learn how a digital agency builds up high quality relationships using socialbro


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Post on 10-May-2015




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Hop Online is a full service digital agency, specialising in customized SEO. SocialBro has enabled them to help their clients build up high quality online relationships with users, enrich their brands and generate leads.


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Hop Online is an SEOmoz recommended, full service digital agency, which specializes in customi-zed Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that puts content marketing at the core.

They offer a range of other services including: Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising management, conversion rate optimization (CRO) & Social Media Optimization (SMO) solutions for B2B & B2C com-panies worldwide.


We spoke to Milena Arabadjieva who is in charge of managing Hop Online’s clients’ social media accounts. When she started using SocialBro it was with the aim of helping her manage her clients’ Twitter communities and helping them build up high quality online relationships with users.

As a Social Outreach Coordinator, one of the main parts of Milena’s job is social audience develop-ment, meaning she has to create a growth in the Twitter communities of her clients as well as enga-ging with them effectively. This meant she needed SocialBro as a way of not only increasing the




number of followers for her clients but also the quality of their Twitter communities. This involves monitoring who makes up their communities and detecting which members she should be engaging with.

Ultimately, Hop Online pilots successful multi channel online campaigns from start to finish with the aim of strengthening online brands and demonstrating consistent, positive ROI to clients.

Page 2: Learn how a digital agency builds up high quality relationships using SocialBro

The first way that Milena makes use of SocialBro is to monitor separate segments of her clients’ Twitter audiences and manage their followers. The various widgets on the dashboard clearly display the infor-mation she needs about the communities of Hop Online’s clients. For example she wants to know who their new followers are, but more importantly she wants to be able to see which of these her clients should be following back and interacting with. By selecting “New followers” from the dashboard and using the various filters, for example influence and number of followers, or searching for keywords in their bios such as the industry they work in enables her to detect which users they should follow. Similarly she looks at “followers not recipro-cated by you” to see if there are any influential users or potential customers who they are not following back.


Hop Online looks to SocialBro to help them maintain a good followers to friends ratio for its clients. Twitter accounts with a ratio of 1.0 or above is ideal for companies who want to be seen as being interes-ting and posting useful content that others want to see. A ratio of 2.0 or above indicates that the user is a thought leader in their field and can be a deciding factor on whether to follow them or not. Milena wants to maintain a good ratio for Hop Online’s clients as she wants to attract influential followers who will want to read the content her clients post. For this reason she uses SocialBro to clean up the Twitter communities of her clients and keep a favourable ratio, for example by looking for inactive friends who aren’t using Twitter regularly and there-fore are not bringing any benefits to her clients.


Other than what your ratio says to other users, following too many accounts creates unnecessary noise and seeing as Hop Online’s clients are using Twitter as a business tool it is only beneficial to follow those users who will engage with them and for example have the potential to turn into custo-mers. This makes the “recent unfollows” section of the dashboard useful for detecting those users who do not plan on interacting with their clients and therefore can be unfollowed.

Selecting the “Not following you back” widget from the dashboard allows Milena to see the profiles that her clients are following who are not following them back. She can then look at the date which the client began following them and whether there has been any interaction between the 2 users since this date. If there has been no interaction, they have a low number of followers and they low influence score she can make the decision to unfollow them. Actions like this help Milena to clean up her clients’ Twitter communities.


Milena’s main aim when it comes to SocialBro for her clients is to build up high quality online relations-hips. This is where it is useful to be able to detect her clients’ influential followers and therefore those that she should be engaging with. SocialBro has an “influential followers” widget on the dashboard which displays all of your followers classed as influential and you can then filter within these e.g. by location or industry. The “Discover Twitter users” tool allows users to search for influential people in the whole of Twitter to follow and engage with or to add to a list where they can be monitored.


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Influential followers are key in helping Hop Online to expand their reach in the form of retweets and interactions. One of Milena’s job responsibilities is to get her clients’ content out there and make sure it is seen by the right people. The best way to ensure that these users see the content she posts is to create a custom Best Time to Tweet Report (BTTT). The best time to tweet report works out at which times and on which days Hop Online’s clients have the most followers on Twitter.

Creating a custom report means that Milena can see when her clients have the highest percentage of influential followers online, allowing her to post content at these times and gain more retweets and replies, which ultimately expands her clients’ reach. She also filters the report according to when users last tweeted and how often they tweet as she wants to target those who are likely to retweet the content she posts. The BTTT report also shows what these users talk about and share links about which can help when designing the tweets to advertise the content.


After targeting and interacting with influential followers, Milena uses the growth in number of influential followers and her clients’ Kred scores evolution to check that her efforts are working. If both of these are increasing, her targeting and engage-ment has worked.

Other than needing to identify influential people to expand her clients’ reach on Twitter, she also uses SocialBro to identify and target potential customers. Using the “Discover Twitter users” tool and filtering according to location and depending on whether her client is a B2B or B2C organisation, she can filter

according to keywords in their bios or look at whe-ther the users have a URL in their bio or not. Once she has found, followed and engaged with the desired users, she can use the reports she creates with SocialBro to check that she has been targeting and engaging with the right people for each client. She gave the following example:

“If my client is an e-commerce store that provides shipping only to the USA, I can see if most of their followers are from the USA. If they're not, we have a problem”.

The results of the report can then help her make further decisions for example to carry on targeting users how she has been already or to make use of some of the other filters etc.

Now that Milena has been using SocialBro to manage her clients’ communities and build up their online relationships she says that she has started to explore SocialBro’s other functions for example, monitoring a tweet, URL or hashtag, analyzing clients’ competitors and researching Twitter users all of which she believes will be helpful features to help her achieve her strategy aims in the future.

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Milena’s job is to build and nurture high quality and scalable online relationships in order to win valuable endorsements of branded client content. She believes that in general clients used to focus their attention on the number of followers they had rather than realising the importance of the quality of their followers. Since using SocialBro she has been able to show them that the quality of their Twitter commu-nities is far more important by increasing their influence and building up high quality online relationships.

From using SocialBro she has been able to help her clients enrich their brands, generate leads and grow sales through search and Social Media platforms. Ultimately she says:

“Using SocialBro helps me achieve my big goal. I call it “happy clients” :)”
