library of congress€¦ · newprm.tcatlons. aesthet1c criticjsm intention?. hv osrar wllde. the...

NEW Prm.TCATlONS. AESTHET1C CRITICJSM INTENTION?. Hv Osrar Wllde. The Decay of Ly- Ing. IVn, IVniil and Fiil-n. The ClttiC as Artlst. The Tnith Ol Ma-sU.s. IfRBO, pp. 158. !><'dd, M*-""* A 00. There ls ccrtalnly BBReb humor ln Mr. Oscar Wllde. Formerly he so conrtucted hlm eif av to lieeonic tho cati-e of wlt In othci-s. N,,-.v. Ma salnd <1ji> - bel»C «t an BBBa, he ls bebt upnn OttBIMtlfallBI tluat he l> Wtttf ln hiniself. It is true that the methods he emplnys is not orlginal. and tliat it BM b.rn uscl before WJ wrltei-, BOt ronspicuous for IntHllrciHC. Ihe tricK conslau ln maklns-belleve to take aerious pround agalnat all a.leepttd prlnciptca. The follower of this plau graveiv denonnies every pimdple. l|"BWRB oi ORaagRt, rule ef OOOdnet, and Utararf nnd artistlc vlcw whieh ha. eMMtMBded ItaeU to men. Hc deeR largefy ln paradtox. He laRea aapeetal deRghl ta .».*** teojeriorUy for Rleaa whtoa ta 'he n.ajo.ity mu,: appear Incredihiy sii'.v or BtBtaty BMaMtreaa, m aadteea hta puyOM R no. partu-ilivrry loft.v. ttOBgh his att. udo ta ¦eernfal aad patreoteRig in the extreme. Loiung aa n aaeteboarg Oiyauma, aa BeRvera ju-igment apoa the rrJtmea of tMBthlod. Bow to do t ,.s i;i.n of iktne ui is M maRa the wrlier Ifwaoiaelj rldk abrnt, but ta <io it well R to eahaaea Iha gayetj of RoiM' nnd lt will to be artmitml thal Mr. RJttda Tnied Mdo lt rery well tadeed. He baa ta Lmm »a> BaeRed ap a atyle whieh la really ftae ta Ita , . tad whieh la iH,u!iarly gtted le Uie vehtoto ef eaaeh vagaiies as nre prescnted in this volume. Ho ). i-pigraniniaui. too. and not a tow ef his epigrams ,.,. uaeeaaaMaJy aeaa, whlle wme are briuiam. The eeaaya an<t aHatagnee, lato wntob ftrata his ¦ lateatteaa" are Rtoowa, traad mainiv of arl and crittrism. There la an lMerostlng PM»er on Wayne- wrlght the artttt, lorgor and Barderer, nnd a eantoaa ¦MOr on ..The TriTtli ol Maakt"; but the gravamen of UM BOOb la the author'a vlews, or alle*e4 vlew.. on Bhseeta trel mentloned. "The Derav of Lylng' Ls a* nilRht have been suppovd. a BUDOBl and eriti- ,o,nblned. Mr. WiMo P'»es as regrettlne the doclme of that flne »plrl» of mendarity whieh formerly made the worM a niiuh pkwaaattr Rbwe to dwell in. A hatefnl predlleetlon for furts has prown up. Even ihe peRRetaaa ara fergeeataB hew lo Hc. "They never rtaa beyeeid tha toeei of mlarepreaentatlOB, and actuallv twiOaapnai to prove. to OleeaM, t<> J""-'"- irr.w riifrcrent from the temper of Uie true Uar, with his fi-u.nk. tearteae alaRMnento, his aoperb bre- tponalbtRty, h* aealthy, iataral dhaialn of proof ol any kmd !" if RM bar. Mr. Wllde tlUnks n littto better. -The BMBftta af tha Bophtate has ftOea apoa Its membera. Theli feegned ardora and anreal rhetorle are drllghtfiil. TRaj ra.ii make the wotae appear the better CBBBu. a- though they were fresh from Leon- Rne aehoote, and have boen known to wln frorn re luetant Jurie* trliiniohant verdicts of BBC]Blt*Bl R* UMl* Ilenbs. ewn when those (iients, fls oftoa hnji peaa, were etaarly and aamlataaahly lnnocent."' ARo, - ffeawpapot a. eren, have oeaeaerated. They may aiow be tbBOBlRitj relied upon. One feels lt on© wadea throucii thelr eetamna. it is alwaya the an- roadabie that oecara." Unt it f lylng In Bl! tHs< Mr. Wllde ebteflv plMd. .or throuch ahe moath of vh an, who deetarea thal a--) aeeiera laya "th,- faahlea of lytag haa ahnoal faltea BMa aUareputo. Ranj a yoaag man ttaria ta Bfe Brtth a aaBaral gtfl for exaggerafJon whlch, tf anrtared In eongeBlal tad aympathetlc aerroandlBga, or by the RnlUtkm .,f tbe beat medela, mlghl groa Inl wmeth ng really great and woaderfnl But as a role be eomei 11 Bothlng He either la'.is lato oarehw. hahtta ol a< eoraey, or tabea to freqaenttng tbe aoelety of f and the weU-mforfaed. Both thtaga are equaily fatal to his Reaglaatloa, and In ¦ ahorl time he derelopa a morbid and unli,-ilthy tacalty "f truth telllnc. lias db tealtottoa ta contradlcRng people who are maeh younger than lilmsclf. and often eoda by WTtUng BOveh grhleb are. io Rhe Bfe thal n one can poeslbty beBeTe in th.-ir probabUlty." Agalnal Ihla form cgoegeneracy RM Beeaytal Hfta up bla rolee, aad after briaghig raJRag HiowaaRnaia apoa aaoal ,,f the better Raowa wrltera ol Betton <>f the dav, be baa fchla to My of Amerlea. Faeta, I,,- eeataada, are ralgarhring manUnd. -The erade commerchUuHn of Aanerlea, Ra matoriaUalng .plrlt, IM Indlrference. to the p-.-tb- .Me ,-f thlBga, nnd Ita taeb of imapii:,t d of high, anattalnablc hleala, are entm-lv dne to tl,at country having adnpicd for Ita Battoaal here ¦ man who ¦ I to his own eon- Itaalon, waa laea] ahle ol telling a Ita, ai d it la not too much to ^a> thal the atory of QeOrge R/aahlagton and Pm <hetr> trae baa Oane nwwa harm, and ia a tborter tjifrtl ,,f Ume. than any other MOial tule ln the whole af literature.'' AeeeaaRag' Mr. wllde lt ls a mlstakc to aarppoae that art foiiows aatare. Oa the eoatrary, it is aatnre Uiat foiiows art. The arguBMBl wherehy Uii- thesls ls maintaiii-d is botl tagenloaa and amualBg, at;d in deid the whoRi ilaJogne will be found blghly enter- taiinliii: and refreablngly extravagaat. Perhape. bow- rvr, the two flRJffgww ou "The <?ritl<- m Arttet" will aaoal lnteresl those who appreclate such whlmsieal Dteratore, and they mai eertalalj be eommended to the pmyerful eon-'.ib latlon <,f tboae Impatlenl and not very MBtoal aaithon who frel m openly at the rery .alMf.nn af intn -in. P< r- Mr. \vii,b MIR them that the ofaee of the rrlttc is hlgher than that <>f ti- artlat; . i- alao the more dlfflcalt; thal it l- much to make ¦ thlng than t>> dleenaa it; thal the aathor really wrRea only to provlde n motlve tor the -i-.ti- and thal the algheel art is trlRdam. Boreover, theae heeetlraJ posltiona are Beaaoded wlth e«iual audadt) nd erait, u thal anthora gcReleat :< lhi slda "f hnmor and Ita appre latlon nilch'. it is eaey to unaglne, taJ;o the discoa tndgeoa, a id grou a gry otct it. Tame erlttclam. ,,,i ... .. ithi lUdarn- R, we are told, "both creativo and Indcpendeat." lt R ladependent b '.the erltic occupiea the MBM relatlon to the work of an tliat he rrltirise* a* tbe aitist d<>v^ t" the rlalble yjraitt «,f form and eokw, or the anaeen worM of paaslon nnd ,,f IhOBght He df«-.s not even requlre for tho perfeetlon <d bR art the flneal materiol.. Anythlng a-ill servo his pnrpose." Crltlclem la ereative, be- eaaue " II worka wlth materiol., and pnta Ihem lnto a gtrai thal is al once new and dellghtful. Whal more ran one s.-i.v of poetry Indeed, I woaM eall 11 a ereatRm wlthln a rreatlon. K,,r Jnst aa thi ai-ti-t-. from Homet.t Ae«i b'ylna down to Bhakeap are and Keato, dld not go dlreoUy to llfe for thelr BMtter, bat ghl for it ln myth and legead and aneient tata, to the orltle (U-hIs wlth materlala thal ottiers have, ai it were, purlfled tor him, and t<- whlch RnaglnattoB, form and eoktr have been alreadj Bay atore, i woaM mj thal the hlgheal crltlctam, bel | the pure^t form "i peraonal Impreaalon, is rfi it- \. ly .- than < reaUoo, u- it haa taaat ti any atandard external to Itoelf, and is, in ftti-t, lt~> own itamn for ealatlng, and, as the tireeks would put it, ta Itoelf and to Itoelf an cnd." (if rou,.- theae ettaUoaa a:e not to be re?arded a^ .ufti'Hi:ii> lo41catlns tha aeope or method ,,f t!,-- argn nient. wblck i- eepl maly a id often beaaRfoUy Utaa- trat<-d la taMBBRM Miiich. whelher or not they be non- Benatoali are rery dehghtfal readtag, and wtthal ¦eboburly. in the elahoraRon of his teheate, bowewer, th,< auth.i" eoaaea to the coocloalon tbat oontemplatlon 1. tbe only and arartk I be Ihus M blaaelf aesthetlcally wlth Hlndn phltoaophy an<i with that tf Bchopehhaoer. Tbe whole book a deflanee and a "toar ii<' Rwee," and in eoafcaalng thal we really did nol th.nU Mr. «>-<ar WUde had it in h;m lo ao areR-wroughl nnd lageatooa a rohtme we have nm Ihe le.M id-a of deptadatlag his work, only l<-t u> hope we are rlghl ln eaeuming ti,:it Us pnrpo not Mrtaus. A* a Jesl UI* dlalogue I* admlrable, bal rtowed In any other llghl the ]adgment upon it wouM kavo to aaatoego rather a nadlcal revlalon. LVrro IJnbliciiiiona. ElThte ntli l.i.'-. i',-t paid. for -ic. or atampa. THL 111 .M.\.\ H.M.; Whj ll Falia off: ¦i « ii- v. tai RM Raaaeay, Ry Praf. tiaki.f.y RARRBR. A..M.UI.VH t-''" 1.01S Ar'hat. Phlla., 1'a. .1 v-r. one aho:''! wl thli little book ".Athenaeutn. Jneirnrnon. r,,r foBBg l-'i'lies.t 'ity. .<« n* grv rit axr auta. OAiuiRitavR a*\. BCHUOL KOR UllUat BM yeat. Aavant-eq ciaos-s «iti, cajinu.bia Uoiieg. Prutea^ara._ Al.*"i."l..>.:,,, LAhM-..-, 1 ui: ..MU.>. 1"- .pap- tor itihc- exan.lnalioii need* *t ».¦ earaeai ttuaeata: 'p- .j attwiion cIvm. ui i aioiutiou ai.d pbyataal culture. MAJtx R. wiai'JN, A. h.. aiid LOls a BA> R. Y. ME ¦.! ri.Ai KWil.J.s s, Ii md I irten tor Children reopena Ottobei 15 _ MARAME 1).\ MI.Va.-s hool 11 ni ,i lto« ind th. famlly. £4 Wrst Mtb..t 88d >- u n t- _ BLflfia A.VN1E HIKiun. -ij ;r, Klfta a, 1"1 Prlmary and a.a,-.- i- woik, hk-1'.J.i,-' uwparatlon for ai.a f.r th. Colu .i.utiu fO. »olm-'l R. ]' 1891. MAPEMOIfetLI.F! \ 1.1 i.v l i'r'-,.,i. ad m .-..¦ -. .,.,:.:. K.nrt-r- gari-', loducted rnl rel .., I nca bj Madam Tlaae. Eupli of tti-5 la'<- Maduiii- I'.,- '.uei SUM m ar OfMD. ctober 1. iwi 178 Weal 78d-at. n M IM ELIZAIlfTTU |J. KOUlifi IO l .--. VJth-at. j: ..irdins and Daj I ,. OttJ.f atiiity. rnTiM'u.-r.i.i.i. '.' t '¦¦ 8<hcol for Qirl* H^oppna OcUib^r 7, 1891. (\u/r,t)*r 1. :!*''l 20 l.ast O'^ n«»r Madlaonav*. MlRg I \i DM FOR OIBXB. -ii.s Madlaon- ave..CaUfa preparaMen. Claaata foi UIU. chido,,. Nun,Oer_r,f boaid tlf. ted. < ^____ £] T. WAKVs v HOUL 8 and 8 aat 40Ui- S? at Xt-w-Vora. A baaraU)| and dav M-haol for girla. UnoVr u.r ebarga of ii,e 8'»t«r» of 6t. Huy. Puplla ara prepared for MUega exaoilaatloaa Tha Iwctitr-foaMh year Wlll commenu Octobci 1. Addusa the S.j>t<.r ln chiuaa Unstrncnon. For \ounji I.a'tics.City. Twk aticcis IfOSBB, 047 Mad.ron-avc roardlnj? and Dav School foi Yeunjr Ladl»a and ChM- rt,cn,'°*!?r' (.""or Ward and atbai lolleg'a. ElfibU. v,3r beglna S ptcmber I'M. 18 »1. T BE RJ HOOL. 6. 8 and 10 Eaat Md-at. In chaivc of Ml«a Julla ..¦ elcAlllater, l nncir*. T In cha-c f M I Jolla " >';.*', Mn. Srlvanua I'.eel. VlMU.r. .Mr-. Bylranua F.eed. .s«th Tcnr bec ns Oct 1 IbOl. ' h" t"'rt) hulldlnf. Nn 10 Ji"i add5 Z thc.¦arhnoV :.fT:.~i« Iniprovel aeoomrr.oda- tlo'na to both reajdent -,ad dav pjupjla._._ THE RIVERSIDESCHOOL. . _,.. ..,h Ml s FMII.Y A. WAItH. Pil'"i[~l (many yeara witn the Comstork Bchool). Collepe Wnaratl-m taree^aup room« for ro-ld<nt puplla. .%0 W. 104th-al Oentl U i- i > Dar School. OOLD .vxn BROXKE Ml DAL6 P4_»J_| KXPflSITIOX. 1*-'. M0 nnd "62 71 _et J"d JfCBI Bod-ave. Mm<. VAV BORMAB, Prlnclpal. For Bovs a'nl Voung Men.City. A-CLAS-S POB P.OYS. anl .dyaneed , end.* atudeata nr jan.-i for collcac. »w. ecleatlflc uhoVa aod baalnea*. W F CHASB 72 W it oOtb-at. ADVIOE tHidlTT Vl tl'" »LS ->d eti - )"r- nU. Btate locallty, prlcc desir^d poplPa """ *,".V'"! p v. Ht'Y*<sOnx. Amcrlran Bchool Bnrean, 2 v* '__!__.' IVSTltrCTION t:i corn:nc:r|.| ....>.. mill- >arv s. lenc ta.tlca and defirlfir Rngllah V'vrn on ,ie t.n.s; .. ;. r_] w C II Tu. iaya and ' between 0 and 8, or adrtr*** B. i\ BTATT, 113 bljadjaan^ave__ PI'.EPARATORY rollece achool al i::> Weat 47tb-c_. con ictea by H. E W l»erner I1« ihi H -<i-. thought axcrclacd and awed d t. [bc nieth. nl Inatructton ........ ..I. p-r-onai to twclvc acko'.ara._ 1KVIXO SCHOOL. [."i-is i. i: .y, M. A. I 5dl FIFTH-AVF... Cor. 4ftth-at. I'' 'ar oj_ bualncsa. gYxiVERSlTY ORAMMAR Sl HOOL. 1.479 Broad«av U near 42d-st. 53d vear. Pr C rnmerelal ar-d rjlMalcal Deiairtinent-. M. M. lir.RnY. \V. L. AKIX, B. C. HKXl.KICKSOX, PrlmipaK. Fnr B«tb Seves.City. SUMMF.R SCHOOL OF Tlir, METROPOL1TAX COLUCOB OF MU8IC (Formorly Mctropo'ltan ConHfrvatory.) A nlca«ant irnm'c Dcpartmcnt oi.'n .'or th* accommo-' ladlcs from a d'«tan o. Tlif« s'-hool has no cq.iai for thorouchncas of Inatructton and the ar.ol.ite aofdy of lt* mcthod". DPDI.F.Y BCCK. Pre«ld<.nt: H. W. ORF.F.VK Secrctarv nnd Trcaaurer. ?'nd for j-ircuiar. 10 AXD U EAST 14THST., NEW-YORK. Breoklfra. njiHE aa-BBBB F.I.Y'.s BCHOOXifOB OIRLS. 110-142 Columbia Hel.hts, Brooklyn, X. Y.. will rc^ixn Bapt.aaber 80Uv A Ii THE BROOKLYX HEIOHTS SEMIBABT.-Boardlna nnd Dav School foi oirla. 4i-t year. Addraaa, toi ira, 138-140 Montaguc-'t., Brooklyn, B. x. For Voung Ladiee.Conntry. MO.xii thk CAT8KILLB..Mlaa Cberlifca'B "8aaaaai skctchl begln J >ac 1. r-aw plctuiea ra ,.,v.d a. Part" Balon. Tenr.a, wltb board. 840 per ntontb. ,vid*- M1SB CHBR1THEE. .Khcrww." OataklU, X \. \\\.' HOMK aXl5 DAY S< HOOL FOR .ir.i.N llcaltl.ful lo atlon, dellghtful aurroundlnga. h work. Prcparatlou for eoliege. lioys under twclvc <1. For ili uiara and tcrma, addreaa Mr- K S OR1SWOI.P, Lyme. Conn. tfLVflRA Ml .i.i..; RJH woxtl H nf studv U'.osc ol lir»t-<la»s collccch. DnMC tcam luajt and eloator. Aatt momlcaJ obcervatory. Art School, Muale Buildlnc, *c. -1T »tudenU. I HARLl S VAX XORBKX, D. P., Pl _N. T. 1 VY ll\t.I. Ilo.Ml A.VDCOELEOE PREPARATORY 1»lltor Yoiiwr Ladlea. F.«tabllahed 1B01. M.-. .1. AI.I.I.X MAXWF-LL Prlnclpal Brldgcl JN_ P"rXXIX..-|..\ :-s J KEM1XAR1 tXD LADIES' . 5_nd yiar. OrT-ra rai racll- Tcrma moderatc ii rh and bealthful. ipea. aay nl THOS. II WI...N. l>. I... I" cara. ST. CATlir.KlXF. 'S ll u.I. I6th vcar. Long Hla r*aan achonl foi ulrla. Enlaraed :u.n ntenalvi -..- 1....C aud eflliient atafl ...' profcotn und teach r paration foi l' idlna co Irgca TB ro. - of thia ln»tltutlon. Tcrn n fo. bOJidera I. ln .!'-.; i r .. h. ... ui.*'. and Latln. froi innuni. For dar ouplla from 6*>0. N-\t term r. ..;. -'. \i partlcuiara on appUcatlon ... BISTER CAitOLl.VE. 286-202 Waablngtoa-ave., Brooklya. 8T CATRFRIXF/S IX THK MOUWTAIX8, Rcercatlon Schooi Hold rneac X. H. Bcaal a tron Jaac :".. to Bcpt, 4 Tcrma 6180 So nttraa._ f~.A'jx: s s.. if .1. Albaay. X. T..Undcr t.h» dlrec- tlon f.f Blahop Home. 2Iat vcar. rui| eourtCC B ktutr from'rtiartcu thro'Cli Harvard Coorse for Women 34 Inatrurtors TuPlon 6400 a year 1-orcata- lo°i.c addr s. ST. Ai-XE-s BCHOOL _. riMMri.'. fiROVE LADIES' SF.M1XAR1 1 Korluea X. Y..Thlrtv-aevenUi year beglna Scot. 10. _. || v- DOWD. Ph. I>. P Tili; roVBO LADIES' SEMIXARV, Frcehold, N A l uortunltlea fnr bii WALXfTLAXE"SCHOOL lormcrl Mn'. '' (iern.antown. Phlli Boardlng and Dai Bchool foj yoaag ladlea; 83tb yea oi^na ;...,': 28d Academlcal i-d ,.;; m, preparal Pui.jk cater w- Uealej ..ii oni f ara addreaa M.. Tllfor--.:: \ R Bii HARDS Prlndpal. Mlaa SARA L0U1BA TBaOT. A. M.. Aaaaclatc Prlnclpal. For Boys and Yoong Men.Country. \DIR0XDACK6, CAMP CEJAK. Bnmmai >).*nool for Boya Ten w.-eka, Ju.v 1 u> 4. AttenUon glvea tu elemrntary studics and ipeclal cara to atudeuu pr. pariutt lor collegc ¦cxamiuati..;.". Study opiL.nal with parcnta For clreulara,, E. I) MOBTAXYB, Trcatoa N. J. DELTGlTTFUL BUJiMER SCHOOL FOR BOYS at Southold, Lona Ialand. llon.e Influen.c. aporta. s..f- boaung, batblni; and nablng. Addrea* tbe il of Rugbj Grarouiaj School, 120 weal 82(1 al .city. Ll..1:..v.max, i:\mr in the mountaim of tbe Bng. con wlll rceelve .¦¦ lew boyc i.uo his famlly. far la> ktructlon dnrlng the auminci moi.ti^. Refercnccc *.»- qulred. Adir-ss C. M. s.. Bo* I. Tribun. OiBce._ ORDEXTUWN i.\. I. MILITARY IXSTITL'TE, REV. 1. II. LAXDOX, PR1XC1PAL, I.I'.l r. I. D. LAXDOX, COMMAXDAXT._ CHEL.TENIIAM ACADEMY, .N /.. PA. .(ui and aur.o uidlnga, Xcw achool qulpnicnt. Ojninaalum, inlliUry drl.l. Be. Tboi parMtlon for eolleaa "; aclontinc avhool i aauiess, .X CALV1X RICE, v M PrlnelpaL _ J,^ ASTM P.UK1XESS OLLEGl X.Y.- j.;,...! ;... .u. Tuorough lnatructlo Ln Boo kcepli.g, i. P uhalp, Ar.ti.roeti fcc.: T nogmphy, Tj |. Uurllii aryeror altuat ona fiirniahed Sen_d for cafFue ELMWOoij SCHOOL KOR BOYS. At Mllford, Conn. I'.ir.'.iL- who ;u onfortunate ... thc nianagciuent of mc «::. do well tu piofll bj th. advantuge offertd ItAXK M. il'"\ "._ FX. J. 4.M i. ..i .¦. ir paration ¦* aiicclalty; bnalneaa, blgb it. KXAPP'S HOME BCHOOL. Plvmouth. MaaCj-ll i.. -. ii. ii. Lcamcd [Barvard), Head-aiaatar; Mra. Ki.upp. l'MiKipal. B 1-..U I...K POlXT BCHOOL, Duxburv, blaaae-2J bova; laboratorlca. v B. Knaoo. B. B. (M. 1, T.i Prlntlual. Both s. licls ire I tlBc fc.i.ooi. Collcsc or Bualncaa Ai;.;.- gro '1- ¦. I'hmo.iUi i'.jv, ludlvldual tcachlna ainciim.'s roys1 BCHOOL B .- i. M-.-s.-ts 1»J miiM fron. I'ot'.ii. on thc B. and L, Ii K. \ -tn t- lool for Boya from T to 15 Inclualva beud lor circular u. M. c. kllTCHELL, A. M I' Ipat, \i i.nt.-i. \in MILITARY vCTdTMY" MonUlatrTlfT. iM .,., :¦¦. and i d for catt ,.lv... MAI V1CAR. A al_ w; T. JOHN'b MH.n All, ^QHOOL. DepartBMat, lliutary under U. S. Arni> ^ rlntcndcal Si -.1 \(Elt S( HOOL. rhe 1 St. .luhn's m celv* boya : r foi ... to foU an ii'... «;,-t.-i auntrncr; p i '"'¦-- ln hatbing, liahli.g excuralona; wimpeteul aaalatanta. SirMMl R HOOL al th. Pcek<klll BUltari Academj. rul i: an JOHX X. TILDEM, A. If., M. D Prla Scnd lor circular. _ < IMER KCHOOL "1 - LITER »TPRE, 13 iftth a. aalon at Amhera! lulv 10, 1801, 12 D pa ln t*. 22 Tea. h. aml Ptof. W. L. MOVl AOVE, _ Sl'MMER SCHOOL FOR BOYS, \ TIIE BRYAXT SCHOOL. r.oslrn. L. I., B. Y. .I, L. I. ? .. d rauloguc A A r> 5ce., aad M SHOOL, ROCRLA.VD 0LL1 .! Xvaek-on-the-Hudson. Opena Juiy 1. l'.>r lus, »<Jdre«< \v. II. HAXXISTI It. Pl n._ ^SUMMl R 5C1100L at HcD.patead [L I., W. Y.) Inatl- * ui.,; bana- 10 mlnutea fron Waa York. Apniv to ..ii SWITHIN P. SHORTT.l :...!'. s-^;. Wk have » aummor - --icn at Atl Ad- di. 'i Pa, ii fi ._ TIIE COLLEGTA1 I? Xcw. Ilfl V |le, N \ ll ;l n '.. .: M Pl CflHF PEEKSKILL MILITAl I ,8th y. cata- loorue JOHX \ TILUF.X « '¦! M I> Prlnclpal TRIXITY BCHOOL, TIV.iI.l". X -IlCDv \ N Y ¦ii;.. u. .iymnaa um drl hall bowllru !?. 'I bor< ,t'!i p:. paratl n I . burt- ncaa, - \i:i: CLARJK D B Re. tor._ \r ACATIOX FOR BOY5 ,',...'..¦ ;p'h and Oermaai: car*- ful aupcrvlajon. BAVID \| v.:r Ji X. J ILLISTOB simixaky, EABTHAMPTOX, Maaa! Prcparca )<nrs ror a-iv caflcjgc ar r.ntifie achool. I.'r 10, .-'.ll. Nmv labOratoMc." aul b.'.li- roonis. All b.ii.dl'i'.'s h .. d bi at*an tddi -- Bev. WM Prlnclpal yORCl HTER M ¦ ] w w jtlon f..r sny collcec or arlchttfl* acl buildlnc '..'.- D. W. Ai:l RCROMBIE A M. I'r¦<¦ \v, ellancooa. FH x.'.M IXATIOXS fai adi ... b tba Woaaan'a CaHege j ot ii III b. id >. jul and i, f j ....'., vTnuhfrs., Tcacbert, Gol . . brancbi .. and ru lai.KiUL'iat Miru ..'; AMERICAX AXD FOREKIX TEACHEK8' AOKXCY '. r- 1 iu.. s, i*i.v-ra<-»a.:a _c. |o cotlcgea KrhaiH and F'auillle*. Ap;. Mi-. M J. irOlTXG.l ULTOW, 28 lan Bq ara ¦ . 11.a. iir.-> I > . \w I i.K f. \- ltr\ ss:.,,-, ,,, Biircau -' '.'. ;. HAia Ai.i. oiUlii Al E, beet city reli and !>¦ IU. .'¦ rai elti durlnc aum- '- Trlbunc Ofllre_' U' i. 1: -' ¦. .. 7i "~~"~ a .M ..fhcers ii m HAKi-.iv .:¦ Lafayctu pt x y. iita v.; !. 'ir »( HEHH Ud l.i»; f.>r Bouth ., j.i|«- orfrau, f..r vv n rn w n, mn u-arii, r Engllah, Latln ra hool ii. ar rlty;'nt tcacbCT for rllj aebool lea... F.rneb .. maa foi acbaal: alao icaebatc f'.r Baaay aakac \a-auclr* f..r 8eptemb<-r. MlbS Oo.XOVAX'g T.achcra' Bur«au, 30 BaM llth-ab REAL ESTATE. BC&INES8 AT THE EXCHANOR. The prtiirlpal fenture of tbe d.iy at RM R'al E*tate ¦BSbaaga yesterdnj «a, a eoni ¦mail ,11 Mlle by Jamea i.. w-ii- ,f tbe e*tAtes oi Kauu-ine RlggeachaRdt, UlH KOROj Theodoie Wllkens and KHin Mmrt. The ptapett) eeaaprlaea a numbcr of lnta and beaaea ta Um p, .;liT thi: -loiirth Bfarae, Whto* rettli/ed lood prtoea. A racaat tot in iRtrl aem aeaf Obb> lundred-aod Bfty-elghth-at., broagbl 07J00 from Ma tVbalen. A rorrn r plot waa effered at brook and inin Uaietaeai uouso. rhe tivperif la 117*70, IWht it aoM tor 818.000 i<» k. J. Currey. Ppar ioi~ ln LTotona Ptoce broagbl 01,000 aud 03,000 each. and lots m ThiKi >v between One-huudrcd-aml-»cveut) m-t-t. and .lulu-st.. I.r-uight from 04,000 BB to ,.,,.,,. i,.- cornor of Woaicheaiei and Proe- dcci ave* »7 feet on earh avcnuc, broagbl 8(1,200. awd plou from 02,000 lo 8U.725. Lota OU CanMwcll- are bratuiu 01,200 each, and on rrtnRy-eve. ..'¦-. \ two-atory frame dwell i H" >oxloo, in Ono-hnndred aad-alxtJ Bnt-eU, near ...... iold (oi M.500 Ui John Kalaer. The cornei ol une-nandred-aiid-alxty-firal and WiUwm Ma., wlth e ,,..,.j,i 1,800 from Charl . Klilnolander; ihe fronham on Oae-hundred-aod-rixtj la i iu and "ii Wiibam iu;;, wlth a depta ra* olng II rough ol 114 feet i,,t. ii, Cllnton-ave., near Jefferaon-at, brought 81,200 e.i h: >:- on R' bal ive. aoM for 91,i<>:» ap to $1,500. A lol on . >:;.-iiiinii-.! s>-wnt> b ui-tl.- it, um, ., two-.tory frame dweUlng, thi lol 20x100, brouglfl 04,400 from lt. J. uwatae; Bad two lota on Ruchhoul at. brought 01,200 each, aad two oa toh tne corner ol One huadred- and-etghty-nlnth and Hoffmem aM., 20x110, toM for 92,75", ti, lt J. Jaffertt. The property eonatata of a ikree-.ior] frame toneaaent, produotng a preaenl rental of 0000 ser aoaam, lwere waa a large at ..,., who aat patlontlj tht lugh a very long aato. R'Uuam Kannelly aoM Ro. 136 l>t Forty-foorUi >t a Ihree-atory atone fronl dwelllng, oa a lol 10x100, tor 010,278 to John r Ratye i. J. I'lulllp- aoM uaRer perURoa Roo. 780 and 738 WMhRigton-ai., two> atory brlck lenentaal booee, on ¦ ptoi BSxOl, for 018,200 0, the plalntlff ln tbepreceedingt. RobI of tbe other property waa ettber withdm.wn or tdtonrned. the prlnctpal o< tlvity t»till contlnues ta the tanexed warda. .v< w-York, nraraday. Jaae 4, 1001 Tho fnllowlna MlM WBM held at the fSzehaagB and Anr- Uon K ,i 1 3-sion dwel ng with lot, No 188 Raal 4 ith-et. a a, |40 fr Leiiugtoa-ave, lot 15xl00..'>; John T Xa-.-le, IJali rv awetl Bg wltn tot, No 848 W-t Kn'tavfi. w a, 82 ft ii Hlat al lol 20x100; M.ry K W.lker, ( buiiding alUi lot, N'o 120 Da*l 72d-»t, s », 313 ft ,- |«MVf, lot 25rH) .-'. II K M-v-r. rJ! 0.6. 3 himilar buildlnga a-lth lota, Noa WJ to 12b ,-. JM- 85x102.2 each; M i rankiiu, 1 l'oti w - Bd-ave, 60 ft a I38th-et, 20x08; John Whalen. *' T-'o't of land an Bd-ave. a w com-r Mrr-ok-av^. S****** 09x88 a.d Kore lot on :M-;,v,-. northweat ewaet or Rroek. ).,.;;;,;-f'Ti;;-., 18.100 Mehs w.i ''"n-t^-"od-ave. a of RM above. 20x100 each; E Ran- *\ fif w*e K,-lto..:,v,-. IT5 ft s 17lBMt.«8x about 141 a&vhfiRR .iM,;i;,1!Vi;,d,V!..- w'.-Cnldi-ll-ave 3-J.-, ft s ,.VRh..t,* ,. , T,i..liv:,v-. 100 R s 188RV8*, 100x01.8x RkfHRB ., -; John Kalaer, BC <>'". a-io, wre ploi ot land. onlOl.t-at. .,,,, no.8xll4.8xia Rhtoe. ';V",- |,,t.,n:nve. n J :T-is...,t. S^lrf .«ch B L V'i'. 't""f'','r,i *n i BoataB-ave, rannlag tormgh to Crotoaa Parh 82x822x121x354; Charle. Blaehj 85,000. i..." , \v.i-t-. iM-. 5q ft i iri-t-i. SBxabaat 88 "1".l'1'il ?'a rb ITlatMb Mxaboatoe ¦¦'¦{'¦ rWlSf^e w car ITOaVtt, 24.^x100; J 'ir¦.;;;. ¦: ,ve. 90 ft n 172d-st. 3r,xl20; './wm, m. -,.i:«h,t, IU ftw3d- iva i 20x100; it -i i.nwa. 04,400 2 lota. ti V " Tremont-BTe, 88x100 each: - nt between Werth and RTea- ater ave.: R E Holder. 12 850. . .^ - « Rdenave, 200 it n WalaaMt, L'.r.xlO0 aaehj ^t Wa 1 dw, lllna and barn. wlUi pb-t of land. on Daly-ave, ne.r Klojrabildsre Boad R E Holder. W.750. i lot ..I, ii iftrn m rt, o e eoi lOORVal ft JeRertti .-.,->" REI r/ROED REAL RSTATR Tll \ nsi KKS-N Y. CITY. :ai.-t. i, .. 210 fi a o Bd ave, Ro 215; aartoa ;,,,! -,::- tn Ma | Donlhoe .. fil.OOO Sann- uropcri sa h pner to ( haa M- i 77th.»l ii ¦'.:.'- f> . Madvci 02.2; wlfe lo Wm M 20,000 1204 at, a *. 40 I J I. >. 8 P0.4 ; BarieM eo Uarlem Llbi irj ...- 16,000 la-ave, e -. 151 ft - ot Kreernan-at, 25x110; a-Ue to Danlel Sln, lalr, 800 Stebblni - a 504 11 ft n c4 Preenian-.t. Sl.Ox -., Di uUon r b, aahro. Ave A. - s, ;t;t.'. ft n of \\< A, lC.sxTl.3: Loula c Neuberger io Davld ,.,.iili.s- . i*c OOth-at, « a, w Ave R, 25x102.2; l r-d 1' Hummel and wll. t.. Jacob and wlf. J4.0O-1 ]--,fi.-t - - I"'. 11 « -.! .re, '.'7 ixH'ti.ll EBOOB ", B»i] and R] di . 14.000 llOthH n 200. 8th-av« 84.3x00.0; Rdward Perkla* to Davld Itana .H.tioo Sth-ave aame n Davld Frank and wnh to Charlottc Rlee , ., 48,fo0 ,t, .N- 135; John MiKclvejr M John MuV :i . 3.">.000 M.dl*on-ave, n w r.r 115th M, 100.11x05; Ann b Mrlntec to John Dlllot 1 147-,,-! 3M ar .we Bc Nifholaa, r.ix'; |, II.-: and *lf. and Wrn Iia^u'li 10 Anna >t Hartlaon. ¦ '" -, a, 158.9 > l,'.,"tt.-st. 00x100; Lful* ka and « II. lo I 2,0u0 l«\7,-..8 Alni 1 Weat End .ve, n « ror 63d-at, Sannel oncoid .,,o ,-.,,l. ,; , f- of LexliiBton-ave, 18.8X 100.5; Johu 11 iit..~i.av. |o I. I. Meformlclc.. 1/.000 131-:.-. 118.4 R e ol Oth-aii IC, (99.11 .'i IM-.. 10,000 r, . 125 ft e of llth-ave, ...:-v lnn-l No .l',. \\ Eninia Ouerbei and Arnold 8 Ouerber tn J F Rumhai »aw ... - m ioi Terrace Vlew-ave, I20x ekn an .ud m t tO .b> M >i!n 1,34", 114'h->.t s. 270 ft ,- ..( lat-ave, B5.2xl00.10; M Marl .. \ lat-ob. 1 i j...:, rt n ol rcii, -t, 20x75.0; pet ..¦ to .ia. ob Schirn V..... 1 74th-al v. 253 Eaat Klchard krnold, extr, u> ¦. t Cm ry.. . 11.250 -t No 20; MilUa Qana and wlfe t<> [.lurua Rubel . 0.705 l.¦ t- 24J¦._ ::i L'i'.-J'.n. map lliatt Kniin; Charlea W Mpoonei hm.I another :.. I M Carmlehael_ 1 i'.-.'.t;,--t n l«5 fi .. ol -'i iv* x99.ll: Ann. I. Rtibert* to Kathrina M Wllhelra 10,.">fm , », so ft « ..; And iOi 100; r w H i 2,800 Beav, N'oa 52 ¦ id 54: 6 n.I Zabrlakl .., Andrew Zabrlakl ... 1 Sti,-a .-. So 831 Joaephlne Wry, et al. to Carollne flrod . 1 llfitfc -' s ., 25 ft <- of LexJnjrton-avn -_'.'.\I0',.11 l-iiii, Wagnei and wlt. t., John Piah 12.000 ,,r -i r -. n, 36 ft n ol haiIton -t. J7i md . ir- -o Jam, - h FVi, i.-r 9 ocmi Oreh rd-at N..- 179 aud 180; Jnaeph I. D Men- Lo -n and anntlii r 411.0110 Charlion-»t, \- 118; .iu,.-- 1., aad anf. oa Janita 11 (.aneher... 18,."<00 KE> ORDEO UOKTfrAOES, Rrlll, Wllliam, to Clarcaca Wart a, n 1 Baa Davld Rrnah, ". v..¦:.-. *!T 00O. Bvrn, to M M Job, a a iii.ii-t, a 4th- ave, :i yi Jnaeph II to .1 M DyekBiaa. a s T-riiil<s.n Plnc-. 8 '.'- 1807. 11 John M and »ir>- to Chaa N Buooner, lota 241, 242, 245, 250, M.p 11\-..r- Pann 1 jrear I ':,r, I". am! BO0 U I'l'.: N OoddaM^., n I .'. y.«i-. B15,500 to -.::,,l-l K.rr. 11 ¦ M-td-st1. w WV<t l.i,.! a\e. 1 1 Donlltee, Mary, Ui Sainuel Kt-inpnor, Na. 215 Kasl DIII01 ' 09 D W Jamo!», No. 182 Wi -'¦,--' 8 ri*r« ... 'i Itle (iuarante* and TraM Cn n s iyih-»l, * 3th ave :< \- :,rs. 0 mort Forater, Prederlefc I' to the 81 Vlrhola* Bank, 14 1 411 1*. ari-1 .nd 102 Broad-sl nolea 180,000 ti. iu-iiird W Robinaoa; -an.- property, 8 v.«n-, Feonrlly, Baaao and otheaa, to H-rnan F Raaaabley^ I wll ta the 1 ntaraatloital TH* and impany, »- a -wtii-st, w ,,r Weat End-ave, .1 1 tl 185. Renne, Wtlllam and »if,. ta lh« i.rand IsAw nt Ind Son. ,.f l.rael, No. :t,;t 900. II-. : ii Ith at, » t1- 000. derlek P Humi -i. No -. dward OppenhelBier xud an- ,, . ..ui, »t, .. of Celumb 11 if-. to II,: llaink, Rew. fark. a I2«, e ol Ith-av. II i,r\ and arlf, IMii <ni I'nmpanr, II - USth-et, >> of Avenn, A. 8 yiara, .7.000. MrCormlek. I :»ar'i 1.. ta Oeorg. '. Witt :, otli-r ' 500 iu-. 1 lamiuanii and .. :. u. iiv; k prop rty, map Hlfh- brldeevt! Klre, Chai JoltB A HallaarB ,1. trua, n > lieth-at, " 8th4ve, 8 ye.ra, t ino l: haa :<-,n »,f>-. to Pred'h Ciamme, 4 s 81.1 .. y ind wlfe. ta t Barviaga I1.-111X. . - -V..rk Llfe l Truat Co, W a '¦- ¦n>--l, w \V r, ai> M.I- T:,.. P :.' r * St,--- Mfir Co, IA Wm A Klllott, o s vi ive, n ilat-al ¦- w 4-.-1. John 11. *t al, ta V ¦.-. * < t-:M-at. * V .',.;:. :' T»,r« :t ii..r-«-.'« 045.1 w «< ta Jbhn Heia, < ? BUi-ava, n ', Bi M 000. wun.-: Evellna A aad aaothet to r-iwaist 1. LawR - tjolcls. iiiitii. At.nrnT. RVBMIPRAR pi.av IITR-S'l UI BROADWAY i!CB ', H wi; v. y 1. il .: eantral. Ideel Br*proef bnlMIng: roal and ,.- ,!(#. ef t*o ,.. m,tij fui : ible for acaaoa. _ROliT J. DRADY. Manager. BfahRRIOR IKH'-r), HKOOKLYrl BSIOfaTBh dlreetlTv oppoait* Wall-M., R.w.ldrk; 4 ¦louta.' .*>;« frcai iNaton or Wall-M ffrrv and U>> Brldfe t rmlnua; . .,l-,:.r a.-cemmodallaria rcaaanabl. m-. ... -. faoillr . O'l tr»r,slM,i baael; MB Hrnn « S-nd for i-lrcular TIIK BOOR OF Ol'UVAIlt SI'OKT.S. ocUvo 500 tBOM lUaatraled Ti e Mndard 01, Am-rl,-an ooen. air afliaaamenu. k.i- for saiimx. awimnilnf, ball play- khootin,,-. h-ra-hatk :ldli,^ *,-. A-.-.. Iu full al Der ioty I'obllshe-I b>'The Trtb'di-. New-Tork. tatatUla- to. and unJNcr>a:,jr LomolUnentcd bi U.«i urtaa. .ntiion eolr»_i>fJl«l_e«5«ie_ lames L Wells, Auctioneer. MOXDAY. JaTBl B. NOOX. 148 EXTRA CHOICE 23D WARD LOTS, St. Ann's avs. and I4lst tt, Ovcrlocklng and ADJOININC ST. MARY'S PARK. Avn'.es opened, graded, and curb*d; eraaawalka Uid; ¦ewered; Md'waiks fiags-d M.(,!),. Dta pald; coavanloat i:;stii AM) l ISO -r*. i. BTATIOBai SSs^vTWcTHa»a__W« .,,., on uie sround and with Francls B. rii*d'*y. ,tt. rncv. 280 BToadWay or to Jamea L. Wells. Auctloncar, 59 Llberty-t. _f_. JAMES L. WELLS, Auctioneer, Wil-V:,f^,.^9AT:^^l^.^^.i^A^ ". MOXDAY, JINE _*. NOOX, 27 VILLA PLOTS, GREEN RIBGE PARK, FAII.E HOMESTF.aB, \VI-» I'O. 88 minute* fron. Orand Cent al Depot by aroreaa traln, attcr r.ic.. : pii.t- looxr onccB. oreen n.a^ Indothw -vc.'.-. juet aoutb af Baw-Tark Road. aeai "and-oni" r- d toree, achoola, eburebec and II Utl.E.M K R. ItAPIII TRABB1T. Lfberal tcrma riHa Bvaraatretl bj Otiarantee and Tni-t Company, frce <>f eoct. alapai arltb i harie* ll !'.r',n. Attomey, 48 \vi:iia.,-t., aad with Aa* W ''"Ii!,' ronveyed frce over groiindv Asa for Young'a haek at attl jOHNSOtl. JR.'S FLAU PROTECTtC BY D-CISIOS OP SUPREf/E COURT, NOV. 13th, 1888. THIRD GRAND SALE 400 Superb Lots LOXG IBLABD, laiwffliitfir *e 0r"at "I1"1,- Bv ordor of 'i HOMAB :i BRi'SH i CO at 1 o lo, :< p. ra., 8ATUR0AY, JUNE 13, 1891. Baaeial tralaa fron ixwr lalaad city and FUtbaak-aya. im ui r\ ri Par e.iia-. here* after A..J..T ... ii r.i. JoHXSOX, Jr., .1" Llbcriy-c*., Kew-York. and I88and 101 Montaaae-et., Brooklya. _ COUNTRY RES1DENGE AT AUOTION, ON PREMISES, MONDAY, JUNE 15, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. H. Tke ereB-kaewn HECKSHBJR ueopeity, next w Ceawtry Club aad Hutton P»r_, i:. WcaC Oranga, tt. J .Pa Old afcada tr- Lerac dweUrnf-houae. Bllllard-room. .iard'-n.r's c«.tt ic». Elchca and flow.r gardeBJ. Two Crecn-h...ise.s. Aaapla water aapply. Poaatatae. BICHARD V. HARXETT, Auciloncor. BLAKF. t PHEE-fAB, Atty-.. Orange, X. J. \1 0RRI8 WILKINS, AFCTIOXEER. 1>1 :s >.i.i. IX PARTJ riOX TO I LOSE ESTATE BARVEY KF.XXEDY, DECEASED. 1-;. H. LUDLOW k CO. Wlll ..ell Bt ilU.'tion 011 UT.I.Xi SDAl J1 M. 17. 1801, at 1- ..'> lo< lt n... at thc r."ui i -.'. 50 '.¦'' rty-et., New.York. tlitf h.. ' 88 BBOADWAY, TnROl'OH TO 17 XEW-ST., between v. si.l. BT. and EXCHANOE PLAI E. Mapa v from EDWARD C. JAMES. ATTORXEY for tl.e HEIRS :il N'c-'in-'. and from Uie AL'l.'TIoX- EERS. 47 LIBERTY-ST., XEw-YORK. UnoinfCB ptopertti lo fci. IH'll.DlMi*. rMnrca. LottC nnd Offlcc» to let ln Matil ii I unc. .lol-n. I'ullon. ti.n. Ilcckmiui. Frnnkforl. ii,,.,., Raaaaa, Wllliam, Qald, i ln:. Paaai, tVcUar, 1 ront. »onlh. t'nrtluii-t. lley. Yeaey ISuiine. Frniilillii, I.uitci.i. \Vaakla_tan,tlraeaarleh, llmUoo, Chareb aad olbei airceta. Kl'I.AND A- WIIITIXO. 'i IlecUiniiii l*t. (Tor,ntrr) |Jropcrt_ tor Baie an_ (To Cct EVERY0NE INTERESTED. n acruri.'K n Kiilnirbu.. Iiome aliouli! a«ad lor ilic licmu Ifall) i>lii-.,i iii<-.l l.i.i.b "" fiillr de«. ilrllve ,1 iiini .«i rbarmlaa aakarfc, \. J., rrbere ftm cbalee eartagea aaay be kad aaai irraaeaad n imiled ni;mli.'.' ol l«ti iiI 910(1 lo -«.',OII e.tch. ChII or addreaa_... THE PAIK.MOI >t I.AM) CO., MU Rraadwaj, N. Y, \DVF.RTISF.MEXTB FOR THB XEW-YOUK TRID. iM. WILL HE REl'EIVEO AT '1111: l/PTOWB .FFICF.S, Nu. 1,288 Broadway, earnar Tblrty.ftrat.ct.: 140 Broadway, ctrn r JOth-at., uotll '¦. i>. m.: 270 w. st \\ ,,. Ui -' ¦« ii.- Sth jvc. : I")!! l-'curtli. \. 11 Knurteentn-at.; 7(50 Tl.lrd-avo., corner Fortj. eventh-at 1.020 rhirdmve., near M.xty-flr»t-at., ,f^^ I".; \Vi*i Forty-accond-at., 1,092 Colu.nbua.ave., I7i> Xlnth-avc., cor. 7L'd-»t 69 I.H.eru -t.. 52 Avcnuc a, 828 Thlid-ave., and thc BARLEM 0FSlC>i 180 Eaat ¦,,...!,!, .1-. ii.ind twenty-flfth-ct_ m est On. -I.uniln'i.tvflfth-at., 8 p .... and 200 at rc.:ular oltlco \\ ut' i, ['ii':1. sTLE "X llOXTHLY PAYMEXTS.-Three ac. r b rooi "... al Qr*ai ' dep, . m itrroiindlpga: II u II-.. froni cltv is tra .ui *«.0 |.er \'. ..r. V'-.. .! "tull'dlng lots money loancd for bulldlng. Addreaa -ii di-liablo y City. BE vsi "!'. cOTTAOES al io\-iv Laarrcacc Baaeb f<>r »al« > i.oard j.i I,. nt the LaWTCOCC R icli rior if dcalrcd Ad- BF.XJAMIB W. IIII* HOOCB, H Jiinuoljcb t^ansrs vto Cet lukkon. MONMi.iiii BEACK, BBABBIOBT and Kuinaun Keck,.Houaaa to let, fcrolafced. appib atlon. CHAB H HKuWX. r.O I.ib. rtv-aa. s i.k KBR1DOE, Mass. raraleked caUagcc in and aimut ttu vfllaga to r*nt Addreaa j. B. PUWDER80N kbrtda iii.iiae. Ui'.oincos (tl)antfs. Tlli; (I.M.oN PLANTERS TK A COM- PABY, .'.'¦¦ Bulldlnf, ttb-BVC uid I6tk-et h.." . na tcnitorj ln aad outal Bear.Yerk .ar\iua in proi>ortlon aceordiag t.. ai.nitv ti manrnt and Iu ratlv. cmployment furnlabcd to' partlc with atMfa "... to cbafact"r and . i.i!itv .v ii or inlt.: Api rj bj it.-i only u i, w \ ¦. l. partn nl The hook ofopF.N-AiR BPOBT8, actava, 500 Baaaa. lliustiati-d. Tl.e otandaid autl.orltr ou Amerlcan ooeu. air anuacaaanu. Ralcc fai aaluaa, awtBianlna. bali li«v- Ing a!.oot:i.g hor Cbaaj .Iding. 4c. ftc. !n full BI cor ropy. I'ubllahek bv The Trlb'.B¦:. Xew-York. Entartaln- _U autf uiilYvxaally conioUawated by Uie prca% GicHroiono. _ West Point, Newbargh & Poughkeepsw daii.y BSCCVBRIOR leaaeot Baaaaayal BY PAY I.INF. BTRAMERO NEW. YORK and AI.BA.NV From Brooklvn, Kul'on-at. (bv Annex).5 *]2*:.m' .' N.w.Vurk, I)»sbroa«>'a-st l'l, r.e.w " BTew-Terk, Rraat20aVat, Piai.9:0° RetaralM, dne i.-> ReW'Terh at 6 30 p, m. MUKXIXIi and ABTRBWOOrl CORCRBTR._ C0AUH1NG.-B. II. Macj & Co.'s four-in- hand. 'Th,- I.akewood," leavea their BtBN. Tue-daya, TRBiaBaC. »«d ^aturdaya. at 10:30 a. m. Keturuiug, ar- RVM at Olh-ave. and Hth-at. at 6:30 p. m. Tli-ket*. $2 50, for round trlp, can be purchavd ln the>r Uarnca. Department._,_ 17 R1E RAILVVAY. 8PECIAL EXCUK8ION8. Ij SHOHOLA ,;i.i:n. Weaoeaday. aad Bandaya, ei. LMva 280-eB., 0:28 a. aa.: l,aml,"r*-at., '.' :80 a. m. ii leava Bhohaia 0 oo p. aa. No *u>ua »,->t ,.f liREEXWOOD I.AKF.. W"dn>'«d.iTa and Sundaya. 75 Wednaadaya, lea*. 28d>at., :i ::, a. m. ^i.'hambTa- ll D 80 j. »un layi a m.; Chambara-.t.. 10sOO a. m Reguiar m , ,, returnla*. GRAND VAUATIO.N I.MI RSION TO EFROPR, under th. peraonal BWBageBient of Tho.. H. H'tidrlcaaori, tha weil-kr.ovMi un.riat wir, leavlng R*w lork, \U itcamei Etrurla, rMtvrday. Mv ll, 1801, vHting I, Uelgl'im, i.-tii.ain, tl.i> RMiie, SwltltTland, Pranre md BeotUnd-a nearly - -"-" .reeka' trip-a". a ro- nnrkably low rate evirvthtiiK flr«t-elaa» throuahO'it. Send for panipbietH. '¦'<... Itlaeran »t t«ur t<> rHOR. H. in \mi:1< KSOX, 217 Al licave., Brooklyn. X. T. IlluN STiaAMBOAT COMPANY. TO-DAY'S TIME TABLE. Btaamera will run dir-ct to the Iron plers at x.X CONEY ISLAXD, X.X leavlng Weat 23d-«., R, R., hourly, from 8 a. «. «ntll 5 p. m.. anl Pb-r (aew) No. 1. N. K. iDatt'-rlv Placa atation elevated roadai. half an honr lnt»r. Boafs l^ave Coney Ialand hotirly from 10 40 a. m. uutll 6:40 n. m. IA':;: TO COXEY ISLAXD AXD RETURX. ftO CF.NTS beuMlOn tlcketa aold M all down-traek atation* *levar<-d rnads, wlth fr, e tiapafer between South Forry and Uatt.iy Plaea for .'d aad 3d ave. peaaajni Ceijal LVotires. NY. SITPRKAIE <OI RT. CII'V AND COITN- iTV OP XEW-YORK Natlonal ParB Bank of Rew, York, pUlntUT. agalnai .i -,.-...- H i. ry and Mu-.- s. Levy, defendant*. Summona, wlth notlee. To th,- .bove-oaned defendant* and each of then Vou a:- bereby lununoned to aoawet th. eomplalat ln thJ. a. uon, and io aerv. a eopy of vour anawei oa the pl'ilntin's att>miev withi* twentr dav. after th. »*rvl thU .ununotu, exeloalve of Hie ,lav <>f wrvlee, and ln < of vour fallure to appear, .., anawer, ludgrnenl wlll b.- taken apainst you by (I'-faiilt for tho rellef d. n.and-d iu Uie complalnt l»at-d Xew-York, Mav 11. 1S01. RORWITZ 4: HF.RSnriFJ.P. piaintiirvs Attornera, I'o'tnn-e addr^ss »nd otTIee, Ro, -jaO Rroadway, N. w- Ymk Clty. N, T1CE..lak. notlfe, that apofl vonr defaull to ap¬ pear or anawer th- above tment ¦. IU b^ taken you for the aum of Nlnety Thouaand Slx Hundr-d and Flfteen and Twenty-four-one-hondrcdth. Dottara, wlth Uitereat from Pebruarv 2, 1801, aad wltb roau of u.i.s RORWITZ v HERSHF1ELD, PlalntitT'K Attornera. To Jullu. Levy, on,' of rh* thovanamed d fondanta: Tha fnreuolna siiniinon* *orved ujion you bv pul tion, purmant to aa order <>f Uon. (Vorge i". Andrewa, of th. Supw me Court ' N*ew-York, dated th. 8d day ol Jone, 1801, a:ui in-d wlth tha complalnt in the offlee of th* Clerk of the So. ,,f tha Statc ,.f New-York, .,t the tounty fourt Houae, in ahe Clty of Xcw-York, on the 3d day uf June, 1801. llat-d N-w-Yorli, Jnn- 3 1801. IlOltWlTZ v HFRSHFIELI), l'laintiff'* Attorneya, 2«0 Rroadway, Now-York nty. Cost Bti'j Xoniid BANK lif)OK LOST..Hank book No. 881.758 ¦! al - Bowery .sa\lncs Bank 1- nlMing. Th" lln.'r .* r- to return It to 'h- bank. If BOt :.-' ilav of July, 1001, app'l atlnn will be n.udw to tho laank for a B.w book._ JJst! Bank-boot No. 501,150 Bank for Savlnga, 87 Bleeeker-at, Nfw-Vork. PaynMnt atopp.-d Ptoaaa return i. to i'..,nii. No. 870,934. Dank for Savlnsra. 07 _j Bleeekrr-.t.. Xew-York. Parment itoppcd. retnrn book to Bank. fllnoical Jnotrnmfnio. AN ASSOHTMENT of »"<.¦ nd-hand urand, Uprlfht. aad Sqoa e l'lanc* of onr rnako ln perf-ct eon.ll'.lon anM tully warr.nted. Also . nur^i-r of Plaoon ci u'.hur truaiiotnt irake:< ar kery low prlce*. WM. RXABI it CO.. I I> 3TII- Wl .. REAR-OTH-sl.. Nt-W-yOBK. Hailroaoo NEWYQRKQENTRAL A. Hudeon River Rallroad. All Tuuna ariive at aud d^part from ORAND CESTRAI, STATIOX, Fourth Ava. and 42d St., New York. Tni: only RAii.acan BtATIOM na ihe Crrr. Trnlim l.ente an faRawai RtlO \ m.-i-a>t MAir- roi Ito .. -.. p Batavia and Ruffalo. IOiOO \. 'I ui' .-"¦' V esTIBULE UMITEU, du- ., aco 0 45 a. in. u, xt -.1 IftsRO » Ml.-WESTERN U.\l EXPKE6S DaUj liTini 'V.."oi,. -'"' rUWEBTERJi \ STIBULE I.1MIT- ... Du ... :..,-i 10 .1"' :' 1*0 a. n., .|.sop""m' ¦,iNMi!ni"sii..r.r. V imi- tt Detrott at 9:18 ¦ ¦ P- '"¦. u,'xl «»-llil'>. M.-FAST WESTERN EXPH Chlcago '..'¦¦ m., bt. I. Ot'Ai t^. .11,.AR1UON1MCK AND MOMOLAL EX- »i3fl P. M.-BUBTAJaO ANI> KIAOARA RilO P. M.- PA8T BT. LOUU AXD CHICAOO EX- l'i, L»ue iiiitiaiiNpoiis 11:20 p. m. '¦.-.'. day, e*. I IB^lilZlwXEWBUROH), POUGH1 ;:!»N^' , LIFP (KIMivSTON VXD 111 10 :.M, tll 15 a. m., 18:80, 3 :.".¦">, Ifl:2I p. ni.; a.- lol keoi ale 12:00 .: ¦."¦ '' ' ' d. m.; f"- OarrlMM (W I 15, 111 16 a. m.. VLH\ w -17 ,.'< 0:10, 10 ' 1^:00 nooii 18 ¦". -i 55, 1:50, d 00, 18:25, 7:80, 8:15 p. . H2:00 ni-,-lit. TROl : io, 0:10, 1" :00, 110:80, 111:15 a 12 00 noon 13 ¦'¦'¦. i 50, 0 00. 7 :.!!i. 0:15 ITii'A AND Bl RACUSE '7:15, 0:10, 10 ... n .. 12:00 noon, 1:50,0:00, 1:80, 9:15 p. ui., ROlTlEsTERr-0:lO, 10 00. *10:3') a. n... 12:00 uoou, 4 50, U i>, 7 :80, 8 lo p. m.. H2:00 Bt n \i.-i .., 10 10:00, 110:80 a. m., 12 00 noon, 4:80, : ao, 9 p. m. NIAOAIU FALL1.9 1", 10:00, tlO :30 a.m.. 12:00aOOB, '. :ih>. 7 :30, '.i :15 i>. m, ADIKOXDAi n MOUNTA1X8 AND MONTREAL-t7:45 ....", p. ,,,. U"J <»i nlght. CAPE V1M EXT, OODENSBI IM3 AND OSWI GO j. ii.. 112:00 nlght; al-,, for U.wego, 0:10, 10:0<>, . i" ¦"' ¦'¦ m. AUBI RX, UENEVA AXD CAXAXDAIOUA-0 :10 10 00, 110:80 a. m., 7 ::<" 9:15 i>. in.. tl-':,".' mld '..l.ivh.-llir.i. 1111.l.s, via BAKIaEM D1VISIOX- Ul li, a. /... 13:20 p. in. i-.i tlcketa aiid ipaw irs apply at <,rand Outral btauon, or at 113 78",, 912 and 1 Broadwar. 12 53 W -' l25th-»( aad I3eth-at. atation, >ew. york 333 Wm -.:-. ."¦'¦ ¦"¦" " ''¦ f,.m-a\- I). Um lyn, and 100 ii-i-l-o., st j-r- rott'a Exyrea. ra a foi a.. ..:ka toggagi traai hot" .- . ': IDaUy ezeept Bunday. IDally except satorday. Other Abovo tr.'iiiVs -\i-pt tiio.A leavta« at B:10, 10:00 a. aa., 12:00 noon 2:80,3:80,3:55 1:55 8:25 p i t, -to:> at 13.-1U Htn St itlon. ..,II.N M. t6u< ey, GLOROE n DAX1E1A atanager. . r. -¦:¦:-,: Ag nt, T"tiih> 11 \ A LaLfcl KA1 Li;t>Ab. PA88EXOER TRAINb leavo foot of Cortlandt and De.- braaae. aU. foiiowa: 7 a tn for Mauch Clumk an>l InMrroedlate pmnta. 8 10 a m. for Oeneva, f.}«.n«. Elmlra. Ilo< h-»ter. nuf. falo'and th. W lt, PotUVtll. and prliulpal |o,al polnta, Chalr car to Lyona and Pullman -ar to Uridga u a in 1-- Mauch Chvnk and Intermediate (Kjinta. 11:80 a. ii. I ,,L-, ,.. 1 u m for Tunkhanoock aud Intermediate polnta C halr car to'Tuiikhannu-lt. ConneoUOB to Ueadlug and ItarrU- l'"*i 40 t, n for l.. and n. Junetlon and priii'-ipal ltiter- n.iaiatc polnta. Cha;r CM to U a..d B, Jttn !tlop. I :",i) |>. m. for Pottavtlle and luMTBMdlaM poMM. Chalr ^Ij -20 p. ni fur Mauch Chnnk and Int.riuodlate polnta. Conno.-t.ion to Readlng and Harrtaburg. 7 80 ii m. fur Gen-\a. Lyoua, l.lmlra. Ho-h,-tei falo and th- W.t. Pullinaii BMRBet M> Lyons and huv pKnalou Brtdge. ... . Traln. laavtng at 8'0 a. m., 11.30 a. m.. 1 p. m. and 3 40 p. ii .oini-ct ft,r all polnta In Malionoy and HBIBl' ton coal rejlons. SI'NDAY TflAIN- 8 10 a. ro. for Mauch tAunk. HaielMn and Inti'mipdiata polnta. aud 11 a. in. for Bhenandoah and bat'imadl.M polnta. 5 il8 p. m. for Mnnrh Ciiunk and Int >r dl ll polnta. 7:80 p. m. for Qaneva Lyona, Elmlra, Rca-heater ltuf- falo and tho West. Palbaan aleepet M Lyaaa and Su*- p-nalou Brldtre. O-n-ral F-W-rn Offl^o. ?^S Tt-nadway. WI.-I' SIIOBK RAILKOAD, N. V. C. fc H. R. K. it. Oo., i. "--.-Tr.nn Uaave Wa.1 <:'d «t. Sta-.loi, [Xew-York] :,~ fol wa ... .1 ._... iul-tu( >a airller fr-n, th,- fooi of Juv -t New-1 i, m lon Detrolt and hlcago. -10:15 a. n... .:. 15 n m. '8 15 |. aa. st. i.uuis. .., ij, s , j,. n, T,. ir, :n, .8 10 p in. Buffalo, Roeheater S,npou«lon l:i:i.- iaa 8:80 '10:15 . ,... \ 1'.. '8:16 p m., and all Bf a, n,.. run. aulj U i Klnga- t,,., -.i 80, -7 18 1" 18, al! 80 a. m; .i 00 *5:15 and '8 n p. ra. i ai^Mii and Albaay, 3 #\ -7 15, "10 15 all 80 a. m -i 00 '8 15, -e I', p, ro, C'ranatoB, Wi i Point, Cornwall, N<-«i>,ir(r. .:< mo -r r. - m r, .lo 4.V all :80 . ra., '1 18, M .00 :i .- ll :4ft p. n Moutr-fil aiul ,,,,¦'. ,.- 7 1:, j. bi., -.'. 15 p. n. Eleg*nt aleeplna ,ar- for |;>. . Kall». l'- r ll ... .1,1 Bl l»uia o,, all (hronyh tralna. a . facuv- Brooklyn, vta Brooklyn Aana. alO 3' a ui.; a{:00 p.m. laraeyClty P R. R Buttori ,n :*0a.m.;,. -I>.lT ' H i|!». ..-,.,,, .vitntliiv. \\\ othel liaiitB Jauy. sundav Por tlcketa tlme-table. pai lur a, a kieuptna-car n'cmrroiat'oo* er Inforn m-.-s brooklyn 888 w, .-.... Kni'..i..i. \,... 11, x oiH,-- foot ,1 Pulton-aL : Xew.York fltv 271,808 (.42 Broadwa] 148 Bowen 12 l'ar« Plaee, fi't WeM 125th at., nnd Weat Shoi ,1 ol Weal I2d-at. nnd fo.t of la\ st RorU) Rlver 1' LVMBF.RT, (Mnara] Paaaengi-r .v*cnt. ft \'ai d-rt,lit uve Rew.York. X t.W VORK. ONTAK1U \Ni» WKSTEKN II 1: vii.w.w , n iiw.iih nilnutea i-arHcr tro foo .' laj -. 7 ..-. a ra., - tinelda Oawejro, Chlcago; 1 80 p. m. for Caiupb, llall to i-n, 1 11-oMli-, rti '8 15 p. m for >!itli- town, l.lhertr. Walton dn-lda. Ceatral Bfluare, Oan go, RochaMar, Nlasara FalU l>-troit. Chl.-nin,, Bt. La>iila. . Dally. All otlier aralna dalK exeepi Hon.l.iy.. TteKwts. Rana-toblM, *23 Broadwar. J. C anhfrhoN, Genera! Paaacuucx Agent. 10 EAchang. Plaee. X. Y. SoilroBajB, Pennsylvania RAILROAD. THESTANDARD RAILWAYof AMERICA! The Scenic Line to the West, TKUNS LEAVE STATIOSS. loot or liw ai»ioss« > and Cortlandt Street* aa i tiiow-: On and after MAY 24th, 1891. THE fa*t i.isb 8:00 A. Itf.-i'uimin ve.tib.j.e Btaaaaag ena |_ette tara Arm.-a Uleveiaod .'> 26 a. m., (Joiumou* 8:6V ,. «_ Ci.leago 5:00 p, m. aud Bt, J.'.'ils 7 oo p. ra. Q'.xi «_y. Uaaaeeaa, alao, for To. \ jjt saf.rdey. THK PBBBaYLTABIg I.IMITKD. 10:00 A..M. Compoevd e.uuaively al falbaaa ve-tDia Dreerlng and btate llooa Dtnlng Ba .«i..c and Obeervation Cara, pi teiiUug Bnaaelal j'jy.rts. au-nag. raphcra and typewrli. ra, m* t *4.ov iii_M, bar. . ... k.iu a.l th- convenicaaca al hon.e or ceBce. Hc*ted By cteaia and ligr.iec r.r ,14. Hi ary and siovanie electrlc lifhte. Arrlvee cincinata 7 10 a. m., and 1 kleaga S> :45 a. m. nevt d_y. . _, LO 1*1*, CUICAfMI ami 1 IBCINBi ll KXPRK** _:00 P. M. Pullataa VeeBb ic tticeplnf Can treai Baa. York, and UininK ( »m fr..... Mcw.rerB u, aa. Louia Chnair. and .Ineionatl. I'a * New-York B Col'.rr.tus. Airlv.a <tn<liniU 10 b" a m., Cnlcaai »:00 p. 11... anc Bt, L.uls 7 10 p. tr next Uay. TBI W»TI.K> FXPRI-*. 0:30 P. 81, -rulinian Va«Ut>ulc S»lc plng Cai Xew-Torg * i'ltt-burgu, bt. I.0UI-, Cmcagx, 1 in ln- a'.i, and M'-aipUi Binln^ caia N«-w.y*orK tu I'hllaucpn.a ana r g to Kiphmond aud cni.ago. Arriva at CinciaaaU 1 wt p m., Chlcago U.BO p. m. next flay, a. a BI LaaU T ofl a. m. a-cnd 110:1 ing. ( ..nnecta for L'JCYclaM aod Toledo dally, cx. cpt Saturdny. PAI IFH BXPSMBL S:00 P. M. PulUnac Buffet Sleeplng Car Xew-York Cbicago, Baw>Tark to Mcaapaic wa u.o hii^naodoak Vall-y; arriv-a aaek da..a at. Colurabua 7.15 ¦ a. Cleieland o:3.> p. m. neut'day, and dalir at M<AfC 7 ui a. m. accond rnornlng. Cinneote for To rdc daiiy, aaa for Clnv-land and Columbua except Saturdar. ¦ALTIMOBB. tVAMHIBUTOB, AXD 1II K BfM TH, M WaafcJagtoa UraltH Eapreea" of faBaaaa Pa;i«r .__ Mviu. .-ir to UelUmon ,1. k/ 1010 a »., a.rOe VVaablngton 3:0" p. 0 ,,a! telooal i.iii Ited dally. '-*:'..1! Dinlag Car »t 3 20 p. in., arrlve Wa -. j>res« 6:20, 8:iki. s :jo and II 00 a. u,.. 2 10, ¦, I 9 OG p. c. and 12 15 nlghl ¦. :. 1 ue />. m. Sunday, >; 1.1 .i.:.l 8:80 a. .c. 4:80, 4'00 aal 0:00 p. it... a.ul 12 15 clfkt, r'Oit AXLAXTIC CITY. 1M p. m. week diya, wUk through Burfet I'arlor Car. BOB Pllll.ADELPlll.a. Lxpreaa: 8-'80, 7.-0. B .00. a.*.., U (lo cnicagi I.iaijt«« wita Dlnlna lu.-, a.-.a iu:io vvaahlaguio _,iuuva, witj Dlnin^ i ar), and ll :00 a. bi., 1^ jo. 1 .):i _. i<i 2 ;w I I 1:80 6 00, 8 00, <i 80. o."<> a.,d a 00 p. n,. aud 12:18 Dlght Accommodatloo, 11 10 a. bl 4:40 11.1 7.M' a. m. fcundaya, 1 S, 9:00 (l'i LUnltedT, 1111.1 10 a. m., 2 Oo. 2 80 4 4 .10' 5 00. 0 30. 8 00 and 9:00 p. m.. and 18:16 n.ghl 7:00 p m. For ili.ic-iiiblew of tralna to local nolnta on th« P>no- aylvanla Rallroad Byatcm, apply at tiie follonmg Tlrkd Offieea: Boc. 488, SiO and 844 Broadway. 1 a-- - H and foot of Deabroaaca and (Cortlandt at«. 4 (..nrt.-» s.jtj Fulton-at., a. d Br tlyn Ani « B .don, foot of Fiiltaack, Brookiv.i 7"> Hudaon-at H. The Bcw-York Tranafer i.ompany »ill call for aril rhcck haggage fr.m hotela and realdencea through to dea Unal .n. CIIAS. F. PUOH, I. R woon. G rai M'nag-'r. Ocncri' Pn«Vr Afcag RfE RAILWAY. TIIE ONLY 80LID TKA1X KuUTUi. BETWB1 X NEW-YORK AND CHICAGO, DINING CAR THROUGH TO CHICAQO. 8:00 r BL, 0 ..... I* M 8 80 P M- ALL SOLIO EXPRESS TRAINS. AXD EACB 1K.1X RUNS 1HROOOB TO CBlCA'Ji u/iTHOI T CHAXGL Of anv CLA86 Of < -Bg NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR FAST TIME. IKAINS BKATI ll Bl BTEAM AXD I I.I.L'M IX A;__ BV Tlii; CELEBRATEH PIXTBCH UAI». BABB « BAL BROIBBB Traina lcave ataBoa foot of Ch.inbera-at. at houre oaaad below. the foot of Weat liJd-et. livc luUiutCB Tllfc HhM'hKN IIAV 1 \pi: ggagj 9:00 A. X_ ev. rv day. The pagalac aaarabaj trlu for Binjiiiaiuton. l.ln in, RochCCtCT, Bulluio, Xriaata Fal.l, Buauvoaloa Brldge, » bautauqua Lak ¦'... tha WiBt ud Canada. PuUman Parlor Cur to ButTalo. XLW rg*TlBlUBU LIH1TBU. _:UO P >l. avary day. Evcm car on Un- iram u new ai.d tke veettbuled plati rma, 11... ^ culda vaatlbvled t iln aad tur--a aoil.l Pullnao trjin fr..m Baw-York, vla hala. Eiaia'i, .lain atowu, Lakcwood, Cbautouqua Lake, Minon, MeadvUla :iml foungatown to kli iga. Pull. Vectlbuled Sleeptng < .rs BewYork to Clevciand and New-Vork: to Clncinnati NBM 1 \-i tVBMVBBB KXPitr.«««. 61OO P. Ha avary day, \la BaBala and Xla^ara Fall*. A a..nd traJu of uay eoacbee anl Pulliiiaii u.. per» to Cbl. can... A.l. laaa. aof pa-a ngeM oarrled .«h »lthoul change. Pulliuan Buflct v.-Ut.ue.t hb p.nti Car tc Buifalo. Pulimin Vcattbuled Blccplnf and Reclinlng C'halr Cara to Koebcater, Baaallteo and Toronta. Thc fivorlte .ind 11 oat rompb'te tialn for Him..ton, Toronta, and prlnc!;.ai polata ln tau.idi aad MUebJgaa. Wfcsn.KS M4.HT L.XPKl.-- 8i30 P. N ¦¦> etj tay. Baad traln of 8u...king, Day, Vaasengcr and P>. U Buffet bl. inng Cirs to inlcagc. \U M_anianta, ton-v, MeadwlT. Voung .1 Mariou. P:ilnan cara fron. Yoangstowa to CjncU.naU. P..llu»n 81* pers to IMifal... Tlcket ofUcea, 101, 317 and 957 Broadway, 1 Bat-^rr ¦r- and Weel 86d-at ferrlca, n » ^ «kj tn aud <33 Fultou-at., Broo.,l\u; 107 Broadwa \V..ilam»- burg; .orii'r Xcwaik and Ifudaon ata.. Hohokca a. d >»w su 1011 J raey City, wh-.e t:cKcts and Parloi ....' S -plna i ir r s-r\ nnd orlera for eheekiiig and u-a.i-t* ot W. C. K1XEAKSO.V, General Paaaenger Au.nt. CEHTBAL It- B. OF NEW-JB_MBf .uoi. ui a_l_Jw._V.a-_ KUBXII UiV-vd, s of M i> 28, loi.l. 4 80 a. m. lor __»u.u. ktaucb cnuna, W.lke.barre. B .' u I'.....!.:.-, HarrUo rg, Pdinaoua, l«otUvlUa. StaMa. in Bunbury, Willbimaport. On >vn.da}» Ivt La-Uiu. Mau'.h Chuna, Wii^ ' I Bcranton. BoO a. m. f ind / 7 -00 a.' tn. for Eaaton and Ma-Kh Cbunk. On Bundaya, Eaat..n. Maucii Cbunk au i Bbamokla. s 4.-> a. m. i.r Ea»ton Mauch CMunk. WllK .barrc. Bcrantoa. R -'H -a. Harrlaburg, Po«jaylUa. T'ma^a. bhamoklu. ssuunuiy, WUUaaiaporli Through aj 11 » W1il*ul'ip0^. for Eaaton. Maueb Chunk. BcaAlaat Barria- '. f-i. y. 11 11 Cbunk, Tamaqua, P..tta- vlllc. Readlng and Harrlaburg. V-Ofl Mauch Chnnlc. Reedlng, Il.i":»- burg. WilKeabiire, BcrantoB, Taifuqua, Puttsvtlle. Shajaa- r 1 1 30 n m. frr Eaaton and Allcitown. 6:45 \>. m, t r Eaaton. Mauch Chunk. Readlng, Uarrle. buis'. fec. B 80 ;.. ; 7 HO it. U: for Kaaton aul Allentown. t; r ".,-: -UU Ulanl at 4 M, 8:15, 11 ;15 .1. tn., 1 :..». i J.'- d " P ¦. Bundaya, 8 13 a m., For Loni; Bnch and poiuta south to Polnt Pieaaanl, al j 30 H 1'.. 11 i¦> ¦' '¦¦'¦¦ -:' 4 SO, >. 09 p- m. Bundaya, except Oci i Ol ... * 1 ta iry Pi k, 8 ija m.. 4 KorPRed Hank, at 4:30. 8:15, 11:15 a. m. 1 30, 4 00. 4 .3". .'. ...' p |-..r !., .: ver, Baruegat l'ark ard Iiar> nea:.r 4 80, * 15 a. m.. 1 .3... :80 p ¦:.. City, Vtn-iand and JJridKcton, al i X a. 1 80 p. 1. Por Monn outh B. a-'h aod Bc ibrlght, at 4 AO. 8 :18 a. m., 1 :30. I ¦'< n *J alNDT IIOOK BOITE. FROM pn:u 8. B. B_ "OT OP ;:..¦ roB-BT. For Atlantlc n.. ....- is. 11 ...and Beacji, BcaaraBB Monmouth Bran h. at t .30, 10:48 a ».. 8:45. 5:00 p. u. Su :i tn. For Elberon, Ocean Orove. Aabury Park aud Polal Pleaaaat, at 10:45 a. 1 :. 8 \cep8 00 aa Orove an 1 \ 1. m. For Lakcwood, Toma Blvcr aad Harne.^at at 4 :30 a m, 8,C. >. m. FOIt P1I1I.ABI I.I'IIIA. BAtVTIfgOatl ABB \\ A»MIx GTIIB. liulAL BLLt, LiXiJ. For Phllad.'IpliU at i A 14, u 10 00,11 3P a a- 1 80, 1' 00, 8:30. 4 uo. J oo, o oo, .' oO p. uu. 1'J :i ul.-nt. M Mi.kls. |. n.i i.iju, ll.3o a. ai., 2:00, 3 80, i uO, U 00 v '.'¦¦ 12 At nlght, For Baltliiior: and Waa-lagtoa dally at 9:00. 11 :Z0. wttk DliiiiiK Car, a. u., 2:0V, 3 3u iB.uUig Cari, SToo. p. ni., 12 :15 nlitiit. Traln, l.-aving at 7 45. 11 :30 a. m. 1 30. 4 00. 600, 7 :30 p. ra., 12 15 nlght . 1 8:30. 6:00. 0:0" i>. ni.. ba\c co .-. Mar rlal ur Po'tavil Be. For b'.o'.urv and Wiillaiiispoit vla Pbllad-iiili'.a, at 7:41 a. m. (1 30 Buffet l'a :>. a 7 .1 u u\ 12 15 -.* nlght (eicci t baturda TK'keta and ParUtr-Car -ea'j. cai bc »i 71, 172, 201. ll". in. 1,140, 1 3.< Bioadway, 737 Oth-ava. 264 Weat I25th..t.. 131 ij-t l:: .;.,-1 N'. v Vork: I Court-st 81.0 Fuitou-at.. 68 Bitadway. BrccBlrB, Baw-York Traaafcr fXaipaay a 11 c*;i fur ai.d cho<A bagga.c f.o::i kotal or n.sidenoe. 8ALT0. &0HI0 R. R. 1 __prvaa iraiiia vta 111LABI PH1A to [BALTIMOKE, WAHIIINOTONi (III. AU », IN' IXNATa, ST. U)l UJ. AM> All- POlBTa \M>T. ... 7 w ¦ ar _._ ;; .v> l: VIC8 . ' v " 1 ;,,;\';',i. .. «x i..:..-.. -... m lo. Ull .'....>. J 00 X. M 1-1 \ A. B. ,_ *_r ClNClXXAll. aT. LOtl!>, u » Jf ."' uiil N..I- N. BALTIM J!" (11 30 V M d.'i..»g-ca: ****** k ... .' M 1 1 . A M All trai. TK, 114 and 1,140 Iln i-lv_0jJF*]_ YorV ¦ blAWOB Pl*** WK;S ..Ki.VlforAnd^Ib-J. ga_e iroio iioui or icatacncc tu u it-iaMea,_ I. |. v \\ \ B l.Al'KAWW.W .^N*) Wl BTF.RS It MI.KOAU Mioiun l.m V l aaa __ Buffalo ind r.s- I) laterniedl.te "' " '' ~ .' m,.\U- ti.r 1'ittsto... Wllkcabarr Danvlllc, a.M Kcc4AtuebiaB66l at llutttio «.ti traln* f,.r tli- W. st. 7 n Mail. \la llooiiton. _^_ 1 .. i. Blo than ton ¦. .1 E mlra Fvnrcas fw waaarja-p BtMldabUW -."an'.. Ow 0 Wm\ *'¦ >'^:'^r* th tralna for Plttat u, K -^lon and WIW-*" Uli'io p. ¦ Biaaaiaa. anBtaaaarra and lagaaaaBi Baa 1 r "'.!..i. Iiei Eaprcaa vta Pal*J ten for Btroudehiira BcraH'.on ° _,'._? MU N,ri\ 1 r, Coralng Baih, WayUud Bai.Oll*. *»- Morrle, 6c, arrlvlna In Buifalu ai 7 80 a aa m >.» p ni idalii Buffalo Utlea uid ¦.-¦« 8°.^KtTaaT Btauuil-burg. sJcmuto.i Brrig'iaii.ton. 1 ort.aud. f»yr".n. Vnliou Oreaac. Oxford. Norwu-b. hhcrburn Wiwu -. Rlihfleid Sprlnga, \... aud al' ivunU ou Buffalu Divl-w-. tuii-cvta wltb traiiu. Ur tha W«al«

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Page 1: Library of Congress€¦ · NEWPrm.TCATlONS. AESTHET1C CRITICJSM INTENTION?. Hv Osrar Wllde. The Decay of Ly-Ing. IVn, IVniil and Fiil-n. The ClttiC as Artlst. The Tnith Ol Ma-sU.s


INTENTION?. Hv Osrar Wllde. The Decay of Ly-Ing. IVn, IVniil and Fiil-n. The ClttiC as Artlst.The Tnith Ol Ma-sU.s. IfRBO, pp. 158. !><'dd, M*-""*A 00.There ls ccrtalnly BBReb humor ln Mr. Oscar Wllde.

Formerly he so conrtucted hlm eif av to lieeonic tho

cati-e of wlt In othci-s. N,,-.v. Ma salnd <1ji> - bel»C «t

an BBBa, he ls bebt upnn OttBIMtlfallBI tluat he l> Wtttfln hiniself. It is true that the methods he emplnys is

not orlginal. and tliat it BM b.rn uscl before WJwrltei-, BOt ronspicuous for IntHllrciHC. Ihe tricK

conslau ln maklns-belleve to take aerious pround

agalnat all a.leepttd prlnciptca. The follower of this

plau graveiv denonnies every pimdple. l|"BWRB oi

ORaagRt, rule ef OOOdnet, and Utararf nnd artistlc vlcw

whieh ha. eMMtMBded ItaeU to men. Hc deeR largefyln paradtox. He laRea aapeetal deRghl ta .».***

teojeriorUy for Rleaa whtoa ta 'he n.ajo.ity mu,: appearIncredihiy sii'.v or BtBtaty BMaMtreaa, m aadteea hta

puyOM R no. partu-ilivrry loft.v. ttOBgh his att. udo ta

¦eernfal aad patreoteRig in the extreme. Loiung aa

n aaeteboarg Oiyauma, aa BeRvera ju-igment apoa the

rrJtmea of tMBthlod. Bow to do t ,.s i;i.n of

iktne ui is M maRa the wrlier Ifwaoiaelj rldk abrnt,but ta <io it well R to eahaaea Iha gayetj ofRoiM' nnd lt will to be artmitml thal Mr. RJttda

Tnied Mdo lt rery well tadeed. He baa ta

Lmm »a> BaeRed ap a atyle whieh la really ftae ta Ita

, . tad whieh la iH,u!iarly gtted t« le Uie vehtoto

ef eaaeh vagaiies as nre prescnted in this volume.

Ho ). i-pigraniniaui. too. and not a tow ef his epigrams

,.,. uaeeaaaMaJy aeaa, whlle wme are briuiam.The eeaaya an<t aHatagnee, lato wntob ftrata his

¦ lateatteaa" are Rtoowa, traad mainiv of arl and

crittrism. There la an lMerostlng PM»er on Wayne-

wrlght the artttt, lorgor and Barderer, nnd a eantoaa¦MOr on ..The TriTtli ol Maakt"; but the gravamen of

UM BOOb la the author'a vlews, or alle*e4 vlew.. on

Bhseeta trel mentloned. "The Derav of Lylng'Ls a* nilRht have been suppovd. a BUDOBl and eriti-

,o,nblned. Mr. WiMo P'»es as regrettlne the

doclme of that flne »plrl» of mendarity whieh formerlymade the worM a niiuh pkwaaattr Rbwe to dwell in.

A hatefnl predlleetlon for furts has prown up. Even

ihe peRRetaaa ara fergeeataB hew lo Hc. "Theynever rtaa beyeeid tha toeei of mlarepreaentatlOB, andactuallv twiOaapnai to prove. to OleeaM, t<> J""-'"-

irr.w riifrcrent from the temper of Uie true Uar,

with his fi-u.nk. tearteae alaRMnento, his aoperb bre-tponalbtRty, h* aealthy, iataral dhaialn of proof olany kmd !" if RM bar. Mr. Wllde tlUnks n littto

better. -The BMBftta af tha Bophtate has ftOea apoaIts membera. Theli feegned ardora and anreal rhetorleare drllghtfiil. TRaj ra.ii make the wotae appearthe better CBBBu. a- though they were fresh from Leon-

Rne aehoote, and have boen known to wln frorn re

luetant Jurie* trliiniohant verdicts of BBC]Blt*Bl R*

UMl* Ilenbs. ewn when those (iients, fls oftoa hnjipeaa, were etaarly and aamlataaahly lnnocent."' ARo,- ffeawpapot a. eren, have oeaeaerated. They mayaiow be tbBOBlRitj relied upon. One feels lt a« on©

wadea throucii thelr eetamna. it is alwaya the an-

roadabie that oecara."Unt it f lylng In Bl! tHs< Mr. Wllde ebteflv plMd.

.or throuch ahe moath of vh an, who deetarea thala--) aeeiera laya "th,- faahlea of lytag haa ahnoal falteaBMa aUareputo. Ranj a yoaag man ttaria ta Bfe Brttha aaBaral gtfl for exaggerafJon whlch, tf anrtared In

eongeBlal tad aympathetlc aerroandlBga, or by theRnlUtkm .,f tbe beat medela, mlghl groa Inl wmeth ngreally great and woaderfnl But as a role be eomei 11Bothlng He either la'.is lato oarehw. hahtta ol a<

eoraey, or tabea to freqaenttng tbe aoelety of f

and the weU-mforfaed. Both thtaga are equaily fatalto his Reaglaatloa, and In ¦ ahorl time he derelopaa morbid and unli,-ilthy tacalty "f truth telllnc. lias dbtealtottoa ta contradlcRng people who are maehyounger than lilmsclf. and often eoda by WTtUng BOvehgrhleb are. io Rhe Bfe thal n one can poeslbty beBeTein th.-ir probabUlty." Agalnal Ihla form cgoegeneracyRM Beeaytal Hfta up bla rolee, aad after briaghig raJRagHiowaaRnaia apoa aaoal ,,f the better Raowa wrltera olBetton <>f the dav, be baa fchla to My of Amerlea. Faeta,I,,- eeataada, are ralgarhring manUnd. -The eradecommerchUuHn of Aanerlea, Ra matoriaUalng .plrlt, IMIndlrference. to the p-.-tb- .Me ,-f thlBga, nnd Ita taeb ofimapii:,t d of high, anattalnablc hleala, are

entm-lv dne to tl,at country having adnpicd for ItaBattoaal here ¦ man who ¦ I to his own eon-

Itaalon, waa laea] ahle ol telling a Ita, ai d it la not too

much to ^a> thal the atory of QeOrge R/aahlagton and

Pm <hetr> trae baa Oane nwwa harm, and ia a tbortertjifrtl ,,f Ume. than any other MOial tule ln the whole

af literature.''AeeeaaRag' t© Mr. wllde lt ls a mlstakc to aarppoae

that art foiiows aatare. Oa the eoatrary, it is aatnreUiat foiiows art. The arguBMBl wherehy Uii- theslsls maintaiii-d is botl tagenloaa and amualBg, at;d indeid the whoRi ilaJogne will be found blghly enter-taiinliii: and refreablngly extravagaat. Perhape. bow-rvr, the two flRJffgww ou "The <?ritl<- m Arttet" will

aaoal lnteresl those who appreclate such whlmsiealDteratore, and they mai eertalalj be eommended tothe pmyerful eon-'.ib latlon <,f tboae Impatlenl and not

very MBtoal aaithon who frel m openly at the rery.alMf.nn af intn -in. P< r- Mr. \vii,b MIR them thatthe ofaee of the rrlttc is hlgher than that <>f ti- artlat;

. i- alao the more dlfflcalt; thal it l- muchto make ¦ thlng than t>> dleenaa it; thal the aathorreally wrRea only to provlde n motlve torthe -i-.ti- and thal the algheel art is

trlRdam. Boreover, theae heeetlraJ posltiona are

Beaaoded wlth e«iual audadt) nd erait, u thal anthoragcReleat :< lhi slda "f hnmor and Ita appre latlonnilch'. it is eaey to unaglne, taJ;o the discoatndgeoa, a id grou a gry otct it. Tame erlttclam.,,,i ... .. ithi lUdarn- R, we are told, "bothcreativo and Indcpendeat." lt R ladependent b'.the erltic occupiea the MBM relatlon to the work ofan tliat he rrltirise* a* tbe aitist d<>v^ t" the rlalbleyjraitt «,f form and eokw, or the anaeen worM of paaslonnnd ,,f IhOBght He df«-.s not even requlre for thoperfeetlon <d bR art the flneal materiol.. Anythlnga-ill servo his pnrpose." Crltlclem la ereative, be-eaaue " II worka wlth materiol., and pnta Ihem lnto a

gtrai thal is al once new and dellghtful. Whal moreran one s.-i.v of poetry Indeed, I woaM eall 11

a ereatRm wlthln a rreatlon. K,,r Jnst aa thiai-ti-t-. from Homet.t Ae«i b'ylna down to Bhakeap are

and Keato, dld not go dlreoUy to llfe for thelrBMtter, bat ghl for it ln myth and legead andaneient tata, to the orltle (U-hIs wlth materlala thalottiers have, ai it were, purlfled tor him, and t<- whlchRnaglnattoB, form and eoktr have been alreadjBay atore, i woaM mj thal the hlgheal crltlctam, bel |the pure^t form "i peraonal Impreaalon, is rfi it- \. ly

.- than < reaUoo, u- it haa taaat ti

t« any atandard external to Itoelf, and is, in ftti-t, lt~>own itamn for ealatlng, and, as the tireeks would putit, ta Itoelf and to Itoelf an cnd."

(if rou,.- theae ettaUoaa a:e not to be re?arded a^

.ufti'Hi:ii> lo41catlns tha aeope or method ,,f t!,-- argnnient. wblck i- eepl maly a id often beaaRfoUy Utaa-trat<-d la taMBBRM Miiich. whelher or not they be non-Benatoali are rery dehghtfal readtag, and wtthal¦eboburly. in the elahoraRon of his teheate, bowewer,th,< auth.i" eoaaea to the coocloalon tbat oontemplatlon1. tbe only and arartk I be Ihus Mblaaelf aesthetlcally wlth Hlndn phltoaophy an<i withthat tf Bchopehhaoer. Tbe whole book i» a deflaneeand a "toar ii<' Rwee," and in eoafcaalng thal we reallydid nol th.nU Mr. «>-<ar WUde had it in h;m loao areR-wroughl nnd lageatooa a rohtme we have nm

Ihe le.M id-a of deptadatlag his work, only l<-t u>

hope we are rlghl ln eaeuming ti,:it Us pnrponot Mrtaus. A* a Jesl UI* dlalogue I* admlrable, balrtowed In any other llghl the ]adgment upon it wouMkavo to aaatoego rather a nadlcal revlalon.

LVrro IJnbliciiiiona.ElThte ntli l.i.'-. i',-t paid. for -ic. or atampa.

THL 111 .M.\.\ H.M.; Whj ll Falia off:¦i « ii- v. tai RM Raaaeay, Ry Praf. tiaki.f.y

RARRBR. A..M.UI.VH t-''" 1.01S Ar'hat. Phlla., 1'a..1 v-r. one aho:''! wl thli little book ".Athenaeutn.

Jneirnrnon.r,,r foBBg l-'i'lies.t 'ity.

.<« n* grv rit axr auta. OAiuiRitavRa*\. BCHUOL KOR UllUat BM yeat.Aavant-eq ciaos-s «iti, cajinu.bia Uoiieg. Prutea^ara._

Al.*"i."l..>.:,,, LAhM-..-, 1 ui: ..MU.>. 1"-.pap- tor itihc- exan.lnalioii need*

*t ».¦ earaeai ttuaeata: 'p- .j attwiion cIvm. ui iaioiutiou ai.d pbyataal culture. MAJtx R. wiai'JN,A. h.. aiid LOls a BA> R. Y.

ME ¦.! ri.Ai KWil.J.s s, Ii md I irten torChildren reopena Ottobei 15


MARAME 1).\ MI.Va.-s hool11 ni ,i lto« ind th. famlly.

£4 Wrst Mtb..t 88d >- u n t-_

BLflfia A.VN1E HIKiun. -ij ;r, Klfta a,1"1 Prlmary and a.a,-.- i- woik, hk-1'.J.i,-' uwparatlon for

ai.a f.r th. Colu .i.utiufO. »olm-'l R. ]' 1891.

MAPEMOIfetLI.F! \ 1.1 i.v li'r'-,.,i. ad m .-..¦ -. '¦ .,.,:.:. K.nrt-r-

gari-', loducted rnl rel .., I nca bj Madam Tlaae.

Eupli of tti-5 la'<- Maduiii- I'.,- '.uei SUM m ar OfMD.ctober 1. iwi 178 Weal 78d-at.


IM ELIZAIlfTTU |J. KOUlifi IO l .--. VJth-at.j: ..irdins and Daj I

,. OttJ.f atiiity.rnTiM'u.-r.i.i.i. '.' t '¦¦8<hcol for Qirl* H^oppna OcUib^r 7, 1891.

(\u/r,t)*r 1. :!*''l 20 l.ast O'^ n«»r Madlaonav*.

MlRg I \i DM FOR OIBXB. -ii.s Madlaon-ave..CaUfa preparaMen. Claaata foi UIU. chido,,.

Nun,Oer_r,f boaid tlf. ted.< ^____

£] T. WAKVs v HOUL 8 and 8 aat 40Ui-S? at Xt-w-Vora. A baaraU)| and dav M-haol for girla.UnoVr u.r ebarga of ii,e 8'»t«r» of 6t. Huy. Puplla araprepared for MUega exaoilaatloaa Tha Iwctitr-foaMhyear Wlll commenu Octobci 1. Addusa the S.j>t<.r lnchiuaa

Unstrncnon.For \ounji I.a'tics.City.

Twk aticcis IfOSBB, 047 Mad.ron-avcroardlnj? and Dav School foi Yeunjr Ladl»a and ChM-rt,cn,'°*!?r' (.""or Ward and atbai lolleg'a. ElfibU.v,3r beglna S ptcmber I'M. 18 »1.

TBE RJ HOOL. 6. 8 and 10 Eaat Md-at.In chaivc of Ml«a Julla ..¦ elcAlllater, l nncir*.T In cha-c f M I Jolla " >';.*',Mn. Srlvanua I'.eel. VlMU.r..Mr-. Bylranua F.eed.

.s«th Tcnr bec ns Oct 1 IbOl. ' h" t"'rt) hulldlnf. Nn

10 Ji"i add5 Z thc.¦arhnoV :.fT:.~i« Iniprovel aeoomrr.oda-tlo'na to both reajdent -,ad dav pjupjla._._THE RIVERSIDESCHOOL. . _,.. ..,h

Ml s FMII.Y A. WAItH. Pil'"i[~l (many yeara witn

the Comstork Bchool). Collepe Wnaratl-m taree^auproom« for ro-ld<nt puplla. .%0 W. 104th-al Oentl U i-

i> Dar School. OOLD .vxn BROXKE Ml DAL6 P4_»J_|KXPflSITIOX. 1*-'. M0 nnd "62 71 _et J"d JfCBIBod-ave. Mm<. VAV BORMAB, Prlnclpal.

For Bovs a'nl Voung Men.City.A-CLAS-S POB P.OYS. anl .dyaneed

, end.* atudeata nr jan.-i for collcac. »w. ecleatlflcuhoVa aod baalnea*. W F CHASB 72 W it oOtb-at.

ADVIOE tHidlTT Vl tl'" »LS ->d eti - )"r-nU. Btate locallty, prlcc desir^d poplPa """ *,".V'"!

p v. Ht'Y*<sOnx. Amcrlran Bchool Bnrean, 2 v* '__!__.'

IVSTltrCTION t:i corn:nc:r|.| ....>.. mill->arv s. lenc ta.tlca and defirlfir Rngllah V'vrn on

,ie t.n.s; .. ;. r_] w C II Tu. iaya and' between 0 and 8, or adrtr***

B. i\ BTATT, 113 bljadjaan^ave__PI'.EPARATORY rollece achool al i::> Weat 47tb-c_.

con ictea by H. E W l»erner I1« ihiH -<i-. thought axcrclacd and awed d

t. [bc nieth. nl Inatructton ........ ..I. p-r-onaito twclvc acko'.ara._

1KVIXO SCHOOL. [."i-is i. i: .y, M. A.I 5dl FIFTH-AVF...

Cor. 4ftth-at. I'' 'ar oj_ bualncsa.

gYxiVERSlTY ORAMMAR Sl HOOL. 1.479 Broad«avU near 42d-st. 53d vear. Pr C rnmerelal ar-drjlMalcal Deiairtinent-. M. M. lir.RnY. \V. L. AKIX,B. C. HKXl.KICKSOX, PrlmipaK.

Fnr B«tb Seves.City.SUMMF.R SCHOOL OF Tlir,

METROPOL1TAX COLUCOB OF MU8IC(Formorly Mctropo'ltan ConHfrvatory.)

A nlca«ant irnm'c Dcpartmcnt 1« oi.'n .'or th*' ladlcs from a d'«tan o. Tlif« s'-hool has no cq.iaifor thorouchncas of Inatructton and the ar.ol.ite aofdy of

lt* mcthod". DPDI.F.Y BCCK. Pre«ld<.nt: H. W.ORF.F.VK Secrctarv nnd Trcaaurer. ?'nd for j-ircuiar.


Breoklfra.njiHE aa-BBBB F.I.Y'.s BCHOOXifOB OIRLS.

110-142 Columbia Hel.hts, Brooklyn, X. Y..

will rc^ixn Bapt.aaber 80Uv



THE BROOKLYX HEIOHTS SEMIBABT.-Boardlnannd Dav School foi oirla. 4i-t year. Addraaa, toi

ira, 138-140 Montaguc-'t., Brooklyn, B. x.

For Voung Ladiee.Conntry.MO.xii thk CAT8KILLB..Mlaa Cberlifca'B "8aaaaaiskctchl begln J >ac 1. r-aw plctuiea ra

,.,v.d a. Part" Balon. Tenr.a, wltb board. 840 per ntontb.,vid*- M1SB CHBR1THEE. .Khcrww." OataklU, X \.

\\\.' HOMK aXl5 DAY S< HOOL llcaltl.ful lo atlon, dellghtful aurroundlnga.h work. Prcparatlou for eoliege. lioys under

twclvc <1. For ili uiara and tcrma, addreaaMr- K S OR1SWOI.P, Lyme. Conn.

tfLVflRA Ml .i.i..; RJH woxtl Hnf studv U'.osc ol lir»t-<la»s collccch. DnMC

tcam luajt and eloator. Aatt momlcaJ obcervatory.Art School, Muale Buildlnc, *c. -1T »tudenU.I HARLl S VAX XORBKX, D. P., Pl _N. T.1 VY ll\t.I. Ilo.Ml A.VDCOELEOE PREPARATORY1»lltor Yoiiwr Ladlea. F.«tabllahed 1B01. M.-..1. AI.I.I.X MAXWF-LL Prlnclpal Brldgcl JN_P"rXXIX..-|..\ :-s J KEM1XAR1 tXD LADIES'

. 5_nd yiar. OrT-ra rai racll-Tcrma moderatc ii rh and bealthful.

.¦ ipea. aay nlTHOS. II WI...N. l>. I... I" cara.

ST. CATlir.KlXF. 'S ll u.I. I6th vcar. Long Hlar*aan achonl foi ulrla. Enlaraed :u.n ntenalvi

-..- 1....C aud eflliient atafl ...' profcotn und teachr paration foi l' idlna co Irgca TB ro. -

of thia ln»tltutlon. Tcrn n fo. bOJidera I.ln .!'-.; i r .. h. ... ui.*'. and Latln. froi innuni.For dar ouplla from 6*>0. N-\t term r. ..;. -'.\i partlcuiara on appUcatlon ... BISTER CAitOLl.VE.286-202 Waablngtoa-ave., Brooklya.

8T CATRFRIXF/S IX THK MOUWTAIX8, RcercatlonSchooi Hold rneac X. H. Bcaal a tron Jaac :".. to Bcpt,4 Tcrma 6180 So nttraa._

f~.A'jx: s s.. if .1. Albaay. X. T..Undcr t.h» dlrec-tlon f.f Blahop Home. 2Iat vcar. rui| eourtCC B

ktutr from'rtiartcu thro'Cli Harvard Coorse forWomen 34 Inatrurtors TuPlon 6400 a year 1-orcata-lo°i.c addr s. ST. Ai-XE-s BCHOOL_.riMMri.'. fiROVE LADIES' SF.M1XAR11 Korluea X. Y..Thlrtv-aevenUi year beglna Scot. 10.

_. || v- DOWD. Ph. I>. P

Tili; roVBO LADIES' SEMIXARV, Frcehold, N

A l uortunltlea fnr bii

WALXfTLAXE"SCHOOL lormcrl Mn'. ''

(iern.antown. Phlli Boardlng and Dai Bchool fojyoaag ladlea; 83tb yea oi^na ;...,': 28d Academlcali-d ,.;; m, preparal Pui.jk cater w- Uealej..ii oni f ara addreaa

M.. Tllfor--.:: \ R Bii HARDS Prlndpal.Mlaa SARA L0U1BA TBaOT. A. M.. Aaaaclatc Prlnclpal.

For Boys and Yoong Men.Country.\DIR0XDACK6, CAMP CEJAK. Bnmmai >).*nool for

Boya Ten w.-eka, Ju.v 1 u> 4. AttenUon glveatu elemrntary studics and ipeclal cara to atudeuu pr. pariuttlor collegc ¦cxamiuati..;.". Study opiL.nal with parcntaFor clreulara,, E. I) MOBTAXYB, Trcatoa N. J.

DELTGlTTFUL BUJiMER SCHOOL FOR BOYS atSouthold, Lona Ialand. llon.e Influen.c.

aporta. s..f- boaung, batblni; and nablng. Addrea* tbeil of Rugbj Grarouiaj School, 120 weal 82(1 al .city.

Ll..1:..v.max, i:\mr in the mountaim of tbe Bng.con wlll rceelve .¦¦ lew boyc i.uo his famlly. far la>

ktructlon dnrlng the auminci moi.ti^. Refercnccc *.»-

qulred. Adir-ss C. M. s.. Bo* I. Tribun. OiBce._ORDEXTUWN i.\. I. MILITARY IXSTITL'TE,


CHEL.TENIIAM ACADEMY, .N /.. PA..(ui and aur.o uidlnga, Xcw achool

qulpnicnt. Ojninaalum, inlliUry drl.l. Be. TboiparMtlon for eolleaa "; aclontinc avhool iaauiess,


j.;,...! ;... .u. Tuorough lnatructlo Ln Boo kcepli.g,i. P uhalp,

Ar.ti.roeti fcc.: T nogmphy, Tj |.Uurllii

aryeror altuat ona fiirniahed Sen_d for cafFue

ELMWOoij SCHOOL KOR BOYS. At Mllford, Conn.I'.ir.'.iL- who ;u onfortunate ... thc nianagciuent ofmc «::. do well tu piofll bj th. advantuge offertd

ItAXK M. il'"\ "._

FX. J. 4.M i...i .¦. ir paration ¦* aiicclalty; bnalneaa, blgb

it. KXAPP'S HOME BCHOOL. Plvmouth. MaaCj-lli.. -. ii. ii. Lcamcd [Barvard), Head-aiaatar; Mra.

Ki.upp. l'MiKipal. B1-..U I...K POlXT BCHOOL, Duxburv, blaaae-2J bova;

laboratorlca. v B. Knaoo. B. B. (M. 1, T.i Prlntlual. Boths. licls ire I tlBc fc.i.ooi. Collcsc or BualncaaAi;.;.- gro '1- ¦. I'hmo.iUi i'.jv, ludlvldual tcachlnaainciim.'s roys1 BCHOOL B .- i. M-.-s.-ts1»J miiM fron. I'ot'.ii. on thc B. and L, Ii K. \ -tn t-

lool for Boya from T to 15 Inclualvabeud lor circular u. M. c. kllTCHELL, A. M

I' Ipat,\i i.nt.-i. \in MILITARY vCTdTMY" MonUlatrTlfT.iM .,., :¦¦. and i d for catt

,.lv... MAI V1CAR. A al_w; T. JOHN'b MH.n All, ^QHOOL.

DepartBMat, lliutaryunder U. S. Arni>

^ rlntcndcal

Si -.1 \(Elt S( HOOL. rhe 1 St. .luhn'sm celv* boya : r foi

... to foUan ii'... «;,-t.-i auntrncr; pi '"'¦--

ln hatbing, liahli.g excuralona; wimpeteul aaalatanta.

SirMMl R HOOL al th. Pcek<klll BUltari Academj.rul i: an

JOHX X. TILDEM, A. If., M. D PrlaScnd lor circular.


< IMER KCHOOL "1 - LITER »TPRE,13 iftth a. aalon at Amhera! lulv

10, 1801, 12 D pa ln t*. 22 Tea. h. amlPtof. W. L. MOVl AOVE,_


.I, L. I. ? .. d rauloguc




5ce., aad


SHOOL, ROCRLA.VD 0LL1 .!Xvaek-on-the-Hudson. Opena Juiy 1. l'.>r

lus, »<Jdre«< \v. II. HAXXISTI It. Pl n._

^SUMMl R 5C1100L at HcD.patead [L I., W. Y.) Inatl-* ui.,; bana-

10 mlnutea fron Waa York. Apniv to..ii

SWITHIN P. SHORTT.l :...!'. s-^;. Wkhave » aummor - --icn at Atl Ad-

di. 'i Pa, ii fi._

TIIE COLLEGTA1 I? Xcw.Ilfl V |le, N \ ll

;l n '.. .: M PlCflHF PEEKSKILL MILITAlI ,8th y. cata-

loorue JOHX \ TILUF.X « '¦! M I> Prlnclpal


¦ii;.. u. .iymnaa um drl hall bowllru !?.'I bor< ,t'!i p:. paratl n I . burt-ncaa, - \i:i: CLARJK D B Re. tor._

\r ACATIOX FOR BOY5 ,',...'..¦;p'h and Oermaai: car*-

ful aupcrvlajon. BAVID \| v.:r Ji X. JILLISTOB simixaky, EABTHAMPTOX, Maaa!

Prcparca )<nrs ror a-iv caflcjgc ar r.ntifie achool.I.'r 10, .-'.ll. Nmv labOratoMc." aul b.'.li-

roonis. All b.ii.dl'i'.'s h .. d bi at*an tddi --

Bev. WM PrlnclpalyORCl HTER M ¦ ]


w jtlon f..r sny collcec or arlchttfl* aclbuildlnc '..'.-

D. W. Ai:l RCROMBIE A M. I'r¦<¦\v,

ellancooa.FH x.'.M IXATIOXS fai adi ... b tba Woaaan'a CaHege

j ot ii III .» b. id >. jul andi, f j ....'.,

vTnuhfrs., Tcacbert, Gol .

. brancbi .. andru lai.KiUL'iat

Miru ..';

AMERICAX AXD FOREKIX TEACHEK8' AOKXCY'. r- 1 iu.. s, i*i.v-ra<-»a.:a

_c. |o cotlcgea KrhaiH and F'auillle*. Ap;.Mi-. M J. irOlTXG.l ULTOW, 28 lan Bq ara

¦ . 11.a. iir.->I > . \w I i.K f.I» \- ltr\ ss:.,,-, ,,, Biircau -' '.'. ;.

HAia Ai.i. oiUlii Al E, beet city reliand !>¦ IU. .'¦ rai elti durlnc aum-

'- Trlbunc Ofllre_'U' i. 1: -' ¦. .. 7i "~~"~

a .M ..fhcersii m HAKi-.iv .:¦ Lafayctu pt x y.

iita v.; !. 'ir »( HEHH UdV» l.i»; f.>r Bouth .,j.i|«-orfrau, f..r vv n rn w n, mn u-arii, r Engllah, Latln ra

hool ii. ar rlty;'nt tcacbCT for rllj aebool lea...F.rneb .. maa foi acbaal: alao icaebatc f'.r Baaay aakac\a-auclr* f..r 8eptemb<-r. MlbS Oo.XOVAX'g T.achcra'Bur«au, 30 BaM llth-ab


BC&INES8 AT THE EXCHANOR.The prtiirlpal fenture of tbe d.iy at RM R'al E*tate

¦BSbaaga yesterdnj «a, a eoni ¦mail ,11 Mlle by Jamea

i.. w-ii- ,f tbe e*tAtes oi Kauu-ine RlggeachaRdt,UlH KOROj Theodoie Wllkens and KHin Mmrt. The

ptapett) eeaaprlaea a numbcr of lnta and beaaea ta Ump, .;liT thi: -loiirth Bfarae, Whto* rettli/ed

lood prtoea. A racaat tot in iRtrl aem aeaf Obb>lundred-aod Bfty-elghth-at., broagbl 07J00 from MatVbalen. A rorrn r plot waa effered at brook and inin

Uaietaeai uouso. rhe tivperif la 117*70, IWhtit aoM tor 818.000 i<» k. J. Currey. Ppar ioi~ lnLTotona Ptoce broagbl 01,000 aud 03,000 each. andlots m ThiKi >v between One-huudrcd-aml-»cveut)m-t-t. and .lulu-st.. I.r-uight from 04,000 BB to

,.,,.,,. i,.- cornor of Woaicheaiei and Proe-dcci ave* »7 feet on earh avcnuc, broagbl 8(1,200. awd

plou from 02,000 lo 8U.725. Lota OU CanMwcll-are bratuiu 01,200 each, and on rrtnRy-eve. ..'¦-.

\ two-atory frame dwelli H">oxloo, in Ono-hnndred aad-alxtJ Bnt-eU, near...... iold (oi M.500 Ui John Kalaer. The cornei olune-nandred-aiid-alxty-firal and WiUwm Ma., wlth e

,,..,.j,i 1,800 from Charl .

Klilnolander; ihe fronham on Oae-hundred-aod-rixtjla i iu and "ii Wiibam iu;;, wlth a depta ra*

olng II rough ol 114 feeti,,t. ii, Cllnton-ave., near Jefferaon-at, brought

81,200 e.i h: >:- on R' bal ive. aoM for 91,i<>:» ap to$1,500. A lol on . >:;.-iiiinii-.! s>-wnt> b ui-tl.-it, um, ., two-.tory frame dweUlng, thi lol20x100, brouglfl 04,400 from lt. J. uwatae; Bad two

lota on Ruchhoul at. brought 01,200 each, aad two oatoh tne corner ol One huadred-

and-etghty-nlnth and Hoffmem aM., 20x110, toM for92,75", ti, lt J. Jaffertt. The property eonatata of a

ikree-.ior] frame toneaaent, produotng a preaenlrental of 0000 ser aoaam, lwere waa a large at

..,., who aat patlontlj tht lugh a very long aato.R'Uuam Kannelly aoM Ro. 136 l>t Forty-foorUi

>t a Ihree-atory atone fronl dwelllng, oa a lol 10x100,tor 010,278 to John r Ratye i. J. I'lulllp- aoMuaRer perURoa Roo. 780 and 738 WMhRigton-ai., two>atory brlck lenentaal booee, on ¦ ptoi BSxOl, for018,200 0, the plalntlff ln tbepreceedingt.

RobI of tbe other property waa ettber withdm.wn ortdtonrned. the prlnctpal o< tlvity t»till contlnues ta thetanexed warda.

.v< w-York, nraraday. Jaae 4, 1001Tho fnllowlna MlM WBM held at the fSzehaagB and Anr-

Uon K ,i1 3-sion dwel ng with lot, No 188 Raal 4 ith-et. a a,

|40 fr Leiiugtoa-ave, lot 15xl00..'>; John T Xa-.-le,

IJali rv awetl Bg wltn tot, No 848 W-t Kn'tavfi. w a,82 ft ii Hlat al lol 20x100; M.ry K W.lker, (

buiiding alUi lot, N'o 120 Da*l 72d-»t, s »,313 ft ,- |«MVf, lot 25rH) .-'. II K M-v-r. rJ! 0.6.

3 himilar buildlnga a-lth lota, Noa WJ to 12b ,-. JM-85x102.2 each; M i rankiiu,

1 l'oti w - Bd-ave, 60 ft a I38th-et, 20x08; John Whalen.*' T-'o't of land an Bd-ave. a w com-r Mrr-ok-av^. S******09x88 a.d Kore lot on :M-;,v,-. northweat ewaet or Rroek.

).,.;;;,;-f'Ti;;-., 18.100 Mehs w.i

''"n-t^-"od-ave. a of RM above. 20x100 each; E Ran-

*\ fif w*e K,-lto..:,v,-. IT5 ft s 17lBMt.«8x about 141

a&vhfiRR.iM,;i;,1!Vi;,d,V!..- w'.-Cnldi-ll-ave 3-J.-, ft s ,.VRh..t,*,. , T,i..liv:,v-. 100 R s 188RV8*, 100x01.8x

RkfHRB., -; John Kalaer, BC <>'".

a-io, wre ploi ot land. onlOl.t-at..,,,, no.8xll4.8xia Rhtoe.

';V",- |,,t.,n:nve. n J :T-is...,t. S^lrf .«ch B L

V'i'. 't""f'','r,i *n i BoataB-ave, rannlag tormgh to CrotoaaParh 82x822x121x354; Charle. Blaehj 85,000.

i..." , \v.i-t-. iM-. 5q ft i iri-t-i. SBxabaat 88

"1".l'1'il ?'a rb ITlatMb Mxaboatoe

¦¦'¦{'¦ rWlSf^e w car ITOaVtt, 24.^x100;J 'ir¦.;;;. ¦: ,ve. 90 ft n 172d-st. 3r,xl20;

'./wm, m. -,.i:«h,t, IU ftw3d-iva i 20x100; it -i i.nwa. 04,400

2 lota. ti V" Tremont-BTe, 88x100 each:

- nt between Werth and RTea-ater ave.: R E Holder. 12 850. . .^

- « Rdenave, 200 it n WalaaMt, L'.r.xlO0 aaehj^t Wa

1 dw, lllna and barn. wlUi pb-t of land. on Daly-ave, ne.r

Klojrabildsre Boad R E Holder. W.750.i lot ..I, ii iftrn m rt, o e eoi lOORVal ft JeRertti .-.,->"

REI r/ROED REAL RSTATR Tll \ nsi KKS-N Y. CITY.:ai.-t. i, .. 210 fi a o Bd ave, Ro 215; aartoa

;,,,! -,::- tn Ma | Donlhoe .. fil.OOOSann- uropcri sa h pner to ( haa M- i

77th.»l ii ¦'.:.'- f> . Madvci 02.2;wlfe lo Wm M 20,000

1204 at, a *. 40 I J I. >. >¦ 8 P0.4 ; BarieMeo Uarlem Llbi irj ...- 16,000

la-ave, e -. 151 ft - ot Kreernan-at, 25x110;a-Ue to Danlel Sln, lalr, 800

Stebblni - a 504 11 ft n c4 Preenian-.t. Sl.Ox-., Di uUon r b, aahro.

Ave A. - s, ;t;t.'. ft n of \\< A, lC.sxTl.3: Loulac Neuberger io Davld ,.,.iili.s-


OOth-at, « a, H» w Ave R, 25x102.2; l r-d 1'Hummel and wll. t.. Jacob and wlf. J4.0O-1

]--,fi.-t - - I"'. 11 « -.! .re, '.'7 ixH'ti.ll EBOOB", B»i] and R] di . 14.000llOthH n 200. 8th-av« 84.3x00.0; Rdward

Perkla* to Davld Itana .H.tiooSth-ave aame n Davld Frank and wnh to

Charlottc Rlee , .,48,fo0

,t, .N- 135; John MiKclvejr M John MuV:i .

3.">.000M.dl*on-ave, n w r.r 115th M, 100.11x05; Ann b

Mrlntec to John Dlllot 1147-,,-! 3M ar .we Bc Nifholaa, r.ix';

|, II.-: and *lf. and Wrn Iia^u'li 10 Anna>t Hartlaon. ¦ '"-, a, 158.9 > l,'.,"tt.-st. 00x100; Lful*

ka and « II. lo I 2,0u0l«\7,-..8

Alni 1Weat End .ve, n « ror 63d-at, Sannel

oncoid .,,o,-.,,l. ,; , f- of LexliiBton-ave, 18.8X

100.5; Johu 11 iit..~i.av. |o I. I. Meformlclc.. 1/.000131-:.-. 118.4 R e ol Oth-aii IC, (99.11

.'i IM-.. 10,000r, . 125 ft e of llth-ave, ...:-v lnn-l No

.l',. \\ Eninia Ouerbei and Arnold 8 Ouerbertn J F Rumhai »aw

... - m ioi Terrace Vlew-ave, I20xekn an .ud m t tO .b> M >i!n 1,34",

114'h->.t s. 270 ft ,- ..( lat-ave, B5.2xl00.10;M Marl .¦ .. \ lat-ob. 1

i j...:, rt n ol rcii, -t, 20x75.0;pet ..¦ to .ia. ob Schirn V..... 1

74th-al v. 253 Eaat Klchard krnold, extr, u>¦. t Cm ry.. . 11.250-t No 20; MilUa Qana and wlfe t<>

[.lurua Rubel . 0.705l.¦ t- 24J¦._ ::i L'i'.-J'.n. map lliatt Kniin; CharleaW Mpoonei hm.I another :.. I M Carmlehael_ 1

i'.-.'.t;,--t n l«5 fi .. ol -'i iv* x99.ll: Ann.I. Rtibert* to Kathrina M Wllhelra 10,.">fm

, », so ft « ..; And iOi 100; rw H i 2,800

Beav, N'oa 52 ¦ id 54: 6 n.I Zabrlakl ..,Andrew Zabrlakl ...1

Sti,-a .-. So 831 Joaephlne Wry, et al. to Carollneflrod . 1

llfitfc -' s ., 25 ft <- of LexJnjrton-avn -_'.'.\I0',.11l-iiii, Wagnei and wlt. t., John Piah 12.000

,,r -i r -. n, 36 ft n ol haiIton -t. J7imd . ir- -o Jam, - h FVi, i.-r 9 ocmi

Oreh rd-at N..- 179 aud 180; Jnaeph I. D Men-Lo -n and anntlii r 411.0110

Charlion-»t, \- 118; .iu,.-- 1., aad anf. oaJanita 11 (.aneher... 18,."<00

KE> ORDEO UOKTfrAOES,Rrlll, Wllliam, to Clarcaca Wart a, n 1 Baa

Davld Rrnah, ". v..¦:.-. *!T 00O.Bvrn, to M M Job, a a iii.ii-t, a 4th-

ave, :i yi Jnaeph II to .1 M DyekBiaa. a s T-riiil<s.n Plnc-.8 '.'- 1807.

11 John M and »ir>- to Chaa N Buooner,lota 241, 242, 245, 250, M.p 11\-..r- Pann 1 jrear

I ':,r, I". am! BO0 U I'l'.: N OoddaM^., nI .'. y.«i-. B15,500

to -.::,,l-l K.rr. 11 ¦ M-td-st1. w WV<tl.i,.! a\e. 1 1

Donlltee, Mary, Ui Sainuel Kt-inpnor, Na. 215 Kasl

DIII01 ' 09 D W Jamo!», No. 182Wi -'¦,--' 8 ri*r«

... 'i Itle (iuarante* and TraM Cn n s

iyih-»l, * 3th ave :< \- :,rs. 0 mortForater, Prederlefc I' to the 81 Vlrhola* Bank, 14 1

411 1*. ari-1 .nd 102 Broad-sl nolea 180,000ti. iu-iiird W Robinaoa; -an.- property, 8 v.«n-,

Feonrlly, Baaao and otheaa, to H-rnan F Raaaabley^I wll ta the 1 ntaraatloital TH* and

impany, »- a -wtii-st, w ,,r Weat End-ave, .1 1tl 185.

Renne, Wtlllam and »if,. ta lh« i.rand IsAw ntInd Son. ,.f l.rael, No. :t,;t

900.II-. : ii Ith at, »

t1- 000.derlek P Humi -i. No

-. dward OppenhelBier xud an-,, . ..ui, »t, .. of Celumb 11

if-. to II,: llaink, Rew.fark. a I2«, e ol Ith-av.

II i,r\ and arlf, IMii <ni I'nmpanr,II - USth-et, >> of Avenn, A. 8 yiara, .7.000.

MrCormlek. I :»ar'i 1.. ta Oeorg. '. D« Witt :,

otli-r '500iu-. 1 lamiuanii and

.. :. u. iiv; k prop rty, map Hlfh-brldeevt!

Klre, Chai JoltB A HallaarB,1. trua, n > lieth-at, " 8th4ve, 8 ye.ra, t ino

l: haa :<-,n »,f>-. to Pred'h Ciamme, 4 s 81.1.. y ind wlfe. ta t Barviaga I1.-111X.

. - -V..rk Llfel Truat Co, W a '¦- ¦n>--l, w \V r, ai>

M.I-T:,.. P :.' r * St,--- Mfir Co, IA Wm A Klllott, o s

vi ive, n ilat-al ¦-

w 4-.-1. John 11. *t al, ta V ¦.-. * < t-:M-at.* V .',.;:. :' T»,r« :t ii..r-«-.'« 045.1w «< ta Jbhn Heia, < ? BUi-ava, n ',

Bi M 000.wun.-: Evellna A aad aaothet to r-iwaist 1. LawR


tjolcls.iiiitii. At.nrnT. RVBMIPRAR pi.av

IITR-S'l UI BROADWAY i!CB ', H wi; v. y1. il .: eantral. Ideel Br*proef bnlMIng: roal and

, .- ,!(#. ef t*o ,.. m,tij fui: ible for

acaaoa._ROliT J. DRADY. Manager.

BfahRRIOR IKH'-r), HKOOKLYrl BSIOfaTBhdlreetlTv oppoait* Wall-M., R.w.ldrk; 4 ¦louta.' .*>;«frcai iNaton or Wall-M ffrrv and U>> Brldfe t rmlnua;. .,l-,:.r a.-cemmodallaria rcaaanabl. m-. ... -. faoillr. O'l tr»r,slM,i baael; MB Hrnn « S-nd for i-lrcular

TIIK BOOR OF Ol'UVAIlt SI'OKT.S. ocUvo 500 tBOMlUaatraled Ti e Mndard 01, Am-rl,-an ooen.air afliaaamenu. k.i- for saiimx. awimnilnf, ball khootin,,-. h-ra-hatk :ldli,^ *,-. A-.-.. Iu full al Derioty I'obllshe-I b>'The Trtb'di-. New-Tork. tatatUla-to. and unJNcr>a:,jr LomolUnentcd bi U.«i urtaa.

.ntiion eolr»_i>fJl«l_e«5«ie_lames L Wells, Auctioneer.




St. Ann's avs. and I4lst tt,Ovcrlocklng and

ADJOININC ST. MARY'S PARK.Avn'.es opened, graded,

and curb*d; eraaawalka Uid;¦ewered; Md'waiks fiags-dM.(,!),. Dta pald; coavanloat

i:;stii AM) l ISO -r*. i. BTATIOBai

SSs^vTWcTHa»a__W«.,,., on uie sround and with Francls B. rii*d'*y.

,tt. rncv. 280 BToadWay or to Jamea L. Wells. Auctloncar,59 Llberty-t. _f_.

JAMES L. WELLS, Auctioneer,Wil-V:,f^,.^9AT:^^l^.^^.i^A^ ".




\VI-» I'O.

88 minute* fron. Orand Cent al Depot by aroreaa traln,attcr r.ic.. : pii.t- looxr onccB. oreen n.a^Indothw -vc.'.-. juet aoutb af Baw-Tark Road. aeai"and-oni" r- d toree, achoola, eburebec and

II Utl.E.M K R. ItAPIII TRABB1T.Lfberal tcrma riHa Bvaraatretl bj Otiarantee

and Tni-t Company, frce <>f eoct. alapai arltb i harie*ll !'.r',n. Attomey, 48 \vi:iia.,-t., aad with Aa*W ''"Ii!,' ronveyed frce over groiindv Asa for Young'ahaek at attl


OP SUPREf/E COURT,NOV. 13th, 1888.


LOXG IBLABD,laiwffliitfir *e 0r"at "I1"1,- Bv ordor of'i HOMAB :i BRi'SH i CO at 1 o lo, :< p. ra.,

8ATUR0AY, JUNE 13, 1891.Baaeial tralaa fron ixwr lalaad city and FUtbaak-aya.

im ui r\ ri Par e.iia-. here*after A..J..T ... ii r.i. JoHXSOX, Jr., .1" Llbcriy-c*.,Kew-York. and I88and 101 Montaaae-et., Brooklya. _



MONDAY, JUNE 15, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. H.Tke ereB-kaewn HECKSHBJR ueopeity, next w Ceawtry

Club aad Hutton P»r_, i:. WcaC Oranga, tt. J .Pa

Old afcada tr- -¦ Lerac dweUrnf-houae. Bllllard-room..iard'-n.r's c«.tt ic». Elchca and flow.r gardeBJ. Two

Crecn-h...ise.s. Aaapla water aapply. Poaatatae.BICHARD V. HARXETT, Auciloncor.

BLAKF. t PHEE-fAB, Atty-.. Orange, X. J.


1-;. H. LUDLOW k CO.Wlll ..ell Bt ilU.'tion 011

UT.I.Xi SDAl J1 M. 17. 1801,at 1- ..'> lo< lt n...

at thc r."ui i -.'. -¦ 50 '.¦'' rty-et., New.York.tlitf h.. '

88 BBOADWAY, TnROl'OH TO 17 XEW-ST., betweenv. si.l. BT. and EXCHANOE PLAI E.

Mapa v from EDWARD C. JAMES. ATTORXEYfor tl.e HEIRS :il N'c-'in-'. and from Uie AL'l.'TIoX-EERS. 47 LIBERTY-ST., XEw-YORK.

UnoinfCB ptopertti lo fci.IH'll.DlMi*. rMnrca. LottC nnd Offlcc» to let ln

Matil ii I unc. .lol-n. I'ullon. ti.n. Ilcckmiui. Frnnkforl.ii,,.,., Raaaaa, Wllliam, Qald, i ln:. Paaai, tVcUar,1 ront. »onlh. t'nrtluii-t. lley. Yeaey ISuiine. Frniilillii,I.uitci.i. \Vaakla_tan,tlraeaarleh, llmUoo, Chareb aadolbei airceta.

Kl'I.AND A- WIIITIXO.'i IlecUiniiii l*t.

(Tor,ntrr) |Jropcrt_ tor Baie an_ (To Cct

EVERY0NE INTERESTED.n acruri.'K n Kiilnirbu.. Iiome aliouli! a«ad lor ilic licmuIfall) i>lii-.,i iii<-.l l.i.i.b "" fiillr de«. ilrllve,1 iiini .«i rbarmlaa aakarfc, \. J., rrbereftm cbalee eartagea aaay be kad o» aaai irraaeaad n

imiled ni;mli.'.' ol l«ti iiI 910(1 lo -«.',OII e.tch.ChII or addreaa_...THE PAIK.MOI >t I.AM) CO.,MU Rraadwaj, N. Y,


.FFICF.S, Nu. 1,288 Broadway, earnar Tblrty.ftrat.ct.:140 Broadway, ctrn r JOth-at., uotll '¦. i>. m.: 270 w. st\\ ,,. Ui -' ¦« ii.- Sth jvc. : I")!! l-'curtli.\. 11 Knurteentn-at.; 7(50 Tl.lrd-avo., corner Fortj.eventh-at 1.020 rhirdmve., near M.xty-flr»t-at., ,f^^

I".; \Vi*i Forty-accond-at., 1,092 Colu.nbua.ave.,I7i> Xlnth-avc., cor. 7L'd-»t 69 I.H.eru -t.. 52 Avcnuc a,828 Thlid-ave., and thc BARLEM 0FSlC>i 180 Eaat¦,,...!,!, .1-. ii.ind twenty-flfth-ct_ mest On. -I.uniln'i.tvflfth-at.,

8 p .... and 200at rc.:ular oltlco\\

ut' i,

['ii':1. sTLE "X llOXTHLY PAYMEXTS.-Three ac.r b rooi "... al Qr*ai '

dep, . m itrroiindlpga: II u II-.. froni cltv is tra.ui *«.0 |.er \'. ..r. V'-.. .!

"tull'dlng lots money loancd for bulldlng. Addreaa-ii di-liabloy City.

BE vsi "!'. cOTTAOES al io\-iv Laarrcacc Baaeb f<>r »al«> i.oard

j.i I,. nt the LaWTCOCC R icli rior if dcalrcd Ad-BF.XJAMIB W. IIII* HOOCB, H

Jiinuoljcb t^ansrs vto Cet

lukkon. MONMi.iiii BEACK, BBABBIOBT andKuinaun Keck,.Houaaa to let, fcrolafced.

appib atlon.CHAB H HKuWX. r.O I.ib. rtv-aa.

s i.k KBR1DOE, Mass.raraleked caUagcc in and aimut ttu vfllaga to r*nt

Addreaa j. B. PUWDER80Nkbrtda iii.iiae.

Ui'.oincos (tl)antfs.

Tlli; (I.M.oN PLANTERS TK A COM-PABY, .'.'¦¦ Bulldlnf, ttb-BVC uid I6tk-et h.."

. na tcnitorj ln aad outalBear.Yerk .ar\iua in proi>ortlon aceordiag t.. ai.nitv ti

manrnt and Iu ratlv. cmployment furnlabcd to' partlcwith atMfa "... to cbafact"r and . i.i!itv.v ii or inlt.: Api rj bj it.-i only ui, w \ ¦. l. partn nl

The hook ofopF.N-AiR BPOBT8, actava, 500 Baaaa.lliustiati-d. Tl.e otandaid autl.orltr ou Amerlcan ooeu.

air anuacaaanu. Ralcc fai aaluaa, awtBianlna. bali li«v-Ing a!.oot:i.g hor Cbaaj .Iding. 4c. ftc. !n full BI corropy. I'ubllahek bv The Trlb'.B¦:. Xew-York. Entartaln-_U autf uiilYvxaally conioUawated by Uie prca%


West Point, Newbargh& Poughkeepsw

daii.y BSCCVBRIOR leaaeot Baaaaayal BYPAY I.INF. BTRAMERO

NEW. YORK and AI.BA.NVFrom Brooklvn, Kul'on-at. (bv Annex).5 *]2*:.m'

.' N.w.Vurk, I)»sbroa«>'a-st l'l, r.e.w" BTew-Terk, Rraat20aVat, Piai.9:0°

RetaralM, dne i.-> ReW'Terh at 6 30 p, m.


C0AUH1NG.-B. II. Macj & Co.'s four-in-hand. 'Th,- I.akewood," leavea their BtBN. Tue-daya,

TRBiaBaC. »«d ^aturdaya. at 10:30 a. m. Keturuiug, ar-

RVM at Olh-ave. and Hth-at. at 6:30 p. m.

Tli-ket*. $2 50, for round trlp, can be purchavd lnthe>r Uarnca. Department._,_17 R1E RAILVVAY. 8PECIAL EXCUK8ION8.Ij SHOHOLA ,;i.i:n. Weaoeaday. aad Bandaya, ei.

LMva 280-eB., 0:28 a. aa.: l,aml,"r*-at., '.' :80 a. m.

ii leava Bhohaia 0 oo p. aa. No *u>ua »,->t ,.f

liREEXWOOD I.AKF.. W"dn>'«d.iTa and Sundaya. Wednaadaya, lea*. 28d>at., :i ::, a. m. ^i.'hambTa-ll D 80 j. "¦ »un layi a m.;Chambara-.t.. 10sOO a. m Reguiar m , ,, returnla*.


under th. peraonal BWBageBient of Tho.. H. H'tidrlcaaori,tha weil-kr.ovMi un.riat wir, leavlng R*w lork, \ itcamei Etrurla, rMtvrday. Mv ll, 1801, vHting

I, Uelgl'im, i.-tii.ain, tl.i> RMiie, SwltltTland,Pranre md BeotUnd-a nearly - -"-" .reeka' trip-a". a ro-nnrkably low rate evirvthtiiK flr«t-elaa» throuahO'it. Sendfor panipbietH. '¦'<... Itlaeran »t t«ur t<> rHOR. \mi:1< KSOX, 217 Al licave., Brooklyn. X. T.IlluN STiaAMBOAT COMPANY.

TO-DAY'S TIME TABLE.Btaamera will run dir-ct to the Iron plers at


leavlng Weat 23d-«., R, R., hourly, from 8 a. «. «ntll5 p. m.. anl Pb-r (aew) No. 1. N. K. iDatt'-rlv Placa atationelevated roadai. half an honr lnt»r. Boafs l^ave ConeyIaland hotirly from 10 40 a. m. uutll 6:40 n. m.IA':;: TO COXEY ISLAXD AXD RETURX. ftO CF.NTS

beuMlOn tlcketa aold M all down-traek atation* *levar<-drnads, wlth f r, e tiapafer between South Forry and Uatt.iyPlaea for .'d aad 3d ave. peaaajni

Ceijal LVotires.


York, pUlntUT. agalnai .i -,.-...- H i. ryand Mu-.- s. Levy, defendant*. Summona, wlth notlee.To th,- .bove-oaned defendant* and each of then

Vou a:- bereby lununoned to aoawet th. eomplalat lnthJ. a. uon, and io aerv. a eopy of vour anawei oa thepl'ilntin's att>miev withi* twentr dav. after th. »*rvlthU .ununotu, exeloalve of Hie ,lav <>f wrvlee, and ln <a.seof vour fallure to appear, .., anawer, ludgrnenl wlll b.-taken apainst you by (I'-faiilt for tho rellef d. n.and-d iu Uiecomplalnt

l»at-d Xew-York, Mav 11. 1S01.RORWITZ 4: HF.RSnriFJ.P.

piaintiirvs Attornera,I'o'tnn-e addr^ss »nd otTIee, Ro, -jaO Rroadway, N. w-

Ymk Clty.N, T1CE..lak. notlfe, that apofl vonr defaull to ap¬

pear or anawer th- above tment ¦. IU b^ takenyou for the aum of Nlnety Thouaand Slx Hundr-d

and Flfteen and Twenty-four-one-hondrcdth. Dottara, wlthUitereat from Pebruarv 2, 1801, aad wltb roau of u.i.s

RORWITZ v HERSHF1ELD,PlalntitT'K Attornera.

To Jullu. Levy, on,' of rh* thovanamed d fondanta:Tha fnreuolna siiniinon* l« *orved ujion you bv pul

tion, purmant to aa order <>f Uon. (Vorge i". Andrewa,of th. Supw me Court '

N*ew-York, dated th. 8d day ol Jone, 1801, a:ui in-dwlth tha complalnt in the offlee of th* Clerk of the So.

,,f tha Statc ,.f New-York, .,t the tountyfourt Houae, in ahe Clty of Xcw-York, on the 3d day ufJune, 1801.

llat-d N-w-Yorli, Jnn- 3 1801.IlOltWlTZ v HFRSHFIELI),

l'laintiff'* Attorneya,2«0 Rroadway, Now-York nty.

Cost Bti'j Xoniid

BANK lif)OK LOST..Hank book No. 881.758 ¦! al -

Bowery .sa\lncs Bank 1- nlMing. Th" lln.'r .* r-

to return It to 'h- bank. If BOt :.-'ilav of July, 1001, app'l atlnn will be n.udw to tho

laank for a B.w book._JJst! Bank-boot No. 501,150 Bank for Savlnga, 87Bleeeker-at, Nfw-Vork. PaynMnt atopp.-d Ptoaaa

return i. to i'..,nii. No. 870,934. Dank for Savlnsra. 07_j Bleeekrr-.t.. Xew-York. Parment itoppcd.

retnrn book to Bank.

fllnoical Jnotrnmfnio.

AN ASSOHTMENT of »"<.¦ nd-hand urand, Uprlfht. aadSqoa e l'lanc* of onr rnako ln perf-ct eon.ll'.lon anM

tully warr.nted. Also . nur^i-r of Plaoonci u'.hur truaiiotnt irake:< ar kery low prlce*.

WM. RXABI it CO..I I> 3TII- Wl ..

REAR-OTH-sl.. Nt-W-yOBK.



Hudeon River Rallroad.All Tuuna ariive at aud d^part from

ORAND CESTRAI, STATIOX,Fourth Ava. and 42d St., New York.

Tni: only RAii.acan BtATIOM na ihe Crrr.Trnlim l.ente an faRawai

RtlO \ m.-i-a>t MAir- roiIto .. -.. p Batavia and Ruffalo.

IOiOO \. 'I ui' .-"¦' V esTIBULE UMITEU, du-., aco 0 45 a. in. u, xt -.1

IftsRO » Ml.-WESTERN U.\l EXPKE6S DaUjliTini 'V.."oi,. -'"' rUWEBTERJi \ STIBULE I.1MIT-

... Du ... :..,-i 10 .1"' :' 1*0 a. n.,

.|.sop""m' ¦,iNMi!ni"sii..r.r. Vimi- tt Detrott at 9:18 ¦ ¦ P- '"¦. u,'xl

«»-llil'>. M.-FAST WESTERN EXPH Chlcago'..'¦¦ m., bt. I.



RilO P. M.- PA8T BT. LOUU AXD CHICAOO EX-l'i, L»ue iiiitiaiiNpoiis 11:20 p. m. '¦.-.'. day, e*.

I IB^lilZlwXEWBUROH), POUGH1 ;:!»N^', LIFP (KIMivSTON VXD 111 10 :.M,tll 15 a. m., 18:80, 3 :.".¦">, Ifl:2I p. ni.; a.- lolkeoi ale 12:00 .: ¦."¦ ''''

d. m.; f"- OarrlMM (W I '¦ 15, 111 16 a. m..

VLH\w -17 ,.'< 0:10, 10 ' 1^:00nooii 18 ¦". -i 55, 1:50, d 00, 18:25, 7:80, 8:15 p. .H2:00 ni-,-lit.

TROl : io, 0:10, 1" :00, 110:80, 111:15 a 12 00noon 13 ¦'¦'¦. i 50, 0 00. 7 :.!!i. 0:15

ITii'A AND Bl RACUSE '7:15, 0:10, 10... n .. 12:00 noon, 1:50,0:00, 1:80, 9:15 p. ui.,

ROlTlEsTERr-0:lO, 10 00. *10:3') a. n... 12:00 uoou,4 50, U i>, 7 :80, 8 lo p. m.. H2:00

Bt n \i.-i .., 10 10:00, 110:80 a. m., 12 00 noon, 4:80,: ao, 9 J» p. m.

NIAOAIU FALL1.9 1", 10:00, tlO :30 a.m.. 12:00aOOB,'. :ih>. 7 :30, '.i :15 i>. m,

ADIKOXDAi n MOUNTA1X8 AND MONTREAL-t7:45....", p. ,,,. U"J <»i nlght.

CAPE V1M EXT, OODENSBI IM3 AND OSWI GOj. ii.. 112:00 nlght; al-,, for U.wego, 0:10, 10:0<>,. i" ¦"' ¦'¦ m.

AUBI RX, UENEVA AXD CAXAXDAIOUA-0 :10 10 00,110:80 a. m., 7 ::<" 9:15 i>. in.. tl-':,".' mld

'..l.ivh.-llir.i. 1111.l.s, via BAKIaEM D1VISIOX-Ul li, a. /... 13:20 p. in.i-.i tlcketa aiid ipaw irs apply at <,rand

Outral btauon, or at 113 78",, 912 and 1 Broadwar. 12]¦ 53 W -' l25th-»( aad I3eth-at. atation, >ew.

york 333 Wm -.:-. ."¦'¦ ¦"¦" " ''¦f,.m-a\- I). Um lyn, and 100 ii-i-l-o., st j-r-

rott'a Exyrea. ra a foi a.. ..:ka toggagi traaihot" .- . ':

IDaUy ezeept Bunday. IDally except satorday. Other

Abovo tr.'iiiVs -\i-pt tiio.A leavta« at B:10, 10:00 a. aa.,12:00 noon 2:80,3:80,3:55 1:55 8:25 p

i t, -to:> at 13.-1U Htn St itlon...,II.N M. t6u< ey, GLOROE n DAX1E1A atanager. . r. -¦:¦:-,: Ag nt,

T"tiih> 11 \ A LaLfcl KA1 Li;t>Ab.PA88EXOER TRAINb leavo foot of Cortlandt and De.-

braaae. aU. a« foiiowa:7 a tn for Mauch Clumk an>l InMrroedlate pmnta.8 10 a m. for Oeneva, f.}«.n«. Elmlra. Ilo< h-»ter. nuf.

falo'and th. W lt, PotUVtll. and prliulpal |o,al polnta,Chalr car to Lyona and Pullman -ar to Uridga

u a in 1-- Mauch Chvnk and Intermediate (Kjinta.11:80 a. ii. I ,,L-, ,..

1 u m for Tunkhanoock aud Intermediate polnta C halrcar to'Tuiikhannu-lt. ConneoUOB to Ueadlug and ItarrU-

l'"*i 40 t, n for l.. and n. Junetlon and priii'-ipal ltiter-n.iaiatc polnta. Cha;r CM to U a..d B, Jttn !tlop.

I :",i) |>. m. for Pottavtlle and luMTBMdlaM poMM. Chalr

^Ij -20 p. ni fur Mauch Chnnk and Int.riuodlate polnta.Conno.-t.ion to Readlng and Harrtaburg.

7 80 ii m. fur Gen-\a. Lyoua, l.lmlra. Ho-h,-tei and th- W.t. Pullinaii BMRBet M> Lyons and huvpKnalou Brtdge. ... .

Traln. laavtng at 8'0 a. m., 11.30 a. m.. 1 p. m. and3 40 p. ii .oini-ct ft,r all polnta In Malionoy and HBIBl'ton coal rejlons.

SI'NDAY TflAIN-8 10 a. ro. for Mauch tAunk. HaielMn and Inti'mipdiata

polnta. aud 11 a. in. for Bhenandoah and bat'imadl.Mpolnta.

5 il8 p. m. for Mnnrh Ciiunk and Int >r dl ll polnta.7:80 p. m. for Qaneva Lyona, Elmlra, Rca-heater ltuf-

falo and tho West. Palbaan aleepet M Lyaaa and Su*-p-nalou Brldtre.

O-n-ral F-W-rn Offl^o. ?^S Tt-nadway.

WI.-I' SIIOBK RAILKOAD, N. V. C. fcH. R. K. it. Oo., i. "--.-Tr.nn Uaave Wa.1 <:'d «t.

Sta-.loi, [Xew-York] :,~ fol wa ... .1 ._... iul-tu( >a airller fr-n,th,- fooi of Juv -t New-1 i, m lon Detroltand hlcago. -10:15 a. n... .:. 15 n m. '8 15 |. aa. st.i.uuis. .., ij, s , j,. n, T,. ir, :n,.8 10 p in. Buffalo, Roeheater S,npou«lon l:i:i.-

iaa 8:80 '10:15 . ,... \ 1'..'8:16 p m., and all Bf a, n,.. run. aulj U i Klnga-t,,., -.i 80, -7 18 1" 18, al! 80 a. m; .i 00 *5:15 and'8 n p. ra. i ai^Mii and Albaay, 3 #\ -7 15, "10 15all 80 a. m -i 00 '8 15, -e I', p, ro, C'ranatoB, Wi iPoint, Cornwall, N<-«i>,ir(r. .:< mo -r r. - m r,.lo 4.V all :80 . ra., '1 18, M .00 :i.- ll :4ft p. n Moutr-fil aiul ,,,,¦'. ,.- 7 1:, j. bi.,-.'. 15 p. n. Eleg*nt aleeplna ,ar- for |;>. . Kall».l'- r ll ... .1,1 Bl l»uia o,, all (hronyh tralna.a . facuv- Brooklyn, vta Brooklyn Aana. alO 3' a ui.;a{:00 p.m. laraeyClty P R. R Buttori ,n :*0a.m.;,. -I>.lT ' H i|!». ..-,.,,, .vitntliiv. \\\ othelliaiitB Jauy. sundav Por tlcketa tlme-table. pailur a, a kieuptna-car n'cmrroiat'oo* er Infornm-.-s brooklyn 888 w, .-.... Kni'..i..i. \,...

11, x oiH,-- foot ,1 Pulton-aL : Xew.York fltv 271,808(.42 Broadwa] 148 Bowen 12 l'ar« Plaee, fi't WeM125th at., nnd Weat Shoi ,1 ol Weal I2d-at.nnd fo.t of la\ st RorU) Rlver 1' LVMBF.RT,(Mnara] Paaaengi-r .v*cnt. ft \'ai d-rt,lit uve Rew.York.

X t.W VORK. ONTAK1U \Ni» WKSTEKNII 1: vii.w.w , niiw.iih nilnutea i-arHcr tro foo .' laj -. 7 ..-. a ra.,


tinelda Oawejro, Chlcago; 1 80 p. m. for Caiupb, llallto i-n, 1 11-oMli-, rti '8 15 p. m for >!itli-

town, l.lhertr. Walton dn-lda. Ceatral Bfluare, Oan go,RochaMar, Nlasara FalU l>-troit. Chl.-nin,, Bt. La>iila.. Dally. All otlier aralna dalK exeepi Hon.l.iy.. TteKwts.Rana-toblM, *23 Broadwar. J. C anhfrhoN, Genera!Paaacuucx Agent. 10 EAchang. Plaee. X. Y.



or liw ai»ioss« > and Cortlandt Street*aa i tiiow-:

On and after MAY 24th, 1891.THE fa*t i.isb

8:00 A. Itf.-i'uimin ve.tib.j.e Btaaaaag ena |_ette taraArm.-a Uleveiaod .'> 26 a. m., (Joiumou* 8:6V ,. «_Ci.leago 5:00 p, m. aud Bt, J.'.'ils 7 oo p. ra. Q'.xi «_y.Uaaaeeaa, alao, for To. \ jjt saf.rdey.

THK PBBBaYLTABIg I.IMITKD.10:00 A..M. Compoevd e.uuaively al falbaaa ve-tDiaDreerlng and btate llooa Dtnlng Ba .«i..c andObeervation Cara, pi teiiUug Bnaaelal j'jy.rts. au-nag.raphcra and typewrli. ra, m* t *4.ov

iii_M, bar. . ... k.iu a.l th- convenicaaca alhon.e or ceBce. Hc*ted By cteaia and ligr.iec r.r ,14.Hi ary and siovanie electrlc lifhte. Arrlvee cincinata7 10 a. m., and 1 kleaga S> :45 a. m. nevt d_y.

. _, LO 1*1*, CUICAfMI ami 1 IBCINBi ll KXPRK**_:00 P. M. Pullataa VeeBb ic tticeplnf Can treai Baa.

York, and UininK ( »m fr..... Mcw.rerB u, aa. LouiaChnair. and .Ineionatl. I'a * New-YorkBCol'.rr.tus. Airlv.a <tn<liniU 10 b" a m., Cnlcaai»:00 p. 11... anc Bt, L.uls 7 10 p. tr next Uay.

TBI W»TI.K> FXPRI-*.0:30 P. 81, -rulinian Va«Ut>ulc S»lc plng Cai Xew-Torg *

i'ltt-burgu, bt. I.0UI-, Cmcagx, 1 in ln- a'.i, and M'-aipUiBinln^ caia N«-w.y*orK tu I'hllaucpn.a ana r gto Kiphmond aud cni.ago. Arriva at CinciaaaU 1 wtp m., Chlcago U.BO p. m. next flay, a. a BI LaaU T ofla. m. a-cnd 110:1 ing. ( ..nnecta for L'JCYclaM aodToledo dally, cx. cpt Saturdny.

PAI IFH BXPSMBLS:00 P. M. PulUnac Buffet Sleeplng Car Xew-York a»

Cbicago, Baw>Tark to Mcaapaic wa u.o hii^naodoakVall-y; arriv-a aaek da..a at. Colurabua 7.15 ¦ a.Cleieland o:3.> p. m. neut'day, and dalir at M<AfC 7 uia. m. accond rnornlng. Cinneote for To rdc daiiy, aaafor Clnv-land and Columbua except Saturdar.

¦ALTIMOBB. tVAMHIBUTOB, AXD 1II K BfM TH,M WaafcJagtoa UraltH Eapreea" of faBaaaa Pa;i«r .__

Mviu. .-ir to UelUmon ,1. k/1010 a »., a.rOe VVaablngton 3:0" p. 0 ,,a!telooal i.iii Ited dally. '-*:'..1! Dinlag Car »t 3 20

p. in., arrlve Wa -.j>res«6:20, 8:iki. s :jo and II 00 a. u,.. 2 10, ¦, I9 OG p. c. and 12 15 nlghl ¦. :. 1 ue/>. m. Sunday, >; 1.1 .i.:.l 8:80 a. .c. 4:80, 4'00 aal0:00 p. it... a.ul 12 15 clfkt,

r'Oit AXLAXTIC CITY. 1M p. m. week diya, wUkthrough Burfet I'arlor Car.

BOB Pllll.ADELPlll.a.Lxpreaa: 8-'80, 7.-0. B .00. a.*.., U (lo cnicagi I.iaijt««

wita Dlnlna lu.-, a.-.a iu:io vvaahlaguio _,iuuva, witjDlnin^ i ar), and ll :00 a. bi., 1^ jo. 1 .):i _. i<i 2 ;wI I 1:80 6 00, 8 00, <i 80. o."<> a.,d a 00p. n,. aud 12:18 Dlght Accommodatloo, 11 10 a. bl4:40 11.1 7.M' a. m. fcundaya, 1 .« S,9:00 (l'i LUnltedT, 1111.1 10 a. m., 2 Oo. 2 80 4 4 .10'5 00. 0 30. 8 00 and 9:00 p. m.. and 18:16 n.ghl7:00 p m.For ili.ic-iiiblew of tralna to local nolnta on th« P>no-

aylvanla Rallroad Byatcm, apply at tiie follonmg TlrkdOffieea: Boc. 488, SiO and 844 Broadway. 1 a-- - Hand foot of Deabroaaca and (Cortlandt at«. 4 (..nrt.-» s.jtjFulton-at., a. d Br tlyn Ani « B .don, foot of Fiiltaack,Brookiv.i 7"> Hudaon-at H.

The Bcw-York Tranafer i.ompany »ill call for arilrhcck haggage fr.m hotela and realdencea through to deaUnal .n.

CIIAS. F. PUOH, I. R woon.G rai M'nag-'r. Ocncri' Pn«Vr Afcag




8:00 r BL, 0 ..... I* M 8 80 P M-




Traina lcave ataBoa foot of Ch.inbera-at. at houre oaaadbelow. the foot of Weat liJd-et. livc luUiutCB

Tllfc HhM'hKN IIAV 1 \pi: ggagj9:00 A. X_ ev. rv day. The pagalac aaarabaj trlu for

Binjiiiaiuton. l.ln in, RochCCtCT, Bulluio, Xriaata Fal.l,Buauvoaloa Brldge, » bautauqua Lak ¦'... thaWiBt ud Canada. PuUman Parlor Cur to ButTalo.

XLW rg*TlBlUBU LIH1TBU._:UO P >l. avary day. Evcm car on Un- iram u new

ai.d tke veettbuled plati rma, 11... ^ culdavaatlbvled t iln aad d...ingtur--a aoil.l Pullnao trjin fr..m Baw-York, vla hala.Eiaia'i, .lain atowu, Lakcwood, Cbautouqua Lake,Minon, MeadvUla :iml foungatown to kli iga. Vectlbuled Sleeptng < .rs BewYork to Clevciandand New-Vork: to Clncinnati

NBM 1 \-i tVBMVBBB KXPitr.«««.61OO P. Ha avary day, \la BaBala and Xla^ara Fall*. A

a..nd traJu of uay eoacbee anl Pulliiiaii u.. per» to Cbl.can... A.l. laaa. aof pa-a ngeM oarrled .«h »lthoulchange. Pulliuan Buflct v.-Ut.ue.t hb p.nti Car tcBuifalo. Pulimin Vcattbuled Blccplnf and ReclinlngC'halr Cara to Koebcater, Baaallteo and Toronta. Thcfivorlte .ind 11 oat rompb'te tialn for Him..ton, Toronta,and prlnc!;.ai polata ln tau.idi aad MUebJgaa.

Wfcsn.KS M4.HT L.XPKl.--8i30 P. N ¦¦> etj tay. Baad traln of 8u...king, Day,

Vaasengcr and P>. U Buffet bl. inng Cirs to inlcagc.\U M_anianta, ton-v, MeadwlT. Voung .1Mariou. P:ilnan cara fron. Yoangstowa to CjncU.naU.P..llu»n 81* pers to IMifal...Tlcket ofUcea, 101, 317 and 957 Broadway, 1 Bat-^rr

¦r- and Weel 86d-at ferrlca, n » ^ «kj tnaud <33 Fultou-at., Broo.,l\u; 107 Broadwa \V..ilam»-burg; .orii'r Xcwaik and Ifudaon ata.. Hohokca a. d >»wsu 1011 J raey City, wh-.e t:cKcts and Parloi ....' S -plnai ir r s-r\ nnd orlera for eheekiiig and u-a.i-t* ot

W. C. K1XEAKSO.V, General Paaaenger Au.nt.

CEHTBAL It- B. OF NEW-JB_MBf.uoi. ui a_l_Jw._V.a-_ KUBXII UiV-vd,

s of M i> 28, loi.l.4 80 a. m. lor __»u.u. ktaucb cnuna, W.lke.barre.

B .' u I'.....!.:.-, HarrUo rg, Pdinaoua, l«otUvlUa. Bunbury, Willbimaport. On >vn.da}» Ivt La-Uiu.

Mau'.h Chuna, Wii^ ' I Bcranton.BoO a. m. f ind /7 -00 a.' tn. for Eaaton and Ma-Kh Cbunk. On Bundaya,

Eaat..n. Maucii Cbunk au i Bbamokla.s 4.-> a. m. i.r Ea»ton Mauch CMunk. WllK .barrc.

Bcrantoa. R -'H -a. Harrlaburg, Po«jaylUa. T'ma^a.bhamoklu. ssuunuiy, WUUaaiaporli Through aj 11 »

W1il*ul'ip0^. for Eaaton. Maueb Chunk. BcaAlaat Barria-'.

f-i. y. 11 11 Cbunk, Tamaqua, P..tta-vlllc. Readlng and Harrlaburg.V-Ofl Mauch Chnnlc. Reedlng, Il.i":»-burg. WilKeabiire, BcrantoB, Taifuqua, Puttsvtlle. Shajaa-r 1

1 30 n m. frr Eaaton and Allcitown.6:45 \>. m, t r Eaaton. Mauch Chunk. Readlng, Uarrle.

buis'. fec. B 80 ;.. ;7 HO it. U: for Kaaton aul Allentown.t; r ".,-: -UU Ulanl at 4 M, 8:15,

11 ;15 .1. tn., 1 :..». i J.'- d " P ¦. Bundaya, 8 13 a m.,

For Loni; Bnch and poiuta south to Polnt Pieaaanl, alj 30 H 1'.. 11 i¦> ¦' '¦¦'¦¦ -:' 4 SO, >. 09 p- m.

Bundaya, except Oci i Ol ... * 1 ta iry Pi k, 8 ija m..4 KorPRed Hank, at 4:30. 8:15, 11:15 a. m. 1 30, 4 00.4 .3". .'. ...' p '¦

|-..r !., .: ver, Baruegat l'ark ard Iiar>nea:.r 4 80, * 15 a. m.. 1 .3... :80 p

¦:.. City, Vtn-iand and JJridKcton, al i Xa. 1 80 p. 1.

Por Monn outh B. a-'h aod Bc ibrlght, at 4 AO. 8 :18 a. m.,1 :30. I ¦'< n *JalNDT IIOOK BOITE.

FROM pn:u 8. B. B_ "OT OP ;:..¦ roB-BT.For Atlantlc n.. ....- is. 11 ...and Beacji, BcaaraBB

Monmouth Bran h. at t .30, 10:48 a »..8:45. 5:00 p. u. Su :i tn.

For Elberon, Ocean Orove. Aabury Park aud PolalPleaaaat, at 10:45 a. 1 :. 8 \cep800 aa Orove an 1 \ 1. m.

For Lakcwood, Toma Blvcr aad Harne.^at at 4 :30 a m,8,C. >. m.


liulAL BLLt, LiXiJ.For Phllad.'IpliU at i A 14, u 10 00,11 3P a a-

1 80, 1' 00, 8:30. 4 uo. J oo, o oo, .' oO p. uu. 1'J :i ul.-nt.M Mi.kls. |. n.i i.iju, ll.3o a. ai., 2:00, 3 80, i uO,U 00 v '.'¦¦ 12 At nlght,

For Baltliiior: and Waa-lagtoa dally at 9:00. 11 :Z0. wttkDliiiiiK Car, a. u., 2:0V, 3 3u iB.uUig Cari, SToo. p. ni.,12 :15 nlitiit.

Traln, l.-aving at 7 45. 11 :30 a. m. 1 30. 4 00. 600,7 :30 p. ra., 12 15 nlght . 18:30. 6:00. 0:0" i>. ni.. ba\c co .-. Marrlal ur Po'tavil Be.

For b'.o'.urv and Wiillaiiispoit vla Pbllad-iiili'.a, at 7:41a. m. (1 30 Buffet l'a :>. a 7 .1 u u\ 12 15 -.*nlght (eicci t baturda

TK'keta and ParUtr-Car -ea'j. cai bc »i 71,172, 201. ll". in. 1,140, 1 3.< Bioadway, 737 Oth-ava.264 Weat I25th..t.. 131 ij-t l:: .;.,-1 N'. v Vork: ICourt-st 81.0 Fuitou-at.. 68 Bitadway. BrccBlrB,Baw-York Traaafcr fXaipaay a 11 c*;i fur ai.d cho<Abagga.c f.o::i kotal or n.sidenoe.

8ALT0. &0HI0 R. R.1 __prvaa iraiiia vta111LABI PH1A to


ST. U)l UJ.AM> All- POlBTa \M>T.

... 7 w ¦ ar _._ ;; .v> l: VIC8 . ' v "

1 ;,,;\';',i. .. «x i..:..-.. -... mlo. Ull .'....>. J 00 X. M 1-1 \ A. B. ,_*_r ClNClXXAll. aT. LOtl!>, u » Jf."' uiil N..I- N. BALTIM -¦ J!"

(11 30 V M d.'i..»g-ca: ******k ... .' M 1 1 . A M All trai.

TK, 114 and 1,140 Iln i-lv_0jJF*]_YorV ¦ blAWOB Pl***WK;S ..Ki.VlforAnd^Ib-J.

ga_e iroio iioui or icatacncc tu u it-iaMea,_I. |. v \\ \ B l.Al'KAWW.W .^N*)

Wl BTF.RS It MI.KOAUMioiun l.m V l aaa


Buffalo ind r.s-


laterniedl.te "' " '' ~ .' m,.\U-ti.r 1'ittsto... Wllkcabarr Danvlllc, a.M Kcc4AtuebiaB66lat llutttio «.ti traln* f,.r tli- W. st.

7 n Mail. \la llooiiton. _^_1 .. i. Blo than ton ¦. .1 E mlra Fvnrcas fw waaarja-p

BtMldabUW -."an'.. Ow 0 Wm\ *'¦ >'^:'^r*th tralna for Plttat u, K -^lon and WIW-*"

Uli'io p. ¦ Biaaaiaa. anBtaaaarra and lagaaaaBi Baa1 r"'.!..i. Iiei Eaprcaa vta Pal*J

ten for Btroudehiira BcraH'.on ° _,'._? MUN,ri\ 1 r, Coralng Baih, WayUud Bai.Oll*. *»-

Morrle, 6c, arrlvlna In Buifalu ai 7 80 a aa m>.» p ni idalii Buffalo Utlea uid ¦.-¦« 8°.^KtTaaT

Btauuil-burg. sJcmuto.i Brrig'iaii.ton. 1 ort.aud. f»yr".n.Vnliou Oreaac. Oxford. Norwu-b. hhcrburn Wiwu -.

Rlihfleid Sprlnga, \... aud al' ivunU ou Buffalu Divl-w-.tuii-cvta wltb traiiu. Ur tha W«al«