kb 100 words 4

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  • 7/27/2019 KB 100 Words 4


    1.) ABSTRACTED - taken out of or separated from

    2.) ABULIA - Loss of will power

    3.) ABSTRUSE - difficult to penetrate

    4.) ABY - make amends for

    5.) ACANTHOID - shaped like a thorn

    6.) ACATELECTIC - metrically complete

    7.) ACCLIVITOUS - sloping upward

    8.) ACIDULENT - tasting sour like acid

    9.) ACME - the highest level or degree attainable

    10.) ACRIMONY - a sharp and bitter manner

    11.) BAKSHEESH - small amount of money given for services rendered

    12.) BALDERDASH - trivial nonsense

    13.) BALE - bundle bound for storage or transport

    14.) BALKY - refusing to go on

    15.) BALLETOMANE - a ballet enthusiast

    16.) BALLYHOO - sensational promotion

    17.) BANE - something causes misery

    18.) BANNERET - knight honored for valor

    19.) BANNS - public announcement of a proposed marriage

    20.) BAPTISTERY - bowl for baptismal water

    21.) CALIGINOUS - dark and misty and gloomy

    22.) CALISTHENICS - light exercise

    23.) CALLIPYGOUS - having finely developed buttocks

    24.) CALLOW - lacking experience of life

    25.) CALLITHUMP - noisy parade

    26.) CALORIMETRIC - relating to the measurement of heat

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    27.) CALORIFACIENT - producing heat

    28.) CALUMNIATORY - statements harmful and often untrue

    29.) CALVE - release ice

    30.) CAMBER - slight convexity

    31.) DYSLOGISTIC - expressing disapproval

    32.) DYSOMIA - impairment of the sense of smell

    33.) DYSTOPIA - state in which the condition of life is extremely bad

    34.) DYAD - two items of the same kind

    35.) DYNAST - a hereditary ruler

    36.) DUVET - a soft quilt

    37.) DURANCE - imprisonment

    38.) DUNCE - low opinion of someone's intelligence

    39.) DUPERY - something intended to deceive

    40.) DULCET - extremely pleasant in a gentle way

    41.) EYRIE - nest of a bird of prey

    42.) EXTRUDE - form by forcing through an opening

    43.) EXULTANT - joyful and proud especially

    44.) EXTRAVERT - characterized by extroversion

    45.) EXTEAPOLATED - estimated

    46.) EXTRICATE - release from difficulty

    47.) EXTRAVASATE - force out from a vessel

    48.) EXTOL - praise, glorify, or honor

    49.) EXTENUATING - partially excusing or justifying

    50.) EXPOSIT - to state

    51.) FABULIST - person who tells or invents fables

    52.) FUZEE - a colored flare

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    53.) FURTIVE - marked by quiet and caution and secrecy

    54.) FUSSY - perversely irritable

    55.) FUSTIAN - pompous or pretentious talk or writing

    56.) FUSTY - stale and unclean smelling

    57.) FUROR - a sudden outburst

    58.) FULSOME - excessively suave in manner or speech

    59.) FULGURATING - sharp and piercing

    60.) FULGUROUS - amazingly impressive

    61.) GUILD - association of people with similar interests

    62.) GUFF - unacceptable behavior

    63.) GUBBINS - something whose name is either forgotten or not known

    64.) GUERDON - a reward or payment

    65.) GRUNGE - being covered with unclean things

    66.) GRUFF - brusque and surly and forbidding

    67.) GROVELLING - totally submissive

    68.) GROTTY - very unpleasant or offensive

    69.) GRIPSACK - a small suitcase

    70.) GRISLY - shockingly repellent

    71.) HYPOPNEA - slow or shallow breathing

    72.) HYPONYM - a word that is more specific than a given word

    73.) HYPETHRAL - partly or entirely open to the sky

    74.) HYMNODY - act of singing psalms

    75.) HYMNAL - songbook containing a collection of hymns

    76.) HYALINE - glassy translucent material

    77.) HUSKY - muscular and heavily built

    78.) HURTLE - move with with a rushing sound

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    79.) HUSSY - a woman adulterer

    80.) HUNG JURY - a jury that is unable to agree on a verdict

    81.) ITERATIVE - tedious repetition

    82.) IRREVERENT - showing lack of due respect

    83.) IRREALITY - imaginary

    84.) IRE - a strong emotion

    85.) IRATE - feeling or showing extreme anger

    86.) INVOLUTION - reduction in size of an organ

    87.) INVIGILITATE to proctor

    88.) INVIDIOUS - implying a slight or showing prejudice

    89.) INURE to habituate

    90.) INTROSPECT - reflect on one's own thoughts and feelings

    91.) JUVENESCENCE - the process of growing into a youth

    92.) JUT - something which bulges out

    93.) JUMENTOUS - smelling strongly like an animal

    94.) JOUNCE - a sudden impact

    95.) JOVIAL - high-spirited merriment

    96.) JOSH - be silly or tease one another

    97.) JOT - a hurriedly handwritten note

    98.) JOCUNDITY - a feeling facetious merriment

    99.) JOG - a sharp change in direction

    100.) JOBBERY - corruptness among public officials