kamloops momma baby guide

1 Baby Guide 2012 - 2013 1st Annual Local Guide to Everything Baby & Belly! Our FREE

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The First Annual Guide to All things Baby and Belly!


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Baby Guide 2012 - 2013

1st AnnualLocal Guide to Everything

Baby & Belly!



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Advice from a Sleepless Momma

As the momma of 2 sleep-challenged children, I offer some advice. No, not about how to get your children to sleep - I

know nothing about that - advice on coping with sleep depri-vation, in which I consider myself an expert!

You see, I haven’t really slept in 5 years. To be honest, I haven’t slept well since I was 3 and watched Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” And, apparently, poor sleep habits are hereditary.

1. Get as much sleep as you can before the baby arrives. Yes, everyone says this, but do it. Really! It may or may not be true that you’ll never sleep again...I’m still waiting to find out!

2. Do not take sleep for granted. If your child sleeps through the night between 3-4 months old, like both of mine, be grateful, but do not get used to it. It is possible that this will lead to several months of waking up every half hour, again, like both of mine!

3. Remind yourself how much you love your children. Put cute, smiling, happy pictures of you and your child up in their bedroom to look at when they remind you of a gremlin - the mean ones - after consoling for 3 hours straight.

4. Nap when they nap. Sure, nap time is a great time to clean, answer emails, or peruse the internet, but sleep instead. The housework will always be there - the opportunity to sleep won’t!

5. Make life easier. Every little thing you can do to make life easier is worth it. And I mean anything. Take coffee, for example: I now use instant coffee with con-densed milk. The coffee is, well, instant, and the milk is just sweet enough so I can eliminate the extra step of adding sugar. Voilà! 5 minutes saved!

6. If your child sleeps through the night, don’t brag. In fact, if you want to stay friends with a sleep deprived mom, I recommend not mentioning it at all or maybe even lying!

7. Remember, it’s worth it. Yes, some moments are more rewarding then oth-ers, but I’d take a lifetime of sleepless nights to have my beautiful girls...though, hopefully I won’t have to!

- Courtney Charlton, editor

To share your ideas and comments, contact us at [email protected] or find us on Facebook!

Letter from a Kamloops


On the Cover:This gorgeous little gal is very generous with her

smiles. She is the sweet little client of Lisa DiGeso, the photographer behind of Milk & Honey Photography.

Milk & Honey specializes in maternity, newborn and baby portraiture, and also offers outdoor fam-ily and couples sessions in the Kamloops area. Lisa’s style is soft, whimsical, and captures eyes full of twinkles, bellies full of laughs, and sweet newborn smiles. www.milkandhoneyphotography.ca

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7 She Just Did Something AMAZING!Taking care of mom too

9 Top 5 Car Seat No-No’s And how you can avoid them

10 To Work or Not to WorkGoing back to work after having a baby

14 The Top Comfort Measures for Labour12 tips to decrease pain during labour

19 The Mother of All Early Learning ExperiencesParent-Child Mother Goose

22 Finding Your Post-Natal PowerYoga after giving birth

29 Special Offers for Our Readers!

33 Cloth DiapersSo much more than fabric, pins, and plastic pants!

A Look Inside...


Photo: Milk & Honey Photography

Kamloops Momma is the free publication connecting local families to each other and to our community. It’s published every 2 months and available at businesses and resource centres throughout our region. Readers can also view the magazine online and subscribe to have it delivered to their door.Published by Courtney Charlton [email protected] www.kamloopsmomma.comDisclaimer: The publisher will not be responsible for errors or omissions. The opinions and views expressed herein are those of the contributors/writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the publisher. All rights reserved. No written or illustrated part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission from the publisher.

12 Things We Love 16 The Baby Carrier Guide

20 Free and Low Cost Family Activities

25 Community Resource Directory

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Hello Mommas...and Mommas-to-be! I want to talk to you about a stage

of a new mother’s life that often gets overlooked, a stage that can be very detrimental for our mothers and their babies. I want to talk about the time after the baby is born.

The postpartum period is when mothers can feel elated and euphoric at first and then completely worn out, depressed and isolated after a few days or weeks. This hap-pens all too often.

Many women think they have a bit of the baby blues and that they need to suck it up and get busy with real life again. Nothing could be further from the truth: mothers need to be taken care of for up to six weeks after they give birth!

In other countries, such as Greece, India and Pakistan, a mother has a 40 day confinement where she rests, stays close to her baby, and is fed nourish-ing foods. The whole purpose is for her healing, bonding with her baby, and rehabilitation after 40 weeks of preg-nancy and then her birthing.

In our culture, women are often made to feel guilty if they take it easy for even a week after they give birth and, too often, the mother resumes regular household tasks and errands within a few days. This can cause exhaustion, poor healing and is emotionally and mentally draining.

If we want to protect and care for our children, we need to first care for our mothers. The mother needs to be taken care of so she can take care of her baby. She needs relatives and friends to cook

her meals, wash her dishes and take care of her older children.

The mother also needs her baby to be praised and to be able to share her birth story as many times as she feels like it. And she needs to know that she just did something amazing…because she DID just do something AMAZING!

If you have a friend who has recently given birth or maybe know someone who never fully recovered and may

be depressed and worn out, go bring her and her family a meal and stay for a visit. No mother should feel isolated and alone, especially during such a special and vulnerable time in her life.

If you would like some more infor-mation on supporting a friend after pregnancy or even for yourself, you can contact me and I will direct you to com-munity resources and to other moth-ers in Kamloops that love to help new moms in any way they can….even if it’s just with a pot of soup!

Amanda Barker is a herbalist, Doula, CBE, and owner of Ovio Organico skin care and Boho Birth. She contributes a regular column, Notes from a Boho Momma, in Kamloops Momma Magazine.Contact her at [email protected].

“If we want to protect and care for our children, we need to first care

for our mothers.”

She Just Did Something AMAZING!(So take care of mom too...)

By Amanda Barker

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1: “No need to adjust the harness...it always fits perfectly!”

EEEKKK! Sometimes it takes all of my strength as a tech-nician NOT to adjust your babies when I see them in their “buckets!” While many parents are diligent about always loosening harnesses to load and then tightening them EACH TIME, some are not. Please make sure you re-adjust

the harness every time babe is placed in their seat. You should be able to just slide two fingers under the straps at

your child’s collarbone. Remember, on rear facing seats, straps should originate just below the child’s shoulders at the back. On forward facing seats, they should be at the shoulder or slightly above.

2: “Do I really need to tether my forward facing seat?” Canadian law states that all forward facing child seats must be tethered.

Please, please read the owner’s manual that comes with your vehicle for place-ment, tips and proper anchoring technique. If your older vehicle does not have a designated anchor, most dealerships will install one for you at no cost. If ad-ditional anchors cannot be installed, you will have no choice but to make other transportation arrangements.

3: “What do you mean I can’t use one anchor from the left and one anchor from the right?!”

As technicians, we see this often. Yes, the best place for your child is in the mid-dle of the back seat. However, in this age of compact, eco-efficient, ‘little’ cars, most only have UAS (Universal Anchoring System) anchors for the left and the right seats. In this case, use your middle seat belt to anchor. When you ‘borrow’ a left and a right (unless your vehicle manual allows it), you change the shift of the seat. Our rule of thumb is no more than 1 inch of slide, side-to-side. By splitting anchors, you will allow for too much movement.

4: “But my baby will be cold without his cozy, warm bunting bag!”Nothing should come between baby and the harness strap! EVER! Bulky

bunting bags and snowsuits can compress in a crash and baby may be ejected out of the seat. Dress babe in a warm sleeper, a sweater and booties. Load in seat and adjust the harness accordingly. You can then bundle on top...blankets, an elasticized fleece cover, etc. Use rolled up receiving blankets to cushion the head.

5: “This seat was only used twice. So what if it’s expired!” Even though a seat may not be used much, the average lifespan of a car seat

is only about 6 years (see Transport Canada website for lifespan by manufac-turer). Materials just tend to wear, so please abide by the suggested expiry dates (usually on a sticker, or printed in the moulded plastic). Using an expired seat may void portions of your car insurance should you be involved in a crash. And, the seat will most definitely not be replaced!

Jenn Harbaruk is a Car Seat Passenger Safety Technician and owner of Welcome to the Babyhood. For more information or to set up a car seat check, visitwww.welcometothebabyhood.com.

Top 5 Car Seat No-No’s and How You Can Avoid Them

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Life changes in the most extraordinary ways when you become a parent. You

have a new love, new lifestyle, new joys, new responsibilities and... okay, there’s less sleep, less ‘you’ time and, it’s true, sometimes it doesn’t even feel like fun. But you probably already know that the wonder and miracle of your child makes all the changes worthwhile.

There’s a change that happens, however, that often goes unnoticed; a change that can play havoc in the lives of moms. That change is your way of making decisions.

What’s worked for you in the past just doesn’t seem to work the same any-more. The ‘pros and cons’ lists; heed-ing advice of parents, society, teachers and/or friends; making logical and seemingly practical choices based on your income needs and your education – they all seemed to work well enough in the past.

So why is it so hard to feel good about any choice when it comes time to consider going back to work or not? For those who feel they have to go back to work, why does it not feel right even when all the logical, practical, and even, ‘but I love my job’ reasons make sense?

What’s missing in the decision mak-ing process is incorporating a new part of you that did not exist before the birth of your child: the emotional connection of mother and child and the intuitive ability that really does know what is right for you as a parent. It’s unfortunate that there is so little support for incorporat-ing emotions and intuition into decision making.

Instead, the mom who feels she must

go back to work feels guilty leaving her child in someone else’s care.

The mom who wants to go back to work feels guilty for feeling that way.

The mom who chooses to stay home feels guilty for not contributing enough to the family income and often feels like she is viewed as less valuable in society’s eyes.

The mom who chooses to work from home feels guilty because she is always on call for her work and is not getting the quality time with her child that she had intended.

The mom whose partner wants to stay at home feels guilty wanting to be the one at home or worries what other people will think if she’s the working parent. And on and on it goes...

The only good thing about all of this is that you can let go worrying about what other moms might be thinking about your choices...they are mostly busy feeling guilty and not too worried about you!

You don’t have to feel guilty: You have the opportunity to make

good choices based first and foremost on what your emotions and intuition are saying.

Yes, moms, you have the opportunity to shift the ‘old boy’ ‘left brain’ decision process to one that honours the wisdom and strength of feminine intuition and emotion.

If any of the following factors are key in your decision making process, it’s time to think differently:l You feel ‘nightmarish’ as you con-

sider going back to work.l You’ve gone back to work and you

To Work or Not to Work: That is the Question...By Janet Whitehead

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are crying every time you drop your child off at daycare.l You’re making choices based

strongly on the approval of family, friends or because your employer has been good to you.l You are making choices based on

what your mother did. (If you are choosing to go back to

work based on this, let me apologize on behalf of my generation for setting you up to need a second income and to have ridiculous expectations of being super-mom. If my generation hadn’t thought we needed to work and be supermoms, the cost of living would have stayed happily at a family only needing one income to function nicely. And, I suspect, women would have created a different way to be a strong force in society that engaged our intuitive and emotional wisdom.)l You don’t want your education to

go ‘to waste.’ l You believe you must have certain

material things to be successful.And how can you think differently?1. Listen to what your emotions and

intuition are telling you. Look at each option and notice what weighs heavy and what feels light and exciting. Go with ‘light and exciting.’

2. If the ‘light and exciting’ option doesn’t feel do-able, think creatively about how it can be do-able. You can ask a trusted friend to join you in a crazy brainstorming session full of ‘seemingly impossible’ ideas. From this process, seeds of ideal options will be revealed. You might even consider get-ting a life coach to support you as you come up with ideas.

3. If the practical and logical concepts are getting in the way, ask yourself questions you might not normally ask: l How can I use my skills from my

Masters Degree in a way that feels valu-able and keeps me home/ or part time/or a new business? l What if I had no choice but to stay

at home... how would I make that work?

l What if work and kids did mix? l How can my working be the best

thing ever for my kids?4. Remind yourself that you and your

generation can be leaders by letting intuition and emotion guide your deci-sion process.

5. Call on the ‘save the environment’ card that was not so readily acceptable in the past: “We’re saving the environ-ment by not having two vehicles, by living more simply, by keeping the old couch instead of always updating.”

That new you - the momma with a new and enhanced connection to emo-tion and intuition - will be much hap-pier if you honour this connection in your decisions. This has been the gift of moms since the beginning of time, yet it has been discredited and undervalued for centuries. You, new moms, have an opportunity to change that.

Do what feels right for you. Know that what is right for you is also right for your family. And also know that, if along the way the decision you made no longer feels right, you can change it. That is also your right.

Janet L.Whitehead is a Professional Life Coach, Master Creativity Coach, and joyful facilitator of ‘Muses for Mommies’ – a course for moms to live inspired lives with less guilt and more fun.


“Why is it so hard to feel good about any choice

when it comes time to consider

going back to work or not?”

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Things We Love... Baby Edition

Ulubulu BibWhy do we love it? Made of earth friendly

materials, this fun 100% natural silicone bib rolls for convenient storage and

travel. It’s adjustable, soft, comfortable, dishwasher safe,

and great for smaller babies.

$12.99, Tumbleweed Toys

Snug-glee BumzWhy do we love it? This diaper service is ideal for parents who like the idea of a more eco-friendly diapering option, but don’t like the idea of cleaning cloth diapers! With Snug-glee Bumz, cloth diapering is as easy as disposables. You just put your diapers in the bin provided and they are picked up and fresh diapers dropped off once a week. It’s so easy and it’s affordable too!

$22.96, Snug-glee Bumz Diaper Service

Bliss Nursing Bra by BravadoWhy do we love it?Nursing bras can be rather unglamor-

ous, but not this one. It’s the perfect t-shirt bra. It has molded foam cups that stretch to grow with your

changing shape and a satiny finish. And it’s durable nursing clips are so easy to use you only need one hand! $54.99, Mommy &

Me Boutique

Belts Why do we love it? These belts are designed especially for your little one: they are comfortable, re-versible, adjustable, durable and oh so cute! 3 sizes are available, fitting newborn to size 6. Best of all, they are handmade by a local mom.

$12.50, Koochi Koos

Preggie Pop Drops: Why do we love it? All-natural sour can-dies for morning sick-

ness? Yes, please! Organic ingredients,

such as evaporated cane juice, brown rice syrup, and natural flavourings from essential oils that are known to aid in helping with stomach problems, make these the perfect pregnancy treat!$11.99, Mulberry Bush

Facial Bubble Buddies Why do we love it? These locally made facial exfoliators are gentle yet invig-orating. They are machine wash and dry and great for travel-ling, too!

$10.50 for 7, Loops in Loops

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Pacimals: The Huggable PacifierWhy do we love it? Pacimals are a stuffed animal and soother clip all in one. They come with a removable pacifier (you can get an

attachment to fit any type) and are machine washable. Best of all, the transition to no soother is easier because kids can keep the

stuffy. $19.99, Tumbleweed Toys

Amber Teething Necklaces Why do we love it?Amber necklaces are an all natural pain reliever that work great for many teething babies. They aren’t to chew on, though! The warmth of your skin from

wearing them releases healing oils (succinic-acid) from the amber.$20, Lizzie Bits Baby Co.

Nursery Warmer by Scentsy Why do we love it? Scentsy warmers are a safe alternative to traditional candles. Instead of a flame, the wickless candle bar is warmed by the heat

of a light. The Nursery Collection features whimsical nursery rhymes and is perfect for baby’s bedroom. $30, Scentsy

Nipple Soothe Balm: Why do we love it? Need relief from cracked, aching nip-

ples? This unscented balm is made from pure, soothing butters and oils so it’s safe for breastfeeding - no need to wash it off! It’s just one of the many all natural and organic body care products handcrafted by Delish for you and your growing family.$12.99, Delish NaturalsTry-Angle

Why do we love it? This portable hands-on activity centre has it all: colours, shapes, patterns, and sounds! And it grows with your child from laying flat for tummy time or in a crib to fun toddler play. $38, Discovery Toys

Onesies by Bubbs and BuggsWhy do we love it?These locally made onesies fea-ture super cute unisex designs, bold colours, and are made of soft certified organic cotton, azo-free dyes, and printed with water-based inks.

$22.50, www.bubbsbuggwear.ca

Nut Butter Coconut Supreme Cream Why do we love it?

This ultra-hydrating cream is locally made with

all natural ingredients, including or-ganic coconut and shea nut butters. It’s great for the whole family and the scrumptious scent can satisfy any chocolate craving...though your kids might try to lick it off!

$15.99, NavInspired

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As a childbirth educators, we see a variety of responses to childbirth:

fear, excitement, anxiety, and always lots of questions.

Here are some tips to help you move from fear to confidence in your ability to give birth; a taste of how you can gain skills to embrace labour as a doorway into the lifelong challenge: parenting.

Lamaze is “an organization that promotes a natural, healthy and safe approach to pregnancy, childbirth and early parenting.” Lamaze no longer focuses strictly on teaching mothers to breathe in complicated ways to manage pain. Instead, it teaches the Six Lamaze Healthy Birth Practices to help women have a positive birth experience:• Let labour begin on its own • Walk, move around, change posi-

tions in labour • Bring a loved one, friend, or doula

for continuous labour support • Avoid interventions that are not

medically necessary • Avoid giving birth on your back and

follow your body’s urge to push • Keep mother and baby together - it’s

best for mother, baby, and breast-feeding

Childbirth is more than coping with pain; it is your child’s entry into the world and an experience you will remember forever. This experience will show you how strong, capable and amazing you are. Even your partner will have a new understanding of what a powerful strength lies within you. It will also help prepare you for the daily chal-lenges of parenting.

Even though the experience of child-birth can be empowering, there is no reason to head into labour expecting the process to be easy. However, your body knows what to do. You just need to bring some techniques to help your body out!

The most important thing to remem-ber is that fear increases tension, which increases pain. All of the tools for de-creasing your perception of labour pain work on decreasing tension and fear. Here are a few simple tips to decrease pain in labour:

1. Hot and cold (put rice in a sock and tie a knot in the end—instant hot or cold pack!)

2. Massage 3. Music 4. Moving - walking and getting into

different positions is very important for comfort and moving labour along more quickly.

5. Water - get in the tub or shower for powerful pain relief

6. Visualization (get a script for your partner to read to you to relax in early labour)

7. Eat and drink to comfort8. Wear something you are comfort-

able in 9. Partner - help mom maintain pri-

vacy (close the door, ask extra guests to leave), if this is important to her, so she can focus on birthing

10. Vocal toning, counting, chanting, eye contact (all work best with a sup-port person chiming in)

11. Stay at home as long as you can comfortably, or consider a home birth where you can labour in a comfortable environment with a midwife.

12. Have people around who will provide constant emotional and physical support (doula’s are trained at birthing support)

Reference and further reading: www.lamaze.org.

Amy French and Tara Lippmann are registered nurses and Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educators. They operate Tiny Blessings Prenatal and offer fun, interac-tive prenatal classes.


The Top Comfort Measures for LabourBy Amy French and Tara Lippmann

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The Baby Carrier GuideBaby carriers have changed a lot since our parents’ generation. The trend has

moved away - far far away - from forward facing carriers lacking in support and comfort. Today, many different styles of carriers have been developed by ex-perienced baby wearers that are comfortable for both baby and wearer, promote bonding, convenient, safe, and stylish too!

Sling/Pouch* A piece of fabric that goes over your shoul-der to form a pouch to

hold your babyPros: Easy to use, fits newborn to toddler, discreet nursing

Cons: One shoulder design doesn’t evenly

distribute weight and can become uncomfortable, limited adjustability (exception: Ring Sling) Positions: Front, HipExamples: Peanutshell, Hotslings, LadyBugz Slings (locally made)

Soft Structured * Similar to a backpack,

typically with a buckle around the waist and

between the shoulder bladesPros: Easy to use, fits ba-

bies to toddler, adjustable, proper sitting position

Cons: Some require an insert for use with infants, shoulder straps can become uncomfortable after extend-ed periods of timePositions: Front, Back, Hip*(*depending on brand)Examples: ERGObaby, Beco

Shop Local! Baby carriers are available at Lizzie Bits Baby Co., Mommy & Me Boutique, Mulberry Bush and LadyBugzSlings.com

Mei-Tai* Four straps coming off the body of the carrier, which can be tied to wear your baby on your front, back or hipPros: Easy to use, fits baby to tod-dler, adjustable, one size fits most,

compactCons: Not ideal for a new-born, straps aren’t padded

so can become uncom-fortable after longer periods of timePositions: Front, Back, HipExamples: Baby-

Hawk, Free Hand

Wrap* A very long piece of cloth wrapped around your body and your babyPros: Very versatile, multiple posi-tions, fits newborn to toddler, dis-creet nursing, even weight distribu-

tion for maximum comfort Cons: Slightly longer learn-ing curve, takes longer to

put on, bulkyPositions: Front, Hip, Back* (*depending on material)Examples: Moby, Maman Kangourou

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If you don’t know this song, then you haven’t been to a Mother Goose class!Parent-Child Mother Goose is a free

program for families with children ages 0-5 to experience songs, rhymes, and stories in a relaxed group setting.

We are very fortunate to have a thriving Mother Goose community: an average of 60 classes are offered in Kamloops every year.

Each hour-long class is led by 2 car-ing teachers trained in the principles of Mother Goose. Both parents are welcome to attend with their children…and you might even see a grandparent or aunt there too! A really great healthy snack is also provided.

The Mother Goose program is all about accessibility.

Classes are conveniently located all over Kamloops. With an average of 20 classes per session, most families will find a class in their community either at a local elementary school, public library, or YMCA.

And morning, afternoon, and evening classes are offered each weekday to accommodate naps, school, and work schedules. A Saturday class is even of-fered!

There is no cost for families to attend this wonderful program. Kamloops Early Learning and Literacy Initiative

(KELLI), the program behind Mother Goose locally, relies on a variety of sources to operate.

Classes held at elementary schools are subsidized by the individual school’s Ready Set Learn funding from the BC Ministry. Classes held at the public libraries and YMCAs are funded in part by these individual organiza-tions. As for the remaining costs, KELLI relies on donations and grants.

So what is the song above? “Rolly-Pol-ly” is a crowd favourite. Children love the repetition, movement, and parent interaction. It is also the first song that many babies learn hands movements to.

For parents, Rolly-Polly can also be an invaluable tool - whether it’s used to console an unhappy traveller on a long road trip or a child who doesn’t like bath time, this song can turn most frowns upside down!

And Mother Goose is about so much more than just singing and rhyming; the program fosters language and com-munication development in children, encourages positive family interactions, creates community connections, and increases parents’ confidence.

Want to attend a Mother Goose class? Registration is required…but singing experience isn’t!

For more information, to register, or to donate, contact Merlene Sibley at 250.554.3134 ext. 582.

“Rolly-Polly, Rolly-Polly,Up Up Up! Up Up Up!

Rolly-Polly, Rolly-Polly, Down Down Down!

Down Down Down!”

The Mother of All Early Learning Experiences

By Courtney Charlton

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Arthur Hatton Strong Start (F/R/D) 8:30 am - 11:30 am Arthur Hatton Elementary 315 Chestnut 250-376-7217

Marion Schilling Strong Start (F/R/D) 12 - 3 pm Marion Schilling Elementary 2200 Park Dr 250-372-2027

South Sa-Hali Strong Start (F/R/D) 8:45 am - 11:45 am South Sa-Hali Elementary 1585 Summit Dr 250-374-2451

AE Perry Strong Start (F/R/D) 8:30 am - 11:30 am AE Perry Elementary 1380 Sherbrooke Ave. 250-376-6224

YMCA Child Interactive Centre (C/D) *$3/child 9:00am - 12:00pm Unit E 1420 Hugh Allan Drive 250-372-7791

YMCA Child Interactive Centre (C/D) *$5/child/hr to max 2 hours 8:30am -1:00pm 3:30 pm - 7:45 pm 700 Tranquille Road - Northhills Mall 250-554-9622

YMCA Child Interactive Centre (C/D) *$5/child/hr to max 2 hours 8:30am - 1:00pm 4:00 - 7:00 pm 400 Battle St 250-372-7725

Parent-Child Mother Goose (F/R) Various times and locations www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca 250-554-3134 (ext 582)

Preschool Skate (F/D) www.kamloops.ca/facilities/publicskat-ing-events.shtml 250-828-3387

City of Kamloops Pools (C/R) www.kamloops.ca/facilities/pools.shtml 250-828-3655

Under the Eagles Wing (F/R) 10 am - 12:30 pm Kamloops Aborigi-nal Family Development Centre 2355 Parkcrest Ave 250-376-1617

Family Tree Drop-In Center (F/D) 9:00am - 1:00pm 283 West Victoria St 250-377-6890

Tiny Tunes (F/D) 10:15 AM North Kam. Library 693 Tranquille Rd & Kam Downtown Lib. 100-465 Victoria St www.tnrdlib.bc.ca 250-554-1124 250-372-5145

Healthy Beginnings (F/D) 9:45am - 11:45 am Kamloops Aborigi-nal Family Development Centre 2355 Parkcrest Ave 250-554-3134

Parenting Program ( R) 9:30 am - 12:00 Kamloops Aboriginal Family Development Centre 2355 Parkcrest Ave 250-554-3134

Family Tree Drop-In Center (F/D) 9:00am - 1:00pm 283 West Victoria St 250-377-6890

Infant Massage (R) 1:30 - 2:30 pm Kamloops Aboriginal Family Develop-ment Centre 2355 Parkcrest Ave 250-376-1617

Prenatal Class (R) 10:30 - Noon Kamloops Aboriginal Family Development Centre 2355 Parkcrest Ave 250-376-1617

Rock a Bye Baby (F/R) 10:15 AM North Kam. Library 693 Tranquille Rd 250-554-1124

**(F-Free, C-Cost, D-Drop-In, R-Registration)

Free and Low Cost Family Activities





Presented By:

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Tiny Tunes (F/D) 10:15 AM North Kam. Library 693 Tranquille Road & Kam Downtown Library 100-465 Victoria St www.tnrdlib.bc.ca 250-554-1124 250-372-5145

Parent & Tot (F/D) 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Kamloops Aboriginal Family Develop-ment Center -2355 Parkcrest Ave 250-376-1617

Dad’s Cultural Group (F/R) 3 pm - 4 pm Kamloops Aboriginal Family Develop-ment Center -2355 Parkcrest Ave 250-376-1617

Family Tree Drop-In Center (F/D) 9:00am - 1:00pm 283 West Victoria St 250-377-6890

Kamloops Art Gallery (F) 10 am - 9 pm 101-465 Victoria Street www.kag.bc.ca 250-377-2405

Big Little Science Centre (C/D) $2/child, $5/adult, max $10/family; $35/family/year 3 pm - 5 pm 985 Holt St (Call for summer hours) 250-554-2572

Preschool Storytime (F/R) 1:30 PM Kamloops Downtown Library 100-465 Victoria St 250-372-5145

Big Little Science Centre (C/D) $2/child, $5/adult, max $10/family; $35/family/year 3 pm - 5 pm 985 Holt St (Call for summer hours) 250-554-2572

Connexions Morning Coffee House (D/C) 9:30 am - 11:30 am 700 Hugh Allan Dr 250-828-1114

Family Storytime (F/D) 10:15 AM North Kamloops Library 693 Tranquille Road 250-554-1124

Friday Family Fun with Literacy (F) 6:00 - 7:30 pm 250-554-3134 (ext 582) www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca

Friday Family Nights (F/R) 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Boys and Girls Club of Kamloops - McArthur Island (register by Thurs 5 pm) 250-554-5437

Preschool Storytime (F/R) 10:15 AM Kamloops Downtown Library 100-465 Victoria St 250-372-5145

Big Little Science Centre (C/D) $2/child, $5/adult, max $10/family; 10 pm - 4 pm 985 Holt St 250-554-2572

Chapters Craft and Storytime (F) 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 4 - 1395 Hillside Dr 250-377-8468

City of Kamloops Pools (C/R) www.kamloops.ca/facilities/pools.shtml 250-828-3655

Parent-Child Mother Goose (F/R) www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca 250-554-3134 (ext 582)

Preschool Skate (F/D) www.kamloops.ca/facilities/publicskat-ing-events.shtml 250-828-3387

YMCA Child Interactive Centre (C/D) *$5/child/hr to max 2 hours 8:30am -1:00pm 3:30 pm - 7:45 pm 700 Tranquille Road - Northhills Mall 250-554-9622

YMCA Child Interactive Centre (C/D) *$5/child/hr to max 2 hours 8:30am - 1:00pm 4:00 - 7:00 pm 400 Battle St 250-372-7725

City of Kamloops Pools (C/R) www.kamloops.ca/facilities/pools.shtml 250-828-3655

Family Storytime (F/D) 1:00 PM (Oct - Apr) Kam Downtown Lib 100-465 Victoria St 250-372-5145





Page 22: Kamloops Momma Baby Guide


Most of us have heard

about the ben-efits of prenatal yoga: increasing flexibility and

overall muscle tone, building endur-ance, developing mental focus, reduc-ing stress and anxiety, fostering lung capacity, aiding in better sleep and dealing with the discomforts of preg-nancy. But what about after the baby has arrived?

Post-natal yoga offers many of the same benefits with the added bonus of feeling extra good for carving out some time just for you! It can be emotionally overwhelming postpartum but making time to do some exercise can help alle-viate the blues and stress. And creating the habit now will lead to a lifetime of healthy benefits.

Yoga works with the whole person - mind, body and spirit. The type of yoga you choose will depend on many factors: how active you were before and during your pregnancy, how you deliv-ered your new beautiful babe etc. Many styles of yoga are offered, even post-natal yoga with baby to get back into it.

Eventually, I found yoga with my babes was lovely but I needed more. Although we still do yoga together sometimes, I discovered it was better for me to tune out my ‘mom ear’ for some inward connecting and focused time for myself.

I am able to focus my attention into the present moment and return to my parenting with additional patience, abil-ity to let go of unimportant ‘stuff,’ and fitness to keep up with my kids. Indeed, at times my house is messy but my

mind is clean and clear!Power Yoga is a fantastic all in one

- you build muscle strength and endur-ance, improve your posture, release tightened muscles, connect with your core self and find some peace of mind. Even better, add a friend to the mix and you have an outing which provides social time, physical and mental fit-ness, relaxation and meditation and, of course, fun!

Taking time for Power Yoga has been both my grounding and my energizing time for me, modelling a healthy life-style for my two girls now 3.5 and 5.

If you can’t make the classes you like fit your schedule, check out a DVD and do it safely at home during nap time... too busy doing everything else then? Remember to honour yourself and where you are at. Check with your doc-tor before starting a physical program and always wait 6 weeks before return-ing to Power Yoga, longer after a section birth.

Try this at home breath exercise if you are feeling time/life compressed:Take 5: Sit comfortably and clench one hand into a fist. Now breath in deep all the way to your belly. With each inhale, imagine your are bringing in new life force energy (prana) and vitality. With each exhale, let go of a finger physi-cally. Mentally and emotionally, let go of anything which is not serving you in a positive way. Eventually your hand will be open and relaxed and hopefully you will be too! This one is so easy you can teach it to your kids. Namaste!

Amber Hooton is a Registered 500 Hour Yoga teacher and owner of Yoga with Amber. www.yogawithamber.com

Finding Your Post-Natal PowerBy Amber Hooton


to: M

ilk &


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Community Resource Directory Annual Events ABC Family Literacy DayJanuary - Henry Grube Centre250.554.3134www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca

Basics for BabiesNovemberKamloops Food Bank, 250.376.2252

Canada Day CelebrationsJuly 1 - Riverside Park

Children’s Arts FestivalSeptember - Riverside ParkKamloops Arts Council, 250.372.7323

Mother Goose/Teddy Bear PicnicJune - Prince Charles Park250.554.3134www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca

KamloopsParents.Com Family MarketApril/October Calvary Community Churchwww.kamloopsparents.com

Unplug and Play Family Literacy WeekJanuary 250.554.3134www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca

Child Care and Preschool Child Care Resource and Referral ProgramFree consultation, support, and referral services to parents seeking child care. 250.372.7791 www.childcarechoices.ca/main/interior/kamloops

Kamloops Child Development SocietySafe and inclusive child care and early learning programs 250.376.2233 www.cdckamloops.com

Children’s Retail Lizzie Bits Baby Co.Cloth diapers, unique children’s items, high quality children’s consignment205-450 Lansdowne 250.374.8706 www.lizziebaby.ca

Mommy & Me BoutiqueLargest selection of new and used items3-700 Tranquille 250.376.1914 www.shopmommyandme.com

Mulberry BushGently Loved Consignment & New Items1304 Battle St. 250.374.2501 www3.telus.net/mulberrybush

Tumbleweed Toys Safe, Sustainable & Inspired toys, games, puzzles and more. Sahali Mall250.372.3500 www.TumbleweedToys.ca

Children’s Services Kamloops Early Language and Lit-eracy Initiative (KELLI)A partnership of early childhood pro-fessionals, community members and parents, all with a commitment to build-ing early language and literacy skills in preschool children. [email protected]

Snug-Glee Bumz Diaper ServiceAn easy way to cloth diaper your child 250.554.9722 www.snuggleebumz.com

Kamloops Infant Development SocietyOffers services to families with children up to three years of age who may be at risk of development delay. 250.371.4140 www.idpofbc.ca

Family Resources Adoptive Families Association of BCSupport, information and resource group for those considering, preparing for, or parenting through adoption.1.866.694.1222 www.bcadoption.com

Big Brothers and Sisters Provides children ages 6 - 16 from single-parent homes with the friendship and guidance of an adult volunteer who has been carefully screened. 821 Seymour St 250.374.6134

Page 26: Kamloops Momma Baby Guide


Community Resource Directory Child Care Subsidy ProgramAssistance with daycare costs for peo-ple with low-to-moderate income.1.888.338.6622

Children’s Therapy and Family Resource CentreProvides various therapies to children with special needs (birth to 19 years)801 McGill Road 250.371.4100www.kamloopstherapy.org

Early Childhood Development Program In-home and in-office support for fami-lies that have children aged 0-6 years.250.376.1617 2355 Parkcrest Ave

Family Therapy Centre Individual, couple and family therapy. Any member of the public can access the Family Therapy Centre. 765 Tranquille Rd 250.376.3511www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca

Insight Support ServicesSupport to children, youth and families with neurological, cognitive and devel-opmental disabilities.250.554.0085

Interior Community ServicesA wide range of prevention and sup-ports to children, youth and family, com-munity living and affordable housing.250.554.3134www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca

Ministry of Children & Family Services 250.371.3600

Nobody’s PerfectSupport group for parents of children 0 to 5. Guided by trained staff. Child minding and snack included. Free transportation available. 250.372.7791

Parent Helpline 1.888.603.9100

Parent Support Services Society of BC Promoting healthy family relationships by supporting children and anyone in a parenting role. 1.877.345.9777 www.parentsupportbc.ca

Welcome Wagon Expecting, have a baby under a year old, moving,

or getting married? Welcome Wagon has programs, and/or basket gifts for you. Call Pamela Lee 250.573.2823

Health & Wellness Centennial Building Wellness Centre Enjoy the healing powers of a warm saltwater pool. Book a Watsu, literally “shiatsu in water.” 250.374.7383 103 - 153 Seymour St.www.cbwellnesscentre.com

Fit By DesignFamily Friendly Fitness250.819.0822www.kamloopsfitbydesign.com

Musings and Mud Coaching StudioWorkshops, workbooks, personal coaching with a creative twist.Janet L. Whitehead, certified profes-sional coach [email protected] www.musingsandmud.com

Yoga with AmberPower - Prenatal - Private250.318.5370 www.yogawithamber.com [email protected]

Home-based Sales and Services Bunches ‘n BundlesCustom gift packages for all occasions with items from small local companies 250.318.5368

Page 27: Kamloops Momma Baby Guide


Community Resource Directory [email protected]

Creative MemoriesDenise Swoboda, Unit LeaderPhoto-safe scrapbook albums and more! 250.578.8589 [email protected] www.mycmsite.com/denises

Delish Naturals Organic & natural body care for the whole family. www.delishnaturals.com

Discovery Toys, Alison GregoryDiscovery Toys Team Leader250.851.2270 [email protected]/aligregory

Ladybugz Slings ‘n’ Things Unique, functional, quality items that promote a healthy and loving bond be-tween you and your baby. [email protected]

NavInspiredHomemade all-natural soaps, cosmet-ics, and laundry products.www.navinspired.com

Medical Services BC Nurse Line 1.866.215.4700

Royal Inland Hospital 250.374.5111

Walk-in Clinics:Northshore Treatment Centre 700 Tranquille Rd 250.554.4265

Summit Medical Clinic5 - 1380 Summit Drive 250.374.9800

Kamloops Urgent Care Clinic #4 - 910 Columbia Street 250.371.4905

Online Resources Access KamloopsA regularly updated directory connect-ing people with a wide variety of not-for-profit resources.www.accesskamloops.org


The online resource to all things family-friendly in Kamloops. [email protected]

MakeChildrenFirst.caMap of Family & Breastfeeding-friendly businesses in Kamloops 250.554.3134www.makechildrenfirst.ca

Parent-Child Groups Attachment Parenting2/month - days and locations vary 250-376-4723

Kamloops Wiggles and Giggles Adoption Playgroup Monthly, Deanna, [email protected]

(See p. 20 for more groups)

Prenatal and Postpartum Care Beautiful BeginningsBreastfeeding classes and private lactation consultant services www.beautifulbeginningslactation.com

Birth Matters - Jodi AndersonDoula and Childbirth [email protected] 250.372.3733 250.819.2099

Boho BirthDoula services & prenatal educationAmanda Barker [email protected]

Breastfeeding - La Leche LeagueEncourages, promotes and provides mother-to-mother breastfeeding sup-port and educational opportunities. 250.682.1663 www.lllc.ca

Kamloops Breastfeeding CentreDrop in breastfeeding info and helpNEW location: Kamloops Health Unit519 Columbia St (as of June 2012) 250.851.7300 Mon 1- 4, Thurs 9 - 12

Kamloops Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support GroupA safe, relaxed and supportive envi-ronment in which parents can freely dis-

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cuss their emotions regarding their loss. Meetings on the 3rd Monday of every month 7 - 8:30 pm. 24 hour phone line 250.376.4646#200-535 Tranquille Roadwww.pregnancycarekamloops.com

Mighty Oak Midwifery Personal, professional, woman-centered maternity care. 250.377.8611 www.mightyoakmidwifery.ca

MOTHERISKNon-judgmental help and informa-tion line for women regarding alcohol, smoking and street drugs during preg-nancy and breastfeeding. 1.877.327.4636 www.motherisk.org

Public Health Maternity Care Phone and in-home support to prevent and resolve breastfeeding issues. 250.851.7362 www.interiorhealth.ca

Thompson Rivers Midwifery Holistic professional maternity and newborn care. 250.572.0632www.thompsonriversmidwifery.com

Tiny Blessings Prenatal Prenatal education focusing on late pregnancy, labour & delivery, breast-feeding, & newborn care. 250.819.0510www.tinyblessingsprenatal.com

Welcome to the Babyhood Resource for child passenger safety and cloth diaper education.


Within a Woman Doula CareCasie Menhinick Professional Birth Doula Services250.256.7418 [email protected]

Photography Captured Memories PhotographyChildren•Engagement•Family•Graduation•Maternity•Newborns•[email protected] 250.320.6558

Milk & Honey PhotographyLisa [email protected]

Prairie Child PhotographyPhotos moms (and dads) [email protected]

Real Estate and Investments Chelsea Mann, Realtor Century 21 - Desert Hills [email protected] www.kamloopshomes.net

Karen Lanoue Canadian Scholarship TrustBoost your post-secondary education savings by $7200

Community Resource Directory

Page 29: Kamloops Momma Baby Guide

Special Offers for Our ReadersBaby Guide

2012 - 2013

10% or $20 Off!Snug-Glee Bumz Diaper ServiceSave 10% on a Starter Pack *See reverse for more information

250.554.9722 [email protected] snuggleebumz.com

SAVE 10%

Expires April 30, 2013

$100 Credit!Milk & Honey Photography$100 Print Credit towards gift prints, enlargements, or canvasses*See reverse for more information

milkandhoneyphotography.ca [email protected]

Expires April 30, 2013

Expires April 30, 2013

Expires April 30, 2013Expires April 30, 2013

Expires April 30, 2013

Bunches N’ Bundles10% off your entire order or $20 Off any $100 bundle *See reverse for more information

[email protected] Rayne McDonnell250.318.5368 Expires April 30, 2013

SAVE 30%Mulberry Bush Kids Stuff Inc.30% off any regular priced Robeez*See reverse for more information

250.374.2501 1304 Battle Streetwww3.telus.net/mulberybush

SAVE 10% or $10!Yoga with Amber$10 off a 10 class punch card for Power Yoga or 10% off a Prenatal Yoga session *See reverse for more information

250.318.5370 www.yogawithamber.com [email protected]

$10 Off!Tumbleweed Toys$10 off purchases of $50 or more on any combination of baby products (Includes Delish Naturals, Green Sprouts, Loops in Loops, Ulubulu, Manhattan Toy, Tolo, Zubels and Ringley.)*See reverse for more information

250.372.3500 Sahali Mall TumbleweedToys.com

Expires April 30, 2013

10% Off! 15% Off!Lizzie Bits Baby Co.Save 10% on any purchase *See reverse for more information

250.374.8706 [email protected] www.lizziebaby.ca

Lizzie Bits Baby Co.Save 15% on any purchase over $30 *See reverse for more information

250.374.8706 [email protected] www.lizziebaby.ca

Page 30: Kamloops Momma Baby Guide

* Coupon cannot be combined with any other offer

Snug-Glee Bumz Diaper Service offers an easy, economic way to cloth diaper your child. Diapers, pick-up, delivery and laundering are included. Start up pack includes everything you need - you just provide the baby!

“Happy Baby, Happy Planet” www.snuggleebumz.com

Thank-you for supporting these great local businesses! ~ The Momma’s of Kamloops Momma

Save 10% on a Starter Pack! 10% or $20 off Custom Bundles!* Cannot be combined with other promotions, coupons, or discounts.

Bunches N’ Bundles offers custom gift pack-ages for all occasions and events. Our bundles support home-based and small businesses.


30% off Robeez Footwear!* Cannot be combined with other promotions, coupons, or discounts. Redeemable for regular priced Robeez footwear.

Mulberry Bush Kids Stuff Inc. carries a huge selection of quality consignment for baby to adult and a great selection of unique new items.

“The very best of New and Quality Consignments!”

1304 Battle Street

* Cannot be combined with other promotions, coupons, or discounts. Must be presented at the time of the sale. Cannot be used retroactively of regular sales. See website for a full list of restric-tions.

Tumbleweed Toys specializes in wooden, recycled plastic and educational toys, games and puzzles that you won’t find in big box stores.

Safe, Sustainable, Inspired!www.TumbleweedToys.ca

$10 Off Baby Products!

Save 10% or $10 on Yoga!* Cannot be combined with other promotions, coupons, or discounts. Limit 1 coupon per person.

Yoga with Amber specializes in teaching power yoga, prenatal yoga, as well as custom-ized private classes, men’s only classes - even bridal showers!

Power - Prenatal - Privatewww.yogawithamber.com

Save 15% on purchases over $30! Save 10% on any purchase!* Cannot be combined with other promotions, coupons, or discounts. Total must be before taxes.

Lizzie Bits Baby Co. is Kamloops’ headquar-ters for cloth diaper sales and education, top quality children’s consignments, mom-preneur products, and car seat safety.

Go Green! Use Cloth!204-450 Lansdowne St.


$100 Print Credit!* Cannot be combined with other promotions, coupons, or discounts.

Milk & Honey Photography specializes in maternity, newborn and baby portraiture, and also offers outdoor family and couples sessions in the Kamloops area.


* Cannot be combined with other promotions, coupons, or discounts.

Lizzie Bits Baby Co. is Kamloops’ headquar-ters for cloth diaper sales and education, top quality children’s consignments, mompreneur products, and car seat safety.

Go Green! Use Cloth!204-450 Lansdowne St.


Page 31: Kamloops Momma Baby Guide

Special Offers for Our ReadersBaby Guide

2012 - 2013

Pick Your Deal!

SAVE $20!Ladybugz Slings ‘n’ Things$20 off any regular priced sling*See reverse for more information

[email protected]

Now booking for next year’s Baby Guide!


Expires April 30, 2013

Expires April 30, 2013

Expires April 30, 2013

Expires April 30, 2013

Expires April 30, 2013


Expires April 30, 2013

Centennial Building Wellness Centre - $20 off PreNatal Watsu(regular $80)*See reverse for more information

250.374.7383 103 - 153 Seymour St.cbwellnesscentre.com

$20 Off!

$25 Off!Captured Memories Photography$25 Off a One Hour Family Session*See reverse for more information

[email protected]

Discovery Toyswith Alison GregorySave $5 on an order of $25+Save $10 on an order of $50+Save $15 on an order of $75+Save $20 on an order of $100+*See reverse for more information

3 Hours Free!Within a Woman Doula Care3 hours free postpartum doula support with every Birth Package*See reverse for more information

Casie Menhinick Professional Birth Doula [email protected]

SAVE 15%Musings and Mud Coaching Studio15% off workshops, work books, and personal coaching *See reverse for more information

[email protected]

Baby GuideSAVE $125!

Prairie Child PhotographyFREE sitting fee when you pre-purchase a digital or print collection.*See reverse for more information

[email protected] April 30, 2013

Page 32: Kamloops Momma Baby Guide

* To redeem, please contact Alison Gregory.Limit one coupon/deal per customer. Not valid on website orders. Order amount is before shipping and taxes.

Discovery Toys is the premier learning toy company dedicated to helping you and your child learn and grow through play.

“Teach. Play. Inspire.” 250.819.3462 250.851.2270

Pick Your Deal: Save $5 - $20!

Thank-you for supporting these great local businesses! ~ The Mommas of Kamloops Momma

$20 Off PreNatal Watsu!Watsu© gives the mother-to-be a deep sense of connection with her baby and her baby with its mom. The massage is adapted for her specific needs and the warm water allows her muscles to relax and the tension and pressure normally felt during pregnancy is eased.

“Nurturing, Bonding, Intimacy and the Oneness

felt during a Watsu”cbwellnesscentre.com

* Cannot be combined with other promotions, coupons, or discounts. Redeemable for regular priced slings.

Ladybugz Slings ‘n’ Things creates unique, functional, quality items that promote a healthy and loving bond between you and your baby.

“Helping moms bond with their babies...one sling at a time!”www.LadybugzSlings.com

Save $20 on a Regular Priced Sling!3 Hours Free Doula Support!Within a Woman Doula Care - Casie Menhinick, Private Childbirth Education, CIMT, Breastfeeding Counsellor. Supporting women in Kamloops, Lillooet Gold Country Corridor.

“Only with trust, faith, and support can the woman allow

the birth experience to enlighten and empower her.”


* Valid in Kamloops. Travel surcharges apply if done outside of Kamloops. Maximum 4 family members ($25 for each additional family member).1 hour session (outside of location only). CD of 20+ images. Value: $175.

Captured Memories are lifestyle photographers specializing in babies, children, engagement, families, graduation, maternity, newborns, portraiture and weddings.


Save $25 on a Family Session!

Save $125 on Photography!* Cannot be combined with other offers. See website for package details.

Prairie Child Photography - Photos moms (and dads) love! Offering fun child and family portraits in the great outdoors (or in your home).

Capture the chaos...because one day, you’ll miss it!


Now booking for next year’s Baby Guide!


Baby Guide

15% Off Coaching Tools!* Cannot be combined with other promotions, coupons, or discounts. Limit one per person.

Musings and Mud Coaching Studio offers personal life coaching, creativity coaching,workshops and work books to help you access your answers, inspiration and ways of moving forward.

“Less Guilt - More Happy!”www.MusingsandMud.com

Page 33: Kamloops Momma Baby Guide


When many new parents think of cloth diapers, they think of

rectangular pieces of fabric, contorted into a crazy twisted configuration held together by pins...well, we’ve come a long way, baby!

Cloth diapers are so much more than fabric, pins, and plastic pants. There are natural fibre, microfiber, all-in-one and prefolds. These diapers are very absor-bent, super easy to use AND cute!

Here’s some reasons why cloth dia-pering might be the choice for you:

They’re economical:You’ll save an average of $2000-$3000

over the course of your cloth diaper-ing years (birth to potty training). You’ll have an extra 2-3 loads of laundry a week, but this added cost does not compare to the cost of disposables. And if you use your diapers for more than one child, your doubling your savings!

They’re better for the environment: The reduction of your environmental

footprint is a huge benefit of cloth dia-pering. It takes one disposable diaper an average of 500 years to fully break-down in the landfill. In a household with one child in diapers, the disposables make up more than 50% of the house-hold waste!

They’re comfortable:Some rashing and irritation can be

caused by the chemical gel found in disposable diapers. Cloth is a chemi-

cal free alternative and, in some cases (bamboo), naturally antibacterial. Cloth wicks moisture away from the skin and keeps that whole ‘environment’ healthi-er and happier.

And don’t forget...on average, cloth diapers offer almost double the capac-ity of your baby’s wetting, making them a better choice for a leak free routine. When disposables reach a maximum absorbency...well, you know: a bum covered in opalescent round gel beads!

They’re easy: Diapers are machine wash and dry,

or line-dry, if you choose. For those of you who have visions of throwing poop into your washing machine...worry not! The miracle of ‘poop filters’ or bio-soft liners take care of 90% of your clean up, leaving you only laundering a wet dia-per. There is no need to rinse diapers by dunking them in the toilet, though a special diaper sprayer is available if you want the extra clean.

Want to join the cloth diaper revolu-tion? Check out Cloth Diaper 101: a free class that will answer all of your cloth diaper questions!

Jenn Harbaruk is a Cloth Diaper Educator and owner of Welcome to the Babyhood. Her Cloth Diaper 101 classes run at Lizzie Bits Baby Co. Pop into Lizzie Bits Baby Co. or call for class dates and registration. 250.374.8706


Cloth Diapers: So much more than

fabric, pins, and plastic pants!

By Jenn Harbaruk

Page 34: Kamloops Momma Baby Guide

Advertising Feature

When a new baby arrives, so do many, many photos. And then one day the new mom or dad asks, “what do I do with this mountain of photos?!”

Parents often feel overwhelmed with all of the photos. They don’t know where to start so sometimes it is easier just not to start at all.

Don’t wait until your children are older and then feel guilty because you have your pictures in boxes or still on the hard drive of your computer. Find ways to celebrate your photos and family stories now!

Photos represent our most precious memories. They are the one thing people rush to save if their home is in jeopardy. They connect us to each other, validate all that’s good in our lives and can even help us communicate our hopes and dreams.

Photos also show your children how much you love them. Why not be the par-ent who has the stories documented on an on-going basis so that when your children are older they will know and see how much they are loved? It’s easier than you think!

Creative Memories offers so many solutions to help you celebrate your stories now with ease. And my role as a Creative Memories Consultant is to help you find that solution!

Call me today and go from overwhelmed to ecstatic!

Denise SwobodaCreative Memories Unit Leader

250.578.8589 [email protected]/denises

“I believe photos and scrapbooks might

be a parent’s secret weapon. There are few

tools out there that are more powerful or

effective in helping to raise confident, happy,

well-adjusted kids.”~ Dr. Kenneth Condrell,

child psychologist

Go from Overwhelmed to Ecstatic!

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