key fu design challenge to create a game that blends the fighting and music game genres in a fun and...

Key Fu Design Challenge To create a game that blends the fighting and music game genres in a fun and innovative way. Time limit: 10 weeks Game Concept by Stephanie Yin

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Key Fu

Design ChallengeTo create a game that blends the fighting and music game genres in a fun and innovative way.

Time limit: 10 weeks

Game Concept by Stephanie Yin


• Persuasive Purpose

• To create a game that’s fun and immersive for both casual and hardcore players.

User Description

People who enjoy quick, straightforward games.

They are likely…

• Ages 13+

• Computer owners

• Fighting and/or music game enthusiasts

In sum: teenagers/people in early 20s

Storyboard: User Exp

1) Lucy chooses an avater

2) The destination is chosen

3) She inputs the right key (once it enters the circle)

4) Once the drive bar fills, a combo set can be achieved


Street Fighter Billy & Mandy: Zap to It

Features/Functionality• One player

• Player chooses the avatar (male or female) and starts off in a pre-determined location (7 levels to reach the main boss)

• A split screen showing the battle up top and the player controls below will appear

• The player must press the key determined by the computer at the correct time

• A miss deals damage to the player’s life bar, while a hit lands a blow on the enemy

• If the player deals enough damage, their drive bar at the bottom of the screen goes up, indicating a higher level combo attack that deals more damage.

• Once game is beaten, can unlock different modes –easy, medium, hard

Theoretical Justifications

Persuasive Strategies• Fairly original

• not many games that combine fighting and music genres

• Larger demographic• Can target both casual and hardcore gamers

• Replay value• Feeling of accomplishment after beating a level/boss will tempt player to play

on other modes.


• Too much work to get to final stage/boss

• Combos are too complex• Variety of combos that do various damage

• Combos interrupt flow of play(?)


• Footpad for added difficulty or alternate control

• Quick-save at every checkpoint

• More levels –easy and hard modes

• Multiplayer –VS mode

• Customization of characters

• Unlockables

Next Steps in Design Process

• Decide on features –remove, add, change

• Research –programming, game engines, etc

• Create prototypes (rough and more detailed)

• User test –targeted group

• Create different interfaces (based on feedback)

