las vegas and business coaching


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Vegas is a testimony of a powerful concept that is synonymous with the Recommendation Age. Even though people’s attention is pulled in so many directions today, never has it been more obvious that people do what they want to do.

That brings up a question I want you to ponder right now. It’s an extremely important question for you to answer if you are going to take advantage of Zipf’s Law in the Recommendation Age.

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Do you have a free will? Or let’s reframe the question: do you have the ability to choose your legacy?

As the Thought Leader of your niche, it is a very important question. Think about this because the answer is the secret behind this powerful concept I am going to share with you.

Let me communicate with you a few observations that have brought about this question and a powerful strategy that is discussed in Author And Grow Rich related to this concept.

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Your will and your target market’s will is controlled by something that enslaves you.

That’s right. You are enslaved whether you realize it or not.

It’s something that is greater than your ability to choose.It’s called desire.

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People ultimately do what they want to do. They do NOT do what they choose to do. 

Please note this:

The evidence of this is admitted by tens of thousands of people leaving Vegas with the words firmly planted on their lips: “What happens in Vegas, _____ _____ _____” (You know the rest!)

People do what they want—I am repeating this so that you get it—and more importantly, you feel it. 

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Now, I know what you are saying. ‘Glenn, you are not correct. For example, I wanted to do ‘x’, but I didn’t. See. I just proved that my will is stronger than my desire.’

“And I will prove to you that you are wrong with this comment” 

The reason why you didn’t do ‘x’ is because the desire to NOT get caught or face the consequences of this action was more powerful than the desire to accomplish ‘x’.

So where does your responsibility lie to will the necessary actions to fast track your business and authoring success? 

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That brings us to an advanced Speed To Market strategy I want you to ponder.

In truth, you need to not only understand this concept but it is critical that you apply it immediately so that you can fast track your authoring and business success.

And it has to do with consequences

In order to ensure that you focus correctly in the Recommendation Age apply this right now on doing what others fail to do. From an earlier blog post I presented that the Recommendation Age is characterized by the transference of emotion.

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Or here is another way of stating this :

The Recommendation Age is an era that is controlled by ‘wants’. It is an age that requires a powerful conduit—I have referred to this as context on previous posts—to carry your content in the form of the specific attitudes, skills and knowledge you have gleaned from the School Of Hard Knocks to your market place.


There are only three things that can be taught and learned in the Recommendation Age: Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge. (Just ASK™ as we state in our Entrepreneurial Authoring program.)

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Employ this strategy to help you not only move forward out of procrastination but beyond the negative story that is holding you back.

(Your negative story houses the questions that control your subconscious mind to live for ‘Vegas moments’ instead of going for your legacy.)

Vegas moments keep you trapped to anything that keeps you from truly living your legacy. They represent the bright, shiny object syndrome that threatens our resolve daily to really step up and be accountable: the resolve to focus on doing only what will move our business forward, instead of living a life that represents the lowest common denominator.

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Each day, sell yourself back to what you ultimately want for your life. This involves looking past the present moment, no matter how powerful the situation is in its attempt to pull you back. Selling inherently involves emotion and it is important that you begin to experience the feelings of what living your legacy feels like today.

Here’s another way of saying this: in order to move forward past the demands of today…past the entrapments of Vegas experiences or past the concept of ‘_____ _____ _____ _____, stays in Vegas’ you need to focus on the rewards of the future—the consequences of living a disciplined life today.

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Let me share with you how I am doing this right now: I am writing this blog post (giving) instead of using my time to gamble (taking).

The emotions that run your life are either causing you to focus on giving or focus on taking. Fundamentally, people are either givers or takers. Vegas is about ‘taking’. Your legacy is about ‘giving’.

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Author And Grow Rich is about giving back to your world as you define it based on who your target market is. You control the ‘Vegas wants’ of your life (the ‘taking’ moments) by selling yourself back to your legacy with the focus on the long term benefits, which are characterized by feelings.

The ultimate ‘taker’ in your life is your negative story. (More on this on another blog post.)

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It’s almost ironic, but to become the Thought Leader of your market, you need to become a master at handling the wants of your own life first. It really supports one of our Speed To Market principles: ‘It’s not the idea that counts, but the presentation of the idea that is critical.’

Are you ready to sell yourself back to your legacy? Prove it right now and phone our International Headquarters at 519.542.3043. I challenge you like I had to challenge myself six years ago when I was a young Vice Principal with

my school board.

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