layout structure

Unit 33: STOP MOTION ANIMATION Layout Structure

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Unit 33: STOP MOTION ANIMATIONLayout Structure

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Part 1 Technology & Developers

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Development of animation timeline• What is a phenakistoscope and who invented it?• What is a zoetrope and who invented it?• What is a praxinoscope and who invented it• What is a kinetoscope and who invented it?

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Developers of animation timeline• Who is WillIS o’brien and what key texts is he responsible for?• Who is ray harryhausen and what key texts is he responsible for?• Who is LEE HARDCASTLE?• What is aardman?• Who are the brothers quay?

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Part 2 Old vs NewAudiencesStyles

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Layout Example

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Layout Example• At the start of your post, write a description in your own words of

the principles of animation. You can use the ppt but not copy it word for word.

• Embed your video in Year order and make sure you have a mixture of Claymation, live action, object and audiences.

• Next to each one write the year it was made, who made it and the target audience


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Write the title of the animation and underline it• Write your analysis making sure you use screen shots and time-codes to show the

principles in action and the effect it has on the audience. For guidance on how to write this, look at the Claymation cats one we did in class.

• Make sure you constantly discuss the effect of using or not using the principles have on the audience: creates tension; makes it realistic; makes it funny; stops it being realistic; shows emotions of characters; makes them more human; makes audience feel sorry/sad etc

• The level of detail here is important

• Merit ACHIEVEDExpand more on these points

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Underneath the analysis then write your old vs new paragraph• Talk about how you can see the development of the principles of

animation, the skills etc (like we did for king kong vs creature comforts)

• In your opinion, which video on your timeline made the best use of the principles and was the best at targeting its audience

• Distinction AchievedClick on pictures for the videos!

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Underneath the old vs new write a paragraph on genre style and audience

• Talk about how some styles of stop motion are better for certain genres and audiences, give examples of this.

• The level of detail here is important

• Distinction Achieved

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•Example layoutPart 1

Part 2

Part 3Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

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ExtrasThings to thing about and consider on your blog

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Revisiting Lee Hardcastle• Find one example of his videos from his youtube channel

• Embed that video under the description you’ve already written about him

• Analyse this video based on the following points

• What genre is the animation and what generic conventions (things you expect to see) can you pull out?

• What do you notice about the movement of the figures body?

• What do you notice about the movement of the figures face and facial expression?

• What comments can you make about the use of sound?

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Style & Audiences• When talking about Styles and Audiences in your time line make

sure to mention the following

• What genres of stop motion are there?• What styles of stop motion?

• Who is the audience?

• Check out these videos to gain a better idea

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OLD VS NEW• When comparing your old vs new example consider the


• What differences can you see in the two animations?

• What similarities are there in the two animations?

• Can you tell if over time there has been a development in the skills and techniques of animation?

Watch these two videos of old and new to gain a better understanding

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Levels Guide lineYou should all be aiming to achieve Merit and Above!!

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Merit• You will explain the development of animation by giving specific examples, from

the timeline of animation development, and explain how the principles of animation have been used in the examples to create an impact for the


When you give examples of the more modern work you will explain the production company and the target audience you think they are addressing.

You will show some understanding of which techniques create the best form of movement. For example ”The movement of models needs to be planned

very carefully for each shot. Early animation such as ???? did not do this and looks very poor compared to the accurate techniques used in ????”

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DistinctionYou will explain the development of animation by giving specific examples from

different genres and different styles of stop motion animation, from the timeline of animation development, and explain how the principles of animation have been

used in the examples to create an impact for the audience. 

When you give examples of the more modern work you will explain the production company and the target audience you think they are addressing

You will explain how some techniques and styles of stop motion animation may be more appropriate to certain genres and audiences by giving examples.

You will compare what impact the style and technique of stop motion has had for the audience using old and new examples, debating if the newer example is

better/worse than the older example or if the newer example has made better more effective use of the principles than the other.