lean information

LEAN INFORMATION increasing the value of your information

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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increasing the value

of your information

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what is this about?

if you apply Lean Principles to INFORMATIONyou will

significantly improve the benefits and value of informationand

reduce the cost of producing it

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key questionsis your business

making full use of the information at its


is the information that you need

available? when you need it?

Does the information have

the desired impact?

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what is information?

Click or use Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tooPnNhPjbs

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Information only becomes knowledge in the hands of someone who knows what to do with it.

Peter Drucker, genius, management guru

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business information is needs driven

for example:

a Sales Manager may need to understand his

sales performance … and where to go with

new products

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information needs may include:

business statistics and analysisosales valuesoproduction oproduct analysis

external analysisomarket conditionsocompetitor analysisoproduct reviewopolitical & economic review

contents of documentsocustomer feedbackoagreements oT & C oproduct detail

social networkingoproduct feedbackocustomer satisfactionocompetitive products

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competitive advantage through improving the value of information

Companies will become merely a shadow of their ‘glory days’ or will vanish if they do not find a way to recreate their market success through a steady stream of innovative products and customer – oriented solutions

Miyamoto Misashi – The book of five rings

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being better than your competitors at achieving optimum value from information will gain competitive advantage

o information has more value if it improves the overall outcome or result

o information has its optimum value if it produces the desired result

quicker better higher reliability greater impact

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but:o many companies fail to get the optimum

outcome from information

o many information systems are deficient

(too much, too little, poor quality, not right)

and so skilled people may fill the gap to optimise

the benefit of your information

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insight is the ability to grasp

the key elements of a

complex subject, person

or situation


Informationwhat? who? where? when?


Insight and wisdomwhy?


Context independent

maximise insight

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It is only with true insight that we find the creative, disruptive solution that changes the


True insight is more than just an aggregation of the

underlying knowledge and


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quantifying the benefit

value of information (VOI)

is the amount a decision maker would be willing to pay for information prior to

making that decision wikipedia

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o cost to produce information

o wasted efforts and resourceso expense to fix cost versus benefit

o competitive advantage

o service qualityo effective decisionso product superiorityo Satisfied customers

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Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes.

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Lean Information thinking

increase the

value of

information for

every user

1. specify the value2. identify the value

stream3. make flow value4. pull from the customer5. strive for perfection

5 lean principles

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the user (customer) needs this information

the best information for the need

the information is sourced and flows seamlessly

only produce what is needed

renew insight and knowledge

1. specify the value2. identify the value

stream3. make flow value4. pull from the customer5. strive for perfection

5 lean principles

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Lean Principle 1 customer (user) focus

o information forms the mind of the user

o superior benefit of knowing

o action follows insight

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key questions:o can customers define the

information they want or need in your business?

o can they find this information?o does every level in the

organisation recognise the information they need and how to apply it?

o how often is the quality and benefit of the information’s usage re-evaluated by the customer?

not knowing is expensive

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Lean Principle 2 best information for the action

key characteristics:olinkedovisualisedorelevantotimelyoconsistentoaccurate

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did the information have the desired outcome?

o did it result in knowledge and insight?

o ask the user to evaluate the characteristics of the quality!

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Lean Principle 3 make information flow

information lifecycleocaptureoprocess ouseostoreodispose

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o are all relevant sources used?

o is information flowing through – cost effectively?

o do you have it when you need it?

information: right time? right place? right format?

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Lean Principle 4

pull from the customer/useronly produce what is needed

o not used = wasteo under utilised = lost


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is information pushed by IT or pulled by the user?

o is the production of information and its use synchronised?

o is its destination clear? o what is its purpose?

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Lean Principle 5

strive for perfection o customer needs

changes all the timeo sources and flow

changes rapidlyo tools to improve

information is rapidlyo available information is

increasing exponentially

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o is information flow constantly improving and refreshed?

o are users continuously challenging the status quo

are systems and tools keeping pace with user demand for deeper and more insight and knowledge?

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the key

P1 drive optimum use of information

P2 maximise the outcome through

application of knowledge

systems producing data “just in case”

unrelated data components in many pockets

the status quoFollow the principles

for superior business results


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P3 focus on getting the right information in the

right place

P4 respond to changing needs

P5 constantly refresh

not right & to late

the principles versus the status quo

static & tired

systems unresponsive to change

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but Lean Information is also about reducing waste

o over-productiono motion o waitingo over/inappropriate

processingo inventoryo transportationo defectso skills

waste in manufacturing

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o duplicationo re-entryo waito searcho losso not availableo re-createo not used o irrelevanto wrong

Information wastes

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the information cycle can consume huge resources

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IT support

Implementation & infrastructure


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staff external sources




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what constitutes wasteo wasted effort (doing something unnecessary)

o infrastructure & supply (hardware/software/communication/IT support/implementation) • not utilized• under performing

o knock on effect (one element of waste results in ripple effect throughout organization)

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information flow must produce optimum knowledge valueo information flows -

but not necessarily in line with classic processes

o each lifecycle activity affects the cumulative benefit of information

o understanding the end goal improves the beginning of the flow

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the converse

poor information flow destroys the potential value of knowledge … … or at least add significant waste and unnecessary cost

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not usedirrelevant

not available



data loss

common information waste traps to reduce

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untested assumptions

no insights

knowledge not captured

And knowledge-related traps to limit

bias and misperceptions

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Re-capture wait rework errors useless lost

Information cycle

reduce waste

Lean Information reduces waste

Re-capture wait search rework errors useless

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maximise the benefit of information


reduce to cost


a systematic approach

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Executive sponsorship

Team commit-ment

Commit to lean vision

Set objective for team

Team training to deploy

Enable team to maximise information


Maximise value

Identify blockages, implement

best available solutions

Reduce Waste

Identify waste traps,

Reduce waste

Review & repeat

Evaluate result, Do

the same in other areas

Lean Information can add 10 – 20% productivity for the average information worker

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Value increase over time

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it can be done

o this is not a single event interventiono focus on low hanging fruit

• immediate information benefits• reduce waste traps

o target key hotspots for further investmento continuous improvement (do it again and again)o imbed the culture

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