lecture notes 1 introduction 15-16-1

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  • 8/17/2019 Lecture Notes 1 Introduction 15-16-1


    Firms and Markets in Global Economies

    Lecture 1: Notes



    A bird’s eye view of globalization:

    Globalization: a large share of the population can access goods

    made available by long distance trade.

    The Roman peasants living in the Po river plane ate off tableware

    from aples!!

    The "all of the Roman #mpire: the end of trade$ #ast% &est and


    The Age of discoveries:


  • 8/17/2019 Lecture Notes 1 Introduction 15-16-1


    )ource: *elpman #lhanan. +,(,. Understanding Global Trade -p.



  • 8/17/2019 Lecture Notes 1 Introduction 15-16-1


    0ut a hundred years earlier:

    0etween (1,23(12,% 4hina’s trade routes lin5 the "ar #ast to6alindi and the Red )ea

    +,787(1(1!!The first giraffe in town!!

    A typical 9heng *ue’s epeditions: 2;, ships and 2,.,,, men.

    The aim: new mar5ets for the 4hinese manufactured goods.


  • 8/17/2019 Lecture Notes 1 Introduction 15-16-1


    The Golden Age of Globalization

    )ource: *elpman #lhanan. +,(,. Understanding Global Trade -p.



  • 8/17/2019 Lecture Notes 1 Introduction 15-16-1


    +,,;: the financial crisis hits

    The order of magnitude:

    0altic >ry 'nde -0>'/ falls by 8,? btw @une and ctober +,,

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture Notes 1 Introduction 15-16-1


    *ow we eplain the surge in trade in the ’8,$

    6ind: the forces at wor5 then are at wor5 also nowdays.

    (/ The widespread adoption of '4T:• "rom + millions in (881 to + billions internet users in +,(,B

    • The fall in download time

    • 4onseHuences: improves in mar5et efficiencyB

    +/ Iiberalization of trade and fall in transport costs:

    •  A"TA -(881/

    • 6ercosur -(88(3(881/

    • 4hina and the &T -+,,(/

    • #uropean #nlargement.

    2/ The fall of the )oviet Jnion and the opening up of #ast and "ar 

    #ast mar5etsB pro3competitive government coalitions in the &est-shift to the right/

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture Notes 1 Introduction 15-16-1


    The main conseHuence:

    the disintegration of production processes across borders

    't shows up in statistics:

    'n +,,,:

    • ,? of J) imports were intra3firm trade

    • 22? of J) eports were toward affiliates

    The labour statistics tell the same story -eg% diagnostic imagining/

    &ho are the 9ue *ang of our time$


  • 8/17/2019 Lecture Notes 1 Introduction 15-16-1


    "or the sa5e of brevity% consider #urope

    6ayer% T. and ttaviano% G. -+,,

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture Notes 1 Introduction 15-16-1


    Production is contract-intensive

    0ut contracts are notoriously difficult to write and to enforce:

    a/ )tate contingency: not of this worldK

     b/ 4hoice of law -the court may reLect!/

    c/ Are local courts fair to foreigners$

    d/ The enforcement of remedies

    Tentative solutions:

    • Jnited ations 4onvention on 4ontracts for the 'nternational

    )ale of Goods: not all countries have signed it.

    • 'nternational Arbitration: competent but not cheapK

    • *eterogeneity: how long does it ta5e to clear a bounced

    chec5$ 28 days in etherlandsB 1 days in 'taly.

    • Reputation$

    See: Greif, A. (1993). Contract enforceability andeconomic institutions in early trade: Themahribi traders! coalition. American EconomicReview, 83: "#"$"%&.



  • 8/17/2019 Lecture Notes 1 Introduction 15-16-1


    *ow do firms deal with contract incompleteness$

    4ontracts incompletess shapes organizational and locationchoices:

    • utsourcing vs. Mertical 'ntegration

    • ff3shoring vs. >omestic Production

    &e will study how firms behave on international mar5ets under 

    the assumption of contract incompleteness:

    • we will consider eporting and investing firms

    • we will discuss the implications of imperfections on capital


    • we will study policy implications

    ur road map


  • 8/17/2019 Lecture Notes 1 Introduction 15-16-1


    Readin material !to be u"dated#:

    Antras% P. -+,(/ Global Prod!ction" #irms$ %ontracts$ and Trade

    &tr!ct!re. Princeton Jnivsersity Press.

    *elpmann% #. -+,((/ Understanding Global Trade.  *arvard

    Jniversity Press

    *elpman% #. -+,,/. ETrade% ">'B and the rganization of "irms.F

    @ournal of the #conomic Iiterature:

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture Notes 1 Introduction 15-16-1

