krg survey group ppt

KRG Survey Group A guide to Survey Research

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KRG Survey GroupA guide to Survey Research

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Table of Contents- Survey Research- Reliability and Validity- Survey Monkey- Our Survey- Results- Grounded Theory- Research Questions- Next Steps

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Survey Research

•What is survey research?

•Advantages and Disadvantages

•Research Methods

•Designing the research tool


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Survey Research

What is survey research?- Descriptive research- Analytical Studies- Evaluation Research

“Research strategy not a research method”

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Survey Research

Advantages•Produces empirical data

•Can better generalize a population

•Cost effective

Disadvantages●Lacks detail and depth●Significance can be neglected●Hard to achieve proper response rate

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Survey Research

Research Methods

•Qualitative interview

•Internet Questionnaire

•Group Administration

•Outdated Methods

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Survey Research

Designing the research tool

•Planning the content

•Questionnaire layout

•Question Design

•interview questions


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Planning the content

•Enlist help from experts

•Lit search

Survey Research: Designing The Research Tool

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Survey Research: Designing The Research Tool

Questionnaire layout

•Things to avoid

•Open vs. closed

•Response scales

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Survey Research: Designing The Research Tool

Question Design

•Improving respondent recall

•Be specific

•Sensitive questions

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Survey Research: Designing The Research Tool


•Are the instructions clear?

•Do the questions make sense?

•Are sufficient response options available?

•Are any questions systematically missed?

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Survey Research





•Informed Consent

•Voluntary Participation

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Reliability and Validity

Reliability- Test-Retest- Alternate Form- Internal Consistency

Interobserver Reliabilityr > 0.70

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Reliability and Validity

Test-Retest and Alternate Form Reliability

•If r>0.70 then reliable

•Test-retest is giving two similar test at different time periods

•Alternate form is similar of test-retest (changing the word of questions in a similar form or change the order)

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Reliability and Validity

Internal Consistency Reliability Example

•using different surveys to test for the same thing (i.e.)

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Reliability and Validity

Validity- Face- Content- Criterion- Construct

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Reliability and Validity

Content Validity

•Face and construct validity

•Focuses on the content of the survey

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Reliability and Validity

Face Validity

•checking to see if there is a clear purpose

•Does not focus on content, focuses on how relatable is it to the topic

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Reliability and Validity

Construct Validity

•to prove that there are other material out there to support the test and the results

•if you construct a new survey but there is no previous research or studies on it then it may not have great validity

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Reliability and Validity

Criterion Validity

•based on the performance of the construct theory

•if we have an existing survey that can allow for comparison with the new survey then this is concurrently valid.

•Ex. a new IQ test compared to a similar IQ test to check for validity

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Survey Monkey

•How to create a survey

•Collect data

•How to analyze results

•Exporting documents

•Creator’s view vs the participant’s view

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Our Survey

•Combination of GPPAQ and BEQ

•Group: KIN and College of Science


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•Question 12 and 15 r=0.725 (reliable)

•Question 6 and 13 r=0.558 (not reliable)

Days/week Hours/day

0 (54%)

7 (10%)

0 (57%)


1-2 (16%)

>2 (9%


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Grounded Theory

- Reverse methods of empirical research- Steps- No literature review- Relatively higher creativity from researcher

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Research Questions

• Identify the sample

• identifies the topic of interest

•Specific vs. narrow

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Research Questions

• Is behavior counseling sufficient in converting people from inactive to an active lifestyle?

• Could household cleaning and gardening be enough physical activity to label someone as active?

• Testing the KIN and College of Science population, would we see more physical activity performance in KIN students than College of Science students?

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Next Steps

•Create surveys for Bod Pod and pQCT

•Create and use surveys for research (i.e. comparing amount of physical activity for different majors, gender, or age groups)

•Develop guidelines to help students that are interested in utilizing survey methods in their research

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Works CitedBabbie, E. (2013). The basics of social research. Cengage Learning.

Duke initiative on survey methodology and research. (2010). Retrieved from

Fowler, F. J. (2013). Survey research methods (Vol. 1). Sage.

Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, A. L. (2009). The discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research. Transaction Publishers.

Kelley, K., Clark, B., Brown, V., & Sitzia, J. (2003). Good practice in the conduct and reporting of survey research. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 15(3), 261-266.

Litwin, Mark. How to Measure Survey Reliability and Validity. Sage Publications. 1995.

McLeod, S. A. (2007). What is Validity?. Retrieved from

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