kaleidoscope magazine - 2nd edition

SRC Principal’s Interview How to follow a successful path on page 8 Introduce Augmented Reality into your life on page 16 Take your first steps to understand a new culture on page 5 SRC - ESOL Course Level 2 (2012-2013) 2nd EDITION 2012-2013 M A G A Z I N E The First Interactive ESOL Magazine Beliefs nourish the traditions and unity among people for centuries. See more on page 6.

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Kaleidoscope is a periodic magazine which has as its main purpose to compile the most relevant articles produced by students during the ESOL Course Level 2 (2012-2013). Kaleidoscope is the result of the interaction between a high level course and the individual talent of each student which attests that education is the best path to social inclusion. Regards, Marcelo Pedrazzi.


Page 1: Kaleidoscope Magazine - 2nd Edition

SRC Principal’s InterviewHow to follow a successful path

on page 8

Introduce Augmented Realityinto your life on page 16

Take your first steps to understanda new culture on page 5

SRC - ESOL Course Level 2 (2012-2013) 2nd EDITION



The First Interactive ESOL Magazine

Beliefs nourish the traditions and unity among people for centuries. See more on page 6.

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Page 3: Kaleidoscope Magazine - 2nd Edition

Contents 1

Inside this issue

2 EnvironmentOur planet needs care. See what we can do to minimize environmental impacts.

4 Cinema in FocusDo you want to enjoy good a time? Follow our film reviews.





InterviewSRC Principal, Phil Cook, grants an exclusive interview to our magazine.


BeliefsBeliefs that have accompanied mankind since ancient times and strengthen the cultural roots of a nation.


Poetic Space Sensitize and awaken your feelings intwo styles.

14 Bedtime StoriesThere is nothing better than a good story before bedtime.


Challenge Planning to move abroad?Tips to make your adaptation easier.

16 Augmented Reality Instructions to augment your reality.A new way to watch the world.

17 Magazine Team Know our group.




Editor & Designer


Editor Assistant

Marcelo Pedrazzi

Sheryl Nasir

Chandani Kulathilaka

Ali Alborzi

Anosh Raza

Eusebia Darby

Gohar Raza

Karzan Muhamed

Laila Mohibi

Mohammed Ali Khorshedi

Natalia Kocon

Noumou Diallo

Rasool Rasool

Seba Taghlubi

Tayebe Bahamari

Zardasht Omar

[email protected]

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Kaleidoscope is a periodic magazine which has as its main purpose to compile the most relevant articles produced by students during the ESOL Course Level 2.Kaleidoscope is the result of the interaction between a high level course and the individual talent of each student which attests that education is the best path to social inclusion.


Marcelo Pedrazzi

Enjoy delicious recipes. p.12 What to watch tonight? p.4

Relaxing Enjoy and reflect with adventures.


Recipes The World in your Kitchen travels to Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Brazil.

HealthAdvice for pregnant women.Caring for your health and your baby.

Page 4: Kaleidoscope Magazine - 2nd Edition


Strategies for drought protection, mitigation or reliefDams: reservoirs to supply additional water in times of drought.Cloud seeding: an artificial technique to induce rainfall.Desalination of sea water: for irrigation or consumption.Drought monitoring: observation of rainfall levels and comparisons with current usage levels can help prevent man-made drought.Land use: carefully planned crop rotation can help to minimize erosion and allow farmers to plant less water-dependent crops in drier years.Outdoor water-use restriction: regulating the use of sprinklers, hoses or buckets on outdoor plants, filling pools, and other water-intensive home maintenance tasks.Rainwater harvesting: collection and storage of rainwater from roofs or other suitable catchments.Recycled water: former waste water (sewage) that has been treated and purified for reuse.Transvasement: building canals or redirecting rivers as massive attempts at irrigation in drought-prone areas.

Drought is an extended period of months or yearswhen a region has a deficiency in its watersupply. It occurs when a region receivesconsistently below average precipitation.

CausesGenerally, rainfall is related to the amount and dew point (determined by air temperature) of water vapour carried by regional atmosphere, combined with the upward forcing of the air mass containing that water vapour. If these combined factors do not support precipitation volumes sufficient to reach the surface, the result is a drought.Human activity can directly trigger exacerbating factors such as over farming, excessive irrigation, deforestation, and erosion adversely impact the ability of the land to capture and

ConsequencesPeriods of droughts can have significant environmental, agricultural, health, economic and social consequences. For example, subsistence farmers are more likely to migrate during drought because they do not have alternative food sources and the famine comes.

When hunger bites every crumb counts

DROUGHTS“ Climate changeshave affected thelandscape of the

planet “

Trigger Image

Page 5: Kaleidoscope Magazine - 2nd Edition

Environment 3

The planet degradation is an issue that concerns most people in the world.

But what can we do? Watch these videos below and understand

about the environmental impacts and how they have affected us.

To watch the videos, you must followthe instructions on page 16








Natural Disasters



Page 6: Kaleidoscope Magazine - 2nd Edition

Cinema in Focus4

he Last Samurai, which was released in the year 2003, is by

far one of my favourite films ever. The film involves two big

countries, the USA and Japan

Firstly, one of the world's greatest actors, Tom Cruise, is in the

film and it is a brilliant mixture of action, romance and sadness. I

have always been a massive fan of anything historical, and

watching this film I enjoyed it all the way through and not only that, I

have gained a lot of knowledge about the history of Japan.

The film was nominated for a number of awards including four

Academy Awards, three Golden Globes and two National Board of

review awards.

Tom Cruise who was initially supporting America, towards the end of the films changed his mind and

took Japan's side after finding out the truth between the two countries. This tells us that we should always

think twice before making any decisions. I would highly recommend this particular film to people of all age

groups. You will be surprised how much you can learn in two and a half hours.


f you wish to see a mesmerising performance, you should

watch Scarface. It is one of the most sensational films you are

ever going to see. I would like to recommend this movie as you

will surely understand that gangsters and criminals are the

losers at the end of story.

I personally prefer movies which are realistic and true to life

rather than emotional and unreliable. I always want to watch a film

which means something to me.

One of the main character's names is Tony Montana. He is really

capable of what he is doing on his missions. He aims to become a

wealthy man first then get power. He has a friend called Manny. They arrive in United States together and

they are successful while they are collaborating. They manage to compete against more powerful gangs and

gain a reputation.

Soon Tony meets kingpin Frank Lopez who is a drug dealer and has a beautiful partner. Tony feels for her

and gets hitched with her after he kills Frank Lopez. Tony believes his dreams have come true. He's got

money, power and a wife.

However, as you can imagine, it all turns sour. In recommending this film I am aware that it is not

appropriate for all ages. There is a lot of violence and bad language is used throughout. However, it is a

powerful and affecting film that will live long in the memory.

Cinema in Focus projects you into the two

remarkable films “The Last Samurai” and “Scarface”.

These reviews were written by the students

Chandani Kulathilaka and Mohammed Ali Khorshedi.


Page 7: Kaleidoscope Magazine - 2nd Edition

Challenge 5

Understanding a New Culture

What happen when you move toanother country to live a new life?

Share this experience with Eusebia Darby in

lanning to get away from your home understand what people say to you? Learning the country? Well from the moment you step language is very important because it's not only out from the aeroplane, you will find a big that you are

difference from where you came from. Britain is a nice popular country with lots

of influential people from the Queen to the Politicians.

You will see a lot of wide green fields with beautiful scenery of healthy trees. Apart from that there are also many tall buildings in the towns and cities.

Great Britain has an abundance of everything. What about food? British people have a variety of different food but they don't taste the same as you normally would eat in y o u r o w n c o u n t r y . However, after you have been here for a while you will soon adapt to the change and become more used to it. It's somehow difficult for the foreigner to just switch from their taste to another but it's not impossible.

Britain has clean running water everywhere and good facilities compared to some poor countries. Britain is a wealthy country with no so called extreme poverty because everybody has plenty to eat.

Weather-wise it is not so pleasant because it's always cold but it's not all that bad. For example in the summer they have very long days and short nights, which is good. The sun in the summer doesn't set until about ten o'clock and the sun rises again at 3 to 4 o'clock in the morning. Amazing isn't it?

It is important to learn and understand the language in Britain because if you haven't got the ability to speak fluently then how can you

broadening your knowledge about English, also you get to know people's culture better and understand them properly. If you are shy or unsure about your speaking, then it's best to find yourself a good tutor, by going to college and learn from the experts by studying there.

I have many experiences working in different places around the world, some good and some bad. When I first started working here in England, I found it difficult to communicate at first because of my limited Eng l ish , bu t I soon established a work routine and was able to make a strong contribution on the production line. But, a word of warning! Be careful if your work rate is better than those close to you, you will find that the lazy ones will gang up on you, to make your life difficult a n d s o m e t i m e s unbearable.

Some of the fashionable items are very expensive, but if you shop around you can buy more or less the same goods but much cheaper. For example, charity shops and many other outlets offer you a choice of quality goods at an affordable price. Car-boot Sales also occur regularly everywhere but more often in the summer. Here you can choose a bargain from a vast array of second hand items.

On very hot summer days it' so refreshing to hear the chimes of the ice cream van, but please be careful, teach your children to look both ways for traffic to buy an ice cream.

Be brave, commit yourself to this new life and I'm sure you will be successful if you treat others as you would like them to treat you.

Page 8: Kaleidoscope Magazine - 2nd Edition


Dehak's Palace, Kawa then

quickly passed the king's guards

with a lot of people with lot's anger

grabbed the king by the neck,

Every year on March 21st, the Kawa then beat the king with a big

Kurd ish peop le ce lebra te fat hammer and dragged him off

Newroz. In the Kurdish language his throne.

Newroz means "New Day" by Kawa set the people free

which Kurds mean the first day of throughout the land. A huge fire

the spring. The Kurdish calendar was lit on the mountain tops to

begins on this day. Newroz is the send messages firstly to thank

new day, the first day of the New God for helping them to defeat the

Year. The Kurdish nation has king, secondly, to tell the people

been celebrating Newroz since that they were free. This is where

the time of ancient history. the tradition of the Newroz fire

It is claimed that this tradition originates.

dates back to the myth of Kawa, Newroz is not just a day of

the blacksmith. On March 21st in remembering it also a day of

the year, Kawa killed the Dehak protesting, for example, against

and liberated the Kurds and any the Iraqi government for nearly a

other people in the Middle East. century under who we are still

Dehak was an evil king who suffering. The Kurdish situation

represented cruelty abuse and today is similar to the situation of

enslavement of people. People King Dehak, Kurds in Iran, Turkey,

used to pray every day for God to Syria and Iraq are still suffering as

help them to get rid of Dehak. the Kurds did in the past. The

On Newroz day, Kawa led a people in Kurdistan must be free

popular uprising and surrounded the same as other countries.It is a tradition to jump across a fire

Students celebrating Newroz

The History of Newroz“Kawa the Blacksmith is an Iranian mith who

leads a popular uprising against a ruthless

foreign ruler.”

by Karzan Muhamed

Page 9: Kaleidoscope Magazine - 2nd Edition

Beliefs 7

alda Night is a traditional Iranian celebration of the longest night of the year and this celebration is

celebrated on or around December 20th or 21st each year. Yalda, which means birth, is a Syriac word important to the Persian language.

Yalda has a history as long as the religion of Mithraists. The Mithraists believe that Mithra, the Persian God of light and truth, was born to a virgin mother in the morning of the longest night of the year.

Yalda is one of many Persian festivals that remained alive after Islam entered Iran about 1,400 years ago, but its nature became more and more symbolic in a cultural resistance against the dictatorship and there are many poems and songs referring to it.

On Yalda night, Iranians celebrate the arrival of winter, the renewal of the sun and the victory of light over darkness. Iranian families and friends gather and make a beautiful table with pomegranates, watermelons, pastry, nuts and fruits. They sit together and read poems of Hafiz (classic old poems from Iran) and stay awake after midnight, dance, sing, eat and drink.

Iranians believe those who begin winter by eating summer fruits will not fall ill during the cold season. Therefore, eating watermelons is one of the most important traditions on this night.

What is a Yalda Night?

Poems of Hafiz

All the HemispheresLeave the familiar for a while.

Let your senses and bodies stretch out

Like a welcomed seasonOnto the meadow and shores and hills.

Open up to the Roof.Make a new watermark on your

excitementAnd love.

Like a blooming night flower,Bestow your vital fragrance of happiness

And givingUpon our intimate assembly.

Change rooms in your mind for a day.

All the hemispheres in existenceLie beside an equator

In your heart.

Greet YourselfIn your thousand other forms

As you mount the hidden tide and travelBack home.

All the hemispheres in heavenAre sitting around a fire


While stitching themselves togetherInto the Great Circle inside of


by Tayebe Tahamari

Page 10: Kaleidoscope Magazine - 2nd Edition



COOKHello! We are Rasool and Sheryl.

We are students fromESOL Course Level 2.

As a part of our magazine today we are interviewing our

new Principal, Phil Cook.

Interv iew with SRC Pr incipal , Phi l Cook.

WELCOME Welcome to our interview

Phil Cook.Thank you very much.

Phil, are you from the local area?

I was born about thirty miles away in a town called Sunderland, so I am not from the Tees Valley but I am from the north east.

Welcome to Riverside College – we have been a student in Riverside for quite some time. It is nice to have you here.

FAMILYDo you have any children?

Yes, I have two children. What ages are they? Jack, my son is 15 and Caitlyn is

13, my daughter. And what's amazing is that they are so different.

Yes, we heard about that. Really, where did you hear about

that?When you just came on your first

day and you were interviewing the staff. They were really happy with you because you brought the staff into a relaxing mood.

I love my children very much and I do talk about them a lot. Jack always wants to be fifth in the class, because fifth is high enough so dad's not on his case but low enough so he doesn't














get noticed. Whereas Caitlyn always plays netball. So sport forms a big part show very little tolerance in that.wants to be first, so Caitlyn has to be first of the life with my kids but probably not a because Caitlyn is very much focussed big enough part of my life really. I should Have you always wanted to become a and driven. Whereas Jack is much more probably do some more in order to get principal of a college?relaxed and chilled and in many ways, I fit. No, I never ever wanted to become a guess, easy, so Jack is very comfortable. principal of a college. I kind of fell into Caitlyn can be extremely demanding but What is your favourite food? teaching and at my last college really I that's wonderful and that's fantastic. I like very traditional - meat and two got bored. I was deputy principal at my veg. But I also love trying foreign food, last college. We had lots of very, very

so at my last college we used to have a good results. big event every year where all of our As a principal you are busy with your ESOL students would bring in their Can I ask where was your last job. What do you like to do in your free national dish. college?time?

Yes, we have that here. Barnsley. Have you been there?I love spending time with my kids and You have that here? So have you I have just been there for a placing. I now, because they are of a certain age, I

done it yet this year? lived there for a month. It's a nice place.enjoy taking them to places because No, I think by the end of June when I think I did what I said I would do and when I take them to places, to meet their

we finish our classes. once I had done that I didn't know what friends and so on, they can't get out of It's my favourite day in the year else to do, so thought well perhaps it's the car so as teenagers they have to talk

because I love trying different foods. But time to move on. So I looked around for to me, which is fabulous. I eat most foods. other jobs and this job came up and I I enjoy gardening and I enjoy sport

thought this seems a lot of fun, so I'll do but I don't do as much sport now this job.PERSONAL CHALLENGEbecause of the demands of my job.

How do you feel about this college Is it nearer?What is your favourite sport? compared to your previous college?It is nearer, but it's more about the Oh, I love all sports – football, I think this college has many special

challenges and it's more about meeting running, boxing; I just love all sport. But people. I think that many of our learners new people and having new challenges, my son, I spend a lot of time with my son have a fantastic experience. I want to but no, I've never desperately wanted to now who does a lot of cycling – racing. make sure all of our learners have a be a principal – I really don't care about So on Sunday I spend the whole day at fantastic experience. So I am driven to my job title.an event with my son and my daughter improve the student experience and I










P: P: P:



P: P: P:

Page 11: Kaleidoscope Magazine - 2nd Edition

really easy one like “what was your last COMMUNITY STUDENTS CHALLENGESjob?” – Deputy Principal - so I become How important to do you think the So how do you attract students in confident and then you slip in… OK, at college is for the local community? different circumstances, before success the moment we are writing our strategic I think colleges are critical for the they get tired and frustrated? How do plan for the next three to five years and local community. I think colleges should you deal with it all?we are making decisions about what we be the hub of a local community and It is a massive challenge. It's about are going to do and how we are going that we should base everything that we the relationship with the teacher or their to do it, at a strategic level – so I don't do on the local demands and needs of tutor or the support mechanisms. So know the answer to the question. I am the community. However, what's we should spot that point at which point trying to answer that through that interesting is how you define “local” and we should try to intervene and provide strategic planning process. However, I how you define “community”. For me help, support, guidance, whatever it is do know some things that will be core. there is no such thing as a “community” we should be good enough to say “Oh, So, I know that we need exceptional there are “communities”. So one of the look”, should be good enough to say teachers; I know that we need to big things myself and governors are this is not just students its work become increasingly demand led. So thinking about at the moment is exactly colleagues as well. “It's starting to it's not about what we do, it's about that, what do we mean by “local”. Do falter” and it is at that point that we what people want. I know we have to we mean Stockton, or do we mean the really need to intervene and have the listen to students because that makes Tees Valley, or do we mean the North support services in place that are life so much easier. Because when East? I don't have an answer for that; designed to help. Now ultimately it is students tell us what they want and you I'm cool with that I will have an answer the student's responsibility but we deliver what they want, then why but not at the moment. In terms of should do everything in our power to wouldn't they be happy? They would.community and communities, what do enable them because what we as a I know we need to engage more with we mean by that? And who are the college does is change people's lives so employers and businesses and we communities and how do we find out when someone rings us and says I want need to create better transition from what the communities need, and what to do a course, that's not what they are school into college. I know we need to we should be doing for the really saying. What they are really deliver amazing customer service, and communities. And when we find that saying is I want to change my life. But whatever we decide we're going to out how do we decide which things we they don't articulate it like that. So focus on, which I don't know yet, the do and which things we don't, because therefore who am I or we, as individual things I've outlined will be critical we can't do everything. But there is a members of staff, to stop them from whatever we decide to do. But whole strategic discussion currently wanting to change their lives? I mean, ultimately a college is about learning going on about that very question. why would we wish to do that? So I and if you enable everyone to learn How do you see the future of ESOL think that when anyone rings up, or everything else just looks after itself. in SRC? walks in the door, and says “I want to do So the big priority is learning. In what way? a course” what you should really do is

Do you think it should go on or do transfer that to say they want to change you think it should stop? their lives, it becomes a really powerful STUDENTS ADVICE

Why would I seek to stop it? I think motivation. I mean we are really What advice can you give to the ESOL courses bring a wealth of privileged, I am really privileged. I don't student to achieve success?different cultures into the college; a care about my title, I just care about There is something underneath what wealth of different experiences into the what I can make happen, and my job you said there that I understand what college, different religions, different title just makes it easier. Obviously, I success looks like. I'm not sure I do. I values. I can think of no reason why I get paid a bit more also, which is know what success looks like for me but would want to stop that. Funding is helpful. But we change people's lives that probably isn't what success looks important and there will increasingly be and that is the most incredible feeling in like for you. We all define success in a challenges around funding. But as long the world.different way. And that's one of the as we can fill our courses I can think of interesting things about culture as well, absolutely no reason at all why I would isn't it? So as a white British working- CAREERseek to stop ESOL. I think it's great. I class male my definition of success is Can I ask you about your future? think it's groovy. Where are you from? very different even from my white British Are you going to stay as a principal or

I’m from Northern Iraq – Kurdistan. middle-class wife. So what I see as do you have a plan go higher? I'm from Pakistan. success and what she sees as success No, I don't know. (laughs) I assure Is it not incredible that we are sat in is different. What I do know is that often you, I don't know. I really have no idea.

the same room? people stop just before they achieve I'm really happy doing what I am doing. Yes, we are all sitting here together success, so challenges are really hard I think we've got some fantastic

and we have people all over the world. and often people stop just before they challenges and opportunities here as a We are not just learning the English, we are going to achieve. There is an old college, but I don't know. My job is very are learning the cultures. adage that “I will do today what others pressurised so the Board of Governors

I think it is wonderful, I think it's will not; and tomorrow I will be doing expect me to deliver so if I don't deliver, amazing. things that others cannot.” And I try and we probably won't be having this

live that. So when I get tired, I feel conversation anyway. But if it's left to frustrated, I feel angry, I'm bored, I SRC FUTURE me I just don't know. All I can see is the always try and do just that little bit more, What position did you have before next two years and that's about working because at that point other people stop. becoming principal? with staff and students and it's to make And I always feel that if I do just that Deputy Principal. the college better, that's all I can see.little bit more, I think success will come. Where do you want to see SRC in But it depends on how you define the next five years? What do you see That's all the questions we have. success. I'm really talking about as the future of Stockton Riverside Is that OK guys?success in terms of qualifications and College? Thank you for your time. It was a work. Success in life is completely Whoa! You're kind of slipping these pleasure to meet you.different – potentially.tough ones in, aren't you? So you ask a It was a pleasure to meet you guys.

S: S:





R: S:



R: R:












Page 12: Kaleidoscope Magazine - 2nd Edition

Poetic Space10


俳句 History and Structure of Haiku Poems

Haiku started out as a popular activity during the 9th to 12th centuries in Japan called “tanka”. A haiku poem consists of three lines, with the first and last line having 5 syllables, and the middle line having 7 (5-7-5).

The ages sculpt timeThe artist forges every lifeDivine affection

A star tears the skyMy heart pumps with desireBut you do not come

Dark blue in the skyA reflected mysteryInto the deep lake

The haiku is the art of saying the most with the least. Each haiku captures a moment of experience, a moment in which the mere suddenly reveals its inner nature and makes us look again. Its lines express emotions, images, comparisons, suggestions, sighs, desires, dreams... with an untranslatable charm.

by Marcelo Pedrazzi

Page 13: Kaleidoscope Magazine - 2nd Edition

Poetic Space

When I am looking at the horizon,

My father's words ripple

in my mind.

"Learning helps me

become creative,

Creativity helps me

become inventive,

Thinking helps me

gain knowledge,

Knowledge makes me

feel privileged.”

These give me strength to believe

in myself and be more confident.

When I think positively,

Sounds become music,

Movements become dance,

Smiles become laughter,

Thoughts become meditation,

Life becomes a celebration!

Successful Lifeby Chandani Kulathilaka


Page 14: Kaleidoscope Magazine - 2nd Edition


KIRIBATHKiri means “milk”Bath means “rice”

Preparation timeApproximately 45 minutes

Ingredients3 cups of white rice (basmati rice)1 can cream of coconutSalt to taste

Method1. Clean and wash the rice.2. Put the rice in a pan, stick in your index finger on surface of rice and fill water up to slightly above the 2nd joint of the index finger.3. Cover and cook the rice on a low heat.4. When the rice is almost done, mix the salt with the coconut milk and add to the rice. Stir and cook for a few more minutes.5. Serve the hot rice on a platter and use a flat spoon or spatula. Cut it into squares and serve.6. If you would like to sweet tasting Kiribath, it can be made with cashew nuts and honey.

TabboulehDelicious, health and

easy to make

Preparation timeApproximately 10 minutes

4 tablespoons bulgur wheat100ml (4 fl oz) boiling water1 large bunch parsley, chopped1 small bunch mint, chopped5 tomatoes, diced1 onion, finely diced1 dessertspoon extra virgin olive oil1 lemon, juicedsalt to taste

1. Rinse bulghur several times, then mix with 2 cup cold water and let stand 2 hours to soften.2. Press out excess moisture in strainer.3. Wash parsley, drain and pat dry with paper towels, remove stems and discard, finely chop leaves.4. Mix parsley with bulghur in a large bowl, add chick peas, green onions, tomato and fresh mint.5. Combine oil, lemon juice and salt, pour over tabbouleh and mix thoroughly.6. Chill well before serving7. Spoon tabbouleh into small bowls lined with lettuce leaves. Serve with pita bread.



Brazilian FlanTastes totally authentic!


Preparation timeApproximately 1 hour

1 cup white sugar4 eggs, separated1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk3/4 cup milk, plus2 tablespoons milk



The World in your Kitchen brings the flavour of

Sri Lanka Afghanistan Brazil

Do you have any suggestions?Send an email to [email protected]

Kiribath is an essential dish for any auspicious moment. It is very commonly served for breakfast on the first day of each month and is a very important aspect for the Sinhalese in celebrating the Sinhalese New Year. Kiribath is cooked and served as the first meal after the dawn of the new year.

1. Preheat an oven to 350 degrees.2. Melt the sugar in a heavy saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly. Once the sugar becomes a golden brown, pour it immediately into a round baking dish, swirling so that the syrup coats all sides of the dish. Set aside to cool.3. Place the egg yolks into a blender and blend on medium for 5 minutes, then add condensed milk, 3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons milk, and egg whites. Continue to blend until all ingredients are combined. Pour egg mixture into the baking dish and cover with aluminum foil. Line a roasting pan with a damp kitchen towel. Place baking dish on towel, inside roasting pan, and place roasting pan on oven rack. Fill roasting pan with boiling water to reach halfway up the sides of the baking dish.4. Bake in the preheated oven until a knife inserted 1 inch from the edge comes out clean, 45 to 50 minutes. The centre of the flan will still be soft. Allow flan to cool before unmolding onto a plate. Refrigerate before serving.

Page 15: Kaleidoscope Magazine - 2nd Edition

Health 13

by Noumou DialloP R E G N A N T W O M E NA d v i c e f o r

Becoming a mother is one of the most

exciting moments in woman's life.

However, there are some important

issues that we should consider.







Getting vaccinated against flu is the best way to

protect yourself and your baby from the virus, and

make sure you stay safe all winter. If you're pregnant

the flu jab is quick, safe and completely free just asks

your midwife or GP and make an appointment. You

can also protect your baby for the first few months

after birth.

Your baby can tell when mum eats well

Eating healthily while you're pregnant

means that your baby eats too. We all want to

eat healthily, but it can feel like a challenge,

especially if time is short, money is tight, or

you're just not used to cooking.

When you're pregnant, eating healthily is

doubly important. That's because every day

your baby's brain and organs are growing and

it needs lots of the right nutrients to do this.

Eating healthily during pregnancy can also

help your baby after it's born.

Why breastfeeding is better for you and your baby

Feeding your baby with breast milk can make a

big difference to your baby's and your own health.

Mum's milk is perfectly and uniquely made for your

b a b y ' s g r o w i n g

needs and giving

them your milk can

m a k e a b i g

difference to both

your baby's and

your own health.

It's packed full

of disease-fighting

antibodies to help protect babies from illness and it

changes daily, weekly and monthly, to meet their

growing needs.

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Bedtime Stories14

A fable has its origin in the very remote past

and transcends time and frontiers.

Follow this narrative led by Rasool in





here used to be an emperor in the Far had destroyed the seed. However, his East who became old so he had to mother was really supportive. She told him

choose a successor, but what he did "You did what you have been told. Don't was completely different to what the panic. Just be honest.” But Yusuf wanted to other emperors usually did at that escape because he couldn't grow the seed.

particular time. He didn't want to choose He thought the Emperor would kill him. someone from his family or tribe. One day he Fortunately, his mother's encouragement called all the youths in the kingdom and made him go to Emperor's inspection.gathered them and told them, "It is time for On the day of the inspection all the youths me to step down therefore I have decided to arrived at the Emperor's palace where choose one of you.” everyone had their plant grown in a variety of

The youths in the kingdom were really sizes, except Yusuf's. The youths were surprised! "But there is something I mocking Yusuf and laughing. It was so command you to do" said the Emperor. embarrassing. When, the Emperor came out “Today I'm going to give you very special from the castle and inspected everyone's seed that you should plant and water. In plant he called his bodyguard to grab Yusuf. addition to that, you have to bring the plant At this time Yusuf was absolutely terrified! back next year. So that I can judge the plant "Now I can announce that I have chosen and the one who I chose will be the new Yusuf to be our new Emperor,” said the emperor.” Emperor. Everybody was so shocked! "Now

There was a boy among them named you are wondering why I have chosen him. I Yusuf who received a seed the same as the didn't want a big tree. I just tested you but you others. He went home so excited and told his all failed except Yusuf. Last year I gave you a mother the story. His mum helped him plant boiled seed and I said plant and water it, but the seed. Every day, he carefully watered and you didn't. Instead of planting my seed, you looked after the seed. One week went by and changed it for another seed. The only one nothing happened. Two weeks went by but who planted my seed was Yusuf. Therefore, Yusuf's seed didn't grow, so he started to through his honesty, he deserves to be the worry about it. new Emperor!

After a while, he saw the other youths Truthfulness leads to righteousness and were talking about their plants. They were righteousness leads to success.saying "Mine grew that big," the other said, This story is a well known narrative in “mine's that wide" and so on. Yusuf didn't many countries including my country. It is a mention anything. He remained silent and felt lesson for everyone to understand how so fragile inside himself he thought that he important honesty is.

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Relaxing 15

One day Nasruddin entered his favourite tea house and said: 'The moon is more useful than the sun'. An old man asked 'why?' Nasruddin replied 'We need the light more during the night than during the day.'

"When I was in the desert," said Nasruddin one day, "I caused an entire tribe of horrible and bloodthirsty Bedouins to run." "However did you do it?" "Easy. I just ran, and they ran after me."

Once, when Nasruddin was visiting a Western town, he was invited to attend a fashion show. He went, and afterwards he was asked how he liked it. “It's a complete swindle!" he exclaimed indignantly. "Whatever do you mean?" he was asked. "They show you the women - and then try to sell you the clothes!"

A man was walking along the street when he passed another man with a lot of stubble on his face standing outside a shop. The first man asked: "How often do you shave? Twenty or thirty times a day," answered the man with the stubble. "What! You must be a freak!" exclaimed the first man. "No, I'm only a barber," replied the man with the stubble.

“How old are you, Nasruddin? Someone asked, 'Three years older than my brother. 'How do you know that?' 'Reasoning. Last year I heard my brother tell someone that I was two years older than him. A year has passed. That means that I am older by one year. I shall soon be old enough to be his grandfather.’

"You don't love me any more," said Nasruddin's wife through her tears. "When you see me crying, you never ask why." "I am sorry, Darling," said Nasruddin, "BUT THAT SORT OF QUESTION HAS ALREADY COST ME AN AWFUL LOT OF MONEY.”

Nasruddin sat fishing in a bucket of water. A visitor, wishing to be friendly, asked, "How many have you caught?" "YOU ARE THE NINTH," said Nasruddin.

Nasruddin is considered a populist philosopher

and wise man, remembered for his funny stories and

anecdotes. He appears in thousands of stories,

sometimes witty, sometimes wise, but often, too, a fool

or the butt of a joke. A Nasruddin story usually has a

subtle humour and a pedagogic nature.

The Moving Friend“Nasruddin,” a friend said one day, “I’m moving to another village. Can I have your ring? That way, I will remember you every time I look at it?”“Well,” replied Nasruddin, “you might lose the ring and then forget about me. How about I don’t give you a ring in the first place - that way, every time that you look at your finger and don’t see a ring, you’ll definitely remember me.”

The Baby is CryingLate one night, Nasruddin’s baby started crying.Nasruddin’s wife turned to him and said, “Husband, go take care of the baby. After all, he is not only mine—he is also half yours.”Nasruddin sleepily remarked, “You can go stop your half from crying if you want—but as for me, I will let my half continue to cry.”

Which End of the World?Man: Nasruddin, when do you think the end of the world will come?”Nasruddin: “Which end of the world do you mean?”“How many ends of the world are there?”“Two?”“Explain.”“When my wife dies, that will be the first. When I die, that will be the second.”

How to Become WiseFriend: “Nasruddin, how does one become wise?”Nasruddin: “Listen attentively to wise people when they speak. And when someone is listening to you, listen attentively to what you are saying!“

The Town GossipThe Town Gossip: “Nasruddin, I just saw some men delivering a huge tub of stew.”Nasruddin: “What’s it to me?”The Town Gossip: “They were taking it to your house.”Nasruddin: “What’s it to you?”

Nasruddin Fool Nasruddin Wisdom

Nasruddin’s Storiesby Ali Alborzi

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Andy Jack




ESOL Course Level 2 (2012-2013)

“Sharing our differences”

[email protected]


thank you for

the augmented


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