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During the lesson, learners are progressing toward the following language learning aims: shows what activities to take out of a two hour class. Content / Activities Resources Sub-theme: Intro Lesson Prepared by Emma Dorrell Can Do Statements Can demonstrate understanding of a topic by answering questions and sequencing information Literature Welcome Back to School by Kenn Nesbitt Course Book: Kid’s Box 5 Pupil’s Book: pp.2-3 Activity Book: pp.2-3 Teacher’s Book: PP.12- 13 CD 1: Tracks 2-4 Teacher’s Resources 1. Check Info 2. Info 3. Welcome Back to School Activity Sheets 1. Pre-Programme Check 2. Good and Bad 3. Classroom Symbols 4. Classroom Recipe Stage plan overview: Introduction Greet students and explain that during the programme students will be doing lots of interesting activities. Distribute and look at the Self Assessment Sheet so students can see the main tasks they will cover over the course.Discuss what they think – which looks the best? Like always, to check what students already know, they need to complete Activity Sheet 1 – Pre- Programme Check. Teacher to read Teacher Resource 1 – Check Info about this activity and how to mark. Play the warmer game from Teacher Resource 2, Find Someone Who… Supporting Tasks Ask students what it was like to go back to school – do they have a nice classroom, teacher, etc? How do they feel about starting school today? Ask students to share their ‘first day back to school’ experiences. Read Welcome Back to School from Teacher Resource 3, what do they think of this school? What would be in their ideal school? In pairs, ask students to brainstorm what makes a good, happy classroom. Share some ideas, then still in pairs, students complete Activity Sheet 2 – Good and Bad, then discuss as a class. Students can further discuss what makes a happy classroom by completing Activity Sheet 3 – Classroom Symbols. Explain that the above activities will ensure a happy classroom for us – you can refer to these pages throughout the programme to help with classroom rules, discipline etc. Hand out the new course books. Remind students that the pupils books (PB) are not to be written in but the activity books (AB) can be. Give every student their own copy of AB and remind them they must bring to class every week. Let students flick through the books. Main Task Work through PB pp.2-3 Ex 1-5, AB pp.2-3 Ex 1-6 This will give you a good idea of the level of your students – who can do these activities independently/with support? Decide how best to complete these © 2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 1 of 17

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During the lesson, learners are progressing toward the following language learning aims: shows what activities to take out of a two hour class.

Content / Activities Resources

Sub-theme: Intro Lesson Prepared by Emma DorrellCan Do Statements Can demonstrate understanding of a topic by answering questions and sequencing information Literature

Welcome Back to Schoolby Kenn Nesbitt

Course Book: Kid’s Box 5

Pupil’s Book: pp.2-3Activity Book: pp.2-3Teacher’s Book: PP.12-13CD 1: Tracks 2-4

Teacher’s Resources

1. Check Info2. Info3. Welcome Back to School

Activity Sheets

1. Pre-Programme Check2. Good and Bad3. Classroom Symbols4. Classroom Recipe

Additional MaterialsSelf-AssessmentLesson LogPlain paper

Stage plan overview:

Introduction Greet students and explain that during the programme students will be doing lots of interesting activities. Distribute and look at the Self

Assessment Sheet so students can see the main tasks they will cover over the course.Discuss what they think – which looks the best? Like always, to check what students already know, they need to complete Activity Sheet 1 – Pre-Programme Check. Teacher to read

Teacher Resource 1 – Check Info about this activity and how to mark. Play the warmer game from Teacher Resource 2, Find Someone Who…

Supporting Tasks Ask students what it was like to go back to school – do they have a nice classroom, teacher, etc? How do they feel about starting school

today? Ask students to share their ‘first day back to school’ experiences. Read Welcome Back to School from Teacher Resource 3, what do they think of this school? What would be in their ideal school?

In pairs, ask students to brainstorm what makes a good, happy classroom. Share some ideas, then still in pairs, students complete Activity Sheet 2 – Good and Bad, then discuss as a class.

Students can further discuss what makes a happy classroom by completing Activity Sheet 3 – Classroom Symbols. Explain that the above activities will ensure a happy classroom for us – you can refer to these pages throughout the programme to help

with classroom rules, discipline etc. Hand out the new course books. Remind students that the pupils books (PB) are not to be written in but the activity books (AB) can be.

Give every student their own copy of AB and remind them they must bring to class every week. Let students flick through the books.Main Task

Work through PB pp.2-3 Ex 1-5, AB pp.2-3 Ex 1-6 This will give you a good idea of the level of your students – who can do these activities independently/with support? Decide how best to complete these activities for your class – perhaps do the first few questions of each AB activity as a class, then let students have a try to complete the rest of that exercise. These pages cover many skills but useful for teacher to see the level and needs of the class.Post Task Activities

In Kid’s Box, there is an ezine. What would students put into an ezine if they could choose? Imagine they had to create an ezine for their school and one section is called ‘Happy Classroom’. Following the example on Activity Sheet 4 – Classroom Recipe, students now write their own recipe for a happy classroom. If time allows they can illustrate their work.Extension: Complete Extension Sheets 1 and 2Lesson Log

Students complete their Lesson Log and Self Assessment - Task 1 Extension: Students can write about or do a contents page for their ezine – What other sections would there be? Like the poem,

students can write or draw about their dream school. They can also complete Extension 1 and 2

© 2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 1 of 12

Teacher Resource 1

The pre-programme check (Activity Sheet 1) is an opportunity for you to gain an understanding of student knowledge in specific areas. When you ask the students to answer the questions, please do not give too much assistance. You can help them to understand the question but cannot explain key terms or spell out any words. You need to mark the work and input this on your teacher assessment grid. There is no need for students to know their score at this stage.

Students will then answer the same questions later in the programme and you can see how the students have progressed. It is worth telling the students individually their scores. Remember this is not to see how many students get 100% as that is unrealistic given the short time we have with our students. However, majority if not all students will hopefully gain a better score. Again, you will need to note their final score on your assessment grid.

Please bear in mind that this is only assessing the progress of three specific things. It is not assessing the overall progress of the students as that is more subjective. Please do not let the students know when they will redo the questions as if they improve their scores is that because they understand the work or because they have memorized it?

Part One One mark for correct spelling

1) mechanic 2) dentist 3) pilot 4) secretary 5) journalist

Part Two One mark for correct placement of apostrophe.

1) My dad’s job is a firefighter.2) I’ve got two sisters but I’m the youngest.3) Tom’s dogs aren’t playing in the garden.

Part ThreeOne mark per correct use of past tense – spelling must also be correct.

Yesterday, I walked to the park with my friend. When we arrived it started to rain. We ran under the big tree to get out of the rain, but it was too late – we were soaking wet!

Important Note: Use the above marking as a suggestion. However, it is vital that you mark in exactly the same way for the pre-programme check and then when you come to mark the same exercises later in the programme. Your marking MUST be consistent.

© 2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 2 of 12

Teacher Resource 2

Warmer Game – Find Someone WhoPlay a quick game so students get to know each other a little better. This could either be done by students writing a table and then filling in the information as they survey their classmates, or could be done as a race (first person to find someone who…).

Here are some examples but please add your own.

Find someone who: wears glasses has an older brother likes Ben Ten thinks My Bean is funny likes the colour green ate rice for breakfast is wearing red likes swimming

© 2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 3 of 12

Teacher Resource 3

Welcome Back to School by Kenn Nesbitt

“Dear students, the summer has ended. The school year at last has begun.But this year is totally different.I promise we’ll only have fun.

“We won’t study any mathematics,and recess will last all day long.Instead of the Pledge of Allegiance,we’ll belt out a rock ’n’ roll song.

“We’ll only play games in the classroom.You’re welcome to bring in your toys.It’s okay to run in the hallways.It’s great if you make lots of noise.

“For homework, you’ll play your Nintendo.You’ll have to watch lots of TV.For field trips we’ll go to the moviesand get lots of candy for free.

“The lunchroom will only serve chocolateand Triple-Fudge Sundaes Supreme.”Yes, that’s what I heard from my teacherbefore I woke up from my dream.

© 2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 4 of 12

Activity Sheet 1

To check what you know before we start the course, try to answer these questions. Your teacher can help you to read the words but cannot help you with the answers. You must give this paper to your teacher afterwards and s/he will keep it. This is not a test but a chance for your teacher to see what you already know. You will then do a similar activity at the end of the programme to check how you have progressed. Good luck!

Part One Complete these words to spell different jobs.

1. m e c h __ __ __ __ 2. d e n __ __ __ __

3. p i __ __ __ 4. s e c r __ __ __ __ y

5. j o u r __ __ __ __ s t

Part Two Rewrite these sentences by putting apostrophes (‘) in the correct place.

1. My dads job is a firefighter.


2. Ive got two sisters but Im the youngest.


3. Toms dogs arent playing in the garden.


Part ThreeComplete this paragraph, changing the word in brackets () to the past tense.

Yesterday, I _________ (walk) to the park with my friend. When we ___________ (arrive) it

_____________ (start) to rain. We ___________ (run) under the big tree to get out of the rain,

but it __________ (is) too late – we were soaking wet!

© 2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 5 of 12

ScoreExercise 1 / 5Exercise 2 / 5Exercise 3 / 5

Total / 15

Activity Sheet 2

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Activity Sheet 3

Extension: Which is the most important? Put these criteria in the order of

importance for you.

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Activity Sheet 4

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Extension 1

Extension 2

© 2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 9 of 12

Take a look at all the great things we will do in class this programme. Which of the goals below look interesting? Which ones sound easy / difficult?

© 2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 10 of 12

Each lesson you will rate your own achievements.

Yes I can! Self Assessment

1. I can demonstrate understanding of a topic by answering questions and sequencing information

2. I can edit work to correct simple punctuation and capitalisation

3. I can speak clearly in front of the class4. I can use past tense and time vocabulary to retell

events5. I can write a letter6. I can follow a set of written instructions to make

something7. I can make predictions using “going to”8. I can listen attentively to complete a table of

information9. I can write and perform a job themed role play10. I can write and present a poem for Open


Think about the following statements at the end of the programme and discuss them with your teacher

I worked well in a group by listening to others and contributing to discussions

I followed teacher’s instructions and sought clarification when necessary

I worked well independently, making good use of allocated time

What I did best….

What I would like to get better at…

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Date: ______________________________

Today’s theme:______________________________________________

Today’s literature:______________________________________________


Three things I learned or practised today:

Date: ______________________________

Today’s theme:______________________________________________

Today’s literature:______________________________________________


© 2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 12 of 12

Three things I learned or practised today: