let us befittingly celebrate the glorious anniversary!

LET US BEFITTINGLY CELEBRATE THE GLORIOUS ANNIVERSARY~ In our country the year 1969 marks a noteworthy date-the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir tPich Lenin. The name of Lenin is infinitely dear to each Soviet person, to all fighters for freedom and happiness of nations. This name is related with great revolutionary achievements -the victory of file Great October Revolution, the rise of the national freedom movement, the victorious struggles of the working class, of the workers against imperialism, for peace, democracy, and socialism. V. I. Lenin, the greatest successor of the revolutionary school of Marx-Engels, has gone down in his- tory as a brilliant theoretician, inspirer, and organizer of the proletariat revolution, as the founder and leader of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and of the world's first socialist state, as the leader of the world proletariat. The entire life and titanic activities of Vladimir Ilqch are inseparable from the struggle of the working class, from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, from the international com- mtmist and workers' movement. Our party, created and strengthened by the great Lenin, has been victorious and is gaining victories because it has inviolably followed his teachings, his behests. The total and final victory of socialism and the transition to the building of communism in the Soviet Union, the entire glorious five decades of the socialist era, are the real embodiment of the ideas of Leninism, the triumph of the general line of the party. The unity of party and Lenin is beautifully expressed in the well-known verse of Vladimir Mayakovskii: "The Party and Lenin are twin brothers, Who is more valuable than mother history? We say Lenin, we mean the Party, We say the Party, we mean Lenin." Therefore, the jubilee of V. I. Lenin is a holiday for our entire party, a review of our achievements and progress on the pathway marked out by Lenin. The belief of our nation in Lenin's ideas is reflected in the remarkable achievements of the builders of communism, in the inviolable unity of party and people. Workers of cities and villages are enthusiastical- ly realizing the measures worked out by the 23rd Congress of the CPSU that are directed to increase the efficiency of production, the prosperity of the nation, to strengthen further the moral and political unity of Soviet society. And as always in the front ranks of these workers march Soviet builders, who are personify- ing Lenin's ideas that were founded during the years of the Civil War in the brilliant GO~LRO plan. Everyone knows of the exceptional modesty of Vladimir II'ch, that he was the foe of any parade ballyhoo, of jubilee idle talk. He said on the eve of the celebration of the 4th anniversary of October that the best way of celebrat- ing the anniversary of the revolution was to concentrate attention on its unsolved paroblems. Following these behests of Lenin, the Central Committee of the CPSU in the decree ~Preparation for the 100th Anni- versary of the Birth of V. I. Lenin" indicated that the best way to mark the historical date was to concen- trate attention on the accomplishment of the grandiose plans of economic and cultural construction, of eco- nomic, socio-political, and ideological tasks set forth by the 23rd Congress of the CPSU. And the workers of our country understand this well. The national competition for the befitting celebration of the glorious jubilee that is arising ubiquitously is an expression of boundless love for II'ich. Soviet builders are filled these days with the high aspirations that have embraced our nation. Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Grmltov, No. 1, pp. 1-2, January-February, 1969.

Post on 14-Aug-2016




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Page 1: Let us befittingly celebrate the glorious anniversary!


A N N I V E R S A R Y ~

In our country the y e a r 1969 m a r k s a noteworthy d a t e - t h e 100th a n n i v e r s a r y of the bir th of Vladimir tPich Lenin.

The name of Lenin is infinitely dea r to each Soviet person , to al l f ighters for f r eedom and happiness of nat ions. This name is r e l a t ed with g rea t revolu t ionary achievements - t h e v ic to ry of file Grea t October Revolution, the r i s e of the national f r eedom movement , the v ic tor ious s t ruggles of the working c lass , of the worke r s against i m p e r i a l i s m , for peace , democracy , and soc ia l i sm.

V. I. Lenin, the g r ea t e s t s u c c e s s o r of the revolu t ionary school of Marx-Enge l s , has gone down in h i s - to ry as a br i l l ian t theoret ic ian , i n sp i r e r , and o rgan i ze r of the p ro l e t a r i a t revolution, as the founder and leader of the Communis t P a r t y of the Soviet Union and of the wor ld ' s f i r s t soc ia l i s t s ta te , as the leader of the world p ro l e t a r i a t . The en t i re life and t i tanic act ivi t ies of Vladimir I lqch are inseparab le f rom the s t ruggle of the working c la s s , f r o m the Communis t P a r t y of the Soviet Union, f r o m the internat ional com- mtmis t and w o r k e r s ' movemen t .

Our par ty , c rea ted and s t rengthened by the g rea t Lenin, has been v ic tor ious and is gaining v ic to r ies because it has inviolably followed his teachings, his behes t s . The total and final v i c to ry of soc i a l i sm and the t rans i t ion to the building of c o m m u n i s m in the Soviet Union, the en t i re glorious five decades of the soc ia l i s t e ra , a r e the rea l embodiment of the ideas of Leninism, the t r iumph of the genera l line of the par ty .

The unity of pa r ty and Lenin is beautiful ly e x p r e s s e d in the well-known v e r s e of Vladimir Mayakovski i :

"The P a r t y and Lenin are twin b ro the r s ,

Who is m o r e valuable than mothe r h i s t o r y ?

We say Lenin, we mean the P a r t y ,

We say the Pa r ty , we mean Lenin."

There fo re , the jubilee of V. I. Lenin is a holiday for our ent i re par ty , a review of our achievements and p r o g r e s s on the pathway m a r k e d out by Lenin.

The belief of our nation in Lenin 's ideas is re f lec ted in the r e m a r k a b l e achievements of the bui lders of communism, in the inviolable unity of pa r ty and people. Workers of cit ies and vi l lages a re en thus ias t ica l - ly rea l iz ing the m e a s u r e s worked out by the 23rd Congress of the CPSU that a re d i rec ted to i nc rea se the eff ic iency of production, the p r o s p e r i t y of the nation, to s t rengthen fu r the r the m o r a l and poli t ical unity of Soviet socie ty . And as always in the f ront ranks of these worke r s m a r c h Soviet bui lders , who a re pe r son i fy - ing Lenin ' s ideas that were founded during the yea r s of the Civil War in the br i l l iant GO~LRO plan.

Everyone knows of the except ional modes ty of Vlad imi r I I 'ch , that he was the foe of any pa rade ballyhoo, of jubilee idle talk.

He said on the eve of the ce lebra t ion of the 4th ann iversa ry of October that the bes t way of c e l e b r a t - ing the a n n i v e r s a r y of the revolut ion was to concentra te attention on its unsolved p a r o b l e m s . Following these behes ts of Lenin, the Central Commit tee of the CPSU in the dec ree ~Prepara t ion for the 100th Anni- v e r s a r y of the Birth of V. I. Lenin" indicated that the bes t way to m a r k the h i s to r i ca l date was to concen- t r a te at tention on the accompl i shmen t of the grandiose plans of economic and cul tural construct ion, of eco- nomic, soc io-pol i t ica l , and ideological t asks se t for th by the 23rd Congress of the CPSU. And the worke r s of our country unders tand this well . The national compet i t ion for the befit t ing ce lebra t ion of the glorious jubilee that is a r i s ing ubiquitously is an expres s ion of boundless love for I I ' ich .

Soviet bui lders a r e f i l led these days with the high asp i ra t ions that have embraced our nation.

Trans la ted f r o m Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Grmltov, No. 1, pp. 1-2, J a n u a r y - F e b r u a r y , 1969.

Page 2: Let us befittingly celebrate the glorious anniversary!

The col lect ives of all construct ion organizat ions and en t e rp r i s e s of our country have taken upon them- selves inc reased pledges to shor ten construct ion per iods , cut down costs , and improve construct ion quality, and t h e y a r e s t ruggling for the i r fu l f i l lment and overful f i l lment .

As an espec ia l ly honorable t ask the Soviet bui lders have undertaken the construct ion of m e m o r i a l com- plexes in Ul 'yanovsk and Shushenkii, s t r iv ing to provide excel lent quali ty in these h i s to r i ca l edif ices .

In recognit ion of the centennial of V. I. Lenin ' s bir th, Goss t ro i USSR, the Central Commit tee of the Trade Union of Construction Workers , the Scientific and Technical Society of the Construction Industry, and the Union of Archi tects of the USSR have decided to conduct in 1969 an All-Union rev iew-compet i t ion for the best quali ty of construct ion in the construct ion, a s sembly , planning, and r e s e a r c h organizat ions working in the construct ion field. This competi t ion will p romote mobil izat ion of all bui lders for the fulf i lment of the tasks se t forth by the 23rd Congress of the CPSU.

The dec ree of the Central Commit tee of the CPSU indicates that p repa ra t ion fo r the centennial of V. L Lenin ' s b i r th is an a l l -pa r ty , a l l -nat ion ma t t e r . Espec ia l ly impor tan t t asks face our p r e s s , which should provide a l l - a round coverage of the s t ruggle of the pa r ty and Soviet people for the rea l iza t ion of Lenin ' s be - hes t s , should thoroughly revea l the impor tance of the Marx i s t -Len in i s t teachings for construct ion of soc ia l - i sm and communi sm in our country, and should elucidate widely the course of the national competi t ion in honor of this g rea t date. The board of Goss t ro i USSR has passed a spec ia l resolut ion which obliges all publication agencies within the jurisdict ion of Goss t ro i to cover b roadly the m e a s u r e s that a re being under - taken to p r epa re for the ce lebra t ion of the 100th a n n i v e r s a r y of V. L Lenin ' s b i r th , the course of the soc ia l - i s t compet i t ion for the p re - schedu led and high-qual i ty fulf i l lment of the quotas and pledges taken by col lec- t ives of r e s e a r c h , planning, construct ion, and a s s e m b l y organizat ions and e n t e r p r i s e s , and the m o s t urgent p rob l ems re la ted with acce le ra t ion of sc ient i f ic and tectmical p r o g r e s s in the construct ion i ndus~y .

The journal "Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Grtmtov," which is 10 y e a r s old in 1969, has endeavored during its ent i re ex is tence to p romote the acce le ra t ion of technical p r o g r e s s in construct ion by the extensive elucidation of the ach ievements of Soviet and foreign construct ion p rac t i ce and to a s s i s t the i r introduction into production. This yea r the journal is faced with espec ia l ly respons ib le t a s k s - a i d to Soviet foundation engineers in o rde r to m a r k worthi ly the 100th a n n i v e r s a r y of the b i r thday of V. I. Lenin.

Fulfil l ing the resolut ion of Goss t ro i USSR, the journal "Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mckhanika Gruntov n in t roduces a spec ia l sect ion which will show what the col lect ives of scientif ic , planning, and product ion o r - ganizat ions a r e doing to ce lebra te the centennial of V. I. Len in ' s b i r th . We also p ropose to tel l about the m o s t urgent p rob l ems of the sc ience and p rac t i ce of foundation engineer ing r e l a t ed with acce le ra t ion of technical p r o g r e s s in construct ion. We invite our r e a d e r s to tell about the i r l abor gifts to the glor ious jubilee.

There is no doubt that Soviet foundation engineers will make their contribution in commemora t ion of this g rea t date and thus worthi ly answer the call of the Central Commit tee of the CPSU contained in the de- c ree concerning p repa ra t ion for the 100th ann ive r sa ry of V. I. Lenin ' s b i r thday: ~We will hencefor th work and l ive in the Lenin manner , c rea t ing a beautiful m e m o r i a l to Vlad imir I I ' i c h - a building of communism, a magnif icant and befit t ing rea l iza t ion of his i m m o r t a l ideas . ~