our convention instruc ed Its delegation to Chi CAgo to vote a unit atid to vole lor Grant. J. L. CA1IEB0N. And the following is a copy ot Senator Cinktintf's promptly telegraphed answer to the above dispatch ; Washington. February 4, 1880, Senitor J. D. Cameron, Uarnsburg, Pa,: Your telegram received. Pennfylvanla renders another great and palnotlo servl. e to tbe countiy by prououuclng lor General orani. rejoice at tier ao tl. ROSCOE CONKL1NG. Now. these were private and confidential messages. We think tbey have never before been i rioted, and certainly they should re move all doubt as to the sincerity of these fust and foremost friends aud advocates of Grant's nomiaatiou. These dispatches show, moreover, that Senators Cnkling and toi' eron entertain no fear or expectation, that General Grant will decline to be a candidate,. The Rale with, American Lswyen, Loudon Times: "The distinction between the advocate and the attorney exists wherever division of labor is possible. Thus in France the does one sort of work, the acoue another sort. It is tho rule with American firms of lawyers that one man goes into court while another partner sticks to the othec. Iure, wit't aud rtroii. The current of life is made to run pure, swift audtron? by the use ot arner s bate lin.m nr Warner's Safe tonic, both of which lire beneficial in all disease. Tbe latter is recommended for re:it!y enfeebled constitutions. C e parupniet anu cui-m- Om ma's Liberality. Omasa, February iiO. Cmaha sent another " thousand dollars to the Irish reLnif fund, makity thirty-fiv- e hundred dollars. - Tbe j total wiU be U least five thousand dollars. I THE MEMPHIS. OD.AJX. Y . PP,WA Ii---S-A-0?- IJII JL .A '. $ , FEBEUAEY SI, :i 8 SO. OS TO BOLIVAR. The Steamer Polterant Passes Through the Railroad Drawbridge orer .. HatebleRlTer and Reaches Bollrar. Great Rejoicing by the Citizens or 'Har- deman Connty The PoIteYant Re- turning Loaded with Cotton and Seed. ' The Hatchie river steamer Poitevant will arrive here to-da- from Bolivar, 'Hardeman connty, with eight hundred bales of cotton and two thousand sacks of cotton-see- be- sides other freight and a lot of passengers. The Poitevant made a determined fight to pas the railroad bridge over Hatchie, and on Friday last, when the draw was com- pleted, she steamed on np the river with col- ors flying, and was greeted by rejoicing citi-sn- s all along the route to Bolivar. The Hatchie river trade is most important to onr merchants, who will now receive large ship- ments of cotton and produce by river during the season. Memphis needs both a railroad and river route to Bolivar, to tap the country and facilitate business with planters who trade here. The people of Bol- ivar . rejoiced exceedingly on the arrival of the Pointevant. Tbe Bolivar Bulletin, of the 19 b, contains the following graphic account of the affair: "At last the steamer arrived. Sunday morn- ing before noon the booming of cannon and the shrill steam whistle heralded tbe joyful tidings np and down Hatchie valley that the commercial independence of Bolivar is once more a living fact. For many long years this important water-wa- y has been closed by an unfriendly State statute and iron-boun- d rail- way obstructions. That statute is cancelled end those obstructions are removed. Let those of this and succeeding generations see to it that this God-givin- g commercial high- way be never again sealed np against the in- terest of the people. Bolivar is now tbe head of navigation, and her merchants have access by water to all the great trading and manufacturing centers in tbe Mississippi and Ohio valleys. Each year will give the river route increased business importance, and the adjacent and out-lyin- g country will realize the benefits of Hat:hie. Captains Deering and Montgomery passed the Brownsville bridge last Friday, and having high wat.r in the river, reached here in good time on Sun- day. They unheiitatingly pronounce the stream to be excellent for navigation. They brought freight and passengers t) Bolivar, and will, on their return, arrive at Memphis with a good load of c it ton and other produce. The season for cotton is now over, it being already in market; but they piopcoe making trips during the year, and be re .dy with two boats to do a heavy business next fall. . On Sunday an immense crowd of people greeted the steamer, and on Monday she we 3 visited by a large number of ladies and gentlemen. On her departure on Tuesday she was loaded down with a vast number of joyous passengers, who accepted free pas-ag- e down the river a short distance. Tha. boat was easily managed and had no difficulty in turning around and otherwise moving. Colonel Young, our distinguish- ed representative in congress, is moving to have an appropriation made to remove ail obstructions ia the river. A mail route will also be established. Arrangements have been made with the steamers to have low freight rates on all commodities shipped from or brought to Bolivar. Consignments will be resbipped free ot cost to and from Memphis, New Orleans, St. Louis, Cairo, Louisville, etc . S unda week the steamer is expected to return. We are glad to note tbe enthusiastic reception given the steamer, and believe by the coming fall season those enterprising gentlemen, Deering and Mont- gomery will be enjoying the full fruition of their highest bor " LOCAL PAUAGBAFHS. Arraignments will be bad at the criminal court to-da-y. r The Mississippi river continues to creep np its banks. The rain commenced falling at eight o'clock last night. Fresh shad are among the fishy luxuries of the season in our midst. At the United States court to-d- ay Judge Hammond will hear motions. Tne grand jury of the criminal court will not be in session until next Tuesday. The concert given at the Central Baptist church last night was largely attended. The population of Memphis is increasing rapidly. Six births were reported to the sec- retary of the board of health yesterday. The barge-loa- d of sewer-pip-e at the landing and for the Taxing-Distri- was an object of attention among citizens yesterday. The local board of health is having pat up over certain residences- - ominous-lookin- g placards containing the words Scarlet fever here." The Jewish Sabbath ia observed at our chancery court an adjournment being al ways had on Friday over to tbe Monday fol- lowing. It is probable that at the criminal court. to-da-y, a motion to quash the indictments against James A. Anderson will be argued by counsel. , Rabbi M. Samfield lectured on the Apostles" last night at the synagoguexf the congregation Children of Israel.Jon the corner of Main and Exchange streets. While out bird-hunti- yesterday. Charles Rainey, colored, had his hand shat tered by tbe premature discharge ot his fowling-piec- e, and will have to nndergo am putation ot the band. The police yesterday arrested and locked up George Fisher, colored, on the charge of cruelty to animals. The penalty for this-of-fon- is a fine of not less than one doliar nor more than fifty dollars. Dr. Abercrombie, secretary of the Tax ct board of health, reported the following scarlet tever cases for yesterday : A. W. Ammonette, 349 Adams street: Frank Graham, 484 Shelby street. The county court clerk yesterday issued the following marriage licenses: Whites Edward D. Dromgooie and Ella J. Halstead. Colored Skip Blocker and Evelyn Franklin, John Franklin and Susan Pettres. Austin Williams, yesterday, belie vim? that be needed a shirt, stole one from the store of Mr. Osbergand, on Beale street, and then made a shift to escape from the police, but he signally failed in the attempt. At twelve o'clock last night the station- - bouse docket did not present a sensation. Tbe lodger's docket had but few names re corded, the tramps havingbeen pretty well run out ot town by the police as vagrants. In April next the county court will elect a coroner in place of Mr. George D. Crockett, deceased. The court will also order an elec- tion for magistrate of the fifth civil district, to fill the vacancy caused by that gentleman's death. The following amounts were received yesterday by Mr. John J. Daffy, secretary ot tbe local Irish relief fund: K. B. Snowden, if 25; R. M. Manslord, $5; R. C. Battier, 2 50; C. J. O'Brien, 1; Judge R. J. Mor- gan, 1. At the criminal court, yesterday, a civil-righ- ts case was heard. Tbe defendant, the prosecuting witness, the attorney for the State, the attorney tor tbe defense, and tbe officer in charge ot the prisoner were all col- ored men. Oa Monday night, at the German Casr ino club hall, an instrumental and musicaf entertainment will be given by the profes- sionals and amateurs of our city. It will be a social affair, at which only members and invited guests will be present. The stone-contracto- at tbe customhouse continue to rest on their oars, the stone- cutters being yet on a strike because they have not been paid their wages. Io the meantime the public building is not advanc- ing an inch toward completion. As a consequence of receiving a dispatch from Yicksburg, Mississippi, on tbe arrival of the steamer Golden Rule at our port, Cbiet-ot-Poli- ce Athy had two men wco were on board, Demery and Parker, arrested on the charge of larceny. The men will be held bere to await the arrival ot an officer from Yicksburg. On Thursday last, at Bartlett, while the depot agent, John Dorris, was at dinner, a colored thief, John Williams, entered the de- pot, cut the head containing the marks from a bale of cotton, took a sample, sold the bale to a merchant near by, got the money and decamped, but he was overhauled and lodged in durance vile. At the criminal court yesterday the fol- lowing business was transacted: Oscar App, assault and battery, two cases, jury, and ver- dict not guilty as to each. In the larceny cases of Matilda and Maggie Jones, colored, tne penalty, fixed at three months imprison- ment in the county workhouse, was sus- pended by tho court during good behavior. List;night Henry Sing, a Chinese laundry-ma- n doing business in North Memphis, was arrestsd by Detective M'Cune on the charge of receiving stolen goods, a lot of six hun- dred cigars in boxes and a number of silver-plate- d torks, spoons and knives, being fonnd in his possession. Part of tbe stuff is said to have been stolen bere during tiio yellow- - fever epidemic last year. a keeper of a house of ill-fa- is indicted by tha grand jury, and when tha case is submitted in court, the indicted party has to pay the sum of eighteen dollars and forty cents in each case as costs, as follows: State tax, five dollars; connty tax, one dollar and seventy-fiv- e cents; - clerk's fees, five dol- lars and fifteen cents; attorney general's fee, five dollars; sheriff's fees, one dollar and fifty cents. jt . , i Tbe steamboat captains at the- - landing above the old elevator, where the south wind blows ever the night soil wagons on the dumping-- boat, can now sing a song of Pinafore: But when the breezes blow, ' I generally go below ' -- - - And seek tbe seclusion mat tbe cabin grants; And so do his sisters, and his cousins and bis amits ; Bis sisters and his cousins, ' Whom be reckons np by dozens. And his aunts. . . . PK8UI!AL. Mb. Jambs Hazlbtt, jb , of New York, is ia the city. ... .' Captais J. A. Buchanan, United States army, is at the Peabody.- - - - - Colonel Enos Richmond, of - Washing-- , ton, is stopping at the Peabody. Db. T. J. Tdrnkr,- secretary of the Na- tional board of health, is in the city. Captain Jakes Good, superintendent Mississippi valley transportation company, is at the Peabody. Captain John W. Wabd is confined to his room,- - at No. Ill Court street, with a severe attack of acute rheumatism. San Fbancisco Call, 11th: "Mr. L. M. Mix, formerly of Memphis, is lientenant of G company, and to him belongs the honor not only of personating the ''Spirit of Mardi-Gras- ,' but ot originating, superintending, and in fact, carrying out last night's enter- tainment to its sncseesfnl completion. He has had many difficulties with which to con- tend in effecting this result, and were it not for his enthusiasm and energy, the ball would never have taken place." LAW REPORTS. Chancery Court M'Io well. Chancellor. Calendar for Monday, February 23: 1692, M'Ghee vs Pointer; 3421, - Grommes . vs Thieme; 3527, Finnie vsMoyers3538, Hunt vs Brinkley; 3539, Parczyk ys Kocffo; 3544, Coleman vs Messickr3549, Lincoln vs Schoon-ove- r; ,3564, Street vs Eddins; 3565, Memphis and Little rock railroad vs Cohn ; 3566, Lewis vs Morrison; 3567, Fargason and Fox; 3570, Glisson vs Thomas; 3578, Memphis and Charleston railroad vs Gamble; 3582, Hen- derson vs Henderson; 3594, Morton vs Mor- ton; 3597. Vaccaro vs Cicalla; 3600, Doug- lass vs M'Nutt; 3608, Scott vs Scott; 3610. Reynolds vs Reyno!ds;3611, Moore vs Moore; 3612, Havnes vs Lacey. The case of Wood- ward vs Katan, with jnry, ia set especially for Tuesday, February 24th. CHANCERY BULINOS. Chancellor M 'Do well has made the follow- ing rulings: - Bate vs Bateman Fargason and Clay liable for one-ha- lf 'purchase money received, Pennington and ethers liable for value of corn ets; Morris also liable.. Reference if de- sired. ' - Warren vs Smith Measure of damages should be difference between rental value of leasehold during its existence and value oi property at termination of lease. Blakwell vs Black well Among other questions disposed ot held that there was no liability on Pruden and Shelby bond, last given, but tureties on six thousand liable, N. Blackwell entitled to one-four- th. Opinion lengthy, and involves many other points of interest. ; United Mtates Coarta Hon. R. t. II ana -- - mosil, .f adze, Prealdlag. To-da- y is motion day. The following cases were disposed of yesterday: Borland vs Sease, order tor sale; in re ot W. G. Crank, in bankruptcy, discharge granted. Preparing for Kraut's Reception. Galveston. February 20. A AW spe- cial from the City of Mexico says that grand preparations are being made to receive Gen- eral Grnt. Generals Ignacio Mejia and Matras Romera have been appointed- - a com- mittee to receive the general at Vera Cruz. The party will stop two days at Orizaba. Tne press representatives Are arranging to take prt' in the reception. A Down-Tow- n Merchant Having passed several sleepless nights, dis- turbed by the agonies and cries of a suffer- ing child, and becoming convinced that Mrs. Winslow s sootbing syrup was just the article needed, procured a supply tor tbe child. On reaching home and acquainting his wts with what he had doae, she relused to have it ad- ministered to the child, as she was strongly in . favor of homeopathy. That night the child passed in suffering, and the parents without sleep.- - Returning borne the day fol- lowing, the father tound the baby still worse, and whila contemplating another sleepless night, the mother stepped from the room to attend to some domestic duties, and left the father with the child. During her absence he administered a portion of the soothing syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night all hands slept well, and tbe little fel- low awoke in the morning bright and happy. The mother was de'ighted with the sudden and wonderful change, and although at first offended at the deception practiced npon her, has continued to use the syrup, and suffering crying babies and restless eights have disap- peared. single trial of the syrup never yet failed to relieve the baby and overcome the prejudices of themother. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. French Steam Dye-Wor-ka, Ladies' and gentlemen's goods dyed and cleaned at Louis Reitrel'ft.62 Jefferson street, For finest flavor smoke Wright' Or- ange Durham. It excels) all. The rosebud opening to the morn, While yet tbe dew hangs on the thorn, Exhales less sweetness than is wont To breathe from lips tbat Sozodont Has touched with a soft crimson glow That shows the dazzling teeth off so. lied Seed Oat, German, Millet and Clover seed. W. J. CTIA9B 4 CO. Snake Wright's Orange Our ham. Habit, if not necessity, makes a hair dressing such as Dr. Ayer's laboratory issues indispensable to many. The "Vigor" is one of the most delightful we have ever used. It restores no( only the color, but gloss and luxuriance, to faded and gray hair. KcoBomy is Wealth. Gents' clothing dyed, cleaned and repaired, by I. Isaacs, 270 Second street, opposite Conrt square, Memphis, Tennessee. Which is the Cheapest, A package of Duke's Durham, containing twenty pipe-full- s of the best smoking tobacco made, or one common cigar? Each costs ten cent. It takes corns out 1 "Pels' solvent!!" trown dr. Jones. Pittsburg, Hhotwell and Cannel Coal. S Slain street. Alcoholism, Alcoholism cannot be cured by Warners Safe nervine, but as long as the drinking habit continue?, so long will tbis medicine be need- ed to correct or diminish its baletul effects by its soothing and strengthening power over the nerves. It is chemically transformed in the system to nerve force, which strengthens while it relieves. "God and Onr Native Land," "Germa- - Bltt," fctc Mr. A. Lemuel Adams, author of the above and other well known literary productions, speaks of Benson's capcine porous plasters tbtis: ''I have suffered much from an affec- tion of the heart. Sometimes the pain around the region of the heart wonld become so intense that I was incapable ol thought or work. Of late I havo been using Benson 'b capcine porous plasters, and find that the pain has leit me, and I am positive that they have cured me entirely. This article seems better adapted tor the cure of a complaint like mine than any remedy I ever tried." A. LEMUEL ADAMS. Benson's capcino porous plaster must not be confounded with the old style of porous plasters. It is absolutely far superior. Sold by all druggists. Price. 25 cents. Cubes corns in one day Pels Solvent. Smoke Wrlght'a Orange Durham. The Weekly Appeal, at one dollar per year, is one of the cheapest papers in this country. Every farmer in the south ought to have - it. Each number contains as much reading matter as an ordinary novel. Its market reports are the fullest and most accu- rate sent from Memphis, and its news col- umns contain everything of interest from all parU of the world The Tlttone and Kesale Taraer- - New Yobs, February 17. Bessie Turner, the celebrated witness in the case of Theo- dore TiUon vs. Henry Ward Beecher, has married Coartes Walgrain, stage-carpent- at Berry's Broadway theater, in Brooklyn. She played soubrttte parts about the country for some time, With the approbation of her manager, but she has left the stage and set- tled down to housekeeping. The marriage was solemnized recently in privacy. Mrs. Walgrain is a frequent visitor to her old friend. Mm. Eliubeth Tilton, who lives at No. 381 Macon street with her son Carroll, who is studying to become a minister. Mrs, Tilton is supported by her husband, who, however, never visits her. SANITATION Bald of an Appeal Reporter Dis- infection Refused at Infected r Houses Infected Bedding . ' - '. Still In Use. ' Health Authorities. ForBlahed with Facts Imperfect Sanitary Records The Damping-Boa- t Environment - Citizens' Meeting. An Appeaa-- reporter yesterday was com- missioned to visit the office of tbe State board of health, on Madison street, and in- vestigate matters with reference to the re- fusal of certain property-owne- rs or tenants of houses, to permit disinfectants to be used on theijoremises, w'cereou cases of yellow-feve- r occurred during the epidemic of last year. Our reporter examined the books and records of tbe board, and found- - t..e following cases of the character above mentioned, the State board of health employes having been re- fused permission to enter tbe buildings and disinfect the premises according to the scien- tific and sanitary regulations of the' National board of health, which provided for the use of lime, sulphur, copperas solution and other ingredients as disinfectants. - DISISFCTANT3 REFUSED. Nos. 18 Exchange street, 84 and 86 Clay street, 17 and 1193 Beale street, 44 Jones avenue, 115 Vance street, 19 Gayoso street. In all of these premises yellow-ieve- r oc- curred, and the books ot the State beard of health contain opposite each address an ugly looking record, in red ink, to wit: "Disin- fection refused." . It is nOtyet too late to as- certain the lacts in each one of these cases, and to take whatever precautions are found to be necessary. - . INFECTED BEDDING. It is well known to the officers and em- ployes of the local board of health, to the newspaper reporters and others who were here during the nnhappy days and nights of last year when the yellow-fev- er epidemic prevailed, that a large amount of infected bedding, oiten saturated with black-vomi- t, had been stolen from houses wherein were the sick or dying; and that this bedding is now in nse, will not admit of controversy. It is also well known that in very many in- stances the bedclothing, wearing apparel, and even mattresses and feather beds, used by the sick or dead, were not destroyed by the relatives of the sick or dead, and that much of this infected- - stuff is now in use. The books of the State board of health con- tain the startling iniormation that at No. 142 Main street (name of occupant not on rec- ord),- there- - was, on the fourteenth of Jan- uary last, an infected mattress then in use, and npon which mattress persons were sick with yellow tever (several of whom had died) in 1867, 1873 and 1878, and in which a case was treated in 1879. Another case of like import was - stated to our reporter that of a feather bed at No. 48 Bradford street and upon which persons were sick and had died. Th feather bed was in use in 1873, 1878 and 1879, during the epidemics oi these years, and was not permitted by the owner to be destroyed by the board of health dnring or after the epidemic of last year. Tbe above is a contribution to the efforts now being made in the health office to ascertain what has been accomplished in tbe way of local sanitation, and, of consequence, what yet remains to be done. AUTHOBITIES INFORMED. The Appeal commissioner was somewhat' startled by tbe developments made by the ex- amination of the records of the State board of health, and at once visited the office of the Taxing-Distric- t board of health with a view to secure additional information from Dr. G. B. Thornton, president of the boa:d. Meeting. that worthy gentleman, tbe Appeal sanitarian stated the cl ject ot his visit to learn something as to the houses infected last year but not disinfected, as given in tbe list above. The doctor was surprised, and said he knew nothing about it, but requested our commiasioner to give him the list of the houses and he would at once attend to the matter. The numbers of the houses and the names of tbe occupants, were given him. Oar commissioner then called upon Dr. D. T. Porter, president of the Taxing-Distric- t, and stated to him his information, taken from the books ard records, as to the infected bedding at No. 142 Main street and No. 43 Bradford s.reet. . President Porter was also somewhat surprised, but he took the num- bers down, and visited tbe offica of the Taxing-- District board of health and ordered an immediate examination into the matters, saying tbat "if the infected beds are found, tbey will be destroyed.". YELLOW-FEVE- R BECOBD8. Were it not for the careful reoorda kept ty the agents or officers of, the Slate board ot health here, all these things would have been forgotten, because there are no records in the Taxing-Distri- board of health office of such interesting, yet dangerous matters. Up to the time when Dr. Abercrombie took charge as secretary of our local board of health, and Captain Will S. Brooks took charge of tbe papers and opened up a set of sanitary books, tbe records of the office were incomplete, imperfect and almost had no existences certainly, not that existence from which any reliable data could be obtained, except as to the number of yellow-fev- er cases and deaths that occurred in 1879 within the city limits. The number of cases and deaths outside the city i within a radius of five or tea miles, among refugees and others, has never ap- peared on any record book, and, indeed, the physicians attending such cases made no re- ports, because tbey would not be received by our ; local board of health, and the State board of health office here had too much san- itary work to do to keep any such valuable record. THAT DUP BOAT. -- The Appeal reporter, while investigating sanitary matters, "marched slowly on in sol emn dump" down to the toot of Beale street, where the "great and offensive nui sance was seen floating on the waters likj a mallard duck. Tne. road way turning off from the foot of Beale street to the boat was crowded with wagons containing fecal mat ter taken from privy-vault- and with carts containing garbage. These crowded oa to the boat. and. turning around, dumped, their contents into the Mississippi river. There was a continuous dumping going on while our reporter remained on board, and he took ob- servations and notes. Outside, at the head of the dump-boa- t, the water was seven feet in depth, and at the foot of it the water was from sixteen to eighteen feet in depth, with a current rnnning at the rate of from four to five miles an hour, washing tbe outer side of the boat. Of course no bank of excreta or garbage appeared above the water outside the boat, as was alleged' existed. This state- ment was one of the myths of tha day. Our reporter will give no opinion as to the condi- tion of things existing before yesterday, be- cause he knows but little concerning it, but he interviewed several citizens who professed to know something about this matter. WHAT WAS AND WHAT IS. In yesterday morning's Avalanche ap- peared an informal call upon certain citizens to go down and examine the dump-bo- at and dumping process. In obedience to tbe man-riat- e, the following gentlemen visited tbe locality: District-Attorne- C. W. Heit-keii- , Mr. L. Hinauer, of Sc'ioolfield & Hinau?r, Mr. S. H. Brooks, of Brooks, Nueiy & Co., Mr. John K. Speed, of Speed & Co., Captain Ad Storm and Captain J. T. Washington. These well-kuo- x n citizens made a thorough examination of the surroundings aud dis- cussed them. Mr. Speed stated that last week, when tbe dump-boa- t was swamped, the garbage-cart- s and night-soi- l wagons dumped their loads above the sunken boat near the shore and into a shallow eddy, and, in many instances, dumped the matter oa the bank. This had formed a pile or bn.nk of offensive matter that tilled tbe air and locality with bad odors detrimental to health. A flume that reached out but little beyond tbe edge of tbe water, was then used by the garbage carts, and also a small ratt from wbuii the barrels of gar- bage and probably barrels cf fecal matter were dumped further out into the river. That now the street force is dumping the Nioolson pavement blocks at tne foot of Beale street, and making an embankment over this refuse matter and on out into the river. While the committee w..-- present, yesterday, Mr. Speed Bays tbe garbage carts were dumped above the boat and not over its gunwale, tbe boat being used almost exclu- sively by the wagons containing the fecal matter taken from privy-vault- s. District-Attorne- y Heiskell stopped the dumping of garbage above the boat, and after that the garbage carta dumped over the boat's gun- wale at the north end, where the water is seven feet deep, and where a strong current is running, the south end of the boat, where the water is sixteen or eighteen feet deep, being nsed by the night-soi- l wagons. Mr. Louis Hanauer expressed similar views on tbe subject, and both gentlemen declared themselves as satisfied with the dumping ar- rangement over the side of tho boat and into deep water. The only fear expressed by the committeemen was that when the waters re- ceded, a bank of garbage may make its ap- pearance on the shore; as for the iecal mat- ter, it was nearly liquid and was, of course, carried away by tbe rapid current. Mr. Hana-ie- r believed that the dumpboat ought to be removed cne hundred or more feet soaih of its present lxaticn, where the bank is steeper.wbere tbd water is deeper, and where the current is stronger. Mr. Speed thought it would be a good idea to have another flat put outside or inside the present damp boat, to that the garbage nn, FOR THIS. WEEK-ONLY- We Offer tbe Following Great Attractions ! Retail Department. All-wo- ol Combination Suits, to order, $25 rYor&ted and Siik or Yelvet Combina- tion, S35, Gros-Gral- n Silk Costumes, to order, 845. Grog-Grai- n' Silk and Yelvet Combination Costumes, to order, $0. Satin DeLyon and Jet Combination, to order, 870. Bargains and Specialties jost forwarded by onr Aew York buyers: Novelties In Brocaded and Striped Rib- bons, at 25 cents. Lace RoYelties at half price. BARGAINS. Black Silks, at 81 10, 81 25, 81 45,81 95 Full lines of Real Perinot Gloves. Light French Felts at 75c worth 82 50. Will display daring the week: Spring Dress Fabrics, Spring Wraps. New Spring Hats received. KREilnER, and fecal matter could b9 pitched into deeper water and into a more rapid running current. Like views were expressed, by other gentle- men composing the citizens' committee of in- vestigation. THE DI8TBICT AUTHOBITIES. Our reporter in order to, if possible, ex- haust tbe interesting subject held a. short conversation with tbe dumpboat keeperl He said that while the boat was sunk several cart-load- s of refuse matter were thrown into the flume above tho boat and into the river near the shore, tbat a hose extending from a fire-plu- g was used to wash the flume and .wash the refuse matter into the river, but that there was an eddy at that particular point. He also stated that when the "south- ern wind doth blow," and tbe contents of the night-soi- l wagons and garbage carts are in the act of being dumped ever the gunwale of the boat, a strong and most disagreeable stench is wafted up the landing past the rums of the old elevator and on to the place where the hart boat of the Memphis and St. Louis packet company is moored, but when the work is finished the perfume ceases to exist until another wagon-loa- d is put through the same process. He thought it would probably bo better to remove the dumpboat down about one hundred yards, to the coal-flat- s ot Brown & Jones, where the water is very deep and a strong current is running all the year round. PRESIDENT POBTEB'S YIEWS. Oar commissioner returned from the visit of inspectioa and called opon Dr. Porter, president of the Taxing District, and asked him for his views on the subject. He said: "We are doing the best we can with the means on hand. Should any bank of gar- bage mako its appearance near the present location of the dump-boa- t when the nver falls, it will be washed at once into the river by means of tbe hose from tbe fire-plu- g near by. We will keep the landing clear of all that, and it is our duty to do so. I will at- tend to that," said the doctor, "and as the river falls the --dump-boat will be moved further out, so as to reach tbe current.. There is no danger of any bank of garbage or fecal matter being left exposed to the atmosphere or sun; that will be closely watched and at- tended to promptly. When warm weather comes all this work will have to be stopped, because tbe health board will not permit night soil wagons to go t Trough tbe streets. The work of emptying, disinfecting and fill- ing np privy vaults muBt be done as rapidly as possible during the cool weather. The dump will be attended to." EXHAUSTED. The man of the Appeal feeling that he had almost exhausted the odorous' subject, made no effort to interview any other per- sons, irom whom he would no doubt fe;ure but a repetition of the above statements and facts. The public can, by reading and study- ing this article, learn and know as much about tho damp-bo- at as our reporter or any member of the citizens committee. In this article nothing is extenuated nor aught set down in malicp. arKIVG la-Niai- k-jr era tlonpakirt . Cor.fc.; act Ilanarac'ors', at the location, 855 Main street, half a square south of Union. Largest stock or all styles ot Corsets In the city. Answer- ing many Inquiries regardlug Hoopskirts, 1 would a ty that both round and backskfrts are stylish. Of course, pref-eren- Is given my celebrated (Jncrushable ones. rr-Goo- ds sent C O. D. Hos pec t fully, LOI IH 4.K. Master of Red Leaf. BY MBS. E. A. MERIWETHEB. tThls, tbe Greatest of Southern Novels, was first published in London, In three volumes, at $8, will be sold by us, on and after February 3d, In one vol- ume, at 75 cents, paper; and SI 25 cloth binding Bent by mall on receipt of price. Orders from the trade solicited, clapp & TAYLOR, Booksellers and Stationers, Agents for Memphis. T. B. HAYNE3, H. K. HEBBON, Late Formerly T. B. Hay nes tt Co. Harron, Connor A Co. Herron, Hynes & Co. Cotton Factors And Commission Merchants. OFFICE, 266 FRONT STREET, HEPHIS TES'IKdSEB, Liberal advances on eonsurnmenta. Special riven to fllllnB order..' api lir WimI & co., 1000 & Madison, stock of Boots an-- Shoei this season fs OUB largn and well selected. We assure our that tuey will get hotter suited at ourestab-isnme- nt and save Irorn 15 to 25 per cent besides. Come and see for yourselves, stall Owlers promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed, bend for our Orrler-lii8- . We are also tiolc Agents for chlUtreus' Awki Hnpperlers," an Inval- uable Invention for weak ankles. - ZKI I.NKU k fO.. 2SH Main st. Memphis Floral Co. Imnienae ttreenhoasen IVi Mllea from City. Store 357 Main street, Memphis, Tenn. BEAUTIFUL ILT U3TBATED CATALOGUED Of Bui Ds, Flower Seeds, etc, mailed FBKK. upon application. OWEN LILLY Practical Builder OF FINE ightCarriages IJsEEP A SELKCT STOCK (exrlaslvelv of "WO uiMDfsetare) CONSTANTLY r vl I am also prepared to build (TO OB-- Iif.R) any or all or lli modern nryiris of Mtli-- , and Family Carnages now in nse. I nse nothing but the VKHY BEoT MATKBIAL. and employ strictly first-cla- ss mechanics. KEPAlfll-t- i, ! all Its branch", done promptly and In the best Vaults JJmptied! nDOBLKHH KXCIVXTISHI CO. OP. ne, as ataalaaa and 183 Waatiingmn. "V Wholesale Departm'nt The attention of tho trade Is called to oar Laf go and Elegant Stock of Spring Goods! SOW ARRIY1NQ. Ladies' Trimmed Hats an Immense as- sortment" only the latest and best styles." Straw Goods by the cise or dozen. . Silks, Satins and Gauzes. Ribbons in Gros-Grain- ratlns and Fob cies. Flowers, Laces and Crapes. The Novelties or the . Season received as they appear. tT Prices guaranteed as low as any market in the country. tW Orders promptly and carefully filled. HERZOG & CO. HTKA31BOAT8. NPECI4L JSOTICK. rpHE dally Lower Bend packet SHIELDS L having completed her repairs, re-C- sumes her reeular dally trips, leaving positively THIS DAY. 2 1st Instant, at 8 p.m.,golDg through to Council Bend. Shippers will please tend down trelebt early! W. J. A3HKOHP. Mailer. Memphis & Ohio River aPACKET C0MPANYS2-- 1 FOB Cairo, Louisville and Cincinnati STEABEBS ANDY BATJM, CONS MILLAR. JAMES W. GAFF, TINT SHISKLE, JAS. D. PARKER, TIRGIE LEE. Steamers ot this line leave Memphis for CAIBO, LOUISVILLE AND CINCLNMA1I Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays AT 5 CLOCK P.M., Connecting at Cincinnati ttb Ballroadi and Steam- ers for all Eastern, Northers and Western Points, Giving THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS, CHICAGO, TOLEDO, BUFFALO, RICHMOND NEW YORK, WASHINGTON CITT. PHILA- DELPHIA AND BOSTON. Eastern tourists will find the La Belle Blver Borne Safe, Delightful and Economical. Bates by this line Cheaper than any otber first-claa- a route. Heals and Staterooms Free. Baggage checked through. krf asaengers can rely on a splendid trip by this Hue. as the steamers are all nrst-claa- s, having been expressly built for the accommodation ot passen- gers. Each steamer earnes a bill Btrm g Band. For fuil Information, apply to R. W. LIGHTBtJBNK. ' General Freight and Ticket Agent. No. 7 Monroe street, Memphis. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. Ht. aala ana Vlekabwrsr Anchor I.'ne I Hi ted M tales nui-rV- Jl ST. 1AJUIH. Colorado, 8am M'Fheeters master. WIU leave the Anchor Line wharf boat THIS DAY, February 21st, at 5 p.m. For freight or. passage ap- ply lo AD. STOBM. Sop't. on wbarfhoat. FOR NEW ORLEANS. tt. Eoats anit Kew Orleans Anchor Llae For Vickaburg, Natchez aod New Orleans Steamer City of Alton, Blxoy master. Will leave the Anchor-lin- e wharfboat THIS DAY, Feb 21st, at 6 jror frebrht or passage ar-p'- to AD BTIIRS. S.ip't. FOR DYERSBURG. Par Halcn Point, Key Connor, Dyers- - bars and all Way Landings. Tha fine Steamer M-kJL- aI: TWAIN, jri W. P. Hall '..master I Chas. Stevens clerk Will leave THIS DAY. Fertmary 21st, at 5 o'clock p.m. Special attention given to way buslneas. For freight or passage apply on board. FOR COMMERCE DAILY. The Elegant Accommodating Bends Packet, SilvertUorn, i 8. H. Whitehead .. .master Nell Booker clerk Leaves Memphis Dally, at 6 o'clock p.m. For freight oi passage apply on board, or to No. 8 Madison Mi pet KOR USCEOLA. Trl-Week- ly U.M.Hall Packet For Ban - doipc, Fulton. Osceola and way landings 8tr. Coalioma, Henry Cooper master I Wm. Smlthers clerk Will leave Memphis every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY andFBlDAY. at 5 p.m For information apply on board, or to No. 3 Madison street. FOR VICKSBDRC. Mt. Louie and Ytekabara Anchor Ine Entt Ml Mtateo Blall FCB V10KSBURQ. OoldDngt, Ti M'Cofd master. Will leave the Anchor Line wharfboat SUNDAY, Feb. 22d, at 10 a.m. For freight or passage apply to AD BTOkM. BnpTC i FOR ARKANSAS RIVER. Memphis and Pine Bluff fJ."B. Mall Line. For Pine Bluff, Little Bock, and through to Fort Smith Btr. Katie Hooper, J?i Ed. Nowland master I J. N. Thomson clerk Leaves as above SATURDAY, Feb. 21st, at 6 p.m. . For freight or passage apply to JOHN N. HAHBIN. Sunt. 20214 Front st FOR VVrJMK AND bL AUK. RIVERS. H1I.T I1AKHY INK. Memphis White Klvcr aadBlaekBIvsr V. H. nail Paeketa. For Indian Bay, St. Charles, Clarendon, Devall's Bluff, Des Arc, Augusta, Jackson port. West Point, Searcy, Batesvllle, Fowhauaa, and Pocahontas. The new steamer Jtosie Harry, M. B. Harry, captain. Waiter Ontlaw, clerk. Leaves Memphis on and after November 2d. ever, SATURDAY, at 5 p.m., connecting direct with the new Black liver U. S. mall packet MILT HABBY tor Powhattan and Pocahontas, and with Sally Packets to BateavlUd and Upper White river. Through isles to all points. Freight consigned to Milt Harry Line, Memphis or Terrene wl'l be promptly forwarded. B. w. I.IORTBURNK. Jr. AeentS Madison st rOR M'. FRANCIS RIVER. aiem iphlx aoa Ht. rrsuls Blver U. ft. lall l.lnc The light-dra- ft steamer BAEV1IaI, . S! 0. K. Joplln master I A. L. Banning cierg Will leave Memphis BVEBY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, at 6 p.m., for Hartanna, the Cut-o- il and all intermediate landings. For freight r pas saga apply on board, or to I. D. RANIUM,. PmVt ARKANSAS CITY and PINE BLUFF R.R Aitsuis Memt-wcrkl- y TT. M. Mall Line Kor Arkansas City. Pine Bluff Railroad and all way landings The elegant steamer Ouachita ISelle, Sa Mark , Cheek... master I A. L. Curem 1ns... clerk Leaves as above every MONDAY and THURSDAY at F r Ofl1e,'Nr M Mwllwin mt, L FOR COMMERCE AND THE BENDS. ntnrBis aid tjoLnc. PLANTERS AND BENDS DAILY PACKET. The elegant aid new passenger steamer Shields, jw7i Wm. Ashford master I Ed. W. Crowell clerk LEAVES MEMPHIS DAILY, AT 6 P.M., for Commerce and the bends. Kor f relirht or nas"ee Ptlv on board. LEK LINE STEAMERS. For ilendale, Helena had AYrlars Point Jaiiiet JLee, y?i Stack Lee master Loyd W. Whitlow. ..clerk Will leave aa above on every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 4 P--. Oftle No. 8 Madison street. FOR WRITE RIVER. Memphis & White River Packet. Kcjrnlar Independent Memphis ana wuite Blver Packet For Augusta, Jackson pon. Searcy, and way points. The reg ar independent Packet iiA2 cash. ;52a Ed. C. Postal master I Charles Postal .lerk Will leave Memphis EVEBY WEDNESDAY, at 5 D.m. For freight or passage apply to tt. W. LIGHTBUBNX, We. 7 Monro st. opp. Peabody heteL J. T. WASHINGTON, on les"hMt. WANTED. rpHE Memphis Cooperaae and Manufacturing Co. J- - will contract with responsible parties for Ibe delivery of l.ttOOOOO Pieces or Oil-barr- el atsvrs and Heading-- , on their switch, laths city of Memphis; or will bay In quantities ot not less than luo,0H) pieces on the line of different rail roans, rot particulars address MEMPHIS COOPERAGE AND STO. CO.. la Manisoa strest. Mamphis, Tonn, TO TEE 13 TRADE I IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRYGOQDS! MOTIONS! Hosiery, Gloves, White Goods, GEiTTS' FDRUISHIHB GOODS! 242-244-2- 46 MAIN STREET. : : 33-3- 5 JEFFERSON ST. ar arrange ents for the coming season are now complete, and we offer yon the LiBfi RT and CBOICEST STOCK ever offered In the Southwest. Oar stock of Staples Is immense. Ws bold In reserve (In onr Warehouses) over 5000 Pkgs. Staple Dry Goods! bought at old prices, and WE CAN and WILL sell them as cheap as they can be t ought In any market In the country. OUR STOCK OF FOREIGN GOODS ! Such as Linen Lawns, Dress Linens, Table Linens. Linen Drills. Irish Linens, White Goods, Hand ker- chiefs. Embroideries, etc- -, wit Imported by us direct, and Is much larger than ever before, and all ot i bought In the early fall, before any advance had taken place. We cordially tnvltd you to Inspect our stock when yon come to the city. OrJB TEB1IS WILL COITIHVK AH UBEBAL AS HKBETOrOBK, !, LOWEWSTEIM SWEEPING AT MUST HAVE ROOM FOB OUB 8 PR INO W1 nave put our shoulder to tbe wheel, and win sen sun uakjtij ui u Men's Hood Snits -- ft 5 OO Hen's Casslmere Knits., 8 OO fen's fJasslmere Suits.. IO OO 1 Hen's Fine Dress Salts.. IS OO Hen's Fine Pants 2 OO lien's Extra Fine Pants. . 3 OO Den's Kxtra Dress Pants 4 OO All above goods are marked down one TO THE T RADK Owing to the demand for a Plrst-claw- w Whlesl 4'lothiwsr stonse In this city, I have determined to engage In same, and am now BKCE1YINO DAILY a desirable line ot goods specially manufactured, and which I am enabled to offer to the trade at low prices. An Inspection Is desired. All orders will be promptly attended to. W VKVIIIH. S IWalw street W & BROS. CIOTH.ISrG- - BLDFF CITT CLOTHING HOUSE, REDUCTIONS TEE- - 8TOCE, ORDER ACCOMPLISH SAVE balance ONE-HAL- F PRICK. ti;x; Coats Coats.. 500 Tests.. Vests.. 50O Tests. 10OO Tests. lOOO Pants half, careful lnspect!on3 BOO L TAYLOR, COCHKA.V NEW HATS! finnn i iip.if SHIRTS! aWW- - W1IIU KIRKLAND'S, PEABODY HOTf BLANK BOOKS! CLAPP BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS Blank Book and Job Printers, 810 WE would Inform Trade 8tock Blank; ttrheol ok., and and Fancy Stationery largest ATTNTION OKDKKH. . COCBRAM. R. L COCH or t EB n it tra. 8 5 1 . 1 - we a SCHOOL H. A. W Wjs B B. B B Manufacturers Mai-LSstre- ot. 3VCe.-oja.,7- o .. the onr ot Is the In oof TO R. 4 ID, CPACTTJJK K 8 Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Ioora. 8ah aa Bllada. all tads of ?ackJLn Boxes. Ofilc and Yard, foot or Washington Saw Planing- - Mills. North Ita rj " d SALESROOM COBNEB OF UMON FBONT STREETS. lewnhl 's en neee. ni .a.,yir.z-gg- ' s& MANUFACTURERS OF CIGARS WHOLESALE (DEALSBS IN Tobacco. Fires and Smoker's Articles. 286 Main street, Memphisand 310 East 54th street, New Ycrk, Respectfully inform friends and the on the largest and selected of In the market. tW-Qrrt- .ni sollpited. and satisfaction inisrunteorl. - CIICOMVJB0B170 Hanrllo c3 Zjlverznoro, Xxtoto's. 98 Second St., opp. Market Square, Memphis. t TXIonse Fronts, Columns, Llntals, Sills, Yentllators, Cellar Grating-- , kind Iron and Brass Castings, General Repairs aid Everstlilns: in t e Line of Foundry hlne-Sh-or Work. ! Oo W. !albreatn. ML3HETI COTTON RAW H1L "03lLcl rt;i2IsnLpLfE3 tJTOur Warehouse (Mutual Storage Company) is now open, ready toreeeiweeotton. on which will piste lilserwi cwah siIvstimhi. W. A. A6I, Wo Ac GAGS & BEO, Q. 30O FKOEiT IHTRKKT w. st a r.i.n st v ot Harris. Mai Co. XI. .IN- - AND IN TO stock FOB w 500 OO GO 3 OO OO 5O0 75 &o 25 OO and Invite EM that snd OfHr city. OS and sr st. and end AND :- -. AND their trade that they have hand best stock goods all and Mar K, we Late lory J. It, FACTORS H. St. iK. F.T1 l'H IH. T K IV N V. R w. -- I. rRAwromi. Late of W. B. Ual breath 4 Co. Hichardson. H1ALL0RY, CRAWFORD & CO (BUOCSaSOBS TO W. B. MALLORY - CO.) Wholesale Grocers, Cotton Factors AND COMMISSION MEKCUAISTS. QB4 Street, MoxaplxlB, Tonn. We are prepared to make .Iberal on consignments of Cotton, which will handled for the best interest of the shippers. J. Arbnckle. J. W. Fowlkes, T. J. Cowstll. 2Pxo-- t Advances be ARBUCiaE,RICBARDSOW&Co Wholesale Grocers & Cotton Factors, 2S4 FBOHT 8TUEL13Ts..Keel A Co.'s Old Stand).... Uapiu

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rriHnner Parties Specialty 1

M Mli: i'rom PURE CREAM




It will have VANILLA and CHOCOLATE


It will have MARsn-MALLO- DROPS, WAL-


It will have noth lnc In It but what U GOOD,


Kaeh Piece Is made JTeah the day it ts soliL,


Are Mtahed on these Candles.

27 21 aIn, opp. Court Square,

J KT 1'AtACl'--,


875. . .Slain street. - .375.


Jet and Gold Itracelets,

let Hair llandeaux Latent.

Real Jet and Keal Onyx Earrings,

Black tiarnet Jewelry Jiew designs.

Side Combs and other Novelties.



f. lto fhr Manager,


MA'E - About 14Vg hands high; sorrel,PO'T gi ay balm rlioMtiitc ilfi her body; allleet liil; bmza Isoe; tray scar over rlgnt eye;divw vw- - heavy, vih) sioieti at L. arri depot;

hl pay &2o lor Her delivery to ToM Bartleit, Tenn.,

or Lao House, corner Fiont and Over.ou streets,Memphis.

JEW L representing crossed pens,A8ILVfclt and mounted on ltd rboou: saidJewel bei'Uigi lo Oiene C iniiuamiery, and ibe finderwill . e imiiUlj icd bj leavng saine at No. 12rfeiirsirii Btierh

FLBKVK BIJTTN w-t- patent fastenerOOI.D viil pifMH to rhw ift1 e.

TAKI)i I P.1Mb Will heifer place, a bl rk and white


Owner van have her by proving provenwoi pln riir-pi- .

FOI5 II IKK.BAT, WITH LICENdKjy Annlv at 20 Mnln street.

KlMrin AA1 ikUAUU.rooms wl t board ; also, daj board-- IEHLRNldHK at uU Madison street.

."OOM3 furnished rooms with excellent tableV boanl. buy boarders WMnted at on Monroe oujiKONT Ruo UMialf lutnlsued, at No. 104

X? Court street, Suitable lor gentleim aud wile,Or two single gentlemen. Reieienc.'.

OOA13 Nice luiulalieii rooms, elieai... atK N. Xr Smi MlKP.tLl.

TnBL J. IA WtllTK tti'inoved toMAIM STKEKT.

Cnmar Jefferson , uuarr Bli t(UHiu's Gallery,CI risa rum,

iFISTULA.nud ' tuer hECr AL DI3SASE3.No buior Mice rjoin business.

OtllOd hours: leiuen U to 1 1 a.m.", and 3 to4 p. ill. Ladles 1 to n p ui.

'nB. K L. LA-- Kl bas temovet bis residence andXJ ofl.jeto H17 M A IN aT., between ilouroeaiidImlon. .yi-- r B:..vr'" tfHwoiii s or.

flONc- i- We bare sn plant illous InPLANTA Arkansas aiid lenneaaee, to exebancelor Mt mi plils properly.

Also, nrst class sui)Uib-i- t HODjK, ?ery accessible,to be exjbuiued lor city propeitj, audwlU pay de-ference in ea.M.

Also, aiam street STOHK for auburbun home.Tu Reunion to abovo.we have lonit and dealiable

list or pmiK-f- cu. subuibau and couuuy fora,e or ecliant.

fl. I . hl'li'N. AKorit. 1(t Madison r.

I N )!TouiTdbanilT,iM7iosKrid Organs forSaleor rent, t 11. U. HyLLENBHU S, Uuslo

AJl.lne, i?H4 Main xtreet

WAdONMAKKR-W- bo understandGOOO plos mid plantation work Apply toJOHN UjH-Np- Bli il'a. VHrshatl Co . Ml--

OUd-Mo- cly luiQlsbu-1- . AddressKfoUNii wnts situation. Addresi-- . tlirougb

BOB sio icw. stmii'g saiam wtlHtm 10 g ve.

tlADDLJS AN n HKNES3 HtU- i-O GATUiili'HT, HAHaiaoN A CO.,

JWU n Jiiaiii, o jnu.

OK HOOKS To post a nlgbl, from two toSET hours wora. A0lress

BO1 K K r. Kt'FR. Ihls offlce.

apilvate family, by ayoung nfa": tneBOAKD-I-

nrelereucea rtq'il'ed. Addrea

A., Appeal otbee.

KEdM AKKK Kor par- -

3 Utf'tl us at'ur us s. haivmv . ii'n an.M.mplilsfor an Arkansas farm.KKMIjKNCK-I- ti

Irailtnx. men in call onDM. K. P. Brr3. tl Mulberry

mi ivTiTinN-i- nv mm iiaviitir a .mall plantaJT lion on or near the! river, say of400 or filH) acres of cleared land, might find a purchaser by auilreMS'nir, wun dhiucuibi i'" leima,

WJi. M'CULI.OCIL Wilson's Folnt V. O.,Kast rar-ol- i pHrlsli. tanilana.

AdJolntn Boblnsnn'a drug store, cornerSTOH... ai.d becud, streets; p..nse-io- n

tar a cK'ven

Ort OI Maren. AO' IV " m r

H NICK RKSIIiKNCE-l-O- n Madison and1,-N- court stieels; eoiiveiilent to Apulyto R. B. Hnowitfii. r las. L. tiooil'oe. 31jladlMi ii.,' 1 1 iii!i i Iiml nnH ilnii(..uoii. kno I

XT the haileinoii Mace.lwo miles fnnu O K Land--liitf. TviiIca county, MiK!-stp- t. i neie ai bohuij ...r.--. in II: m state ( f ciill':illou.vl,b a gvanl

twinriinHiiu neoeseary oulbou- - In a doo staiaor.. .11 m ir ill milex. wnuoiinanulniuleniei Is,

t'n.x 'syli'O. wltb. approved city neceiMa'-ce- Korfurtlit-- r ptirlk-ulii- apiiiy io me, on Ibe prtmisea.orto W. v. t rouum, irrou. a.r

RI JCOMS-K'ig.- b.e and C..tir Ro-i- for Law- - iinjinreolLlhH.'-- l iKUl' AMI HIOK dTORK.

iti llain sireet, Clatk's Marble BlixK.

4 Ybsl OaScK "M Adams cL j ct'i.tiallj locstedi L and in excellent coua.t mi. Ai'ply to w. AMl be o ley. K'Ot w A..HID N.

ft. i IiTm. miil. rlHuid. nnt urn. shed rtjoms,

J u, re,p,iiiMb e p.i-ile-, wnuout U17

W i.ll on imt. ("ail in Hi.eimnin

l 1 1 iiBkuuLaeo ao n.ti lartrt uil ciaa AlainO urerl rt iehMl-e- . cer.ttally located,44tnrenoi,H- - '.!." and 2M feciud street.Cole.t i o 'a old s and. tt fj tiee--n- sUeet.Na 2rt4 fecoiiU sireet, ctuntr Court.IJwliiiiglHiie on Jessamine street, recently oocu-- .

pled b) K. L. TV'P.Dwellinin In thesiibulli.MOO acres well leuoed culllvatable land, two miles

fiomtberuy.Welt liupn.ved i lace of acres, nix tulles from

c.ty, with line o ltoii gin.Bleei Hiftt- - ooiu and olilo. a on Front. Court sr d Second

Slleels. JullN IVEHr.N. JH.Apply to U. N. GROoVKNlt,

comer and court.LAN rAlTb.N IbeLUuri I'lai-e- , leu miles south

ut Mempbls, coiilaiiiln Silk) acres of goodcleared lana lor rem lor one or more years; plenty

l water and tine stock range. Apply to R. LiuUleyVraiser, No. W Madlsou street or

- KKNO T. HABBI3,!? bile Have, i. Tenru

OOsI Larue unfui mailed Ironi loom, wllb smallK--

room conueclli g. cu be bad, wllb good board,t 7 j Court stivrt. References rviiuired.i OtJW! Fuiiiii bei or unlurnl-hed- , single or InIV suits, witiinut Nwrd; apartments suited lor

ili-li- housekeeping, atJtenrsmjlreet."i JOOllS-urnlui- ed looms, d lubti per luoulb,l. at 107 Jelleisoii rtreoU

two clean, cmuiuouloua resiii dent's. Ire" rroni rever iiueciion.MIMI4 MKMIWKI MKR. Heponrt t.


IloltcniJaii Glassware,French & American China,


ar-- l itlsrea. Uirrsrs, etc.asdrai'le FUtea JAnlveie, ti, cte

" Uwttrl and Hietnb Ware.321 Main Street. Memphis, Tenn

FIHC WAL.K.CiTTLlSH hOCKA WAT -- Almost new; for cash. P.OCaiilliraiiJjeverilbjiind Broadway. Ft Picketing

One power Knglne, Boiler,ENtilMC Pu ly. complete. Apply toj. v. PATRICK. Memphis Hina.

TOCK OK O F N FhaTM K- -i C li A N DIa B wito thestore ooolalnltiK It; an excellent buslneas point,

ab ut sixty milts Imm Memphis, on tbe river. A0-ire-ss

HQS Front ulieet, Memphis.KA KM Tbe splendid residence and larmClUOICK bermllng- -. known as "Tulip Grove,"

once tbe property of MJnr Donelson, Is offered lorvile to close au estate. The bouse Is a brick man-sion of nine rooms. In good repair, servants' bouses,smoaerioue. stablu and cowhouse, carriage and aNo. 1 icehouse, two large barn and elxlH tenant-bouse- a.

The farm baa 885 acres of good land,fenced wllb cedar, and a rjever fatUng supply ofwater all over Ibe land, 4ber being nine lastingsprings and a creek. In f tout of the house stands agrove of forest trees of 20 acres; church and scbool-bous-

In Iront lot; dltant from Nashville 11 mlleaand a miles fioni station. Ibe place is noted forits health fulness and natural beauty. W.U be soldfor f iO.OOO, which Is $10,000 less than the Im-provements cost. Aprlr to lt I). BSARD. to

K. O. TREANER. Nasbvlue, 'lenn.LitAILrilNti ANU CORN-MIL- CHU A P In firut-- P

class order, If application 1 made immediately;engine 1 2 Inch cyllnuer and b stroke. Also, aalt-a- Hre Engine, uf LalPt's make, Cincinnati,Inuuire at Carpeutersbop, fcai Second street.

8AKK Ot.e good Iron sale. meIlum size, lorLUON a bargain. CITT OIL WORK3.MATERIAL AND BINDERY -- HavingPRINTING tbe Tipe, Presses (Hoe, Campbell

and Gordons Book Bindery and Machinery of tbe'ate "Boyle Printing Company," we will sell tbeaine in ouaolltiee to suit purcbasers. Adaresa

8. C. TOOK t CO.. Memphis. -

Two unimproved lots on Georgia street,LOTS tet front each, by ldo feet deep, near fat.Joseph's CburcU. T. J. LATHA M.

I nliJK hf river or rail Quaiitiiy and qualityLJ guaranteed. Leave orders at John A. lenle's.462 ront street, or w. J. Cbaae A Co.'s, 1H2 Mainureet. O. M. fll'EH.

HTKAlCb.fb'LKyL Oi e legCT black borse mnle. Beturn to J. A.

roi rest Cos, Bl Monroe stieot, and be rewarded.J. N. BELL,

Oliver, Finaie & Co

100 Barrels Missouri Cider.100 11 alf-lirl- s Missouri Cider.100 Half-Barre- ls White Fish.100 Kits White Fish.200 Hall-Barre- ls Mackerel.

1000 Kits Mackerel.100 llalt-Brl- s Oatmeal, Barley,

Cracked W heat and Graham Flour.1 000 Bis Crackers and Jumbles.500 Bxs Cheese. -

500 lirU "Mirer Moon" Flour.500 Brls other grades Flour.200 Brls Eastern hugars.100 Hilda Louisiana Sugar.

1000 Bags Coffee.10,000 Casts Sardines, Brandy

Citerrlef, Brandy reaches, Peache?,Oyster, Tomatoes, Corn, Etc., Etc.


Bald mountain threatens to boil over again.Brownsville was on a fearful drunk last

Saturday ciht.Pbeutnoma and kindred complaints affl'ct

t ie people of Paris.Tbe Kuoxvilie market is glutted with an

oer supply of firewood.Himpbreyg and adjoining counties are

growing rich in peanute.A firm in FayettPvnla bought fifteen hun-

dred BEunfe ekins last month.The V. ris Intelligencer wants a separata

Criminal court tor Henry county.There ore clJ, pray-heade- d men in Haw

kins county that buve never seen a steamboat.Mr. J. L. S. Travis will irrub the first num

ber of tbe Dresden Sentinel in a few days.Pneumonia is repotted as beini? terribly

prevalent la Carroll and Montgomery coun-ties. .

Jack Sires was accidentally killed by BinkCrosby last Tuesday, a few miles south ofMilan.

Toe loes of property ia Nashville by therecent storm amounted to seventy-liv- e thousand duliars.

Tha Madison County Herald I saya theMethodist church at Sat til lo was burned lastWednesday nigb.- -

Worirs and grasshoppers have done greatd image to the wheat throughout East andmiddle ienncssee. .

Several deaths have occurred in Brownsville recently, among them Mr. James M.VViuGeld and a child.

In DcKdlb county there ia not a saloon orplace where wb.siy can be bought except ona physician's prescription.

frof. A. M. Barney hai boug'ut a control- -mer interest in tne ooutnern btanaara, oi.Vl'Minnville, and has assumed editorial control. .

The lite rainR seriously damaged thelevees, roads and bridges in the vicinity ofJackson, but the necessary repairs arepromptly being made.

The government has expressed, throughits officers nt JNashvilte, that the lenientpolicy heretofore pursued toward violators ofrevenue laws will be abandoned.

Mit Cartcf fihot and instantly killed HalH"lcomb, in Columbia, Tennessee, on lastTnursduy. The difli :u',fy originated in Car-ter's wish to marry lioicomb's daughter.

Mr. Jisepb II. D.iw, of Worry county,lately sold to a gentleman of Philadelphiatwo Tennessee-bre- d English setter dosra, receiving one thousand dollars for the pair.

A car was broken into and robbed of quitea large amount of freight at Bradeu Stationthe other night. Among the packages takenwere several consigned to parties in Memphis.

Mibs Bright wss struck by light-niD- g,

at Jackson, t'enneese, last Wednes-day, but without other damage than beingpartially ttunned aud having her clothes seton fire.

A stranger from Texa?, named Clark, wasrounced out of eighty-eigh- t dollars in Browns-ville the other night. A fellow known asJoe Costello was arrested on suspicion, butnone of the money recovered.

Some of the State papers, and very re-

spectable ones, too, are jumping on thecounty court system with bjth feet, andwould kick the whole scheme to Jericho ifthey had tbeir way. This, with tbe anti-quated grand jury humbug, Bhould be doneaway with.

Mi jir P. T. Glass suggests, through thecolumns of the Brownsville Democrat, theformation of an asocial ion by tne trait grow-ers and vine keeperf, of that vicinity for thepromotion of their interests. These associations redound woiiderlully to the benefit cfthe members, it properly managed. Amongthe good results accotupiished by tbe Arkansas horticultural and pomoiogical society area reduction of freights and the providing ofspecial cars by the Iron Mountain and oilierroads. -

Con U line to Cameron.Buffalo (N. Y) Ejcprest: Tha following

is a copy of a which was Bent toMr. Cockling by Mr. Cameron immediatelyafter the declarations of Pennsylvania forGrant:

HARmsBCRO, Pa., Feb. 4. 'SO, 6 p.m.Hon. Bocoe Conkltog, Washington, D. C. :

Our convention instruc ed Its delegation to ChiCAgo to vote a unit atid to vole lor Grant.


And the following is a copy ot SenatorCinktintf's promptly telegraphed answer tothe above dispatch ;

Washington. February 4, 1880,Senitor J. D. Cameron, Uarnsburg, Pa,:

Your telegram received. Pennfylvanla rendersanother great and palnotlo servl. e to tbe countiy byprououuclng lor General orani. rejoice at tier aotl. ROSCOE CONKL1NG.

Now. these were private and confidentialmessages. We think tbey have never beforebeen i rioted, and certainly they should remove all doubt as to the sincerity of thesefust and foremost friends aud advocates ofGrant's nomiaatiou. These dispatches show,moreover, that Senators Cnkling and toi'eron entertain no fear or expectation, thatGeneral Grant will decline to be a candidate,.

The Rale with, American Lswyen,Loudon Times: "The distinction between

the advocate and the attorney exists whereverdivision of labor is possible. Thus in Francethe does one sort of work, the acoueanother sort. It is tho rule with Americanfirms of lawyers that one man goes into courtwhile another partner sticks to the othec.

Iure, wit't aud rtroii.The current of life is made to run pure,

swift audtron? by the use ot arner s batelin.m nr Warner's Safe tonic, both of whichlire beneficial in all disease. Tbe latter is

recommended for re:it!y enfeebledconstitutions. C e parupniet anu cui-m-

Om ma's Liberality.Omasa, February iiO. Cmaha sent another "

thousand dollars to the Irish reLnif fund,makity thirty-fiv- e hundred dollars. - Tbe jtotal wiU be U least five thousand dollars. I


The Steamer Polterant Passes Throughthe Railroad Drawbridge orer.. HatebleRlTer and Reaches


Great Rejoicing by the Citizens or 'Har-

deman Connty The PoIteYant Re-

turning Loaded with Cottonand Seed.

' The Hatchie river steamer Poitevant willarrive here to-da- from Bolivar, 'Hardemanconnty, with eight hundred bales of cottonand two thousand sacks of cotton-see- be-

sides other freight and a lot of passengers.The Poitevant made a determined fight topas the railroad bridge over Hatchie, andon Friday last, when the draw was com-pleted, she steamed on np the river with col-ors flying, and was greeted by rejoicing citi-sn- s

all along the route to Bolivar. TheHatchie river trade is most important to onrmerchants, who will now receive large ship-ments of cotton and produce by river duringthe season. Memphis needs both a railroadand river route to Bolivar, to tap the

country and facilitate business withplanters who trade here. The people of Bol-

ivar . rejoiced exceedingly on the arrival ofthe Pointevant.

Tbe Bolivar Bulletin, of the 19 b, containsthe following graphic account of the affair:"At last the steamer arrived. Sunday morn-ing before noon the booming of cannon andthe shrill steam whistle heralded tbe joyfultidings np and down Hatchie valley that thecommercial independence of Bolivar is oncemore a living fact. For many long years thisimportant water-wa- y has been closed by anunfriendly State statute and iron-boun- d rail-way obstructions. That statute is cancelledend those obstructions are removed. Letthose of this and succeeding generations seeto it that this God-givin- g commercial high-way be never again sealed np against the in-

terest of the people. Bolivar is now tbehead of navigation, and her merchants haveaccess by water to all the great trading andmanufacturing centers in tbe Mississippi andOhio valleys. Each year will give the riverroute increased business importance, and theadjacent and out-lyin- g country will realizethe benefits of Hat:hie. Captains Deeringand Montgomery passed the Brownsvillebridge last Friday, and having high wat.r inthe river, reached here in good time on Sun-day. They unheiitatingly pronounce thestream to be excellent for navigation. Theybrought freight and passengers t) Bolivar,and will, on their return, arrive at Memphiswith a good load of c it ton and other produce.The season for cotton is now over, it beingalready in market; but they piopcoe makingtrips during the year, and be re .dy with twoboats to do a heavy business next fall. . OnSunday an immense crowd of people greetedthe steamer, and on Monday she we 3 visitedby a large number of ladies and gentlemen.On her departure on Tuesday she was loadeddown with a vast number of joyouspassengers, who accepted free pas-ag- e

down the river a short distance.Tha. boat was easily managed and had nodifficulty in turning around and otherwisemoving. Colonel Young, our distinguish-ed representative in congress, is moving tohave an appropriation made to remove ailobstructions ia the river. A mail route willalso be established. Arrangements havebeen made with the steamers to have lowfreight rates on all commodities shippedfrom or brought to Bolivar. Consignmentswill be resbipped free ot cost to and fromMemphis, New Orleans, St. Louis, Cairo,Louisville, etc . S unda week the steamer isexpected to return. We are glad to note tbeenthusiastic reception given the steamer,and believe by the coming fall season thoseenterprising gentlemen, Deering and Mont-gomery will be enjoying the full fruition oftheir highest bor "


Arraignments will be bad at the criminalcourt to-da-y.

r The Mississippi river continues to creepnp its banks.

The rain commenced falling at eighto'clock last night.

Fresh shad are among the fishy luxuriesof the season in our midst.

At the United States court to-d- ay JudgeHammond will hear motions.

Tne grand jury of the criminal court willnot be in session until next Tuesday.

The concert given at the Central Baptistchurch last night was largely attended.

The population of Memphis is increasingrapidly. Six births were reported to the sec-retary of the board of health yesterday.

The barge-loa- d of sewer-pip-e at thelanding and for the Taxing-Distri- was anobject of attention among citizens yesterday.

The local board of health is having patup over certain residences- - ominous-lookin- g

placards containing the words Scarlet feverhere."

The Jewish Sabbath ia observed at ourchancery court an adjournment being always had on Friday over to tbe Monday fol-

lowing.It is probable that at the criminal court.

to-da-y, a motion to quash the indictmentsagainst James A. Anderson will be arguedby counsel. ,

Rabbi M. Samfield lectured on theApostles" last night at the synagoguexf

the congregation Children of Israel.Jon thecorner of Main and Exchange streets.

While out bird-hunti- yesterday.Charles Rainey, colored, had his hand shattered by tbe premature discharge ot hisfowling-piec- e, and will have to nndergo amputation ot the band.

The police yesterday arrested and lockedup George Fisher, colored, on the charge ofcruelty to animals. The penalty for this-of-fon-

is a fine of not less than one doliar normore than fifty dollars.

Dr. Abercrombie, secretary of the Taxct board of health, reported the

following scarlet tever cases for yesterday :A. W. Ammonette, 349 Adams street: FrankGraham, 484 Shelby street.

The county court clerk yesterday issuedthe following marriage licenses: WhitesEdward D. Dromgooie and Ella J. Halstead.Colored Skip Blocker and Evelyn Franklin,John Franklin and Susan Pettres.

Austin Williams, yesterday, belie vim?that be needed a shirt, stole one from thestore of Mr. Osbergand, on Beale street, andthen made a shift to escape from the police,but he signally failed in the attempt.

At twelve o'clock last night the station- -bouse docket did not present a sensation.Tbe lodger's docket had but few names recorded, the tramps havingbeen pretty wellrun out ot town by the police as vagrants.

In April next the county court will electa coroner in place of Mr. George D. Crockett,deceased. The court will also order an elec-tion for magistrate of the fifth civil district,to fill the vacancy caused by that gentleman'sdeath.

The following amounts were receivedyesterday by Mr. John J. Daffy, secretary ottbe local Irish relief fund: K. B. Snowden,if 25; R. M. Manslord, $5; R. C. Battier,

2 50; C. J. O'Brien, 1; Judge R. J. Mor-gan, 1.

At the criminal court, yesterday, a civil-righ- ts

case was heard. Tbe defendant, theprosecuting witness, the attorney for theState, the attorney tor tbe defense, and tbeofficer in charge ot the prisoner were all col-

ored men.Oa Monday night, at the German Casr

ino club hall, an instrumental and musicafentertainment will be given by the profes-sionals and amateurs of our city. It will bea social affair, at which only members andinvited guests will be present.

The stone-contracto- at tbe customhousecontinue to rest on their oars, the stone-cutters being yet on a strike because theyhave not been paid their wages. Io themeantime the public building is not advanc-ing an inch toward completion.

As a consequence of receiving a dispatchfrom Yicksburg, Mississippi, on tbe arrival ofthe steamer Golden Rule at our port, Cbiet-ot-Poli- ce

Athy had two men wco were onboard, Demery and Parker, arrested on thecharge of larceny. The men will be heldbere to await the arrival ot an officer fromYicksburg.

On Thursday last, at Bartlett, while thedepot agent, John Dorris, was at dinner, acolored thief, John Williams, entered the de-pot, cut the head containing the marks froma bale of cotton, took a sample, sold the baleto a merchant near by, got the money anddecamped, but he was overhauled and lodgedin durance vile.

At the criminal court yesterday the fol-

lowing business was transacted: Oscar App,assault and battery, two cases, jury, and ver-dict not guilty as to each. In the larcenycases of Matilda and Maggie Jones, colored,tne penalty, fixed at three months imprison-ment in the county workhouse, was sus-pended by tho court during good behavior.

List;night Henry Sing, a Chinese laundry-ma- n

doing business in North Memphis, wasarrestsd by Detective M'Cune on the chargeof receiving stolen goods, a lot of six hun-dred cigars in boxes and a number of silver-plate- d

torks, spoons and knives, being fonndin his possession. Part of tbe stuff is saidto have been stolen bere during tiio yellow- -fever epidemic last year.

a keeper of a house of ill-fa- isindicted by tha grand jury, and when tha

case is submitted in court, the indicted partyhas to pay the sum of eighteen dollars andforty cents in each case as costs, as follows:State tax, five dollars; connty tax, one dollarand seventy-fiv- e cents; - clerk's fees, five dol-lars and fifteen cents; attorney general's fee,five dollars; sheriff's fees, one dollar and fiftycents. jt .

, i Tbe steamboat captains at the- - landingabove the old elevator, where the south windblows ever the night soil wagons on the dumping--

boat, can now sing a song of Pinafore:But when the breezes blow, '

I generally go below ' -- - -And seek tbe seclusion mat tbe cabin grants;And so do his sisters, and his cousins and bis amits ;

Bis sisters and his cousins,' Whom be reckons np by dozens.

And his aunts. . . .


Mb. Jambs Hazlbtt, jb , of New York,is ia the city. ... .'

Captais J. A. Buchanan, United Statesarmy, is at the Peabody.- - - -- Colonel Enos Richmond, of - Washing-- ,ton, is stopping at the Peabody.

Db. T. J. Tdrnkr,- secretary of the Na-tional board of health, is in the city.

Captain Jakes Good, superintendentMississippi valley transportation company, isat the Peabody.

Captain John W. Wabd is confined tohis room,- - at No. Ill Court street, with asevere attack of acute rheumatism.

San Fbancisco Call, 11th: "Mr. L. M.Mix, formerly of Memphis, is lientenant ofG company, and to him belongs the honornot only of personating the ''Spirit of Mardi-Gras- ,'

but ot originating, superintending,and in fact, carrying out last night's enter-tainment to its sncseesfnl completion. Hehas had many difficulties with which to con-tend in effecting this result, and were it notfor his enthusiasm and energy, the ball wouldnever have taken place."


Chancery Court M'Io well. Chancellor.Calendar for Monday, February 23: 1692,

M'Ghee vs Pointer; 3421, - Grommes . vsThieme; 3527, Finnie vsMoyers3538, Huntvs Brinkley; 3539, Parczyk ys Kocffo; 3544,Coleman vs Messickr3549, Lincoln vs Schoon-ove- r;

,3564, Street vs Eddins; 3565, Memphisand Little rock railroad vs Cohn ; 3566, Lewisvs Morrison; 3567, Fargason and Fox; 3570,Glisson vs Thomas; 3578, Memphis andCharleston railroad vs Gamble; 3582, Hen-derson vs Henderson; 3594, Morton vs Mor-ton; 3597. Vaccaro vs Cicalla; 3600, Doug-lass vs M'Nutt; 3608, Scott vs Scott; 3610.Reynolds vs Reyno!ds;3611, Moore vs Moore;3612, Havnes vs Lacey. The case of Wood-ward vs Katan, with jnry, ia set especially forTuesday, February 24th.

CHANCERY BULINOS.Chancellor M 'Do well has made the follow-

ing rulings:- Bate vs Bateman Fargason and Clayliable for one-ha- lf 'purchase money received,Pennington and ethers liable for value ofcorn ets; Morris also liable.. Reference if de-sired. ' -

Warren vs Smith Measure of damagesshould be difference between rental value ofleasehold during its existence and value oiproperty at termination of lease.

Blakwell vs Blackwell Among otherquestions disposed ot held that there was noliability on Pruden and Shelby bond, lastgiven, but tureties on six thousand liable,N. Blackwell entitled to one-four- th. Opinionlengthy, and involves many other points ofinterest. ;

United Mtates Coarta Hon. R. t. II ana --

- mosil, .f adze, Prealdlag.To-da- y is motion day. The following cases

were disposed of yesterday: Borland vs Sease,order tor sale; in re ot W. G. Crank, inbankruptcy, discharge granted.

Preparing for Kraut's Reception.Galveston. February 20. A AW spe-

cial from the City of Mexico says that grandpreparations are being made to receive Gen-eral Grnt. Generals Ignacio Mejia andMatras Romera have been appointed- - a com-mittee to receive the general at Vera Cruz.The party will stop two days at Orizaba. Tnepress representatives Are arranging to takeprt' in the reception.

A Down-Tow- n MerchantHaving passed several sleepless nights, dis-

turbed by the agonies and cries of a suffer-ing child, and becoming convinced that Mrs.Winslow s sootbing syrup was just the articleneeded, procured a supply tor tbe child. Onreaching home and acquainting his wts withwhat he had doae, she relused to have it ad-

ministered to the child, as she was stronglyin . favor of homeopathy. That night thechild passed in suffering, and the parentswithout sleep.- - Returning borne the day fol-lowing, the father tound the baby still worse,and whila contemplating another sleeplessnight, the mother stepped from the room toattend to some domestic duties, and left thefather with the child. During her absencehe administered a portion of the soothingsyrup to the baby, and said nothing. Thatnight all hands slept well, and tbe little fel-

low awoke in the morning bright and happy.The mother was de'ighted with the suddenand wonderful change, and although at firstoffended at the deception practiced npon her,has continued to use the syrup, and sufferingcrying babies and restless eights have disap-peared. single trial of the syrup never yetfailed to relieve the baby and overcomethe prejudices of themother. Sold by alldruggists. 25 cents a bottle.

French Steam Dye-Wor-ka,

Ladies' and gentlemen's goods dyed andcleaned at Louis Reitrel'ft.62 Jefferson street,

For finest flavor smoke Wright' Or-ange Durham. It excels) all.

The rosebud opening to the morn,While yet tbe dew hangs on the thorn,Exhales less sweetness than is wontTo breathe from lips tbat SozodontHas touched with a soft crimson glowThat shows the dazzling teeth off so.

lied Seed Oat,German, Millet and Clover seed.

W. J. CTIA9B 4 CO.

Snake Wright's Orange Ourham.Habit, if not necessity, makes a hair

dressing such as Dr. Ayer's laboratory issuesindispensable to many. The "Vigor" is oneof the most delightful we have ever used.It restores no( only the color, but gloss andluxuriance, to faded and gray hair.

KcoBomy is Wealth.Gents' clothing dyed, cleaned and repaired,

by I. Isaacs, 270 Second street, opposite Conrtsquare, Memphis, Tennessee.

Which is the Cheapest,A package of Duke's Durham, containing

twenty pipe-full- s of the best smoking tobaccomade, or one common cigar? Each coststen cent.

It takes corns out 1 "Pels' solvent!!"

trown dr. Jones.Pittsburg, Hhotwell and Cannel Coal.S Slain street.

Alcoholism,Alcoholism cannot be cured by Warners

Safe nervine, but as long as the drinking habitcontinue?, so long will tbis medicine be need-ed to correct or diminish its baletul effects byits soothing and strengthening power overthe nerves. It is chemically transformed inthe system to nerve force, which strengthenswhile it relieves.

"God and Onr Native Land," "Germa- -Bltt," fctc

Mr. A. Lemuel Adams, author of the aboveand other well known literary productions,speaks of Benson's capcine porous plasterstbtis: ''I have suffered much from an affec-

tion of the heart. Sometimes the painaround the region of the heart wonld becomeso intense that I was incapable ol thought orwork. Of late I havo been using Benson 'bcapcine porous plasters, and find that the painhas leit me, and I am positive that they havecured me entirely. This article seems betteradapted tor the cure of a complaint like minethan any remedy I ever tried."

A. LEMUEL ADAMS.Benson's capcino porous plaster must not

be confounded with the old style of porousplasters. It is absolutely far superior. Soldby all druggists. Price. 25 cents.

Cubes corns in one day Pels Solvent.

Smoke Wrlght'a Orange Durham.The Weekly Appeal, at one dollar per

year, is one of the cheapest papers in thiscountry. Every farmer in the south ought tohave - it. Each number contains as muchreading matter as an ordinary novel. Itsmarket reports are the fullest and most accu-rate sent from Memphis, and its news col-

umns contain everything of interest from allparU of the world

The Tlttone and Kesale Taraer- -

New Yobs, February 17. Bessie Turner,the celebrated witness in the case of Theo-dore TiUon vs. Henry Ward Beecher, hasmarried Coartes Walgrain, stage-carpent-

at Berry's Broadway theater, in Brooklyn.She played soubrttte parts about the countryfor some time, With the approbation of hermanager, but she has left the stage and set-tled down to housekeeping. The marriagewas solemnized recently in privacy. Mrs.Walgrain is a frequent visitor to her oldfriend. Mm. Eliubeth Tilton, who lives atNo. 381 Macon street with her son Carroll,who is studying to become a minister. Mrs,Tilton is supported by her husband, who,however, never visits her.


Bald of an Appeal Reporter Dis-

infection Refused at Infectedr Houses Infected Bedding .

'- '. Still In Use. '

Health Authorities. ForBlahed with FactsImperfect Sanitary Records The

Damping-Boa- t Environment- Citizens' Meeting.

An Appeaa-- reporter yesterday was com-missioned to visit the office of tbe Stateboard of health, on Madison street, and in-vestigate matters with reference to the re-

fusal of certain property-owne- rs or tenants ofhouses, to permit disinfectants to be used ontheijoremises, w'cereou cases of yellow-feve- roccurred during the epidemic of last year.Our reporter examined the books and recordsof tbe board, and found- - t..e following casesof the character above mentioned, the Stateboard of health employes having been re-fused permission to enter tbe buildings anddisinfect the premises according to the scien-tific and sanitary regulations of the' Nationalboard of health, which provided for the useof lime, sulphur, copperas solution and otheringredients as disinfectants. -

DISISFCTANT3 REFUSED.Nos. 18 Exchange street, 84 and 86 Clay

street, 17 and 1193 Beale street, 44 Jonesavenue, 115 Vance street, 19 Gayoso street.In all of these premises yellow-ieve- r oc-curred, and the books ot the State beard ofhealth contain opposite each address an uglylooking record, in red ink, to wit: "Disin-fection refused." . It is nOtyet too late to as-

certain the lacts in each one of these cases,and to take whatever precautions are foundto be necessary.


It is well known to the officers and em-ployes of the local board of health, to thenewspaper reporters and others who werehere during the nnhappy days and nights oflast year when the yellow-fev- er epidemicprevailed, that a large amount of infectedbedding, oiten saturated with black-vomi- t,

had been stolen from houses wherein werethe sick or dying; and that this bedding isnow in nse, will not admit of controversy.It is also well known that in very many in-stances the bedclothing, wearing apparel,and even mattresses and feather beds, usedby the sick or dead, were not destroyed bythe relatives of the sick or dead, and thatmuch of this infected- - stuff is now in use.The books of the State board of health con-tain the startling iniormation that at No. 142Main street (name of occupant not on rec-ord),- there- - was, on the fourteenth of Jan-uary last, an infected mattress then in use,and npon which mattress persons weresick with yellow tever (several of whom haddied) in 1867, 1873 and 1878, and in which acase was treated in 1879. Another case oflike import was - stated to our reporterthat of a feather bed at No. 48 Bradfordstreet and upon which persons were sickand had died. Th feather bed was in usein 1873, 1878 and 1879, during the epidemicsoi these years, and was not permitted by theowner to be destroyed by the board of healthdnring or after the epidemic of last year.Tbe above is a contribution to the efforts nowbeing made in the health office to ascertainwhat has been accomplished in tbe way oflocal sanitation, and, of consequence, whatyet remains to be done.

AUTHOBITIES INFORMED.The Appeal commissioner was somewhat'

startled by tbe developments made by the ex-

amination of the records of the State boardof health, and at once visited the office ofthe Taxing-Distric- t board of health with aview to secure additional information fromDr. G. B. Thornton, president of the boa:d.Meeting. that worthy gentleman, tbe Appealsanitarian stated the cl ject ot his visit tolearn something as to the houses infectedlast year but not disinfected, as given in tbelist above. The doctor was surprised, andsaid he knew nothing about it, but requestedour commiasioner to give him the list ofthe houses and he would at once attend tothe matter. The numbers of the houses andthe names of tbe occupants, were given him.

Oar commissioner then called upon Dr. D.T. Porter, president of the Taxing-Distric- t,

and stated to him his information, takenfrom the books ard records, as to the infectedbedding at No. 142 Main street and No. 43Bradford s.reet. . President Porter was alsosomewhat surprised, but he took the num-bers down, and visited tbe offica of the Taxing--

District board of health and ordered animmediate examination into the matters,saying tbat "if the infected beds are found,tbey will be destroyed.".


Were it not for the careful reoorda kept tythe agents or officers of, the Slate board othealth here, all these things would have beenforgotten, because there are no records in theTaxing-Distri- board of health office of suchinteresting, yet dangerous matters. Up tothe time when Dr. Abercrombie took chargeas secretary of our local board of health, andCaptain Will S. Brooks took charge of tbepapers and opened up a set of sanitary books,tbe records of the office were incomplete,imperfect and almost had no existencescertainly, not that existence from which anyreliable data could be obtained, except as tothe number of yellow-fev- er cases and deathsthat occurred in 1879 within the city limits.The number of cases and deaths outside thecity i within a radius of five or tea miles,among refugees and others, has never ap-

peared on any record book, and, indeed, thephysicians attending such cases made no re-

ports, because tbey would not be received byour ; local board of health, and the Stateboard of health office here had too much san-itary work to do to keep any such valuablerecord.


The Appeal reporter, while investigatingsanitary matters, "marched slowly on in solemn dump" down to the toot of Beale street,where the "great and offensive nuisance was seen floating on the waters likj amallard duck. Tne. road way turning off fromthe foot of Beale street to the boat wascrowded with wagons containing fecal matter taken from privy-vault- and with cartscontaining garbage. These crowded oa tothe boat. and. turning around, dumped, theircontents into the Mississippi river. There wasa continuous dumping going on while ourreporter remained on board, and he took ob-

servations and notes. Outside, at the headof the dump-boa- t, the water was seven feetin depth, and at the foot of it the water wasfrom sixteen to eighteen feet in depth, with acurrent rnnning at the rate of from four tofive miles an hour, washing tbe outer side ofthe boat. Of course no bank of excreta orgarbage appeared above the water outsidethe boat, as was alleged' existed. This state-ment was one of the myths of tha day. Ourreporter will give no opinion as to the condi-tion of things existing before yesterday, be-

cause he knows but little concerning it, buthe interviewed several citizens who professedto know something about this matter.

WHAT WAS AND WHAT IS.In yesterday morning's Avalanche ap-

peared an informal call upon certain citizensto go down and examine the dump-bo- at anddumping process. In obedience to tbe man-riat- e,

the following gentlemen visited tbelocality: District-Attorne- C. W. Heit-keii- ,

Mr. L. Hinauer, of Sc'ioolfield & Hinau?r,Mr. S. H. Brooks, of Brooks, Nueiy & Co.,Mr. John K. Speed, of Speed & Co., CaptainAd Storm and Captain J. T. Washington.These well-kuo- x n citizens made a thoroughexamination of the surroundings aud dis-

cussed them.Mr. Speed stated that last week, when tbe

dump-boa- t was swamped, the garbage-cart- s

and night-soi- l wagons dumped their loadsabove the sunken boat near the shore andinto a shallow eddy, and, in many instances,dumped the matter oa the bank. This hadformed a pile or bn.nk of offensive matterthat tilled tbe air and locality with bad odorsdetrimental to health. A flume that reachedout but little beyond tbe edge of tbe water,was then used by the garbage carts, and alsoa small ratt from wbuii the barrels of gar-bage and probably barrels cf fecal matterwere dumped further out into the river.That now the street force is dumping theNioolson pavement blocks at tne foot ofBeale street, and making an embankmentover this refuse matter and on out into theriver. While the committee w..-- present,yesterday, Mr. Speed Bays tbe garbage cartswere dumped above the boat and not over itsgunwale, tbe boat being used almost exclu-sively by the wagons containing the fecalmatter taken from privy-vault- s. District-Attorne- y

Heiskell stopped the dumping ofgarbage above the boat, and after that thegarbage carta dumped over the boat's gun-wale at the north end, where the water isseven feet deep, and where a strong currentis running, the south end of the boat, wherethe water is sixteen or eighteen feet deep,being nsed by the night-soi- l wagons.

Mr. Louis Hanauer expressed similar viewson tbe subject, and both gentlemen declaredthemselves as satisfied with the dumping ar-

rangement over the side of tho boat and intodeep water. The only fear expressed by thecommitteemen was that when the waters re-

ceded, a bank of garbage may make its ap-pearance on the shore; as for the iecal mat-ter, it was nearly liquid and was, of course,carried away by tbe rapid current. Mr.Hana-ie- r believed that the dumpboat oughtto be removed cne hundred or more feet soaihof its present lxaticn, where the bank issteeper.wbere tbd water is deeper, and wherethe current is stronger.

Mr. Speed thought it would be a good ideato have another flat put outside or insidethe present damp boat, to that the garbage



We Offer tbe Following Great Attractions !

Retail Department.All-wo- ol Combination Suits, to order, $25rYor&ted and Siik or Yelvet Combina-

tion, S35,Gros-Gral- n Silk Costumes, to order, 845.Grog-Grai- n' Silk and Yelvet Combination

Costumes, to order, $0.Satin DeLyon and Jet Combination, to

order, 870.

Bargains and Specialties jost forwardedby onr Aew York buyers:

Novelties In Brocaded and Striped Rib-bons, at 25 cents.

Lace RoYelties at half price.

BARGAINS.Black Silks, at 81 10, 81 25, 81 45,81 95Full lines of Real Perinot Gloves.Light French Felts at 75c worth 82 50.

Will display daring the week:Spring Dress Fabrics, Spring Wraps.New Spring Hats received.

KREilnER,and fecal matter could b9 pitched into deeperwater and into a more rapid running current.Like views were expressed, by other gentle-men composing the citizens' committee of in-vestigation.

THE DI8TBICT AUTHOBITIES.Our reporter in order to, if possible, ex-

haust tbe interesting subject held a. shortconversation with tbe dumpboat keeperl Hesaid that while the boat was sunk severalcart-load- s of refuse matter were thrown intothe flume above tho boat and into the rivernear the shore, tbat a hose extendingfrom a fire-plu- g was used to wash the flumeand .wash the refuse matter into the river,but that there was an eddy at that particularpoint. He also stated that when the "south-ern wind doth blow," and tbe contents of thenight-soi- l wagons and garbage carts are inthe act of being dumped ever the gunwale ofthe boat, a strong and most disagreeablestench is wafted up the landing past therums of the old elevator and on to the placewhere the hart boat of the Memphis and St.Louis packet company is moored, but whenthe work is finished the perfumeceases to exist until another wagon-loa- d isput through the same process. He thoughtit would probably bo better to remove thedumpboat down about one hundred yards, tothe coal-flat- s ot Brown & Jones, where thewater is very deep and a strong current isrunning all the year round.

PRESIDENT POBTEB'S YIEWS.Oar commissioner returned from the visit

of inspectioa and called opon Dr. Porter,president of the Taxing District, and askedhim for his views on the subject. He said:"We are doing the best we can with themeans on hand. Should any bank of gar-bage mako its appearance near the presentlocation of the dump-boa- t when the nverfalls, it will be washed at once into the riverby means of tbe hose from tbe fire-plu- g nearby. We will keep the landing clear of allthat, and it is our duty to do so. I will at-

tend to that," said the doctor, "and as theriver falls the --dump-boat will be movedfurther out, so as to reach tbe current.. Thereis no danger of any bank of garbage or fecalmatter being left exposed to the atmosphereor sun; that will be closely watched and at-tended to promptly. When warm weathercomes all this work will have to be stopped,because tbe health board will not permitnight soil wagons to go t Trough tbe streets.The work of emptying, disinfecting and fill-

ing np privy vaults muBt be done as rapidlyas possible during the cool weather. Thedump will be attended to."

EXHAUSTED.The man of the Appeal feeling that he

had almost exhausted the odorous' subject,made no effort to interview any other per-sons, irom whom he would no doubt fe;urebut a repetition of the above statements andfacts. The public can, by reading and study-ing this article, learn and know as muchabout tho damp-bo- at as our reporter or anymember of the citizens committee. In thisarticle nothing is extenuated nor aught setdown in malicp.

arKIVG la-Niai- k-jr

era tlonpakirt . Cor.fc.;act Ilanarac'ors', at thelocation, 855 Main street,half a square south of Union.Largest stock or all styles otCorsets In the city. Answer-ing many Inquiries regardlugHoopskirts, 1 would a ty thatboth round and backskfrtsare stylish. Of course, pref-eren-

Is given my celebrated(Jncrushable ones.

rr-Goo-ds sent C O. D.Hos pec tfully,

LOI IH 4.K.Master of Red Leaf.


tThls, tbe Greatest of Southern Novels, was firstpublished in London, In three volumes, at $8, willbe sold by us, on and after February 3d, In one vol-ume, at 75 cents, paper; and SI 25 cloth binding

Bent by mall on receipt of price. Orders from thetrade solicited, clapp & TAYLOR,

Booksellers and Stationers,Agents for Memphis.

T. B. HAYNE3, H. K. HEBBON, LateFormerly T. B. Hay nes tt Co. Harron, Connor A Co.

Herron, Hynes & Co.

Cotton FactorsAnd Commission Merchants.


Liberal advances on eonsurnmenta. Specialriven to fllllnB order..'

api lirWimI & co.,

1000 & Madison,

stock of Boots an-- Shoei this season fsOUB largn and well selected. We assure ourthat tuey will get hotter suited at ourestab-isnme- nt

and save Irorn 15 to 25 per cent besides.Come and see for yourselves, stall Owlerspromptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed,bend for our Orrler-lii8- . We are also tiolc Agentsfor chlUtreus' Awki Hnpperlers," an Inval-uable Invention for weak ankles. -

ZKI I.NKU k fO.. 2SH Main st.

Memphis Floral Co.Imnienae ttreenhoasen IVi Mllea

from City.Store 357 Main street, Memphis, Tenn.

BEAUTIFUL ILT U3TBATED CATALOGUED OfBui Ds, Flower Seeds, etc, mailed

FBKK. upon application.

OWEN LILLYPractical Builder


ightCarriagesIJsEEP A SELKCT STOCK (exrlaslvelv of"WO uiMDfsetare) CONSTANTLYr vl I am also prepared to build (TO OB--Iif.R) any or all or lli modern nryiris ofMtli--, and Family Carnages now in nse. Inse nothing but the VKHY BEoT MATKBIAL. andemploy strictly first-cla- ss mechanics.

KEPAlfll-t- i,! all Its branch", done promptly and In the best

Vaults JJmptied!nDOBLKHH KXCIVXTISHI CO., as ataalaaaand 183 Waatiingmn. "V

Wholesale Departm'nt

The attention of tho trade Is called tooar Lafgo and Elegant Stock of

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Ladies' Trimmed Hats an Immense as-sortment" only the latest and beststyles."

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cies.Flowers, Laces and Crapes.The Novelties or the . Season received

as they appear.

tT Prices guaranteed as low as anymarket in the country.

tW Orders promptly and carefully filled.


NPECI4L JSOTICK.rpHE dally Lower Bend packet SHIELDS

L having completed her repairs, re-C-

sumes her reeular dally trips, leaving positivelyTHIS DAY. 2 1st Instant, at 8 p.m.,golDg throughto Council Bend. Shippers will please tend downtrelebt early! W. J. A3HKOHP. Mailer.

Memphis & Ohio RiveraPACKET C0MPANYS2-- 1

FOBCairo, Louisville and Cincinnati



Mondays, Wednesdays, FridaysAT 5 CLOCK P.M.,

Connecting at Cincinnati ttb Ballroadi and Steam-ers for all

Eastern, Northers and Western Points,Giving THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS,



Eastern tourists will find the La Belle Blver BorneSafe, Delightful and Economical. Bates by this lineCheaper than any otber first-claa- a route. Heals andStaterooms Free. Baggage checked through.krfasaengers can rely on a splendid trip by thisHue. as the steamers are all nrst-claa- s, having beenexpressly built for the accommodation ot passen-gers. Each steamer earnes a bill Btrm g Band.

For fuil Information, apply toR. W. LIGHTBtJBNK.' General Freight and Ticket Agent.

No. 7 Monroe street, Memphis.

FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS.Ht. aala ana Vlekabwrsr Anchor I.'neI Hi ted M tales nui-rV- Jl ST. 1AJUIH.

Colorado,8am M'Fheeters master.

WIU leave the Anchor Line wharf boat THIS DAY,February 21st, at 5 p.m. For freight or. passage ap-ply lo AD. STOBM. Sop't. on wbarfhoat.

FOR NEW Eoats anit Kew Orleans Anchor LlaeFor Vickaburg, Natchez aod New Orleans Steamer

City of Alton,Blxoy master.

Will leave the Anchor-lin- e wharfboat THISDAY, Feb 21st, at 6 jror frebrht or passagear-p'- to AD BTIIRS. S.ip't.

FOR DYERSBURG.Par Halcn Point, Key Connor, Dyers- -

bars and all Way Landings. Tha fine SteamerM-kJL-

aI: TWAIN, jriW. P. Hall '..master I Chas. Stevens clerkWill leave THIS DAY. Fertmary 21st, at 5 o'clock

p.m. Special attention given to way buslneas.For freight or passage apply on board.

FOR COMMERCE DAILY.The Elegant Accommodating Bends Packet,

SilvertUorn, i8. H. Whitehead . . .master Nell Booker clerk

Leaves Memphis Dally, at 6 o'clock p.m. Forfreight oi passage apply on board, or to

No. 8 Madison Mi pet

KOR USCEOLA.Trl-Week- ly U.M.Hall Packet For Ban-

doipc, Fulton. Osceola and way landings 8tr.Coalioma,

Henry Cooper master I Wm. Smlthers clerkWill leave Memphis every MONDAY. WEDNESDAYandFBlDAY. at 5 p.m For information apply onboard, or to No. 3 Madison street.

FOR VICKSBDRC.Mt. Louie and Ytekabara Anchor Ine

Entt Ml Mtateo Blall FCB V10KSBURQ.

OoldDngt, TiM'Cofd master.

Will leave the Anchor Line wharfboat SUNDAY,Feb. 22d, at 10 a.m. For freight or passage applyto AD BTOkM. BnpTC i

FOR ARKANSAS RIVER.Memphis and Pine Bluff fJ."B. Mall Line. For Pine

Bluff, Little Bock, and through to Fort Smith Btr.

Katie Hooper, J?iEd. Nowland master I J. N. Thomson clerkLeaves as above SATURDAY, Feb. 21st, at 6 p.m.. For freight or passage apply to


H1I.T I1AKHY INK.Memphis White Klvcr aadBlaekBIvsrV. H. nail Paeketa.For Indian Bay, St. Charles, Clarendon, Devall's

Bluff, Des Arc, Augusta, Jackson port. West Point,Searcy, Batesvllle, Fowhauaa, and Pocahontas.The new steamer

Jtosie Harry,M. B. Harry, captain. Waiter Ontlaw, clerk.

Leaves Memphis on and after November 2d. ever,SATURDAY, at 5 p.m., connecting direct with thenew Black liver U. S. mall packet MILT HABBY torPowhattan and Pocahontas, and with Sally Packetsto BateavlUd and Upper White river.

Through isles to all points.Freight consigned to Milt Harry Line, Memphis or

Terrene wl'l be promptly forwarded.B. w. I.IORTBURNK. Jr. AeentS Madison st

rOR M'. FRANCIS RIVER.aiemiphlx aoa Ht. rrsuls Blver U. ft.lall l.lnc The light-dra- ft steamerBAEV1IaI, . S!0. K. Joplln master I A. L. Banning cierg

Will leave Memphis BVEBY TUESDAY ANDFRIDAY EVENINGS, at 6 p.m., for Hartanna, theCut-o- il and all intermediate landings. For freightr pas saga apply on board, or to


ARKANSAS CITY and PINE BLUFF R.RAitsuis Memt-wcrkl- y TT. M. Mall Line

Kor Arkansas City. Pine Bluff Railroad and all waylandings The elegant steamer

Ouachita ISelle, SaMark , Cheek...master I A. L. Curem1ns... clerkLeaves as above every MONDAY and THURSDAYat F r Ofl1e,'Nr M Mwllwin mt, L



The elegant aid new passenger steamer

Shields, jw7iWm. Ashford master I Ed. W. Crowell clerk

LEAVES MEMPHIS DAILY, AT 6 P.M.,for Commerce and the bends.

Kor f relirht or nas"ee Ptlv on board.

LEK LINE STEAMERS.For ilendale, Helena had AYrlars Point

Jaiiiet JLee, y?iStack Lee master Loyd W. Whitlow. ..clerk

Will leave aa above on everyMONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 4 P--.

Oftle No. 8 Madison street.


Memphis & White River Packet.Kcjrnlar Independent Memphis ana

wuite Blver Packet For Augusta, Jackson pon.Searcy, and way points. The reg ar independentPacket

iiA2 cash. ;52aEd. C. Postal master I Charles Postal .lerk

Will leave Memphis EVEBY WEDNESDAY, at5 D.m. For freight or passage apply to

tt. W. LIGHTBUBNX,We. 7 Monro st. opp. Peabody heteL

J. T. WASHINGTON, on les"hMt.

WANTED.rpHE Memphis Cooperaae and Manufacturing Co.J- - will contract with responsible parties for Ibe

delivery of l.ttOOOOO Pieces or Oil-barr- el

atsvrs and Heading-- , on their switch, lathscity of Memphis; or will bay In quantities ot notless than luo,0H) pieces on the line of differentrail roans, rot particulars address

MEMPHIS COOPERAGE AND STO. Manisoa strest. Mamphis, Tonn,



DRYGOQDS! MOTIONS!Hosiery, Gloves, White Goods,


ar arrange ents for the coming season are now complete, and we offer yon the LiBfi RT andCBOICEST STOCK ever offered In the Southwest. Oar stock of Staples Is immense.

Ws bold In reserve (In onr Warehouses) over

5000 Pkgs. Staple Dry Goods!bought at old prices, and WE CAN and WILL sell them as cheap as they can be tought In

any market In the country.

OUR STOCK OF FOREIGN GOODS !Such as Linen Lawns, Dress Linens, Table Linens. Linen Drills. Irish Linens, White Goods, Hand ker-

chiefs. Embroideries, etc--, wit Imported by us direct, and Is much larger than ever before, and all ot ibought In the early fall, before any advance had taken place. We cordially tnvltd you to Inspect our stock





MUST HAVE ROOM FOB OUB 8 PR INOW1 nave put our shoulder to tbe wheel, and win sensun uakjtij ui uMen's Hood Snits -- ft 5 OOHen's Casslmere Knits., 8 OOfen's fJasslmere Suits.. IO OO 1

Hen's Fine Dress Salts.. IS OOHen's Fine Pants 2 OOlien's Extra Fine Pants. . 3 OODen's Kxtra Dress Pants 4 OO

All above goods are marked down oneTO THE T RADK Owing to the demand for a Plrst-claw- w Whlesl 4'lothiwsr stonse

In this city, I have determined to engage In same, and am now BKCE1YINO DAILY a desirable line otgoods specially manufactured, and which I am enabled to offer to the trade at low prices. An InspectionIs desired. All orders will be promptly attended to. W VKVIIIH. S IWalw street







TEE- -


Coats..500 Tests..

Vests..50O Tests.10OO Tests.lOOO Pantshalf, careful lnspect!on3




NEW HATS!finnn i iip.if SHIRTS!aWW- - W1IIU



Blank Book and Job Printers,

810WE would Inform Trade 8tock Blank; ttrheol ok., and and Fancy

Stationery largest ATTNTION OKDKKH.



or t EBn it tra.




1- we a


H. A.

W Wjs B B. B B

ManufacturersMai-LSstre- ot. 3VCe.-oja.,7- o ..

the onr otIs the In oof TO



Lumber, Lath and Shingles,Ioora. 8ah aa Bllada. all tads of ?ackJLn Boxes.

Ofilc and Yard, foot or Washington Saw Planing- - Mills. North Ita rj " dSALESROOM COBNEB OF UMON FBONT STREETS.

lewnhl 's .a.,yir.z-gg- ' s&


Tobacco. Fires and Smoker's Articles.286 Main street, Memphisand 310 East 54th street, New Ycrk,

Respectfully inform friends and the on the largest and selectedof In the market. tW-Qrrt- .ni sollpited. and satisfaction inisrunteorl. -

CIICOMVJB0B170Hanrllo c3 Zjlverznoro, Xxtoto's.

98 Second St., opp. Market Square, Memphis.t TXIonse Fronts, Columns, Llntals, Sills, Yentllators, Cellar Grating-- , kindIron and Brass Castings, General Repairs aid Everstlilns: in t e

Line of Foundry hlne-Sh-or Work.

!OoW. !albreatn.



H1L "03lLcl rt;i2IsnLpLfE3tJTOur Warehouse (Mutual Storage Company) is now open, readytoreeeiweeotton. on which will piste lilserwi cwah siIvstimhi.

W. A. A6I,


w. st a r.i.n st vot Harris. Mai Co.


.IN- -



500 OOGO 3 OO

OO5O0 75


and Invite


that snd OfHrcity.


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st. and endAND

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their trade that they have hand beststock goods


and Mar



Late lory

J. It,


H. St. iK.

F.T1 l'H IH. T K IV N V. R

w. --I. rRAwromi.Late of W. B. Ual breath 4 Co.



Wholesale Grocers, Cotton FactorsAND COMMISSION MEKCUAISTS.

QB4 Street, MoxaplxlB, Tonn.We are prepared to make .Iberal on consignmentsof Cotton, which will handled for the best interest of theshippers.

J. Arbnckle. J. W.


T. J. Cowstll.

2Pxo-- t


ARBUCiaE,RICBARDSOW&CoWholesale Grocers & Cotton Factors,

2S4 FBOHT 8TUEL13Ts..Keel A Co.'s Old Stand).... Uapiu