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INFORMATICA INDUSTRIALE Prof. Christian Forlani [email protected] Tutor: Stefano Brusamolino [email protected] Lezione 2

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Prof. Christian [email protected]

Tutor: Stefano [email protected]

Lezione 2

Lezione 2 2

Informatica Industriale

» Oscillator» Reset» Architecture» CPU (Central Processing Unit) and System Bus» ALU (Arithmetic Logical Unit)» Hardware 8x8 Multiplier» Memory Map» Table Read / Table Write» System Bus» Interrupts» Instruction Set

Device Structure: Core

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Informatica Industriale


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Informatica Industriale

Instruction/Data size

• Data Size (8 bit)

• Data Memory (8bit)

• Instruction Size (Word, Double Word:16,32 bit)• Program Memory (8bit)

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Informatica Industriale

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Informatica Industriale

» Oscillator» Reset » Architecture» CPU (Central Processing Unit) and System Bus» ALU (Arithmetic Logical Unit)» Hardware 8x8 Multiplier» Memory Map» Table Read / Table Write» System Bus» Interrupts» Instruction Set

Device Structure: Core

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Informatica Industriale

General Instruction Format

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Informatica Industriale

General Instruction Format

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Informatica Industriale

» Oscillator» Reset » Architecture» CPU (Central Processing Unit) & System Bus» ALU (Arithmetic Logical Unit)» Hardware 8x8 Multiplier» Memory Map» Table Read / Table Write» System Bus» Interrupts» Instruction Set

Device Structure: Core

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ALU (Arithmetic Logical Unit)

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Status Register

• N =Negative bit• OV=Overflow bit• Z =Zero bit• DC=Digit Carry (Half Carry)• C =Carry

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Informatica Industriale

» Oscillator» Reset » Architecture» CPU (Central Processing Unit) & System Bus» ALU (Arithmetic Logical Unit)» Hardware 8x8 Multiplier» Memory Map» Table Read / Table Write» System Bus» Interrupts» Instruction Set

Device Structure: Core

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Informatica Industriale

8X8 HW multiplier included in the ALU

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Informatica Industriale

» Oscillator» Reset » Architecture» CPU (Central Processing Unit) & System Bus» ALU (Arithmetic Logical Unit)» Hardware 8x8 Multiplier» Memory Map» Table Read / Table Write» System Bus» Interrupts» Instruction Set

Device Structure: Core

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Informatica Industriale

Program & Data Memory

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Program Memory Map

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Informatica Industriale

Program Counter (PC)

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Data Memory Map

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Informatica Industriale

Access Bank

E’ una zona di memoria ad accesso veloce formata dai primi 128byte del Bank0 (GPR) e gli ultimi 128 del Bank15 (SFRs) ed èutilizzata per:

• Intermediate computational values• Local variables of subroutines• Faster context saving/switching of variables

• Common variables• Faster evaluation/control of SFRs (no banking)

Si accede quando a=0

Lezione 2 21

Informatica Industriale

» Oscillator» Reset » Architecture» CPU (Central Processing Unit) & System Bus» ALU (Arithmetic Logical Unit)» Hardware 8x8 Multiplier» Memory Map» Table Read / Table Write» System Bus» Interrupts» Instruction Set

Device Structure: Core

Lezione 2 22

Informatica Industriale

Table Write• E’ una tabella che permette il trasferimento di dati dalla

Data Memory alla Program Memory.

NB: Per i dispositivi con memoria EPROM, i bit della Program Memory possono essere portati da 1 a 0 ma non viceversa!!

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Informatica Industriale

Table Read• E’ una tabella che permette il trasferimento di dati dalla

Program Memory alla Data Memory.

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Informatica Industriale

Reset Control (RCON) register

LWRT: Long Write Enable bit– 1 = Enable Table Writes to internal program memory

Once this bit is set, it can only be cleared by a POR or MCLR reset.

– 0 = Disable Table Writes to internal program memory; Table Writes only to external program memory.

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Informatica Industriale

» Oscillator» Reset » Architecture» CPU (Central Processing Unit) & System Bus» ALU (Arithmetic Logical Unit)» Hardware 8x8 Multiplier» Memory Map» Table Read / Table Write» System Bus» Interrupts» Instruction Set

Device Structure: Core

Lezione 2 26

Informatica Industriale

InterruptsInterrupts can come from many sources. These sources cur rently include:

– External interrupt from the INT, INT1, and INT2 pins– Change on RB7:RB4 pins– TMR0,1,2,3Overflow– USART Interrupts

• Receive buffer full• Transmit buffer empty

– SSPInterrupt– SSP I2C bus collision interrupt– A/D conversion complete– CCP interrupt– LVD Interrupt– Parallel Slave Port– CAN interrupts

• Receive 1,2 buffer • Receive invalid• Transmit 1,2,3 buffer• Bus wakeup• Bus invalid error

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Informatica Industriale

InterruptsAs other peripheral modules are developed, they will have interrupt sources.

These sources will map into the 10 registers used in the c ontrol and status of interrupts. These registers are:


The INTCON register contains the GIE/GIEH bit. This is the Global Interrupt Enablebit. When this bit is set, all interrupts are enabled. If needed for any single device, additional INTCON, PIR,PIE, and IPR registers will be defined.

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High Priority Interrupt Logic Block

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Low Priority Interrupt Logic Block

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Interrupt Registers:INTCON

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Interrupt Registers:INTCON2

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Interrupt Registers:INTCON3

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Peripheral Interrupt Enable:PIE

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Peripheral Interrupt Registers:PIR

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Interrupt Priority Registers:IPR

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Informatica Industriale

Peripheral Interrupt Registers:PIR

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Informatica Industriale

Reset Control (RCON) register

IPEN: Interrupt Priority Enable bit– 1 = Enable priority levels (high and low) on


– 0 = Disable priority levels (all peripherals are high) on interrupts (This causes the Interrupt Priority (IP) bits to be ignored)

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Informatica Industriale

» Oscillator» Reset » Architecture» CPU (Central Processing Unit) & System Bus» ALU (Arithmetic Logical Unit)» Hardware 8x8 Multiplier» Memory Map» Table Read / Table Write» System Bus» Interrupts» Instruction Set

Device Structure: Core

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Informatica Industriale

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Informatica Industriale