lab patterns of grustal acttvtry - weebly

NAME DATE INSZRUCTOR PERIOD PARTNER UNIT 4: Plate Tectonics and Earth's fnterior LAB 4-1: PATTERNS oF GRUSTAL AcTtvtry INTRODUCTION: Studies of tectonics have shown that crustal activities are occurring worldwide' Earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain ranges do not occur randomly. There are special zones in which they occur. In this lab you will look for the relationships tetween the locations of these crustal activities. OBJECTM: You will plot the areas in which earthquakes occur most frequently and identify other crustal activities that appear related to these zones. VOCABULARY: Mid-Atlantic Ridge: continental drift: plate tectonics: PROCEDURE: Referring to the Earthquake Location Map provided by your instructor, mark the epicenters on your world map by placing an X in each area where earthquakes have occurred. Referring to a text book, mark the areas with active volcanoes by placing small circles in the regions where they occur. Referring to the World Map and globes supplied by your instructor, indicate on your map the regions where mountain ranges occur by placing small triangles in the appropriate *"ur. B" sure to include mountain ranges that are located under the oceans. Find the chart, "Active and Extinct Volcanoes Around the World" in the Appendix. On your world map, plot and label the locations of the following volcanoes: Mauna Loa, Krakatau, vesuvius, Mt. Rainer, paricutin, Fuji, and Mt. st. Helens Find the chart, "Earthquakes Around the World" in the Appendix. on your world map, plot, in red, the locations of the following earthquakes: April 5, 2004; october 27 ,2004; June 14, 2005; June 15, 2005; November r7 ,2005 On Decemb et 26 ,2004 the second most powerful earthquake ever recorded on a seismograph occurred undersea off the coast of Sumatra. This triggered a series of tsunamis that caused the deaths of over 200,000 people. Locate this earthquake on the chart in the Appendix. Mark its location on your world map with a red T. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 145 Class

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UNIT 4: Plate Tectonics and Earth's fnteriorLAB 4-1: PATTERNS oF GRUSTAL AcTtvtryINTRODUCTION: Studies of tectonics have shown that crustal activities are occurring

worldwide' Earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain ranges do not occur randomly. There arespecial zones in which they occur. In this lab you will look for the relationships tetween thelocations of these crustal activities.

OBJECTM: You will plot the areas in which earthquakes occur most frequently and identifyother crustal activities that appear related to these zones.


Mid-Atlantic Ridge:

continental drift:

plate tectonics:


Referring to the Earthquake Location Map provided by your instructor, mark the epicenterson your world map by placing an X in each area where earthquakes have occurred.

Referring to a text book, mark the areas with active volcanoes by placing small circles in theregions where they occur.

Referring to the World Map and globes supplied by your instructor, indicate on your map theregions where mountain ranges occur by placing small triangles in the appropriate *"ur. B"sure to include mountain ranges that are located under the oceans.

Find the chart, "Active and Extinct Volcanoes Around the World" in the Appendix. On yourworld map, plot and label the locations of the following volcanoes:

Mauna Loa, Krakatau, vesuvius, Mt. Rainer, paricutin, Fuji, and Mt. st. Helens

Find the chart, "Earthquakes Around the World" in the Appendix. on your world map, plot,in red, the locations of the following earthquakes:

April 5, 2004; october 27 ,2004; June 14, 2005; June 15, 2005; November r7 ,2005On Decemb et 26 ,2004 the second most powerful earthquake ever recorded on a seismographoccurred undersea off the coast of Sumatra. This triggered a series of tsunamis that caused thedeaths of over 200,000 people. Locate this earthquake on the chart in the Appendix. Markits location on your world map with a red T.















DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: (Azswer in Cornplete Sentences)

1. Your world map should show that earthquakes do not occur at random locations. Describe thepattern of earthquakes on your map.

2. How are the locations of earthquakes, mountain ranges, and volcanic activity related?

3. What regions of North and SouthAmerica show the greatest crustal activity?

4. According to your map, what is the probability of having either a major earthquake shakeyour house or ofhaving a volcano pop up in your backyard?

5. Why is the perimeter around the Pacific Ocean referred to as the "Ring of Fire',?

CONCLUSION: Compare the pattems of earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain ranges on Earth.


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Volcano Latitude Longitude Volcano Latitude Longitude77.7 W70.8 W69.9 W73.4 W28.0 W18.9 W8.0 w

40.6 E29.2 E43.3 E

155.9 VV

168.0 E145.8 E38.1 E

126.5'E123.7 E127.4 E124.8 E130.0 E1 18.0 E

105.4 E93.8 E25.4 E14.4 E13.7 E

1s5.3 E155.0 W121.8 W121.3 W1 12.7 W102.1 W84.2 W

177.2W178.9 E174.6 W172.1 E165.8 E150.6 E138.2 E122.2W