knee injury[3]

Kevin lee March 24 2009 Exercise science

Post on 19-Oct-2014



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Page 1: Knee Injury[3]

Kevin lee March 24 2009

Exercise science

Page 2: Knee Injury[3]

Table of contentsIntroductionThe reasons for knee injuriesCommon injuries propertiesKnee jointCommon knee injuriesKnee Ligament TearsOsgood-Schlatter SyndromeAnterior Cruciate Ligament Treatment on knee injuriesSport Injuries Around the Knee

OutcomeSports knee Injuries from past

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IntroductionNo matter how athletic person is we all get

injuredAll muscles and bones are prone to get

damaged or tear if proper method is not taken

Injuries are painful and painful to watch and most of the time technique are followed there will be a higher chance of avoiding injuries

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The Reasons for Knee Injuriesnot warming upNot stretchingImproper eating or lack of nutritionLacking judgment of your limitOverdoing, pushing past limits to hard or too

long (being stupid)

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Could end up like this……

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Knee stretch Calf/Hamstring stretch

Elevate toeStay on heelBend at hips, not spineSqueeze quad of front leg to relax hamstring

Quad/Hip- flexor stretchElevate foot of back legSqueeze but cheeks of back leg to relax hipReach hand to sky and twist away from back


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Common Injuries PropertiesThree types of injuries

First degreeSecond degreeThird degree

TendinitisDislocation and separationCartilage damageSkin spilt

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Knee JointsIs a modified hinge joint, but today more

correctly identified as a modified ellipsoid joint

Articulation of femur and tibraDistal end of femur is covered in cartilageHeld togather by the medical collateral

ligament, and lateral collateral ligament

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Common Knee InjuriesKnee ligament tearsOsgood-Schlatter syndromePatellofemoral syndromeALC

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Knee Ligament TearsMost common knee injuriesThis happens when a force

is exerted on the side of the knee

Most people is prone to this injuries

This injury can be avoided with proper stretching

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Osgood-Schlatter SyndromeSometimes referred to as

osterochondritis diseaseThe ossification of the

center of bones in children

More common in malesThe bones lengthen and

if overused they can become inflamed and cause pain

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Anterior Cruciate Ligament Common knee injury

Twisting force applied to bones

Can also be from a direct blow to the knee

this injury can happen in sports such as football or rugby

This type of injury can be serious and must be treated with caution using the RICE principle

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Use the RICE principleRestIceCompressionelevation

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Sport Injuries Around the Knee OutcomeBroken legsTorn musclesSlowed careerForced retirementdeath

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Sports Knee Injuries from Past

NHLJeff Halpern C, September 18 2008,

injuried reserve ruptured right ACL, right knee surgery

St. Louis Blues Erik Johnson D, September 23 2008 injuried reserve torn right ACL and MCL

NBAJermaine O'Neal was a starting line up

in the 2004 Olympics and has ruptured right knee ACL preventing him to compete in Olympics and few games in NBA

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