leading the world to a greener future. bay area green tours private tours overview

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 Leading The World to a Greener Future. Bay Area Green Tours Private Tours Overview.


    B`ocime Ydu omc th` Udrbc

    td o Er``m`r Jutur`!

  • 8/13/2019 Leading The World to a Greener Future. Bay Area Green Tours Private Tours Overview.


    Noy Or`o Er``m Sdurs

    FissidmU` prdvic` `cugotidmob tdurs omc `v`mts thot;

    ! C`fdmstrot` th` sustoimonb` `gdmdfy im ogtidm! Imspir` suppdrt dj bdgob er``m nusim`ss`s! @fpdw`r p`dpb` td imgdrpdrot` `mvirdmf`mtob

    r`spdmsinibity omc sdgiob kustig` imtd th`ir p`rsdmob

    omc prdj`ssidmob biv`s

  • 8/13/2019 Leading The World to a Greener Future. Bay Area Green Tours Private Tours Overview.


    Imspirime Wustoimonb`Bij`styb`s! Qortigipomts b`orm ondut bdgob er``m nusim`ss`s! Sh`y s`` jirsthomc hdw sustoimonb` `gdmdfi`s

    omc `gdsyst`fs wdrl

    ! M`w ic`os or` pr`s`mt`c jdr th`f td imgdrpdrot`imtd th`ir bij`styb`s

    ! Sh`y gom t`ogh th`ir jofibi`s omc jri`mcssustoimonb` gdmg`pts

  • 8/13/2019 Leading The World to a Greener Future. Bay Area Green Tours Private Tours Overview.


    Sdur Sdpigs! ^`m`wonb` @m`rey! Obt`rmotiv` Sromspdrtotidm! Wustoimonb` Oerigubtur`! [`rd Uost`! Er``m Nuibcime! Er``m Kdns! Er``m Qidm``rs! Wustoimonb` Giti`s! Uot`r Fomoe`f`mt! Whor`c Wdbutidms! Wdgiob @mtr`pr`m`urship! Jddc Kustig`Uhot I r`obby bdv`c ondut th` tdur wos e`ttime td s`` o bdt dj imspirimepbog`s obb im dm` coy. Kosfim Hojiz

  • 8/13/2019 Leading The World to a Greener Future. Bay Area Green Tours Private Tours Overview.


    ^`m`wonb` @m`rey

    ! Wdbor jorfs! Hycrde`m nus stotidms! Wdbor `m`rey gdfpomi`s! Nidju`b stotidms! Uimc turnim`s

    @xpbdr` r`m`wonb` sdurg`s dj `m`rey whigh or``ss`mtiob obt`rmotiv`s td jdssib ju`bs

  • 8/13/2019 Leading The World to a Greener Future. Bay Area Green Tours Private Tours Overview.


    Obt`rmotiv` Sromspdrtotidm

    ! Gor shor` `mt`rpris`s! Nidju`b stotidms! Hycrde`m ju`bime stotidms! Nigygb` prderofs! Nil` stotidms! Q`cob-pdw`r`c ogtiviti`s

    Cisgdv`r obt`rmotiv` f`oms dj tromspdrtotidm

    td r`cug` ydur gorndm jddtprimt

    I r`obby bil`c th` hycrde`m nus port dj th` tdur n`gous` I tol` th` nus

    `v`ry coy, omc mdw I'f `xgit`c n`gous` dm` dj fy nus rdut`s rums dm

    hycrde`m!Figho`b Er`y

  • 8/13/2019 Leading The World to a Greener Future. Bay Area Green Tours Private Tours Overview.


    Wustoimonb` Oerigubtur`

    ! ^omgh`s! Coiri`s! ^urob jorfs! Prnom jorfs! Jorf`rs forl`ts! Wustoimonb` oerigubtur` im th`

    Mdrth Noy, @ost Noy, Wom Jromgisgd& Wom Fot`d Gdost r`eidms

    B`orm ondut bdgob prdcug`rs im dur jddcsh`c

    I hoc o sfott`rime dj lmdwb`ce` ondut obb th` pbog`s w` visit`ctdcoy. I cicmt r`obiz` th`r` w`r` sd fomy thimes I m``c`c td

    b`orm. @bizon`th dmcom

  • 8/13/2019 Leading The World to a Greener Future. Bay Area Green Tours Private Tours Overview.


    [`rd Uost`Dm` p`rsdms eornoe` is omdth`r dm`s edbc. - Omdmyfdus

    Sdur c`stimotidms imgbuc`;! Gr`otiv` r`us` g`mt`rs! ^`gygbime g`mt`rs! Wobvoe` yorcs! Bomcjibbs! F`tob r`gygbime jogibiti`s! Sromsj`r stotidms

    Sh` Obtofdmt bomcjibb nb`w f` owoy! I m`v`r eov` whot wos n`himc thds` hibbs

    o thdueht. I wish `v`ryndcy gdubc s`` it with th`ir `y`s. It fol`s o nie

    cijj`r`mg` wh`m ydu s`` sdf`thime os dppds`c td kust h`orime ondut it

    wh`m ydu visuobby s`` it, it dp`ms it up! Koglsdm Wp`gtdr

  • 8/13/2019 Leading The World to a Greener Future. Bay Area Green Tours Private Tours Overview.


    Er``m Nuibcime@xpbdr` B@@C g`rtiji`c nuibcimes omc f``t er``m

    orghit`gts td cisgdv`r nuibcime fdc`bs jdr th` jutur`

    Sh` fdst ifpdrtomt thime I b`orm`c tdcoy wosthot er``m nuibcime ismt obwoys `xp`msiv`.

    Wdf` thimes thot I sow thot I wibb nuibc imtd fy

    possiv` sdbor hdf` or` rociomt h`ot`rs, rociomt

    tunime, omc o whit` rddj.

    Ofolo Mcunio

  • 8/13/2019 Leading The World to a Greener Future. Bay Area Green Tours Private Tours Overview.


    Er``m Kdns

    B`orm ondut er``m kdns thot wibb h`bp ghome` th` wdrbc

    Sdur c`stimotidms imgbuc`;

    ! Er``m fomujogtur`rs!

    Er``m s`rvig`s & troc`s! Ghority `mt`rpris`s! Mdm-prdjit yduth ogoc`fi`s! Udrljdrg` troimime g`mt`rs! F`mtdr & oppr`mtig` prderofs! Fumigipob imv`stf`mt prderofs! @m`rey gdmsubtotidm & r`trdjit


    Sh` n`st port wos sp`olime with gh``s` fol`rs ondut why th`yc`gic`c td jdbbdw this gor``r poth.

    C`stym Hi-Nrovd

  • 8/13/2019 Leading The World to a Greener Future. Bay Area Green Tours Private Tours Overview.


    Er``m Qidm``rs

    ! Bdgovdr` r`stouromts! Nusim`ss imgunotdrs! Whor`c wdrlspog`s! @-wost` nusim`ss! Nil` stotidm! Covic Nrdw`r G`mt`r-

    om `mvirdmf`mtob hun

    F``t b`oc`rs im sustoimonibity omc witm`ss pdsitiv` sdbutidms

    im ogtidm dm this Uoblime Sdur dj Cdwmtdwm N`rl`b`y

    Sdur c`stimotidms imgbuc`;

  • 8/13/2019 Leading The World to a Greener Future. Bay Area Green Tours Private Tours Overview.


  • 8/13/2019 Leading The World to a Greener Future. Bay Area Green Tours Private Tours Overview.


    Wdgiob @mtr`pr`m`urship

    ! Wustoimonb` prdcugt fol`rs! Gdffumity jddc `mt`rpris`s! Bdgovdr` r`stouromts! Gdmsuf`r gddp`rotiv`s! Nusim`ss imgunotdrs! Qhibomthrdpig nusim`ss`s & obt`rmotiv` fdc`bs! Whor`c gd-gr`otiv` wdrlspog`s! H`obthy omc `gdbdeigob bij`styb` `cugotdrs

    Cisgdv`r fissidm-criv`m immdvotdrs gdfime tde`th`rtd nuibc o n`tt`r jutur`

    Sdur c`stimotidms imgbuc`;

  • 8/13/2019 Leading The World to a Greener Future. Bay Area Green Tours Private Tours Overview.


    Jddc Kustig`Hume`r is mdt om issu` dj ghority. It is om issu` dj kustig`.

    - Kogqu`s Ciduj

    ! ^urob jorfs! Jddc nomls! W``c nomls! Prnom murs`ri`s! Eorc`m prdk`gts! Gdffumity litgh`ms! Mutritidm `cugotdrs! Jddc kustig` erdups

  • 8/13/2019 Leading The World to a Greener Future. Bay Area Green Tours Private Tours Overview.


    Wuppdrt ydur bdgob sghddbs!

    Jri`mcs omc r`botiv`s gom suppdrt stuc`mts omcpor`mts im jumcime th`ir dwm er``m ji`bc trips, td

    h`bp `cugot` dur yduth jdr o er``m`r jutur`

    Gboss`s omc sghddbs gom stort th`ir dwm jumcroisimet`ofs, r`oghime dut td p`dpb` th`y lmdw omcb`v`roeime sdgiob m`twdrls td s`gur` cdmotidms

    @fpbdy`rs gom prdvic` fotghime cdmotidms QSOs omc Nddst`r Gbuns gom stort th`ir dwm t`ofs

    jdr sp`gijig sghddbs, nut it is obsd pdssinb` td cdmot`td th` e`m`rob ji`bc trip jumcroisime gofpoiem;


    Qb`os` gdmsic`r kdimime dur Jumcbygrdwcjumcime gofpoiem td

    L`` Ji`bc Sri s Obiv`!

  • 8/13/2019 Leading The World to a Greener Future. Bay Area Green Tours Private Tours Overview.



  • 8/13/2019 Leading The World to a Greener Future. Bay Area Green Tours Private Tours Overview.


    Gdmtogt Ps


    Djjig`; (0?1) 513-1759

    Sh` Covic Nrdw`r G`mt`r

    >?01 Obbstdm Uoy, Wuit` >81N`rl`b`y, GO 93513