library of congresseusk.ess directory, oontntii;rj.rl or l'irt-c'l-n illultlrrte...

EUSK.ESS DIRECTORY, Oontntii;rj.rl or l'Irt-C'l- n IllUltlrrte Jti hII BrvurtiCSl or Bull-nc- kt tn (bo D.'mlrlrl. iVnUYTIiJlY SHOULD CONSULT "IMP MKKCTIH.T HKKORE MAKlNg l'l'ITH.' . UI TBANHACTlNg A.l K1MXJ1 LUSlM--ibl- THE DISTRICT. ACKICKI.TLTtAIa WAniKOCTM. J.A. llAMU K- .vS.K3Lm.tTe.. uetVlh A lOilisl. AIU'IIlTrfTS. TtSMlT It. SrAl -- . !10E OP- - T. O. Dept. "W. AI. Viivukx 'B vernon Row. CllAfc. T. DAVIS . CCClSTlh st.,op.rteut Offic SAM't. . 1 awi:i Mcv' Hill. Ale. Geo'twn. ATTOK H . W. B. Wnm. Coluuibiau Law Bunding. Slhstrt. EDWAltl) lM.UtSOI.1.. 4 Lm.avC on. I ty Hall. JX0Bt.Ek.AKl.X. JK., ""'"J" -- "- ixitT 4 Xuu. 4J T at.. oPP-Cit-y HmU. BOBT J. JUnnAY. Jl t siren "" 3. D. TtAltnt.TT. 3174tstree p.E. nflrr x". ah .t.. iiortli of rittut Offlee. F.T?JVtA3iT Vl itrowt; J.r.. Notary,. Com. (Pvlif E. cor. Pa. mv. mnd ISth sts. o'MI Asiixiri Pl B'""! Bk'y.'JO F..Capltni st. MacWUu AJt.N-- w York Home-Ma- Bread " a3 rie Hakerr. fUllth ttn.t northwest. basksakdhaxkehs. a II. A CO.. Banker. No. 14'.3 Pm- - " ray per cent. on nil Deposit. r7 of Army Officer cashed in advance. FiqobACo. Executive ave.. cor. 15th it. fJiKMAK AMQUCAX SAVINGS BAXX.iJO.MS7U t.,opp. PottOffice Department. Bank Bonn: fia. in. 6ttirilaye,openfrom4lospa Maffij"3S,BJsSfS KTurdayst; only.)l from to . Oil r Tt ns 7tn at-- . OODOtll Patent OflM. BATHS. . TUiico-BcatlA- Baths, MS E street, near 8th. BEIX.UAUEllS,I.OCKSHITlIS,c. T. Feed. Piecbzx, OS ttli it., bet. F mad G. BILL FOSTEUS, I MoxlET. eoe iota st. n. it., the only one In city. BLEACHERS. A.T.WliiTtxc,8trwh'tandb'tbleaeher,re4Pm.mT. BOOK BISiEBrE8. Wi, II. Xalixt. a. w. cor. tth mnd E iti. EOOKNTOUES. Philf boi.osioxs'' Metropolltmn Bookstore, 811 I'm. are., fctt. th mnd 10th sts. Constmntly on hand tlie newest mnd most fashionable style of plain and fancy itatlonery. Card plates, "ft home." and wedding: inrltatlons engraved la the highest style ofthe mrt. AU the new rmbll-ratic- received as Eoon as Issued. WAiuirj. Cboatx CO.. first-cla- Book and Stationery store. Ml .Penna. avenue, cor. 10th st, J. A. BOOT AND SHOE STORES. II. Bcnxsft Co., sesrenna-arenn- near 9th if A complete etock of all gradeg 0f good! for men women. mlcs, boyl and children. D.M V'iklono. 36 list. Makea to order. EOWXIXO NALOOXS. Chas. U. ECKLOrF. 133 E at., bet, 12th and ISth. BRASS TVORH8. 2 atiunal Uimss AVokks. HO. 218 and SS 13th st. naw..; Tnos. Bomerrllle, llanufactnrcr of all artlclranfCdintlicriunibluKandUas and Steam 1 lltlng- Bublneu; m complete stock of Plumbers' Si pplW-s- , &c, constantly on hand. T! 11 I'oiolass A Co., 100S 0 St.. cor. 10th; Iliaar For.nders and Finishers. Casting dally. BrTTI.R, EGGS, CHEESE, Ac. J. V. c . Kohhxr. s. w. cor. mil and 1) streets, UcneiM Commission Merchant. CAUIhKT hJIOfH. Yu. Yv'AtiLr. tt3 E street, near 10th. . CARPESTEBS AND BCILDERS. XIBCIT & Stair Builders, cor. Wh ul G rtirt if, near Patent Ofllte. U.S.I.ITC1IFIU.D. n. w.eor.Kth d N. Y. are Carp, uler and Ballder and General Contractor. CABPETIXUS, OILCLOTHS, Ac. VTw. a JIITcntLL A Co., IllPa. t. (Market space), I in porters and Dealcars In carpets and housefar-- nUlilns- articles. C. O. I). Caiimi HocfE. SMTthst., bet, IaadK. CARRIAGE f ACTORIES. ROB'T. 11. (iRAIIAK. 410. C, CICttll St. K. IT. JOHN llclluiMOTT A Bnt.,J10ra.sT.,iierM8t. P. 1). hcnuiDT & to, 31P nth St., bet. 0 and D. J.lUl.Mc, Coaeh Alaker, lCDItn st..near Pm.mT. Itrpalrlug done with dispatch, at cheap rates. CELEBRATED CIDEB JELLY. Smith 4 Uoodko, BlEit. n.w.; Unequaled.Ex- - tcnsiT-- j Lsea, rnrest. (.uempest, vcn. CLOTIIIMU STORES. WALT,i:oatso! 4CO., K3 penna. mrenne. Mer- chant Tailors: nnc clothing for incnaud bo)s. COACH FACTORIES. JOHN JltlltnMOTT A Br.o.. S10 Penna. arenne. COAL TAB AXD ITS PRODUCTS. PaobA Kl.KICUIf, Distillers of Coal Tar and lte- - noers 01 i.oai i ar rroaocu. uace, lAtt renna. arcane Rxrt'BLiCAX Bnlldlnr. COJI.MIShlONERS OF DEEDS. J.T.K.Pi ANT.cor.tth A E. Also. J.P.indXotmry. commssiox jiercuakts. B.V. Blows, ourser Kew York avenue and 15th at.. Commission Merchant. Also, dealer In Pea I Lftiaie and t for tho Collecuon ol Clilmr. F.STklXLC 110 Pa. ar. S. E., and UIB SU S. E. COSTXKERii, Ac. L. lIOJLtl. n. w. Also, BUI Poster. DRESS MAKERS. 2!BB.l..CiiAEE.iK'eist.,bet.ilthAttth. Bcststrlts HOMEOPATHIC PIIAOJIACY. . J. AlrPitESFOx A Co., V.hlu!ton Homeo- pathic Pharmacy, 2to. AlC K.ntb atreet north. Trit DIIXG STORES. D P llicKMNC. anPa.are., cor.Sdst Prleeslow. P. X. 1) colli , isx Pa. t., bet. Id and 3d sts. east. DRY COOPS. Bogan A Wilis: One Price; 1015 A lCCFUiit.N.W EXKRAYEBS. Wat. SiilT'l. Ui:Pm. arenne, near 11th stKet. EXPRESS OFFICES. Skox's l.xriss; main otnecs, GQ3 Pa. it., cor. eth st . and cor.cthand K sts. a. e, Washington: 110 Briilpe t., Georgetown; and 7 Wmsuingtou St., An i-- t idrla. riiuisiiED Boons, Jlr.s. 1IEADT, SCSDt., with or wlthont Board. 1 LuxibUEDBouus.IlIMst.X.'W. lioiAcoia water CIAS FIXTURES, Ac. ALIX. J!. SUEPlir.RD A CO., 810 Pa. it., bet. 8th and Kth sts. ConsUntlT on hand m Tery large stock olCTerythlng apperlalnlngto the Plumbing and Gas Fitting Business; Trade Supplies, Tiliolccale and retail; Chandeliers, Beading I.lphtf . BrackeU and Slate Alantela, In large nt mnd of the newest patterns; mlso, hand-aom- c . rrstal Chandeliers and Clocks. All use- -f n uoreltlea received as soon as out. HARDWARE AXD CETLEBT. I.. C. . AurnXLL. UKt Pa. ar., bet. eth and 7th sts. J . KI.XXLBY A Co..ei2Pa.mTe.,bet.cthand7lh. HABXESS, SADDLERY St TRUSKS. (Tax ts s. TonlAM A Co., C5 7th at--, next to Hall: Doable and Single Harness, bad- dies. Bridles. Whips, Trunks, Valises. 1IOR.SE-SUOEB- J. P. DonAX, K St., bet. tth and lOth.mnd 1363 D St. iiurtts liod accordins to natural shape of foot. HOTELS. 8T. Ci.ourUCTXX.N. J. Illllman, tth and F sti., American andLnrupean; near Patent and Post Offices: most centrsl locality In the city; Inren- - tors and Bcslnets Men's Headquarters: Street " Cars to snd from mil Depots, Public Bnlld'gs, Ac, TTora;x.Y,9 Hotxl, corner H andisth stracts lSL'UAXCE OFFICES. Xatioai JIirrnoroLiTAX Fire IitstraAXCX Co. of the District of Colmnhla, K8,S Penna, arc., betwee n sth mnd ltth eta. Till AEI.1SGTOS PlBE 1N8CHAKCI CO., 13 Q stnctX. W., near 15th street. Oehuax a. PinEIxf.CO..LawBulldlnE, 5th st. INSTRUMENT MAKERS. CFjulc Snrg. Instruments, Trusses, C3 7th st. IRON FOttXDRV. DACi.i.ToN A ( liitix. cor. r,th and N streets, (old Gli Wo.ks;) Castings of all descriptions made- - Sa h AVe'Elits oti uand at owest rates. JUSTICES OF THE FEACE. E. C Kui 1 1'. Jusilce ot the Peace mnd Conrcy anrer ( N. W. E. J. u l l xn. tx: I.a. are. Also, Notary Public LVDIES' DRESS TKIM3IING3. Lowl. t a Mai kit space, and 920 Penna. arena LIME, CEJIEXT, PLASTER, etc. A. W hi hk A Co., 2.6 loth St., bet, C and La. it. LITHOGRAPHERS. Xonr.ix PETr.ns. 8 Pa. are., near 4f it. a specialty. J. C. l.NTwibTLEA Co.. coi, ;thst. and La. itc. Lit EBY STABLES. EE1 as A Co., cor. nth and D sts. Close carriages joi weaaingcansanq receptions. oartungmna livery stables, Wlllard's hotel stables. Alueox ailor. Jr., south side Pa. ave., near Cth St.. opp. Imperial and Wlllards'. LUMBER YARDS. Uath'j. d. Fcgitt. 13th street and Ohio mTenne M ARRLE WORKS. T. "lolJitT. fcteam Marble and Slate Works. 1312 E St., near Republican building. MINERAL WATERS. 8ai i. . 'l.VFR,cor.Gayand Green sts., George- town; Soda Wattr In McclFountaiiika.peclalir. MODEL MAKERS. ' OrrtRJiAy. ISO street, nar7th, MUSIC STORES. JoiinP. A Co.. U7 Pa. ar., neariothst. NOTARIES . A. E.I. .K y r.cor.La.a t. in J Cth su Also, Justice. OPTICIANS. II. H. llixrunt. -- clPm. ar., cor. CXst. PAINTERS. CnAnus Abxior KC D St.. near tth. Plain and ornamental painting in tire beat style of the art, fancy slensln gold letter and colors a specialty. Orders tiled with dispatch at low rates. PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, Ac. CEO. ItTKtAl- - Jr.. ks D it., bet. Cth and 7th, Dealer In ail kinds of paints, oils, glass, putty, lamps, brushes, Ac. Also, always ou band a scililueorarllstt'matcrhrls. Orders from city orcountryproniptlr ttendedto. PAPER HANGERS, At. XPObGXeS Jtiouna d rtu St., net. w inu t a. n.e.. PractlcalPaper-Hangeran- d Upholsterer. Wall papers, window shades, carpeta, oil cloths. Ac A liorders for wora In either branch of We trade executed wltn slujianu uispatcn siiunci-,- i. PAPER WAREHOUSES, EOBLUTS. FLSTCUIB, 315 9th St. PATENT AGENTS. MCNH CO., (Del. Am..) cor. 7!n A F. 07. P.O., P n r, ased facllltli s for Patent Buslne. Kwioht BmiTiiriiK av.t nearPiiirniOfflc-- . It. S. A. P. LACET, a7tnst., Opp. P.O. Dcpt Oro. w. Dter, 7ii tth st., north orVateut Office. C.M.ParLs. 43 :tbst.: U. rJ. and Foreign Patents. niOTOGRAPH GALLERIES. ZCscesr A Co., Euccessors to Brady, e7 Pm. ire. lierTMIvea retouched by a first-cla- ss rnrtlst. Tlljt ADDIS I'lIOTOGR Aril UAIJ.EF.T, 123 Pi. ITC E. J. W5 Pa, ave., orer Teel'a. Jobk Coldix,1S Fa.mve.,one door emit or Perry 'a. PLU3IBEBS AND Alex. B. SUEriiEBD A Co..910Pm.e.Te.,bet. 9th mnd icth sts., Practical Plumbers and Steam indGn- - fltters, and wholesale and retail Dealers In ill kinds of supplies appertaining to the trade; very large mnd select stock constantly on band; mil useful noTeltles receired ma soon me out; orders from dty or county for work or goods promptly attended to at the lowest rates. E. A Uidgxy ar, BI) street, bet, 8Ui and 10th. obt. 8. Scott. tU7 Pa. arn bet. list and Sdsta. PRINTTNG OFFICES. .TCDo A DrnvEILXR. cor. Pa. are. mnd 11th tt. IlEAJtOSLIT A SSODOBA6S,7 Pa.av.,bet.4.S A (th. PRODUCE AND PBOYISIOXS. S.B.YOCXOS, Western Produce Co., 432 Fa. ire. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. sVocese A Ulhf Uop.Tnaa.Dept, RESTATTRAXT8. r?0BS WxLcxxz, BU su. bet,,H.T. ave. and B sW SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. XrAEBtHGTOV BnsiXESS COLLEGE, cor. 7th and L Bit,, AA,vCk'-tbv- .l. b4uMM miwiwt bubiuar. SEWING MACHINES. ' P. J.STKEItA Sox. 401 Pa. are., bet. CXindOlh ftt.,AgcntsWbcclcr A Wilson ImproTnl Family Sewing Machlnea. These are really theslinplest, tbeswinest, mndllghtcst mnulnrof any lock- stitch machines eTer yet made. They hare no shuttle, and conscnnentlT they need no tension at all on the nndcr thread. J. Kaitn. espa. are.. Agent for Howe's newlm-- 1 rtvr.le"lnr Machines, which bare no equal. M EVER PLATERS. EObT.A. Wuiteuasd, DM D. ., bet. tth and Orb. STAIR BUILDERS. Bhlrt a PrurHBET, suir Builders, cor. ttb. mnd G si m-i- ucarPalrut Office. STAMPING DEPOTS. Mnt,. Ztitueciit. ttl 11th st. Also.Dress-makln- g. STATIONERY, Cfec. Bex. f. Frxkcu. eij lith St., under Net. Metropo- lian Bank, Stationery, Ac. specialty. STEAM AND GAS FITTXBS. Alex. K. SutrucnD A Co., SWPa. ar.,bet.ttn mnd nth sts. See riumlicrs and On Fitters TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORES. wA'aait. Mlligu st,.utu..auuJUnst.N'. TT. "TRUNKS, ACV. Jauex s. TorHAai ft Co., CS 7th st., next to Hall. Fine Sole Leather mnd Dream Trunks. Vmllses, Traveling Bags. UMBRELLAS. CANES, .e, Chas. O. Pearce. 1119 Pa. arc. bet. I4lh AlSthi V2i. Bogerk, 409 lltlt st., near Pinna, avenue, WINES AND LIQUORS. 3. 8.11EXACLT ASox, Importers, vm Est, n. w. WOOD AND COAL YARDS. T. Edw. clabx A Co.. CM Louisiana mTenne. PKOPOSALS. J3H0P0SAL3 FOH STATlONEttY. Ctinx'fl Orrics, ) nUUBK StrnKMl.lllEn UHITtU OTATUf, f it AouiAWTuj,. a, u. sisya. 49J. Scaled proposals wllthn -- reeelvad at this 6fflee until ixi'clock in.. WEDNESDAY, Junes, U74. for furnlstlug (tatlon.ry for the use of the Honse or BepreseaWtlTcs. Blank forsft of propeuls, showing the quantity mna qcallty of each article, and the form of bond to bfslgnro. oythe Mddsr, madsnratlcs win be fur- nished on application at this oinr. Proposals should be Indorsori. "Proposals forSta-tlonery- ," mad directed to Edwrd UePlterson, Clok Rons of Bepres entatlTes, United State. EDWARD JIcPHElWON, Oltrk Tlouse of BepreaentatiTM United States. mjJ-ajJ- YJROPOSALS FOE OONOHETE STONE, J-- ItUUIll.K STONE, CEMENT AND BAND FOR TH CU biAltS UUUI1A- iiuuHE aai' POST orriut at llEf.TH"la. PA. jrfija. ui okrinini.niwnii ) U. B. E AITD rOBT OWCS, PlTn.inFrMTIl. Anrll ST. 1S7C. J Sealed nronosals wlllria reeelred at this office un til 12 m. of the zah day of Mar, 1S7C. for furnishing and dellrcrlng on the site of the new Court-hou- and Post Offlee at Philadelphia, pa., aly 1,000 cubic vara, more or less. Ol uranite or omor aaro, durable stone, broken to the else of m hen's egg, and knltalili, rnp ronfrtfi. Also, for 3,600 cubic yards, mora or less, of Rubble stone, which may be of granite, limestone, or other suitable stone, vhlch is sound, durable mnd bonds readily with cement or ordinary mortar, and of suf- ficient size tor be clmssed ma one, two and three men stone, ofmthleknessmreraglngten (10) inches, hmr Ing dean, fair beds with m fracture under the ham- mer, perpendlculsr to the bed; at least one quarter of the quantity to be e. Also, for 10,500 barrels, more or less. Hydranllo Cement, equal In quality and strength to the best Rosendale; each barrel must contain not less than aju riounas 01 cement. Also, for 2,500 cubic yards, more or less, dean, slurp, rlrer bar Sand. Samples of each of the above materials lobe sub- - mlttan wllh tint mwimhTi. Delivery will be made at anch times and In inch quantities as may be deemed necessary uj tun ou- - nntendent. Bidders may aabmlt proposals fur one or all of the preceding Items of materials at their option, but each material must be bid for on m separate form mud be Inclosed In m separate envelope. All bids must be made on the printed form, to be obtained on application at this oolee; each bid to be aoeompanled By m penal bond of two responsible persons In the sum of one thousan'dollars. Ul.oon.) condition,! tint the hlddnr will accent and rjerform the contract If awarded to him; the suraclency of me security to be cerituea oy me unuea states Judge, Clerk or the United States Court, or the District Attorney of the district in which he re- sides. Paymcntwlll be made monthly, deducting ten (10) per cent, until the completion orthecontraot. The Department reserres the right to reject any or mil bids If It be deemed for the interest of the Oorernment to do so. Every bid must be made on the printed form to be obtmlned In this oOee, mnd must conlbrm in erery respect to the requirements of this mdrcrtlsement. Each proposal must be Inclosed In m tealed en Telope, Indorsed "Proposals for Concrete Stone, Rabble Stone, Cement or Sand, (as the caw may be,) for the United Slates Conrt-bou- and Post Office at Philadelphia. Pa.," and addressed to apa-2- JOHN .MCABTHL'B. Jit.. Super't. HOP03AXS FOB RATIONS. Headqcartkus U. B. Mabixe Corps, ) QuxKTiHUABTin'ilorricx, V ju a pit i. ion. j Bcaltru oroDoe&ls irill be TnprtrA .t this niHrtt un. tit 12 o'clock m. of THURSDAY, the 4th dr of eyuuc ncAt, Avr iuruniiiT railODS IO IIIO (iniiei ltatts Marine at the following tutlong from l&t July, ttfji, tOthc90tb Junf, U75: rOtCTSMOUTH. New Ilaiumhlre; SHAHLESTOWN', PHILADELPHIA, frnnirlranla. WASHINQTON CITY. District of Colamblt; O OS PORT. DejrNorfolt, VlrrlaU; PENSACOLA, Florida; ANNAPOLIS, MarjUntl; HAKE ISLAND, California. KacU ration to consist of twelre ounces of Tork or Bacon, or one pound and fuar ounces of Salt or Fresh Beef; eighteen ouncei of loft Bread or Flour, or twelre ounce of Hard Bread, or one pound and four ounce of Corn Meal; and to everyone hun- dred rations fifteen poundi of Beansor Peas, or ten pounds of Bice or Homlnr, ten pounds of Ureen ColTee.or elftbt pounds Roasted (or roasted and ground) Coffee, or one pound and eight ounces of Tea; fifteen pounds of Sugar; four quarta of Vine- gar; oue pound and four ounces of Adamantine or Mar Candles: four pounds of Soap; three pound and twelre ounces of Salt and four ounces of pepper. The rations arc to be delivered upon the order of the commanding officer of each station, the Fresh Beef, either In bulk or by the single ration, of good quality, with an equal proportion of hind and fore quarters, necks and kidney tallow to be excluded; the Tork, No. 1, Prime Mess pork: the Flour known as extra superfine In the market of tbeplace where the station Is located; the Coffee, good ftlo; the r. good Nw Orleans or Its equivalent, and th! Bean. Vinegar, Candles, Soap, Salt, Ac, to bsof good quality. All subject to Inspection - A guarantee, signed by two persons, whose re- sponsibility must be certified by a United States ct Judge, dlstrtctattorney or collector, must ac- company each proposal. No proposal will be considered unless accompa- nied by such guarantee. Blank forms of proposal can be obtained upon application at any of the ma- rine stations. Newspapers authorized to publish the above will send the papercontalalng the first Insertion to this office for examination. Proposals to beindorsed "Proposals for Rations," mndmddr,..edt.thunder,lrned.sf r Major mnd Qumrtenomster, TJ. S. Marine Corps. apa "PROPOSALS FOR FUEL. IIEADOCABTEBS MABtXE CORr, 1 QOARTEBktASTEB'8 CIFrtCK, WASUIXOTO v. Mar 4, 1874. Sealed proposals will bs received mt this office m.ofPltlDAY, the 12th dayof June next, for supplylug Wood and Coal to the United States Marlnca at one or more of the following places during the fiscal year ending 30th June. 1176. The Wood to be merchantable Oak, mnd to be de- livered, lilted, measured and Intneeced at such points within the limits of the Marine Barracks as I tn.v da l.v .1.. .AMm.nlnA f.,wa OM.'. car, free of expense to the United Stales. TheCoal lobe rood whlta ash anthracite ear Coal. frre fro'n dust, and to weigh 2.240 pounds to the ton, to be Insnected bv the eommandlnr Marine OfBrer. and delivered at such point within the limits of the Marino Barracks as may be designated by him. frre of expense to the United States: and both Wood And Coal to be furnished upon the monthly or quar- terly requisition of the commanding officer, show- ing the quantities required In accordance with Tit: At POIITSMOUTH. N. IT. 100 tonsof Cost, 00 cords of Wood. CBABLESTOWN, MASS. 125 tonsof Coal. 89 cords of Wood. BROOKLYN, N. Y. (Including AsslstantQuartermaster's Oface.) a tons of Coal. L0 cords of Wood. PUILADELPOIA, PA. 100 tons of Coal. 240 cords of Wood. (Including Assistant Quartermaster'sJUOce.) WA8HINQTO.V, D.C. (Including guard at Naval Magazine.) ICO fonsof Cost. 800 cords of Wood. ANNAPOLIS, MD. CO cords of Wood. GOSPOBT, YA. 50 tons of Cos I. 80 cords of Wood. PENSACOLA, FLA. 80 cords of Wood. MABE 1SLAND,.CAL. 105 tons of Coal, eo cords of Wood. (With the privilege of Increasing the quantity one third.) The Wood and Coil furnished mt Washington city to be measured, weighed mnd certified by tbeOot-emine- nt appointed by the Navy Depart- ment, and the expense attending such Inspection, Ac., paid bythecontraetor. Blank forms of propossls can be obtained upon appllcationat auy of the Marine posts. Payments will be made upon the receipt-o- f ac- counts duly authenticated by the commanding on- cers of the posts at vrhlrh the Wood or Coal has been delivered. The right Is reserved to reject mil bids considered unreasonab'e. A guaranty, to be signed by two responsible per- sons, whose rerponlblltr must be certified to br the United States Dlstrlst Attorney, or United States collector, must mccompmnr each proposml, otherwise It will not be considered. Tobe indorsed "rroposmls for FueV mnd to th. undersigned. B Msjor mnd Quartermaster United States Msrlne Corps. ray FOR FURNISHTNO AND PROPOSALS A GRANITE MONUMENT AT THE SALISBURY NATIONAL CEMK-- ql'artebmastxb Qexebal'8 OrriCE, 1 Wasbixotox.D. C, May C 1174. J, Seslfd proToials.ln triplicate, with a copy of this advrrtUem .it attached to each, will be received at this office nntllnooh on WEUNESUAY. June 10. Is7t, forfurnlshlug and erecting at the National Cemetery at Salisbury. N. C, m granite monument in arcordsnee with design adopted by the Secretary of War, and now In Ibis office, wherdlt cms be ex- amined. A specimen of the material proposed to be used should accoinpanyeach bid. The following is a copy of the law of March 3, l'Tx. providing for the erection of this monument: It it rwietrd by the Senai e a nd Hfmtt o Stpra United Slat tl cf America tn Cmgrui aitrmbUJ, That tlie Secretary of Warls ted and directed tohave erected In thenstlonsi ceuietrry at Salisbury. North Carolina, a suitable Kanlte monument to the memory of the twelve Union soldiers who died In the prison-pe- n at that place, and whose remains are burled In trenches In that cemetery; and the sum of ten thou- sand dollars, or so much thereof aa may be neces- sary. Is hereby appropriated for this purpose out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- priated." The monument Is to consist of mn obelisk resting upon m pedestal and steps of granite, to be enriched with sculpture, the total height from the ton of foundation to apex of obelisk being thirty-eig- feet The law limits the total cost of the monument furnished mnd setup In place to ten thousand do I lars.indnobld exceeding that amount can be en WEngraTe4 elevations mnd plans of the design will be nrenared for use of bidders. Proposals' should be Indorsed "Proposals Ar Oranlte Monument it Salisbury (N.C.I National Cemttery,''mndmddresiedW,taeinderygnisdn. Onartoi-rnaste- r GoneraJ, Brevet 'Major Ueneral UnltedfltmtcsAraTT. - : ray7-- "PROPOSALS. FOB rtlESH HEEF - T" omctA, e. 8., v,nw TV,nvA.wr. W. V.Tt. If mrch SI. 1874. .( Sealed propoiala, lod'rmMte'il be ee'ref it this oxceiintll 11 o'clock m. m., on the 15th of i & v ,j-- rnmii,hinribii Vr&n Becfreaulred by the Subsistence Department, U. 9. A at this station during the fiscal year commencing July V Se'parmte'proposils for ch'blce cull of fresh beef ILTronmilalDDN UlUOCr "III mv w........ Information ma to eossdltlona,-qumUt- of beef, parmenta, etc, can be obtained by mpplleatton to thfsoflice- .- s B. D. ltrTTS, apa . First Lient. iota ArtlUery, A. 0. 8. RAILBOADS. J5ALTIM0nE AriD OHIO TtAILTtOAD. 8UNDAY, MAY 10. 1871- -J P. M. FBOM WASHINGTON CITT. a. u Ualtluoro an I a I War Stitlons. 6.1 a. in., Poln or Ifoutsan.lalt Way otatlon.. $:J?m'm' ttaltiinore, Annapolis, Piedmont an I all My Stations. auOa. m., Pltuourg, Chicago, Clnclnmtl, Loula-rlll- e. St. Louis, lolnmnus. saudnsky, whcillnsi and the West; JtackTllle. 'Frederick' Staunton, ami all Stitlons o i t'te Washington County mi Valley Branehel. Pullman Can. Dinntr Smvptrat Oraflon. . 8:19 a. m . , Phlladclpbla, Boston, Bal- timore and Reli. s:su a, m Baltimore, Annapolis and all TTay Stations. 10: oa. m.. Bsltlmore mnd Belay only. 120 m., Baltimore, Elllcott City and all Way Stations. p. m.. New York. Philadelphia, Norfolk Baltimore. Dtnner at Rttav. J.30P. m.. Baltimore. Laurel, Relay, Frederick. Wlnchrstcr anda: litermedlau Way SUtlons west of Relay.. : p. m., Baltimore, TroJcrlek and ill Way btatlona , Cuup.-m.- , Point of Rocks, Frederick, Uagen-tow- n. Wiuche terand all Way Stations. 5:15 p. m.. Baltimore, Annapolis, mnd mil War Stations. a:COp.m., Phtladelphlamnd Baltimore. Sapper at Belay. 6:4 p. m.. Chicago, Clnclnmtl, Louisville. St, Louis. Columbus, DanSnstr. Wheeling, and ths West. Pullman Cars. Breakfast ml Uraftou. 7:00 p. m., Baltimore mnd Belay. 7:30 p. in.. Baltimore and all War Stations. S:4J Pltuhnrg Express. Pullman Cars. lC:C0p. m Baltimore and all Way stations. SUNDAY TRAINS. 8:03 and 8:39 a. m.,'i:I0, 5:15, (.00, 8:15, mn1 10:00 p. m All Trains Stop mt Ylmdnct Hotel, Relay House Sta- - Van. For further Information apply at the Baltimore and Ohio Ticket Offices, Washington Station, and Cs5 Pennsylvania arena- -. where orders will bo liken for Baggage to be checked and. received at mnypomt In the cltv. L. AI. COLEr Oenaral Ticket Agent... Tnos. R..SIIARP, Master of Transportitloci. GEO. 3. KOONTZ. Ueneral Agent. ap:i pALritlOKEAWDPtrrOMAUitALLltOAD, DEPOT COBNER SIXTTI 'AND B STBEETS SORinWEST. i After APRIC IS, lire, trains will run mafollowsi TRAINS LEAVE FOBTBAINS ARKIVR AT BALTIMORE. WsniNOTO.V. i a. m., Elmlra Mall, 8:18 a. m.. New York dally, except Mondar. , Express, dally. 8.00 a. m., Accommodm- - 8.85 a. m., Arcommolm- - tlon, daily. I tlon, except Sunday. 8:21m. ra.. New York Llro-1- 0 40 m. m.. Dsily 1'jst ited Express, dallr ex. A.ine irom ivivt. centaundsr. I2.SJ p. m.. Philadelphia II i40a.m.. Fast tine Bnf. routaern raio and west, dally ex- cept MallI, dally except Sun- - Sunday. dar. 3:40 p. m.. Accommoda- tion, CK1 p. m.. Washlnirtftn dallr nvecut faun. Limited Exnrcas, ually da .- - except Sunday. 8.60 p. m., Pittsburg Ex- - 8 00 p. m., Accommodm. prrssiora-iitsDurK- . vm- - tlon, except Sunday, clnnitl mnd Southwest, 8X0 p. m.. Dallr. from dally. o:Mp.mPhlU-- i Baltimore: daily, Express, dally, cept Sunday, from except Sunday, West and North. 8:04 p. m.. Dally New,U:08 p. m.. Southern 1U1K.,IU, EillC. Express, dally. 8:38 p. ra . Pmcinc Ex press, dally. Trains leaving AVmshlnetin at 8:00 a. m. on Mon- day, v ednesday and Piiday. and 3: "p. m. dsily, except Sunday, conucct mt Bowie wllh twins Tor Pope's Creek, leaving Bowie at 10:C3a.m p. m., arriving at Pope's Creek at 3:03 mnd 7.33 p. m. Trains leaving Washington at 8:0) a. m. and 3:33 p. m. connect at Odcnton with trains for Annapolis. Tra'.ns arriving at Washington at 19:40 a. m. and 8j3)p. m. connect at Bowie with trains from Pope's Creek line. Passengers leaving their orders at Ticket Offlrc, northwest corner Thirteenth street mnd Pennsyl- vania avenue, northwest corner Mxth street and Pennsylvania mvenue, can hare their baggage called fur and checked mt hotels mnd residences t all points North and Writ. Through tickets to Cincinnati. Columbus, Indianapolis, Louisville. St, Louis. New Orleans. Chicago, Omaha, bau Francisco, and all points East, Vi ist, north and fouth. K. L. DoBArtBY, Osn. Superlnten1-n- t. E. S. YOUNO, Gen. Passenger Ag.-nt- . JJNNSYLVAN1A AIR LINE- - A. TO BALTIMORE. PUILADELPniA, NEW YORK. KOSTOV, ALL POINTS IN THE NEW ENULANli STATE. TIIBOUQU BETWEKN WASHINGTON AND NfcW YOBK WITHOUT CHANOK OP CABS. The equipment on this line Is new mud or the most elegaut and Improved nnl.h. TBA1N LEAVINO AT 8:J A. M. IS riTLLVAX PAULOB CAB TRAIN EXCLUlIVELY. PULLMAN PALACE 8LEF.Pl.MJ CABS ON NIGHT TKAIN3. On and after 8UNUAY, April l,lg7!, TWO TRAINS I)AII.Y (except Sunday) will be ran over the PennsytTanla Air Line, leaving from and arriving at the depot of the Baltimore mnd Potomac rallroaa, northeast corner of Sixth and U streets, as follows: New k on limited express, leave Washington at 8:23 m. m. daily, except mindmy. Leave Baltimore at 10:33 m. m. dally, except Bun- - LcsreWest Philadelphia mt 125 p. m. dally, ex- cept Sunday. Arrive at New York mt 4:10 p. tn. dilly, except Sunday. 11:50 p. mrhlladelphlmEvprera. Night Express, leave Washington at 0:08 p. m., dally. Leave Baltimore at 10:41 p. in. daily. Leave West Pulladelpblaat I.3ia. m. dally. Arrive at New Yorkmttf.OOm. m. duly. TilAINS KETUKMNO. Philadelphia Express arrives mt ::!" p. m. Pastllnr, leareNew York at 8:30 a.m. Arrive at Wath'ngtcn at 4I p. m. N lght Express, leave New York at 8.55 p. m. Arrive at Washington at :Ua in. Connections are made in New York with on Sound. New York, New Haven and nl railroads. New York Central mnd Hudson Hlvcr railroad, Erie railway and steamers on Hudson river. Pare as low as by any other route. Baggsge called for and cheeked at hotels and pri- vate residences rn orders left at the fol oning offices, where ticket, and Information can be ob- tained: Northeast corner of Thirteenth street snd Pennsylvania avenue: northeast corner of Sixth street and Pennsylvania ari nue; passenger station Baltimore and Potomac railroad, corner Mxtliaud 1J street.. El). 8. YOUNG, apSl-- tf General Passenger Agent. ALEXANDRIA A N D WASHINGTON AND ALEXANDRIA AND ,,PKEIFHH'KSHUItG RAILWAY. DEPOT CORNER SIXTH AND H STREETS. A.OCA1 trains for Alexandria leave msfollow.:i.6:3i. S9, 10, 11 m. m 1 3. 4, 3. 0,7, p.m.. and 7 D. In. , H.,.nS.Uf1,ll.. .11 aK..j il.ll..nil " " w...,. r- - Monday. i.ocai trains icavo Aiexanana as loiiows: c, ,, 8, 8, lOondlla. m.: a, 4. 3. 8 and 7 p.m.; 8 a.m. mnd 8 p. tn. from Alexandria dally; all other trains dally, except Sunday. Tr.lna tl.ii. connect vrlth t In. nn Washington and Ohio railroad. OITAVriril .ncnimnndatlon leavrB Washtneton a. m. on Toevlar. Thursday and Snturdsy only. L m. on 3Ion(lar, nemew-- Y .wi erni.y oniy. OREAT SOUTIIERX EXPRESS, via nielimond, leaves Washlugtun 113 p. in., dally, excipt Sun- day. Through tickets to all points South and Southwest for sale at the office corner sixth aud Pennsylvania avenue, and Thirteenth mnd Pennsylvania avenue, where passengers can leave orders focbiggage to be checked at ail hotels and residences through to destination. 1" S. YOUNO, mt7-t- f General Passenger A scut. REAT PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE a TO THE NORTHWEST, SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST. On mnd mRer March v 1S74, trains will leave ai followa: Washington.... 5:35 a. m. ! Baltimore.... 8:"i a. la. ' ....11:35a. m. I " .... 1:15 p. m. .... 5:50 p.m. 1 .... " .... 9:3Sp. m. I " ....ll:l5n. in. THE GREAT DOUIILE-TRAC- K KOUTE, with cl'gant Scenery. Palace Mste-roo- day and night enr, with modem Improvements. Two hundred miles saved to Western and Central 2w oik. The 3:15 a. m. Elmlra dally, except Monday; the 115 a. mPjTally, except Sujiday, northwest: 3:V) p. m, dallfW'estani epnthwst ; 9:31 p. in. daily Wet. MAKE, CONNECTIONS. through from Washington to Pltuburg, Chicago mnd liuralo without cnange. Tickets bv this route can lie procured at the oQco, comer of Sixth street mud Pennsylvania avenue, and Thirteenth eireet and Pennsylvania, avenue, where reliable Information villi uc at all times. Passengers procuring tickets mt these osecs can secure accommodations in Palace Carsforst. Louis, Chicago and Buffalo, Corner Thirteenth st. and Pcnn. avenue, Washington, D. C. D. M. BOYD, Jb., General Passenger Agent, de2-l- v Phlladelpula. TTrASHINQTON AND OHIO RAILROAD. FALL ARnANGEMENT TWO TRAINS DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, BETWEEN WASHING. TON AND HAMILTON, BEGINNING AUGUST Leave Washington at 9 a. m. mnd I p. m., mnd Al- exandria at 9:10 a. lo. and 4:10 p. m. PassLeesburg (going westward) at 1125 a. m. mnd 823 p. m., mud arrive at Hamilton at 11:45 a. m. and 8:45 p. m. Leave Hamilton at 5:40 a. m. and 12:45 p. ra. Pass Leesburg (going eastward) at 8 a. m. mnd 1:10 P. m., mnd mrrlTe mt Alexandria mt 8:15 ju m. mnd3:13 p. m., mnd at Washington at 8:3) a. m. and 3:30 p. m. Passengers from Washington will take the Wash In gton and Ohio cars at the Baltimore and Potomac railroad station at a. m. and 4 p. to., and go through to Hamilton without change of cars. The8:4a. m. train from Alexandria and TJ:3),T-m- . train from Hamilton connect at Hamilton with Kemp'adally line of coach's for Pnrceiirlllc, sulck-ersrlll- e, Berryville and Winchester. Also, with Reanier'a line of coaches, which leaTe Lce'burg dslly for Aldle and Mlddleburg. Sn-SS- i, t"leiSS,tlg?"' lUrit! ff.nH Ae'n'n'eB, ai28-l- f Ueneral Ticket Agent. STEAMSHIP LINES. VTTASHINOTON.NORFOLICNEW YORK V BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE... The fine iron ateamerLADY OF THE LAKE bar- ing resumed her regular trips to Norfolk, win leare her wharf, foot of Sixth street, every. MONDAY and TH UllSDAY, mt 2 p. ro touching at the prin- cipal liver landings, connecting mt Norfolk with steamship of the M. and M. Line for Boston mud Providence; with the LorlllaM otem.hlp Coit.pany for New York. Freight thon'd be addressed "Care of Lady of the X.;Jg&Jrall AgM. Slxth-atre- wharf. A. C. PLANT Ueneral Agent, rnhM Room No. 10, Punt Budding. TkTERCH ANTS' LIN EOF STEAMSHIPS WASHINGTOn'aNp'NEW YORK. Heremrter the fine steamships E. O. KNIU ItT and JOHN WEEKLY WASHINGTON and GEORGETOWN, ms follows! Lemve New York from Pier 39 East Rlrer eTerrSat-nrdaya- t4 p. ra, Leare Georgetown Svcry Frldiy! mtj a. m. and Alexandria the same day t 12 m. For full Information apply to R. P. A. DEN HAM, agent- - offlee and wharf; 38 Water street, George- town, or mt the corner of Serenteenth street, mnd x ew a orx mrenne. J TC THOMPSON. Jall-t- f J" President. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD. REGULAR POST STEAMSHIP TRAVEL BETWIEX BREMEN AND BALTIMORE, VIA SOUTHAMPTON. The steamers of the North German'Llord, 0:2.500 tons, have been newly furnished wltn all the modern linprovements. BALTIMORE Captain LllUcnhaln. BERLIN .". " Piitsciier. OHIO " Van Emstrr. LEIPZIG " Hoffman. BBAUNSCHWEIU. " tjndneuon. NURNBEBG,(S,O00tons)' Jaeger." Will run regularly between BREMEN and UOHC ma followsi. From Bremen. From Baltimore. SERMArTrr.....-...Aprll28- . MayJO. Mmyjs. BERLIN .Mayl3. Junes. LMfZlO May 2. June 11; OHIO May 27. Junes. And thereafter every Tuesday from Bremen mnd every Saturday from Baltimore. The'iteamer will take pissengers to Bremen, Southampton. London and llirre and retnrn. Price or Passage. in gold, from Bremen to Baltlmorei Cabin, (109; steerage, $38 currency. From Baltimore Southampton, London and Havre: Cabin. $100; steerage. ,30. Children between one mnd ten years, half price; nurselings, All other arrangements are the iiai ma the New York linn. ' - Further Information can be ascertained by apply- ing by letter to our General Agents. A CO.. No. J.South Charles street, Baltimore, Md. Agent for Washington: 11 ' WALTER! No. 342D street, opposite City Hail. Bills of Exchange uu principal places la Europe. - - . . mjim--u TROPOSAXS. OHOPOSAia FOK SUPPLIES. HEADQUABTERS-MAnta- COBTS. QUAnrcuMAsTik's Ornct, . . Iv s.niTimTfiw Xr.v 1 isri 8E VLED PROPOSALS will be received at this o'.. until lib clock M.-o- f 1 UE4UAY. the wa dty ofUnuenest, f.r fjrn United States JiartLcrorn., dunngthe fiscal voir enilnr awhof mi u. .no uiiawinr snpp tea. so os uriivcrcm at the offlre of theAaniiant Qutrtermsster Jlarlne Corns. 1'hllsuelpbla, Pm., free ofexpen-- e to. the United States. - Ths dallrery of ihe m'tlelos embraced la c'ltses not. 1, x.mnaaio ouraraenee wituin seventy usys; tn eia.sea 4. 2. andl within ibrivd,T4andElie efl' tire qutntltr, r mil classes. tobe dellrerei within six months from dale of eontriet.- - l ' .This office rvMtTes sae right to meeept bids (br the wnole, apart, or ma Article otm class, as may bs acemcu nest tor ine interest 01 ma uorernmeut: , r - CLAS4-NO- . 1. rardsakr.ble.Krrssr. all wool. 34 Inches wl te. (cxdualveof selvvnge.) to. weigh xloinees 'iothejard. (nllgo wool dyed,! with whi,e ' woolen seive g. 3,000 yardadark bine Kerseys mlt wool. 84 Inches wide, (excliielve or scire tge.) to weigh 42 ounces to be yard, (Indigo wool dyed, ) with- white woolen selvedge. 1.SC0 yards dark blue Twilled Clots, mil wool, M ruches wide, (eaeulve of selvedge,) to ifeiuiMDUDen so iuo rari,inuigu wool dyel.lwitlt white wooUnajlredge, 100 varus Scarlet Cloth, all wool. 54 Inches wide. (oxrlustvf of selvedge,') to weigh le ounces iitho yard, (cochlnim! dyed,) with wu.te wooicu seircage. CLAS 1 No. 2. 2, SCO yards dark blue Flannel, for overaacka. all wool, iinuigo wirui iijru.j c luciies wiue. (exclusive of selvedge,) to weigh 12 ounces per yard, with whltu woatcn selvedge. 6,800 yards dark? blue Flannel, fbrehlrls, ail wool, fllidhro wooldred.127 lncnes wide, faxelo. slve of selvedge.) to weigh 8 ounces per jmui .iw nun- - nugicuinKDupc, 800 gray Blankets, all wool, to weigh 4 pounds cli, so be wide, and fre from craase. r - ' 3,600 palra woolen Socka, three sizes, properly luaur utfuua uam.ira, ,)tu twlste't ysm, to weigh 3 pounds per dozen pairs,4 free from crease, ' ' . ,- CLASSNo, 3. 4,000 yards whlto Ltnetu. for pants, B Inches wide, to'wetgh 13 ounces per yard. S,Q0q yards white Linen, for shtrta, 80 Inches wide,-"- - fo weigh 11 ouncaa per yard.' 10,000 yards Cauton Flannel, for drawe-- s, 27 incites wMer to weigh 6 ou nccs per yard. .,300 yards Cotton Ticking, tor s, 30 lncit wide, CLASS NO. 4. oTOunlfurm Caps, complete, except pompons. 800 Pompons, red worsted, mnd I lnenea In,. 2,400Fatlgne Caps, with cotrrs, to be rnsde of nine ciotn, (tnaigo wool dyed,) witu orna- ments. 1,000 Stocks. 230 Fatigue Cap Ornaments. r LASS NO. 8 U0 gross Coat Buttons, (eagle.) 50 Jacket Buttons, (eagle.) 24 " Vest Buttons, (eagle.) 800 setsEpsulette Bullion, (privates'.) I,6c0 yards Yellow Bludlug. 2,0 " Red Cord. 10 swords for musicians, complete. 10 bwoids for sergeints, complete. 10 Drums, complete. ICO Ratter Drum Urmds. 73 Sumro Drum llimd. 25 Drum Cords. 43 sets Drum Snares. a boxwood B Fifes. 80 pmlrs Drumsticks. 400 pairs Crcsount mnd Scale Strips. U Bed Worsted Saslies. 3 sets Epaulette Bullion, (sergeants.) 10 Sword Scabbards, with mountings, 23 Inches lono- br Ti wide, and K.lnch thick. 10 Sword Scabbards, with mountings, 24 Inches long by K wide, mnd K-- ln thick. I Eword Scabbards, with mounllugs, JIMlnches long by 1 wide, and :n mica. S Sword Scabbmrds, with mountings. 28 Inches loag by 1 wide, mnd thick, CLASS NO. . 6,000 pairs Bootes, (Infantry pattern.) C1.AS3N0.7. 400 Cartridge Boxes, without magazines, fito Bayonet Soabhards, with frogs attached. 400 Csitrldae-Bo- x BeHs. too Waist Holts, a) Sword Frogs. 40 Cartridge Boxes for Sergeants. COO Knapsacks, an WaM Plates. (With the privilege of Increasing any of the above quantities, not to exceed one thlrJ.) CLASS No. t. For making and trimming the following articles. Till Watch Coats. Uniform Coats for scrgennts, corporals, musi- cian and prlratr a. Fatigue tots for sergeants, corporals, must-cla- mnd privates, Wbolen Pants far sergeants, corporals, must, dans and private.. Linen Pants for sergeants, corporals, mualclans and privates. Flannel Shirts. Lln:n Shirts. Drawers, Flannel saeka. Red and Blue Jackets for Boys. Med Sicks.. Tie above mentioned mrtielea mutt eonronn to the soiled standard patterns In Marina Corps, Marine Bairacki, Washing- ton, D. V.; ASilstant Juartcr.nssters once, No. 2J8 toutli Fourth tm-et- , Pbllsdulplila, and mt the MaiiieUarrscks,-Brooklyn- , Naw Vork. and Boa. ton, MatsichU'etts, where they osn be examined; and whenever the articles named above, or any por tion of them, sall be considered ms not fully con- forming to smnrplei, they will be relsetcd, mud the coutraetor will oe bound to fUrnlsS others ef toe required kind at once, or the tiuartenaaster will fill the deficiency mt tho expense of the contractor. Parmenta will be male upon accepted deliveries, withholding ten per cent, from thaamount of first account rendered until second delivery Is made mnd fruiu amount of seeondaccount rendered until third delivery Is made, and so on until eontraot is coin-p- i. ted. A marantee. slrned br two nersons. whose re- - snon.lblllty must be certified to by m United States district judge, district attorney, or collector, must accompany eacn proposal, berwlse It will not be consiaerea. Ulank forms of nronosal ean be obtained nnon ar- - plication at this ofilve. the office of the Assistant Qnartemia-ter- , Thl m'tclphla. Pm.; lh office or the As,lstinl Qusricruirster, Marine Barracks, Brook-Iti- i, N. Y., or the commanding officer mt Boston, Slai-S- . Newspapers authorized to publish the above will send th paper containing the first lusertlon to this office for examine Ion. The lildl r's placo of bnsloess or manufacturing establishment must be stated In the proposal. Proposals to he Indor. d n the envelope. "Pro-pos- tl, for Class No. fur the a.-l-" and addrcscd lo MAJOR WILLIAM B. SLACK. my4 Quartermaster U. 8. M. C. PROPOSALS STATIONERY.' FOR FUEL, FORAGE AND JEFrEi'tovviLi-- Depot, i OT TnEQrARTEnalA.ITLR'a JtVFKKsONVlLLX. IMD., Aprll37, 1S74. 1 By authority of the Quartenn aster General of the Army, sealed propo,als. In triplicate.) under the usual conditions, will be received at this ottiee until 13 o'clo k in., uu WEDNESDAY, the lvth dayof June. 1474, for the delivery at tills depot of Pitts-bur- ir Coal, Oats. Hay and Straw, and quantities as required from time to time, during tho ilscal jcar beginning July 1, 1874, and ending June', lO. besleil proposals (In triplicate) will m'0 be this office and at the office of tho United Mates tjuartermaster at Newport Barracks, Ken- tucky, to be opened on the .nine day mud at the same hour, for the delivery mt that ststlon of Hard Wood, nttsburg Coal. Corn, Oats, Hay and Straw, In su.-- quantities as required from time totlme, during the Ilscal yesr eudlng June 3f, 1975. Hid, for any portion of the supplies will be enter- tained. Separate bids for Fuel, Forage and Stationery should be made. The Gorcrumcnt reserves the right to reject any .or all bids. Blank Proposals and Information as lo the esti- mated quantities that will he rvqnlred. terms of contract,'' and payment. Ac, can be obtained by personal orwrltten application to this office. Lists urine artlclcsofstat ontry required will mlso be rurnlshed on application, and bidders for same win deposit-sample- of the articles they propose to furnish, beforo the opening of the bids. JAMES A. EKIN, Deputy Quartermaster General U. S. Army, In charge of Depot. ' ap30 FOR WHOUUHT-IRO- FUR. PROPOSALS LATHI Nil FOR THE UVITED T,TES COl'RT-IIOUS- AND POST OF-Tl- AT NEW YOKK CITY. U. S. E AXD TOST OrriCE, ) ' NEW YOBE CITT, Ornrr. nv RrptRlSTMnZTT. Mars. 1S7 Sealed rioposals will be received at the office of tho euperlut. uileuluutli 12 m. iif the l?lli day or pir. io, iur lurii'suiiig. usiivrrinr. siuuj iu la placo the wuulo of the VYrouglit-Iio- u Suiting and Lathing rciu.rea for the build- ing. tuples of the specifications maybe had and the plans seen on application at this office. All scaffolding redulred by tho contractors to put the work In place will be iiiru'shed by tiie Gov- ernment free of charge, but will be erected by the contractors. Paymeuts will lie made monthly, deducting ten per cent,, unlU the final completion of the .nntnrt. All bids mnst be accompanied by m penal bond of two resronsioie persons in sue sum ot ten tuuuaauu tnll.p. laio.aul that sua hlddar will aceent all! ner. fur ji the contract If awarded him, the suulcleniy of tne security to oecemcea ip uy tne unuea oisirs Jui'ge, Clerk of the United States Court, or the District Attorney of the iUtrlct wherein he resides. The Department reserves the rltht to releclany or all bids if It be deemed for the Interest of the Government to do so, or to subdivide toe various ltemsofwork aooug the different bidders, at Its option. Every bid must be made on the printed rorm. tobeotitslnid in this olCc. and mustcon-ror- In every rrsptct to the requirements of this advertisement. Pronoisla will not be received from nsrtles who arenotthimielvcs engaged In the manufacture of rongut-lro- n rurrmgann L,aiiiing. ana wponave not the necessary fad iltlel forgetting out the work. 1'ropossls tll be inclosed In m sealed envelope. Indorsed "Bid for Wrought-Iro- n Furring mnd Lmthlng,"mndmddreisedto CALVIN T. HULBURD. myWt Supeiiutendeut. PROPOSALS FOR ELEVATORS AND ELEVATllKS AjVD STAIRS FOM THE UNITED STATES COURT HOUSE AND POST OFFICE, NEW YORK CITY. OrncE or Sotzbistexdest. May 4, ie7t. i Sealed proposals wUl he received mt the office of the nunerln.endent untli 12 in. of the 1st dmr O June. i8,"4, for furnishing, delivering, fining, and nnltlnir In tiIscm ltiA Klevatora and Comblniia Ele. ritors and stairs of Comer Pavilion all as exhlb- - ttoa on tuo urawings, aescnueri in tne specinca-tlon- s, or called for In the Schedule. Copies or the Drawings, Specifications, and Schedule may be bad on application at this office. i AH aeaffoldlna reoulred br the contractors to nut the work In place will be furnished by the Oorern ment xrce Ol cuargc, out win oe crecieu. oy sue will be made for each Elerator eom plttr, mnd for eicli Combined Elerator mnd Stair complete. The Elevators of" Divisions 1 and 2 mnst be completed within three months from the date of acceptance of proposal, and the Combined Ele- vators mud Stair within sis months from same date. Tho contractors will tie required to guarantee work for 1 period of two years. Payments will to raid a for each Elevator on Its completion; less ten (10) per cent., which will be re- tained until the ClorAtors have been satisfactorily t..tai4 rnpl hunerlAd of alv month,. Ait bids nuit be accompanied by a penal bond, In the sum of twenty. fife thousand dollars, (t25.0X,) mat tne Diaoerwiii accept ana periorm tne contract lr awarded him, the sufficiency of theraecurlty to be certified bymnUnited States Judge, clerk of the United States court, or the district attorney of ths district wherein he resldcs.- - . Tlie Department reserves th right to reject any or all hl&a (fit he deemed' for the Interest of tne Oorrrament to do so, or to award each division to m different biddtr.'lt Its option. , ; r Any bid that is not made on the printed, form, to be obtained this office, mnd does not conform to the requirements ot tuts maTenisement, win not nc con nronoasl bareerlTed from parties who are not engaged In the manufactur of Proposals will be Inclosed ln sealed. Indorsed iRlda forEleTalorg, Ae. mnd addressed tOj C. T. II ULBURD, Superintendent. mr-ST- n ATlilt PROPOSALS FOR FRESH BEEF.- - Omcz A. 0. S., ) jiqjit. tvasirri-a- . v a.r atayv, ss,s, s Sealed propossls In duplicate will bo received mt tuis allied nutll IS in. .am ., ., luriuriiiaiiiii tuo Fresh Beef required by theSubilstenee Department, United States army,. at this station during the six months commencing July 1, 1874. Also, or such choice cuts of fresh meat u may be required by the officers and ttxtr Jatmllles.. " .f .'; .' Information a to conditions, qOAlttyor beef, pay- - ment ' " irst i. smcnaai oecouu Ariuicrr, a, t,. o, tai- - Z ' ' . .t ... AUCTION SALES. To-Da- y. BT DTJJfCANSOX BBOA Auctioneers and Commission Merihints. Southeast comer of Ninth and D streets northwest. "ECKPJJiAKP3' CHILDREN'S OABRtAOES, JCXTENSION TAHLE8. 8IDEBOAHD8. WAL-S"- ? CHAMBBB.8BS. TAPaWTBY AND lsuifrit.ASE, stu., AC On TnUBaOAY MOKNINQ, Mar It, ommerae-In- g at 1) o'clock, we will soil th above lo front of our auction rooms, AUO, 1 barrels fine whisky. 2 barrel molaa ex. 11 barrels blackberry brandy. 4 boxo. tobacco. myll . DUNCAN30N BROS., Auctt. BY TIIOJIAS E. YTACOAMAN, Real Estate Anctloncer, 519 8renth street. Byr:rtueoradrl of trust front James T. Pike ana wirs to the undersigned, dated January 1. 1372, and recorded in the Land records for Washington county, in the District of Columbia. In I.tborTfo. 670, folfa 7. and by the wr tten direction of on: or the panic thereby secured, holdtnga noteorerdne mnd unpaid, we win, on THURSDAY, the 14th day v, ..i. a. v. uiai b oTioot p. m.. oucr tor earn at pubis auet'oiulB front of tne premises, to the r. the following parcel of ground In Washington city. In the District of Columbia, that li?'J Lot numbered twenty-si-x (2)) of Uolden A Ford's recorded subdivision of siuare nombe-e- d three linndred and twelve (111.) Improved by a de- sirable three-sto- ry brick house. Terms of sale prescribed try the deed or trust are. the amount of indebtedness recured br the deed ot trust unpaid, together with the expensesof sale In estunvtedlohe about 81.2 5, and the residua In sir, twelve and eighteen months, for which the no'esof the purchaser, bearing Inteieit from the dayorsale, anlaernr-- d by a deed of tnst on the property, win be required. One hundred dollar de pos.i wla be required mr mcceptmnre of the hid, and alleonreyanclug at thceo.t of the purctira-- r. II the terms of sale are not compiled with In one week from tli day of sale, Jhe trustee rcsarre-Tb- - rliht to resell the property ante risk and cost of the purchaser at any tlma trMreaftermftorten e In The Natkj.tal ItaruBLtCAX. J?B W1L85NHEB0!,' rtnutcc. X AWNBROKER'S SALE. n, K. FULTOK,.netlonrer, will commence the sale of his unredt emed forfeited pledges at au't'o j, mt UtiPeunsylranlmmrenue, betivceB rweif,h aul Thirteenth slre-t- s, south side, eonslstlng or tine go d mnd silver Watches, and In fict almost every roncelrab'e variety ef merchandise, on THURS- DAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, May 14,11 and j. .... o'clock a. m. mnd 7 o'c'ock D. m. : said wile to continne WEDNESDAY, May 20. and rONDA mndTUESDAY, June 1 end L at tne stme nourao same place, U.K. FU.LTOhf, Auctlone.r. myti-- B T JAMES GUILD, Anctlonoer, Sims ircnnsyivaa mavenuo. THIRD REGULAR WEEKLY BALE OF FLUlVCUIMi n,A.1l'.. On THURSDAY. May 14, at i.Ji o'clock, we will sell In tne auction rcoma,lC14 Pennsylvania avenue, Roses. Geraniums, Ac. myu-2- t JAMES QUILD, Auctioneer. B Y GREEN tTVtLLiA3IS,AnctIorieer, No. 1X1 northwest comer Tenth and D sts. FIRST-CLAS- S CABINET FURNITURE, Ac, AT AUCTIOV On THURSDAY, the 14 h it 10 o'clock m. m.,'wesuan sou wnninour auetlon rooms a une as- - sariimnt or line nucx walnut Furniture, con- sisting of Fine Par.or Suite, upholstered in Wool Terry; HandsomeMlrror.Uack Etegeret Upholstered Fancy Chair aud Marble-T- op Table; I. idles' Wrltltig-u- e ks and Reception Chairs: Twohandsomoltlack walnut Dresslog-Cas- e Suites; Blackjyaluut Wardrobes; BlackQTalnut Wing Book-Case- very fine: Handsome Black Walnut Sldtboard, cost giS); Black Walnut I'lllar Extension Table; )il:ek Waluut Dining Chair and Side Tables; Fine BcdandTiirkl.u Lounges, Ar. Peia us wishing first-cil- ia Furniture will do well tontteiid ill's sal.'. TernncoJi. OBEEN A WILLIAMS. my.3--d Auctioneers. toY LATIMER k CI.EAHY, --13 Auctioneers and Real Estate Brokers. Southwest corner Pcnn, and Eleventh St., StarOfflca Bullllng. CATAI.OOUE BALE OF FINE OIL OHROJI03. On THURSDAY EVENINO, May It at 7;xi o'olock, and continuing each evening during the week, we will sell by catalogue at our auclUn room. Tne finest assortment of OU Chromos ever offered u Washington. Tbeae chrotn&i are from the best Am-rlr- and Ku'opesn artists, abd a they will be poaltlrlr old, offer m r ra opportunity to obtain beautiful ana upcriorpieturisatiow prices. Terms cash. LATIMER A CLEARY. myl3--3t Auctioneers, Fata re Dayi. B Y ORF.E.V Tf ILLIAMS, Anf tlon'lg. -- to. luui, uoriiiwesi corner Acnia mna u sts. AUCTION SAt- - NE TRACT OP LAND, TEN ACRES. MOKE OR LESS, fONTAININO MOUNT OLIVET CB.ME- - vit virtue of certain decrees of the Sunreme Cnnrt of the filitrlct of Columbia. I will oiler for sale at pubtlo auction, on the premise j.on MONDAY, May 5l 14TS. il A nctn-- k n. m.. that v.lnahl trace nf land near Mount Olivet cemetery, in the District of Columbia, and being part of a tract called "Long Meadows." mud contained within tie following mete and bounds! Beginning for the same at a ton marked "1," standing on tlie eastern side of tne turnpike road from Washington city to Bladens-bur- g, mnd thence running south 63 degrees east 40 percbra, ll.cnes north 27 degrees east 4) perches, thence north 63 dsgreas west 40 perches to said road, aud thence along said road to the placo or begin, rlnr. with the lmnrovements thereon.consltliuo' of m subs tan tlat two-sto- rr brick dwelling of ten rooms. witn state root ; staoie, wen mna pump, xruit Terms 'of sale: One fourth cash; the residue in four equal instalments at six, twelve, eighteen and twenty-fou- r months from dsy of sale, with Interest at eight per cent, per annum. The title to bo re- tained until mil or the purchase money, with Inter- est. Is paid. If the terms of site are not compiled wlthwlthln seven days from the dayof sa'e. I re- serve the right to resell the prorjerty at the rl.k and cost or the defaulting purchaser. All conveyancing at purchaser's cost. Two hundred dollars on ac- ceptance or bid. ailtiifur,t, u mn, uusniiin, JAjrKSS. EDWARDS, Attorney. UREEN A WILLIAMS. Mar.j Auctioneers. BT D. II. tYAItXER, Krai Estate Broker and Anctlonecr, Federal Buildings, corner Seventh and F sts. N.W. TRUSTEES' BALE OF VALUABLE UNIM- - I'ltOVEIl I'KOl'ItTY ll THE OHTIl Wr.KT CORSF.ROF FOliltTEF.NTlI ANOT STREETS NORTHWEST AT AUCTION. llr virtue of a deed of trust, dated Anrll 3a. 1673. duly recorded In Liber 713 et seq., one of the land rccoras lor u ugion couuir, in tne jjisinci oi Columbia, ant ittue request of the party secured thereby, wo will sell at rnbllo iuc.lon.ln front of tlie premises, on TUKD VY, May 20, 1874. ato o'clock in., the't real estate, sltuateln fi. city or Washington. D. C, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of ground known mnd de-- scriotUHBaioiioiniiuucro iunc,ii,nuvju.niuuui' hcred two hundred mud fire, (XAlasthesamelslald down on the plat or plauof said square, said lot irout'ng cisutj Ibl'i left on r uunrviiiu atirr-- t wri. by one hnndred ( 100) feet on T street nortn. together wit'i the improvements couslsttngor i r md basement frame dwelling end m one-sto- brick store. Terms: One third In cash, and the balan-- e at six and twelre month, fjr which the note of the pur- chaser, bearing Interest at ten per cent, from the dayof ca'.e and secured by m deed of trust on the property sold, will be tmken; 6 ino will b j required as a deposit at time of sale. All convey mclng at the expense of the purchater. If term, of sale arc not coinp led within aeTcnrdays, thetrust-e- s retcrve tlie right to resell tl e property, at the risk mnd cost or th: defaulting purcuaacr, mf tor five days adver- tisement. . . 1VIUL.1ASI ailinvAai, i Trostee. OEOKGE U. PLANT i J J.T.O'-DWEr.- L, Salesman. BY IATI3ir.n A CLEAnY, Anctloncer and Real Estate Brokers. Southwest corner or I'cnn. avenue mnd Eleventh street. Star Oincc Building. CHANCERY TRCSTKE'8 SALE OF VERY VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ETTE ON 8EVENTKENTHSTIlEf.T,Bi,TWEENUAND 1 STREETS, NOHTHWEST. Under mnd br rirtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the Mstrlet or Coluinbla, pes el In m a'ltepencl gin aa'd court, bctwten ltarajy p. Poltsetm'.aul Lojlri E. Potta et nl., mud No. en. r,quty uoraet iz, i, tne ttusice appoiuicu ,u alddecrc , will ic'.l at public aurtlon, on MON- - OAl, lUI.9iaDI MIT, lUUSni, SI, U CIW. l. ., nart nf i.nt XI. In umam 1VT. Iiarlmr m front on rercnteenth street, between U and I street), of nny-tw- o (3.) fe- -t and eight (! e s. wim a oentn of one liundrtd mnd flfly-tlv- e (155) fvet, mnd 1m- - prorea oy m eomionmuie nrica uwciiin-iivu.- e. Thlanrnnvrtr was th retldenee of the late John Potts, tor inauy years the chief eltrk or the War Deptrtment, and Is most eligibly situated In a nelghboih o I that Is belug rapidly and most naud utmMr Imm.tMi Thr iltius of sa e shall be mi follows i One third of tne purcnase money must ue paia so cmsii, mna tnc balancelne,nilln'imIuicntsluone. twp and three years; tucpurclias-- r to xtvuiur such uncrrcu pay. hla nrnmlsnrv Hotel, tccuiltl to tile sttlafac. tlon of thetniatejandbearluglnte-i-s- t at the rate of eight per ptrannum. A deposit of 8 .CO at tlma of .ale. The trustee jeservea the right. If the terms are not complied with In fin days, to resell at risksnd cost of defaulting purchaser. All conveyancing at W. It. TVEBB, Trustee, LATIMER A CLEARY. ' Auctioneers. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE FARM bEVEN MILES FROM irifimvnTfiv rriTV. By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for Montgomery county, as i court or equity, pitted In i cause in said court, wherein the First National Binkof Wsjhlnrton Is complainant, and Charles A. cccieston ana aianna a. cccictiuu, mi wuc, am .f.nd.nta. the subscribers, as trustees. Will offer sale to the highest bidder, at Knowlrs station, on the Metropolitan branch of tne Aiatliuiore mna vnio rauroau, in uiu juuui. gomcry county. onnAioitiJAt. jiay-- . is,s, atii o'eloom m, ru., the tract of land decreed to be sold In This firm Is sltnated In Montgomery connty, fronting on th Union turnpike, (commonly called th BrookvUie, pike.) about aeven or eight miles from the city or Washington, via said turnpike, and about one and i hair mile from Forest Glenn sta- tion, on laid Metropolitan branch rallroadt adjoins farms of Messrs. Wm. A. Batcbelor. Frederick Ihe Stanton, George Know lea and Michael J.Brown, and til acres, more or let. The land 1 In m highly improved condition, well Inclosed wllh mnurall fane, and Is regarded by all who know fiost ink most desirable land for cultivation to bs found In that who section of country. There Is on the premises a large young apple ind peach orchard of choice trees. The improvements consist of a number of good dwelling-house- s, among which ire 1 reeently-fin-Isht- d tlirae-sto- ry frame house, containing from eight to twelve rooms, built mfur the modern style ol arcuucciatc, uututt 1 rmme house, until recently occupied ms the home of tne ACClcston imams, uu uiss iivmivun:, uvk ocenrdsd i store end dwelling, which is situated en tne turnpike. In i very eligible location for boslnes;,apd around which alrssdy centre Connected with toe dwelling-hous- e shove mentioned are all the usual Th property l well wooded and watered, ind con- venient to post office, churches, school and mills. Terms or sale, as prescribed by thedscreti The whole purchase money to be pld In cash on the day of sale, and on th ratification of said aal and the payment of the whole purchase money, (and not before,) th trustee will by i good ind sufficient deed, executed mnd acknowledged aocordlng to law, convey to the purchaser or purchasers. Ms, her, or their heirs, the property mnd estate to hire, her, tr them sold, free.clear and discharged or and from ail claims or the parties totals cause, mnd of mny person or persons claiming by, from, or tinder them or ny.of thm. Conveyancing at rue cost of purchaser. TilOMAS ANDERSON. lT,i.. wv.vrtMWtiiittiit-- J - N. B. This farm will "b iold as mtrentlrttj orln lots to suit purcbsiirfVindUrueslrtble, the tru. tees eanprouably obtain fronvth conrtft moalficm-tlo- n of the above terms. .. . ,. mylMK Trnitee. JJUBLIO AUCTION. TaEAlOBTDjtrABTVlirr, I WA8HtOTOX,D.'C.My4.lJ74. I beaeldat Tmblte auetlonjlntne hlrb est bidder, oa:TUUR3bAY..My21, U74, it three o'clock p. m on the White, lot, south of the Treas- ury Depjtrtment, number of Desk. Pigeon-bol- e fljss-- s, tnaira, v.arpeia, plaiting, aiooas, sou ou Termsi Caslron delivery.'' 'A dejioilt-of'te- n iper cent, will oe requirea at iiu. "";,. my7-2- l ' ActfugCaief (Jrlt Trtajjuy Dcprt. AUCTION. SALES. "Fntors Day. PT THOHA8 DOWTJWO, J-- Anetlonear. it Lonlilana arenue, two doors east of Seven til it. THS.yS?X,D.Ki3BBI-- RISIDENCI. WITH ."PD,S2,VADJlAraiNO,ON OEOBOE-AUCTl- ' aXL AT a"11"0 - "."JL.TT'i f?J !,i fTon of " premlie. on SATURDAY, May ji. it 8 o'eieok p. m '..the house and groun- - bounled by Seventh d Eighth and High and Frederick streets, on Georgetown nelghts, owned ind occupied by the heir or the late VlUiam Robinson, known a Robinson' ub-d- lv or lot Nos. 231 to 243. Incta lire, I n Bsttty's and Hawkla's addition to Georgetown. Bald prop- erty to bo offered a m whole orln lota, to suit those resent Th improvement consist oti large brlek Swtlling-hous- e with ill the modern improTenwntai gas, water and sewerage, also m atmDle. and tene- ment ror hostler. The ground are well laid out for m garden, and are orcameoied wlttt fruit trees, or ergreaus, and flowers of tbtr most choice; ind rare kinds. Terms orsaie (wmea wui oe iioerai; win ne made known on day of amle. Any one who msy desire to Kurdtase will be furnished with m platofthejrround at the office or Bltley A Cor. "vernon kow.t'Penajylvantmarenue, the auctioneer, or on thepremiiea. AU'conreyanclngat the coat of the purchaser. A depoilt of two and m bmlf per cent, of themmountof the purobaswl! be reoujrea on thedayofaale. THOS. DOWLINO. nryS-t-d Auctioneer. B T B. II.WAirNEltV rteai Kstate uroaer ana Auctioneer, No. 729 Seven th street, between O mnd HV TRUSTEE'S SALE OF A Y FRAME DWKLLINO ON THE EAST SIDE OF FIFTH STREET, BEWEEN E AND O STREETS SOUTHEAST, AT AUCTION. Uy virtue of a deed or trust, dated May 2, A. D. 1873, mnddulrrrcordedlnLtberNo. 714, folio 405, and at the leanest of the party secured thereby,-- will sell. In font of the premises, mt puhllo auc- tion, onTUESOAY, June 2, loTs, mt o'clock mm., the rollow!ne-descrtt- d real estate, situate In with-lngt- city. . c, to wit: All tnat certain piece or parc-- 1 of land deacrlhcd on the ground plat or plan of ealdcltyaa i part or lot numbered ten (10), in quire numbered right hundred ind fortyilx (316), beginning at apolnt SO foctsonth front the nortn-we- st comer of said square, ana running thenc soiiuixircetftlteucsaastoifeetllnrb; theacenerth x) feet, and Jbcnce west 2 net and 1 Inch, to the placj of togettitr with the Imnrove-iuen- t, consUtlng of a two-sto- frame dwelling, with lire rooms. - "' Ternm Sue, wltK Intereit it ten per rent, from February ii. 1874, to dsy or sale, mnd expenso orsate In ca-h- : balance In blx and twelve months, ror which the notes of the purcMser, bearing Interest fromdsyor sale, anise nred by i deed of trust on the property, will be taken. A deposit of $3 j will be required at time of sale. If termt of sale are not eomnllad with In seven days, the trustee reierva the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of thederaultlnx purchaser, fire days' adver- tisement In some on or more newspapers In Washington, D. C E. M. WEnBER,Tnistee. J. T. COLD WELL. ap3ThBI&da Salesman. BT B. II. TFARNEK, Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer, Federal Buildings, corner Seventh and P sts. N.W. TRUSTF.E'3 SALE OFALTIABLP SQUARE OF UKOUND (NO. 382) IN THE NORTHERN PART OF THIS CITY. Byrirtneofidcedor trait. dt:d Mays. A. D. 137A and duly recorded In I.lbrr No. rollo 4i4, Ac, of the land records ror Washington county.D. C, and by th direction of the party scoured Hi reby. 1 will fell, at public auction, on FRIDAY, the 22d day of May, A. D. 1S74, at 1:30 o'clock p. m., In front of the premises, all or square numbered three hundred and sixty-tw- (34) In the city of Washington, D. C. This property will be sold subject to m prior deed of trust, m statement of which will be exhibited mt tho sale, mnd mlso sub-- J c: to the payment or the taxes. This properly Is perhaps on of the most raluahle unlmpiored aquare la this city, mnd m similar for Inreatmeut Is rery nrely offerel. Terms orsalet Cash (f.OOO, of which $000 must be faldataalr. The deferred payments to be made In month after the dayof sale, with Interest, and cured by deed of tru.t to the aalisNctlon or the trustee. Term or sale lo be fully compiled with within fire daya after the day or sale, otherwise the trustee reserve the right to property after one week' notice mt the risk and cost or the first purchaser. All convey- ancing mt the purchaser's coat. WM. II. WARD. Trustre. myl2 B. H. WARNER, Auct. B V ITOIaDEX, flPEXCE A CO., Aucuniierri ana iteai J&siaio uroaen, SU rennsylTaalaTenne. DTlrtueofadcedof trust to me, ditd Anrnst 1 li7, record c J In .IbercTJ, foUoQ3, one of the land rrcurds for the countr of Washington. 1 shall otTer at pnbllo sale. In front of tho premises, at lx o'clock, p. en., on FRIUAr. thelilh of May, lS7k E art of lot number J! re (S), In squire anrabervd one undredand onr, (KM,) tetytiing to tlie plat or ftroand plan ofthe city of Wasblngton, for the same on north U street, slxtocq fet west from the southeast comer of said lot. thence west twenty-fou- r feet, Chenc north to the rear line of aald lot, thence east twentr-foa- r feet, thr nc souta to the place of beglnnlnx: together with the thereon, cousliling of a mall brlct and frame house. Terms of sale, ctsh, of which fifty dol- lar mast be paid liomsdlatcly after sale, and the balance In sia twelre, and elzliteei. months after the dayof sale, with tea percent. Interest, to be se- cured on the property by the purchaser! notes and a deed of trust If tho terms are not complied with tn ten days after sale, the property wil. bere-eol- d at the t and cost of the dtTaultlnz purchaser. All the co-i- t of doed ana recording to be at the expense of the purchaser. 31. P. CALL?, Trustee, CUABLESn.cItll'rEN, Salesman. UCTION 8A.L E. WASHINGTON MARKET COMPANY. XOTICB. The auetlon sMe of the rlshta to occudt the Stalls and Standit nflho Wiahlmrton Market Lumranrior Vie term of thrre years from July 1. 1374. subject to lae drtuicu, ui fciie rcn. iu3rciur( win cumin truce i. the utflre of said Company on the Market Grounds, onSATUICDAY. the iid day of May, A. I). 1874. at ioo'ciock in ineiorenoon.anu win continue on iisavi day, and br adjournment on erery subsequent until all are dliposed of. For additional Dartlcular. lnaulre at the Gom- - panre Offlee. ' M. O. EMEltT, President. WA3niGTOX, Mayo. ISI. my7-l-it BY W. I, ".VAEl. J-- CO., Anctloncers, New Marble Bulldlnr, Nos. K and 9CC PennsylTanla arenue. corner mtii v streets ENTIRE EFFECTS, OOOT WIM, AND EIOTIT YEAlto LEASE OF THE I'JNSV POINT PAVILION AT ATJCTION. On TUESDAY, May lo, 1871, at 3 o'clock p. m , wo will eell, at our auction rooms, the entire Ef- fects, Lease, Oool Will, Furniture, &c, Ac. of about 6) rooms, with 23 coltaKesaud malnbuiH-In- g, large and spacious dlnlnir-rooi- odl.e. Ice- house, bowling alley and bll laM room, separate from the main bulldiui;, large And spioiona wharf. Tne ro iroi are all farnUiod with cottage and other furniture. Terms: Ono half cash: battnce8and 12 months, with notes satisfactorily indorsed, bearing ln- - We wonld respectfully call the attention of buy- ers to the abor aale of this weUkuo-- andfaror-H- e wa'.erln; plac, being close to this city, being within a few hours rid) from .Waihlnjtton. and nearly daily communication. To any one desiring loenjage in iuc iu.iucm tun uucjxa nra iiiuicc ments. By order of CltAKLKS A. rARKEH, WM. L. WALL & CO., my9 Auctioneers. B Y TIKIS. E. WAdtUMAX, ileal Estate Auctioneer, us sevemn street. TliUSTEF.'S 8ALE OP VALUABLK mOrERTV SOUTHEAST COKNKR OP O AND 1'IF-- TEKSTH STREETS NOHTHWEST. By virtue or m deed or trust dated Mav 29, 1S3T, and recorded In Liber J A S, No. 93, folio 4M et sea., one ofthe land records ror Washington ronnty, I). C, the undersigned trustee will sell In front of the premises, mt public muetton. 01 TIIUSSDAY. the lit! day of June, 1:31, mt 0 o'clock p. m.. Lot 7, In iquare zv. Terms of sale: One third cash: balance In one mnd two years, seenred on property sold, and to bear lntrrct from dsy of sale, or mil cmili. ml option o A deposit of tltOwlll bo requlrM. mnd fiurehaser. be compiled with In ate days, or the trustee reswes tho right to resell mt risk mnd cost orderautllns purchaser. GEOROE 9. OIDZOK, Trustee. T110S. E. WAQMAMAK, Auctioneer. B Y WOHMLEY.t JOHXSOX, Ileal tstatauroaersanuAuctioneera, lJUJjl'ennsrltanlm avenue. By virtu of m deed or trust to Daniel L. Eaton, dated June 1, un, sud unier m decree of the su- preme Conrt of the District of Columbia, In equitr cause No. 3,234, docket 12, we will ill at public Alay2I, li;t,mt3:S0o-c!oc- k p. m.. In front of the premises, ail that piece orpifcelof ground situate in the city of Washington, J). C, known end dvslgnated a part of lot numbered Ave. i3,)ln squats seven hundred and slxty-tlir- e (763): ror the same at a point oj Second street east eighteen (13) feet north ofthe touthwesteorner of sld lot: running thence east eighty (80) feet: thence north eighteen (18) feet: thence west eighty (80)fet to Second street essl: thence south mlong the line of Second street east eighteen (13) feet, to the place of beginning. Terms: Twenty-- e hundred dolIars,wIth Interest at 10 per cent, rrorn December 1, 1871, together with premium for Inurauce end expenses of emle tn cash, mnd the balance In six (o) mnd twelve (U) months, for which the notes of the pnrchaier, bearing Inter- est from the day of the sale, and secured by a deed or trust 011 the property told, will be taken. Ade-no- s.t or Alto will be required on the djr of sale. All conveyancing at cost of purchaser. If terms of sslo mre not compile! with la live aiv tne trustees reserve the right to resell the property, at the risk and cost ofthe drf mltlng purchaser, mnernvadavs m tvcrtlsemeut In some one of the newspapers pub- lished In the city or Waihltigton. Is. C. (JKO. W. (.Trnateea J. w. ALVOBD. myT-di- WORMI.EY t. JOHyScly. Auc'rs. H. WABXEIt, BYB. Real Estate Broker and Anctlonecr, Federal Building, corner Seven ta and T sts.ft.W. TRUSTEE'S SALE OP TWO THREIVSTORY i'ltAME DWB.LLINOS, HOB. JJOa mnd U10 L STHKKT NllltTllWTJlT. AT AtltJTlON. By virtue of deed or trust, dated Januarr29,J A. 1),IS7S, andduly recorded In Liber -- No. Tie, follol sua, one 01 tne sanu recoras tor tt msiimgii-- cuuiitr. In thDlitrtct of Columbia, and by direction ofthe party secured thereby, we will tell. In front of the Eremite, at public auction, on MONDAY, May 19. o'clock, p. m.. all that certain piece or Esrcel of ground situate In the city of Waitalngton. of Columbia, known and described upon the ground plat of the plan of said city ma the emit half of lot numbered sixteen, (13,) Id square num- bered oue hnndred and ninety-eigh- t, (ins.) fronting twenty-stxan- d one hair ialMSftatonL street north, mnd running back with the same width ninety-on- e (91) feet eleven and one half (11)4;) Inches to a pnb- llo alley, improved by two three-sto- ry frame dwell-- Tennst One third of the purchase money In cash: and lb balance at lz and twelve months, for which th purchaser or purchasers will be required to give bisor their promissory notes, beaiinglntret atth rate often (10) per cent, per annum from the day of a tie, snd secured by deed oftruit on ths premises. A deposit efgm will be required on day of tale. All conreyanclng at' the purchaser's cost. If term of sale are not compiled with tn ten day the trustee reserves the right to resell the property at the risk, and cost of the defaulting purchaser or purchasers after five days' advertisement In some one or mor newspaper j)ubllshfd in Washington city. D. C. WILLIAM STIOKNEY, QEOKOrJ H. PLANT. - JATMises. X. .COLDWELL. Salesman. BY THOMAS' DO WLIJIO, Anct Xo. Hi Louisiana arenue. second door exit of serenth itreet. TRUSTEES' SALS O, VEBY'T.LKOArTP AtTD IIE3IKAHL.E HE3I NCS ON K. BTBCET, viAmi,i aA . t nw.sstr JAAM . Buuanr. Rwlptnn Af SMdAr trait. hMtl nr Hits on lha eth day of March, A. D. 1172, mnd duly recorded In Liber V. 370, folio 430, tc.j of the land records for Washington county. D. C., mnd by the written order of tb party secured thereby,-w- will Mil at pnbllo auetlon. In front of the Trremlses, at a i'eiock ftTa., on SATURDAY, the letodarof May, A, D. lS74,an or lots numbered fire (1) and six. (J, j in Davidson's inhdinsloB of square numbered two hundred; and forty-e- lf ht, CHHo the city of contlitlngof one of the mot (legant prtratmreal. dence In the elty. Terms of salt One-ta- lf cah, or which fir hun-dr- dollar (WOO) must be paid mt ths sale, the de- ferred payments to bentade In equal payment in ilx, teivlghtitnndtwenty-rourrnonthj,wlt- h lntlrest at tn per cent, per annum from dtyofjtlo, and secured bydeed of tmitand Insurance ro the atlifaetlon ofthe truiteeu- - The terms of sale to be fully compiled fire-da- after day-o-r ale, otherwise the trustees reserve the sight to re- sell ld .property after one; week' notice, at the risk sud coat of first pqrcliaer. All couveyanclpg " TUOJLASl)OWLrKO. tny7-t-4 1 - , Auctioneer. - AUCTION SALES. Fatar. Bars). Y THOJUS JE. WAOaAafArT, MM Mi.tu AiieeMfuorji. oeTenui street "ISETX'XO?JrAM1!l.?J"ST BOW T1SJ A TT AVn A I ssarj RXXT ilOKTH- - WEST. On 8ATUBDAT. Mar IS, mt t o'clock p. m.. I snail offer for male at public auction. In front or the premises, th aborm property. Lot XL! by 1x3 feet sv ause. sciaitiisjvi m, UO. X. TTAGOAMAN. mylt-t-a Auctioneer. BYGBEEJf A WIXIJAXS.AoetI.ii'rss cornerTenth mad D street. SALS OT CONDEMNED WHEELS, HOSX, IltON.'AC On WEDNESDAY, May 20. tWt, commencing t 11 o'olock, m.. we shall sell at No. t Knglne-iJou- on IT street, between Twelfth mndThlrteenthstreeta northwest, the following condemned lir) Appa- ratus: Wheels. 3, COO feet Rubber mnd Leather Hose, mor) or less, suitable for contractors and watering purposes. Lot assorted iron. 'Abe attention of shoemaker and other-- called to the sale, a tne leather In the hose 1 of good guilty. To be sold In lots to salt purchaser. May be teen at No. 2 Encine-iiou-s mny day prior to day of sale. Tsrmaeash. By order of fire Commissioner. ' URIEN WILLIAMS, Auctioneers. BT JLATTJf EB A C LEAST, . Auctioneers and Real Estate Broken, Southwest eornerorpenusylrantaarenue and Eler- - cuui aitvcs, bw uittco nuuujng. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VERY VALUABLE IM- - DvaiAus rnurami ua HlrlTu STREET WEST, OPPOSITE TUB CENTRE MARKET. .Unler mud br virtue of m deed of trust d,fe Mar oil 14. lull, and duly recorded In Liber 6 10, folio 425, being one of the land record for Washington county. In the District of Columbia, andby the written renuest of tba nartr aeearcd therebs- -' I will sell at paMla auction In, front of. the premises, on p. m.,.mpartof lot numberel nloe, (u.) In sqnara numbered three hundreil and ciararr-tw- (382.1 having a front of Dftisn (i.l) feet oa Ninth street west, neing tne (smawnicii was conreyea to ,ioun n. traro-o- accctsta aocu marura in uiwr,, a 8. No 31, folio 231, Ac one or tho land records for Wathlnrton coantv.D. C. tozether with the lnv-- BrOTemeut thereon, consisting of a four-stor- y This property is one or tne mostraiUDe busi- ness stands in the dty. Terms of a tic: 6281. rraldue in 12. 18. 24, and 30 months, with Interest from thedar of sale, at 10 per cent, per annum. All eotreyancing mt cost of purthis-- r. Three hundred dollars down mt time ot sale, tl luiieimaoi aaio aro no, cumpucu with In ten days frOJi day of sale the trustee re- serves the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the deranltlng purchaser, after glrlng fire dar.' notice tn some nLWsoanor nu bushed in the uty of Washington. SAM'L CROSS, CMirTivint; i rn.tce. LATIMER A CLIiRT. mylldAda. Star Auctioneers. BY IjATIXEK & CLEARY, Auctioneers and Real Estate Brokers. Southwest corner of lVunsTtvania avenue mud Elev- enth street. Star Office Building. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF A THREE-STOR- BRICK DWELLING ON I STEET NORTH- WEST. BETWEEN IHIBTKKNTH AND FOUKfEENTH STREETS, AND IMMuDI- - ATKLI UfJUllTK lit AN 11 L, I SIUAli. Under and by virtue of a deed of trust, dated March 14. 1A.1. and rinlr recorded In T.Iberf . folio 415, being one of the land records for Washington .am(v in lha nf ann h. Ih. written renuett or tlie partrsecured thereby, I will sell at public muetion. on the piemlais. on TUES- DAY, tho29th day of Mar. 1874. mt o'clock, p. m., the eas'crn part of lot numbered twenty. (20.) lu square numbered two hundred snd fifty. (ZiO,) limv-I- m front of elrhteeu feet one Inchon north I street, and running hark with tne sime width to tbeout!icrnor rear line or ssld lot. together with the Improvements lliereon, consisting or m wc'.l-bu- llt tiiree-a'.or- brick Dwelling, with two-sto- Back Bnlldiue, containing In all about tea rooms, with bath-roo- range, hot and cold water, marble mantle, Ac This property Is situated tn one of the moat nt and pleasant locaslous in the dry. and should command th attention of persons desirous orsecurlngmdeilghtfulliome. Terms: One fourth cash: residue In twelre, eigh- teen, twenty-fo- ind thirty months, with Interest rrorn day or sale at ten percent, per annum. All com eyanclng mt cost orpurehaier. Three hundred dollars down M tlmeof sale, lr (hetrrinsor asle are not comp 1 d with In ten days from day of sale the trustee reserves the right to retell the properly mt the risk mnd cost of the defaulting purchaser, r giving five days' notice In some .newspaper nabiisuedln the city of Washington. SAMUEL CIWS8. Surviving Trustee. LATIMER. A CLEAKi', myll-U- CSlmrJ Auctioneers. TTNITED STATES M AB3H AL'S-- 3 ALL. in vlrtneofm writ of fieri Paclas. Issued out of .1.. C. .....m. au.. f Ih. VtlatiH(cr (inlnlnhl. and to me directed, I will sell, at public sal?, for cash, on MONDAY, tho 23Ui day of Mar. 1374, commencing at 13 o'clock m. m., beglnmnr at the Ylrrinla-arenu- e bridge, and James-cree- k canal and axlendlug along the Una or the creek. Ino rollowtnggooas ana cuaiieis. to wu, via: About (nAip.eres 3 by u pine and poplar lumber, " 3k) bbls cement, " sheet piles and lot turned pins, Lot lumber In lime mudwrntsa-hous- s 220plcaobd One machinery and steam apparatus. Selrd and levied upon as the goods and chattel or Wm. II. Bratnirl nd James W. Wholly, and will be sold to ntisfy execution No. 12,013, In favor of John U. Wholly and Jainc A. Irons. ALEX. SITARIT. myll-dtd- s United States Marshal. D. C. PROPOSALS. pEOPOSALS FOB FKESH BEEF. OrnciA. c.S., FosTMcnnsBT, Mb,, i April 1. IS74. Scaled proposmls. In duplicate, will be received at this office until 11 a. m.. II AY 15, 1371, fr furnish- - lug the FRESH 1IF.RP roqulred by the Subsistence Department, United State Array, at tills Matioo. First Lieut. 2d Beg't of Artillery, A. C. S. pBOPOSALS FOB, FRESH BEEF. Orrici: or Tilt Actiso CoMsiisBABTor ) Sr:ssiSTocr, WesT rotxT. N. Y., April 23, lsf4. J Proposals la dnpllrate will be received until 12 m. on the '.5'h day or May, 1174, for all tbe Fresh steer flint mjvtM. rcnulrcd fir the Subsistence De-- at this point during the flMStl r endlcr Sarlraeut lnrurmation an.1 conditions obtained oi '. .... .i. ,,.?,..,,.., First Lieutenant Fourth Artillery, A. C. 3. P3 TDBOPOSALS FOB PBEDOIKO. USITKD STATES EXOtXEtR OlTIC!, U. aj I.I1L Itl.ll 1IHHM, MontLX. ALA.. April 21. Is74. TTaaA a.."... fm esl a. vwtfl AaTea.aaTal'a'r'. .tsl A IUIUwaie tat B gv.v.'v vnun. j sue ma amava. v us less iii the main tlilp chsnncl. hirhor of Cedar Key, Fla., wl.l be rcoelred at thlsoQlceuntll noon. jiiy 9 11.4, anu upenea iiniiir"iiaicij .ui'iiHiicra Prlnte.1 bi-- forms of propoaals aul guaranty, leciliealions, instructions to oiuocrs au I auy nc. red Information Cin ba had onannllratlqn mt this A. A. UAHIISLU Capt. of Engineer. U. 3. Army. pEOPOSALS FOE JTHESH BEEF. Offics A. C. S., i FonTRi Movnos, Vs., April IS. 1S74. J SEALED 1'ROI'OSALS. In duplicate, will Ih re- ceived at thla offlee until tla. m.. Mav2a. Iii74. for furnishing the FKESU DEltr required bytbeSnh- - sjsiruce lirnatiuint uuitws states jruij. at litis station, during the fiacal yr commencing July 1, Informttlcn to condition", quality, piymenta. 4c, can bo obtained by application to First Lieutenant Fifth Ef almcnl of Artillery, pl7 f A. C. 8 OUOPOSALS FOB FBESU BEEF. Ornci or ACTma CoMtntiAnror) Subsistescx, FourCoi.UMBu". Nkv oxk HaKnan. Anrll 23. U74. l Sealed propoals Induulleatewlll be received at this office until 12 o'clock tu. May 23, 1874. for fur- nishing the Fresh lleef required by the Subsistence Department, United States army, at this station sud New York city, during the Ilscal year com- mencing July 1, 1371. Information as to coadltlona, qnalityof beer, payments, Ao, can be obtained by appllf.tlon to It. O. RUTHERFORD, First Lieutenant Twtlfth Infantry, A. C. S.l VJJ. BOPOSALS FOB MILITAKY SUPPLIES. HttABQrABTSIlS DgPABTJIIST OT TUSSOCTn, ) uuiii. i.ui,r wujifli.HiiAaiia. i LOClSVILLt, KT April 15. 1874. J Seslod Proposals, (In triplicate,) under the usual conditions, mill he received at this office, and also at the office or the. United States Quartermasters at the several Posts named below, until 12 o'clock m.. on WEDNESDA-Y- , the Soth day or MAY, Is74. for tne aeiivcryor miiitarriuppnei, aurinir tue nscat Jcr "ci'uiuu.sniTi, to.s, auauuuiug auacJu,i9iK ., fntlnwr.i IVnurf r'nat. Cam. fist. Ttav and Slraw. at the following-name- d Posts: Louisville, Lebanou, Lan caster and Frnnnort. sty.: raainviue. tiuroooint and Chattanooga. Tenn. ; Hunuvtli and Mount Vernon, AU. , Atlanta mnd Savannah. Ga. ; cuarleaton. yoiumoia, loraviiia ana neworrry, S. Ct Fort Johnston, Fort Macoa tnd CmCcigu, . f. . .nrt stv Ativnstlne. ls. Bid for any portion of tho supplies will be enter- tained. The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Blank rropoiali and printed Circulars showing tl.. ..iim.ti-- nuantlliea reoulred at each Post, and giving fall Instructions as to tho manner or bidding, aud the terms of coqtract and payment, can b ob tained oy personal or written application to ma Qnartermaitr mt tho rarloja posts, or to this ?fflce. JAMES A. EKIN. Deputy Quartermaster General, Chief Quartermas- ter, Department of the South. apu MEDICAL. aal aai.hjii all T1U IlOliER7.eJd., XJ No. 413 Teuth street northwest, near Penn sylvania avenue, ofitie ror the special treatment of ail UlaCBSCS Ol in uiiivm-.s- Vl.w.. iwu long experience In both boap'.tal and private prac- tice, will guarantee a permanent and radical cure Mfitn.rm.rnvrl.ra. nraj.Tnlnalweakneaa.tnvoluntarr seminal losses, 1m potency, mental and physical In capacity, lUipeaimems to niarrise, c, auu tuo TenereaY and syphilitic maladies, gonorrhoea, gleets, itrlctures, and all dlteases of tpe skin, such . aenrwr aernfiila nleera. holla, blotches and Pimples on the fsce and bodrs consumption, epi lepsy, anu uts inuucaKi uy vr acui extraragmnce. cured In three tofiredayi. nvphllltio poison In all It ataees tradlcatcd from the system without tho use or mereury. Dr. R located for many yeaf; at 13 and 21 South Kutaw atreet Baltimore. Md.. has consented tuoteiimntruianent onto iiiWati!ig-to- n, where be may be consulted erery Wednesday mna smturuay in cacti wcca, ituui a to f . Jaa-i-f ThlsunpiralleledsFeciflc u eompoundeain nature'a l.i,,anft frutn tta miatc rower and unnrece. ri.nt.A ..f,faa,-nt- a the moA eminent men fnthLa avatiou nare, anermtuoruauaM hhu, .oat, ru- - notiriceo it tne OniT sorereiga euieuy lor ITOIU'l Pluaseand-Dlabtles- ; alio all Urlnary.Elmddermud Llrar Affections: alio Dropsy, Ac, Ac. To the sslndi of odt daltns may seem preposterous to ecorapllah with Betneda Water thafwblch has ao long mnd itlll continues to baffie medical science. We ask but a ten. Do not allow your skepticism to be your peril, it itii uhaqod-- i cure yon. licanno; certainly do you any Injary. Therefore avail f , ha iriAat nlaaaant and efficient en ratlva ,. ever ffcrd to sutTerlPg humanity. The Water I for sale ml CHARLES Si OTT A CO.'S Drug btcrc. No. 410 Pennirlvanla avenue. Beware ot spnrlous water. Aim tor ueiuesua, roriaia oy BTUTT Vtl..aoi.iruraxiaia. for circulars tnd Bethstds Advocate. .mm. HlfiHARn nitNnarL. DlreclorandGeaerUManager.BethesdaBptlng. WASHisarox. ember30.UT3. deull-i- y - Malaga Fruit Company, 408 -- rncisrr-ear sxn-srE- T. HENRY; RaSEARLli ABCXITECT, 710 E Street, Opposite Vost Office De- - uatliavMH lalS-l- f KINDS OF OAST-OF- F WEAHINfl A I'riai.lM.... ha ,l.t Sa aha vrrr Tjest md. taTTtiVe by ddreailjor eailing Serenth oniJ U3TU, northwest. SotbymIuomsUr.lteudc4W. ... WHAT CONSTITUTES TRUJH. .: TATIlXZt.llTJ.X, TUB VOET'FSZEST, . aT UOtCOZJT UALZ. THE NATURE OF TRUTH-I- TS RELATIONS TO MANKIND-Jin- E SUPERNATURAL TUB CONTROLLING ELEMENT DIYINX ATTRIBUTE A3 IT AFFECTS RELIGION. SCIENCE, LITEBlTUBB AND ART. Public oxpectAncT, whlcb for serenl weetg put ha been on ths tiptoe to- hear ths cele- brated poet and orator, rather Bran, was IJTatifledTucjsdaytilghtbjthemppearAnce of that reTertna gentleman on ths platform ol Lincoln hall, in presence or a Tery large, ani litelUgun't assemblajra of laJlea and gentlemen. x miner rtjsji, mccomDaniedbrFrnthera KeaM. Bronlllet, and De Wolf, arid M-a- 1. E. Mallet and J. Carroll Brent, made' his appear- ance) upon the platform at 8:10 o'clock, and wai receired with a storm of applause. THl LSCTUBB. Father Bran commenced by remarking that he would, In ths manner of ladles, who some- times excused tbemselTe for not ilnjiny, apol- ogize for not luring lectured at the time irst announced. He was unable to do so on. ac- count of Illness, and had been admonished by his physician to give up preaching and lectur- ing altogether. iii tne n reaa tne Bcnprare account oi tn trial of Jesus before Pilate, and proceeded to say that he (Pilatei e rials face of that prlsoaer never forjrot the' low' whispers i at answers, inejr naustea Dim ra me last. He then drew a trrld' picture- - ofthe Scons between Christ, tue'nwek criminal, and Pilate, the haughty judge. The Kingdom "of Christ was not of this world. lis cams that he might gfre testimony or the truth: "Out "of all thla came the question, WHAT IS TBUTnf It was the old question, and the world had never answered It. Men looked up to Heaven, and the blue lips of the sky failed to answer the question They asked each other, and failed to get an answer. Yet from erery gene- ration came the thought that man wants the truth as ths earth wants the sun. Poets wrote about it in clouds, and philoso- phers tried to And it tn human fancies; and aU their thoughts and theories upon the subject were concreted In the question of Pilate, " What Is truth!" The answer stood before him in the person of Jesus. One year before he was talking to the people; the multitudes were there, and he stepped outside the line of hu- manity. He knew what they needed laws, lore, light, mercy, truth and he uttered thess memorable words the words of a raid nan or of a God "I am truth." Pilate had asked this man, "What Is truth!" and the answer stood before him. The lecturer said he knew there were excep- tional minds that thought ther could lire with out truth. Bat the lives of such men were the shallowest of tbe shallow, and minds were tho most superficial that tbourht truth was artifi cial. It was the old truth, exemplified in Christ as he stood before the world. Truth was not the mere thought or fancy of man, for the merely human could not guide the human. Truth was bom before us ; It was cradled be fore tbe earth : it existed Ion? before man. and he could not tear It into shreds, or cut It up to suit himself. It was superior to man, and he could not drair it down any more than he could drag down ths stars. Ths man who antagonizes truth violates tbe inner laws of his own intellect. Truth, hating been born beforo us, was intolerant. lie knew tbe boastful nineteenth century did not like this idea, for thla was the age of tolera- tion. But there was no such thing as tolera- tion of truth. Two and two cannot make fire; light will not coalesce with darkness. TBE TBUTH Or CHCIST was Intolerant of all error. There was no "may-be.- " no "perhapa" In it. What. then. was truth! Mot opinion, not sentiment, not fancy; truth was higher, greater, deeper, wider, brighter than all these. It was robed in tho glory of God. There were many truths; but anything that is truth is absolutely true. There were social, political, philosophic, and scientific truths; but the supernatural was BDore anu goremca an. The nineteenth century was wise In its own conceits, mnd some of its supreme minds, in- stead of tracing the origin of man to tbe heart of God, instead of ascending, descend, and claim that our sprang from oyster shells. Losing? sight of tbe divine origin of man, they place him on an equality with tbe brute ol the Held. Why, asked the lecturer, had science so sig- nally falledl If the sailor was not .raided br his chart, he could not securely sail; and if man does not lift up his mind to God, he will tnetl-tab-ly fall, because ererythlng good Inhuman- ity was but a rcSex of the divine order. In ths political order, generations of men often go astray. In our own age we talk of human rights, butrwe forget human duties. Look at Europe. Of course everything in our own Gov- ernment was good, and we take it for granted, because it is our country, that ererythlng is ngnt. lAppiause.j nut iook over turope. He would not signalize instances, because (bey all read the newspaper", and they always told the truth. Laughter. jl But HOW WAS it in Ecnors I In the political order there was lack of truth; men bad compromised, temporized, and seemed to have minds and consciences of India-rubb- er. But truth could never compromise. Truth by Its essence was Inexorable. It was either an eternal "yes" or an eternal "no." What was government! It was a manifestation under various forms of political truth. If gov- ernments were controlled by political truth, there would be more or less of human happi- ness; but if they were guided by error, ths people would be the sufferers. Yet high above all thess was ths supernatural. Truth was a personality. By his Church! This was the expression of Christ through all time; and where is Christ! where are theso men! where Is Ht Church! The reverend lecturer then alluded to ths various denominations of Christians, all claim- ing to have Christ with them, and inquired how many Chriits there were! Ths world was in'a maze of mystery but ths everlastlDgnesk of Christ's personality was eoqnected with ths everlastlngness of the men that were with him when He founded His Clrnrcli. Find them and you find Christ; find Christ, and you find truth. The lecturer loved and revered the Bible. But as it was read, see what a variety of re- ligious creeds were founded upon it. One minister called one way, another called another way, and it was no wonder that, amid these conflicting Interpretations, men were In doubt and groped In intellectual eclipses. But mere opinion was not truth. Elaborating these thougnts, Father Ryan proceeded to say that ths man Christ of Palestine was ths Church Christ of all ages, and that when he was nailed to the cross it was thought by his enemies that his name would be but s memory, but they never thought that they had nailed him to the hearts of men forever. This man had broadened out into a Chnrch reaching from the foot of ths cross to tbe end of time. If a Church claim to have Christ, It must possess his powers. His person without his power la nothing. He must bs tho same al- ways, because truth never changes, and they who claim to represent him must be llko him. The lecturer said he was not trying to prove) anything. Ho was only leading his hearers Into the path of truth that they might dlscoverother truths. Jle wanted them to Snd out the men who exercised the roval powers of Christ, and there tbey would find the truth. Here, in this beautiful city the capital of the greatest on earth he did not know how many churches or how rainy, ministers there were. But he had heard there were various denomina- tions. What a pity there were not mors Christ 1 But from one Calvary there could bo but one atonement, and from one Gospel there could be but ono religion. Some there were who did not believe in purgatory, which was A HOT PLACE I Others there were who did not like hell, which was hotter yet; and many there were who did not like any particular form of church govern- ment, because they wanted religion served to their tastes just as cooks serve their dinners!. What a pity wrong was not right! But right was right, and wrong was wrong, and both would so continue. It was not for him to say where were the men that Christ came to stay with, but wherever thoy were, there would bo found ths truth. These men do not compro- mise with error. Even In this enlightened nineteenth century In which the devil often holds the torch that gives the light you will And thess men living a life true to tho truth and true to Christ. Thess are known by their lives ; Institutions are known by their history. Find them and you will And the truth. It can be found by those who are willing to Investigate. Next to possessing the truth, it was necessary to bo true to it. Here the lecturer referred to tho truths of the political, the scientific, and tha literary orders, showing that it was the divine Idea that gavs beauty to all of these. Ha closed by asking "pardon if he had uninten- tionally said anything to wound ths most sensi- tive of his hearers, and warmly commended the objects' of the Young Catholic's Friond Soci- ety, for whose benefit the lecture was delivered, for charity was the "crown or truth, and all could gather under its mantle, 'whatever their differences in creed. Tm French Government, aetlngon the re- commendation or ths Committee. on.Fortln-catlon- s, 'has determined to keep for the next lire years 5,000. pair or carrier pigeons ftr breedine purposes for scrvics time. Each fortress will have a mlUtary,p!, and each 1,000 birds. Two gert-er- al f taUouiwUTlM established, at each orwhlch tJO.flOO plwons will be kept. - The Gorman Art-- , resscs at Mct nd 8trajbt)urg!;haTet been Tor a rear nast connected Vith olhetGernua forta ly I a system of carrier pigeons. w A' VI

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Page 1: Library of CongressEUSK.ESS DIRECTORY, Oontntii;rj.rl or l'Irt-C'l-n IllUltlrrte Jti hII BrvurtiCSl or Bull-nc-kt tn (bo D.'mlrlrl. iVnUYTIiJlY SHOULD CONSULT "IMP MKKCTIH.T


Oontntii;rj.rl or l'Irt-C'l- n Jti hII BrvurtiCSl or Bull-nc-kt

tn (bo D.'mlrlrl.


ACKICKI.TLTtAIa WAniKOCTM.J.A. llAMU K- .vS.K3Lm.tTe.. uetVlh A lOilisl.

AIU'IIlTrfTS.TtSMlT It. SrAl --. !10E OP- - T. O. Dept."W. AI. Viivukx 'B vernon Row.CllAfc. T. DAVIS . CCClSTlh st.,op.rteut Offic

SAM't. . 1 awi:i Mcv' Hill. Ale. Geo'twn.ATTOK H .

W. B. Wnm. Coluuibiau Law Bunding. Slhstrt.EDWAltl) lM.UtSOI.1.. 4 Lm.avC on. I ty Hall.JX0Bt.Ek.AKl.X. JK., ""'"J" -- "-

ixitT 4 Xuu. 4J T at.. oPP-Cit-y HmU.

BOBT J. JUnnAY. Jl t siren ""3. D. TtAltnt.TT. 3174tstree p.E. nflrr

x". ah .t.. iiortli of rittut Offlee.F.T?JVtA3iT Vl itrowt; J.r.. Notary,. Com.

(Pvlif E. cor. Pa. mv. mnd ISth sts.o'MI Asiixiri Pl B'""! Bk'y.'JO F..Capltni st.

MacWUu AJt.N-- w York Home-Ma- Bread" a3 rie Hakerr. fUllth ttn.t northwest.

basksakdhaxkehs.a II. A CO.. Banker. No. 14'.3 Pm- - "ray per cent. on nil Deposit. r7 of ArmyOfficer cashed in advance.

FiqobACo. Executive ave.. cor. 15th it.fJiKMAK AMQUCAX SAVINGS BAXX.iJO.MS7U

t.,opp. PottOffice Department. Bank Bonn:fia. in. 6ttirilaye,openfrom4lospa

Maffij"3S,BJsSfSKTurdayst; only.)l from to .

Oil r Tt ns 7tn at-- . OODOtll Patent OflM.BATHS. .

TUiico-BcatlA- Baths, MS E street, near 8th.

BEIX.UAUEllS,I.OCKSHITlIS,c.T. Feed. Piecbzx, OS ttli it., bet. F mad G.

BILL FOSTEUS,I MoxlET. eoe iota st. n. it., the only one In city.


BOOK BISiEBrE8.Wi, II. Xalixt. a. w. cor. tth mnd E iti.

EOOKNTOUES.Philf boi.osioxs'' Metropolltmn Bookstore, 811

I'm. are., fctt. th mnd 10th sts. Constmntly onhand tlie newest mnd most fashionable style ofplain and fancy itatlonery. Card plates, "fthome." and wedding: inrltatlons engraved lathe highest style ofthe mrt. AU the new rmbll-ratic-

received as Eoon as Issued.WAiuirj. Cboatx CO.. first-cla- Book and

Stationery store. Ml .Penna. avenue, cor. 10th st,J. A.

BOOT AND SHOE STORES.II. Bcnxsft Co., sesrenna-arenn- near 9th if

A complete etock of all gradeg 0f good! for menwomen. mlcs, boyl and children.

D.M V'iklono. 36 list. Makea to order.EOWXIXO NALOOXS.

Chas. U. ECKLOrF. 133 E at., bet, 12th and ISth.BRASS TVORH8.

2 atiunal Uimss AVokks. HO. 218 and SS 13th st.naw..; Tnos. Bomerrllle, llanufactnrcr of allartlclranfCdintlicriunibluKandUas and Steam1 lltlng- Bublneu; m complete stock of Plumbers'Si pplW-s- , &c, constantly on hand.

T! 11 I'oiolass A Co., 100S 0 St.. cor. 10th;Iliaar For.nders and Finishers. Casting dally.BrTTI.R, EGGS, CHEESE, Ac.

J. V. c . Kohhxr. s. w. cor. mil and 1) streets,UcneiM Commission Merchant.CAUIhKT hJIOfH.

Yu. Yv'AtiLr. tt3 E street, near 10th.. CARPESTEBS AND BCILDERS.XIBCIT & Stair Builders, cor. Wh ulG rtirt if, near Patent Ofllte.U.S.I.ITC1IFIU.D. n. w.eor.Kth d N. Y. are

Carp, uler and Ballder and General Contractor.CABPETIXUS, OILCLOTHS, Ac.

VTw. a JIITcntLL A Co., IllPa. t. (Market space),I inporters and Dealcars In carpets and housefar--nUlilns- articles.

C. O. I). Caiimi HocfE. SMTthst., bet, IaadK.CARRIAGE fACTORIES.

ROB'T. 11. (iRAIIAK. 410. C, CICttll St. K. IT.JOHN llclluiMOTT A Bnt.,J10ra.sT.,iierM8t.P. 1). hcnuiDT & to, 31P nth St., bet. 0 and D.J.lUl.Mc, Coaeh Alaker, lCDItn st..near Pm.mT.

Itrpalrlug done with dispatch, at cheap rates.CELEBRATED CIDEB JELLY.

Smith 4 Uoodko, BlEit. n.w.; Unequaled.Ex- -tcnsiT-- j Lsea, rnrest. (.uempest, vcn.CLOTIIIMU STORES.

WALT,i:oatso! 4CO., K3 penna. mrenne. Mer-chant Tailors: nnc clothing for incnaud bo)s.COACH FACTORIES.

JOHN JltlltnMOTT A Br.o.. S10 Penna. arenne.COAL TAB AXD ITS PRODUCTS.

PaobA Kl.KICUIf, Distillers of Coal Tar and lte- -noers 01 i.oai i ar rroaocu. uace, lAtt renna.arcane Rxrt'BLiCAX Bnlldlnr.COJI.MIShlONERS OF DEEDS.

J.T.K.Pi ANT.cor.tth A E. Also. J.P.indXotmry.commssiox jiercuakts.

B.V. Blows, ourser Kew York avenue and 15that.. Commission Merchant. Also, dealer InPea I Lftiaie and t for tho Collecuon olClilmr.

F.STklXLC 110 Pa. ar. S. E., and UIB SU S. E.COSTXKERii, Ac.

L. lIOJLtl. n. w. Also, BUI Poster.DRESS MAKERS.

2!BB.l..CiiAEE.iK'eist.,bet.ilthAttth. BcststrltsHOMEOPATHIC PIIAOJIACY.

. J. AlrPitESFOx A Co., V.hlu!ton Homeo-pathic Pharmacy, 2to. AlC K.ntb atreet north.TritDIIXG STORES.

D P llicKMNC. anPa.are., cor.Sdst Prleeslow.P. X. 1) colli , isx Pa. t., bet. Id and 3d sts. east.

DRY COOPS.Bogan A Wilis: One Price; 1015 A lCCFUiit.N.W

EXKRAYEBS.Wat. SiilT'l. Ui:Pm. arenne, near 11th stKet.

EXPRESS OFFICES.Skox's l.xriss; main otnecs, GQ3 Pa. it., cor. eth

st . and cor.cthand K sts. a. e, Washington: 110Briilpe t., Georgetown; and 7 Wmsuingtou St.,An i-- t idrla.riiuisiiED Boons,

Jlr.s. 1IEADT, SCSDt., with or wlthont Board.1 LuxibUEDBouus.IlIMst.X.'W. lioiAcoia water

CIAS FIXTURES, Ac.ALIX. J!. SUEPlir.RD A CO., 810 Pa. it., bet. 8th

and Kth sts. ConsUntlT on hand m Tery largestock olCTerythlng apperlalnlngto the Plumbingand Gas Fitting Business; Trade Supplies,Tiliolccale and retail; Chandeliers, BeadingI.lphtf . BrackeU and Slate Alantela, In large

nt mnd of the newest patterns; mlso, hand-aom- c. rrstal Chandeliers and Clocks. All use- -f

n uoreltlea received as soon as out.HARDWARE AXD CETLEBT.

I.. C. . AurnXLL. UKt Pa. ar., bet. eth and 7th sts.J . KI.XXLBY A Co..ei2Pa.mTe.,bet.cthand7lh.

HABXESS, SADDLERY St TRUSKS.(Tax ts s. TonlAM A Co., C5 7th at--, next to

Hall: Doable and Single Harness, bad-dies. Bridles. Whips, Trunks, Valises.1IOR.SE-SUOEB-

J. P. DonAX, K St., bet. tth and lOth.mnd 1363 D St.iiurtts liod accordins to natural shape of foot.HOTELS.

8T. Ci.ourUCTXX.N. J. Illllman, tth and F sti.,American andLnrupean; near Patent and PostOffices: most centrsl locality In the city; Inren- -tors and Bcslnets Men's Headquarters: Street" Cars to snd from mil Depots, Public Bnlld'gs, Ac,

TTora;x.Y,9 Hotxl, corner H andisth stractslSL'UAXCE OFFICES.

Xatioai JIirrnoroLiTAX Fire IitstraAXCX Co.of the District of Colmnhla, K8,S Penna, arc.,betwee n sth mnd ltth eta.

Till AEI.1SGTOS PlBE 1N8CHAKCI CO., 13 QstnctX. W., near 15th street.

Oehuax a. PinEIxf.CO..LawBulldlnE, 5th st.INSTRUMENT MAKERS.CFjulc Snrg. Instruments, Trusses, C3 7th st.IRON FOttXDRV.

DACi.i.ToN A ( liitix. cor. r,th and N streets, (oldGli Wo.ks;) Castings of all descriptionsmade-- Sa h AVe'Elits oti uand at owest rates.JUSTICES OF THE FEACE.

E. C Kui 1 1'. Jusilce ot the Peace mnd Conrcyanrer ( N. W.

E. J. u l l xn. tx: I.a. are. Also, Notary PublicLVDIES' DRESS TKIM3IING3.

Lowl. ta Mai kit space, and 920 Penna. arenaLIME, CEJIEXT, PLASTER, etc.

A. W hi hk A Co., 2.6 loth St., bet, C and La. it.LITHOGRAPHERS.

Xonr.ix PETr.ns. 8 Pa. are., near 4f it.a specialty.J. C. l.NTwibTLEA Co.. coi, ;thst. and La. itc.

Lit EBY STABLES.EE1 as A Co., cor. nth and D sts. Close carriages

joi weaaingcansanq receptions. oartungmnalivery stables, Wlllard's hotel stables.

Alueox ailor. Jr., south side Pa. ave., nearCth St.. opp. Imperial and Wlllards'.

LUMBER YARDS.Uath'j. d. Fcgitt. 13th street and Ohio mTenne

M ARRLE WORKS.T. "lolJitT. fcteam Marble and Slate

Works. 1312 E St., near Republican building.MINERAL WATERS.

8ai i. . 'l.VFR,cor.Gayand Green sts., George-town; Soda Wattr In McclFountaiiika.peclalir.MODEL MAKERS.' OrrtRJiAy. ISO street, nar7th,MUSIC STORES.

JoiinP. A Co.. U7 Pa. ar., neariothst.NOTARIES .

A. E.I. . K y r.cor.La.a t. in J Cth su Also, Justice.OPTICIANS.

II. H. llixrunt. --clPm. ar., cor. CXst.PAINTERS.

CnAnus Abxior KC D St.. near tth. Plain andornamental painting in tire beat style of the art,fancy slensln gold letter and colors a specialty.Orders tiled with dispatch at low rates.PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, Ac.

CEO. ItTKtAl- - Jr.. ks D it., bet. Cth and 7th,Dealer In ail kinds of paints, oils, glass, putty,lamps, brushes, Ac. Also, always ou band ascililueorarllstt'matcrhrls. Orders from cityorcountryproniptlr ttendedto.PAPER HANGERS, At.

XPObGXeS Jtiouna d rtu St., net. w inu t a. n.e..PractlcalPaper-Hangeran- d Upholsterer. Wallpapers, window shades, carpeta, oil cloths. AcA liorders for wora In either branch of We tradeexecuted wltn slujianu uispatcn siiunci-,- i.


PATENT AGENTS.MCNH CO., (Del. Am..) cor. 7!n A F. 07. P.O.,

Pn r, ased facllltli s for Patent Buslne.Kwioht BmiTiiriiK av.t nearPiiirniOfflc-- .It. S. A. P. LACET, a7tnst., Opp. P.O. DcptOro. w. Dter, 7ii tth st., north orVateut Office.C.M.ParLs. 43 :tbst.: U. rJ. and Foreign Patents.

niOTOGRAPH GALLERIES.ZCscesr A Co., Euccessors to Brady, e7 Pm. ire.

lierTMIvea retouched by a first-cla- ss rnrtlst.Tlljt ADDIS I'lIOTOGR Aril UAIJ.EF.T, 123 Pi. ITCE. J. W5 Pa, ave., orer Teel'a.Jobk Coldix,1S Fa.mve.,one door emit or Perry 'a.

PLU3IBEBS ANDAlex. B. SUEriiEBD A Co..910Pm.e.Te.,bet. 9th mnd

icth sts., Practical Plumbers and Steam indGn- -fltters, and wholesale and retail Dealers In illkinds of supplies appertaining to the trade;very large mnd select stock constantly on band;mil useful noTeltles receired ma soon me out;orders from dty or county for work or goodspromptly attended to at the lowest rates.E. A Uidgxy ar, BI) street, bet, 8Ui and 10th.

obt. 8. Scott. tU7 Pa. arn bet. list and Sdsta.PRINTTNG OFFICES.

.TCDo A DrnvEILXR. cor. Pa. are. mnd 11th tt.IlEAJtOSLIT A SSODOBA6S,7 Pa.av.,bet.4.S A (th.

PRODUCE AND PBOYISIOXS.S.B.YOCXOS, Western Produce Co., 432 Fa. ire.

REAL ESTATE AGENTS.sVocese A Ulhf Uop.Tnaa.Dept,

RESTATTRAXT8.r?0BS WxLcxxz, BU su. bet,,H.T. ave. and B sW


Bit,, AA,vCk'-tbv- .l. b4uMM miwiwt bubiuar.


P. J.STKEItA Sox. 401 Pa. are., bet. CXindOlhftt.,AgcntsWbcclcr A Wilson ImproTnl FamilySewing Machlnea. These are really theslinplest,tbeswinest, mndllghtcst mnulnrof any lock-stitch machines eTer yet made. They hare noshuttle, and conscnnentlT they need no tensionat all on the nndcr thread.

J. Kaitn. espa. are.. Agent for Howe's newlm-- 1

rtvr.le"lnr Machines, which bare no equal.M EVER PLATERS.

EObT.A. Wuiteuasd, DM D. ., bet. tth and Orb.

STAIR BUILDERS.Bhlrt a PrurHBET, suir Builders, cor. ttb. mnd

G si m-i- ucarPalrut Office.STAMPING DEPOTS.

Mnt,. Ztitueciit. ttl 11th st. Also.Dress-makln- g.

STATIONERY, Cfec.Bex. f. Frxkcu. eij lith St., under Net. Metropo-

lian Bank, Stationery, Ac. specialty.STEAM AND GAS FITTXBS.Alex. K. SutrucnD A Co., SWPa. ar.,bet.ttnmnd nth sts. See riumlicrs and On FittersTOBACCO AND CIGAR STORES.wA'aait. Mlligu st,.utu..auuJUnst.N'. TT."TRUNKS, ACV.

Jauex s. TorHAai ft Co., CS 7th st., next toHall. Fine Sole Leather mnd Dream

Trunks. Vmllses, Traveling Bags.

UMBRELLAS. CANES, .e,Chas. O. Pearce. 1119 Pa. arc. bet. I4lh AlSthiV2i. Bogerk, 409 lltlt st., near Pinna, avenue,

WINES AND LIQUORS.3. 8.11EXACLT ASox, Importers, vm Est, n. w.

WOOD AND COAL YARDS.T. Edw. clabx A Co.. CM Louisiana mTenne.


Ctinx'fl Orrics, )nUUBK StrnKMl.lllEn UHITtU OTATUf, f

it AouiAWTuj,. a, u. sisya. 49J.Scaled proposals wllthn --reeelvad at this 6ffleeuntil ixi'clock in.. WEDNESDAY, Junes, U74.for furnlstlug (tatlon.ry for the use of the Honseor BepreseaWtlTcs.

Blank forsft of propeuls, showing the quantitymna qcallty of each article, and the form of bond tobfslgnro. oythe Mddsr, madsnratlcs win be fur-nished on application at this oinr.

Proposals should be Indorsori. "Proposals forSta-tlonery- ,"

mad directed to Edwrd UePlterson,Clok Rons of Bepres entatlTes, United State.

EDWARD JIcPHElWON,Oltrk Tlouse of BepreaentatiTM United States.



FOR TH CU biAltS UUUI1A-iiuuHE aai' POST orriut atllEf.TH"la. PA.

jrfija. ui okrinini.niwnii )U. B. E AITD rOBT OWCS,

PlTn.inFrMTIl. Anrll ST. 1S7C. JSealed nronosals wlllria reeelred at this office un

til 12 m. of the zah day of Mar, 1S7C. for furnishingand dellrcrlng on the site of the new Court-hou-

and Post Offlee at Philadelphia, pa., aly 1,000 cubicvara, more or less. Ol uranite or omor aaro,durable stone, broken to the else of m hen's egg,and knltalili, rnp ronfrtfi.

Also, for 3,600 cubic yards, mora or less, of Rubblestone, which may be of granite, limestone, or othersuitable stone, vhlch is sound, durable mnd bondsreadily with cement or ordinary mortar, and of suf-ficient size tor be clmssed ma one, two and three menstone, ofmthleknessmreraglngten (10) inches, hmrIng dean, fair beds with m fracture under the ham-mer, perpendlculsr to the bed; at least one quarterof the quantity to be e.

Also, for 10,500 barrels, more or less. HydranlloCement, equal In quality and strength to the bestRosendale; each barrel must contain not less thanaju riounas 01 cement.

Also, for 2,500 cubic yards, more or less, dean,slurp, rlrer bar Sand.

Samples of each of the above materials lobe sub- -mlttan wllh tint mwimhTi.

Delivery will be made at anch times and In inchquantities as may be deemed necessary uj tun ou--

nntendent.Bidders may aabmlt proposals fur one or all of

the preceding Items of materials at their option,but each material must be bid for on m separateform mud be Inclosed In m separate envelope.

All bids must be made on the printed form, to beobtained on application at this oolee; each bid to beaoeompanled By m penal bond of two responsiblepersons In the sum of one thousan'dollars. Ul.oon.)condition,! tint the hlddnr will accent and rjerformthe contract If awarded to him; the suraclency ofme security to be cerituea oy me unuea statesJudge, Clerk or the United States Court, or theDistrict Attorney of the district in which he re-sides.

Paymcntwlll be made monthly, deducting ten (10)per cent, until the completion orthecontraot.

The Department reserres the right to reject anyor mil bids If It be deemed for the interest of theOorernment to do so.

Every bid must be made on the printed form to beobtmlned In this oOee, mnd must conlbrm in ereryrespect to the requirements of this mdrcrtlsement.

Each proposal must be Inclosed In m tealed enTelope, Indorsed "Proposals for Concrete Stone,Rabble Stone, Cement or Sand, (as the caw may be,)for the United Slates Conrt-bou- and Post Officeat Philadelphia. Pa.," and addressed to

apa-2- JOHN .MCABTHL'B. Jit.. Super't.


Headqcartkus U. B. Mabixe Corps, )QuxKTiHUABTin'ilorricx, V

ju a pit i. ion. jBcaltru oroDoe&ls irill be TnprtrA .t this niHrtt un.

tit 12 o'clock m. of THURSDAY, the 4th dr ofeyuuc ncAt, Avr iuruniiiT railODS IO IIIO (iniieiltatts Marine at the following tutlong from l&tJuly, ttfji, tOthc90tb Junf, U75:

rOtCTSMOUTH. New Ilaiumhlre;SHAHLESTOWN',PHILADELPHIA, frnnirlranla.WASHINQTON CITY. District of Colamblt;O OS PORT. DejrNorfolt, VlrrlaU;PENSACOLA, Florida;ANNAPOLIS, MarjUntl;HAKE ISLAND, California.KacU ration to consist of twelre ounces of Tork or

Bacon, or one pound and fuar ounces of Salt orFresh Beef; eighteen ouncei of loft Bread or Flour,or twelre ounce of Hard Bread, or one pound andfour ounce of Corn Meal; and to everyone hun-dred rations fifteen poundi of Beansor Peas, or tenpounds of Bice or Homlnr, ten pounds of UreenColTee.or elftbt pounds Roasted (or roasted andground) Coffee, or one pound and eight ounces ofTea; fifteen pounds of Sugar; four quarta of Vine-gar; oue pound and four ounces of Adamantine orMar Candles: four pounds of Soap; three poundand twelre ounces of Salt and four ounces ofpepper.

The rations arc to be delivered upon the order ofthe commanding officer of each station, the FreshBeef, either In bulk or by the single ration, of goodquality, with an equal proportion of hind and forequarters, necks and kidney tallow to be excluded;the Tork, No. 1, Prime Mess pork: the Flour knownas extra superfine In the market of tbeplace wherethe station Is located; the Coffee, good ftlo; the r.

good Nw Orleans or Its equivalent, and th!Bean. Vinegar, Candles, Soap, Salt, Ac, to bsofgood quality.

All subject to Inspection -A guarantee, signed by two persons, whose re-

sponsibility must be certified by a United States ct

Judge, dlstrtctattorney or collector, must ac-company each proposal.

No proposal will be considered unless accompa-nied by such guarantee. Blank forms of proposalcan be obtained upon application at any of the ma-rine stations.

Newspapers authorized to publish the above willsend the papercontalalng the first Insertion to thisoffice for examination.

Proposals to beindorsed "Proposals for Rations,"mndmddr,..edt.thunder,lrned.sf r

Major mnd Qumrtenomster, TJ. S. Marine Corps.apa



Sealed proposals will bs received mt this officem.ofPltlDAY, the 12th dayof June

next, for supplylug Wood and Coal to the UnitedStates Marlnca at one or more of the followingplaces during the fiscal year ending 30th June. 1176.

The Wood to be merchantable Oak, mnd to be de-livered, lilted, measured and Intneeced at suchpoints within the limits of the Marine Barracks as I

tn.v da l.v .1.. .AMm.nlnA f.,wa OM.'.car, free of expense to the United Stales.

TheCoal lobe rood whlta ash anthracite ear Coal.frre fro'n dust, and to weigh 2.240 pounds to the ton,to be Insnected bv the eommandlnr Marine OfBrer.and delivered at such point within the limits of theMarino Barracks as may be designated by him. frreof expense to the United States: and both WoodAnd Coal to be furnished upon the monthly or quar-terly requisition of the commanding officer, show-ing the quantities required In accordance with


100 tonsof Cost,00 cords of Wood.

CBABLESTOWN, MASS.125 tonsof Coal.89 cords of Wood.

BROOKLYN, N. Y.(Including AsslstantQuartermaster's Oface.)

a tons of Coal.L0 cords of Wood.

PUILADELPOIA, PA.100 tons of Coal.240 cords of Wood.

(Including Assistant Quartermaster'sJUOce.)WA8HINQTO.V, D.C.

(Including guard at Naval Magazine.)ICO fonsof Cost.800 cords of Wood.

ANNAPOLIS, MD.CO cords of Wood.

GOSPOBT, YA.50 tons of Cos I.80 cords of Wood.

PENSACOLA, FLA.80 cords of Wood.

MABE 1SLAND,.CAL.105 tons of Coal,eo cords of Wood.

(With the privilege of Increasing the quantityone third.)

The Wood and Coil furnished mt Washington cityto be measured, weighed mnd certified by tbeOot-emine- nt

appointed by the Navy Depart-ment, and the expense attending such Inspection,Ac., paid bythecontraetor.

Blank forms of propossls can be obtained uponappllcationat auy of the Marine posts.

Payments will be made upon the receipt-o- f ac-counts duly authenticated by the commanding on-cers of the posts at vrhlrh the Wood or Coal hasbeen delivered. The right Is reserved to reject milbids considered unreasonab'e.

A guaranty, to be signed by two responsible per-sons, whose rerponlblltr must be certified to brthe United States Dlstrlst Attorney, or UnitedStates collector, must mccompmnr each proposml,otherwise It will not be considered.

Tobe indorsed "rroposmls for FueV mndto th. undersigned.

BMsjor mnd Quartermaster United States Msrlne

Corps. ray


ql'artebmastxb Qexebal'8 OrriCE, 1

Wasbixotox.D. C, May C 1174. J,Seslfd proToials.ln triplicate, with a copy of this

advrrtUem .it attached to each, will be received atthis office nntllnooh on WEUNESUAY. June 10.Is7t, forfurnlshlug and erecting at the NationalCemetery at Salisbury. N. C, m granite monumentin arcordsnee with design adopted by the Secretaryof War, and now In Ibis office, wherdlt cms be ex-amined.

A specimen of the material proposed to be usedshould accoinpanyeach bid.

The following is a copy of the law of March 3,l'Tx. providing for the erection of this monument:

It it rwietrd by the Senai e a nd Hfmtt o StpraUnited Slattl cf America tn Cmgrui

aitrmbUJ, That tlie Secretary of Warls her.brted and directed tohave erected In thenstlonsi

ceuietrry at Salisbury. North Carolina, a suitableKanlte monument to the memory of the twelve

Union soldiers who died In the prison-pe- n

at that place, and whose remains are burled Intrenches In that cemetery; and the sum of ten thou-sand dollars, or so much thereof aa may be neces-sary. Is hereby appropriated for this purpose out ofany money in the Treasury not otherwise appro-priated."

The monument Is to consist of mn obelisk restingupon m pedestal and steps of granite, to be enrichedwith sculpture, the total height from the ton offoundation to apex of obelisk being thirty-eig- feet

The law limits the total cost of the monumentfurnished mnd setup In place to ten thousand do Ilars.indnobld exceeding that amount can be enWEngraTe4 elevations mnd plans of the design willbe nrenared for use of bidders.

Proposals' should be Indorsed "Proposals ArOranlte Monument it Salisbury (N.C.I NationalCemttery,''mndmddresiedW,taeinderygnisdn.Onartoi-rnaste- r GoneraJ, Brevet 'Major Ueneral

UnltedfltmtcsAraTT. - : ray7--

"PROPOSALS. FOB rtlESH HEEF- T" omctA, e. 8.,

v,nw TV,nvA.wr. W. V.Tt. Ifmrch SI. 1874. .(Sealed propoiala, lod'rmMte'il be ee'ref it

this oxceiintll 11 o'clock m. m., on the 15th ofi & v ,j-- rnmii,hinribii Vr&n Becfreaulred

by the Subsistence Department, U. 9. A at thisstation during the fiscal year commencing July V

Se'parmte'proposils for ch'blce cull of fresh beefILTronmilalDDN UlUOCr "III mv w........

Information ma to eossdltlona,-qumUt- of beef,parmenta, etc, can be obtained by mpplleatton tothfsoflice- .- s B. D. ltrTTS,

apa . First Lient. iota ArtlUery, A. 0. 8.


8UNDAY, MAY 10. 1871- -J P. M.

FBOM WASHINGTON CITT.a. u Ualtluoro an I a I War Stitlons.

6.1 a. in., Poln or Ifoutsan.lalt Way otatlon..$:J?m'm' ttaltiinore, Annapolis, Piedmont an I

all My Stations.auOa. m., Pltuourg, Chicago, Clnclnmtl, Loula-rlll- e.

St. Louis, lolnmnus. saudnsky, whcillnsiand the West; JtackTllle. 'Frederick' Staunton,ami all Stitlons o i t'te Washington County miValley Branehel. Pullman Can. DinntrSmvptrat Oraflon. .

8:19 a. m . , Phlladclpbla, Boston, Bal-timore and Reli.s:su a, m Baltimore, Annapolis and all TTayStations.

10: oa. m.. Bsltlmore mnd Belay only.120 m., Baltimore, Elllcott City and all Way

Stations.p. m.. New York. Philadelphia, NorfolkBaltimore. Dtnner at Rttav.

J.30P. m.. Baltimore. Laurel, Relay, Frederick.Wlnchrstcr anda: litermedlau WaySUtlons west of Relay..

: p. m., Baltimore, TroJcrlek and ill Waybtatlona ,

Cuup.-m.-, Point of Rocks, Frederick, Uagen-tow- n.

Wiuche terand all Way Stations.5:15 p. m.. Baltimore, Annapolis, mnd mil War

Stations.a:COp.m., Phtladelphlamnd Baltimore. Sapper atBelay.6:4 p. m.. Chicago, Clnclnmtl, Louisville. St,

Louis. Columbus, DanSnstr. Wheeling, and thsWest. Pullman Cars. Breakfast ml Uraftou.

7:00 p. m., Baltimore mnd Belay.7:30 p. in.. Baltimore and all War Stations.S:4J Pltuhnrg Express. Pullman Cars.lC:C0p. m Baltimore and all Way stations.

SUNDAY TRAINS.8:03 and 8:39 a. m.,'i:I0, 5:15, (.00, 8:15, mn1 10:00

p. mAll Trains Stop mt Ylmdnct Hotel, Relay House Sta- -

Van.For further Information apply at the Baltimore

and Ohio Ticket Offices, Washington Station, andCs5 Pennsylvania arena- -. where orders will bo likenfor Baggage to be checked and. received at mnypomtIn the cltv.

L. AI. COLEr Oenaral Ticket Agent...Tnos. R..SIIARP, Master of Transportitloci.GEO. 3. KOONTZ. Ueneral Agent. ap:i


BALTIMORE. WsniNOTO.V.i a. m., Elmlra Mall, 8:18 a. m.. New Yorkdally, except Mondar. , Express, dally.

8.00 a. m., Accommodm-- 8.85 a. m., Arcommolm- -tlon, daily. I tlon, except Sunday.

8:21m. ra.. New York Llro-1-0 40 m. m.. Dsily 1'jstited Express, dallr ex. A.ine irom ivivt.centaundsr. I2.SJ p. m.. Philadelphia

II i40a.m.. Fast tine Bnf. routaernraio and west, dally ex-cept

MallI, dally except Sun- -Sunday. dar.

3:40 p. m.. Accommoda-tion,

CK1 p. m.. Washlnirtftndallr nvecut faun. Limited Exnrcas, uallyda .-

-except Sunday.

8.60 p. m., Pittsburg Ex- - 8 00 p. m., Accommodm.prrssiora-iitsDurK-

. vm- - tlon, except Sunday,clnnitl mnd Southwest, 8X0 p. m.. Dallr. fromdally. o:Mp.mPhlU-- i Baltimore: daily,

Express, dally, cept Sunday, fromexcept Sunday, West and North.8:04 p. m.. Dally New,U:08 p. m.. Southern

1U1K.,IU, EillC. Express, dally.8:38 p. ra . Pmcinc Express, dally.

Trains leaving AVmshlnetin at 8:00 a. m. on Mon-day, v ednesday and Piiday. and 3: "p. m. dsily,except Sunday, conucct mt Bowie wllh twins TorPope's Creek, leaving Bowie at 10:C3a.m ands.isp. m., arriving at Pope's Creek at 3:03 mnd 7.33p. m.

Trains leaving Washington at 8:0) a. m. and 3:33p. m. connect at Odcnton with trains for Annapolis.

Tra'.ns arriving at Washington at 19:40 a. m. and8j3)p. m. connect at Bowie with trains from Pope'sCreek line.

Passengers leaving their orders at Ticket Offlrc,northwest corner Thirteenth street mnd Pennsyl-vania avenue, northwest corner Mxth street andPennsylvania mvenue, can hare their baggage calledfur and checked mt hotels mnd residences t all pointsNorth and Writ. Through tickets to Cincinnati.Columbus, Indianapolis, Louisville. St, Louis. NewOrleans. Chicago, Omaha, bau Francisco, and allpoints East, Vi ist, north and fouth.

K. L. DoBArtBY, Osn. Superlnten1-n- t.

E. S. YOUNO, Gen. Passenger Ag.-nt- .






WITHOUT CHANOK OP CABS.The equipment on this line Is new mud or the most

elegaut and Improved nnl.h.TBA1N LEAVINO AT 8:J A. M. IS riTLLVAX


NIGHT TKAIN3.On and after 8UNUAY, April l,lg7!,

TWO TRAINS I)AII.Y (except Sunday)will be ran over the PennsytTanla Air Line, leavingfrom and arriving at the depot of the Baltimore mndPotomac rallroaa, northeast corner of Sixth and Ustreets, as follows:

New k on limited express, leave Washington at8:23 m. m. daily, except mindmy.

Leave Baltimore at 10:33 m. m. dally, except Bun- -

LcsreWest Philadelphia mt 125 p. m. dally, ex-cept Sunday.

Arrive at New York mt 4:10 p. tn. dilly, exceptSunday.

11:50 p. mrhlladelphlmEvprera.Night Express, leave Washington at 0:08 p. m.,

dally.Leave Baltimore at 10:41 p. in. daily.Leave West Pulladelpblaat I.3ia. m. dally.Arrive at New Yorkmttf.OOm. m. duly.

TilAINS KETUKMNO.Philadelphia Express arrives mt ::!" p. m.Pastllnr, leareNew York at 8:30 a.m.Arrive at Wath'ngtcn at 4I p. m.N lght Express, leave New York at 8.55 p. m.Arrive at Washington at :Ua in.Connections are made in New York with

on Sound. New York, New Haven and nl

railroads. New York Central mnd Hudson Hlvcrrailroad, Erie railway and steamers on Hudsonriver.

Pare as low as by any other route.Baggsge called for and cheeked at hotels and pri-

vate residences rn orders left at the fol oningoffices, where ticket, and Information can be ob-tained: Northeast corner of Thirteenth street sndPennsylvania avenue: northeast corner of Sixthstreet and Pennsylvania ari nue; passenger stationBaltimore and Potomac railroad, corner Mxtliaud1J street.. El). 8. YOUNG,

apSl-- tf General Passenger Agent.ALEXANDRIA A N D WASHINGTON


A.OCA1 trains for Alexandria leave msfollow.:i.6:3i.S9, 10, 11 m. m 1 3. 4, 3. 0,7, p.m.. and7 D. In. , H.,.nS.Uf1,ll.. .11 aK..j il.ll..nil" " w...,. r- -Monday.

i.ocai trains icavo Aiexanana as loiiows: c, ,, 8,8, lOondlla. m.: a, 4. 3. 8 and 7 p.m.; 8 a.m. mnd8 p. tn. from Alexandria dally; all other trainsdally, except Sunday.

Tr.lna tl.ii. connect vrlth t In. nnWashington and Ohio railroad.

OITAVriril .ncnimnndatlon leavrB Washtnetona. m. on Toevlar. Thursday and Snturdsy only.L m. on 3Ion(lar, nemew-- Y .wi erni.y oniy.

OREAT SOUTIIERX EXPRESS, via nielimond,leaves Washlugtun 113 p. in., dally, excipt Sun-day.

Through tickets to all points South and Southwestfor sale at the office corner sixth aud Pennsylvaniaavenue, and Thirteenth mnd Pennsylvania avenue,where passengers can leave orders focbiggage tobe checked at ail hotels and residences through todestination. 1" S. YOUNO,

mt7-t- f General Passenger A scut.REAT PENNSYLVANIA ROUTEa TO THE


On mnd mRer March v 1S74, trains will leave aifollowa:Washington.... 5:35 a. m. ! Baltimore.... 8:"i a. la.' ....11:35a. m. I " .... 1:15 p. m..... 5:50 p.m. 1 ...." .... 9:3Sp. m. I " ....ll:l5n. in.THE GREAT DOUIILE-TRAC- K KOUTE,with cl'gant Scenery. Palace Mste-roo- day andnight enr, with modem Improvements.

Two hundred miles saved to Western and Central2w oik.

The 3:15 a. m. Elmlra dally, except Monday; the115 a. mPjTally, except Sujiday, northwest: 3:V)p. m, dallfW'estani epnthwst ; 9:31 p. in. dailyWet. MAKE, CONNECTIONS.through from Washington to Pltuburg, Chicagomnd liuralo without cnange.

Tickets bv this route can lie procured at the oQco,comer of Sixth street mud Pennsylvania avenue,and Thirteenth eireet and Pennsylvania, avenue,where reliable Information villi uc at alltimes.Passengers procuring tickets mt these osecs cansecure accommodations in Palace Carsforst. Louis,Chicago and Buffalo,

Corner Thirteenth st. and Pcnn. avenue,Washington, D. C.

D. M. BOYD, Jb., General Passenger Agent,de2-l- v Phlladelpula.



Leave Washington at 9 a. m. mnd I p. m., mnd Al-

exandria at 9:10 a. lo. and 4:10 p. m. PassLeesburg(going westward) at 1125 a. m. mnd 823 p. m., mudarrive at Hamilton at 11:45 a. m. and 8:45 p. m.

Leave Hamilton at 5:40 a. m. and 12:45 p. ra. PassLeesburg (going eastward) at 8 a. m. mnd 1:10 P. m.,mnd mrrlTe mt Alexandria mt 8:15 ju m. mnd3:13 p. m.,mnd at Washington at 8:3) a. m. and 3:30 p. m.

Passengers from Washington will take the WashIn gton and Ohio cars at the Baltimore and Potomacrailroad station at a. m. and 4 p. to., and gothrough to Hamilton without change of cars.

The8:4a. m. train from Alexandria and TJ:3),T-m- .train from Hamilton connect at Hamilton with

Kemp'adally line of coach's for Pnrceiirlllc, sulck-ersrlll- e,

Berryville and Winchester. Also, withReanier'a line of coaches, which leaTe Lce'burgdslly for Aldle and Mlddleburg.

Sn-SS-i, t"leiSS,tlg?"' lUrit! ff.nH Ae'n'n'eB,ai28-l- f Ueneral Ticket Agent.


V BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE...The fine iron ateamerLADY OF THE LAKE bar-

ing resumed her regular trips to Norfolk, win leareher wharf, foot of Sixth street, every. MONDAYand TH UllSDAY, mt 2 p. ro touching at the prin-cipal liver landings, connecting mt Norfolk withsteamship of the M. and M. Line for Boston mudProvidence; with the LorlllaM otem.hlp Coit.panyfor New York. Freight thon'd be addressed "Careof Lady of the X.;Jg&Jrall AgM.

Slxth-atre- wharf.A. C. PLANT Ueneral Agent,

rnhM Room No. 10, Punt Budding.TkTERCH ANTS' LIN EOF STEAMSHIPS

WASHINGTOn'aNp'NEW YORK.Heremrter the fine steamships E. O. KNIU ItT and


WASHINGTON and GEORGETOWN, ms follows!Lemve New York from Pier 39 East Rlrer eTerrSat-nrdaya- t4

p. ra, Leare Georgetown Svcry Frldiy!mtj a. m. and Alexandria the same day t 12 m.

For full Information apply to R. P. A. DEN HAM,agent- - offlee and wharf; 38 Water street, George-town, or mt the corner of Serenteenth street, mndx ew a orx mrenne. J TC THOMPSON.

Jall-t- f J" President.




The steamers of the North German'Llord, 0:2.500tons, have been newly furnished wltn all the modernlinprovements.

BALTIMORE Captain LllUcnhaln.BERLIN .". " Piitsciier.OHIO " Van Emstrr.LEIPZIG " Hoffman.BBAUNSCHWEIU. " tjndneuon.NURNBEBG,(S,O00tons)' Jaeger."

Will run regularly between BREMEN andUOHC ma followsi.From Bremen. From Baltimore.



BERLIN .Mayl3. Junes.LMfZlO May 2. June 11;OHIO May 27. Junes.And thereafter every Tuesday from Bremen mnd

every Saturday from Baltimore.The'iteamer will take pissengers to Bremen,

Southampton. London and llirre and retnrn.Price or Passage. in gold, from Bremen to

Baltlmorei Cabin, (109; steerage, $38 currency.From Baltimore Southampton, Londonand Havre: Cabin. $100; steerage. ,30. Childrenbetween one mnd ten years, half price; nurselings,

All other arrangements are the iiai ma the NewYork linn. ' -

Further Information can be ascertained by apply-ing by letter to our General Agents.

A CO..No. J.South Charles street, Baltimore, Md.

Agent for Washington: 11' WALTER!No. 342D street, opposite City Hail.

Bills of Exchange uu principal placesla Europe. - - . . mjim--u


HEADQUABTERS-MAnta- COBTS.QUAnrcuMAsTik's Ornct,. . Iv s.niTimTfiw Xr.v 1 isri

8E VLED PROPOSALS will be received at thiso'.. until lib clock M.-o- f 1 UE4UAY. the wa dtyofUnuenest, f.r fjrn United StatesJiartLcrorn., dunngthe fiscal voir enilnr awhof

mi u. .no uiiawinr snpp tea. so os uriivcrcmat the offlre of theAaniiant Qutrtermsster JlarlneCorns. 1'hllsuelpbla, Pm., free ofexpen-- e to. theUnited States. -

Ths dallrery of ihe m'tlelos embraced la c'ltsesnot. 1, x.mnaaio ouraraenee wituin seventy usys;tn eia.sea 4. 2. andl within ibrivd,T4andElie efl'tire qutntltr, r mil classes. tobe dellrerei withinsix months from dale of eontriet.- - l '.This office rvMtTes sae right to meeept bids (br the

wnole, apart, or ma Article otm class, as may bsacemcu nest tor ine interest 01 ma uorernmeut:, r - CLAS4-NO- . 1.

rardsakr.ble.Krrssr. all wool. 34 Inches wl te.(cxdualveof selvvnge.) to. weigh xloinees'iothejard. (nllgo wool dyed,! with whi,e'woolen seive g.

3,000 yardadark bine Kerseys mlt wool. 84 Incheswide, (excliielve or scire tge.) to weigh 42ounces to be yard, (Indigo wool dyed, ) with-white woolen selvedge.

1.SC0 yards dark blue Twilled Clots, mil wool, Mruches wide, (eaeulve of selvedge,) toifeiuiMDUDen so iuo rari,inuigu wooldyel.lwitlt white wooUnajlredge,

100 varus Scarlet Cloth, all wool. 54 Inches wide.(oxrlustvf of selvedge,') to weigh le ouncesiitho yard, (cochlnim! dyed,) with wu.tewooicu seircage.

CLAS 1 No. 2.2, SCO yards dark blue Flannel, for overaacka. all

wool, iinuigo wirui iijru.j c luciies wiue.(exclusive of selvedge,) to weigh 12 ouncesper yard, with whltu woatcn selvedge.

6,800 yards dark? blue Flannel, fbrehlrls, ail wool,fllidhro wooldred.127 lncnes wide, faxelo.slve of selvedge.) to weigh 8 ounces perjmui .iw nun- - nugicuinKDupc,

800 gray Blankets, all wool, to weigh 4 poundscli, so be wide, and

fre from craase. r - '3,600 palra woolen Socka, three sizes, properly

luaur utfuua uam.ira, ,)tu uouniB.nltwlste't ysm, to weigh 3 pounds per dozenpairs,4 free from crease,' '

. ,- CLASSNo, 3.4,000 yards whlto Ltnetu. for pants, B Inches wide,

to'wetgh 13 ounces per yard.S,Q0q yards white Linen, for shtrta, 80 Inches wide,-"- -

fo weigh 11 ouncaa per yard.'10,000 yards Cauton Flannel, for drawe-- s, 27 incites

wMer to weigh 6 ou nccs per yard..,300 yards Cotton Ticking, tor s, 30 lncit

wide,CLASS NO. 4.

oTOunlfurm Caps, complete, except pompons.800 Pompons, red worsted, mnd I

lnenea In,.2,400Fatlgne Caps, with cotrrs, to be rnsde of

nine ciotn, (tnaigo wool dyed,) witu orna-ments.

1,000 Stocks.230 Fatigue Cap Ornaments.

r LASS NO. 8U0 gross Coat Buttons, (eagle.)50 Jacket Buttons, (eagle.)24 " Vest Buttons, (eagle.)

800 setsEpsulette Bullion, (privates'.)I,6c0 yards Yellow Bludlug.2,0 " Red Cord.

10 swords for musicians, complete.10 bwoids for sergeints, complete.10 Drums, complete.

ICO Ratter Drum Urmds.73 Sumro Drum llimd.25 Drum Cords.43 sets Drum Snares.a boxwood B Fifes.80 pmlrs Drumsticks.

400 pairs Crcsount mnd Scale Strips.U Bed Worsted Saslies.

3 sets Epaulette Bullion, (sergeants.)10 Sword Scabbards, with mountings, 23 Inches

lono- br Ti wide, and K.lnch thick.10 Sword Scabbards, with mountings, 24 Inches

long by K wide, mnd K-- ln thick.I Eword Scabbards, with mounllugs, JIMlnches

long by 1 wide, and :n mica.S Sword Scabbmrds, with mountings. 28 Inches

loag by 1 wide, mnd thick,CLASS NO. .

6,000 pairs Bootes, (Infantry pattern.)C1.AS3N0.7.

400 Cartridge Boxes, without magazines,fito Bayonet Soabhards, with frogs attached.400 Csitrldae-Bo-x BeHs.too Waist Holts,a) Sword Frogs.40 Cartridge Boxes for Sergeants.

COO Knapsacks,an WaM Plates.(With the privilege of Increasing any of the above

quantities, not to exceed one thlrJ.)CLASS No. t.

For making and trimming the following articles.Till

Watch Coats.Uniform Coats for scrgennts, corporals, musi-

cian and prlratr a.Fatigue tots for sergeants, corporals, must-cla-

mnd privates,Wbolen Pants far sergeants, corporals, must,

dans and private..Linen Pants for sergeants, corporals, mualclans

and privates.Flannel Shirts.Lln:n Shirts.Drawers,Flannel saeka.Red and Blue Jackets for Boys.Med Sicks..Tie above mentioned mrtielea mutt eonronn to the

soiled standard patterns InMarina Corps, Marine Bairacki, Washing-

ton, D. V.; ASilstant Juartcr.nssters once, No.2J8 toutli Fourth tm-et-, Pbllsdulplila, and mt theMaiiieUarrscks,-Brooklyn- , Naw Vork. and Boa.ton, MatsichU'etts, where they osn be examined;and whenever the articles named above, or any portion of them, sall be considered ms not fully con-forming to smnrplei, they will be relsetcd, mud thecoutraetor will oe bound to fUrnlsS others ef toerequired kind at once, or the tiuartenaaster willfill the deficiency mt tho expense of the contractor.

Parmenta will be male upon accepted deliveries,withholding ten per cent, from thaamount of firstaccount rendered until second delivery Is made mndfruiu amount of seeondaccount rendered until thirddelivery Is made, and so on until eontraot is coin-p- i.

ted.A marantee. slrned br two nersons. whose re- -

snon.lblllty must be certified to by m United Statesdistrict judge, district attorney, or collector, mustaccompany eacn proposal, berwlse It will not beconsiaerea.

Ulank forms of nronosal ean be obtained nnon ar- -plication at this ofilve. the office of the AssistantQnartemia-ter- , Thl m'tclphla. Pm.; lh office or theAs,lstinl Qusricruirster, Marine Barracks, Brook-Iti- i,

N. Y., or the commanding officer mt Boston,Slai-S- .

Newspapers authorized to publish the above willsend th paper containing the first lusertlon to thisoffice for examine Ion.

The lildl r's placo of bnsloess or manufacturingestablishment must be stated In the proposal.

Proposals to he Indor. d n the envelope. "Pro-pos- tl,

for Class No. fur the a.-l-" andaddrcscd lo

MAJOR WILLIAM B. SLACK.my4 Quartermaster U. 8. M. C.


JEFrEi'tovviLi-- Depot, iOT TnEQrARTEnalA.ITLR'a

JtVFKKsONVlLLX. IMD., Aprll37, 1S74. 1By authority of the Quartenn aster General of the

Army, sealed propo,als. In triplicate.) under theusual conditions, will be received at this ottiee until13 o'clo k in., uu WEDNESDAY, the lvth dayofJune. 1474, for the delivery at tills depot of Pitts-bur- ir

Coal, Oats. Hay and Straw, and Statlonery.tnquantities as required from time to time, duringtho ilscal jcar beginning July 1, 1874, and endingJune', lO.

besleil proposals (In triplicate) will m'0 bethis office and at the office of tho United

Mates tjuartermaster at Newport Barracks, Ken-tucky, to be opened on the .nine day mud at thesame hour, for the delivery mt that ststlon of HardWood, nttsburg Coal. Corn, Oats, Hay and Straw,In su.-- quantities as required from time totlme,during the Ilscal yesr eudlng June 3f, 1975.

Hid, for any portion of the supplies will be enter-tained.

Separate bids for Fuel, Forage and Stationeryshould be made.

The Gorcrumcnt reserves the right to reject any.or all bids.

Blank Proposals and Information as lo the esti-mated quantities that will he rvqnlred. terms ofcontract,'' and payment. Ac, can be obtained bypersonal orwrltten application to this office.

Lists urine artlclcsofstat ontry required will mlsobe rurnlshed on application, and bidders for samewin deposit-sample- of the articles they propose tofurnish, beforo the opening of the bids.

JAMES A. EKIN,Deputy Quartermaster General U. S. Army, In





Ornrr. nv RrptRlSTMnZTT. Mars. 1S7

Sealed rioposals will be received at the office oftho euperlut. uileuluutli 12 m. iif the l?lli day orpir. io, iur lurii'suiiig. usiivrrinr. siuuj iu

la placo the wuulo of the VYrouglit-Iio- uSuiting and Lathing rciu.rea for the build-ing.

tuples of the specifications maybe had and theplans seen on application at this office.

All scaffolding redulred by tho contractors toput the work In place will be iiiru'shed by tiie Gov-ernment free of charge, but will be erected by thecontractors.

Paymeuts will lie made monthly, deductingten per cent,, unlU the final completion of the.nntnrt.

All bids mnst be accompanied by m penal bond oftwo resronsioie persons in sue sum ot ten tuuuaauutnll.p. laio.aul that sua hlddar will aceent all! ner.fur ji the contract If awarded him, the suulcleniy oftne security to oecemcea ip uy tne unuea oisirsJui'ge, Clerk of the United States Court, or theDistrict Attorney of the iUtrlct wherein he resides.

The Department reserves the rltht to releclanyor all bids if It be deemed for the Interest of theGovernment to do so, or to subdivide toe variousltemsofwork aooug the different bidders, at Itsoption. Every bid must be made on the printedrorm. tobeotitslnid in this olCc. and mustcon-ror-

In every rrsptct to the requirements of thisadvertisement.

Pronoisla will not be received from nsrtles whoarenotthimielvcs engaged In the manufacture of

rongut-lro- n rurrmgann L,aiiiing. ana wponavenot the necessary fad iltlel forgetting out the work.

1'ropossls tll be inclosed In m sealed envelope.Indorsed "Bid for Wrought-Iro- n Furring mndLmthlng,"mndmddreisedto

CALVIN T. HULBURD.myWt Supeiiutendeut.



OrncE or Sotzbistexdest.May 4, ie7t. iSealed proposals wUl he received mt the office of

the nunerln.endent untli 12 in. of the 1st dmr O

June. i8,"4, for furnishing, delivering, fining, andnnltlnir In tiIscm ltiA Klevatora and Comblniia Ele.ritors and stairs of Comer Pavilion all as exhlb- -ttoa on tuo urawings, aescnueri in tne specinca-tlon- s,

or called for In the Schedule.Copies or the Drawings, Specifications, and

Schedule may be bad on application at thisoffice.i AH aeaffoldlna reoulred br the contractors to nutthe work In place will be furnished by the Oorernment xrce Ol cuargc, out win oe crecieu. oy sue

will be made for each Elerator eomplttr, mnd for eicli Combined Elerator mnd Staircomplete.

The Elevators of" Divisions 1 and 2 mnst becompleted within three months from the date ofacceptance of proposal, and the Combined Ele-vators mud Stair within sis months from samedate.

Tho contractors will tie required to work for 1 period of two years.

Payments will to raid a for each Elevator on Itscompletion; less ten (10) per cent., which will be re-tained until the ClorAtors have been satisfactorilyt..tai4 rnpl hunerlAd of alv month,.

Ait bids nuit be accompanied by a penal bond, Inthe sum of twenty. fife thousand dollars, (t25.0X,)mat tne Diaoerwiii accept ana periorm tne contractlr awarded him, the sufficiency of theraecurlty to becertified bymnUnited States Judge, clerk of theUnited States court, or the district attorney of thsdistrict wherein he resldcs.- - .

Tlie Department reserves th right to reject anyor all hl&a (fit he deemed' for the Interest of tneOorrrament to do so, or to award each division to m

different biddtr.'lt Its option. , ; rAny bid that is not made on the printed, form, to

be obtained this office, mnd does not conform to therequirements ot tuts maTenisement, win not nc con

nronoasl bareerlTed fromparties who are not engaged In the manufactur of

Proposals will be Inclosed ln sealed. IndorsediRlda forEleTalorg, Ae. mnd addressed tOj

C. T. II ULBURD, n ATlilt


Omcz A. 0. S., )jiqjit. tvasirri-a- . v a.r atayv, ss,s, s

Sealed propossls In duplicate will bo received mt

tuis allied nutll IS in. .am ., ., luriuriiiaiiiii tuoFresh Beef required by theSubilstenee Department,United States army,.at this station during the sixmonths commencing July 1, 1874. Also, or suchchoice cuts of fresh meat u may be required by theofficers and ttxtr Jatmllles.. "

.f .'; .'Information a to conditions, qOAlttyor beef, pay- -ment ' "

irst i. smcnaai oecouu Ariuicrr, a, t,. o,tai- - Z ' ' . .t ...


BT DTJJfCANSOX BBOAAuctioneers and Commission Merihints.

Southeast comer of Ninth and D streets northwest.



lsuifrit.ASE, stu., ACOn TnUBaOAY MOKNINQ, Mar It, ommerae-In- g

at 1) o'clock, we will soil th above lo front ofour auction rooms,AUO,

1 barrels fine whisky.2 barrel molaa ex.11 barrels blackberry brandy.4 boxo. tobacco.myll . DUNCAN30N BROS., Auctt.

BY TIIOJIAS E. YTACOAMAN,Real Estate Anctloncer, 519 8renth street.

Byr:rtueoradrl of trust front James T. Pikeana wirs to the undersigned, dated January 1. 1372,and recorded in the Land records for Washingtoncounty, in the District of Columbia. In I.tborTfo.670, folfa 7. and by the wr tten direction of on: orthe panic thereby secured, holdtnga noteorerdnemnd unpaid, we win, on THURSDAY, the 14th dayv, ..i. a. v. uiai b oTioot p. m.. oucr tor earnat pubis auet'oiulB front of tne premises, to ther. the following parcel of ground InWashington city. In the District of Columbia, thatli?'J Lot numbered twenty-si-x (2)) of UoldenA Ford's recorded subdivision of siuare nombe-e- dthree linndred and twelve (111.) Improved by a de-sirable three-sto- ry brick house.

Terms of sale prescribed try the deed or trust are.the amount of indebtedness recured br the deed ottrust unpaid, together with the expensesof sale estunvtedlohe about 81.2 5, and the residuaIn sir, twelve and eighteen months, for which theno'esof the purchaser, bearing Inteieit from thedayorsale, anlaernr-- d by a deed of tnst on theproperty, win be required. One hundred dollar depos.i wla be required mr mcceptmnre of the hid, andalleonreyanclug at thceo.t of the purctira-- r. IIthe terms of sale are not compiled with In one weekfrom tli day of sale, Jhe trustee rcsarre-Tb- - rlihtto resell the property ante risk and cost of thepurchaser at any tlma trMreaftermftorten

e In The Natkj.tal ItaruBLtCAX.J?B W1L85NHEB0!,' rtnutcc.

X AWNBROKER'S SALE.n, K. FULTOK,.netlonrer, will commence the

sale of his unredt emed forfeited pledges at au't'o j,mt UtiPeunsylranlmmrenue, betivceB rweif,h aulThirteenth slre-t- s, south side, eonslstlng or tinego d mnd silver Watches, and In fict almost everyroncelrab'e variety ef merchandise, on THURS-DAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, May 14,11 andj. .... o'clock a. m. mnd 7 o'c'ock D. m. : said wile tocontinne WEDNESDAY, May 20. and rONDAmndTUESDAY, June 1 end L at tne stme nouraosame place, U.K. FU.LTOhf, Auctlone.r.


BT JAMES GUILD, Anctlonoer,Sims ircnnsyivaa mavenuo.


On THURSDAY. May 14, at i.Ji o'clock, we willsell In tne auction rcoma,lC14 Pennsylvania avenue,Roses. Geraniums, Ac.

myu-2- t JAMES QUILD, Auctioneer.

B Y GREEN tTVtLLiA3IS,AnctIorieer,No. 1X1 northwest comer Tenth and D sts.


On THURSDAY, the 14 h it 10 o'clock m.m.,'wesuan sou wnninour auetlon rooms a une as- -sariimnt or line nucx walnut Furniture, con-sisting ofFine Par.or Suite, upholstered in Wool Terry;HandsomeMlrror.Uack EtegeretUpholstered Fancy Chair aud Marble-T- op Table;I. idles' Wrltltig-u- e ks and Reception Chairs:Twohandsomoltlack walnut Dresslog-Cas- e Suites;Blackjyaluut Wardrobes;BlackQTalnut Wing Book-Case- very fine:Handsome Black Walnut Sldtboard, cost giS);Black Walnut I'lllar Extension Table;)il:ek Waluut Dining Chair and Side Tables;Fine BcdandTiirkl.u Lounges, Ar.

Peia us wishing first-cil- ia Furniture will do welltontteiid ill's sal.'.

TernncoJi. OBEEN A Auctioneers.

toY LATIMER k CI.EAHY,--13 Auctioneers and Real Estate Brokers.Southwest corner Pcnn, and Eleventh St.,


On THURSDAY EVENINO, May It at 7;xio'olock, and continuing each evening during theweek, we will sell by catalogue at our auclUnroom.Tne finest assortment of OU Chromos ever offered

u Washington.Tbeae chrotn&i are from the best Am-rlr- and

Ku'opesn artists, abd a they will be poaltlrlrold, offer m r ra opportunity to obtain beautiful

ana upcriorpieturisatiow prices.Terms cash.

LATIMER A CLEARY.myl3--3t Auctioneers,

Fata re Dayi.

BY ORF.E.V Tf ILLIAMS, Anf tlon'lg.-- to. luui, uoriiiwesi corner Acnia mna u sts.



vit virtue of certain decrees of the Sunreme Cnnrtof the filitrlct of Columbia. I will oiler for sale atpubtlo auction, on the premise j.on MONDAY, May5l 14TS. il A nctn-- k n. m.. that v.lnahl trace nfland near Mount Olivet cemetery, in the District ofColumbia, and being part of a tract called "LongMeadows." mud contained within tie followingmete and bounds! Beginning for the same at aton marked "1," standing on tlie eastern side of

tne turnpike road from Washington city to Bladens-bur- g,

mnd thence running south 63 degrees east 40percbra, ll.cnes north 27 degrees east 4) perches,thence north 63 dsgreas west 40 perches to said road,aud thence along said road to the placo or begin,rlnr. with the lmnrovements thereon.consltliuo' ofm subs tan tlat two-sto- rr brick dwelling of ten rooms.witn state root ; staoie, wen mna pump, xruit

Terms 'of sale: One fourth cash; the residue infour equal instalments at six, twelve, eighteen andtwenty-fou- r months from dsy of sale, with Interestat eight per cent, per annum. The title to bo re-

tained until mil or the purchase money, with Inter-est. Is paid. If the terms of site are not compiledwlthwlthln seven days from the dayof sa'e. I re-serve the right to resell the prorjerty at the rl.k andcost or the defaulting purchaser. All conveyancingat purchaser's cost. Two hundred dollars on ac-ceptance or bid.

ailtiifur,t, u mn, uusniiin,JAjrKSS. EDWARDS, Attorney.UREEN A WILLIAMS.

Mar.j Auctioneers.

BT D. II. tYAItXER,Krai Estate Broker and Anctlonecr,

Federal Buildings, corner Seventh and F sts. N.W.TRUSTEES' BALE OF VALUABLE UNIM- -

I'ltOVEIl I'KOl'ItTY ll THE OHTIl Wr.KTCORSF.ROF FOliltTEF.NTlI ANOT STREETSNORTHWEST AT AUCTION.llr virtue of a deed of trust, dated Anrll 3a. 1673.

duly recorded In Liber 713 et seq., one of the landrccoras lor u ugion couuir, in tne jjisinci oiColumbia, ant ittue request of the party securedthereby, wo will sell at rnbllo iuc.lon.ln front of tliepremises, on TUKD VY, May 20, 1874. ato o'clock

in., the't real estate, sltuatelnfi. city or Washington. D. C, to wit: All thatcertain piece or parcel of ground known mnd de--scriotUHBaioiioiniiuucro iunc,ii,nuvju.niuuui'hcred two hundred mud fire, (XAlasthesamelslalddown on the plat or plauof said square, said lotirout'ng cisutj Ibl'i left on r uunrviiiu atirr-- t one hnndred ( 100) feet on T street nortn. togetherwit'i the improvements couslsttngor i r

md basement frame dwelling end m one-sto- brickstore.

Terms: One third In cash, and the balan-- e at sixand twelre month, fjr which the note of the pur-chaser, bearing Interest at ten per cent, from thedayof ca'.e and secured by m deed of trust on theproperty sold, will be tmken; 6 ino will b j requiredas a deposit at time of sale. All convey mclng atthe expense of the purchater. If term, of sale arcnot coinp led within aeTcnrdays, thetrust-e- s retcrvetlie right to resell tl e property, at the risk mnd costor th: defaulting purcuaacr, mf tor five days adver-tisement. . .

1VIUL.1ASI ailinvAai, i Trostee.OEOKGE U. PLANT i JJ.T.O'-DWEr.- L,


BY IATI3ir.n A CLEAnY,Anctloncer and Real Estate Brokers.

Southwest corner or I'cnn. avenue mnd Eleventhstreet. Star Oincc Building.


Court of the Mstrlet or Coluinbla, pes el In m

a'ltepencl gin aa'd court, bctwten ltarajy p.Poltsetm'.aul Lojlri E. Potta et nl., mud No.en. r,quty uoraet iz, i, tne ttusice appoiuicu ,ualddecrc , will ic'.l at public aurtlon, on MON- -

OAl, lUI.9iaDI MIT, lUUSni, SI, U CIW. l. .,nart nf i.nt XI. In umam 1VT. Iiarlmr m front onrercnteenth street, between U and I street), ofnny-tw- o (3.) fe- -t and eight (! e s. wim a oentnof one liundrtd mnd flfly-tlv- e (155) fvet, mnd 1m--prorea oy m eomionmuie nrica uwciiin-iivu.- e.

Thlanrnnvrtr was th retldenee of the late JohnPotts, tor inauy years the chief eltrk or the WarDeptrtment, and Is most eligibly situated In anelghboih o I that Is belug rapidly and most naudutmMr Imm.tMi

Thr iltius of sa e shall be mi follows i One third oftne purcnase money must ue paia so cmsii, mna tncbalancelne,nilln'imIuicntsluone. twp and threeyears; tucpurclias-- r to xtvuiur such uncrrcu hla nrnmlsnrv Hotel, tccuiltl to tile sttlafac.tlon of thetniatejandbearluglnte-i-s-t at the rateof eight per ptrannum. A deposit of 8 .CO at tlma of .ale.The trustee jeservea the right. If the terms are

not complied with In fin days, to resell at risksndcost of defaulting purchaser. All conveyancing at

W. It. TVEBB, Trustee,LATIMER A CLEARY.' Auctioneers.


irifimvnTfiv rriTV.By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for

Montgomery county, as i court or equity, pitted Ini cause in said court, wherein the First NationalBinkof Wsjhlnrton Is complainant, and CharlesA. cccieston ana aianna a. cccictiuu, mi wuc,am .f.nd.nta. the subscribers, as trustees. Willoffer sale to the highest bidder, atKnowlrs station, on the Metropolitan branch oftne Aiatliuiore mna vnio rauroau, in uiu juuui.gomcry county. onnAioitiJAt. jiay-- . is,s, atiio'eloom m, ru., the tract of land decreed to be sold In

This firm Is sltnated In Montgomery connty,fronting on th Union turnpike, (commonly calledth BrookvUie, pike.) about aeven or eight milesfrom the city or Washington, via said turnpike, andabout one and i hair mile from Forest Glenn sta-tion, on laid Metropolitan branch rallroadt adjoins

farms of Messrs. Wm. A. Batcbelor. FrederickIheStanton, George Know lea and Michael J.Brown,and til acres, more or let. The land 1 Inm highly improved condition, well Inclosed wllh

mnurall fane, and Is regarded by all who knowfiost ink most desirable land for cultivation to bsfound In that who section of country. There Ison the premises a large young apple ind peachorchard of choice trees.

The improvements consist of a number of gooddwelling-house- s, among which ire 1 reeently-fin-Isht- d

tlirae-sto- ry frame house, containing fromeight to twelve rooms, built mfur the modern styleol arcuucciatc, uututt1 rmme house, until recently occupied ms the home oftne ACClcston imams, uu uiss iivmivun:, uvkocenrdsd i store end dwelling, which is situateden tne turnpike. In i very eligible location forboslnes;,apd around which alrssdy centre

Connected with toe dwelling-hous- e

shove mentioned are all the usualTh property l well wooded and watered, ind con-venient to post office, churches, school and mills.

Terms or sale, as prescribed by thedscreti Thewhole purchase money to be pld In cash on the dayof sale, and on th ratification of said aal and thepayment of the whole purchase money, (and notbefore,) th trustee will by i good ind sufficientdeed, executed mnd acknowledged aocordlng tolaw, convey to the purchaser or purchasers. Ms, her,or their heirs, the property mnd estate to hire, her,tr them sold, free.clear and discharged or and fromail claims or the parties totals cause, mnd of mnyperson or persons claiming by, from, or tinderthem or ny.of thm.

Conveyancing at rue cost of purchaser.TilOMAS ANDERSON. lT,i..wv.vrtMWtiiittiit-- J- N. B. This farm will "b iold as mtrentlrttj orln

lots to suit purcbsiirfVindUrueslrtble, the tru.tees eanprouably obtain fronvth conrtft moalficm-tlo- n

of the above terms. .. . ,.mylMK Trnitee.


WA8HtOTOX,D.'C.My4.lJ74. Ibeaeldat Tmblte auetlonjlntne hlrb

est bidder, oa:TUUR3bAY..My21, U74, it threeo'clock p. m on the White, lot, south of the Treas-ury Depjtrtment, number of Desk. Pigeon-bol- efljss-- s, tnaira, v.arpeia, plaiting, aiooas, sou ou

Termsi Caslron delivery.'' 'A dejioilt-of'te- n ipercent, will oe requirea at iiu."";,.

my7-2- l ' ActfugCaief (Jrlt Trtajjuy Dcprt.


PT THOHA8 DOWTJWO,J-- Lonlilana arenue, two doors east of Seven til it.

THS.yS?X,D.Ki3BBI-- RISIDENCI. WITH."PD,S2,VADJlAraiNO,ON OEOBOE-AUCTl-' aXL AT a"11"0-"."JL.TT'i f?J !,i fTon of " premlie. on

SATURDAY, May ji. it 8 o'eieok p. m '..thehouse and groun- - bounled by Seventh d Eighthand High and Frederick streets, on Georgetownnelghts, owned ind occupied by the heir or thelate VlUiam Robinson, known a Robinson' ub-d- lv or lot Nos. 231 to 243. Incta lire, I n Bsttty'sand Hawkla's addition to Georgetown. Bald prop-erty to bo offered a m whole orln lota, to suit those

resent Th improvement consist oti large brlekSwtlling-hous- e with ill the modern improTenwntaigas, water and sewerage, also m atmDle. and tene-ment ror hostler. The ground are well laid out form garden, and are orcameoied wlttt fruit trees,or ergreaus, and flowers of tbtr most choice; ind rarekinds.

Terms orsaie (wmea wui oe iioerai; win ne madeknown on day of amle. Any one who msy desire toKurdtase will be furnished with m platofthejrround

at the office or Bltley A Cor. "vernonkow.t'Penajylvantmarenue, the auctioneer, or onthepremiiea. AU'conreyanclngat the coat of thepurchaser. A depoilt of two and m bmlf per cent,of themmountof the purobaswl! be reoujrea onthedayofaale. THOS. DOWLINO.

nryS-t-d Auctioneer.

BT B. II.WAirNEltVrteai Kstate uroaer ana Auctioneer,

No. 729 Seven th street, between O mnd HV


1873, mnddulrrrcordedlnLtberNo. 714, folio 405,and at the leanest of the party secured thereby,--will sell. In font of the premises, mt puhllo auc-tion, onTUESOAY, June 2, loTs, mt o'clock mm.,the rollow!ne-descrtt- d real estate, situate In with-lngt-

city. . c, to wit: All tnat certain piece orparc-- 1 of land deacrlhcd on the ground plat or planof ealdcltyaa i part or lot numbered ten (10), inquire numbered right hundred ind fortyilx (316),

beginning at apolnt SO foctsonth front the nortn-we-st

comer of said square, ana running thencsoiiuixircetftlteucsaastoifeetllnrb; theacenerthx) feet, and Jbcnce west 2 net and 1 Inch, to theplacj of togettitr with the Imnrove-iuen-t,

consUtlng of a two-sto- frame dwelling,with lire rooms. - "'

Ternm Sue, wltK Intereit it ten per rent, fromFebruary ii. 1874, to dsy or sale, mnd expenso orsateIn ca-h- : balance In blx and twelve months, rorwhich the notes of the purcMser, bearing Interestfromdsyor sale, anise nred by i deed of trust onthe property, will be taken. A deposit of $3 j willbe required at time of sale. If termt of sale are noteomnllad with In seven days, the trustee reiervathe right to resell the property at the risk and costof thederaultlnx purchaser, fire days' adver-tisement In some on or more newspapers

In Washington, D. CE. M. WEnBER,Tnistee.J. T. COLD WELL.

ap3ThBI&da Salesman.

BT B. II. TFARNEK,Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer,

Federal Buildings, corner Seventh and P sts. N.W.TRUSTF.E'3 SALE OFALTIABLP SQUARE

OF UKOUND (NO. 382) IN THE NORTHERNPART OF THIS CITY.Byrirtneofidcedor trait. dt:d Mays. A. D.

137A and duly recorded In I.lbrr No. rollo 4i4,Ac, of the land records ror Washington county.D.C, and by th direction of the party scouredHi reby. 1 will fell, at public auction, on FRIDAY,the 22d day of May, A. D. 1S74, at 1:30 o'clock p. m.,In front of the premises, all or square numberedthree hundred and sixty-tw- (34) In the city ofWashington, D. C. This property will be soldsubject to m prior deed of trust, m statement ofwhich will be exhibited mt tho sale, mnd mlso sub-- J

c: to the payment or the taxes.This properly Is perhaps on of the most raluahle

unlmpiored aquare la this city, mnd m similarfor Inreatmeut Is rery nrely offerel.

Terms orsalet Cash (f.OOO, of which $000 must befaldataalr. The deferred payments to be made In

month after the dayof sale,with Interest, and cured by deed of tru.t to theaalisNctlon or the trustee. Term or sale lo befully compiled with within fire daya after the dayor sale, otherwise the trustee reserve the right to

property after one week' notice mt therisk and cost or the first purchaser. All convey-ancing mt the purchaser's coat.

WM. II. WARD. Trustre.myl2 B. H. WARNER, Auct.

BV ITOIaDEX, flPEXCE A CO.,Aucuniierri ana iteai J&siaio uroaen,

SU rennsylTaalaTenne.

DTlrtueofadcedof trust to me, ditd Anrnst1 li7, record c J In .IbercTJ, foUoQ3, one of the landrrcurds for the countr of Washington. 1 shall otTerat pnbllo sale. In front of tho premises, at lxo'clock, p. en., on FRIUAr. thelilh of May, lS7kE art of lot number J! re (S), In squire anrabervd one

undredand onr, (KM,) tetytiing to tlie plat orftroand plan ofthe city of Wasblngton,for the same on north U street, slxtocq fet westfrom the southeast comer of said lot. thence westtwenty-fou- r feet, Chenc north to the rear line ofaald lot, thence east twentr-foa- r feet, thr nc soutato the place of beglnnlnx: together with the

thereon, cousliling of a mall brlctand frame house.

Terms of sale, ctsh, of which fifty dol-lar mast be paid liomsdlatcly after sale, and thebalance In sia twelre, and elzliteei. months afterthe dayof sale, with tea percent. Interest, to be se-cured on the property by the purchaser! notes anda deed of trust

If tho terms are not complied with tn ten daysafter sale, the property wil. bere-eol- d at the t

and cost of the dtTaultlnz purchaser.All the co-i- t of doed ana recording to be at the

expense of the purchaser.31. P. CALL?, Trustee,CUABLESn.cItll'rEN,



The auetlon sMe of the rlshta to occudt the Stallsand Standit nflho Wiahlmrton Market LumranriorVie term of thrre years from July 1. 1374. subject tolae drtuicu, ui fciie rcn. iu3rciur( win cumin truce i.the utflre of said Company on the Market Grounds,onSATUICDAY. the iid day of May, A. I). 1874. atioo'ciock in ineiorenoon.anu win continue on iisaviday, and br adjournment on erery subsequent

until all are dliposed of.For additional Dartlcular. lnaulre at the Gom- -

panre Offlee.

' M. O. EMEltT, President.WA3niGTOX, Mayo. ISI. my7-l- it

BY W. I, ".VAEl. J-- CO., Anctloncers,New Marble Bulldlnr,

Nos. K and 9CC PennsylTanla arenue. corner mtiiv streets


wo will eell, at our auction rooms, the entire Ef-fects, Lease, Oool Will, Furniture, &c, Ac. ofabout 6) rooms, with 23 coltaKesaud malnbuiH-In- g,

large and spacious dlnlnir-rooi- odl.e. Ice-house, bowling alley and bll laM room,separate from the main bulldiui;, largeAnd spioiona wharf. Tne ro iroi are all farnUiodwith cottage and other furniture.

Terms: Ono half cash: battnce8and 12 months,with notes satisfactorily indorsed, bearing ln--

We wonld respectfully call the attention of buy-ers to the abor aale of this weUkuo-- andfaror-H- e

wa'.erln; plac, being close to this city, beingwithin a few hours rid) from .Waihlnjtton. andnearly daily communication. To any one desiringloenjage in iuc iu.iucm tun uucjxa nra iiiuiccments. By order of


my9 Auctioneers.

BY TIKIS. E. WAdtUMAX,ileal Estate Auctioneer, us sevemn street.


recorded In Liber J A S, No. 93, folio 4M et sea., oneofthe land records ror Washington ronnty, I). C,the undersigned trustee will sell In front of thepremises, mt public muetton. 01 TIIUSSDAY. thelit! day of June, 1:31, mt 0 o'clock p. m.. Lot 7, Iniquare zv.

Terms of sale: One third cash: balance In one mndtwo years, seenred on property sold, and to bearlntrrct from dsy of sale, or mil cmili. ml option o

A deposit of tltOwlll bo requlrM. mndfiurehaser. be compiled with In ate days, orthe trustee reswes tho right to resell mt risk mndcost orderautllns purchaser.



B Y WOHMLEY.t JOHXSOX,Ileal tstatauroaersanuAuctioneera,

lJUJjl'ennsrltanlm avenue.By virtu of m deed or trust to Daniel L. Eaton,

dated June 1, un, sud unier m decree of the su-preme Conrt of the District of Columbia, In equitrcause No. 3,234, docket 12, we will ill at public

Alay2I, li;t,mt3:S0o-c!oc- k p. m..In front of the premises, ail that piece orpifcelofground situate in the city of Washington, J). C,known end dvslgnated a part of lot numbered Ave.i3,)ln squats seven hundred and slxty-tlir- e (763):

ror the same at a point oj Second streeteast eighteen (13) feet north ofthe touthwesteornerof sld lot: running thence east eighty (80) feet:thence north eighteen (18) feet: thence west eighty(80)fet to Second street essl: thence south mlongthe line of Second street east eighteen (13) feet, tothe place of beginning.

Terms: Twenty-- e hundred dolIars,wIth Interestat 10 per cent, rrorn December 1, 1871, together withpremium for Inurauce end expenses of emle tn cash,mnd the balance In six (o) mnd twelve (U) months,for which the notes of the pnrchaier, bearing Inter-est from the day of the sale, and secured by a deedor trust 011 the property told, will be taken. Ade-no- s.t

or Alto will be required on the djr of sale.All conveyancing at cost of purchaser. If terms ofsslo mre not compile! with la live aiv tne trusteesreserve the right to resell the property, at the riskand cost ofthe drf mltlng purchaser, mnernvadavsm tvcrtlsemeut In some one of the newspapers pub-lished In the city or Waihltigton. Is. C.

(JKO. W. (.TrnateeaJ. w. ALVOBD.

myT-di- WORMI.EY t. JOHyScly. Auc'rs.H. WABXEIt,BYB.Real Estate Broker and Anctlonecr,

Federal Building, corner Seven ta and T sts.ft.W.TRUSTEE'S SALE OP TWO THREIVSTORY

i'ltAME DWB.LLINOS, HOB. JJOa mnd U10 LSTHKKT NllltTllWTJlT. AT AtltJTlON.By virtue of deed or trust, dated Januarr29,J

A. 1),IS7S, andduly recorded In Liber --No. Tie, follolsua, one 01 tne sanu recoras tor tt msiimgii-- cuuiitr.In thDlitrtct of Columbia, and by direction oftheparty secured thereby, we will tell. In front of theEremite, at public auction, on MONDAY, May 19.

o'clock, p. m.. all that certain piece orEsrcel of ground situate In the city of Waitalngton.

of Columbia, known and described uponthe ground plat of the plan of said city ma the emithalf of lot numbered sixteen, (13,) Id square num-bered oue hnndred and ninety-eigh- t, (ins.) frontingtwenty-stxan- d one hair ialMSftatonL street north,mnd running back with the same width ninety-on- e

(91) feet eleven and one half (11)4;) Inches to a pnb-llo alley, improved by two three-sto- ry frame dwell--

Tennst One third of the purchase money In cash:and lb balance at lz and twelve months, for whichth purchaser or purchasers will be required to givebisor their promissory notes, beaiinglntret atthrate often (10) per cent, per annum from the day ofa tie, snd secured by deed oftruit on ths premises.A deposit efgm will be required on day of tale. Allconreyanclng at' the purchaser's cost. If term ofsale are not compiled with tn ten day the trusteereserves the right to resell the property at the risk,and cost of the defaulting purchaser or purchasersafter five days' advertisement In some one or mornewspaper j)ubllshfd in Washington city. D. C.


X. .COLDWELL. Salesman.

BY THOMAS' DO WLIJIO, AnctXo. Hi Louisiana arenue. second door exit

of serenth itreet.

TRUSTEES' SALS O, VEBY'T.LKOArTP AtTDIIE3IKAHL.E HE3I NCS ON K. BTBCET,viAmi,i aA . tnw.sstr JAAM . Buuanr.Rwlptnn Af SMdAr trait. hMtl nr Hits on lha

eth day of March, A. D. 1172, mnd duly recorded InLiber V. 370, folio 430, tc.j of the land recordsfor Washington county. D. C., mnd by the writtenorder of tb party secured thereby,-w- will Mil atpnbllo auetlon. In front of the Trremlses, at ai'eiock ftTa., on SATURDAY, the letodarof May,A, D. lS74,an or lots numbered fire (1) and six. (J, j

in Davidson's inhdinsloB of square numbered twohundred; and forty-e- lf ht, CHHo the city of

contlitlngof one of the mot (legant prtratmreal.dence In the elty.

Terms of salt One-ta- lf cah, or which fir hun-dr-

dollar (WOO) must be paid mt ths sale, the de-ferred payments to bentade In equal payment inilx, teivlghtitnndtwenty-rourrnonthj,wlt- h

lntlrest at tn per cent, per annum from dtyofjtlo,and secured bydeed of tmitand Insurance ro theatlifaetlon ofthe truiteeu- - The terms of sale to be

fully compiled fire-da- after day-o-r

ale, otherwise the trustees reserve the sight to re-sell ld .property after one; week' notice, at therisk sud coat of first pqrcliaer. All couveyanclpg

" TUOJLASl)OWLrKO.tny7-t-4 1 -

, Auctioneer. -


Y THOJUS JE. WAOaAafArT,MM Mi.tu AiieeMfuorji. oeTenui street

"ISETX'XO?JrAM1!l.?J"ST BOWT1SJ A TT AVn A I ssarj RXXT ilOKTH- -WEST.On 8ATUBDAT. Mar IS, mt t o'clock p. m.. Isnail offer for male at public auction. In front or thepremises, th aborm property. Lot XL! by 1x3 feet

sv ause. sciaitiisjvi m,UO. X. TTAGOAMAN.

mylt-t-a Auctioneer.

BYGBEEJf A WIXIJAXS.AoetI.ii'rsscornerTenth mad D street.


On WEDNESDAY, May 20. tWt, commencing t11 o'olock, m.. we shall sell at No. t Knglne-iJou-

on IT street, between Twelfth mndThlrteenthstreetanorthwest, the following condemned lir) Appa-ratus:

Wheels.3, COO feet Rubber mnd Leather Hose, mor) or less,

suitable for contractors and watering purposes.Lot assorted iron.'Abe attention of shoemaker and other-- called

to the sale, a tne leather In the hose 1 of goodguilty. To be sold In lots to salt purchaser. Maybe teen at No. 2 Encine-iiou-s mny day prior to dayof sale. Tsrmaeash.

By order of fire Commissioner.' URIEN WILLIAMS,


BT JLATTJf EB A C LEAST, .Auctioneers and Real Estate Broken,

Southwest eornerorpenusylrantaarenue and Eler- -cuui aitvcs, bw uittco nuuujng.


MARKET..Unler mud br virtue of m deed of trust d,fe

Mar oil 14. lull, and duly recorded In Liber 6 10, folio425, being one of the land record for Washingtoncounty. In the District of Columbia, andby thewritten renuest of tba nartr aeearcd therebs- -' I willsell at paMla auction In, front of. the premises, onp. m.,.mpartof lot numberel nloe, (u.) In sqnaranumbered three hundreil and ciararr-tw- (382.1having a front of Dftisn (i.l) feet oa Ninth streetwest, neing tne (smawnicii was conreyea to ,iounn. traro-o- accctsta aocu marura in uiwr,, a8. No 31, folio 231, Ac one or tho land records forWathlnrton coantv.D. C. tozether with the lnv--

BrOTemeut thereon, consisting of a four-stor- y

This property is one or tne mostraiUDe busi-ness stands in the dty.

Terms of a tic: 6281. rraldue in 12. 18.24, and 30 months, with Interest from thedar of sale,at 10 per cent, per annum. All eotreyancing mtcost of purthis-- r. Three hundred dollars down mttime ot sale, tl luiieimaoi aaio aro no, cumpucuwith In ten days frOJi day of sale the trustee re-serves the right to resell the property at the riskand cost of the deranltlng purchaser, after glrlngfire dar.' notice tn some nLWsoanor nu bushed in theuty of Washington. SAM'L CROSS,

CMirTivint; i rn.tce.LATIMER A CLIiRT.mylldAda. Star Auctioneers.

BY IjATIXEK & CLEARY,Auctioneers and Real Estate Brokers.

Southwest corner of lVunsTtvania avenue mud Elev-enth street. Star Office Building.



March 14. 1A.1. and rinlr recorded In T.Iberf . folio415, being one of the land records for in lha nf ann h. Ih.written renuett or tlie partrsecured thereby, I willsell at public muetion. on the piemlais. on TUES-DAY, tho29th day of Mar. 1874. mt o'clock, p. m.,the eas'crn part of lot numbered twenty. (20.) lusquare numbered two hundred snd fifty. (ZiO,) limv-I-

m front of elrhteeu feet one Inchon north Istreet, and running hark with tne sime width totbeout!icrnor rear line or ssld lot. together withthe Improvements lliereon, consisting or m wc'.l-bu- llt

tiiree-a'.or- brick Dwelling, with two-sto-

Back Bnlldiue, containing In all about tea rooms,with bath-roo- range, hot and cold water, marblemantle, Ac

This property Is situated tn one of the moat nt

and pleasant locaslous in the dry. andshould command th attention of persons desirousorsecurlngmdeilghtfulliome.

Terms: One fourth cash: residue In twelre, eigh-teen, twenty-fo- ind thirty months, with Interestrrorn day or sale at ten percent, per annum. Allcom eyanclng mt cost orpurehaier. Three hundreddollars down M tlmeof sale, lr (hetrrinsor asleare not comp 1 d with In ten days from day of salethe trustee reserves the right to retell the properlymt the risk mnd cost of the defaulting purchaser,

r giving five days' notice In some .newspapernabiisuedln the city of Washington.

SAMUEL CIWS8. Surviving Trustee.LATIMER. A CLEAKi',

myll-U- CSlmrJ Auctioneers.TTNITED STATES M AB3H AL'S-- 3 ALL.

in vlrtneofm writ of fieri Paclas. Issued out of.1.. C. .....m. au.. f Ih. VtlatiH(cr (inlnlnhl.and to me directed, I will sell, at public sal?, forcash, on MONDAY, tho 23Ui day of Mar. 1374,commencing at 13 o'clock m. m., beglnmnrat the Ylrrinla-arenu- e bridge, and James-cree- k

canal and axlendlug along the Una or the creek.Ino rollowtnggooas ana cuaiieis. to wu, via:About (nAip.eres 3 by u pine and poplar lumber,

" 3k) bbls cement," sheet piles and lot turned pins,

Lot lumber In lime mudwrntsa-hous-s 220plcaobd

One machinery and steamapparatus.

Selrd and levied upon as the goods and chattelor Wm. II. Bratnirl nd James W. Wholly, andwill be sold to ntisfy execution No. 12,013, In favorof John U. Wholly and Jainc A. Irons.

ALEX. SITARIT.myll-dtd- s United States Marshal. D. C.


OrnciA. c.S., FosTMcnnsBT, Mb,, iApril 1. IS74.

Scaled proposmls. In duplicate, will be received atthis office until 11 a. m.. II AY 15, 1371, fr furnish- -lug the FRESH 1IF.RP roqulred by the SubsistenceDepartment, United State Array, at tills Matioo.

First Lieut. 2d Beg't of Artillery, A. C. S.

pBOPOSALS FOB, FRESH BEEF.Orrici: or Tilt Actiso CoMsiisBABTor )

Sr:ssiSTocr, WesT rotxT. N. Y.,April 23, lsf4. J

Proposals la dnpllrate will be received until 12m. on the '.5'h day or May, 1174, for all tbe Freshsteer flint mjvtM. rcnulrcd fir the Subsistence De--

at this point during the flMStl r endlcrSarlraeut lnrurmation an.1 conditions obtainedoi '. .... .i. ,,.?,..,,..,First Lieutenant Fourth Artillery, A. C. 3.



MontLX. ALA.. April 21. Is74.TTaaA a.."... fm esl a. vwtfl AaTea.aaTal'a'r'. .tslA IUIUwaie tat B gv.v.'v vnun. j sue ma amava. v us

less iii the main tlilp chsnncl. hirhor of CedarKey, Fla., wl.l be rcoelred at thlsoQlceuntll noon.jiiy 9 11.4, anu upenea iiniiir"iiaicij .ui'iiHiicra

Prlnte.1 bi-- forms of propoaals aul guaranty,leciliealions, instructions to oiuocrs au I auy Information Cin ba had onannllratlqn mt this

A. A. UAHIISLUCapt. of Engineer. U. 3. Army.


Offics A. C. S., iFonTRi Movnos, Vs., April IS. 1S74. J

SEALED 1'ROI'OSALS. In duplicate, will Ih re-ceived at thla offlee until tla. m.. Mav2a. Iii74. forfurnishing the FKESU DEltr required bytbeSnh- -sjsiruce lirnatiuint uuitws states jruij. at litisstation, during the fiacal yr commencing July 1,

Informttlcn to condition", quality, piymenta.4c, can bo obtained by application to

First Lieutenant Fifth Ef almcnl of Artillery,pl7 f A. C. 8


Subsistescx, FourCoi.UMBu". Nkv oxkHaKnan. Anrll 23. U74. lSealed propoals Induulleatewlll be received at

this office until 12 o'clock tu. May 23, 1874. for fur-nishing the Fresh lleef required by the SubsistenceDepartment, United States army, at this stationsud New York city, during the Ilscal year com-mencing July 1, 1371. Information as to coadltlona,qnalityof beer, payments, Ao, can be obtained byappllf.tlon to It. O. RUTHERFORD,

First Lieutenant Twtlfth Infantry, A. C. S.lVJJ.


uuiii. i.ui,r wujifli.HiiAaiia. iLOClSVILLt, KT April 15. 1874. JSeslod Proposals, (In triplicate,) under the usual

conditions, mill he received at this office, and also atthe office or the. United States Quartermasters atthe several Posts named below, until 12 o'clock m..on WEDNESDA-Y- , the Soth day or MAY, Is74. fortne aeiivcryor miiitarriuppnei, aurinir tue nscatJcr "ci'uiuu.sniTi, to.s, auauuuiug auacJu,i9iK., fntlnwr.i

IVnurf r'nat. Cam. fist. Ttav and Slraw. at thefollowing-name- d Posts: Louisville, Lebanou, Lancaster and Frnnnort. sty.: raainviue. tiurooointand Chattanooga. Tenn. ; Hunuvtli and MountVernon, AU. , Atlanta mnd Savannah. Ga. ;cuarleaton. yoiumoia, loraviiia ana neworrry,S. Ct Fort Johnston, Fort Macoa tnd CmCcigu,

. f. . .nrt stv Ativnstlne. ls.Bid for any portion of tho supplies will be enter-

tained.The Government reserves the right to reject any

or all bids.Blank rropoiali and printed Circulars showing

tl.. ..iim.ti-- nuantlliea reoulred at each Post, andgiving fall Instructions as to tho manner or bidding,aud the terms of coqtract and payment, can b obtained oy personal or written application to maQnartermaitr mt tho rarloja posts, or to this?fflce. JAMES A. EKIN.Deputy Quartermaster General, Chief Quartermas-

ter, Department of the South. apu

MEDICAL.aal aai.hjii all

T1U IlOliER7.eJd.,XJ No. 413 Teuth street northwest, near Pennsylvania avenue, ofitie ror the special treatment ofail UlaCBSCS Ol in uiiivm-.s- Vl.w.. iwulong experience In both boap'.tal and private prac-tice, will guarantee a permanent and radical cureMfitn.rm.rnvrl.ra. nraj.Tnlnalweakneaa.tnvoluntarrseminal losses, 1m potency, mental and physical Incapacity, lUipeaimems to niarrise, c, auu tuoTenereaY and syphilitic maladies, gonorrhoea,gleets, itrlctures, and all dlteases of tpe skin, such. aenrwr aernfiila nleera. holla, blotches andPimples on the fsce and bodrs consumption, epilepsy, anu uts inuucaKi uy vr acuiextraragmnce. curedIn three tofiredayi. nvphllltio poison In all Itataees tradlcatcd from the system without tho useor mereury. Dr. R located for many yeaf; at 13

and 21 South Kutaw atreet Baltimore. Md.. hasconsented tuoteiimntruianent onto iiiWati!ig-to- n,

where be may be consulted erery Wednesdaymna smturuay in cacti wcca, ituui a to f .


ThlsunpiralleledsFeciflc u eompoundeain nature'al.i,,anft frutn tta miatc rower and unnrece.ri.nt.A ..f,faa,-nt- a the moA eminent men fnthLaavatiou nare, anermtuoruauaM hhu, .oat, ru--notiriceo it tne OniT sorereiga euieuy lor ITOIU'lPluaseand-Dlabtles- ; alio all Urlnary.ElmddermudLlrar Affections: alio Dropsy, Ac, Ac. To thesslndi of odt daltns may seem preposterous to

ecorapllah with Betneda Water thafwblch has aolong mnd itlll continues to baffie medical science. Weask but a ten. Do not allow your skepticism to beyour peril, it itii uhaqod-- i cure yon. licanno;certainly do you any Injary. Therefore avail f

, ha iriAat nlaaaant and efficient en ratlva ,.ever ffcrd to sutTerlPg humanity. The Water Ifor sale ml CHARLES SiOTT A CO.'S Drug btcrc.No. 410 Pennirlvanla avenue. Beware ot spnrlouswater. Aim tor ueiuesua, roriaia oy BTUTTVtl..aoi.iruraxiaia.for circulars tnd Bethstds HlfiHARn nitNnarL.DlreclorandGeaerUManager.BethesdaBptlng.WASHisarox. ember30.UT3. deull-i- y

- Malaga Fruit Company,408 --rncisrr-ear sxn-srE- T.


710 E Street, Opposite Vost Office De- -


KINDS OF OAST-OF- F WEAHINflA I'riai.lM.... ha ,l.t Sa aha vrrr Tjest md.

taTTtiVe by ddreailjor eailingSerenth

oniJ U3TU,northwest.

SotbymIuomsUr.lteudc4W. ...




put ha been on ths tiptoe to- hear ths cele-brated poet and orator, rather Bran, wasIJTatifledTucjsdaytilghtbjthemppearAnce of thatreTertna gentleman on ths platform ol Lincolnhall, in presence or a Tery large, ani litelUgun'tassemblajra of laJlea and gentlemen.

x miner rtjsji, mccomDaniedbrFrnthera KeaM.Bronlllet, and De Wolf, arid M-a- 1. E.Mallet and J. Carroll Brent, made' his appear-ance) upon the platform at 8:10 o'clock, andwai receired with a storm of applause.

THl LSCTUBB.Father Bran commenced by remarking that

he would, In ths manner of ladles, who some-times excused tbemselTe for not ilnjiny, apol-ogize for not luring lectured at the time irstannounced. He was unable to do so on. ac-count of Illness, and had been admonished byhis physician to give up preaching and lectur-ing altogether.

iii tne n reaa tne Bcnprare account oi tntrial of Jesus before Pilate, and proceeded tosay that he (Pilatei e rials faceof that prlsoaer never forjrot the' low' whispersi at answers, inejr naustea Dim ra me last.He then drew a trrld' picture-- ofthe Scons

between Christ, tue'nwek criminal, and Pilate,the haughty judge. The Kingdom "of Christwas not of this world. lis cams that he mightgfre testimony or the truth: "Out "of all thlacame the question,

WHAT IS TBUTnfIt was the old question, and the world had

never answered It. Men looked up to Heaven,and the blue lips of the sky failed to answerthe question They asked each other, andfailed to get an answer. Yet from erery gene-ration came the thought that man wants thetruth as ths earth wants the sun.

Poets wrote about it in clouds, and philoso-phers tried to And it tn human fancies; and aUtheir thoughts and theories upon the subjectwere concreted In the question of Pilate, "WhatIs truth!" The answer stood before him in theperson of Jesus. One year before he wastalking to the people; the multitudes werethere, and he stepped outside the line of hu-manity. He knew what they needed laws,lore, light, mercy, truth and he uttered thessmemorable words the words of a raid nanor of a God "I am truth." Pilate had askedthis man, "What Is truth!" and the answerstood before him.

The lecturer said he knew there were excep-tional minds that thought ther could lire without truth. Bat the lives of such men were theshallowest of tbe shallow, and minds were thomost superficial that tbourht truth was artificial. It was the old truth, exemplified inChrist as he stood before the world. Truthwas not the mere thought or fancy of man, forthe merely human could not guide the human.Truth was bom before us ; It was cradled before tbe earth : it existed Ion? before man.and he could not tear It into shreds, or cut It upto suit himself. It was superior to man, andhe could not drair it down any more than hecould drag down ths stars. Ths man whoantagonizes truth violates tbe inner laws of hisown intellect. Truth, hating been born beforous, was intolerant.

lie knew tbe boastful nineteenth century didnot like this idea, for thla was the age of tolera-tion. But there was no such thing as tolera-tion of truth. Two and two cannot make fire;light will not coalesce with darkness.

TBE TBUTH Or CHCISTwas Intolerant of all error. There was no"may-be.- " no "perhapa" In it. What. then.was truth! Mot opinion, not sentiment, notfancy; truth was higher, greater, deeper, wider,brighter than all these. It was robed in thoglory of God. There were many truths; butanything that is truth is absolutely true.There were social, political, philosophic, andscientific truths; but the supernatural wasBDore anu goremca an.

The nineteenth century was wise In its ownconceits, mnd some of its supreme minds, in-stead of tracing the origin of man to tbe heartof God, instead of ascending, descend, andclaim that oursprang from oyster shells. Losing? sight oftbe divine origin of man, they place him on anequality with tbe brute ol the Held.

Why, asked the lecturer, had science so sig-nally falledl If the sailor was not .raided br hischart, he could not securely sail; and if mandoes not lift up his mind to God, he will tnetl-tab- ly

fall, because ererythlng good Inhuman-ity was but a rcSex of the divine order. In thspolitical order, generations of men often goastray. In our own age we talk of humanrights, butrwe forget human duties. Look atEurope. Of course everything in our own Gov-ernment was good, and we take it for granted,because it is our country, that ererythlng isngnt. lAppiause.j nut iook over turope.He would not signalize instances, because(bey all read the newspaper", and they alwaystold the truth. Laughter. jl But

HOW WAS it in Ecnors I

In the political order there was lack of truth;men bad compromised, temporized, and seemedto have minds and consciences of India-rubb- er.

But truth could never compromise.Truth by Its essence was Inexorable. It waseither an eternal "yes" or an eternal "no."What was government! It was a manifestationunder various forms of political truth. Ifgov-ernments were controlled by political truth,there would be more or less of human happi-ness; but if they were guided by error, thspeople would be the sufferers. Yet high aboveall thess was ths supernatural. Truth was apersonality.

By his Church! This was the expression ofChrist through all time; and where is Christ!where are theso men! where Is Ht Church!

The reverend lecturer then alluded to thsvarious denominations of Christians, all claim-ing to have Christ with them, and inquiredhow many Chriits there were! Ths world wasin'a maze of mystery but ths everlastlDgneskof Christ's personality was eoqnected with thseverlastlngness of the men that were with himwhen He founded His Clrnrcli. Find them andyou find Christ; find Christ, and you findtruth.

The lecturer loved and revered the Bible.But as it was read, see what a variety of re-

ligious creeds were founded upon it. Oneminister called one way, another called anotherway, and it was no wonder that, amid theseconflicting Interpretations, men were In doubtand groped In

intellectual eclipses.But mere opinion was not truth. Elaboratingthese thougnts, Father Ryan proceeded to saythat ths man Christ of Palestine was thsChurch Christ of all ages, and that when hewas nailed to the cross it was thought by hisenemies that his name would be but s memory,but they never thought that they had nailedhim to the hearts of men forever. This manhad broadened out into a Chnrch reachingfrom the foot of ths cross to tbe end of time.If a Church claim to have Christ, It mustpossess his powers. His person without hispower la nothing. He must bs tho same al-

ways, because truth never changes, and theywho claim to represent him must be llko him.

The lecturer said he was not trying to prove)anything. Ho was only leading his hearers Intothe path of truth that they might dlscoverothertruths. Jle wanted them to Snd out the menwho exercised the roval powers of Christ, andthere tbey would find the truth. Here, in thisbeautiful city the capital of the greatest

on earth he did not know how manychurches or how rainy, ministers there were.But he had heard there were various denomina-tions. What a pity there were not morsChrist 1 But from one Calvary there could bobut one atonement, and from one Gospel therecould be but ono religion. Some there werewho did not believe in purgatory, which was


Others there were who did not like hell, whichwas hotter yet; and many there were who didnot like any particular form of church govern-ment, because they wanted religion served totheir tastes just as cooks serve their dinners!.What a pity wrong was not right! But rightwas right, and wrong was wrong, and bothwould so continue. It was not for him to saywhere were the men that Christ came to staywith, but wherever thoy were, there would bofound ths truth. These men do not compro-mise with error. Even In this enlightenednineteenth century In which the devil oftenholds the torch that gives the light you willAnd thess men living a life true to tho truthand true to Christ.

Thess are known by their lives ; Institutionsare known by their history. Find them andyou will And the truth. It can be found bythose who are willing to Investigate. Next topossessing the truth, it was necessary to botrue to it. Here the lecturer referred to thotruths of the political, the scientific, and thaliterary orders, showing that it was the divineIdea that gavs beauty to all of these. Haclosed by asking "pardon if he had uninten-tionally said anything to wound ths most sensi-

tive of his hearers, and warmly commendedthe objects' of the Young Catholic's Friond Soci-ety, for whose benefit the lecture was delivered,for charity was the "crown or truth, and allcould gather under its mantle, 'whatever theirdifferences in creed.

Tm French Government, aetlngon the re-

commendation or ths Committee. on.Fortln-catlon- s,

'has determined to keep for the next lireyears 5,000. pair or carrier pigeons ftr breedinepurposes for scrvics time. Each fortresswill have a mlUtary,p!, and each

1,000 birds. Two gert-er- al

f taUouiwUTlM established, at each orwhlchtJO.flOO plwons will be kept. - The Gorman Art--,resscs at Mct nd 8trajbt)urg!;haTet been Tor arear nast connected Vith olhetGernua forta ly

I a system ofcarrier pigeons.

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