kill bill volume 2

Kill bill vol2 Released- 2004 Director-Quentin T arantino Introduction I chose kill bill vol2 to analyse because its use of intense close up shot on the bride. I have also seen kill bill vol1 Narrative  This lm is abou t a vengeful bride that seeks to kill bill. The ride !"ma  Thurman # picks up $her e she left o% in volume one $ith her &uest t o nish the hit list she has composed of all of the people $ho have $ronged her' including e()boyfriend ill !*avid +arradine#' $ho tried to have her killed four years ago during her $edding to another man. ,eaving several dead in her $ake' she eventually tracks do$n ill in -e(ico. "sing skills she has learned during her assassin career' she attempts to nish $hat she set out to do in the rst place and kill her nal target bill. Enigma codes-nigma codes are a crucial part of a lm as they keep the audience enticed to $atch the rest of the lm. This is because the audience $ants to see $hat else is going to unravel $ithin the lm. Why- $hy did someone try to kill her on her $edding day/ Who- $ho is she $anting to kill ne(t/ What- hat is she going to do $hen she nds the people on her list/  How- o$ is she going to kill all those people she feels that had a part to play on her assassination attempt/

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7/23/2019 Kill Bill Volume 2 1/4

Kill bill vol2

Released- 2004

Director-Quentin Tarantino


I chose kill bill vol2 to analyse because its use of intense close up shot on

the bride. I have also seen kill bill vol1


 This lm is about a vengeful bride that seeks to kill bill. The ride !"ma

 Thurman# picks up $here she left o% in volume one $ith her &uest to

nish the hit list she has composed of all of the people $ho have $ronged

her' including e()boyfriend ill !*avid +arradine#' $ho tried to have her

killed four years ago during her $edding to another man. ,eaving severaldead in her $ake' she eventually tracks do$n ill in -e(ico. "sing skills

she has learned during her assassin career' she attempts to nish $hat

she set out to do in the rst place and kill her nal target bill.

Enigma codes-nigma codes are a crucial part of a lm as they

keep the audience enticed to $atch the rest of the lm. This is because

the audience $ants to see $hat else is going to unravel $ithin the lm.

Why-$hy did someone try to kill her on her $edding day/

Who- $ho is she $anting to kill ne(t/

What- hat is she going to do $hen she nds the people on her list/ 

How- o$ is she going to kill all those people she feels that had a part

to play on her assassination attempt/

7/23/2019 Kill Bill Volume 2 2/4

Characters reresentation

!he bride - The protagonist is represented as a strong po$erful $oman

$ho is killing people for revenge. This also her e(hibits her lack of

sympathy and determination in order to create this character that can

intimidate anyone no matter $ho her opponents are. This makes ght

scenes bet$een her and her enemys incredibly tense as she herself

portrays as this unbeatable $arrior that has survived everything intriguing

the audiences and captivating them by her skills. 

"ocations- The rst t$o minutes of the opening is the bride in a car

talking viciously about $ho shes going to kill ne(t. +ars are a typical useof iconography used in thriller lms and can be used for a variety of

scenes such as car chase and this lm falls into the stereotypes

associated $ith thriller lms

Camera and editing techni#ues-the rst scenes of the lm

is a close up shot on the bride demonstrating that all the attentions is on

her as she talks about ho$ she is going to kill bill. 3Im driving to him right

no$. This line along creates tension by itself but in addition the camera

further increase the close up making the atmosphere even tenser and

make the audience feel that she is talking to the audience directly about

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$hat shes planning to do.  The close up shot of the bride in her near death

state demonstartes ho$ strong a character she is and that she has

managed to overcome incredibly painful e(periences and the transition

bet$een her $eakened state to her driving in the car as an assassin

highlights ho$ resillient and determined she is to survive.The $hole speedof the bride talking $hile driving is in a very slo$ manor this could be

used to represent the $ay she is going to gradually kill all of her enemys

in a slo$ and agonisingly painnful $ay.this is also used $ithin the ght

scenes as there is brief slo$ moment to build up suspense until a ght

scene erupts $ith fre&uent slo$ shots to further add to the tension

created $ithin the ght scene.This techni&ue is most commonly used to

intensify the atmosphere $ithin a scene

$se o% sound- The music is short and sharp at the very beginning

and to demonstrate the intensity of the situation she is in.o$ever after

she stops talking the music increases revealing that something dramatic

is about to happen very shortly after. The sharp short music can alsoreprenst ho$ her s$ord is the $ay she going to kill people $ith a &uick

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sharp s$ing of her s$ord. 5urthermore the use of diegetic sound through

the bride talking directly at the audience makes people feel the intensity

in the $ay shes speaking. This is unusual as the characters usually never

look at the camera directly. This makes the audience feel the po$er of her

staring at them uns$ervingly to demonstrate that she has full intentionsof carrying out $hat shes saying further increasing the intensity of the


!itles- The $hole rst fe$ scenes are completely in black and $hite

including the titles this can create the feeling like there a good and bad for

everything and that all of the things that have happened in the rst lm

has 6ust been a chain of cause and events. This can also represent the

innocence and the purity of the supposed $edding and ho$ it turn into

darkness and a tragedy from the assassination and the con7ict caused

from each other. They could also be represented as ying and yang $hich is

black and $hite since they $ere completely di%erent but they cancelled

each other out and each of them has evil part inside of them for $anting

to kill the other.

Intended target audience)This lm I think is typically for

adults as its use of language' violence and concepts are more adult

based 'especially $hen the bride appears to be brutally beaten and gets

shot in the head' and are therefore understandable if your older than 18.

&ordwell and !homson

 The or$ell and Thompson theory applies to kill bill vol 2 because at the

very beginning of the lm the bride says she $ill kill bill and at the very

end of the lm shes kills bill. This demonstrates ho$ even kno$ the

audience kno$s she $ill eventually achieve her goal they are still

$ondering $hether she is going to survive her encountered $ith her

deadly foes.9