library of congress · 2017-12-14 · for the tribune. sgmbxtr.;tsmat- d,r,j >*ae«....

For The Tribune. SgMBXTr.;TS Mat- D ,r ,j >*ae«. ^rLadr' Oft "thy pleasant rone OS' ssxasax-er Lt^ fc ^k VSfi ever dwell, with the.' l^^?odne.s--th»t them dost rejo., e Law ¦ Klr; .....tries for thine eye îîa »i^eg a^-e.of proud beauty burning «^!£^eer hght of aunsoft soflast sky ô^-Si eve. of symptthy sxxin-- «-ÄS'We. th. -ever soft and low <Ä' 0 LsdyJOo^yhejd fsuyi«*/?:.-.»« and earth, a thousand told be y^Tofbttven and earth, ' "U m s. Arxasaae-RailrBBde Tb« Uexl- »«*.*» * ran War. ¿BrrtaapuBdeace of The Tribune Lrrrta stoCB 'Ark Bto J.r .«Th. s*»- Weekly Tnboao of Mto uR there tended notre. Of « /'* ^V ,U ., wa tv Mesin Andrews A B- 2^-f-r.*** Coayo-p.« ^^^oí lia* wl-etkx. fo» Ma^inW od Co. JTtowpp'y*- Yg*r8r'° tsu'e,< n: St, absrsce th- *.>'; » - ".-' Tb^ ., Hot snd Hi«:.. * HaI (WU ^eauiV, cîiwrosan.1« 1 M. No atZ^suttaskbskbidBll N'olakd ig !"Do ."«V-thetr. ooiaxbotwtoo l-i- hai ,,:. I- it. ahead at pre l**,^!f t rersmtieito hear from to bal toro td v *"r Lnoeed tt bare r. hold, 0B0 whXheleetkat aw «w~ 1V rr8ul,,, rrTV d.uU ¦.''°"4^^¿twdV..«HMi.. i rîawroa 'Tr.^ie«»l*:i.rcp-*,n*'' «et to Incorpo «rSatssSSPe. I"" * « ^ r0ostrurt a road frC m fiere .., , Sal rosd 'j."^,;i opW , comm .nication I. ..,. I *WÄwiP.,ppl «ax »t t t mes it.« directly ^^t/iXrTsiirnsd fror« CI Wfcastoa. B. C. to Ca .J^^l^ij*» entire ditiav -«from Charleston to '^Ív5fo te taeMni'.ii'i or even the Atlrtn ,*?g «wqfis simo«: the whole «xt.nt »saMexico ia to lie a rich agricultural '^¡^»»TawdBwTe sre mean« t .r taking »ueh bulky '^2r»KaXLBXrawl. Another advantage would be the CSaef issaallBOW in the Wi- i.-r 'In. tp.-n«. ^rZWanaidpiy for<"a-.forma hoi.pst.y. and would tViM s rsflroed from Mempbi». renn lo Monterey, or ^Fraseaeo Bsy. via Santa Fé. Why will no', moa ¡SgtaÄ ««ÏArew.kl. with a earreot dollar uil eariossd. m CITY ITK.tlH. W Mit,u*ec'.dpoet says, can BOT« agree aMh laioasVbat tht worldst large seemed to have no jrestrjusTTSlwithtbespeeimenot Mr.yish weather they tut r«*terd*y Froni tt* poist eeare»t to zero Bag laxt ¡¿sauter mounted to s very genial and respectable ele- tatos «irdlosfssdof rude hyperborean blast» tilling h iSMHsna uwHspfce» with dirty dust while they stf I jtei X* breath 'sinly seeking to find an nutlet thro» ,gb isetr latstsfJce», Broadway rejoiced in an »tmotpher « bj alie6 «sis sad noses appeared in public with p* ogee] «sMy llanag thus informed hundred thousan.C of our ¦Saipsol wkst they sll knew before and dona the ,.n He thhsg to the weather, we shall hope to keepxfp with it fssrhstt»gsi»hed good undemanding so long .cultivated it our witty snd poetic BeeeSsasaaer, now attv«.ctcd from its«arbtltftrevolve with undunltinhrd briülejjey in other «Vwrm. - lyprufesior A«*«.!/ the successor ol Crvir.H, and oes of the rnott dittinguiahed nstors.lists In the world, »he bs« been lecturing before the Lowell Inttl- tale In Boston, will shortly be In New York for the pur pose of giving s courte ot lecture« upon /.Oology, a sub¬ ject which as we know, ha bests in the picifoundest and Ant «abefactory manner Beside hi« uneijua'.-d »ci. t.: i- acquirsmenl» he is physically onn ot the most «plen did «pectssens of s ssaa thst fair American .yes «ver had lb« happiness ol resbag on Pagpaj Fmt .A i-ommrttee lias booaaptaTBtotad h Button to collect «ubscriptiuns tor the relief of the ¦sssrsrs by th» Iste fire Are there no BBSX ¦« atoSBSB alsa>Tsaj who will ai«h to »nl baSSI ursiortunate wwasaatniB tbsir diatre«« t Donation« may bo fucwarsV td tolasgSfOf Bon Jotaah Uuincy, Jr SaiTBloxus baniTtTTI .Our architect* have bat tory X designing plan» for the building« »t this in SBXSeeasd w*bave little doubt that some one ot them ggj t«»atk«kutvt ot turnisbing the sucorsefiil design We kiv« hssrd on« in the Norinsn style, by Martin Q Thsapaoti,sedgy »pokeu ol. and we lotv,; had the tip psrtxaity ol «summing those furnished by Mr dame» arewVcl Jr tho architect ot (¡race Church, ot Dr. tkserw«Ckirek, ot Mr «-'outbards, well as of the Curv«« ÜtBifretoa, Re»erveii and ha«o l^en greatly ftistsdVyths asaaXion of them, althoagh tbr more t«1».» psrspseOTSTiew« hid been lolt in Washington ladMiyrtosieritiontAr.d gn in 1 plan» remained T«v,. risaiwsitrubmittid by Mr Kenwk-k oue llothic and tssotssrLoaabardorRomaDeaque. Both are remarkably Unkia« sad sffscbrt availing themioivc» ol the bold rvvattosssad atrong sflect ot light and ehade by which BeakilfuJsrcbihKt acquire« great power ot ».pression with «econay ol and money ol the two th» Outkk esstned u. lbs ia,r« hi sutil ul and the l<w'ks,»JlBiBore pktwsaw BjTTl.e tnend« ol Tcmper.,me ,.,.,/ rV I ,.- .fa » the IBXXaato td IhS latter to this City^ar« eamesliy Invited h. r»'.,, ,. t!j..|r strength at 1 tb« soJe.| aiWuiawstebampiun. «j| TlBBJ.will .P*** Iwipersace Brat «as O . ' The «sjeiriiry »àriBk from «u asease] to th« BsBsl Iibbi I tXsygsieau«»oetu. in .,, «tsaattsa Basa to tin« M.t "»a* of Rum ],, j.,,,,, ,luty Ä.a th- Leghwatare 'w«^ra»sali««/' axeelleat Law hut will exteud it to ^^ Mprdl a toaVtarw .b'lTtin ti.e report ol tbo Commit ^..¦»weCootrolbr it appears that on lb« did *toiaWol inmate» .it Helle« ue Alon HoBBI was ".*»ko»piu, ... .,u 195; lunatic toy« .»«TB ssaaihaxallBaaian psagaaxx»afy«ia bot ^;« ¦ «; pox hospital 3 TotollB «tostósaetí Tlw number of outdoor poor .«.a children at nurao m ivaseooers HiCj rnuMieni «xtxaxttS for thirty day. bxtatrs W" duCn '4'° Th" ,ht'w* ,1"t " *" '"' t**1*!" tosareosntintititl^iui persona were depend «alaaT''^'''1 l? lh'* *"¦ ,h" "-mber with uwar.1^*"' "*'""'¦* '"u,n«; ,; tolBBl of cv [ ., 2 ***** win,, a.e and braudy cost BXjBJ rv J-t»««soaatsxpeii,i | lo* Batoam Baa la this . (snlr.,*c,*T ", TRl,l)r,-°" h'nday tlio hark -aSlÍTl" '?"",,lKl¦WuW »" -»I «cat m wa, ^.Ittondred and itxt, four otucers. »oa eam., . -*¦ eBeor. «ud prit ate. on board, under c.amitnd o( «-atoas? i! 0n'V, " -11.* oñcer' ** ¦Thaw ^Ll^ C,4,UÍÜ hM ^n "n the ^1" of 2¡^^ betör« bB, ^ *,. pr.yfntfd fF* >*ome »dea may la, formed .«,' u, k^-l »perauon. in «£2 £ ° ^ í tXXsto every p^, «j 7. ...-?» r¡<^ne«a with iaWagaS.U*,,ww'«-'««>ry braMa, m -Ithere7tos Î^."*""". r""» >- «hUbuild **^ay lira sJg?¡3 Md P-hhcatioa office ti th« ,W- *. Tempet^atr, ,BU!a,''n0,'r lh<> VüUlh ' '»''* »ko HitJiT?. 1o0, ^ (iWl',u' l" »»«. .»WilWw thecJl^J** R*í>ubI,e «*' Volunteer, * »««.U. th« -o *¿J °kMI ,he ^^ "free ol l-iercy «^rWr.tlBXr^,-"** of í*CM"'g * look, a stereo ^°Ito»o*»v^Z if »>«J*rt>I»4*P«-'"»er, sla lswyer». «voadacted tr w«».0 "*->ír'*«»>aea. a day workr. all *"." * «mm0T'?ilrii'iàl,¦ U.< *>* «b" '««« '^^«» «oZ^aL M*U'rt W ^ nu «*«* ^-.^»f«,^*!rWtou> Slower part to too * * «vksriex a.M. " ^ «xpreastTc language ; ,,Wb wM o^,^ Fl|t.<t, l* .* «h* ÎST' ' í,be,i,,.« ¦¦ . «-»towt ^.ehloBo. X ^iV*^ th. Bul»e^e »^ il .. taid that ska u i^Zi, iT.ttiirrto *«' *«.« to p!i^^^Äitk^^uw^ ¦*¦ wones ,w" ¦.¦ lake aoiaeo o8 too j FiKi«-A hre occurred in the baaeroent ot Ml Betkmnn »t. on .laturdar night occupied by Mr. John¬ son aa scrorery «tire. I.osa inconsiderable... Another in the house of Mr Podd. »TgsJ West Thirteenth it on PHindsy mcming IV An owner wiuted tor a cream colored bone htoal astrsy about ft o clock Sunday morning Apply to ofhcer Plumer. Alto for t sorrel! bore tnd butcher . cart lound by Richard William» corner ol Weft and Gsntevoortat». . aTdTf"* A boy named Thomat Gtay gf bel BtuMtaBB- tt fe!! on tba ica yaeterday tnd broke bit arm Con- rayed to the hospital t-e*~ A BBBtjaj man named Jit Mi Cuni Grandit, wss rjn over by Engine No 1* on Saturday bight tnd very bsdly hurt GT The wholesale warehoote of S 1*. Nicha * I Co 6& Frontet wts burgltriouily eater?don Saturday tight shout 11 o clock, by mean» of an ax. A»«'.«t Capl Dwytr beiog upon ti.e»pr,t tr.e v;llsin- fled with- out obtaining their booty, which would have i>ein large there were BJ BBJ in rub and RTOO.óOO. worth ot .tr.-k in the «tor». Tbe of9cer» romplsin thüt cltrk» sttsr bed I to stores are in the habit ot writing or ttsylnr in their countir.if room« till lste st night, leaving the front di ort unlocked »Ld the »tore to «Urknct«. gi ring opportunity to thieve« to «ecret themselves, and wb.-n warned by th« ¡ efficeri o! the danger insult snd abuse ttitm. PrT* At Aisistant Aid. Feeks 'urlio it will be remembered rescued ¦» family from periabing by rire a wees MtWeatara '.t the risk i-l bis life) ace mp&nied by Mr John Mrhaye if N... If Manginst. wts passing through Chatham st. BB Saturday night »unut half pMt 11 o clock he wm Mssulted and knocked down by two men L»r.ed Robt Barrea and Th..» Hume, and severely ie-aten. BafBe WBf soon afler arrested ami .mmrdiste ly resru'd by n mob which nml collected «in the ipot btanraMataa totas, giren al th.nutJon houM,(apt Smith orJ« rai » pl»t(»on ol police to the treno oi rhM arrested Burn» and dispersed the mob Ths» itoundrel wm lully committed to answer for i marderou* as »suit - l"f7" <ontiii!i«'d («imtdaintt »f the lampi IiiMiii, ami Rn.ii.ins M: E ' red that there have bei n music and danring ainrmr the children on the |,. PBnM lia enrj tone then If no truth in Hi!» report. Can it lie pos- iiat the n/uperintendent ol the Nurs>iv lias bj. lowed BBeh distrae« tul »cene« to be enacted »innng the children «it tne In his rlia'gi- in that institutior. II I m.stake ntr-i. it wa. said at the time the Stiperin- teudert ol tin«. NurMry wa« appointed, an alditi ma' rest«on in far c. of his appointai« nt tl -it be professed sn i'St»l.!i»hi"l radiions char«, ter. but I h ar hit religion nothing note than « profession, or be would i "ri«a t»i h<- done. \i a ritiera, eotvtrUsato my »hare ol 'be eBBOBBOta maintaining the Ni rs.-ry. but am tree tt, »ary that tor MM inn i,. t willing to assist in supporting ata institution for chiMr«ri. il and dunei'jg are to eonstltute any part ol the indulgences as ainu e^mrliits. i ither 0JBBBM <>t saBBBBBB*. My «.bii-rt, Mr. K.litor ia to a-k m whether tin re is any truth in t'ds report or not 'md if it it true, will you use the in fluencf» of yofir tournai to cause the >iipirint< nderit of that institution to be drawn betöre the bar of public opinion M .navrer hr this breach of trust. INQUIRER. ITe r-an't »sy whether the report il trun or not, but r for our part wc are unable lo seo how it is against the religious character of A man that he give children the chance, of dancing to music and help them to dance into the bargain. Why. the little thing, danre of tbemaelvc. if you leave them alone, nnd the man or womsn who can iee them lumping and skipping in their young life with¬ out blesiing Cod for their happine.. must be made ol stut! that has nothing to do with Spring and sunlight. If the .-uperintendent ht Long Isl»nd Farm» has provided music for the hapleis pauper children under his charge to dance by. at hour» which would not interlere with their health, we must eonfets that tag like him none the wotse for it, but a great deal better. »y .An Irishman named Terrene«», while laboring under delirium terme-nu, cut his in three place» on Satin «lay. M the house BSJ Houstonst. ["g^Mra. Eliza \V alert wat arraigned on a charge of assaulting her husband. Owen Waters, inflicting sev¬ eral severe gashes on his head, face and arms with sn e.'ge tool The Amazon is committed until her hus band a wound» will permit him to appear In testimony against her. _ Tur Bomb Bmsll rnriarim Osten the îeth ol In-ci'iiibei Ml.llt flhnllehem been dispati bed Irotii if Qreeafeaeh Dépet, by railroad, to New-York The.e ghetto, »hen tii<-v toare Ike IMojet, hará eoel UM Gor- ioiiiiii nt i) H"i ein ii making the »um ot tl 10 - TfelaIt - in-i .li'.p in the bucket" of th«' Mexican War expenses |Kve. Join vl.t IV 'Ihe trial nt .lotto avOhttta hi Columbiu Co h fot Hie murder ot hi» hrothei. has resulted in a ver diet of 'Guilty of Voluntary Manslaughter The pris otiei lias baM sBBBMOOl to pay s flue ei V and costs ol proiecutiou, and to i.nd.rgo an ittipr.»miment oi ihre* yesrs in the Esstern Penitentiary Fgr^ The Foundry ol Messrs. «jowan McQahtta «fc. Co le Louisville, wm destroyed try fire on the night Of tfee 17th. Loss 1.1 to $l5o*.K>-no insurance A per son employed as watchman ou the prvmisessupi i-ed lo have been burned to death esa» iHl VVA> THF» D«> THlxr.s DviVr.N tí'il'1 H .The Ch.Mtahoochee published in (Jeorgla. states that.n the lVth in«t a nerro who had been «sonneted ol man¬ slaughter was taken out lor ptini.hmsrnt according to his sentent'« He received a brsnd of Ihe letter M «>u hi« right rbeek and thirty lashe» on hi» bare back . Tic BtaBBBI «conter» three mere gfBJVBM of thirty lash each to be given respectively for three reg I lar sue cesiive morning« Th «hipping was taken with a good deal ol compo.ere. but a strong evidence thai the ne gro »/a,«* hurt ato was made sUiudantly man.'test tt the application ot the brand I (l>|y|KKt I Al. AM) .HO.Mvt .HIHIU". f ..',» iif BwMB, <V^" M Ví'Wrth PWjTt BUfBBtael I' M Ihe Ht x h M'irket wa« ratlin aitivctini' generally buoyant Tlii-re ws» sotae inquiry K Qai t Baa be and new !-ne« »in- »at'c «J al .'.' which is bet- ter nid S.xe« lot» bid The Hill Market n b .1 vviil,-it Mttah Tiie mail* lr«.m the South bring hut a un..!« rat«' ¦Bsoaatofl ' rttagtol | ter hato blDt, I'ranc» B 4-'{ I l'i' tx nr| bfM .>¦¦. CottOB bat been - at a tartluiig »hieb i;- g decline I IM To other park -»it the CaeABto-hoaae Gnpta Jau. i to the Wd intt inclusive, pn 1*1 MstoRiaMaat lu« '».r, lncrcMe. ».' Ml »ia: - j -- -it J«..: 71 Dutiable. Afar l"lo.i"«7 | - luh _. 74..,Iim M i ¦>I'M The tonaBBy al dutiable go«al» H ¡»er cent »h: e the tueicasv ot duties received only M BM Ofta Ihg .fjatato i'lipott van«¦« hut little ft m lj»Jt BMI 1 be tree good« have iB-ira«ed in u.'.ich smalle' p:« portion than the « uierchatiUlse The «'\|»orts Rjg the week past were »r.-l.Ml. gf ¡which ITltV.I Were in American »ess»-!« Ihe clear >ince» »«re 4,, and Raí atareaste. Mtalat which 'JO were foreign. No ol passeng'T« arrived 14 I CM the export» ol leading a- gtota th» re wen. Ih Osen RVftato- |.!¦:« Ofta bu.h. Meal. " ttOB, lr790helta; beeswax 9 !;.'. do. Hid.'« S 7W do; l.trd. 51,*»** do Cheese, l.'.'.'.i .'do ll%tnt. I03.i»60do, Tur peuttae. l.iUü belt k, SO do Beet, BS do ; < »il cake, ishj Sperui oil, lb.m.i: gals. bean». :.'>'.' bush 1 eas. 1 954 do. I PVeaci Flour, ajea hoto ; Aafeoa, 100 An Tallow. Wheat, i.V.'. bath Kiee. :»* tierces Cotton BM ba!<*. Lard IllJKOlhei Hsm» M.011 do II.Jes. du lirrase, TJJCffaVl Whalebone. B.TJ7, do. The Greenwich Insurance Company have«le«lared a semi annual dividend of per tit. payable on the first of February. The New York Insurance Company give notice that ihn commiMion ten per cent due on terminated risks to the 1st inttaat will be paid in cash on Ike 1st ot rrhrtiary. Tbe ten per cent commiMion u to be continued the present year on al! sum» where the earned premiums rxceexi |10Ü The amendment to tha Indiana t?tate «icbt bill passed the Mouse ol Representatives on the 17th. by the rcry large vote ot 70 to V. At Baltimore, coupon« have advanced to a* to] small str.ount» The Maney market is easy, the de¬ mand is good, without exccM. the Hank» freely discount all goi»d paper offered rste uniform atti per cent The r»u» on the street u I «i per cent At Cincinnati, money wit not «|uite in so much demand. K.Mtern hrni at i per ct. premium The Lancaster Branch ot tfio State Baiuk BJ Ohio, bu been organized, anil Mr Talmadge has been chosen President. The Mal Hiver Valley Branch, at Sprin»rti«»M. about ready to commence operation» «s a Hank Tata Sux k tor a Branch at IVjua. Miami Co. hac bveu taken, and books are opened tor subscriptions of Stock for a Branch at Troy Counterfeit eight dollar bil's ol th.- Hank of Charle»ton hsre recently made their «ppaxarsuce They purport to tie ngned by H W Co.tMa. Prosideot. and A Ii Rosit. Cashier. No bill ot tiie denomination Ot »to. wm ever signed by H W Connks m I'py.tdenl t'nes of the Planters hank ot Savannah alter» d to ten. luve aleo been put iu circulation The foUowmg statement thowt try« Commer.teoi i V r B.ladelpr.ia tor in* last two year « Tr.e exports of do¬ mestic products' exhibit s very large increaee 1'aJt.r af Imparti In Americaa toospI« f, InF'oretgn do do. .r*V,»VrT Tn American veaseU tor 1 «-t.-,.| ¦ 1 reign do do . ¡of?* I- ' - ¡.i ¡/ Excess m t«vor of «4«) ._ t*l4i:i «Casa | in American vessel« for ir.- % ; ¡ _i In Foreit-n do do , t- In American rersel« for -, « H 36 la foreign do d -v .-4 30 - '¦¿-370.M7JT1 f .ces« in 1st .rot HI BE I'alue of Eiportt .'¦. I -'^' \ BOJ f> IBM |gjgj I»',mes artie «*s-C 64-. g « , ' forein» do 22' U# *>C I - Ï gT'Itygg | | >~fi »a.;..-.'i Ton*agr £\teredfr-jn Ftrrtfi Co'.nirtti In Amen"a:t vessels for 1B4I lafe-eign do do 12 4*1 do - '-»v.a» leax In American vesse.« M ' ten« Bl r reign do do _10,791 --i I . vt. ,r, .- totBSJt irli'l aud Çli n i ¡ Arr.Ts',» lrom . :. -4 .'¦ Teasel* Coast win- do do. - «.' Arrivals from Pel I) Coastwise do .1 r BX - -, . i for | .- ; stela ; d -. ..... 1 be table w»a made up by gtSS Pennsy var.ian. The Impoits to foreign vbobbIi shows but a »1:«' t ncrease aérasse to Amer.. -.»-... . upward of |fli 000. and «mee !»¦) :,. I«;. » both of domestic an :, reiim aril, ha«c snarly Boa] inerea*« in tonnage entered »r.m foreign SOOaaXtSSfM -, 111 ¦ ton» and the clear- ' - -plaaxaai i those tot - Bat larger clean of vesseli. .Illtrketa ... (rarcr'a-hir rtfortid fnr 7V F -tr ant« . /.-Hi.- -Ihn marker win BaXBa ISAM continues at « Pot*, «ml,". 41 h-I cotton-The transact.....« to day rat »t very fall rat*» indu n, r BM tatf 'r.. -tn» Bl and plar.d« a; ISj et* Bast ol the pun hases were on «pocuiatc.n, bate Basal! port rat was for export. Cot ton was stag*) id at a BXrsBUfsg, wi.nn ¡i lower, i 01 ;: AM IIKAI.-Holder» «re Ina at > Oenrsee, and g, OgJ for M b fan The »ales are about ooo bbl» part toi »hipr.v M bbls Jersey ..'. |4. «¡f: \IS.In WHieat we hear of taken treaty, IBBBSSagB scarcely in »ueh active demand as tor «omc'd.iy« pa-t Sale» 19 to 12 ra. to arms and on toe spot, at ".-.;-r ,-t». Oau are IBM lirm. th ; supply of J. r»ey !x ,ng larger. Other (¡rain» are ffBJ WII!.-hY-S»>. 100bbls at '¿(1924 cu. Holders ask 24 eta PKOVI.-inN.J.The maili.t lor Pork It bs yant.but BOt TOty aeti.e i lie «ale» are a t>«v hundrei bid» at BB 171 for i'rme. and Bl>' dliá»'-' "."} <or Mess. That sgpxrs was OtwXad for I'nmp st the firm, with ssles 400 bbl« Country Primp at $7 Meata are in go ,d impiirv. with »ale» 35<> bbls »t .'¦! and 7j for" Winehrster's-r-l.oulde.-¡* ' '¦¦_, I'oin.the week there wete Btaw « " ' operation« in ( boaae In the aamiegatasaoul l.(sK) casks and 1.000 to H.OOO basas at BtoVi, mostly «; d"i. for export OIL .A »ale of EBBB galls Country Linseed was made at <",| ets. which sn improvi rmi.t COITFK. A i invoice ol Peruvian Pig, l.'s'.OOO Ids sold on private termi. COAL.Sale» have been made of M ton« Coarse N. wealth from London, at |o. cash and 3ti'l d>> Hull in"-,. (¡RoCr'HIF.S The market for Cortee has become BXtaa in prie, » howev, r W0 hue no change to notice The BBleS inclule 4"n*f1300 bag» Itrazil at Ta7i fMBtS and :<00 .lavs. 10. 4 mo». The market lor Molasse. >. BOarj, and prt-cs ha«-e a downward tendency. We have only to notice »ale« of UN) casks and 4W PBsl N.w Orleans and New Iberia at SI mit», wi'li »ome not bj good order, Bit] Bl casks interior Neuv.ta*, 17J snd M prime now uro], Cuba. 83, 4 month«. The demand for Sugar« ha» rx-ii light, and the merket rather l M The »ale» toetade »J hhd» ( 'nba MuB Ota !.. IOS reí n.v >.' (i cert», I, si d f i ent lor cash SOB New Orleans, oj ¿7,; and 1080 bcxe» Havana at .r,J (tit lor Hrown, and ~\ a :i 4 mo», lor Whit«. 1'KI'IT.l'.nn-)i Raisins are held very firmly p) - and there are n ,w tew or none to be had tor leaa MIDCfl.The only traeaactlon» we have to mi Cf>.'Srtn Juan, on terms not made pabllc but at »ome ri BBS last sale of this detcripto.n I ft <m -. BBth Fig bat bseoaaa an «JO BSOa ruade in lots of SO ton« at %'S¿ a %'.*. JO g mo« '.'.«J ton« more Swede« »,,1J lrom »hip at about pre«).m« rate« Oil B- ihaatpnabit Northwest Coast Whale hsve been «old in lot. st dud 40 cts. cash Coy nul is again higher with »mall sale» at BB ct» ca»h the litt',,- here n n second hand«, and held at S3, <a«h Ion» to arrive changed han,|j BB t> rn,« wad BMsaara it New-BedfordTeat wool 1700 bUa I BpSrXI <old supposed at |1 Bl Manufactured arc in fair reque.t at $1 0. for Cal B bed Fall, and II OSg moa t r ebleeehed Winter BRF1D9 Cl.ver In fair rrqueit snd we not of HO bbl» o.d on privat« term» and 0JMJQ buihel» Cal¬ cutta Linseed nc udmg all the foreign to market tor crushing, «uppnted |1 62>. b mo«. TALl OW-.It in fa.r request at about pie-.n.iu rstPS .10.000 lb« or,me soldat Tiarcent«. and lOJDOBlot extra, g*, cash TF.AS.The T.arket is very o,uiet and v." have heard ol no «ale« trot h r.-p. rttsg 'or «orne ürne past TIN.We ha' e only to notice a sale of 100 slab» Banca st BS cents. 4 in a it CO The «arioua dsSSV '.pi. Bl are in fair re mic«t tor ll.e ttsatOB snd withia a few day» «ale« have been made of |o hhd» Kentucky »t Htcr.'.J rpnt» gg 'l bales Cuba tur home ure IS 4 mo« ! d i «T»coa. idl do Yara 1- Id » cafe» Connecticut and BO do Penntylvama Seed Leaf tin term« we dul not learn MARRIED In Rrxhaater, N * oa Tl -, K*v a t; Had Mi 1 ATTMER R BH IV .¡».H m .'.MiTH daaghhworf tb- tota Di Jam.» \s awaath M th.* toi mer plat . _ DIED on-, Friday EM tool rOEMEl IX M.INTMir.. daagb I taha hi.t Mart Ml »II'- a. The »Wends of too family s ¦ I attend »«.r ífaaoraltoladaj Monday)at too r«*J.I<'IlCe d her Istli.r in lr. *t in, Baaxtas Bits. Last Bn BAI il«. W ol the late Richard \\i'J ' Bk'e. The ti.-n ti the tan.-iiv Bad« urn sax t sa, tl...n riaboark. aie leqaeetsd ta ait. OBI '.o'.her in toTBOOB BBth m»:. at halt past . tal tli »t At Rath t'*.: :¦, West, Jan J a..J -- y. ar« Mrs AERE UAGrlRMAE, eaaaort ol too lets cerriiM !.; - ti I inothe-ol Hon. Ju-'.ice Hsgertasn ot ; t asasay paper« plea»e copy *»iib»cili.ltouarécrit ed to The \\ rekly Tilhunr. Basai or ...a:.y Falto. N. ».to I N.H Delta, ¦.¦ ¦««...: p,. t . ale-. ..o. 3 :o. 1 « - . i Api. Ma. . > lest. ..o. 7.8ali»bury. N. V . I Port Byron, ... 1 Mma do. i p.. e. Pheip« .... '' On. .. ;. \ ¦. I,.«. iru do. I «-iitn'ii¡,tii,i. received lo The Dally Tribune. BeMsxai la Pewtuckei. R. I. » t NY. 1 Nebarrlptteu* received la The a>ml-tVerkl>. Sa* Harbor. L.I . 1 t'clerprue. Klorida. Í Subaerlpilon« received to The New-Yorker. BxTaaaav. Jai gg Prtoto, ¦ ¦' (f>cn*.Tol Sotiff3. I ijy Persons wishing The Tribune left -'« BXI . ii.e .r at their places o I business, will ple»seseoda note through the Post Otfice or leave word at the1 desk go the publishing of Ice fg^* II. A J R iwa are our authorized AgenU at Provl denco. R I for tl« aa> of The Tribune |y S. W Dusaow. 4 Commerce st is the Agent for The Tribune at Newark. P FSBJ. Taiat-NE is re*ular!y served «t thedraaBtagS and »tores ct «ui senhers m l'iriLtoït rnii, at 1M| eerats per week. ¿\<be- m the Ledger Bulldmgs is the Ageat for that ra*" Klorutlouary IllnairnlUno..Mr Jno Iff S How« « ... g;v« :i e »econd t bl» course of E.ewuilc«nary 1. ,:»tr»i. s. on Tueadsy eveelng next laniiary JÄ.Itgf, al the lecture room of ihe S^cieiv Library, «on» from ibe Merebav: of VooBBB, etnbraclng lb« three promlnenl s rene« of Shv.ock. Mr. How« will beaaaUie-l by his pupil. Mr William W. Sevnour, »no wlii recite Ihe Dying O.adiaior. and the Maniac. To commence at hait-paru oeoc». rickeis cant». _ j23 Jus« r%*" «ni.-liei stave the Sea. el Teasperaaee, of w hieb be is a tiember, a BeoerV. on ihe sin of Januar) last, haadtng over iheenilro proa-swds, over nineiy to ihe Foartn Dlvulon, Albany_JX* It* tf Twelfth Ward 4 Hy Charter.-The of th« Tw«,;tl, Ward are requested 10 at'.und a mealing u. be held at the Ne-»-Yora Hotel, Harl«». corner of Third- are and 1£M-»: (Wrn. Mm.lh»! on Monday e«r««ing. ISO 24lh January, ». |j - . .-»pre«» Ibetr «y>;eell"n« to ihe prnpoce.1 Ne« Cnariar. r*.«eiod at ihe .aai eieciloa tjBar ^^^^^ gjf* The I . «a. »aaaaie mt l*»4X. Trie aatoseBtoao rw«psvtfu. y announce thai Wen larg» raeijoiici «ng.-s'lcg ol the lulled Siai««s^L«u>i» cossp.«"»tl and wtsl.m aahor. f aaaXj be pu h liabas*. Tboee w ho desir« to re. ei re aarly ib areastoos or« lnvtied to call at in« V«/w«-a. vS»s»c» « seal- Im i aad examiae the «ngraring aolllslf ANTbONV CLAXX à til ii'|r.»t»U PA8SEN?EBf AHHITr: ¦ R rtraws«.Mr V^aagatol lsJr v' "' »cbr Tingier cxnv- deemed tl Msrttotaaa. M AR IN P. JOURNAL. PORT Of NEW VOIih, BiauTt'RÏ AtK.asr.TH ,r twu trey :m x r- » ¦.. Rises.. 7 ItHSsn..*. ;'Mnra... » LATtrr Da'Ut London.Pee. s Harr». Llrsrpool.Dee. 7 | ltoe*<Meent. Jan.;: HT *££ M r.yjL focktb pJoï~ ARR .v . barge rI the »feerac* Brig Cv.î.er 11 Wright, I . »defina, and ¿ ds fm Dï'iware Breakwater rrm. to order 1MB, Ac, B The W h.» her'. tteraa anj bu experienced very sever» ».- weather raen i totSt Thcmu. mdse. '. » eft rrt»i ?t»r Titcnr ndemned sehr» Hope -arsnnsh and '. -i .- -n A ,.</¦¦ 'i. P.sitimore m.iv : - fra le^rget wn. Dsl. flour '. rgtett y»ter» to J M .' agtoa, Del. nk Bewb b - toy Lake. I . ru and t .."<"h'« ftn Alexstil » \ *^br H Msil- i''eshontss. Ms'k. 1". -.¦ ¡1 in beltoat t . fii hr Ann Hopkins '. mj*. > I Aa I liraoad. -i RKt.i lW.S '.rigs unknown. Wc I bear »upp'y »ru »... general Notitca. n lor i I I. .A e iielrl at |h* m Talrenare ,.n M i«. »»eni Ir-.-i .. ai ha.' pa»t «a». » , .--- J !(. » o C. H Morris Prank in, Ur. ¡I M. Ree» man. 1.- - I er. J M ft« rf Tnakllt. tad « . I'n. isMBS Hsarca will prattle \ ... IS It I* peeled h a* Il . meeting will. I.e ..ri- 0 ul -, He. %n nan wUl lur* mat aarly, aad .; home. By o.-derié" ihe (.Jener.. Tempérance Council. M Kirat i.rnnri Te pernmr DeMeeetrattea r |s»7. V 'U.IVKR. , A I KLANA.1AN. ; Ciminiuee. le*" A Curd.-Mr Otiraa R. Ooldsmitu tofarnathe ... e runs« pap',1» every day ih!» week .-¦:'- «r 10 hi» »rii'.r.',' class** Ou tad sfter February tw term» will ba ra..e.' soUara. Hours for ladles fron 11 A M to » r M Ml «lay sad evenir»/ loom. &J Broadwsv, Kesde-sl. _ jgj |;.- fjT I.O.O.F. n. i T Barrier iuMtreratocMra It] Ig, Jan. J'i. ai ti-« ir r. out, 71 ii. l*b* nanbeit of this and WM. WILSON. N (I ¦. He -eisry. i.n If XT' lllnmsii l.odu. >óTl07, I O. ol O. F.- Nei k i ¦ sophleel History and an espo« Uon of 8 ¦.I by I A L C A.n.. .ritt«, at iheirroorn-li Rn«d- way, «": V I ml UN ». «: or 'e.- re. .»«ted. WILLIAM DODOR, lecretery. V9' Tbe I «mrlli l.rclure on t.eoloatv a 111 be de- livere.'. | - r,ni».i; Ciinicii, tlir Pailón'« Bmrfent g at v te ..».-n up. |yr~ Lecture lo l.mlio« Kr««-. Mn M. R G .i ai 1 V| %v Prime . .......... vV, man, ItM IrCs and i ilkMtrttad t.y a FfMBja n, far"" rroteclinti in uuurunt». Tl trial Htm/rant eiing al ihe ,".'. » »r Walker-«! n M -l«y eveaing. »I at ~.\ o -".»ck for tba ¦ur« for a ebani »s*nt system of I p..s«ngers, and also lor lbs .- irialixing « --.«. ! » » » v I III .re ¦¦d lirai of emigr.nt pa»«en.-»i« The"- - t ntnrested inareform. .i of ihe Etni grant, will matenally I*m n.srain- uKhdORY DILLON. Prs.ldeni ,., i>caeeou.f¦ecntertaa. >; , tsT" " Fucta lor ihe 1'oople." ? rg on or ke«pirw on v< ,i VLMofsar CoaitMi - .. I ...'..«.¦ siisy- - - TIMMm'N I ¦' l'Ail iMi WOOD NAPHTHA »4 bra u- n oi m I * , i i la a com- | 1 « jitroJiict...n, i .. i .... . , ^-j Prepan v ... m - e i ; .<' M l.M k - '».iwar. . OLOVE AMODTlTS TOOTHACHE DIOPS ..» « ¦- ¦ Tba rtP" The »uildei Aril«, . i ssfeet. and any be . s prei.»ral' - aad I M i -.i lot » nan* of I v e ,, Son IS «m I'.e » r»-p. f ' ¿. U e v « I repare, only bv Ht Î.RT 11 -N l N , v I.I ..!'-. » GENtMNE BEAR'S <?'L TOR THE hTAMl I»/- The bnlr very anUertallf iilleeled v . »- » By 'a- M hr.. ', re - ,- :, - apl lilt ... , . . ... a ¦. . . » rf i' - aa*rt nust noanoer utat au sseuMa as» .o« natue ui H-ury S ^^^^_____ dli *Maode XW Ur. Wood'« í¡«rsap»r...a Md W.'.l C'rry Bl'. X. of »II «UCh J.»e»»«!S M '.ase .. »laieof lie .;ver ar.i Menai weakness ' - scd a d:«o.'.:e.-«d ru wio.e c.»»»of dueaar«. for vhi'h Im »r il fa have for ¦¦.ear. at lied in rvr»>*-< .Mr «r U>« Crict rsied Sar«a- . parlilS a : Ih* tiara of ,\ lid Cra-ry Dr Wtxjd s Sarsapar'.. « a:.. W I Cherry B.iters Is the only medicine ever made of and fou3Jed u tin on ihe b«.t nurdica. principles, snd their virtue» «i- tracu-d bv s rigid c, em'.cal »r.a.y.i».esr>er.«»ie* hasishown ».and wllbe found-oe triai, be a .ur« »ad ipeedr remedy for th* dt*M-aa aasMaru. Virer to ih* who.e »y»i.-uL n a.» rw»-. « .e»»--¿i -, or Berv.ius irnialwo, Ibey bavabaau uaad . a/kab ¡e »ucc*M ; nor ar» iber 1«M -Meful m a usadr fc^raiivt». flaaileDcy. los. of appaOta, and ageu- ^é^iïadoTof U»* .*«**¦ Atlb. .m»* nm*, -tnuet C .' .11 , ib*v ar* aetiher rio es; nor « SÄiToi Ä l^virmg -to» At «he i^ISiV^ Plairai!m\1SS?*"*i.'«+*- «- '..*" '*» Erü*:- ' haSê. »t N Y J W. «r:. M«i Crsnlrer- ry'se^L . '' j_21 . * :m" ne. fur Tue>4av, Thirsdsy «atonaaa aaftjajp *7** * ,e«««^.»«« v anas.. 4U, try in* and .tin. \ pro/a. LIQUID WI3S AWI> TODPEER IM ¦ I I III. we" f.I **..«* ¦¦»¦ SHS3 Z: ^"'a-Ä-vei 5 | m M BAtThELOR. » raJsirVi'la '."b^sby »i*eo that Joba J Remen eU» N oîy lto.*ou eXrt-d to .us .»airstu or Mfclvttn of ., said for to* «vvtt-ebcet Me" *c i gilBOtirni, ottTr. ttardtb ¦i .»» ¦¦ »-¦ - ;. \VA>fTED i » » nian. » « ¦ *, . . * ¦. >*.*** \V\N1M» :B7^s¡n «. ok I»îjSo . W \STl ".¿y*£-!Í"?* V- » »nierai« ec^r-etj»«i,ott. ._-.... ', ' :«------ ¦¦ s -v.. - -- ,..., ....'." '". '" * l * » .- ..... t t *.. \, " "-'^«s ..... \\'»N «..¦¦» .- .. t^m . aotry saaesceileaiwa.her -. t ».. secrc XV ^T*?.-?* ¦ ^'P*^-' - yeaag womb, a . tas> ** -"ST*? ^r-erwt.rxand « Applv at 37 . IWO day. \\ ^Npf " »he Toune Pr.jie.tant w... '*2V' ¦ . ..' ¦ is a »rood waah- *-py ai <H Bayard sl en its - V -. . I)tK TM KOKROOKRUKPI H . " rabie one , -specie . -- ¦' * .-.. rsv.-ií .i. », . s ..- -, .' « -.'¦¦. a. mía. -. tt <> DA 111 i H.M ,),\ ,.p l'RTIMTS. » 'Vit .'.'is It » '.' " --..¦¦ . - . lioarùinq. Rno.tÎM with tut wmioi r w t iTo jJiutnevahip VOTii K. '. v. kED v s » ..... t .. f DUS'. - Alti 11 D GRACIE KING | JOHN W U '¦' i : F '-« IRD P BAU BIlH_of ihe laie ¡Verdi Nfrl I -hip of FRIME, WAItD k KIN<¡ ;s t] la day ,: .», The »standing bosinesi ne by the ¦ «MhS i, KINii. I n\\ *i,ii PRIMI Dl WIN.; Hl ER .-« Kl. WAUi). .RfH'DORACIC MNO. M c I '. KINO Is re- Ml "I ti KINO tad EDWARD PRIME, who ha-.- '.ce,: dulv ap. pointed for that purpose. Kew Tori, BSth JtB ^OTII F. -...-.., .er¡b»n vrtll coattana «Be hu»ir««*. »<> far «« n may be .rd to INem. under ihe ¦¦., or IAMK3 ti. KÍNU hflOllS »MESO KINO, I'KNSlNi» ARCH DURACIE KINO, «. Merchants Exrnango. w«it-»i rerl | in .-s-:--.:- ¦ -LJB patent iiUöumte. nu s w a v r* E B COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY Estol ")» «cf »f ('inert,,. IBKOTBei at Bl » Conrjumptlon. ( - '.-.-, . Ltvel Complaint, Spilling Bin« 1,1) Hreathin«;. Pain - id Bn a«'. pltafJ iu ot ih« Hear- and - . TJ THE CITIZENS OF NEW-YORK AND Sl BROUNDINO t m NTRY. lUtiiui iriaaao coBayautiaar. DR. .-.VVAVl.h -/.'« St I fewal ralle.. Iiy i »ens« of gat* i owe ¦ tiering nirnsnliv, t ackr.owle.- naaoftal tbaaks I be woaowiral ottoets syrup oi l i -, mo, i . month ai'l-r m "rut arS.ciintr .. « llsaaaet coa« , . .i a ,,r.». w".h . iweats, a hark n/ stjoaaod Broken r.-,l t«eri: to « est »land. ¿ hut roce ¦..¦ I bo boeodi a haiove» trun tosas, bat gradually grew woreo, uetll mv ..««lias ;> ail hop»» ,.r' . ,;»e one I about to pas« through the Valley of Me Shadow of Dae A' this"»*' beard of your Com- v. ICaeny, of wl ., ;>ji, ha»«d »ix . ; -, ¡rod ir .-, s- i I am n -w enjoying bei have before la , .... .it c is» are recommending itin »imiler caaos, and wish poatosaexe Il reme- d> at ... «re laaspsi ug i . aits A .Is hap: y to bave Bad xnnsied by s pertonsl inter- ALBER1 A BoBB, raaleead P..-a., i>ja er hj Begasa, iff >aaM «1 I « te»', ini'-r, y I hereby eerttf j, that aavtog aeeo »ubjeci to pain» in my che»t, atiende! t SBI -ara, »rid . an mean« for re.ief. 1 h»v« Bvrap of Wild CI si atañí I hove t .««1 sseee than half a .essary to i»»e any r. . -, re severe than any preriou» I HOM IB Ml N - enrnsr lace »la I . I . IS ¦. .If. o 1 r or Broad- I way a- B It Wa.nar. «e- .Is. m Braodaray; I C Hsrt. S48 (»rand-«t. .Mr». H, » B.Oldsh «3 '«¦ M AUSTSR'I ALLHEAL::. , «BUT T.l«: ICTION tt HH 'i rHIH II4STX ¦ .... ... J a- ..' .-». .¦. FtJRi'Y VF.ARS i Ear-aeha, «teotaeaa ¦ i h equal Tas- ¦ , . , isee of« Btnaeiod » -.: g, or -in r'sj» ..( e u ,1 «-» -i'i .-.-. t *' ¦"- san». ..ilion | ..,,.., ,...,,...-.». r- .;¦ -s: ¦ " , » i pile«. Ao.1 we are r»««!) r. -ait rheum «re - snd we . «vy that it » ,, a BssH ..-.. m waxaassa -. s .. .-s. e-.... r,rui»e», au.I .. rmrri« ..... .-...- . -. v .. r a ay pa a-id r- m,.e ...».. «.-r -, . .: ¦'¦ Bl . '.'. ... » ... . .- I!. .¦>,.: ea . * piare w ¦!¦.,..-. » - . ; -..- -«. . -s ¦-¦ »,..'-.»». -- .'» disease« of ih* spteo, sad of th« aarvea, a so sweUe .asu. and fern» tl erelgn . 'ac* »ml ¦"i.r.n It truly on« -a.'esl and mo»', ;.e BBlMctro« ihe world «ver saw. No man regret« purchasing ihls Ot'.imeni, because ha fee.« be will be ^refilled and noi deceived, ijood alway* com«« from lu use Let lb« people then s««h this medicine and aolde by it, for a never deceived anybody vet ar»J we believe n«*er srfJB, ürar.d Dtpol remorad lo ;1 lonseod' TOTHK TKD-l (* rg sjece.» for « period of Mi raars na« rally seiahltshod the efficacy of lb«Ci<JveAnod«D«T ^ ^ -»«aiscovery of the ¡so Dr. ftart. to »boii -. . . lo bo had by'.be r.!anufa.".urr. b HAMMOND k CO. «u-cp.«..r t', :-e .a.eti. Han.« rner of Broadway and Chamoers-st. advjlring «tiewar-.» r.*w mar'.t« t> ludia«». Ñ. B «Ve » m ;j a»i arrtv»iia s choice as- «ortac^^i of Lubin. »ierlain and Sal««y'«exlr»ci»9oap, Cu«- raaucs. Be. i.>g»ther wirJi a choice ass Ix Mar¬ row, Co'd t'reeaa,««ue dock« diaoietd Cologne, ate. of' ,sir «wn ir mu facture. ry d-nanui»- EXTKAt Tîa FOU BXATORJTNC B^ Mang», , .am», t jstarls, Chsr.oi.« rfu**e. Pu Svttp«. «èxii'e«, he he Hg*i v eoacaairatad Exirui of \'ac -k, Lemoa. P«*-h. Rot»«. 1 ron, Biner Almond aad Oracg«., R >*» Water Pearb and Oreego Flower Wata-rs f«r tlavonng ail siods of Cccrt-eiion«. Cooks and Coo.'e«tt"n«r« have naivaraaUy pretorred lbeso Exuacts. ea ssi «I in' of tasvlr grasai «tren^-th scd ptnty of g»vor.. . . X loaspooaful te euftdeni lo Savor a quart. Fai up la tríala at O ceo is -w- ft Prepa-ed by HE-SXT JOHNSON Cüer-tet. fJS Brood- war (west «id«) »a the cirant:« Baud i Sold also at 1<S) rn'uw. »e aadT7 Easi Broadway._ dis tmiswasi «"aTtlLMOAliï C0JÏPA>;K-, Pr..rnptr«rs of c'oa. Mine«, fce.-.'«1 tons E-rjg..*n 11'. i j* to lb« yard.»», haad H* u,n« ri Bail (American) i* M ine yard -5 do do do do do rr.'»rteei. for sale ¡crwi MS CO dobesu-e -'« ' ig-hecomiag Scnasner re do As» -t *on> 3Bt do Ksu.roel dp'k««, dc.verali> ai opening of es- vigaUoo aa do «ata Air and *'-«**¦ Spr c/i ' r pa*«e-,gar ear«. 'oraaat.y SHERMAN a MuRxlaV ill Cirrrs tV*- aST-aant«. ara- Br jad and lawif at* G AranifCTiîjtj. AST~ CONCERT l>P MADAMP. ASLaMOWt«/. .TR/ILL TAKE PLACE »tU n tire Pseetta AseSa- » r m ,, Jsro.emar «L oa T »vit e .,; Wauai« íhe aecu-eu l'»f ihe «. j greal Teior S-ger'r«»m :*- »Mr Rv.e. lb* a »ver Mr P We . tato* M lb* piano >ri«. T*i«kri» M cents. Farther pavnc.lar* la fa rue* adv«rr.s*tn*nts._jta I ^KKAT ATTKAt~flilV_A_Nl~Ñi'\"ËlTy -Tue lYXOUAN ASSOCIATION » give ihatr r-.n. .rand }' - i », January at, ISe? oa M »o ifcey etfur a ho.t ^! tuusic», isiec.t. jeder m- a mu Phtiiip*.wbo »in pteaatoattAs plano fvrte . »na«tca -..«'. ihev offtr m irrf a sp en '. : I WlU a jiren totb« M -«: and tr.oat origin», c r rdrirs. to t»a decided by » , « t ', T !r# ¦! 1' ranfetoent. picalg* '..hemwivs» ih«: tics will be oa* to the icuoa Por tartttar paritci s', dus e . e- 1 .' .' Íi riON till kLI I I Tl lit., rheaeaer- ». g purp IM.« ¦:.-. ..-'a»se» ' ., M lay. Peb 1. ». « ta Ht way. P* ... » ¦.¦ -«» » are cotuun?- trseoi «.mob» «< » near . . upei ». , \l v 'aes . M As , , , «. «, C aaa .... . . « .. R HARPCASTLF v 1»'. ! HI» «. ». i «s Case J. Couway, A'lriil' »N >ll»l.l tl > . ANl'ESthlsi . >. 'PUN . - »le.» v ' ,r WESTER ' M . -v L'LIÜN LrVINO ORA NO OCTAVO OENTOM THCMB SI > ... \ ,' :¦- it - s > . sacaste ¦-su.... *JX.r- . 13 oc Ke. ,, S AHA M S MAUAZINE OM.'TFRiTiîi' iN'i U' --»iv. 1*47- T*( ». i'».r. P..«. (ON TRI BUTORS .0 THE PEB N' M8KR JatewFasrlnoreCooper,aaiboi The pilot," K-' -r ,»f CtoreeaJ «ketche«. tula* J Pelartoe T Rucean- an Resul. Prancls J. Orne J. I.< .n Hunt. Arthur A Ivn, Mr.. -1. - f ' A W !>... ..»¦'." P. K. k Mary «ee ..i m a Jaaa i 1rs ) Eenaa, >' M - ty, A N*w I sr, E. P. Wbl| pis, Roben K. E NI MBr'R ¦graying bj K»wdon, il. Il t « . ... we have bad . ij¡» it. M . ¦.. k MW ataB| Now It lb* *-J per annum e»for Av Ru \\ II .11 t'l \\| in»' pu try for ¡4t _ «KS ON SCIUNCE ANÜ ART PUBLISHED BY Ü tl'i tl s .. « 0 Bât Hr..»dwsy. rw «.ikon» . , i MeetaaM Irts . r Hodge Oa the Sltam Eagtn« large plate» Prie« f 10. lir l"re« Dictionary t »e«, Mai.ufaciure.and Mine«, ;»te,! « Itfc IV« wood . . ty'tCye padit of BOS pram.-«! receipt« ol lb* Ars. Maaafsetum and Trad*. 1 vol. Price $.' M Parnell'J Cbenlat y app ..I to the Art» Pnce Si. Preeenat Fi«m«niary iMtnetloaee Chsmicsi Aaelysts 1 vol. Prie* tl. Lei'«v«re » Besui e. ol Modern Archiiaclur* «¿piste.. Price Rursl Economy. r ("hertlttry applied lo Agrlc illur*. I!. B. Bo'tlMantfaull. I vjL (.'oio PHc« Bl VI Stahle v a PraMse on ihe M.nagrtreni 01 lb« Horae. by J Stewart Edited by A. B .Allan. Price SI. Tli« Kärrner and Eml/rani'» compl*'* Hand-Booa. By T Marshall. Itota liuirsled. Price Rl. A Popularan.! PracticalTreai:»e oa lles.thy Skin. Bv Rrasataf rrtteea '.'mo. Hisstrane Pric«$v D*l*uze'» Practical In.trucilun In Animal Magtistlsui. Translated hvT, C Hartshorn. Umo. tl. lexer's P.yoduanamv. or Animal MasostUm. .'mo Price*; ton s Btontatt si Mllttary An «ud ScUnc». 12m«.. . » ¦!. Il a ft :i NEW WORK BY MRS KIRKLAND 1'nn DAY PUBLISHED Cbaueeresa Soecer m two p»rt«. Part Spemer »n.l i! e Paerv Queen, i'V Mr». CI Kirk.»ml. Part II -Se.eii..e» troiu 'he Póoitcal work« of lie.jtlrey Chanrer. >.,. I liarl«» H Dethler. Price lur each paît M Inber prtftce, Mr«. Kirk'srl lis» the tollo»lag Intro- J'i.-'ory r -mar'»» " l| ha» Become «o nrtr-h tLe prsc. et to decry every thing in tie »hspe o; ».- act out,' ' Betuiles' s'd ' Ex- tracts.'from theaiscdsrd sii'l or., ihsl ll requires no small legras ofssaregen tier ih* runitc » »urk »bu-h »hail com« tinder either of the pro., rtlej classa» t'ut wuii alt lefer*nee on'.lie high aulhorlti«. who con¬ temn »u.'li »uperncta! a -,,'iel -itar c wth lh»he»t wrlier» »em« , -pinvidcd u bugeee .be noi'.euer tbaa nothlag' WbaiW» it t.« indseei wis* n reaoenee all a ».uith'.»luai.'« work». b«iau»e circuí:.- 'ir itudytng il , b ;. * * Tiiü ipelUlg lia. t rhvibm or the rliyit.e »a« materially li,,nie.I t,y ibecbaag*- where iblt '.» ou d ara lesea lb* .»»>.. a f*W rootHMtet have Idea, No pertos e, . luftcieall) eolt ráeselo re i.h ihe poem at sil, will probably flud shy J 'brultyln llila re.pect." Published and lor »sie'. y WILEI k PUTNAM, III Bro»dwav THtl LlTBRATUKU or 0171 DAT. THOSE DESIROUS of abtalatog a gei.«r«i tuaMBiry I Oie urreru llteramre ol the ¡late, -1 fore ,' , M Bid now rail at t'l M TAYLOR 11 Cl) s Ne i Aaler Hou**, and «uü»cri'.e lo LttleU't LI viag Alte.the fe blab, e,r A it i.l Issaad, ketag lb* fourtb nutnlier "( a new faaBBS T»rnn, $J p«r annum; »ingle copte» U$ r»n'i. Tut M»i.«/iait .The New-York MaeftntoiItaaastae for Februery, a tplei li mb*r, wlthfoerelegeneagrar. ini(«.ihiee from or gmal pa;nlin«:. and one frurr a de»uu br Msttssea. Coatsstseutlrsly origtueL Al.o, tirabsm'* M.g.iir«, U'Jdey'. I.ady'. Book, «i.d the Columbian «ai-li So per annum, or %¿ for two copte» Ladle« National Magazin«B¿ a year, or Hi eoan each Sia Pvtl IC iTtoa --The Roman Traitor A Tru« Tale ol lbs Republi«, by H *V, Her« en.a new «dt'ioii, and ',¦ the !m.»i bov*I if the »ea«on. J vo'.. cúmplale . ilunbaaandVeapaetoa, Ire ,no \ i».» net Pel estait tad saw pabtkatleat, -' Papera l.y Ihe exreeie! «'«»nier, for Ml« and retail by AM TAYLOR k CO. \i3», No lAiterMsaM THE LITERARY WORLD, A. i ' n >. ioi a ,.,'. i Ishtse.- i - . s pub lato t te i ... lasto K- vie» » ,^f Na » Hilo»». I'»«-«. ¦» rr.,ni et, Re- &iri« of Literary Im ' I i lo mía. 4c, I'si» . M M act Publisher's I ,n» of Ih* 'lay. »Uli price, f mi ter^rv or 1 , i contri ...t..r« ii*r and .v .. rpartmcnls -. » '¦. astil - e Trad, in ..« f .1 the -ar- leal use »beet*, adv. .». aie. ». , - ,.nc« ol n re* ». . ..r.c.i »-..¦.-¦. . » - . M luir'ier, « large will to pr.n'- r ruary. Editorial em » i pswplil«»» for » * - » » ¦¦ a t , arsivswl by 0 App'eion I Co. >»¦ I eay Wneya P .^lam. !. Br-raii»., .. v\'»ilord. v. and l<y book- . - . . i!»i,<; |, . . ,, , »... ¦'. e»rmin_ IaMRRAELI 8 NOVI L II t r.i t He.e \\ . , \v ». a il IS, . ml. SI ». Sbak « - - ii. Por M.e'v L I. BLOOD, A/eut, IM afSBBBVali .». Me ..¦».»' VIW Hi -,i \l. PUBLICATION»!. -.HTH I! v BALI Prsal . sre »¦ I PIRTH HAL;. A at » » . l o i »r. «Muaner N . \ bj »ainse. Lover ar 1 aul / by 'I ... sngad for lb* ar, si I W yousoneMMp ».-.'-. . ¦. » . I the J&o »t. n ar ¦ Alisa Dedwei D*t: t » > Him A sei rsnlM.a ;,y Meyerb-er fn.n March du » I , e v.. -: ao.1 two .e(» of , iDootl ... i.i'.u. di Chamounix ^KW vil »Il Al-PI Hl.l('ATIf»'*.-riRTHh HALL. No Prans ri-.jiare. and PIKTH HALLA POND, ¿v> Broadway, puhli.h lair .-«.« let Perrotians Vslna t cia«, tamps, with asp end id. v Ulantoaled tn.e . l/rtt'.v* of in« dance. Kami leiver'. ».» and 'esao'lfui *\r¿t (i »-atch you wait by daylight," and "The Two Bird.;" Quadnil« from Benedict . new opera of The Cmaadat. wrlUi s utaiBtaatad 'it>-psge one of the mos: sirlkln,* scene. in the op*r», arranged by ifaaVta. The Hanta C;eus Quadrll es snd Kolckerboeker Quadrille»- hoth M played by Dodwor.1,'» Band ibery areamlial.l.bed with'.eaiilbiI and appropnaus lithographie 'ule. -j-.- Meaetagef Bel Ramiar Mrraasxar, Or.od Bri Manie by Pr. Bjrgmullar. Pi» PKEPAKE FOM WKT'~ WKATHBK~Th* New »ri lu.«.» Ru-.'er Msnufsciunag Co." oB*r for »a.» lb* larga*! sod leMi assorunant of Ind.* Rubber gbocs no found In '--« cousirr, ci*»..t'r.g of «v*ry variety ol adle*' »r.d seotlenifjc's O/erahoe* In as*, maaufwrtursd fron * .iyu . Paner* maialllc r/wi warranted not lo atiese wim ti»* 'oíd or sSVlad by lb* beat. Al*/, evary dssertpllon of sir Obi and water-proof food» in osa, whole**.« and retail. Dealer« »re '.evitad le a <t «xamtne oartt-»-» jafor« purrbaaiLg elaawaara ¦¦«.»..»..e llsl.'ee»-. - .- .,/ "DO arWOKTfl ttTrivale bsn^lns Rebool, Na «4t iBroom*-.t. sear Broadway. New Jai fonn- l. Privai« toaaas st sor tai* durtn* Ih* day for in* Redows reata, Marourte. Co, Terr. ps. Tar«niul«, Wail» lüg, Ar. Be. fient e-jaen't Clann on Tuesday, Pridsy or Tbaradsy tad Sanruay svealng», from 7 to in. i.a ' er Clasaes oa Ttte»d«y aid Bâtard ay, fross 1 to A. Praettains Soi-ee« twice a re««!*. _JH lasi« VALBBrrfNRB, VÂITÊNTINER ! »4¿H> PARO, '.be wsi. kstrarn Valaatia* « bat Si ¿Greedy rer*',»ed an unre«»i»e va«'«ty of Eagllab VALENTINE*. A»d bu siso pu iliahad a «ertMy of COMICS. «SMrlor »o say n«/or* pusiiMwd. Tb* trail« ar* respaxyAitry sBfAei to call or saud ih«ir orders, tad buy 'near ai SHEPaRI»'". JtisDtlW» lti Broad wav. owpo*»M JobesL VALENTINES VALÂMTINES JL"sT PUBLISHED and r. .«* rawer D«*evt» oat *f the «nty by ro.i..:ng can bav« «aaoruaaew snail *r large, seul Mem, with abow bill«, ha- TURNER a PMHP.R. ¡ijlnlt* **t ChnrUMret, PIO IRONe-lio met No. i CWeoai foundry Dot. totttl* by rjJSJI JOS. A OLartitrn 0tÍEt. BJOSMXJi IUNIIU'» lirti'ss« V BANO-4, luí HABUMS «% ELATT.-Xw . J«i t-ostdsray _Li*«raJ Caah Xdvaais« araste aa c.« Btay«"*«s«ta fsa- Aarttoa Balara MONDAT AND TVgXBAT ETBNTNOS. Fea. g X I Xi ta« aj'c-«a BVoosaa LsaoeSataoe Daaaaso Boo»»-The eoiiro Moek M p.sXs «Haifc.osjry, fc«. parue-ly aassagvd by weXXT si tat« tr» ai Ha» store of H. M Oaderdon*. Tin nhae'tor, N > 10 JoXa-et ceeststlas «f s lare« «v.èsctioa of s-e««t«jrd Tie» oloetea. aad Misas leas lias Works. J s vea le» Bsias, Fa.-. e. «-i.e.«s. Of TCESDAT. March to. FearvFirr« NswToaa Beaiae Tassa S*ts .Tr* next Trade Bah) of Book*. Bsaraatypo Ttatos, a o aaaBSsaxs ai the abo«« data, aad ho wieiasset heretofore lavotea* raspeetfhlly raoaeeted. aad «aoavld s. fob. I bo '. -r¦»nod hy toe hat Feb. aaat. at watch cate toe cass i «ni: ras pot to prase. «aie >fSia-: y. Paper. Ac wtll take riso*, a* ass .og-i<M ami so put to pe, The »a -'Sia-i «n« y. Paper. B a. oePMoodar. tu March, for which cosaai/rcusooi* area s rsrspertfu.!)' so.leited AT PaivaTB SslS.So «a B.was-Ae esionsl«. aaso-t- meot of B.acl B «.«ks, well maaurVtirad, eaaaasxaxg of - - vK.-..*-.» .. - ¦«¦ «.--u^w www w- v.« » jo** ' -jjnvats- »«sie m to '«. soll ai -acU-* t *a.efti'.ly alleosaad to. sad reapsct.'hil« a' F ... sea? and Demv Ledgers. Dar Books. Joaraale, Xc. la M sheep and half Rua»«a biaJla« half boisai Bleat S.vtks, .»eg aad .> ad Ibid. Ai*o. Quarto, and Four Lwd- ger«. Cop» Rc»«ke. varluu« site« «sad pauernj of Btesau- randu-n« and Pasa Books Port Folio«. Coavovalooo Book« * ». Be a«, kc u whsoh too aiiaatioe of teasers mas e«ied *«. .'ai»»T* BaLe.t.tsV» »- Bibles, every »art« v le « »beep and »iira gtlt. and gilt «djr«Mrtdl.fa Al»>, i a .-a»« of Siandird ard Mlac«.laer«as B.sok« f. COLTtm,Tisr«ÂrBaar. BY P. I'til.T«» . Ano..* end C «.u-tsstoo Mereesal I V s * i mit) V hoe ,.a L'-va «.ira ¦ a ¦».ut« -it g,»ds««*.h«: t- f*»«»k"> sai« or s: aj' « Ortvnri r«. jma mad«. Qjldoot »ai«e of evsjry daac1f>do«i . . .fX » « .i-o.' J a 1 -«pa-tittll» O'l'liod rUESDAT.Jaat w. At ¦> ( ,v». ai i.e A ruoa R ¦«. An a»*o: :m» " of New «i J S««c. »I-i« Furmnir«. c «a- - « 's ráelos «. «tiij g.ea««*. carpels athef -,!.. ma u .-»..* dr*»« .«! !««. »rand*, a»« t't s t, otaee eaaoa» kltehaa, rxrat- _ (' >H*Vlto<B>«aXAfrN. Sana-ates Btore Bta I . Bsei e si I..era; stvaucee made or tAaais cos- QataAeoi licitad f ,.e»-t -eture» Ojala N R C CHAMBERLAIN bavin,-reraoved fh>at No- II .V« « gi'ruee st would res Beppr la roeat»« coaalgaBMfMS of Blerrhei.dtae of e«erj dearnpXoe, fVoat hi* ft and s and tro puoilc goaerallT «he* SaWr* he bopas U> inerti. MOSDAT. Jan. ts. At It» » clock, ai No * Spree» «t BXt.oxo>asBB S' «viTuas, à«, eosaertsing sofas, eefa be<*st.vads. set'.ees plain and dr««slc( buroaua, mart,]« top «reatas hshtee, mahogany leo tableo, bedsteads, carpels, oil c'oth, Chan». raavXasgeaf rocbere, crockery, wax, choooe ee- gars, de-rttio'ins. drv rood», boot«, *Ii.«ps u.c. Vs. u FUiNKSDAY, Jaa.7?. A: ¡14 o e-e!, ai He, as Bowery, s* »in Sti > ..fibs» contents of s mllliuery ai d sa-aw hat oateMlsbmaval, ,onet»ilng of lasilee' 'nisha* and uoSr- i«ned »t.k sn »iraw hau. »irsw braids, rlbnoc. »Ilk. It cm. itaras of Meta» «c a.-. TIURSDAY J»a,a, Ai 1*»* o'clock, al Ne HO H. tition-st «1,1 > or v Hoi ÜSM »vu UatosHreai. kc. ctMUlSlhlg of tool» bathe, glaasjar*. drugs, parfuoery. t beer fainialc. I btaira for sien. I »toe«, g counter», 1 large |tss eat« wuh diswer», «mall do ftxiuresofaiore«, loi alga», Xc. Pat« 11 x Sais .Three Are prvtof Iron eheeu of various . -es Bl JAnKfTMTivnÏÏLlrti^^ Ian«. ki door tit Ha I I.tb«rtv-«i TIK8DAT. Jan M. I to stock. Bl lb« *t No. 71 Maiden lan«. lets case* gesrrt,sasoaeaaaEaeaas^Mkato froaa nuii'ii«ciur«r», and suitable for ibe city ui eouauy II aue. FRIDAY. Jan. tv. At t »'''lock, at store No. 7s Matdea laaa. H »sow »as. CfTttaï. he.On a cr«dli «f a.x ssoauis for approved endorsad noies.dOU packages Bad lou of tresri Imported Hiriuinrban and BbefBeld Ooodi. esmslal \-t at table a.'.l poehel cauoryiTuisher, «ho« and broad s. «.... Ill««, Huicher** drawing Barree; plsie, cbo«t, cwf) board and 'renk o.-k*. fliau, tee trays and weuera cariy comha. ira k«uea. »auc« pan*, tinned and *a**o«li«di fi ¦...« » ., loe and haltar chaina: rCarvlla« bo«». pafaleaX Baeaatea hutu. caudl«*l1ck», »nag«r«, Oarirtaa allvssr aad Iron i«« »... 1 t«' . spouas. britannla do, twbaro boaae, leBta hum. J»ui«*'» wt>od acr«w*. rtMtad suaX »sjaai« bolis, etc etc. Cata'oeu«« aad good« raaraty for axaralnaUon throo day. before iho sale. Th« «boT»«ii«cksr« froeh gooda and ta ggggOJgggg oHar 1 very lot will sold wtUiout reeerve- ~ ROYAL~Ot'RLl"YrAucilo.v«er TIURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SaTI RÜAY EVEHINOB, J an Pa. as and to \\l.l tlll.t. BOOEté.-Wiil be sold b* ROTAi. ii' it I.E Y fc Co at their Loaf-roost S04 Broadway, corner of Duane-st. an axleaalva and valuaal« eeialogeo ¦>f ancient and modern boohs, consisting of theological aad .clentihc work», embracing rare edliloa« of ih«claa»ica, worh* on the ancient lansuages aad liter aturo, aa exceed¬ ingly v». is'..« coileciion of Ibe cholca.i European work« on natura, lu.iory, soology, btitany aad geology, aad iHhaf r.ranches f natura, BfAsssas; Una «diltoo» of thesraadard and most popular French and Italian aainor«, elegaauly bound antltjultlee, he he TITEXDAT, Feb. J, AMSRtc»n Rooat ano Woaas tiLariMO re AMgaie».« Huroa»..A larg« and rare colleeiloa of valuable ASswrv can hooka on 'and tliie», local and general blaiory relaitog to Amanean history, biography and gaaaitd baratar«, many of hem original «ditioaa of great rarity, as wall ae of tntriu»' valu«. ggg ghjBSjr ' ANT ttoÑY XB I.E ECKER. Auc*ioe«>«r. FVVCI CTOHB' Ntl.a, Of KKAL RaTATP la á b.rrowai.- ANTHONY j BLEtCKEI wtll seilet pahMs «uc'ton on Thursday, the »ih day of Jaeuary, ItwT. ai LBs/eaOOh a> rh« Merchants' Exshanga, ' by order of the Fvecutor», ail iha' enrtaln lot of ». d with rh« fraaso i.«» ,i ,g house thereon, known as No. I0U Barrow-«! sear gloache» et The lot U feel m front sod rear, by M lb»! to depth on «ach »Ido. Tu« tu« Indlsmiiabi«. g.t>«u of tbo purchase nio-ey may remain on bond aad mortgage al sov- en per cart- lm«r*»l, pa,ah!« oua.ierly R. B F.HDltK. I ._._... Jd^td«^_T. J. CQLEMaN, ( HXSxaajaes. VA FI. JoYES. Auolonessr.' BfXITi, »IJOKM ANO HKU«ANH.-On Wodne*- day, Jan. 17. 1147, al o'clocS, al me atore of J. D In ¦SrSSsa, h Co. No. ttt P««ri-si. X». ,:«.«., xoiupriaiag a large and da.trabl« assornueol of bosit*. «''.je« and bro- gsna.aui ablefor Souibera. Westaro and city doalois J11 BKOH NAI.E-Tka two aio-y sot »tile saodara built brtek bouao and lot lu fa«, He. 14 Becoad-ei ii. hoiia« i. m >,e Bowery. Tbe house St tool front by 40 fe*t d«ep, wtib Ui and Sd story piaaaa In rea/. It wa» built a few y«ar**lnea by a butlaer for bl» own .*> cupancy. and Is unuaually rooaiy and conveolaoi 4 ruoaae on ih« id and 4 on in« 1.1 floor i ««oavouloal panirte« and dosel*, mahogaey parlor and sliding doors, marbl« asao- le » In first and Mrorid »lorl*». X fine dry basement room and COunar callar full su« of housw. Crotón water lalrte e-t J ,.«¦¦ can reman on bond and mortgas« 'f de- »^i.l Enqulraof [j2Alw«| A LANE, WalUt A^AuCK'r^KHyyAT.HA^Tr*. t.-Ta. subscribe.« re»p«cirtllly ttifonu ihelrTrt*nda sad iho public gsnersllv, ihsl tbey have euecoeded H F Btsv ¦i« i.«.j proprleuirsof iha a'seva well <w»n heaw, and are prepariwl i acromsoodala all thoea who may favor them with ihelr patronage, with larga aad wall haraasha ...».,...» |.i»i»:f| TIOHSs 's HLaKF. it. X. >IAII. LINK for A.banyaed I'froy via Br,d*7«pt>ri and Houa«*,tale 'Railroad -Through by dayilgiit.dai.y - e,,-,.pi,.d| ai .>» iVelnea A M fluiiu« die last «mi umeche Hou»alonic Rar roa.) .a*le-«in relald ihroagboui « -, ... r; Hu. from Bnd/erio" loth« W«ai«'r> keilroa Th.- ataaaiboal M'H'NTtlNr'.FR Capí W H Fres««. Idi -s iba foot .f Mariai sl E R. for Rrtdg«p«>ri. >*a ¡y. «i . 4 sleek, A. M. No fr«tghi laeeo the ?««*«cg«r i.m« Passer gers lak« the ears at Brt.lgei.irt. and wtih.Pil rba.'ige of SBr.O« baggage, arilv« In Albaa', and Trwy al 'i .k'| P M .S«w rn.1% ii.l i.e-¦..«..i'v« angta«» ha¦¦.« li»>«n rr ,.'ii-et, «rd the read lain «vry saxaeol equal te the beet Ne«* F.aglead t,a¿. rgrt Fr.Mv-'ill.iniiysiwaaier.NIMRODsndKLRIiKA dai.y F.. r fai her »'»o ir-- al Living sv ,i. | Weils's Kxp.-'s* «latea, Hu A) We .< am ai o » or? e ,,, Mark««- IX UM PERRf. Agwnt Iji) lstf| OKI KUHK'K HKFWKT.-TbeMii'isi B«n«ei Lif« laearance < .. ii'fflca No II Wall *. Is«upO during |iece»ni,«r, l1**, SM nww Po|icl*e.»lg To »1er. .ants h Traners..STiTo Moehaelc» .'A Clara». SI Phyaictsn».IS Law/or» ..- S (I. rgymen .'. Cesanara of Bank*.... % Manufacturera .1.1 Hotel .'-is .S FabUc OÄcers. 4 Fanners . It Prof«*«*.«. I La-!:«*.U He. Cáptalas. 2 Banker .... . I Other oceupallóos lo TriUI Follcleo. .»..18 RUR-r L PATTF.IiXflN.Preetdeat. BENJ C MILLER, Soeretery JOS l.. L<>RD, Agant JAB BTKWART, M. D M«lkal Kiu» «r. ;t I«nisMWk« _ No XM F.wrija,.|^ CASH TAILOBIBfO BBTABLIdHMBRT IPr.M «t HEN-.ON. Drape» ar Ta-lor, re»p«ei.f\..]y IS ii.fini.iiii, pairori« and the public a«n«r«¡ly, "tai la has r«roo. «d to tita New York Caal. Tai .»ring Eatabltsb- ment, .No. 142 Fulloo-st. near Brotkiw»», wbsnr« rea ho found ao -»'enst-i «s...r'/«enl of Cob«, Cass meree. VaatV Bsgt !.. «lile,i t»lo i^. mad« loo-1er in the boo PJOMBea» ., f.r casfu A rio'ce and general BJeortmeol of («oilemarr'« BaBCf dreaa article« eon»laiil,v oa liatod. Jylt tSWIXS F'HAM IH'H vlANIFOLD L-ier-WitSja «goto Wr'ing and Copying Letisrs. By this síngala pro¬ cess a leiusr aad i i » can bo wrtiiaw ai uae rasóte un» ti therefore lavaiuabi« to 'us<n«w« mea aad all who desire, copie« of their e0rr«apoad«nc« or o.aar iam- niaots. Trie manner of writiocts »asy, agraea'.Ie. .!¦>» i.'.ou« sod econ.anicsú. The tnaaufacuirvr« iri«iiotko*i lentioa the puhite to tir .s uso>ul arUe.e, which they are prapored to supply at wh«.«*«i« and retail. FRANCIS k LOLTREL, Ma«Juf*cu»rors, if» T? Mardera-hsaa H ans Boos s. Papar aad Srguloaery of every alad at tow prieoa_ C'UxlrlBEMa'a l.KJiON laCOAR-Thi* laaertrai ' arucie Le prepared trvm iba par« talc« of ih« Wjeaea, sod is uon«aiiesl 'or lita u.aiaol p.udttviloC of toaaaXsSXX au,er,.r to that made in lb« ord nary wsy, aud «aria«. Mas troubloaad eapeaoe. Sod, whotosxio aad reset», at BV Hao.ii rmpor.uai I^Cortlaad-o» » TBa' P~LATED tAMR1AOE vtOrNTWtií^B^Jhe' BCes or r.arueros ot la.liajy »qulbuiei U, OU aBX «««ar ad. sttow:r.4 a ivpp«WT sorfaoa, «aa ae aisSaally ramoe^ by oua »ppicalioa of lia Silver P.atMvg TXid l .¿«'-fxaj to give settsfaetioB of igs* aisvawy leBjaaej. ISMsb, wboioMtl« ana .otoil. by JORhfJ *.£.*w±£2\. ,2ü l" eTeTXsXeet. «L Ir.,0 Works, Saug»rtl«w. >.. east «XO r«»»Xsaaa IrOB \V <«rks, PotnptoB. N I va to «sUtBliSBUB. ord«r«for roond,«gjere.*>t, heaaJ.ecrolI sad heapIrea w'.^proaaptiy ^g,^<$%&$» » .^ XHatlAUa Vi.ifTmAT.» P'O« !«.*». 'K4»S>Cir> Ca/ra»4«CloUipl«ttoaadtgur«)d, of SBpofter ea»u .. fur sow et abe lowoei esariet prtoee ai ta- »arat. «a- e ihe Xrwerfc.M. J. Uetto tuboer Faster y. SB H «-tea «av. -no «vWcikJl A.SD orniRx-Ta. uN.« h i 1 «.pptiod wttrv- BXO SALT in » lb. begs for labks er aelry eea BALE HA T, Beaor, Ca.eo, Lard, X*. ae JIS lerte»_X C. HODIWB. »IS'««««SaSI ^fa» LUTERaor JtfHlC-A s»»a»aiifw¡ *kn*r»& I OuiLar f.rr sa o ai half prie« . T«»* «s asopaai^ loeija- asaiit aew aad lu perfect order Ap/ly wMr »lïeaBLe^, W..yd Engr»v«r. Fuitoe et * h aW Ses W+ DOOM bPUiNG«'-A now Bad laapro«- *ctMtoef E.S.UC D.etr BUirr.. f.r «o>. wb-la*a aaX «v*a*L bv tbe Newark Udla aubber MaevnaeturtB. Cmbbm, «g Maeieav too. _ *P StX pOAI^rsö ¡aitosw P'-aehjpr^<MpStot« .*. CRiyrtoxs -Bg-td*^tod¿f^ttr4s

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Page 1: Library of Congress · 2017-12-14 · For The Tribune. SgMBXTr.;TSMat- D,r,j >*ae«. ^rLadr' Oft"thy pleasant rone OS' ssxasax-erVSfiLt^ fc ^k l^^?odne.s--th»tever dwell, with the

For The Tribune.

SgMBXTr.;TS Mat- D

,r ,j >*ae«.

^rLadr' Oft "thy pleasant rone

OS' ssxasax-er Lt^ fc ^kVSfi ever dwell, with the.'l^^?odne.s--th»t them dost rejo., e

Law ¦ Klr; .....tries for thine eyeîîa »i^eg a^-e.of proud beauty burning«^!£^eer hght of aunsoft soflast sky

ô^-Si eve. of symptthy sxxin--1»«-ÄS'We. th. -ever soft and low

<Ä' 0 LsdyJOo^yhejdfsuyi«*/?:.-.»« and earth, a thousand told bey^Tofbttven and earth,' "U m

s. Arxasaae-RailrBBde Tb« Uexl-»«*.*» * ran War.

¿BrrtaapuBdeace of The TribuneLrrrta stoCB 'Ark Bto J.r

.«Th. s*»-Weekly Tnboao of Mto uR there

tended notre. Of « /'*^V,U

., wa tv Mesin Andrews A B-

2^-f-r.*** Coayo-p.«

^^^oília* wl-etkx. fo» Ma^inW od Co.

JTtowpp'y*- Yg*r8r'° tsu'e,< n:

St, absrsce th- *.>'; » - ".-'

Tb^., Hot snd Hi«:.. * HaI

(WU ^eauiV, cîiwrosan.1« 1 M. NoatZ^suttaskbskbidBll N'olakd ig

!"Do ."«V-thetr. ooiaxbotwtoo l-i- hai,,:. I- it. ahead at pre

l**,^!f t rersmtieito hear from to bal toro tdv *"r Lnoeed tt bare r. hold, 0B0

whXheleetkat aw «w~ 1V rr8ul,,, rrTV d.uU¦.''°"4^^¿twdV..«HMi.. i rîawroa

'Tr.^ie«»l*:i.rcp-*,n*'' «et to Incorpo«rSatssSSPe. I"" * «^ r0ostrurt a road frC m fiere

.., , Sal rosd 'j."^,;i opW , comm .nication I. ..,.I *WÄwiP.,ppl «ax »t t t mes it.« directly^^t/iXrTsiirnsd fror« CI Wfcastoa. B. C. to Ca

.J^^l^ij*» entire ditiav -«from Charleston to

'^Ív5fo te taeMni'.ii'i or even the Atlrtn,*?g «wqfis simo«: the whole «xt.nt

»saMexico ia to lie a rich agricultural'^¡^»»TawdBwTe sre mean« t .r taking »ueh bulky'^2r»KaXLBXrawl. Another advantage would be theCSaef issaallBOW in the Wi- i.-r 'In. tp.-n«.^rZWanaidpiy for<"a-.forma hoi.pst.y. and wouldtViM s rsflroed from Mempbi». renn lo Monterey, or

^Fraseaeo Bsy. via Santa Fé. Why will no', moa

¡SgtaÄ««ÏArew.kl. with a earreot dollaruil eariossd. m


W Mit,u*ec'.dpoet says, can BOT« agreeaMh laioasVbat tht worldst large seemed to have no

jrestrjusTTSlwithtbespeeimenot Mr.yish weather theytut r«*terd*y Froni tt* poist eeare»t to zero Bag laxt¡¿sauter mounted to s very genial and respectable ele-tatos «irdlosfssdof rude hyperborean blast» tilling hiSMHsna uwHspfce» with dirty dust while they stf Ijtei X* breath 'sinly seeking to find an nutlet thro» ,gbisetr latstsfJce», Broadway rejoiced in an »tmotpher « bjalie6 «sis sad noses appeared in public with p* ogee]«sMyllanag thus informed hundred thousan.C of our

¦Saipsol wkst they sll knew before and dona the ,.n

He thhsg to the weather, we shall hope to keepxfp with itfssrhstt»gsi»hed good undemanding so long .cultivatedit our witty snd poetic BeeeSsasaaer, now attv«.ctcd fromits«arbtltftrevolve with undunltinhrd briülejjey in other«Vwrm. -

lyprufesior A«*«.!/ the successor ol Crvir.H,and oes of the rnott dittinguiahed nstors.lists In theworld, »he bs« been lecturing before the Lowell Inttl-tale In Boston, will shortly be In New York for the purpose of giving s courte ot lecture« upon /.Oology, a sub¬ject which as we know, ha bests in the picifoundest andAnt «abefactory manner Beside hi« uneijua'.-d »ci.t.: i- acquirsmenl» he is physically onn ot the most «plendid «pectssens of s ssaa thst fair American .yes «ver

had lb« happiness ol resbag on

Pagpaj Fmt .A i-ommrttee lias booaaptaTBtotadh Button to collect «ubscriptiuns tor the relief of the¦sssrsrs by th» Iste fire Are there no BBSX ¦« atoSBSBalsa>Tsaj who will ai«h to »nl baSSI ursiortunatewwasaatniB tbsir diatre«« t Donation« may bo fucwarsVtd tolasgSfOf Bon Jotaah Uuincy, Jr

SaiTBloxus baniTtTTI .Our architect* havebat tory X designing plan» for the building« »t this inSBXSeeasd w*bave little doubt that some one ot themggj t«»atk«kutvt ot turnisbing the sucorsefiil designWe kiv« hssrd on« in the Norinsn style, by Martin QThsapaoti,sedgy »pokeu ol. and we lotv,; had the tippsrtxaity ol «summing those furnished by Mr dame»arewVcl Jr tho architect ot (¡race Church, ot Dr.tkserw«Ckirek, ot Mr «-'outbards, a» well as of theCurv«« ÜtBifretoa, Re»erveii and ha«o l^en greatlyftistsdVyths asaaXion of them, althoagh tbr more

t«1».» psrspseOTSTiew« hid been lolt in WashingtonladMiyrtosieritiontAr.d gn in 1 plan» remained T«v,.risaiwsitrubmittid by Mr Kenwk-k oue llothic andtssotssrLoaabardorRomaDeaque. Both are remarkablyUnkia« sad sffscbrt availing themioivc» ol the boldrvvattosssad atrong sflect ot light and ehade by whichBeakilfuJsrcbihKt acquire« great power ot ».pressionwith «econay ol and money ol the twoth» Outkk esstned u. u« lbs ia,r« hi sutil ul and thel<w'ks,»JlBiBore pktwsawBjTTl.e tnend« ol Tcmper.,me ,.,.,/ rV I ,.-

.fa » the IBXXaato td IhS latter to thisCity^ar« eamesliy Invited h. r»'.,, ,. t!j..|r strength at

1 tb« soJe.| aiWuiawstebampiun. «j| TlBBJ.will.P*** Iwipersace Brat «as O . ' The«sjeiriiry »àriBk from «u asease] to th« BsBsl Iibbi ItXsygsieau«»oetu. in .,, «tsaattsa Basa to tin« M.t"»a* of Rum ],, j.,,,,, ,luty Ä.a th- Leghwatare'w«^ra»sali««/' axeelleat Law hut will exteud it to^^ Mprdl

a toaVtarw .b'lTtin ti.e report ol tbo Commit^..¦»weCootrolbr it appears that on lb« did

*toiaWol inmate» .it Helle« ue Alon HoBBI was

".*»ko»piu, ... .,u 195; lunatic toy«.»«TB ssaaihaxallBaaian psagaaxx»afy«ia bot^;« ¦ «; pox hospital 3 TotollB «tostósaetíTlw number of outdoor poor .«.a children at nuraom ivaseooers HiCj rnuMieni «xtxaxttS for thirty day.bxtatrs

W" duCn '4'° Th" ,ht'w* ,1"t " *" '"'t**1*!" tosareosntintititl^iui persona were depend«alaaT''^'''1 l? lh'* *"¦ ,h" "-mber i« with

uwar.1^*"' "*'""'¦* '"u,n«; ,; tolBBl of cv

[ ., 2 ***** win,, a.e and braudy cost BXjBJ rvJ-t»««soaatsxpeii,i | lo* Batoam Baa la this .

(snlr.,*c,*T ", TRl,l)r,-°" h'nday tlio hark-aSlÍTl" '?"",,lKl¦WuW »" -»I «cat m wa,^.Ittondred and itxt, four otucers. »oa eam., .-*¦ eBeor. «ud prit ate. on board, under c.amitnd o(

«-atoas? i! 0n'V, " -11.* oñcer' **¦Thaw^Ll^ C,4,UÍÜ hM ^n "n the ^1" of2¡^^ betör« bB, ^ *,. pr.yfntfd

fF* >*ome »dea may la, formed .«,' u,k^-l »perauon. in «£2 £ °^ ítXXsto every p^, «j 7. ...-?» r¡<^ne«a with

iaWagaS.U*,,ww'«-'««>ry braMa, m

-Ithere7tos Î^."*""". r""» >- «hUbuild**^ay lira sJg?¡3 Md P-hhcatioa office ti th«,W- *. Tempet^atr, ,BU!a,''n0,'r lh<> VüUlh ''»''* »ko HitJiT?. 1o0, ^ (iWl',u' l" »»«..»WilWw thecJl^J** R*í>ubI,e «*' Volunteer,* »««.U. th« -o*¿J °kMI ,he ^^ "free ol l-iercy«^rWr.tlBXr^,-"** of í*CM"'g * look, a stereo

^°Ito»o*»v^Z if »>«J*rt>I»4*P«-'"»er, sla lswyer».«voadacted tr w«».0 "*->ír'*«»>aea. a day workr. all*"." * «mm0T'?ilrii'iàl,¦ U.< *>* «b" '«««

'^^«» «oZ^aL M*U'rt W ^ nu «*«* .»

^-.^»f«,^*!rWtou> Slower part to too* * «vksriex a.M.

" ^ «xpreastTc language

; ,,Wb wM o^,^ Fl|t.<t,

l* .* «h* ÎST' ' í,be,i,,.« ¦¦ . «-»towt

^.ehloBo. X ^iV*^ th. Bul»e^e

»^ il .. taid that ska u

i^Zi, iT.ttiirrto *«' *«.« top!i^^^Äitk^^uw^¦*¦ wones ,w" ¦.¦ lake aoiaeo o8 too j

FiKi«-A hre occurred in the baaeroent ot MlBetkmnn »t. on .laturdar night occupied by Mr. John¬son aa scrorery «tire. I.osa inconsiderable... Anotherin the house of Mr Podd. »TgsJ West Thirteenth it on

PHindsy mcmingIV An owner wiuted tor a cream colored bone

htoal astrsy about ft o clock Sunday morning Applyto ofhcer Plumer. Alto for t sorrel! bore tnd butcher .

cart lound by Richard William» corner ol Weft andGsntevoortat». .

aTdTf"* A boy named Thomat Gtay gf bel BtuMtaBB-tt fe!! on tba ica yaeterday tnd broke bit arm Con-rayed to the hospital

t-e*~ A BBBtjaj man named Jit Mi CuniGrandit, wss rjn over by Engine No 1* on Saturdaybight tnd very bsdly hurt

GT The wholesale warehoote of S 1*. Nicha *I Co 6& Frontet wts burgltriouily eater?don Saturdaytight shout 11 o clock, by mean» of an ax. A»«'.«t CaplDwytr beiog upon ti.e»pr,t tr.e v;llsin- fled with-out obtaining their booty, which would have i>ein largea« there were BJ BBJ in rub and RTOO.óOO. worth ot .tr.-kin the «tor». Tbe of9cer» romplsin thüt cltrk» sttsr bed

I to stores are in the habit ot writing or ttsylnr in theircountir.if room« till lste st night, leaving the front di ortunlocked »Ld the »tore to «Urknct«. gi ring opportunityto thieve« to «ecret themselves, and wb.-n warned by th«

¡ efficeri o! the danger insult snd abuse ttitm.

PrT* At Aisistant Aid. Feeks 'urlio it will beremembered rescued ¦» family from periabing by rire a

wees MtWeatara '.t the risk i-l bis life) ace mp&niedby Mr John Mrhaye if N... If Manginst. wts passingthrough Chatham st. BB Saturday night »unut half pMt11 o clock he wm Mssulted and knocked down by twomen L»r.ed Robt Barrea and Th..» Hume, and severelyie-aten. BafBe WBf soon afler arrested ami .mmrdistely resru'd by n mob which nml collected «in the ipotbtanraMataa totas, giren al th.nutJon houM,(apt SmithorJ« rai » pl»t(»on ol police to the treno oi rhMarrested Burn» and dispersed the mob Ths» itoundrelwm lully committed to answer for i marderou* as

»suit -

l"f7" <ontiii!i«'d («imtdaintt »f the lampiIiiMiii, ami Rn.ii.ins M: E '

red that there have bei n music and danringainrmr the children on the |,. PBnM lia enrjtone then If no truth in Hi!» report. Can it lie pos-

iiat the n/uperintendent ol the Nurs>iv lias bj.lowed BBeh distrae« tul »cene« to be enacted »innng thechildren «it tne In his rlia'gi- in that institutior.II I m.stake ntr-i. it wa. said at the time the Stiperin-teudert ol tin«. NurMry wa« appointed, a» an alditi ma'rest«on in far c. of his appointai« nt tl -it be professed sni'St»l.!i»hi"l radiions char«, ter. but I h ar hit religion i»nothing note than « profession, or be would i

"ri«a t»i h<- done. \i a ritiera, eotvtrUsato my»hare ol 'be eBBOBBOta maintaining the Ni rs.-ry. butam tree tt, »ary that tor MM inn i,. t willing to assist insupporting ata institution for chiMr«ri. il anddunei'jg are to eonstltute any part ol the indulgences asainu e^mrliits. i ither 0JBBBM <>t saBBBBBB*. My «.bii-rt,Mr. K.litor ia to a-k m whether tin re is any truth int'ds report or not 'md if it it true, will you use the influencf» of yofir tournai to cause the >iipirint< nderit ofthat institution to be drawn betöre the bar of publicopinion M .navrer hr this breach of trust. INQUIRER.

ITe r-an't »sy whether the report il trun or not, butr for our part wc are unable lo seo how it is against the

religious character of A man that he give children thechance, of dancing to music and help them to dance intothe bargain. Why. the little thing, danre of tbemaelvc.

if you leave them alone, nnd the man or womsn who can

iee them lumping and skipping in their young life with¬out blesiing Cod for their happine.. must be made olstut! that has nothing to do with Spring and sunlight. If

the .-uperintendent ht Long Isl»nd Farm» has providedmusic for the hapleis pauper children under his chargeto dance by. at hour» which would not interlere withtheir health, we must eonfets that tag like him none thewotse for it, but a great deal better.

»y .An Irishman named Terrene«», whilelaboring under delirium terme-nu, cut his in threeplace» on Satin «lay. M the house BSJ Houstonst.

["g^Mra. Eliza \V alert wat arraigned on a chargeof assaulting her husband. Owen Waters, inflicting sev¬

eral severe gashes on his head, face and arms with sn

e.'ge tool The Amazon is committed until her husband a wound» will permit him to appear In testimonyagainst her.


Tur Bomb Bmsll rnriarim Osten the îethol In-ci'iiibei Ml.llt flhnllehem been dispati bed Irotiiif Qreeafeaeh Dépet, by railroad, to New-York The.e

ghetto, »hen tii<-v toare Ike IMojet, hará eoel UM Gor-ioiiiiii nt i) H"i ein ii making the »um ot tl 10 -

TfelaIt - in-i .li'.p in the bucket" of th«' MexicanWar expenses |Kve. Join vl.t

IV 'Ihe trial nt .lotto avOhttta hi Columbiu Coh fot Hie murder ot hi» hrothei. has resulted in a ver

diet of 'Guilty of Voluntary Manslaughter The prisotiei lias baM sBBBMOOl to pay s flue ei V and costs olproiecutiou, and to i.nd.rgo an ittipr.»miment oi ihre*yesrs in the Esstern Penitentiary

Fgr^ The Foundry ol Messrs. «jowan McQahtta«fc. Co le Louisville, wm destroyed try fire on the nightOf tfee 17th. Loss 1.1 to $l5o*.K>-no insurance A person employed as watchman ou the prvmisessupi i-ed lohave been burned to death


iHl VVA> THF» D«> THlxr.s DviVr.N tí'il'1 H .TheCh.Mtahoochee published in (Jeorgla. states that.n thelVth in«t a nerro who had been «sonneted ol man¬

slaughter was taken out lor ptini.hmsrnt according tohis sentent'« He received a brsnd of Ihe letter M«>u hi« right rbeek and thirty lashe» on hi» bare back .Tic BtaBBBI «conter» three mere gfBJVBM of thirty lashe» each to be given respectively for three reg I lar sue

cesiive morning« Th «hipping was taken with a gooddeal ol compo.ere.but a strong evidence thai the ne

gro »/a,«* hurt ato was made sUiudantly man.'test tt theapplication ot the brand

I (l>|y|KKt I Al. AM) .HO.Mvt .HIHIU".

f ..',» iif BwMB, <V^" M Ví'Wrth PWjTtBUfBBtael I' M

Ihe Ht x h M'irket wa« ratlin aitivctini'generally buoyant Tlii-re ws» sotae inquiry K Qai t

Baa be and new !-ne« »in- »at'c «J al .'.' which is bet-ter nid S.xe« lot» bidThe Hill Market n b .1 vviil,-it Mttah

Tiie mail* lr«.m the South bring hut a un..!« rat«'

¦Bsoaatofl ' rttagtol | ter hato blDt, I'ranc»B 4-'{ I

l'i' tx nr| bfM .>¦¦. CottOB bat been -

at a tartluiig »hieb i;- g decline I t« IMTo other park

-»it the CaeABto-hoaae Gnpta Jau. ito the Wd intt inclusive, pn 1*1 MstoRiaMaat

lu« '».r, lncrcMe.».' Ml »ia: - j -- -it

J«..: 71Dutiable. Afar l"lo.i"«7 | -

luh _. 74..,Iim M i ¦>I'MThe tonaBBy al dutiable go«al» i» H ¡»er cent »h: e

the tueicasv ot duties received i» only M BM Ofta Ihg.fjatato i'lipott van«¦« hut little ft m lj»Jt BMI 1 be treegood« have iB-ira«ed in u.'.ich smalle' p:« portion thanthe « uierchatiUlseThe «'\|»orts Rjg the week past were »r.-l.Ml. gf

¡which ITltV.I IÍ Were in American »ess»-!« Ihe clear>ince» »«re 4,, and Raí atareaste. Mtalat oí which'JO were foreign. No ol passeng'T« arrived 14 I CM theexport» ol leading a- gtota th» re wen.

Ih Osen RVftato- |.!¦:« Oftabu.h. Meal. " ttOB, lr790helta; beeswax

9 !;.'. do. Hid.'« S 7W do; l.trd.51,*»** do Cheese, l.'.'.'.i .'do ll%tnt. I03.i»60do, Turpeuttae. l.iUü belt P« k, SO do Beet, BS do ; < »il cake,

ishj Sperui oil, lb.m.i: gals.bean». :.'>'.' bush 1 eas. 1 954 do.I PVeaci Flour, ajea hoto ; Aafeoa, 100 An Tallow.

Wheat, i.V.'. bath Kiee. :»* tierces CottonBM ba!<*. Lard IllJKOlhei Hsm» M.011 do II.Jes.

du lirrase, TJJCffaVl Whalebone. B.TJ7, do.The Greenwich Insurance Company have«le«lared

a semi annual dividend of per c« tit. payable on thefirst of February. The New York Insurance Companygive notice that ihn commiMion oí ten per cent due on

terminated risks to the 1st inttaat will be paid in cashon Ike 1st ot rrhrtiary. Tbe ten per cent commiMionu to be continued the present year on al! sum» wherethe earned premiums rxceexi |10ÜThe amendment to tha Indiana t?tate «icbt bill

passed the Mouse ol Representatives on the 17th. by thercry large vote ot 70 to V.

At Baltimore, coupon« have advanced to a* to]small str.ount» The Maney market is easy, the de¬mand is good, without exccM. the Hank» freely discountall goi»d paper offered rste uniform atti per cent Ther»u» on the street u I «i 1Ü per cent

At Cincinnati, money wit not «|uite in so muchdemand. K.Mtern hrni at i per ct. premiumThe Lancaster Branch ot tfio State Baiuk BJ

Ohio, bu been organized, anil Mr Talmadge has beenchosen President.The Mal Hiver Valley Branch, at Sprin»rti«»M.

I» about ready to commence operation» «s a HankTata Sux k tor a Branch at IVjua. Miami Co. hac

bveu taken, and books are opened tor subscriptions ofStock for a Branch at TroyCounterfeit eight dollar bil's ol th.- Hank of

Charle»ton hsre recently made their «ppaxarsuce Theypurport to tie ngned by H W Co.tMa. Prosideot. andA Ii Rosit. Cashier. No bill ot tiie denomination Ot »to.wm ever signed by H W Connks m I'py.tdenl t'nesof the Planters hank ot Savannah alter» d to ten. luvealeo been put iu circulationThe foUowmg statement thowt try« Commer.teoi

i V

r B.ladelpr.ia tor in* last two year « Tr.e exports of do¬mestic products' exhibit s very large increaee

1'aJt.r af ImpartiIn Americaa toospI« f,InF'oretgn do do. .r*V,»VrT

Tn American veaseU tor 1«-t.-,.|¦ 1 reign do do. ¡of?*

I- ' -

¡.i ¡/

Excess m t«vor of «4«) ._ t*l4i:i«Casa |

in American vessel« for ir.- % ; ¡ _iIn Foreit-n do do ,

t-In American rersel« for -, « H 36la foreign do d -v .-4 30

- '¦¿-370.M7JT1f .ces« in 1st .rot HI BE

I'alue of Eiportt .'¦. I -'^' \ BOJ f>IBM |gjgj

I»',mes artie «*s-C 64-. g« ,'

forein» do 22' U# *>CI - Ï gT'Itygg |

| >~fi »a.;..-.'iTon*agr £\teredfr-jn Ftrrtfi Co'.nirtti

In Amen"a:t vessels for 1B4Ilafe-eign do do 12 4*1 do

- '-»v.a» leaxIn American vesse.« M ' ten«Bl r reign do do _10,791


I . vt. ,r, .-totBSJtirli'l aud Çli n i ¡

Arr.Ts',» lrom . :. -4 .'¦ Teasel*Coast win- do do. -

«.'Arrivals from Pel

I) Coastwise do .1

r BX - -, .

i for | .- ; stela ; d-. .....

1 be table w»a made up by gtSS Pennsy var.ian. TheImpoits to foreign vbobbIi shows but a »1:«' t ncrease

aérasse to Amer.. -.»-... .

upward of |fli 000. and «mee !»¦) :,. I«;. » both ofdomestic an :, reiim aril, e» ha«c snarly Boa]inerea*« in tonnage entered »r.m foreign SOOaaXtSSfM-, 111 ¦ ton» and the clear-

'- -plaaxaai i those tot - Bat larger

clean of vesseli.

.Illtrketa ... (rarcr'a-hir rtfortid fnr 7V F-tr ant« .

/.-Hi.- -Ihn marker win BaXBa ISAM continues at« Pot*, «ml,". 41 h-I

cotton-The transact.....« to day rat»t very fall rat*» indu n, r BM tatf 'r.. -tn» Bland plar.d« a; ISj et* Bast ol the pun hases were on

«pocuiatc.n, bate Basal! port rat was for export. Cotton was stag*) id at a BXrsBUfsg, wi.nn ¡i lower,

i 01 ;: AM IIKAI.-Holder» «re Ina at >

Oenrsee, and g, OgJ for M b fan The »ales are aboutooo bbl» part toi »hipr.v M bbls Jersey

..'. |4.«¡f: \IS.In WHieat we hear of

i» taken treaty, IBBBSSagB scarcely in »ueh active demandas tor «omc'd.iy« pa-t Sale» 19 to 12

ra. to arms and on toe spot, at ".-.;-r ,-t». Oauare IBM lirm. th ; supply of J. r»ey !x ,ng larger. Other(¡rain» are ffBJWII!.-hY-S»>. 100bbls at '¿(1924 cu. Holders ask

24 etaPKOVI.-inN.J.The maili.t lor Pork It bs yant.but

BOt TOty aeti.e i lie «ale» are a t>«v hundrei bid» at

BB 171 for i'rme. and Bl>' dliá»'-' "."} <or Mess.That sgpxrs was OtwXad for I'nmp st thefirm, with ssles 400 bbl« Country Primp at $7Meata are in go ,d impiirv. with »ale» 35<> bbls »t .'¦! and7j for" Winehrster's-r-l.oulde.-¡* ' '¦¦_, I'oin.theweek there wete Btaw « " ' operation« in ( boaae In theaamiegatasaoul l.(sK) casks and 1.000 to H.OOO basas at

BtoVi, mostly «; d"i. for exportOIL .A »ale of EBBB galls Country Linseed was made

at <",| ets. which 1« sn improvi rmi.t

COITFK. A i invoice ol Peruvian Pig, l.'s'.OOO Idssold on private termi.

COAL.Sale» have been made of M ton« CoarseN. wealth from London, at |o. cash and 3ti'l d>> Hull


(¡RoCr'HIF.S The market for Cortee has becomeBXtaa in prie, » howev, r W0 hue no change to noticeThe BBleS inclule 4"n*f1300 bag» Itrazil at Ta7i fMBtSand :<00 .lavs. 10. 4 mo». The market lor Molasse. >.

BOarj, and prt-cs ha«-e a downward tendency. Wehave only to notice »ale« of UN) casks and 4W PBsl N.wOrleans and New Iberia at SI mit», wi'li »ome not bjgood order, Bit] Bl casks interior Neuv.ta*, 17J snd Mprime now uro], Cuba. 83, 4 month«. The demand forSugar« ha» rx-ii light, and the merket rather l M The»ale» toetade »J hhd» ( 'nba MuB Ota !.. IOS reí n.v >.'

(i cert», I, si d f i ent lor cash SOB New Orleans, oj ¿7,;and 1080 bcxe» Havana at .r,J (tit lor Hrown, and ~\ a :i4 mo», lor Whit«.

1'KI'IT.l'.nn-)i Raisins are held very firmly p) -

and there are n ,w tew or none to be had tor leaaMIDCfl.The only traeaactlon» we have to mi

Cf>.'Srtn Juan, on terms not made pabllc but at »omeri BBS last sale of this detcripto.n

I ft <m -. BBth Fig bat bseoaaa an«JO BSOa ruade in lots of SO ton« at %'S¿ a %'.*. JO g

mo« '.'.«J ton« more Swede« »,,1J lrom »hip at aboutpre«).m« rate«

Oil B- ihaatpnabit Northwest Coast Whale hsvebeen «old in lot. st dud 40 cts. cash Coy nulis again higher with »mall sale» at BB ct» ca»h the litt',,-

here n n second hand«, and held at S3, <a«hIon» to arrive changed han,|j BB t> rn,« wad

BMsaara it New-BedfordTeat wool 1700 bUa IBpSrXI <old supposed at |1 Bl Manufactured arc in fairreque.t at $1 0. for Cal B bed Fall, and II OSgmoa t r ebleeehed WinterBRF1D9 Cl.ver i» In fair rrqueit snd we not

of HO bbl» o.d on privat« term» and 0JMJQ buihel» Cal¬cutta Linseed nc udmg all the foreign to market torcrushing, «uppnted |1 62>. b mo«.TALl OW-.It in fa.r request at about pie-.n.iu rstPS

.10.000 lb« or,me soldat Tiarcent«. and lOJDOBlotextra, g*, cashTF.AS.The T.arket is very o,uiet and v." have heard

ol no «ale« trot h r.-p. rttsg 'or «orne ürne pastTIN.We ha' e only to notice a sale of 100 slab» Banca

st BS cents. 4 in a

it CO The «arioua dsSSV '.pi. Bl are in fair re

mic«t tor ll.e ttsatOB snd withia a few day» «ale« havebeen made of |o hhd» Kentucky »t Htcr.'.J rpnt» gg

'l bales Cuba tur home ure

IS 4 mo« ! d i «T»coa. idl do Yara 1- Id »

cafe» Connecticut and BO do Penntylvama Seed Leaftin term« we dul not learn

MARRIEDIn Rrxhaater, N * oa Tl -, K*v a

t; Had Mi 1 ATTMER R BH IV .¡».H m.'.MiTH daaghhworf tb- tota Di Jam.» \s awaath Mth.* toi mer plat .


DIEDon-, Friday EM tool rOEMEl IX M.INTMir.. daagb

I taha hi.t Mart Ml »II'-a.

The »Wends of too family s ¦ Iattend »«.r ífaaoraltoladaj Monday)attoo r«*J.I<'IlCe d her Istli.r in lr.

*tin, Baaxtas Bits. Last Bn BAI il«. W

ol the late Richard \\i'J ' Bk'e.

The ti.-n i» ti the tan.-iiv Bad« urn sax t sa, N»tl...n riaboark. aie leqaeetsd ta ait.

OBI '.o'.herin toTBOOB BBth m» halt past . tal tli »tAt Rath t'*.: :¦, West, Jan J a..J -- y. ar« Mrs

AERE UAGrlRMAE, eaaaort ol too letscerriiM !.; - ti I inothe-ol Hon. Ju-'.ice Hsgertasn ot

; t asasay paper« plea»e copy

*»iib»cili.ltouarécrit ed to The \\ rekly Tilhunr.Basai

or ...a:.y Falto. N. ».to IN.HDelta, ¦.¦ ¦««...: p,. t

. ale-. ..o. 3 :o.1« - . i

Api. Ma.. > lest. ..o. 7.8ali»bury. N. V . IPort Byron, ... 1 Mma do.ip.. e. Pheip« .... ''

On. .. ;. \¦. I,.«. iru do.I

«-iitn'ii¡,tii,i. received lo The Dally Tribune.BeMsxai la

Pewtuckei. R. I. » t NY.1

Nebarrlptteu* received la The a>ml-tVerkl>.Sa* Harbor. L.I . 1 t'clerprue. Klorida. Í

Subaerlpilon« received to The New-Yorker.BxTaaaav. Jai gg Prtoto, ¦ ¦'

(f>cn*.Tol Sotiff3.I ijy Persons wishing The Tribune left -'« BXI

. ii.e .r at their places o I business, will ple»seseodanote through the Post Otfice or leave word at the1 desk gothe publishing of Ice

fg^* II. A J R iwa are our authorized AgenU at Provldenco. R I for tl« aa> of The Tribune|y S. W Dusaow. 4 Commerce st is the Agent for

The Tribune at Newark.P FSBJ. Taiat-NE is re*ular!y served «t thedraaBtagS

and »tores ct «ui senhers m l'iriLtoït rnii, at 1M| eerats

per week. ¿\<be- m the Ledger Bulldmgs is the Ageatfor that

ra*" Klorutlouary IllnairnlUno..Mr Jno Iff SHow« « ... g;v« :i e »econd t bl» course of E.ewuilc«nary1. ,:»tr»i. s. on Tueadsy eveelng next laniiary JÄ.Itgf,al the lecture room of ihe S^cieiv Library, «on»

i» from ibe Merebav: of VooBBB, etnbraclng lb«three promlnenl s rene« of Shv.ock.Mr. How« will beaaaUie-l by his pupil. Mr William W.

Sevnour, »no wlii recite Ihe Dying O.adiaior. and theManiac. To commence at hait-paru "¦ oeoc». rickeis *¦


j23 Jus«

r%*" «ni.-liei stave the Sea. el Teasperaaee,of w hieb be is a tiember, a BeoerV. on ihe sin of Januar)last, haadtng over iheenilro proa-swds, over nineiyto ihe Foartn Dlvulon, Albany_JX* It*tf Twelfth Ward 4 Hy Charter.-The

of th« Tw«,;tl, Ward are requested 10 at'.und a mealing u.

be held at the Ne-»-Yora Hotel, Harl«». corner of Third-are and 1£M-»: (Wrn. Mm.lh»! on Monday e«r««ing. ISO24lh January, ». |j - . .-»pre«» Ibetr «y>;eell"n« to

ihe prnpoce.1 Ne« Cnariar. r*.«eiod at ihe .aai eieciloa

tjBar ^^^^^

gjf* The I . «a. »aaaaie mt l*»4X. Trie aatoseBtoaorw«psvtfu. y announce thai Wen larg» raeijoiici «ng.-s'lcgol the lulled Siai««s^L«u>i» cossp.«"»tl and wtsl.m aahor.faaaXj be pu h liabas*. Tboee w ho desir« to re. ei re aarly ib

areastoos or« lnvtied to call at in« V«/w«-a. vS»s»c» « seal-Im i aad examiae the «ngraring

aolllslf ANTbONV CLAXX à til ii'|r.»t»U

PA8SEN?EBf AHHITr:¦ R rtraws«.Mr V^aagatol lsJr

v' "' »cbr Tingier cxnv-deemed tl Msrttotaaa.


BiauTt'RÏ AtK.asr.TH ,r

twu trey :m x r- » ¦..

Rises.. 7 ItHSsn..*. ;'Mnra... »

LATtrr Da'UtLondon.Pee. s Harr».Llrsrpool.Dee. 7 | ltoe*<Meent. Jan.;:

HT *££ M r.yjL focktb pJoï~ARR.v .

barge rIthe »feerac*

Brig Cv.î.er 11 Wright, I . »defina, and¿ ds fm Dï'iware Breakwater rrm. to order

1MB, Ac,B The W h.» her'.

tteraa anj bu experienced very sever» ».-weather

raen i totSt Thcmu. mdse.'. » eft rrt»i ?t»r Titcnr

ndemned sehr» Hope and

'. -i .-

-n A,.</¦¦

'i. P.sitimore m.iv :

- fra le^rget wn. Dsl. flour'.

rgtett y»ter»to J M


agtoa, Del.

nk Bewb b


toy Lake. I . ru andt

.."<"h'« ftn Alexstil » \

*^br H Msil-

i''eshontss. Ms'k. 1".-.¦

¡1 inbeltoat t


fii hr Ann Hopkins'.


I Aa I liraoad.-i

RKt.i lW.S '.rigs unknown. Wc

I bear

»upp'y »ru »...

general Notitca.n

lori I I. .A e iielrl at |h* m

Talrenare ,.n M i«. »»eni Ir-.-i .. ai ha.' pa»t «a».» , .--- J !(. » o C.

H Morris Prank in, Ur. ¡I M. Ree»man. 1.- - I er. J M ft« -» rf Tnakllt. tad

« . I'n. isMBS Hsarca will prattle\... IS It I* e» peeled h a* Il . meeting will.

I.e ..ri- 0 ul -, He. %nnan wUl lur* mat aarly, aad .; a« home. By o.-derié"ihe (.Jener.. Tempérance Council.

M Kirat i.rnnri Te pernmr DeMeeetrattear |s»7.

V 'U.IVKR. ,A I KLANA.1AN. ; Ciminiuee.

le*" A Curd.-Mr Otiraa R. Ooldsmitu tofarnathe... e runs« pap',1» every day ih!» week

.-¦:'- «r 10 hi» »rii'.r.',' class**Ou tad sfter February tw term» will ba ra..e.'soUara. Hours for ladles fron 11 A M to » r MMl «lay sad evenir»/ loom. &J Broadwsv,Kesde-sl.

_ jgj |;.-

fjT I.O.O.F. n. i T Barrier iuMtreratocMraIt] Ig, Jan.

J'i. ai ti-« ir r. out, 71 ii. l*b* nanbeit of this and.¦

WM. WILSON. N (I¦. He -eisry. i.n If

XT' lllnmsii l.odu. >óTl07, I O. ol O. F.-Nei .¦ k i ¦ sophleel History andan espo« Uon of 8

¦.I by IA L C A.n.. .ritt«, at iheirroorn-li Rn«d-way, «": V I ml UN

». «: or 'e.- i« re. .»«ted.WILLIAM DODOR, lecretery.

V9' Tbe I «mrlli l.rclure on t.eoloatv a 111 be de-livere.'. | - r,ni».i;Ciinicii, tlir Pailón'« Bmrfent

g at vte ..».-n up.|yr~ Lecture lo l.mlio« Kr««-. Mn M. R G

.i ai 1V| %v

Prime . .......... vV, man, ItM IrCsand i ilkMtrttad t.y a FfMBja n,

far"" rroteclinti in uuurunt». Tl trial Htm/ranteiing al ihe ,".'. »

»r Walker-«! n M -l«y eveaing.»I at ~.\ o -".»ck for tba¦ur« for a ebani »s*nt system of I

p..s«ngers, and also lor lbs .- irialixing« --.«. ! » » » v I III .re

¦¦d lirai of emigr.ntpa»«en.-»i«The"- - t ntnrested inareform.

.i of ihe Etnigrant, will matenally I*m n.srain-

uKhdORY DILLON. Prs.ldeni

,., i>caeeou.f¦ecntertaa. >; ,

tsT" " Fucta lor ihe 1'oople."? rg on or

ke«pirw on v< ,i

VLMofsar CoaitMi -.. I...'..«.¦ siisy-



»4 bra u- .¦ n oi m I*

, i i la a com-|1

« jitroJiict...n,

'¦i .. i



, ^-j

Prepan v ... m - ei ;

.<' M l.Mk - '».iwar.



TbartP" The »uildei Aril«,


i ssfeet. and any be


s prei.»ral' - aad IMi -.i lot


nan* of Iv e ,,

Son IS «m I'.e » r»-p. f ' ¿. U e v « I repare,

only bv Ht Î.RT 11 -N .» l N , v I.I

..!'-. »

GENtMNE BEAR'S <?'L TOR THE hTAMlI»/- The bnlr i« very anUertallf iilleeled v



By 'a- M hr..', re - ,- :, -

apl lilt ...


. . ... a

¦ .. . »

rf i' - aa*rt nust noanoer utat au sseuMa as» .o«

natue ui H-ury S^^^^_____

dli *Maode

XW Ur. Wood'« í¡«rsap»r...a Md W.'.l C'rry Bl'.X. of »II «UCh J.»e»»«!S M '.ase


»laieof lie .;ver ar.i Menai weakness ' -

scd a d:«o.'.:e.-«d ruwio.e c.»»»of dueaar«. for vhi'h Im »r il fahave for ¦¦.ear. at lied in rvr»>*-< .Mr «r U>« Crict rsied Sar«a- .

parlilS a : Ih* tiara of ,\ lid Cra-ryDr Wtxjd s Sarsapar'.. « a:.. W I Cherry B.iters Is

the only medicine ever made of and fou3Jedu tin on ihe b«.t nurdica. principles, snd their virtue» «i-

tracu-d bv s rigid c, em'.cal »r.a.y.i».esr>er.«»ie* hasishown».and wllbe found-oe triai,

be a .ur« »ad ipeedr remedy for th* dt*M-aa aasMaru.

Virer to ih* who.e »y»i.-uL n a.» rw»-. « .e»»--¿i-, or Berv.ius irnialwo, Ibey bavabaau uaad

. a/kab ¡e »ucc*M ; nor ar» iber 1«M -Meful m a r»

usadr fc^raiivt». flaaileDcy. los. of appaOta, and ageu-

^é^iïadoTof U»* .*«**¦ Atlb. .m»* nm*, -tnuetC .' .11 , ib*v ar* aetiher rio es; nor «

SÄiToiÄ l^virmg -to» At «he i^ISiV^

Plairai!m\1SS?*"*i.'«+*- «- '..*" '*» Erü*:- '

haSê. »t N Y J W. «r:. M«i Crsnlrer-

ry'se^L .'' j_21 . * :m"

ne. fur Tue>4av, Thirsdsy«atonaaa aaftjajp *7** *

,e«««^.»«« vanas.. 4U, try in* and .tin. \


WI3S AWI> TODPEERIM ¦ I I III. we"f.I **..«* ¦¦»¦ SHS3Z: ^"'a-Ä-vei5 | m M BAtThELOR. »

raJsirVi'la '."b^sby »i*eo that Joba J Remen eU»

N oîy lto.*ou eXrt-d to .us .»airstu or Mfclvttnof., said for to* «vvtt-ebcet Me"J» *c i

gilBOtirni, ottTr. ttardtb¦i

.»» ¦¦ »-¦ - ;.\VA>fTED i» » nian. » « .« ¦

*, . .* ¦. >*.***

\V\N1M» :B7^s¡n«. ok

IȔjSo .

W \STl ".¿y*£-!Í"?* V- » »nierai« ec^r-etj»«i,ott.._-.... ', ' :«------ ¦¦ s -v.. - --

,..., ....'." '". '" * l *»

.- ..... t t *.. \, " "-'^«s.....

\\'»N «..¦¦» .- .. t^m. aotry saaesceileaiwa.her

-. t».. secrc

XV ^T*?.-?* ¦ ^'P*^-' - yeaag womb, a . tas>** -"ST*? ^r-erwt.rxand

« Applv at 37. IWO day.

\\ ^Npf " »he Toune Pr.jie.tant w...

'*2V' ¦ . ..' ¦ is a »rood waah-*-py

ai <H Bayard sl en its - V -. .



"rabie one , -specie. -- ¦' * .-.. rsv.-ií .i. », . s ..- -,

.' «-.'¦¦. a. mía.

-. tt

<> DA 111 i H.M ,),\ ,.p l'RTIMTS. »'Vit

.'.'is It» '.' "

--..¦¦ . - .

lioarùinq.Rno.tÎM with tut wmioi r

w t

iTo jJiutnevahipVOTii K. '. v. kED vs »



f '¦DUS'. -



'¦' i :F '-« IRD PBAU

BIlH_of ihe laie ¡Verdi

Nfrl I» I -hip of FRIME, WAItD kKIN<¡ ;s t] la day ,: .», The

»standing bosinesi ne by the¦ «MhS i, KINii.

I n\\ *i,ii PRIMI Dl WIN.; Hl ER.-« Kl. WAUi). .RfH'DORACIC MNO.

M c I '. KINO Is re-

Ml "I tiKINO tad EDWARD PRIME, who ha-.- '.ce,: dulv ap.pointed for that purpose. Kew Tori, BSth JtB

^OTII F. -...-..,

.er¡b»n vrtll coattana «Be hu»ir««*. »<> far «« n may be.rd to INem. under ihe ¦¦., or IAMK3 ti. KÍNU


«. Merchants Exrnango. w«it-»irerl | in r»

.-s-:--.:- ¦ -LJB

patent iiUö s w a v r* E B

COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRYEstol ")» «cf »f ('inert,,.

IBKOTBei at Bl »

Conrjumptlon. ( - '.-.-, . LtvelComplaint, Spilling Bin« 1,1) Hreathin«;.

Pain - id Bn a«'. pltafJ iu ot ih«Hear-

and - .


lUtiiui iriaaao coBayautiaar.

DR. .-.VVAVl.h -/.'« St I fewal ralle.. Iiy i »ens« ofgat* i owe ¦ tiering nirnsnliv, t ackr.owle.-

naaoftal tbaaks I be woaowiral ottoetssyrup oi \« l i -, mo, i . monthai'l-r m "rut arS.ciintr .. « llsaaaet coa«


. .i a ,,r.».

w".h . iweats, a hark n/stjoaaod Brokenr.-,l t«eri: to«

est »land. ¿ hut roce ¦..¦ I bo boeodi a haiove» trun tosas,bat gradually grew woreo, uetll mv ..««lias

;> ail hop»» ,.r' . ,;»e one

I about to pas« through the Valley of Me Shadow ofDae A' this"»*' beard of your Com-

v. ICaeny, of wl ., ;>ji, ha»«d »ix. ; -, ¡rod ir .-, s- i I

am n -w enjoying bei have before la,.... .it c is» are

recommending itin »imiler caaos, and wish poatosaexeIl reme-

d> at... «re laaspsi ugi

. aits A .Ishap: y to bave Bad xnnsied by s pertonsl inter-

ALBER1 A BoBB,raaleead P..-a., i>ja er hj Begasa, iff >aaM «1 I

« te»', ini'-r, yI hereby eerttfj, that aavtog aeeo »ubjeci to pain» in my

che»t, atiende! t SBI -ara, »rid. an mean« for re.ief. 1 h»v«

Bvrap of Wild CI siatañí I hove t .««1 sseee than half a

.essary to i»»e any r.

. -, re severe than any preriou»


enrnsr lace »la I . I. IS


.If. o '¦ 1 r or Broad-I way a- B It Wa.nar.

«e- .Is.

m Braodaray; I C Hsrt. S48 (»rand-«t. .Mr». H, »

B.Oldsh «3 '«¦



¦ ....


Ja- ..' .-». .¦.


Ear-aeha, «teotaeaa ¦ i h equal

Tas- ¦ , .

, isee of« Btnaeiod


-.: g, or -in n» r'sj» ..(e u e» ,1 «-» -i'i .-.-. t *' ¦"- san». ..ilion

| ..,,.., ,...,,...-.». r- .;¦ -s:¦ "

, »

i pile«. Ao.1 we are r»««!) r.

-ait rheum «re -

snd we . «vy that it »

,, a .« BssH ..-.. m waxaassa

-. s


.-s. e-.... r,rui»e», au.I.. rmrri«

..... .-...- . -. v .. r a ay pa a-id r-

m,.e ...».. «.-r -, -¦ . .: ¦'¦ Bl. '.'. ... » ... . .- I!. .¦>,.: ea . * piare w ¦!¦.,..-.

» - .

; -..- -«. . -s ¦-¦ »,..'-.»». -- .'»

disease« of ih* spteo, sad of th« aarvea, a so sweUe.asu. and fern» tl erelgn

. 'ac* »ml ¦"i.r.n It l» truly on«

-a.'esl and mo»', v» j« ;.e BBlMctro« ihe world «ver

saw. No man regret« purchasing ihls Ot'.imeni, becauseha fee.« be will be ^refilled and noi deceived, ijoodalway* com«« from lu use Let lb« people then s««h thismedicine and aolde by it, for a never deceived anybodyvet ar»J we believe n«*er srfJB, ürar.d Dtpol remorad lo

;1 lonseod'

TOTHK TKD-l (* rg sjece.» for «

period of Mi raars na« rally seiahltshod the efficacy of

lb«Ci<JveAnod«D«T ^ ^ -»«aiscoveryof the ¡so Dr. ftart. to »boii -. . . lo bo had

by'.be r.!anufa.".urr. b HAMMOND k CO. «u-cp.«..r

t', :-e .a.eti. Han.« rner of Broadway and Chamoers-st.advjlring «tiewar-.» r.*w mar'.t« t> ludia«».

Ñ. B «Ve » m ;j a»i arrtv»iia s choice as-

«ortac^^i of Lubin. »ierlain and Sal««y'«exlr»ci»9oap, Cu«-raaucs. Be. i.>g»ther wirJi a choice ass Ix Mar¬row, Co'd t'reeaa,««ue dock« diaoietd Cologne, ate. of',sir «wn irmu facture. ry d-nanui»-

EXTKAt Tîa FOU BXATORJTNC B^ Mang»,, .am», t jstarls, Chsr.oi.« rfu**e. Pu

Svttp«. «èxii'e«, he he Hg*i v eoacaairatad Exirui of\'ac -k, Lemoa. P«*-h. Rot»«. 1 ron, Biner Almond aad

Oracg«., R >*» Water Pearb and Oreego FlowerWata-rs f«r tlavonng ail siods of Cccrt-eiion«. Cooks andCoo.'e«tt"n«r« have naivaraaUy pretorred lbeso Exuacts.ea ssi «I in' of tasvlr grasai «tren^-th scd ptnty of g»vor... . X loaspooaful te euftdeni lo Savor a quart. Fai up la

tríala at O ceo is -w- ftPrepa-ed by HE-SXT JOHNSON Cüer-tet. fJS Brood-

war (west «id«) »a the cirant:« Baud i Sold also at 1<S)

rn'uw. »e aadT7 Easi Broadway._ dis tmiswasi

«"aTtlLMOAliï C0JÏPA>;K-, Pr..rnptr«rs ofc'oa. Mine«, fce.-.'«1 tons E-rjg..*n 11'. i j*

to lb« yard.»», haadH* u,n« ri Bail (American) i* .» M ine yard-5 do do do do do rr.'»rteei. for sale ¡crwi

MS CO dobesu-e -'« ' ig-hecomiag Scnasner

re do As» -t *on>

3Bt do Ksu.roel dp'k««, dc.verali> ai opening of es-

vigaUooaa do «ata Air and *'-«**¦ Spr c/i ' r pa*«e-,gar ear«.

'oraaat.y SHERMAN a MuRxlaVill Cirrrs tV*- aST-aant«. ara- Br jad and lawif at*




.TR/ILL TAKE PLACE »tU n tire Pseetta AseSa-» r m ,, Jsro.emar «L oa T »vit e .,; Wauai«íhe a» aecu-eu l'»f ihe «.

j greal Teior S-ger'r«»m :*- »Mr Rv.e. lb*a »ver Mr P We . tato* M lb*

piano >ri«. T*i«kri» M cents. Farther pavnc.lar* la fa rue*adv«rr.s*tn*nts._jtaI ^KKAT ATTKAt~flilV_A_Nl~Ñi'\"ËlTy -TuelYXOUAN ASSOCIATION » give ihatr r-.n. .rand

}' - i », January at, ISe? oaM a« »o ifcey etfur a ho.t ^! tuusic», isiec.t. jeder

m- a mu Phtiiip*.wbo »in pteaatoattAsplano fvrte . »na«tca -..«'. ihev offtr mirrf a sp en '. : I WlU a jiren totb« M

-«: and tr.oat origin», c r rdrirs. to t»a decided by» , « t ', T !r# ¦! 1'

ranfetoent. picalg* '..hemwivs» ih«: tics will be oa* to theicuoa Por tartttar paritci s', dus

e . e- 1 .' .'

Íi riON till kLI I I Tl lit., rheaeaer-». g purp IM.« ¦:.-. ..-'a»se» ' .,

M lay. Peb 1. ».« ta Ht

way. P* ... » ¦.¦ -«» » are cotuun?-trseoi «.mob» «<

» near . .

upei ». , \l v 'aes .

MAs , , , «. «, C aaa.... . r» .


1»'. ! HI»«. ». i «s Case J. Couway,

A'lriil' »N >ll»l.l tl > .

ANl'ESthlsi .

>. 'PUN. - »le.»v


,r WESTER ' M . -v


\ ,' :¦- it - s >.

sacaste¦-su.... *JX.r- .


OM.'TFRiTiîi' iN'i U' --»iv. 1*47-T*( ». i'».r. P..«.(ON TRI BUTORS .0 THE PEB N' M8KR

JatewFasrlnoreCooper,aaiboi The pilot," K-'-r ,»f CtoreeaJ «ketche«.

tula* J Pelartoe T Rucean-an Resul. Prancls J. Orne J. I.< .n Hunt. Arthur A Ivn, Mr..-1. - f ' A W !>... .» .»

..»¦'." P. K. k Mary «ee a Jaaa i 1rs ) Eenaa, >'

M - ty, A N*w I sr, E. P. Wbl| pis, Roben K.

E NI MBr'R¦graying bj K»wdon,

il. Ilt

« . ... we have bad. ij¡» it.

M . ¦.. kMW ataB|Now Itlb* *-J per annum

e»for Av Ru\\ II .11 t'l \\| in»' pu try for ¡4t



PUBLISHED BY Ü tl'i tl s .. « 0 Bât Hr..» «.ikon» . , i MeetaaM Irts

. rHodge Oa the Sltam Eagtn« I« large plate» Prie« f 10.lir l"re« Dictionary t »e«, Mai.ufaciure.and Mine«,

;»te,! « Itfc IV« wood . .

ty'tCye padit of BOS pram.-«! receipt« ol lb*Ars. Maaafsetum and Trad*. 1 vol. Price $.' MParnell'J Cbenlat y app ..I to the Art» Pnce Si.Preeenat Fi«m«niary iMtnetloaee Chsmicsi Aaelysts

1 vol. Prie* tl.Lei'«v«re » Besui e. ol Modern Archiiaclur* «¿piste..

Price #«Rursl Economy. r ("hertlttry applied lo Agrlc illur*.

I!. B. Bo'tlMantfaull. I vjL (.'oio PHc« Bl VIStahle v a PraMse on ihe M.nagrtreni 01 lb«

Horae. by J Stewart Edited by A. B.Allan. Price SI.Tli« Kärrner and Eml/rani'» compl*'* Hand-Booa. ByT Marshall. Itota liuirsled. Price Rl.A Popularan.! PracticalTreai:»e oa lles.thy Skin. Bv

Rrasataf rrtteea '.'mo. Hisstrane Pric«$vD*l*uze'» Practical In.trucilun In Animal Magtistlsui.

Translated hvT, C Hartshorn. Umo. tl.lexer's P.yoduanamv. or Animal MasostUm. .'mo

Price*;H« ton s Btontatt si Mllttary An «ud ScUnc». 12m«..

. » ¦!. Il a ft :i


p»rt«. Part Spemer »n.l i! e Paerv Queen, i'V Mr».CI Kirk.»ml. Part II -Se.eii..e» troiu 'he Póoitcalwork« of lie.jtlrey Chanrer. >.,. I liarl«» H Dethler. Pricelur each paît MInber prtftce, Mr«. Kirk'srl lis» the tollo»lag Intro-

J'i.-'ory r -mar'»»" l| ha» Become «o nrtr-h tLe prsc. et to decry every

thing in tie »hspe o; ».- act out,' ' Betuiles' s'd ' Ex-tracts.'from theaiscdsrd sii'l or., ihsl ll requires no smalllegras ofssaregen tier ih* runitc » »urk »bu-h »hailcom« tinder either of the pro., rtlej classa»

t'ut wuii alt lefer*nee on'.lie high aulhorlti«. who con¬temn »u.'li »uperncta! a -,,'iel -itar c wth lh»he»t wrlier»

»em« , -pinvidcd u noi'.euer tbaa nothlag' WbaiW» it t.« indseei wis*n reaoenee alla ».uith'.»luai.'« work». b«iau»ecircuí:.- 'ir itudytng il , b ;. * *

Tiiü ipelUlg lia. t rhvibmor the rliyit.e »a« materially li,,nie.I t,y ibecbaag*-where iblt '.» ou d ara lesea lb* .»»>.. a f*W rootHMtet have

Idea, No pertos e, . luftcieall) eolt ráeselore i.h ihe poem at sil, will probably flud shy J 'brultylnllila re.pect."Published and lor »sie'.y WILEI k PUTNAM,

III Bro»dwav

THtl LlTBRATUKU or 0171 DAT.THOSE DESIROUS of abtalatog a gei.«r«i tuaMBiry I

Oie urreru llteramre ol the ¡late, -1 fore ,' , M Bid now rail at t'l M TAYLOR 11 Cl) s Nei Aaler Hou**, and «uü»cri'.e lo LttleU't LIviag Alte.the

fe blab, e,r A it i.l Issaad,ketag lb* fourtb nutnlier "( a new faaBBS T»rnn, $J p«rannum; »ingle copte» U$ r»n'i.Tut M»i.«/iait .The New-York MaeftntoiItaaastae

for Februery, a tplei li mb*r, wlthfoerelegeneagrar.ini(«.ihiee from or gmal pa;nlin«:. and one frurr a de»uubr Msttssea. Coatsstseutlrsly origtueL Al.o, tirabsm'*M.g.iir«, U'Jdey'. I.ady'. Book, «i.d the Columbian «ai-liSo per annum, or %¿ for two copte» Ladle« NationalMagazin«B¿ a year, or Hi eoan eachSia Pvtl IC iTtoa --The Roman Traitor A Tru« Tale

ol lbs Republi«, by H *V, Her« en.a new «dt'ioii, and',¦ the !m.»i bov*I if the »ea«on. J vo'.. cúmplale .

ilunbaaandVeapaetoa, Ire ,no

\ i».» net Pel estait tad saw pabtkatleat,-' Papera l.y Ihe exreeie! «'«»nier, for Ml«and retail by AM TAYLOR k CO.


A. i ' n >. ioi a ,.,'. i Ishtse.-i -. s pub lato t te

i... lasto K- vie» » ,^fNa » Hilo»». I'»«-«. ¦» rr.,ni et, Re-

&iri« of Literary Im' I ilo mía. 4c, I'si» . M M act

Publisher's I,n» of Ih* 'lay. »Uli price, f

mi ter^rv or


, i contri ...t..r«ii*r and

.v .. rpartmcnls-.

» '¦. astil - e Trad, in..« f .1 the -ar-

leal use »beet*, adv. .». aie.».

, - ,.nc« ol n re*

». . ..r.c.i

»-..¦.-¦. . »

- . M luir'ier, « large will to pr.n'-r ruary.

Editorial em .« » i pswplil«»» for» * - » '¦ » ¦¦ a t

, arsivswl by 0 App'eion I Co. >»¦ I

eay Wneya P .^lam. !. Br-raii»., H» .. .» v\'»ilord.v. and l<y book-

.« . - .

. i!»i,<; |, . . ,, , »... ¦'. e»rmin_

IaMRRAELI 8 NOVI L IIt r.i t He.e \\ .

, \v ». a il IS,. ml. SI ».

Sbak « - - ii.Por M.e'v L I. BLOOD, A/eut, IM afSBBBVali

.». Me ..¦».»'

VIW Hi -,i \l. PUBLICATION»!. -.HTHI! v BALI Prsal . sre »¦ I PIRTH HAL;. A

at » » . l o i »r.

«Muaner N . \ bj »ainse.Lover ar 1 aul / by 'I

... sngad for lb* ar, si I W yousoneMMp».-.'-. . ¦. »

. I the J&o »t. n ar ¦ Alisa DedweiD*t: t » >

Him A sei rsnlM.a ;,y Meyerb-er fn.n March du» I , e v.. -: ao.1 two .e(» of

, iDootl ... i.i'.u. di Chamounix

^KW vil »Il Al-PI Hl.l('ATIf»'*.-riRTHhHALL. No Prans ri-.jiare. and PIKTH HALLA

POND, ¿v> Broadway, puhli.h lair .-«.« let PerrotiansVslna t cia«, tamps, with asp end id. v Ulantoaled tn.e .

l/rtt'.v* of in« dance. Kami leiver'. ».» and 'esao'lfui*\r¿t (i »-atch you wait by daylight," and "The TwoBird.;" Quadnil« from Benedict . new opera of TheCmaadat. wrlUi s utaiBtaatad 'it>-psge fn.snone of the mos: sirlkln,* scene. in the op*r», arranged byifaaVta. The Hanta C;eus Quadrll es snd KolckerboekerQuadrille»- hoth M played by Dodwor.1,'» Band iberyareamlial.l.bed with'.eaiilbiI and appropnaus lithographie'ule. -j-.- Meaetagef Bel L» Ramiar Mrraasxar, Bri Manie by Pr. Bjrgmullar. Pi»

PKEPAKE FOM WKT'~ WKATHBK~Th*New »ri lu.«.» Ru-.'er Msnufsciunag Co." oB*r for

»a.» lb* larga*! sod leMi assorunant of Ind.* Rubber gbocsno b« found In '--« cousirr, ci*»..t'r.g of «v*ry variety oladle*' »r.d seotlenifjc's O/erahoe* In as*, maaufwrtursdfron * .iyu . Paner* maialllc r/wi warranted notlo atiese wim ti»* 'oíd or b« sSVlad by lb* beat.Al*/, evary dssertpllon of sir Obi and water-proof

food» in osa, whole**.« and retail. Dealer« »re '.evitad le:» a <t «xamtne oartt-»-» jafor« purrbaaiLg elaawaara¦¦«.»..»..e V« llsl.'ee»-.- .- .,/

"DO arWOKTfl ttTrivale bsn^lns Rebool, Na «4tiBroom*-.t. sear Broadway. New Jai fonn-

l. Privai« toaaas st sor tai* durtn* Ih* day for in*Redows reata, Marourte. Co, Terr. ps. Tar«niul«, Wail»lüg, Ar. Be.fient e-jaen't Clann on Tuesday, Pridsy or Tbaradsy

tad Sanruay svealng», from 7 to in.i.a ' er Clasaes oa Ttte»d«y aid Bâtard ay, fross 1 to A.

Praettains Soi-ee« twice a re««!*. _JH lasi«

VALBBrrfNRB, VÂITÊNTINER !»4¿H> PARO, '.be wsi. kstrarn Valaatia* « bat Si¿Greedy rer*',»ed an unre«»i»e va«'«ty of Eagllab

VALENTINE*.A»d bu siso pu iliahad a «ertMy of COMICS. «SMrlor »o

say n«/or* pusiiMwd. Tb* trail« ar* respaxyAitry sBfAeito call or saud ih«ir orders, tad buy 'near ai

SHEPaRI»'".j» JtisDtlW» lti Broad wav. owpo*»M JobesL

VALENTINES VALÂMTINESJL"sT PUBLISHED and r. .«* rawer D«*evt» oat *f the

«nty by ro.i..:ng can bav« «aaoruaaew snail *r large,seul Mem, with abow bill«, ha- TURNER a PMHP.R.

¡ijlnlt***t ChnrUMret,

PIO IRONe-lio met No. i CWeoai foundry Dot.totttl* by rjJSJI JOS.


OLartitrn 0tÍEt.

BJOSMXJi IUNIIU'» lirti'ss«V BANO-4, luí HABUMS «% ELATT.-Xw .J«i t-ostdsray _Li*«raJ Caah Xdvaais« araste aa c.«

Btay«"*«s«ta fsa- Aarttoa BalaraMONDAT AND TVgXBAT ETBNTNOS. Fea. g X I

Xi ta« aj'c-«a BVoosaaLsaoeSataoe Daaaaso Boo»»-The eoiiro Moek M

p.sXs «Haifc.osjry, fc«. parue-ly aassagvd by weXXT sitat« tr» ai Ha» store of H. M Oaderdon*. Tin nhae'tor, N >

10 JoXa-et ceeststlas «f s lare« «v.èsctioa of s-e««t«jrd Tie»oloetea. aad Misas leas lias Works. J svea le» Bsias, Fa.-.e. «-i.e.«s. Of

TCESDAT. March to.FearvFirr« NswToaa Beaiae Tassa S*ts .Tr*

next Trade Bah) of Book*. Bsaraatypo Ttatos, ao aaaBSsaxs ai the abo«« data, aad ho wieiasset s«heretofore lavotea* raspeetfhlly raoaeeted. aad «aoavld

s. fob. Ibo '. -r¦»nod hy toe hat Feb. aaat. at watch cate toe cassi «ni: ras pot to prase.«aie >fSia-: a« y. Paper. Ac wtll take riso*, a* ass

.og-i<M ami so put to pe,The »a .« -'Sia-i «n« y. Paper. B

a. oePMoodar. tu March, for which cosaai/rcusooi* area s

rsrspertfu.!)' so.leitedAT PaivaTB SslS.So «a B.was-Ae esionsl«. aaso-t-

meot of B.acl B «.«ks, well maaurVtirad, eaaaasxaxg of

- - vK.-..*-.» .. - ¦«¦ «.--u^w www w- v.«

» jo** ' -jjnvats- »«sie m to '«. soll ai -acU-* *a.efti'.ly alleosaad to. sad reapsct.'hil« a'

F ... sea? and Demv Ledgers. Dar Books. Joaraale, Xc. laM sheep and half Rua»«a biaJla« half boisai BleatS.vtks, .»eg aad .> ad Ibid. Ai*o. Quarto, and Four Lwd-ger«. Cop» Rc»«ke. varluu« site« «sad pauernj of Btesau-randu-n« and Pasa Books Port Folio«. CoavovaloooBook« * ». Be a«, kc u whsoh too aiiaatioe of teasersI« mas e«ied

*«. .'ai»»T* BaLe.t.tsV» t« »- Bibles, every »art« v

le « »beep and »iira gtlt. and gilt «djr«Mrtdl.fa Al»>,i a .-a»« of Siandird ard Mlac«.laer«as B.sok«

f. COLTtm,Tisr«ÂrBaar.BY P. I'til.T«» . Ano..* end C «.u-tsstoo Mereesal

I V s * i mit) V hoe ,.a L'-va «.ira¦ a ¦».ut« -it g,»ds««*.h«: t- f*»«»k"> sai« or s: aj' «Ortvnri r«. jma mad«. Qjldoot »ai«e of evsjry daac1f>do«i

. . .fX » « .i-o.' J a 1 -«pa-tittll» O'l'liodrUESDAT.Jaat w.

At .» ¦> ( ,v». ai i.e A ruoa R ¦«.

An a»*o: :m» " of New «i J S««c. »I-i« Furmnir«. c «a-- « K» 's ráelos «. «tiij g.ea««*. carpels

athef -,!.. ma u .-»..* dr*»« .«! !««. »rand*, a»«t't s t, otaee eaaoa» kltehaa, rxrat-_

(' >H*Vlto<B>«aXAfrN. Sana-ates Btore Bta I. Bsei e si I..era; stvaucee made or tAaais cos-


f ,.e»-t -eture» OjalaN R C CHAMBERLAIN bavin,-reraoved fh>at No- II.V« « gi'ruee st would res Beppr la roeat»« coaalgaBMfMS

of Blerrhei.dtae of e«erj dearnpXoe, fVoat hi* ft and sand tro puoilc goaerallT «he* SaWr* he bopas U> inerti.

MOSDAT. Jan. ts.At It» » clock, ai No * Spree» «t

BXt.oxo>asBB S' «viTuas, à«, eosaertsing sofas, eefabe<*st.vads. set'.ees plain and dr««slc( buroaua, mart,]« top«reatas hshtee, mahogany leo tableo, bedsteads, carpels, oilc'oth, Chan». raavXasgeaf rocbere, crockery, wax, choooe ee-gars, de-rttio'ins. drv rood», boot«, *Ii.«ps u.c. Vs.

u FUiNKSDAY, Jaa.7?.A: ¡14 o e-e!, ai He, as Bowery,

s* »in Sti > ..fibs» contents of s mllliuery ai d sa-awhat oateMlsbmaval, ,onet»ilng of lasilee' 'nisha* and uoSr-i«ned »t.k sn »iraw hau. »irsw braids, rlbnoc. »Ilk. It cm.itaras of Meta» «c a.-.

TIURSDAY J»a,a,Ai 1*»* o'clock, al Ne HO H. tition-st

«1,1 > or v Hoi ÜSM »vu UatosHreai. kc. ctMUlSlhlg oftool» bathe, glaasjar*. drugs, parfuoery. t beer fainialc.I btaira for sien. I »toe«, g counter», 1 large |tss eat«wuh diswer», «mall do ftxiuresofaiore«, loi alga», Xc.Pat« 11 x Sais .Three Are prvtof Iron eheeu of various

. -es

Bl JAnKfTMTivnÏÏLlrti^^Ian«. D» ki door tit Ha I I.tb«rtv-«i

TIK8DAT. Jan M.I to stock. Bl lb« *t r« No. 71 Maiden lan«.

lets case* gesrrt,sasoaeaaaEaeaas^Mkato froaa a«nuii'ii«ciur«r», and suitable for ibe city ui eouauyII aue.

FRIDAY. Jan. tv.At t »'''lock, at store No. 7s Matdea laaa.

H »sow »as. CfTttaï. he.On a cr«dli «f a.x ssoauisfor approved endorsad noies.dOU packages Bad lou oftresri Imported Hiriuinrban and BbefBeld Ooodi. esmslal\-t at table a.'.l poehel cauoryiTuisher, «ho« and broads. «.... Ill««, Huicher** drawing Barree; plsie, cbo«t, cwf)board and 'renk o.-k*. fliau, tee trays and weuera cariycomha. ira k«uea. »auc« pan*, tinned and *a**o«li«di fi¦...« » ., loe and haltar chaina: rCarvlla« bo«». pafaleaXBaeaatea hutu. caudl«*l1ck», »nag«r«, Oarirtaa allvssr aadIron i«« »... 1 t«' . spouas. britannla do, twbaro boaae,leBta hum. J»ui«*'» wt>od acr«w*. rtMtad suaX »sjaai«bolis, etc etc.Cata'oeu«« aad good« raaraty for axaralnaUon throo day.

before iho sale.Th« «boT»«ii«cksr« froeh gooda and ta ggggOJgggg oHar

1 very lot will h« sold wtUiout reeerve-~ ROYAL~Ot'RLl"YrAucilo.v«er


\\l.l tlll.t. BOOEté.-Wiil be sold b* ROTAi.ii' it I.E Y fc Co at their Loaf-roost S04 Broadway,

corner of Duane-st. an axleaalva and valuaal« eeialogeo¦>f ancient and modern boohs, consisting of theological aad.clentihc work», embracing rare edliloa« of ih«claa»ica,worh* on the ancient lansuages aad liter aturo, aa exceed¬ingly v». is'..« coileciion of Ibe cholca.i European work«on natura, lu.iory, soology, btitany aad geology, aad iHhafr.ranches f natura, BfAsssas; Una «diltoo» of thesraadardand most popular French and Italian aainor«, elegaaulybound antltjultlee, he he

TITEXDAT, Feb. J,AMSRtc»n Rooat ano Woaas tiLariMO re AMgaie».«

Huroa»..A larg« and rare colleeiloa of valuable ASswrvcan hooka on 'and tliie», local and general blaiory relaitogto Amanean history, biography and gaaaitd baratar«,many of hem original «ditioaa of great rarity, as wall ae oftntriu»' valu«. ggg ghjBSjr


ANT ttoÑYXB I.EECKER. Auc*ioe«>«r.

FVVCI CTOHB' Ntl.a, Of KKAL RaTATP laá b.rrowai.-ANTHONY j BLEtCKEI wtll seilet

pahMs «uc'ton on Thursday, the »ih day of Jaeuary, LBs/eaOOh a> rh« Merchants' Exshanga, ' by order ofthe Fvecutor», ail iha' enrtaln lot of ». d with rh« fraasoi.«» ,i ,g house thereon, known as No. I0U Barrow-«! seargloache» et The lot U feel m front sod rear, by M lb»! todepth on «ach »Ido. Tu« tu« Indlsmiiabi«. g.t>«u of tbopurchase nio-ey may remain on bond aad mortgage al sov-en per cart- lm«r*»l, pa,ah!« oua.ierly

R. B F.HDltK. I ._._...Jd^td«^_T. J. CQLEMaN, ( HXSxaajaes.

VA FI. JoYES. Auolonessr.'BfXITi, »IJOKM ANO HKU«ANH.-On Wodne*-

day, Jan. 17. 1147, al I« o'clocS, al me atore of J. D In¦SrSSsa, h Co. No. ttt P««ri-si. X». ,:«.«., xoiupriaiag alarge and da.trabl« assornueol of bosit*. «''.je« and bro-gsna.aui ablefor Souibera. Westaro and city doalois J11

BKOH NAI.E-Tka two aio-y sot »tile saodarabuilt brtek bouao and lot lu fa«, He. 14 Becoad-eiii. hoiia« i. m >,e Bowery. Tbe house t» St tool

front by 40 fe*t d«ep, wtib Ui and Sd story piaaaa In rea/.It wa» built a few y«ar**lnea by a butlaer for bl» own .*>cupancy. and Is unuaually rooaiy and conveolaoi 4 ruoaaeon ih« id and 4 on in« 1.1 floor i ««oavouloal panirte« anddosel*, mahogaey parlor and sliding doors, marbl« asao-le » In first and Mrorid »lorl*». X fine dry basement roomand COunar callar full su« of housw. Crotón water lalrte

e-t J ,.«¦¦ can reman on bond and mortgas« 'f de-

»^i.l Enqulraof [j2Alw«| A LANE, 4» WalUt

A^AuCK'r^KHyyAT.HA^Tr*. t.-Ta.subscribe.« re»p«cirtllly ttifonu ihelrTrt*nda sad ihopublic gsnersllv, ihsl tbey have euecoeded H F Btsv

¦i« i.«.j a» proprleuirsof iha a'seva well <w»n heaw,and are prepariwl i acromsoodala all thoea who may favorthem with ihelr patronage, with larga aad wall haraasha...».,...» |.i»i»:f| TIOHSs 's HLaKF.

it. X. >IAII. LINK for A.banyaedI'froy via Br,d*7«pt>ri and Houa«*,tale'Railroad -Through by dayilgiit.dai.y

- e,,-,.pi,.d| ai .>» iVelnea A M fluiiu« die last«miumeche Hou»alonic Rar roa.) .a*le-«in relald ihroagboui« -, ... r; Hu. from Bnd/erio" loth« W«ai«'r> keilroaTh.- ataaaiboal M'H'NTtlNr'.FR Capí W H Fres««.Idi -s iba foot .f Mariai sl E R. for Rrtdg«p«>ri. >*a ¡y. «i. 4 sleek, A. M. No fr«tghi laeeo .« the ?««*«cg«r i.m«Passer gers lak« the ears at Brt.lgei.irt. and wtih.Pilrba.'ige of SBr.O« baggage, arilv« In Albaa', and Trwy al 'i

.k'| P M .S«w rn.1% ii.l i.e-¦..«..i'v« angta«» ha¦¦.« li»>«nrr ,.'ii-et, «rd the read lain «vry saxaeol equal te the beetNe«* F.aglead t,a¿.rgrt Fr.Mv-'ill.iniiysiwaaier.NIMRODsndKLRIiKA

dai.yF.. r fai her »'»o ir-- al Living sv ,i. | Weils's

Kxp.-'s* «latea, Hu A) We .< am ai o » or? e ,,, Mark««-IX UM PERRf. Agwnt Iji) lstf|

OKI KUHK'K HKFWKT.-TbeMii'isi B«n«ei Lif«laearance < .. ii'fflca No II Wall *. Is«upO during

|iece»ni,«r, l1**, SM nww Po|icl*e.»lgTo »1er. .ants h Traners..STiTo Moehaelc» .'A

Clara». SIPhyaictsn».ISLaw/or»..- S(I. rgymen .'.Cesanara of Bank*.... %Manufacturera .1.1Hotel .'-is .S

FabUc OÄcers. 4Fanners . ItProf«*«*.«. ILa-!:«*.UHe. Cáptalas. 2Banker .... . IOther oceupallóos lo

TriUI Follcleo. .»..18RUR-r L PATTF.IiXflN.Preetdeat.BENJ C MILLER, Soeretery

JOS l.. L<>RD, AgantJAB BTKWART, M. D M«lkal Kiu» «r.

;t I«nisMWk«_


IPr.M «t HEN-.ON. Drape» ar Ta-lor, re»p«ei.f\..]yIS ii.fini.iiii, pairori« and the public a«n«r«¡ly, "tai lahas r«roo. «d to tita New York Caal. Tai .»ring Eatabltsb-ment, .No. 142 Fulloo-st. near Brotkiw»», wbsnr« rea hofound ao -»'enst-i «s...r'/«enl of Cob«, Cass meree. VaatVBsgt !.. «lile,i t»lo i^. mad« loo-1er in the boo PJOMBea»

., f.r casfuA rio'ce and general BJeortmeol of («oilemarr'« BaBCf

dreaa article« eon»laiil,v oa liatod. Jylt tSWIXS

F'HAM IH'H vlANIFOLD L-ier-WitSja «gotoWr'ing and Copying Letisrs.By this síngala pro¬

cess a leiusr aad i i » -» can bo wrtiiaw ai uae rasóteun» ti i» therefore lavaiuabi« to 'us<n«w« mea aad allwho desire, copie« of their e0rr«apoad«nc« or o.aar iam-niaots. Trie manner of writiocts »asy, agraea'.Ie. .!¦>»i.'.ou« sod econ.anicsú. The tnaaufacuirvr« iri«iiotko*ilentioa oí the puhite to tir .s uso>ul arUe.e, which they are

prapored to supply at wh«.«*«i« and retail.FRANCIS k LOLTREL, Ma«Juf*cu»rors,

if»T? Mardera-hsaaH ans Boos s. Papar aad Srguloaery of every alad at tow

prieoa_C'UxlrlBEMa'a l.KJiON laCOAR-Thi* laaertrai

' arucie Le prepared trvm iba par« talc« of ih« Wjeaea,sod is uon«aiiesl 'or lita u.aiaol p.udttviloC of toaaaXsSXXau,er,.r to that made in lb« ord nary wsy, aud «aria«. Mastroubloaad eapeaoe. Sod, whotosxio aad reset», at BVHao.ii rmpor.uai I^Cortlaad-o» » TBa'

P~LATED tAMR1AOE vtOrNTWtií^B^Jhe'BCes or r.arueros ot la.liajy »qulbuiei U, OU aBX «««ar

ad. sttow:r.4 a ivpp«WT sorfaoa, «aa ae aisSaally ramoe^by oua »ppicalioa of lia Silver P.atMvg TXid l .¿«'-fxajto give settsfaetioB of igs* aisvawy leBjaaej. ISMsb,wboioMtl« ana .otoil. by JORhfJ *.£.*w±£2\.

,2ül" eTeTXsXeet.

«L Ir.,0 Works, Saug»rtl«w. >.. '¦ east «XO r«»»Xsaaa IrOB\V <«rks, PotnptoB. N I va to «sUtBliSBUB.ord«r«for roond,«gjere.*>t, heaaJ.ecrolI sad heapIrea

w'.^proaaptiy ^g,^<$%&$» ».^

XHatlAUa Vi.ifTmAT.» P'O« !«.*». 'K4»S>Cir>Ca/ra»4«CloUipl«ttoaadtgur«)d, of SBpofter ea»u ..

fur sow et abe lowoei esariet prtoee ai ta- »arat. «a- e

ihe Xrwerfc.M. J. Uetto tuboer Faster y. SB H «-tea «av.

-no «vWcikJl A.SD orniRx-Ta. uN.« h i1 «.pptiod wttrv-BXO SALT in » lb. begs for labks er aelry eeaBALE HA T, Beaor, Ca.eo, Lard, X*. ae

JIS lerte»_X C. HODIWB. »IS'««««SaSI^fa» LUTERaor JtfHlC-A s»»a»aiifw¡ *kn*r»&I OuiLar f.rr sa o ai half prie« .T«»* «s asopaai^ loeija-asaiit aew aad lu perfect order Ap/ly wMr »lïeaBLe^,W..yd Engr»v«r. JÍ Fuitoe et * h aW Ses W+

DOOM bPUiNG«'-A now Bad laapro«- *ctMtoefE.S.UC D.etr BUirr.. f.r «o>. wb-la*a aaX «v*a*L

bv tbe Newark Udla aubber MaevnaeturtB. Cmbbm,«g Maeieav too.


*P StX

pOAI^rsö ¡aitosw P'-aehjpr^<MpStot« .*.CRiyrtoxs -Bg-td*^tod¿f^ttr4s