library of congress...i, i 111 k b t !." nn m1w tom guw. i i munuim. m a batawtbas a iima-a-...

I 111 k B T !." I, nn M1W TOM guw. i I Munuim. M a Batawtbas a iima-A- "" P' B IJLAtRSvtllH AND WHEELWRIGHTS . Pi waM AMeekBmlth .d to whoelwrtrtit weabyd lb) eUl km goad Aim liTuraTi ndetrndr ml. opply W Mm that II Ml. bp IB ' statins Warns at r n l it. TM fa a I SSB a- - will in ton day la tha Mr. MimII "wITst, 3 ViWIbii iwa-o- . I IMM TiMUyjm won thb o. b. abbiy AS rwir TT --- T I 111 gr a IMrMBwa eCar iawf w3hj!lW kP r. TI ARB ICS", MAKERS AMD 8TTTCUIR8 BXIJBKJIbJpB WANTED lo GOOD MU- - ATI lil m, (w in Oernae Kill R,lra. it Cfta-- I BBM A'Bn b rich el. bTh' Iron the dev M- - af nnMarl ar Apira UmMQiuun ). u IVi mm IN nt.i sr. MmMiR Bad MaBMrrr A. BM 1MB fOjd d ifara-r- e for tin a. at McUMtl. Tpplr At HAAIMBY AA, AM wBrM M, bet lei tw pad era AT Iftl I'I't M mOTUMT-TMi- l, WABTbuD ALL BESPECTABLS aTIXLP eat of on slump wnldda nil m'I t th MVr.ic ' I n i lugltoAe, llB.xth are. hot 4th a. wwwmi TIOUBEWOK- K- WANTED A WIDOW t XA smnu o no bort MM H tka eonatrr M teM nhanre of fa-- b ma Hd Aelrri u A marten nS prflbml ft loot hMiM for a .matt foiu, bat jg an ell - Addrm L, Bex sji, MenSee. J MACHINES - WANTED 10 a. I O MM r, W floleMtv, on pinteloono. aim 9 opera. Mre-- ue m I'.aaMr A aajer. MBit "' CJBWINU MACHINE HAHM WAJbTBD O too-.k- Home blrt by Nerar'a ImMM (air and i.e..d. bpap Mil 1M aUataa st ml'IH CBWINO MACUIIES WANTED, LA , P YD JtaUUirn MMatoa StiutoTt n4 Wblr ln. aiMilaM. in ..bli. tl a fc&TR jfei'.M , iu CKWUTQ M4.CHINE8 LADBS TU(fat a O to aarau on WaaaMr A nriimiM lminiW y lATLiu t&avniAS. S TVOTICK M Iktv osaa mn akr froai 1 okak to Ir MM) fUM ud iwalrlacof mtomr to and from ita iliiBici , od Ao Vlriaill tai aoturort , TO UM Ifi 3 mC APABTMANT8 TO LET-TH- IRO Flow, T" mtouiat m n a4 ti: voter tod , --o ar ala i t. terjEttsy'- - pjb. APARTMKNTa TO LXT-PA- RTB Of, atiaa laMaaMrafraiaall iklkii at AUf. U,. t two aad Urno rom.. a rtoo ,.-- . -, M Bltt aotftl iS APASTanr- - to lit first Aim otV ataoao loar of I ha knira okaaa rroat WIKloo. aVMaJoMrV' K awah araaiio ( n iho InoaMoa if Itaivaril EfA' ""aTIST1 nd at aa a Tory floor. A PACT M EHTI TO LKT FRJM MS TO s "" . oar mania, wtth walar. baqalra Mo. I H nitb Xahda , aniaaaaakarak a,r ail taa larTkaa. ail f COTTAGE HOOOT8 TOLKT IX a To. aaar Park aa. two aottaf a aado. 10to booaa aauth of Mrrtlo ara. anirutt iM TTODSk TO LET ON S1X1Y-FIM8- IT , " L n ar V rat avooao, a two "tory fraaaa hoaas armlalaURb raorxa,wl h a larakaardaa aMaokod: taaifl!5n a lar. Hiipi kin I lr App'r to J. VT (ol l.l Nd. 1,18 ltroad.T.i-ar7t- at. ant g jj ItOOMBTi) LET- -8 ROOMS TO EACH AA far . fiov t4 7D to M par month ahn I Jal roaroa frai aa ir, to at H la tfco wa l rantllatod V erlck hr uia, 40 Ubairy it, ooar AutKor. fnitt 'a at in roar. aal r.lO QTORf, 4c, TO LFT- -A SHALL STORE, O 10 fllitl ara. tlaot . - Boom ud haflaaama, M Wa Ittk at. Boot tl. r 44 Booat aad Dodroooa, U:, ilia bath at. feanl f(T a at aa " -- T- MK1TMTBI. atr- t- - aw A mvm fOMUEKFUL DSOO?Kn- T- ara A Ikadk 'itraatad kf o mm prfm rtthoat oola. HO I BShklUa 9k waaaaMwataJ fiACstSS ML I rplIE LA HO BUT AND CUXAPEST DKN- - m! P 1 ttlaf.Mi how In tn I H N H ilHIKHN Ao L J0.. akrotuta. 8'(i Onrad ,N YH aad f7 Knit o IT I at. Brook full or partial aata of tooth oa Sj MMar aMarpa atraoaphmio p.wamro plawa. wttbnut aO aitroetirof tho rorta. On olaboa or Id, fl; alivnr or ruhbrr. l i oarUaj aola od iold, Jlpat tjii'h JI- - a. jr Xatiavrl'lUH CtAJU HI ltaakoAAA aa I Vaaaar k tiinoA Tkdk who on anltorloa 01th mat i aa of iboa bapfjfaj of auuaaiatrtan. look aa ooaorb aa dE raialuo f t, frou, luaga, ojrauaoa at pataa la Ma oka ohrai. MM or fcaak. oiiprtanra bnadrajao or 4haml Hi Maa 0( 'Qa Bjojo. aiAuld aouaaU lr J TOTlua, woo paw baa mado trwamrat a onr . or orriiaacapUoa ki. I k) tptoAai W JOr for roara, and who aan rafor to outnor- cuapotlanU In tho et and ardahborko.4 af Now t i.rkwbnai ho baa turni of oonaajontta. In oU (uiolio oa.o, raW f Ml aaajaadkaa B (oaraotaaid Or kiiaj tmntna .l Dr. .. nnOhd, BawMoaak a Pkndalaa. aWrw o--a, Mo WSS. . atltoao-'r- o mj 1 aAUUiiltrX AMU f nAauatAOtCLiTlMT J. MJ M UJaAV (law. of too oarraaa mi Allan aad Staa aa. tun ata. N. Ynrkjw.mld n.rjwf. ilv Infona Ulo la taldhaaki of fat kaootlra-tfca- a baatodaotd awl Ika old atood. Alloo at, SvwVk, wkara. lor too tmmt km raaiu, ka ooaaowatod trn. rawlnaai to tha aalira Ka drna atoro ao woll iMhrwhia to tha ftror of tha mm rfcr: Tof VKS - f Artklr. foffumarr, Aa, arfifoa wnlllooalJ prunoa "" Ao makm tbaaraorohoaaa olaowkar. Amun( uu oka old au4 aU aatablkuaai OkBIK TlKfrl PAAtI ,1 fTOBTHE PILES aaap m, f taaa Matroaatial MWafg and whan aU T AaaVhMdCTapovlaJ akatrra U IbJa gaatjofot GOOU lEWli MAAV. DM. a POLL AMD, lor the laat t raara at Ml Waablafka. at, Bkirmnaa UU aatr aaoo akal tho oaaao of tkadr UL VkX nUAU MUMTW1IJA WILL OanUAA. I Safih?& ' . " anon J aWMEMMafaM. aWMrMltMaE. JMCVHB OF ETKET DaMrOaUPTIOM AT JUIQSFUMDM 0MWMQO ETAMOH IS MMwWlM nMM LAWTaOU-- a. i HOUSE, a xuis aty, U. A fjonrtj. No, 14 Tti4- - Ijraaar, k,. If- - Aaiown Tuom, Aao Mn. lp tmai, BfMak, Mow Taaa. AoMmow OmA an AM AMU Aaooaaafa. and Do PAMdl. aad Mllnrta kka taraa arotnpUa AlVnda aa rkraakaj iairtiai, wMIlM aa Maaaa. loanlna T KAK.T ROOFS OPREP E1I.EET r EHIQH SUTTAJJO PA1BT. load it wHI n ra ftrtroajoloaa jjjgd M tna puJoHuaa 1 ALUM of lata afJMjM tkn ttZl&mmlkBftjfa Um." mm Wm MMkhiAloat JkTK W tU A BE. OEMS Of THE SUN Mar ltil.tka ruafraa DR. ZKLial MAR VINE POWDERS To Or LOVB OF iTKONO DR1MK, AO 0B. WM. T. IkTBOItarw. Ma, BM BooM atraak. MOJ on BOLLAB. SjBBJ taaaooa Pi a aan uvtr ka gtraa, oakaaaa to Bat dtlnk-- r. tn rIT., kta, ar llqoar. Warrantad !! illr karmloaa. aad trm froaa aoooooMaa aBaeka. For aala la Mow lore, at U Dlataloo aL : Mra. BBA( MM, III Blakth ar,. ood la Vooklro. ai Mra. 1IAVEH, UhPnltonrt l.lTIMatl ORANOK 001'NTT MILK. uraaod Parol Btkf ra, Ororora art daloioa aurplkalkr A I. B A THAI JK. ASS WAahiagt n at,t. Y. IpA Mar'lM fllM AND PAINTS BOILED PAINT OBBA CH A MANNING, aJtrnjTkliUJIOM or TBI NKS, TAL18ES, CARPET BAGS, Aa, Ma, WaoAin HrkAR. aod 664 BaYOADwAla jlgEWarO MACHINBM If aVKTaaAoBmb mm maxje. ABUHIlEE Of BIMIRBSB WAQOBS, hand, anch aa pron-w- , hifeatS Wotnkrj, carvotnt'i and axra. Taa wfll n,f thai pkkM aa favaraki ka anr that tan ka loon. K- -o rr aittolo Ml bo a wnrrwatod tn k oa raproaontal. STIaNiaii. Foaklif, rU otraat, batwaon tnwadaarandBtdktkaTo. aul JOnc'IO DlIaHXVS WAOOBm MEW AND BmbJ JUOMB. DOOBM. DOOBM fOB BALE HOR8BS FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH of Canada boraaa. truck ud karnoov auttohlo far baarr work. T bo hataoa aro roani aod a and. and wwljth aboat r jmo Mttaat, and would be a Id wlttout ir.u k. The track la oaw, aod ni ida of thr. .t me.e 1.1 a id In tha boat taa wr IIUY 0. UulVHaUHS A son, oaaor allaa BiAaafaeluro-B- , ITS 118 Flnb alnet, a) llluun.burih. aoia-i- TM70K, H BBS EMS AND HORjK FOR with work. Addrraa H , au3 k'ltl bo I gin offleo. . FMfINO MAOHINES FOB SALE A TO 3 font Hlna-r- Whoolar A Wllao.r., Ororor B 'ak. r. and otbaro, looond bond aoaap for oaab. aaaillua, ooarllo aharpanara, AM. Maabiooa booaht, ir. a.v.d and roptlTHrL bp 0, A- DUHMN, nl f. v.aoomr. Ho LattTO MB ha marhlooa, abaw. li tAao'la" W A1CUKS AAD , ClaOOU KOK BALK, And thoroadbl) Chtoual aiu) albxabobbT ooBRirr. WATUH MAKBB AM) .IKdlLKl, PTkJ IMvlaloo Rtroot. PrilOtia Oppoalte Allan. G'BOCERIES AND FLOUR FOB THE at re ka tbowirld. Oo.ida tVllaaiadtriw TOOA. A AONBW, ' (Iro.n.lrh at. at d St Korrar at Maw York. lyW itnc'lM Of( BARRELS BO. t MACKRRE L, 400 hairola No. I ratokerel, aola rbaap for eaalt: Itt'tulit) pot ud tuba uw ahad, Vlca Ai tub, for family naa; it Lot PC, Biooor retHrm-d- , luackorrl rlo i. if In aal b, NBLdD.N WILM (X) , ttl oo3 3147 Onfall POUNDS SMOKED SALMON", CKiyjyJ n. Haiti,, rut on : ID I oa- a . aplaoil ralP'On, ID p ilnd oaaa. BI .')) ; Now Holla-- d lion It k PI par ke j at batrrta lraat aim jar, AI ,M barral : common, i or barrnl. Knr able by fLrtON WBLI-a- , if IVttr at. ml ', OFXUXAX Amu XfraAUAK. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE lUolv4 aoBool orBoara of tha Mh We. n, at tho oneoe of Mat mark of the Hoard af MdacaMon, of Grand and la ata. uadl Tuaadar, Ike ttk dap of Ana;, oort, ai n ."olTok. p m, for oshool I ttul-hr- o lot rrunaap Pikanl Ma. i, ka Bejnrd at. La aktd Pbfcne and apoolfloatlana af aaldParaltare Mt kZiliEt.tff tfS-eM- et.weaia'lbll lark'nVrAparBnauraif thTooaAraot, JfiICi qui rod frtou tha auaooaaful bad dor. tho awhoal oflbaaaa raaarra tho riant to retort anr or all of Mm raid prmkatM, II Aaaaaad Apr tho puhUo Utter aal ao to do raANCip, ikkoi AAH., QbaiMMm oa Bolldlqa and "Uih'im OOAJU POAL 440 BASr QUALITY RED ASH Md Whita Aah Goal d.Urared clou to oil part, a il e eltr at At AB por ton of .OfB Ibl. A TBBAI) K1.L, Anal, 14B Warerlp pkMot IBB feat Utk eti eat 7S4 Waahlnktnu at: Fe rr - tor. W.a JpBO " I ID TUB UNION, BOW AND FOBEYEB I Ckaon Patent Medicine and Variatr atora doolh at root, wlUlaruakurfb wtaero the pab-b- c in rriy apon nrtttiuj food and teuula artiaAoa ol a rannaral prtoo. Baiuiof A li I, lJlUaa, for tho oaripaaxion, AM. Biota. Or Ivtn'a (ojiiIi t ibwlulnabir, for CauplusA M tll.r.rlno. "t okl t Id tint, for 0 bole. A n 3r""a Oirle Tuntn l aato- - axonUoul .. M n Poralau l.i t KUlor, fo Hod llufa, .he B3 a un chob rtno Kotnedy. far Ularrbtoa, Be BS M plamuud tiluae or Hair Bufoooimtur BJ " tUdwai-- a t.adr Aallof. J " Btaudretli-ala- .ulntt) nila........... l BalAt't'a and Parry Itat la' Uulmeutl IB " TBB5 Bnillri'a and Halra 11 " Mi. WUi loa'aH.)olhlu Ayrap JJ lllti' f Kalatu'I C,adi" tbr Hair 1 " iowlll-- a l.'ba aatle Aaiae, for iHtrua, A.. M harniiuVB.aulcaJ Com pound, tot tttpura Rravian rlyt up t 1 rue Hlltore Tn Qrhaatal Hoaotlflar, fur tha Ladloa It reucliTolloa Inrtbo Ualr M " AnU ly poptir P.Uilr To aaWmBorharto, ar UaollnaBoan 10" FmrraikaMonlhll It " Trtaotbotona f r tla Hal', a ... arttalaa .... t -- Dr. AuAalatiua I .'a Ute tjurdul, tor l, WeakMian F aUUa. ha ....... .77;., j M BO A BD - A FEW BBSPBOTARLR aan be aaioniodataal with ar wtlk nt board: ala a out aad thorr aim, at til ROABD A FEW BBHPEOTABLB MEN "ajki m aaM ilalad -t- ab hoard at IT0 Nl nib at. gng TfltBJmV' DOtABDLNG ONB OB TWO MECI1AN AXra a aaao an tr or bop, u M eatowra dated orth h ant on IBMMBBM Iiiam i a aaaalai of okll Iran win ha tekaa and laaotTO a idaatrH Mra i Sin ovwna to la wt or wtahoot Board. Aopty ol i AI aw. aL t'I Biao" a BOA RDINO GENTLEMEN AND THIIR a r ft Paw alnola flonlleman raw bo well ao altk htrd la a rood loofttloa near two akaan r.okaa , rooaaa foradaBM ar aanirnihed tarraa Btajlawaaa. Apple at i Aiaaa at. IplA MaoMll ROARD -- BOOMS WITH BOABD FOB ' "re read aod atnl ran' lore an. Tho lopatlon la aeay ptataaM aad kaaltAr. and tan t lalt IM llraee. ftlao ft few roaaa ladloa eaa ba aor.ntnroa-labd- . its WaaVaMk at, ear klh aao. t bath In th hraam rrtaMaa-- OOABD A BUAPAIB1 TO THE WORLD. J feed board aad room at a traak aad upward,. hvkvVooi l.7r. FanlUaa aaltad at taaa tku ear other bowee la Ike ttp Bio partora wHa plftooa, WiIiMamm U alfht, al MLkrawura at , Bear Breadwer and Oanal NT ft. Doal fa no- - holno araaap It not ooouortanla, but ceil and aao Hal flB taa aod. rrlMa1tr UOAJtDB OM t UKNllaKMKN OA B 0 a ill aad whtk, aan ka anroramodalod a th koanfat muderaao termo bath endear la the Sowoo, l7 Pour there, hot, MBA Aad tBtfiata rpt tdao 17UBNIS1IED BOOMS TO LET WITH X hoard or wltkotd-f- auk r nurrwd (eUa a, an aka, I pwand laalat ttar boarder aeoomno-daaoA- at It Fink at. Mar tho Bawarr. IpA Haalil PBRfllSalED BOOMS tQ iJCl 1 MOM-- me at, to rapaatabaa (aatllUa. raollftvta Par aooaooBiaal BMotBaaflaai a tee rooaaa for MuU f aa ateaaaa root rarr low. Ir iTaaMU KOTAL AOOOMMODAl IOM U O OD b lord aod nod clean afreet reoraa, wmrrooAM M nraaln : board Bpta BI 30 to 1 1 par LODG1BOS FOR UUAdtPESI Fork pood electa had IB oonta tiltH aim ett.cle roarae IB to to conk) nerried pereone II to M MM lodAUSB kr tlte weak At) ttt M oonta aad IL Paritleked raiai tnth cook ateroa. tt.Br) tt lift work. M ala nj lei ly ' - -- at Wilt dun Hoaen 'ipj PrraoAila at. Ml Waal Braadwar. (PM ail otrwL Htldtdao Bt POTTAGES TOR SAL IN JEBSBT Cl'r, Vt eon too lent to Paaanla art and Ohakahor al fTr, 4 saw r itlaaee with to tde-- o roAprororanf .TiTBB'i' B'.t t), one fourth o..h alt a oornor 00TGL ',700, tw brooo ato-t- iwuaoaof hoa mktorlaT and IearBrelHbhool a 'loot, pdoe IVr.tta, taraa Mar: la ft aah Mil bouao awl 0 au id with rrntoftalura at tacbod. Apply at th Mw Bftl Kttate ,,, oa Peroola are, or ef r.tlo it. autO'llO DDTLDIBG LOTS OB BERGEN HILL FOB aaihaaoUf QHr looatodoa lotraerftll rtaiatoa U FABM FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR preootBr (okorapropatly): about PS oa, baaatlioiir l"o"d, it,,, a xi orcBard. h ana end barn, with atook and r'71 I'jr pa-- at IP, HooMlen (.!) Tlmaa fttlio.. ajtwrou the boor of 7 aod It o'aloak. am p B LARM P0R BALE A GOOD FABM OF ' a boat ro anraa. fur mlU. froaa Bahwap, N. J. Tharo are on the precnlaet a bAotlaoaaa w .11 tag h aa 11 1 lltl p MlPlaluBll Mim t.iuaa, ft Mm and olbrr o.l tsmoae. a wall ol race W t wot ,1 a aooj apt' o irliard fttad a rftiletr r other firm' trooa rhiirck and a hoot bouao near, loctUtp rorp heal tar wUI 'o OA etlb err,.. u .took Far fortMr pi.t'o'ilara-bKiuI- oTwbTl B. MUBJti V, N . tt JSrn a, No. Bark. aul r." 11 FARMS FOB BALE SMALL UABVDBB a.l ohoap. oatr Bt raU froai N. V oa 'he .T Vitro art - J If oorea. orla 1' one of BjAMBj MBOt one of 1 eoroe, riM: OM IB aoraa , 17ABMS FOB BBI B FARMS, WITH FABM FOB BALE IB TUB TOWBMM1P ftVaei Oo, Ft. J.. to Ktlaa f rota N York. BMtolnhBi about M aoraa. It of which u o e i wood land, dwaliiiu. ham, wean and ether oat hoaaec. deJtt'.bMtlr alltlabVL with plenty of (.alt Afit?H promt eaa. wlnXAnVlM HOUBE AND LOT FOR SVLK-- A NKbT Mm and lot, hp Ilk) foot, needy fenced, wood Boone, c, albialod on Pallaa'o a ran no, near Prooklln at. Huleoa Olty, 1.'. ralniiM walk tr tm tuoHobnkaa Priro l,:if. title perfect: twnt.eaay- lntilreof Mr. ZBIQLBV, arooery attro, oor. of felliada and FrankMn at. an I flat LOT FOR SALE -- OO AN KM LOT, VKttf on Mm oornor of Ualoa at ud Hand at. Broth arwoklra la near tho fan-te- : the atreot boa aaar, TM tl lo la oo1 and i39 fron dobta. Ap ay at AM ay oat at N Y ' '" v 'Ju..-i- ' KAIXaKOABwBJ. 1861. 0BEAT CENTRAL ROUTE FOR TH WEST, VTA HUDSON BITKB BA I LRUAD ANN NEW TOBK CENTRAL RAILROAD. BXPRBHS TBAINB LBAVB DBPOTfl HUDSON BITKB RAILROAD Dan r. BrmTtAT It- aoran, aa POtxnw Fruoi qhABabon at, Praaa Mb at atatioa. AIT.OSa. a. at I m 1 , 11.00 p.b. U 10 ft. a. I let, 8A0 r.a ktatitroal and BuOa o rain with hoepturoan. Ir. KMnnTuau ao at.n.oi w.oh bsw roko uaeraar. aoiijutan r.ia AOBFNFA7TAD. liiHt, and atftttona on HI ll'tui e.tu. utl Wftuntowtt N1aGBA At in It... oftd, rUBPaUitloN IIKIDOA AYHt'll-B- AUHUBN. OMnBVA. 0eNATTAtOUA, a ib oooooottrn loar BUFFALO and slta, t ' l, , vie .A K , Hilt KR, 'II r' A.1 ' ea.d lajf P r- "1 a..d illtt-A- ' B8T V H HA I . BtlAI , lor PU'lll ItlN, "'OatOTO DrfPltOIT. ClUQAQO. I'll r H 1, MILtA AUK iB, FON i)U UC, U CKCin'r" Mtn.doN puatbJb I1M H1R IIAl. A- lA.Ll NLIC.t ll. ) III QrB.t'P'lRl A. fttli.X IB LsVtlt Ml H' nT.N A OTrY HI HI.UAG T'lN. jCINi'.Y, oPAlNUHBLD, AITH1. nTTToVl!, H.Irtfl. K.BBB HAITP, UimNleHMB. (IIBXIINNBTI. llaYTtrN, Ot M HUB, n evwi.aain. a 1 oolot. BUT, MOBTH WAST and BOUTHWBST. NORTHERN ROUTE. OMMM with Trala al Tror wltk TBOY A BOoTON and ByB (It HA TSVa A Boo da, far BAKATO'iA. WHJTtKH AlX, BITI.tMli ifi.'A- - LiNtniif. ht il",,,iJJhJ'7. PLATTBBtlWaL.OGDBNnWJBaii, MOIrTBAAL, LOCAL TXAD4B - Loan Mow York as loUoww fwom CkrnmUr- - ttntt. From fWttat rrraef. PouAbkeepeka train, I a. AM ft. a., Bad 1.10 aad a., and TABB and 4 r M.I ABB P.M. rxkaknn train, t JO Ajau At aja., AAA ABB r .0. audOBOr.a. I fa Bitut train, 3 40, 4J0 4.10, ABB and HUB r.n. and 9 in r at. FlohklU train. ABU r. a. ItJPB P.B. aiirVlTlii (irVon ANO VT? krlora 3m DoboM la Ooaaeaao AM Canal irarrrra 0 of all Ami 'aoonaM M ! op; olAar Utlrood SrmuiaMA Tho bvcllltiea of Una iroat NX f YOBK BOflTB to DM Woat eon taaa It to the aoa-B- bm of BtorakftiiM aad jBBBJBM (o pnaeuvtaeaa Hmnlnua wl'h BMoCINO and t i.bbpinij OAB run la ounaaatum oa tho Maw Yon Goo km! Bond. Tor parlo Ura aa to local train, and fraUM at wjaaaak Inoaln a the depot. Art WaTen at root, wvttoni ft 0 evr"r ,,w,i TROY A BOSTOB ADA VTKBTP.BN VERMONT RAlLIOaYIki. DI root rootn let RUTLAND. BUkl.'otOTON. KMllKM POtNT, MONTRBaL OODKNUltl BliH, UBLLOWB FALLS AMU Bo ION. Foot trains f Mir between TBOY sssd IUTL1ND. FAST DYBXPBYoB Tfraocun to Mttirrassi. a rot toti.t.Misr'in. Paaaaoaara lee viol Try bp this line, at lt.lB p. tn, ..lU roach Hut Iu.kLu, llnuee1. Montreal Aod tJlloosbn fkefttMtlo nb than leariao Bro lion s eat lli via any othir route. - .....ill til PKI'IS i tj AB FXPEBTMI THAOtXiU Ttt MOBtBIAIt ABU OutMMHUaaa. Nt m:u APM b or OAEI OB BAUU LU I JBJ BB- j- T H E..a-i&f- e SUN. NUMBER 1670 NEW YORK,' MONDAY. AUGUST 5, 1R61- - PRICE ONK CENT THE NEW YORK SUN MONDAY MOBN1WO. AUGUST ft, IBBI. Rblici nr TUB 11, t. K Hosta C ' 1. R t In All pads of our cltr Bt IBs BtwaABt time, ralinofus " Dltok Hor.e Uaralry. UUa br tha wfty murk akin to Abtbmoa Wablv " BBlBlMTtHa Mown tart H c.rairv," at m plenty u good IrttanUona In a pjart which "b all M Mat kino, and which U Mid to bo paved with bam. We hare not t ot haer.1 of anr CPJftBOB tnkan from thl fannM oorpa, hut alnost arary otbar arii, le, ih na of which i taken la vain try onr mluDtMfi wmitlnp; to b flttod oat, hM bstn rep ursd fron tie a, anil it aoankl A If aU Sad been MOt to thui city. Ball A Hi m k lorm cAvalry iwoltl, "tftkan fintnlh liiat k Hotm C.ivalrv " tipyral o'.htr tons la lir.tadwkv poet eotuiticaotiily hAts And pitlolA, 'taken from tha Ulatk Horn .rftlrr. A nor tv kop on tha It. wary dli- - pi ata hnvy Mb.-- "t.kaa froin tha Black Horit CAVAlry." Mambot of th bJth ItroBRht horaa qalto a variety of iword. rintaatti, Ac ., "Ikn fft.mtkoB tk II rtoCtvftlrt .' Ktnftlly, tbo 8B ofllo hM manaaft to obtala for th don meat of its common room, a tuvana In kn .Ink Aad hat p .mn ' "tAkaa from th Black lltn Cr!ry ' In a thort liata th pi An my bacora 'itiita foiaibl to Arm ABA .nip At lMt A oomptny, by Kon.ral mb cup tl B o.' thin rallei of tha fo. I a port a uf Ho. n all. Ih Sblpplrw and CimmvaUl Litt pultliohM tb loll" emu tab's ih twins; th xpirt of kfBBwttufrs from th Unite I Slates to Gmtt Britain and Iralan.l, BB4M th lt"I Nerom BfSi to th lauat datta from tha Mrnil BBSS MM Fi"', Matt. Wiiiat. U s a. hb'a. b :. Duati btt ih NawY ..k I 0 l. O.'it J,7t7 1SM.1TI AAW.Sfil Nla l) mat, 4 H) kl.lAt PoUoa-litulft- . 17411 .... I.HIS7I MB Ml BelUiom.... Ill, .11 I! De3,tll jJO.IPll Ill.lS't luA IIIU 111.10 t).br puts.. lBl,a:it .... IMl.oll 10,4)1 Total netf.i ,4oi.9ih 1 iu M,aasril grt-- ri MNiMI I.UB.IM IiKMMM 1 US HM i mt 10 00 1(17 7 Ml.ttii) T teal, BA B0 0 7 O tl 111... I :lln on ''i to 1 M t to, coi 1. 1,. 10 - a to BBB UB PUtUrB, I tMlroMtiou pBa. vut. Con a. Hr. XswYnX .T"..i.'..V' Ml 11 IM Mt,3'I Odnwport 7,1'td t,n I 41 . TBaI, 1800 CI.. tTtTlT ,40 1.dI 44 lid" Itllft? isna CO.. 4B C77 lCl.tll IP IM ptMBt.. 4,u bi m trt.sit " lIB8,.tM,UT! 1C IM l.Po? A tawnd VFotk. Th Array U.immtttae of tha Bn York Yon net Mum' UurUUsn Aaoclllon hM toe I .ib'winat aiatamMt of ltd orrarALons, in providlaa for th iwllflloua want of oar Ar- my la tha fl eld 1 1'DbI.Ii ATfoBrt. Thai (at two odltloai (33,000 aoplw) hftrt boon iroti-.- of that oxcollont aad pjptilar of byau An 1 nouns lready cato'ito'ed a the ' N l.lle-- Uytts Book." Tk roMpttoa of thl Uttla b ok by tha rolan an I molt an' hit- las' And th daman. la for It far ii. nl In P'Mat possibility of lapplr. At Ufa aet of Uu cpmmtttM Brr C. M H n.iii, uf WahtBKtoB il Bompllta In tha bm of th Chaplains B collection of law,, uM aad ktnfa ralatfr to ChApUini ad toir wtuk. Thl compilftUoB will It I Mood ft boob m ooaploud. TisnrATiot. At th maart of horn frUadr, ladirldaali ataonK th volnntterj, lomporarlly bra, Bar ba aouatbt out, ouansaiUd aad cared for, and tha ooraralttoo still itud raa.Ly to rt(und to eUutlar I at era of iBAKaStlon fron it roi alirm Md friends of tha auldlarA. K.ory of tioopi pattiBK tUroitgfa tha ity '.jriTai th lost llz watki OAS btB visit en.i taa OtiAp-l- waitad apoBjAnd gaatfsliy, lapply of book farnlshod. Th yarloiit ciBpi ana oar rack hr all bn ystmA'lclly vialtad ad care-- for. AmooK them may ba nad Silt oniTillo, Camp Scilt, Ftrt S :hurlar, Blkar'i IIBd,Soath Brothtrt. WlUt's PotBt, Thar ha bnn syittmtie aa l Ki'ont circoittiOB of hymn book, oak bxtks, It bits, prayer books, luteal n BftrvlcM, Ir i It ftu rU-aio- u papar. RiptiakoaU on the way btr bMDCAfwfully a":. plied with reliiotit IwAlloef, to their saliro Mtiafaetioa. In mm inaiAoo, ovary Dfton ba had A book irlvo him. By packftyioa of bymn books. Ai., bar baan fur WAf dad to VaMnKton, Aloaftit trim, f or trans M nr .a KMlon, Pan., U up dan. M. J , Cairo. III., Cmp II lt. K AA, Al. la reaponn to lattai from cbaplklM who om-plft- iti of tha Inallictaacy of axutl4B arraac-mmi'- a, th commlttM bai ma la prooarations for forwarding lopUM of Mcalfti ppri to thl seat of wat. BUVIJOB IBBYICBA. Mora than ooa bundrwil week day pravar BMatinsA aIao aumsroot Stibftth Mrrioot boy lino ArrAnn 1 Aad mlatind by n. of th commltU aad tba awoci ation, tn cttnin. ti. n with Mr. Lockwodd tb CaipUin. Snms of th ncmpmnta and rKimatl qaartan ar thai supplied by th "nmlitao. exclusivo'y, with roll I'i.m ' oarvlco, ; BmoBir, othar K'kor's Island, Kim Park, and until re- cent lv tb Andemm .usvos at Stt tor villa, B. J. In with tha retool or Chap- lains nanurou ttT0tlonAl mYloin bar boo held with th i dtliers at Pftlac Ou tan. Polat, Camp s ott. Bait New Y irk, th lUltory. Pdtk UdTAckft, jr., Ac. OOKBBirnBDaBUB. A " k1 memtnr of tbo roramitUa b coa- - curtail a ooiroopontlvnM with oa bun Ire.' and tin Aiary Chaplain, ioca'ed at yrious poiata, from ti tat uf whom prompt and lull rap'.ls nave bou reoaive. all biMtbiotf a ti"tt' ex I .pi it, tad i ivlnpT iiiist ol aa in'ona In- - sMI t n ib r art ill th apiiUutl welfare of I... Mild on. Nawo Ilea Ihn Maon r. Mr. Hi it, th n.nUamau who waa cpttirad tt Bad e Run with CtinKramman Elk, ha boon nleoMed as An Knetlishmae. aad hM rataraad. Ha alfttaa that among tha raBoart ' horn ha encountered wbile a prMoaor wat Coi. Joauajt. lonaorly of th Wr Dapartmont, woo boosted that ho had rooeivod. Wot tha attack at II ill's Una, a cipher dispatch from from person within our lines, giving fall details uf oar ranysMsnt, lacladlng the ftvil il of Lh alas or Utile, the time at which operations weald commeao, aod th nuuiUor of our troops. BaAOABOAati) ba darcrlba ft. a man oa tha bait term wdih tht on v at. t f hi army, ; tkiag and talkiag with them 'olt m freely, ftl Mast, with hi officer, aad wjoylng little better ac.omnr lot Ion tbaa tba txiaam sold par. Mr. Mi ' - My that on tha whole our one-- , t- iers ar wall treated. Bat tb ?. iatvm ar t Richmoad, cagad la a factory with hart throagri which th popl tar at tham a .UlicM'V. Ton kin. r t . at Manasoo oppirsd to us very much p'sAAed with th bearing of tha priso- ner, and spoks ol them ft brie And h.t orabl mn. Th Hoa At man Eli is wall treated, and mar b raloMid. Col. Cubc BAB tt in Bit iBtand. Ills woatd in a slmht on, bap k il lo del caIa healih, QuL Cambbob wfts rb .1 by C.L Wadb UAMrron, ol Boat. Uiroiin, (ohp ft'rard bmi If dratb in th aciiof) In raranga for tba l.wa of a Doahow. 11. Attpraan to have dtyotod bt attanlion to Mkoottig 'Hi in, with ml bent,. i bin by bl m-- H flpod twit s at CuL UaMiaoa, who 141 ' the Mvond ihot. A Naw Yon. Zhjava rawatly took a hint bo't ii. tup to A teb.l. s't-- rar iaos hM boo KUCb alattd with hit captdl. A day or tw. lac ihe owoer of the at 1 atl prtmaUd hlm'f to th Z taave. atd tieiiitadsd th bo'. "1 bare lak.-- the OAh of AlUgisncf,' uld he, ' and tha hot aa I Mine" "Tint B)v bare tkk.a tha Mth '' aniwared the New Yorkar, bat th bona hM not, aod I altall keep bi a till ho doe," There wi a) replying to tkll, 1 BDd la ZIAAV0 knpn Bid LVNIA Le we a. A Iksokltm aao Than as a pi f Ire hacd. T. II but th Iomm BM BbBtr Uvea bad kamrBp Wall evening waned away Fran broorr ami bay, Aad In Btr oof MM wool onl wflh weary mm On nrako wtkk qaleartng Hp, 0 a fair freighted ohtp. With ftll h'a bounboid lo Iho dswp gnay dowa I Bui owe bad wilder woo. For a 'alt ran. lent ago I Ml In the dotkor drpika o. s Ktwoi i w Soma mounted their dap of youth With most Tdag tmih, For II brave hi p as aad man wy mt prose t Aod one apon Pbe Weal TurMd h eye IhM ould n .i rnt, For ftr .ff bills wi ... n Us joy a had bom. "ne ta kr of Taihd pnld, flotn of itrotnl hoBon I I Aad ftonn ef friend, phot ware then trtul M aport And oa of e grM n ran, II awl do a rrwolgo wan. Thai mado him Ml It o j oa the phot. .tt wbm ttiMr to n wan .1 no. Tnn ap k am .t g lluwu on, A rtranger, SMnlag fro n ell enrrow Iras - " Hal loan ban ye mop, Hs m'ra '" hsansr yea, Fcr a bllTiag bear I Imfftmo from ma" " A.s '." then plifrim nld, " F r afae living and Ike tin , For kwtiiaa's ortnlpy, for a iim era, t h wrooAa if lead Mil saa, link however, B came to Ion, Thire, alrargar. Is Ufa 'a last snd hnrtart loos." A Mi.rrllea Plotere to ths report of th LuMcy CwamlMionsra fur Sc .'.lend, w Mad a mlAacbn)y pictar of th a. iel ciinditi m oi tbo . rof tar and pqaattor populs-li- of the sols. 'Thatvpi. al Lawls butts.'' My lbs report. ' not simp! r a I nag uabmksa rABgn It rather coati' of ma- jor block, of forty or fifty fnt, with a tmsll porch Ilka wing at oaa and la fron'. aad a larger proiaotioa or a'taciment toward th Cher end Itibirsd, which iMt sorrss as a barn. Accmi to all it Rained hy oa doar. By thl von enter th to ohll1 porch, a I oa oaa bad yott vary frqun'ly flad tha qoara, a raga'ar Iztar and a thing for daily bm. Al you pass froB th porch to tb majjr b'.cck, you 8rat enroti ttar tho byro; and in aummtr, aftaw tb planting of tha crop, you hare da-w- a step. Tn M'ly ipr ag. howarar, of ilucanding voB bnva to Atoml, for Lb Oung of Lb cA't'a. w'sioh. agep' in fine Mthr, nror Imvo th houit in wintar, id allowed to ac :urau ate, and there I only one anttttftl claaalag of th byres. Irt lh) dlitiicU wtor horn are uttd, whoa sprtag cntBM, tb end of lbs bouts is often pkritaUv knocked down to that th II' tie hofM an hi PAnnitrt may enter to be loaded nn tba a ot. Tb pott-ran- k with wbicb th hotiM ar llld snd the toot, both a. tug as aim nptir combin to Imwi tba lotB'tniia tfTectt which might b xpctd to ro- - ill from llytog on th dp of a dung iLI, or othtr bp of animal aod tragatabl matter. But far thn ptaLrMk tb stanch would ba lturttfTr-bl- s, aad nohftblt ooald auks It bearsbla. It thl part of th hou'o bo entersd in wlntar, whoa th oow ra tied ap nd UU t tired froa rn train I, It Is often nsrithsr usy aor Mfa to piek one's way among tbm to IB other end, tpsciaily m It must b don al all smpoa aad at all hours In aa obsearlty whl.-i- to on coming from ths opsn air, amount to dark nan. At th othtr od of th central or major range, tha human, animals lira, aor it thilf paction cat off from that by tha brut, by tha felntset r tan oe at a par lit lo. Th aiparall-- yothtag mor than tha ou.bttoue of a foot pavement oa a mntry roadalda. a Una of rough stones lo auk II off. la fact, it Is ted and thought askMrthlo. that th no am iboald actual ly no tba tore, Ib be cheered m wall m warmed br It daring tbolr iosg Al a Imroaiact noiat. aliout th MBlr of tb part oow w. he.1, I tb lira, aad from th rough, undfwmed, so jLbe,rrtmsd raf- ters above, a rope or bit of ohtln falla, oa which ' tha pot I suspended. On on aid of th fire place, supported 00 t wo pales of turf or OB two j large ilofrai is aplaak, which laths Mat of tb men of Lb household. Often ihtr ta no plank nothing, la fart, bat bench of sods, lis biad tins Is th itock of poets brought Ib ftr lmmadbtta ui. Oa lh other si. Is titan I a rough three legged etool for tb wife Th children aid d' gt crouch by th llreotda In tb warm sake. Oa th woman' aide, with i'a back to tb OA'.tta, tbara I oovsnionll a ml dresa'ng or ebelvlng, to hold inch plttM or bo Bit M may b pOMsned, and be. ids It tb no or two poU of lb houitbold 11 ,d tnalr place, whan out of use. I da aot reme n.r over t BAY sou a tab's. A chair of any kind Il A m. tt unwaal object. Tho leap it, taa ket- tle, anil tlnn,d Iron TtW of all kind, ar iqaally rare. Th lupply of modern crockery, oven of tke ot'iflst dsscrlptloo, is conli aal to a few platen a in And in i t. ptfish of Jlarvoo end port of ITig II ocarcaiy amoant to thl. share they una a native JpatMfYi which Is so rude aad co tm, snd anraltir la It ahp. that it aught es i f be misikn lor thue dn-rat- y umi while ore bat a1 aoitcftaAed to bt reck Md In esnturiM. At th forthar end of the apartmartt, if it may be ao railed, eland t.b bad. lbM Ar Mmply fcur rough uptight post, councid by narrow stretcher wtih a wood an holloa, and BUsd with loon straw, which ii tno valnabl to be abundAnt or trrtao chaogatl. Th two apfighi, which at turihaat from tha wa 1 uftaa rih ttt raftor, aid ar atttcbed to lhin Upoa llioM ia a sort of roof cm, ru ud, 0tl covtr-- d wiih dlvota Tho ntcwity of thll roof v. 11 ia roof will be short y msd, when 1 describe th e mtiui-'.lo- of th hoa, and show how far from water tight th oittr roif la. All mam andagn lrp togathtr in t ths had which ar oftan tb only obm pisMd. If thafaailf l larga. however, thor r on or mor similar bed oou'Jtit tad in tha bar, In whicb iho cbwt, c n'.Alnlng the Sur.'iy clothes and other raluablta, I lj kap . In wall, aie not more than U fnt in huighi, and tb d tor uo only Us entered by p o pi tg. Oa iloi-- ih wall, found tho root, ihor U dtan a foolpa'.h, on wh eh children, itaep, fjab), and fog may bo onttan'.ly sen. la be can th public fo ilpa' li t , a iiatghboar-in- g townsMp tr croft lo--l ma over th anil of t re of than nouns; prorisicn I' stag made fur galling up ih d wu by atonM ir i,n pro- c'l. r fr in tb wall, lb raft an oonit of undraad. cnakid brtchi of tre, Iniunil toerat'ter wi'h t,,,i s of straw. Ths thftb h Ir of a' rev., loon y pot on, aad h'd d n by boat liar r. pea weigaled At tb tod with (toner. This thAlch is ramoyed vry year, for th Boko if th loot, which I rogonl-a- M a valuable aad stimulating Manure, in order to inert an th .'poit ar this, ikon I oo mt k hoi ; and further, with tb same o1jat,tba straw ' hn ted ibick' ly on at tha top ao that th roof it nai-circul- ar in it ouUla. Tb luslde of Lh b Bse, thersfore, is ct nstant cload of put-reek- , which th vsi of tho uaaccua'omad to It anaot toisrata. Tb object of tb roof is not Imply to protect from rain aad cold, but to Atcamalata loot, and it id come. I'tetitly nev.r oomplaUly water tight After btavy rain th water tuaw throagh an I blackens everything on wbicb it fal s. Imaging with It tb glistnu. Ing pitch' p.Bdlc'is Of loot which usually frUL the ratiera. In spring when tb thataBt I raotoTfd, half of IS bopsletton my bs said to b abelurlett, aad Hit happen lo hs A rainy eoatoB. their coadition must tt vary ini wa- lls. Ttar It ao window. Th bMac f thi la rttaily universal. Such I'ght gain admission I by th dour or through on or two b.des In ths aim of tb ro f At th top ut tb well or throagh chicks from dftflcisncim ia th c.natiDctbtn uf tha doom " 11 eaa ml MctTfaBsua, Tkoae mra who bav tartrad andr GBrI M. i i At. bav tb most uabouritftd cooS-daau- In hie tin Ii y. i y ctmi dar 1. n in vlu -- bio, and say thai ba bat never made mist sk 11 ks th ra ad iiMenary quality In go aral of ptorasy, and permits nn on to gM4 t bis plan ILI tbo blue Is , truth. Atom tine daring bis lot can pit. h ha bilid ig'it steam- boats and embalked all ht man un what avsry-I- ) dy iuppoed bid td bs a WAtsr txcaraloii, but ll WM A male blind. Tao Phipila'ltd, want a ftr, mini war taken iibore And th roan ludad maruhtd ovoisnl nd forctd tb roMiy to a lUaitiv bit I. It would aot b arprtiing nuw it b were lo capture Richmond ami and t war at a bkw, while th enemy li ' looming taking Wathicgton and aku king ej ootid ManMSM. Than beams to bs hot Uttla dsn gar of hit belpg by ilettery or ted u cod by temp lalton. In the prua of nukoMoVd Bt id Budw 40 year of Ago, hto angM it ar aaaMaUttiat ami atrrple. Ra fttton'a pwannaUy to tha hphtM rUtni. in his army, snd oo'lcn every bmoh of doty and pwBkshM M nrtfllnohlnglr y t b. U the Idol of hi one.sjtd they watch hi. words and boUom wtth davotian that no words caa e preen Ha lakoe soldiers fare with th read, end has no hotter bed than tha rtwssrt rwcraft m th a'my. If b am a maa withoat thM a prapor a othraf, ha Mndi tnth fop him nd he captain to oomo to hi eoAMere, no phas th am i wants hlmialf, anil npriman is tha orMcor. Ha hold bid orBoar- - ia every oMa reenoaolhle for I ho cnrnfnit of their man Gam roi MnCe.Bi.iAW gsoanlly mi th simple blouM of tba rilloBMM withoat even th larnr'-ah- i alder strap to denote hi rmak. V) hon bit Una I oa tha mircb, he Mover atnaa tb mast, with kind aad obaaring wrrd for every company, a BlaaBBflt look, or kiad sal o to, or haaity gr.p of tha hand for every olBctr or prltrata with wham ba I on pMklng term by t. names', ant la a Ight ba I lwty at th froat uf th onlBmn. bt th thickset of tb dngr, fpoon rag'ng but oidieri by cbulisg word and foar see dnd. IB Wppektagton h. Is I ht nSaerve I of all ol, nr a era, hat he noma aaoonicloaa of th tn tloa h iclu. Ha rtdM throagh tba city, aad tints th dlrT. rant mllltAry post, with an ftbeonl And proeoapl pitMrnc, Al If h ware Ihitkina of ru dlrTerwnt mai'on than th vn arout d him, bat b bMr vrytblng aw ev.rythlng, and judge of th qu all tin id Ika man ermiad him with rare Mgacttv. Us I a Wst PotBt t flinr, aad wat oaa of tb rmy oommbatontra Appointor to pmcMn to lump daring tb Olmtaa war, to bHimm and n on concerning th mili ar y nperaltoa thara enftctod on so grand a toBah lis hM now aa opportunity for achiaving a name omt a glory not often v.tacbsafed to men. Ills country If'-k- to klm M Inr aavlor. ami th A'my re oatTM him M thlr appolatl loader from hoavtB. The PhUadllpyhM Neva Vard. Tb actlrltf prMat xltiog In th Pblla tvolDbit Mary Yard is without precedent in th history tb country. The nam r nf lahorari fti me hat let omployad, xe'uir of offloirs, Id 1 fid.'). To new (loop of war r. which wm to bar beta laaschttl la ninety 'lavs st ar laying tbek-o- will be Is'inched withia that Ome, Sh I of th nis dlmaa- - i.'u as tl Winning, ball so re tw ' yean ago, m folio Bt: on route length, Bt7 faati breadth of beam, ft.') feel: depth of li d I, U feat; depth of WAtsr wi h armam-n- t and evry-thio- g Ll fMt aad Will .arrv a b at lory of four broadstdagaa, Aad two 110 pound Dehlgraa pivot gun Amldthlp. Her frame is OM f lb i moat sub lnlisl that hi over bona put ht a ship, balng well leaaonad lira ak. Th Barqashaana la oa tin stock. Ten lap t more are and ah will b la roftdllan fcr na. Th L'lulatan, boiatlfal prnpallar, hallt to ran batwtaa Mohll and Naw tt leans, has bnn pur. baaed by th mant. Sh I andrgoiag repairs and being trarafrmmd Into A irun ..f vsr steamer. 8b will carry a l.stterr of four :l.' potinters. Tb rev, no culler, .Philip Alln, I aloo undergoing repairs: aha I Marly rtftdr Th work now being dons fa wary nvere, and th Man ara kapt coBitantly M gag ad. AaaasMM of I ha traitor F lord. Aa aBiodota is told at of Floyap, th great VirgiiUa Lhlnf, which we bare aot Mart la print. A few ytan rlnM ft gntloman rni.l lug In Richmond, Va . gr a large dtna r parly to aom dhtlngsla'Md mra, araarag whom wm Floyd, than rising man, bat arhoM par-tt- al appoftrance, Indicated calabar mental aot phytic! npari rlty h bstbag a pursy, dark mta, with crlajty, wiry hftlr, A aoog lb dfatuigulratd tuMtt ware two Ib. man chbra returning from a v t to their ' Gnat Ke'hor ' th PraMdwt, audnlfloerit pelmBa of their tsoe FlaOTD thinking to o in 'lineal litem and meka Lhm ftt tkair Mia, told tham In a caradncsndlng manner, that ha could boaat of lodlon blood Ll his votaa, being A descendant of Pucahoat. On of tbacbJafa, drawing himself ap majestically and disdain- fully, and with a took of cootampt apon bi nobl oountiaaoa, laid In broken Engllah, ' Ugh I no! no! ntrar, asaykr" The rxinfasion and dlnnay of Wuoro wa complete And It required all th boan'ed pollteoeon of Bicb- - motid sooiatr to knp th ether garni from . plotting with laogkter- .- SprinqtioJJ lltpui. ftona. Th Itkahop and tho BIMgBIBr, Letters from Mr. LiviBaaroBB, dattd April .'id. detcribe a trip t .ken by tb kploring narty up tba river Kevaaja, Biih llisbop M K h, tk on board. Thii rlrr wm tupptssd to load to tho grt latarinr Lake, but M th water wai fal lint- - th pirty fatarn-id- . with the intantlon of gel ig up ths Shir ir, tee l All th priy, exapt Dr.Jtafviaa. tabb and bi brother, and twi otbere, he a AtlAck of Am- on fever real the bukhap eoo rocovorad. "fie w.vked," says Mr. Lingo n ' vtrv hard vnib wo war In th river, ai.d one, to our attar honor, gav a Roruma alligator an opportunity (the like of which BO alltgttof avtr had before) of Immnrtallxtag itself by tUroarlt g a llv Binp. Fortuiut ly, tb muruUr wm not ambitlou of Mch ro nown." ran Los e Lol.fe rakn Plica. Th Ualon mnting at Oorvallis, Oregon, wa Attadd by over :) 000 ptraaM. Tb A I'd CaUfm mui hM pab ieh if th name nf th lull.. wing .mini-- ! in OaUf rnla, who litY haaa eduMtsd at VI eat Point i II ana r W. llAl.l.v h, I." id H Al Ll"?. TlKMA D. Jciiat IIbbbt RmuIi and A P. Cmr rcrriiBM. of San Fraoi-lic- aad OAVg J.CtitiTA. uf San Diego, ar tb only grain! of Wait Pi mt now retired to civil life in Ct'lforulA. Wool growing fa rapidly increaiag In th HwAiUn Islanda. Tb ncord ihnwp tba. In In If). (MO pounds war shlppsd Fr im 18 15 to tbo aulpmwt of wool bad only iocrrastjd to lil.rt 16 pound. Si no then, tha hrMtfa hv Imn gruUy Improve 1, and th rl aha bstlar attondod- - la twill), lbs lip exported wm Id bwi poaii la, Whli ap to My, IHCI lrnlr 7107b joalin have boon shipped, 70,1. p j.. i I which went tn on tmI alone, lo ii eni-.i- An. Ihor "DerrvptlM t h.sae BoellonV Mr Ai xaplbb Cittiuifoa, or tho li' ".I, r. in latter Isrulrig that ha furwardsd rot no in WssVmgton hy a ronadabiat rout id n pen lb fatrsMIVt Org cart tin railroul com-oa- v. a, the Inatlgftllon of th S alary of Ml or tb be tPAfla J idle tout dUcsraaksot" in . it c frod for ths Mr MMIM..I bLm tht. he oetnr kali , lllcaj al dor tbo .Secretary of War. Thtt wbra th capital WM in dangerfrom tha 19 h of A pill -- h Mt.d, for MttrtMO days tmly, al Mr. CAMBBOa'a request, in forwarding men and troop, bat his mission us tad wbra tha coram uLioat liars were He ftrrwanaad n trrup daring that time over th railroad la qusartlon and, tiooa had ao onncUoa, onect or unlin. t, with the Gorernarat. In n. I.nloti, Mr. CuMitxiai OPIUM ao taqairy Into hi act. Trneuurao of ABanal Aft nan Lllora'are Th suAvaiiuaa c f Poapall at being prosecatad uodtr th tauipiM of K ug Vint m EMAauau A new ttlMt hat latly bnn opened Isutng to the Forum, aad 1 Ba IBM qiutltirt of broaao ..tenet la and c Ins have been foanl In ti heBan. Tha I star and t tuoaghoat tk whota- Botlri hop that boom of tha lust treat urns of Ancle .t Aft and lltr'ui Btay ba dkpcovwtd ba th br d dtlt of Pompeii aid liar ulenouin tht nam, a of Bo lent than M tatkori bavug boon hacded d own to u, who lu)d tb bi. heat to, uui.i-.- AtAWBg tha r ctntsmaoraiie, but whim works, urfortuaaia ly, bay aot survived 'he rartga of Gitb and Hun Atd " 1'icL" Tba l Baally Parag Toll At Uabatb, Engisnd, lately, Mr. Pxiam, uperuitiadrat of polic, (ppllaA by or- r of tbo comrlsii'nr for summon Agiat th letji r f th Pog roc turnpike gt, far bav In demudsd and 'aken toll fur ths cArrfag ul tlipDucbosi of Cambrldg though Lm uftaal . MoptLn for tha Royal taally had b c AUTjAaf . It trss finsliy ehoB tha. thaground cb which tb turnpike gU atooo wa prtvt ant tha luanaoM wm wllUdfAwa. tag t ABLY lATg,' TOUnr I ftt is draicg f r diar. Md 1P0BCHYBAY avt to thamnivM todnanngthe w .uld sif.rd much nor ant thy da tu Usrtir putott and HasBeB) zzz: lilOV vTolWMwT WAT RCaBsfe ' Taa riaOT Cobtpaby day Bmmiii ibb Mra it under th. naw law, Bm ban Mfhptad la Bbsa, IslABd, by CapL Bom. of lli lllk lafkaMfl Tara bbpaobt that th OUb troop Ma d os I ha night prerky to the hstllo MbBBBMb , under Gea. Irtts. le aBIIBja. Tub V. .tb SC ratifying tb Bow MMbBbMbMB of Georgia show anjority of a littl orwr MM li,l 0. On Fib Zooavm ar raged at RkaaaahR ka a ftr ory, . It f, bar ihrtn, h wh vk the paa--pl (tara at then n a MrVwtry. Cot-- . LAanaa nil that ha bad rather IgM Another battle with lh tree who fall baak t Bal 's Sua than with th MW levto. Bta luen ib ost enenca of oa inch batti high- - r-- Tun PkiUMi-rai- i Cm i bbsi Bifrnbasaal Coma inn have I'rvakfesrtod bBIWIM BpowaMr and efghtv t.gimantA alac tbo nblllbeja of th i t'lT.e hi e n Tha sapiaaa ara ralanly i.fray. I by the voiantary aabMfipilaBB f BBB .iUiet. " Tata PaaaioBBT'i Tomaa Bomb haw ere. al an me ap went on tha Examllse grnnodn end have g e into qaartar. Than ar "In for th. wr," aad ara MlMth-- g sUbkt army t f jsvaatlu. Taa limiBL fraoi bow M VirglaiaMa Ha nd oa relit! aaukorlly to aaoaat ta laV 000 Mta North Ctrollta. TaBBAmaa, MbbBbv sippl and Alabama have doaoitdl thi qaoBaB lvld upon them. Bona or ooa Raransan Yow.oPTaaaa kB neb astot.t dlag it niaa of plask M BBB hattlarf Han. that wo ar lapUaad ts tove that tha story of LbMr roy,at I B a shamtawontad by thl aMBMMataM M hath thlr bad cause. Tmb On. CoBiKaaar alraady aaaban thirty eight raglBMB'a. lhnahp wIM ha Ir.treaoe l to forty, whlcl. tar odtag m IB Wry Bed rtvilrv bow bdag 0'gnlasal, wtM giv mm tt bot taouo ara la anaaba put down ro boll on. Oaa. Pillow a Chub Cablb Tail aaah talked of and nad a boot oM Acl to IhajMMn grtn of oar troops down tba MtsaisaipaA teara pitrtd to b atterly w. rt hi ao After havMc coat upwArc of , no hundred lb uftand deUaaBp the flrel swift lid that came al oag. brbadrag down tress log, and tliti'waod. awwpi BBS ca' lo Btd It ..t., or'nr bafoAr it "ilk aataT bafor tba wlad." Goon fob " Hit Bb VBBBnvrie. ' FaMbsr i.h irtn, chaplain of th fuat Rb. .1 lalaatA rtglarat. fa a wit m wall si a prieA, AA a re. ant Ykvlt to tht gallant A9th at fort Oaa ran, whi e oasalnlrtg th evtdraoM of tha hsatt i.'orw.ih lAapkh aad ohovl of thasx soli Ure he uld; "Why Lbay ht't of fdVntBBla cUvsiry, but It can'l bold a caadle to NortArn AAonJPw.'' A Sow or Hbbby Clat A Bainai BM Hon. J. B. Olat, aw of Hbbby Clay, whale ar dearorug to aaggl Mvral wagoa ksasM of baeon to Wart lranaata, for ths an af tha nbel In that Motion, pu arrtsBad by a aajB- k- af Uaitod Stain MaupA Mr. Olab a Ky wm aal aad aa snalrtaaad, aad ho ad Mm wagurnr compoilal lo take th oath of illaay, anco tu tha Nalional li vsrnarat. Thb f ATM or A KaaafiADB. Wiina Norm roaof the I At ex -- Senator Boaaav 01 Maw 11 npahlr., wm killed M Ball BeMk, il wat aabr of tba Ituaregard gigss. and for aany ynrsa cleik la the Part OM D,prtaat, aad rnlgaad bid flaas ht ratar tl toathern army, Tub War Fbi.ibP M Iowa. A pitlaBa ! tiar dskUd at Fmt hUAlton, low a, 26ta stBllr aya : I Wa ar having ccawloas by UaaaaaAt ( orrr T'palation froa Mta pari afM thr MrAtBk tn atalM. Owr Wlkrah) MlMaM ia A M(AM B1 rcoant of th dfMt at MiatMM It M aak. other Suatar for th tnltora. Iowa haa bssA pa van regiment-- , ad four mor ara gataak-In- g. She can atad UIO.OOO ara, ul will fo It if aaouMry." Tmb BTATBiaawTs In th public prBH thakt Gab. I'attbhaob' ooiaakB wm aot aniMtaj with a lufflrjitnt number of wagrnaa, ts aafoa i an adyaoM on tha eeomy, bbsbbm tha TFar Doportmenl dnlrs.l tha state af Pannoy IvaaiB) to furnish tha oacMMry number, fa wdthraA frnadatloa. Gen. rimsiusi inlaata waa wall stulppad for transperutinn, by tho Qmm ter master o.naral of tha arary. Th Was Iropartaant an not mad a Magi oaarhnhak, U c i.tra. la being n adelby Hras of UttrnrMB or hy t hair aatborltd offlctrB- - A Bi ii bl Suxar ib Okkooh. Tba Oikfaa . IHmocrat, a rebel sheet, ana.uoMi that IhriaM re aad that tha aatwi' of that paper, aa wall as ltd alitor, will bo ttrowa iatu tha ilMB bafor many tUta. Referrinr to lb o'rraaam am a, th (rroovatm himsnelr remarket alp a f mat deal cf th W llaaatM a ata fo urd dowa thl way, ws hop that It peu-Br- will ml bi daiilid by any luoh ahiaiBBhffo t lthy itotT beinc' plartd la It All th watara ol a ftiaaH WillaBMttM would ba maUabs Cboad into a bMttly and dtagaatiag soiaUna act. And tha wat.i of th world TIlH not wash oat th o'ain of Uvea in froa Its typ." Tmb Sai.niRa'a PaAn b A roidlsr, wha wm la th bi tie of Boil Bua, Mid, thai af le tb flrat Ore of th enemy a on obi trMat, a grrat many am fait, woanafad, all sinaad. a nd from aany of t hem IB cry watt apt "God bar mercy oo ay eoaX" fo easnakl 0 m th cry, nt 10 MBIBglttM. that I foaanl mtsilf msklag, almopt anoxiaKloasly to ay-e-if, tb iim prayer, oyer and over aga a, aa 1 wa HahUrg "God have morey oa mm poal.' I la Mid ti at for two m thru aoghBa flr !oa? lag for Boom aad arriving harn, fo could not sloop Ringing throagE hi nara i li rough all th hour of a Wftkeful night, waa the ImpMoioood, rariiMt cry, a try which ha could never forget "God hay mercy on af roul" au. h cry as unit bat aw paat ilia, Int aUrnity could utter. ntllBtiMftJBneonf ftnm. A Gri btab WratTBB ht a Frankfort jiialaal pr.eli. 'a that before the cIom tf tha prawa contu'y Kuala will hay all the rnt of Bbibam) ul rl lUtjlcUotL Tub Liuiiy Cavaivby at Paita Ala daiij p'cticod In tha rapid ntahilsbmaat of tlagm-p- h c wlru tlurtag a supposed aagsgaMMt- - IB a ire ia I ttxad to lancei. Th Lata of Turkey had over two kucd td wivts, and than were waited w by Mil. IU. ll U no wusader that h dkkd I fo Ufa Uia. Gaw. SotrrtB Paoi Aanr M Virginia has I aan ocau lineal ed under Lb raorat nrdlawM mt that Hate. Th old aao. hcrwwva, fa Ukaky 1 vtmdicate fait title wit b hit iral Td Laboiit BBtoant cf baiUoa rr ivd at oaa Urn la th Branch Mint fat Saa F rukOfaco, wm (UpoMtad oa th. li of July. Th ggrf alo was ova 16.000 ouncn la gaMp AAd illvor valuAd at 188 COO. This i a gacA beginning for th new AdalalltTA'im. Whbm tXrvaa Cbomwmll trat coined aa ny, aa old entailer look lag at oa of tat nad thl Inacrlptira oa M aid a, "GoA i ecu. a;" aad oa lh other, ".h OlM aonwealth of KoglrrAd." 'T ooe," BBtA IMv Gtd and the iwsailh ar oa ill gal rat aid." Errcr or Waa abo Paaopl In oaaa oo. n of lack of mplnymrat ha tbo Land eog Pat nt otflcae m aany M twonty olerka awa .'ischargac fn-- then dapartmont oa WttaakV da. . Ia th War Dapartmmt, oa tha aaahra-t- y" tb ucai of butnea oblige th dak ta w.ik ilay aad night. ABIP IMt RBBBL OllMIIMBMM BP. Tha following I an tx itclfiuaa khkaY frua yoBBg phyeltiien cow ht Paril ta BBB lattmr. datt Pell. July 11, IMl i 1 have it from the bitt aalhsMty. Oaa Bx ibaB.uthain c aamlonare Iu just bona M Vichy to got sudioBOe of Ihn. Emparuf, wha i alutod to ran hint. 'I'iibt Dir iab i it t. Ciiiaar. A Bsrsl fPPaia tv he been formed tn Saa FiaadtACO. fo Ma nurpon of abolUbltag th Crolto yta. Tha t A of th ut da c in pel Member ta dinjlMB - i L all AfticlM if Cooli mvafaclit'e aad BB un trtry emr-io- to eboiuh Cjolis labor. At-re- tba orgaclxAtlon ruahaa about XSA tnd It is rpidl v sprMding In lull u -- oca sad rnowbarabip. Loogn wUI ba aaklllbafl la difTamnt part of th sla'--u M (Oon M airaaaa-lAe- ut oaa b rAuao.

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Page 1: Library of Congress...I, I 111 k B T !." nn M1W TOM guw. i I Munuim. M a Batawtbas a iima-A- "" P' B IJLAtRSvtllH AND WHEELWRIGHTS. Pi waM AMeekBmlth .d to whoelwrtrtit weabyd lb)

I 111 k B T !."I, nn M1W TOM guw.

i I Munuim.M a Batawtbas a iima-A- "" P'


Pi waM AMeekBmlth .d to whoelwrtrtitweabyd lb) eUl km goad Aim liTuraTi

ndetrndr ml. opply W Mm that II Ml. bpIB ' statins Warns at r n l it. TM fa a I SSBa-- will in ton day la tha Mr. MimII "wITst,3 ViWIbii iwa-o- . I IMM

TiMUyjm won thb o. b. abbiyAS rwir TT --- T I 111gr a IMrMBwa eCar iawf w3hj!lW kP


BXIJBKJIbJpB WANTED lo GOOD MU- -ATI lil m, (w in Oernae Kill R,lra. it Cfta--

I BBM A'Bn b rich el. bTh' Iron the devM-- af nnMarl ar Apira UmMQiuun ). uIVi mm IN nt.i sr. MmMiR Bad MaBMrrrA. BM 1MB fOjd d ifara-r- e for tin a. at McUMtl.Tpplr At HAAIMBY AA, AM wBrM M, bet lei

tw pad era AT Iftl I'I'tM mOTUMT-TMi- l,

WABTbuD ALL BESPECTABLSaTIXLP eat of on slump wnldda nil m'It th MVr.ic ' I n i lugltoAe, llB.xth are. hot 4th


t XA smnu o no bort MM H tka eonatrr MteM nhanre of fa-- b ma Hd Aelrri u A marten

nS prflbml ft loot hMiM for a .matt foiu, batjg an ell - Addrm L, Bex sji, MenSee.

J MACHINES - WANTED 10a. I O MM r, W floleMtv, on pinteloono. aim 9 opera.

Mre--ue m I'.aaMr A aajer. MBit "'

CJBWINU MACHINE HAHM WAJbTBDO too-.k- Home blrt by Nerar'a ImMM(air and i.e..d. bpap Mil 1M aUataa st ml'IHCBWINO MACUIIES WANTED, LA

, P YD JtaUUirn MMatoa StiutoTt n4 Wblrln. aiMilaM. in ..bli. tl

a fc&TR jfei'.M,iu CKWUTQ M4.CHINE8 LADBS TU(fat

a O to aarau on WaaaMr A nriimiM lminiW

y lATLiu t&avniAS.S TVOTICK

M Iktv osaa mn akr froai 1 okak to IrMM) fUM ud iwalrlacof mtomr to and from itailiiBici , od Ao Vlriaill tai aoturort


T" mtouiat m n a4 ti: voter tod, --o ar ala i

t. terjEttsy'-- pjb.APARTMKNTa TO LXT-PA- RTB Of, atiaa laMaaMrafraiaall iklkii

at AUf. U,. t two aad Urno rom.. a rtoo ,.--. -,

M Bltt aotftliS APASTanr- - to lit first Aim

otV ataoao loar of I ha knira okaaa rroat WIKloo.aVMaJoMrV' K awah araaiio ( n iho InoaMoa if ItaivarilEfA' ""aTIST1 nd at aa a Tory floor.

A PACT M EHTI TO LKT FRJM MS TO s"" . oar mania, wtth walar. baqalra Mo. I H nitb

Xahda , aniaaaaakarak a,r ail taa larTkaa. ail fCOTTAGE HOOOT8 TOLKT IX

aTo. aaar Park aa. two aottaf a

aado. 10to booaa aauth of Mrrtlo ara. aniruttiM TTODSk TO LET ON S1X1Y-FIM8- IT ,"L n ar V rat avooao, a two "tory fraaaa hoaas

armlalaURb raorxa,wl h a larakaardaa aMaokod:taaifl!5n a lar. Hiipi kin I lr App'r toJ. VT (ol l.l Nd. 1,18 ltroad.T.i-ar7t- at.

ant g jjItOOMBTi) LET- -8 ROOMS TO EACHAA far . fiov t4 7D to M par month ahn I

Jal roaroa frai aa ir, to at H la tfco wa l rantllatodV erlck hr uia, 40 Ubairy it, ooar AutKor. fnitt 'aat in roar. aal r.lO

QTORf, 4c, TO LFT- -A SHALL STORE,O 10 fllitl ara. tlaot .

- Boom ud haflaaama, M Wa Ittk at. Boot tl.r 44 Booat aad Dodroooa, U:, ilia bath at. feanl f(Ta at aa" -- T-

MK1TMTBI.atr-t- -aw A mvm fOMUEKFUL DSOO?Kn- T-ara A Ikadk 'itraatad kf o mm prfm rtthoat oola.

HO I BShklUa 9k waaaaMwataJ fiACstSSML I rplIE LAHO BUT AND CUXAPEST DKN- -m! P 1 ttlaf.Mi how In tn I H N H ilHIKHNAo L J0.. akrotuta. 8'(i Onrad , N YH aad f7 Knit oIT I at. Brook full or partial aata of tooth oa

Sj MMar aMarpa atraoaphmio p.wamro plawa. wttbnutaO aitroetirof tho rorta. On olaboa or Id, fl; alivnr

or ruhbrr. l i oarUaj aola od iold, Jlpat tjii'h JI- -

a. jr Xatiavrl'lUH CtAJU HI ltaakoAAAaa I Vaaaar k tiinoA Tkdk who on anltorloa 01th mat

i aa of iboa bapfjfaj of auuaaiatrtan. look aa ooaorb aadE raialuo f t, frou, luaga, ojrauaoa at pataa la

Ma oka ohrai. MM or fcaak. oiiprtanra bnadrajao or 4haml

Hi Maa 0( 'Qa Bjojo. aiAuld aouaaU lr J TOTlua, woopaw baa mado trwamrat a onr . or orriiaacapUoa ki.

I k) tptoAai W JOr for roara, and who aan rafor to outnor-cuapotlanU In tho et and ardahborko.4 af Nowt i.rkwbnai ho baa turni of oonaajontta. In oU(uiolio oa.o, raW f Ml aaajaadkaa B (oaraotaaid Orkiiaj tmntna .l Dr. .. nnOhd,BawMoaak a Pkndalaa. aWrw o--a, Mo WSS. .

atltoao-'r- omj1 aAUUiiltrX AMU f nAauatAOtCLiTlMT J.MJ M UJaAV (law. of too oarraaa mi Allan aad Staa

aa. tun ata. N. Ynrkjw.mld n.rjwf. ilv Infona Ulo lataldhaaki of fat kaootlra-tfca- a baatodaotd awl Ikaold atood. Alloo at, SvwVk, wkara. lor tootmmt km raaiu, ka ooaaowatod trn. rawlnaai to tha aalira

Ka drna atoro ao woll iMhrwhia to tha ftror of tha


rfcr: Tof VKS- f Artklr. foffumarr, Aa, arfifoa wnlllooalJ prunoa"" Ao makm tbaaraorohoaaa olaowkar. Amun( uu

oka old au4 aU aatablkuaai OkBIK TlKfrl PAAtI


aaap m, f taaa Matroaatial MWafg and whan aU

T AaaVhMdCTapovlaJ akatrra U IbJa gaatjofot

GOOU lEWli MAAV. DM. a POLLAMD,lor the laat t raara at Ml Waablafka. at,

Bkirmnaa UU aatr aaoo akal tho oaaao of tkadr


I Safih?& ' . " anon


aWMEMMafaM. aWMrMltMaE.




LAWTaOU-- a. i HOUSE, a xuis aty,U. A fjonrtj.

No, 14 Tti4- - Ijraaar, k,. If-- Aaiown Tuom, AaoMn. lp tmai, BfMak, Mow Taaa.

AoMmow OmA an AM AMU Aaooaaafa. and DoPAMdl. aad Mllnrta kka taraa arotnpUa AlVndaaa rkraakaj iairtiai, wMIlM aa Maaaa. loanlna



load it wHI n raftrtroajoloaa jjjgd

M tna puJoHuaa 1 ALUM of lata afJMjM tkn

ttZl&mmlkBftjfaUm." mm Wm MMkhiAloat


Mar ltil.tka ruafraaDR. ZKLial MAR VINE POWDERS



0B. WM. T. IkTBOItarw.Ma, BM BooM atraak.


SjBBJ taaaooa Pi a aan uvtr ka gtraa, oakaaaa toBat dtlnk-- r. tn rIT., kta, ar llqoar. Warrantad!! illr karmloaa. aad trm froaa aoooooMaa aBaeka.

For aala la Mow lore, at U Dlataloo aL : Mra.BBA( MM, III Blakth ar,. ood la Vooklro. ai Mra.1IAVEH, UhPnltonrt l.lTIMatl

ORANOK 001'NTT MILK.uraaod Parol

Btkf ra, Ororora art daloioa aurplkalkrA I. B A THAI JK. ASS WAahiagt n at,t. Y.IpA Mar'lM



TBI NKS, TAL18ES, CARPET BAGS, Aa,Ma, WaoAin HrkAR. aod 664 BaYOADwAla


aVKTaaAoBmb mm maxje.

ABUHIlEE Of BIMIRBSB WAQOBS,hand, anch aa pron-w- , hifeatSWotnkrj, carvotnt'i and axra. Taa wfll n,f

thai pkkM aa favaraki ka anr that tan ka loon. K- -o

rr aittolo Ml bo a wnrrwatod tn k oa raproaontal.STIaNiaii. Foaklif, rU otraat, batwaontnwadaarandBtdktkaTo. aul JOnc'IO



HOR8BS FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASHof Canada boraaa. truck ud karnoov

auttohlo far baarr work. T bo hataoa aro roani aoda and. and wwljth aboat r jmo Mttaat, and would bea Id wlttout ir.u k. The track la oaw, aod ni ida ofthr. .t me.e 1.1 a id In tha boat taa wr IIUY 0.UulVHaUHS A son, oaaor allaa BiAaafaeluro-B- ,

ITS 118 Flnb alnet, a) llluun.burih. aoia-i-

TM70K, H BBS EMS AND HORjK FORwith work.

Addrraa H ,au3 k'ltl bo I gin offleo.

. FMfINO MAOHINES FOB SALE A TO3 font Hlna-r- Whoolar A Wllao.r., Ororor B'ak. r. and otbaro, looond bond aoaap for oaab.aaaillua, ooarllo aharpanara, AM. Maabiooa booaht,ir. a.v.d and roptlTHrL bp 0, A- DUHMN, nlf. v.aoomr. Ho LattTO MB ha marhlooa,

abaw. li tAao'la"


And thoroadbl) Chtoual aiu)

albxabobbT ooBRirr.WATUH MAKBB AM) .IKdlLKl,

PTkJ IMvlaloo Rtroot.PrilOtia Oppoalte Allan.

G'BOCERIES AND FLOUR FOB THEat re ka tbowirld. Oo.ida

tVllaaiadtriw TOOA. A AONBW, ' (Iro.n.lrhat. at d St Korrar at Maw York. lyW itnc'lM

Of( BARRELS BO. t MACKRRE L, 400hairola No. I ratokerel, aola rbaap for eaalt:

Itt'tulit) pot ud tuba uw ahad, Vlca Ai tub, forfamily naa; it Lot PC, Biooor retHrm-d-, luackorrl rlo

i. if In aal b, NBLdD.N WILM (X) , ttloo3 3147

Onfall POUNDS SMOKED SALMON",CKiyjyJ n. Haiti,, rut on : ID I oa- a .

aplaoil ralP'On, ID p ilnd oaaa. BI .')) ; Now Holla-- dlion It k PI par ke j at batrrta lraat aim jar, AI ,M

barral : common, i or barrnl. Knr able byfLrtON WBLI-a- , if IVttr at. ml ',


SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE lUolv4aoBool orBoara of tha Mh We. n, at tho

oneoe of Mat mark of the Hoard af MdacaMon,of Grand and la ata. uadl Tuaadar, Ike ttk

dap of Ana;, oort, ai n ."olTok. p m, for oshool I ttul-hr- o

lot rrunaap Pikanl Ma. i, ka Bejnrd at. La aktd

Pbfcne and apoolfloatlana af aaldParaltare MtkZiliEt.tff tfS-eM- et.weaia'lblllark'nVrAparBnauraif thTooaAraot, JfiICiqui rod frtou tha auaooaaful bad dor.

tho awhoal oflbaaaa raaarra tho riant to retort anror all of Mm raid prmkatM, II Aaaaaad Apr tho puhUoUtter aal ao to doraANCip, ikkoi AAH., QbaiMMm oa Bolldlqa and



POAL 440 BASr QUALITY RED ASHMd Whita Aah Goal d.Urared clou to oil

part, a il e eltr at At AB por ton of .OfB Ibl. ATBBAI) K1.L, Anal, 14B Warerlp pkMot IBB

feat Utk eti eat 7S4 Waahlnktnu at: Fe rr - tor.W.a JpBO " I ID

TUB UNION, BOW AND FOBEYEB ICkaon Patent Medicine and Variatr atora

doolh at root, wlUlaruakurfb wtaero the pab-b- c

in rriy apon nrtttiuj food and teuula artiaAoa ola rannaral prtoo.Baiuiof A li I, lJlUaa, for tho oaripaaxion, AM. Biota.Or Ivtn'a (ojiiIi t ibwlulnabir, for CauplusA Mtll.r.rlno. "t okl t Id tint, for 0 bole. A n3r""a Oirle Tuntn l aato- - axonUoul .. M nPoralau l.i t KUlor, fo Hod llufa, .he B3 aun chob rtno Kotnedy. far Ularrbtoa, Be BS M

plamuud tiluae or Hair Bufoooimtur BJ "tUdwai-- a t.adr Aallof. J "Btaudretli-ala- .ulntt) nila........... lBalAt't'a and Parry Itat la' Uulmeutl IB "TBB5 Bnillri'a and Halra 11 "Mi. WUi loa'aH.)olhlu Ayrap JJ lllti' fKalatu'I C,adi" tbr Hair 1 "iowlll-- a l.'ba aatle Aaiae, for iHtrua, A.. MharniiuVB.aulcaJ Com pound, tot tttpura

Rravian rlyt up t1 rue Hlltore Tn

Qrhaatal Hoaotlflar, fur tha Ladloa ItreucliTolloa Inrtbo Ualr M "

AnU ly poptir P.Uilr aaWmBorharto, ar UaollnaBoan 10"

FmrraikaMonlhll It"

Trtaotbotona f r tla Hal', a ... arttalaa .... t --

Dr. AuAalatiua I .'a Ute tjurdul, tor l,WeakMian F aUUa. ha ....... .77;.,j M

BO A BD - A FEW BBSPBOTARLRaan be aaioniodataal with ar wtlk

nt board: ala a out aad thorr aim, at til

ROABD A FEW BBHPEOTABLB MEN"ajki m aaM ilalad -t- ab hoard at IT0 Nl nib at.gng TfltBJmV'DOtABDLNG ONB OB TWO MECI1ANAXra a aaao an tr or bop, u M eatowra datedorth h ant on IBMMBBM Iiiam i a aaaalai of okllIran win ha tekaa and laaotTO a idaatrH Mra i Sinovwna to la wt or wtahoot Board. Aopty ol i AIaw. aL t'I Biao" a

BOA RDINO GENTLEMEN AND THIIRa r ft Paw alnola flonlleman raw bo well ao

altk htrd la a rood loofttloa near twoakaan r.okaa , rooaaa foradaBM ar aanirnihed tarraaBtajlawaaa. Apple at i Aiaaa at. IplA MaoMll

ROARD -- BOOMS WITH BOABD FOB' "re read aod atnl ran' lore an. Tho lopatlon laaeay ptataaM aad kaaltAr. and tan t lalt IMllraee. ftlao ft few roaaa ladloa eaa ba aor.ntnroa-labd- .

its WaaVaMk at, ear klh aao. t bath In thhraam rrtaMaa--

OOABD A BUAPAIB1 TO THE WORLD.J feed board aad room at a traak aad upward,.

hvkvVooi l.7r. FanlUaa aaltad at taaa tku earother bowee la Ike ttp Bio partora wHa plftooa,WiIiMamm U alfht, al MLkrawura at , BearBreadwer and Oanal NT ft. Doal fa no- - holnoaraaap It not ooouortanla, but ceil and aao HalflB taa aod. rrlMa1trUOAJtDB OM t UKNllaKMKN OA B0 a ill aad whtk, aan ka anroramodalod a thkoanfat muderaao termo bath endear la the Sowoo,

l7 Pour there, hot, MBA Aad tBtfiata rpt tdao

17UBNIS1IED BOOMS TO LET WITHX hoard or wltkotd-f- auk r nurrwd (eUaa,an aka, I pwand laalat ttar boarder aeoomno-daaoA-

at It Fink at. Mar tho Bawarr. IpA Haalil

PBRfllSalED BOOMS tQ iJCl 1 MOM--me at, to rapaatabaa (aatllUa. raollftvta Par

aooaooBiaal BMotBaaflaai a tee rooaaa for MuU f aaateaaaa root rarr low. Ir iTaaMU

KOTAL AOOOMMODAl IOM U O O Db lord aod nod clean afreet reoraa,

wmrrooAM M nraaln : board Bpta BI 30 to 1 1 par

LODG1BOS FOR UUAdtPESIFork pood electa had IB oonta

tiltH aim ett.cle roarae IB to to conk) nerriedpereone II to M MM lodAUSB kr tlte weak At) ttt Moonta aad IL Paritleked raiai tnth cook tt lift work. M ala nj lei ly ' - -- at Wiltdun Hoaen 'ipj PrraoAila at. Ml Waal Braadwar.(PM ail otrwL Htldtdao Bt

POTTAGES TOR SAL IN JEBSBT Cl'r,Vt eon too lent to Paaanla art and Ohakahor al fTr,4 saw r itlaaee with to tde-- o roAprororanf .TiTBB'i'B'.t t), one fourth o..h alt a oornor 00TGL

',700, tw brooo ato-t- iwuaoaof hoa mktorlaT andIearBrelHbhool a 'loot, pdoe IVr.tta, taraa Mar:la ft aah Mil bouao awl 0 au id with rrntoftalura at

tacbod. Apply at th Mw Bftl Kttate ,,, oaPeroola are, or ef r.tlo it. autO'llO

DDTLDIBG LOTS OB BERGEN HILL FOBaaihaaoUf QHr looatodoa lotraerftll rtaiatoa


FABM FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FORpreootBr (okorapropatly): about PS

oa, baaatlioiir l"o"d, it,,, a xi orcBard.h ana end barn, with atook and r'71 I'jr pa-- at IP, HooMlen (.!) Tlmaa fttlio..ajtwrou the boor of 7 aod It o'aloak. am p B

LARM P0R BALE A GOOD FABM OF' a boat ro anraa. fur mlU. froaa Bahwap, N. J.

Tharo are on the precnlaet a bAotlaoaaa w .11 tagh aa 11 1 lltl p MlPlaluBll Mim t.iuaa, ft Mmand olbrr o.l tsmoae. a wall ol race W t wot ,1 a aoojapt' o irliard fttad a rftiletr r other firm' trooa rhiirckand a hoot bouao near, loctUtp rorp heal tar wUI'o OA etlb err,.. u .took Far fortMrpi.t'o'ilara-bKiuI- oTwbTl B. MUBJti V , N . tt JSrna , No. Bark. aul r." 11

FARMS FOB BALE SMALL UABVDBBa.l ohoap. oatr Bt raU froai N. V oa

'he .T Vitroart - J If oorea. orla 1' one ofBjAMBj MBOt one of 1 eoroe, riM: OM IB aoraa ,


FABM FOB BALE IB TUB TOWBMM1PftVaei Oo, Ft. J.. to Ktlaa f rota N

York. BMtolnhBi about M aoraa. It of which u o e iwood land, dwaliiiu. ham, wean and ether oathoaaec. deJtt'.bMtlr alltlabVL with plenty of (.alt

Afit?Hpromt eaa. wlnXAnVlM

HOUBE AND LOT FOR SVLK-- A NKbTMm and lot, hp Ilk) foot, needy

fenced, wood Boone, c, albialod on Pallaa'o aran no,near Prooklln at. Huleoa Olty, 1.'. ralniiM walk tr tmtuoHobnkaa Priro l,:if. title perfect:twnt.eaay- lntilreof Mr. ZBIQLBV, arooery attro,oor. of felliada and FrankMn at. an I flatLOT FOR SALE --OO AN KM LOT, VKttf

on Mm oornor of Ualoa at ud Hand at.Broth arwoklra la near tho fan-te- : the atreot boa

aaar, TM tl lo la oo1 and i39 fron dobta. Apay at AM ayoat at N Y ' '" v 'Ju..-i- '








Dan r. BrmTtAT It- aoran, aa POtxnwFruoi qhABabon at, Praaa Mb at atatioa.AIT.OSa. a. at I m 1 ,

11.00 p.b. U 10 ft. a. I let, 8A0 r.aktatitroal and BuOa o rain with

hoepturoan. Ir.KMnnTuau ao at.n.oi w.oh bsw roko uaeraar.aoiijutan r.ia


liiHt, and atftttona on HI ll'tuie.tu. utl Wftuntowtt N1aGBA At inIt... oftd, rUBPaUitloN IIKIDOA


a ib oooooottrn loar BUFFALO and slta,t ' l, , vie .A K , Hilt KR, 'II r' A.1 ' ea.d lajf Pr- "1 a..d illtt-A- ' B8T V H H A I . BtlAI , lorPU'lll ItlN, "'OatOTO DrfPltOIT. ClUQAQO.I'll r H 1, MILtA AUK iB, FON i)U UC, UCKCin'r" Mtn.doN puatbJb I1M H1R IIAl. A-

lA.Ll NLIC.t ll. ) III QrB.t'P'lRl A. fttli.X IBLsVtlt Ml H' nT.N A OTrY HI HI.UAG T'lN.jCINi'.Y, oPAlNUHBLD, AITH1. nTTToVl!,H.Irtfl. K.BBB HAITP, UimNleHMB.

(IIBXIINNBTI. llaYTtrN, Ot M HUB,n evwi.aain. a 1 oolot. BUT, MOBTH


OMMM with Trala al Tror wltk TBOY ABOoTON and ByB (It HA TSVa A Boo da, farBAKATO'iA. WHJTtKH AlX, BITI.tMli ifi.'A- -LiNtniif. ht il",,,iJJhJ'7.PLATTBBtlWaL.OGDBNnWJBaii, MOIrTBAAL,

LOCAL TXAD4B- Loan Mow York as loUowwfwom CkrnmUr-- ttntt. From fWttat rrraef.

PouAbkeepeka train, I a. AM ft. a., Bad 1.10 aada., and TABB and 4 r M.I ABB P.M.

rxkaknn train, tJO Ajau At aja., AAA ABB r .0.audOBOr.a. I

fa Bitut train, 3 40, 4J0 4.10, ABB and HUB r.n.and 9 in r at.

FlohklU train. ABU r. a. ItJPB P.B.

aiirVlTlii (irVon ANO VT? krlora3m DoboM la Ooaaeaao AM Canal irarrrra 0of all Ami 'aoonaM M ! op; olAar UtlroodSrmuiaMA Tho bvcllltiea of Una iroat NX fYOBK BOflTB to DM Woat eon taaa It to the aoa-B-

bm of BtorakftiiM aad jBBBJBM (o pnaeuvtaeaa

Hmnlnua wl'h BMoCINO and t i.bbpinijOAB run la ounaaatum oa tho Maw Yon Goo km!Bond.Tor parlo Ura aa to local train, and fraUM at

wjaaaak Inoaln a the depot. Art WaTen at root,wvttoni ft 0 evr"r ,,w,i



D I root rootn letRUTLAND. BUkl.'otOTON. KMllKM


Foot trains f Mir betweenTBOY sssd IUTL1ND.

FAST DYBXPBYoBTfraocun to Mttirrassi. a rot toti.t.Misr'in.

Paaaaoaara lee viol Try bp this line, at lt.lB p. tn,..lU roach Hut Iu.kLu, llnuee1. Montreal AodtJlloosbn fkefttMtlo nb than leariao Bro lion seat lli via any othir route.

- .....ill til PKI'IS i tj AB FXPEBTMITHAOtXiU Ttt MOBtBIAIt ABU OutMMHUaaa.





Rblici nr TUB 11, t. K Hosta C ' 1. R tIn All pads of our cltr Bt IBs BtwaABt time,ralinofus " Dltok Hor.e Uaralry. UUabr tha wfty murk akin to Abtbmoa Wablv" BBlBlMTtHa Mown tart H c.rairv," at mplenty u good IrttanUona In a pjart which "b all

M Matkino, and which U Mid to bo paved withbam. We hare not t ot haer.1 of anr CPJftBOB

tnkan from thl fannM oorpa, hut alnost araryotbar arii, le, ih na of which i taken lavain try onr mluDtMfi wmitlnp; to b flttod oat,hM bstn rep ursd fron tie a, anil it aoankl A

If aU Sad been MOt to thui city. Ball AHi m k lorm cAvalry iwoltl, "tftkanfintnlh liiat k Hotm C.ivalrv " tipyral o'.htrtons la lir.tadwkv poet eotuiticaotiily hAts

And pitlolA, 'taken from tha Ulatk Horn.rftlrr. A nor tv kop on tha It. wary dli- -

pi ata hnvy Mb.-- "t.kaa froin tha BlackHorit CAVAlry." Mambot of th bJth ItroBRhthoraa qalto a variety of iword. rintaatti, Ac .,

"Ikn fft.mtkoB tk II rtoCtvftlrt .' Ktnftlly,tbo 8B ofllo hM manaaft to obtala for thdon meat of its common room, a tuvana

In kn .Ink Aad hat p .mn ' "tAkaa from thBlack lltn Cr!ry ' In a thort liata thpiAn my bacora 'itiita foiaibl to Arm ABA

.nip At lMt A oomptny, by Kon.ral mb cuptl B o.' thin rallei of tha fo.

I a port a uf Ho. n all.Ih Sblpplrw and CimmvaUl Litt pultliohM

tb loll" emu tab's ih twins; th xpirt ofkfBBwttufrs from th Unite I Slates to GmttBritain and Iralan.l, BB4M th lt"I BfSi to th lauat datta from tha MrnilBBSS MM

Fi"', Matt. Wiiiat. U s a.hb'a. b :. Duati btt ih

NawY ..k I 0 l. O.'it J,7t7 1SM.1TI AAW.SfilNla l) mat, 4 H) kl.lAtPoUoa-litulft- . 17411 .... I.HIS7I MB MlBelUiom.... Ill, .11 I! De3,tll jJO.IPll

Ill.lS't luA IIIU 111.10t).br puts.. lBl,a:it .... IMl.oll 10,4)1

Total netf.i ,4oi.9ih 1 iu M,aasril grt--


IiKMMM 1 US HM i mt 10 00 1(17 7 Ml.ttii)T teal, BA B0 0 7 O tl 111... I :lln on

''i to 1 M t to, coi 1. 1,. i.jii.sm10 - a to BBB UB PUtUrB,

I tMlroMtiou pBa. vut. Con a. Hr.XswYnX .T"..i.'..V' Ml 11 IM Mt,3'IOdnwport 7,1'td t,n I 41 .

TBaI, 1800 CI.. tTtTlT ,40 1.dI 44 lid" Itllft?isna CO.. 4B C77 lCl.tll IP IMptMBt.. 4,u bi m trt.sit

" lIB8,.tM,UT! 1C IM l.Po?

A tawnd VFotk.Th Array U.immtttae of tha Bn York

Yon net Mum' UurUUsn Aaoclllon hMtoe I .ib'winat aiatamMt of ltd orrarALons,

in providlaa for th iwllflloua want of oar Ar-my la tha fl eld 1

1'DbI.Ii ATfoBrt.

Thai (at two odltloai (33,000 aoplw) hftrtboon iroti-.- of that oxcollont aad pjptilar

of byau An 1 nouns lready cato'ito'eda the ' N l.lle-- Uytts Book." Tk roMpttoaof thl Uttla b ok by tha rolan an I moltan' hit- las' And th daman. la for It far ii. nlIn P'Mat possibility of lapplr. At Ufa aet

of Uu cpmmtttM Brr C. M H n.iii,uf WahtBKtoB il Bompllta In tha bm of Chaplains B collection of law,, uMaad ktnfa ralatfr to ChApUini ad toirwtuk. Thl compilftUoB will It IMood ft boobm ooaploud.

TisnrATiot.At th maart of horn frUadr, ladirldaali

ataonK th volnntterj, lomporarlly bra, Barba aouatbt out, ouansaiUd aad cared for, andtha ooraralttoo still itud raa.Ly to rt(und toeUutlar I at era of iBAKaStlon fron it roi alirmMd friends of tha auldlarA. K.ory renlinu.itof tioopi pattiBK tUroitgfa tha ity '.jriTai thlost llz watki OAS btB visit en.i taa OtiAp-l-

waitad apoBjAnd gaatfsliy, lapply ofbook farnlshod. Th yarloiit ciBpi ana oarrack hr all bn ystmA'lclly vialtad adcare-- for. AmooK them may ba nad SiltoniTillo, Camp Scilt, Ftrt S :hurlar, Blkar'iIIBd,Soath Brothtrt. WlUt's PotBt,

Thar ha bnn syittmtie aa l Ki'ontcircoittiOB of hymn book, oak bxtks, It bits,prayer books, luteal n BftrvlcM, Ir i It ftu rU-aio- u

papar. RiptiakoaU on the way btrbMDCAfwfully a":. plied with reliiotit IwAlloef,to their saliro Mtiafaetioa. In mm inaiAoo,ovary Dfton ba had A book irlvo him. By

packftyioa of bymn books. Ai., bar baanfur WAf dad to VaMnKton, Aloaftit trim, for transM nr .a KMlon, Pan., U up dan. M. J ,

Cairo. III., Cmp II lt. K AA, Al. lareaponn to lattai from cbaplklM who om-plft- iti

of tha Inallictaacy of axutl4B arraac-mmi'- a,

th commlttM bai ma la prooarationsfor forwarding lopUM of Mcalfti ppri to thlseat of wat.


Mora than ooa bundrwil week day pravarBMatinsA aIao aumsroot Stibftth Mrriootboy lino ArrAnn 1 Aad mlatind by n.

of th commltU aad tba awoci ation, tncttnin. ti. n with Mr. Lockwodd tb CaipUin.Snms of th ncmpmnta and rKimatlqaartan ar thai supplied by th "nmlitao.exclusivo'y, with roll I'i.m ' oarvlco, ; BmoBir,

othar K'kor's Island, Kim Park, and until re-

cent lv tb Andemm .usvos at Stt tor villa,B. J. In with tha retool or Chap-lains nanurou ttT0tlonAl mYloin bar booheld with th i dtliers at Pftlac Ou tan.

Polat, Camp s ott. Bait New Y irk, thlUltory. Pdtk UdTAckft, jr., Ac.

OOKBBirnBDaBUB.A " k1 memtnr of tbo roramitUa b coa- -

curtail a ooiroopontlvnM with oa bun Ire.' andtin Aiary Chaplain, ioca'ed at yrious poiata,

from ti tat uf whom prompt and lull rap'.lsnave bou reoaive. all biMtbiotf a ti"tt' ex

I .pi it, tad i ivlnpT iiiist ol aa in'ona In- -

sMI t n ib r art ill th apiiUutl welfare ofI... Mild on.

Nawo Ilea Ihn Maon r.Mr. Hi it, th n.nUamau who waa cpttirad

tt Bad e Run with CtinKramman Elk, ha boonnleoMed as An Knetlishmae. aad hM rataraad.Ha alfttaa that among tha raBoart ' horn haencountered wbile a prMoaor wat Coi. Joauajt.lonaorly of th Wr Dapartmont, woo boostedthat ho had rooeivod. Wot tha attack atII ill's Una, a cipher dispatch from from

person within our lines, giving falldetails uf oar ranysMsnt, lacladlng the ftvil il

of Lh alas or Utile, the time at which

operations weald commeao, aod th nuuiUorof our troops.

BaAOABOAati) ba darcrlba ft. a man oa thabait term wdih tht on v at. t f hi army, ; tkiagand talkiag with them 'olt m freely, ftl Mast,

with hi officer, aad wjoylng little betterac.omnr lot Ion tbaa tba txiaam sold par.

Mr. Mi ' - My that on tha whole our one-- , t-

iers ar wall treated. Bat tb ?. iatvm ar tRichmoad, cagad la a factory with hartthroagri which th popl tar at tham a.UlicM'V.

Ton kin. r t . at Manasoo oppirsd to us verymuch p'sAAed with th bearing of tha priso-ner, and spoks ol them ft brie And h.t orablmn. Th Hoa At man Eli is wall treated,and mar b raloMid.

Col. Cubc BAB tt in Bit iBtand. Ills woatdin a slmht on, bap k il lo del caIa healih,

QuL Cambbob wfts rb .1 by C.L WadbUAMrron, ol Boat. Uiroiin, (ohp ft'rardbmi If dratb in th aciiof) In raranga for tbal.wa of a Doahow. 11. Attpraan to have dtyotodbt attanlion to Mkoottig 'Hi in, with mlbent,. i bin by bl m-- H flpod twit s atCuL UaMiaoa, who 141 ' the Mvond ihot.

A Naw Yon. Zhjava rawatly took a hintbo't ii. tup to A teb.l. s't-- rar iaos hM booKUCb alattd with hit captdl. A day or tw.

lac ihe owoer of the at 1 atl prtmaUd hlm'fto th Z taave. atd tieiiitadsd th bo'. "1bare lak.-- the OAh of AlUgisncf,' uld he,' and tha hot aa I Mine" "Tint B)v baretkk.a tha Mth '' aniwared the New Yorkar,

bat th bona hM not, aod I altall keep bi atill ho doe," There wi a) replying to tkll,

1BDd la ZIAAV0 knpn Bid LVNIA

Le we a.

A Iksokltm aaoThan as a pi f Ire hacd.

T. II but th Iomm BM BbBtr Uvea bad kamrBpWall evening waned awayFran broorr ami bay,

Aad In Btroof MM wool onl wflh weary mmOn nrako wtkk qaleartng Hp,0 a fair freighted ohtp.

With ftll h'a bounboid lo Iho dswp gnay dowa IBui owe bad wilder woo.For a 'alt ran. lent ago

I Ml In the dotkor drpika o. s Ktwoi i w

Soma mounted their dap of youthWith most Tdag tmih,

For II brave hi p as aad man wy mt prose tAod one apon Pbe WealTurMd h eye IhM ould n .i rnt,

For ftr .ff bills wi ... n Us joy a had bom.

"ne ta kr of Taihd pnld,flotn of itrotnl hoBon I I

Aad ftonn ef friend, phot ware then trtul M aportAnd oa of e grM n ran,II awl do a rrwolgo wan.

Thai mado him Ml It o j oa the wbm ttiMr to n wan .1 no.

Tnn ap k am .t g lluwu on,A rtranger, SMnlag fro n ell enrrow Iras -

" Hal loan ban ye mop,

Hs m'ra '" hsansr yea,Fcr a bllTiag bear I Imfftmo from ma"

" A.s '." then plifrim nld," F r afae living and Ike tin ,

For kwtiiaa's ortnlpy, for a iim era,t h wrooAa if lead Mil saa,

link however, B came to Ion,Thire, alrargar. Is Ufa 'a last snd hnrtart loos."

A Mi.rrllea Plotereto ths report of th LuMcy CwamlMionsra

fur Sc .'.lend, w Mad a mlAacbn)y pictar ofth a. iel ciinditi m oi tbo . rof tar and pqaattorpopuls-li- of the sols. 'Thatvpi. al Lawlsbutts.'' My lbs report. ' not simp! r a Inaguabmksa rABgn It rather coati' of ma-jor block, of forty or fifty fnt, with a tmsllporch Ilka wing at oaa and la fron'. aad alarger proiaotioa or a'taciment toward thCher end Itibirsd, which iMt sorrss as a barn.Accmi to all it Rained hy oa doar. By thlvon enter th to ohll1 porch, a I oa oaabad yott vary frqun'ly flad tha qoara, araga'ar Iztar and a thing for daily bm. Alyou pass froB th porch to tb majjr b'.cck,you 8rat enroti ttar tho byro; and in aummtr,aftaw tb planting of tha crop, you hare da-w-

a step. Tn M'ly ipr ag. howarar,of ilucanding voB bnva to Atoml, for

Lb Oung of Lb cA't'a. w'sioh. agep' in fineMthr, nror Imvo th houit in wintar, id

allowed to ac :urau ate, and there I onlyone anttttftl claaalag of th byres. Irt lh)dlitiicU wtor horn are uttd, whoa sprtagcntBM, tb end of lbs bouts is often pkritaUvknocked down to that th II' tie hofM an hiPAnnitrt may enter to be loaded nn tba a ot.Tb pott-ran- k with wbicb th hotiM ar

llld snd the toot, both a. tug as aimnptir combin to Imwi tba lotB'tniia tfTecttwhich might b xpctd to ro- - ill from llytogon th dp of a dung iLI, or othtr bp of

animal aod tragatabl matter. Butfar thn ptaLrMk tb stanch would ba lturttfTr-bl- s,

aad nohftblt ooald auks It bearsbla. Itthl part of th hou'o bo entersd in wlntar,whoa th oow ra tied ap nd UU t tired froarn train I, It Is often nsrithsr usy aor Mfa topiek one's way among tbm to IB other end,tpsciaily m It must b don al all smpoa

aad at all hours In aa obsearlty whl.-i- toon coming from ths opsn air, amount todark nan. At th othtr od of th centralor major range, tha human, animals lira,aor it thilf paction cat off from that

by tha brut, by tha felntsetrtan oe at a par litlo. Th aiparall--yothtag mor than tha ou.bttoue of a

foot pavement oa a mntry roadalda. a Una ofrough stones lo auk II off. la fact, it Is

ted and thought askMrthlo. that th no amiboald actual ly no tba tore, Ib be cheered mwall m warmed br It daring tbolr iosg

Al a Imroaiact noiat. aliout thMBlr of tb part oow w. he.1, I tb lira, aadfrom th rough, undfwmed, so jLbe,rrtmsd raf-ters above, a rope or bit of ohtln falla, oa which

'tha pot I suspended. On on aid of th fireplace, supported 00 t wo pales of turf or OB two

j large ilofrai is aplaak, which laths Mat of tbmen of Lb household. Often ihtr ta no plank

nothing, la fart, bat bench of sods, lisbiad tins Is th itock of poets brought Ib ftrlmmadbtta ui. Oa lh other si. Is titan I arough three legged etool for tb wife Thchildren aid d' gt crouch by th llreotda Intb warm sake. Oa th woman' aide, withi'a back to tb OA'.tta, tbara I oovsnionll aml dresa'ng or ebelvlng, to hold inch plttMor bo Bit M may b pOMsned, and be. ids It tbno or two poU of lb houitbold 11 ,d tnalrplace, whan out of use. I da aot reme n.rover t BAY sou a tab's. A chair of any kindIl A m. tt unwaal object. Tho leap it, taa ket-tle, anil tlnn,d Iron TtW of all kind, ariqaally rare. Th lupply of modern crockery,oven of tke ot'iflst dsscrlptloo, is conli aal to afew platen a in And in i t. ptfish ofJlarvoo end port of ITig II ocarcaiy amoant tothl. share they una a native JpatMfYi whichIs so rude aad co tm, snd anraltir la Itahp. that it aught es i f be misikn lorthue dn-rat- y umi while ore bat a1 aoitcftaAedto bt reck Md In esnturiM. At th fortharend of the apartmartt, if it may be ao railed,eland t.b bad. lbM Ar Mmply fcur roughuptight post, councid by narrow stretcherwtih a wood an holloa, and BUsd with loonstraw, which ii tno valnabl to be abundAnt ortrrtao chaogatl. Th two apfighi, which atturihaat from tha wa 1 uftaa rih tttraftor, aid ar atttcbed to lhin UpoallioM ia a sort of roof cm, ru ud,

0tl covtr-- d wiih dlvota Tho ntcwity of thllroof v. 11 ia roof will be short y msd, when1 describe th e mtiui-'.lo- of th hoa, andshow how far from water tight th oittr roifla. All mam andagn lrp togathtr in t thshad which ar oftan tb only obm pisMd.If thafaailf l larga. however, thor r onor mor similar bed oou'Jtit tad in tha bar,In whicb iho cbwt, c n'.Alnlng the Sur.'iyclothes and other raluablta, I lj kap . Inwall, aie not more than U fnt in huighi, andtb d tor uo only Us entered by p o pi tg. Oailoi-- ih wall, found tho root, ihor Udtan a foolpa'.h, on wh eh children, itaep,

fjab), and fog may bo onttan'.ly sen. labe can th public fo ilpa' li t , a iiatghboar-in- g

townsMp t r croft lo--l ma over th anilof t re of than nouns; prorisicn I' stag made furgalling up ih d wu by atonM ir i,n pro-

c'l. r fr in tb wall, lb raft an oonit ofundraad. cnakid brtchi of tre, Iniuniltoerat'ter wi'h t,,,i s of straw. Ths thftb h Irof a' rev., loon y pot on, aad h'd d n byboat liar r. pea weigaled At tb tod with (toner.This thAlch is ramoyed vry year, forth Boko if th loot, which I rogonl-a-

M a valuable aad stimulatingManure, in order to inert an th .'poit arthis, ikon I oo mt k hoi ; and further,with tb same o1jat,tba straw ' hn ted ibick'ly on at tha top ao that th roof it nai-circul- ar

in it ouUla. Tb luslde of Lh b Bse,thersfore, is ct nstant cload of put-reek- ,

which th vsi of tho uaaccua'omad to Itanaot toisrata. Tb object of tb roof is notImply to protect from rain aad cold, but to

Atcamalata loot, and it id come. I'tetitly nev.roomplaUly water tight After btavy rain thwater tuaw throagh an I blackens everythingon wbicb it fal s. Imaging with It tb glistnu.Ing pitch' p.Bdlc'is Of loot which usuallyfrUL the ratiera. In spring when tb thataBtI raotoTfd, half of IS bopsletton my bs saidto b abelurlett, aad Hit happen lo hs A rainyeoatoB. their coadition must tt vary ini wa-lls. Ttar It ao window. Th bMac fthi la rttaily universal. Such I'ght gainadmission I by th dour or through on or two

b.des In ths aim of tb ro f At th toput tb well or throagh chicks from dftflcisncimia th c.natiDctbtn uf tha doom "

11 eaa ml MctTfaBsua,Tkoae mra who bav tartrad andr GBrI

M. i i At. bav tb most uabouritftd cooS-daau-

In hie tin Ii y. i y ctmi dar 1. n in vlu --

bio, and say thai ba bat never made mist sk11 ks th ra ad iiMenary quality In goaral of ptorasy, and permits nn on to gM4 tbis plan ILI tbo blue Is , truth. Atom tinedaring bis lot can pit. h ha bilid ig'it steam-boats and embalked all ht man un what avsry-I- )

dy iuppoed bid td bs a WAtsr txcaraloii,but ll WM A male blind. Tao Phipila'ltd,want a ftr, mini war taken iibore And throan ludad maruhtd ovoisnl nd forctd tbroMiy to a lUaitiv bit I. It would aot barprtiing nuw it b were lo capture Richmond

ami and t war at a bkw, while th enemy li' looming taking Wathicgton and aku kingej ootid ManMSM.

Than beams to bs hot Uttla dsn gar of hitbelpg by ilettery or ted u cod by templalton. In the prua of nukoMoVd Bt id Budw

40 year of Ago, hto angM it ar aaaMaUttiatami atrrple. Ra fttton'a pwannaUy to thahphtM rUtni. in his army, snd oo'lcn every

bmoh of doty and pwBkshM M nrtfllnohlnglry t b. U the Idol of hi one.sjtd they watch hi.words and boUom wtth davotian that nowords caa e preen Ha lakoe soldiers fare withth read, end has no hotter bed than tha rtwssrtrwcraft m th a'my. If b am a maa withoatthM a prapor a othraf, ha Mndi tnth fop him

nd he captain to oomo to hi eoAMere, nophas th am i wants hlmialf, anil npriman istha orMcor. Ha hold bid orBoar- - ia every oMareenoaolhle for I ho cnrnfnit of their man

Gam roi MnCe.Bi.iAW gsoanlly mi thsimple blouM of tba rilloBMM withoat even th

larnr'-ah- i alder strap to denote hi rmak.V) hon bit Una I oa tha mircb, he Mover

atnaa tb mast, with kind aad obaaringwrrd for every company, a BlaaBBflt look, orkiad sal o to, or haaity gr.p of tha hand forevery olBctr or prltrata with wham ba I on pMklng term by t. names', antla a Ight ba I lwty at th froat uf thonlBmn. bt th thickset of tb dngr, fpoonrag'ng but oidieri by cbulisg word andfoar see dnd.

IB Wppektagton h. Is I ht nSaerve I of all ol,nr a era, hat he noma aaoonicloaa of th tntloa h iclu. Ha rtdM throagh tba city, aadtints th dlrT. rant mllltAry post, with anftbeonl And proeoapl pitMrnc, Al If hware Ihitkina of ru dlrTerwnt mai'on thanth vn arout d him, bat b bMr vrytblngaw ev.rythlng, and judge of th qu all tin idIka man ermiad him with rare Mgacttv. UsI a Wst PotBt t flinr, aad wat oaa of tbrmy oommbatontra Appointor to pmcMn to

lump daring tb Olmtaa war, to bHimm andn on concerning th mili ar y nperaltoa tharaenftctod on so grand a toBah lis hM now aaopportunity for achiaving a name omt a glorynot often v.tacbsafed to men. Ills countryIf'-k- to klm M Inr aavlor. ami th A'my reoatTM him M thlr appolatl loader fromhoavtB.

The PhUadllpyhM Neva Vard.Tb actlrltf prMat xltiog In th Pblla

tvolDbit Mary Yard is without precedent in thhistory tb country. The nam r nf lahorarifti me hat let omployad, xe'uir of offloirs,Id 1 fid.'). To new (loop of war r.

which wm to bar beta laaschttl la ninety'lavs st ar laying tbek-o- will be Is'inchedwithia that Ome, Sh I of th nis dlmaa- -

i.'u as tl Winning, ball so re tw ' yeanago, m folio Bt: on route length, Bt7 faatibreadth of beam, ft.') feel: depth of li d I, Ufeat; depth of WAtsr wi h armam-n- t and evry-thio- g

Ll fMt aad Will .arrv a b at loryof four broadstdagaa, Aad two

110 pound Dehlgraa pivot gunAmldthlp. Her frame is OM f lb i moat sublnlisl that hi over bona put ht a ship, balng

well leaaonad lira ak.Th Barqashaana la oa tin stock. Ten

lap t more are and ah will b laroftdllan fcr na. Th L'lulatan, boiatlfalprnpallar, hallt to ran batwtaa Mohll and Naw

tt leans, has bnn pur. baaed by thmant. Sh I andrgoiag repairs and beingtrarafrmmd Into A irun ..f vsr steamer. 8bwill carry a l.stterr of four :l.' potinters. Tbrev, no culler, .Philip Alln, I aloo undergoingrepairs: aha I Marly rtftdr Th work nowbeing dons fa wary nvere, and th Man arakapt coBitantly M gag ad.

AaaasMM of Iha traitor F lord.Aa aBiodota is told at of Floyap, th great

VirgiiUa Lhlnf, which we bare aot Mart laprint. A few ytan rlnM ft gntloman rni.llug In Richmond, Va . gr a large dtna rparly to aom dhtlngsla'Md mra, araarag whomwm Floyd, than rising man, bat arhoM par-tt- al

appoftrance, Indicated calabar mental aotphytic! npari rlty h bstbag a pursy, dark mta, with crlajty, wiry hftlr,A aoog lb dfatuigulratd tuMtt ware two chbra returning from a v t to their' Gnat Ke'hor ' th PraMdwt, audnlfloeritpelmBa of their tsoe FlaOTD thinking to

o in 'lineal litem and meka Lhm ftt tkair Mia,told tham In a caradncsndlng manner, that hacould boaat of lodlon blood Ll his votaa, beingA descendant of Pucahoat. On of tbacbJafa,drawing himself ap majestically and disdain-fully, and with a took of cootampt apon binobl oountiaaoa, laid In broken Engllah,' Ugh I no! no! ntrar, asaykr" The rxinfasionand dlnnay of Wuoro wa complete And Itrequired all th boan'ed pollteoeon of Bicb- -motid sooiatr to knp th ether garni from. plotting with laogkter- .- SprinqtioJJ lltpui.ftona.

Th Itkahop and tho BIMgBIBr,

Letters from Mr. LiviBaaroBB,dattd April .'id. detcribe a trip t .ken by tb

kploring narty up tba river Kevaaja, Biihllisbop M K h, tk on board. Thii rlrr wmtupptssd to load to tho grt latarinr Lake,but M th water wai fal lint-- th pirty fatarn-id- .

with the intantlon of gel ig up ths Shirir, tee l All th priy, exapt Dr.Jtafviaa.tabb and bi brother, and twi otbere, he a

AtlAck of Am- on fever real the bukhap eoorocovorad. "fie w.vked," says Mr. Lingo

n ' vtrv hard vnib wo war In th river,ai.d one, to our attar honor, gav a Rorumaalligator an opportunity (the like of which BOalltgttof avtr had before) of Immnrtallxtagitself by tUroarlt g a llv Binp. Fortuiutly, tb muruUr wm not ambitlou of Mch ronown."

ran Los e Lol.fe rakn Plica.Th Ualon mnting at Oorvallis, Oregon,

wa Attadd by over :) 000 ptraaM.Tb A I'd CaUfm mui hM pab ieh if th name

nf th lull.. wing .mini-- ! in OaUf rnla, wholitY haaa eduMtsd at VI eat Point i II ana rW. llAl.l.v h, I." id H Al Ll"?. TlKMAD. Jciiat IIbbbt RmuIi and A P. CmrrcrriiBM. of San Fraoi-lic- aad OAVg J.CtitiTA.uf San Diego, ar tb only grain! of WaitPi mt now retired to civil life in Ct'lforulA.

Wool growing fa rapidly increaiag In thHwAiUn Islanda. Tb ncord ihnwp tba. InIn If). (MO pounds war shlppsd Fr im 18 15 to

tbo aulpmwt of wool bad only iocrrastjdto lil.rt 16 pound. Si no then, tha hrMtfa hvImn gruUy Improve 1, and th rl aha bstlarattondod- - la twill), lbs lip exported wmId bwi poaii la, Whli ap to My, IHCI lrnlr7107b joalin have boon shipped, 70,1.p j.. i I which went tn on tmI alone, loii eni-.i-

An. Ihor "DerrvptlM t h.sae BoellonVMr Ai xaplbb Cittiuifoa, or tho li' ".I,

r. in latter Isrulrig that ha furwardsdrot no in WssVmgton hy a ronadabiat rout

id n pen lb fatrsMIVt Org cart tin railroul com-oa-

v. a, the Inatlgftllon of th S alary ofMl or tb be tPAfla J idle tout dUcsraaksot"in . it c frod for ths

Mr MMIM..I bLm tht. he oetnr kali, lllcaj al dor tbo .Secretary of War. Thtt wbrath capital WM in dangerfrom tha 19 h ofA pill -- h Mt.d, for MttrtMO days tmly, alMr. CAMBBOa'a request, in forwarding menand troop, bat his mission us tad wbra thacoram uLioat liars were He ftrrwanaadn trrup daring that time over th railroad laqusartlon and, tiooa had ao onncUoa,onect or unlin. t, with the Gorernarat. In

n. I.nloti, Mr. CuMitxiai OPIUM ao taqairyInto hi act.Trneuurao of ABanal Aft nan Lllora'are

Th suAvaiiuaa c f Poapall at beingprosecatad uodtr th tauipiM of K ug

Vint m EMAauau A new ttlMt hat latlybnn opened Isutng to the Forum, aad 1 Ba IBMqiutltirt of broaao ..tenet la and c Ins have beenfoanl In ti heBan. Tha Istar and t tuoaghoattk whota- Botlri hop that boom of tha lusttreat urns of Ancle .t Aft and lltr'ui Btay badkpcovwtd ba th br d dtlt of Pompeii aidliar ulenouin tht nam, a of Bo lent than Mtatkori bavug boon hacded d own to u, who

lu)d tb bi. heat to, uui.i-.- AtAWBg tha r

ctntsmaoraiie, but whim works, urfortuaaialy, bay aot survived 'he rartga of Gitb andHun Atd " 1'icL"

Tba l Baally Parag TollAt Uabatb, Engisnd, lately, Mr. Pxiam,

uperuitiadrat of polic, (ppllaA by or- r oftbo comrlsii'nr for summon Agiat thletji r f th Pog roc turnpike gt, far bavIn demudsd and 'aken toll fur ths cArrfagul tlipDucbosi of Cambrldg though Lm uftaal. MoptLn for tha Royal taally had bc AUTjAaf . It trss finsliy ehoB tha. thagroundcb which tb turnpike gU atooo wa prtvt

ant tha luanaoM wm wllUdfAwa.

tag tABLY lATg,' TOUnr I ftt is

draicg f r diar. Md1P0BCHYBAY avt to thamnivM todnanngthe

w .uld sif.rd much nor antthy da tu Usrtir putott and


zzz:lilOV vTolWMwT

WAT RCaBsfe'Taa riaOT Cobtpaby day Bmmiii ibb Mra itunder th. naw law, Bm ban Mfhptad la Bbsa,

IslABd, by CapL Bom. of lli lllk lafkaMflTara bbpaobt that th OUb troop Ma

d os I ha night prerky to the hstllo MbBBBMb ,under Gea. Irtts. le aBIIBja.

Tub V. .tb SC ratifying tb Bow MMbBbMbMBof Georgia show anjority of a littl orwr MMli,l 0 .

On Fib Zooavm ar raged at RkaaaahRka a ftr ory, . It f, bar ihrtn, h wh vk the paa--pl

(tara at then n a MrVwtry.Cot-- . LAanaa nil that ha bad rather IgM

Another battle with lh tree who fall baakt Bal 's Sua than with th MW levto. Bta

luen ib ost enenca of oa inch batti high- -r--

Tun PkiUMi-rai- i Cm i bbsi BifrnbasaalComa inn have I'rvakfesrtod bBIWIM BpowaMrand efghtv t.gimantA alac tbo nblllbejaof th i t'lT.e hi e n Tha sapiaaa ara ralanlyi.fray. I by the voiantary aabMfipilaBB f BBB

.iUiet. "Tata PaaaioBBT'i Tomaa Bomb haw

ere. al an me ap went on tha Examllsegrnnodn end have g e into qaartar. Thanar "In for th. wr," aad ara MlMth-- g sUbktarmy t f jsvaatlu.

Taa limiBL fraoi bow M VirglaiaMaHa nd oa relit! aaukorlly to aaoaat ta laV000 Mta North Ctrollta. TaBBAmaa, MbbBbvsippl and Alabama have doaoitdl thi qaoBaBlvld upon them.

Bona or ooa Raransan Yow.oPTaaaa kBneb astot.t dlag it niaa of plask M BBB

hattlarf Han. that wo ar lapUaad tstove that tha story of LbMr roy,at I B a

shamtawontad by thl aMBMMataM M haththlr bad cause.

Tmb On. CoBiKaaar alraady aaabanthirty eight raglBMB'a. lhnahp wIM haIr.treaoe l to forty, whlcl. tar odtag m IBWry Bed rtvilrv bow bdag 0'gnlasal, wtMgiv mm tt bot taouo ara la anaabaput down ro boll on.

Oaa. Pillow a Chub Cablb Tail aaahtalked of and nad a boot oM Acl to IhajMMngrtn of oar troops down tba MtsaisaipaA tearapitrtd to b atterly w. rt hi ao After havMccoat upwArc of , no hundred lb uftand deUaaBpthe flrel swift lid that came al oag. brbadragdown tress log, and tliti'waod. awwpi BBS

ca' lo Btd It ..t., or'nr bafoAr it "ilk aataTbafor tba wlad."

Goon fob " Hit Bb VBBBnvrie. ' FaMbsri.h irtn, chaplain of th fuat Rb. .1 lalaatArtglarat. fa a wit m wall si a prieA, AA are. ant Ykvlt to tht gallant A9th at fort Oaaran, whi e oasalnlrtg th evtdraoM of tha hsatti.'orw.ih lAapkh aad ohovl of thasxsoli Ure he uld; "Why Lbay ht't of fdVntBBlacUvsiry, but It can'l bold a caadle to NortArnAAonJPw.''

A Sow or Hbbby Clat A Bainai BMHon. J. B. Olat, aw of Hbbby Clay, whalear dearorug to aaggl Mvral wagoa ksasMof baeon to Wart lranaata, for ths an af thanbel In that Motion, pu arrtsBad by a aajB-k-

af Uaitod Stain MaupA Mr. Olab aKy wm aal aad aa snalrtaaad, aad ho ad Mmwagurnr compoilal lo take th oath of illaay,anco tu tha Nalional li vsrnarat.

Thb fATM or A KaaafiADB. WiinaNorm roaof the IAt ex --Senator Boaaav

01 Maw 11 npahlr., wm killed M Ball BeMk,il wat aabr of tba Ituaregard gigss.and for aany ynrsa cleik la the Part OMD,prtaat, aad rnlgaad bid flaas ht ratartl toathern army,

Tub War Fbi.ibP M Iowa. A pitlaBa! tiar dskUd at Fmt hUAlton, low a, 26ta stBllr

aya :

I Wa ar having ccawloas by UaaaaaAt (orrr T'palation froa Mta pari afM thr MrAtBk

tn atalM. Owr Wlkrah) MlMaM ia A M(AM B1rcoant of th dfMt at MiatMM It M aak.

other Suatar for th tnltora. Iowa haa bssApa van regiment-- , ad four mor ara gataak-In- g.

She can atad UIO.OOO ara, ul will foIt if aaouMry."

Tmb BTATBiaawTs In th public prBH thaktGab. I'attbhaob' ooiaakB wm aot aniMtajwith a lufflrjitnt number of wagrnaa, ts aafoa ian adyaoM on tha eeomy, bbsbbm tha TFarDoportmenl dnlrs.l tha state af Pannoy IvaaiB)to furnish tha oacMMry number, fa wdthraAfrnadatloa. Gen. rimsiusi inlaata waawall stulppad for transperutinn, by tho Qmmtermaster o.naral of tha arary. Th WasIropartaant an not mad a Magi oaarhnhak,

U c i.tra. la being n adelby Hras of UttrnrMBor hy t hair aatborltd offlctrB- -

A Bi ii bl Suxar ib Okkooh. Tba Oikfaa .

IHmocrat, a rebel sheet, ana.uoMi that IhriaMre aad that tha aatwi' of that paper, aa

wall as ltd alitor, will bo ttrowa iatu tha ilMBbafor many tUta. Referrinr to lb o'rraaam

am a, th (rroovatm himsnelr remarketalp a fmat deal cf th W llaaatM aata fo

urd dowa thl way, ws hop that It peu-Br-

will ml bi daiilid by any luoh ahiaiBBhffot lthy itotT beinc' plartd la It All th wataraol a ftiaaH WillaBMttM would ba maUabsCboad into a bMttly and dtagaatiag soiaUna

act. And tha wat.i of th world TIlHnot wash oat th o'ain of Uvea in froa Itstyp."

Tmb Sai.niRa'a PaAn b A roidlsr, whawm la th bi tie of Boil Bua, Mid, thai afle tb flrat Ore of th enemy a on obi trMat,a grrat many am fait, woanafad, all sinaad.a nd from aany of t hem IB cry watt apt"God bar mercy oo ay eoaX" fo easnakl0 m th cry, nt 10 MBIBglttM. that I foaanlmtsilf msklag, almopt anoxiaKloasly to ay-e-if,

tb iim prayer, oyer and over aga a, aa1 wa HahUrg "God have morey oa mmpoal.' I la Mid ti at for two m thru aoghBaflr !oa? lag for Boom aad arriving harn, fo

could not sloop Ringing throagE hi narai li rough all th hour of a Wftkeful night, waathe ImpMoioood, rariiMt cry, a try which hacould never forget "God hay mercy on afroul" au. h cry as unit bat aw paat ilia, IntaUrnity could utter.

ntllBtiMftJBneonf ftnm.A Gri btab WratTBB ht a Frankfort jiialaal

pr.eli. 'a that before the cIom tf tha prawacontu'y Kuala will hay all the rnt of Bbibam)

ul rl lUtjlcUotLTub Liuiiy Cavaivby at Paita Ala daiij

p'cticod In tha rapid ntahilsbmaat of tlagm-p- hc wlru tlurtag a supposed aagsgaMMt- - IB

a ire i a I ttxad to lancei.

Th Lata of Turkey had over twokucd td wivts, and than were waited w by

Mil. IU. ll U no wusader that h dkkd I foUfa Uia.

Gaw. SotrrtB Paoi Aanr M Virginia hasI aan ocau lineal ed under Lb raorat nrdlawM mt

that Hate. Th old aao. hcrwwva, fa Ukaky 1vtmdicate fait title wit b hit iral

Td Laboiit BBtoant cf baiUoa rr ivd

at oaa Urn la th Branch Mint fat SaaF rukOfaco, wm (UpoMtad oa th. li of July.Th ggrf alo was ova 16.000 ouncn la gaMpAAd illvor valuAd at 188 COO. This i a gacAbeginning for th new AdalalltTA'im.

Whbm tXrvaa Cbomwmll trat coined aany, aa old entailer look lag at oa of tat

nad thl Inacrlptira oa M aid a, "GoA iecu. a;" aad oa lh other, ".h OlMaonwealth of KoglrrAd." 'T ooe," BBtA IMv

Gtd and the iwsailh ar oa ill gal rataid."

Errcr or Waa abo Paaopl In oaaaoo. n of lack of mplnymrat ha tbo Land eog

Pat nt otflcae m aany M twonty olerka awa.'ischargac fn-- then dapartmont oa WttaakVda. . Ia th War Dapartmmt, oa tha aaahra-t- y"

tb ucai of butnea oblige th dak taw.ik ilay aad night.

ABIP IMt RBBBL OllMIIMBMMBP. Tha following I an tx itclfiuaa khkaY

frua yoBBg phyeltiien cow ht Paril ta BBB

lattmr. datt Pell. July 11, IMl i1 have it from the bitt aalhsMty. Oaa Bx

ibaB.uthain c aamlonare Iu just bona MVichy to got sudioBOe of Ihn. Emparuf, whai alutod to ran hint.

'I'iibt Dir iab i it t. Ciiiaar. A Bsrsl fPPaia

tv he been formed tn Saa FiaadtACO. fo Manurpon of abolUbltag th Crolto yta. That A of th ut da c in pel Member ta dinjlMB- i L all AfticlM if Cooli mvafaclit'e aad BB

un trtry emr-io- to eboiuh Cjolis labor. At-re-

tba orgaclxAtlon ruahaa about XSAtnd It is rpidl v sprMding In lull u --oca sadrnowbarabip. Loogn wUI ba aaklllbafl ladifTamnt part of th sla'--u M (Oon M airaaaa-lAe- ut

oaa b rAuao.