koebel, jaime

Jaime Koebel By Brian Cyr and Lawrence Barkwell Ja ime Koebel is a pa rt icipating ar ti st in the Wal king Wit h Our Sist ers  project. Walking With Our Sisters is an installation art project o !"#$$ pairs o moccasin tops or %&amps' commemorating and representing an estimated ()* +boriginal women and girls who ha&e been murdered or gone missing in Canada and the ,.S.+. since !-!. /his is the irst o se&eral sets o &amps created by Jaime or Walking With Our Sisters. 0/hese are1 2y irst set o completed &amps or this project. 3 couldn4t help but think about how ineecti&e national political organi5ations ha&e been in trying to get some mo&ement on raising awareness and bringing justice to the issue o missing and murdered +boriginal women in Canada. +n e6ample is the support or a national in7uiry that the +89 tried to establish during their recent meeting with the pro&inces. What we are doing with this project is real. 3t eels to me like a mo&ement rom the grassroots to really being awareness to other people like us who may not know about the cra5iness o this situation. Cra5iness as in : why it4s anything being done in any real manner; 3 hope that when this gets e6hibited general society will be gited with an important message o urgency and suspicion as to why more sit being done. We are our own leadership. !

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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8/12/2019 Koebel, Jaime

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recently she claimed the 3nternational jigging title when she won the open competition at

 Metis Fest  held +ugust )$$- at the 3nternational eace @ardens. 3n addition to her artistic

creati&e side" Jaime has published literary pieces in a small number o maga5ines and hasacademic pieces in journals and books which ocus on engaging +boriginal youth and

issues surrounding 3ndigenous identity. She contributed %2y StoryF Aelections on

@rowing ,p in Lac la Biche' to The Long Jjourney of a Forgotten People Metis !"entities # Fa$ily %istories ,te Lischke and >a&id 2c9ab" eds. WaterlooF Wilred

Laurier ,ni&ersity ress" )$$#F G*-: G#D.

3n >ecember o )$$-" Aesearch and >e&elopment Oicer Jaime Koebel was one o a

ew delegates selected to accompany ?er H6cellency" 2ichael JeanI @o&ernor @eneral o

Canada on a State isit to 2e6ico" @uatemala and Costa Aica. /he purpose o the &isit

was to enhance the relationship between Canada and the three countries through the arts" business" multiculturalism" and womenEs issues.

3ndigenous issues held prominent in the many orums that the delegation attended. /he

@o&ernor @eneral hersel initiated many con&ersations around the issue o residentialschools and the process o /ruth and Aeconciliation in Canada. ?er commitment to the

2etis people and bringing to light the issues they ha&e aced in Canada wasknowledgeable and genuine.

Currently" Jaime is also a Aesearch and >e&elopment Oicer with the 2etis Settlementso +lberta at their Satellite Oice in Ottawa" O9. She is also a 9ational Board 2ember

or the Boys and @irls Clubs o Canada and locally" she is the co:chair or Carleton

,ni&ersityEs +boriginal /ask 8orce and +d&isor or the City o OttawaEs +rts" ?eritage

and Culture +d&isory Council as well as a board member or the Ottawa +boriginalJustice Committee.

Hdited and Compiled by Lawrence Barkwell

Coordinator o 2etis ?eritage and ?istory Aesearch

Louis Aiel 3nstitute