korea and vietnam

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Korea and Vietnam. Korea: Between China and Japan. Koreans descended from different group than Chinese. They were from the Siberian and Manchurian peoples 109 BCE Choson (earliest Korean kingdom) conquered by the Chinese ( Wudi of Han dynasty) Parts of peninsula - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Korea and Vietnam

Korea and Vietnam

Korea: Between China and JapanKoreans descended from different group than Chinese. They were from the Siberian and Manchurian peoples109 BCE Choson (earliest Korean kingdom) conquered by the Chinese (Wudi of Han dynasty)Parts of peninsula Koguryo (tribal people in the north) resisted Chinese rule and established independent state- at war with the southern rivals Silla and PaekcheWhen Han dynasty fell, some splinter kingdoms in China remained in contact with Koguryo and fist wave of Sinification took place. Buddhism a key link. Chinese writing also introduced. Tried a Chinese-style bureaucracy.

Tang Alliances and the Conquest of KoreaKorean division allowed Tang rulers to conquer it by allying itself with Silla kingdom and going against the other two kingdomsSilla and Chinese arguing over dominance. Silla proves strong and they agree that it will pay tribute to the Chinese and be a vassal state- 668 withdrew their armies and the Silla were the ind. Rulers of Korea

Sinification: The Tributary Link

Chinese influence peaked during Silla (668-9th century) and the Koryo dynasty (918-1392) Turned into a miniature Tang dynastyAll sides happy with tribute arrangement- Chinese happy to receive tribute and kowtow and Koreans happy to have peace and access to Chinese learning, art, and manufactured goods- so, tribute system became major channel of trade and intercultural exchange

The Sinification of Korean Elite Culture

Silla rulers rebuilt their capital at Kumsong to look like its Tang counterpartFavored Buddhism over Confucianism- led to patronage of the artsPottery notable- esp. pale-green glazed celadon bowls and vases

Civilization for the Few

Elite dominated by aristocracy, who didnt intermarry nor marry outside of classAll classes beneath aristocracy were oriented towards their service. Buddhist teachings gave them hope for bliss in the afterlife

Koryo Collapse, Dynastic Renewal

Common people rose up, outside invasions (Mongols in 1231)- led to a century and a half of turmoil1392 Yi dynasty established and ruled Korea until 1910

Between China and Southeast Asia: The Making of VietnamPreconquest peoples of the south in the red river valley had a strong cultural identity and did not want to be overtaken by their strong Chinese neighbors in the north. Partly able to resist because further away from Chinese center of power- spoken language not related to Chinese- intermarried with the Khmer (Cambodia today) and Tai gave specific ethnic identity

Nam Viet (people in the south)- first mentioned in Qin raids in 220s BCE as southern barbarians

Conquest and Sinification

111 BCE Han conquered them. They learned and borrowed from each other. Viets took cropping and irrigation techniques so more food could be produced and it supported a larger population Elite soon started attending Chinese schools, read Chinese texts of Confucius

Roots of Resistance

Failure of Chinese culture to make impression on peasantry frustrated Chinese hopes of assimilationChinese thought of them as backward39 CE Trung sisters- revolt- stronger position of women who resisted Confucian ideals about womens roles and status

Winning Independence and Continuing Chinese InfluenceDistance from China- along with motives for resistance and strong cultural identity led them to independence907 after fall of the Tang dynasty mounted massive rebellion to take advantage of chaos in China939 won independence but still borrowed heavily from the Chinese- administrative system, civil service exams, Chinese-style palacesScholar-bureaucrats never that powerful- competed with well-educated monksChinese legacy gave them advantages in southeast Asian strugglesChams and Khmers- adversaries, which they managed to push outEnd of 16th century- rivals and clashes between northern Trinh family and southern Nguyen familyNext threat would be the French and the Roman Catholic Church