lady gaga' generic conventions of a double page spread + interview

What is the purpose of the photograph of the artist? Why is the mise-en-scene important? How has the picture been edited? What is the effect of the artist looking at the camera? How much space does the image take? The medium close up of the artist shows her expression and body language which shows the artist to be revealing and seductive. There has been a lot of makeup and cosmetic work done for the Photoshop. Her facial expression is quite strong and serious, this combined with the lack of costume invites the readers in to read the article as the image is the most eye catching part of the double page, therefore this is the part that is focused on.

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Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Lady Gaga' Generic conventions of a double page spread + interview

What is the purpose of the photograph of the artist? Why is the mise-en-scene important? How has the picture been edited? What is the effect of the artist looking at the camera? How much space does the image take? The medium close up of the artist shows her expression and body language which shows the artist to be revealing and seductive. There has been a lot of makeup and cosmetic work done for the Photoshop. Her facial expression is quite strong and serious, this combined with the lack of costume invites the readers in to read the article as the image is the most eye catching part of the double page, therefore this is the part that is focused on. The photo isn't layered over the text and vice versa, to make the image as standout as possible.

Page 2: Lady Gaga' Generic conventions of a double page spread + interview

How is this a typical spread from Q magazine? What stylistic features are consistent? Why is branding/maintaining a house style important? The large, red and white theme as a type of branding and to make it noticeable and recognisable. Also the picture is large compared the text as a standout feature

Page 3: Lady Gaga' Generic conventions of a double page spread + interview

Why are the page numbers important? Remember to refer back to your contents page when creating your own! Page numbers are important as a reference to finding a page, for example when looking at a contents page, you’d need to find the number of the page

Page 4: Lady Gaga' Generic conventions of a double page spread + interview

To signify who the interview is about. Its in a larger font because it draws people in if they didn't necessarily recognise the artist from the image they would still want to read the article if they were interested in the artist shown.

Page 5: Lady Gaga' Generic conventions of a double page spread + interview

As a form of advertising, to get people to go onto the website and buy other magazines, merchandise and subscribe, for more content from specific magazine. Subscribing via the internet means you can get the magazine straight after release, and delivered to your door.

Page 6: Lady Gaga' Generic conventions of a double page spread + interview

Another type of branding, a way of getting the logo well-known (which it now is), but it means people recognized the magazine and it’s a constant reminder to the reader of what they're reading.