leadership development & human interaction design: a cross-cutting approach to effective social...

Leadership Development & Human Interaction Design: A cross-cutting approach to effective social change A Vision for the M-Network March 2011

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Page 1: Leadership Development & Human Interaction Design: A cross-cutting approach to effective social change A Vision for the M-Network March 2011

Leadership Development &Human Interaction Design:

A cross-cutting approach to effective social change

A Vision for the M-NetworkMarch 2011

Page 2: Leadership Development & Human Interaction Design: A cross-cutting approach to effective social change A Vision for the M-Network March 2011

Our Theory of Change

We believe there is a series of fundamental imbalances in the world of social change today

To bring about the much needed balance among these drivers, we have chosen a different path – to focus on two cross-cutting factors – as we work to bridge silos and improve the scale of our impact regardless of the cause.


We focus on…

…by offering

People Process

Leadership Development

Human Interaction








Today, there is significant focus on…

But little focus on…

Founding Improving

Instruction Social and experiential learning

Intention Capability

Page 3: Leadership Development & Human Interaction Design: A cross-cutting approach to effective social change A Vision for the M-Network March 2011

Our Vision in a snapshot

Many organizations have a clear answer to the question of “What” they do – the rare few also have answer to the “Why”, “How”, and “Who”, contextualized within “Where” they exist.


PurposeWhy do we exist?

To drive social impact by building a community of

high-capacity change agents cutting across

geographies and disciplines supported by effective organizational


PeopleWho are we?

Network of community leaders from across

interests, disciplines, and geographies

ProcessHow do we work?

Intentional and methodical in our

approach; Driven by the guiding principles

of our Evolving Manifesto

ProgramWhat do we offer?

Leadership Development and Human Interaction


PlaceWhere do we live and

work?Local communities across


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Charities, not-for-profit, social profit, government, and

businessHealth, education,

international development, etc

Individual who cares



Purpose: Our Place in the World of Social Change




Program Place

Regardless of the cause or organization, focusing on Leadership Development + Human Interaction Design will significantly improve the

impact of social change efforts


M-Network works with


Most organizations focus on

and focuses on

Developing Leaders

Designing Human Interactions

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People & Place: Creating Diversity of PerspectiveWe are a network of over 4,000 community leaders from

coast to coast who bring together a wide spectrum of expertise, interests, and experiences



People Process

Program Place

Large Local Hubs in: Local Hubs also in:





From architects to photographers to environmentalists, our members are engaged in a plethora of causes and activities – our collective experiences form the unique and fundamental core of our network







Quebec City




Page 6: Leadership Development & Human Interaction Design: A cross-cutting approach to effective social change A Vision for the M-Network March 2011

Program: Leadership Development & Human Interaction Design

Offering Characteristics:

Channels: online & face-to-face

Engagement Levels: from passive monitoring to active participation to organizational (re)development

Effort and Frequency: from low-effort high-frequency (continuous) to high-effort low-frequency (annual)

Learning / Development Philosophy: strong bias towards social and experiential learning

Busting Silos: connecting individuals across disciplines and geographies

Beyond our Own Organization: aiming to share our lessons learned around People and Process with other organizations beyond the offerings to our members




Program Place

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Program: Our Approach

While each component of our approach can be found separately in many places, we believe that effective social change requires all of the pieces woven together as the primary focus


Identify Potential

Recognize Accomplishment


Foster Relationships

Among LeadersDevelop Capacity Through

ExperiencesBuild Effective Organizational


Share Stats & Stories,

Successes & Failures

• A small number of people drive a disproportionately high % of impact

• There is no better way to reinforce positive actions and talk about how to do even better

• Change is driven and realized by the collective – not the individual

• Crossing disciplines & geographical space

• The major gap today isn’t limited expertise in particular fields but a lack of leadership capacity across them

• How we work together – from how we interact to how we decide – directly impacts how effectively we execute on our ideas• Numbers (in)validate perceptions while stories put numbers into perspective

• Celebrating successes provides fuel for the journey while reflecting on failures keeps us from continuing blindsided

Offering Module

Because we believe

A scholarship recognizes accomplishments, but it doesn’t create a community of support

A conference is a great way to connect people at a point in time, but not to build lasting relationships

Workshops provide a plethora of theory and resources, but don’t come close to learning from experiencing

Effective organizational systems look great on paper, but need people who have the desire and capacity to leverage them

Why they are not discrete pieces



Program Place

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Program: What Leadership Development Means to Us


4 Key Dimensions

Self-awareness: Fundamental and the starting point for everything else – unless you understand yourself, you can’t truly understand much else

Judgment: Organizations are a culmination of decisions – human, financial, and resource decisions which are often suboptimal due to lack of knowledge, experience, or perspective

Relationships: Our world is premised on and operates through relationships

War Stories: This is all about having gone through the roller coaster rides – sitting in a classroom or reading a book just doesn’t develop you the same way as real experiences of having tried and having learned


Adult learning theory has consistently shown that…

We plan to focus on that gap – to promote, drive, and live learning from others and through experiences, and to leverage existing instructional learning materials

The WHow Factor - Proposed Vision for the M-Network8






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Program: What Human Interaction Design Means to Us

With a belief that significant social change is driven and realized by the collective – groups, teams, etc – and not individuals, we think it is as important to focus on embedding intentionally-designed systems that act as catalysts and drivers of optimal behaviours and effective interactions – some examples of these systems include:• Feedback Mechanisms• Decision-making Structures• Organization Structures• Evaluation Frameworks

Measure 2x3x4: Our Approach to Evaluation Frameworks

“What gets measured gets done”: in too many organizations, we believe, there is a lack of focus on evaluation – and even when there is one, it often lack a holistic view; we suggest a simple yet comprehensive base framework with 24 metrics to build on:

• 4 Stakeholder Groups: Your People, Your Clients / Customers, Your Funders / Shareholders, Your Community

– 3 Dimensions for each stakeholder group: Process, Output, Outcome

• 2 Metrics for each dimension + stakeholder group: Qualitative, QuantitativeThe WHow Factor - Proposed Vision for the M-Network9

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Process: Our Evolving Manifesto

The 5 pillars of our Manifesto guide everything we do and are supported by 2 key enablers:



People Process


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Funding Sources

We will aim to develop funds through each of the following channels with an approach grounded in our Evolving Manifesto:


Financially Sustainable M-Network

Swag sales

Awarding Organizations

Event/Program Fees Client Organizations

Membership Fees

Investing Organizations

Individual Donors

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From Vision to Reality: Executing on our Priorities1. Recruit Programs Lead to design, develop, and deploy our offerings by

September 2011

2. Recruit heavily to establish Executive Team, Board of Directors and Advisory Circle by May 2011

3. Develop and deliver M:Live, our online conversation platform, and the 1st National Conference by June 2011

4. Pursue funding opportunities to create a sustainable operating base for the organization by January 2012

5. Share the Vision widely, internally and externally, to further refine and develop the concept and begin piloting our offerings