lal(1 t^loicl fwamtsi · \u25a0\u25a0 c tmiiinehaha st. p-mi'jloyment—-*—' anykind of...

THE : SAINT PAUL r DAILY GLOBg; TLUEgpIY KORMNG. NOVEMBER 16, imi. T- A SIKE BAKOMETCB. \u25a0 tire boy who cells tlie ; papers #i;d lie will tell you more about circulation than all the affidavits iliat can be ]t<:blit>lied.~Jr.stlryit end you willbe cuuviueeii lUat ii»e <>lobe leads all. WANTS CAN BE LEFT At ihe Following Locations for Insertion in Daily and Sunday Globe. M.D. Merrill, \u25a0-\u25a0• Broadway. S. 11. Eeeves, druggist, lloore block. Seven corners. C. T. Ileller. dru<rgist R2B St Peter street. t:rr.if;i:t Brcs., diuggists, corner of Rondo rrdGrotta William K. Collier, druggist, 199 East Sev- er tli street. \u25a0 A. T. Guernsey, drutrgist, 171Dale street. V.A. Hirst: drupsist, £2:. Hondo street. Parker &Wcstly, druggists, ti'j East Third ureet E. McCrudden, confectionery, 493 Eice Hieet "W . A. Frost &Col, druggists, corner Selby md Western avenues. B. J. Wine, druggist 300 Market, comet "Fifih. SITUATIONS OFFEKED :Uali*s. A GENTS warned ior the "Life of Phillips -rL Brooks."' One lady .sold 20 boots in six hours. An agent in taking &> orders only met with six refusals Our new Look of Photographs beats them a!i; contains twice ns many pictures m halt the price. . We have best World's Fair hook, oirnpictures, and best Holiday books. Lowest prices, largest com- missions: premium with even- bock. Don't ! remain idle an mi. We cmi" put you in '.he I way to make money. Position with "us should be worth ii.Hi a. moiuh. Address at once John K. ll;t- -tin^s. 4; Corn hill, boston, Mass. * GENTS, how would you like to make XX 5250 before '-XmasS' 1 \\ c- can put you in the way. and will rove it or forfeit S.">ol>: this amtouiic«in(*!>t .muy be your stepping stone to a fortune if taken advantage of at once. Address "Manufacturers,'' Bos 5323, Boston. Mass; A. . *->>'!.-) V. a .-. li.i; to jell the Perfec- tiou Lap Board ad Book Ken combined. A household r.ectssiiy. The greatest seller of the limes; pays liv ter cent profit:-Write i for terms, (.r send J1..">0 for sample nt:d agents outtit. .V: -- Peters &Co.. Toledo. O. AOKNT* WANTS L)_L,':i! and general; for a quick-selling patented novelty: ll«0 to ir>o per cent profit: good solicitors c:iu make from 51'"! to S3OU a month; territory fresh: write for nartieulars. I'heOhioNov- eity Co.. D 6. Cincinnati, O. \ til-.>iTS salary or commission: the -£*. creaiest invention of the liKe: the New Patent chemical ink-Erasing Pejicil; stlls on bisiht: woiks like magic: auentsare mak- ing frein S^d to 51 i"i per week. Forfunher TErtic-ulnrs wnie iLeMonrce Eraser iiauu- facttrring '\u25a0:\u25a0-\u25a0 r, X 4. 7.a Crosse. W:?. nAltliEiiwanted at a West Ninth &l ULACKbMITiI— Wunted. a floorman. A. \u25a0i-J \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 (\u25a0Olliiii. & 1."., mill water, .Minn. BLACKSMITH A blacksmith to do horseshoeing arid repair work; a single ra»n with good reference. C. E. Krause, Kew London, Minn. CLGARMAKi 1-:—Wanted, non-union ci- vy garmaker. handworker, for out of cirv. Inquire 139 Last Seventh. cigar stcre. G % ' ' ' ' hot meals for Re, i: c. J'jc and :.")c: potatoes, bread, butter and a large cup of good coffee with the above; hoi "meals served nil day: 10 percent off on meal tick- ets; hoi cakes, c. Central Xiestaurant, iA Jacks MXX '\u25a0\u25a0' sell baking powder; .steady em- *\u25a0"\u25a0* ployment: experience unnecessary; ?T5 sal.-ry or com. I". S. Chemical Works HO Van liuri.-:;. (.'nicago. OFFICE koi- Wanted, an office boy at Cliiirics I)iuu:eberg"s. 054 Jackson st." PRKSSM.A> WunteJ. Gordon pressman; one who can take charge 01 presses Payne. Yose >!c Co.. l:a East Third st OALESJLAS Wanted, an experienced •O shoe salesman: no other need ; ply. Addres-s. statiiiK salary wanted, P. J. Brouer- lck, Ashland. wis. V-OI.iCIIOKS -Wanted, men of energy I~J cud tr.ct to solicit for U;e Bankers' Life AEEOCißtion of St. 1 au .Minn.; liberal con- Jrcctand splendid territory can be -secured by \u25a0 ''•'' \u25a0-:;-\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 L". Secor. St. Paul. Minn'. OTliNOti/tAl'iiJLlts—conij etent .v i JOJ ,_ U rarhers and typewriter operators out of employment arc invited to register their names and qualifications with our employ- ment department; no charge to either em- ployer or employed. VVyckoff. beamans & H»-iiedict. !i i-.n>t Fourth st. IXSiIHCTIO\S. ST.AUATUAS ACAUICJIV OF MUSIC L-> and Art, East Exchange St.. St. Paul— I'iano, violin, guitar and mandolin taught, Lessons given in drawing and painting. Call or send for urospectus. \\ AN'— Mi.dects for chemistry class >* at liiza school. Come Thursday even \u25ba Ing. Nov. 10. \u25a0 i \VA3TI.I> TO BENT. Ho« UATI-.— Voiinsman would Uke to XV live with a temperate room mate about twenty-five years old: give age and name Address <J Vi\ <;lo)ie. ACr<)l'.\ TA.\TS. H- •\u25a0 Tr..ui-,.t, \u25a0_-\u0084 liennania Life lasur ence Building, expert and auditvork NTOiSKS A>!> FIXTURES. BILLIAEDA - ;ij ro ' j; ' ? M.J.S ANDBIL LiAliU BLPPLII-;*; Warcroom 405 and4o7; Ottice and Fatio.-y 411 and 413 liiui avenue CULL, juimsaijoj;*, ilinu. SITTATIQgS OFFERER, '. female*.. . . ROOKRKEI'KB - Wanted, volins lady ! ~J - bookkeeper and cashitr: alary smallio- t'ecni with. Address G14.'. <, lobe. . ; p ; n iNI - N(l KOO.M ».IHl>— Must boesperi \J enecd. Pardees Restaurant, 52 Hast -Seventh el - -'• \u25a0 \u25a0-- LJOt-xr.WOKK -Experienced girl for 11 general housework :most be good cook Apply mornings. :i;.-) Dayton ay. : Y\ in •\u25a0•\u25a0 >i i .—Wanted, utat girl for \u25a0*--* genera, homework. }v~>S' Seiby ay. \u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Ljois;w<.;HK-\Vamed, uirl for general c p honseworfc: German Preferred. Mrs . I. it. Gi-.-,ir. 311 Plensnnt ay., city. H l -"' X , Wanted, a competent *J girlfor; no .-1 housework at 7a) Ccuurst. L I OlJsKtti.UK— Wanted immcciimolv. a \u25a0»--*\u25a0 girl for housework. Mm Ft F Wilde northeast corner Livingston and Colorado StSv HOfsKWOKh- Girl for general house- work. (303 MarshnlL HOUSKWbISK— German girl wanted. ;3'J Norris st. jjor,:.i ,ii'u:-u a middle- *\u25a0\u25a0* fi?eu German woman as housekeeper in a Emm] family; steady jlace lor winter, and Minn h ° me. Address J. Brezier, Auoka, Tfli CHEN WOK K-ijtrong girl to do •"-Kitchen work; must understand plain cookiiig. i.''l summit ay. ATI BSK—Wanted, experienced nurse girl - 1 * for young children, at lbS Kent st.; bring references. ; --.j« -\u25a0\u25a0----. ; , 111/ AITKKSS— experienced waitress wanted; none without good refer- S°-fs S "^ - apply. .Mrs. George li. Finch. SITUATIONS WAiSTEJ*. ; ~~"'- i » PrKEXTicii— warned in a xx lirst clkss meat market by an honest young man to learn the trade: wages no ob- ject: best of references. Address c E. Hhiu 81 Jl ' J? Iliuvlhoru ay - --Huueapolis," A PI'Hi.STICK- A young man wishes to -<--«. learn the barber trade. Corner Mar- ; --'-re: v.v.'i Goizian. \ GOOD BOY of seventeen would like -a- light work of- any kind. Address 281 LOUIS :-\u25a0. 1 . F. A. DOY hi u'lteen years wants situation in i X-» . office or store. Address H. Weter. 271 13 OY, sixteen years old, wants a position: AJ '- has attended . high school and write a good hand. Address 1. saude. 242 East air- iie!d ay. iVS FOR PLACES, places for uoys: AJ employment bureau for poor boy? free Newsboys' Club Boom,;jl3 Wabasba st.: oven ' rom . il to r. a. m.. and from 7 toy p. m. L>IjAt:K>MiTH-WBnted, situation as *-» blacKsmith, in or out of eiiv; horse^hoe- m a .special^. F. It.. 4i)7 Wabasha st. r, o ! lX a Rood cook wishes a situation, or *-' tor liiiichinou or private fumilv a Lauer's restaurant, St. PauL / •ii»AfKMAS-\Untfd-A young man >-' would like a situation as coachman- lest of city references. Address W 13 j. Globe! p!)AtHJIA.N —situation as coachman; v> can furnish best references. William Monson. 509 East Seventh st. pooPtn- Position wanted byyonugman y ns Co °P er - In or. out of the city, or work inhotel kitchen. Address X 133, Globe. pjIJIVEK— a young man of sixteen would -L' lite to get a job as driver. Address lobe. riRLGGIST— druggist wants -*-' position: speaks Norwegian and Ger- man; first-class references; city or country Audress \u25a0 J4S. Globe, Minneapolis. Minn. I^KLtr CLtiiii with three years'experi- x- euce, can speak three languages, would iike a postion. Address S. C. Fisher. 7"0 \u25a0\u25a0 c t Miiinehaha st. P-MI'JLOYMENT— Any kind of work by a -*— ' Guniian: speaks English. 576 Park ay . \u25a0P.MI>LOY3ILNT- Wanted, by a young \u25a0LJ man. employment of any kind where mere is a chauee for advancement: under- stands boukKeening: can come recommend- <-'u. idajesß Z 133. Globe. pNGiNEEIC—Have had ten years' expe- \u25a0i-J rleuce: can do my own repairing: can Rive good reference: no objection to firingin >\ big int. Address John stone, general de- hvery. -Minneapolis, .Minn. P>><JiNlUCU— wanted by vounc \u25a0*-* man as stationary engineer, \u25a0or' to take care of beating plant: ha; state license and cau mve reference. Across J 131, Globe. « piREaiAJi—Position as fireman or boiler -l attendant; willingto work cheap B ll'., Globe. (J.HOCI-;ky CLEKK- A younanian would *--• like position as grocery clerk in retail; two years 1 experience; best of rtferences Address X 130. Globe. IWANT WORK ofanykinO. Address J. -«- '\u25a0\u25a0.. Zii Marshall ay. TANlTOif—a you:, man wants employ- *> mem is janitor or driving horses. Ad I <jrovs ; ; 14". dloDe. ' * \u25a0 A-yl'OK- Honest man would like work ** oi any kind, janitor or driver preferred Applyto G. S.. 5^4 Orleans St.. City. H°i" k? I>AIXTKK -First-class and re- i-l liable house painter, wall paper cleaner and kaisoniner wants job; will work cheaD for cash or will take groceries or wood for pay.- Address W 134. Globe. f . A W^TCDENT— Young man desires po- *-* Bition in law office where he will have a caance to study. Address \ 135, Globe. "JVIGHT WATCH Situation wanted as --i night watchman or janitor; white; good references. Address £37 Keaney st. O- FFICE MAX-Wanted- Young man. age V-' twenty-one years, would like a job in some office; has one year's experience in railroad office; can give reference. Address l 105. Globe. f) F cj ? WORK -Wanted, position In V office by young man; good penman; best of reieret.ces. Address :V.^ Jackson st. PKIXTEK— boy of seventeen would \u25a0t- like a position in printing office in city or country office; has had three years'ex- perience. Address A. Hoffman. 330 War- saw St., city. P HA Wanted, position by a -L registered pharmacist; best of references. X137. Globe. SALESMAN Wanted, by experienced man. good salesman, as traveling city or store salesman: can give references and . se- curityif necessary. D. M., 544 Jackson st. OTKNOUIiAFIiER, male, rive years' ex- >-> perience. open for engagement; rapid, ficcurate and gool accountant. Address Stenographer, CU4 Jessamine si \u0084 li h— Wanted, a position to drive -»- team or deliver poods in city; have had seven years' experience: good" references. Address J. B. 8., Globe office. r piNNKi; of sixteen years' experience -L w:ints a job: ciivor country; S2 a day 927 Hastings ay., St. Paul. Y7"<>lN<i MAN of ability and experience X wants position in mercantile or railroad (.nice: will work for small salary. Address G 134. Globe. WALL PAPEK HUNG for eight cents a »» roll: -smli cleaning, kalsomining and painting done very cheap. Address 0137 Globe. OKK fok BOARJJ-Wanted, a place » * by a young man to work for his board and attend business school; is strong and willing to work. \u25a0 Please address 641 Endicott Building. " \u25a0 \u25a0 - \u25a0 FOBSALE. IY'l AIM.. . . .iii »LOOi.lS(i at -'.»- Jar.:- t;:i ;\u25a0- <i c-u Thompson & Co. yJTOVKS- One : , ... ~.. = one medium .O West Point unu ti .. ant Home stoves,- allin good repair. For tale cheap at 035 Kobert.- -- -\u25a0----\u25a0 - OVE noKHs AHLEKT & MIMKi. Minnesota Steam Bye Works, ~U East Seventh. FIIVA^CIAI- -IJANH. STOCKS a specialty; bonds, com- l-> mercial paper mortgages, securities bought and sold. George W. Jenks, Invest- ment Banker. Minnesota Loan and Trust Building. Minneapolis. LuA>S on Furniture, Pianos. Diamonds, etc. 13-14 First >ational Bank Building. MONh.I" iMAJLi U on life insurance po i-'L icies; or bought. L. I*. Van Kormau (1 Guaranty Loan Building. Minneapolis. V] ONEY TO LOAN on St. Paul property J.TJ. Nt current rates. Smith & Taylor, 218 Manhattan. [VI ONEY LOANED on personal property, It-L household goods, pianos, watches, diamonds, etc.. in amounts from $10 to §50. American Loan Company, Room 7, First National Bank, Corner Fourth and Jackson sts. : take elevator. MONEY ON* HAM) to loan on city prop- erty and farms: lowest rates; no delay. W. F. -Moritz. 1013 Pioneer Press. -P-K-I-V-A-T Money lr&ned on diamonds, watches, pianos, furniture or goods in storage at lowest rates, and small monthly return payments: notes and mortgages bought; roost private loan rooms in the city. Ohio Investment Com* pany, 132 Globe building; lake elevator. E^OK SALIC— 7 and S per cent mortgages on improved St. Paul property; par and accrued interest. Address G- 141. Globe. ST()( ) ' TO LOAN' on city real estate. ** **—. } Apply . to St. Paul Trust Com- gOg | pany, Endicott Building. BOARD OFITRED. BOARD— burnished rooms, with board- terms reasonable. 524 Cedar st. BOAKD— Lady of hotel experience offers unexcelled table board: private dining room: special offer to club of six. Call 553 St. Peter, corner Park place BOARD— Very pleasant front room, with board. 341.North Washington sL oppo- site Rice park. y*^ OAKD—42O Selby ay.; large front room, well warn?ed lor ice winter, suitable for two. with board. OAKD—Large front room, with alcove suitable for two. with first-class board- convenient to Selby cable. 155 Nina ay. OAKD— 23S West Fifth St.—Elegant fnr- nished front room and alcove, with Doard ; steam heat; terms reasonable to per- manent people. . BOAKD Furnished rooms, with board, in large modern house; steam-heated rooms. 210 East Ninth st. BOARD— Pleasant rooms, with board. 192 East Tenth st. BOARD— To rent, comfortably furnished rooms, with board. 522 Cedar »L noAKD- 451 Summit Ay.— Two very sunny -O rooms, with board and steam heat. SUMMIT AY.,2&-Nicely furnished room, all modern conveniences, with or -with- out board. \u25a0 -.' .. ;-.- ' PAyCIJTG. 117 AI.TZINU TADGHT EASY—Private VV lessons given in ballroom dancing. Address James Bodka, 522 Cedar. GREAT PIAJSO BIRG.IO. ONE : ELEGANT upright Becker Bros piano, style 16. Nt about " one-half its value; it has only been used a few months;" must be bold bcuu. li. C .Hunger, hi 7 East : Third 8k SOMETHING The QiGijos Latest and Best Offer! THE "HOriE QUEEN" WORLD'S FAIR I ~i " Is handsomely bound in White Leather, with Embossed Cover, and contains 60S pag-es. The Book is only sold by subscrip- tion, the retail price being- $2.50 per copy. BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENI THE GLOBE Has obtained the Exclusive Newspaper Rig-ht in the North- west, and makes the following" GREAT OFFER! Any person who will send Two Dollars in payment of one month's subscription in advance for the Daily and Sunday Globe will receive the paper by mail or carrier "for one month and the "Home Queen" Cook Book, express or postag-e paid. With the Weekly Globe. Any one sending- Two Dollars will receive the Weekly Globe one year and the "Home Queen" Cook Book, express or postag-e paid. IT IS A TREATISE ON Table Etiquette, Hygiene of the Home, Etc. INDORSED BY LADY MANAGERS OF THE WORLD'S FAIR ! HOW INDORSED. More than 130 of tbem have contributed directly to the Recipe de partment. these contributions having lx en secured for thig book lrom every State and Territory ia the Union. Alaska not excepted. More Than 200 Contributors. Many of the wives of Governors or the different States, and mor than sixty other ladies of position and influence have also sent in their contributions of choice and well-tried recipes. Coming as these have from every part of the country, irom Alaska to Florida aud fromMaine to California, they represent every styie and phase of cookery of every locality and section of America. We claim without fear of contradiction that we present in the "Home Queen" the grandest aggregation and variety of tried recipes introduced into any cook book extant. AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURES. The autograph signatures of the contributors, with their address and official position, will, in nearly every instance, be touud attached to the recipes, which not only attest their genuineness, but add immensely to the taking features of the book. These signatures have been pro- cured, engraved and introduced into the book at considerable labor and expense. PORTRAITS. Fine half-tone portraits of nearly one hundred of the Lady Managers of the World's Fair, together with portraits of the wives of the Governors and others occupying leading positions, have been secured, and will add no littleto the interest and intrinsic value of the "Home Queen." MISS JULIET CORSON, the founder of the Cooking Schools of America, and who has been ap- pointed, by the advice of Mrs. Potter Palmer, to take charge of the Cook- ing School aud Department of Cookery in the New York Exhibit at the World's Fair, has also consented to contribute to our Eeeipe depart- ment, and her portrait will also appear in this book. Miss Corson was iormerly connected with the Minnesota State University. Two Thousand Choice Recipes Will be found grouped under the following headings situation's : .wasted. ; . Females. A COMPETENT UKr.ssMAKKKw4i.tB .xl-sewing by the day in families. Call or address 215 liondo. A GKKMA2I LADY would like work of L*- any kind, such lib day work or mending at-home. Call 2SG Grove st.; up stairs.- " B«;OKIi.EEPEI{—Young lady desires po- sition at bookkeeping or office work:, understands single and double entry, and can furnish references. C. 31., 224 st. An- tponyavenue. ("lASHIKK— Young lady wishes a position x - y as cashier in restaurant: has had one . year of experience. Call at 318 Somerset st , Si Paul. Minn. : OA£KTAK£B by a young lady. -v. care of dentist's or doctor's' office. Ad- dress X 132, Globe. . ;V^HAMBER3IAiI>— Wanted, by a reliable V/ young woman, work ot any kind: cham- bcrwork preferred. Address \V 13-. Globe. CLKUK Young lady of experience wants ' sitnatiou inswrs or doctor's office. Hoom : -.i. 159 West Seventh- st. /"«OOK— A girl, first-class cook, wants posi- v^ tion in private family as cook: can give the best of reference. Call or address ola tfacksou at. Cooks Situation wnuted for two girls to * cook or do laundry work in private family. 830 Reaney st. CiOOK— A first-class cook wishes employ- ' ment in a private family or hotel; best of references. X.M , 400 St." Peter st., Hotel Rouleaux. - ... .. -^ .-.% DRESSMAKING in families; is thor- oughly competent; cuts by the tailor system :references. Address Dressmacer. 677 Bedford st. [Vi::s>>iAiUM- Lady would like to do »-' dressmaking in part pay for music les- sons. Address v :&j. Globe. HOUSEKEEPER— A middle-aged Amer- ican lady wants a position as house- keeper, cook or nurse. Apply 45 West Ex- change. HOUSEKEEPER— Wanted, position ova middle-aged lady as housekeepei m some nice family where I can feel at home, with reasonable wages. For particulars call or address 4u3 bouth Wabasha st., third floor, rear rooms. HOUSCWORK A bricht young girl i-J. wants a pood home: can do all kinds ot housework, and good sewer: will work for 82 a week; or clothes and board. Address L. C, 4t>s Superior st. Hors:.K!.i.i'EK- Position wanted as housekeeper, by experienced woman. Address C. .V. 76.'i Rice st. [V" l T Its E—Wanted, a position as nurse girl: -Li -infant preferred; can give reference. Address N 132, Ulobe. NURSE Wanted, a place as nurse or sec- ond girl. , Call or address 2B3 Erie st. FFICK WOilK— woman of ability wants office work, or work of any kind" Address 31 135, Globe. SALESLADY— A young lady, who is a fair **-? writer and good at figures, desires a po- sition as saleslady or cashier: would work cheap until experienced, s 130, Globe. \u25a0 SEWING— German dressmaker wishes sew- i ing to do at home, or will go out. Call at ! 47;"! Lafond st SITUATIONS wanted by four American cooks and two second girls. Call 31)2 s'elby ay. STENOGRAPHER— Wanted, a position as stenographer and typewriter, by a young lady; will work for $35 a mouth. Ad- dress P 333. Globe. TEXOGKAPHEK Experienced and" rapid lady stenographer would like posi- tion for winter; will work for small salary. Address A137; Globe. WASHING— A woman would like to go out washing. Address 531 Charles St., up stairs. TIT"ASHI NO—A srirl wants to go out * V the day washing an 1 housecleaning. Call at 46 West Ninth st. ASHlNG—Warned, to go out washing and ironing; or will take it in. Call at 715 Thomas st. / A*HKii\V«»lA>--A girl wishes to go out washing and housecleaning. No. 16 West Exchange st. ASIiEUWOjI AX- Wanted, to go out washing and ironing, or will take it in. Call at 7: '. Edmund st OiiKFOII BOAKD-A young man. strong and willing, wants to doehores or any kind of work for his board and no to school. Please address 641 Enuicott Build- ing. Bread; Biscuits. Roils and Muffins. Griddle Cakes, Waffles, Etc. Unleavened Bread. Grains and Mushes. Cake. Layer Cake. Cookies and Jumbles. Gingerbreads. Crullers and Douehnuti Frosting and Icing. Miscellaneous. Creams and Custards. Confectiouery. Canning Fruit and Vegetables. Catsups. Drinks. Ekes. Fish. Fruits. Ice Creams and lcea. Jellies and Jams. Meats. Sauces for Meats. Pastry and Pies. Puddings and Sauces. Preserves. Pickies. Sweet Pickles. Poultry aud Gams. Salads. . Shell-Fish. Soups. Vegetables. ]Hedical Department. The Toilet. Miscellaneous. Tne Laundry. To Cleanse Ciothing. Dyeing. To Keep Fruii and Vecetablea. MENUS. OTHER DEPARTMENTS. Aside from the Recipes the following- topics are carefully treated: Food and Health. | Foods in General. Table Etiquette. The Morning Meal. The Mid-Day Meal. The EvtMiinir Meai. Party Suppers. Table .Napkins— How to Fold Then. How to Carve. How to Select Meats. ... Hints to House-Keepers. v. Diseased and Adulterated Food. " Warming and Ventilation. Drainace and Sewerage. - Poison Drowning and Accident. Disinfectant*. •\u25a0 FOR KEjrr.', '. J. AY. Slicpartl. »1 East 4tli 5s t M RENTS HOUSFS, STORES, OFFICES, . - CV' nets :as owners' agent: collects rents:.' sieam-heated apartments forsJo,'«2s. $30 and §35: reduced rental. - , . Houses. ' HOOSE Comfortable, I handy house for rent, furnished or unfurnished ; or will : sell furniture in house very cheap. Address \u25a0 M. G. E.. Globe: -;•\u25a0\u25a0- -v: HOUSE for rent very cheap; seven rooms. •LA - 460 Rondo st. Apply barter shop, 28^ East Third. -• -.-\u25a0-\u25a0_ SUiIKOEUEK & DICKINSON. 1G East O Sixth.- for carpet cleaning, feather and mattress renovating and upholstering.-' ;V- --TAYLOR'S) RENTIN Ati >" ».' V -L GLOBE BUILDING—WE REST HOUSES, STORES, OFFICES. TAXE 1 CHARGE OF RENTED PROPERTY AND MAKE COLLECTIONS. \u25a0 \u25a0' ...... Flats. " Flat Furnished ; flat, three rooms, with Diano. for housekeeping; rent, $14: Call Room 30, Forepaugh Block. : . fiooins. A —HOTEL, BRUNSWICK, for gentle- \u25a0ii-» men only ; . fifty modern steam-heated i rooms by day; week or month. -j CEDAiI ST., Handsome furnished J front room, with alcove; also two fur- nished front rooms together. DAWSON ST., 857—Dayton's Bluff— Four pleasant rooms for rent; city water." '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 PLEVESTH ST.. 31 KAST.—Nicely ftir- i-i nished rooms with bath in connection:* . one large front room suitable for man and wife or two gentlemen: iv private family. i^IFTH ST., 143. WEST— Nicely furnisned X. rooms:, five minutes' walk from post- office: modern conveniences. ' TGLEHAItT ST., NO. 81—Four rooms 1- ground floor; desirable in every way; cheap rent. I". YTLETERRACE— Cedar— For rent, XJ a front room, with alcove; with or with- out board. -?._.' HOTEL ISABTEAU, NO. 'Si—Parlor and *--» alcove bedroom, well furnished; - also rooms single or en suite, cafe. \u25a0 ROOMS People looking for pleasant rooms, en suite or single, furnished or unfurnished, call 415 East Seventh or 591 Olive; \u25a0 also suites of . rooms for housekeep- ing;modern improvements. ._ . . . ROOMS— To rent, furnished apartment, X\. two rooms, bath : also basement. - two rooms, alcove in connection. 127>iina av., St. Anthouv hill. Address W. C. Rilev. En- dicott building. ROOM.— Furnished room with alcove; one block from Albion, corner of Western and Selby. . Inquire at 417 and 411) Wabasha st.; references required. OEVENTH ST.. 255. WEST— Corner Wal- nut For rent, with or without board, choice single and double furnished rooms; modern ; every comfort; central: no car fare: detached stone residence: low price.! T. I'ETEK ST.. 556— Two nicely fur- nished rooms, with all modern conven- iences; rent reasonable. TENTH ST., EAST, 414 - Rooms Fur- X nished— Two large rooms, one lion.; S3 and $10 per month : heated. 117ABASHA, ? Corner Tenth St.— * » Furnished rooms for rent: place quiet. \VTALNUT ST., 307— Furnished and un- »V furnished rooms: modern conven- iences: with or tviihout board. HEAT, ESTATE FOR SALE. . . \u25a0 Houses for Sale. HOUSE FOR SALE—Comer Hondo and Kent sis.; new modern house: hard- wood finish; sewer. water, gas, furnace.storm sash; willsell at SLOOO less than cost: on easy terms, at 6 per cent interest. Smith & Taylor. '-'IS Manhattan Building. BUSINESS CILOCEJ. FOR SALK OKEXCHAtiE, on favorable X terms, the jewelrybusiness at 327 Jack- son St. . ;.':, UTOCK of general merchandise and fix- -0 tures for sale cheap. Address B. S., Still water. Minn. WILLSELL in rent the Hotel Tourist at \u25a0* Rice Lake. Wis. ; only $i a day house in city of 4.000 population; water works, electric lights and steam heat. Address R. W. Bull, Rice Lake, Wis. WANTED— Lady partner with about SSO in business. Call 054 Dawsou. LOST A3TD FOU3II>. DOG LOST— fox terrier, answers to name ofBrite, name and address of owner on collar: tinder will receive reward dv leaving at 88 Western ay. DOG LOST—Asmall black and tan dog, ±J long ears and mark on breast. Return to 491 Charles st. and receive reward. PCBSK LOST—On Wabasha St.. a purse X with chain, containing So bill. odd change and key: finder mill receive reward. Address W m Globe. . - ROBE LOST—Tuesday evening. blacK fur XV robe, near - comers Selby and Dale, or Dayton and Dale: finder .kindly, return to C. H. Laeey. «I 5 Selby ay. . RING LOST Near Hastings, on morning of Sept. 12, by dropping from the Bur- lington train, a - gentleman's diamond ring. Full value of the ring willbe paid to any one returning to W. E. Jlagraw, Globe counting room. ' -; '.'.'-, TAKEN from Temperance Coffee House Wednesday, eighth, gray ulster. Return same and save trouble. - WAITED TO BUY. A SINGLE HARNESS, must be cheap: state price. Address H. M. Holland, 4G7 Wabasha st. A ANT TO BOX fifteen to twenty gal- •V- lons of milk and cream dairy. Ad- dress X134. Globe. \u25a0 MEDICAL. \u25a0 . LAl>lfc.S : Cliirue»ter'» Kuirllsli Pen- uyroyal Pills (Diamond Brand), are the Best. Safe, . Reliable. Take no other. Send 4c (stamns) for particulars. "Relief, for Ladies," in letterby tie turn I?lall. A Druggists. CHICKESTEIt CHIiJII- CALCO., Plilladepiiia, Pa. : !«ISCEI.LA-\FOIJS^ i\/TA»O.CERADE A_NI>THEATEB COS- -I»JL tumes. wigs and grease . paint. Mrs. Louisa Neitmann. 56 East Seventh st. GaienicMedical Institute Ko, 67 E. Third St., St Paul, Mian. j^sffKsS^. Established .in 1861 JjQ&=£H^^ for tbe cure of private. /*so^&' m %k^igZk nervous and chronic i^^Sa diseases, mc 1 udi ng ' B jB m \ Spermatorrhoea or M 0 SsSBSSH Seminal Weakness, HB^nn Nervous Debility, Im- y&Sß*&ii!si£p?By- Potency, Sypnilis,-Gon- jSfg&gjffS&ggy orrhoea, . Gleet, Stnct- J^^^^'^sS^gfc ure, Varieoeele, Hydro- Jp^"- \u25a0» ceie, Diseases of Worn "^™ eD> etc - CCrTBBHKEO. The physicians of W » the old . and Reliable Institute specially treat all the above diseases —are - regular graduates and guarantee a " cure in every case undertaken, and may be consulted personally or byletter. ! * Sufferers from.any of these ailments, be- - -ore consulting others, ; should understand heir diseases and the i latest improved treat- ment adopted at our institute by reading our . books. . \u25a0 \u25a0 The Secret Monitor and Guide to Health,- a private Medical Treatise on the above dis- ' eases, with the . Anatomy and . Physiology of ' the . sexual . System : iv . Health and Disease, containing neaily 300 pages, and numerous illustrations, sent to any. address on receipt of reduced. price, only. Twenty. Cents, or value in one or two-cent stamps. ; Pamphlet and- chart of questions \u25a0 for stat- \u25a0Ing case sent free. ;' AH business strictly confidential. Office hours, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p. m. ouuaays excepted. Address letters thus: : « AJuEAIC ISSTITrTE. \u25a0at. Paul, .ttijitt __"\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0 ... . ...'•\u25a0 -^ .- -\u25a0- * A.A MME. LA TEKRg gives mas- •-£*-• sage treatments and improved Tfrrtsteh baths. ix Sixth st. south. Minueap- olis. ) Two lady operators. A LffAYS KtXIABLI>-llatlame Telts- xx worth, clairvoyant; business lest medi- um: thirty years 1 experience.. 648 VFabasba. St., city. . ; A KE YOU. IN TiiOOßLil!- Consult 'iX Madame Ina Walker, "life reader.' for faithful reading of your . past, present ; and future; she will guide you in all affairs of lifeby a power hieher "than human; corre- spondence confidential: ladies, 50 cents: \u25a0 gentlemen," 81. 515 Wabasha St., opposite capitol. - KS. I>K LAITTKE, experienced mas- sagiat. 27 East Seventh st, Parlor 1, first floor; - Hours ID to Udaily. \% KS.'M. A. TUiS»ISY^-024 Wabasha St.— -l"J. I Magnetic and massage | treatment for paralytic rheumatism uud nervous diseases. Clairvoyant reader. - Call Da. m. to p. m. '. BS.-.ALICifi F. BACJNELL. massage and vapor baths. .Room 7, 159 West Seventh st., St. Paul, .Minn. - . THE ST.S»A6JI4 THDST COJIPAJfY '— Offices,' Endicott Block, Fourth : Acts as executor, aduiiu« \u25a0 i&trator, guardian, trustee, as- Bisnee, receiver, etc. Notice of"l?lortza;re Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN the payment of the sum of three thou- sand eight hundred and forty-two dollars ,and twenty-six cents (53.8&.26), which is claimed to be duo at the date of this notice, for principal and interest, upon a certain Mortgage duly executed aud delivered by Helen E. Matthews (a widow) to The si. Paul Trust Company, a corporation duly incor- '. porated and organized under the laws of Minnesota, bearing date the nineteenth day \u25a0 of June. A. I). IS9I, and duly recorded in the office of the Kegister of Deeds in and for the County ot Ramsey, and Mate of Minnesota, on the twenty-third day of June, A. D. K-Ul. at 10:55 o'clock a. m., in Book "JOS" of Mort- gages, on page 306 of the records of said Ram- sey County; Which said Mortgage was given to secure the payment of three thousand live hundred dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent per annum, payable semi-an- nuaily, according to the conditions of one principal note for 53.500, payable June 19. IS%. aud ten coupon interest notes annexed thereto, and fully described in said ..Mortgage as so recorded. And which said Mortgage and the .said prom- issory notes, and the indebtedness thereby secured, were afterwards duly assigned, sold and delivered by said The St. Paul Trust Company to Martha E. Ramsay, by an assign- ment in writing.dated June ID. 1691, recorded in the office of said Register oi-Deeds on Oc- tober 26. 1803, at eleven o'clock a. m., in Boot "3D" of Assignments, on page 3&U of the rec- ords of said Ramsey County. And whereas. The said principal note, as well as the said Mortgage, contained a pro- vision and condition, that if any or either of said coupon interest notes shall remain un- paid for ten days after maturity thereof, the holder of said principal note may. at its option, and without notice to the maker thereof, declare the said principal sum, as well as any or either of said past due coupon notes, as fullydue and payable, as fully as if said principal note was payable on demand, aud may proceed and collect the same by foreclosure of said Mortgage, either under the power of sale therein contained, or by suit or other proceedings in Court, or other- wise, as it or they may elect. And whereas. The said coupon interest notes, which became due and payable ac- cording to the conditions of said Mortgage, on the l'Jth- day of Deceinxer. Mb, ana on June lUth. 1593, each lor the sum of one hun- dred and twenty-two and fifty-one-hundretbs dollars, were not.paid at the maturity there- of, respectively; and by,reason of default in the payment of such coupons, and more than ten days after said June Uth, 1893, the said owner and holder of said principal note, and .of said two past One coupon notes, did duly declare the whole of said principal note for three thousand live hundred iSb,. r s00) dollars, as fully due. and payable, and did then and there present the "same for payment, at the place of payment therein named, and pay- ment thereof was their and there >iuiy de- manded and refused; and said Martha E. Ramsay is now the lawful owner and bolder of the said principal note and said past due coupon interest notes. And whereas, in and by the said Mortgase, the said mortgagor did thereby covenant and agree to pay nil taxes that were then a lien, or which might thereafter become levied, as- sessed or imposed upon said real estate and become a lieu thereon, such payment to be made before any penalty, interest or other charge should attach to said property, by reason of the nan-payment thereof: and that in default thereof, the said mortgagee, its successors or assigns, might pay such taxes and ali charges and expenses thereon. and that the amount so paid, and the interest, thereon at. the rate [ prescribed by statute in such cases, from the time of such payment, shall forth- with be due and payable from said mort- gagor, and should be deemed to be secured by said Mortgage and collectable in the same manner, and upon the same conditions, as the interest upon the principal sum herein- before mentioned. And whereas, said mortgagor failed, neg- lected and refused to pay the taxes lawfully assessed upon the real estate described in said Mortgage, for the year la.C, before the time appointed for the payment thereof; that the same became delinquent on the first day of June,' 1893; and that by reason of such default,' the said Assignee of said Mortgage did, on the 31st day of October, ISU3, pay the said taxes, together with the penalty which had attached thereon, by reason of such de- fault, amounting in all to the sum of S4S.:i6, and which sum. together with interest thereon from the date of such payment, is claimed as an additional lien upon said real estate under said Mortgage; and no action or proceeding at law or otherwise having been Instituted to recover the debt now remain- ing secured by said Mortgage, or any part thereof: Now. therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of a power of sale contained in said Mortgage, and pursuant to the statue in such case made and provided, the said Mortgage will be foreclosed, and the premises de- scribed in and covered by said Mortgage, 1 viz.: All of the North one-quarter CA) of Lots Numbered One (!) and Two (i) of Block Numbered Nineteen (19) of Summit Park Addition to St Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on rile and ofrecord in the office of the Register ofDeeds in and for the County of.Ramsey and State of Minne- sota, hereby intending to convey Thirty- seven and one-half (37 Vs) feet front on Vic- toria street by one hundred (100) feet deep, in said Ramsey County, and State of Minne- sota, with the hereditaments and appurte- nances, willbe sold at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, to pay said dent and interest, aud the taxes (if any) on said prem- ises, and seventy five (S~5) dollars attorney's fee. as stipulated in and by said Mortgage in case of foreclosure, and the disbursements allowed by law: which sale willbe made by the Sheriff of said Ramsey County, at the . Fourth street front door of the Court House. in the City of St. Paul, in said County and State, on Saturday, the sixteenth (16th) day of December, A.D.1893, at ten o'clock a. m". of that day, subject to redemption at any time within one year ixom the day of sale, as provided bylaw. : ; 'r , Dated-November 2d. A. D. ISO3. MARTHA E. RAMSAY, Assignee ofMortgage. Haevet Officer, Attorney for Assignee, Endicott Block.' Fourth Street, St. Paul, Minn. TATE : OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF O - Ramsey— as. . Probate Court. In the matter of the estate of Susan Thomas, deceased. .: Letters of Administration with the will annexed on the estate of Susan Thomas, deceased, late of the County of Ramsey and State ofMinnesota, being granted to George H. Thomas; ¥ . It is ordered. That six months be, and the same ishereby allowed . from and '. alter the date of this order, in which all persons hav- ing claims or demands I against- the said de- ceased are required to file the name in the Probate Court of said county . for examina- tion and allowance, or be forever barred. It is further ordered. That the first Mon- day in June. \u25a0 JS34, at 10 o'clock a. m., at a General . Term \u25a0of said Probate Court, to be held at the Court House in the City of Saint Paul, in said county, be. and the same hereby is appointed as the time and place when and -where the said Probate Court will examine and adjust said claims and demands: j And it is farther ordered. That notice of such hearing be given to all creditors and I persons interested in said estate by forth- \ with publishing this order once in each week for three successive weeks in the St. Paul DailyGlobe, a daily newspaper printed and published in said county. '\u25a0.-•\u25a0.\u25a0 Dated at Saint" Paul," this 15th day of No- vember.. I^3. By the Court: -JOHN B. OLIVIER, ' j [J- 8-] '•" - Judge of Probate. . , WORSES A*i> fARBUGES L'OK SACK CHEAP, or trade tor carriage «- or clear real estate, standard bred tiot- ting mare, live years old-; registered in Amer- ican .Trotting Register.* Address T-XML at. Paul Globe. . ' HOUSES WJNTK RED— Terms reason- able; references given. William F Guernsey. Box SB, City. . .— , /T»O LKT for,,keep, this .winter, carriage -1- team. Address B 172 iV St. Paul Globe. W AN K D TO ;BUX-A good horse; 7* weight about 1,15) pounds: age six to eight years: give address and description of horse. Address I) i:;s. Globe. •CLOAKMAKHG.'. / UOAKS made and repaired, dresses made yj ivlatest style; all work warranted. 45 College ay. west.. -\u25a0;.• :.-..y: jsm^g. TICKET OFFICES *\~^x^!~cl. Sibley Street, St. THF BEST 'EQUIPPED T TMT? IH£| ;*ioST POI'ILiK ljliS£i "ALWAYS ON TiriE." ( CHICAGO TRAINS. ~ 3 Badger state Express :00 am HO:3spm ] Atlantic .i Southern Ex +6:2.) :05 pm I North-Western Limited *S:lorm *7 am Jtarshfield and Wausan.. t3:ooam tlO:3spm Green Bay. Stevens Point +B.ooam tlO:3spm Asnland,Washb'n. Bay'ld +9:o) am t.VOOpm Duluth and Superiors.... +9:oo am +s:oopm Duluth and Superiors . . .*11 pin *8.50 am Pipestone &Sioux Falls. i +7:35am +6:lopm Winneba?o&Elmore . !+7::i-) am +6:Wpra Omaha. St Joe, Kan. City »7:35 am «"7-40 am Omaha. St. Joe. Kan. City *7:.'spm *7:4Oam Soo City & Worthington. *7:35 am *6:lopm Soo city & Worthington. *7:?5 m *7-:40 am Tracv.Watertown. Huron §7::'spm :7:4oam y^lga Minneapolis, St. Paul Mgfpl & Sault_S;e Maria Ry. SRIiiIaP.CITY TICKET OFFICE. %s?|Si!^» 3!*B " ob *' rtSt: JtsSE^^ Telephone, If 's3. l.t::>v.>. | St. Paul Union Depot. Arrive. Atlantic Limited Vesti- baled through train, daily, lirr Escar.aba, -null ate. - Mririe. Montreal. Boston. York a d ail Easiern 6:10 p. m. poi ts - i,-,-, a. m. 'Pa iiic Limited Vtstibuled through train, daily, lor . . Vitlioy City. Mi not, Van- couver, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland. Ban I-rancisco and all Pacific Coast points. 7 :60 p. m. Ctiinu.Japan and Australia. 3:4) a. m Wis. i.iv., 1. i-al. daily ex- cept Sunday. viaKt. P. 4. D. R. R. and Bald Eagle, '.or Turtle Lake, Prentice aud f;2oa. m. Rhinelanaer - .... 6.-« p. in. Broadway Depot, Foot 4th st St. Croix Falls Aceommo- -s*o p. m- dation, dailyexcept Sunday IJ. IO a. m. fc'oo Line Depot, id st. and 4th ;.v. north, Minneapolis. Minn. Div., local, daily ex- ' ice-jit Sunday, lor -Buffalo. ' \u25a0 z-... PayneßViUe, Glenwood and fiX\ n. m. ... \u25a0\u25a0- - . - -...!.. . m NORTHERN PACIFIC The Dining Car Line to Fanro. Winnipe" Helena, Butte and Hie Pacific Northwest." St Paul Dining Cars on Winnipeg and " ' ' Pacific Coast Trains. L V . Ar. Pacific -Mail (daily) lor Furt;o,l ~ Jamestown, Liviripstou.lielena, j Bmte, Missoula, Spokane.. Ta- 4:15 l>:ii coma. Seattle and Portland. ... p.m. p m. Atiautic Express (daily) from \u25a0 Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Sdo- kane and Montana and North 5-10 Dakota uointd. p. m Dakota and .Manitoba Express \u25a0 (daily) tor Fergus Fulls, Wall De- ton. Crookston, Grand Forks, Grafton. Winnipeg; Moorhead. S:00 7:21 Fargo and Jamestown p. m. a. m. Fargo local (daily except bun- day,, for St.Cloud,Brainerd and 9:03 6:15 Fargo a. mjp.m Dakota Express doci not run wesioi KarjioSunl days. Pnllmau Sleepers dally between St. Pau. i nd Grand Forks,Gralton,Winnipe«.Fergus K:ilU- Wahpetou .ml Farco. Pullman First-C!a<u and .ourist Sleepers are run on through Pacific Coasl Xrains. C K.STOXjC, City Ticket A^eut. ltti Tliird street St Pant. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY Tinlfoto "\u25a0 KiCOHfi* in-., Minneapolis. 195 E. M lIUnCIO !''.-il. CniOHdepola both cities. leave St. Paul Union Depot. ; akkivb. Will mar. Morris. Brown's bß:o3am Valley b7:oopm Fergus Far«o and bS:3oam Grand Forks bti :'Jsam Osseo, Clearwateraud at. bS :30 am Cloud bG:0o pm Anoka. St. Cloud and b3:3opm Willmar. b 10:55 am b4:3Upm Excelsior &Hutcbinson. bll:jj am Wjllmar. Sioux Falls, bS:OS am Yankton, Sioux City.. b":DO \>m Breck.. Fargo, Grand aC:3oj)ra Forks. Winnipeg. a.'Uv am tOsaeo, St. Cloud. Fergus Falls, Crookston, G. Forks. \u25a0 Kalit>pell, Spo- kane. Seattle, Great Falls. Helena. Be tie a 7:45 pm and Pacific Coast aio:3oam 'EASTERN MISXE9OTA. Duiuth, West Superior, Elk River, Milaca. llinckley, Princeton. bl:osDm *;Anoka \>f\-.~ jjni a, daily;b. except Sunday: jßuffot parlor cars on trains to Dnluth. and W. Superior: TBuffet sleepers. iDinin-; and Buffet cars; ' palace sleepers, toii::vi ears. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 __ . r % Ticket Offices: uSS« street, comer Fifth, and Union Depot, St. Paul. •Daily. tEx. Sunday. *iliz.. Monday.;Ex. Saturday Le.— St. Paul— Ar. Chicajro Day ?x press '.»5l;llui TU:4> pla Chicago \u25a0Atlantic" express *2S5p in *12: tO pm Chicago "Fast Mail" *ti:ssp iv *2:lsji:u Chicago "Vestibule" Lim... *Bia p m *7^oam. Chicago via Austin and iiu- buque ..........._ -. . 14:10 in I* l>:ao a in. Dubuque via La Crosse ..__. is 0> a m 1j 15 p a St Louis and Kansas City.. *fcß»a ml *9HS |i in Calmar andDavenport ;.. .. 18:56 aml 1f.:25 i> a j Mil bank and. Aberdeen ........ T83»9 a m ili:-Upu \u25a0 Milbankanu ALerdwi . ft»3S \> iv f. 4. a-n MiuneaDolis trains leave *7:.'.,». t.\ a. m., •12:15, «J, tS:33 and +10:50 p. m. for detail information call at ticket office? WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES. \u25a0-. —Arrive \u25a0 , Depart- 3:-»optn|-i:'>3am ! St. Paul. I 1 pml. :l.">pm 4:2t'ptn»:-t amjMinneap'lis| !'.\u25a0:;"> 5 £»ireci Live to Mia.u i^liiiri), uaiiiiwa .- uud .12ilivu.UH.eti. VESTIBULED SLEEPERS AND DINING CARS. All Trains Rnn Daily. C CHICAGO GREAT W£ST£RM KAIL, WAT v^ Co. Trains leave \u25a0 Union Depot. City - Office, a&t Robert Street, comer Fifth. *Daily. tUailyex. teuud. Leave .[Arrive' Chicago Fast Express .:-> amj.l tlowa. Mo. & Kansas Ex. .. 7:25 am Il:05pm •Dodffe Center Local 3:35 pm li):osam •Chicago Limited.-......" |7:3opuij 7:33am *Dcs koines. St. J. & K. C'..'7r:o pm 7-^-uim . jIH^^^HHHJHSSH Leaves Union Depot for r.v-r*?S5 II Chicago and down-river SBlljljJl i \u25a0 i * iiTal p.oints < p- m - Ar- llMlM II " y es trom snuie poinn Sfitfi^HSfiS H .Union Depot Chicago ' BulB9Sw3S I] Union Depot, for Chicago II :ii;il St. Luais, 7:J'J p. m. HmJUhmMMm II Arrives!rom same 7 :3o a.m. Daily. \u25a0 ' /Tjf^ |W j L Al(1 T^LOiCl "fV fwAMTsI WlS^lJ* i^£ii "^^ - ..^zzzr -- .. : >j%fiii rss^i^u^X __ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 7K><</ t ?d& f"'\W"(' x I ... ftFADBY EVERYBODY \u25a0 / V/^>^aUJJU./fi HI C^^^^VHE Hi $ utr ifidiiS^^ 7

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Page 1: LAl(1 T^LOiCl fwAMTsI · \u25a0\u25a0 c tMiiinehaha st. P-MI'JLOYMENT—-*—' Anykind of work by a Guniian: speaks English. 576 Park ay. \u25a0P.MI>LOY3ILNT-Wanted, by a young



\u25a0 tire boy who cells tlie;papers#i;d lie will tell you more aboutcirculation than all the affidavitsiliat can be ]t<:blit>lied.~Jr.stlryit

end you willbe cuuviueeii lUat ii»e<>lobe leads all.


At ihe Following Locations forInsertion in Daily and Sunday

Globe.M.D. Merrill, \u25a0-\u25a0• Broadway.S. 11. Eeeves, druggist, lloore block. Seven

corners.C. T. Ileller. dru<rgist R2B St Peter street.t:rr.if;i:t Brcs., diuggists, corner ofRondo

rrdGrottaWilliam K. Collier, druggist, 199 East Sev-

ertlistreet. •\u25a0

A.T. Guernsey, drutrgist, 171Dale street.

V.A.Hirst: drupsist, £2:.Hondo street.

Parker &Wcstly, druggists, ti'jEast Thirdureet

E. McCrudden, confectionery, 493 EiceHieet

"W . A. Frost &Col, druggists, corner Selbymd Western avenues.

B. J. Wine, druggist 300 Market, comet"Fifih.


A GENTS warned ior the "Lifeof Phillips-rL Brooks."' One lady .sold 20boots insixhours. An agent in taking &> orders onlymet with six refusals Our new Look ofPhotographs beats them a!i; contains twicens many pictures m halt the price. . We havebest World's Fair hook, oirnpictures, and bestHolidaybooks. Lowest prices, largest com-missions: premium with even- bock. Don't !remain idle an mi. We cmi" put you in '.he Iway to make money. Position with"us shouldbe worth ii.Hi a.moiuh. Address at onceJohn K. ll;t--tin^s. 4; Cornhill, boston, Mass.* GENTS, how would you like to makeXX 5250 before '-XmasS' 1 \\ c- can put youin the way. and will rove itor forfeit S.">ol>:this amtouiic«in(*!>t .muy be your steppingstone to a fortune if taken advantage ofatonce. Address "Manufacturers,'' Bos 5323,Boston. Mass;

A..*->>'!.-) V.; to jell the Perfec-tiou Lap Board ad Book Ken combined.

A household r.ectssiiy. The greatest sellerof the limes; pays livter cent profit:-Write ifor terms, (.r send J1..">0 for sample nt:dagents outtit. .V:

--Peters &Co.. Toledo. O.

AOKNT*WANTS L)_L,':i!and general;for a quick-selling patented novelty:

ll«0 to ir>o per cent profit: good solicitors c:iumake from 51'"! to S3OU a month; territoryfresh: write for nartieulars. I'heOhioNov-eityCo.. D 6. Cincinnati, O.

\ til-.>iTS—

salary or commission: the-£*. creaiest invention of the liKe: the NewPatent chemical ink-Erasing Pejicil; stllson bisiht: woiks like magic: auentsare mak-ingfrein S^d to 51i"i per week. ForfunherTErtic-ulnrs wnie iLeMonrce Eraser iiauu-facttrring '\u25a0:\u25a0-\u25a0 r,X 4. 7.a Crosse. W:?.nAltliEiiwanted at a West Ninth &l

ULACKbMITiI—Wunted. a floorman. A.\u25a0i-J \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 (\u25a0Olliiii. & 1."., millwater, .Minn.


A blacksmith to dohorseshoeing arid repair work; a single

ra»n with good reference. C. E. Krause,Kew London, Minn.

CLGARMAKi 1-:—Wanted, non-union ci-vy garmaker. handworker, for out of cirv.Inquire 139 Last Seventh. cigar stcre.

G%''''hot meals for Re, i:c. J'jc and :.")c:potatoes, bread, butter and a large cup

ofgood coffee with the above; hoi "mealsserved nil day: 10 percent off on meal tick-ets; hoi cakes, c. Central Xiestaurant, iAJacks

MXX '\u25a0\u25a0' sell baking powder; .steady em-*\u25a0"\u25a0* ployment: experience unnecessary;?T5 sal.-ry or com. I". S. Chemical WorksHO Van liuri.-:;. (.'nicago.

OFFICE koi-Wanted, an office boy atCliiirics I)iuu:eberg"s. 054 Jackson st."


WunteJ. Gordon pressman;one who can take charge 01 presses

Payne. Yose >!c Co.. l:a East Thirdst


Wanted, an experienced•O shoe salesman: no other need ;ply.Addres-s. statiiiK salary wanted, P. J. Brouer-lck, Ashland. wis.

V-OI.iCIIOKS-Wanted, men of energyI~J cud tr.ct to solicit forU;e Bankers' LifeAEEOCißtion of St. 1au .Minn.; liberal con-Jrcctand splendid territorycan be-secured by

\u25a0''•'' \u25a0-:;-\u25a0 \u25a0

•\u25a0 L".Secor. St.Paul. Minn'.

OTliNOti/tAl'iiJLlts—conij etent .v iJOJ,_

U rarhers and typewriter operators out ofemployment arc invited to register theirnames and qualifications with our employ-ment department; no charge to either em-ployer or employed. VVyckoff. beamans &H»-iiedict. !ii-.n>t Fourth st.

IXSiIHCTIO\S.ST.AUATUAS ACAUICJIVOFMUSICL-> and Art, East Exchange St.. St. Paul—I'iano, violin, guitar and mandolin taught,Lessons given indrawing and painting. Callor send for urospectus.

\\ AN'—Mi.dects for chemistry class>* at liiza school. Come Thursday even \u25baIng. Nov. 10.\u25a0 i


Ho« UATI-.—Voiinsman wouldUke toXV livewith a temperate room mate abouttwenty-five years old: give age and nameAddress <J Vi\ <;lo)ie.


H-•\u25a0 Tr..ui-,.t, \u25a0_-\u0084 liennania Life lasur• ence Building,expert and auditvork


BILLIAEDA-;ijro'j;' ? M.J.S ANDBILLiAliUBLPPLII-;*; Warcroom 405 and4o7;Ottice and Fatio.-y 411and 413 liiuiavenueCULL, juimsaijoj;*,ilinu.


'. female*.. . .ROOKRKEI'KB-

Wanted, volins lady !~J-

bookkeeper and cashitr: alary smallio-t'ecni with. Address G14.'. <,lobe. . ;p ;

niNI-N(lKOO.M ».IHl>—Must boesperi\J enecd. Pardees Restaurant, 52 Hast-Seventh el • - -'• •\u25a0 \u25a0--

LJOt-xr.WOKK -Experienced girl for11 general housework :most be good cookApplymornings. :i;.-)Dayton ay.:

Y\ in•\u25a0•\u25a0>i i.—Wanted, utat girl for\u25a0*--* genera, homework. }v~>S' Seiby ay. \u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

Ljois;w<.;HK-\Vamed, uirlfor general

c p honseworfc: German Preferred. Mrs,ir. 311 Plensnnt ay., city.

H l-"' X,—

Wanted, a competent*J girlfor; no .-1housework at 7a) Ccuurst.LIOlJsKtti.UK— Wanted immcciimolv. a\u25a0»--*\u25a0 girlfor housework. Mm Ft F Wildenortheast corner Livingston and ColoradoStSv

HOfsKWOKh- Girl for general house-work. (303 MarshnlL

HOUSKWbISK— German girlwanted. ;3'JNorris st.

jjor,:.i ,ii'u:-u a middle-*\u25a0\u25a0* fi?eu German woman as housekeeper ina Emm] family; steady jlace lor winter, andMinn

h°me. Address J. Brezier, Auoka,

TfliCHEN WOK K-ijtrong girl to do•"-Kitchen work; must understand plaincookiiig. i.''l summit ay.

ATIBSK—Wanted, experienced nurse girl-1*for young children, at lbS Kent st.; bringreferences. ;--.j« -\u25a0\u25a0----. ; ,

111/ AITKKSS— experienced waitress'» wanted; none without good refer-S°-fs S "^- apply. .Mrs. George li.Finch.


;~~"'- i

» PrKEXTicii— warned in axx lirst clkss meat market by an honestyoung man to learn the trade: wages no ob-ject: best of references. Address c E.

Hhiu81 Jl

'J? Iliuvlhoru ay- --Huueapolis,"

A PI'Hi.STICK- A young man wishes to-<--«. learn the barber trade. Corner Mar-; --'-re: v.v.'i Goizian.\ GOOD BOY of seventeen would like-a- light work of- any kind. Address 281

LOUIS :-\u25a0. 1.F. A.DOY hi u'lteen years wants situation in

i X-» .office or store. Address H. Weter. 271

13 OY, sixteen years old, wants a position:AJ '-has attended .high school and write agood hand. Address 1. saude. 242 East air-iie!d ay.

iVS FOR PLACES, places for uoys:AJ employment bureau for poor boy? freeNewsboys' Club Boom,;jl3 Wabasba st.: oven'rom.ilto r.a. m.. and from 7 toy p. m.L>IjAt:K>MiTH-WBnted, situation as*-» blacKsmith, in or out ofeiiv; horse^hoe-m a.special^. F. It..4i)7 Wabasha st.

r,o!lX—a Rood cook wishes a situation, or*-' tor liiiichinou or private fumilv a

Lauer's restaurant, St. PauL/•ii»AfKMAS-\Untfd-A young man>-' would like a situation as coachman-lest of cityreferences. Address W 13 j. Globe!p!)AtHJIA.N —situation as coachman;v> can furnish best references. WilliamMonson. 509 East Seventh st.pooPtn- Position wanted byyonugmany ns Co °Per- Inor. out of the city,or workinhotel kitchen. Address X133, Globe.pjIJIVEK—a young man of sixteen would-L' lite to get a job as driver. Address•lobe.

riRLGGIST— druggist wants-*-' position: speaks Norwegian and Ger-man; first-class references; city or countryAudress \u25a0 J4S. Globe, Minneapolis. Minn.

I^KLtrCLtiiiiwith three years'experi-x- euce, can speak three languages, wouldiike a postion. Address S. C. Fisher. 7"0

\u25a0\u25a0 c t Miiinehaha st.

P-MI'JLOYMENT—Anykind of work by a-*—' Guniian: speaks English. 576 Park ay.\u25a0P.MI>LOY3ILNT- Wanted, by a young\u25a0LJ man. employment of any kind wheremere isa chauee for advancement: under-stands boukKeening: can come recommend-<-'u. idajesß Z 133. Globe.pNGiNEEIC—Have had ten years' expe-

\u25a0i-J rleuce: can do my own repairing: canRive good reference: no objection to firingin>\ big int. Address John stone, general de-hvery. -Minneapolis, .Minn.

P>><JiNlUCU— wanted by vounc\u25a0*-* man as stationary engineer, \u25a0or' to takecare of beating plant: ha; state license andcau mve reference. Across J 131, Globe. «

piREaiAJi—Position as fireman or boiler-l attendant; willingto work cheap Bll'.,Globe.(J.HOCI-;ky CLEKK-A younanian would*--• like position as grocery clerk in retail;two years 1 experience; best of rtferencesAddress X 130. Globe.IWANT WORK ofanykinO. Address J.-«- '\u25a0\u25a0.. ZiiMarshall ay.

TANlTOif—a you:, man wants employ-*> mem is janitor or driving horses. Ad I<jrovs ;;14". dloDe.

' *

\u25a0 A-yl'OK-Honest man would like work**oi any kind,janitor or driver preferred

Applyto G. S.. 5^4 Orleans St.. City.

H°i"k? I>AIXTKK-First-class and re-i-l liable house painter, wall paper cleanerand kaisoniner wants job; willwork cheaDfor cash or will take groceries or wood forpay.- Address W 134. Globe.

f .AW^TCDENT—Youngman desires po-*-* Bition inlaw office where he willhave acaance to study. Address \ 135, Globe."JVIGHT WATCH

—Situation wanted as--i night watchman or janitor; white; goodreferences. Address £37 Keaney st.

O- FFICE MAX-Wanted- Young man. ageV-' twenty-one years, would like a job insome office; has one year's experience inrailroad office; can give reference. Addressl105. Globe.f)F cj? WORK -Wanted, position InV office byyoung man; good penman; bestof reieret.ces. Address :V.^ Jackson st.

PKIXTEK— boy of seventeen would\u25a0t- likea positionin printing office incityor country office; has had three years'ex-perience. Address A. Hoffman. 330 War-saw St., city.

PHA Wanted, position by a-L registered pharmacist; best of references.X137. Globe.


Wanted, by experiencedman. good salesman, as traveling city orstore salesman: can give references and . se-curityif necessary. D. M., 544Jackson st.

OTKNOUIiAFIiER, male, rive years' ex->-> perience. open for engagement; rapid,ficcurate and gool accountant. AddressStenographer, CU4 Jessamine si

\u0084 lih— Wanted, a position to drive-»- team or deliver poods in city; have hadseven years' experience: good" references.Address J. B. 8., Globe office.rpiNNKi; of sixteen years' experience-L w:ints a job: ciivor country; S2 a day927 Hastings ay., St. Paul.

Y7"<>lN<iMANofability and experienceX wants position in mercantile orrailroad(.nice: willwork for small salary. Address

G 134. Globe.

WALLPAPEK HUNG foreight cents a»» roll: -smli cleaning, kalsomining andpainting done very cheap. Address 0137Globe.

OKK fok BOARJJ-Wanted, a place» * by a young man to work for his boardand attend business school; is strong andwillingto work. \u25a0 Please address 641EndicottBuilding. "



\u25a0 FOBSALE.

IY'lAIM.. . • . .iii»LOOi.lS(i at-'.»- Jar.:- t;:i;\u25a0- <i c-u Thompson &Co.yJTOVKS-One

:, ... ~.. = one medium.O West Point unu ti . . ant Home stoves,-allingood repair. For tale cheap at 035Kobert.-


-OVE noKHs


MinnesotaSteam Bye Works, ~U East Seventh.


-IJANH. STOCKS a specialty; bonds, com-l-> mercial paper mortgages, securitiesbought and sold. George W. Jenks, Invest-ment Banker. Minnesota Loan and TrustBuilding.Minneapolis.

LuA>S on Furniture, Pianos. Diamonds,etc. 13-14 First >ational BankBuilding.

MONh.I" iMAJLi U on life insurance poi-'L icies; or bought. L. I*.Van Kormau(1Guaranty Loan Building. Minneapolis.

V]ONEY TOLOAN on St. Paul propertyJ.TJ. Nt current rates. Smith & Taylor, 218Manhattan.

[VIONEY LOANEDon personal property,It-L household goods, pianos, watches,diamonds, etc.. in amounts from $10 to §50.American Loan Company, Room 7,First National Bank, Corner Fourth andJackson sts. :take elevator.

MONEY ON* HAM)to loan on cityprop-erty and farms: lowest rates; no delay.

W. F. -Moritz.1013 Pioneer Press.

-P-K-I-V-A-T -£Money lr&ned ondiamonds, watches, pianos,furniture or goods in storage at lowest rates,and small monthly return payments: notesand mortgages bought; roost private loanrooms in the city. Ohio Investment Com*pany, 132 Globe building; lake elevator.

E^OK SALIC—7 and S per cent mortgageson improved St.Paul property; par and

accrued interest. Address G- 141. Globe.

ST()( )'

TO LOAN'on city real estate.****—.} Apply. to St. Paul Trust Com-

gOg | pany, Endicott Building.


BOARD—burnished rooms, with board-terms reasonable. 524 Cedar st.

BOAKD—Lady of hotel experience offersunexcelled table board: private dining

room: special offer to club of six. Call 553St. Peter, corner Park place

BOARD—Very pleasant front room, withboard. 341.North Washington sL oppo-

site Rice park. y*^

OAKD—42O Selby ay.; large front room,well warn?ed lor ice winter, suitable for

two. with board.OAKD—Large front room, with alcove

suitable for two. with first-class board-convenient to Selby cable. 155 Nina ay.

OAKD—23S West Fifth St.—Elegant fnr-nished front room and alcove, with

Doard ;steam heat; terms reasonable to per-manent people. .BOAKD

—Furnished rooms, with board, inlarge modern house; steam-heatedrooms. 210 East Ninth st.

BOARD—Pleasant rooms, with board. 192East Tenth st.

BOARD—To rent, comfortably furnishedrooms, with board. 522Cedar »L

noAKD-451 Summit Ay.—Two very sunny-O rooms, with board and steam heat.

SUMMITAY.,2&-Nicelyfurnished room,allmodern conveniences, with or -with-

out board. \u25a0 -.'..;-.-'


117 AI.TZINU TADGHT EASY—PrivateVV lessons given in ballroom dancing.

Address James Bodka, 522 Cedar.


ONE :ELEGANT upright Becker Brospiano, style 16. Nt about

"one-half its

value; ithas only been used a few months;"must be bold bcuu. li.C .Hunger, hi7East :Third8k


The QiGijos Latest and Best Offer!THE "HOriE QUEEN"



Is handsomely bound inWhite Leather, with Embossed Cover,and contains 60S pag-es. The Book is only sold by subscrip-tion, the retail price being- $2.50 per copy.


Has obtained the Exclusive Newspaper Rig-ht in the North-west, and makes the following"

GREAT OFFER!Any person who willsend Two Dollars in payment of one

month's subscription in advance for the Daily and SundayGlobe willreceive the paper by mail or carrier "for one monthand the "Home Queen" Cook Book, express or postag-e paid.

With the Weekly Globe.Anyone sending- Two Dollars will receive the Weekly

Globe one year and the "Home Queen" Cook Book, express orpostag-e paid.


Table Etiquette, Hygiene of the Home, Etc.INDORSED BY


More than 130 of tbem have contributed directly to the Recipe department. these contributions having lxen secured for thig book lromevery State and Territory ia the Union. Alaska not excepted.

More Than 200 Contributors.Many of the wives of Governors or the different States, and mor

than sixty other ladies of position and influence have also sent intheircontributions of choice and well-tried recipes. Coming as these havefrom every part of the country, irom Alaska to Florida aud fromMaineto California, they represent every styie and phase of cookery of everylocality and section of America. We claim without fear of contradictionthat we present in the "Home Queen" the grandest aggregation andvariety of triedrecipes introduced into any cook book extant.

AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURES.The autograph signatures of the contributors, with their address

and officialposition, will,in nearly every instance, be touud attached tothe recipes, whichnot only attest their genuineness, but add immenselyto the taking features of the book. These signatures have been pro-cured, engraved and introduced into the book at considerable labor andexpense.

PORTRAITS.Fine half-tone portraits ofnearly one hundred ofthe Lady Managers

of the World's Fair, together with portraits ofthe wives of the Governorsand others occupying leading positions, have been secured, and willaddno littleto the interest and intrinsic value of the "Home Queen."


the founder of the Cooking Schools of America, and who has been ap-pointed, by the advice ofMrs. Potter Palmer, to take charge of the Cook-ing School aud Department of Cookery inthe New York Exhibit at theWorld's Fair, has also consented to contribute to our Eeeipe depart-ment, and her portrait willalso appear inthis book. Miss Corson wasiormerly connected withthe Minnesota State University.

Two Thousand Choice Recipes

Willbe found grouped under the followingheadings


; . Females.A COMPETENT UKr.ssMAKKKw4i.tB.xl-sewing by the day in families. Call or

address 215 liondo.A GKKMA2I LADY would like work of• •L*- any kind, such lib day work or mending

at-home. Call 2SG Grove st.; up stairs.-"

B«;OKIi.EEPEI{—Young lady desires po-sition at bookkeeping or office work:,

understands single and double entry, andcan furnish references. C. 31., 224 st. An-tponyavenue.

("lASHIKK—Younglady wishes a positionx-y as cashier in restaurant: has had one.year of experience. Call at 318 Somerset st ,Si Paul. Minn. :


by a young lady.-v. care of dentist's or doctor's' office. Ad-dress X 132, Globe. .

;V^HAMBER3IAiI>—Wanted, by a reliableV/ young woman, work ot any kind: cham-bcrwork preferred. Address \V 13-. Globe.

CLKUK Young ladyof experience wants' sitnatiou inswrs or doctor's office. Hoom:-.i. 159 West Seventh- st.

/"«OOK—Agirl, first-class cook, wants posi-v^ tion in private familyas cook: can givethe best of reference. Call or address olatfacksou at.


Situation wnuted for two girls to* cook or do laundry work in privatefamily. 830 Reaney st.

CiOOK—A first-class cook wishes employ-'ment ina private family or hotel; bestof references. X.M,400 St."Peter st., Hotel

Rouleaux. - ... .. -^ .-.%

DRESSMAKING in families; is thor-oughly competent; cuts by the tailor

system :references. Address Dressmacer.677 Bedford st.

[Vi::s>>iAiUM-Lady would like to do»-' dressmaking inpart pay formusic les-sons. Address v :&j.Globe.

HOUSEKEEPER— A middle-aged Amer-ican lady wants a position as house-keeper, cook or nurse. Apply 45 West Ex-change.

HOUSEKEEPER— Wanted, position ovamiddle-aged lady as housekeepei msome nice family where Ican feel at home,with reasonable wages. For particulars callor address 4u3 bouth Wabasha st., third floor,rear rooms.


A bricht young girli-J. wants a pood home: can do all kinds othousework, and good sewer: willwork for82a week; or clothes and board. Address L.C, 4t>s Superior st.

Hors:.K!.i.i'EK-Position wanted ashousekeeper, by experienced woman.

Address C. .V. 76.'i Rice st.

[V"lTItsE—Wanted, a position as nurse girl:-Li -infant preferred; can give reference.Address N132, Ulobe.


Wanted, a place as nurse or sec-ond girl.,Call or address 2B3 Erie st.

FFICK WOilK— woman of abilitywants office work, or work of any kind"

Address 31135, Globe.

SALESLADY— A young lady,who is a fair**-? writer and good at figures, desires a po-sition as saleslady or cashier: would workcheap until experienced, s 130, Globe. \u25a0

SEWING— German dressmaker wishes sew- iing to do at home, or willgo out. Call at !

47;"!Lafond st

SITUATIONS wanted by four Americancooks and two second girls. Call 31)2

s'elby ay.

STENOGRAPHER— Wanted, a positionas stenographer and typewriter, by a

young lady; willwork for$35 a mouth. Ad-dress P 333. Globe.


Experienced and"rapid lady stenographer would like posi-

tion for winter; willwork for small salary.Address A137; Globe.

WASHING— A woman would like to goout washing. Address 531 Charles St.,

up stairs.

TIT"ASHINO—A srirl wants to go out*V the day washing an1 housecleaning.Call at 46 West Ninth st.

ASHlNG—Warned, to go out washingand ironing; or willtake itin. Call at

715 Thomas st.

/ A*HKii\V«»lA>--A girl wishes togo out washing and housecleaning.

No. 16 West Exchange st.ASIiEUWOjIAX-Wanted, to go out

washing and ironing, or will take itin. Call at 7: '. Edmund st

OiiKFOIIBOAKD-A young man.strong and willing,wants to doehores

or any kindof work for his board and no toschool. Please address 641 Enuicott Build-ing.


Biscuits. Roils and Muffins.Griddle Cakes, Waffles, Etc.Unleavened Bread.Grains and Mushes.

Cake.Layer Cake.Cookies and Jumbles.Gingerbreads.Crullers and DouehnutiFrosting and Icing.

Miscellaneous.Creams and Custards.Confectiouery.Canning Fruit and Vegetables.Catsups.Drinks.Ekes.Fish.Fruits.

Ice Creams and lcea.Jellies and Jams.Meats.Sauces for Meats.Pastry and Pies.Puddings and Sauces.Preserves.Pickies.Sweet Pickles.Poultry aud Gams.Salads..Shell-Fish.Soups.Vegetables.

]Hedical Department.The Toilet.Miscellaneous.Tne Laundry.To Cleanse Ciothing.Dyeing.ToKeep Fruii and Vecetablea.


OTHER DEPARTMENTS.Aside from the Recipes the following- topics are carefully


Food and Health. |Foods inGeneral.Table Etiquette.The Morning Meal.The Mid-Day Meal.The EvtMiinir Meai.Party Suppers.Table .Napkins— How to Fold Then.

How to Carve.How to Select Meats. ...Hints to House-Keepers. v.Diseased and Adulterated Food.


Warming and Ventilation.Drainace and Sewerage.

-Poison Drowning and Accident.Disinfectant*. •\u25a0

FOR KEjrr.', '.J. AY.Slicpartl. »1 East 4tli 5stM

RENTS HOUSFS, STORES, OFFICES, .- CV' nets :as owners' agent: collects rents:.'•sieam-heated apartments forsJo,'«2s. $30 and§35: reduced rental.

-, . Houses.



Comfortable, Ihandy house forrent, furnished or unfurnished ;or will

:sell furniture inhouse very cheap. Address\u25a0 M. G. E.. Globe: -;•\u25a0\u25a0- -v:

HOUSE forrent very cheap; seven rooms.•LA -

460 Rondo st. Apply barter shop,28^ East Third. -•


SUiIKOEUEK & DICKINSON. 1G EastO Sixth.- for carpet cleaning, feather andmattress renovating and upholstering.-' ;V-

--TAYLOR'S) RENTIN Ati >" ».' V—





Furnished ;flat, three rooms, withDiano. for housekeeping; rent, $14:

Call Room 30, Forepaugh Block. :

. fiooins.A —HOTEL, BRUNSWICK, for gentle-

\u25a0ii-» men only;.fifty modern steam-heated irooms by day; week or month. -j

CEDAiI ST., Handsome • furnishedJ front room, with alcove; also two fur-

nished front rooms together.

DAWSON ST., 857—Dayton's Bluff—Fourpleasant rooms for rent; city water." '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

PLEVESTH ST.. 31 KAST.—Nicely ftir-i-inished rooms with bath in connection:*.one large front room suitable for man andwife or two gentlemen: iv private family.

i^IFTHST., 143. WEST— Nicely furnisnedX. rooms:, five minutes' walk from post-office: modern conveniences. '

TGLEHAItT ST., NO. 81—Four •rooms1- ground floor; desirable in every way;cheap rent.

I".YTLETERRACE— Cedar— For rent,XJ a front room, with alcove; with or with-out board. -?._.'

HOTEL ISABTEAU, NO. 'Si—Parlor and*--» alcove bedroom, well furnished; -alsorooms single or en suite, cafe. \u25a0


People looking for pleasantrooms, en suite or single, furnished or

unfurnished, call 415 East Seventh or 591Olive; \u25a0 also suites of.rooms for housekeep-ing;modern improvements. ._ .. .ROOMS— To rent, furnished apartment,X\. two rooms, bath :also basement.

-tworooms, alcove in connection. 127>iina av.,

St. Anthouv hill. Address W. C. Rilev. En-dicott building.

ROOM.— Furnished room with alcove; oneblock from Albion, corner of Western

and Selby. .Inquireat 417 and 411) Wabashast.; references required.

OEVENTH ST.. 255. WEST— Corner Wal-nut

—For rent, with or without board,

choice single and double furnished rooms;modern ;every comfort; central: no car fare:detached stone residence: low price.!

T. I'ETEK ST.. 556— Two nicely fur-nished rooms, with all modern conven-

iences; rent reasonable. •TENTH ST., EAST, 414

-Rooms Fur-

X nished— Two large rooms, one lion.;S3 and $10 per month :heated.117ABASHA, ?

—Corner Tenth St.—*» Furnished rooms forrent: place quiet.

\VTALNUT ST., 307—Furnished and un-»V furnished rooms: modern conven-

iences: with or tviihout board.

HEAT,ESTATE FOR SALE.. . \u25a0 Houses for Sale.

HOUSE FOR SALE—Comer Hondo andKent sis.; new modern house: hard-

wood finish; sewer. water, gas, furnace.stormsash; willsell at SLOOO less than cost: oneasy terms, at 6 per cent interest. Smith &Taylor. '-'IS Manhattan Building.


FOR SALK OKEXCHAtiE,on favorableX terms, the jewelrybusiness at 327 Jack-son St. . ;.':,

UTOCK of general merchandise and fix--0 tures for sale cheap. Address B. S.,Stillwater. Minn.

—WILLSELL inrent the Hotel Tourist at

\u25a0* Rice Lake. Wis.;only $ia day house incityof 4.000 population; water works, electriclights and steam heat. Address R. W. Bull,Rice Lake, Wis.

WANTED—Lady partner with about SSOin business. Call054 Dawsou.


DOG LOST— fox terrier, answers tonameofBrite,name and address ofowner on

collar: tinder willreceive reward dv leavingat 88 Western ay.

DOG LOST—Asmall black and tan dog,±J long ears and mark on breast. Returnto 491 Charles st. and receive reward.

PCBSK LOST—On Wabasha St.. a purseX with chain,containing So bill.odd changeand key: finder millreceive reward. AddressW m Globe. .

-ROBE LOST—Tuesday evening. blacK furXV robe, near

-comers Selby and Dale, or

Dayton and Dale: finder .kindly,return toC. H.Laeey. «I5Selby ay. .RING LOST

—Near Hastings, on morning

of Sept. 12, by dropping from the Bur-lington train, a -gentleman's diamond ring.Full value of the ring willbe paid to any onereturning to W. E. Jlagraw, Globe countingroom.

'-; '.'.'-,

TAKEN from Temperance Coffee HouseWednesday, eighth, gray ulster. Return

same and save trouble.-


ASINGLE HARNESS, must be cheap:state price. Address H. M.Holland, 4G7

Wabasha st.

A ANTTO BOX fifteen to twenty gal-•V- lons of milk and cream dairy. Ad-

dress X134. Globe. \u25a0

MEDICAL. \u25a0 .LAl>lfc.S:Cliirue»ter'» KuirllsliPen-uyroyal Pills (Diamond Brand), arethe Best. Safe, .Reliable. Take no other.Send 4c (stamns) for particulars. "Relief,forLadies," in letterby tieturn I?lall. ADruggists. CHICKESTEIt CHIiJII-CALCO., Plilladepiiia,Pa.

: !«ISCEI.LA-\FOIJS^i\/TA»O.CERADE A_NI>THEATEB COS--I»JL tumes. wigs and grease .paint. Mrs.Louisa Neitmann. 56 East Seventh st.

GaienicMedical InstituteKo, 67 E. Third St., St Paul, Mian.

j^sffKsS^. Established .in 1861JjQ&=£H^^ for tbe cure ofprivate./*so^&'m%k^igZk nervous and chronici^^Sa diseases, mc 1 uding'B jB m \ Spermatorrhoea orM0SsSBSSH Seminal Weakness,

HB^nn Nervous Debility, Im-y&Sß*&ii!si£p?By- Potency, Sypnilis,-Gon-jSfg&gjffS&ggy orrhoea, .Gleet, Stnct-J^^^^'^sS^gfc ure, Varieoeele, Hydro-

Jp^"- \u25a0» ceie, Diseases ofWorn"^™ eD> etc-

CCrTBBHKEO. The physicians ofW » the old. and Reliable

Institute specially treat all the above diseases—are

-regular graduates and guarantee a"

cure in every case undertaken, and may beconsulted personally or byletter. !*

Sufferers from.any of these ailments, be- --ore consulting others, ;should understandheir diseases and the ilatest improved treat-

ment adopted at our institute by reading our.books. .

\u25a0\u25a0 The Secret Monitor and Guide to Health,-

a private Medical Treatise on the above dis-'eases, with the.Anatomy and .Physiology of'the . sexual . System :iv.Health and Disease,containing neaily 300 pages, and numerousillustrations, sent to any. address on receiptof reduced. price, only.Twenty. Cents, orvalue in one or two-cent stamps.; Pamphlet and- chart of questions \u25a0forstat-

\u25a0 Ing case sent free.;'AH business strictly confidential. Officehours, 8a.m. to5:30 p. m. ouuaays excepted.

Address letters thus: :«AJuEAIC ISSTITrTE.

\u25a0at. Paul, .ttijitt__"\u25a0-\u25a0

\u25a0 ... . ...'•\u25a0 -^ .--\u25a0-*


MME. LA TEKRg gives mas-•-£*-• sage treatments and improved

Tfrrtsteh baths. ix Sixth st. south. Minueap-olis. ) Two lady operators.

A LffAYS KtXIABLI>-llatlame Telts-xx worth, clairvoyant; business lest medi-um: thirty years 1 experience.. 648 VFabasba.St., city. . ;

A KE YOU. IN TiiOOßLil!-Consult'iX Madame Ina Walker, "life reader.' forfaithfulreading of your. past, present ;andfuture; she will guide you in all affairs oflifeby apower hieher "than human; corre-spondence confidential: ladies, 50 cents:

\u25a0 gentlemen," 81. 515 Wabasha St., oppositecapitol. -

KS. I>K LAITTKE,experienced mas-sagiat. 27 East Seventh st, Parlor 1, first

floor;-Hours ID to Udaily.

\% KS.'M. A.TUiS»ISY^-024 Wabasha St.—-l"J. IMagnetic and massage | treatment forparalytic rheumatism uud nervous diseases.Clairvoyant reader. - Call Da. m. to p.m. '.

BS.-.ALICifiF. BACJNELL. massageand vapor baths. .Room 7, 159 West

Seventh st., St. Paul, .Minn. - .THE ST.S»A6JI4 THDST COJIPAJfY'—Offices,' Endicott Block, Fourth:

—Acts as executor, aduiiu«

\u25a0 i&trator, guardian, trustee, as-Bisnee, receiver, etc.

Notice of"l?lortza;re Sale.

DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE INthe payment of the sum of three thou-

sand eight hundred and forty-two dollars,and twenty-six cents (53.8&.26), which isclaimed to be duo at the date of this notice,for principal and interest, upon a certainMortgage duly executed aud delivered byHelen E.Matthews (a widow) to The si.PaulTrust Company, a corporation duly incor-

'.porated and organized under the laws ofMinnesota, bearing date the nineteenth day

\u25a0 of June. A.I). IS9I, and duly recorded in theoffice of the Kegister of Deeds inand for theCounty ot Ramsey, and Mate of Minnesota,on the twenty-third day of June, A. D. 10:55 o'clock a. m., in Book "JOS" of Mort-gages, on page 306 of the records of said Ram-sey County;

Which said Mortgage was given to securethe payment of three thousand livehundreddollars, with interest thereon at the rate ofseven per cent per annum, payable semi-an-nuaily,according to the conditions of oneprincipal note for 53.500, payable June 19.IS%. aud ten coupon interest notes annexedthereto, and fullydescribed in said ..Mortgageas so recorded.

And which said Mortgage and the .said prom-issory notes, and the indebtedness therebysecured, were afterwards duly assigned, soldand delivered by said The St. Paul TrustCompany to Martha E. Ramsay, byan assign-ment in writing.dated June ID. 1691, recordedin the office ofsaid Register oi-Deeds on Oc-tober 26. 1803, at eleven o'clock a.m.,in Boot"3D" of Assignments, on page 3&U of the rec-ords ofsaid Ramsey County.

And whereas. The said principal note, aswellas the said Mortgage, contained a pro-vision and condition, that ifany or either ofsaid coupon interest notes shall remain un-paid for ten days after maturity thereof, theholder of said principal note may. at itsoption, and without notice to the makerthereof, declare the said principal sum, aswell as any or either of said past due couponnotes, as fullydue and payable, as fullyas ifsaid principal note was payable on demand,aud may proceed and collect the same byforeclosure of said Mortgage, either underthe power of sale therein contained, or bysuit or other proceedings in Court, or other-wise, as itor they may elect.

And whereas. The said coupon interestnotes, which became due and payable ac-cording to the conditions of said Mortgage,on the l'Jth- day of Deceinxer. Mb,ana onJune lUth.1593, each lor the sum of one hun-dred and twenty-two and fifty-one-hundretbsdollars, were not.paid at the maturity there-of, respectively; and by,reason of default inthe payment ofsuch coupons, and more thanten days after said June Uth, 1893, the saidowner and holder ofsaid principal note, and.of said two past One coupon notes, did dulydeclare the whole ofsaid principal note forthree thousand live hundred iSb,.rs00) dollars,as fullydue. and payable, and did then andthere present the "same forpayment, at theplace of payment therein named, and pay-ment thereof was theirand there >iuiy de-manded and refused; and said Martha E.Ramsay is now the lawful owner and bolderof the said principal note and said past duecoupon interest notes.

And whereas, inand by the said Mortgase,the said mortgagor did thereby covenant andagree to pay nil taxes that were then a lien,or which mightthereafter become levied, as-sessed or imposed upon said real estate andbecome a lieu thereon, such payment to bemade before any penalty, interest or othercharge should attach to said property, byreason of the nan-payment thereof: andthat indefault thereof, the said mortgagee,its successors or assigns, might pay suchtaxes and ali charges and expensesthereon. and that the amount sopaid, and the interest, thereon at. therate [ prescribed by statute in such cases,from the time of such payment, shall forth-with be due and payable from said mort-gagor, and should be deemed to be securedby said Mortgage and collectable in the samemanner, and upon the same conditions, asthe interest upon the principal sum herein-before mentioned.

And whereas, said mortgagor failed, neg-lected and refused to pay the taxes lawfullyassessed upon the real estate described insaid Mortgage, for the year la.C, before thetime appointed for the payment thereof;that the same became delinquent on the firstday of June,' 1893; and that by reason ofsuchdefault,' the said Assignee ofsaid Mortgagedid, on the 31st day ofOctober, ISU3, pay thesaid taxes, together withthe penalty whichhad attached thereon, by reason of such de-fault, amounting in all to the sum ofS4S.:i6,and which sum. together with interestthereon from the date of such payment, isclaimed as an additional lien upon said realestate under said Mortgage; and no action orproceeding at law or otherwise having beenInstituted to recover the debt now remain-ing secured by said Mortgage, or any partthereof:

Now. therefore, notice is hereby given thatby virtue ofa power ofsale contained in said

• Mortgage, and pursuant to the statue in suchcase made and provided, the said Mortgagewill be foreclosed, and the premises de-scribed in and covered by said Mortgage, 1

viz.: Allof the North one-quarter CA) ofLots Numbered One (!) and Two (i) ofBlock Numbered Nineteen (19) of SummitPark Addition to St Paul, according to therecorded plat thereof on rileand ofrecord inthe office of the Register ofDeeds inand forthe County of.Ramsey and State of Minne-sota, hereby intending to convey Thirty-seven and one-half (37 Vs) feet front on Vic-toria street byone hundred (100) feet deep,in said Ramsey County, and State of Minne-sota, with the hereditaments and appurte-nances, willbe sold at public auction, to thehighest bidder for cash, to pay said dent andinterest, aud the taxes (ifany) on said prem-ises, and seventy five (S~5) dollars attorney'sfee. as stipulated in and by said Mortgage incase of foreclosure, and the disbursementsallowed by law: which sale willbe made bythe Sheriff of said Ramsey County, at the.Fourth street front door of the Court the City of St. Paul, in said County andState, on Saturday, the sixteenth (16th) dayof December, A.D.1893, at ten o'clock a. m".of that day, subject to redemption at anytime within one year ixom the day ofsale, asprovided bylaw. :;'r ,

Dated-November 2d. A. D. ISO3.MARTHAE.RAMSAY,

Assignee ofMortgage.Haevet Officer, Attorney for Assignee,

Endicott Block.' Fourth Street, St. Paul,Minn.

TATE:OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OFO -Ramsey— as. . Probate Court.In the matter of the estate of Susan

Thomas, deceased..: Letters of Administration with the willannexed on the estate of Susan Thomas,deceased, late of the County of Ramsey andState ofMinnesota, being granted to GeorgeH.Thomas; ¥ .Itis ordered. That six months be, and the

same ishereby allowed .from and '. alter thedate of this order, in which all persons hav-ing claims or demands Iagainst- the said de-ceased are required to file the name in theProbate Court of said county.for examina-tion and allowance, orbe forever barred.Itis further ordered. That the first Mon-

day in June. \u25a0 JS34, at 10 o'clock a. m., ata General . Term \u25a0of said Probate Court,to be held at the Court House in the City ofSaint Paul, insaid county, be. and the samehereby is appointed as the time and placewhen and -where the said Probate Court willexamine and adjust said claims and demands: j

And it is farther ordered. That notice ofsuch hearing be given to all creditors and Ipersons interested in said estate by forth- \with publishingthis order once in each weekfor three successive weeks in the St. PaulDailyGlobe, a daily newspaper printed andpublished in said county. '\u25a0.-•\u25a0.\u25a0

Dated at Saint" Paul," this 15th day of No-vember.. I^3.

By the Court: -JOHN B. OLIVIER,' j

[J-8-]'•" -Judge of Probate. .,

WORSES A*i>fARBUGESL'OK SACK CHEAP, or trade tor carriage«- or clear real estate, standard bred tiot-ting mare, live years old-; registered in Amer-ican .Trotting Register.* Address T-XML at.Paul Globe. . '

HOUSES WJNTKRED— Terms reason-able; references • given. William FGuernsey. BoxSB, City. ..— ,

/T»O LKT for,,keep, this .winter, carriage-1- team. Address B 172iV St. Paul Globe.

WAN KD TO ;BUX-A good horse;7* weightabout 1,15) pounds: age six toeight years: give address and description ofhorse. Address I) i:;s. Globe.

•CLOAKMAKHG.'./ UOAKSmade and repaired, dresses madeyj ivlatest style; all work warranted. 45College ay. west.. -\u25a0;.• :.-..y:


*\~^x^!~cl. Sibley Street, St.




3 Badger state Express :00 am HO:3spm]Atlantic .iSouthern Ex +6:2.) :05 pmINorth-Western Limited *S:lorm *7 amJtarshfield and Wausan.. t3:ooam tlO:3spmGreen Bay. Stevens Point +B.ooam tlO:3spmAsnland,Washb'n. Bay'ld +9:o) am t.VOOpmDuluth and Superiors.... +9:oo am +s:oopmDuluth and Superiors ...*11 pin *8.50 amPipestone &Sioux Falls. i +7:35am +6:lopmWinneba?o&Elmore . !+7::i-)am +6:WpraOmaha. StJoe, Kan. City »7:35 am «"7-40 amOmaha. St.Joe. Kan. City *7:.'spm *7:4OamSoo City& Worthington. *7:35am *6:lopmSoo city & Worthington. *7:?5 m *7-:40 amTracv.Watertown. Huron §7::'spm :7:4oam

y^lga Minneapolis, St. PaulMgfpl & Sault_S;e Maria Ry.SRIiiIaP.CITY TICKET OFFICE.%s?|Si!^» 3!*B


JtsSE^^ Telephone, If's3.l.t::>v.>. | St. Paul Union Depot. Arrive.

Atlantic Limited Vesti-baled through train, daily,lirr Escar.aba, -null ate.

-Mririe. Montreal. Boston.

Yorka d ail Easiern6:10 p. m. poi ts

-i,-,-, a. m.'Pa iiic Limited Vtstibuledthrough train, daily, lor. . Vitlioy City. Minot, Van-couver, Seattle, Tacoma,

Portland. Ban I-ranciscoandall Pacific Coast points.

7:60p. m. Ctiinu.Japan andAustralia. 3:4) a. mWis. i.iv., 1. i-al.daily ex-cept Sunday. viaKt.P. 4. D.R. R. and Bald Eagle, '.orTurtle Lake, Prentice aud

f;2oa. m. Rhinelanaer - .... 6.-« p. in.

Broadway Depot,Foot 4th st

St. Croix Falls Aceommo--s*o p. m- dation, dailyexcept Sunday IJ.IO a. m.

fc'oo Line Depot, id st. and4th ;.v. north, Minneapolis.

Minn. Div., local, dailyex-'

ice-jit Sunday, lor-Buffalo. '\u25a0 z-... PayneßViUe, Glenwood and

fiX\n.m. • ... \u25a0\u25a0-- . -

-...!.. .„m

NORTHERN PACIFICThe Dining Car Line to Fanro. Winnipe"Helena, Butte and Hie Pacific Northwest."

St PaulDining Cars on Winnipeg and" ' '

Pacific Coast Trains. LV. Ar.Pacific -Mail (daily) lor Furt;o,l

~Jamestown, Liviripstou.lielena, jBmte, Missoula, Spokane.. Ta- 4:15 l>:iicoma. Seattle and Portland. ... p.m. p m.

Atiautic Express (daily) from \u25a0

Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Sdo-kane and Montana and North 5-10Dakota uointd. p.m

Dakota and .Manitoba Express \u25a0

(daily) tor Fergus Fulls,Wall De-ton. Crookston, Grand Forks,Grafton. Winnipeg; Moorhead. S:00 7:21Fargo and Jamestown p. m. a. m.Fargo local (daily except bun-day,, for St.Cloud,Brainerd and 9:03 6:15

• Fargo a. mjp.mDakota Express doci not run wesioi KarjioSunl

days. Pnllmau Sleepers dally between St. Pau.ind Grand Forks,Gralton,Winnipe«.Fergus K:ilU-Wahpetou •.ml Farco. Pullman First-C!a<u and.ouristSleepers are run on through Pacific CoaslXrains. C K.STOXjC, CityTicket A^eut. lttiKa.itTliirdstreet St Pant.

GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAYTinlfoto "\u25a0 KiCOHfi* in-., Minneapolis. 195 E. MlIUnCIO !''.-il. CniOHdepola both cities.

leave St. Paul Union Depot. ; akkivb.

Willmar.Morris. Brown'sbß:o3am Valley b7:oopm

Fergus Far«o andbS:3oam Grand Forks bti :'Jsam

Osseo, Clearwateraud at.bS :30 am Cloud bG:0o pm

Anoka. St. Cloud andb3:3opm Willmar. b10:55 amb4:3Upm Excelsior &Hutcbinson. bll:jjam

Wjllmar. Sioux Falls,bS:OS am Yankton, Sioux City.. b":DO \>m

Breck.. Fargo, GrandaC:3oj)ra Forks. Winnipeg. a.'Uv am

tOsaeo, St. Cloud. FergusFalls, Crookston, G.Forks. \u25a0 Kalit>pell, Spo-kane. Seattle, GreatFalls. Helena. Be tiea 7:45 pm and Pacific Coast aio:3oam

'EASTERN MISXE9OTA.Duiuth, West Superior,

Elk River, Milaca.llinckley, Princeton.

bl:osDm *;Anoka \>f\-.~ jjni

a, daily;b. except Sunday: jßuffot parlorcars on trains to Dnluth. and W. Superior:TBuffet sleepers. iDinin-; and Buffet cars;'palace sleepers, toii::viears.

\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0

__ . r

%Ticket Offices: uSS«street, comer Fifth, and •

UnionDepot, St. Paul.•Daily. tEx. Sunday.*iliz..Monday.;Ex.Saturday

Le.— St.Paul— Ar.

Chicajro Day ?xpress '.»5l;llui TU:4> plaChicago \u25a0Atlantic" express *2S5p in *12:tO pmChicago "Fast Mail" *ti:ssp iv *2:lsji:uChicago "Vestibule" Lim... *Biapm *7^oam.Chicago viaAustin and iiu-


..........._ -.. 14:10 inI*l>:ao a in.Dubuque via La Crosse ..__. is0> a m 1j15 p aSt Louis and Kansas City.. *fcß»a ml *9HS |iinCalmar andDavenport ;.. .. 18:56 aml 1f.:25 i> a jMilbank and. Aberdeen ........ T83»9 a m ili:-Upu \u25a0

Milbankanu ALerdwi. ft»3S \> iv f. 4. a-n

MiuneaDolis trains leave *7:.'.,». t.\ a. m.,•12:15, «J, tS:33 and +10:50 p. m.

for detail information call at ticket office?


——Arrive \u25a0

, Depart-—

3:-»optn|-i:'>3am ! St. Paul. I1 pml.:l.">pm4:2t'ptn»:-t amjMinneap'lis| !'.\u25a0:;"> 5£»ireci Liveto Mia.u i^liiiri),uaiiiiwa.-


AND DINING CARS.AllTrains Rnn Daily.

CCHICAGO GREAT W£ST£RM KAIL,WATv^ Co. Trains leave \u25a0 Union Depot. City

-Office, a&t Robert Street, comer Fifth.

*Daily. tUailyex. teuud. Leave.[Arrive'Chicago Fast Express .:->

tlowa. Mo. &Kansas Ex. .. 7:25 am Il:05pm•Dodffe Center Local 3:35 pm li):osam•Chicago Limited.-......" |7:3opuij 7:33am*Dcskoines. St. J. & K.C'..'7r:o pm 7-^-uim .

jIH^^^HHHJHSSH Leaves Union Depot forr.v-r*?S5 IIChicago and down-river

SBlljljJli\u25a0 i*iiTal p.oints < p- m-Ar-

llMlMII"yes trom snuie poinnSfitfi^HSfiS H.Union Depot Chicago


BulB9Sw3S I]Union Depot, forChicagoII:ii;ilSt. Luais, 7:J'J p. m.

HmJUhmMMm IIArrives!rom same7:3o a.m. Daily.


' /Tjf^ |W jLAl(1 T^LOiCl "fV fwAMTsI WlS^lJ*

i^£ii"^^ -


--.. :—>j%fiiirss^i^u^X __

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 7K><</t?d& f"'\W"('x I ... ftFADBYEVERYBODY \u25a0/V/^>^aUJJU./fi HI C^^^^VHE Hi$ utr ifidiiS^ 7̂