lazy karam a folktale by karam

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  • 7/29/2019 Lazy Karam a Folktale by Karam


    Once upon a time on the shore of Muscat there lived a young boy named Karam. Karam an only

    child, lives with only his mom. The family of two dint have that much money. His mother very ill,

    was always working around the house and Karam was very lazy, and always left his mother to

    pick up after him.

    One Tuesday Karams mother got very tired of him staying home and not raising money to helpthe two of them live, so she shouted at him and said, Karam get up and go find a job, and only

    come back to the house if you have gotten a job.

    Shocked, Karam replied, Hather mama. Its means yes mother.

    He set out to find a job. The first job he found was being the laundry delivery of the local . After

    a long day at work he had been rewarded by the laundry man. The reward that he received was

    1.500 baisa. While walking home there was a huge crowd filling up the streets to get home.

    Karam was pushed every time he tried to get by the crowd. Everyone was shoving and running.

    One man was running very fast and bumped into Karam with his money in his hand, the money

    had fallen on the ground and was stuck to a mans shoes. Karam chased after the man. once

    the man had reached his destination. Karam looked down to see that the money was no longer

    stuck to the mans foot.

    Sadly Karam walked home with no reward.

    Salam-o-alaykum mama, said Karam.

    Wa-alaykum-es-Salam, how was your day and did you find a job?

    It was good, and yes I did find a job, replied Karam.

    Well then where is your reward? asked Karams mother.

    Sorry mother, I received a reward, but then while I was walking home a lot of people werepushing and my money had fallen out of my hand.

    I am very disappointed in you right now, go to your room, and tomorrow you will try again,

    shouted Karams mother, Tomorrow you better come home with a reward!, and put it in your

    reward in your pocket.

    Hather mama.

    Darkness rose over the mountains beating the hot blob of yellow away, creeping into rooms,

    down hallways, and put a spell on everyone for them to doze off.

    The next day.

    Sabah-el-khayer mama said karam with a smile on his face.

    Sabah-el-noor, how are you habibi? replied Karams Mother.

    should I tell her that I dont want to find a job, or would that disappoint her?

    um, Im good. I should be going now to find a job, Maa Salama, said Karam nervously.

    Maa Salama, replied Karams mother confusingly.

  • 7/29/2019 Lazy Karam a Folktale by Karam


    Karam walked thru a lot of shops and found one that he thought he could do.

    He chose the delivery man of the milk service.

    Orders of milk came in from several places in the city, it was to much for him.

    At the end of the day the job was done, the reward he got was a basket of milk and as his mom

    said the next time he goes out to work he should put his reward in his pocket so he stuffed all of

    the milk in his pocket and as he walked home with all of the milk pouring out of his pockets and

    glasses of milk dropped everywhere leaving glasses shattered on the floor.

    As he reached home he finally realized that all the milk is gone and his pants were all sticky, as

    he entered his mothers room he left drops of milk everywhere where he went. His mother

    noticed the drops of milk and saw that it was pouring out of his two front and back pockets. The

    loud voice of an angry mother grew out of her body and sounded like it was the devil inside of

    her. Fear rushing across his face and thinking I should try again, and this time do it the way my

    mother wants me too, I guess it wont be that hard.

    The yellow blob in the sky backed down from another blazing hot day, as the glowing white

    circle appeared in the black sky coded with little shining dots.

    Morning appeared, eyes slowly opening, birds chirping in the horizon, the smell of freshly

    brewed coffee on kitchen counters. Slowly Karam woke from his bed, his mother cooking

    breakfast for him. As Karams eyes slowly opened he got up from bed and smelled the air andthought his nose smelled food so he rushed to the kitchen and saw his mom cooking for him.

    Sabah-il-khayer mama. mumbled Karam.

    Sabah-il-noor, said Karamsmother, how are you?

    Im good, replied Karam, today I am planning to go find a good job