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Let’s Do Mathematics

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Lets Do Mathematics

CONTENTSAddition and SubtractionPage

2.Place Value; Thousands6

3.Addition and Subtraction. Number, Sequences/Place Value10

4.Solid Shapes; Calendar Timel6


6.Solid Shapes: Length30

7.Odd and Even Numbers: Fractions; Ordinals35
















Numerals; Rounding Numbers120


Symmetry Lines126

Solving; Fractions131





UNIT 1ADDITION and SUBTRACTIONLet us see how mudi we nrnwmher fran Grade 3.Here is your firs: problem134+ 261Susan worked a like rims:I-cicr worked ii lite tHis:134100.30+4IIT C)263 = 200+60+3I3 4300+M)+7+

-26 3=3973 9 7Remcmhcr. shcn adding. we stan with the ones.Look at this problem.156= 100+506+217 a 200+10+7

= 300+60+13= 300+60+10+3300+703shorter way.TO136



8Z1 8 + & + OO

L + oc + 001ci ++ oocL+0L+0Z0(]IL+0+001 = LEt c+o1+ocoocc+o9+0oc=c9cit:iunsppuIqns cnMONSII 1Z + S1Z 1L (p+IIII +9L1SVXZSI E + 61 19

8l(q1 (W9WE+UI3t,EWE (PStI +01+8E8SZcHVZ + w L LU L (3LU3w(q(113LU6V1S +rEiS +StIS + 88LS (PEZIS + ttIStL9Scrrs( .1H161+u1 + ZLL (PIVZ + 65 (3tX(q8ESC t61Z.+9( (pIV+LLV (39E(q911(ZLZI+SIZ+891+O (P9v1+EZX (3ZL991(Pt:3sq111MONV P1I6 IOI IX (PZiZL6cLi tzScz I(q$(W3H WVUI3 W9 (PItE acW)UI t- LU 9 LU (3LU3w(qU13w(Coas Z1I$9ZS c6.Lc (PoLt$ (ocsscasC .1(1 PJ1II91 oct cp9I L9 (3


6tLILZRt1LItV (PLIt9L CctL(q9t( t6cz69 (PIIt9t (Lc9(qct

,(.n N3 aUa zt



01 RI[sooiL&jo 11700 ir 11900 1[hnnIExercise

)huntireLF. + Ihundn.d10 hundreds or one thousahd

Complete these: 900+ 59=

II:-Exertise FConiplee theieU(1.

2:5U.2i i42.Keep increasing thtse numbers by IftIDecrcaisc these by 5.

Makr five brga numbers. Thefim*isdoneforyou.Make five smaller numben,Thcfirsthdonclory*i.

&;..:,30,::,_,::a)125.., .:.


) IZd) 144)4.Climb p fromdownoihaynuUNIT 2PLACE VALUE; THOUSANDS[-tillII I i1

This group of squares shows one hundred.(irop 10 of these.10 hudred = I thouswidfo,.d,2i(Look at how l(XX is shown on the place value chart below.THOUSANDS jTENSONES_JoWhich digit is in the ones place? Which digit is in the Lens place? Which digit is in the hundreds place? Which digit is in the thousands place?What is the place value of the first zero? What is the place value of the second zero? What is the place value of the third zero1000 in expended rn is:I thousand 0 hunJ,ed, + 0 tens +0 ones+0+2Eei-cii AWrite the nwncral r1imcs tor Icsc

4. 70006. 94fl)Ihousand!. I. IIrnu%ands 1 thousands ,. Ihoiisand% 4ihtuands 4ihoias.arids +

hLlndrctb. + hundrcd. + hunLhds +hundred!. +hundn.ds +hundnds +

cns 4 tens + len.. +lcr% +lens +tens +

LLok at ihc abaul%.Hw many objct, tire in th thoujnj place? Ho niy objects irc in the hindred pb*x?Are there an objects tn the Lcn,./one. plax7Whidthe numeral It you said 32(M). you are orreelRead this as three thousand (wq hundred.Eerdw CRead the riumcr.mls in the ahacji, Wriw them.



:1.:.Chf_nC.rSra8B6C.00SREVIEWM.,C1, acII owM hh

i 30(10=


++c) 5XK)=







1 XH)=



+3. Co.npkse thcsc:1) IOO,nonthan2tM)is_h) 34K) more than 454X is

C) 1X)rnorethan6OflOts_

d) 200 ks than 7000 is

e) 400 kthan 53(K)fl60() Ic.s than X20() is9UNIT 3ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION,NUMBER, SEQUENCES/PLACE VALUELook at this cable9 ICSS .15Jse the aaaItlQn.Add zen to all the numerils on the top hoe.What arc the answers0+0 =0. 0 1= 1.0+2 z 2. 0+3 i 3.0+4 a 4Ls there a palteri(Zero added to any numberis the nurnbr itself.uhLraci zero from all the numr.ils on the top line.WIit arc the dnswer5?0-0O. 1-0= 1.2-0=2.3.0=3.4-0=4-apaIern?Zero uhuactegj from anynumber i% the number ib.elf:;: II!WL -R9X

_oIgcc: -Et9)OQt,(.ZZ%UVu?Lp iu pZN %i3qwnu (MI q!q UI J31J() ta

+cL+(3ppvV PJI)J1 4LJIqi LU?% ZLj1 U.)%UC 31(1 3.J\1 33!1O1I flOA OP rLI:y9I.=.+..- -Z=I+9=

010 31(1 LJUJ)$:z;:=3uq LIOl 3111 1)0 %IRJ3IUflU 3q1 NV ( 11? Op.Jn9.-S..5fl.S.. ...a3unh%Sorj woIJ Ot,c(prc qiqwoi.WO1J c puqnLZ II?I2L-ZFcOOqc006V(oovrocsI!41Z1!IO iquituj96 4



4ct,cz I4:s..q-,01IL3A )RLj) %MO4I% 4(XIIOt)OXLN

3111f J3tUflU 34) )(UO9 :rt:z (tzc:,r iqr- _.1:sa );:jduio33 apsatLJ.1.alUM?QJTV TVLunrn3d ii ar3I nu nos( oc131J3t3 Uj %P3190 atp IUIXflRcmcmbcrLook tcw the pattern.the numcra1 given as your guide.Add ot subtract,Each line stands for a missing numeral.Mace aluc

Look athri,cWe can see objects ineach place.It shows 3 thousands. 4 hundreds. 2 tens. I onc The nutnerdi Is 3421.Read this as three thousand four hundred and twenty one.Th.sandJj1undteds f TensOnes 49j 63

Look at the place value chartWhich digit s in the thousands place? The hundreds place? The tens place?The numeral shown on the place value chart is 4 963. Iireads four thousand nine hundred andsixty three.Isrctsc I)I. Wrhc the nuutS for these:a)3952th4725



2. Wnte the cpankd form fw these,The first one is done for you.a) l579 = I thousand5 hrnJds7 fts9 oshI 5617 = thtiusaiidshundredslensOnesC) 4782 =


UNIT 4SOLID SHAPES; CALENDAR TIMENaming Solid ShapesLook al these:Iconecylrn&rspficrcWt set ihesc shapes every dy around us.lhc s,berc is scen in the shape of balls, the globe, marbles. etc.Exereise ANow copy each pictun and draw three objects with the shape of the solid in the picture.

hailarNe1obe2. The pictures bclow. chov objects macic up of solid shapes

Nane epiciiwc.N_siic_h phcsn. Vat cssmpk 16:sup IrlIuiqpwosp qi r int) II U?d4)PW dq% !11 ILI4MVn iiislaIj woJ1 siepo 6upej

.ipU!I(.)uo:Ap!q3I%IdYHSpp1dtuc %ItI nft( .)drq LV4q

pSj-rFch side bob like a square.When we on solid shapes like Idid. Lhc shape we gel is called a net.So, we can open a cube-shaped box.We have a net for a cube.F.xercise BNow carcfully irac chi% nd.Cut it out.Fold aloflg thc doned lines to make a cube Paste or tape thc edges in place.aThis is a picture of a cuboid.

Trace and cut out the net Fold along the dotted lines Paste or tape the edges toHere arc two other nets. Trace. cut out fold and paste. Name the shapes you makeIIIIII IIIII184. unc that Jiapc fur each net.Ia a

(Th:IIII,I Ia Ia jii in doubt. tr.tc. ui out. Fold and paste to fliJ (aaJ,Calendar Timebay, and cek% in a month.tuiJ> this:

I:%CIT (Now name the rnonth. which ha%e thirty-onc days.How niii months have 34) days!IiiW fl1QI) months have 31 day%?2. 1.4)0k at ihs calendarRuil







Ho min days are there in this rnonth Namc the 1ays of the first wcck in this nlotuh Name the lays of the last week in this month, How many weeks are therein this month How many days are thereone week?9Arc thcrc days other than those in the first three weeks!If so, how many?Why does the firsi day in Manh begin on a Thesday?Group the days of eich month on your calendar to show wccbCount the weeks and ctra days in each month.Is there the same number of weck. in each month?(Rcmembcr7 thy make Iweck4wcckmakc I monthCopy and complctc.Write the nanies of the months of the year in order. c.gMonthsNo. of DaysNo. of Weeks


Which month has thc Icasi number of days?What irflpoiaflL event (to Guyr OCCUrS lfl the %hnrtest month of the year?What eke is igni1want about that niotith7Days, Weeks and Months in a YearExeriise I)I. I iL al the calendar in your classroom.Read the names cii the month. in order.How many mornhs ar theic rn a year? 52Tell the ,iimher of days in each month.2. Group all the days to how weeks.Be sure to put each day of the year into a week.How many weeks are their in a year? How many days are there in the year? Is this a leap yearHow can you tellIf this was a leap year how many days would there heWhich month has the additional day?20UNIT 5NUMBERSArranging. Ordering and Comparing9. 0. 5. 3. I. 6. 2. K. 4, 7ihese are the digits wc use in Mathcmaiics.We can ccdcr digt%.Read thi,:9, 5. 3. 2hi 2. 3. 5. 9(n what w*r gr thdii set drn.n in cch?We can write nwnbers bcginninfl1with the Iargct or the xmaLai %%ntc die nutnerals Begin wdh the brcst.2,4. 6I, 7, 54. 6, 85,0, 9. 3b Write thc% numeri1. Begin iih the sniaI1eM5.3.76,2, atthe%c9,0.5.3, ar onc-digil numerals.Hrc arc %ime other numcrak.a) Mhi 6M2153How t,any dtglt% are there inThere are 2-digit. 3thgii. and 4-Lhgi numerals

Mkc 2-digtt numcrak with Lhese digiL%.rhc lir%t nedone for youa) 9. 2 Numcrah.29 and 92b 5.3C) 8,1d) 9.()c) 7.4214. Mikc as many 3-digit numerals as you can with thesc dg1ts.a) 4.1,5h) 3,0.8C) 2,6.7d) 9.2.55. Make as many 4-digit nwnerals as you ana) 4. 5. 1.6b) 3. 5. 6. 2C) 9,6. 2, 4Arrangiiig digits to fucm numcr.d%,

Exarnpk:Digits4, 6, 3Largest: 643Smallest: 346Fcervtce HArrangc each set of digii. to fnnn the smallest poisibIc numeral. The first one is done for youa) 5. Numeral 45b) 7,C)3.d) 4, 3. 7. 5e) 9.1) 2,9,g) 7.3.2Arrange eich to fonu the largest possible numeral.a) 4.,?b) 1.C) 4.0.7d) 2,4.7c) 1.1.2,4fl3.0.5,t-II-II


Read the numerals on the number line. Follow the direction of the top arrow Nw read them again.Follow the direction of thc bottom arrow

Ixercisc CI. Put the following in the corrccl order.Begin with th rnaflest,) 46. 97. 23. 5$. 70h 705,416,1St. 2X), 329c) t0$7. 1111,4275, 1139,70(k)3.Cornplctc the sequences.59. . 62. 63bj 3$9.._. 391, 392, ,_,394c) I399I39$. _, 13%,

2. Put the following rn the correct order.Begin with the largest.a) 42, 56, $2. 60.94h 434, 275, L)Q7 311C) 293%, 2602. 3010. 102$dt 2400.2404LA)L$ at tti iiumhcr linr, -

1234123512361237123$1239Which is the largest numeral?Which is the malIcsi numeral?Is 1326 larger or smaller than I 328?c use the symbols >. < and to conipare numerals.

Fcrvi.r I)I. Usc ),42 C] 162d 1007 C] 107e) 1851 C] 1X51f) 2001 C] 2O()I

LIciIZcM(PoI(ESLE:jO Wfl% zqi 3jpw-jii+z +E9(P(LI01+(P1.5(El((1:3p1dwo Lfl (do3

saIdwPx3 J4I()Ii+:Jo wns qi PUIuomppv4.r)-.3,$45+



Sosis7q 2O$291:S435. 4.g:7

kg4711herris Fctfl:I. A tirnir h% ti tcnce ihrcc fields mcasunhlg IKU nietres. 3(k nle(r% and 2t5 rnetrc1-10W rnan metns in all ha he to fenx?

Four pieces 4,1 cTq jw, wiih lcngihs 45 cm. I)i cm, ()cm and cm ar joined to decoraic a,wm Whai j Jhc h,JaJ frfltj, of crcpc pcr used?4Find the toal amnunt collected for ncspacr saic on the fi,lkiwin days.Montity %e escay


4OO()S.%(IO()Z.Ru )cv .tcrrs 1 y -I caOrangceS12t)_Thecse flwcLSXOa.vahaIkow :jc1 w--6.iJt, a cQllv o was takcr (c bake: I2::, S393.and S1700.ow n.-tcF :nc.ncs waae7.Bob ha a mass of 45 kg. Tony 36 kg and Lal 38 kg.Find the total numbcr f kg they havc altogcthci.Find thc ioial maI




Fcrcjst FFind Lbc dh1icnnce:1924007.


-.,054d)34258420 1032

2115-1310-I I)J IiII) 13K327)12%146526_6458RemenibciThein subtraiionditrerencc3.Subtrcc these:Remcmbcr to rcgri,up.-5. Work thesea) 10042N 856713C) How much Ies than 2036 is 1749?d) From 493 sub(rat $5.e By how much i 934 greater than 462?-IxerdGNow sohe the%c pribkrn.:I. A dress costs $2500. Sally buys a dress.She givcs the seller a five hundred dollar bill.Ho much change does she get?2. Han art book cosLc S595 and a pack olvrayons costs S278, bow much more than the crayonsdoc the art book cost?3. A roll of barbed wire has 600 metres. Mr. Singh used 24 metres to fence hisgarden piot,How many metres were left on the roll?4. The rna.s of a bag of lice 1% 120 kg. Thc m.of a bag of flour is 210 kg. What is the diTe,eocein their masses?5. A bos of cereal has 596 g. Alter four days 237 g were used How many grams of cereal remainin the bo.?6. 4fl mi a(cyip are rim a ue iioetk. 21.t r& # poured Iflhi, a .smaiJei hoIJJe. Now jjjymillilitres remain iii 11w large bottle?27Ntj. UIVUJJ L(1U IM hiO Iw 9 J UO LU3 SL jo uui jowW.4Dq ui aw ,eAIm cunw OH-P PP31! LZL1JO JIZtn %iqip4!q Uj966]c6iIIIL66(3

cootCCooioo (q

C6tCU91 (

IU3WIt1 U!%SflhJ 4I UMW 1MW1 )1UIO6POLPIO90IS0PUflIVSIII wjo O (qZ P c

4.i (I1J9WflU (Ui u,)rqSLI 006 ZvN 6 (3ooc 9V1E LL 1ORI (qS IVOJ SZ ill.srPJwnu 1121p qiJo pCd03coi C Mc (Pvz C w (qSI C S(OZ (cc J(Jo> < U!S11 aidwoLI 000S ROI zci (q06 V 9c tt: Cic.ie1ip tpim oig vwnu sqiso1

LET US LOOK BACKI.a)59Ob)2(n) + 104C)mcm


+ I122.Find ihpaurn.Copy and cmpkie:a 1441.(50.670b, 535.520.505.c) 410ii._,4109.41W3.Place the coxrect symbol >, A Jo tp1U qi ptunci (IU4) pn ft 1ULIiJflSW jo huh tvq\IIr4$ II LI 4$41 41 t41 II 4$IIJtw flip P OOJio aiawnueo%4dUI Iflfl P ifl!M s2wsip sr.o( mdwo3SJflSt3W JIt1 CJUZ DI J311U P,cij ww oz - cajiwuw iqinoi( pcqm siuwc utj iptIfl4XpIiuuz LII( tpc Jo S1U Ipan,dwo oi qitp II

Estimate the knths of these m metres.The door.ii) The top of your desk.iii) The flooryour classroom,iv) Your height and die height of your friends.metretape mcasure to verify the measurement.Recordtable,Compareestimates with the actual measurement,How many of your estimates were aecurateHow imany wei too highHow many were too low?a) Without measuring, give the length of each cif the following in metres:Your school yard. the classroom wall,The school building, your teachers height.b) Use your metre stick to measure and verify.Record and compare the lengths of each of the above.Make ti graph o show the heights of the chidrcn in your group.34UNIT 7ODD AND EVEN NUMBERS;FRACTIONS; ORDINALSLook at these:

Odd numberi are one step bacL een numbm are one step forward.ITh1:Remember[;(1daumbers end with 1,3, 5.7 or 9Even numbers end with 2.4.6, 8 orPlay this game with a friendGroup these numbers as 01)1) or FVFN01)1)Place each fish caught in the group.Take Ipoint for each fish you pace corredlyThe player with the most points is die winner.

FractionsIiIi2416Exerdse AI a) Shadctoshov

C) Shade to showd) Shade to showI

Fraction of a setWe can find a fraction of a sd.To find one half of a set, we divide the set into two equal pans 111cc this:r..r..eHow many beads do we hae in cah plrt?Since each part has the samc number ofwe say the parts arc equal.rh part ii one half of the set of heads.OnchaIfofI2is612

i36How many beads do we have in cach part?What is each part called?What is one quarter of 16?One quaner of 16 is 4.!t1 16=4To show

of this set of Iwgi in

Do thisthisF.111r&different ways. look at the diagram opposite.How many beads do you have in each part?What is one eighth of I6?


h.L.iL.iIof 16=2Exercise BI. Try these:Use diagrams to help youC)of8


g) o116d)of2O1) of24of t2RememberThe dtnomlnatnr of a fiaction ICI1S jO bow many equal pans the set must he divided,The aumeriltor telb uhow many e44uaJ parts tetaken our of the whole.of 32 mcan. 32 musl be divided into 4 equal parts.i.e.8one part8i.e


of 64c Iof I.40e)f 241of 64g)of 20h)of 40I)of 24j)of 50Ordinals Beyond 31StExercise Colvc t.54 a. I-335thZ)L3rd32nd2Sally is now making her 40th jump. Copy and write in the other for her.

The picture slaiws the order in which three of them caine in.If Peter was the 61st boy then Joe was the

boy and John was the

boy.lxUNIT 8FACTORSFactors of 1-digit NumeralsLook at some other patternsWe say 1 row of6......at )m ther paticrus.Tn and dscnh ihemRcad ihcm like this:2 rows of:3 rows of 26 rows o IWhat patterns can you find?Herr are the multplicauon sentences for the palIernsRead them:2x,.i-63x,=66x1=6Here are the numerals we usedI.2. 3. and 6.These are called the factors or 6Wnie them like this, the risof 6 are I,2. 3. and 6.Excrekc AI. Make drawings to show the factors of 4. 3. 8. 9, 2Write all the factors of each.write the factors of a numberin ordcr from smaJles* to largca*. J2.Write the facuws of 5, 4. 6. 7.9Factors of 2-digit Numeralsat (icsc pattcrfts.Read the multiplication scntcnce below each.Ib . ..............IIrowoflO. . .lx 10102rowsof5Srowsof22x5=l05x2=10.lOrow%of Ilox I10We can also write the tacior of 2digit numerals in order starting [torn the smallestThcfjctorsoulOaje I,2.5,and 10

Eerejse BA rnultipbcauon chart hclps us to land factors of numcraL.ILook at the shaded squares in the chart on the nest page.Namc the numeral in each o the shaded squares.Look at the first numeral in each row on the chart.Read the numerals at the beginning each row with the shaded square.Those are the factors of It)Wrfte the factors of:16,12.IS,2040UItrUC01UULiari4.MultipHcationMuhiplying by 2. 3, 5Look at the sd of oange.They show number facts for muhiphcatiort...............II4sets ofS204 x 5 =20Exercise CCopy and complete:a) g) 5x5b) 5+5+5+5h) 4x24:4:41) 5x32x63x9k) lxKt 2x7I) 5z6Now dothese:94KS33x3x.232126521734x $x*117916251213


(MOlXgV 9X900X9tn1oJ3uopcsJJzq1i-tsiziiccv:01 puo (q siqwnu stp dninp91*0101X9LOX9SIXO





cizmstm qi )uM:3sq1i((dnjnj(IspJax4

UO 31j) U!pU PIoi iduo pzjiqs uq Ampnpoid pU! umoq n swj3WI) upo.vtut uq cvq eid %UO tp U! IU1X 3qJ(W01 XE

ot q &iU(idflinijpcii iqwnu 22 fi iMsuP LLOJZJM%U1? tp OJZ qvo Xq PId!iInw !uuMpdii1nw!iqwnu uu uqpsKIxc cxto=Exoo=oxq SuiCidnini(qutCidiitn3.Findibe9104hc1tii 61 aid 10b) fled5e) 3SadIdl 43andO4.WbalsSI 10dnrSl?b) S elan206?c) lelm.74?

(Thc o*t in which thc nurnerflmultiplied dc,ei itchange the product. 1Forex.kmpk: 2x36 3x2=6,J5. Complete thcsc:4 x 3El x 45xlx5C 5= .3x 3xR8x410 x 0 =x 109x44xR.1;VIEW

x 66 K 1032K0x32C] x9 x 261 xII X3x8=x35x7=xSI.Work h.r.i;

a) 10x31,)IOxSC)7x10


Show the answcrs toon th tally chart.56* 1043 x 10[6x tO443. Write Ye or No.a) lisafacio,ofgb) 4isafactorof2O81s a factor of4()3 is a factor of 164. Wntc thc factors of:a) 24. 35. 22b) 30. 32. 345.Complcic thcsc:a)4 x 3 .Ejx 4b)IOx3 = 3xflx55 x 2x SS xI6.a)2()4b)611C)253d)120


45UNiT 9MEASUREMENTMassLook at these objt.

Now, collect some objecI and plac your et on the dck.Take them, two at a time. in your hands and say which is hcavki: which is lighter.Which object has a ptaicr mass?Mass *s the ammnd ar matter an obJcct has,sa box of chalkLJ jg ua uniL of mcaur Ind the mass of:three mathematics books together.A book bag with books inA bag of small stoncx.d) All the things that are less than the box of chalk on vow desk nowRecord the mass f each as a number of boxes f chalk,Ior example, 3 mughmancs books have a mass of I box of chaikCompare their masscs.W?ucb has the grealesi mass?Ierdse Alitre arc some objects.Estimate then mciure on a habnce to find the mass of each.

ompafe Lhelr masses.Use the greater than. Ies.s than or %equal to symbols.4(CentimetresTake a piece of string about the length of a suck of chalk. Collect some objects like the ones below.Estimaie the length of each object in lengths of your string. SayWhich is longer?Which is shorter?.Jse the piece of string to verify each length.How close were your estimates?F.xerdse BHow many pieces of string will have the same lengh as: a rulerb) the length of your deskMeasure to find out. Record your findings.Here is a ruler. Ii is mwlcd in cm.c.I2456.QJJLliii liiiII1ll Hi

The pencil is 6 cn long.Now use your ruler to measure some other objects.For example, er.sscr. pen. cniyon.Record your findings In cm. For example. my pen is 15 cm long.Metres:a metre stick,It is 100cm long.

IIl IIII I IIL! 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ithLet your teacher help you to make one.47

Whkli of the objects arc more than a metre; less than a mctrc; same as a metre?Use your metre stick to measure each. Record your findings on a tabic like this.Ejects.1. I)esk

More than a metrejl.ess than a metreThe same as a metreIExereise CNow make a list of somc other objects.Name some objects we caz measure with a metre stic. For example. the length of the classroom. length of the garden fence.Use your metre stick to rnaurc the lengths of some ol these objects.Record your answers in nwtres.CapacityE%erijse L)Heregrotlps of cotnathe,:

Fill dic snaIIer contuncr with watcr. How many of thcc wall fill ttic Liarger container? Me&sure to find jij, Revrd your findings.4g

Which hoId more of less. the same amo4lflt?Record your findings using>. yt 01< to cnmplcW the compari%ons.II612jLJ

Ft.r(kC I)I. a Us the iructj4)n chan.LOOk a these fractions.2.2.2h12Which is the iargcct fractIon? Why9 Which is the rnaIIcst fraction? Why?I) Arrange Ihc%c fraciions from sniallci lu brgct.3.3.3


the dennminaicir oftit the smallcsi traction(ii the largest Erection?What did you notice about the numerators of the ihree tractionsII!2.CI-ng4tW InLu.>.rc44223333401!jOpp03rrI.I.Wrienac incampus thee alaemras.412fr

.SetsFcrrisc FLc_:iihe

KernemberA.IS a ollcxtion o( thingsI Thi thmg havc AJLnCIhing in common.are called mcrnber of the set.a WtL dc%What io these things hac m common? Name a:, Lookrtlhe-Name die niemJ,e cit Qe se. c(tm in your hooks.Start hkc this: orange, banana. -.Be urc to place a comma attcr each and a fulktop slier the lai nC.cj [.1st thc members of thc set of hapcs and thec(sois2.t Makesbci roie-sehooldavs books in your school bag; your friends in 11w cb.s,-

3.a) Make up sb and iake turn% io Ii%t t mern&r3 of tiw sc( you mdc.h

a .ei o htiw all ihc coins in Guyana currcnvy, Sti:Whai Fr 1k-- firREIEa) Wmc the fractitrn for the hadccI I1ar1( in CHCh diagnim hclow.1234567

J JJIN Shade to show the fraction of the set,VV2. Copy and coiuplete Use> or -UE144-i.inLI. Make atheour dass,Write t.) st: I tinwithshoi1ha,rinthcI Add wd Subtract:323II.ILP4.flot a boc graph io show how the children in your class gel to school.5This is how Joan spent $100 She paid $5() for books. $25 for candies ind $25 for a dresi. Draw6...oo a_ca bEsiimaie the capacity of each in litres.Arrange IcnIai

Ic 0 _er oir ;o rruIlcil,-

HCX7UNIT 16ANGLES; PLANE SHAPESWhat you need to know about a right angle.I.a) Take a paper like this.b Fold the bo4lom end.C) Fold along one side.

c) Cu Iong the traced Iires.Thu now have a model ola nghl angir.

Now do this:a horitontal line-

thisa vertical lin.a) Look al a corner of ibis page. Doe it look like a right angle?h Try to lit your model of a right angle uve each corner of this page.C) Try other pages and the cover of this and other hooks.d) Takc two pencils Lay one pencil like thislike

place the other pencilLet them touch. we now have an angle.e) Narnc the objects that are shaped like right angles.Rememberibis is an iWe call this poin thc sertc11w se e: - LWs n the middle, for eiunple.ccAWiuch onc is in angle?ABLook at the,.e angles:

BCa riRhi angle,*hcrs?smaller than a right angle.angle?inallest?Frn+ HLook at these angics. Which onc is a right angle?

UTriangesI%erdse C1 ianglehh1sBE is or side of the thangle.Look at the other two sides.Can you name the other two sides?Look at triangle LMND-a.MNamc tother angles?L&ok at thangk LMNPoint La a vertex.How manyNa,

vertices a there?A triangle has three sides.three angles and three vertices.Rectangles and SquaresFxerc[se I)Look at rectangle ABCD AB is one side.Name tside opposite to A1.sAD the same length r DC?AB is one right angle.How many right angles are there in the rectangle ABCD& rctangk Ia [OW Sftks and Four right angles. opposile sidc of the rc1angle hase the same lcngth91)Look at the %quare.xIs it like a rectangle?Name the sides of the squa3.Flow many righ angics rc there onNamc them.Look u1Point P,tccirctc.Try to draw a circledifferent


DrawaT is the centre f this cink,Nis a point oa the cirvic.TN is a line drawn from the cent (T) to the point N on theTN Is a ritdhis of the circle.Name another radius of Ibis cjrije

Utwo pencik ;i a rA radius LS a 1,nc drawn from 11w ccntrc,cirde to any point on the circle.TR is the ..entrc of the cxZ..E and K are points on the circle.EK ia line drawn through the cenrc of the circle.EK . the diameter of the circle.

E,ierdse ELook ii this circle.Namea) The cenu of the circle.b) A radius of the cirdc.C) A diamitcr of the circle.d) All the marked pornis on the circle.2.a) Draw a circle and name the centre E.b) Draw a radius EF.c) Draw two diamclcrs (IH and U

UNIT 17TIME INTERVALSIntervals of Hours and Minutes

I:xerdse A1. Use your 12 hr and 24 hr clock faces to find:a) half past 3c) Spast4 e) 11:00

h (J:45d) 20:40What is the time when the clock shows:a) 15rniutes after 12 in the morningb) 30 minutei after 07:00 h?C) 1/4 hour before 12:00noon?d) 1 hour after 12 noon

c) 1hour after 9 in the morning1) 30 minutes before 10:30 b?g) I hour before 09:00 hYh) I hout after 15:fl0h?lzcrcisc BLook at this flight chcduk and answer the questions below.flight Numbtr

NY60013Y493BYSO4N.Y.BDOS TDAD)IOOh(J4:45 h07:)5 h16:45 Ii0950 hO8:OOh

a) Iflight NY600 amed at 17:00 h, how many mnute hue was this flight?b) The flight froni Trinidad arrived at O:05 h. By how many minutes was it late?c)Torn went to the airport at 9:15 hto meet his aunt who was on flight BY493,How marty minutes did he have 10 wan?93CalendarLook at the calendar in your classroom.1. Use ii to help you find the number of:a) days in a week.b) mcntlm in a year2. Find on your calendara) the month which has the shortest name.b the minth with the least number of days.3. Answer these questions:a) How many days are there from May 10 to June 10?b There arc

days between Sunday and Thursday.c How many weeks and days are there from August 01 to September 30?F,scrdse CHere is a chart showing the birth-months of S children.

Now nwcr thcs question.a) Who.c birthday wa in Marhh) Ikarl was born in the month of

C) After Mays birthday, how on must Reena wait to havc her birthday?d Their agemonths between Rishis birthday and Pcars.94MultiplicatIon 1 and 2 Oigit NumbersMultiply 36 by 3T036x3Multiply 6ones by 3 18 onesIX ones = Iten and 8 onesMultiply 3 tens by 3 = 3 x 3 = icn 9 tens + Iten = JO tens = 100 00.8= 108so.36x3=1 036C3 108Here is another way 36 X 336 3 lens and 6onesMultiply 3 tern. by 3 = 9 tens = 90Multiply6oncsby3= 18so.36 x 3 = 90 + 18108MultiplicationI.a;S20.0ox5b6 in x12C)15 kg x6

%i,1V1 x14e)S25.) XIS1)60 g x45

Exercise BRead anda)Six LImes 25 kg =kg.b)Fjii4 child in Primary 2 gels S200 a day. How much money will 40 1hildren get?C)The length of one desk is 90 cm. Find the length in cm of 35 1.LS?d) A bottle holds 3 htres of milk. How many litres will 21 bottles hoId95REVIEWRead and write the time.a) 12 minutes past 2b)hrafter4:OOh2Solve these probkms:a) John arrived at school at K:05 h. Mary arnved 35 minutes later, What time did Mary arrive?h) Today is Tuesday. What day will be the day after tomorrow?C) Which is the fifth month of the year?d) How many months re there between the 6th and the 10th month of the year?3. Multiply these:i) l5x3b) 28x7c) 80x12d l3kgxSe) 532x8fl 561 x IS5) Art excrci.se book page has 20 linc%. How many lines will 14 pages have?h) How many sweets arc shared 10 32 children, if each child gets 6 sWeets?96UNIT 18MEASUREMENTMUlmetre and CentimetreLook at this ruler

What is the unit of measure on this ruler?Read the numerals on this ruler. How many lines air there in all?Inob at the smaller lines between any two numerais, for example. between 2 and 4. 4 and 6. Is it the same number between any two?Check to find out.Each space between two numerals is 2 centimetres.Each smaller space is 2 miLhmetres.I cm = 10 mmExercise ANow do these:I.Use your ruler to find the answers to these:How many mm are there in:a) 2 cmb) 5 cm?How many cm air there in:a) 10 mmb) 30 mm?2. Copy and complete:The tint is done for you.a) 40mm = 4cmb) 6mm =cmC) 90mm

MillimetreHere at some lines.

b)How many inillimcLresyou think cich hoc mcuure.7kccord your cIirnatc.Now use your ruler to erify your estimate.Check your cimatc with the measurement. Compare them.Esercise BList four objects which can he nicasured in millimetres.Estimate the length of each in millinictres.Use your ruler, measure and record as you did before.Here are threeapes.

Use your niler to measure the length of each hapc.3. Use your ruler to draw these lines:Wmmb45mmN)mmREVIEW

bstimatc the lengths between each set 01shapes as shown,How far is the:a) triangle from the circle?b) square from the rectangle? Measure each of these in millimetres,a) The length of your longest finger.b) The width of your sharpener.The lcngth of your etaser.UNIT 19FRACTIONSFifths and TenthsLookdiagram:

How many equal parts urr thcr?How many of the equal parts are shaded?I out of 5 equal parts is shaded. IIIIIIHow many equai parts ut thereHow many of thc equal pans are shaded?I out of 10 equal parts is shaded.Exerdsc A






suoipUJ JIfl() q1l4 S!t A.jjaiyjprw 4) SI .iopTUiwoup J.2J9 t1I 411M UO!).IUi P )11!TJopuiwoU4 I4) IID(yj-i 3q) tP!M IuIUr)%JO J.lpJo U!pueTLJULJ(qA) )-::IP.Trace alone the dotted hnes from the butterfly w the flower.You have matched a butterfly with a flower in each case.Wh isccite wor-s?like these. with the same number of memhthooi the same members, arc called equivalent sJExercise A:iow r-y reei rre i re - t. set?1%S0y. _ A! th *hWncYES!NO

Equal SetsHere are two sets.SetASetH

How many membcr arc therc in Set A? Sct HCan you match each member of Set A wnh the same member of Set B?Are the members in Set A exactly the same as the members m Sd B?If the members in Set A arc exactly the same as the members. in set B: the two sets arc said to be equal>141Ezerdse BI.Count the number of members in e&h set.1zamrne the members carefully.Are the sets equal?Write Y1iS or NO


fxercIsc C


(UE%4HRTE1 Sy whether these scs are equal or equivalent.a))(7Closed and Open ShapesHere ar two %cts of shapesSciASciBC AWhat dci you notice about the members of these sets? The shapes in set A have their line segmcnts joirscd We call these dosed shapesThe shapes in Set H have line segm.ents that arc brokcn.We call these open shapes.be closed r106EervLw I)Draw:- 2 closed shapes.b 2 open shapes.2. Copy and complete these shapes below to make closed shapes,ACLbiok at the shape belowHow many closcd shapes arc thereWrite the letters of the closed shapes..QZLiPolygons


b)Exerisc 1Uc your fingcr to trace around each hhape above.As you do so count the number of tine scgment which make up the shapcDc,below.Record the information from the activity abovc your tableShapcNumber of line segments107Thearc striiight.are called polygonsare sample closed slia)formed by lineEach line segmentside. LkIIh[[]IypO(ygOn with 3 side isa thangfe)__ElCouni the number of sides on each potygonPolygocs like these are quafri1atera1s.A quadfllatenil has 4 sisles.

A polygon with 5 sides isa pcnuguJ108Polygon

No, -j AnglesTriangleQuadrilateral44PernnFxcrnse FI. Use Lo>thpicks. suips of paper or rubber burnt, and a geoboard to make polygons with up to 5sides,2.Look at thc%c polygons Find the trrngks. quadrilaterals. pentagons. Record your anscrs on atable.Polygons

Make thiee triangles like thcsc.them c e on top of the other.What did you find out?Thc three triangles fit exactly on lop of cach other.They are the same shape and size.Wc say thcy are congrucnt.Try this with pentagons and quadrilaterals.Didfand quadribierah that fit[PoIYoIs which have die same sizc and shape are coaruent poIygun109IWhid] pIyg.]]]u] ]]I!

2.Find 2 nnrinni pnlfltn inWdin b -REVIEW.Jst--cn NI-C.awr[ co.

Dut a j g eA eyc-2. Whic of thekgmd)Copy and comp1cicdoaeNo.IrtangicI. I-.LET US LOOK BACKEJ your calendara) Name the lth month of the year.Which month comes -- before the th monthafter dw Sib2. a) Marnices birthday is in January,Voans birthday is in June,How many months arc there between Marnices and Voans birthday?i) Freedom DayAugust.Christmas Day is in December.How many months are there between Freedom Day and Christmas Day?UE your centimetre rule.Which unit o measure will be most suitable to find the length 01a) a pencil sharpener?)point of your pencil?a match?d) the sulphur on a maich?an exercise book?-IllUiiv)Zib) Arrange these from smallest to largest.II23i:.whic:) PIIs) showa) equalsetsflZrZJiAIA1511I. JUNIT 21DIVISIONDivision without RegroupingLook at this problem 2This numeral is made up of:hundreds6 lens 4 ones Use 2 bundles of 1(X). 6 bundles of 10, 4 single slicks. Share these equally with a friend.Check your share.What do you have?1 bundle of 101).3 bundles of 102 single stiksThis gives I hundred 3 tens and 2ones132So,2/9i=132 or2f264Now do these in the vans way:Ezerdse A1.(a 3 i/369(b) 4j/Cc)(d) 6(e) 7(F) 7 /909(g) 3 s/ii(h 4(I) 22. Solve these prohlcmsa) Rishi has 21) marbles, He shares them equally between Harry and Danny. How manymarbles dues each boy get?b) Divide 396 oranges inio 3 equal groups. How many oranges will there be in each group?C) 4 children have to share Xl sweets equally. How many sweets will each child get?d) A fanner has 500 suckers. If he plants them 5 in a row, how many rows will he ge?113Exercise BDiside these:I,(a) 2 26() m(b) 3 /393 cm(c) 4km(d? 5 ,./MiO &g&1 6(F) 7 r7w g()(h) 4V88mliI)9 v$O2. Solve these problems.a) A string ).4 m long is cut into three equal kngKs, What is the length of each part?b) 6ll kg of potatoes is put into 2 bags so that each bag has the same mwc What is the mass ofeach hag?c) S44) is shared among 4 hoys Each boy has the same amount. What is each hoys share!d) 550 litres of Waler must fIll 9 tanks of equal capacity. I-low many litres will there be in eachtank?Regroup2 / 236and single sticks to shoss this numeral in expaiided Form.and single sticks equally with a friend.Record each share 1hundred Iten X onesEach child has 100+ 10+8w 118So,25/36= 118Exercise C(a) 2%fii(Ii) 3 fi(c)td 2te) 5(f 6 if2(g) 8 /i4(h) 9(i) 7 /i1142. Solve these.a) Divide 51 match sticb Into 3 equai groups. How many are there in each groUp?h Share 125 pencils among 5 boys so that they have equal amounts, How many does cach boy get?Cl Divide 246 by 4, What remainsd) Share 79 sweets wnon 7 children. How many does each child get? How many remain?e) A road 48 km long is marked off at three points equally spaced What is 11w length of eachpart?F) Share SI 51) equally among 3 boys. How much does each boy receive?g 32 kg of salt is sold to 4 custoillers so that Ihcy received the same amount How much saltdoes each get?h) 92 litres of milk is disirihuied among 4 vendors, Each vendor received the same amount.How much milk did each gct?115UNIT 22GRAPHSTally Charts and TablesMr. Sandford is a checker with a bicycle finn.He recorded the number of becycles sold dunng the month of June.He used Tally Marks to record his findings.He used this key:I = I tally. ft means 1tH4 = S tallies. It means 5This is how he pnmcnted hi findings at the end of the month.Type olbicycicTallyBlackit++ 1f+4 *$4 tti4 IRedt+tti41+Hfl++t$14YellowIilt tt4#ttI41*44To read informationplace the tallies into groups of 5.Use Mr. Sandfordsquestions.I.How many ofsold in the month!

Which type ofbuy?

How many morebicycles were sold

4.11w Supervisorstate the number of bicycles sold in the month. What was

Mr. Sajidfordsfind out?

AR! this shwy then study the tally chart that follows to answer the questions The Sunshine Club held meeting on Thursday. Each member vofesj for a choice of colour for the club, The Secretary recorded the votes on a tally chir1 like the one bclow.

How many colours were so(cd [or?2.Vltid colour had the least number of volesWhichthe most popular col4lUr?4.Whatthe difterenc between the lcai and the most soles.Which Iwocolours had the same number of vu4es?How many members voed at the club meetingWhich colour do you think the members will take for the club? WhyFerckse HIShW this information on a tally chartPets children like.4 children like palTots, It)children like birds. 5 children like cats.3 children like dogs.2. Th information on the tally chart, hows how the pupils of Cless 2A u-avel to School

Anwcr these queslions:How many childrensalk?.,...rjdc?Which is used by more children

bus or car?C)How many more chikh-cn walk than ride?, llae thc children in your class wil their ages.Makc a tally chart io show ibis.*scrdc CI. ft i. Disali night. The table shows the number of lighted dtyas ai the residences of 4 familiesResidenceNumber oIdiyas

P. Singh,Sohan-. PersaudF Rarnotax20


Sh this intomlaLion on t 1ncioraphid( repscnI 2 diyas.IIIUs the ifliormahon rniaHc below to make a bar graph.DTinkslilcFour friends. CoIIeen. Judy. Asraf and Net saved their candy wrappers. Coilcen saved toffee.Judychocolate, Asrafsour drop and Net saved mini here is graph showing theColicen

LLmJ..JormtionFterdsc I)Somespent their lunch hour at Mr. Vieras snackeite.4 knitted crochet, 10 watched TV.indour games and 7 chdted,ItMake talk chan to show the fltssours of ice ci-cam or softthe childrenyour class like,Tables

olJeffs Prep A class pltued picturesshow thethey liked. Here js aN1an,c.Bat.on vslbfT CI%P$>( :isNoLook at the table. An%wer the que.t1onsaHint mati children placed picturec of fruits?h)Hrn many chjldntn likcd mangixs and orngis?cii-sow many mwe liked mangoe. and oranges than haiian1ic and pineapples?d)Vhich fruit is Icas4 liked in ibis classREVIEWIComplete tbcea) lt-4

talliesc)1*I 1t44 I*$4

tallieshitf+i tH4 =talliesd



Pupil!umbcr of worth correctly pdt





Answcr thca) Who Itrhe mest wds cuntIy?h) How many more words did Ja, spdl correctly than Kartosc f-low many children wcr on thc spellng team?II)UNIT 23ROMAN NUMERALS; ROUNDINGNUMBERSRoman Numerals to L(50)The Romans wd kuer% fot numerals

Here are some Roman Numcrels.Read ilwrn:i visiiiisiiiviiixixiiOrder hcsc numcrak.St,ut like this:I ii iiiivWhat p.s the pattern used in fruni one tc twelve?Notice that:a)some letters are repeated in a nurncr4l.e.g.ii. viii,xiib,no letter is repeated more than three times.e.g.iii =3;iv =4: siii =$: ix =9Lxrrcise AIWhat mimeralshown by eih of thcscii xx:xxx;iii2.The kuers v and L are never repeated in a numeral. Why3.Write our standard nuiticial (or each of these Roman Numerals,si.viiixii.Li.Liii.Lvii


What pattern did you find320

3. Wrie the saniiard nLImra1 for cach of theez,xLWhag Ia1ern did you find?

ircv IAnanc these numerak from:a) %mallest to hirgest.b) Iargcst to smallest.XIX.Viii.xL.viii.xxi.xxxix.iv.


2.a) Which is tile greater numeral in each pair?Luc xvisrivxv or xAV

xLv or xxxxLi or Lxlor xvi

h) Which is thc smaller numeral in eadi pair?xxiorxivsirisLurx,uixor xxiDraw 3 clock faces.

orix or xi*a!. %t TheTas as Roman NUrnCraKShow ilics t)JTICSa) Fischour,h Seven hours thirtyc) Nine liurs forty live1214Wrlt the answers In ther in Roman NumeralWhifthe iturnbcr ol your cla1e)w inars prsocs arc ihcrc in your funilyiian hildrcn arc there in your class?(ow m.ny boys are in the cIasIt many children ic (here in your school?fl How old arc you?How oldyour fricnd?h; Ho many girls arc in (he class?Rounding Numbers to the Nearest 10 and 100Look at thc number lineCop hind complete

(1102034)4()5060708090100I.ook at wur number line aguin 8 s btwcam 0uid Ift8nearer to 10 than (i0S. 8 roundedthe iie-arci II) is 10ovdtd,eIIOName the nui;ierals between 10 and 20.Which numeral is ncart IL to?Which numcial is nearesi hi 20?Draw a number line.Nu,nLwr is 0 to 30Find tbc nunicr-4i which 1 haIl wa bctwecn C) and 10; IC) 30d 20 20 and 30Draw a triangle wuund: 0; 10; 20; 30.FxerrLsc CUse your numbct line to anwcr thcsc:a) S nearer to 0 or 107c) is 5 nearer wO or 10 el Is 17 nearer to lOur 20? t is 23 nearer to 20 or 30?

b) Is 4 nearer toO or 10d) Is II nearer to 10or 20?f Is IS neani to 10 or 20?h) Is 29 neaftr to 2030?122Rciund II) the ncare,.t tO.eH72.95,21.It).35


F. vrdsc I)Try rounding thcsc lo th ncatt 100.a) I19.409,X70.756,254)

b) 349,699,535.240,963

REVIEWa) Wri Roman Numerals for Lhese:25463312


b) Write Hindu/Arabic nuincrl for thcse:xivxixLix


c) Arrange rhcc from smilksi to largestxLv,xx,lv,L.


2.b) Round to the neares I0(1305,175.239.7$7.9.350.123UNIT 24PERIMETER

Look al the boys n)casurin ihc distance wound their schoolyard.Now you nwasure your cIasroorn, using a metre StIck to measure all around the roomCc sure o toDo the s.imc 4muud the edge of:an)oIn ifl YOUr home.)ccorsiTcta cupboatxL us uw tsuctw.LIs a icntimctrc ruler to measure around thehook.Agilin. he sure to go around Irom one pomipoint,Peter wrote his answer lih this;.Licz2 rL.., .fredgciO ithe4cdgAU:yo::rMeasure the length of the edges of:a) ywchalk hoardfIC) .:_p:fyour&i;jC1)VC( c:eoyourbooWrite alIwhcnmeasw around the edges offinding its perimeter2.Sanka mea%ured around the edge% of a taiinp in centimetres.-texe %ai s%wA stamp has 4 edges.ledge2cmthe other edge=Icmthe otherIcmthclast

2cmThe distance arnund the cdges of this stamp is 6 CflLShe tound that by adding the length of all the cdgcs.

Ezerrise H1. a) Look a ihe lop of ihc dcsk in your cIa.SSr(lOfll

Can you find us penmctcrHow many edge% arc there in this shape?Find its perImeter.REVIEWIMc.sure ind find the pcrimcter of each shape below1k sure to add the 1cnth of all the cdgcs.

25UNIT 25AREA; PERIMETER;SYMMETRY LINESNow .o -Whi:v:?You will use thesc to cover the space ola larger shape in your book. Iris coscred with small squarer.. each representing a I cm square.I c number of squ e...IyO. gel 104 squarer.?s cc covered ty one of these square. reprer. I i.s cc covered by 104 squares104 sq cm.se cosered j called the AREAluarectangle fsc-1Arc&ssicr.ir.eLI.Now use your 1cm qllaIes to cover shapes in your bookat Draw a square of sidcs scm.c) Count the number of squares used.ii Ssw tbeof oux square.It your area is 64 square cm. you are corrcctCover thesii in thc same way.C. int anti record the area of each,Area of Irregular ShapesI:xrrc,.c ii

Y(tIhM(brn thh.Jf1ianother way.-Look r at th recutnk.squdrcs that cover it form icross the recting1c there are 13 squares in row.Down the rectangle there arc 8 such rov.sSo there are X rows of 13 or t x 13 %lL$The area of the reiangk is S x 13 = 104 square cm.This means the number of squares in a row multiplied by the number or rows of squares.RememberThe answer to area must awavs be wijiten as square units.I cmsquare centimcres Sqiklre metressquare kilometresEercis C

iJcm2 Mcnurc nd find ihe ana of thes4LZ

._1 o1ga1crnwidr,.md9mwidc,3. rcctangular iabk is I1In IL)ng and 7 rn sidc Finti thc arca4. A rcc COLIIe IIca%ure. L2kn by 10km. Wha area dL iiC)VCT?Area and PerimeterYour %hooI ward probably ha.% a knee around ii.The fiec enehs& the c.pa withiTh IIWCcncIose t area of the aii.you cer wailked around the frnix ol your school yard.y i!*s c co1an arca iheir:Cyifindperinietci of a rectanlcIbopfkIte idr.of a rectangle rt cquil.2 king sidcs + 2 shoct ide% 5 + 5 + 3 + 3Ex,rdse DI. Find the perimeter of these reciwiglcs:a) 7mby3cmb, 9.mby5cniC) I2cmhyKcmd )Jmby9m2.What is ttie perimctcr of a square rm with sides measurIng 9 m?3.A square field is 20m Ioig. Whn ithe disWwc all miund thi% field

Symmetry1OOkthte %hapc.

IIyou were to fold on the dotied lines of each hadrawn on a piece of paper. whgt would you findDoes cash half fit esacily on the other?If so. we say the shapes are symmetric,[he dotted linc% arc lines of symmetry. Thcy show the part where the shape may he su divided as toobtain pan. that uc symmetrical.EWhich of the-, arc !Iymmcu-c!LI]

15n iiphIIiN.!y

Lines, Line Segments and PointsA line ipath ilung which an obect moves.

The crnw flies in siraighi Iinc%Thc.,c aeroplanes fly in straight linc.Line segments are marked by end poinLs.Lane segrnenLs are straighi Linc..Points A and B are end poinec in the line segment above.The line segmcnl is AB.It is written like this ALl:IerdFWhicht ese acsegments?2. Nanie the line segments that form each of these.

Congruent Line SegmentsTwo line segment.s that air the samc kngth are congruent.Do you think AB is congruent to CD?ABC[)Use a piece of paper to find out.Place the paper under AB and dot the end points.Place the marked paper under CD to check if the end points are in the same place.If they are, the line segments are COflTUCPI.

Iixerde GWhich line segmcnts are congruent?Match io tnd out.

LET US LOOK BACKI. 47v72A man divided $336 equally among his 3 wn.How much mnrwy does each son et?3.464 cows were put into 4 herds of equal number.How many cows were in each herd?4OF1j the nuinej-aI for each of these Roman NumeralsivivxizLvii30UNIT 26PROBLEM SOLVING; FRACTIONSProblem SolvingIrrvsc

for each prohkin.right opcntiion, then find the unswcrThe lirsi is done for you.a) Vhdl is the Cost of(.nC cherry?-:nuc wo_ov$204 mangoes cost$20 xxhLIIbS are ihcrc in nc row?erinihcbo?buth%1ICn 11 the boxy githerc:Hov, :n y haIIoon%C:iiS 1

a?r ar ireith arangc.ic a.wt ha%thec. huranec arc theie in rh three kl%kct2.a) Harry has 186 marbles. John has 38 morc than Hany.How many marbles has John?b) In a class of 62 children. 7 are abscnt. How many are present?cj Peter paid $124 for some stamps. tf each stamp costs $4,How many stamps did he buy?d Tom read 132 pages ofa book. he has 168 more pages to read.How many pagesC) In bw there areHow many rsonsa) In a class of 158How many arcb) Marnice boughtIf each pack costs $20.How much didC) Voan has 148 marbles52 marbles.Hov. many do theyd) Quincy paid SlOOeach sweet costs $3.How many sweets$250 was equally shared between Suzctte and Saskica.money did Suzettc receive?received $200 from his mother and $135 from his father?total amount of money did Quincy receive?$200one pencil?d) Tiffany was given a basket containing 65 orangesIf she shares 40 with her friends, how many oranges would Tiffany now have132Addition and Subtraction of FractionsL,okVtjofl f*miIis.bthZJiJmilv A

Family CNow place tbcsc fmctions in the ghi families A. B or C.3,1585:,j ;9,$ ., It)5 I)oC..X.j6Look al IIic dcnu,nindurs: Fourths. cighis and sIxtccnth% iire tfl the Same family.Bu-)C

Li..96--415_.128Remember too thai= I or six sixths = one whole133Nw complcgc thcc:10C

Addition of Fractions In Families323+2888the knvnthaivi re ibc ,sme .., we add iheand retain the depommator to gd the

3. bothese:LIS3SLI535i72=+=ElEl5(a thc dcnumin*Cu1w make them the cameI34Htr wc ha%e two ditlcivrit &nomIn4Loni

fouJth% rnd cighths.Ve can make them equal by dianging fvih tv egts.I248iittwLramca++57SS8ecmpk.+the simcsame.thirds to ninthsthe Sdrfle as I+ oI:ercise CI. Do these:a)




jI) +jj;-135.to++,tI WU


4,.c icc00+



+e4O+c 12+U+III2IIr0II++

-ecc icc iccE+H*O ra oc;iH+=._+


.EIc cQI01014in Families11LiHComplete642U,-C,-41510c-Look at this.4I Here the denominators are thc same.Remember

So. we make them the same before we subtract.12510So.istbcsamca jSo22Fserd ENow do these:2

b)C)e)2f)7-IaI3 6k) 1_I1)12424I3(MPROPER FRACTIONS

A frudion with thc nunwr3kPr equal inor greater thait dir Jcnominttor.i an mpropcr fraction.Say which of these arc Improper Fractions, give reasons for your answers9792874918215612494695II49516


Write the improper fraction shown by each set of dagrams.

braw diagrams and show each improper fraclion.3Renaming FractionsMother baked two cakes, both s*me size. She cut each cane into l equal pieces and gave away II ofthe p,cccs.Mother gave awayII8

and 3ISS-I and=140


.4Exercise CI.PICk OUt the mixed numbcn from the following:2. 3 4 9.s. 14

2 12:4_IITry changingwithout the use of the diagrams.

2. Now write these improper fraction as mixed numbers.4732=b)3

=d)-173318==234985i)j3. Write these fractions as whole numbers or mixed numbers.a) 7II,IiI26$43b) 36,13163033,15IT14,203230.ii273TI142We can also chanc mxed numher% 10 iJIIprocr fraction,I3Eerdcc D11W II)!ram to show the mixed numbers, then wtv the mixed numbers as imjwvper traiions.The tirst is done tr oij.

2jStudy this:

1Change 3 to an mppcr fraction wilhoul ilic use of diagrams. Say what you did.

Ixerclse EI.Write these mixed numbers as improper fractions.a)b)2.Add and subtract:++g)++h)+d)5516l617i)+Add and Subtract Mixed Numerals

+ a+ *3 nd 4j41S 344Now hwik 411 this:So we write:.4-.42.L315(2+Extrcl%e FDo thcscWrite your unwcr in Iowest tcrms:a) 3I1Ib)1110-C) 9 +d) 4e) 4 + 4Look at Ihi:

f) I2 + 5g)+h)+ 3I) 51t+ 2kj) 5

Herr the denominatnrs are no the same, so we make them the same then add.5 + 2 kthcsameus+ 2(5 + 2) +.37+4I45the same so we make the same then subtractIis the same asit I.c3I)762..1Exercise GTry these.Remember to write your answers in lowest terms.a) b C)d)146UNIT 28AVERAGESAverages of 2 and 3 quantitiesKevin and Lisa weie given these nuu.

Kvin tookLLisa was IcUiLhissetLL%a said. Kevin you have more nuts thai Ihave.let u put the nuts together aJ.sjzarz then,so that we both have the same number of nuts.Sec bow they cvenetl up their number of nuts.

How many nuts dd cah child gel?we even up numbers in this waythe avcragc.y. Paul and Andrew caught some fish.Count the number each boy his,

This is what they did So find the aserage Jerry aid. Let add up 2.4, and 3. Thata 9.Since there ari 3 of us, kidivide 9by 39+33We can have 3 fish each,maloflpid,Here is an example.Find the average of 9. 4 and 2.IS39a) Whatisthesum?4b) How many numcru1 are there?+2c) What is ilie average?Exercise A1.Find thc average of:

a) 4,6d)7.9g)I,?

b) 12, 16e)35. 15h)6. 3. 12

C) 32. 30. 401)ft. 22, 331)20, 32. 35

Solve these prublems.2. For a school fair. Lisa sold 7 tkket.. Paul sold 0 iickcts and L.yn sold 14 t1ckc., Find theaverage number of tickets sold by each child?3. A newspaper vendor delivered 20 newspapers on Sunday. 32 on Monday and 35 on Wcdnesday.What is the average number of newspapers he delivered each day?4. Johnny washed car wlwk at a service station.The owners paid him $240. $400 and $260On the average, how much did Johnny collect for washing the wheeLs ofcacti carV.Rice25 Kq5. Find the average mass of thc thjtc bag%.

Flour106 Kg6. Mcasur ihc heights of 3 of your friends. Find their average height.7.45 COCOnUtS were picked from one coconut tree and 2.3 from another. Find the average nuimber

1.in a test Pattys scores were 32, 25. and 18.What was her avenige score?9.in 2 inmngs the school iearn scored 126 and 52 nins.What was the average -REVIEWFind the average of:) S42.$iU2ai,d$6O24 kg and 7kg2. Mr Singh purchased 34 litres of petrol in May and 26 litres in june. On the average how manysI hc buy each month?3. A fihernians sale For three days are $2225, $1500 and $3150. Find his average sale in the_)reLay.4,TheJt in flasr Fow fo, three d.ryr were: 43,45 as)d 44. FJINJ he avtgr anendance ofth class ni the three days.149UNIT 29POINT GRAPH

Jane became ill. She was taken to the hospital where she stayed for 6 days.Everyday a nurse took her Lemperature and recorded it on a chart.The chart looked likc this.a) Each dot pointi shows the temperature reading for the dayb The lines that join the dots show when ihe temperature went up, down or remained the same.

Eeris AThi% chart shows thc rciding of Mrs. Camcro&s hihy Icmpcnilurc for a week.

i.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m.Min.Tue.Wed.Thur.-Let us try tt read the babys temperature for each day of the week.150Anwer these quesions.I.) On which day wa5 the babys icrnpcraiure the lowest?b) On which days did the reading show 20 degrees?C) On Which days did the reading show 30 degrees?2.Make a cftati like the oae showing the babys temierawrc. This time u.ce the n?ark yw scxedin Spelling in one week.3. This graph shows the attendance at school of the pupils of Cla 4.29p.m. am. p.m. a.m, p.m. a.m. p.Jli. a.m, p.m

Now answer these:a) Wha( was the attendance on Tuesday .norningh) Was the aticndance the same for Tuesday afternoon?cHow man children morc/lcss were present (lfl Wednesday morning than on Tuesdayafternoond) On which days was the ntcndancc the same for both morning and afternoon?C) On which day did the least number of pupils attend school?1) What was the average attendance fur the weekREVIEWUse the information given bek,w to constnlcr a poug graph.A storekecpcr sold a number of gems shirts lot a period of 6 months.In January he sold 25 shirts. In February he sold 5 shirts less than in January.In March be sold 10 more than those he sold in January. During the month of April 40 shirts were sold while m Miy he sold the sajm amount a in March dnd iii Jutie he sold 49 shirts, Now answer these:a) In which month did he sell:i) the most shins?ii) the least shirtsb) In Whjh months did he ,.ell the same number of shirts?c) What wasaverage number of shirts sold in the si-nionth period?151UNIT 30FRACTIONS; SUBSETSAddition

The Commutative PropertyUse blocks oc Lrip% of paper o build these.




3+3 +1_i333





The Associate Propertyuse your blocks o strips of papcr again to show thcc:

I234Number thc stp.:PIac them on your desk so that they read:++or(4 ++or1 + 13 + 3Can you find another way?NohwMake threecmerTt ?ike thecmpk abowe.(gthneormorc fractiLns order in which you group them does hange the answer.

Eercise HNow do these:I.a)++=+( + -)b++(.++ C)+4 I( +1542. Copy and compkc:a) ( +)+

=+ (_. + )b)+(. +)=(. +. Slae which istniecb)( +)+ >+ ( +)(I.(II


Repeated Addition.

3x =++135To inukiplyfraction by a whole number, add the fraction as many Limes as the whole number suggests.Ezcrd%c C

a mukipticaLion.done foi you.


b)..-..1Write each a.s an addhlion.The fim( IS done fur you...b) 4x6x-:x4

LL8d) 2X =

e) 2x


fl 5xSubsets

Each part of a sc, is a1kd sube(One subsc has 2 members.HOW many members arc there in the other subset?Eb0Pangio to show subct%. Copy and draw a line in show:a) One subset ha 4 members.h) One uket has 6 members.


Cht ishCopy and complete:a)+ 22 +555b)22 + 02C++66d) 4 +6C)+!40Wrnc each as a muhiphcauon problem.a) b)x32xI573. Partition into subscI.a) One subset ha Imember, b) Onc cubcet hai 5 members LET US LOOK BACK1. A basket contains 246 eggs. How many eggs will 8 such baskets conLain!2. Complete these:C)!1


e)!510486123. (lunge to improper 1ractios:b) 34cI 4;d) 544. Change to mixed numerals:bic)d)5.a) 3 + lb) 53+lb)6 +117.a

b) 31 248. John scored 15. 12 and 6 runs in three matches.What was his average score in three matches?I5SFeatures of each book include:1. A suggested teaching sequence.2. A review lesson at the end of each unit.3. An evaluative exercise after each five units.4. Worked examples which are highlighted for focus.5. An activity approach for Mathematics.6. Easy to follow instructions.











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