lesson 3 reccommended intakes


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Page 2: Lesson 3   reccommended intakes

LO4- The impact of following recommended intakes

LO3- To underline recommended intakes

LO2- To identify recommended intakes

LO1- Recap on nutritional measures

Learning Objectives…

Page 3: Lesson 3   reccommended intakes

Using your cards identify which foods has the highest or lowest calories, fat and sugar content.

Higher or Lower…

Page 4: Lesson 3   reccommended intakes

150 calories

115 calories

Page 5: Lesson 3   reccommended intakes

Can of coke has higher or lower grams of sugar than

a bowl of granola?


Page 6: Lesson 3   reccommended intakes

Glass of Cranberry juice has higher or lower grams

of sugar than a snicker1 glass of cranberry juice

31 grams


27 grams

Page 7: Lesson 3   reccommended intakes

Does a bowl of granola have higher or lower grams of fat than medium fries?

15.6g fat 15g fat

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500ml bottle of lucozade has higher or lower calories than 6

chicken nuggets?

350 calories 280 calories

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Dietary intake guidelines

This Eat Well plate shows the recommended guidelines for the 5 food groups.

Your jobWrite down the five food groups Write down the percentages Giving examples of the foods you eat in each group

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Page 12: Lesson 3   reccommended intakes

Actual food intake is the amount of food you have.

You can record it by food diaries and online apps.

What you think you eat and what you actually eat can be two total difference.

Actual food intake


Page 13: Lesson 3   reccommended intakes

Max is 16 years old he is putting weight on. He eats healthy foods all the time so does not know why?

What else might be the cause of his weight increase?

Lets think?

Page 14: Lesson 3   reccommended intakes

“I eat a healthy diet”When in fact you eat healthy but too much food = you putting weight on.

People forget that drinks have calories? Too many drinks can = cause increased weight.

Eating healthy foods but ones that have high calorie intakes= put on weightLets see if you know the facts about food.

Actual food intake…

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Energy balance

“Your energy balance is the balance of calories consumed through eating and drinking compared to calories burned through physical activity” NHS (2010)

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Page 17: Lesson 3   reccommended intakes

Negative energy balance

Negative energy balance means“You are not eating enough food for the amount of exercise you do”

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What would happen to you if you had a negative energy balance?

Lets think?

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Lose weight Become underweight

Negative energy balance

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Positive energy balance

Positive energy balance means“You are eating too much food for the amount of exercise you do”

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What would happen to you if you had a positive energy balance?

Lets think?

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Put on weight Become


Positive energy balance

Page 24: Lesson 3   reccommended intakes

Individually you are going

to make a picture of

yourself with all the food

and drink you have


This is me (15 minutes.)

Page 25: Lesson 3   reccommended intakes

LO4- The impact of following recommended intakes

LO3- To underline recommended intakes

LO2- To identify recommended intakes

LO1- Recap on nutritional measures

Learning Objectives…

Page 26: Lesson 3   reccommended intakes

Eat well plate

Your new diet plan.

Page 27: Lesson 3   reccommended intakes

To make a power point on obesity or anorexia or bulimic Include definitions1.Reason why they become obese, anorexic or bulimic? (Energy balance?)2.Health risks Are they malnourished? Abit about it?3.Statistics 4.Pictures 5.Ways to improve their health? Lose weight? Eat more?
