lcs ppt structure and essay (1)

1.1 Introduction to Language and Culture Key concepts and Definitions -Culture (symbols, language, values, norms and objects) Evolution of Culture and Society -Hunting and gathering society -Horticulture and pastoralism -Agriculture -Industry

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  • Key concepts and Definitions-Culture (symbols, language, values, norms and objects)Evolution of Culture and Society-Hunting and gathering society-Horticulture and pastoralism-Agriculture-Industry1.1 Introduction to Language and Culture

  • Section B: Structured QuestionCulture is the values, beliefs, symbols, language, norms and material objects that together form a peoples way of life. Define symbols and give examples. (5 marks)Answer: -anything that carries a particular meaning-recognized by people who share the same culture-eg: a word, a whistle, a wall covered with graffiti, a flashing red light, a raised fist

  • Answer:1(b) Explain briefly the differences between symbols and objects. (5 marks)Symbols do change with time in the past , symbol of beauty in China is chubbydeserves a better life nowadays, slim woman will consider as a beauty

    Objectsdo not change in meaning and usage with time. chopsticks is used by Chinese during meal timetoday, it remains as a symbol of Chinese culture besides using Western cutlery

  • Symbols and objects are the two components of culture. 2.Identify another two components of culture and discuss with referene to the hunting and gathering societies. (5 marks)

    Language Enable people to work and communicate together.To aid in the process of hunting, gathering and sharing food.

    Art Early human had worn portable art such as jewelry and figurinehas religious meaning and brings wealthTo convey a message through drawings on the cave walls

  • )

    2 (b) Based on the stimulus given, analyze how it creates social inequality in horticultural and pastoral societies.

    social hierarchy was created since horticultural and pastoral societies.base on the wealth of a familyamount of animals and crops determine the wealththe more crops and animals, the more wealthierwealthy family has high position in social hierarchy but in small portionthe poor occupied a big portion in social hierarchy.

  • People in hunting and gathering societies have different behaviour compared to horticultural and pastoral societies.

    3.According to the statement above, explain the reason that leads to difference in behaviour in both societies.(5 marks)Answer:Hunting-and-gathering people tend to be very peaceful.cooperate and share with each other. sharing of food is a key norm in hunting-and-gathering societies.

    Horticultural and pastoral people tend to be more aggressive.differences in wealth leads to disputes and fighting over land and animals.

  • 3 a) Compare and contrast the stimulus given above with reference to horticultural and pastoral society in the past and the 21st Century's agriculture. Justify your answer with suitable evidence.(5 marks)

  • Both focus on planting and rearing.

    Horticultural and Pastoral in the Past21st Century's Agriculture use of simple tools and techniques use of advance technologies and techniqueseg: hoe and digging stick eg: irrigation sprinklers, embryo transfer and cloning (reproductive technologies)small populationlarge population which has a systemthe yield is affected by external factors eg: pest, drought, diseasethe yield does not affected by external factors because of the presence of R&D departmentsmass production : smallmass production: large

  • Essay Question

    Industrial societies emerged in the 1700s as the development of machines. The growth of industrial societies marked such a great transformation in many of the worlds societies. What are the positive and negative effects of industrialization on the society? (15 marks)

  • IntroductionIndustrialisation is the process in which a society or country (or world) transforms itself from a primarily agricultural society into one based on the manufacturing of goods and services. Industrial society refers to a society driven by the use of technology to enable mass production, supporting a large population with a high capacity for division of labour.

  • BODYPositiveTechnological advances that improved peoples health and expanded their life Greater emphasis in industrial societies on individualism and people.Societies typically enjoy greater political freedom than those in older societies.Created jobs- it created wealth.More specialized jobs More awareness of other cultures because of the ease of traveling

  • NegativeRise and growth of large cities as well as concentrated poverty and degrading morales. Led to riots and other urban violence. Helped fuel the rise of the modern crisis.Consume most of the worlds resources and pollute its conditions in these cities.Many people leave farming areas for industrial areas thus changing the demographic of the communities.Cities became crowded.Gap in knowledge and wealth is apparent between rural and urban areas

  • ConclusionIndustrialization is essential to the evolution of a society to improve the lifestyle of society. Therefore, we should take measures to preserve and conserve mother Earth so that the future generation can reap the benefits of industrialization of society. There are pros and cons in everything hence the society should be responsible for every action that they took.