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 Lecture Presentations by Carol R. And erson Westwood College, River Oaks Campus  © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. BOLO!" Li#e on $art% W&' P'"(OLO!" &ent% $dition Audesirk Audesirk Byers 23 Animal Diversity I: Invertebrates

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Lecture Presentations by

Carol R. Anderson

Westwood College, River Oaks Campus

  © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.

BOLO!" Li#e on $art%W&' P'"(OLO!" &ent% $dition

Audesirk Audesirk Byers

23Animal Diversity I:Invertebrates

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Chapter 23 At a Glance

23.1 What Are the Key Features of Animas!

23.2 Which Anatomica Features "ar# $ranch

Points on the Anima E%outionary &ree!

23.3 What Are the "a'or Anima Phya!

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23.1 What Are the Key Features of Animals?

&hese characteristics, to(ether, distin(uish animasfrom mem)ers of other ta*onomic (rou+s

  Animas are eu#aryotes

  Animas are muticeuar 

  Anima ces ac# a ce -a

  Animas o)tain ener(y )y consumin( other or(anisms

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23.1 What Are the Key Features of Animals?

&hese characteristics, to(ether, distin(uish animasfrom mem)ers of other ta*onomic (rou+s


  Animas ty+icay re+roduce se*uay  Animas are motie at some +oint in the ife cyce

  "ost animas are a)e to res+ond ra+idy to e*terna


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23.2 Which Anatomical Features ark Branch !ointson the Animal "#olutionary $ree?

"ost anima +hya that currenty +o+uate Earth -ere+resent )y the am)rian +eriod /42 miion years


  &he scarcity of +ream)rian fossis ed systematiststo search for cues a)out the e%outionary history of

animas )y e*aminin( features of


  Em)ryoo(ica de%eo+ment

  A se5uences

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23.2 Which Anatomical Features ark Branch !ointson the Animal "#olutionary $ree?

6ac# of tissues se+arates s+on(es from a otheranimas

  7ne of the eariest ma'or inno%ations in anima

e%oution -as the a++earance of tissues

  &issues are (rou+s of simiar ces inte(rated into a

functiona unit

  &he )odies of amost a animas incude tissues

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23.2 Which Anatomical Features ark Branch !ointson the Animal "#olutionary $ree?

6ac# of tissues se+arates s+on(es from a otheranimas (continued)

  8+on(es are the ony animas that retained the

ancestra ac# of tissues

  Indi%idua ces act inde+endenty and are not or(ani9ed

as tissues

  &his uni5ue feature su((ests that the s+it )et-een

s+on(es and the e%outionary )ranch eadin( to a

other anima +hya must ha%e occurred %ery eary in

anima history

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Fi(ure 231 An e%outionary tree of some ma'or anima +hya

)o tissues





t%ree tissue




two tissue








C%ordatalancelets,sea s-uirts,



sea stars,sea urc%ins,

sea cucumbers


clams, snails,octopuses,










Ctenop%oracomb 0ellies










Cnidariasea 0ellies



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23.2 Which Anatomical Features ark Branch !ointson the Animal "#olutionary $ree?

 Animas -ith tissues e*hi)it either radia or )iaterasymmetry

  A animas -ith true tissues aso ha%e symmetrica


   An anima is symmetrica if it can )e )isected aon( at

east one +ane such that the resutin( ha%es are mirror

ima(es of each other 

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23.2 Which Anatomical Features ark Branch !ointson the Animal "#olutionary $ree?

 Animas -ith tissues e*hi)it either radia or )iaterasymmetry (continued)

  &he symmetrica, tissue)earin( animas can )e

di%ided into t-o (rou+s

1. Animas e*hi)itin( radial symmetry

2. Animas e*hi)itin( bilateral symmetry 

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23.2 Which Anatomical Features ark Branch !ointson the Animal "#olutionary $ree?

 Animas -ith tissues e*hi)it either radia or )iaterasymmetry (continued)

  &he symmetrica, tissue)earin( animas can )e

di%ided into t-o (rou+s (continued)

1. In radia symmetry, any +ane throu(h a centra a*is

di%ides the o)'ect rou(hy into e5ua ha%es

2. In )iatera symmetry, animas can )e di%ided into

mirrorima(e ha%es ony aon( one +articuar +ane

throu(h a centra a*is

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23.2 Which Anatomical Features ark Branch !ointson the Animal "#olutionary $ree?

 Animas -ith tissues e*hi)it either radia or )iaterasymmetry (continued)

  &he difference )et-een radiay and )iateray

symmetrica animas refects another ma'or )ranchin(

+oint in the anima e%outionary tree

  &his s+it se+arated the ancestors of radiay

symmetrica cnidarians /sea 'eies, coras, and

anemones and cteno+hores /com) 'eies from theancestors of the remainin( anima +hya, a of -hich

are )iateray symmetrica

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23.2 Which Anatomical Features ark Branch !ointson the Animal "#olutionary $ree?

 Animas -ith tissues e*hi)it either radia or )iaterasymmetry (continued)

  :adiay symmetrica animas ha%e t-o em)ryonic

tissue ayers; )iateray symmetrica animas ha%e


  &he distinction )et-een radia and )iatera symmetry in

animas is cosey tied to a corres+ondin( difference in

the num)er of tissue ayers, caed germ layers

  <erm ayers arise durin( em)ryonic de%eo+ment

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23.2 Which Anatomical Features ark Branch !ointson the Animal "#olutionary $ree?

 Animas -ith tissues e*hi)it either radia or )iaterasymmetry (continued)

  :adiay symmetrica animas ha%e t-o em)ryonic

tissue ayers; )iateray symmetrica animas ha%e

three (continued)

  Em)ryos of )iateray symmetrica animas ha%e a third

(erm ayer, mesoderm

  &he mesoderm ies )et-een the endoderm and the


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23.2 Which Anatomical Features ark Branch !ointson the Animal "#olutionary $ree?

 Animas -ith tissues e*hi)it either radia or )iaterasymmetry (continued)

  :adiay symmetrica animas ha%e t-o em)ryonic

tissue ayers; )iateray symmetrica animas ha%e

three (continued)

  In )iateray symmetrica animas, the endoderm

differentiates to form the tissues that ine most hoo-

or(ans, res+iratory surfaces, and the (ut

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23.2 Which Anatomical Features ark Branch !ointson the Animal "#olutionary $ree?

 Animas -ith tissues e*hi)it either radia or )iaterasymmetry (continued)

  :adiay symmetrica animas ha%e t-o em)ryonic

tissue ayers; )iateray symmetrica animas ha%e

three (continued)

  &he ectoderm forms ner%e tissue and the tissue on the

outer surface of the )ody

  &he mesoderm forms musce, and -hen +resent, the

circuatory and s#eeta systems

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23.2 Which Anatomical Features ark Branch !ointson the Animal "#olutionary $ree?

 Animas -ith tissues e*hi)it either radia or )iaterasymmetry (continued)

  $iateray symmetrica animas ha%e heads


  &he e%oution of )iatera symmetry -as accom+anied

)y cep%ali*ation

  e+hai9ation is the concentration of sensory or(ans and

a )rain in a defined head re(ion

  &he head contains sensory ces, sensory or(ans,

custers of ner%e ces, and or(ans for in(estin( food

Fi(ure 23 2 $ody symmetry and ce+hai9ation

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Fi(ure 232 $ody symmetry and ce+hai9ation

central a1is

plane o# symmetry


plane o#symmetry


Bilateral symmetryRadial symmetry

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23.2 Which Anatomical Features ark Branch !ointson the Animal "#olutionary $ree?

"ost )iatera animas ha%e )ody ca%ities  $ody ca%ities are fuidfied ca%ities )et-een the

di(esti%e tu)e and the outer )ody -a

  &he (ut and )ody -a are se+arated )y a fuidfieds+ace, creatin( a =tu)e-ithinatu)e> )ody +an

  :adiay asymmetrica animas do not ha%e )ody


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23.2 Which Anatomical Features ark Branch !ointson the Animal "#olutionary $ree?

"ost )iatera animas ha%e )ody ca%ities(continued) 

  $ody ca%ities ha%e a %ariety of functions

  &hey can act as a s#eeton, +ro%idin( su++ort for the)ody and a frame-or# a(ainst -hich musces can act

  &hey can form a +rotecti%e )uffer )et-een the interna

or(ans and the outside -ord

  &hey can ao- or(ans to mo%e inde+endenty of the

)ody -a

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23.2 Which Anatomical Features ark Branch !ointson the Animal "#olutionary $ree?

"ost )iatera animas ha%e )ody ca%ities(continued) 

  $ody ca%ity structure %aries amon( +hya

  &he most common )ody ca%ity is a coelom, a fuidfied )ody ca%ity that is com+etey ined -ith a thin

ayer of tissue de%eo+ed from the mesoderm

  Phya -ith animas that ha%e this ty+e of )ody ca%ity are

caed coelomates and incude anneids, arthro+ods,mous#s, echinoderms, and chordates /-hich incude


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23.2 Which Anatomical Features ark Branch !ointson the Animal "#olutionary $ree?

"ost )iatera animas ha%e )ody ca%ities(continued) 

  $ody ca%ity structure %aries amon( +hya (continued) 

   A )ody ca%ity that is not com+etey surrounded )ymesodermderi%ed tissue is caed a pseudocoelom 

  Phya -ith animas that ha%e this ty+e of )ody ca%ity are

caed pseudocoelomates and incude round-orms, such

as nematodes

  8ome )iatera animas ha%e no )ody ca%ity and are

#no-n as acoelomates; they incude the fat-orms

Fi(ure 233 $ody ca%ities

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Fi(ure 23 3 $ody ca%ities

&%e body cavity is

completely lined wit% tissue

derived #rom mesoderm

&%e body cavity is partially,

but not completely, lined wit%

tissue derived #rom mesoderm

body wall






body wall






2&rue3 coelom annelids, c%ordates

&%ere is no cavity

between t%e body wall

and digestive tract

body wall





24alse3 or pseudocoelom roundworms )o coelom #latworms

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23.2 Which Anatomical Features ark Branch !ointson the Animal "#olutionary $ree?

$iatera or(anisms de%eo+ in one of t-o -ays  Protostome de%eo+ment

  In these animas, the )ody ca%ity forms -ithin the s+ace)et-een the )ody -a and the di(esti%e ca%ity

  &hese animas incude nematodes, arthro+ods,anneids, and mous#s

  +euterostome de%eo+ment

  In these animas, the )ody ca%ity forms as an out(ro-thof the di(esti%e ca%ity

  Echinoderms and chordates are deuterostomes

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  © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.  Animation? &he Architecture of Animas

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23.2 Which Anatomical Features ark Branch !ointson the Animal "#olutionary $ree?

Protostomes incude t-o distinct e%outionary ines  Ecdysozoans incude the arthro+ods and round-orms

-hose )odies are co%ered )y an outer ayer that is

+eriodicay shed

  Lophotrochozoans incude +hya -hose mem)ers

ha%e a s+ecia feedin( structure caed a o+ho+hore

as -e as a +hya, and +ass throu(h a trocho+hore

ar%a de%eo+menta sta(e

  E*am+es incude fat-orms, anneids, and mous#s

Fi(ure 234 Formation of the coeom in +rotostomes and deuterostomes

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( +



Protostome development

(olid mass o# mesodermsplits to #orm coelom

/esoderm pocketspinc% o## o# digestive

cavity to #orm coelom

+euterostome development


Fi(ure 23 6o+hotrocho9oan characteristics

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Lop%op%ore &roc%op%ore larva

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

$ioo(ists +ace animas in one of t-o ma'orcate(ories

1. 5ertebrates, those -ith a )ac#)one or %erte)ra


  @erte)rates incude fish, am+hi)ians, re+ties, and


2. nvertebrates, those ac#in( a )ac#)one

  &he %ast ma'ority of anima s+ecies are in%erte)rates

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

Presentday )ioo(ists reco(ni9e a)out 2 +hya ofanimas

6ess than 3B of a #no-n animas are %erte)rates

 Animas +ro)a)y ori(inated from coonies of sin(eceed +rotists -hose mem)ers had )ecome

s+eciai9ed to +erform distinct roes -ithin the coony

&a)e 2311

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&a)e 2312

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

8+on(es are sim+e, sessie animas  Sponges /Porifera are found in most a5uatic


  "ost of EarthCs ,000 s+on(e s+ecies i%e in sat -ater,-here they inha)it ocean -aters -arm and cod, dee+

and shao-

   Adut s+on(es i%e attached to roc#s or other

under-ater surfaces

  &hey are (eneray sessie

  8+on(es come in a %ariety of sha+es and si9es

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

8+on(es are sim+e, sessie animas (continued)  "ost s+on(es are %ermap%roditicDthat is, they

+ossess )oth mae and femae se*ua or(ans


  &hey ty+icay re+roduce se*uay (continued)

  Fertii9ed e((s de%eo+ inside the adut into acti%e

ar%ae that esca+e throu(h o+enin(s in the s+on(e


  Water currents dis+erse the ar%ae to ne- areas, -here

they sette and de%eo+ into adut s+on(es

% i ?

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

8+on(es are sim+e, sessie animas (continued)  8+on(es ac# tissues

  &he s+on(e )ody is +erforated )y tiny +ores throu(h

-hich -ater +asses, and )y fe-er, ar(e o+enin(sthrou(h -hich -ater is e*+eed

   As -ater +asses throu(h the s+on(e, o*y(en is

e*tracted, and microor(anisms are fitered out and

di(ested )y indi%idua ces

23 3 Wh A h % A i l !h l ?

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

8+on(es are sim+e, sessie animas (continued)  8+on(e ces are s+eciai9ed for different functions

  8+on(es ha%e three ma'or ce ty+es, each -ith a

s+eciai9ed roe

1. Fattened epithelial cells co%er the animaCs outer )ody


  8ome e+itheia ces are modified into pore cells,

-hich surround +ores, controin( their si9e and

re(uatin( -ater entry

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

8+on(es are sim+e, sessie animas (continued)  8+on(e ces are s+eciai9ed for different functions


  8+on(es ha%e three ma'or ce ty+es, each -ith as+eciai9ed roe (continued)

2. Collar cells are fa(eated ces that maintain -ater fo-

throu(h the s+on(e

3.  Amoeboid cells are motie ces that di(est and

distri)ute nutrients, +roduce re+roducti%e ces, and

secrete s#eeta +ro'ections caed spicules 

23 3 Wh t A th % A i l !h l ?

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

8+on(es are sim+e, sessie animas (continued)  8ome s+on(es contain chemicas usefu to humans

   A num)er of chemicas -ithin s+on(es ha%e +ro%ed to

)e %aua)e medicines  &he dru( spongistatin is an emer(in( treatment for the

fun(a infections that sic#en AI8 +atients

  8ome medicines deri%ed from s+on(es incude some

+romisin( ne- anticancer dru(s

Fi(ure 23 &he di%ersity of s+on(es

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$ncrusting sponge &ubular sponge 5ase6s%aped sponge

Fi(ure 23 &he )ody +an of s+on(es

( t fl t

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pore cell

collar cell


(water flow out of the sponge)

(water flow intothe sponge)

(water flow)

23 3 Wh t A th % A i l !h l ?

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

nidarians are -earmed +redators  8ea 'eies, sea anemones, coras, and hydro9oans

)eon( to the +hyum nidaria

  &he rou(hy ,000 #no-n s+ecies of cnidiarians areconfined to -atery ha)itats; most are marine

  "ost s+ecies are sma, from a fe- miimeters to a

fe- inches in diameter   &he ar(est sea 'eies can )e ei(ht feet across and

ha%e tentaces 10 feet on(

23 3 Wh t A th % A i l !h l ?

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

nidarians are -earmed +redators (continued)   nidarians ha%e tissues and t-o )ody ty+es

  &he ces of cnidarians are or(ani9ed into distinct

tissues incudin( contractie tissue that acts i#e musce

  nidarian ner%e ces are or(ani9ed into tissue caed a

nerve net , -hich )ranches throu(h the )ody and

contros the contractie tissue to )rin( a)out mo%ement

and feedin( )eha%ior

  "ost cnidarians ac# true or(ans and ha%e no )rain

23 3 Wh t A th % A i l !h l ?

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

nidarians are -earmed +redators (continued)   nidarians ha%e tissues and t-o )ody ty+es


  nidarians come in a %ariety of forms, a of -hich are%ariations on t-o )asic )ody +ans? the polyp and the


  &he tu)uar +oy+ is ada+ted to a ife s+ent 5uiety

attached to roc#s

  &he +oy+ has tentaces that reach u+-ard to (ras+

and immo)ii9e +rey

23 3 Wh t A th % A i l !h l ?

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

nidarians are -earmed +redators (continued)   nidarians ha%e tissues and t-o )ody ty+es


  nidarians come in a %ariety of forms, a of -hich are%ariations on t-o )asic )ody +ans? the polyp and the

medusa (continued)

  &he medusa foats in the -ater and is carried )y currents

  &he )esha+ed )ody of the medusa has traiin(

tentaces i#e muti+e fishin( ines

23 3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

nidarians are -earmed +redators (continued)   nidarians ha%e tissues and t-o )ody ty+es


  "any cnidarian ife cyces incude )oth +oy+ andmedusa sta(es

  8ome s+ecies i%e ony as +oy+s

  8ome s+ecies i%e ony as medusae

  $oth de%eo+ from 'ust t-o (erm ayersDthe interior

endoderm and the e*terior ectoderm

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

nidarians are -earmed +redators (continued)   nidarians ha%e tissues and t-o )ody ty+es


  :e+roduction %aries amon( different ty+es of cnidarians

  8+ecies may ha%e )oth +oy+ and medusa sta(es;

+oy+s ty+icay re+roduce )y ase*ua budding in -hich

the +oy+ +roduces miniature %ersions of itsef 

Fi(ure 23G nidarian di%ersity

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Anemone (ea 0elly

(ea waspCoral

Fi(ure 23 Poy+ and medusa

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body wall

lining o# gastrovascular cavity



gastrovascular cavity

tentacle body wall




gastrovascular cavity

lining o#gastrovascular cavity

23 3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

nidarians are -earmed +redators (continued)   nidarians ha%e stin(in( ces

  nidarian tentaces are armed -ith cnidocytes, ces

containin( structures, that, -hen touched, e*+osi%eyin'ect +oisonous or stic#y fiaments into +rey

  nidarians do not acti%ey hunt

  &hey -ait for their %ictims to )under, )y chance, intothe (ras+ of their en%eo+in( tentaces

Fi(ure 2310 nidarian -ea+onry? the cnidocyte

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trigger #ilament




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nidarians are -earmed +redators (continued)   nidarians ha%e stin(in( ces (continued)

  8tun( and firmy (ras+ed, the +rey is forced throu(h an

e*+anda)e mouth into a di(esti%e sac, gastrovascularcavity 

  i(esti%e en9ymes secreted into this ca%ity )rea# do-n

some of the food

  Further di(estion occurs -ithin the ces inin( the ca%ity

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nidarians are -earmed +redators (continued) 

  nidarians ha%e stin(in( ces (continued)

  $ecause the (astro%ascuar ca%ity has ony a sin(e

o+enin(, undi(ested materia is e*+eed throu(h themouth -hen di(estion is com+eted

  &he %enom of some cnidarians can cause +ainfu stin(s

in humans

  &he stin(s of a fe- sea 'ey s+ecies can e%en )e ife


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nidarians are -earmed +redators (continued) 

  nidarians ha%e stin(in( ces (continued)

  &he %enom of some cnidarians can cause +ainfu stin(s

in humans (continued)  &he most deady of these s+ecies is the sea -as+,

Chironex fleckeri 

  &he Chironex fleckeri  is found in the -aters off

northern Austraia and 8outheast Asia

  &hey can (ro- to a)out 12 inches in diameter 

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nidarians are -earmed +redators (continued) 

  "any coras secrete hard s#eetons

  In many cora s+ecies, +oy+s form coonies

  oonia +oy+s secrete a hard e*terna s#eeton ofcacium car)onate

  &he s#eeton remains after the +oy+ dies

  e- +oy+s )uid on the s#eeta remnants of earier(enerations

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nidarians are -earmed +redators (continued) 

  "any coras secrete hard s#eetons (continued) 

  ora reefs are found in )oth cod and -arm oceans

  od-ater reefs form in dee+ -aters

  Warm-ater reefs are restricted to cear, shao- -aters

in the tro+ics

  ora reefs form undersea ha)itats that are the )asis ofan ecosystem of stunnin( di%ersity and un+araeed


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om) 'eies use ciia to mo%e

  &he rou(hy 10 s+ecies of radiay symmetrica comb

 ellies /teno+hora are su+erficiay simiar to some

cnidarians in a++earance

  "ost com) 'eies are ess than an inch /2. cm in


  om) 'eies mo%e )y ciia, -hich are arran(ed in

ei(ht ro-s #no-n as com)s

  om) 'eies are cooress and trans+arent or


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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

om) 'eies use ciia to mo%e (continued)

  A com) 'eies are carni%ores

  "ost com) 'eies inha)it coasta or oceanic -aters

  &hey eat tiny in%erte)rate animas

  om) 'eies ac# the stin( ces that characteri9e


  Amost a com) 'eies are herma+hroditic

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

Fat-orms may )e +arasitic or freei%in(

  &he flat!orms /Patyheminthes are a+ty named?

they ha%e a fat, ri))oni#e sha+e

  &hey are )iateray symmetrica

  "any of the a++ro*imatey 20,000 fat-orm s+ecies

are +arasites

  Parasites are or(anisms that i%e in or on the )ody ofanother or(anism, caed a host, -hich is harmed as a

resut of the reationshi+

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

Fat-orms may )e +arasitic or freei%in( (continued)

  Fat-orms can re+roduce )oth se*uay and ase*uay

  Freei%in( s+ecies may re+roduce )y cinchin(

themse%es around the midde unti they se+arate intoha%es, each -hich (enerates its missin( +arts

  A fat-orm s+ecies can re+roduce se*uay

  "ost fat-orms are herma+hroditic, -hich ao-sthem to re+roduce throu(h seffertii9ation

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

Fat-orms may )e +arasitic or freei%in( (continued)

  Fat-orms ha%e or(ans )ut ac# res+iratory and

circuatory systems

  Fat-orms ha%e or(ans in -hich tissues are (rou+edinto functiona units

  "ost freei%in( fat-orms ha%e sense or(ans, incudin(

eyes+ots that detect i(ht and dar#

  &hey ha%e ces that res+ond to chemica and tactie


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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

Fat-orms may )e +arasitic or freei%in( (continued)

  Fat-orms ha%e or(ans )ut ac# res+iratory and

circuatory systems (continued)

  &heir ner%ous system consist of custers of ner%e cescaed ganglia /sin(uar? (an(ion in the head, formin(

a sim+e )rain

  &hey ha%e +aired nerve cords that e*tend the en(th of

the )ody and conduct ner%e si(nas to and from the(an(ia

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

Fat-orms may )e +arasitic or freei%in( (continued) 

  Fat-orms are )iateray symmetrica, rather than

radiay symmetrica

  &his )ody +an is accom+anied )y ce+hai9ation, -heresense or(ans are concentrated in the anterior +ortion of

the )ody

  &his enhances an animaCs a)iity to res+ond

a++ro+riatey to any stimui that it encounters

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23.3 What Are the a%or Animal !hyla?

Fat-orms may )e +arasitic or freei%in( (continued)

  8ome fat-orms are harmfu to humans

  &a+e-orms can infect +eo+e -ho eat im+ro+ery

coo#ed )eef, +or#, or fish that has )een infected )y the-orms

  &a+e-orm ar%ae form enca+suated restin( structures,

caed cysts, in the musces of these animas

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3.3 W e e %o y ?

Fat-orms may )e +arasitic or freei%in( (continued)

  8ome fat-orms are harmfu to humans (continued)

  &a+e-orms can infect +eo+e -ho eat im+ro+ery

coo#ed )eef, +or#, or fish that has )een infected )y the-orms (continued)

  &he cysts hatch in the human di(esti%e tract, and the

youn( ta+e-orms attach themse%es to the inin( of the


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% y

Fat-orms may )e +arasitic or freei%in( (continued)

  8ome fat-orms are harmfu to humans (continued) 

  &a+e-orms may (ro- to a en(th of more than 20 feet

/ meters, a)sor)in( di(ested nutrients directythrou(h their outer surface

  &hey reease e((s that are shed in the hostCs feces,

continuin( the infecti%e cyce

Fi(ure 2313 &he ife

cyce of the human +or#ta+e-orm

A %uman eats

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A %uman eatspoorly cookedpork wit%live cysts A larval

tapewormis liberated bydigestion andattac%es tot%e %uman7sintestine adult tapeworm

8 inc%es

&%e tapeworm matures in a %umanintestine, producinga series o# reproductive segments9 eac% segmentcontains bot% male and #emale se1 organs

%ead attac%ment site

&%e larvae #ormcysts in pig muscle

$ggs are s%ed #romt%e posterior end o# t%eworm and are passedwit% %uman #eces

A pig eats #oodcontaminated byin#ected #eces

Larvae %atc%in t%e pig7s intestine

&%e larvae migrate t%roug%blood vessels to pig muscle

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% y

Fat-orms may )e +arasitic or freei%in( (continued)

  8ome fat-orms are harmfu to humans (continued) 

   Another (rou+ of +arasitic fat-orms is the flukes 

  6i%er and )ood fu#es, such as those of the (enusSchistosoma, cause the disease schistosomiasis

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% y

Fat-orms may )e +arasitic or freei%in( (continued)

  8ome fat-orms are harmfu to humans (continued) 

   Another (rou+ of +arasitic fat-orms is the flukes 

(continued)   8chistosomiasis affects an estimated 200 miion +eo+e


  8ym+toms incude diarrhea, anemia, and +ossi)e

)rain dama(e

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% y

 Anneids are se(mented -orms

  &he )odies of annelids /Anneida are di%ided into a

series of simiar re+eatin( se(ments

  E*ternay, this segmentation a++ears as a series ofrin(i#e de+ressions on the surface

  Internay, most of the se(ments contain identica co+ies

of ner%es, e*cretory structures, and musces

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% y

 Anneids are se(mented -orms (continued)

  8e*ua re+roduction is common amon( anneids

  8ome s+ecies are herma+hroditic; others ha%e

se+arate se*es  urin( co+uation, s+erm are transferred from one

indi%idua to the other

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% y

 Anneids are se(mented -orms (continued)

  8e*ua re+roduction is common amon( anneids


  In herma+hroditic s+ecies, s+erm transfer may )emutua, -ith each +artner donatin( and recei%in( s+erm

  8ome anneids re+roduce ase*uay )y a +rocess in

-hich the )ody )rea#s into t-o +ieces, each of -hich

re(enerates the missin( +art

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% y

 Anneids are se(mented -orms (continued)

  Anneids are coeomates and ha%e or(an systems

   Anneids ha%e a fuidfied coeom )et-een the )ody

-a and the di(esti%e tract  &he coeom functions as a %ydrostatic skeleton, -here

+ressuri9ed fuid +ro%ides a frame-or# a(ainst -hich

musces can act

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% y

 Anneids are se(mented -orms (continued)

  Anneids are coeomates and ha%e or(an systems


   Anneids ha%e -ede%eo+ed or(an systems   Anneids ha%e a closed circulatory system that

distri)utes (ases and nutrients throu(hout )ody

  In cosed circuatory systems, )ood is confined to the

heart and )ood %esses

  &he )ood is fitered and -astes are remo%ed )y

e*cretory or(ans caed nephridia 

Fi(ure 2314 An anneid, the earth-orm

coelom nep%ridia

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nerve cord




mout%p%aryn1 ventral


ventral nerve cord

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 Anneids are se(mented -orms (continued)

  Anneids incude oi(ochaetes, +oychaetes, and


  &he ,000 s+ecies of anneids fa into three mainsu)(rou+s

1. "ligochaetes

2. #olychaetes

3. Leeches

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 Anneids are se(mented -orms (continued)

  Anneids incude oi(ochaetes, +oychaetes, and

eeches (continued)

  &he oi(ochaetes incude the earth-orm and itsreati%es

  "ore than a miion earth-orms may i%e in an acre of

and, tunnein( throu(h soi, consumin( and e*cretin(

soi +artices and or(anic matter   &he im+act of earth-orms can )e ne(ati%e

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 Anneids are se(mented -orms (continued)

  Anneids incude oi(ochaetes, +oychaetes, and

eeches (continued)

  Poychaetes i%e +rimariy in the ocean  8ome +oychaetes ha%e +aired feshy +addes on most of

their se(ments used in ocomotion

  7ther +oychaetes i%e in tu)es

  &hey +ro'ect feathery (is that e*chan(e (ases and

fiter the -ater for microsco+ic food

Fi(ure 231 i%erse anneids

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Polyc%aete gills +eep6sea polyc%aete Leec%

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"ost mous#s ha%e shes

  &he +hyum "ousca consists of cams, snais, and


  "ost mous#s ha%e open circulatory systems /)ood is not confined to the heart and )ood %esses

  $ood +ercoates throu(h a %emocoel /or )ood ca%ity,

)athin( the interna or(ans directy

  "ous#s ha%e an e*tension of the )ody -a, caed a

mantle, that forms a cham)er for the (is and, in

sheed s+ecies, secretes the she

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"ost mous#s ha%e shes (continued) 

  &he mous# ner%ous system is simiar to that of

anneids /(an(ia connected )y %entra ner%es;

ho-e%er, more of the (an(ia are concentrated in the


  "ous#s re+roduce se*uay

  8ome s+ecies ha%e se+arate se*es

  7thers are herma+hroditic

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"ost mous#s ha%e shes (continued) 

  &he three casses of mous#s are

1. <astro+ods

2. $i%a%es

3. e+hao+ods

Fi(ure 231 A )i%a%e mous#s%ell %eart


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kidneyadductor muscle








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"ost mous#s ha%e shes (continued) 

  <astro+ods are onefooted cra-ers

  &he snais and su(s are coecti%ey #no-n as


  &hey ha%e a muscuar foot for ocomotion

  &hey may +ossess a she, )ut not a (astro+ods are


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"ost mous#s ha%e shes (continued) 

  <astro+ods are onefooted cra-ers (continued)

  &hey feed usin( a radula, a fe*i)e ri))on of tissue

studded -ith s+ines used to scra+e a(ae from roc#s or

(ras+ ar(er +ants or +rey

  "ost snais use (is, ty+icay encosed in a ca%ity

)eneath the she, for res+iration

  <ases can aso diffuse readiy throu(h the s#in of most


  8ome of them use a sim+e un( for )reathin(

Fi(ure 231 &he di%ersity of (astro+od mous#s

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(nail (ea slug

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"ost mous#s ha%e shes (continued)

  $i%a%es are fiter feeders

  $ivalves incude scao+s, oysters, musses, and cams

  $i%a%es +ossess t-o shes connected )y a fe*i)ehin(e

  "ost ha%e a muscuar foot used for )urro-in( or for

attachin( to roc#s

  &hey are fiter feeders and use (is for )oth feedin( and


Fi(ure 231G &he di%ersity of )i%a%e mous#s

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(callop /ussels

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"ost mous#s ha%e shes (continued) 

  e+hao+ods are marine +redators

  &he cephalopods incude octo+uses, nautiuses,

cuttefish, and s5uids

   A ce+hao+ods are +redatory carni%ores, and a are


  &hey ha%e hi(hy de%eo+ed )rains and sensory systems

  8ome may ha%e a she /e.(., nautiuses

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"ost mous#s ha%e shes (continued) 

  e+hao+ods are marine +redators (continued) 

  e+hao+ods ha%e tentaces -ith chemosensory

a)iities and suction dis#s

  &he tentaces are used for ocomotion and to ca+ture


  &hese animas are a)e to mo%e ra+idy )y forcefuy

e*+ein( -ater from the mante ca%ity

  &hey +ossess cosed circuatory systems

Fi(ure 231 &he di%ersity of ce+hao+od mous#s

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(-uid )autilus

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant


  o other anima +hyum comes cose to the


  Arthro+oda incudes insects, arachnids, myria+ods,

and crustaceans

  A)out 1 miion arthro+od s+ecies ha%e )een


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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Arthro+ods ha%e a++enda(es and an e*os#eeton

   A arthro+ods ha%e +aired, 'ointed a++enda(es and ane1oskeleton, an e*terna s#eeton that encoses the

arthro+od )ody i#e a suit of armor

  &he e*os#eeton is secreted )y the epidermis /the outer

ayer of s#in

  It is com+osed +rimariy of +rotein and chitin /a


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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Arthro+ods ha%e a++enda(es and an e*os#eeton


  &he e*os#eeton

  Protects a(ainst +redators

  Pro%ides ri(id attachment sites for musces, )ut are thin

and fe*i)e at 'oints to increase the ran(e of mo%ement

of the a++enda(es

  Pro%ides a -aterti(ht co%erin(

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Arthro+ods ha%e a++enda(es and an e*os#eeton


  &he e*os#eeton must )e molted /shed and re+aced

-ith a ar(er one

  "otin( uses ener(y and ea%es the anima tem+orariy

%unera)e to +redators

  &he e*os#eeton is hea%y, and its -ei(ht increases

e*+onentiay as the anima (ro-s

Fi(ure 2320 &he e*os#eeton ao-s +recise mo%ements

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Fi(ure 2321 &he e*os#eeton must )e moted +eriodicay

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Arthro+ods ha%e s+eciai9ed se(ments and

ada+tations for acti%e ifestyes

   Arthro+ods ha%e se(ments that are s+eciai9ed for

different functions

  %ead , the front se(ment, contains the sensory and

feedin( structures

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Arthro+ods ha%e s+eciai9ed se(ments and

ada+tations for acti%e ifestyes (continued) 

   Arthro+ods ha%e se(ments that are s+eciai9ed for

different functions (continued)

  Abdomen, the rear se(ment, contains the di(esti%e


  &horax , )et-een the head and a)domen, the site for

attachment for ocomotion structures

Fi(ure 2322 8e(ments are fused and s+eciai9ed in insects

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compound eye

mout% parts

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Arthro+ods ha%e s+eciai9ed se(ments and

ada+tations for acti%e ifestyes (continued) 

  Efficient (as e*chan(e is re5uired to su++y ade5uate

o*y(en to musces

  In a5uatic arthro+ods, (as e*chan(e is accom+ished )y


  In terrestria arthro+ods, (as e*chan(e is +erformed

either )y un(s or )y tracheae

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Arthro+ods ha%e s+eciai9ed se(ments and

ada+tations for acti%e ifestyes (continued) 

  "ost arthro+ods +ossess -ede%eo+ed sensory and

ner%ous systems

   Arthro+od sensory systems often incude compound

eyes, -hich ha%e muti+e i(ht detectors and acutechemica and tactie senses

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Arthro+ods ha%e s+eciai9ed se(ments and

ada+tations for acti%e ifestyes (continued) 

  "ost arthro+ods +ossess -ede%eo+ed sensory and

ner%ous systems (continued)

  &he arthro+od ner%ous system consists of a )rain

com+osed of fused (an(ia

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Arthro+ods ha%e s+eciai9ed se(ments and

ada+tations for acti%e ifestyes (continued) 

  "ost arthro+ods +ossess -ede%eo+ed sensory and

ner%ous systems (continued)

  &he -ede%eo+ed ner%ous system, com)ined -ith

so+histicated sensory a)iities, has +ermitted thee%oution of com+e* )eha%iors in many arthro+ods

Fi(ure 2323 Arthro+ods +ossess com+ound eyes

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Insects are the ony fyin( in%erte)rates

 &he num)er of descri)ed insect  s+ecies is a)outG0,000

  Insects ha%e a sin(e +air of antennae

  Insects ha%e three +airs of e(s, usuay su++emented

)y t-o +airs of -in(s

Fi(ure 2324 &he di%ersity of insects

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Ap%id Ant

Beetle #lying /ot% larva

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Insects are the ony fyin( in%erte)rates (continued)

 Insects under(o metamorp%osis, a radica chan(efrom a 'u%enie )ody form to an adut )ody form

  In many insects, the 'u%enie is a larva, and has a

-ormsha+ed )ody form

  E*am+es incude ma((ots /housefy ar%a and

cater+iars /moth or )utterfy ar%a

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Insects are the ony fyin( in%erte)rates (continued)

  In insects -ith com+ete metamor+hosis,

de%eo+menta sta(es incude e((→ ar%a /feedin(

sta(e→ pupa /nonfeedin( sta(e→ adut

  Housefies, moths, and )utterfies under(o com+ete


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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Insects are the ony fyin( in%erte)rates (continued)

  In insects -ith incom+ete metamor+hosis,

de%eo+menta sta(es incude e((→ nym+h /feedin(

sta(e that resem)es the adut→ adut

  <rassho++ers and cric#ets under(o incom+ete


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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Insects are the ony fyin( in%erte)rates (continued)

  Insects are di%ided into se%era do9en (rou+s; three of

these (rou+s incude

1. $utterfies and moths

2. $ees, ants, and -as+s

3. $eetes

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Insects are the ony fyin( in%erte)rates (continued)

  $utterfies and moths

  &his is the most cons+icuous and )eststudied (rou+ of


  $utterfies fy durin( the day; moths fy at ni(ht

  &he e%oution of )utterfies and moths has )een cosey

tied to the e%oution of fo-erin( +ants, -hich de+end on

these fyin( insects for +oination

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Insects are the ony fyin( in%erte)rates (continued)

  $ees, ants, and -as+s

  &his (rou+ of insects is e5ui++ed -ith a stin(er that

e*tends from the a)domen and can )e used to in'ect

%enom into the %ictim of a stin(

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Insects are the ony fyin( in%erte)rates (continued)

  $ees, ants, and -as+s (continued) 

  :e+resentati%es of this (rou+ /e.(., )ees and ants ha%e

com+e* socia )eha%ior in -hich indi%iduas s+eciai9e in

+articuar tas#s such as fora(in(, defense, re+roduction,

or rearin( ar%ae

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Insects are the ony fyin( in%erte)rates (continued)


  7nethird of a #no-n insect s+ecies are )eetes

  &hey ha%e a hard, +rotecti%e, e*os#eeta structure that

co%ers their -in(s

  :e+resentati%es may )e destructi%e a(ricutura +ests or

+redators that are used to contro other insect +ests

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Insects are the ony fyin( in%erte)rates (continued)

  "ost arachnids are +redatory meat eaters

  &he arachnids incude s+iders, mites, tic#s, and


   Arachnids ac# antennae

   Arachnids ha%e ei(ht -a#in( e(s

  "ost arachnids are carni%orous /feed on )ood or

+redi(ested +rey

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Insects are the ony fyin( in%erte)rates (continued)

  "ost arachnids are +redatory meat eaters (continued) 

  8ome arachnids, such as s+iders and scor+ions, in'ect

+aray9in( %enom into +rey

   Arachnids )reathe )y usin( tracheae, un(s, or )oth

  8ome ha%e sim+e ima(eformin( eyes, each -ith a

sin(e ens

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Insects are the ony fyin( in%erte)rates (continued)

  "ost arachnids are +redatory meat eaters (continued) 

  In arachnids, a)domina (ands +roduce +rotein threads

/si# that are used to -ea%e -e)s

  8+iders ha%e sensory hairs that are sensiti%e to touch,

sme, or taste, and aid in detectin( +redators or +rey

Fi(ure 232 &he di%ersity of arachnids

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(pider  &icks

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Insects are the ony fyin( in%erte)rates (continued) 

  "yria+ods ha%e many e(s

  &he myriapods incude the centi+edes and mii+edes

  &hey ha%e one +air of antennae

  &hey ha%e sim+e i(htdetectin( eyes

  &hey res+ire )y means of tracheae

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  Insects are the ony fyin( in%erte)rates (continued)

  enti+edes ha%e one +air of e(s +er )ody se(ment

  "ii+edes ha%e t-o +airs of e(s +er )ody se(ment

Fi(ure 232 &he di%ersity of myria+ods

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 Arthro+ods are the most di%erse and a)undant

animas (continued)

  "ost crustaceans are a5uatic

  rustaceans incude cra)s, crayfish, o)sters, shrim+,

and )arnaces

  &hey +ossess t-o +airs of antennae

  "ost ha%e com+ound eyes

  "ost res+ire )y means of (is

Fi(ure 232 &he di%ersity of crustaceans

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Water #lea (owbug

Barnacles'ermit crab

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:ound-orms are a)undant and mosty tiny

  'ound!orms /ematoda are neary e%ery-here

  :ound-orms, aso caed nematodes, ha%e cooni9ed

neary e%ery ha)itat on Earth

  &hey +ay a roe in )rea#in( do-n matter 

  :ound-orms are mosty microsco+ic, )ut some

+arasitic forms reach a meter in en(th

Fi(ure 232G A fresh-ater nematode

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anterior endmout%


posterior end


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:ound-orms are a)undant and mosty tiny


  :ound-orms are Pseudocoeomates and ha%e a

sim+ified )ody +an

  :ound-orms ha%e a tu)uar (ut and a fuidfied

+seudocoeom that surrounds the or(ans

   A rou(h, fe*i)e, noni%in( cutice encoses and +rotects

the thin, eon(ated )ody and is +eriodicay moted

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:ound-orms are a)undant and mosty tiny


  :ound-orms are Pseudocoeomates and ha%e a

sim+ified )ody +an (continued)

  ematodes ac# circuatory and res+iratory systems

  &hey ha%e o- ener(y re5uirements, diffusion suffices for

(as e*chan(e and distri)ution of nutrients

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:ound-orms are a)undant and mosty tiny


  :ound-orms are Pseudocoeomates and ha%e a

sim+ified )ody +an (continued) 

  "ost nematodes re+roduce se*uay, and the se*es are


  &he mae /usuay smaer than the femae fertii9es the

femae )y +acin( s+erm inside her )ody

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:ound-orms are a)undant and mosty tiny


  A fe- round-orm s+ecies are harmfu to humans

  Hoo#-orm ar%ae )ore into human feet and tra%e to the

intestine, -here they cause continuous )eedin(

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:ound-orms are a)undant and mosty tiny


  A fe- round-orm s+ecies are harmfu to humans


  &richinella causes the disease trichinosis

  &richinella -orms can infect +eo+e -ho eat im+ro+ery

coo#ed infected +or#

  &he cysts hatch in the human di(esti%e tract and in%ade)ood %esses and musces, causin( )eedin( and

musce dama(e

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:ound-orms are a)undant and mosty tiny


  A fe- round-orm s+ecies are harmfu to humans


  Parasitic -orms can endan(er domestic animas

  Heart-orms can )e transmitted to do(s )y the )ite of an

infected mos5uito

  Heart-orm +oses a se%ere threat to the heath ofun+rotected +ets

Fi(ure 232 8ome +arasitic nematodes

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Echinoderms ha%e a cacium car)onate s#eeton

  Echinoderms /Echinodermata incude sand doars,

sea urchins, sea stars, sea cucum)ers, and sea iies

  &hey +ossess an endoskeleton /interna s#eeton that

sends +ro'ections throu(h the s#in

Fi(ure 2330 &he di%ersity of echinoderms

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  © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.(ea star (ea urc%in

(ea cucumber 

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Echinoderms ha%e a cacium car)onate s#eeton


  Echinoderms are )iateray symmetrica as ar%ae and

radiay symmetrica as aduts

  &hey e*hi)it deuterostome de%eo+ment and are in#ed

)y common ancestry -ith other deuterostome +hya

  &he a)sence of ce+hai9ation is consistent -ith the

su((ish e*istence of echinoderms

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Echinoderms ha%e a cacium car)onate s#eeton


  Echinoderms ha%e a uni5ue -ater%ascuar system

  It consists of the sie%e +ate, a circuar centra cana,

se%era radia canas, and numerous tube feet  

  &he !atervascular system functions in ocomotion,

res+iration, and food ca+ture

  8ea-ater enters throu(h an o+enin( /sieve plate on

the animaCs u++er surface

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Echinoderms ha%e a cacium car)onate s#eeton


  Echinoderms ha%e a uni5ue -ater%ascuar system


  &he sea-ater is conducted throu(h a circuar centra


  &he canas conduct -ater to the tu)e feet, each of -hich

is controed )y a muscuar s5uee9e )u) #no-n as anampulla

Fi(ure 2331 &he -ater%ascuar system of echinoderms

sieve plate


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tube #eet

(ea star body plan

(ea star consuming a mussel

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Echinoderms ha%e a cacium car)onate s#eeton


  8ome echinoderm or(an systems are sim+ified

  Echinoderms ha%e a reati%ey sim+e ner%ous system

-ith no distinct )rain

  "o%ements are coordinated )y a system consistin( of a

ner%e rin( that encirces the eso+ha(us, radia ner%es

to the rest of the )ody, and a ner%e net-or# throu(h thee+idermis

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Echinoderms ha%e a cacium car)onate s#eeton


  8ome echinoderm or(an systems are sim+ified


  8ea stars ha%e sim+e i(ht and chemica rece+tors

  8ome )ritte star s+ecies ha%e enscontainin( i(ht


  Echinoderms ac# a circuatory system

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&he chordates incude the %erte)rates

  &he chordates /hordata incude the %erte)rate

animas and a fe- (rou+s of in%erte)rates

  In%erte)rates incude the sea s5uirts and anceets