lessons learned from a successful insourcing partnership

Sumaria Networks Lessons Learned from a Successful Insourcing Partnership A Sumaria Company Carole A. Meade People ▪ Training ▪ Solutions April, 2013

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In this presentation we share tips -- based on our own lessons learned -- on how to identify ways to strategically position yourself inside your clients business, prepare yourself with the right resources when they’re needed, and how to avoid making the same mistakes we made!


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Sumaria Networks

Lessons Learned from a Successful

Insourcing Partnership

A Sumaria Company

Carole A. Meade

People ▪ Training ▪ Solutions

April, 2013

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our Objectives

After this session you should be able to…

Prepare yourself with the right resources when they are


Avoid making the same mistakes we made

Identify ways to strategically position inside your clients business

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we Began

…in 2000 as a learning services organization created by

Sumaria Systems, Inc., a Boston, MA company…

About Sumaria Networks, LLC

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…as a response to a contract win to outsource Lucent customer training

in North America!

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is a leading Global, High-Tech learning services company for the IT, Telecom, Utilities

and Healthcare industries.

Our international team of 150+ industry and product specialists have more than 12 years of proven performance in

Instructional Design, Development, Certification, Technical Writing

and Delivery Support expertise.

Sumaria Networks, LLC…..

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our Mission

…is to help you improve

competitive prices

your workforce performance

through high-quality learning services at

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What do you think…

…being a trusted partner

to your client means?

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our Survey Says…

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how Our Clients See Us

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the Importance of Resource Integration

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the Importance of Pricing

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the Importance of


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Pillars of Client ServicesTrusted Partnerships

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PILLAR I Shared Vision Extension of Client Learning Organization

We understand the client’s vision.

And our contract employees collaborate with their client counterparts to work

toward that shared vision and business success.

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PILLAR II A Foundational Relationship We are your consistent, reliable and loyal supplier

Over time we have become the go-to supplier because of our commitment and loyalty to

partner with and support our client’s needs.

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PILLAR III Operating GuidelinesWe work closely with client delivery and development stakeholders

We have excellent working relationships with client stakeholders.

We understand their business goals and objectives and we work towards them


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PILLAR IV Commitment Create an environment for long-term quality service at great rates.

We strive to do the best possible job for the most competitive


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PILLAR V Collaboration We synchronize and integrate

your process flows seamlessly.

Our contract employees are trained and integrated into our client’s


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PILLAR VI Adaptation Adapting to our client’s changing needs is

critical to mutual success

We keep up-to-date on our clients trends and changes.

We strive to be prepared to support and assist

them as their needs change.

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get to Know Your Customer

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understand their Business & Share their Vision

Attend meetings or

read press releases

Meet with your inside employees to

review trends and updates

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be a Loyal Partner

Ask about their issues

Pay attentionFind the holes and fill them

Be flexible and prepared

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Strategic Forecasting

Plan meetings with stakeholders

on a regular basis to

determine and plan for upcoming needs.

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create an Environment for Partnership

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Quality of Service

Provide the best possible service at all times regardless of pricing

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Competitive Pricing

Be flexible and willing to negotiate prices.

We have negotiated reduced prices when needed to meet

their budgets.

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understand their Day-to-Day


We provide training and updates in a regular forum to facilitate sharing.

Our contract employees share processes and procedures with each other and are

included in client process meetings.

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be ready to Adapt to Their Changing

Needs by…

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asking Questions

Ask them about their daily needs and what issues they are having in trying to reach their

business goals.

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Anticipating Needs

Pay attention in meetings and try to anticipate how you might help them

meet their goals or solve their business problems.

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staying Ahead of the Curve

Keep up on industry trends.

Be ready to help move them

to the next level.

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How do you…

…recruit or prepare resources to fit your client’s needs?

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answer: Be Ready with Your Resources by…

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holding Strategic Resource Meetings

Set up regular resource meetings with your client

Review their satisfaction with resources

Discuss upcoming changes/needs

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KeepingAhead of the Curve

Anticipate needs and recruit resources

in advance

Partner with recruiters and resource vendors

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preparing Your Resources

Anticipate trends and needs

Supply updates and information

Provide training or mentoring where needed

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how to Avoid Mistakes

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do not Assume…

…the client is managing the projects and people.

Double-check your project work!

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regularly Check-in with Stakeholders

Hold formal or informal regular meetings

Measure client satisfaction via surveys

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what Our Clients Say About Us

“We use Sumaria’ s Instructional Design resources on an ongoing basis to assist us with the ebb and flow of our workflow.  We have found Sumaria’ s resources to be highly skilled and very dependable so that we can count on them to deliver great quality results on time and on budget every time. 

We enjoy working with Sumaria because they are easy to do business with, flexible and work with us to meet all our needs.”

Client Technical Development Manager

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“Sumaria provides high-quality Instructional Designers that

meet today’s requirements for development of courseware.

The Program Manager understands my business and

development requirements making it easy to partner with them.”

Client Sales Development Manager

and They also Say That…

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our Client AwardsWe have won both the

key and best supplier/partner award

for 2 years running out of a pool of

more than 7000 suppliers.

Best Supplier/Partner Award, 2012Key Supplier Award, 2012

Best Supplier/Partner Award, 2011Key Supplier Award, 2011

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In SummaryBe a Trusted Partner by…..

Understanding their business and helping them work towards their goals

Integrating your resources into their processes

Forming solid strategic relationships

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And by being…..

Flexible with pricing and ready to adapt to their needs

An extension of their organization

A loyal and committed partner

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Thank You!

Any questions?

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Contact UsCarole A. Meade, Director of Development

[email protected]
