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  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    Chapter 23

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    A long, thin light bulb illuminates a vertical aperture.

    Which pattern of light do you see on a viewing screen

    behind the aperture?

    (1) (2) (3) (4)

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    A long, thin light bulb illuminates a vertical aperture.

    Which pattern of light do you see on a viewing screen

    behind the aperture?

    (1) (2) (3) (4)

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    Two plane mirrors form a right angle. How many images

    of the ball can you see in the mirrors?

    1. 12. 2

    3. 3

    4. 4

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    Two plane mirrors form a right angle. How many images

    of the ball can you see in the mirrors?

    1. 12. 2

    3. 3

    4. 4

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    A light ray travels

    from medium 1 to

    medium 3 as


    For these media,

    1. n3< n1.

    2. n3= n1.

    3. n3> n1.

    4. We cant compare n1to n3without knowing n2.

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    A light ray travels

    from medium 1 to

    medium 3 as


    For these media,

    1. n3< n1.

    2. n3= n1.

    3. n3> n1.

    4. We cant compare n1to n3without knowing n2.

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    1. The image will be as it was, but much dimmer.

    2. The image will be right-side-up and sharp.3. The image will be right-side-up and blurry.

    4. The image will be inverted and blurry.

    5. There will be no image at all.

    A lens produces a sharply-

    focused, inverted image

    on a screen. What willyou see on the screen if

    the lens is removed?

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    1. The image will be as it was, but much dimmer.

    2. The image will be right-side-up and sharp.3. The image will be right-side-up and blurry.

    4. The image will be inverted and blurry.

    5. There will be no image at all.

    A lens produces a sharply-

    focused, inverted image

    on a screen. What willyou see on the screen if

    the lens is removed?

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    1. Increase the radius of curvature R.

    2. Increase the index of refraction n.3. Increase the object distance s.

    4. Decrease the radius of curvature R.

    Which of theseactions will move

    the image point P

    further from the


  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    1. Increase the radius of curvature R.

    2. Increase the index of refraction n.3. Increase the object distance s.

    4. Decrease the radius of curvature R.

    Which of theseactions will move

    the image point P

    further from the


  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    The image of a slide on the screen is blurry because thescreen is in front of the image plane. To focus the image,

    should you move the lens toward the slide or away from

    the slide?

    1. Toward the slide.

    2. Away from the slide.

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    1. Toward the slide.

    2. Away from the slide.

    The image of a slide on the screen is blurry because thescreen is in front of the image plane. To focus the image,

    should you move the lens toward the slide or away from

    the slide?

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    1. w1> w4> w2= w3

    2. w1= w2> w3> w43. w2= w3> w4> w1

    4. w4> w3> w1= w2

    5. w2> w1= w3> w4

    Four diffraction-limited lenses focus plane waves of light

    with the same wavelength l. Rank order, from largest to

    smallest, the spot sizes w1to w4.

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    1. w1> w4> w2= w3

    2. w1= w2> w3> w43. w2= w3> w4> w1

    4. w4> w3> w1= w2

    5. w2> w1= w3> w4

    Four diffraction-limited lenses focus plane waves of light

    with the same wavelength l. Rank order, from largest to

    smallest, the spot sizes w1to w4.

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    Chapter 23Reading Quiz

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    What is specular reflection?

    1. The image of a specimen.

    2. A reflection that separates different colors.

    3. Reflection by a flat smooth object.

    4. When the image is virtual and special.

    5. This topic is not covered in Chapter 23.

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    What is specular reflection?

    1. The image of a specimen.

    2. A reflection that separates different colors.

    3. Reflection by a flat smooth object.

    4. When the image is virtual and special.

    5. This topic is not covered in Chapter 23.

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    A paraxial ray

    1. moves in a parabolic path.

    2. is a ray that has been reflected fromparabolic mirror.

    3. is a ray that moves nearly parallel to

    the optical axis.

    4. is a ray that moves exactly parallel to

    the optical axis.

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    A paraxial ray

    1. moves in a parabolic path.

    2. is a ray that has been reflected fromparabolic mirror.

    3. is a ray that moves nearly parallel

    to the optical axis.

    4. is a ray that moves exactly parallel to

    the optical axis.

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    A virtual image is

    1. the cause of optical illusions.2. a point from which rays appear to diverge.

    3. an image that only seems to exist.

    4. the image that is left in space after you remove

    a viewing screen.

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    A virtual image is

    1. the cause of optical illusions.2. a point from which rays appear to diverge.

    3. an image that only seems to exist.

    4. the image that is left in space after you remove

    a viewing screen.

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    The focal length of a converging lens is

    1. the distance at which an image is formed.

    2. the distance at which an object must be

    placed to form an image.

    3. the distance at which parallel light rays are


    4. the distance from the front surface to theback surface.

  • 7/27/2019 Knight Ch23


    The focal length of a converging lens is

    1. the distance at which an image is formed.

    2. the distance at which an object must be

    placed to form an image.

    3. the distance at which parallel light rays

    are focused.

    4. the distance from the front surface to theback surface.