laura mulvey


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Post on 20-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Laura mulvey
Page 2: Laura mulvey

Laura Mulvey a British feminist film theorist, she argues that women in the media are represented to provide visual pleasure to men. she says that Hollywood cinema put the viewer in a masculine subject position, where women are seen as the object of desire also known as the “male gaze”.

She believed we live are living in patriarchal society and men are dominating, where women are degrading and men having a higher status.

Page 3: Laura mulvey

Many music videos support Mulvey‟s theory on how

women are sexualised by the media.

By Analysing this video Whistle By Flo Rida I was able to find evidence to support Laura Mulvey‟s idea on women be represented as „sex objects‟ in the media, through out the video the women in the video are dismembered meaning that only the camera focus on only showing parts of the women's body in order to attract the opposite gender which Mulveycalls the „male gaze

Page 4: Laura mulvey

In addition the women are also represented in what they where and how they act, such as in many videos it shows women showing more flesh than the men this maybe to suggest that women wearing less clothes is what will attract the male audience, also perhaps through how the women act in the videos such as dancing around the men, this can illustrate the men have more advantage and higher status than the women which again highlights Mulvey‟s theory that society is more male dominated examples that support this is shown in Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke and DizzieRascal- Holiday