kinetic model of matter

Kinetic model of matter By Ashwin nair

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Post on 26-Jan-2016




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Kinetic Model of Matter


Kinetic model of matterBy Ashwin nair


• There are three states of matter which make up our world. These three states are solid, liquid and gas.

• Each of these states of matter has unique properties which make them different from each other.

• A solid can become a lquid and a liquid can become a gas and vice versa.

• It is due to these unique properties that life is able to thrive on this planet we call home.


• Solids have a fixed shape and volume unlike liquids and gases.

• The fixed shape of solids is due to the solids having very strong intermolecular forces.

• The arrangement in which the particles are held in is called lattice.

• Solids are changed to liquids on heating.

• Solids melt to form liquids.

• The particles vibrate in place.


• Liquids have no fixed shape but have a fixed volume.

• The particles of any given liquid are less closely arranged and have enough space to move around and collide with each other.

• All liquids take up the shape of the container it is stored in.

• Liquids ,when heated, evaporate to form a gas.


• Gases have no fixed volume or shape.

• There is a lot of space between each particle of the gas and the particles are constantly colliding with each other.

• It is one of the most abundant of all the states of matter.

• Gases are formed when liquids are heated, the particles within the liquid gain enough energy to break the intermolecular forces and escape