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Page 1: §k~o/cuuv - nccumc.org · Mary Ann Barbour Dr. McKee Jia Whitfield Virginia Montague Garland Montague Printer-----Garland Montague T,ypist-----Peggy Thompson. TI GLAD. AREN'T YOU?



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Page 3: §k~o/cuuv - nccumc.org · Mary Ann Barbour Dr. McKee Jia Whitfield Virginia Montague Garland Montague Printer-----Garland Montague T,ypist-----Peggy Thompson. TI GLAD. AREN'T YOU?

Ve want to express our appreciation to allmellbars who have helped us in so Jlany ways.&king this book possible.

eomposed by25th Anniversary Coaaittee

Dot Clark, ChaimanOzzie MarshallDavid ArthursBetty TaylorClara RoebuckCecil MontjoyIvy MontjoyMary Ann BarbourDr. McKeeJia WhitfieldVirginia MontagueGarland Montague

Printer------Garland MontagueT,ypist-------Peggy Thompson

Page 4: §k~o/cuuv - nccumc.org · Mary Ann Barbour Dr. McKee Jia Whitfield Virginia Montague Garland Montague Printer-----Garland Montague T,ypist-----Peggy Thompson. TI GLAD. AREN'T YOU?


Say, aren't you glad God loved us so.

That He His Son did give;

And that Son to tbe Cross did go,That you and I might live?

It is so Grand so Good so Sweet,God's Love, His Mercy, Grace,

Howcan we wait until we meet,And see Hill ftf.Ceto Face?

But we can know His presence here,Companionship subllae;

If we to Him stay ever near,And serve Himall the time'

Rev. Lester Tilley

Page 5: §k~o/cuuv - nccumc.org · Mary Ann Barbour Dr. McKee Jia Whitfield Virginia Montague Garland Montague Printer-----Garland Montague T,ypist-----Peggy Thompson. TI GLAD. AREN'T YOU?


A Prayer for Members of Longview UnitedMethodist Church who have died.

o God, who art the strength of thy saints,and who redeemest the souls of thy servantSIVe bless thy nue for all those who haved1ed in the Lord, and who now rest :trOll theirlabors, having rece1ved the endof their fa1th,even the salvation of their souls. Espec1allywe call to remembrance thy loving kindness andthy tender merc1es to these thy servants.FOr all thy goodness that withheld not theirportion in the joys of their earthly life,and for thy guiding hand along the way of theirpi1griJIage, we give thee thanks and praise.Especially we bless thee for thy grace thatkindled in their hearts the love of thy dearname, that enabled theJl to fight the goodfight, to endure unto the end, and to obtainthe victory, yea, to becoae more than conqueror,through hiJI that loveth us. Ve magnify thyholy name that, their trials and temptationsbeing ended, sickness and death being passed,with all the dangers and difficulties of thismortal life. their spirit is at home in thypresence. with whom dwelleth eternal peace.And grant. 0 Lord. we beseech thee, that wewho rejoice in the triumph of thy saints mayprofit qy their example, that beCOJling follow-ers of their faith and patience, we also mayenter with them into an inheritance incorr-uptible and undefiled, and thAt fadeth notaway 1 through Jesus Christ our Lord.Allen.

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Mr. &Mrs. Joseph E. Benson

Mr. '" Mrs. Millard Burt

Mr. Charles Burt

Mr. '" Mrs. R. A. BurtMr. & Mrs. E. Randolph car.ean

Mr. '" Mrs. Vade V. carter

Mr. Larry carter

Mr. '" Mrs. Charlie T. Clark

Mr. '" Mrs. Albert Crawford

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dixon

Mr. & Mrs. Jaaes D. Elaore

Mrs. 'lhOll&S Gould

Mr. &Mrs. sa. Hall

Mr. & Mrs. G. Andrew Jones, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Layton

Mr. & Mrs. Luther E. ads

Mrs. Benetta May

Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Montague

Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Montjoy

Mrs. Cecilia Montjoy Adams

Mr. Jack Munns

Mrs. Virginia Ofcharik

Mr. &Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck

Mrs. Lael Sellers

Mr. & Mrs. JamesW. Shelton

Mr. GeneKenneth Skipper

Mr. &Mrs. Clarence Steppe

Mr. '" Mrs. C. C. Taylor

Mrs. J. W. Valentine

Page 7: §k~o/cuuv - nccumc.org · Mary Ann Barbour Dr. McKee Jia Whitfield Virginia Montague Garland Montague Printer-----Garland Montague T,ypist-----Peggy Thompson. TI GLAD. AREN'T YOU?

Mrs. W. Carl WaltonMrs. John WillardMr. & Mrs. Thomas A Williams, Jr.Mrs. Ruby WilliamsAubrey HaddockMrs. C. S. YatesMr. & Mrs. William WrightMr. & Mrs. A. L. ThomasMrs. Maude ParrottMr. & Mrs. Carl E. BeckerMrs. Jackqueline LaFerireMrs. Jesse S. RuthMrs. ~le A. HofmeisterMr. & Mrs. R. L. NormanMr. & Mrs. William WhiteMrs. D. T. HammondsMr. & Mrs. Melvin D. BennettMr. & Mrs. Eugene CroomMrs. D. A. SenterMr. & Mrs. John D. WhitehurstMr. & Mrs. Larry White CooperMr. & Mrs. Claude H. DailMr. & Mrs. Roy S. DenkinsMr. Roy S. Denkins, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. John W. EvansMary Kay MyersMr. Rudy OfcharikMr. & Mrs. Roger E. PearceMr. & Mr_. Cecil PittaanMr. & Mrs. Ruddell Reed

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Mr. & Mrs. James Sineath

Mr. & Mrs. Linwood Saith

Peggy strickland

Mr. & Mrs. William ~ylorMrs. Barbara McDllda

Mr. &Mrs. E. B. ValentineMr. &Mrs. Cecl1 WootenMrs. Chester R. BoydAllen Cra1g Boyd

Judl th Beth BoydPatricia .Rebecca Boyd Sutton

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick ByrdMr. George D. CrabtreeMr.. Christine CrabtreeMrs. Arthur M. Jiles

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The day after the organization of the Church,March 29. 1953. the ladies organized the Woman'sSociety of Christian Service. It was decided atthis meeting that all meetings would be held onthe first Monday night of each month.

There were twenty four ladies present at thefirst meeting in the home of Mrs. Betty Jones.At this meeting the following officers wereelected.

Mrs. Dorothy Clark---PresidentMrs. Dorothy Hall----Vice-PresidentMrs. Virginia Ofcharif--SecretaryMrs. Mary Dixon------TreasureMrs. Virginia Montague--Sec. Of PromotionMrs. Sadie Valentine--Sec. Of Spiritual LifeMrs. Martha Gould-----Sec. Of Status of WomenMrs. Flora Carmean----Sec. Of Christian Social

RelationsMrs. Martha. Crawford--Sec. of Missionary

EducationMrs. Mabel Carter-----Sec. of student WorkMrs. Frances yates----Sec. of Youth WorkMrs. Inez Layton------Sec. of Children' s WorkMrs. Clara Roebuok----Sec. of Literature &

PublicationsMrs. Ivey Mont joy- ---Sec. of Supply & WorshipThe ladies took off in full speed, by the end

of the first year we had thirty nine members, witheach doing several jobs. There was the kitchen to

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supply, so we alght be able to serve MethodlstMen SUppers, which we contlnue to do. Being anew church with young f•• lllea, only two youth,a nursery had to be provlded for the bablesduring the Worshlp Servlces, thls has contln-ued for twenty flve years.

Each week brought on new dutles for theladles, beglnning wlth the flrst year there wereat least two study courses held. We have coll-ected coupons for the orphanage for twenty fiveyears, furnlshed Church parlor, bought a lotof the parsanage furnlture, sent aoney to theLeprosy Colony, retired several Church bonds,bought youth choir robes, helped with theDorothy Dlx Hospltal Chrlstaas Party and .any,lIany lIore saa.ll pro jects.

We contlnued to grow wlth slxty elght lIeab-ers by the end of our second year and elghtysu the next year. In the year 1960 we beganto dress dolls for the Salvatlon Army, the flrstyear we dressed seventy three, this project con-tlnued as long as they needed our services. Weaade numerous baby clothes and sent overseas.These are just a few of the accollpllshments ofthe ladles.

'!bere has always been a place to spend themoney made by the ladles from flea markets,bake sales, Bazarr and Rtmmaage sales, rot eachyear we have given a life membership pln, as we

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know this aoney goes to missions. The followinghave received these pins from Longview UnitedMethodist Church.

LIFE MDtBERSHIP PINSMrs. Sadie Valentine Mrs. Dot ClarkMrs. Marjorie Everett Mrs. Dot HallMrs. Sarah WrightMrs. Virginia MontagueMrs. Georgia AnthonyMrs. Julia MorriseyMrs. EMma WilliamsMrs. Helen HudginsMrs. Ruth Pollett Mrs. Betty TaylorMrs. Jean Wilson Mrs. Ivey MontjoyMrs. Ann Ellington Mrs. Ola Mae BrownMrs. Sophie Hechstrasser Mrs. Lillian AliffMrs. Mary Ann Barbour Miss Lynn TaylorMrs. Ruth Seymour Mrs. Shirley SnallMrs. Peggy Thompson Mrs. Gladys HouchMrs. Lindy Roberts Mrs. Sarah MurphyMrs. Virginia Harris Mrs. Dot Montague

Mrs. Mary Jane WaltonMrs. Martha GouldMrs. B. B. :BaskettMrs. Eve BrewerMrs. Alice BurtMrs. Ozzie Marshall

Our United Methodist Women's success can becredited to all the ladies working together underthe leadership of good presidents. FOllowing isa list of our presidents in order of service.Mrs. Dorothy Clark Mrs. B.B. :BaskettMrs. Mar jorle EverettMrs. Sarah WrightMrs. Martha Gould

Mrs. Azalee SainMrs. Virginia MontagueMrs. Ruth Pollett

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Mrs. Betty Taylor Mrs. Lillian AliffMrs. Bea McGimsey Mrs. Dot MeltonMrs. Zelda Ponder Mrs. Mary Ann BarbourMrs. Dot Clark Mrs. Micky Robey

These are some of the high lights of ourSociety, if some things were left out it wasdue to lack of information. The history of ourSociety has been misplaced, so with the help ofseveral I have tried to get it together again.

Clara Roebuck

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19.54-55 Mr. R. G. Ofch&rIf

1955-56 Mr. Claude Dail

1956-.57 Mr. Cecll Montjoy

1951-.58 Mr. John T. Morrlsey

1958-59 Mr. Claude Holllday

1959-60 Mr. Allen Kendall

1960-61 Mr. Bill Edwards

1961-62 Mr. Gardland Montague

1962-6) Mr. Bertraa Pollett

196)-64 Mr. WadeCarter

1964-65 Mr. J1JI.Langstaff

1965-66 Mr. Donald McGbtsey

1966-61 Mr. Jll11l1lYSteeraan1961-68 Mr. Claude Mobley1968-69 Mr. A. Q. Roebuek

1969-10 Mr. Dan Harrls

1910-11 Mr. Davld Arthurs

1911-12 Mr. Saa1Iy Saall

1912-1) Mr. Ben Seyaour

191)-14 Mr. Ben Seyaour

1914-15 Mr. Elmore stott

1915-16 Mr. Merlin Thompson

1916-11 Mr. Dan Harris

1911-18 Mr. Grady &lyder

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METHODIST MENThe Methodist Men was organized in 1954 with

Rudy Ofcharick - President.The main purpose of this organization was

fellowship, working on improving the church property,helping others. Each year the men entertain wivesw1th a steak dinner. They enjoy a week-end at thebeach. A number of men attend Method1st MenRetreat, which 1s held every year. They meet onthe second Friday night in the month for a dinnermeeting.

Some achievements the men have attained arelisted below,

1. They have sponsored a Boy ScoutTroop for many years.

2. They are a financial supporter ofthe Raleigh Rescue Mission.

). They supply fruit bags for childrenof the church each Christmas.

4. Methodist Men supply workers forvarious jobs when needed for theChurch and Grounds, such as painting,laying tIle, cleaning grounds andbuIlding storage house and pavilionfor picnics. They also do many otherjobs.

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'!be LongviewMYFwas founded in 19.52under

the leadership of Virginia Montague. The latpresident Allen Boydwas elected in 1953. Inthat s&lIeyear Larry Carter became our 1st ACSdelegate. Froa 1954 to 1955 there were notenough youth in the church to have organizedmeetings but in late 1955 under MYFPreaidentDanny Hay the Friday night recreation sessionawere begun.

In 1956 the youth becaae involved with theFair Booth project. From that the to the

present the youth have played an hportant part

in the success of the Fair Booth. Cheryl Da1l

was president in 1956 with Mr. &Mrs. H. R.Honeycutt as the Adult Advisors.

In 1959 Virginia Montague became the AdultAdvisor again and John Brewer becaae president.

In 1961 Baxter Myers becameMYFPresident andthe MYFcontinued to grow. In 1962 Mrs. HowardBrewer became the Adult Advisor and continued tohelp in the youth dept. for several years.

The MYFsent Lynn Taylor aa their 1st dele~teto the sWIller workshop prograa in 1965. Since

then youth fro. Longviewhave gone to workshop

programs every year.

In 1965 Lawrence Whitfield became president

and the group continued to grow. During this

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the under the leadership of Bev. Lester Tilleythe youth becaae more active in the churchservice.

In 1961~ Taylor becaae youth advisor forthe youth dept. In 1961 the youth took there1st Christaas fuilY project. For several yearsthis was the uin youth senlce project.

In the earlY 10's it was decided because ofthe rapid growth of the youth group that ayouth director should be hired. steve Wilsonwashired aa our 1st YouthDirector, soonfollowed b.r EdWoodard. Slnce then severalpersona have workedin the youth dept. Ourpresent YouthDirector AlanGibson is working1f1.th the youth to continue to moveforw.rd withprojects and activities. Over the years theyouth of LongY1ewMethodist have madea definateimpact in our Churchand co_unity.

It was the youth whoin 19.59suggested thatthe Chapel be naaed the carl WaltonMaoralChapel. Since the beginning of Longviewour Youthdept. haa always been a group thatany memberof our church could be proud. We,the memberspray that each group in the future1f1.11 continue to be happy and grow in Chr1st.

LynnTaylorYouthAdvisor 1961-14

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Wemet on March 29, 1953 for our first foraalserv1ces. Nursery and Pr1lllary ch11dren met 1n

the basement of Virg1n1a and Harvey Montague~home. V1rg1n1a and Clara Roebuckwere the

teachers. '!be rest of the Sunday School lIletin the basement of Toa and Fran W1l111Ul'shome

(Nowthe Roeoockhome.) Dot Clark taught theGraaIlar grades. Cec111aMontjoy and Larry

Carter were the only youth, so they met w1ththe adults. Mr. SamHall was the teacher of

th1s class. In (Apr11 or May) we .et 1nLongv1ewElementary School.

'!be SUndaybefore Chr1staas wemet in ourchurch. '!be ch11dren met 1n the basement andgrUller grades in the two small class roOJlS.'!be adults in the Santuary •

Doris Wh1te becaae the Primary D1rector.

As our church grew in .e. bers our Sunday

School enrolhlent 1ncreased and the JIIetalbu11ding was acquired in 1956, to help withthe overflow. The adults were divided intotwo classes. Charlie Taylor and SamHall werethe teachers. Wewere soon too crowded and

plans were .ade to bulld the DowdBuilding

to be used as Sunday School building.

''!he DowdBullding was occupied in 1957 andhouses Nursery through sixth Grade. In addi tlon

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to this in 1972 the walkwaywas inclosed to

becoae a music roomand nursery. Also in 1976our Library was furnished with unifora bookcases

and becUle a resource center for teachers. 'D'leLibrary bas l:ack copies of Llterature, fll:astrlps,filmslips and picture flIes, along with booksand audl0 vlsual equlPJ1ent. 'D'lls was done whenRev. Tucker was pastor.

As our church grew, we grew to four Adult Classes,'D'leWilllaas Class, whlch uses the InternatlonalLesson, 'D'leAldersgate Class, which is Bible Study,'lhe Chrlstian D1aloUgeClass, which began when

Rev. Walker was pastor. 'D'lls class uses llteraturedealing with Social Concerns and B1ble study andare presently stud.1ng the Teachings Of Jesus.

Also the YoungAdult Class, for collage age, thisclass has been active on and off for a numberofyears. At the present the there are a good

number of this age. 'D'lere 11tera ture deals with

Social Concerns, Moral Issues and B1ble Study.

Our Youth departaent bas had somevery activeyears and somenot so active due to the nuaberof youth involved. At the present time we havea very active group of about thirty youth.

Classes are divided into Junior High and Senior

High. Tbey meet in the metal building.

As our adult classes grew so did our Nursery

and Elementary departments. Wehad classes asfollows. two year old class, three year old class,

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four year old class, and five year olds, we hadfirst and second grades, third and foqrth grades,

fifth and sixth grades. Someof these classesha.ve been combined in recen t years.

Due to some very dedica.ted workers we feelour children and youth recelved and are re-clevlng, through our Sunday School, very goodteaching of the B1ble and SOlIegood examplesto live by.

Dot Clark, Durwood Bll.rbour

and Peggy 'thompson

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Over the span of 25 years, this Churcbhas been blessed with good instruaents of au.ic,talented and capable ausiclans to play the in-

strwaents, patient directors, and faithful cho1rpeople to lead the congregation in singing. A

few naaes stand out as being special to the

Ministr,y of Music at longview United Methodist

Church. All the others were and are _eabers ofa group mere each YOice shares equal laportance

in the eyes of Godand gratitudes of the con-gregation.

Early in 1953 when the fledging congregationworshiped in longview School AuditoriUII. Dr.Millard Burt and Mr. warren Barf1eld gathereda saall group of singers, and with CeceliaMontjoy (Adaas) as pianist, fonaed a choir.Soon after, in May1953 Mrs. Bachel Boyd (Hayes)assuaed direction, and choir practice was held

each week in her hoae on NewBern Avenue. InMayof 1955 Mrs. Boyd (Hayes) relinquished herduties to Mrs. Robert Senter (Hilda). With theexception of 1961 (Edith Mechler) and July1966 to February 1967 (Bruce Jones) Mrs. Senter

has been and is our Music Director.

Mrs. Senter is a Tery talented and qualified

person in the music field and we are very for-

tuna te to have her as our Cho1r Director.

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Our First Church organ vas a _all HaaIlondwith aaplificatioD iDstalled by Mr. J1uystephenson of stephen.on Music CoapanyiD Raleigh.'lbe organ not only soundedgreat during theJf;yJms. it picked up short aTe radio during thesemon. Our present organ •• purchased iD1912 aDd has serYed the Church 1Iell. Our choirhas been Tert actin here iD the church and hasjoiDed other choirs iD other ChurchesandSerYices ODnUllerousoccasions. Manybave beenblessed bJ it. offerings.

Betty Taylor

'lbe 25th Anni'Y8raaryCouittee 1IOuldl1keto extend our appreciation to the Choir members,Orga.niat and Director for the iD8piration theyhave proTided the membershipthrough the years.

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THE LONGVIEW PtETRODIST DAY SCHOOLThe inception of the Longview Methodiet

Day School was spearheaded by the LongviewMethodist Church's first minister, HeverendCarl Walton. The organizational meeting washeld July 29, 1954, with the following personspresent I Dr. Millard ~t, Chairman, Rev. carlWalton, Mrs. V. E. Fisher, Mr. R. G. Ofcharik,Martha Crawford, Wade Carter, Nita Hammons,and the ex-officio members.

The purpose of the kindergarten was wellexpressed by Hev. Walton in his message to theOfficial Board when he was asking approval forthe kindergarten. He stressed the evangelisticopportun1ty of teaching Christianity to agreat number of ch1ldren.

The first school year (1954-55) was to beginwith one class of not over thirty-five fourand five year old children. The Director-Teacherwas Mrs. Myr1e Fisher and her assistant teacherwas Mrs. Nita Hammons.

In the fall of 1957, an a11-day care programwas gradually started to meet the needs and re-quests of families where both parents were em-ployed outside the home. The hours the schoolwas opened changed to 7115 A.M. until 6.00 P.M.and these are the present hours the Day Schoolis open. Mrs. Ozde Marshall became D1rector-

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Teacher in January or 1957 and at her request,aa relieftd or the "Director" duties by Mrs.

Doria Vhite in the fall or 1957.

After-achool care (care tor children in thefirst, second, and third grades) as part otthe Day care Prograa. Children alked troll

near b.1 LoDgYiewGardens School.

Pr1aarily because of the high atandards tor

teachers and the educational prograas they de-Yeloped, the Day School 1I&S approved (the high-iat rating in North Carolina) by the Northcarolina Education Departaent and the all-4aycare prograa is licensed by the North caroUna

Welfare Departaent. 'lbe starf feels especiallyhonored whenthe children of profesaionals in

the field of education and child psychiatrychoose our school as the one in which to enroll

their children eyen though our location is insOlIeca.aea inconvenient to thea.

EYeryaeaber of the LongviewUnited MethodistChurch can justifiably be proud of the Church'sDay School. Repeatedly, the staft has been

told b.1 aany parents howauch the school hasaeant to their ohild and that they chose ourschool because of what fomer parents had told

I thea concerning the school. or course, the

highest coapl1Jaent or all is to feel or see the

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love of the ch1ldren for all of the staff.The needs of the commun1ty have changed

drast1cally s1nce the school opened 1n 1954. Inthe early 1960' s the demands of the young parents1n the commun1ty and area were tor aore kind-ergarten classes for f1ve-year olds. Becausethere was no more classrooa apace ava1lable, 1twas dec1ded to use one classroom both in themorn1ng and 1n the afternoon for kindergartenstudents. Mrs. Louise McCoy taught afternoonclasses of f1ve-year olds f'roa 12145 P.M. eachyear fro. 1965 through 1969. In 1968, Mrs.Frank1e L1les agreed to start teaching (in add-it10n to her aorn1ng class ot four-year olds)an afternoon class of three and four year oldson Tuesday and 'lbursday afternoons. 'lbe pro-gram was expanded to 1nclude Monday, Wednesdayand Fr1day afternoons for 4' s and Tuesday andThursday afternoons for 3's w1th Mrs. LindyRoberts teacher. Mrs. Roberts was also themorning Arts and Crafts Teacher. 'ftl1sconcernfor meet1ng the needs of three and tour-yearolds instead of five-year olds 1ncreased whenmany f1ve-year olds had the opportun1ty to enterpub11c kindergarten in the mid 1970's. Whenpub11c k1ndergarten became available to all five-year olds in the area within the next two years,the bllk source of students was eliminated.Transportation to and from two public schoolswas first offered in the school year 1976-77--

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another pollcy changeIn order to conforti tothe needs of changlngcondltlons.

Theschool started with a staff of twoand1. lI&yof 1960 the enrollaent .s Dinety-threewith a staff of ten, in 1961 the staff collslst-ad of flfteell eaployee8, in 1971 the staff Il\t-.bar •• twIn. 'l'heenrollaent range bas beentweatY1ine studeats in the f'all of 1955, 100 in1960, 1)4 in 1965, 121 III 1910, and. 120 in 1915.

lYenthough the enrollaent and senlcesoffered during the years ba.•.•n.rl.d great~,the laalc orgu,latlonal structure of the pro-grtIilbaa reaaiDedthe ••• e.

Durlngthe nine aonths of the school year,all students are placed in aorning class •• acc-ordlng to thelr Chronologicalage. '!heir taeis divided illto period-' of quiet play or in-struction and aore acti .•.e acti .•.ities. Eachaorning includes a tlae for ausic, playgroundplay, teaparty, discussion, story tlae, etc.Twicea weekevery class is sholmfilastripsfor )0 ainutea and each weekevery studentenjoys a period in the Art. and Crafts roOllwith this speclal teacher. '!he classroOJlSarearranged in workor interest centers, such as.HousekeepingCenter for dramatic play and de-veloping soclal skills, BlockCenter f'or de-veloping perceptual skllls, eye-handcoordi-

DAtion,aatheaatics concepts, and encouraging

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cooperative endeavor; Creative Center providinga wide variety of materials for creative artactivities and crafts; Game Center containinggames, toys and puzzles for developing finemotor skills, discriminatory abilities andcritical thinking; Listening Center equipedwith record player, records or games to de-velop auditory skills; LibrarY Center filledwith inviting books and a cozy place to "read"and the Science Center full of "look-touch-sse11 or find out what will happen' items."

Financially, the school has been a successfuloperation. The first few years were difficultsince so .any iteas of supplies and equipmentneeded to be purchased, but since that timethe school has been self supporting and severalChurch bonds have been retired, froa Day Schoolfunds.

Besides the benefit of using the Churchfacilities for the purpose of performing a publicservice, some of the parents of students becameChurch aembers. Other assets have beenJ The DaySchool provides a place of care for children ofFair Booth workers J Day School teachers helpteach during Bible School and the refreshmentswere provided ~ the school; the filmstrip libr.aryof over 150 fil1lls,the projector, books, recordsand record players have been used qy Sunday Schooland Bible School teachers; the playground, and

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the Day School is responsible for the pur-

chase of .any things seen in the Church--classroo. chairs, tables and curtains. waterfountains, pianos, wall and metal storage cab-

inets, the basement floor tile, light fixtures,

folding doors, air conditioners, basement

kitchen stoves, freezer and cOIIJ'Iercialre-frigerator. and the ceaent walks to the rightof the Church, to the playground and metal


'!be expenses of the Day School have been

kept at a Jl1nUUI1because lIany Churchaeabers

haYe taken the responsibility of 1I&nybuildings,

aaintenance and repair jobs--Henry Marshallaade the wall storage cabinets and shelves in

the ClaSSroOlllsand the basement area, supervised

the building of the picnic table and the newpavilion and does sany bandy-u.n jobs each year.

Cecil Montjoy was responsible for installing

the present basellent lights and is the personcalled upon for advice whenever the furnace,

refrigerator or freezer is giving trouble, Rev.Cotton helPed with the plUllbing whenhe was

ainister, 1M Brownhelped by building and re-pairing the playhouse on the playground, in-

stalling the newer playground equlpJlent, put-

ting foralca on classroom table tops, and re-

pairing the large woodentrucks, tractors,

and cars, Ben Seymourhas been very helpful

in keeping the grounds neat and clean. and aany

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other Church members have contributed in variousways. Bob McCoy has been one of those "in thebackground" helpers for years.

'!beyears between 1972 and 1978 can best bedeseri bed as years of transition and adjustmentto the changing conditions of our community.Prior to 1972, the Day School had been volun-tarily licensed b.Y the N. C. Welfare Department.When the N. C. law became effective in 1972,requiring all day-care to be licensed b.Y theN. C. Child Day Care Licensing Commission, itwas necessary to make several alterations in theChurch building. Lighted exit signs and a firealarm system were installed through tout thebuilding. '!bekitchen was equiped with stain-less steel drainboards and a stainless steelwork table. A dishwasher was installed alongwith a ventilation fan and hood above thekitchen ranges.

'!bemost significant change in recent yearshas been the size of the morning kindergartenprogram. As the public schools phased in theirfive-year kindergarten program, the Day School'senrollment of five-year-old children decreased.Also, during these years the character of theChurch's med1a te cOlIJRunity was changing.While in the past years many of the kindergartenchildren lived in neighborhoods outside theLongview Community, rising gasoline costs andincreasing traffic now made carpooling less de-

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s1rable tor parents. Presently, a near'b1publicschool otters extended day-care beyondregularschool hours. These tactors, along with theinflationary nature of the econOllY,have COll-bined to effect a decrease in the DaySchool'8total enrollaent during the school year8 1976and 1m.

!n the interest of 8erYingthe wholecOlUlUDity,the DaySchoolaccept8 children ot all races,tai ths and ethnic 'backgrounds.

AnothercOllllunity BerYiceprovided by the DaySChooli8 in the &reaof nursing education. Forthe past several years, students at WakeTechni-


eal !nsti tute t s Schoolot Nursinghave beenallowed to spend tiae in the DaySchoolassist-ing in the ClaSsroOllsand observing character-istics of healthy, noraal children. This is in-cluded in the course ot study for nursing students.

During these transitional years the DaySchoolhas u.intained its high acadeaic standards. Theteachers continue to study and aprove theirskills and use the very best educational pract-ices in their classrooas. Eachyear, the pre-school prograa has been reviewedand approved'b1the N. C. Boardof Public Instruction.

Eachme.ber of the DaySchoolstaff is a wa.nn,vibrant Christian personality, truly dedicatedto serving children. Dur1ngthe eight years Ihave been employedat the DaySchool. I have

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_ tched 11tera11y hundreds of ch11dren b10sSOll.growand thriTe1n the Day School's 10Ting. nur-turing ataosphere. This Christian out-reach intothe liTes of so many:raa11ies in the comaunityreflects credit on the entire membershipof thechurch.

Day School Directors1954-19S6---------------------Myr1e Fisher1957 (January-M~)------------ozzie Marsba111957-1959---------------------Doris White1959-1962--------------------~ae Moore1962-1963--------------------_ozzie Marshall1963-1972r-------------------_ola MaeBrown1972-1978---------------------caro11ne Patterson

Sauer Prograa DirectorsDoris WhiteJanie MooreRogersMaeMoorePauline HortonCaro11nePatterson

Treasurers have been. Helen Reaves, ClarenceParkhurst, Claude Holliday, Maur1ceToler, andRuth Seyaour.

Day School Comaittee Membershave been. EachMin1ster, Director and Treasurer, Ed Brown(Chairman), Millard Burt (Chainaan), Mable Carter,WadeCarterr Martha Crawford, Nita Haluaons,Ch&rlesHolloman;HenryMarshall (Cba1raa.n)r Ralph Higden,Merlin 'lbompson,Raeford Murphy(Chairman). IveyMontjoy; Ola MaeBrown.

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The following persons have been members of theDay School staff. In parentheses is given theperiod of their employment with "y" representing"year" and "s" representing "sUlllJller".An "*"lIeans "present.1y eJlp1oyed."Cece1ia Montjoy Adams (ty)Hache1 Alston (18y)Joyce Blitoh (4y)*Mary ,. Bridges (ly)Ola Mae Brown (131)Louise- Candler (31)*Bertha Davis (15y)Nancy Earp (t~y)Ann Ellington (5y)*Myr1e Fisher (lty)Elizabeth Freeman (2s)Nita Hammons (2y)Marilyn Herndon (ly)Brenda Horton (2s)Helen Horton (ls)Pauline Horton (2Oy)*Audrey Lassiter (3y)DebbIe Liles (ls)Harry Mason (ty)Wanda Marshall (2s)Clara MoLean (14,)BeMac Miller (3y)Janie Moore (1s)Doris Moreland (ly)cathryn Oliver (1y)

Lillian Aliff (ly)Georgia Anthony (31)RosalInd Bowling (7y)Lynette Brown (5s)Jackie Burgess (11,)Ruth Davenport (31)Louis Davis (1y)Ann Edwards (1y)Sandy Ellington (3s)Paa FranklIn (2s)Judy Green (1y)Mona Harris(13Y)*Pat Holliday (7y)Gwen Horton (41y)Lisa Horton (;y)Bessie Jones (1y)Margaret Lassiter (31)Frankie Liles (12y)Ozzie Marshall (191)Louise McCoy (17y)*carol Mason (4y)Debora Moore (1s )Mae Moore (7y)Kathy Morgan (1y)Caroline Patterson (8y)

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Billie Pinkerton (3y)Lindy Roberts (18y)Dorothy Scott (6y)Inez Smith (17y)*Mrs. lee Saith (;y)Jean Thompson (3y)Barbara Toler (8y).*Doris White (2y)

Cathyrine Reeder (ls)Mrs. Roohelle (;1)Mrs. D.R. Sliokker (1y)Mrs. Coye Snipes (ls)Ruby 'lbollas(;y)Terry 'lbOllpaon(2s)Mary Vall (1Oy )

JANI'roRSCharles Ha~in8 Kenneth SatterwhiteFreddie Murphy Melvin SurlesJohn Thollaa Fletcher Snipes

Cleveland JonesThe Day School intonation waa written by Mr ••Ola Mae Brown and Mrs. Caroline Patterson, pre-sent Day School Direotor.

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Longview United Methodist Church. formallyorganized and constituted on Palm Sunday, March29, 1953. caae 1nto existence because theRaleigh Board of Missions, an agency created toassist 1n the development of new churches, de-cided a Methodist church was needed 1n therapidly growing community where the church nowstands, 2312 Milburnie Road.

'!be Sunday the church was organized. 55members were received into the membership. FOuradults and 12 children and 1nfants were baptized.Then on May 24, 1953 charter membership rollswere closed, with 122 persons present for theservice. FOur adults and young people werebaptized.

'!bis culllination was prefaced with the 1n-volvement of a lot of people devot1ng tiBe,energy and financial support in a united effortof Christian brotherhood to The Glory of God.Assistance caae fro. the Raleigh Board ofMissions. which has given Longview over $17.000through the years from the $10 Club. EdentonStreet Church, the Mother Church of Methodism1n North carol1na, helped out with the preacher'ssalary. Some lIlembersof Longview s1nce havehelped establish new churches through the $10Club, personal contributions and other efforts.

The Rev. W. carlisle Walton. Jr•• who quiCkly

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becue atfectloutlJ ltnOllD •.• "carl", •••• sentto Longviewto oraaaise a Dewchurch. JIIetbodistsin the &rea.were coatactedud onJaaU&.r114,195' e1ght persons bes1d.esthe pastor aet forthe first prayer aeet1Dg 1a the hOlleof JIIr.andJllrs. Cbarl1e T. Cl&J:k, a husbaad &ad.wife te••stlll called -not and Charlle." !be course ofthls saall band of Christ1aas to get a churchorganlzed as charted. '1'he1wouldknock ondoers aad riag doorbells. aong tho _s Jllrs.Sadie Valentine, the "Matriarch" of the churchand loy1Dglycalled "'Uss Sadle" untll her death.

'lbeir efforts bore fruit., March1, 195', thefirst "SImd&yWorship"aenice as held 1a thebaseaeat of the hoae of Mr. ad Mrs. T. A.Will1aas, Jr., which is knownnowas the Roe-rock hoae. Space in the hOlleof Mr. &adMrs.HarveyMontaguenext door _s "co.aandeered"for use by the children. Services were heldin the Wlll1aas basementfor about threemonths. 'lbe congregation grew 80 rapidly itbecaae necesS&r1to find larger quarters.

The Sundayworship services were traDsferredto LongviewElementarySchoolon May24, 1953,service for the closing of the charter aember-ship rolls washeld.

Presiding oyer the charter service was theRev. V. A. Cade, superintendent of the Raleigh.Dlstrlctof the North Carolina Conferenceof

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the Methodist Church, ud Carl Walton Jr., pastor

of the new church.

In a business session that followed, E. R.C&:naean,Charlie T. Clark and T. A. Williamswere elected as stewards. Trustees elected

were R. A. Burt, Cecil C. Montjoy and J. W.(J1uy) Shelton.

Other officers elected werel Mrs. V. V. Carterand Mrs. C. C. Montjoy as couunion stewards,

Mrs. sadie Valentine. Luther E. Lewis, MarvinlAyton, Mrs. MaryDixon, Mrs. Martha Crawford,Cecilia Montjoy and Larry Carter as aeabers ofcomalssion for aeabership and evangelism.

Me.bers of the comaission on missions wereSaIl Hall, Mrs. Flora Caraean and Mrs. Clara

RoebuCk. Those on the finance comaission wereV. V. Carter, elected as treasurer, to servewith Fred Dixon and A1Q. Roebuck.

Fred Dixon was designated as a raeaber at largeof the commission on eTangelisa. AndyJones wasnaaed Sanday School superintendent and Saa Hall_s elected superintendent of aeabership culti-

vation. Mrs. C. T. (Dot) Clark was named sup-

erintendent of the children's division and Mrs.Harvey (Virginia) Montaguewas elected superint-

dent of the youth division.

A landaark event was breaking ground in 1953

for the chapel, to seat 150 people, that was

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occup1ed on Decn.ber 20 of the saae year. 'lbe

first spade of dirt was turned by Mrs. Sad1e

Valentine and R. A. Bart, oldest aeabers ofthe church. Ass1sting in the groundbreak1Dgwere J. V1111utMcGee,cha1rHD of the Raleigh

Board of M1ss1onsand Church Extens10n of theMethod1st Church, sponsors of JA:)1lgY1ev•• d the

Bey. Mr. Walton.

'lhe Bev. Mr. Walton brought the lIessage that

p~ceded the groundlzeaking and a special song

was sung by the children's departaent under thedirection of Mrs. Charlie Clark.

In a special offering in wh1chworking aeabers

of the church contribnted one day's pay, a totalof $704.84 as raised. '!'be gifts 1I8re droppedin a scale model of the church bail t by mf

Valentine, a aeaber. '1bere were 120 aea berspresent.

Arrangeaents for the groundbreaking were 1ncharge of Al Crawford, whowas assisted by Mrs.Virginia Montague, Mrs. J1.uy Slelton, Mrs. BillEverett, Charlie Taylor, Clarence steppe and


After the groundbreak1ng approxillately 200

persons enjoyed a wate1'llelon party on the lawn

of Mr. and Mrs. Wadecarter, adjacent to the

two-acre church site.

Attending the groundlzeaking services were

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pastors from the Methodist churches in Raleigh.people from Apex, Macedonia and Holly springs.where the Rev. Mr. Walton served before comingto Raleigh. John Duncan, chairman of the build-ing cOlll1littee,and Mr. Fred Noble, head of thefinance committee of the Board of Commissions,also were present.

A metal building was erected in the summer of1956 to help take care of some of the growingneeds of the church, including church schooland youth. Fire destroyed the interior of themetal building in December 1962. Restorationwas lmmedla te•

'!beO. W. Dowd Memorial Eaucation Buildingwas occupied on Worldwide Communion SUnday inOctober 1957. See Footnote on last page.

Although the plans have never materialized,long range plans devised ~ the architectcalled for a large sanctuary to be built be-tween the Dowd building and the parking lot.Another building was planned for the areawhere the playground is now located and tocreate a courtyard effect.

A great tragedy struck the church February4, 1959. when Carl Walton lost his life in thecrash of the new Turbo- jet American Airliner inthe East River near LaGuardia Field. N. Y.

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Nine aoaths earlier he had resigned his past-

orate at lDngriew to accept a position as dir-

ector of a1nistry tor the Methodist Television,Badio and Fila COIIIIissionin lfashville, Tenn.

M&r1Jane Walton and the four children. Pat,Pall, Bill and Lee. participated in note-'blrDing

cere.onies Ma1'17, 1970 to .ark the final pay-.ent by !A)ngriewon property valued at $185.000.Bishop Williaa R. cannon ot the Raleigh area


'lbe Be•• John T. Maides caae to LongYiewas

its second pastor 1n May1958. In the spring ot1961 he movedto AsbJry Methodist in Durbaa.

'!he BeT. Worth B. Cotton succeeded BeT. Maidesand served lDngview for three years, transterr1ftgto Troy 1n the spring of 1964.

'lbe BeT. Lester A. Tilley. nowd.eceased, OUleto Longviewt.roa Jacksonville to succeed Bev.

Cotton. He served tmtil 1968 men he _ssucceeded by the Jev. F. Odell va.•. ~r. who_spastor at the tae of the 1970 dedicationservices.

Jev. Walker .s succeeded l:rf the Bev. C. Clyde

Tucker, who served six years and •• succeeded

in 1971 by Dr. Robert F. McKee.

'lbe church 01ll1S the parsonage its .ini.ter1al

f•• ilies occupy at 137 N. lDrd Ashley Road.

'lbe ReT. Ralph Pritchard, retired, and his

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wife, Virginia, have settled 1n the cOllUllunityand madevaluable contributions to the life and

nnistry of the church.

Although the active aeabership of the churchat its quarter century interval is only about

twice as large as its original charter aember-ship due to co.auni ty changes, LongviewUnited

Methodist Church is one of aany actirlties.

Closely tied to the LongviewChurch is theKindergarten and Day School that was pioneeredby Rev. Walton and the Adm1nistrative board.

']he purpose of this venture was to stress theevangelistic opportunity of teaching Chr1stianityto a great numberof children. '!be school wassuccessful from the start and has been outstand-ing in Churchand comaunity life ever s1nce.

The first school year 1954-55 began with 35four and five year olds. Mrs. Myrle Fisherwas director and Mrs. !fita Haamons,teacher.S1nce that the we have had outstanding dIrectorsand dedicated teachers.

Longview's church school activities includeBible study 1n the Aldersgate class, the Inter-national Lesson in the WIlliams class and dia-

logue in the ChrIstian Dialogue class. '!here

are elementary and youth classes, plus a nursery

for tiny tots during the church hour.

In addition to the Smday school progr8ll,the church bas an active Methodist youth

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Fellowship, founded in 19..52 under the leadership

of Virginia Montague; perpetuated by the efforts

of Lynn 'laylor, youth adyiser for a long while

and directors hired since 1970. '!be actiyitybus has been utilized and enjoyed b.T youth and

adults of the church.

Another joint effort we enjoy together isthe first Sundayassellbly • '!be first Sundayof

each aonth all the aeabers of Sunday Schoolaeet in the Fellowship Hall for a joint as •• ~,and coffee and donuts at 9.)0. '!bis is headedby the Adult Coordinator.

TheMethodist Men's Club aeets aonthly in theFellowship Hall, enjoys a aeal prepared b.T one

of the United Methodist Voaengroups, andoffers fellowship, entert&inIlent and inspiration.

'lhe Methodist MenUDdertakeaany pro jects and

support other projects of the church. Maleleadership in the church 1s parallel to leader-sh1p and aeabersh1p 1n Methodist Men.

Groups, fomerly called circles, nowcoapriaeUn1tedMethod1st Voaen, foraerly Imownas VOII&n'SSoc1ety ot Chr1stian Serv1ce. 'lhe groups havehOlleaeettngs, plus general aonthly sess10ns,

and perton such dut1es as feeding the Method1st

aen, tak1ng care of the nursery, fiowers torthe altar. along with special pro jects for the

church and parsonage. Like the lieD, they also

prov1de church leadership.

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Longview United Methodist Church bas not beenwith out a choir since it acquired a congre-gation. When the church worshiped in the audit-oriUII of Longview Elementary School in 1953, Dr.Millard Burt and Warren Barfield gathered asaall group of singers and with Cecilia Montjoy(Mus) as pianoist, foraed a ch01r. In May1953 Mrs. Bachel Boyd (Hayes) assUJled direct10nand held weekly practices in her home on NewBern Avenue. Mrs. Robert (Hilda) Senter assUlReddirectorship of the choir after Mrs. Boyd (Hayes)relinqu1shed her duties in May 1955. Except for1961 (Edith· Beichler) and July 1966 to pebruary1967 (Bruce Jones) Mrs. Senter has been musicdirector ever since.

A cafeteria service at The North CarolinaState Fair, another source of incOlle, provideshard work and fellowship aaong the churchIleabership.

Church suppers and other events that bavebeen tradit10nal at Longview Un1ted MethodistChurch continue.

In this quarter century the church has hadbaptisms, weddings, deaths and tragedies. Likeall organizations our church has had 1ts upsand downs but with Gods help we keep striv1ngfor the ultimate goal.

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As GeneHouckdescribed it so appropiately,

"There are a lot of memories in this church."

Jim Whitfield


Footnote I Dow Bu1lding was namedfor Rev. O. C.Dow, whowas District Superintendantat the time plans were lIladefor our

education building.Due to his great interest and supportof this project the building was naaedin Honorof h1m. Aportrai t of Rev.Dow 1s found in the front entrance ofthe education building.

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1952-531953-541954-551955-.5619.56-571957-5819.58-591959-601960-611961-621962-631963-641964-651965-661966-671967-681968-691969-701970-711971-721972-731973 (7 Mos.Year)19741975197619771978

NAMEor CHAIIIUNNoneT. A. Williaas,Jr.(1st)Millard P. lm'tW. B. WrightJohn T. MorriseyW. N. WhiteHenry ,. MarshallAlton McGrawS. T. SaiD

S. T. SaiD

S. T. SaiD

S. T. SaiD

E. B. BaskettE. B. BaskettE. B. BaskettJohn castleberryJohn castleberryJohn castleberryLee HudginsLee HudginsDaniel P. HarrisDaniel P. HarrisDaniel P. HarrisHenry F. MarshallHenry ,. MarshallDavid ArthursDavid Arthurs

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Church School 9145 A.M.11.00 A.M.6.00 P.M.7.00 P.M.8.00 P.M.

Worship ServiceYouth Groups - SundayChoir - Youth - Sunday NightChoir - Adult - 'lbursdayWomen's Society & Circle Meetings.General Meeting - First Monday 8.00 P.M.Circle #1 - First Tuesday 10130 A.M.Circle If}. - '!bird Tuesday 8.00 P.M.Circle #3 - Third Monday 8.00 P.M.Circle ~ - Second Monday 8100 P.M.Vacation Church Scboo1 - Suamer 9.00-11.30 A.M.Methodist Men - Second Friday, Dinner Mtg. 7.00 P.M.CUb Scouts - Every Monday 7.00 P.M.Administrative Board - Wednesday 8.00 P.M.Council on Ministries - Wednesday 7100 P.M.Weekday School - Year HoundKindergarten - Regular School Year


Helen LewisNell JonesLillian AliffConnie Hawthorne911rley SDallRuth Seymour

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Through the foresight of The Raleigh Board of Missions,'!be Ten Dollar Club, '!be Edenton street United Metho-

dist Church and the vision of people The Longview

Methodist Church was born.

November 19.52 - V. carlisle Walton, Jr. was appointed

pastor.Janurary 14, 19.53 - '!he Church was born out of aprayer meeting in the hOlle of Charlie and Dot Clark.

March 29, 19.53 - (Palm Sunday) The church was formallyorgazined with .5.5.embers.

May 24, 19.53 (Aldersgate Sunday) "Charter MembershipSunday" for 108 members.December 20, 19.53 (Christmas SUnday) The congregationmoved into the Chapel in which we worship today.19.53 - Church received Charter1954 - Kindergarten and week day school started b,y

our church.1954 - started having cafeteria at North Carolinastate Fair, which continues today.

19.54 - Bible School was held and has continued eachyear since that time.19.56 - Film library was started b,y Rev. Walton, film

were stored in the home of Pat lawson. This 1s nowthe Media Center at the Methodist Building.19.56 - Metal building was purchased

October 19.57 - (Worldwide CommunionSunday) The O. W.

DowdMemorial Education Building was occupied.

1958 - Purchase of the Parsonage on Lord Ashley Rd.1958 - Church Library started

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1963 - stain glass windows put in the Chapel.1967 - Remodeling of Parsonage1969-70 - Air conditioning of the Chapel and FellowshipHall.1970 - Marked the final payment on a property valuedat $185,000.May 1970 - De4ication Services were conducted by

Presiding Bishop ob the Ralelgh area, Bishop WilllamCannon.1972 - New Organ for Chapel was purchased1974 - LongYiew United Methodist Church started helpingsponsor '!he Terhune PUlly. mlssionarles to Japan.1974 - Lay Witness week-end1976 - Chandllers for Chapel were purchased andinstalled.1976 - The Laura Alllson Melton Scholarship was begunin her memory. '!he first scholarshlp was awardedin the fall of 1971.1976 - Actlvlty Bus was purchased1976 - Sunshine Club for Senlor Citizens In the Churchwas formed by Ozzle Marshall and is stlll actl ve.1977 - The wngvlew Unlted Methodist Church ScholarshipFoundatlon was begun in mellory of Albert Q. Ibel::uck,Jr.,with 10% of our income from the Pll.1rBooth. Moneycan be donated to thls Founda tlon in Honor of orMemory of other indlvlduals. Scholarships wlll beglven using the interest earned on the princlpal.A scholarship wlll be presented this year.1978 - Mini-Ashram week-end - '!his was organized by

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Annie Laurie Whitfield.The concerns of the Church go from cradle to heaven,from worship and study to fellowship and work inChristian Living.

'!be Church's mission 1s "to go forward together".You are invited to become a part of the thrust.

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'nlefirst year of the Fair Booth was 195:3. 'nlemen of the Church got together and built our firstFair Booth. the proceeds from the first year ofoperation according to the Church Records were$1.086.04.

'nleMethodist Men has played a big part in theFair Booth operations since 19.54. Each year. frollthe beginning of the Fair Booth, the Methodist Menwould build the booth, provide power and water tothe booth, paint booth, clean cooking utensils andhave everything ready for operation on opening dayof the fair. After the fair was over the boothwould be disassembled and stored until the next year.'nlebooth was stored for several years at Mr. R. A.Burts home on Collenton Road. In 1965 the fair boothwas almost ready for operations when one night firebroke out and destroyed the Booth. 'nlemen of thechurch got together and rebuilt the booth in timeto open. Since then a building has been rentedfrom the N. C. Agriculture Department, but it has tobe set up each year for operation.

'nleFair Booth operations requires a workingCommittee of several people plus a manager. Foreach day of operations, which starts at 8.00 A.M.and closes around 11.00 P.M. thlrth to forty peopleare needed for a smooth operation.

'nlereceipt! from the Fair Booth operationhave been used to retire the Ilortage on our church

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property as well as various other de bts incurredb.1 the church. It has played a very importantpart in the financial support of the church.

Cecil Montjoy

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Page 51: §k~o/cuuv - nccumc.org · Mary Ann Barbour Dr. McKee Jia Whitfield Virginia Montague Garland Montague Printer-----Garland Montague T,ypist-----Peggy Thompson. TI GLAD. AREN'T YOU?
Page 52: §k~o/cuuv - nccumc.org · Mary Ann Barbour Dr. McKee Jia Whitfield Virginia Montague Garland Montague Printer-----Garland Montague T,ypist-----Peggy Thompson. TI GLAD. AREN'T YOU?
Page 53: §k~o/cuuv - nccumc.org · Mary Ann Barbour Dr. McKee Jia Whitfield Virginia Montague Garland Montague Printer-----Garland Montague T,ypist-----Peggy Thompson. TI GLAD. AREN'T YOU?
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Rev. Lester T1lley-------Fbrmer PastorMelinda Melton D1llard---Fbrmer MemberDan Harrls---------------Present Member

Page 55: §k~o/cuuv - nccumc.org · Mary Ann Barbour Dr. McKee Jia Whitfield Virginia Montague Garland Montague Printer-----Garland Montague T,ypist-----Peggy Thompson. TI GLAD. AREN'T YOU?

SUNSHINE AND SHAOOWSGod never willed that .an should live

In sunshine every day,Fbr then there'd be no clouds to give

The rain, the dust to lay.Into each life solie rain Ilust fall,

Some days be dark and drewry.But on that Friend of one and all,

May call the sad and weary.And if they call, He'll surely hear.

He'll gladly give His aid;Then clouds and rain they will Not fear,

Fbr FArm in Him is staid.

Rev. Lester Tilley

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FRIENDSIt's good, it's grand, it's glorious, too,That there are people just like you,Who laugh and love, who 11ft and bear,The strain of toll, the fret of care I

God uses such as you, dear friends,For !lany good and noble ends,And He'll relle.ber when you go,The things you do, the love you showlYes, you can know He does approve,Knows all your deeds, your every move."Well done," He'll say, "Thou faithful one,You know my plan, you know my Sonl"

This be your peace, that peace within,As God forgives your every sin,Assurlng you eternal bllss,Whlch no one here need ever alssl

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a manlay down hls llfe for hls friends." John 15113.

Rev. Lester Tilley

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Must it all come back ••••••One day at the seathe water returned to meHeaven and Sky touchedthe waters

Small shells were uncoveredby wavesand upon the frothy shoreline

I becaae a part of thismomentdiscovering thingsold blt newdifferent and yet the same

I enjoyed this day at the seawhen Jesus returned to me.

Ma1enda Melton Dillard

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My lifein so many way sis a flowerready to bloomhaving been preparedthroughout my lifeready for changes.to bloom,would be excitingbut sometimesI feel, I'd rather be a bud

Malenda Melton Dillard

Page 59: §k~o/cuuv - nccumc.org · Mary Ann Barbour Dr. McKee Jia Whitfield Virginia Montague Garland Montague Printer-----Garland Montague T,ypist-----Peggy Thompson. TI GLAD. AREN'T YOU?

YOU CAN WINIt doesn't take a lot of thingsTo lI&ke you worth a lot,It only takes the will to winAnd using what you'ye got.When you work wlth what you haYe,You soon wlll haYe auch aore,The way that see.ed a dead-end-street,Wl11 be an open door.Now through that open door does lle,the path that winners trod,Where you can win your biggest gameWhile holding onto God.And when you know how great It Is,To be a winner too.You'll look around for SOIIeone'shandAnd take them on with you.So be a winner all the way,Don't worry 'bout the breaks.Just go to work wlth what you haveAnd glve It what It takes.

Dan Harrls

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MY FRIENDSince the day you took my handAnd gave that friendly smile,Our friendship's been a treasured thingAnd growing all the while.Each the I see your smiling face.I feel your friendly glow,I know again the joy in life,And it does thrill se so.I know that I have grown a bit,My light is shining brighter,because you cue into my lifeAnd made the load much lighter.Now I'm sure you know the OneWho holds us b,y the hand,Who guides us through each newborn dayWith a love we understand.So this will be my prayer for youWherever you may be.'IbatHe' 11 guide and comfort youThe way He does for me.

Dan Harris

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It really is the little thingsThat mean the most of all •••The "let me help you with that" thingsThat Mayseemvery small,The "I'll be glad to do it" thingsThat makeyour cares muchlighter,The "laugh with me. it's funny" things

'lbat makeyour outlook brighter •••

The "never mind the trouble" thingsThe "yes, I understand,"The interest and encouragement

In everything you've planned •••It really is the little things.The friendly word or smile.That add such happiness to lifeAndmake it •.ore worth while.


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Forget each k1ndness that you doAs soon as you have done it;Forget the praise that falls to youThe aoment you have won it;Forget the slander that you hearBefore you can repeat it;Forget each slight, each api te. each sneerWhenever you may meet it.

Remember every k1ndness doneTo you, wbate •er its measure IRememberpraise by others wonAndpass it on with pleasure,Rellember every promise madeAndkeep it to the letter;Helllellber those who lend you aidAnd be a grateful debtor.

Rememberall the happiness'!hat comes your way in living;Forget each worry and distress,Be hopefUl and forgiving;Remembergood, remember truth,Rememberheaven' s above you,And you will find through age and youthTrue joy, and hearts to love you

--Author Unknown

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!~!!i! CHURCHII love the Church ChrIst founded here,

It's done so mueh, I see,'!he Church whieh to HIs heart was dear,

Is dear also to .e.I love the servIees eaeh week,

'!he Hymns of prayer and praIse;I go my Master there to seek,

And follow in HIs ways.I love the organ and the bell,

I love the ehoir that sings;I love the Gospel Truth to tell,

I love just simple things.And when I eome, IF nIght or day,

TO meet ChrIst faee to faee;I will NOT fear the Judgment Day,

FOr I'll be saved qy GRACE I

Rev. Lester TIlley