leavetraq training for managers

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LeaveTraq Training for Managers. LeaveTraq. LeaveTraq is the leave program for The Texas A&M University System. LeaveTraq includes the following: On-line leave request and approval program Options for requesting all types of leave Procedure to provide employees with their current - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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LeaveTraq is the leave program for The Texas A&M University System. LeaveTraq includes the following:

• On-line leave request and approval program

• Options for requesting all types of leave

• Procedure to provide employees with their current

leave balances

• Convenient access wherever the Internet is available


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There are three types of Managers in the LeaveTraq program. This concept is explained further on the next slide. This tutorial has been developed to provide training to the ‘approval’ Manager (supervisor) who has the authority to approve or reject leave requests.

Manager Types

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There are three types of Managers in the LeaveTraq program:

• Approval – will receive email notification and is responsible for reviewing leave request; will be able to view leave information and generate reports on the employees to whom they have been designated as the “approval” manager.

• Info Only – will receive an email for informational purposes when the employee requests leave, but is not responsible for reviewing leave requests; is not able to view the employee’s leave information and can not generate reports.

• Reader – dos not receive email notification; is not responsible for reviewing leave requests; is able to view leave information and generate reports on the employees to whom they have been designated as the “reader” manager.

Manager Types

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The Manager’s role in LeaveTraq is to:• Promptly review leave requests • Approve or reject leave requests• Ensure that staffing in their area is sufficient • Keep informed of The Texas A&M University

(TAMU) System Policies and Regulations and TAMU Rules and Standard Administrative Procedures regarding leave

Manager Responsibilities

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Managers who are responsible for reviewing timesheets should verify that:

• leave documents have been approved for the time off reported on the timesheets; and

• timesheets reflect any leave documents that have already been approved.

Manager Responsibilities

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Managers should follow established procedures and notify the LeaveTraq Department Administrator when employees they supervise

• have experienced a work-related injury/illness; • may qualify for the Family Medical Leave Act

(FMLA);• need to request Sick Leave Pool hours; and/or • have been released to work by their physician

with restrictions

Manager Responsibilities

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Managers will logon to LeaveTraq

as Employees through the

Single Sign On System (SSO) at:


How to Get Started

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Same Employee UIN

Same EmployeePassword

Use Employee Logon

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The next screen is a copy of the LeaveTraq Employee home page.The screen has several features to help employees:

1. Manage their leave2. Check leave balances3. Email questions to the Department Administrator

4. Click the Help button for assistance

You will use the Change Role drop-down arrow in the upper right-hand corner to change to the Manager role.

Employee Home Page

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Email Dept Admin

Help buttonClick drop-down arrow to Change Roles

Click Manager to change to Manager role

Employee Home Page

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LeaveTraq automatically sends an email to the Manager when an employee who reports to the manager requests leave.

The email contains the following information:• Who requested leave• What dates and times are requested• What type of leave

Email Notice to the Manager

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From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, January 9, 2006 8:05 AMTo: White, SnowSubject: Leave Document For Your Approval

You have a new document for approval in your LeaveTraq inbox.https://hrc.tamu.edu/leave/navi.aspx?r=4

Dwarf Bashful has requested SICK Leave.The Leave Request is for the following dates:January 6, 2006 08:00 AM to January 6, 2006 05:00 PM

Sample Email Leave Request

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The frequency of email notification can be changed by setting Email Notification Preferences in the Profile section while in the Employee role in LeaveTraq.

The next screen will illustrate how this is done.

Email Notification

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Click Profile tab

Ensure Employee role is selected

Indicate your preference in the Manager’s Inbox

Click Save Notification/Email Changes button

Employee Home Page

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You may access many screens from the Manager’shome page by clicking the following tab options:

Inbox Outbox My Employees Emp (Employee) Balance, Docs, History My Delegates Reports

The next slide shows the Manager’s home page.

Manager’s Home Page

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Click Manager role

Click on the appropriate tab to select screen choice

Leave request documents for your review will automatically appear when you open the Manager home page

Manager’s Home Page

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The Inbox lists the documents the Manager has received for review and the types of leave requested. As shown in the previous screen, the Manager’s default home page is the Inbox screen.

The following slide demonstrates how to open a leave document from the Manager’s Inbox screen:

Manager’s Inbox

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Confirm Inbox is clicked

Click Manager

Click Document Number to open and review employee’s leave request

Reviewing a Leave Document

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To approve the leave, the Manager:

1. Reviews the leave request 2. Clicks the Approve button

The following screen demonstrates how to approvea leave document.

Steps to Approve Leave

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Click Approve button

Review the leave request

Manager – Approving Leave

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To reject a leave request, the Manager:1. Reviews the leave request2. Enters a brief Comment explaining why the leave

request is being rejected3. Clicks the Reject button

LeaveTraq is a leave management tool; however, the program should not replace good communication with those you supervise.

The following screen demonstrates how to reject a leave document.

Manager – Rejecting Leave

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insufficient staffing

Click Reject button

A brief comment is required when rejecting a leave document

Review the leave request

Manager – Rejecting Leave

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• Approve – if approved, the Department Administrator will review the levae request to ensure the document complies with TAMU rules and regulations.

• Reject – LeaveTraq will generate an email to your employee if you reject his/her leave request. The employee must either cancel the leave request or reopen and resubmit a revised leave request. If the employee resubmits the request, you will reconsider the revised request and either approve or reject the document.

The next slide shows the Manager’s home page.

What Happens Next?

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Managers have access to helpful information about the employees they supervise under the My Employees tab.

• Click the My Employees tab

• Click the box next to an employee’s name to review leave balances and prior leave requests

• Click the Show Details button to review general information about the employee

My Employees Screen

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Click Select button next to employee’s name to bring up leave records for that employee.

Click My Employees tab

The next slide illustrates what happens after clicking the Select button next to Dwarf Sleepy’s name.

My Employees Screen

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This screen shows Dwarf Sleepy’s employee leave balances.

Click the Select button under the Details column next to leave type (e.g., vacation, sick) to see employee’s leave accrual and usage)

Employee Balance Screen

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The leave category can be changed by selecting the drop-down arrow.

Click the Select button under Trans Details or the Document Number under Doc Details to see additional information.

Employee Information Screen

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Click the Show Details button to view additional information about the employee

Show Details Information

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This is the information provided on the Show Details screen

Show Details Screen

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The My Delegates button allows Managers to delegate another employee the authority to approve or reject leave requests on their behalf. Managers should only use this function if they will be away from work and unavailable.

My Delegates Button

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• Select the My Delegates button

• Enter the PIN # for the employee to be assigned as a delegate (contact the Department Administrator for assistance in determining the employee’s PIN #)

• The name of the Delegate will appear

• Indicate status of the delegate, if necessary

The following two slides will demonstrate how to appoint a Delegate.

Appointing a Delegate

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Click My Delegates tab

Enter PIN # of Employee to Be Delegate

Click Add button

My Delegates Tab

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Dwarf Happy is now an Active Delegate

Employee Successfully Set as Delegate

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A Delegate will remain active until the Manager or Department Administrator deactivates or deletes the Delegate.

The next slide will illustrate how to perform these actions.

How Long Will a Delegate Remain Active?

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To deactivate an active Delegate, click the Deactivate button

Click to delete an active Delegate

Deactivating or Deleting a Delegate

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Under the old paper leave request system,

Managers would sometimes assign another employee

the responsibility of requesting personal leave on

their behalf.

The LeaveTraq program allow Managers to designate

a Proxy to request leave on their behalf in LeaveTraq.

Proxy Access

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To designate proxy access, the Manager an Employeeto be designated as Proxy will:

• Complete the Designation of Proxy in the LeaveTraq Program form available online at:


• Forward the completed and signed form to the Department Administrator

Proxy Access

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Managers can generate the following reports:

• Employee Year-to-Date (YTD) Activity• Manager’s Employee Current Balances• Manager’s Employee Extended Balances• Manager’s Employee Usage (for selected

time period)

Manager Reports

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Click Reports tab

Click drop-down arrow

Select a Report

Generating a Report

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LeaveTraq is an easy-to-use program for requesting,approving and managing leave.Help is available when you need it!

1. Select the Help button on the upper right-hand side of the LeaveTraq screen

2. Contact your Department Administrator for assistance

Help is Available!

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Benefits [email protected]

