laura newsletter number 6

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  • 8/4/2019 Laura Newsletter Number 6


    Lima Area UFO Research Associates

    Mar/April 2011

    Issue # 6


    MONDAY, APRIL 4, 2011


    12:00 NOON

    1. The following were present: Mike Krick, Robert Prater, Helena Valenti, Amber Horner, Mike Altenberger

    and Tom Bowman.

    2. Bob reported the meeting program for this month would be part one of a two part series, this month,

    entitled "The Day Before Disclosure". Bob explained the video was about an hour and 39 minutes long and

    thus the board decided to make it a two part program for April and May, so the entire video can be viewed.

    3. Tom asked the Board to consider establishing a web site. All present are to bring ideas to the May board

    meeting. Tom made a motion to approve the development of a web site, Mike Altenberger seconded the

    motion and all present approved. Tom said the Civil War Club has recently opened a site and the initial

    expense was in the neighborhood of $145.00. Helena stated her daughter Kathy might have students who

    could help us.

    4. Helena stated the Club is in need of an update for their brochure. Both Helena and Tom had some ideas on

    how they could do it, but it was felt maybe a professionally done brochure should be considered. Members

    are to bring ideas to the May meeting.

    5. Amber gave the following Treasurers report.

    a. Checking account balance.....................$707.34

    b. Savings account balance........................ 929.06c. expenses [office items & postage]........ 36.40

    6. Mike K. stated there was an interesting web site to check

    7. Helena requested an update be made to the member and attendance list. Amber stated there are about 20

    paid members, of which only four have paid for 2011-2012.

    If you wish to be a member, please pay your annual dues at the next meeting so we can continue to cover expenses.

    8. Next club meeting to be "TUESDAY", APRIL 19th at 7:00 pm. The Wed meeting has been rescheduled to

    meet with the Church Lenten season Soup Suppers. Our Wednesday meetings to resume in May.
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    9. Mike Krick mentioned he was working on a "pin" for the club. Amber mentioned we had one [?]. Existing

    Tee Shirts were also mentioned.

    10. Meeting adjourned at 1:00 pm.

    Tom Bowman, secretary

    3457 Ft. Amanda Rd. 45805Ph. 419-999-4785

    Email: [email protected]

    Club P.O. Box 5193

    OnMarch 15, Bruce Maccabee presented information on a historical event called The

    Battle of Los Angeles.

    This incident happened on Feb. 25th

    , 1942, less than 48 hours after a Japanese submarine attack off the coast of California that

    shelled fuel storage tanks near Santa Barbara and 3 months after the attack on Pearl Harbor. On the night of Feb.25th at 2:30 AM

    an object was spotted on radar and air defenses were alerted. The object (or objects) were located with intense searchlights as

    three-inch artillery guns fired about 1400 shells with some of them appearing to hit the object. The object was unaffected andtravelled from Santa Monica to Long Beach and then returned to its starting point. Possibly up to 100,000 people saw this object

    and heard the explosions from the artillery. The next day the military said the firing was at an errant weather balloon. How a

    weather balloon survived the shelling was not explained. It is possible that the combination of spotlights and smoke from the

    artillery shells confused the gunners, causing them to think that the smoke was an object. In two official statements, issued while

    Secretary of the Navy William Franklin Knox was in Washington, the barrage was attributing the activity to a false alarm and "jittery


    This incident quickly faded from memory as global events from WWII developed. Only recently has this event been

    associated as a possible UFO sighting. Our only known evidence is one photograph and a few remaining eyewitnesses.

    The recent movie release Battle: Los Angeles used this incident as starting point for a science fiction movie.

    (Note: The term flying saucer was not even developed until 1947 with the Kenneth Arnold sighting.)

    The March LAURA meeting was well attended, as there were approximately 25 people in attendance.

    -Thanks to Bruce for the presentation and Tom who invited local media coverage.

    (The Lima News had a nice article).

    -submitted by Bob Prater, pictures by Tom Bowman

    NOTE: The library at the church is open most every Tuesday from 11:00 to 1:00 or by appointment. Call Tom

    at 419-999-4785

  • 8/4/2019 Laura Newsletter Number 6


    The National UFO Reporting Center

    The National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) is an organization in the United States that investigates UFO

    sightings and/or alien contacts. NUFORC has been in continuous operation since 1974. Until 2006, the Center

    was based in Seattle, Washington, but has relocated to a more spacious facility in rural Davenport,


    The Center provides a hotline phone number for people to report UFO activity that is currently going on intheir area. Reportees may also write or e-mail the organization to report a recent or old UFO sighting.

    NUFORC is also often the first place that police departments refer members of the public who are witness to

    unusual aerial phenomena. The Center also regularly receives many reports from aircraft pilots, members of

    the military, and police officers.

    Peter Davenport, a businessman holding degrees from Stanford University and the University of Washington

    at Seattle, has served as director of the organization since July 1994.

    A nice article about the NUFORC can be found here:

    Article by Ian Sample, science correspondent, Monday 11 April 2011

    FBI destroyed thousands of UFO reports, 1949 memo reveals

    Agents routinely destroyed reports containing 'nothing of FBI interest' due to lack of filing space

    An archive photograph captures a supposed UFOsighting. Photograph: Getty

    The FBI was so overwhelmed with sightings of flying

    saucers in the 1940s that agents routinely destroyed

    reports because of lack of filing space, according to

    documents released by the organization.

    The policy is outlined in a memo sent on 16 August

    1949 to J Edgar Hoover, the director of the bureau,

    along with documents on UFOs compiled by agents

    after statements from witnesses.
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    The memo, sent by an unnamed FBI agent in San Antonio, Texas, states that the office destroyed UFO reports on the

    grounds that they arrived "in great numbers" and contained "nothing of FBI interest".

    "It is pointed out that the filing of these would result in the rapid accumulation of very bulky files," the memo continues.

    The documents are among a batch of papers related to UFO sightings that has been made available through The Vault,

    the FBI's online records database.

    In one intriguing note, sent on 22 March 1950, special agent Guy Hottel, head of the FBI's Washington field office, wrote

    to Hoover with information on three "so-called flying saucers" that a witness claimed had crash-landed in New Mexico.

    According to the memo, an air force investigator stated that three flying saucers had been recovered in the area, along

    with the bodies of the alien crews. The memo goes on to add: "Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape

    but only three feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to

    the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots."According to the witness, the saucers were brought down by

    "high-powered government radar" in the area that interfered with the spaceships' controls. "No further evaluation was

    attempted," the memo concludes.

    In 1947, an object that may have been a weather balloon crash-landed near Roswell, New Mexico, sparking an ongoing

    conspiracy that US officials captured an alien spacecraft.

    In a separate incident, Hoover received an urgent teletype message from FBI agents in Salt Lake City, Utah, describing

    what appeared to be an explosion in the sky that was followed by "the falling of a silver-colored object."

    The sighting, recorded on 5 April 1949 by a guard at the army general supply depot in Ogden, Utah, was reported

    independently by a military officer and also a highway patrolman, who claimed to see a silver object explode as it

    approached mountains at Sardine Canyon.

    Later in the message, an assessment by the US air force office of special investigations linked the sightings totwo B-29s that were practicing extremely high-altitude bombing runs in the Utah desert.

    Hole in the Universe Puzzles Astronomers (From the Lima News August 24th, 2007)

    Astronomers have stumbled upon a tremendous hole in the universe. Thats got them scratching their heads about

    whats just not there.

    The cosmic blank spot has no stray stars, no galaxies, no sucking black holes, not even mysterious dark matter. It is one

    billion light years across of nothing. Thats an expanse of nearly 6 billion trillion miles of emptiness, a University of

    Minnesota team announced Thursday.

    -Submitted by Anna Hall

    Heres another website to try:

    The LAURA Club News is a publication of the Lima Area UFO Research Associates, in Lima, Ohio. The study group meets on the 3rd

    Wednesday of

    the month at the New Creation Lutheran Church (just west of Tom Ahl auto) in the upstairs church fellowship hall at 7pm-please join us!

    Contacts: President Mike [email protected];

    Secretary: Tom Bowman

    Co-editors: Robert and Marcia Prater

    [email protected];

    [email protected][email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://