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LEARNING AT ALDEBURGH LIBRARY Programme of Courses and Application Form September – December 2017

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    Programme of Courses and

    Application Form

    September – December 2017

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    Welcome to the Autumn Brochure Inside, you’ll find details of new courses and new tutors; together with the very welcome return of our regular contributors. A full list of all that is on offer can be found on page 4 and the ‘Dates for your Diary’ section opposite, signposts our new ‘one-off’ events together with the date of the AGM. So please continue to support the Library by taking the time to read through the brochure, book a course (or courses) and if you haven’t already done so, join the Friends (see below). We hope you enjoy your autumn courses; and thank you to all who contribute so readily to ensuring the Library continues as a community resource. Important Course Information

    For any questions regarding either the Courses or the Friends of Aldeburgh Library (FOAL) membership, please contact Abi Hassett either at [email protected] or 01394 421769 (between 09.00 and 17.00)

    The booking terms and conditions are on page 12, do please read these

    Courses typically take place in the Library. However, the Church Hall and Imogen Holst Room, The Red House are being used again this year. Please check the venue

    The closing date for courses beginning in September is 31st August. Based upon past recruitment, early application is recommended

    We will normally contact you in advance of the start of a course. If you don’t hear from us please assume you are on the course(s) you applied for.

    Friends of Aldeburgh Library (FOAL) The Friends scheme makes an additional and valuable contribution to supporting the expanding vision for our Library. Joining is voluntary and if you are not yet a member of FOAL, a special offer now applies with a reduced membership fee of £10.00 until 31st March 2018. Full details of the benefits of FOAL membership plus an application form and details of how to pay can be found on page 16. Loyalty Card leaflets are available at the Library, Aldeburgh Cinema and in the shops and businesses that are members of the scheme.

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    'EXPLORING HEIMAT' - ONE DAY WORKSHOP Tuesday 8th August 2017 10:30am-4:30pm Tutor: David Read First broadcast thirty years ago, this workshop explores Edgar Reitz's 15-hour masterpiece; one of the most compelling and highly praised dramas in television history. Venue: Imogen Holst Room, The Red House, Golf Lane, Aldeburgh IP15 5PZ Full details on page 5

    TRUMP – ONE YEAR ON! Wednesday 8th November at 6.00pm with Lynne Walker Join us for discussion and supper at this special one-off event Venue: The Church Hall, Aldeburgh Tickets are £20.00 (including supper) Full details on page 9

    CHRISTMAS WREATHS Tutor: Teresa Cook Thursday 7th December Create a gorgeous, bespoke Christmas wreath using greenery from the local area; spurred on by tea or mulled wine and a mince pie. Venue: The Library Full details on page 10

    Please use the booking form (page 13) for the above events.


    Wednesday 22nd November at 6.00pm Venue: The Church Hall, Aldeburgh There will be a short meeting in which to conduct essential business; supper will be served at 6.30pm. Please do join us.

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    Courses Page Nos. Art History 11 Craft Work 9,10 Film 5,7,8 Health and Fitness 5 Languages 7,11 Literature 7,8 Music 10 Practical Art 6 Politics 9 Yoga & Zumba 4



    ALF 189 Zumba 9.30am - 10.30 am Tutor: Coral Stebbings Fee: £80.00 18th September – 27th November (ten sessions) No class on 6th November Venue: The Church Hall, Aldeburgh A Dance Fitness class mixed with a hypnotic fusion of Latin style music and moves. It's Easy, It's Fun, and It’s Exercise in Disguise. Increase your strength and stamina, your fitness and your energy levels. It's a class with a 'feel good' factor'. Wear good fitting arch support trainers and comfortable work out clothing. All you need is a drink and a smile! Maximum no: 20 ALF 190 Yoga 11.00am - 12.30pm Tutor: Louise Mangeot Fee: £75.00 18th September – 23rd October (six sessions) Venue: The Church Hall, Aldeburgh Whatever your age or physical ability, yoga exercises will enhance your physical and your mental wellbeing. The course will help you to improve your posture, postural alignment, strength, suppleness and balance. The focus and the quiet concentration is an excellent way to start the week. Wear loose clothing and you will need to bring a yoga mat. Maximum no: 15

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    ALF 191 More Practical Herbal Medicine: Taking care of our health; Healing plants for health and wellbeing 11.00am – 1.00pm Tutor: Dave Bescoby Fee: £40.00 30th October – 27th November (five sessions) Venue: The Church Hall, Aldeburgh The course is suitable both as a follow-on for those who attended the Practical Herbal Medicine course earlier in the year as well as for newcomers. We will continue our exploration of the traditional uses of medicinal plants for enhancing our health and wellbeing. Many of our most common wild plants were highly valued for their medicinal properties in the past and continue to be used by contemporary herbalists. We will discover how we can get to know these plants in simple and practical ways, how to integrate them into our diet and make simple, kitchen-based medicines. We will also start to investigate traditional systems of healing with plants, including Ayurveda and traditional Chinese practices. Practical elements of the course will include making aromatic and spirituous waters. Maximum no. 25


    ALF 192 'Exploring Heimat' 10:30am - 4:30pm Tuesday 8th August 2017 Fee: £25.00 Tutor: David Read Venue: Imogen Holst Room, The Red House, Golf Lane, Aldeburgh IP15 5PZ First broadcast in the UK in 1987, Edgar Reitz's 15-hour masterpiece Heimat is one of the most compelling and highly praised dramas in television history. An epic tale of an extended family and their rural life in a small fictional village in the Hunsrück region of Germany from 1919 to 1982, it charts the changing values and aspirations of ordinary villagers living through extraordinary times. The Workshop will explore Reitz's method of presenting major historical events not from the centre but from the periphery, as well as focusing on his poetic cinematography and imaginative use of stylistic devices and motifs.

    Maximum no: 20 Tea and coffee will be available: participants should bring their own lunches

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    ALF 193, 194, 195 Practical Art 10.00am – 1.00pm Tutor: Susan Boddy The Practical Art Courses are offered as three blocks of three weeks. Students can book for all three blocks (ALF 193, 194, 195) at a reduced fee of £200.00 Venue: The Church Hall, Aldeburgh ALF 193 10.00am – 1.00pm Pen and Wash Fee £75.00 19th September and 26th September and 3rd October (three sessions) You will explore the wide range of marks that can be made with various types of pens - steel nibbed, felt tip, brush and dip pens and a bamboo stick with ink. These along with simple, loose watercolour washes will be used to interpret doorways, boats, architecture and everyday objects. You will learn how to work on tone and texture in your paintings. We will look at the work of Hugh Casson, Paul Hogarth and David Gentleman for inspiration. Maximum no: 12 ALF 194 10.00am – 1.00pm Basics of Acrylic Painting Fee £75.00 31st October and 7th November and 14th November (three sessions) This course is for people who want to start at the very beginning with acrylic paint. Attention will be given to the various consistencies that can be achieved and the way these can work well together. Initially you will work on colour mixing, using one colour and white which will enable you to concentrate on tonal values. Observational skills will be developed through still life painting where blending colours will be important. Later consideration of brush marks will help you to develop an impressionistic style reminiscent of the work of Monet and Pisarro. Maximum no: 12 ALF 195 10.00am – 1.00pm Drawing with Pencil and Charcoal Fee £75.00 21st November, 28th November and 5th December (three sessions) Through a number of exciting exercises, you will learn to develop your observational and drawing skills. Pencils will be used to enhance tone and texture, measuring angles and lengths. Everyday objects and landscapes will be studied to develop your work further where attention will be given to negative shapes. Charcoal will be used to create a 3D effect with simple shapes. Considering the paintings of Braque and Picasso will help you to explore and create simple cubist drawings. Maximum no: 12

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    ALF 196 Conversational Spanish 1.15pm – 3.15pm Tutor: Adrian Nicholson Fee: £90.00 12th September – 5th December (12 sessions) No class on 24th October Learn Spanish in an interactive and fun way that will enable you to converse with growing confidence and fluency! The course is aimed at those who, while having a grasp of the basics, have not proceeded far beyond the early intermediate stage. You should be able to understand something like: ‘Quiero aprender español porque voy a España en septiembre.’ On the other hand, if you find the following easy to understand, the course may not be for you: ‘Aunque haya ido muchas veces a España, todavía no domino bien el idioma.’ Each class focuses on an everyday situation and puts into practice the relevant language using games and role play. A part of the class is set aside for grammar and work sheets are provided for study at home in preparation for the next week. To further stimulate enjoyment of and interest in all things Hispanic and Latino, we shall also look at aspects of life and culture in the Spanish-speaking world.

    Maximum no: 12 ALF 197 Jacobean Drama 3.30pm – 5.30pm Tutor: David Read Fee: £45.00 12th September- 17th October (six sessions) By the time James I came to the throne the theatre had become a favourite leisure activity in London, but the appetites of the theatre-going public were changing. The comic dramas of the Elizabethan theatre gave way to the harsh satire of Ben Jonson, while Elizabethan tragic dramas gave way to an obsession with moral corruption and violent stories of revenge. This course will look at the work of some of the major playwrights of the period, such as Ben Jonson, John Webster, Thomas Middleton, John Ford and Philip Massinger, and how they reflect the society in which they lived. Maximum no. 20 ALF 198 Britain in Film 3.30pm - 5.30pm Tutor: David Read Fee: £ 45.00 31st October – 5th December (six sessions) A look at Britain and the lives of its people through the eyes of a range of film makers. The course will cover both documentary and narrative films and will examine the ways in which film makers have responded to the massive cultural and social changes that have transformed British life over the last 100 years.

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    Among the films we will look at are Terence Davies’ Of Time and the City, Humphrey Jennings’ A Diary for Timothy, Robert Flaherty’s Industrial Britain, Watt & Wright’s Night Mail, Michael Powell’s A Canterbury Tale, Roy Boulting’s Brighton Rock, Tony Richardson’s A Taste of Honey, Ken Loach’s Kes, Shane Meadow’s This is England and the work of the Free Cinema movement.

    Maximum no: 20 WHAT’S ON WEDNESDAYS?

    ALF 199 ‘The Lives and Afterlives of Dickens and his Novels’ 6.00pm -8.00pm Tutor: Dr. Nick Clark, Britten - Pears Foundation 13th September – 18th October (six sessions) Fee £45.00 Charles Dickens created his own fictional universe and filled it with characters from an extraordinary imagination. His novels, and indeed his own life story, have long been sources for dramatic adaptation to stage and screen, each providing new ‘readings’ or interpretations of his work and, sometimes, of the man himself. In this course we’ll examine some of these translations from page to theatre, small or large screen, illustrated with extracts from film and TV adaptations of Dickens’s work. We’ll identify if, how or why they influence our perception of this master storyteller. Each session will place Dickens’s life and work in context. Relax: you won’t need to have read his complete works beforehand. Maximum no: 20 ALF 200 Men and Masculinities on Screen 6.00pm – 8.00pm Tutor: Dr. Lucy Walker, Britten Pears Foundation Fee: £ 45.00 25th October – 13th December (six sessions) No classes on 8th & 22nd November Following the 'Women and Film' course earlier this year, we will be looking at how men are represented on screen through various types of 'masculinities'. Using examples mostly from Hollywood and British films (although with some exceptions), we will look at various male 'types', including: the loner-outsider (as often portrayed in Westerns and thrillers); fathers and families, and godfathers and the family; the dynamics and gender politics of men in drag; the popularity and increasing prevalence in Hollywood films of 'action men'; men in love, men out of love; and the overall concept of 'being a man' in film. Along the way we will explore other types of masculinity, such as the song-and-dance man, the funny man, bad guys, mad guys, and heroes. Each week we will watch a wide variety of clips, but also focus on one or two particular films which ideally participants will watch in advance. Maximum no. 20

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    ALF 201 An Invitation from Lynne Walker, former Chair of ALF

    TRUMP – ONE YEAR ON! A special one-off event in aid of Pancreatic Cancer UK

    Wednesday 8th November at 6.00pm Venue: The Church Hall, Aldeburgh Maximum No: 60 Still can’t believe he was elected? Wonder what he has achieved? Will he be impeached? Will Mike Pence become president? Can the Democrats fight back in 2018 mid-terms? Where’s Hillary? Join us on for discussion and supper. Tickets are £20 for the evening including supper at 8.00pm – homemade soup, bread, cheese and other tasty goodies both savoury and sweet. If you are unable to attend, please consider a donation by using the link below https://www.pancreaticcancer.org/uk/donate/single-donation/ In the box that asks why you are donating, please enter ‘Lynne Walker’s Fundraising’ Please tick the Gift Aid box if you are a UK taxpayer because this means even more money for Pancreatic Cancer UK.

    WHAT’S ON THURSDAYS? ALF 202 Make Your Own Jewellery 1.00pm - 3.00pm Tutor: Rosie Price Fee: £75.00 14th September – 30th November (ten sessions) No classes on 19th & 26th October Rosie Price will teach you step by step how to create your own beautiful jewellery. Beginning by making simple earrings, later lessons will include fashioning bracelets and necklaces. As your skills develop, you will be encouraged to create your own designs; participants will be encouraged to help each other, sometimes working in pairs. Materials for each lesson (including beads, wire, leather ribbon and findings) will be supplied free of charge. However at times, more expensive materials may be available to buy in small quantities at reasonable cost. This course is aimed at beginners but all skill levels are welcome. Maximum no: 12


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    ALF 203 Christmas Wreaths 3.30pm - 5.30pm Tutor: Teresa Cook Fee: £12.00 Thursday 7th December Join us in the Library for a fun session creating a gorgeous homemade Christmas wreath using greenery from the local area. With a cup of tea or a glass of mulled wine with a mince pie, you learn how to make a bespoke wreath that you will be proud to take home and hang on your front door. You will need to bring a pair of scissors or secateurs, some string or floristry binding wire with you. You may also bring any embellishments to add to your wreath, such as cinnamon sticks, baubles or luxury bows; there will be a selection of these items available to purchase at cost. No previous experience in floristry is required. Maximum no: 30 ALF 204 The Operas of Janáček 6.00pm – 8.00 pm Tutor: Chris Milton Fee: £45.00 14th September – 19th October (six sessions) Leoš Janáček is one of a host of significant composers to span the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries - he is also one of the most fascinating and significant. A late compositional starter he nevertheless developed a unique and lasting musical voice and his operas are rich in folklore, identity politics and influential theories of musical discourse. In this course we will examine Janáček's rich musical legacy, and explore five of his most significant operas in detail: The Cunning Little Vixen, Jenůfa, From the House of the Dead, Věc Makropulos and Káťa Kabanová. Maximum no. 25

    ALF 205 Discovering Bruckner 6.00pm – 8.00 pm Tutor: Chris Milton Fee: £45.00 2nd November – 14th December (six sessions) No class on 23rd November Anton Bruckner stands as one of the supreme masters of late 19th century Germanic music yet he remains a shadowy and unknowable figure - his image as a shy rural simpleton is not matched by the titanic canvases on which he constructed his music. In this course we tackle problems with Bruckner's reception history and examine his own struggle to find formal musical designs to suit his unique conception of what music should be. For those who think Bruckner is all blaring brass and obsessively repeated motives we will provide a roadmap to better understand his 'cathedrals of sound'. Maximum no: 25

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    WHAT’S ON FRIDAYS? ALF 206 Conversational German 10.30am - 12.30pm Tutor: Gabrella Wetzl Fee £45.00 15th September – 20th October (6 sessions) Venue: The Red House, Golf Lane, Aldeburgh IP15 5PZ This new class aims to help improve practical German skills through active conversation and use. Welcoming all levels, lessons will be custom made to suit members’ particular needs and wishes. Our focus will be on learning by practice and enjoyment while reading, speaking and singing, without neglecting those niggling grammatical structures. Maximum no: 12 ALF 207 Conversational Italian 1.15pm – 3.15pm Tutor: Gabriella Cordaro Fee: £90.00 15th September – 8th December (12 sessions) No class on 27th October Do you have a passion for the Italian language and culture? Would you like to speak and understand Italian better? Are your language skills elementary? Or are you quite proficient? Either way, our class welcomes you. Our approach is full on, full immersion. We learn by actively using the language together; reading, writing, listening and above-all speaking; with the odd sing song and joke to add to our skills. Maximum no: 12 ALF 208 ‘Is Moderism Art?’ 3.30pm – 5.30pm Tutor: Dr Roger Simpson Fee: £75.00 22nd September – 1st December (10 sessions) No class on 27th October ‘Fine art has become an organism having no perceptible interaction with its environment. For organisms in such a state, coroners have a word; they call them corpses’ Alan Gowans. Has this always been the nature of art, or was Modernism in essence a phenomenon unconnected with the history of art? This course will examine this matter by considering: - The social functions that art has served throughout human history - The abandonment of this social role in modernist art, while still attempting

    to justify itself in art historical terms - Those vibrant popular arts that continue to serve ancient social needs in a

    contemporary ways We will take a sympathetic if critical view of modernism in its social perspective Maximum no. 20

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    Terms & Conditions for Aldeburgh Library Foundation Courses We have set some standard terms of booking for all participants to ensure that courses remain viable and we can fulfill our contractual commitments to our Tutors. Please note that in booking a place on these courses, you will be committing yourself to the following conditions.

    Courses are open to everyone aged 16 years and over.

    To secure your place, courses must be booked and paid for in advance of the course start date. Your application will be held with others until we know that particular course will run. Your cheque will only be cashed once you have been notified of your confirmed place on the course.

    Courses must be booked as a whole course and cannot be booked as individual sessions. Fees are non-transferable and cannot be carried forward from course to course.

    We do not offer refunds and any missed sessions in a course cannot be refunded separately.

    Cancellations by one or two people can mean the cancellation of the whole course; we have reluctantly introduced a policy that means cancellations within 14 days of the start of a course or ‘no shows’ will normally be charged at the full course fee.

    Places are subject to availability and given the popularity of certain courses, you may be put on a waiting list.

    If you are unable to attend a course, your space cannot be guaranteed at the same class on a future course, but you are always welcome to re-apply.

    We will normally notify you of the outcome of your application; however, if you don’t hear from us please assume you are on the course.

    Due to emergency or unforeseen circumstances we may need to re-schedule the date, day of the week or time of a session at short notice. We will always do our best to contact you in advance.

    Data Protection Act 1998

    Aldeburgh Library Foundation (ALF) collects, stores and processes personal data about students for the purpose of administering and managing the educational programme. Data is stored on one machine with a backup record for safety and security. We do not disclose your data to third parties. In signing the Course Application Form and the FOAL form you are stating that you understand and agree to ALF using your data to create and maintain records in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

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    COURSE APPLICATION FORM The closing date for courses beginning in September is 31st August 2017. SURNAME......................................................................... FORENAME....................................................................... ADDRESS........................................................................................... ............................................................................................................ POSTCODE........................TEL: ....................................................... Email .................................................................................................. Date of this application……………………………………….



    Cheques should be made payable to: Aldeburgh Library Foundation. Please return applications to Aldeburgh Library, Victoria Road, Aldeburgh IP15 5EG. Please mark your envelope ‘Autumn Courses’


    We DO NOT share your contact details with any other organization. We will only contact you with information we consider relevant to courses, the Library and the Foundation.

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    Meet the Tutors

    Dave Bescoby is a fully qualified medical herbalist and runs a busy East Suffolk practice from Beccles and Wickham Market. He is a member of the National Institute for Medical Herbalists and an honorary lecturer at the University of East Anglia. Dave’s interest in botanical medicine and traditional healing arts spans over 25 years; he is a passionate promoter of the importance of botanical medicine in contemporary healthcare. Susan Boddy has been painting in watercolour for 17 years and more recently in acrylics. She leads weekly courses and workshops in the area and is in demand to work with local art groups organising workshops and giving demonstrations. Susan is a regular tutor at Tindalls Art Shop, Colchester. Since 2006, she has had four solo exhibitions and her work is regularly exhibited locally. She has lived in East Anglia all her life and is constantly inspired by the beautiful landscape. Nick Clark PhD is the Librarian at the Britten Pears Foundation. During the first part of his career he taught a range of courses focussing on all major periods in English Literature. In 2002 he switched fields professionally and came to work at the Library and Archive at The Red House, Aldeburgh. His passion for Dickens began after watching David Lean’s film version of Great Expectations, when he was about 9 years old. Teresa Cook is a trained and award winning florist, who has run many successful workshops. She also runs ‘The Crown’ at Snape.

    Louise Mangeot is a highly experienced Yoga teacher and Yoga for Sports Coach. She works with all levels of ability from athletes to the elderly and draws on 30 years of teaching experience underpinned by training and personal practice.

    Chris Milton is the Director of Music at Woodbridge School and has been giving highly successful courses on music at Aldeburgh Library since 2012. He read music at Oxford and Cambridge and previously worked in Aldeburgh at the Britten-Pears Foundation. Adrian Nicholson is our Spanish tutor and you may have heard him playing the classical guitar at a variety of local venues.

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    Rosie Price gained an HND in Goldsmithing and Jewellery design. In 2007, she started ‘The Brightsmiths’ workshops, offering bespoke handmade silver, gold and gemstone jewellery. Although her courses and commissions are in constant demand, she still enjoys teaching jewellery basics (involving beads, wire, pliers and good humour) to groups in schools, libraries, social clubs and festivals. David Read is a freelance tutor with a background in adult and higher education, specialising in Literature and the Visual Arts, a playwright whose work has featured on BBC Radio and in theatres. Roger Simpson has a PhD in History of Art and is researching Georgian and Victorian popular art and English Painting. He is also a garden designer. Coral Stebbings is a local, popular, well-known and very experienced dance teacher, examiner and fitness instructor. Lucy Walker PhD is the Director of Public Programming and Learning at the Britten-Pears Foundation. Her day job finds her running the extensive events programme and overseeing learning projects at The Red House, and she makes occasional appearances as a speaker for other organisations - such as Snape Maltings, Glyndebourne, Britten Sinfonia and English Touring Opera. Outside work, her main interest is films and cinema history, mainly from the 'classic' Hollywood era, but also British cinema and more contemporary films. Lynne Walker completed her work as Chair of ALF in November 2016 to take on the role of Chair of the Trustees of Pancreatic Cancer UK. She is one of the rare survivors of this disease, and is determined to drive forward improvements in research, access to treatment and better care for everyone. She is also our very popular tutor for American Presidential Elections and politics and current affairs. Gabriella Wetzl - Cordaro read German and French at Exeter University in the 1980s. Her parents being of Austro-Hungarian origin, she was comfortably bilingual in the German language by the end of her studies. She has maintained her fluency and love for the language over the years regularly visiting Germany and the South Tyrol. Following her degree, she moved to Italy in 1987 where she later married an Italian and lived and worked there as a teacher for over 30 years. She is now of dual Italian-British nationality and speaking Italian has also become second nature to her.

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    Friends of Aldeburgh Library (FOAL) Run by the Aldeburgh Library Foundation, FOAL is here to help maintain and develop the library and its facilities for our community. To become a FOAL member, we ask that you buy an Aldeburgh Loyalty Card which gives you a 10% discount in over 50 local businesses – a great reason to sign up! Other benefits include:

    an annual social event

    a newsletter with updates on developments at the Library

    an invitation to the AGM and voting rights Member contributions make a difference, including helping to refurbish the library to a high standard and this year, supporting additional work hours for the Library Manager. The cost of an annual subscription to FOAL is £15.00 and members receive a card and a list of participating local businesses. www.aldeburghlibraryfoundation.org.uk also has up to date details. However, if you are interested in becoming a FOAL member now, we are offering a special subscription rate of £10 until 31 March 2018. To become a friend please return this form with your payment of £10 (cheque made payable to Aldeburgh Library Foundation) to the library in an envelope marked 'FOAL SUBS'. Your Loyalty Card can either be collected from the Library or if you would prefer it to be posted to you, please enclose a SAE. NAME (block capitals).................................................................................. ADDRESS ....................................................………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………… POST CODE .................. TELEPHONE…………………………… EMAIL............................................................ SIGNATURE .................................................... DATE ............................. We very much appreciate your support


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    WISE (Women, Ideas, Skills, Experience)

    WISE Aldeburgh is a group of women who meet once a month to hear a short talk by one member and have a discussion. Our aim is to broaden knowledge by sharing our experience and ideas. Topics stem from members’ own backgrounds and interests. We welcome ALL women: you don’t have to give a talk to come! You can see a summary of all the talks given so far on the WISE website (wisealdeburgh.co.uk). Venue: Aldeburgh library Time: 4.00-5.30 on the second Saturday of each month Next meeting: September 9th 2017 If you would like to be on the WISE mailing list please email one of us:

    Sarah Ladbury ([email protected]) Janey King ([email protected])

    Jane Maxim ([email protected]).

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    Find us on Facebook/aldeburghcafe

    The Aldeburgh Library Foundation is a Company Limited by Guarantee, registered in England number 8211480, and a Registered Charity number 1150450, registered office Aldeburgh Library, Victoria Road,

    Aldeburgh IP15 5EG