kalori henty public school week 2 term 4€¦ · a guided tour of the school as well as a...

Kalori “Message Stick” Term 4 Week 2 Kalori / 1 23rd October 2018 Henty Public School 43 Sladen Street Henty NSW 2658 T 02 6929 3184 F 02 6929 3057 E [email protected] W henty-p.schools.nsw.edu.au “Achievement for All in a Safe and Respectful Environment” We are Responsible, We are Respectful, We are Learners October 24th - NO SCRIPTURE OR ASSEMBLY 31st - P & C General Meeng 5.30pm 31st - Assembly @ 12pm - Year 6 Performing 31st - Sydney Thunder Cricket Bus 1-3pm November 2nd - Kindergarten Transion Day 5th - Bluearth 7th - NO Assembly 7th-9th - Year 5/6 Excursion to Ballarat 9th - Kindergarten Transion Day 9th - Henty Streetscape Party 14th - Sports Assembly 10:15 14th - Volunteers Morning Tea 15th - 2019 Captains/Leaders speeches 9.30am 16th - Kindergarten Transion Day 16th - Swimming Tesng 19th - Bluearth 19th - 30th - Intensive Swimming 21st - Assembly - Yr 5 Performing 23rd - Kindergarten Transion Day 29th - Musical Concert TBC December 4th/5th - Henty’s got talent (Heats) What’s On at HPS? Henty Public School

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Page 1: Kalori Henty Public School Week 2 Term 4€¦ · A guided tour of the school as well as a presentation which will inform you of the programs, routines and staff at Henty Public School

Kalori“Message Stick”

Term 4Week 2

Kalori / 1

23rd October 2018

Henty Public School

43 Sladen Street Henty NSW 2658

T 02 6929 3184

F 02 6929 3057

E [email protected] W henty-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

“Achievement for All in a Safe and Respectful Environment”We are Responsible, We are Respectful, We are Learners


31st - P & C General Meeting 5.30pm

31st - Assembly @ 12pm - Year 6 Performing31st - Sydney Thunder Cricket Bus 1-3pm

November 2nd - Kindergarten Transition Day

5th - Bluearth

7th - NO Assembly

7th-9th - Year 5/6 Excursion to Ballarat

9th - Kindergarten Transition Day

9th - Henty Streetscape Party

14th - Sports Assembly 10:15

14th - Volunteers Morning Tea

15th - 2019 Captains/Leaders speeches 9.30am

16th - Kindergarten Transition Day

16th - Swimming Testing

19th - Bluearth

19th - 30th - Intensive Swimming

21st - Assembly - Yr 5 Performing

23rd - Kindergarten Transition Day

29th - Musical Concert TBC

December4th/5th - Henty’s got talent (Heats)

What’s On at HPS?

Henty Public School

Page 2: Kalori Henty Public School Week 2 Term 4€¦ · A guided tour of the school as well as a presentation which will inform you of the programs, routines and staff at Henty Public School

Term 4 Week 1

Hi everyone,

Welcome to Week 2 of our last term of 2018.

School arrangements for Wednesday

As you are aware, the funeral for Hugh Edwards will be held this Wednesday 24th October 2018 at 11:00 in the St Patrick’s Catholic Church, Henty. Following the mass, the cortege will proceed to the Henty Lawn Cemetery. Relatives and friends are invited to attend.

Due to the large number of students and staff who may be attending Hugh’s funeral, there will be some alternative arrangements for students at school on Wednesday. There will be no office staff attending the office, some classes will be combining and some students may be in a different classroom for some/all of the day. There will be no assembly or scripture this week.

If you have any office enquiries, please wait until Thursday to discuss these with Tania or Peta. Mrs Emma Quinn, Assistant Principal, will be in the admin area all day to discuss anything more urgent and important.

A huge thanks to families who have offered to support the Edwards family by donating a plate of food for the wake. Any contributions are to be delivered to the Henty Community Centre or Henty Public School from 9am on Wednesday.

Tell Them From Me survey

We only have one week before the Tell Them from Me survey closes. Answers provided in this survey help us to make future decisions for the school and the students. Please take some time to let us know how you think we are going. Miss Ross has shared the link a few times through Schoolstream and Facebook.

School values and expectations

This term we will be focusing on the following school expectations:

School leadership

Soon our Year 5 students will prepare speeches for School Captain and Aboriginal Leader positions. A note will come home to explain the process for those students involved in leadership elections. If you are a parent of a Year 5 child or an Aboriginal child in years 4 and 5, please take some time to speak with your child

Reward day

We will be taking the senior students to the movies and junior students to play ten pin bowling. I am super keen to take every student! Together we can do it!

Tina Roworth


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05/11/2018 - Chantelle Osman 12/11/2018 - Jenny Zweck 19/11/2018 - Jennifer Haines 26/11/2018 - Sonja McCallum03/12/2018 - Cathy Coe10/12/2018 - Tania Corrigan17/12/2018 - Simone Brown

Term 4 Canteen Menu is available on school stream and on the schools website.

Kalori /3

Christmas Hamper Items wanted: The school is holding a christmas raffle and would love donations of non- perishable items to place in the basket. If all families could please donate one item to the hamper that would be greatly appreciated. We are selling tickets at the Streetscape Party & would love to display the hamper so can all items be left in the school office before the 9th November.

Friday Lunch Orders: If your child would like to order anything from the Henty Bakery on a Friday it is the parents/carers responsibility to contact the bakery directly Ph:69293565. Lunches will then be delivered to the school. This option is only available on Fridays. There will be no more orders from the Liberty Service Station any day of the week. This is in addition to the School’s canteen each Monday.

Absentees: We are required by the Department of Education to follow up absentees. If your child is away please remember to call the school or fill in an absentee note so we can record the reason your child is absent. Absentee notes are sent home if you do not provide us with a reason.

Bus Routine: Please let the office know of any changes in bus routine for Term 4. Your child’s routine is not changed unless advised by parents/carers. A note has gone home today to families who travel on the bus to complete and return to the school office.

Sports Uniform: All students are to wear sports uniform every Monday for blue earth and Friday for basketball all this term.


Success at Wagga Eisteddfod

Four students from Henty Public School competed at the Wagga Eisteddfod during the last days of Term 3. Anka Aliento & Isabel Lieschke were highly commended in impromptu speaking, & Isabel was Highly Commended in the prepared speech section. Anka was thrilled to win Third Place with her prepared speech.

Ryan Klemke gave an outstanding presentation of “Thunderbolt” in the set recital & received very complimentary comments for his work. He came second in the scripture reading.

Ava Klemke entered the poetry writing section and was highly commended, but her big, big thrill came when she won 1st place as the Young Performer created for her on the words of the song “Roar” by Katy Perry. The trophy Ava brought home was almost as big as herself.

All four students are to be commended for their efforts to be prepared and their success at the festival.

Grace Stein


Scholastic Book Club Order: Book club orders have gone home today with your child and are due back on the 29th October.

Page 4: Kalori Henty Public School Week 2 Term 4€¦ · A guided tour of the school as well as a presentation which will inform you of the programs, routines and staff at Henty Public School

Henty Public School

kindergarten transition days

Henty Public School is offering the following transition days for pre-school aged children. These days will assist your family in becoming familiar with our school.

Come along to these transition sessions to assist your child in becoming familiar with the surrounds of our school as they transition to primary school.

For more information please contact our school office on 0269293184

Term 3Monday




School Open Day & Parent Information Session

Parent Welcome & Information Session- held in the school library.

Children welcome to explore the school grounds with their families.

A guided tour of the school as well as a presentation which will inform you of the programs, routines and staff at Henty Public


Term 4Friday 2nd

November 2018


Session 1.

Explore the school surrounds with a treasure hunt. Find new places and people along the way, with the help of the Year 5 students.

Please bring a hat, fruit and recess.

Friday 9th

November 2018


Session 2.

Teddy Bears’ Picnic** Don’t forget to bring along your teddy**

Enjoy some songs, stories and a Teddy Bears’ Picnic.

Please bring a hat, fruit and recess.

Friday 16th

November 2018


Session 3.

Literacy Session in the Kindergarten classroom with technology

Pre-school students will participate in a range of literacy activities in the Kindergarten classroom using technology.

Please bring a hat, fruit and recess.

Friday 23rd

November 2018


Session 4.

Fun and games with your 2019 buddy!Gather in the Kindergarten classroom for some fun games and activities

with our 2019 buddies.

Please bring a hat, fruit and recess.

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K/1 Class News

Welcome back to Term 4.

In K/1 Blue we have been learning about our school values and talking about how we can follow them in the playground and in the classroom.

What a great start to the term we have had!

Weekly reminders:

Monday- Sport Uniform

Thursday- Library bags for Library

Friday- Sport uniform

We are looking forward to our first basketball lesson on Friday.

We are responsible

We are respectful

We are learners

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P&C News, 23 October 2018

The P&C sends its deepest condolences to Nicole, Phil, and Amelia Edwards, and their extended family on the tragic loss of their beautiful boy Hugh. A former student of Henty Public, Hugh will be remembered for his happy nature, kind heart, and love of life. He was a friend to all with an infectious smile and keen sense of humour. He was dearly loved and will be missed by the whole school community.

Mass of Christian Burial will be held at St Patrick’s Catholic Church in Henty on Wednesday 24 October 2018 commencing at 11am.

As a result of the many of offers of support for the Edwards family, the school and P&C would like to inform you that all donations of food for the funeral would be gratefully accepted. Contributions such as cakes, slices, and scones (cut or sliced, and ready to serve), can be left at the Henty Community Centre or Henty Public School from 9am on Wednesday 24 October. Any further queries, please contact the school or P&C members. Thank you in anticipation.

Please be advised that the Miss Muddy event due to take place on 10 November and for which the P&C had been asked to cater, has been cancelled.

The next general meeting of the P&C will take place on Wednesday 31 October 2018 at 5.30pm.

Kind regards, Cindy Scott, Secretary HPS P&C


T20 Blast Cricket

What a great day last Friday at cricket in Culcairn! Our 6 teams showed terrific participation and sportsmanship throughout the day. We would like to thank our parent helpers; Stephen Zweck, Ben Hooper, Debbie Klemke and Cindy Scott, especially Cindy who is retiring after many years acting as manager of a team, for this event. We will miss her contributions and she assures us that no ball tampering occurred under her supervision. Stephen, Ben & Debbie still have a few years left in them yet!!


Basketball commences this Friday and students need to wear sports uniform and bring their drink bottle. The sessions will take place on the school court. This is a Sporting Schools initiative and that means no cost incurred by families.


Intensive swimming and swimming for sport will be also taking place in Term 4. More information to follow in next week’s Kalori. Swimming for Sport will take place for the last few weeks of this term and during the beginning term in 2019.

Page 7: Kalori Henty Public School Week 2 Term 4€¦ · A guided tour of the school as well as a presentation which will inform you of the programs, routines and staff at Henty Public School

Last Thursday the 18th of October, all children in Years K-6, had the opportunity to be a guest of visiting author, Ian Trevaskis. Mr Trevaskis is a retired teacher and last taught at Talangatta Primary School before pursuing a career in writing. It was great to hear how the writing process of a published author is extremely similar to the student writing processes – brainstorming ideas, drafting notes, rereading, editing, writing, rereading, editing, rereading, editing – finally publishing! (maybe!!!)

It was interesting how Mr Trevaskis explained that although he was the author (written the words) of his stories, he had never actually met any of the illustrators who had drawn the pictures. From the beginning of a first draft to a published book, the process including editing and revising and adding illustrations, sometimes takes a few years! It was also fascinating that for every book sold, Mr Trevaskis only earns about $1.50 from the actual sale price. Our senior students determining that being an author is NOT a well-paid job!!!

All children enjoyed the reading of a collection of books by Mr Trevaskis during the visit.

Mrs Emma Byles


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HOTSHOTS: will commence this

Friday 26th October from 4pm

Program will run for 6 weeks & is aimed at 4 to 8 yr olds

Cost: $10 per session (45 minute ses-sions) All racquets & equipment supplied

To register please text John Janetzki

(0427 786 173) by 24th Oct

TENNIS COACHING: will commence on Friday 26th October from 5pm

Aimed at mid primary to adults, Coaches are Aaron Bruest & Zac Burhop

Private sessions $30 for 30 minutes, Group sessions $15 for 30 minutes

To book a time slot please text John Janetzki (0427 786 173) by 24th Oct

Billabong High School has recently commenced a partnership with Aurora College, the DoE Virtual Selective High School. Aurora College aims to enhance and accelerate the learning of gifted and talented students throughout rural and remote regions in NSW. Applications are currently open for students in Year 5 interested in applying to enroll at Aurora College for Year 7 2020. This will involve students sitting a state-wide selective school entrance exam in March 2019. Closing date for applications is 12th November 2018. For further information regarding Aurora College visit their website at http://www.aurora.nsw.edu.au/ or contact Billabong High School on 60 298 377.

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Escape to the



Proudly presented and sponsored by

Kalori /9




Find our page onFacebook for moreinformation

@ The Henty Football Oval

Pleasant Hills Tennis Club

Saturday afternoon competition - If you would like to be involved, its not too late; we would appreciate a few more players - regulars, part-timers or fill ins; adults, teenagers and kids.

Hotshots Tennis for kids started last Friday at the Pleasant Hills Tennis Courts - we had a great turnout! It is on again this Friday the 26th, feel free to come along.

Multiple groups run catering for ages 4 to 12+ All equip-ment is provided.

There are 6 sessions in term 4 and another 6 in term 1 - $5 session or $35 for the season

Feel free to contact Renae Lieschke - Secretary, for further information on 0428 296 147 or [email protected] or just turn up!


HENTY NETBALL CLUB AGMTuesday 13th November 2018

7.30pm @ Henty Public School Library

Page 10: Kalori Henty Public School Week 2 Term 4€¦ · A guided tour of the school as well as a presentation which will inform you of the programs, routines and staff at Henty Public School

Henty Branch of Bendigo Bank Poetry Competition The Henty Branch of Bendigo Bank will celebrate their 20th year as part of the Henty Street Scape celebrations on the 9th November, 2018 and invite you to participate in a Poetry Competition. The sections and criteria for the competition have been outlined by the Henty Branch of Bendigo Bank and are as follows:

Criteria: Primary School Student: Main subject of the poem must be “Henty” and mention must also be made of the Bendigo Bank.

Secondary School Student: Main subject of the poem must be the Henty branch of Bendigo Bank.

Adults: Main subject of the poem must be the Henty branch of Bendigo Bank. All entries must include the authors’ name, a contact phone number and address on the back of the entry. Entries to be submitted to the Bendigo Bank, Henty by close of business on Wednesday 31st October. 1st and 2nd place winners will be notified by Wednesday 7th November. The Bendigo Bank Board request that the recipients of First prize (only) read their entry at the Henty Street Scape event on 9th November, 2018. Presentation: Handwritten or published on computer. Please note: Judging will take into consideration the presentation of the poem.

Sections: School years

K-1-2-3: Word count- ALL words counted including “the” and “a”. Minimum words 10 maximum 80 words.

Years 4-5-6: Word count- only words of four or more letters counted- small words “a’ and “the” not counted. Minimum words 20, maximum number of words 120.

Years 7-8-9-10-11-12: Word count- only words of four or more letters counted- small words “a’ and “the” not counted. Minimum words 30, maximum number of words 180.

Adults Open: words of 3 letters or less not

counted. Minimum words 20, maximum 220 words.

First prize $100 account with Bendigo Bank Second prize $50 account with Bendigo Bank

The Board of the Henty Branch of Bendigo Bank look forward to your entry and invite you to join them for the celebration of our 20th birthday at the Henty Street Scape event.

For further details about the poetry competition, we invite you to contact Leticia O’Brien (St Paul’s Primary School Henty 0269293323) on behalf of the Bendigo Bank and Henty Community Development Committee.

Yours Sincerely,

Leticia O’Brien (on behalf of the Henty Branch of Bendigo Bank)