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k-^Ji ^.ft-w^j^ "WViwS- J«4k w' Ik"*", , * if, Ui, ^ s' v? > »-n 1" ^fTt? f~ V"*- fn-^ ^ ^ ^ ^fe ^ V^-~ *tt -f »"*• ^ iV *i "> #*Js**SftS>*3>r . -**"" 'ii 1 A '-'K re"-r~ Jf ""^ • v *• 1 i r \t i 1 ^ ^ -f l*v*\ , 1 'O ->T*-' u v&sWf «£!&<&tfii£K*i*s**».££-«*t ,fc*i«Su«* «T«»i*<Sww^5U*A V- ^.^3C&!^£i&.^wty®Mfcsft4fewy«K* *a^«q*te/ ^453*^ ^S**^j5« -*^rJPJ*" U -J (». W * <W ilf "V **** *f * **5 ** ^ r inttm it the er the ,but r »nd -h*» ectiv* lean, when t, COR" Vlison ion of rMSr" - » l ' ; f Wtei To HonoflSlovalc Wietijm Of U^ Regime Perth imbo>y ~-(RNS>— A Solemn Mass ior the guffering peopfe of Comittunfst-dominat€d°Sfoviikia'wJtt Tbt offered in. Holy Tnraty church here on Slovak Independence Day, March 20, which marker the 21st anniver- sary of the esUbllsIunent. of the Slovak Republic r TCKe~liass, sponsoredtoythe Eastern District of the Slovafc League of America, will he of- fered by Father Michael CJiuxak, pastor of the church. GOB LOVE YOU! < Br MOST KEY. FULTON J, SHEEN "V ! _ BOOK SHELF T Busy Martha TKTaBHiT Kenedy By SIFTER JSARGABET TCElRKSA Naaareth College* rthe, A Mlbhtal ^t*l ,t J^TNt^clr"l<C!G* '60. 176 pp. #395. ^K*«ry rWlinnttrt seasoned with salt." (Marking). TWt ttylM «t Bur Lort inftexC from fKS'Old l'«t>rtenh tbw is the day-by-day^pieal by-meal story of th« Martha our Xiord immorially charactemed when Ho refused to make Mary bestir herself. This is the Martha who just couldn't stand the unfairness of her labors an other minute without speaking * out At this point in her life, Martha is no saint In this atory, certainly, «he is no taint from the beginning to (almost) the end She is four years older, than the beau. tfe«tpeci«<H»ai^i!«i<rbrJ*^*hei ';••: Q tht einosi istratr i tit*. mph* ,. jit tnaf*--qhbtlaj« . meat, lucfc a> sheep *nd goats and' bullocks, at was i la.the 014 leatainentrhe offew hlmaelf. A« St, Paul a»l«j^wf*)if:H|i'y<>»r-lK«|ei mi JIyl»|f»^lfli:e,,e«inse<raM-^ ; i»':Cf«-*!a4/iNctir-i»f ietenf^BKi^ <3fc»Bt"'l?/lt*-'Hf» aalt here Bittiu aacrlf!«• because Jhere la in us * pdncl|ile . ittifi^enti^fotf h?r father and Ws household Hjtfilhedtes-* hut ift the doing, sh6 is »ron ; haaaied.'aufclj'toniued. hoas*- preud, rash in judgtoeni »tilish :W*» degree that dwtrays'lier ownhlppiriesSi iewof iduala Wert,"' onhe- 4"fh» ecame iof in? 4j«art- awned. "M H "Jmt eons* [httog, [•war ail r-Th» teugh, - might Httoav nun taught. «. Hla rldof gotten" [ah In- ian ia * Ms? •Toe a '«•*»•_ luffed if hlg hid revel- er Our m th* *«anA e. ha«-. ; - nily la iiplres th«r"'li sektag. srtiTto- n aav«- >fconly in thii_ iter, who lieaifd Our Lord tp ttte4«t«« ; «iE ^c3fl<t Jnr:lto : Safe.li^itilCwW«.tt«t',lt Ctefst Whi waa f |i»|^w -inut iirl£ed""-wiQv : the" ii?e---df -sacrifiefc. a(j-,*fe )»u(it h* saitej wjfctj* *al4enlal. "Ghrist'i ntortal^.h*W*(|, then, 'ha« h*ift «'owiJHe4» »hd y«u jiust offer yourselves ^fh thei saro* hit»r%n.*»m*. CWatlan la# *f lift ia.to auhmtt to #e-fiay: ;4«fh«»«*.r'•".•.;. ; .•:. »•• 'c<-> : : ,"-• ~'•• ''i . .,.?•'••;,,• .,* v il-" ^ a Jaito» --it. li*t # "•# 'i»(irl4 whew' iettlalineit- und ie»e of tiaeiollau la highly valued; our neighbor* are le»s '«v Wfrrejfte* I 4 t e 1 * * » . ttpfctXtf**:*!** ttvlng 1 * than th?yr •""-"snar-ija. the Ide* that. :4 JWf« is worth havhut^Wft * » • Wve <he#A^.esi)l»s}uf4tt Christ cannotjeniwlne our hwrt*-with,the \~r*k&faet-fimr^W-W «altour ^rayerufCfur ausyeiaas, ''- ,»«r ataistawe a,C jjaw,, ete;'i»lth sacrlf l«e.>An^If ther* ireje, . a better jaUce t* send sacrifice than t<l give it to the Hqly •g^ttoy^*' help augjiort-lSSjiiHHI misslonjirle»-« we would : <*- xecoMmeaWifetkyou.Afri(%*AafaJdeetli s a l t ^ a n d the talt.-> : 1$ your »«jt(fice, • • .-^ -f—TT^^-.I- S ' , . . . - ' « ; " ; - . , . , ! GOD i^>ye ; X:<!lF to-Mlsa: DJ 1 . for |50 "Our Lord has? bfeen Teiy tttod to we Int558, Jn axdditlon to inany Other graces ana bleMihga, t h»v« Just- received ah incsfeasCin Wlary. In order te" e^riwhoygratitude Jb the Sacred fEeatt lorall He has glveii #e, I would Me. to .jjwfitfd amount to the Society for the .Propagation. $ the J^th.'*',. .4o Ji.W, for ?5 "I gave up mj? ' afternoQnsro^cjcfor one wsooth. Here itthe savings!" - , . to JJL-for'fK^Xant aixtten.sears oja-.a^d-proinljed f5t Judefjiis amount, if he giranted A special intention. I hope your good; work* are Japtr up Jn these land* that Med so inwch," . , , to Itras C.U tot #1$ 'Thia haff of my weekly jpay^epje. In , Thanki|Nntf6r'fh* many grace* I hav* received, itw ibrthe. - foreign miMripiw." m. coaxfs the delicate and a% ;pO«*fiH[^^ f pid^e^fli-iwd dojags,'-^«j-jEitetd-'(»n< Hia'l'ota' '»' - ir*- jf.aiihhu*. jf: ";spl«ftilo* fl«e»-att^#;«*eiiti,.ef tte ? itoif. -toH-<r«w -i*> itte Harthit jfou i^e her e«hfounqeo %f Mt owb h*Me* hey ewa 111 kdg»e»t! you'Tpity hefjfor the hard Jahora/that both please aad of fend, ant reduce her at tht end of Many % djay^tft iearj. ••-. j(;ttow*.she will ie*' tTftts tmtf finjilly;, at the Cross ~ andjat last^.tih .the^inoniln^ of the jJesufiecaohi ^ou; run ^y^th hor t not fo Jfesfls,but^that bouse He WW sttfely Visit.;"Hls mqthcr**'thprej she .reflunded herself»and began, to move with all speed.!huistaaJce nrVjwi' tlons^ for hi* icomihir.", Martha <ear-*noW that you begin to be a saint,Jiow perfect that you do It yeur o,wn i«ay, with housework! ... can. with our atnall talent, l e s t our holy meditation on our- selves turn into another good old string of rash ^dgmenta. Miss ICcGerr hat ended, it tight She has: told it right In the main. I cannot really .be- lieve in Mary's wllr iian.ee 5 at the feast of Cana. (She i» too, too much-the incredibly ruusri- ty child here), hut Jhw on.e per- sonal -veto it overwhelmed In the swift succession of events 4troagljt,,hart41a4r4h* »w« downs of Marfha'a betrothii!, the .JKq|ilg':.«i;-;W-\tte Be-git'Swith: Wcta* •JsjeirM.--' m nobody .^..^to^JtJl^ufetiae. -antfesK* ;of .;those; : h\v$08iif, aposJte« hut jEartha;"— i%$ to her he is also able to ffieab of Ms love foE jeSjs. Pemtps thi* is theiinpt MI M &wm in th*.vnoveJi;the gt«aB»l|ilMt- fudis:. *hd••hll'At'h^ea^few^h. I'horh'cornplafnet,'" -<LV- ' iCOUP.TER-JQURNAL . • - •• - '-". ' .... i. —-. ' ..;. . ~** <*^5, 1*1 anil rrtttjfli iit ii~"" ~ HOwntowa Kotheslej chsareh' & hajsL*xii.giiul»i tp^iHi***"' eg' aurhsfc &m iw *P» .$ftwaf» ence of the working people and Sn9ppe» mm, %M» . %. f$& t tern, iJid.&Stt. pafe--Sate C«j^ept mm Saturday) f «4», tosfead "of &m ®m(w$m - Ifojiday through *>M«. f W4 iRStt &»* *M 19 S-30 g* Wmttfr, S-M to « w4 TM iaBtsjmw<$t wm daily it 12:10 nooM M^day thtohih Friday at 5:3»p- »»»1ie. fe#-" «^&F^rfl6§f Visits M$itetBSr'~ hum, llr|eriJu--^NS)^|gfifeei-J(ol»' ^rO'Jliteh^jiutho*'giij«'teseiticli pjroiesswatthe ITnlvergltf 4 lf«t» Di^Hi in I»IWMli» ihllat lal^iaiwilly mfih * street ^fBe^ftonpof iloileiiiarla l*^ot, capitallot:P|cri«« fgtlieriO'Brieifr . ipttfc * ihnaflt t« Hte Aiilcw ^wkt^-it^t)iidj|i|jmHe go¥eraitteit!f* utilt til Church ofllelgjft jreggig^liift^iijiAji ipeetl «jp frpiwtog «f fl!ti«»*1t ttHUt. Ifldlepriilp |^i'{f if««:i< NX$^<ti; £«iti^. Jbiitepeai.<llf|Lc«. IlitR^gir. '"• • • '. •Vat1ca».'qify,^.€K^S)' .... . , ir*tIors, leweleds, wrkriae.h. aind Borne fCapdaial 'TrasHa,. Vicegerent of I. pt*oijjg-.»o„ M ivijl atOresa Rome TSUI theh mals;* a}*ic^B«wc#i^na):^ift^Lattii adtttlnlstratois are lathering?' at speech of jktifikk inilftpsraigoff orjrnutm ^cicriljittgtfie &?d 3$ top pressure.bath Inside «ndto «je Pop»-0tt Malf of his outelo>^ttcm>€ity to p!'«p*re cofteapes, for the four dayi? of tete^ony unci pageantry stattiag March 2$ when Pope John 3COM w i l l elevate-sevsn; »ow cardinals." - I h e Fope will *)»>»iPEneis ilw ' 4«'^ioi$W;Ct«dMgtifJQhEtout ofiaieT&We l(oQ»^ttf KSceper of the Pope's 'Wardiobe .v/'lll hand e?ich 'of them a sjcutlet creation offt*h«ir cstfjlnal* wool iltuircajp, the smallest--and " cheapest itean of * ca?din»rs costly attire. Teiimhould' be color conscioui when it H * weani of pray- Jttg fot.l,l*M,(W0<O0tf ."paiani throughout the. world. Let your <Htye» know %hat swur hand it doing when youiway th* jRbsary: •'As your hsrad movea,along the heads of the World Mission Rosary, your'eys* pick out the color ef each decade and bring to your mind and prayers the pagans in the different mission -landal Enclose your recptest for a World, Mission Xoilry with your,aacrifi.ee of s$z--iit& *«HirtiUeno^«nV4o-^o«. <• ( ' ' , ' ' . ',- - ; , : a ' ' * = ^ " ' , •' ' i. •*••"•.«' - ' . '»i..r.n.-ii.i t . - ,"' -'Cutjjut jht| ; colun«i, pkyour-«crUIiM^JtJUQd;5jall it to: /-aa^dJntf.-FAl^ J, Sheen, National Director of the Society for , the PropagntlM*ftfthe jFaith, 366 Fifth Avenue* N*w York ix, N.T.. orybarJDiocesanBirectos ley* Geprge S. Wood 50 Chestf ,, atft' JStreet, JRpchesrtir *» Ne^r York* l But- Martha's acknowledge who Include the flrM JTegifo sqad njfint of he 1 * faulty disposition, the first MUpteCanif jTapanese and all its, consequences has Princes ef 't8er*(dht«pjn*j:at a been, yo'u feel, jostpoftea, so secret coas|st»ry la tfii C«w« Jong, ahi now Is onlyjheirlef^flatorial^tol-^eirlili -pj»hee-«t> est moment, hardly'penetttiting tended hy-,members- of -Out the deeps of her hesirt». and Sacred College. '* then you wake up. [ • T- 11 .J ^ ; *-.w -*uJ As soon, as he has pronounced ^ ^ , yi^**; 0 ^ ^^^fthelrnaiattjthearoliwairie^eift just_tWst i Wh.endowesee^our- imftWl j lJ)ave jj eM ^^ ptt of Selves as^theriseeus?"Rret- the new S&tternberCollejje, hat ty close to the,ena^ and unce t^^^t^ m ^idng / th»ir ctevs- *?«& vpm^yto&kM « tton..witt.hav*jasii0egun. clouded: fashion^ iMEaaJiAS of the intaugu- ration of the new caf4inal* : wifl take rtace the next day* at a phWd consistory h»-Si Peter's JBasiUca, whesn the Pope, seated Oft his throne before the altjir, confers on theni the Bed Hat, supreme emhlem .of their new office. *•-—•-]- - ^ And cia.we bear the picture for more than a minute? that we, we ourselves, have made others less kind and good than theytnlght have been if com' panloned with better people! ..SO w* too, like Mart&Vhad best hustle off to do "What we •i'- : -^1. it cheater * are ic date n era «rpl«y» has Its Priests' whieift- MW-- rer.the •s. ' * !slmsk£ h Mc- •^•Js*'.;": fafirier#-". *<^*J&j|a".- ; ' r^nOtt--"- rr'ar«*ftf. ; Michael i »-*'/ii& and Home w i t h REGULAR DRY CLE AH IHG l-d UUMDRr ClofKtne/- (oote beHsr ethd waara lonDer^th ragulor,', 4ty - efebniftiB,- -«i -«te ; "efropis, hldnksttf ond olh- •r'JiouisthttM il*«i. Whirls tsjio,•« will ieriiient M*rf expart. <or«.. for . beifa* : Weflf* irsiBifflrJoritfthrifty ,; sine)' ItiiniJttrtF % keep" « . sparkling k *dMM *"o|>p»or- *tt« In ifOur eippersl and )n yenir horn*. Af«r th» Pope's announce- ment and an ailoiaiUon In wWch he is-expectea to comment op the jtdw : appointments,. -Vttican messenger^WiB hutry 6ftt& She y*rionT~nVttottal pe&tifijSiii -col leges in rBowe where w new cardinals, still officially ignco;. ant of the-honor befaUincthein, Will be rwaiting tefc he«t the "news'V seated, *n special thronet and surrounded by the seminarians and authorities of the "colleges. , The new eardiasts will then make formal speeches of thanks and begirt recelvuig « strearn *f visitors bringing, theni congrat- ulations oh their appointments. TOR 0 **!!^ 1 'day,-till. »ew otrdwals Wilt *penA "ttrtlt 8 ttoe alone hi prsyer and meditation in preparation for the lolemn •eereaonles still ahead*. , a s "'I special siign of theftsrdV*^Eop«pres»Bt| the Wf etrtli Snal'i dignity, -which means you jmust sbovf yourjelf intrepid in isjxslllttg: the floly F«w, the *eace ; aftd trawojaility of the dwlktiart iPoop^ the conservs- «ion *a# growth of the Sqiy atomitt caiurchi, even unto the spilllnje of blood," At(erwardsf, tfca new cardtrtili T»111 niove In solemn procession to the '^jiipel -of Str Petrontua 40 jrtastrate ihernjiselve* full lerig|i;.?on the floor, completely «oveted hy theh ptrple.cspe*, In slgfitof uttex hurnilityl while the old cardinals chant a X* "30'tm ev^thfenit -. The last part oj thr«remony will take place the same day at a lecottd-secret Wnsistoiy when ^,:.l.l..»»;i.ii.^iiiJ.,||g.Bfcjgffiii! l m, nibwrnbt mm mm- -'-^ weekday, % *m, f, 7M * «*» -mm noon, mi &25 p* :On* feMdOii-dttrisg Masjcs. :COBPCS ; 'f9ttm--A*M.. weekday* lasts? I t t t . Jfe>»f*y throuih wmm *m-m<* «* , St. 'itKOOEBtm W*k *«* daj thwagh SttW* "H;»T¥»" ; and:-'tt;S w>*a* »**«, w«kdays, 11:40 am. and :i2-d0f'hoOB» CoirfiUMl Mm Waw. ' '•' ' India Vofes own Ban +*i&,W. Buffalo—{Nd> »-A Cathc-' Ho college student Bet* is liv-, irtg proof th>t physical hindi- caps can. bes Overcome — If a man comhinej hi* other God- gi%en talents with: s true spirit of determination, ..Jim-Myers,' am 18-yeat-old' freshman at Caniaius College, was bom with? only one full- length arm, and on that arm he 1 hit dlfllcultx»t first because of my buhlllsy to serve, hufc 1 flwltjr Xelrsedt-te Imek.ike sad- dle tutder my chie, threw the ball Is the aUr, asad swljae St Btto »tUtt ^(NG) n lndIiR ieglilators Mvs reiecW s»lU aimed at twWng wnvarftoni In Jttdjfc- '- Tht lower home of Parity, rawit kitted th« prlvattly Intro, teeed bltt |ft«f-*HB>sernm«n} _ spokesman^ MmWe? of Stati (^jnstlttttton••^§m*mf ftei* dontto profiHi, prsetlew wf" j^rop^gat* any rthgioa ; 1*t hUl'sp pwf«a»4 »h* wW ' lo^onUj^iMwcttt^oveftfwt-- inoHv*t«a hy^hoRfJor i » t o , M m saclal iavintsge. Bat W Txacker* of.th* bill Itdleatrt. during tins delat* that tr^jfmlnv. ed at cuttaJllhf hUsaleniry #ct- MtylUem . ; , Mr, ©star, to urglnt; Parlli; went to refeS the Wit, «JA UisrChrlttiantty* IslwnliJ*i«* aoroaatriantstn .ars «: tulif IttdimasHlndulim. < ,—0 ~- . $ , has pu.* fortii it reflected in htsi j»«. « *»,_ *& successJnidniosteverytbiiig ht U t C l e C S Xitm* undertakes from ping pong] to acholaitlc achlevemenU. insls with their topai rings. He also wIH "cjost ana* open their months* with * centuries- old formula; Jtressfrtg their duties to keep the secrets of thetr office'and to gtvi-wlse catittset to th* Pipe, . Sttb«eM«nti^«ie.3veepcrM)t the WsrdrolHa WilTwIth fitting ritual, ^deliver to the cardinals Ihe Red Bits they symhoUcally ijwce^yedL }n,th* morninf. Some time* later, the Pop* will allocate* to eaten new cardinal a cbarcft In lomev his titular but officii! seat in the capM offaffioliciaau 'u.-^ : Here th#- eardlml»(. ___„ being aiiiiottttced one hy on* h$ the Vatican Master' ef Sere* nwrtte* wili spproach tlii Pon* tiffli Throie; m«ka» m M|ile geauflecaon aj»d finally laieei dow»pta kiss tte Jope'ffoot* , : Still kneelingv t h e y S t e ** ceiva from the |oi»WI>lb«iid their crimson biretta, a, iquatre On March » , . t h e Pop* Will J IpersonallyfeceiTeteensforth* , . , , . ... .. first tune as cardinals 1ft Ml determinatiod hut paid off, -Throne 3ta«mp-» airinipfetsit* apartment with gilded ieilxng, crKtifeat -damask waifo-inlaid lnsirme"'floorS —all nshlg tor % I climax In t golden throne can- opied in red Telvet. c " '- jAlthejugh Jint has never «M> any Individual cnattpionihfprjn fliajor tourneys, he was a Bienf. ber ot; hJs parish team that won fct tt £SM>&H^ life *^ J Bwi * ^ ' chamspionsltltti l^fSrSSfi *! **.t*fftM M m aftd chlmploit tsWe tennfss |lay>' "Wheh hl» tesan-wOte-tht title* exinhdowa.flgl*. ... ^intldwweedtoiheseaiffJt'rrft, ryi'^he; tacit-ot * B ^** hi beateft hy the'totw- has*f|iven iiml ***•* «t'ntusl- tlaner* ht list . iorwdelermlna^y«i;!s'to'"OTe1^,'he''w«'.ag1Hi tloa tt>^&tjedu«^-ugxaJaZtetei,.iiythe^eninfeiitwiaheK- every venture hfrkttempfasvJhlt **I kmv my tftUQr eeuWnl putaMi tJuwashhish acheol arid college* » I tijok a job dellver- Jng the Buffalo' Evening News when X was in gnmrnar school," Jim said. "I continued this work right up to the atari of my freshman year at Csnislus.** He has- also worked for the town of Tonawanda during the wmti- mers doing landscape work and jpark development work* I Jlnt reilired a long time ago ^ that if hiwisated. -to' owsbsome' nts [ hig!Mlei^ hi*mw.-.%ssi-*M- *ike oldest of four boys, Jim lives with hl« family la Toaa- *wl**ITN3t%,,lS sallesi-Bwrtk ofj wotk hard at IC^Ba"effort M gtsffalo; M-garitba* le fglm' ' jorlng In languages and' It al< U ready a member of the deals', after ?h*< . - - iftt»ra^ttaiysui_ "t^iilwerwltar Jim^i--^mtsj*- A- hew "fh* senior ssewi^sgdaiili*!*- in this case, ftt-yisr-old Luigl ^rimihas heefi am altar ty&faate-uihwglbr was Imm- slaee the fifth graJde, actiye l i fitted Toy C&urch authorltltei, hi*.parish fte ^md^-mi^LS 3l '^^ l i^!^J t *& ha* earaedf-|ls awh ts*MKi e $^2M*'ffi*tt&to isone^ l^L4elivefiag aews* |6* thg Aiftth3ggtiP&- JaipeW; for. l e w s ! y**rs and 1 " ;holdin| other lobs. Despite his- haMdi«ap„ i3m has led tttltife- of x normal Catholic boy. I^VMt DX i v ftutafit, Miss., —(KC^- tti superior general Pfttf£MtW Father* Witt tlttt A««r|ei» houses of tht order durlBg tht mth aairtwrttry *f Jtt foiand^ tag. / : : up' fs father WtomVi* >Bs«sVlKSJt7« whe riMmjVte ;Ci»iiir»*rh*iidqtiart«« to ft. -^K.*^ "a3i» <2aptHMn Bt»th«ig att w«rMnf im *'m Bun&*4foM and lift «witfftffiUBr ._ --,•--. J^aJM^ppilleal ierviot (Joct hm fffll it* fow|p^-»iistfeiHs m MK&dm t -&to&&B t '$* .ttilor* 4«rt*eep*^ -'<HMtiitar>- -.^•dswp»» ^-^fefiaiincc'-aiait^ ^tssJw^Mft^^mfm—• 18 :VS&F^«mS& ioinior«ht> CmM* Bifofceii .to- work im C&r^t wiStt fes iEV. -fw, EYMAHD, 0,rJw*w(apf* 210 Wast 3tsf Sfrwef, Nww Y e * %**X ^irwa* wit le I was a i s altar f Jlss,'«lafes* "that f'st- caaaelsterested tsa plage jasg- .*•*? MtjiBJ^r %tm 1^ H«- Hs^ 1 ts.a4wa« JssL (camKt Choose yottf^rjrefeaner on* lawi- , derar from- <»*»r ietset list »1 *dv*r*. fltVnu, thwy're relfoM* **pth*r 7stfvios ts-"«»p-srWa v^oliltTii 5 * rwwa M "LABEL'S* POU HER s H t t ^ a r *aWaWasWsl" «sawis>- p ^ssjgs^ " H a , 9 fttflssslPfs CONFIRMATION 1 WHITf t^CBtSTIlt = • Mettw Catfrt ?t«m«t " • 'Ssee4r^s - -^ .^ijQfTOWH["' • fnn«f Ukw Umnfiy $ Cltaiiirt—Cturn M«w»«» Clwmra—Witirfy . V - »Iwaft Wl«tr«lHMr * fi***-? «^ # mattfruk? afttdk ".., • £ft*Mi thnfaehaa Setttea * * JMswN!s>av«fifor"3i«ii16«;«w»jtlJi«Jn^ snivles tell thew yatf sWW JtJufr atlilsiii h> , ; tot* ' "> a^a^aatBa^sft W«W»l'l»TgsP *ssaaa>Msask#<aaafl w^sslHF'awsi^sWg Mtaww Kataae PRESSES .*8**»*19 J * SIZB |f» H.. t$tS6.-*tltf^sWjf #f IrV* IcrWisi. tftftff ' Yottr Ont-Steji SHOPflte ClWfEt y*»wf Religious ACCESSORIES Veils - Sfiawls Slip* - Parity* Socks-Vcsfs a*i MK> wawsaaapw waii^w^i""™ fWrfS irSW SjIWW ^^PPWi^WT «T^i^^^ ffiMiiMMiM^ "T^ *4iXt,Y i ^tjtW'v -* u.iiti **.^-mtwt*« ** —. -J sL MJON afTranff - lo Religion Ifs De$ioti®nql & ! • • JirtsTOr» fMHCtmnfl S68# sW » £(H!Mf.. VlllllllJiJ. .W3.fWSi._„ I > •KB* «»*!.>-^ THE CATHOUC SUPftYSTOtf awxslHcas 115 rrtsfskjin % ilft'Flij, J >- 9teM^HhN«^to|!^. vjfNsif sr gasysl ^Ssa|ff|f^ awlsslsa|ijF 'lis * IJ*W» sjwfiasf asijia ^^ am* s^*a> -- — t — art asx; ; r '^- ._ * v«p i^anfe^Stt-.^C ^ -*^ X "•'•• .^'. ^ ' ^ • —*-J..'. 'i.»- fc.'.'' -M-a

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it the er the

,but r »nd

-h*» ectiv* lean,

when t, COR" Vlison ion of rMSr"

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Wtei To HonoflSlovalc Wietijm Of U^ Regime

Perth imbo>y ~-(RNS>— A Solemn Mass ior the guffering peopfe of Comittunfst-dominat€d°Sfoviikia'wJtt Tbt offered in. Holy Tnraty church here on Slovak Independence Day, March 20, which marker the 21st anniver­sary of the esUbllsIunent. of the Slovak Republic

rTCKe~liass, sponsored toy the

Eastern District of the Slovafc League of America, will he of­fered by Father Michael " £ CJiuxak, pastor of the church.


"V ! _


Busy Martha

TKTaBHiT Kenedy


rthe, A Mlbhtal ^t*l,tJ^TNt^clr"l<C!G* '60. 176 pp. #395.

^K*«ry rWlinnttrt h« seasoned with salt." (Marking). TWt ttylM «t Bur Lort inftexC from fKS'Old l'«t>rtenh

tbw is the day-by-day^pieal by-meal story of th« Martha our Xiord immorially charactemed when Ho refused to make Mary bestir herself. This is the Martha who just couldn't stand the unfairness of her labors an other minute without speaking

* out At this point in her life, Martha is no saint

In this atory, certainly, «he is no taint from the beginning to (almost) the end She is four years older, than the beau. tfe«tpeci«<H»ai^i!«i<rbrJ*^*hei

';••: Q


einosi istratr i tit*. mph*

,. j i t tnaf*--qhbtlaj« . • meat, lucfc a> sheep *nd goats and' bullocks, at was i la.the 014 leatainentrhe offew hlmaelf. A« St, Paul

a»l«j^wf*)if:H|i'y<>»r-lK«|ei mi JIyl»|f»^lfli:e,,e«inse<raM-^ ;i»':Cf«-*!a4/iNctir-i»f P » ietenf^BKi^ <3fc»Bt"'l?/lt*-'Hf» aalt here Bittiu aacrlf !«• because Jhere la in us * pdncl|ile .

ittifi^enti^fotf h?r father and Ws household Hjtfilhedtes-* hut ift the doing, sh6 is »ron;

haaaied.'aufclj'toniued. hoas*-preud, rash in judgtoeni »tilish :W*» degree that dwtrays'lier ownhlppiriesSi

iewof iduala

Wert,"' onhe-4"fh» ecame iof in? 4j«art-awned. "MH


eons* [httog, [•war a i l r-Th» teugh, -might Httoav n u n

taught. «. Hla rldof gotten"

[ah In-ian ia * Ms? •Toe a '«•*»•_ luffed if hlg

hid revel­

er Our m th* *«anA e. ha«-.;-nily la iiplres th«r"'li sektag. srtiTto-n aav«->fconly in thii_

iter, who lieaifd Our Lord tp ttte4«t««;«iE ^c3fl<t Jnr:lto:Safe.li^itilCwW«.tt«t',lt Ctefst Whi waaf|i»|^w -inut iirl£ed""-wiQv:the" ii?e---df -sacrifiefc. a(j-,*fe )»u(it h* saitej wjfctj* *al4enlal. "Ghrist'i ntortal .h*W*(|, then,

'ha« h*ift «'owiJHe4» »hd y«u jiust offer yourselves fh thei saro* hit»r%n.*»m*. CWatlan la# *f lift ia.to auhmtt to #e-fiay:

; 4 « f h « » « * . r ' • " . • . ; . ; . • : . »•• 'c<->:: ,"-• ~'•• ''i . .,.?•'••;,,• .,*

v il-" ^ a Jaito» --it. li*t # "•# 'i»(irl4 • whew' iettlalineit- und ie»e of tiaeiollau la highly valued; our neighbor* are le»s

'«v Wfrrejfte* I4te1**». ttpfctXtf**:*!** ttvlng1* than th?yr •""-"snar-ija. the Ide* that.:4JWf« i s worth havhut^Wft * » • Wve

<he#A .esi)l»s}uf4tt Christ cannotjeniwlne our hwrt*-with,the \~r*k&faet-fimr^W-W «altour ^rayerufCfur ausyeiaas, ''- ,»«r ataistawe a,C jjaw,, ete;'i»lth sacrlf l«e.>An^If ther* ireje, . a better jaUce t* send sacrifice than t<l give it to the Hqly •g^ttoy^*' help augjiort-lSSjiiHHI misslonjirle»-« we would

: <*- xecoMmeaWifetkyou.Afri(%*AafaJdeetli sa l t^and the talt.-> • : 1$ your »«jt(fice, • • .-^ - f—TT^^- .I - S

' , . . . - ' « ; " ; • • - . , . • , • • • ! • • • •

GOD i >ye;X:<!lF to-Mlsa: DJ1. for |50 "Our Lord has? bfeen Teiy tttod to we Int558, Jn axdditlon to inany Other graces ana bleMihga, t h»v« Just- received ah incsfeasCin Wlary. In order te" e^riwhoygratitude Jb the Sacred fEeatt lorall He has glveii #e, I would Me. to .jjwfitfd amount to the Society for the .Propagation. $ the J^th.'*',. .4o Ji.W, for ?5 "I gave up mj?

' afternoQns ro^cjc for one wsooth. Here itthe savings!" - , . to JJL-for'fK^Xant aixtten.sears oja-.a^d-proinljed f5t Judefjiis amount, if he giranted A special intention. I hope your good; work* are Japtr up Jn these land* that Med so inwch," . , , to Itras C.U tot #1$ 'Thia i« haff of my weekly jpay^epje. In

, Thanki|Nntf6r'fh* many grace* I hav* received, itw ibrthe. - foreign miMripiw."

m. coaxfs the delicate and a%

;pO«*fiH[^^fpid^e^fli-iwd dojags,'- «j-jEitetd-'(»n< Hia'l'ota' '»' - ir*- jf.aiihhu*. jf: ";spl«ftilo* fl«e»-att^#;«*eiiti,.ef tte?itoif.

-toH-<r«w -i*> itte Harthit jfou i e her e«hfounqeo %f Mt owb h*Me* hey ewa 111 kdg»e»t! you'Tpity hefjfor the hard Jahora/that both please aad of fend, ant reduce her at tht end of Many % djay tft iearj. ••-.

j(;ttow*.she will ie*' tTftts tmtf finjilly;, at the Cross ~ andjat last .tih .the inoniln^ of the jJesufiecaohi ou; run y th hort not fo Jfesfls,but^that bouse He WW sttfely Visit.;"Hls mqthcr**'thprej she .reflunded herself »and began, to move with all speed.!huistaaJce nrVjwi' tlons for hi* icomihir.",

Martha <ear-*noW that you begin to be a saint,Jiow perfect that you do It yeur o,wn i«ay, with housework! . . .

can. with our atnall talent, l e s t our holy meditation on our­selves turn into another good old string of rash ^dgmenta.

Miss ICcGerr hat ended, i t tight She has: told it right In the main. I cannot really .be­lieve in Mary's wllr iian.ee5 at the feast of Cana. (She i» too, too much-the incredibly ruusri-ty child here), hut Jhw on.e per­sonal -veto it overwhelmed In the swift succession of events 4troagljt,,hart41a4r4h* » w « downs of Marfha'a betrothii!, the

.JKq|ilg':.«i;-;W-\tte Be-git'Swith: Wcta* •JsjeirM.--' m nobody .^..^to^JtJl^ufetiae. -antfesK* ;of .;those;: h\v$08iif, aposJte« hut jEartha;"— i%$ to her he is also able to ffieab of Ms love foE jeSjs. Pemtps thi* is theiinpt M I M &wm in th*.vnoveJi;the gt«aB»l|ilMt-

fudis:. *hd••hll'At'h^ea^few^h. I'horh'cornplafnet,'" -<LV- '


• - •• - ' - " . ' . . . . i . — - . — ' . . ; . .

~** <*^5,

1*1 anil rrtttjfli i i t ii~"" ~

HOwntowa Kotheslej chsareh' & hajsL*xii.giiul»i tp^iHi***"' eg' aurhsfc &m iw *P» .$ftwaf» ence of the working people and Sn9ppe»

mm, %M» . %. f$& t tern, iJid.&Stt. pafe--Sate C«j^ept mm Saturday) f «4», tosfead "of &m v» ®m(w$m -Ifojiday through *>M«. f W4 iRStt &»* *M 19 S-30 g * Wmttfr, S-M to « w4 TM

iaBtsjmw<$t wm daily i t 12:10 nooM M^day thtohih Friday at 5:3»p- »»»1ie.

fe#-" t»

«^&F^rfl6§f Visits M$itetBSr'~ hum, llr|eriJu--^NS)^|gfifeei-J(ol»' ^rO'Jliteh^jiutho*'giij«'teseiticli pjroiesswatthe ITnlvergltf 4 lf«t» Di^Hi in I»IWMli» ihllat lal^iaiwilly mfih * street fBe^ftonpof iloileiiiarla l*^ot, capitallot :P|cri«« fgtlieriO'Brieifr

. ipttfc * ihnaflt t« Hte Aiilcw ^wkt^-it^t)iidj|i|jmHe go¥eraitteit!f* utilt til Church ofllelgjft jreggig^liift^iijiAji ipeetl «jp frpiwtog «f fl!ti«»*1t ttHUt. Ifldlepriilp |^i'{f if««:i< NX$ <ti; £«iti . Jbiitepeai.<llf|Lc«. IlitR^gir. '"• • •

'. •Vat1ca».'qify,^.€K^S)' . . . . ., ir*tIors, leweleds, wrkriae.h. aind Borne

fCapdaial 'TrasHa,. Vicegerent of I. pt*oijjg-.»o„ M ivijl atOresa Rome — TSUI theh mals;* a}*ic^B«wc#i^na):^ift^Lattii

adtttlnlstratois are lathering?' a t speech of jktifikk inil ftpsraigof f orjrnutm ^cicriljittgtfie &?d 3 $ top pressure.bath Inside «ndto «je Pop»-0tt Malf of his outelo>^ttcm>€ity to p!'«p*re cofteapes, for the four dayi? of tete^ony unci pageantry stattiag March 2$ when Pope John 3COM will elevate-sevsn; »ow cardinals." -

Ihe Fope will *)»>»iPEneis i l w

' 4«' ioi$W;Ct«dMgtifJQhEtout ofiaieT&We l(oQ»^ttf KSceper of the Pope's 'Wardiobe .v/'lll hand e?ich 'of them a sjcutlet

creation of ft* h«ir cstfjlnal* wool iltuircajp, the smallest--and " cheapest itean of * ca?din»rs

costly attire.

Teiimhould' be color conscioui when it H * weani of pray-Jttg fot.l,l*M,(W0<O0tf ."paiani throughout the. world. Let your

<Htye» know %hat swur hand i t doing when youiway th* jRbsary: •'As your hsrad movea,along the heads of the World Mission Rosary, your'eys* pick out the color ef each decade and bring to your mind and prayers the pagans in the different mission

-landal Enclose your recptest for a World, Mission Xoilry with your,aacrifi.ee of s$z--iit& *«HirtiUeno^«nV4o- o«. <•

( • ' • ' , ' ' . • ' , - - • ; , : a ' ' * = ^ " ' ,

•' ' i. • * • • " • . « ' • - ' . '»i..r.n.-ii.i t . • - •

,"' -'Cut jjut jht|;colun«i, pkyour-«crUIiM^JtJUQd;5jall it to: /-aa^dJntf.-FAl^ J , Sheen, National Director of the Society for , the PropagntlM* ftf the jFaith, 366 Fifth Avenue* N*w York ix, N.T.. orybarJDiocesanBirectos ley* Geprge S. Wood 50 Chestf

,, atft' JStreet, JRpchesrtir *» Ne^r York* l

But- Martha's acknowledge who Include the flrM JTegifo sqad njfint of he1* faulty disposition, the first MUpteCanif jTapanese and all its, consequences has Princes ef 't8er*(dht«pjn*j:at a been, yo'u feel, jostpoftea, so secret coas|st»ry la tfii C«w« Jong, ahi now Is onlyjheirlef^flatorial^tol-^eirlili -pj»hee-«t> est moment, hardly'penetttiting tended hy-,members- of -Out the deeps of her hesirt». • and Sacred College. '* then you wake up. [ •

T- 11 .J ^ ; *-.w -*uJ As soon, as he has pronounced ^ ^ , y i ^ * * ; 0 ^ ^^^fthelrnaiattjthearoliwairie^eift just_tWstiWh.endowesee^our-imftWljlJ)avejjeM^^ ptt of Selves as^theriseeus?"Rret- the new S&tternberCollejje, hat ty close to the,ena^ and unce t ^ ^ ^ t ^ m^idng/th»ir ctevs-*?«& vpm^yto&kM « tton..witt.hav*jasii0egun. clouded: fashion^

iMEaaJiAS of the intaugu-ration of the new caf4inal*:wifl take rtace the next day* at a phWd consistory h»-Si Peter's JBasiUca, whesn the Pope, seated Oft his throne before the altjir, confers on theni the Bed Hat, supreme emhlem .of their new office. — *•-—•-]- - ^

And cia.we bear the picture for more than a minute? that we, we ourselves, have made others less kind and good than theytnlght have been if com' panloned with better people!

..SO w* too, like Mart&Vhad best hustle off to do "What we

•i'- :

-^1. i t

cheater * are ic date n era


has Its Priests' whieift-M W - -rer.the


' • *

!slmsk£ h Mc-

•^•Js*'.;": fafirier#-".


r^nOtt--"-rr'ar«*ftf.; Michael

•i»-*'/ii& •

and Home


l - d UUMDRr

ClofKtne/- (oote beHsr ethd waara lonDer^th ragulor,', 4ty - efebniftiB,- - « i -«te ;

"efropis, hldnksttf ond olh-•r'JiouisthttM il*«i. Whirls tsjio,•« will ieriiient M*rf expart. <or«.. for . beifa*:

Weflf* irsiBifflrJoritfthrifty

,; sine)' ItiiniJttrtF % keep" « . sparkling k *dMM *"o|>p»or-*tt« In ifOur eippersl and )n yenir horn*.

Af«r th» Pope's announce­ment and an ailoiaiUon In wWch he is-expectea to comment op the jtdw: appointments,. -Vttican messenger^WiB hutry 6ftt& She y*rionT~nVttottal pe&tifijSiii -col leges in rBowe where w new cardinals, still officially ignco;. ant of the-honor befaUincthein, Will be rwaiting tefc he«t the "news'V seated, *n special thronet and surrounded by the seminarians and authorities of the "colleges. ,

The new eardiasts will then make formal speeches of thanks and begirt recelvuig « strearn *f visitors bringing, theni congrat­ulations oh their appointments.

TOR0**!!^1'day,-till. »ew otrdwals Wilt *penA "ttrtlt8 t t o e alone hi prsyer and meditation in preparation for t h e lolemn •eereaonles still ahead*. ,

a s "'I special siign of the ftsrdV *^Eop«pres»Bt| the Wf etrtli Snal'i dignity, -which means you jmust sbovf yourjelf intrepid in isjxslllttg: the floly F«w, the *eace ;aftd trawojaility of the dwlktiart iPoop^ the conservs-«ion *a# growth of the Sqiy atomitt caiurchi, even unto the spilllnje of blood,"

At (erwardsf, tfca new cardtrtili T»111 niove In solemn procession to the '^jiipel -of Str Petrontua 40 jrtastrate ihernjiselve* full lerig|i;.?on the floor, completely «oveted hy theh ptrple.cspe*, In slgfitof uttex hurnilityl while the old cardinals chant a X* "30'tm ev^thfenit -.

The last part oj thr«remony will take place the same day at a lecottd-secret Wnsistoiy when


lm, nibwrnbt mm mm- -'- weekday, % *m, f, 7M * «*» -mm noon, mi &25 p * :On* feMdOii-dttrisg Masjcs.

:COBPCS; ' f9ttm--A*M.. weekday* lasts? I t t t . Jfe>»f*y

throuih wmm *m-m<* « * , S t . 'itKOOEBtm W*k * « * daj thwagh SttW* "H;»T¥»" ; and:-'tt;S w>*a*

»**«, w«kdays, 11:40 am. and :i2-d0f'hoOB» CoirfiUMl Mm Waw. ' '•' '

India Vofes own Ban


Buffalo—{Nd> »-A Cathc-' Ho college student Bet* i s liv-, irtg proof th>t physical hindi-caps can. bes Overcome — If a man comhinej hi* other God-gi%en talents with: s true spirit of determination,

..Jim-Myers,' am 18-yeat-old' freshman at Caniaius College, was bom with? only one full-length arm, and on that arm he

1 hit dlfllcultx»t first because of my buhlllsy to serve, hufc 1 flwltjr Xelrsedt-te Imek.ike sad­dle tutder my chie, threw the ball I s the aUr, asad swljae St

Btto »tUtt ^(NG) n lndIiR ieglilators Mvs reiecW s»lU aimed at twWng wnvarftoni In Jttdjfc- '-

Tht lower home of Parity, rawit kitted th« prlvattly Intro, teeed bltt |ft«f-*HB>sernm«n} _ spokesman MmWe? of Stati

(^jnstlttttton••^§m*mf ftei* dontto profiHi, prsetlew wf" j rop gat* any rthgioa ;

1*t hUl'sp pwf«a»4 »h* wW ' lo^onUj^iMwcttt^oveftfwt--inoHv*t«a hy^hoRf Jor i » t o , M m saclal iavintsge. Bat W Txacker* of.th* bill Itdleatrt. during tins delat* that tr jfmlnv. ed at cuttaJllhf hUsaleniry #ct-MtylUem . ;

, Mr, ©star, to urglnt; Parlli; went to refeS the Wit, «JA UisrChrlttiantty* IslwnliJ*i«* aoroaatriantstn .ars «: tulif IttdimasHlndulim. < , — 0 ~ - . $ ,

has pu.* fortii i t reflected in htsi j » « . « *»,_ *& successJnidniosteverytbiiig ht U t C l e C S Xitm* undertakes — from ping pong] to acholaitlc achlevemenU.

insls with their topai rings.

He also wIH "cjost ana* open their months* with * centuries-old formula; Jtressfrtg their duties t o keep the secrets of thetr office'and to gtvi-wlse catittset to th* Pipe,

. Sttb«eM«nti^«ie.3veepcrM)t the WsrdrolHa WilTwIth fitting ritual, deliver to the cardinals Ihe Red Bits they symhoUcally

ijwce yedL }n,th* morninf.

Some time* later, the Pop* will allocate* to eaten new cardinal a cbarcft In lomev his titular but officii! seat in the capM offaffioliciaau

' u . - ^ :

Here th#- eardlml»(. ___„ being aiiiiottttced one hy on* h$ the Vatican Master' ef Sere* nwrtte* wili spproach tlii Pon* tiffli Throie; m«ka» m M|ile geauflecaon aj»d finally laieei dow»pta kiss tte Jope'ffoot*

,: Still kneelingv theySte * * ceiva from the |oi»WI>lb«iid their crimson biretta, a, iquatre

On March » , . the Pop* Will J IpersonallyfeceiTe teens forth* , . , , . ... . .

first tune as cardinals 1ft Ml determinatiod hut paid off, -Throne 3ta«mp-» airinipfetsit* apartment with gilded ieilxng, crKtifeat -damask waifo-inlaid lnsirme"'floorS —all nshlg tor % I climax In t golden throne can­opied in red Tel vet. c " '-

jAlthejugh Jint has never «M> any Individual cnattpionihfprjn fliajor tourneys, he was a Bienf. ber ot; hJs parish team that won

fcttt£SM>&H^ life * ^ JB w i* ' chamspionsltltti l ^ f S r S S f i *! **.t*f ft M M m aftd chlmploit tsWe tennfss |lay>' "Wheh hl» tesan-wOte-tht title* exinhdowa.flgl*. ... ^intldwweedtoiheseaiffJt'rrft,

ryi' he; tacit-ot * B ^** hi beateft hy the'totw-has*f|iven iiml ***•* «t'ntusl- tlaner* ht list

. iorwdelermlna^y«i;!s'to'"OTe1 ,'he''w«'.ag1Hi tloa tt>^&tjedu«^-ugxaJaZtetei,.iiythe^eninfeiitwiaheK-every venture hfrkttempfasvJhlt •

**I kmv my tftUQr eeuWnl putaMi tJuwashhish acheol arid college* » I tijok a job dellver-Jng the Buffalo' Evening News when X was in gnmrnar school," Jim said. "I continued this work right up to the atari of my freshman year at Csnislus.** He has- also worked for the town of Tonawanda during the wmti-mers doing landscape work and jpark development work*

I Jlnt reilired a long time ago ^ that if hiwisated. -to' owsbsome'

nts[hig!Mlei hi*mw.-.%ssi-*M-*ike oldest of four boys, Jim

lives with hl« family la Toaa-*wl**ITN3t%,,lS sallesi-Bwrtk ofj wotk hard at IC^Ba"effort M gtsffalo; M-garitba* le fglm' ' jorlng In languages and' It al<

U ready a member of the deals', after ?h*< . - -

iftt»ra ttaiysui_ "t iilwerwltar

Jim^i--^mtsj*- A- hew

"fh* senior ssewi^sgdaiili*!*- in this case, ftt-yisr-old Luigl

^rimihas heefi am altar ty&faate-uihwglbr w a s I m m -slaee the fifth graJde, actiye l i fitted Toy C&urch authorltltei, hi*.parish f t e ^md^-mi^LS3l'^^li^!^Jt*& ha* earaedf-|ls awh ts*MKie$^2M*'ffi*tt&to isone^ l^L4elivefiag aews* |6* thg Aiftth3ggtiP&-JaipeW; for . l e w s ! y**rs and1" ;holdin| other lobs. Despite his-haMdi«ap„ i3m has led tttltife-of x normal Catholic boy.


i v

ftutafit, Miss., —(KC^- tti superior general Pf ttf £MtW Father* Witt tlttt A««r|ei» houses of tht order durlBg tht mth aairtwrttry *f Jtt foiand tag. / :: up' fs father WtomVi* >Bs«sVlKSJt7« whe riMmjVte ;Ci»iiir»*rh*iidqtiart«« to ft.

- ^ K . * ^

"a3i» <2aptHMn Bt»th«ig att w«rMnf im *'m Bun&*4foM and lift «witfftffiUBr ._ --,•--.

J^aJM^ppilleal ierviot (Joct hm fffll it* fow|p^-»iistfeiHs m MK&dmt-&to&&Bt'$*

.ttilor* 4«rt*eep*^ -'<HMtiitar>- -.^•dswp»» ^-^fefiaiincc'-aiait^ ^tssJw^Mft^^mfm—•

18 :VS&F^«mS& ioinior«ht> CmM* Bifofceii .to- work im C&r^t wiStt fes

iEV. -fw, EYMAHD, 0,rJw*w(apf* 210 Wast 3tsf Sfrwef, Nww Ye* %**X

^irwa* wit le I was a is altar f Jlss,'«lafes* "that f 'st-

caaaelsterested tsa plage jasg-.*•*?


%tm 1^ H«- Hs^ 1




Choose yottf^rjrefeaner on* lawi-, derar from- <»*»r ietset list »1 *dv*r*.

fltVnu, thwy're relfoM* **pth*r 7stfvios ts-"«»p-srWa v oliltTii5* rwwa

M"LABEL'S* POU HER s H t t ^ a r *aWaWasWsl" «sawis>- p ^ssjgs^ "Ha, 9 fttflssslPfs



t^CBtSTIlt = • Mettw Catfrt ?t«m«t " • 'Ssee4r s - -

. ^ i j Q f T O W H [ " '

• fnn«f Ukw Umnfiy $ Cltaiiirt—Cturn • M«w»«» Clwmra—Witirfy . V -»Iwaft Wl«tr«lHMr * fi***-?

«^ # mattfruk? afttdk " . . ,

• £ft*Mi thnfaehaa Setttea * *

JMswN!s>av«fi for "3i«ii16«;«w»jtlJi«Jn^ snivles tell thew yatf sWW JtJufr atlilsiii h> ,

; tot* ' "> a^a^aatBa^sft

W«W»l'l»TgsP *ssaaa>Msask#<aaafl w^sslHF'awsi^sWg

Mtaww Kataae


.*8**»*19J* SIZB | f » H..

t$tS6.-*tltf^sWjf # f IrV* IcrWisi. tftftff '

Yottr Ont-Steji

SHOPflte ClWfEt




Veils - Sfiawls

Slip* - Parity*


a*i MK> wawsaaapw waii w i""™ fWrfS irSW SjIWW ^^PPWi^WT « T ^ i ^ ^ ^



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