let us succeed

Success in life hasn’t formula,therefore everybody needs to be successful person.He needs other’s success stories result of other’s people experience in life.In order to keep people motivated and on a path to success,we prepare this text in different languages(kiny,French,English) Read it and choose your path LET US SUCCEED IN LIFE. NTUNGA Julien

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i want to succeed with you.i collected different view of superachievers of success


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Success in life hasn’t formula,therefore everybody needs to be successful person.He needs other’s success stories result of other’s people experience in life.In order to keep people motivated and on a path to success,we prepare this text in different languages(kiny,French,English)

Read it and choose your path





















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Personne ne vous contredira si vous affirmez que ce monde est dur.Il l’est.La vie,en cette fin du XX è s’est accélérée.Le monde est devenu plus petit.Des problèmes peuvent nous atteindre à grande distance.La vie au sein d’une société moderne complexe appelle une demande toujours croissante de temps ,d’énergie,de prises de position et d’émotions.

Ce qui vous arrive dans ce monde livré à la contrainte dépend entièrement de vous,de  votre détermination,de votre volonté.

Abordons maintenant quelques-unes des suggestions faites par les Médecins,pour faire face à cette tension et voir comment les employer pour résoudre au mieux nos problèmes personnels :


        Le premier pas vers la bonne santé mentale est de vous accepter telle que vous êtes.Le meilleur  moyen de savoir qui vous êtes,est de vous livrez à une solide et honnête auto-analyse,dans laquelle vous appellerez les choses par leurs noms.Il faut être honnête envers vous-mêmes-laisser réellement votre conscience entendre ce que vous avez refoulé depuis si longtemps-vous demandera du temps et de la perséverance.Une fois que vous aurez reconnu vos problèmes,voyez ce que vous pouvez faire par vous- même pour les résoudre.


                      Il vaut mieux attaquer une situation à problèmes de front.Efforcez-vous  de cultiver des pensées positives sur ce qui peut écrairer votre journée.Pourquoi ne pas déjeuner avec cette amie que vous n’avez pas vue depuis des années ou projeter de faire une surprise à votre  mari,à votre enfant ?

Surtout,introduisez dans votre vie,autant de variété et d’intérêt que possible.

Disposer un peu de temps pour vous seule uniquement sans aucune sollicitation,même de la part de ceux que vous aimez,vous aidera à  retrouver sérénité et équlibre.Une matinée ou après-midi de marche est une excellente manière de rester en contact avec vous-même.


"Il est merveilleux de voir combien l’on supporte mieux les périodes de grande tension si l’on y intercale suffisamment de périodes de détente"dit le médecin américain SARAH M JORDON.Et même s’il vous semble difficile de rompre la routine quotidienne,vous pouvez aider à dissiper la tension nerveuse en apprenant à vous relaxer.



La vie en est remplie,mais aucune loi ne vous oblige à les encaisser tous.Ce n’est souvent qu’une série de petits ennuis agaçants qui ne rendent constamment tendue.Peut-être perdez-vous

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toujours quelquechose,oubliez-vous ce que vous venez de faire dans ce magasin ?....Il est curieux de constater que de semblables irritations sont parfois inhérentes à votre vie de tous les jours et il vous paraĩtra difficile d’éviter ; nous supportons ces ennuis comme s’ils étaient essentiels à notre routine quotidienne.Mais si cela fait partie de votre vie(….),essayez d’adopter une vision à long terme et de vous prémunir contre les petits motifs d’irritations en cultivant votre sens  de l’humour ;vous y gagnerez à long terme.


En bref,apprenez à prendre les choses comme elles sont,si vous ne pouvez les changer.Tâchez de vous montrer tolérant(e) et d’adopter une attitude souple,Il en résultera finalement une meilleure entente.

Source :FREDERIC C.APPEL Connaĩtre son corps, encyclop édie de la femme,Denoel,1973,pp 45-60




If we recognize our talents,use them appropriately,and choose a field that uses those talents,we will rise to the top of our field.


If we  live by the rule of honesty and accepte our problems,we can go far down the roard of achievement.


If we observe and reflect and commit ourselves tpo giving our best,we will come out on top


If we are nice to others,others respond to us in the same way and we can give our best for each other.




If we make every attempt to increase our knowledge in order to use for human good,it will make a difference in us and in our world.


If we commit ourselves to reading,thus increasing our knowledge,only God limits how far we can

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go  in this world.


If we develop in depth knowledge,it will enable us to give our best to others and help to make  a  better  world.


If we acknowledge our need for GOD,he will help us.



First things first. What is YOUR definition of "success"? What determines whether or not someone is successful in your eyes? For some people it is having a lot of money, for others it may be having the time freedom to play golf once a week, and for others it may be raising their children to be "good people" or having a large group of close friends. For every one of us, there is a different definition of what success is for others, and what success is for ourselves in our own lives. The more important of the two is how we measure success for ourselves, not for others. In order to have success in our own lives we must first define, within ourselves, what it IS to be successful and then set our hearts and minds on achieving it. The basic foundation to attaining success is setting goals and when you achieve those goals, you have success.The goals that we set for ourselves can come in all shapes and sizes. Some may seem small and some may seem outrageously ambitious in the eyes and minds of others. Whatever the size of the goal or whatever the goal is, when we accomplish it, it will equate to success no matter how big or small. If you feel that making tiny little steps is more of your nature, then set small goals for yourself in your life. A bucket full of small incremental successes is just as valid as reaching a long-term goal in larger steps. As a matter of fact, every long-term goal requires smaller short-term goals for them to ultimately come to fruition. That's just the way it works. We've all heard of the concept of the "overnight success", right? If you want to be successful in your life, you must adopt the characteristics of the successful people. It is the inner self that will determine your outer results. If you are someone lazy, it is almost impossible that you will be promoted to a higher position in your career. However, if you are hard working and you are someone proactive, the chances of getting promote to a higher post will be better.It is the same in life, if you want to be successful, you must possess the right qualities of a successful person. Below are the top 4 characteristics of successful people...1. You must be visionary. This means, you must know what you want to achieve in your life. Without knowing a clear direction in your life, you will be like a lost ship, floating in the middle of a big sea and don't know where you should be heading. Getting a direction in your life is the first step of achieving what you want in your life. So find out what you want to achieve today.2. You must be willing to pay the price. Success requires hard work and commitment, you must be willing to pay for what you want to achieve in your life. Many people say that they want to be rich, but they just don't willing to pay the price. As a result, they just talk about it, without taking any real action to make their dreams come true.3. You must have the courage to step out of your comfort zone and take the necessary action to make your dreams come true. To be successful, you will need to have the courage to

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make the right decision in your life. Don't just talk about being successful, have the courage to make your dreams come true and get out of your comfort zone right away.4. You must learn how to master yourself by managing your time and planning on your goals. This is another important factor that will determine your success. Every successful person knows what they want and they create solid plan to achieve what they want. Don't just blowing hot air, create solid plan to achieve what you want in your life and follow through your plan.These are the top 4 characteristics of a successful person. Therefore, follow through the advice in this article and adopt these characteristics right now. Take the first step to make your dreams come true today. Well, I will guarantee that each one of those overnight successes have been achieving other quieter, less public, subtler successes along the way before "getting their big break". Nobody becomes an overnight success overnight. The bottom line is that in order to succeed in life we must have goals, whether big or small. You can still be a big thinker and a very successful person by accomplishing bite-sized goals and succeeding at them one at a time. The journey towards your ultimate goals is an exciting one when we have incremental successes along the way. And when we achieve those successes along the way, it's important to celebrate them and to be inspired by them, so that we are motivated to achieve the ultimate goals in our lives as well.  


 Factors that contribute to success : in studies of succeful people the following factors are frequently noted: Unified purpose,flexibility,recognition of opportunity,money management,confidence,perseverance and acceptance of critism.

Successful people are not afraid to say they were wrong and to try something new.They may have many failures,but they also have more successes than those unwilling to change or take new risks.

(BALTUS,RITAK Personal psychology for life and work,Glencoe,Mcmillan,McGraw-Hill,Newyork 3rd edition 1993)

Personal qualities that lead to success in life

Some people are successful in what they do.Others are not successful.People with the following qualities usually succeed in life.

Decision making skills,Hard working,Goal setting,Creativity and innovation ,Concern for efficiencyand quality,perseverance,Initiative and task oriented.

Develop a personal improvement plan

A step to achieve what you desire is to sign a life improvement contract with yourself.

Here are some of the habits of most of successful people in the world which you can adapt in order to become the best in life

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PLANNING: Always Plan.Failing to plan is planning to fail.

SEEKING OPPORTUNITY :Take advantage of unusual opportunities.Where other people see obstacles,you look for solutions.

TAKING RISKS :The biggest risk in life is not taking the risk at all.You should learn to do things which seem impossible.

EFFICIENCY AND QUALITY: For every thing you do,strive to do better,faster and cheaper in order to save time and money.

PERSISTENCE:When you have a positive attitude,when you fall down,you will get up and clean your hands.Failure should not be an option if you want to be the best.

“Winners never quit and quitters never win”

SELF CONFIDENCE: Be confident enough to ask for what you want,go out and get it.

NETWORK AND RELATIONSHIPS:Make friends,develop and maintain a net-work of contacts.Mix with the right people who will add value to you.

TIME MANAGEMENT: We all have 24 hours a day,eight for sleep,eight for work and the remaining eight for whaterever you want to do.The difference between successful and unsuccessful people lays in the way they use the eight remaining hours of the day.

Personal improvement starts with you:your values,attitude,habits,lifestyle,goals and aspiration.Once you have these clear,then the journey will be simple.Remember to sign life improvement contract.

(Source:ASIIMWE,H,Mutamba,Entrepreneuship Book 1,MK Publisher,Kampala,2008,P 36)

If you wish to succeed in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother, and hope your guardian genius.Joseph AddisonLooking at my life, there are many life lessons I’ve learned. Some of them are the fruits of difficult experiences. Some others are the advice I got from wise people. They came from different sources but they all have something in common: they are all useful to guide my life into the future.Here I’d like to share with you eight life lessons that have significantly affected my life. Apply them and you will achieve true success in life. Here they are:1. Be gratefulBeing grateful is perhaps the most important attitude you must have to live a happy life. No matter how bad the situations around you are, you can always choose to respond positively. Being grateful makes you look at the world through positive lens and energizes your life. Don’t take things for granted. Be grateful even for simple things.2. Follow your heartNothing can replace following your heart. People may tell you about the right thing to do or what they expect from you, but at the end, it’s your life. If you don’t live your own life, who will?So slow down and listen to your heart. What does it tell you about your career? What does it tell

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you about your relationships? Listen to your heart and find the courage to follow it.3. Dream bigHow far you go is very much determined by how big your dream is. Having a small dream is like putting yourself inside a small box. You might end up living far below your fullest potential.Of course, it’s not easy to dream big. Perhaps your failures in the past scare you. Perhaps you don’t think you have what it takes to achieve your dream. But don’t let negativity push you down. Be dare to dream big.If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse.Walt Disney4. Good is the worst enemy of bestWhen you reach a position that is good enough, you may become comfortable and think that it’s no longer worth it to continue fighting for the best. That’s why good is the worst enemy of best: it makes you stop before you achieve your fullest potential. It distracts you from pursuing your best life. Be grateful for what you have but understand that you still have a lot more in front of you.5. Run your own raceYour race is different from other people’s races. Realizing this is liberating because it frees you from envy. When you hear that other people are successful, you can sincerely be grateful since you are not in competition with them. At the same time, it also pushes you to live your best life. Why? Because you are competing against yourself.I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself.Mikhail Baryshnikov6. Focus on what you can controlSometimes you might have bad experiences that you can’t do anything about. If that happened, don’t dwell on it. You are wasting a lot of mental energy if you do. Move on and focus instead on things you can control. Applying this frees you from a lot of stress and worries.One application of this principle is on changing people. Which one do you think you can change: yourself or other people? You can’t change other people but you can change yourself. So focus on changing yourself.7. Failure is your friendBefriending failure makes you dare to try new things. It puts you on the path of inventions, breakthroughs, and innovations. Failure is often the price of progress.Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure.Thomas J. Watson8. Relationships are your greatest treasuresAt the end, what do you want to achieve in life? Will it be meaningful to have a lot of money if you have broken relationships? Will it be meaningful to be famous if you lose love? I don’t think so. Your relationships are your greatest treasures. Understand it before it’s too late. 21 SUGGESTIONS FOR SUCCESS?

by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 1.   Marry the right person.  This one decision will determine 90% of your success or misery.2.   Work at something you enjoy and that's worthy of your time and talent.3.   Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.4.   Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.5.   Be forgiving of yourself and others.

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6.   Be generous.7.   Have a grateful heart.8.   Persistence, Persistence, Persistence.9.   Discipline yourself to save money, even on the most modest salary.10. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.11. Commit yourself to constant improvement.12. Commit yourself to quality.13. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power, or prestige, but on relationships with people you love and respect.14. Be loyal.15. Be honest.16. Be a self-starter.17. Be decisive, even if it means you'll sometimes be wrong.18. Stop blaming others.  Take responsibility for every area of your life.19. Be bold and courageous.  When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.20. Take good care of those you love.21. Don't do anything that wouldn't make your mom proud.

WHAT IS LIFE ALL ABOUT? You'll be a richer person for taking the time to read and practice this.

Life isn't about keeping score.It's not about how many friends you have

Or how accepted you are.Not about if you have plans this weekend or if you're alone.

It isn't about who you're dating, who you used to date, how many people you've dated, or if you haven't been with

anyone at all.It isn't about who you have kissed,

It's not about sex.It isn't about who your family is or how much money they have

Or what kind of car you drive.Or where you are sent to school.

It's not about how beautiful or ugly you are.Or what clothes you wear, what shoes you have on, or what kind of music you listen to.

It's not about if your hair is blonde, red, black, or brownOr if your skin is too light or too dark.

Not about what grades you get, how smart you are, how smart everybody else thinks you are, or how smart

standardized tests say you are.It's not about what clubs you're in or how good you are at "your" sport.

It's not about representing your whole being on a piece of paper and seeing who will "accept the written you."


BUT, LIFE IS about who you love and who you hurt.It's about who you make happy or unhappy purposefully.

It's about keeping or betraying trust.It's about friendship, used as a sanctity or a weapon.

It's about what you say and mean, maybe hurtful, maybe heartening.About starting rumors and contributing to petty gossip.

It's about what judgments you pass and why; and who your judgments are spread to.It's about who you've ignored with full control and intention.

It's about jealousy, fear, ignorance, and revenge.It's about carrying inner hate and love, letting it grow, and spreading it.

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But most of all, it's about using your life to touch or poison other people's hearts in such a way that could have

never occurred alone.Only you choose the way those hearts are affected, and those choices are what life's all about.


Top 10 Keys To Success February 24th, 2008 (8,811 Views) by Pinny Cohen I was reading through Automotive News last week and they were profiling a very successful dealer group owner named Rick Hendrick. He managed to build up a dealer empire of 60 dealerships, 80 franchises, and over $4.3 billion in revenue last year. But the path to there has been filled with hardship, including: a plane accident killing his son and several relatives, a felony fraud conviction, and leukemia.

How did he manage, despite all of the challenges, to build up one of the largest dealer groups in America today? Rick swears by his 10 Keys to Success:

1. Optimism. Think positive.2. Faith. Believe in yourself, God and your country.3. Planning. Know what’s important each day; set your priorities accordingly.4. Determination. Have the courage to stand alone when taking the big risks in life.5. Vision. Think big, dream big, keep success in your mind.6. Attitude. If you think you can’t, you’re right. Winners have positive attitudes.7. Goals. Set goals. Plan how to achieve them.8. Perseverance. Try and try again until the goal is achieved. Never give up.9. Knowledge. Learn to accept your mistakes, but make them only once.10. Enthusiasm. Choose work you like. Enjoy the challenges.

Isn’t it great when successful people share their secret formula? I always like reading about other’s success stories, you never know when someone else has a great idea that can be added to your personal success list.

Success doesn’t just have to be defined by money, or your career; for example, there are plenty of successful mothers who raised wonderful children. To them, the definition of success might be very different than a CEO who just got a big deal signed.

A great way to check if you are lining yourself up for success is to print up this list of keys to success, post it on your wall, and take a look at it weekly or monthly. It will keep you motivated and on your path to success


1)Emotional maturity:Mature people experience love,fear,anger and other emotions

Act your age

Give and receive love

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Control fear and anger

Take life in strive:Mature people have learned to laugh at themselves,at their limitations.

2)Social maturity:

Show concern for others

Show tolerance

Enjoy social experiences

3)Intellectual maturity:

Continue to lean

Acquire education and training

Develop a personal philosophy:Intellectually mature understand that they do not yet know everything but                                                    Have enough sense to do precisely

                                                           Are able to make good,pratical,independent judgements

Think for yourself

Respect ideas of others

4)Vocational maturity:

Recognize need to work

Derive satisfaction from work

Learn from criticisim

Accept responsibilities


The term of maturity has been defined by several psychologists:

Freud considered maturity to be the ability to discipline the self in work and heterosexual relations;the hallmark of maturity to him was the balance of the ego,id and superego.

Carl Jung:Believe that maturity could only occur in the second half of life,when one turned inward toward an introspection that  initiates spirituality.Thus ,for Jung,maturity included the discovery of a meaning and purpose in life,the gaining of a perpective on others,the choosing of values and activities in which one is willing to invest energy and creativity,and the preparing for the final stage of life,death>

Erik Erikson: Believe that maturity is likely to occur in middle adulthood,after one has achieved a sense of identify,developed sustained intimate relationships and begun to act out

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of generativity rather than egocentrism

MASLOW: Mature persons are able to concentrate on the essential problems of life because they accept their inner selves.

CARL ROGER: Maturity is characterized by honesty,openness to experience,self –trust,creativity,responsibility and personal freedom.

According to him,mature individuals are aware of their feelings and behavior and experience congruence among their self-concepts,their behaviors and the feedback they receive from their environment such individuals are always in the process of growth,learning and change.

Representing the Gestalt approach,Frederick Perls defined maturity as “Wholeleness “ which occurs when persons are able to be self-supportive rather than environment-supported,when they are able to mobilize and use their own resources rather than manipulate others and when they are able to accept responsibility for their own behaviors and experience.

PERLES: The mature person functions primarily in the here and now ,rather than reminiscing about the past or daydreaming about the future.

He can do what he or she feels like doing without being controlled by family,society or past learning.

ALBERT ELLIS: The mature people are able to think rationally rather than irrationally.

ERIC BERNE(Transactional analysis theory):Mature people are aware of their interpersonal relationship patterns and how they structure time and they have learned  how to achieve genuine intimacy.The mature  person has achieved the “ I’m Okay,you are Okay” lifestyle position being able to feel confident about her or himself and others,and to feel capable without needing to control and manipulate others.











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DELTA: Development and leadership in team of actions

 Gushira ubwoba,gufasha abantu kumva abandi,kuvumbura ibyo bakeneye,kubona ibibazo dufite no gushakira hamwe ibisubizo.

DELTA igenewe abanyamadini,abahura n’abaturage ubutitsa,abashinzwe amajyambere rusange n’abandi.


1.      Gutega amatwi

2.      Kugira no kongera icyizere mubo tubana

3.      Ubufatanye

4.      Ubuyobozi

5.      Ubutabera


Abahabwa inyigisho bagira uruhare rukomeye mu kwivumburira ibigamijwe hakoreshejwe imirimo mu matsinda,inyigisho zinyuze mu dukino,….


1.      Igiti  cy’ibibazo

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2.      Icyo DELTA aricyo

3.      Urugendo rw’impumyi

4.      Rwandatel

5.      Gushushanya inzu

6.      Igiti cy’ubuzima

7.      Inguni yanjye

8.      Kwambuka umugezi

9.      Kubakisha ibyo dufite

10.  Ukuboko

11.  Icunga

12.  Igiti cy’ibisubizo.

13.  Utuntu n’utundi


Muri iyi nyigisho buri muntu ashushanya igiti cy’ibibazo kugirango arebe ibibazo ahura nabyo ku giti cye ,mu kazi cyangwa mu rwego uru n’uru

Imizi igereranywa n’ingorane cyangwa impamvu zitera ibibazo.

Igihimba: Ingorane nkuru ikubiyemo izindi zose

Amashami: Ingaruka nziza cyangwa mbi

Isomo: kubona ibibazo abantu bafite kugirango babashe kubishakira umuti


Ako gakino gakinwa n’abantu babiri umwe agapfuka undi mu maso n’ikintu kuburyo atabona akagenda amurandase.

Isomo: Kugira no kongera ICYIZERE

Icyizere mu muntu

Icyizere  kubandi

Icyizere cy’isi dutuye


Mwalimu ategura agakuru akakabwira umwe  nawe akabwira mugenzi we.Ikigaragara ni uko

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uwanyuma avuga inkuru itabwiwe uwambere;ubutumwa buba bwahindutse.

Isomo: Gutega amatwi,Kureba impamvu ubutumwa  buhinduka,akamaro k’itumanaho,agaciro k’ubutumwa bwanditse




Gushushanya inzu abantu 2 bafata ikaramu imwe n’urupapuro rumwe bombi bagomba gufata kuri iyo karamu.kubera ko nta bwumvikane,nta koroherana,nt kuvuga,abashushanya gushushanya inzu birabagora.

Isomo: Kutagendera mu kigare,Gufashanya,Kujya inama,Guhana gahunda



Imizi:Aho wavukiye,abakugiriye akamaro

Igihimba:Aho ubarizwa,akazi ukora,ishyirahamwe ubarizwamo.

Amababi:Aho uvana amakuru,ibigushimisha

Amashami:Abo ushinzwe,abo ufasha,abagukomokaho.

Indabo:Imishinga ufite

Imbuto:Ibikorwa wakoze

Amahwa:Ingorane wahuye nazo

Umuntu ashushanya igiti cy’ubuzima bwe.Babiri babiri babishatse berekana ibiti byabo.

Isomo:Kugira icyizere,umuyobozi agomba kumenya ko abo ayobora bafite amateka atandukanye.


Iyi nyigisho yigishwa mu mikino igizwe n’ibice bibiri

Igice cya mbere:Gutekereza kuri imwe mu nguni ushaka z’icyumba nta kuvuga.

                              Gukora uruziga bafatanye intoki .buri wese yerekeza mu nguni ushaka atarekuye undi.

Bigaragara ko umuntu atajya mu nguni yifuza kuberako nta kuvugana .Urusha undi imbaraga ajyana undi aho ashaka.

Igi ce  cya kabiri: Bashyira hamwe ;bumvikana inguni bagomba kubanza kugeza kuyanyuma

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bityo inguni bakazigeramo.

Isomo:Kumvikana,kuzuzanya,kwicisha bugufi,Kuganira ku gikorwa mbere yo kugikora.



Iryo somo ritangwa mu gakino.Hari abantu 2 bageze ku mugezi  bibabera ikibazo cyo kwiyambutsa.Hakurya haza umuntu uhamenyereye ashaka kubambutsa.Yambukije uwa  mbere agira ubwoba amusiga mu mazi n’aho uwa kabiri  arakunda aremwemerera amwereka uko yambuka ageze hagati ariyobora arambuka.

Umugezi uhagarariye ibibazo ducamo.

Umugenzi wa mbere:Umuntu utsimbarara ku bibazo bye,akumva bidashobora gukemuka,ntiyizera uwo ari wese.

Umugenzi wa kabiri:Umuntu ugisha inama,ugira uruhare mu kwikemurira ibibazo.

Isomo:Kumenya ko ibibazo bibaho mu buzima,Kugira uruhare  n’ubushake mu kwikemurira ibibazo,gusaba inama,kugira icyizere ko bizakemuka.


Nta gikoresho bifashishije abahabwa inyigisho bashaka ikintu bakora

Urugero:Bashobora gukora umusaraba,inzoka…..

Isomo:Gushyira hamwe,Gukoresha bike dufite,Gushaka uburyo bwose bwiza kugirango tugere ku ntego aho guhita tuvuga ko bidashoboka.


Hafashishijwe imikino ibiri

Mu mukino wa mbere umwe yavuze ibibazo bye mugenzi we nawe avuga ibye

Mu mukino wa kabiri  umwe yavuze ikibazo cye undi amusubiza ibintu biterekeranye.

Isomo:Ubwirwa agomba kwerekana ko icyo abwiwe hari acyo bimubwiye.

Kugerageza kumva  umuntu umubwira

Kumenya guceceka igihe ari ngombwa

Kumenya gutega amatwi

Gufasha umubwira kwibonera ibibazo bye n’impamvu zibitera.


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Hari umuntu wacitse akaboko k’iburyo bamushyiraho ikintu kwambara.Haje umuntu kumusura bararamukanya akumushinguzaho.Haje undi muntu wa kabiri asa n’aho ari umutabazi agerageza kumufasha kuburyo budahagije,yamuhaye akanini k’umutwe.

Umurwayi yerekana umuntu uri mu ngorane

Umuntu wa mbere: Indyarya,ukora ubugome,uwongera ibibazo.

Umuntu wa  kabiri: Ushakira umuti ibibazo atazi.

Ukuboko kw’iburyo:Ikintu cy’ingenzi mu buzima.

Isomo: Ni ngombwa gukora ibikorwa by’urukundo ariko Atari ukugirango twikize.

             Turebe imizi y’ikibazo mbere yo kugikemura.


Abantu babiribabonye  bitemberera amacunga menshi.Umwe  abwira mugenzi we kuzana umufuka.Amaze kuwuzana amuha gusa amacunga abiri.

Isomo: Ubutabera,Ukuri.



Ni ibiki byangombwa kugira habeho impinduka muri byose?


Ni ibiki byangomwa kugirango umuntu agire amahirwe mu buzima?

Uwitwa Freud avuga URUKUNDO N’UMURIMO.




NDABIZI               NTIBIZWI



Page 17: Let Us Succeed

                                                       Ibiganiro bigenda neza muri BIRAZWI .Nta rwikekwe ruhari,umuntu arisanzura,ntitugomba gutsimbarara kubitekerezo byacu.


1.Reka mugenzi wawe avuge

2.Reka mugenzi wawe yisanzure mu kukwibwira

3.Ereka mugenzi wawe ko ushaka kumwumva

4.Irinde ibikurangaza byose

5.Ishyire mu mwanya w’ukwibwira

6.Gira kwihangana

7.Gira umutuzo

Baza ibibazo aho utumva,Sobanuza.

9.Wicira mugenzi wawe urubanza.

10.Buri gihe cyose,gutega amatwi ni ukwibwira.


Gucunga igihe ni ukwicunga

1.Teganya igihe cyo gukora ni ikiguzi cyo gutsinda.

2.Fata igihe cyo gutekereza niyo soko y’ubuyobozi.

3.Fata igihe cyo gukina niryo banga ry’ubusore buhoraraho.

4.Fata igihe cyo gusoma nibyo soko y’ubuhanga.

5.Fata igihe ku nshuti zawe kuko niwo muhanda w’amahirwe.

6.Gena igihe cyo gutekereza kure (kurota) nibyo biganisha ku rumuri rw’ejo.

7.Fata igihe cyo gukunda no gukundwa nibyo cyubahiro cy’umuryango wahawe mugisha.

8.Fata igihe cyo kureba iruhande rwawe umunsi umwe urahagije ngo ukurure wishyira.

9.Fata igihe cyo kwishima,guseka kuko niyo ndirimbo ya roho yawe.

10.Gena igihe cyo gusenga kuko niwo mushinga w’ubuzima bwawe.

Page 18: Let Us Succeed