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VOL. XXIV. DOVER, MOBRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24,1894. NO. 39 B KVKUY VR1DAV B7 PUBLISHERS IK PltOFKISTORS, * " See on MtoekweXjSlreet next door totf/.cNational Union Bank. 'V. 7 V^t- riBXS OP aOBSOEIPTIOK INVABL. IYUB tsoo •• I MONTHS 100 "BPACfiT" i|160t 11 3 60 81 1 » M «*• f 7fi»IiB 125 BOO 175! 3 75 2Ji! 3 60 3 75 4 US U50. 6U5 4 60 0 60 ftftOBOO 10 00 17 DO t s-w'nwt a oo Percentage added for extras. Local notion Qiteen cent* per line. •JABWITP R. HUMMER, Real Usttite md Insuronoe Agent. Office over Tbe Geo. Rtebftrda Cc.'a Store, DOVER, M, J. PUOEKEJ.-COOPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW AUD MASTER AND BOUCITOR m CHANCERY Office lu tbe Tone Building, OVER J. A, Lvoiita STOHK, DOVER, N. J. All kinds of I'lumMnir, Rooting and Sheet Iron Work BatlHfscUirily tweeutod .unlock at all UIUM BUm* anil Hot Air furnaces o( CTwy description ; Hardware, Cutiury.Tiu-ware, Oil Cloth*, Cam-U, i'la, Lelilnh wnl HcrantoD toil, Lamps, l>aW OII^Fairtiaaka Males aud Doyt'i Ilubta Ducket Clioln Pumps. THE MOBBIS COUNTY TAMES 0. COOPBH, BOVSU, H. J. loiunnce Draper iDdComuilMiuner of Deeds, Fire, Life, Steam Bolter, Employ era' Lia- bility nud Live Stock Iniurauce. Our-in- surance Insures. Rwl Estate bought and aold en Commiston. SM yr. p EO. 0. CUMMINS.M. D., GENERAL FBACTITIOHKR, Aim BPKCIAUflT IK TEI TOKATMKRT 01 BHIO- MATuUt AND HlLASIAL DlfllAgJtB. Office oa north ride of Blackwel) street and •bout 20Q feet west of Warren itreat, Pnsldtnt-HBHBT 17. MILLHH. Vloe-Preddent-AURBUUS B. HULL Secretary and Treasurer—H. T. HULL. ItANAGERB: Henry 0, Pitaoy, Henry W. Miller, Hampton 0. Minh, Aurelim B. Hull, Philip H. Hoffman, Paul Revere, Ca**-Y.Bw*a( M.P. Bdtnaad D. HMIWT, John Thatcher, p EORSB W. BOWER, ARCHITECT, HOIUUSTOWN, N. J, OTFKW PAWC PLIOX, COB. H i f l n r BT. fanuaty 1st, 16M..,...,,, 11,833,781.00 LIABILITIES. " Do* depositors f l , 189,72a 39 inUPlrldeadJan,!, 16,83a. IB QOTO . KANOU8E &HOSKfflQ'S BAKKRY (or Iiwh Br«ad, GJtB aad P daily. A frath itock ol Confectionery always on band. SUSSEX STREET, (NEAR CASAL Bauwi,) DOVKB, H. J. Surplus... TOHN DRUMMER'S 8HAVING AHO HAIR CUTTIHG SALOON, MANSION HOUSE, . CtlH. ELACtf WKb AUD HUSBEX 8TBKKT, DOVER, N. J. Cutting a ipeoklty. ^ J O S . R, WILLIAMS, MASON AMD SLATER, FOB! OfUM, H. J. furnished. Bettlnl BoUen and covering Steam Plpw ' ^~l*t* A 1 % Mi i»iil»1,T BB>pecUl(r. NXAB ClJTITUL PlPOT B3-1/ TOHNBOH A COOPER, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, ABD QIITMRAL Fujurojuaa UHDIBTAKIBS. Pimwil attWtion glvM toall caUs by J C Jotanioo. t)f£« wad wnreroooiBIO ui« ou laoi EBA bulldUw, Morris itrart. 16-lj VJARTIN LnTHKIl COX COUHTTT BUPBRINTENDENT . OFPUBL1D BCH00L8. Orncn-BLACKWELIi 8T.f DOVER, J. Hoimfl j 9 A, H. to 12 M. ei LWER 8. FREEKAH, Q A made* and Qc&tr lakenT Jobbfiig alwayl particularly attet au Ontora left at tlie Brick Drc« Stom of Gr Wm. H. Ooodalc, or at tha poat offloo nflj bs promptly .model ». Comer Union >nd S n r SO.. DO.CT. K. J. rpHE NEW. JERSEY IRON.MINIHQ CO. onn run SAUI In loto rr 6 aorM andupwards, and several good building lots In Fort Onat, K. J, , Adlre« L. 0. ButBWUtTO, SeoV, DOVKB. N. JT. rpaoa JOHN80H,. manolactunr anddealer in MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTELS uiaUworklnHublBtndGnnite. All work of tfee best order andprices reaMnable. BLAOEWKLL &TBUT, DOVER, N. J. FLORIST. BOLD STREET, DOVER, «. 1. CMKowOTaia IMfm ol atery duo tion, tor ill omdowTBriiMrf at_ate iioUoe, aod or*rytting in tba lino of UK Florin tuppUad, TO" * LROSS, . . ATTOROTY-AT-liW, MASTER IN CHAH0ERT 4KD K0TARY POBU0, Brksuon, N. J. H. PEAKOE, (SUCCtW tO PMTOA £ U0DM) OARPBOTER AND HD1LDER, WM. MTPEABOE. Fine Bologna Sausage. W t a n n t t i th> JmMBolojnjlBuw aS«rad to tbs market, ud our growing Hlei S S U t U t u»j»«pl««ppr«au.lt. UI. ? l OKI «• U"t mlr th» bat ba obtatod (ran T S a n l t » , Borrll Bt., Dow. Al« teTilsre ol ?ota Doirotoi, Fort ft«a HEOOEN BROS., Butclien, n « cmiaa uaovuH. J. HOCKAWAY, N. J. AGENTS FOR THE DUPLEX AUTOMATIC STHAB HEATERS. v In fuel ; tUmjilldty .wVeeuutatn; i XULVU uuriwr uun lowlngnorntai Onal f ixnuCnicUun; Ko g PORTLAND RAIVOEB! Do not bay n raugo until jou liaye seen the Famous Portland Over 500 nowin nee. WsvrraDtoil a good baiter or money refunded, and the only place they onu be purchased at is at our eatabliBbmeut, BANK, Goods M\mi Free ci Ciarge lo Air Pert of llie Mi IT. J. IRCUHPOHATBD BAKOIl 3&, 1KT4, Storing Furniture "Wliera people can atoro Familure ia a clean place at low vates s where they are goiog, and Baob io the New Building ot 88 B Street, Faiaitaro removed with vans. »l,8S3,73t.86 Interaatli declared aod paid In January— Jot? of (ten year from tha pnflta ul tba pro- Tlou*tlxmoutba' buajaeM. Depoalto mad* on or before tlio Sddayi of January, April, Julr and Ootobw, draw »• tanat from Ihe lit dayi ol a U nonli. n- weUrily. BA-XKINO H0UB8. >a. M. top. H. dally, except Saturday, tordayi from 9 a. M. to 19 M. (noon) and 73 Market Street, Near Plane St., NEWARK, N. J, MINING MACHINERY MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co AIM U0MPBESS0S8, of high- est efficiency. HOISTING ENGINES, duplex and revereabU. PUMPING ENGINES, ttrxmg and economical. 00BNI8B PUMP8, douHe or GEARING and PULLEYS, largt and small. Heavy and Llglt Cutlngn In Iron, Bran and Phosphor Bronie, r\>r£ing> of every de- -rtptton; BOlLBKtf. horiiontal, tubular and P " '--B BIjtllPllBNT OF mOM ~ .TO. HD worn, SUBS1I bIRUT, DOVSB, S. I. •JJuss'i •<* •*• TRAVEUN6iALlSMAIt ESTABLI8BED ISM. GEORGE E. TOORBEES, MOEBISTOWK N. J., HABDWAEB IRON MERCHANT. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS SEEDS and FERTILIZERS. T. SMTH. TH08. FAHHTNO 8MITB & Masons aud Buildeis, D0V1B. H. I. for all UAdJ of mark takaa ana •nmterlahtimilibsd. Prmtttal eiperlenoi ia m r r lmtiofa of rawon work; JOBBHH} PBOKPTDT ATTKNDJD fO Bsop oi Bnan Snnt, t-17 sm TO D., it. * w. a a. ONb WORD TO THE WISE' VAN HORN AmosH. Lit'd. PRICES. All Wool Ingrain Carpet, per yard Tapestry Brussels Carpet, per yard Velvet Carpet, per yard Body Brussels Carpet, per yard Antique Oftk Bedroom Suits Antique Oak Bedroom Suits Antique Oak Bedroom Suite .... ,.. •. Parlor 8uits. in flush CovenuR Parlor Suits, in Fluali Ooveri"" Farloc Suits, in Rug Govt>iiu& *T7T? Mots 75ots SOoto $10.00 1B.00 2000 2000 25.00 3000 STYLE FIT WEAR PRICE A POPUUAR Shoe must combino tlieso four quarters. 20 years ex- perience convinces mo that no linger on earth comes nearer to filling these re- quirements in ladies' Shoos than Lounsberry, Mathews & Co. Our storeg in Dover, Boouton and Passaic are al- ways full of thorn. pr[,ria U1011 ti- umber*, ia tm,W,QW, less tanked for tlio public eor- -,wv. -».». t =,~.t of tbla 4110,003,000, how- ever, itllt her)i'i>ruprifttttl next nlutar hy vroy of deficiencies. AucuiuiMioYtng tbij at&ttMitsut la a table >ui|>nrf[)|! tho approprlatluiia mule at tbo rut and wcond seuiona uf (lie last Cong res* ,JIB KifVj-seco)ii!( and at the tlrnt sud second B«B*l'iiiS of the Fidy-flrBt, coiunioul/ kuowo as tba "Ilfed CoiiKros)." Thin rtatemoiit, Mr. Cannau nje, shoirs t i n t tlio a|)proprln,tt[>»s made tbfo j e a r are iS,B.i5,(HU ?o ieea tban tboso mailo at tbe T.o-d Boonlon of tbe lout or Firtr-tocoiid ongrew. But, bo nayf, tbla reduction Is ivereil by tbe item uf pensions alone. Thero •m ap|iro|irluted ibis year for penclana ear. V. Ttt'.i Us uu\\ved, tfcorotaro ibat tliD TBLBPHO.NB SSO. I ECONOMY! COMFORT! SAFETY! )Bmt THE(- I I have &Coll lias of them at lowest prices OIL STOVES AND OIL QA8 STOVES, BEFBI0EBATOB8, CEEAM FREEZERS. I shall sell the NEW DEERING MOWER, whioh hu given the best satisfaction. One of these in use sii Tears, cOBting ony 75 cents for xepairs. Plnmbing, Tinning, Steam Heating and Hot Water Heating dose in the best manner. D. S. ALLEN, »over, H. J. The Celebrated CORNISH PIANOS and ORGANS IMPORTANT NOTICE manf ratroni in JJorrr and Ihe iau«i hat beta temovei) la brftrprtruiMi .indn IHMi(Mkn4Orc«n>*ill be 1st nd it rnd'*lMk^tff"t?&w, e SL!lV C M^ Juim DiMVMPLB, Meiirc. CoriUJi* rcpreieauiiYB will INInitlcndaacc aunpii mibmhimn.iiiialiVe ordcnil Ymc* tor/ rrlr««baiti (Dr Cull or on K»r PlfMtU Plkni ta nil all p.tckcU, MAKE A NOTE OFTHIS i WAKBEO0M8: L Blackwell and Morris Sts M Dover, J. R. DALRYMPLE, Manager, Also dealer in Small Hasloal Instrument* of all kinds, Trim- mings and Supplies, Sheet Music and Music Books. Picture Frames, on hand &nd made toorder. Orders bi&en for Crayon and Oil Portraits- "Seeing is Believing." „..,.!, Beautiful, Good— these words mean much, but to see "The Rochester" will impress the truth more forcibly, Its mar* velous ligirt iaPUT« and brightei «—- than gas light, softer than electric i light, and more cheerful than either. The choicest bric-a-brac in the palace of a Van- derbllt reveals nothingfiner. We have 3,^00 -«IIIW artistic varieties, ia brass, branre. Bilvet and black iron, Ladlu often like to souown amooK t'jo Urge wboleeJe bowei and boy of finttundf. tleTWiUl^iJiwulewooajiOlieUrirertlnlheworld) "The Rochester." ELECTRIC TEIEPHONE CRUSHED STONE. T Blw oCquoatitr, delirered an If DMO( the DeUtnra, iAdtmwimiA tni Wenern n, B. «ud nlB.B.ofNB*Jerwr. ATUTMB GEOIUE SHAW. Bupt, fiS-tr BBnowrama. B. J. P. O. HEAGAIf, Opp. 0. L. & W. R. R. Depot, DOVER, N. J. GRERT flLTEBPTIOH SALE NOW GOING ON AT L. LEHMAN & CO. Closing out OUT entire stook of DRV OOODS, NOTIONS, TINWARE and GLASSWARE to make room for our new LIQUOR DfcPARTMfcNT We haven't the room to quote prices here bat will guarantee you will never have a ch&nco to buy Staple Goodo ai choap aa we are selling thorn. ' L. LEHMAN & Co.. Doverh.J. Next to Post Office GOODS DELIVERED FREE. BUSINESS. EHERGY HHDSUHSH1HE TO THE FRONT The recent storms have interfered with business and keptmaiiyofouroutof-town patrons from visiting us. Push and prices must make upfor lost time. We'll make it profitable Tor you to come now. HEN'S SPEING SDIT3 We are exhibiting not only ihe largest and most complete line we ever asked you to look at, but areselling them (it prices far below their actual value. WHETHER THE SEN- ATE PASSES THE FREE WOOL BILL OR NOT YOU WILL NEVER BUY SUITS CHEAPER THAN NOW. You nor we ever saw such $10 suite before. You nor we ever saw ouch $13 suits before. OUR OWN FINE CLOTHING We don't and we couldn't buy such Clothing as we sell. But that is not nil. You 5Wc the profit of the middleman by dealing with us first hand. THE BOYS TOO && THE BOYS TOO . ^ Boys'Clothing this season is as cheap in proportion as the Men's.- We are In splendid shape lo outfit the little ones. New And pretty styles of our own design, strong, reliable workmanship, extra attention paid to buttons ant) staying, At prices ranging from $2.00 to $6.00. MCGREGOR & Co. 850 A 8 5 2 Broad St., - - - - NEWARK, N. J. LAWN H0WER5 at cost to close them out. TO BECIIMIVERS your UmuclioU Uools. wtd no liomoainlwcnmpli'lnnlthnumtoTMi itensJLi. Wt>tu»vnUittnJirgijirolUbloIUcbu^M)u.t liujuloii •PERFECT" and "PROVIDENT" RANGES inMa DaJitf" Haa OASOLINE AND KEUOSENE OIL STOVES ' For BammerOcoMnif. Our line of HOUSEHOLP FURNISHING GOOPS the Impart carried Inthli twetlon, and wonliaJl make* aruwlalty of REFIiinKIUTOns and TCI (31EAH FIlEEZEIta. Our price* ara WOT tfatrn ta meet Um titm-a. EANITAnT VLDMErNa AND TINNING ASPECIALTY. Estloyile- diocrfullj furnlBln^. J. T. KERR, DPP PJIt Hotel, BlttmiMt, Dover, N. J THE PVBf.!n PUEBE- Cbnlrman Kijer'u irlaliuratelj pre]iarod rituleiiient of Ibo tcoutmiluil expeiu tliu Fifty-third Cungresi in lielag v comlmteii I)/ liix Bisoclatwi of tho A atium Cumml lieu. Jl«[)re>>.ntatlfB Joeeph E. Cnnnun, of Jllinol*, YVLO was chalroiau ol (be House Aj.ija-.iprJat.ont Coinraltleo iu tli Fifty ilrxt CmgrwH^ mid wlio has beun (gr ber of thr cojuiilttet', biu prepan uioiit, ntiicb wtH ajipdnr (n ibe Co H*cord. Itlflutnrturollowi: When Ibe KieoiLlvo forwardi yearly to t, Lo a ho furourdn bis «atlmatfl ul the jut tint will be expended for tbe coming by bis ettluintes, naked Congrcsi to apj>roprl- ite for I lie publlu mirvlcti, fur tbe comlug fls- •al year, JnclJdiBK nonnauont -approprla " I, aud Uoiin ] f,ir te crouttir Hi»" the approprlatloua made i**t jeftTtoyf'2ft3,I>\6 15. The tutAl Bp|iroprlntians of the Fifty-am 417,183 !)i ; tboso for tbo Fifty-second or lost Ii-ew, two j«»rB were (11,037,6t7.t»; and It la ott'Qlutely cerlnta that etaritog oil at f IDO.OOO^KX) eg we do for thin fear, when the [uiiclcH are ndilod ncit winter to the regular ctiiiroprlatlan, made for tbe cowing , the totfll aiipropriatlona will nggrcKalo tit least ^I.OUO.OUU.OUO. Fur tbe Fifty tbird .reai. uuleu tiyuntrbudly ftitmloiitrt- tion, furthor heavy reiluctfouBftre made In lymout ot i^uxhus. Uuilfi- tlio law Vaa Emcullve Is rtijuirt"! at tlio clntioof cacli liscfll year to make a state- it uf the receipts and otpoDiiituroa of tbo UntU>d Btatcs Government far tbo put Tear. Nottvtf ut«:,(Jing tb« great dlBtreea through- out tbacountry there have hem many in- iea lu tbo nalurlos of Leiaocratio ofllcluls, •fall/ In the diplomatic ami consular t»r- AU tbesu Uomccrallo ollldalu received tbdr fiupolntnients under Ur. Clovelaod. PERKAPS ANOTHER MURDER, At hU home In Littleton, near MorHntotrn, John tjjireadbury almost en'ored tho shadow •t dcatb. tlie result at a Uon be received upon tbo bead with ui\ empty twer bottleon Saturday ot noon. Jnlin McCunvllte, tbe asmllant, li incar- roted In tbo Morris Oounty Jail, ta await tba result of LIs victim's icjurlag. Spread- ry IH an Ktigllibman, a carriage painter, honest, well-to-do moil. HcCoiiTllte Ig n laborer and doea not enjoy any too Rood a reputation In tlie neighbor- hood llo la an Irluhman, and Sproodbury married hie slater. MvConvltlo has beon nut of work for some tlmo, andhas lieca mnkiog bis borne tvitbbis brother-in-law, -vilio baAbeoMJiaUred of euu porting bltn, and bad been hinting that he bad bottfr eook another home. Whan tbe family Eat down to dinner on Saturday tbo matter waa brought up, and UcConvllle told Ppreadbury tlwt he refused to leave tlie house and dared Sproadbury to put him out; Bpreadbury could stand no more, ta he took bnid of McConvllle. Mra. Spreadbury rushod between tbo two men, and JIcCoovlllo reached out to a table, Biztd an empty beer bottle and hit Bureail- mry a terrible blow on tha forehead. Tho bottle brolfG and Ibe Hying ftlasi gatbei the eu'a fa«o En a bLTrlblu maorier. Dr. Janie* Douglas bappeaed tobe Intha vllUga at (ho timo of tha iffroy, and wB> ututlly jummoepd. He dressed Spfewlbury'* da, which roiiulrtd several itltcbu, and ft comprem, as blwd was gushing fortli in ittesrac Tbo villagers were Incensod at thi> murder- j* usault, and some of them wont to Mor- rUtotvn aud tarried Justloe HIDCB up to Llt- tloton, where ha toil Hiireadlury'u compltvlnt, Lat«r ID tbe afternoon, McConvllle win ar- rested by Comtible Plenon and lodged In jail. B.A. Celebration. Tfie aieelJuft of J/unatuiia (juuncll, I Arcanum, of licrrlntcr.u, Tutmidy t aretl-ltlU'rucciiinn for that arxawl- lattoD. Hegulit John K Jiimi/acti bail [n-mi Ibttt upon tbe tiilaLtjuof tUe two lim drndthmombor the Qoemion wjuld be wY brateuln alMlltt[i>g rnsnuar, uii'l tlie pron tie duly otiwrwed. A young »inu nn««- lloome proved to be the tffu bundrMLti men ber. To edebrute tbo occaslim itfgL-rtt Hnil- tace, Tibo It a oba'tpr mernlwr <>t Km pi re CltyCou'idl No. W7, Now Yurlt, liad tli Initiating Uaii) at tli at cjiincll In atWudnnci; A(t£r (be wurlc the membcrx ujid tliulr Kiio.sti \o reproeontal Ituyul Arc»nmu ciiui<<:ii from Newark. Dover, llnckaway mnl »ui rounding towns, adjourned to Dtiy'tf where 5 wellservediupper wax partakni of. Attliu coucluiloDof tbe rcpust tUa visiting llnyi Lrconutiii weresliowu MorrfsUtwn by muoi bt. DENVILLE. Tbe coramitWo that has tbo lawn eoclnl ii eoKen. TblHUnjoubtolly will bt) tho Ins ildoor aocial ot tbesonaon. Mr. Ulckormm lawu faamiily larRe.aad wo ku«w that b will wo I con) a llicw'J fruin tlio imiucJtat lelgliborbood as <fo!l ai tbiwB from tlie gub urb* of our town. Itlchsrd Derm, ot Itocka»ay, ban tliu cun tract (0 build William Kennlchuci'H not Them arc severel severe eaten of ucarlut rtuhlntbeneitchborhowl. For the benefit or tbona nho iviab to ntt*n1 itnp-iiioetlngfciiindaywith tbolr bom?sand ) not caro to liavo them unhitched, I huve Iweu Informed byooa cf tba lovllojt oftlc-ia.1t. th«jf will permit any i]ii1et an 1 ) orderly person to drive on portions of tbe grouudn and tie, but uot totbo trooi. Lwt H&turclny WR^ftTom'.HiT cX t*w "taifa by at Tahir n-hPii |>n iule «H-IIT' fni'.i . id near toattend the meotlnga, whii'Lof _ta yean lint not been thn Base. Tbero were peopla lrom all overtbaHtih) who cmnu ti partiai[H>ta In tbe Kpworth League exurcNeH. Koit Sunday erenlnK tbo tweiityflfth mini- vorwryof theyoutia; ptoplpVinsBlInK will be celebrated Ia tha ruberijucla. Dr. l.<>wory took cbsrjtoof thli miNitlng at Hu incoptl'Jii and has led It ever since. At tbo first meet thero wore tevonteen jiresont; now Ibe iberoouiits a thousand or mare at ubuut .very niMtlng. The nurreyorri are running tlio lino bat ween MorrlstoHo »D() D)ver to ilnliirmliiH tie mad bod aQd ntlief re&turea tw W»e Iwrt routs. Tho Mtsies Whitney, of Nmvnrt, fire vlnlt- Ing Misses Wllleimaud Clara IJIckeraon Rev. Ur. lglebart in hta 1&NC Sunday's s«r- on to bli home oona regaUou gave tbe United 8t*t»M "sugared" (Senator* a mo"t nuvore o»erbawllng. He opened bis discourse wltb luatlng from Cicero's great oration to tbe n a n Beanie, oa follows: "Clcoro, ia lih it oration against Catallno, whu>i be thlakn of tbetrll(»Senntonirh'ili*<l joined thn con- spiracy, eiolalmed: 'Oh, ye raortii gojn, where ontartb are WBF Iuwbatnlty ore w« living! Wbat constitution Is ours) There are here, la our body, oh, conscript fnther*, In tbli, tbs most boly anddiguiflud assembly iathewoild, men wbo meditate my di<at\i and tbo deatruotlon of thl* city.' Amerlim can pretty nearly natoh Rnme In tbe prodl- ny ct sane ot lb& Senators. Am&ud byUie itlonal Bcaudil ot taa J)a»t week, Cicero's question cin be properly asked byua: 'Where oa earth are ws! In wbat country do we liver By what constitution are we governed tli at members ot tbe uiwit boly and dignified isembly on eartb uliouli twnspiro nqafiiKt irwaal Integrity, public virtue, agalust tUo life of the comiiionffealthl'" Ha Stabbed Hlmaalf. IK, tbe Bolus cbef at Dorincourt, ulcy'e Mouotilu, and tbo barber st tbo wine hotel, wbo may or may not be aa [telfan cnunt In dtrguleo, trying to MID an icrnut dollar far from the pomp and splendor ot bis anowtral balls, up until early thla wcok were one In tbought. In ambition and *eir#oHona of a fair daughter of Ere, who »aa evidently " pulling both their legs" bappy unison. Tbe fair charmer waa laken to tba farm home of Mrs, Welw as tbe wile, sister or eweetbeatt at tbe barber, but by mutual undorstindg wltb the cook, ami both divided'tlutr Utture ttma «ritb ber. Tbe Uarbor'a fine form and distinguished ac- cent nos illghtly more favored tban tfae swarthy Swiss,nad tho greeaejed ^taster crrpt lu between tba toen. The effect on tbe cook was disastrous, and when beer, lovs and rot wine get ml sod thero ig bound to be trouble. It got mixed In this troublesome Wednesday night It wag evidently tha coflk'n t u r n to i-peod the evening with tlio girl, and tUltber lie bled hlnuwlt In tbe early evening only to find tbe barber basking In j ihetunsbln* of her preMtiL-e. There vu a icene, and like the bnlgbt-errant of old, the knight ol tho kitchen threw himiolf upon his I inn sfford-th&t Is, he drew a until penknife md jobbed It Uiroe or four tltnei into bis mutomy in tbe rcjton ot the heart, and fell forward, ohrlpklng "I die for love I" That, at least, In what a Schooley's Mountain lu- e l i r ttmiRVit be wvki. He wia carried In a slupeBfcd condition to tbeSpringtown hotel, here he w a i p s f bwl up with i?ourt>p1uter. HUsolMnflclfd Injuries aro not serious, bat A Brutal Aaiault. John Vincoot, a young mnu empVyed In the country [ilaco of Andrew Bates, who re- rid as on tbe outebtrtt of Morrlitown, vlilled town Batunlay night for an evening's enjoy- ment. About midnight he became invoked a (luarrrl wltb sereral men at the junotloo SpeMrrell snd BUUBZ avenues and Maws <rcra struck, Vtnaeat escaped from the row nd hurried up Suwex arenuo towird his home. Ho was pursued bytbe other*, who overtook him a>l a lonely spot on VHB road, where be was again assaulted In a most •nlcl tuirinor and left for deid fn the mfidlo ottlia roadway bfbli aitatlaata, who fled. Vincent succeeded in crawling as far aihls employer's hunt, wbia be became uacac- iclous. At aa early boar Sunday morning other help employnd In tbs place found Vin- cent. Mr. Bitoi wai awaVeuod, and, plwin bis Buffering employee in Acarriage, bod hi convoyed to Dr. Clutterbuck** office In Mor- rUtown. Tlie [ihyiiciao found Vincent's body mam of liru'ses. Acomplaint was lodged 'lib. tho police authorities, anddnnday after- noon Charl<* Kilkenny, allu "Gattarty," aud John Crowley were arrested, charged with beiuff two ol Vincent's atsallantB. Botb p n m , who are onjplojod as rtablo baud9 oacouutry placasA'lJoinina; tha Bates place, though idMtlUed by Vincent, <Ioay any par- Uclpition in the ostault. They were ar- raigned before Follce Juitlce 8 till well ind committedtotbo Morris County Jail to a wait tbe action at tha Grand Jury. Hld-Surnmer Ol«rlna: Sale. VA.Xi.Gi V. U. Dickorson commenced to- iloy toclona out ail summer goods with A big cut in prices, Tbs Florida Steam Heater. For QlucCnted d m l t r i tend to Th» Vnd. D. Uwp»Di t3a. Bwnsji Tallcj, 5. J, LBDQEWOOD AND VICINITY, last Saturday night ur Bunday maralnjt tlierewaaadflht at Wm. Bleep's "saloon or >ak eaif" between tboproprietor and tbe .jifnist, Robert Rofcors. It letuns that tbe banjoplajer got too full of bug juice to pL-k tbe banjo, Tbe vlollulut tberwupon buenme riled and domnnded cf the proprietor why he let the banjo jiUyurjiet drunk. Tbo proprie- tor told Hob tbat it was none ot his business, whereupon Hub Btnote the feallvo William upon tbe jaw and William got even by mushing Bab's fiddle. IASC bmiJay sometime there was a frsou i tbe Bhlppenport Railroad crossing. Jake Hatuua, a atmpptug youug eour kraut c«Ur, brutally anauKed Jimmy Delaney, tba gate- man on tbo railroad crossing. Jimmy ia a man about fifty-five ren-ij of ngaand pwiw- ablr inclined, wbllo Herman Is only tirenty- ooeortwenty-two. Tlie festive Jakey gained na credit for bis action and a number of the men fa that village uy tbat it Herman ovor bothera Delaney again hewlllgoti.il tbe flgbt be wonts. It Is a shame that a man of Uo- laney'a ago cuonot be lot alone, HIB ngo would have pi-otocted htmfrom anybody that bad any self rfapsct, but wo are Inclined to "Mar." Herman has noiwot that article. in eiplaln whnt causal the fracat In letters, "Rum." Herniun Lad enough «dtamake bta ERgreislvo. "We also aaw a couple of speclmeni aalfep under a tree noar by. Wbora do tbcuo poople obtain tboir ram on tba Babbatbt WQ tblnk wo kuov. Them is plenty uf work for tho temperance people around Bblppenport and Brooklyn, •topping Ibe infernal trofllo on tbe Htbbath •t least. WBcaa My for Ledgewood that if any of her Inhabitants want to get drunk on the Babbsth you can see tbom sUirt For Ship* psnport or Brooklyn, An entertainment »|U befa«Idthis (Frldny) 6?eatng at "Loch Angle," Point Pleasant, for tbebenefltol tbeLeduewood Baptist Churcb. Out of town talent will be In attendance, BO )u ca-i look for a good time. Mrs. John UaborU, ol Nevitmi, la -jia'-Ung Un. Allen Roberta. Mr. niid Mrs, George Stark, ot Succaeutinft, }aa.t Banday wltb Ur. and &lre. John 1'n.rll- ' OEBHA.H VALZ&Y. Mr*. ^'Ise, of Lower Volley, spent last week wlta friondi ID towo, Mrs. Dorland entertained friends ovor Hua- nj. Urn, Dell h antortfltnlus her daugLtcr froui Kewark, Ules Hay Trimmer, of Middlo ValUy, Is visiting at tbe home of Uln Jennie Hburp. If thnw boya that occupy tbe back Mate tn church on Sunday evenings do nut keep more uiettbey will bo attended to, as thoir uames aye all beta taken down. We hope lliln Mra. Anglo Btiarp »»-l dnughUr. Mlsa 3ora, apsnt HTedapaday at Morrlstown. Quite a nutnbar of IwlUs attoailwl camp meeting at Denvllle from this place on Wednetdar. Miss Item Smith U spenil'nR tbe with friends at Succtuunna. Mrs. Wlaeand Mrs. Nunn Are fitendinK a Fewdayi with friands at Morris Plain* Quite a number from this pinna nttenciod tbe Ht Oliva fair last trwk and claim that Is tie fair of allfs-rs. Bimoof oor young people went toCokes- >ury fair on Wednesday night ot this week. Tbe many frlcndi of Mrs, Anthony Stelcc verf> gUd tOBtw her in town again, although or luch a Bhort time. Mrs. Wllllatn Johnson, of New York, is the giUMt ot Ure. Ljmin Ktce. J. W. Welsh confined tobin homo for thi rownt week, from heart trouble. We bom lor his apeedy recorery. OverlXM baskets of peaches wore (hipped From this station on Tuesday night. Tbo German Valley Orchestra tumid od tui lEUllo for tbo Ookosbury fair on Wednesday realng. L. IL Boboenlielt and family attended tb< f unsral of Mri. Haniuel VJIct on Tuesday at Glen Ganfoor. We are sorry that l'rof. Ito»enkrnns will not t*ach for us another yeor, but perhaps be may decide to remain with U" m i l ; tilling nomo other vocation tbau teaching. Wo do otcaroto Ju»»w;\i grwl dlixcn*. PLBA9AKT HIIJL. LIghtol&K rtrock tho wheat Btwlt ot Henry Miller last Wfduwlay night. Tbo lire wa* d'fcovered by Mr. EUliJebrend. a titar nelph- bor.and It wu eitlngulahed without much •oiible, About 1X0 shtavei were dertroyed. David Bharn bu purcnasod a naw ]H-ach '•gO.'L, Fetor Iloweil bas his new bam com pie tod, Mra. Carrie Vox hu been oiioiidlng ten day* at Asburj Park. *WB are (tlad to ray that Mrs. Fetor Lnrrl- »n Is slowly Improviug. Mrs. Edward Irt&ry and Mrs. Flora Wood bn)l, ot tfffirartc, and lire, C Schater, ot llacketUta'ra are viiltiug Mrs UA hunlton, OlW tc, and lire, C Schater, o are viiltiug Mrs. U.. A unlton, OlWer Unnb, ol New York, 1B borua on hia ucatlon. Martin HlHebrant oomee out with a brau<l wagon. Three apodal Values Curtflloa at-80 «., OSc and f 1.30 a pair, all BBW patterns Ibis (eawn. Twenty. Sva per cent, under regular price. Don't miss them at the. Dorter Qatar oCJ. H. Ortmm, MT. AHLIHGTON. A. A liattr, or Humtult, s'mnt SuaJsy wJtli frk-ml* inthis vicinity. Mii-rt JUKKIC Kite, ot Iforrjotowu Is rldt- fUK MirM May 1,'Jwe. A ti&iM iuootltiK of the Common Council vna buU In tbs Towii Hall last Tuesday Jamcji H. Hurdett.thB woll-koowa liutnor- itt, v.illtfv!)un enibiUiiiijent In too liQUtl UresIJii jmrljr Huturlay oveninR. A forge cniigruKutioii was present last Huuilnj- inoniltijt at tlie special service in Imnor of th<< flftli annlvorimry of the dodlca- tluii r,f th« Clmrcli of Our Lilly of tbo Late. Tho i»«Hy fllUr with Jin iiisny llRhUd taperB ciilfirwi lain]in, wan vrofunelv decorated tTiii nnil cut llcweru. Th« rector, in* Uradr, officiated. tA U\%h U&m. Tb» ;<• vat furnlstierl by the well trained cliilr ol H:. .Mary's Cburch, Boouton, under tbe JojiJei-Bliip of Mr, KInglelti. Wm Hliig- lellj priiililrd At tbe organ. At tbo offertory Sfl*i K:?llywit.K"AvoiIarl»," by Cberubtnl. Tlie rrelor, who bad liwu unable to securea n ul-ctltute, j readied tba cunlven>nry uerinnn, tnltlug lilt; text from tha ccwpcl of tlie day, Matt. vi:0l iili, tlio words, "Hetik Ye There- th« Kin^rt'ini of Uiwl tuid Ills JuUlce." FiUlierBrmly urufaned lila n<*rinon by u brief iHiienf Jiti liiHtoryoI tlio r^tko Cburch. A ifniui ciillt'RUon tvat taken up nftor the JS. Tbo members nf the *lalt[nB choir wen entertained by Katlior Brady duriaz tbe Any tion? tha gii'stH now regUtenvl at tbe Houxe nrx. Mr. I<err{» l'errlne and ly, of llnn.kl]n; Mrs. Hnixlekor, Mre. wick ami cilldran, of Brooklyn; Mrs. V (1. EiMturrlclcatK.rfiiugbUrp.of Hobaksn; Mr-nmlSlrH Vnn l.Unyim, nf Ptitert«n, nnd Mrs. Hurry Hartman, of Wowlbury, N. J. " ir turnniih fchoo) will open Tuosdny, H»pt. i At II A. 11., under tbe direction of tbe former tttdutiT, Mint Prucldtn, K K. M»nez,nf .ir-irrl^town, WAX iu town p i c R p , Mreturn ml to tlrnoklyn. A nuwlcals will be held at Uck Angle, l\ilnt t'leanaiit, on Friday oveDluir. A Rat, ni'truwn^ will borondorodby New York md Brooklyn tnlnit, aud rofreihtuents will »< tcrvei, I'r.KSHNiH for tbe benefit of tho !.?(]gu»ro<>J liajitletChurvh. BUHTIOiTH. Dr. FLAHDEBa. Mm. V/. u li. Ubnrp mide a brief visit t k vtlti relatives ot II rooktide. i aim. Uoutta nnd daughters, tho n, Kmmnand Liuie, of Hani burg, ^ueatiof Mr. aud Mm, Joho. FUher during hut »wk. The two el dor daughters 'iniined until Tuesday of this week, (•'nink IVamlwe, of Callfon, spent Sunday at plx iweutal bome here. Mnt-li nwii'd iiiiprocomenla are being mide >y HN^« F. T. Woodhull, A. J. Hood and I. W. Drftboou their aide walks. MIHS Allco Wuck Is eiit*rtalnlDg Mlus Wag- Hlo Utnagli fur a short time. ll«v. Mr. Ilrl'igea, assistant pastor of Tom- [Ins Avonue UongregatloTial Cbnrcb, Brook- jn, who, a fen- yearo ago preached In the 'riwUjtaWn Cburuh at tbfo place, was lut week Ha' tcuest of Ur. and Mra. Henry Ran- dolph M(uholiu), and mado a brief address at tbe weekly chttroh prayer taoettn;. Tho » wbn Ind Hitemd to Mr. Dridgea bofora were gtml or the opportunity tooucn more bear iim ODII all p^'wnt found bis address Idstruo- Ivo am] practicable. Mini Hettie Wack, of Uackettetown, Is visiting witb ralotlrea and friends in Flon- dfMBiid viclulty. Hchert IVlllltmscQ is improvinff bis house hy nddlng a porch. Ure. P. L Went and Hiss Anna Howell, of IIUiuls, are visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Howel], after being absent about two year*. Mm John Doerlng hu returned from her thrre weeki Btoy at Ocean OroTe. Mr. &nd Mrs. Jolia Drake, ot Newark, were liltinglnnt wefk with Mr. and MM. T. E. burp, of [his place, and with relatlvei at Mt. Ollre. Mr. nnd Un. Theodore Woodhull are spend- ig v. ten days at Dover. OAKO LYNN, CHBBTEB The remains of Mrs. George Frltts, of Ho- bokon, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Norman, of tbls place, wore brought here on Monday, Tbo funeral took place on Wednesday after- noon from the Presbyterian Church, and was largely attended. Her, Brswster( of Summit, prnaclied a vary to neb Ing sermon. REV. Mr. Hill, ol Drew Seminary, a native or Indln, Is expected topreach Ia the Presby- terian cburch on Sunday, Tbero will be wrvlcei in the Congregation*! Clmrch on Sunday morning and evsnlng. ]t-v. Mr. MorKan, of Mendham, la ex- ectod to preach ID tbe Methodist Church on Sunday. A school meeting wan held on Monday night, at which a epealal tax of tl,850 waa voloJ for boobs, eupplies, r- palra, etc. The toacbora ot ths township are as follows: CboHtnr-PrlticIpal, A, W, Kitar; ossIatatiU, MISHE. LiDgdon.WtBiitt. L. Sweenpy. UiU-' tn—Mr. K lleami Hicklebarney, Min Moore, of Pottersrfile. Feapack Valley -iltss Lane, ot New Geraantown. Mt. Itose—MlBsBowlby.ofDorer. Porwt Hill— Chsrlm Dlion, of Iron fa, rieas&nt Hill— Mtlhnh.' a Van Ness and slat«r, o( Newark, are qpitiK for a few weeks at the retldonoe of Mrs. SltUtner. Tennis has becomes favorite paitimo with ir young people, and our town boaxts of TO or throe clubs. Would It not bo a Rood plan to hold a fair fa Chester, the proceeds to be used for new baanf-wnlka I a Pritts, of Flainfleld, in Wilting tbe s De Camp, of Forest UUI. ClTRlO. BtOEHIS P CnxrtlL'1 out foul wii'k. T i e ithavter of Wftioesday ovonlng WM lalleci with dellffht. A oumberof young people Attended tbe (air and festtcal et Btookatde oa Wedawds.? ad Thursoay evoalngs. Ths Catholic fair Is being hold In tbe school- bouwtbU Wednesday, Tltursdar and Fridar reninps. Ton Newman, of Brooklyn, la spending hfa vacation with Jimra Billot. UIIB Mamfe Fabey, of Morrlstown, b Tislt- gSUfii Nellie McNeil. Mlw Grace Youngs, of Newark, is vtiiUng ?r cousin, Ws« Abble E. Clark, George K. Morrli was very unfortunate la Ibe loss of his little baby Ia«t Saturday, The !v:neTAl <naa bold on Monday, It «vai burled BtMendbani. Mr. and lira- Morris have tbs iyni|(itlij of their many friends. Mr. and lire. Mu EoieU, and family hare gone on* on a short vacation. Tba Morris Pin ins Sunday-school went on a ilcnlc to Swlnefleld last Tuesday. A. Urga rowij wrntand everyone enjoyed the day very much. Ita*U were hired for the HaQday- l, and Inthe afternoon the childranwon gathered togethar and treated to loo cream. Mlm Carrie Kelleroen gavo a party to ber 10117 T flU tig friend*, and judging from tbe olse t h a t wat mule tbsy must have hada cry good time. Flux. STO0KHOLM. Vft are terry tohew of Uu death of Mrs. Ueorgo Day. Bha died Monday morning. 8 bo leaves a husband and babe, father, 111oiler, tno sisters and three brothers to oum ber low. Thomas JeunlnRi bod tbe misfortune to lose one vt bin fingers. He got It crushed in tbe lmlfe works, Tbit lodge men tore up tbe platform ta Ed- jall'sgro e, BO tberevrlllbeanBwonoerecWd DA19Y BELLI, For poverty of the blood and all other conditions result- ing from constipation, go by the book on 13eecham*s ptlts. Hook free, pills 25c. At drugstores; or write to B F Allen Co, 365 Canal st, New- York. Deafness Cannot BB Oared, 'jcal applications aa they cannot reach tha (llfcnsed portion of thoear. There Is only one «iy H cure deoCnet*, anil «i»t la \yy ooiutlta liana] remedies. Deaf nean is caused by an In- Homed condition of tbe tnacooi lining of tha Kuitochlnn Tube. When ibis t'Jbe Is lnuam- edyoubavearumlitng sound or imperfect bpanuir. and when It la entirely dosed daaf- iicsstitbe result, ami nulesi the Intlanutloa can be taken out and this taba mtorod. ta it* normal condition, hearing will be dutroywl forever; nine ca^ea out of Uu are earned by catanb, which Is nothlrjR but an lnQamtd BOB- daton.&E tbo mucous ratine**. "VYe will gtve OneUundmlDollarsfotanycueof Deafness (cau*od by oUrrb) Uif.t cannot btcurod by boll's Catarrh Uu>?. fiend for cirealArs,frw. F. J. CHEHEV & CO., Toledo, O, (STSoId by PruggUiB, 76c

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    * " See on MtoekweXjSlreet next doorto tf/.c National Union Bank.


    I Y U B tsoo•• I MONTHS 100


    i |160t 113 60 81

    1 » M «*•f 7fi»IiB

    125 BOO175! 3 752Ji! 3 603 75 4 USU 50. 6U54 60 0 60ft ftO BOO

    10 00 17 DO

    t s-w'nwt a oo

    Percentage added for extras. Local notionQiteen cent* per line.


    Real Usttite md Insuronoe Agent.

    Office over Tbe Geo. Rtebftrda Cc.'a Store,

    DOVER, M, J.




    Office lu tbe Tone Building,

    OVER J . A, Lvoiita STOHK, DOVER, N. J .

    All kinds of I'lumMnir, Rooting and Sheet IronWork BatlHfscUirily tweeutod .unlock at all UIUMBUm* anil Hot Air furnaces o( CTwy description ;Hardware, Cutiury.Tiu-ware, Oil Cloth*, Cam-U,i'la, Lelilnh wnl HcrantoD toil, Lamps, l>aWOII^Fairtiaaka Males aud Doyt'i I lub ta DucketClioln Pumps.



    • BOVSU, H. J .lo iunnce Draper iDdComuilMiuner of Deeds,

    Fire, Life, Steam Bolter, E m ploy era' Lia-bility nud Live Stock Iniurauce. Our- in-surance Insures. Rwl Estate bought andaold en Commiston.

    SM yr .

    p EO. 0 . CUMMINS.M. D.,


    MATuUt AND HlLASIAL DlfllAgJtB.Office oa north ride of Blackwel) street and

    •bout 20Q feet west of Warren itreat,

    P n s l d t n t - H B H B T 17. MILLHH.Vloe-Preddent-AURBUUS B. H U L LSecretary and Treasurer—H. T. HULL.


    Henry 0, Pitaoy, Henry W. Miller,Hampton 0 . M i n h , Aurelim B. Hull,Philip H. Hoffman, Paul Revere,Ca**-Y.Bw*a (M.P. Bdtnaad D. HMIWT,

    John Thatcher,




    OTFKW PAWC PLIOX, COB. H i f l n r BT.

    fanuaty 1st, 16M..,...,,, 11,833,781.00

    LIABILITIES. "Do* depositors fl, 189,72a 39inUPlrldeadJan,!, 16,83a. IB

    QOTO. KANOU8E & HOSKfflQ'S BAKKRY(or I iwh Br«ad, GJtB aad P i » daily. Afrath itock ol Confectionery always on band.

    SUSSEX STREET,(NEAR C A S A L B a u w i , ) DOVKB, H. J .






    Cutting a ipeoklty.

    ^ J O S . R, WILLIAMS,


    furnished.Bettlnl BoUen and covering Steam Plpw

    ' ^~l*t* A 1 % Mi i»iil»1,TBB>pecUl(r.NXAB ClJTITUL PlPOT B3-1/




    Pimwil attWtion glvM to all caUs by JC Jotanioo. t)f£« wad wnreroooiBIO ui« oulaoi EBA bulldUw, Morris itrart. 16-lj



    . OF PUBL1D BCH00L8.

    Orncn-BLACKWELIi 8T.f DOVER, l£ J.

    Hoimfl j 9 A, H. to 12 M. ei

    LWER 8. FREEKAH,QA made* and Qc&tr

    lakenT Jobbfiig alwayl particularly attetau Ontora left at tlie Brick Drc« Stom ofGr Wm. H. Ooodalc, or at tha poat offloo nfljbs promptly .model » . Comer Union >ndS n r SO.. DO.CT. K. J.


    o n n run SAUI

    In loto rr 6 aorM and upwards, and severalgood building lots In Fort Onat, K. J,

    , Adlre« L. 0. ButBWUtTO, SeoV,DOVKB. N. JT.

    r p a o a JOHN80H,.

    manolactunr and dealer in


    uiaUworklnHublBtndGnnite. All workof tfee best order and prices reaMnable.



    CMKowOTaia IMfm ol atery duotion, tor ill omdowTBriiMrf at_ateiioUoe, aod or*rytting in tba lino of UKFlorin tuppUad,



    LROSS, . .




    Brksuon, N. J.

    H. PEAKOE,



    Fine Bologna Sausage.W t a n n t t i th> JmMBolojnjlBuw

    aS«rad to tbs market, ud our growing HleiS S U t U t u»j»«pl««ppr«au.lt. UI.

    ? l OKI «• U"t mlr th» batba obtatod (ran

    T S anl t» , Borrll Bt., Dow. Al«teTilsre ol ?ota Doirotoi, Fort ft«a

    HEOOEN BROS., Butclien,

    n « cmiaa uaovuH. J.



    v In fuel ; tUmjilldty


    i XULVU uuriwr uunlowlngnorntai Onalf ixnuCnicUun; Ko



    Do not bay n raugo until jou liaye seen the Famous PortlandOver 500 now in nee. WsvrraDtoil a good baiter or money refunded,and the only place they onu be purchased at is at our eatabliBbmeut,

    BANK,Goods M\mi Free ci Ciarge lo Air Pert of llie Mi

    IT. J.

    IRCUHPOHATBD BAKOIl 3&, 1KT4, Storing Furniture"Wliera people can atoro Familure ia a clean place at low vates

    s where they are goiog, and Baob io the New Building ot 88 BStreet, Faiaitaro removed with vans.

    • »l,8S3,73t.86

    Interaatli declared aod paid In January—Jot? of (ten year from tha pnflta ul tba pro-Tlou* tlx moutba' buajaeM.

    Depoalto mad* on or before tlio Sddayi ofJanuary, April, Julr and Ootobw, draw » •tanat from Ihe lit dayi ol a U nonl i . n -weUrily.

    BA-XKINO H0UB8.> a. M. to • p. H. dally, except Saturday,tordayi from 9 a. M. to 19 M. (noon) and

    73 Market Street,Near Plane St., NEWARK, N. J,



    AIM U0MPBESS0S8, of high-est efficiency.

    HOISTING ENGINES, duplexand revereabU.

    PUMPING ENGINES, ttrxmgand economical.

    00BNI8B PUMP8, douHe or

    GEARING and PULLEYS, largtand small.

    Heavy and Llglt Cutlngn In Iron, Branand Phosphor Bronie, r\>r£ing> of every de--rtptton; BOlLBKtf. horiiontal, tubular and

    P " ' - - B BIjtllPllBNT OF mOM~ .TO.

    H D w o r n ,



    •iiu& *T7T?







    A POPUUARShoe must combino tlieso

    four quarters. 20 years ex-

    perience convinces mo that

    no linger on earth comes

    nearer to filling these re-

    quirements in ladies' Shoos

    than Lounsberry, Mathews

    & Co. Our storeg in Dover,

    Boouton and Passaic are al-

    ways full of thorn.


    U1011 ti-umber*, ia tm,W,QW, lesstanked for tlio public eor-

    -,wv. -».». t = , ~ . t of tbla 4110,003,000, how-ever, itllt he r)i'i>ruprifttttl next nlutar hyvroy of deficiencies.

    AucuiuiMioYtng tbij at&ttMitsut la a table>ui|>nrf[)|! tho approprlatluiia mule at tborut and wcond seuiona uf (lie last Cong res*

    ,JIB KifVj-seco)ii!( and a t the tlrnt sud secondB«B*l'iiiS of the Fidy-flrBt, coiunioul/ kuowoas tba "Ilfed CoiiKros)."

    Thin rtatemoiit, Mr. Cannau nje, shoirst in t tlio a|)proprln,tt[>»s made tbfo j e a r are

    iS,B.i5,(HU ?o ieea tban tboso mailo a t tbeT.o-d Boonlon of tbe lout or Firtr-tocoiidongrew. But, bo nayf, tbla reduction Isivereil by tbe item uf pensions alone. Thero•m ap|iro|irluted ibis year for penclana

    ear. V. Ttt'.i Us uu\\ved, tfcorotaro ibat tliD

    T B L B P H O . N B SSO.



    II have & Coll lias of them at lowest prices



    I shall sell the

    NEW DEERING MOWER,whioh h u given the best satisfaction. One of these in use si i Tears,

    cOBting ony 75 cents for xepairs.

    Plnmbing, Tinning, Steam Heating and Hot Water Heating

    dose in the best manner.

    D. S. ALLEN, »over, H. J.


    manf ratroni in JJorrr and Ihe i au« ihat beta temovei) la brftrprtruiMi .indnIHMi(Mkn4Orc«n>*ill be 1st nd itrnd'*lMk^tff"t?&w,eSL!lVCM^Juim DiMVMPLB, Meiirc. CoriUJi*rcpreieauiiYB will IN Initlcndaacc aunpiimibmhimn.iiiialiVe ordcnil Ymc*t o r / rrlr««baiti (Dr Cull or on K » rP l f M t U P l k n i ta nil all p.tckcU,



    L Blackwell and Morris StsM Dover,J. R. DALRYMPLE, Manager,

    Also dealer in Small Hasloal Instrument* of all kinds, Trim-mings and Supplies, Sheet Music and Music Books.

    Picture Frames, on hand &nd made to order. Orders bi&en for Crayon and Oil Portraits-

    "Seeing is Believing."„ . . , . ! , Beautiful, Good—

    these words mean much, but tosee "The Rochester" will impressthe truth more forcibly, Its mar*velous ligirt ia PUT« and brightei

    «—- than gas light, softer than electric ilight, and more cheerful than either. Thechoicest bric-a-brac in the palace of a Van-derbllt reveals nothingfiner. We have 3,̂ 00 - « I I I Wartistic varieties, ia brass, branre. Bilvet and black iron,

    Ladlu often like to so uown amooK t'jo Urge wboleeJe bowei and boy offinttundf. tleTWiUl^iJiwulewooajiOlieUrirertlnlheworld)


    T Blw oCquoatitr, delirered an U» If DM O(the DeUtnra, iAdtmwimiA tni Wenern n, B. «ud

    nlB.B.ofNB*Jerwr . ATUTMBGEOIUE SHAW. Bupt,

    fiS-tr BBnowrama. B. J.

    P. O. HEAGAIf,Opp. 0 . L. & W. R. R. Depot, DOVER, N. J.


    L. LEHMAN & CO.Closing out OUT entire stook of



    to make room for our new


    We haven't the room to quote prices here bat will guarantee

    you will never have a ch&nco to buy Staple Goodo

    ai choap aa we are selling thorn. '

    L. LEHMAN & Co..

    Doverh.J.Next toPost OfficeGOODS DELIVERED FREE.


    The recent storms have interfered withbusiness and keptmaiiyofouroutof-townpatrons from visiting us. Push and pricesmust make up for lost time. We'll makeit profitable Tor you to come now.

    HEN'S SPEING SDIT3We are exhibiting not only ihe largest

    and most complete line we ever asked youto look at, but are selling them (it pricesfar below their actual value.







    You nor we ever saw such $10 suite before.

    You nor we ever saw ouch $13 suits before.

    OUR OWN FINE CLOTHINGWe don't and we couldn't buy such Clothing as we sell. But that is not nil.

    You 5Wc the profit of the middleman by dealing with us first hand.


    Boys'Clothing this season is as cheap in proportion as the Men's.-We are In splendid shape lo outfit the little ones. New Andpretty styles of our own design, strong, reliable workmanship,extra attention paid to buttons ant) staying, At prices rangingfrom $2.00 to $6.00.

    MCGREGOR & Co.8 5 0 A 8 5 2 Broad St., - - - - NEWARK, N. J.

    LAWN H0WER5at cost

    to close them out.TO BECIIMIVERS

    your UmuclioU Uools. wtd no liomoainlwcnmpli'lnnlthnumtoTMiitensJLi. Wt>tu»vnUittnJirgijirolUbloIUcbu^M)u.t liujuloii


    inMa DaJitf" Ha a

    OASOLINE AND KEUOSENE OIL STOVES' For BammerOcoMnif. Our line of


    the Impart carried Inthli twetlon, and wonliaJl make* aruwlalty of REFIiinKIUTOns and TCI(31EAH FIlEEZEIta. Our price* ara WOT tfatrn ta meet Um titm-a.

    EANITAnT VLDMErNa AND TINNING A SPECIALTY. Estloyile- diocrfullj furnlBln^.

    J. T. KERR, DPP PJIt Hotel, BlttmiMt, Dover, N . J

    THE PVBf.!n PUEBE-Cbnlrman Kijer'u irlaliuratelj pre]iarod

    rituleiiient of Ibo tcoutmiluil expeiutliu Fifty-third Cungresi in lielag vcomlmteii I)/ liix Bisoclatwi of tho Aatium Cum ml lieu. Jl«[)re>>.ntatlfB Joeeph E.Cnnnun, of Jllinol*, YVLO was chalroiau ol (beHouse Aj.ija-.iprJat.ont Coinraltleo iu tliFifty ilrxt CmgrwH^ mid wlio has beun (gr

    ber of thr cojuiilttet', biu prepanuioiit, ntiicb wtH ajipdnr (n ibe CoH*cord. I t l f l u t n r t u r o l l o w i :

    When Ibe KieoiLlvo forwardi yearly to

    t, Lo a ho furourdn bis «atlmatfl ul thejut t int will be expended for tbe coming

    by bis ettluintes, naked Congrcsi to apj>roprl-ite for I lie publlu mirvlcti, fur tbe com lug fls-•al year, JnclJdiBK nonnauont -approprla

    " I, aud Uoiin] f,ir

    te crouttir Hi»" the approprlatloua madei**t jeftT toy f'2ft3,I>\6 15.The tutAl Bp|iroprlntians of the Fifty-am

    417,183 !)i ; tboso for tbo Fifty-second or lostIi-ew, two j«»rB were (11,037,6t7.t»; and

    It la ott'Qlutely cerlnta that etaritog oil atf IDO.OOÔKX) eg we do for thin fear, when the

    [uiiclcH are ndilod ncit winter to theregular ctiiiroprlatlan, made for tbe cowing

    , the totfll aiipropriatlona will nggrcKalotit least Î.OUO.OUU.OUO. Fur tbe Fifty tbird

    .reai. uuleu tiy untrbudly ftitmloiitrt-tion, furthor heavy reiluctfouB ft re made In

    lymout ot i^uxhus.Uuilfi- tlio law Vaa Emcullve Is rtijuirt"! at

    tlio clntioof cacli liscfll year to make a state-it uf the receipts and otpoDiiituroa of tbo

    UntU>d Btatcs Government far tbo put Tear.Nottvtf ut«:,(Jing tb« great dlBtreea through-

    out tba country there have hem many in-iea lu tbo nalurlos of Leiaocratio ofllcluls,•fall/ In the diplomatic ami consular t»r-

    AU tbesu Uomccrallo ollldalu receivedtbdr fiupolntnients under Ur. Clovelaod.

    PERKAPS ANOTHER MURDER,At hU home In Littleton, near MorHntotrn,

    John tjjireadbury almost en'ored tho shadow•t dcatb. tlie result at a Uon be received

    upon tbo bead with ui\ empty twer bottle onSaturday ot noon.

    Jnlin McCunvllte, tbe asmllant, li incar-roted In tbo Morris Oounty Jail, ta await

    tba result of LIs victim's icjurlag. Spread-ry IH an Ktigllibman, a carriage painter,honest, well-to-do moil.HcCoiiTllte Ig n laborer and doea not enjoy

    any too Rood a reputation In tlie neighbor-hood llo la an Irluhman, and Sproodburymarried hie slater.

    MvConvltlo has beon nut of work for sometlmo, and has lieca mnkiog bis borne tvitb bisbrother-in-law, -vilio baAbeoMJiaUred of euuporting bltn, and bad been hinting that hebad bottfr eook another home.

    Whan tbe family Eat down to dinner onSaturday tbo matter waa brought up, andUcConvllle told Ppreadbury tlwt he refusedto leave tlie house and dared Sproadbury toput him out; Bpreadbury could stand nomore, ta he took bnid of McConvllle.

    Mra. Spreadbury rushod between tbo twomen, and JIcCoovlllo reached out to a table,Biztd an empty beer bottle and hit Bureail-mry a terrible blow on tha forehead. Tho

    bottle brolfG and Ibe Hying ftlasi gatbei theeu'a fa«o En a bLTrlblu maorier.Dr. Janie* Douglas bappeaed to be Intha

    vllUga at (ho timo of tha iffroy, and wB>ututlly jummoepd. He dressed Spfewlbury'*

    da, which roiiulrtd several itltcbu, andft comprem, as blwd was gushing fortli inittesrac

    Tbo villagers were Incensod at thi> murder-j * usault, and some of them wont to Mor-

    rUtotvn aud tarried Justloe HIDCB up to Llt-tloton, where ha toil Hiireadlury'u compltvlnt,Lat«r ID tbe afternoon, McConvllle win ar-rested by Comtible Plenon and lodged In jail.

    B .A . Celebration.Tfie aieelJuft of J/unatuiia (juuncll, I

    Arcanum, of licrrlntcr.u, Tutmidy taretl-ltlU'rucciiinn for that arxawl-

    lattoD. Hegulit John K Jiimi/acti bail [n-miIbttt upon tbe tiilaLtjuof tUe two lim

    drndthmombor the Qoemion wjuld be wYbrateuln alMlltt[i>g rnsnuar, uii'l tlie prontie w« duly otiwrwed. A young »inu nn««-lloome proved to be the tffu bundrMLti menber. To edebrute tbo occaslim itfgL-rtt Hnil-tace, Tibo It a oba'tpr mernlwr t Km pi reCltyCou'idl No. W7, Now Yurlt, liad tliInitiating Uaii) at tli at cjiincll In atWudnnci;A(t£r (be wurlc the membcrx ujid tliulr Kiio.sti

    \o reproeontal Ituyul Arc»nmu ciiuip1uter.HUsolMnflclfd Injuries aro not serious, ba t

    A Brutal Aaiault.John Vincoot, a young mnu empVyed In

    the country [ilaco of Andrew Bates, who re-rid as on tbe outebtrtt of Morrlitown, vlilledtown Batunlay night for an evening's enjoy-ment. About midnight he became invoked

    a (luarrrl wltb sereral men at the junotlooSpeMrrell snd BUUBZ avenues and Maws

    l a lonely spot on VHB road,where be was again assaulted In a most

    •nlcl tuirinor and left for deid fn the mfidloottlia roadway bfbli aitatlaata, who fled.Vincent succeeded in crawling as far aihlsemployer's hunt, wbia be became uacac-iclous. At aa early boar Sunday morningother help employnd In tbs place found Vin-cent. Mr. Bitoi wai awaVeuod, and, plwinbis Buffering employee in A carriage, bod hiconvoyed to Dr. Clutterbuck** office In Mor-rUtown. Tlie [ihyiiciao found Vincent's body

    mam of liru'ses. A complaint was lodged'lib. tho police authorities, anddnnday after-

    noon Charlury fair on Wednesday night ot this week.Tbe many frlcndi of Mrs, Anthony Stelcc

    verf> gUd tOBtw her in town again, althoughor luch a Bhort time.Mrs. Wllllatn Johnson, of New York, is the

    giUMt ot Ure. Ljmin Ktce.J. W. Welsh i» confined to bin homo for thirownt week, from heart trouble. We bom

    lor his apeedy recorery.OverlXM baskets of peaches wore (hipped

    From this station on Tuesday night.Tbo German Valley Orchestra tumid od tui

    lEUllo for tbo Ookosbury fair on Wednesdayrealng.L. IL Boboenlielt and family attended tb<

    f unsral of Mri. Haniuel VJIct on Tuesday atGlen Ganfoor.

    We are sorry that l'rof. Ito»enkrnns willnot t*ach for us another yeor, but perhaps bemay decide to remain with U" mi l ; tillingnomo other vocation tbau teaching. Wo do

    otcaroto Ju»»w;\i grwl dlixcn*.

    PLBA9AKT H I I J L .LIghtol&K rtrock tho wheat Btwlt ot Henry

    Miller last Wfduwlay night. Tbo lire wa*d'fcovered by Mr. EUliJebrend. a titar nelph-bor.and It w u eitlngulahed without much

    •oiible, About 1X0 shtavei were dertroyed.David Bharn bu purcnasod a naw ]H-ach

    ' • g O . ' L ,

    Fetor Iloweil bas his new bam com pie tod,Mra. Carrie Vox h u been oiioiidlng ten day*

    at Asburj Park.*WB are (tlad to ray that Mrs. Fetor Lnrrl-

    »n Is slowly Improviug.Mrs. Edward Irt&ry and Mrs. Flora Wood

    bn)l, ot tfffirartc, and l ire, C Schater, otllacketUta'ra are viiltiug Mrs U Ahunlton,


    tc, and lire, C Schater, oare viiltiug Mrs. U.. A

    unlton,OlWer Unnb , ol New York, 1B borua on hia

    ucatlon.Martin HlHebrant oomee out with a braunry uerinnn,tnltlug lilt; text from tha ccwpcl of tlie day,Matt. vi:0l iili, tlio words, "Hetik Ye There-

    th« Kin^rt'ini of Uiwl tuid Ills JuUlce."FiUlierBrmly urufaned lila n

  • THE EKA.Friday, August 24,1894.


    There Is 110 dearth u[ maUTlu! fur UuberuatorisabonorhiiiNuw Yurtoii tbe Kfjiublicud ticket, but on ttio UoftiiKTallc side Ho:well T. Flower In BU solitary us to bo puttfully luuemiwo.

    Itbfwbcen rtiKcovfrtil Lual tuure Id no a]

    section of tho Ujruiuu tarllf 1>I11 Into PITMtlie AppropriattuDi Commit tuu uf [be Huntbafiuji /ailed to include Iu tLe apiiroiiriaiio.lilltheliair-itiillimidollnrsaelaedforliyt^Ttar/ Carlisle. Tbln will give the opiKJiietU <tliot part of Hie bill mi opportunity to remitit impouiblu Ui put it ill i)|Jv''ntiuli.

    On Uondnj1 night a you'ijf man whllu utidit lie lull lie nee of llijuor asaault«d an uld IUBITbe youug man bail a liiittlo uf ivbisLoj* tu hpocket which ho uaya bu buu^lit in thU t-nvinnd be ia unt in any way dillidunt about tollinn where hog'H It. The youtijina.i is u<of age and th« mau who si.ld him the rumJialile to Indictment and tu nava bis lii-eiwe ryoked. IVlij ilioiitil itiioiliuf Tliellcen.is graaL&d under «ii talu CHMIKIQIWI If 01licensee vfololt.-* tbi'su coMlitiou* it ia BII u(air advB.ut&g« ovtr (Alit-i* wlio t>l«y llit> laiTbs young won't father should jiiwcuto tbeman nhn put Iho bottle to his eon1* li|«.

    Tlio >'uw lit J ford cotton oin-rutives tiavbc*u ill advioed iu tbo resin tuice tin-}1 batmade to tUu reduction lu wages from " to ]per cent. A like reJueliou at Full HIver hilieeu uccopud wliboui iv wtnigglv, lliu.inuformal protect WUH iiiaJo. No 'itlior court•WHB possible. Northern HLIIIH in the Î Byear have labi'ii only ],GfcO,Ul(I hnliB of cot tolo ilato, agaliifct 1,7111,001 In 1MB! and S.iKS.iJlin IMi-J. Ttiii In o rcductiun of B i«r « nsince latt ytur and at as per cent, *Jm*o tlIiut proBjieruufc ji'ar, IS*"-. Iu u|ilte of tligroat reduction lu output a moult of l.lUC0U0 pieces of print clotliB bare avcuiuulttteia full mouth's manufacture aud ten-fold tlistock iu prosperous jimrs. The K«»7 Bwlfurmills do uot tnoke print-cloths, but thin sUplcotton goods, whose |irlru a. weoh ami w u ethe lotrcet cjuotutlou ever rt'conli-d, tbou f̂uolUin. U far frotn litltip; «., wllec'ltbe condition of Mm tntlro cotton InduisUy. l ' tkes aye down ~1> tafiU per ceniTtie mills have beguu tu jmsa their dividendor reduce tuutult.bpvle ui tliu conaervalivNew tiuglaud policy nblch lairlrs u surpliso M lo keep UP cihiJ.-jils In nil i-eara. BOO

    Democratic tarlll In tbe finer gouiin inudiNew Bedford renders a reduction of noInevitable. The ccartg gcuds made at tin

    tiouth are re Jo lively much better pro-tected tlisn tbo lino goods. If olives uuderttood tbe position of tbeliplojes .here would lw fewer strfterj aud lessof a struggle between capital and labor. FurImtame, tLu local fitlh mill o^trutiu'

    toe )i([iprletors are selling tueir goods atIKl.lo 4U |>er i'cut ken ttmu a J tnr and a«fio.

    If our reubriiifllun cuuttiiipoi.iry du»u tbeBtreot in trying totcohow near It canto the truth diiboot hltllug tlio bulhwij-o, itihould t e in odd of its achievement laetwetTLe Jouinnl lakes citaptioiiti to the t*ri"lEOcre,nce" and "tituptjtty," BB applied toIts rcccDt Illegal eollcrllon of tW T5 fiwn tlittccuuty, ttiitl tbu nee uf ttie muney In Us buel-UCM. If HwuunciUierof Ihrsu tlienlt nliavnbteii tlisbniiesty that prompted the Jiual. A notary public of Morrtxton-n toldthoedilorof IIIOEHA tlint h* Itiformed Mr.Wagner flint tlio couuty did uot pay forpriming the proceedings, and Wngner ealdhis bill w«6 for the Frccboldfra' re[>ort, as-suming that the coiuuilttee'B roporU werwhat were being |wid fnr. Tlio Journal cattaka i u choice of tlio three nouca.

    Our contemporary prated about courtesyWhen ilr . Tharp, of tho Freeholders' FinanceCommlttea, gavu tbo Journal a •week's tlnwto i-also the mauey that It hadIllegnlly dramw UU tho UKuranca that Hie board would paytbe f25 that tvns rfghtfully owing It, n

    out a word autliorlzlud Hie money to lo ap-plied to it« IndoYitedpeM or giving any reasonfor non-payment of the MM.7A I VTo havo liour pOBMsaionfuur letters written lc us bbusiness (Inns In Ken-ark, New York andriiOadelplifa, oekltig if (ho Journal is Rtlll liexlitencii nnd saying that they cou odtluicollect their Ulls nor get a n a m n t o their let-ten. IstbatcourtoouBl Ul thuuee t lfact of tLe matter h, the Journal is a cut-throat and dead-brat it- business, t. uiastKUrrillity.a blnt-bguard by Inclination and aHar from choice, and If it -noolJ just turnItself looso it would glv«tl.u Police Gazette aclom chete tor first placota tlint dleroputablJiue of Jourualtsin.

    MOHElS PLATNS.AIlss Drew, of New York, 1» flatting TAlas

    Quito a number aro attcudliIng from liero ovn-y day.

    Aletars. Uerry an j Î ecU, from MorrUtomvaud ltev. Dairjit anson, or New i*ork, ga'us very iutorcstin^ tolks lust BunJaj- evanhuzon the recent C. E. cunTontlon at UlevnlnudOhio,

    SUIB Orace Youngs, or Newark, In visitingO. B. ParBons, tf thia place.

    Miss M. L. Cronshey is Fpendlng a fewweelu Tsration «t U'cst/Ielil

    Tht> UiwcB Eiitou and Ui r a KIMe Kbeebaiareipearlinga week at Anbury Park.

    •Mlsti IloWsBou, of Ksw York is visitimW1H» LIzile Sheen. '

    Ulta Helllo Keen lias roturnwl from Nowl e r k , where die bos been visiting her fatbifor three weefaa.

    Mrs. Borah Htewnrt, of Littleton, -lied ather home last Friday morning. tSlw w uburled Sunday nturtmoa in tbo MorrUtownw n i B t« r y . F K U X .

    Tlio Sacrament of tbe lord's suppor will be

    morning. "" a J

    , Re?. Win. Vrytlng la speatllug M sAabury I'ork.

    >Irs. HavU, of Littleton, Iws relnrnod from•peiiding a week a t Anbury l'ark.

    Mrs. James Frother it tutcrtalnlnc hisl«er from Trentou.

    ul«a Cannatla Is visitingHams.Ht.

    MILTON.Oueof tho omuscnifnt* uf thfj (uintnor

    boarderiat Mw. G. W. Allison'* is rowlosontbeltockawayRlv^r. OnTufwlay afternccrjlIlssFJoniiceBriuier, UIBS Nellie Sullivau and Ilol'crt Wlabtoti wtnt out rowing10 UUroptinjt to effect a landing tbo boelcarBimlundfts occurantowwe thrown Inttbo *6l t r at a particularly Oangerouj ji]awMr. Wigbttnan, Mr,. I l ^ d and eon Franre*cued botU1h(^^otln^^ UUIM. Fortunatelyno injuries were remind, eicept Mias Sulllvan a ilfght bruise on tho wrist MimBraalorhasaeeTcreco'd now fronj (he effecta oltbe accldfnt. Tfaa young ladUa jerido ixBrooilyo and Now York.

    John Bmith, wbo moved from Milton taOhlD la 1W0, is now on a viHt Bant Ue it

    Spending a few dayiwilfa E. N. Norman.Edward Btandwrongb, fonnerlyof J!ilt<

    but BOW pf Lcilgevilip, it vieltlng bli brctheJobn D, Stnrclxjrounu,

    I t Is rumrcwfJ tlint ibe Mooja Park funnbi.cbasgtd bftcdi, ar d tbe nuw owner tzpectabuild a Umidlrig hcute and cottage on it.

    . A laige i^jer ballw n was found -tiHun-day af ten oon about n mile ard s balf frcmMUton witli ft leg fanned to it with tnin ad-drws OR: "ZCBHOM & Billiard, mBQufac-turcrs and dealers (a lumbtr and ice, comerFront and tlushkill sttoeta, Easton, f a . "

    Mr. and iirt. Ed boot a td (anitty returnedto £a i t Oranga OD Thursday.

    SUCOASUNNA.Thm will be a p*ar h and In cream Kclal

    at the cbapp] of tbe 11. E Church TuesdarBTeolDg.SSthlnBt., under theau*pl»Bor theLadles1 Aid Society. All are Invited to at-tend.

    The mm who ran aft with a Itag-ot tnebwaabed clotbrs recently hud better roturn tbisame at bin e n l i s t opportunity.

    Our flat clue hare orronged a Raron D.battball for tbli Bnturday wUh tbe%lx. Hopeteam on our grounds. A good gaiuo is ex-pected.

    Hiss 8 Hay Martin, or Newark, was Intown a few d a n this week.: Mies Itctta Fancbtr, cf Jeraey City, It rliit-

    inKlntblsWdDityK yUn. Barah Wbitebead, of Brooklyn, Is

    ipendlog a few days at Kllas Buggs.Uln Hellie Itlj;bt4r baa been engaged to

    tcaeb the Upper Valley Bofaodl (aerkuhlro).Tbe U1SM« QllllfiB, uf Kfwark,and MIM

    Helena Da Cany, of Brooklyn, axe stoppingat aeorgeOmtgf. ltommm.

    JlooiOUClotb,20o, and 35c iiuare yard, atthsDoTer B «HITO Store, BUBBOX strwit, Dover.

    Don'tVorffet •irbao TOO w u t to bu; Uadarwtwr. ' Forgood goodi and low prlooa It will par jon toTlalt tb» Dorer Baiw of J. H. Qrlnim.

    POUT MOBBIS.AuotberlnalulinicntcrthefmbafrcLildr.

    wout home on ttluck's train, on i'oudaymor

    In tbatlawBuit b e t - w e Tkoiiws B. 11 oatmil t heU. & E . UI vision IlailrC'adBiiiplo>t'

    Mutual Benelit Aosuclatioii at Port Murreytuld tbo .an'i'ed Fort Murray JUHU

    dwidydin favor uf Mr. JioaUy auJ dii_-idtiinttUe nsadcidtioD liad nu rigbt ( o n i i u lLiiinu tliau uue ccrtilkate from a mtmlifri.»i tfia lima lie ww laUtn *b-\ until liu ijiurtei fur duty again of liin own Iroe Kill tby-ld^ft of tlm a^&oci&tton t c tL& ctmtraiutwUbitaii(iin»: ' Uli, sapient j in lieu I <

    ielri'Jfre, I-awyer Ji-irrey, I am tolil, saidm had warcbed the rcconi lu tbo I'lt'rt\tWcti iu the KHI-CI cuuuty and cculd not fii

    »t-lutrat.i! Terliapx thin lit jwaniit politics tliuughhk tho New Yurie Titnw. But wtiwt imiik ? 1 tbmifflit wo had enough of It imerlra n tthout Inviting tbi)" initrkotauf th•nrld " to bring their extra Bnunk here txwt this writing what Mr. (Jiet-tland la goin

    > dr Netcoog In 21) yeunt, Well done.

    C'oiiRresdiian Cornlali, of this Jlstrict, Is atjilt bent a t t eliding lo bio fences around BtoilnijH>ond Kuteoug Tlipy havo uaod him iwell in Wuflilngton that he wants to go bockthere, end of course tho people will forget t i ecoal combine and bow be voted on tue tar I Ifnil), u bow he gave up to party whatnennt lor niaultiad," bow lie preforr^d tlieleebpolB of Wncbington to tbo best liitereatKif tbe people of Kew Jersey, and they will•OUJ lor Imn. Wby cDTtalnly. The men nt

    Dover car shop wlio are lvorklng eight hoursday, tba tuonwho uwd to work at Stan-

    hope furnace for low wages It is true, but etllU gaTo them work aud wages', a t vrtî QQsome of (hem Lave neither, they will vote Tohim to b* buro. Tho many fdle nieu. In tliedittrlct who bnve been thrown out of employ-

    ;nt within the last year will vote for Mr.imiflh, IVIiy of course 1 Men like to eee

    their wives and children eulTer for theneroa-Korfes of lifo, for " Utoupa o' Kail aud liratiCloirwl"ns Bnbby Hums baa it.

    Boms ponplo are trying lo msfaa out tlthe poor workmen in Pullman, 111., are Buf-fering terribly because ot the hardness oh°urtofUeorKe U, Pullman, but 1 reckoa i1B fur Noina oluer iBaaon. If tiov. Altgdd willdive deep enough be may find why.

    Tk«y bod a chcue In Klnnbiipa last wand the ringmaster mid to tbe clown : "lVboweru tha three greatest lVoeldsiit* af theUnited States!" Clown, " I g l v n i t up, whiwere tbey V ringmaster, " Qeo. WaiUtngtotwas one. Us freed the country, AbrahamLincoln was two, be freed theniggprs, OrCleveland tbreo." Clown, O h ! comewhat did be do I" ringmaster, " He put laboron thefreo JJBt." I suppose labor goes (n

    Conductor I / JU. Baylor was camping atLike Ilopatcong with a party of friends fromi'hiliipsliurff.

    I sra glad to hear tha t Conductor WllllataKrahlier, who hoi been siclt almost untodeath, it geitiog bottor slowly.

    C-MirtMctor Tbomaa Caveuaiigb. btubean laidup with sore oyes for a couple of weeks, Is Iiproving,

    ro car Inmls of Sunday Dcbcto! plo nickerswent front here to Uopatcong Blation aadthen by big sldowbeol etoamer to Nolan'sPoint on Tuetday.

    Epglneer Hubon Bhsfer, of Nolan's Point,wai here the other clay. Ho nays Mr. Cleve-

    il'd now tar I IT don't w m tohavo Imjirovodilnesn on tbe Central mucb. He meant tho

    M. J . Centra) Rail rood of course.Stanhope Council, Ho. 3S, Order of Chosen

    Friends, had a festival here on Tu outlay andWednesday evenings.

    Tbo 11. E. Sunday Bcbool bave postponedtheir Gxcurslou or plc-nic for a treeJi or two.The 1'rtebjterla.na irlll probably go with

    i, hut things are nrohlematical a t thin!tit writing. i>. J .

    E 0 0 K A W A Y .MIM Hatlis Httirtevant. of Itdftruore, i*[siting trlfiida at (tils place.Warren H. Wear has returned borne afterwudluK a few months at tbB Btater'aboard*ig-boura at Trenton.Itev. TbomsM Reeves will occupy tbe pulpit

    at tlio PresbyterifM Church for tba tint tlmilnco he wunt ' n bis vacation.

    Tranlc ltoos Is suylng a t Lake Hopatcong'njoylng Ills summer vacation.

    Jolra Husk, the Boontoo baker, has givenip his route through Itocbaway on account

    uf tbe hce&iBB, after running through borefor a number of years.

    MlesM Anna, Pidcock, ol Iiohancm,Ujrtle Wehh of HscketUtown, have re-turned to their hotneoliDg tbecuatoiuury fonnuliw. Tim man said be wasEdward Hottjtluud. of Iiavsr, N. J . ,snd thswoman dt-'xcTibtti lior«>lf at Marguerite Cat-wt?]|, a j'i')"\Qiit In tbo employ of a family onTrinity Place, Naw \.irk. Tlio farmerrlalmcdtobo ouly forty -eight years of age,altbuuttb he louked much older. The widowpleaded guilty to forty years and WM ac-quitted, 6t range as It may noetn, because sheU[ipeurtid tu be yuungur, Btie tntd tbat tierilrut buiband'D uamo wot IlflGtdo. She ha•(i ««i livtug in VtM«*tc, N. J . Tbe f&rnmrwuHOOulutod over tlio proapocta of a goodwife to prtsido over bis uauiami iu l>iivertbat he rcvualtd tbo twerets of hU uourtshlplo the Judge. Uoth bubbled over wltli taappt-IICBS during the tvreiii my, whlcli wound upby a geuora! luugh dll around. Kvco tusJUHIIUU'B private secretary laughul.

    Furnitr Hojglund coufcdHed that be muuivfull}-lulove with bis girl Hud popped thetnoiouLtoua (mesLlou to her one night lastwinter, Yeuwnluy hu took Marguerite to anoicurnlon nnd they oimlu up tbelr rnlodi toI/fit uiatrkd bfforo ruluruttig home. Theyluiuiediutely ciuliracod tbo op'tort unity andlucidutit&lly tliemtcivci RI\J, lost no liuie Inlooking up omaii wbokuew how to tie a knot

    Tne rarmur cuiilld«l to the Justice tbiit httntc, dt-d to wake a will tu fain wlto'e favor,aud wild tbat liu would give Soymoitr tbe jobot drawing It up.

    SECOND I'ICTUIIK.Farmer lilwurd Jloagland, of itover, and

    MaKgiti UL-UIOIU, nee Calihvcll, ot TrinityI*lact3, N. Y , ujlubrated tlm tcriulualiuu ofan excursion iMt Friday by calling ou Jun-tk-n of tbo l'eac« 0»irKo V. Seymour, of Ho.

    jii, and getting married. Tho tnau IsHL.rg along tho steady ei to of life, and

    tvautcd 'loiuulwly U> insist litoi la bis work ontba Uuvur farm. He toll tbo Justice, with

    y filler), Ibnt lib briile WBB jusl tbe klmluf woiiisu he was loolilng for, and ho expectod

    i wijiij- a scaHin of unullDyed iillss.Tiiu couplu Jy(iartml, after Inviting the jus-

    tice to the ilrvt chrltteuiug, and SeymourT L'x]iect«l to bear from either again.it Miut Ills surprise to-day wlien Mrs,

    Iloagluud eoU'reil liis OHICB nitb a very soil

    to him that sho wnnUul Ui du wniethlng to getrid of her venerable Bpouse. A little JudiciouslUeatiuitiuR elicited the foUuwtug reasons whyilio regretted ever bavlug gone to the Dovorfarm:

    On tbulr arrival hmnf, BO Mrs. It. gaye,

    revolver, fondlfd ILawhllo and told ber thihu would iibo it ox any onu n-ho camo fool lugaround bur.

    About the time thai tlio roosters crowedDiforudayliebttlieueitiiiornlne, Mrs, Hoog-lund wiyn, site HOB aroused from sn-eot eluiaIwr by Kddlc, who lufornied ber tlia^ si

    Id bevu to gn nut on tba farm and dlj " pertatiTu" U> got uy an oppetlte t<

    Iniliaii meal mush breakfast. Tola was tou:h for tha woman, but like a dutiful *

    alio iiliuyed tbe niandalo of her Iiusband.TUe lu in t r . s,Ue nays, g&vu I er IEHJIHH meal

    fcr breakfast, dlnnrr and puppcr, and ahanearly starvarf until BIIB rtreapiiated & patchicken nuiuod I'sui ard at« it. The old nunboiled with rage when he rolled the unfor-tunate Paul and rebuked Mi wife. Sbe told

    uliebad W do It because ehe waa so hun-gry, which made tbe old mau calm downlittle and tell her that be would kill a bog

    t time Ibis fall and than uliu could havelota of pork.

    Tbe lost utraw came floating along yester-day when tbe old man told ber that »be wouldbe obliged to takaa caw ot butter to Morris-town, several miles away, IIo did uot giveher m y money to pay car faro there, batgave her vermlsslan to ride buck providedBbetaadocoUecllo&Battbe other end of tbiroute.

    rs. Hofigloud gather Bpunk up at l u tand a row ensued, during whlob tbe farmcitoro tho marriage certlllcate iuto shrods.The indignant wife saved the pieces andBUD wed them to Justice Seymour tbls ttIn? and asked him what she wai going to doabout it. She said tbat ibe did uot Intend toreturn to the fanner am) hi* Indian mool

    would go back t i New York and fuynothing about her experiences ot (lve dftjo

    mrrled life on a Dover farm.

    The two articles printed nbove iiwe takerfrom tbe Jorsoy City Journal, and give another chapter, or rather two chap tare, In thi

    itautio carter of tbo inimitable and onlySiunl "Neddy1 Hogsn, wno IIBB moretea living than any man ehuj sldo of Tur-


    When a man tells you lie will give you $3.00 worth for one,it's Mae. Borne people may olaim to do so, but if they dothe f certainly must hava been high priced, and they arestill.

    Low Prices

    HONEST DEALING IS OUR MOTTOWe sell the Best $8.00. All Wool Bolt in Morris County. The

    Best $1.00 Child's. Suit from 4 to 14 years in the State.AHother goods in Proportion. No use tiring your brainwith prices, oomo see for yourself. Don't believe falseadvertisers, but call on


    Dover's popular C(oi|ief8,

    THE STANHOPE B&OES.•would l.&ve been difficult t ab a vo solect«d

    a better day for racing than last Saturday,wben tbe mid summer meeting of tbe fclus-

    ictcong Driving Association was held, Tiepurses wero the eami cf these ottered by thiHacketlstown etBOcIatiQu tbe preceding Tues-day end tbe honoe entered were about thiwtn)e. The Btt«nrJaucs was not large enoughto make tbe meeting a Qnanolal auocess, buithere wai no discount on the excellence of theracing. Three heats were trotted tbat fairlymade tbe blood tingle, la the third b u t ottbe first nice Mary Magenta and Ernea cai

    I the liotue ttretcu nose and tK»°, \iI within forty yardi of tho wire the bign\are ttvke mi it looked like Krnea's

    heat, but A few Teet further OD the latterwent off ber feet aud Marf Magenta wentinder tbo wire and won tbe heat by a Deck"" ilrrt beat ot tbe free for all was also •

    exhibition of boras ran leg, aod wben thejg came down the stretch, it wai a stand

    oil between Metal and Ella A, bat tbe former>d under tbe wire winner. Wo are fn

    debtal to tbe Htaniiopa Eagle for the follow-iK detail* of the races:Judge I.. J. Martin of Kewtun* Tb«odora

    Young of Hack?ttstown, and O. B. Berrlckwere the Judges, and Judge Martin, a loiof a good race from boyhood, was starter.

    The 2&0 class had four entrtei, vli.: M « jMagontu, owned by B. H. Mount, of Flera-

    ia-, James R, by 8. A. Qaerln, of Mor-rhtown; Erucft, by W. F. Burgees, of Plem-

    in, and 1'rlnco ot Orange, hy Johnmaker, of Ilsckettatowo. Erne* drew tbopola and won ths first beat ID 3.45 8. B.Mount himself then concluded to pull tbereins bahlnd Mary Magenta, and with her

    tha uei t three beats. TImo, 2;.i aad 2;3UJi" Emm drew geoond mJames It. third money. Prirjoe of

    Orange was withdrawn fn tbe third b u t .

    Tbe 2:3T> clan bod tame canteitaaUKellioM., a chestnut mare owned by Dr. A.£ . Mattlo, ot Uacketutovrn; KarintU, byJ. 0. Hlaughtf r, of Uadloon, and May K., I?

    Ktati. of HbCkfttUtown. lday K. w ualhted tbe pole, but ndther ibe nor Nellie IT

    a a txiktch for.Marinitt, who won tns raetthree straight heat*, although fas was

    cloeely pressed by them at times. TimeS.J1X, SiMJf nud 2;:WJi. Nel,le M. took NO-

    id money aud May K. third n^uey.Metal, Thomas J. Alien's mare, Fiuilc J,

    owned by G. 0 . Smith, of Oraige, and EllaA., owned by S. Ii. Allen, of Fleming-on

    ired up for t i e free-for-all, with Metalring tlie polo. The plucky little mare

    trotted a beautiful i»co and won Uio Hihost, bat unforttinaUlf in tbo second sliairoke whoa (luiahlng tbo home stretch,ould not be recovered La time to trot under

    the wire and the second heat was given toFrank J., who also won the third, and fourth

    Metal Man given second money andElk A. third, money.

    Tho slalco race for members w u conkbyE . O. Valentine with his tMSvery horw,Boinniy Tboinpfon's white ware bought theday before from Joan Shtwger, Bltamitone'a mare eutered b j Dr. Neldru, anil Qeo.lootuney1- Hsttla. TV. 11. Emerj drox* V«l-ntine'a horse, and Gui Ivnrns droee Hati.liomiison's tnare, and th»y finished Int and

    second recpectivoly ID each heat, while Dr.Neldcn camo In tblnJ, and Boothney's heavyweight brougat his Nellie down on H i homeaUetch fourth vach tlms. This wan tho moet

    itfngraceof tho attornooo. Tiiu*, 3,-00J£

    Oorastsi I Const* ITailor mads, glove fitting, all bone and flva

    books, Bogular prlco 75 eenU, will sell for«.Tt tuna at 47 oenU at Dover B«a HJva,

    Soda WaterTbe best Boda Water is all flavors at Kill-3r«'s Drug Store.


    DEALER lti


    8ILVKH NOVELTjra, OIT1CAL 0OOD8, * c I woiil'l reIliti pulillo lluit I on: conxtautlf ruplfiilulituj; tur .tack In aIliey will olw&yii find ttiB Ink-nt pat^rnii ana stj-lH).

    All kinds of Watches, Clocks and JewelryCleaned, Repaired, Bepolished and other

    wise Renovated as Required.



    F. K. BIRCH:,- Proprietor

    8team Boilers, Smoke Stacks, Oil Tanks,

    Chemical Pang, Ore Backets and all kinds

    of Sheet Iron Work.


    .Old boilers taken in exchange. Coal and

    Wood, Barrelled and loose Lime. Hair,

    Plaster, Cement Front and Common Brick

    Flagging, Steps, Curbing Sills, Mate Man-

    tels, etc., etc.


    STANHOPE.The weather Is delightful and the ju

    guesta are Improving thulr opportunity Inclosing their vacation.

    Ittsropartedtbat Mr. Blieere, of Ledge-wood, will build a large simmer bmrrllnff-bousB on tbe corner of PSTIR aud Umtrei U i Port Morris, on the Joliu D. TJ-IW-rence lot,

    Uttvl B. Hanwyl* looking aTOWd lor ttaipurctanae of anotber horse to replace tbe onekilled by Ughtnltig Ia«t week. B« WM nffaied•150 for tbe ono tbat was billed. Lightningplays qtmr (realm tomatttBis ta its course.

    August 18tb wniqoiton day. Tbeonnrrsand drivers were all on hand with the bones^joounced to trot or psc« In tbo raon. Onebandred and thirty-live dollars or tbit Gtak«swere [ret*ln*d by owners here. Warren,MorrlBandSuewK were quite ltrgdy repretented by sporting men.

    Mrs. I David Hanklnsun's remaloi wtrtbroughs hero on Monday from Kew Haven,Conn., and burled In the SUnhnps UnbnCemetery. Bhe wri, U-c daughter ol Mr. andMrs. George Wiper, residing near Huwhopeon the Brooklyn roed to Lake Hopatcong.Mr. Bankloson fomibriy lived har« andworked at the tinsmith buriuut in Patersoa'*bop.Tho ihow of CtarlM Lee, olrcus and mo-acerle, was quite largely attended last

    Thursday. I t wttupoten olas a good tbowand perf ormancfl.

    Ic was almost murder l u t Sanday nightwbon one fellow knocked aDother over the

    rj bank to drown In tbe Morris canal.That*rp«tr*torof the outtage bu left town,It IK reported.

    Tbe lanntn* plants at Lake Qrlnnelllargely attended by people from this section,and a)) Beamed deUgbwl with tbe day's pleas-ure

    Tbo BUchopo Pr^byterlan &od M. E.Cburcb'ji Sunday schools wtiit go on the canto Lauding, Lake Hopatcong, on Friday,August lilst, for their annual excursion. Onanivm? at tha lake tbe nchrwla nlll ba tokenOD bosrd of tho etearaers and conveyed to theNolan Pofnt plcuio grounds and other pointso( Interest.

    It Is taid th»t tbo Italian Bpowwto, whoshBhed ftnother Italian named Tixfot with »ntor , bus loft for pu t s noknoiai. He onlyout through the coat of tbo ottier withoutInjuring the flesh. Auious.


    UnilcrcoreorFriends. Opcnstilhni(inUiiltth,]8MFull Oolli*},ii UOIUVM Tor rounR in»n and youogwomen, Ipiulltc to Clfuuilial, EnElnpwJnCj &lont(fleand IJterorydi-CTeoi. Machine nlioiiB.luborntortt*Bnrl HLnrlt«. For CtttaloRuusaiid |mrticl)lorsiul-unm, Ohaclet DeQarmo, PH.D., P r e t ' t .


    Prospect Hill School,DOVHB, H. J.;

    Will r& l̂wn Beptcmber 10. Utin. Prettdi andQtrmanlncluduirin the course of *tudj vhraro-flMlred. Bp̂ clol jvrfiwjttlon ior collcgo anil tarthe lU^cnta1 CxamUiatlonii. Uetmoai In phonigmiilij. Adilruaa

    SUSS L. V. MAGLtf, DOTCF, N. J.


    K u o u and Batldart.

    stmL. Oaatncts tikpn^and

    STARVING won't cure Dys-pepsia. You need nourish-ment, and to get It you must make thestomach nnd bowels digest your food:that is what

    Dr. Deane'sDyspepsia Pills.

    arc for. One after each meal, and tiiemost stubborn case of Dyspepsia fandthatts everything) will disappear. Whitewrappers if constipated, yellow if not.

    •3cnua4drakfilM1* Sko&taui fork Irectuuplc

    C O O P E R ' S V L O R A L U K N T I N K .

    (ivmonfu-olsanal.iB tbelr•Mth anil p»r rnmln( tbtbte»th. It retniJici»H \t%c**hvmlMi aii4Dde1.ciDiii ufthttut*. Bent hy mull far S ic .At all dealers. Send So. lUmc


    HEATH & DRAKE.In order to mik« room for New F*U

    Qooas, w« will Dlocs out tna balsAraof 8umin«r SttwAa »t Cost and ltM

    Wfjiie G w ^ , EiiiDrolcerics, Elc.ChndrcnV, flouncing*, were4Qc..,..

    Chlldnin's FIouncfaKB, rtre Me., now.33C yarn.

    Children'« Floundag*, were 71c., now.4 Be. yard.

    iir and Medium TVidtli EmbroiJerio,?erv Bu IDo 19o tfts Ifie JOc 830 ?Sc0* 5c Da So ICO 18o 15c SSC 60o

    rtsltx Voluoakji and lawns -

    le Oounlerpanes, mil slxe, well worti flM, at$1.07 each .

    SILKS.nnojBpou«»WMliailka, value Kte,.at

    35C ya rd .Fine Japaueeo WMb Silka, TAIUQ Cte.at.

    ^5 cent*.figured India, Chba and Japanue Bilk*, value TSo

    H&oand $] j«r yard, at.58 cents.

    nd Taffeta BUk̂ value f 1, at75 cen t s .

    Black India flllla45c, Joe., « c , 75c .

    We have just placed on sale thefollowing lines of shoes for Children,Misses and Boys, suitable for schoolwear. They are all new goods, andexcellent value at the prices quoted.120 prs. Childs Dongola Bpring heel shoes j g c p a i r

    sizes 8,7 and 8 at f "

    120 pis Child's Grain solar tip spring heel _ Q C nair-shoes, sizefl 8 to 10 at J\fy" F""

    60 prs. Child's Dongola tipped spring heel _ g c o a j rbutton shoes, sizes 6 to 101-2 at yo*" Va"

    120 prs. Misses' Grain solar tip spring heel ftc c o a j rbutton shoes, sizes 11 to 2 you pau

    340 prs. Boy's A Calf tip lace shoes, o 8 c . p a i V81Z0S XI tO o y m

    60 prs. Misses'Dongola tipped spring Si IK D a i rheel button shoes, Bizos 11 to a •Pl'O0 F" 1 1

    New lines of Ladies' Kangaroo Calf andGrain Shoes arriving daily.

    Onr stock of Men's Kip and Calf Bootsfor fall and winter wear is now ready-

    T i l Geo. Ricnaitis Company.DOVER, New Jersey.



    It gives jno pleasni-e to aoqaaint my IrieDdBnith t£a bub that they can have teeth eitraetodwithont ^ain by tbe use of Dr. Jossop's Local

    ' Annflthetio At tne office of Dr. Freeman, Dover.Mas. YVDIFIEIJ) FALHSB,

    Bookan ay, N. J,, April 8th, 1893.

    Try the "Local Auto thetio at Dr. Freeman'so!6oa and be oouvinoed tbat it is all that ia churnedfor i t M M . E . EBTWIOK,

    Netoocg, N. J., April 21et, 1893.

    l o a n cheerfully recommend the "Local A u u -thetio" for extracting teeth.

    M TMTosKEfflA,Port Onus, April 21th, 1893.

    Dss. F E K J U S iND TBEEIAND :DEAB 6IB8 :—I am no veil pleased with the tue

    of the Local Aunethetio in haying teeth extractedthat you have my permiBirioii to use my name anyway yon pleaae aa roferenoe.

    MB. Iiiwja Warn,Stanhope, N. J., May, let, 1893.


    DR. R. C. V R E E L A N D ,after ton year* experienoe, having a well knownreputation for - extracting teeth, haa aooepted apoBition with Pr.. Freeman.

    OK FEEEMAN has the eiolosive right to use. Dr. Jceeop's Local Anaesthetic,

    H IT.H. Uoundd Ixeami b«der), buro. orH,. ,u ASv&«T,IJ~itS,WIf rouwlnhto buy, sell or trade, wrltatilsi iliberty Street, Now York.


    DRESS OOODS.Dr*™aoo

    33c yard.Ml-Wool Dtwa Qoods, Yiuoo7Bc, BDC, \\ per y d at

    " «nts., voluu i

    5>8 cents.

    '77 and 779 Broad Strost,NEWARK, N.J.- -


    GRTURDflY RUG. 25 in .Flrrt ap(x*nuiue b e n of the mualad fuoe comi


    iDtrodudng the deter wmwllin

    John E. McCarthyu>d a flrat«la4w oomputr of

    MOTIGE OF DISSOLUTIONoUw Ij heralir Klvcn Uiotl wn no lonpjr In

    onywur connected with op interaoed In Uie DovurStettin LkunOrr.

    COfiEDIANS #


    $ and DANCERS


    Admission - • • - - - S5o.

    Seaarvod Beats - • - BOo.

    Hov on Ml* at XiUa-on'a Sra* Ston.



    OPTIOB AT DAVENPORTS CORNER,Berkillr, Valloj. p . 0. Dover, N. J .

    FOR SALEHoUJ property for wlo W rent ntUaMng. Sick-

    leaa Uin CHUIM for tbe above action Oall on ot•ddtwr

    Vm. B. BKA11CH,LandlDiMlorri«Oo'.,N.J.

    to me for an ox

    pert to oall and

    tell you the price

    snd styles of fab

    Tics of awnings

    for store and prt

    •-vate houses.



    G E O . W . M o D A V I TDraui ftwlon to Uio rooms tuer

    IWrtioiuw's jowfOrr store, tad U preptred tofloall kind* of docUl work In tin best manner.

    u»cd In extracUng ttotli.


    DR. DEO, W, MCPAVIf.i

    Office and Residence on Morris SI,,

    one door south of Brick Block.

    I 6 to 0 ft. „ .

    Funeral Directors

    and Embalmers.

    Ml o*lls napoudod tr/d»yoi- »H boun ol the nlgbt




    '•Joe's Celerj Com pound OS

    Oreen's Nerrara Cffc

    Howl's Suv apart] Ia .fl7o,

    ScotfaEmuleon 63o.

    Cudcura 8o«p '. , , , ,* , . , ,Ho.

    OuHonraJtenolMnt 70c.

    Pinktaatn'B Compound 68c

    Fukol t , BIDRII ,

    Ptukola^l&rge,.,., , .740.

    Benton's Capclno FlMt«fs , li

    (The word CAPCINJC out In erery plajtor)

    AUooek Plasters "... 1

    Caitorla ^2

    Attwood'i Bitten , x

    Wjattft Beef, Iron u d W l o e 67o.

    MaUln'a Food, «ma]l 8J,

    flottonl'i AddPlw»pb*t««, amall „,%$,).

    Hotf ord1^ »̂oJd PhosphaUoc. lanft.

    WKnpold'BKmnUlonO.L.01!...... 1

    Fellow'a ayrup Hypo Phosphites •

    Dojonbnylu H«wark or Wow Yort t K

    you buy la New Yak, then you pay falgbar

    prioM Uun you con bay the Mine article at

    the CURSCEHr DRUG STORES lor. Try

    tu and M* tt this Is not so.

    627 and 629 Broad St.,NEWABK, N. J.

    TRENTON, N. J.

    i a vltta'pdeniiilo tahor«.tories. Ubnry, manual (wlnta* room,etc

    O«t f «^i, a, KoUaltheModel,ISOTI»rre«r. OottforAt Ue Nomml, urn per yearforiu.t t e * o d r J , f n m i » a i o K o t K ! r T O r >


    . Xnrnttn. s. I.

    Final Closinj Ptlces"ON"

    Men'sSummerGoodsAll Kan's quality at 41.S5H.S7 qiulilj at Q1.60

    0t» Lol BoyirUinilered.forcal« ShirtsAt 6Sa,cadi, former price 70c

    Bop* Outing Flannel Shirts.TOc quality. «t B7a encb•MB quality it 02c eaili *

    70U03&70SBPSt.ntniripir w T

  • THEFriday, August 34,1894.

    Dr. Bheeta, nf Newark, v>ai In town oilTueeday.

    MIM Nellie Egtn is ependlng two weeks atb P k

    Entered a t the Post Office a t Dotu Moond-olau matter.


    A Rood (how

    At Baker Opera, HouseSaturday (lo-morrowl night, August 2Kth,The attraction at Taylor linw.' tub wMfc is

    a mermaid.Dover flromeaara prKjitit-lng for inspection

    day which occurs Sent. 12th.There will he. * big firemen's parade at

    Phllllpsbtirg on October nth.Ths Township Commit We met Wednesday

    and accepted AaaesBorTIppett's duplicate.He*. Baker Smith, P. D., will preach la the

    KoniH SchoolhouseBunday evening twsxt.Town Clark Joseph V. Baker bu been ap-

    pointed a notary publlo by Governor Wwti,Ths annual reuniou of rbe Twenty eevc&th

    Regiment will be telil at Booaton Septem-ber 6th.

    Tha Upper Hibernians will bave theirSunday School picnic In the grove tomorrow

    Tbe Bntci prise band serenaded Julin Lyonon Wednesday c'gbt and discoursed samestreet music.

    Tbsre wore three excursions at Like Hopatoong yetterday—f rotn Eaatoti, Port Or&mBad Paterson.

    There will be a. Mr at lit, Hope ODD wets:from to-tnorrow under tlie auspices of tit.Boniard's Church.

    The notorioui "Oblcken" Waer la out' orState prison mala, and It In toba hoped bitvisit did him good.

    A good number from Uris place attendedtbe eicnrslon from Port .Oram at Lake Ho-

    The Dover Iron Company £ra making ro-paira to tbelr machinery lu tbe hope thatbuglnau will pick up.

    H. 0. Newklrk will reflle his gray trottinghorse, Clancy, at Baiter Opera HOUK cmSaturday, October Otta.

    Wftlam Dabbe, tbe genial driver of tter-^itw '--^jj^»Uin>jcjjjid father of apolrot twiit-- ^• f lEFf lU

    The mined at Upper Ulbornla ara workingtwo-thlnta Urns iuBU&d of Ifcere being a com*plete shut-down, is wan rumored Monday.

    The Smith family reunion wUl be held onWednesday next, the 2Sr.h,at the RrovB of thelate Fetor Z. Smith, one mile out of Pea pock.

    Jacob Rtdnw'a low by a n at Ironia b ubotn adjtuted to hit entire Botldfaotloathrough the agency of F. H. Tlppett, ofD o w .

    The Democratlo Congressional Conventionfor tha Fourth District will be held at Wasb-ington next Friday. Delegates will beeleatedto-morrow.

    Albert McG«,(ormMly a PsAmon police-man, baa been appointed to succeed Detective^nloD, ol Boonton, by the offlceri of theLaokswinna,

    Port Oram school district had about f 1,200special money In band when tha new law t mpawed, and tbey ere spending it In repairingthe scDool house.

    Tba following Inmrauoe hat toes taintedand paid to tb*lr entire nt'lsf action torc^aI t L, Dunham's Insur*nofl agency: GeorgePierian, S. Block.

    B. B- Potter, of Port Oram, was electedone of the vfce-praldcnta ct the Direct Legis-lation League at trfe1 convention at AaburyPark on Tuesday.

    W. R. Cook, at Montrtown, jroretoBftu TJ. Alien's fast mare, Metal, after seeing herperformaace »t tbe Stanhope race track lastSaturday afternoon.

    A Portland, P«., §aloon-keep*r lost yew, sold 800 kegs ol boor. Owing tothe exoeeelvedrought Ibis year he boj sold 000 beg*, andthe KIHD U not over.

    Tba Port Own Glefc Club h « » bten en-gaged by Candidate Bajionk fr» sing «t politi-cal meetings from Bcptember 11th till tb»•nd of tha campaign.

    P«T. Mr. Nichols, BBfhrtant rector of St.'Peter's Episcopal Churcb, Morrfotown,preached ID BS John's Church, this town,but Sunday morning,

    W. B.lFreggaaa.oI Brick Ctaonfo, ba* takesthe plaos of James Foyluai ticket agent atMortlstown.'tbelatUr having left leaving ashortage in nU account*. >,.:.

    - HO.fcajnoli'a litest petition' b to thepostal antborltls*, asking them to ohangetb*name or Whlppany back to the original In-dlan nsnu of Wblppanoag.

    ~ "Xlwre tro two cbanReB in Uie Republican•ppofctnienta to the flection boards of IUn-

    •idolph towmblp. Thft Democratlo appointmente are the tame aa lart yaar.

    Tbe Mt, Tabor camp-meet!age am largo]/attended and the Mrrlooa very lateratlDgtmany people go from here tothe evening•ervlow. returoing on A 1*te train

    The attendance at tbe ViglUnt'i sxeonJon* hut Friday was not encouraging from a

    financial standpoint, but .ttoy save their: guests a moat dellghtfal day'i outing. ',

    The car shop men met an unwelcome signlast Siturdar afternoon, when they read ontha bulletin that beginning with Holidaytime would be cut to eight hours a d»y. .

    Preaching in.the Free Methodist ChurcnSabbsth rooming itjde*BaIng|10;30and 7;30,Young pwplsat toward Kodt-away. The "•cow" w u decorated with lan-tern* and masts, for dancing w u fnrnltbedby Mfssrs, Stumpf and Balltho. A mostpleasant time wsJ had b / all preoent. Be-Iresbmcmtswera serreu OD the way bome.

    Bpeolal Batas: at A*oory P a r k .Special rates for board and room durin

    camp meeting or until Oatober let.M. J. HARDEN,

    21B 4th Aretiue, Aibury Park.

    W l B h ,2Oo- and 20c., a t tbe Dover Bee Hive Btora,

    Onx SaUr* StockofWlntsr GoodswOl toeoM fit aD B E i

    ! BYKSH E « jour ejea examined aad GUas«a uadtb j A. Jay Ore- (B. OJ, IB W. 83d Bk S. ~


    Tha Woodpnrt HOUM, which la locat«d a tIB extreme narth-ra end of Like UopaAaoag,a most dellgUtf ul place to tpend Mntnmer>

    vacation for these who care net to get far'rora home. This hotel in under tbe pro-nrletorBbSp of Thomas Bright nod mw\

    eat of K J. UUDBOH, of Dover. Toeijwnlpg of the houw has beeu a meet

    eosant ooe this eeaion, and Mr. MUD-r)n his not loft a Btoaa unturned to make it

    He bat engaged and is engaging some ofbast talent ta be had wJiflrebj to entor-i bis guests and to make things lively and

    njoyable. Ltst evening the wblspori ot thehouee were "The Owls, The Owls," and tbeparlors of ths hotel wore elaborately deoor-lUd and "TtwOwUi" received a tnoathuirty

    iloome, not only from Hie management ofa bouse, but tbe guests also seemed In 'be croea sect ion, ta U\o banktne ditcb. Tbe ditch snnulil ba jjlaopdrural fett from ttio flolnliod traveled roa1-


    " Let'a Talk This Thins; Over "Ls£t week ,8k ifarriotown yiung nion InTO carrlngos went to Uorrl* l^lnlns to attendfair. After tho dullghU of tbe fair baden absorbed together with something more

    trdent tbaa the averago fair l-monade, ttieys BtarteJ for a drive by inooiillKbtln ordBrge; full value for the monnythey hades-

    enOedforliorBehire. They alarted off totWhlppany, and when the carriage containing

    ' of tho young aiau reoobf d tho Columbiaroad, Juit below WnshlngtonSi Hondquarters,

    iet three of their acquaintance* afoot,and together they thought they -noulA Imve

    fun with (he other two who had notlept up IO strong a paoe. Tbe four contplrl-0T8 drove their team among toma trees nut

    sight and the party of seven eascotiedihenuolvea beside tbB rood to "uold up" tlie

    wo. ODB of those not of the partyiroper was chosen u spokoauian and vrbmhe two unnuppotlng you the came along he

    Jmped out and itopped the horse and de-manded a transfer or all tholr persanal prop-erty to tbasbapeof moneyandiaweiry. Tbey

    ire ordered to get out of tbe wagon, but onethe young men being of an argumentative

    [Itpotltlaa 8*14 "let's talk thle thiiig over."B other one said nothing' as fear had psra-nd hli TOcal chord*. Wbilo tbey woretlivvcring two ot tho others Rot into tbelr

    wagon and drove off, but after Awhile ro-tnroed and explained t ie alleged joke •'Let'stalk thla thing over * is a by-word In Morrle-

    wn om(>ng those who are1 in tbe secret. Butcouldn't the fellows who were held updosomelaughing by going before tha Grand Jury I" fie iBUghs best who Uuglifl last."

    Sport at Boonton.The biojete raoea gltea by the Boontonbletfo Club at their pretty grounds on ths

    fternoon of Labor Cay, Sept fid, promises tobe ma event full of Interest. Many of the

    rominent riden from Now Vork,New Jersey,atmejlvanla, Delaware, Maryland and Con-

    nectlaut have proqilMd to atMod and asiamonds are offered a* price* it drawi the

    t racers In that class. Those who havaer seen aj>lojcle race oo an enclosed track

    cannot imagine tbe Interest and ezolteoentltwakens t o r n these young atbletee riding at12:80 pace all In a bunch. The grounds areonvenient, grand*tend large, and plenty of

    rige room, Ua accaauWC thamiay en-triee the noes will commence at S o'clock

    Tot BsorUmen.On our fourth page wa print an elaborate

    •ynopda of the gams iawa of the State for thagreater part of which wo are Indsbtid to Fishand Gams Comcnlsalonvr Howard P, Frotb-ingham, of Mt. Arlington Mr, Frotblngham

    a sprat a great deal of tlmo In tbe prepara-tion of tots synopsis and It can be relied uponaa being absolutely accurate. l a interpretingthe dated gtven eportiraco will do well to bearIn nvtad that it la the time between the daWthat the BfasooB are open, for butance rabbitscan be shot betwmn No*. 10 and Dee. 10, but* la not lawful to sheet them on either the10th of November or tbe 10th of December.The wason open* November 11 and doses De-cember 15. . . .

    A Piocamnnj Band.Persons wbo were around the Lsckawnnna

    station en Wednesday, morning when trainS pulled la WBTO treated.to loins excel-

    lent muelo by • baad o r about twenty-livecolored boys from 13 to 14 year* of age. Theboys wier» from Buffalo and were bound forNew York from whence they will sail toEurope, and will aadit Miss Ida Wells in•rousing English public opinion against thelynching of colored peoplBlnthe Souths Theirplaying will no doubt create a sensation InEoghuid. Tniy played e7en better than tbepiccaninny bands which appeared at the

    Ju^r of Uualo la New York lost year inthe play " ! • Old Kentucky."

    f o r Orstaa M u u t vlXxaliequerCol a V. K. Wilton has'declined •r«-eleo-

    Ucn to ttie offloo of Grand Hatter of Exche-quer, of ths Knlghbi of Pythian, and amongthe candidate! we see tho name of A. L.Belley, of Pbilliptburg, and we would llk« to•ee him elected. From our personal know-ledge ol Mr. Reiley ire know him to bmlnently well qualified to tatlsractarily fill

    the pxltion and It would be impossible to geta man who is a more BATUMI worker lu thePythian Kaljhlbood. Tbe Past Caanotllonwill raalte their Mhotloas at the Orat tneeUogIn September, and tho lodges In thii •action

    mid honor themselve* by supporting Bro.

    Lstterss Bemainlng TJnolauDeA l a thiPost Office at Pover, N . J.

    Dover, N. J., Ang. SJth, lm,Timothy Stephens, Urs. 8. W. Bpeer,KdwardBmtth, David Bmlth,Ml«a W rue, Misi Jennla Bcudder,Q. W. Slaoklower, Mr. MUhr,

    To obtain any of the above letters say " ad-Tartlsed " end give date of thii list

    Wit. POLLARD, r

    > Oardnor

    Rockawsy Burough-Jobn C. HcOrath,3«vid Berry, John Q. Molt, Tbomas Downs.

    Uosbury, Port Morris Dblrlct-Qeorgewk, Charles Frogley,athaa Bears, 8uccauiuna Dfebrlct— Henry>ekor, James Eatiran, IL E. Tborp^, TIIIM.: Archer.Wsahington, Scuthtrn Olrtrlct—J. C.

    Barkman, L. It. Scboenheit, Philip Bobuyler,Dufford. tCortheni District-1\ ».

    ouog, Frank Hsggerty, Litvr, inu-til. fill ami IIIIIKII. lit cry unit ln-iv Is

    it)» Hlufji H Ili-ttv. nncl (ilucnui urll-nilliitrauil IIIINLIIJI-. 'IliiTt- Ii inilliliij; Ilk.- thi-m etw-whcrti In Ihla>WU. The Plllillj lltf our iirlcif*. I*TK«4T, t»lmv« ii iilm-iMn oiirslDcl.-. .lust now nu liavtj llcn^nll wind Milts for |(1.00,orlh HU.OO; I'jjr mtll wool milt* f..r V-W, »orlli fa.cu; i;iilldir-u's «U t»i«il «uli« fi>r ( i W , worlli *5.ou.


    )PP. THE BANK, DOVER, N. J .











    LATESTSpecial offering at Hie tti BuildingLadies of Dover and vicinity, if you

    are interested in Black Satinesof fine quality and up to date pat-terns in Heliotrope and Old Rosecall and see our 25c. line at 17c.per yard.

    WM. f l BIKER STQtiE CO.DOVER, N, J\

  • GAME AND F I S H LA.W8.Tbe Uut.tcrdw County Game and Fi»b

    JTotocUon Association has i>rep§.red thefollowing nyno{wls of the game law* a»atnouded ttiia rear, which will be foundveuleuttor rutere

    Uufllwl (i


    Ojx-u K


    IVnoJty fo.

    ths i.f'SiiiruL ami Midi] jOft. ;n uiulitii;. in.AIK. iiiLiui p.f. in,

    Hr.KlkTr.j s i k 1V

    pril 1 mid July IE,nln) l» 1

    u Kuroixau partridge—Net within fhyears a(t«r ixiaengo of act, l'eiialty, fJU.

    Male KiiRllsb |ibBaawit—ISetwueu Oct. 3liBtid Dec. lfltli. 1'tnalty, fJO,

    Tbe nigbtlmwt, A-biMnorwill, t>iruab,ino&iliiw larb, finch, martin, Lorn •*a11inood)>ecbcr, robin, oriole, re.1 MrJ, cedarbird, tanker and all otber fuwctivomue blnliare prutcc'tutl nt all times; or to rnti or dostray tho ncut or egg. of any wild bird. Thepenally is |20.

    Trapy, ensroh. &a., fur tbo enpturRaiue, are prohibited. Penalty, 120,

    Taking llali from rfvurs unil lukt-a at0.

    Drawing otr tbo water of any pond, allor lake, for the jmrposit of wiring, capturingor killing tbo llsU therein, in prohibited. I'tnlty from fS> to I2o0.

    The penalty for pi a clog medicated bait,drug, or any aubstanco whatever that willkill or destroy fl«h in uny of the riveithin mate, Is not less thau * IUU nor more than

    Kit complying with tha by-Uwe tii th«Uonx> 1'rutecUve Societies of tbliBtaU are prohibited from shooting within ltalimits under a penalty of fW, or imprison-ment until the tine Is paid.

    Since tlie at*ivo IVM In typo we have m-celvoJ from ?k\t and Uauie Coinmlaaloneillownrti I'. Froth I n Kb am a aji-jpsie of tingame laws corroborating tbe above and giv-ing tha folbwing additioDal imlntaof Intoroatto spnrtuucn.


    Opcu wnuoii from October Mist to Vecom-ber lOtli.


    O]>eii season from October Slat to Deccmber lfl'.b. {Unlawful to kill female* till 1838.)

    Uhl.E EtiUWflli VllBASitiTB, J.C.

    Open neaton from Uclober Jltst to Deceibar lQtb. (Unlawful to kill females till 18118,)

    Tho following are Illegal nets:

    I t aliatl be unlawful to kill, or have unlaw-fully la powaalon after tbe Mine boa beentaken or killed, or to trap or expose for sale,any night hawk, whip-poor-will, thrush,mwuiow lark, flnuli, martin, barn mallow,wood-pecker, oriole, red or cardinal bird,cedar bird, tAtigcr or any other loseclbirds j iirorltli'd, huwevtr, Hint nothing Inthis section uhall bu io construed as to pre-vent Individuals from taking or kilting En-glish B]iarrowB, crantsb, awki, crown, ravens,crow block blrda or king fibbers; and tblasection shall uot apply to persons killingblrda fur tclpntllle purposm; provided, theyshall have first bare obtained a penult oahereinafter provided.AS TO TRAPS, UNAliEfl, AC, FOfl Tl

    It shall not be lawful to kill, take or capture any doe, buck, fawn or otber aortof deerwbstooover, or any partridge, quail, pheas-ant or grotue nf any hhvl whatsoever, or ienlpe, reed bird or rail bird, by meansblind, trap, mare, D«OTdftrtce whatever,to set the same for tbe purpose be rein mtloned. under the penalty of twenty dollint

    wjitug in any of said waters any of tbi'oreaieuliuiKiI cuutiirniicet'i tberefiiro, or tttear any game fisb In any of the aforesaidenlloned waWrs, or sell or eipogo for ntte,- have unlawfully in ponies it on nfter theuu« bubwe-n kilted, any IUb caught by OQJjntrlvoime prohibited by tliin wctlim nr ft

    place, keep or use any » t liueor l!nea in watuiluhatiited by bass, pickerel, pike or troutunder a jwimlty ol not loudor stroam.

    B.VILOHIVKS OH MBD1LA1KU HA1T.I t i h a l l uot be lawful to place In any ponti,

    lake, river, stroam or In any of the -waters of8tnt« any dynamite, giant or electric

    ilar or any explosive substanco wliatovi•if drug or luedlixUedbaU (or tUa yuriii

    of tuning or killing llab.

    UKLBTBItlOUH 8U1SHTANCKH IN BTHEAJIB.I t thai) not be lawful for any person or>reana, company, corporation or asxoclatlon

    to allow auy dye atuff, coal tar, eawd'ingB, t an bark, lime, refuse fromHI or other deleterious orpolsonouico to lie turned or allowed tn runof tbe waters of this State, either prl^ftic, in tjuiuViTioB i t s t rur t ive lo \\ya l i d

    ot o r disturbing the babita of Qsn luhabltlng

    tbe Mine."DRAWING OF*" WATBIL1.

    I t shall not be lawful to shut olf or drewid tbo water of any pond, stream or lak<

    thU State for tlio purpose of taklug, toptur-

    g or kiUtag tbfi fiab tberaln.

    HUNDAV IIUKT1KU.I t (hall uot be lawful to hunt wltb a gun,

    : wltli a do« and gun, or with apyflrearmi- wtapuus, o r to fleli with bixik und line, ori auy manner whatsoever, en tho Habba'.h

    day (commonly called Dundnj), except tfho obsnrve the seventh day of the K M

    the Sabbath, bunting upon their owniertjr.


    tYniLi Hit} Atnerli^n l^xiojiilst*

    Tbo Bureau of Statistic* of tbe TreasuryDepartmout has fstlmatpd tbs consumptionof sugar In the I'nit ml Mute* for the yesi•r-Hug June 30, 181M, a t 4^13,^00,500 poundfl,

    Tbe aiigar trubt re present flt Iveu usvd Uclaim that the cose of running sugar was %cent per pound, Later they allon-ed that Itsort only }£ cent, oud later aLlll thpy hnveicbnowJedgod (̂ a cost ot otilj- % c«nt ]

    tnd every animal or bird itrapped, snared or taken, or for niy trap,snare or net BOBBI; pruviiied, however, thatnothluK iu lulu net wns.il be so c >ostruedto prevent Incorporated associations fromgathering alive, with netimil or anlmala, bird or blrda, for tbo purpoiaof propogatlug ur presurvtoif themduring the winter, prodded, tbM> they be re-leased again In this stile tbo following springnot later than the fifteenth lay of April.

    •wnts LIADLK TO PKNALTT.It shall not be lawful to kill, iboot or bunt

    any of tba birds or animals mentioned ID tblsnet OD bis ova property or on the propertyof any other person, ezcept daring tbe sea-son and a t such tunes and lo rprovided In this act.

    It shsll not be lawful to hunt rabbits withferrets, or to capture or bill t n r rabbit orhare by moans of any ferret or ferrets.

    DBSTHUOTIOff OP BIRDS 1303.It shall not be lawful for any person

    persons to rob or dutroy tba eggs or nestany wild bird whatever.

    (IEE8K, 1>UCH OH IIR1NT.It fibill not be lawful for any person or

    pertoas hunting or gunning after geeaa, duckor brant t o plaoe tbe boat or sink box orotber floating venel In which he lies In waitto kill said1 geese, duck nr brant at a distanceof more thanfrom tuarsb,

    > hundred feet from Ice,r meadow, or heaped loaweed

    r aand bank not covered with water at hightills; neither Bball It be lawful for any personwith Intent to capture or kill |to hunt after or pursue them with a light a tsight.

    UOATS pncaiiirrxD,It tball not be lawful to ni l for, to 'boot

    ehootfttany gooeo, brant or duck from anybrat or boats, ve«wl or VCSMIB, propelled bysteam or Boil, or from auy boat or boata,vessel ur vcuols, or ilmllar a true ture orstructures, anchored or staked upon tbswaters of thli State.liKTOOD O1T CMTOBJE OF OEISK. DDCKH, «T0.,

    DEFINKD.It shall not be lawful to kill any goose,

    brant or duck with any device or iBstrumintknown a* a swivel or punt gun, or with anyother gun tbanauchguna asarebeldatflength, and tired from tha (boulder wltboutother reite, or to ute or sot any net, device,lnitrutnent or gun other than mich gun a*aforesaid, with Intent to capture or kill anygooM, biantorduck.

    OU8I, DUCKS, AC.Open tcason from AtigustBtsttD May la t

    BLACK, OK OtWKGO HAS!,Opett aeaaon from May aoth to Decem

    ber 1st.

    Iteball not bo lawful to catch, kUl or IISTIunlawfully In porBession any brook trout, fxoeptoplybtitwfttn th» Qrat day of April andtha fifteenth day of July, In any year.

    FKKALTY FOR TAKISO TODKO FISH.I t aiiall cot be lawful to catcht kill, H ) I ,

    expose lor sale, or have la poawtsiiany black bass, measuring; less thaanine Inches In length, except for tbe Dieof stocking waUrs of this itato th«n>with,and on license la writing firrt obtained fortbaG ptirpoee under tbe hand of one sf tbston and game commiuionera of tbla lUte,under t i e penalty of twenty doUsra for fachfish so caught, killed, sold, or exposed for

    "sale, or bad unlawfully in ponejeion.XCK8 rnoniaiTED roa TAEJKO nan


    I'lKX OH TBOV1T.I t ihafl not be lawful for any prnna or

    perwnu, either oa hit own land or the land ofany othar perwtn, a t any time whaunem,oitber by d»J or by night, to pat, place orbaol any «tUf drift, fyke or othar not or noU,or any wl pot nr I»t», b ^ « t or biikita, oranycoDtriT»nc«wtateTarforthe taking orcatching of fWi In «nj of the watan ot thliftate abo*e tide-water, «• to k « p *Hf gW.drift, fyka or otbw nel or net*, nc1 any eel

    . _. - v buiwt*, orMWotherfor tbe rteUocS Kbatorer or f

    of Ilsh In anyof the aid imtmi. catch.« a»drt to tak-

    ing or catcblsg any. fl*.aforesaid, or to pat, plM*V ,n*H!««« or a«W la pattta* plaetaffi builHW

    pound to refine sugar.If we spply thew varioui cosu to lajit

    year's consumption we get a t the total oUO bar-:1s of augurI t we ray tha t It take* 800 men on an av

    go to do tho entire work of refining odelivering an output of 3,000 barrels of su|daily, and this U a Utnre.1 t,Uo«B.uce, we Ihave a total of 13,000 men coiiBtontly tployed throughout tbo year t o handle an aput of 45,000 barrels.

    If wa compare the nurubtr of persona tfaus

    imployed by tbe reQn?rs n l t b tbe total coatot retlnlng sugar, we are enabled to ascertalitheir annual wage*. Tbus :

    STATE AOSI0D-Z.T17RAZ. BO0IETY.Tdti tlilrtj-hiitU nuiiunl exbiliitlnu of tilt

    Htat« Agrifiilmrl H(H-^ty win be held atWovurty I'ark, on tbe liim of tbu I'onuylva-nia Ituilroui). betwMii Newark and Klimbcthun Sl,HKlay, Beptenilwr :S i (irfil^rJDnv), andwill lw continued for live i o ) a , Hluoe thelaxt fair K M hidd tlitba beautiful grnundtbarn bucn ntwin muri' s• mixed puinli, tin I n cnmbinuiluiofpcrfcctly pure trlors in tlic liaudksl (onii Ittint Strictly Pure While I-caJ.

    Agoi.il tmnxtliuuiamlilollars hnvclx.cn

    nixi culprtanL Scud ud a postal c^rd uiboth free.


    WILCOX & BERRYCarpenters and Builders,

    Dover, N. J.

    Plans, speclllcatfons for buildings, contraUbeo and materials furnished.

    Jobbing Promptly Attended to-

    _ _ ^ r s HOOFS.-We furnish flrat-delate and put on elate roof sby good mecbanl

    Backet's Sheathing Paper always on baiOfllM and shoji on Jtlnokwell St., neit U

    lover Lumber Company's Mill.

    K. R. VVlLCO*. A. ti. IlKllBT.

    blliiK have nhviya beenbibiiod during the fair tveek

    p t c

    Democratic Economy,

    Tlie nut ordtimry oiiieiiaofl of tha United

    BtatoaGoccrumi'iit wure reduced under Bo

    publican admlnlstratloni front 110.21 per

    capita of tbu [wiiulatinn fn ISIM dona to | 5 IU

    In 18U2, a decrease of Blmwt one-tidf. Dufng liiDllrBtyparoftlio present BornettdmltiUtcalion tliero wncftn lnoreaioof

    tbaiii'ipfr pent in eipenaea, from $S.iH Iniplta fn ISlKt. Tils hardly

    savors of the economy that was pnached b;tlie Dumocrftts during the campaign nf 183:

    Turning to tbo net ordinary receipt* iio Government, we find that tbor xereftO.li lfiiW and were reduced to *S of tK-Kli)iiiiih-t CDiilaiuini; mio bilmiro.i>n mul di;'it>'-fk uiit>>liiMmnHit)M nurw) cu lliuHuiiKiinoruor Ii~t4. Tint alwvu iinnitip a |uirt ot thu Innil of which Jocol) Sluirj

    k-cciunl, tllitl HL'IHNI.— " wi Tnwl U-fjIiiH nt a rt.nifr over tli

    (if tl"'B(Ht.rili[K>l)f llm Ullck.-ltMtnWLViinpnny, ituliiKllii! fnurtcomh corjif

    id IIif 11 ownul by alii; Word, anil runt (1

    Mill u rjunrtLTcorner ujipoailu a i twtutjftr&lnutlrw; (&) nnrlli,llUnj-.tli~ Ki-st, llvn uhaiua and Uilrty

    itnt lino or th i U*

    HlB3Jr.IT.bnm% felttwcl<

    Do You Knowthat a large percentage of deaths In tbls coun-try are caused by consumption and lung

    ible I A little cold neglftcffld In the be-ginning often terminates In consumptionEvery time you cough, you Increase thetrouble, and an inflammation is toon started,'hlcb Is dinicult to control. There Is om

    remedy that enrea quickly every kind cf scough. That la Dr. Hale's Household CoughCure. It Is the beet. Are you not entitledlo the best! For Bale at S5o. ami Mo, n bot-tie at Robert Killgore's Corner Drug Store,Dover, N. J.

    O. N. Boven,of Adams, N. Y,, ate nothing but dry breedfor three yearn on account of that terribledtseaso, dyspepsia. He states that be was en-tirely cured by Dr. Halo'a Household Tea a

    now cat anythlug. This greatest macfne known Is sold at Kc. and SOo. per p*ck-sge at Robert Kllljtore1! Drug Btare, Davtr.

    Baoklen'a Arnica Salve.The beet salve in the world for Cut*, Bores,

    Droisee, Ulcers,' Salt Rheum, Paver BOTH,Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cornand all Skin Eruptions, and po*ltlve y caretFiles, or no pay required. It la qaaranteedto give perfect satisfaction, or money re-funded. Price twenty-flTO oents per box,For sole by Robert Klllgon, Dover, Onun,Hunt* ft Co., Port Gram, V. It. Jenkhu,

    Dr. Hale'a Household Ointment,la tbo facet remedy In t i e world. It abso-

    lutely cures catarrh. It cures neuralgia andrbwimatlMn. Cares pile* like maglu. Caressalt rheum In tbe most soothing matCures luuamed and granulated eyelids. Cumcoughs and cold*. Can be taken internally.A punitive .specific for pneumonia. Cute,

    lutes, burns, chilblains, Borw ol long stand-Ing, corn! and bunions ore cured quickly:,different from all else; superior to all else; Ithas na eqnaJ, 35c. and 60c boxes. Largealiecbeapett. Bald at BobertKlllgore'aOor-

    All Free.uw who nave used Dr. KInR's New Dis-

    covery know IU valuo, and those who havenot. have now the opportunity to try It Free.Call on the advert!**! DrngRUt and get aTrial BJUIS., Free. Bend your name endaildreM to 11. E. Buckton & Co, Chicago, andget a sample box of Dr. King's New Life,Pills, Free, na well as a copy of Guide toHealth and Hoiuahald Imtrnctor, Free. Allat which U Rue.mata«d to do you good andcoat you nothing at Robert Killjtore's DrugStore, Dovrr, R. F. Oram & CO.'B Drug8Wro, fort Oram, and P. N. Jenkins' DrugBtore, Cbentor, N. J .

    But Tna World's Fair For Fifteen Oenta.Upon receipt of your address and fifteen;ntT In pmtage stamps, we will mail yourepaid our SouVH.im POHTFOIJO OT notORLD'S COLDMBIAN Exi'oaiTlOM, tba «

    lar price Is Fifty Centa, but ai we want youto have one, wo make the price nominal. Youwill On] It • work of art and a thing to be

    rited. I t contains fall page views of thebuildings, with deeorlpUoas of same,

    ana la executed In highest stjlfl of art. Ifnot satisfied with it afl«r you f t It, we willrefund the stomps and let you Iteiin tba book.

    m H . S . BUCEU4.V, A CO.,


    ttwivn Wllllnni II. Aifnrd. com |i!n ii inn t. ai

    IIUTU. ILiSfc^uv J. liurrio. JIUUIM 1'. l'lilliim,Mm. Janiml* I-hllipx and .Mnria 1, ISwMfi-iinW

    nw. Ft, fa. fur iIwo. Ituturiiubki lo OclolHrTurin, A

    tL K. SKiifl

    l . llilLyot).

    :i, HolT,

    BY virtue of the ah->vt> Htiititl writ of IWi fai'ln*In im- liaiids, 1 xliull c*|nsi> rorxnlo nt J'ubllfVemluont tliul'oiirt liuusoiM Morrlntoivi], ti, J.

    MOXIJAY, the loili day of Scplembpr tnA. I). 1Wl| bctinvii tlio liiiiim ur 1J SI.oVlnck I' «-, tlnfk'rnoon or na

    Kinningat n iHilut lutht 'vtitxnlliiK fnim Cmm-'s nil

    lyimt' fivt fruiu I In- LIIIU-T V! MIIKII 3Ii-unr;l''

    itoiitli, fiirty-nliii' uml tlirit'iiimrtcra ilctrtin

    •rof JaiiivoMartin; {«) ".lunjt lilu llnu MiiHh,

    Miviiiiiy '̂lRht'uiitHV> BU^Hii'r'^riu'r' of Mar

    ^ifft.Tu''i>tht>rof Murlln-H o>m'ow York, of heart fnlluro Outnna was killed ami onothor fatally hurtn ft railroad collision noar Lolinnon, N.

    H. 'I'liontroct ralhvny linos In Ban An-tonio, Tex., vroro tied up by a strlbo ofmo to nil on Owing to a bonrj Ralo, tba

    latah for tho Wuhorton cup betwooii theVlgllnnt nnd HID Drltnniilii linn kun post-ponod until Sntunluy Snnto Cnsvrlu,the ntutdotur ol I'rosWciit CurnuC, wnsexoouted at Lyons, llo went to tho guil-lotine calmly, and Although thoro tvna alargo crowd prcsont tlioro wns no demon-itratiuii- An Insurrection fioa brokoniut among tho Kadirsin tbo Transmnlapubllc, and tlio Insurgontfl wbi> aro do-eaing ^gatlin haveluurdorodmany Booriruiew. TflAmrt AUJ[> f%President Clovelnnd loft Wnslilngton to

    jond a tow days a t BuizurA't Bay In thoiopo of gottlns rid of IID attack of umla-

    •la\ fuvor ilnth branchtn of conorosBfios^inn. Tn tlia Bennf* tho four

    lupplertientary tariff bills wor_ roforrodo tho flnniioi) coniinittoo. Many ndnnr

    bills wtro acted upon. In the houso nblUcuring a dofect In tho cow tariff bill waspasisd. A lively debate WAS had over tlio

    I Faclflo appropriation Kx-iIonerAldace F. Wolkor was ap-

    lolntod receiver uC tliu Atolilbou road Couooottd Prosidont Ro|nbart Arthur

    md John llowlnnd won tho nationalloitom cliainploiiBhlp In tounlB tloublos

    Karrngansett Plor At the niDOtofi Jjcnguo of Amoricon Whoolmon a t

    _nver HVDVforld'a rooorda wore brokenTho ccntonnlnl anniversary of Wil-

    liam Cullon Bryant's birth was colooTat-at Cnmmlngton, Mnaa. Tlie Popu-

    Ai and Labor ruTtlca In Ohio lorraed noalltlon- Governor Flower tpoko a t

    quo. It wns Qrango dny, nnd 20,-00 porsotia wsro proeont J. Slons Fna-itt's boom for the Republlwm nomlnn-on fot governor was begun by b h friendst the county convention In HtiHnhnnilntf. Y. Argument wasmmlo ID the con-tltutlonal convention In Albany againstlow York etato continuing tbe mnn-ifnoture of salt at a loaa, and It was ilo-Idod to strike out tho 16,000 limitationIT loss of Ufa-—Tbo pnsttir of the C&th-llo church at St. Mloliaol tlie Arolmngel,

    Pasmlo, N- J., has' established agrocorystore to BOpply hli pnriabloncni with pro-vlBlona Bt low prlcoa Froderiok B«rg-uan wns shot dead at tba roar of his fa-;hoMn-la%v"8 IIOUBO at South Bonoh, Stnt-m I&land. TUotnaa Butko, l^a futbot-Sn-aw, la In tbe Stnploton polioo itatlonjhnrged with murder Now York atnto

    kern fonnDd oiwrniBnontorftnnlintlon•American roslilnnbi of mnoilelds who

    isd tnkon part In tho political intriguesy thoy were refneed protection by thoiinmandors of tbo United States vrav-

    ehlpa there. I t Is roportod tlmt tho rival-r j bttwwo Generals Cotozos and Laenyomay end In assassination.

    Baturday, ADS;. IS.Only tlio Bonnto was In scsilon. Mr.

    Harris ' motion to appoint Mr. Whlto totho vaoant plnco on tlio financeoomriilttoeWAS put over until todn/ after n spiritedlobato. Mr, Murphy oflorod a resolution;hat thoro shall be no more tariff legislo-:lon this •osslon Sliowrtltor won Tlio

    KlatutiR silver chaUongo oup a t thoournnment of ths Stato Chess association

    a t Buffalo Allx trotted tlio fastestthreo milofl on record at tho T o m Hnutoraolns traok ThD Neel broth era dofant-•d Poata and Howlnnd In tho nntlonaleastern tennis dou*b1os at NarmgnmottPlor Throe more worid'a noonla -woroiroken at tho L. A. W. national moot,

    nvor Tho dynomltogun tests woroitlnuod wltliBntlBfooWryrcaultsotSoD-

    ly Uook The Cunard lino steamer7ainpnnla broke the locord from Queens-iwn to tbls point tty over tbrov hours,inking tbo run la 0 doyi D hours and SSdnuUis——Km ma Goldmnn, nnnrohlst,

    rna released from Blaokwoll's Island, ro-elvlHg for good boliavlor a commutationif two months on ber ycar'i sontcticoVnrd Barry ot-Haokonanck, N, J . , atrcat.id for BWDflrlnir in public, was dlnchargodmder a liberal Interpretation of an old»w Thomas Burko o! South Bench.?. Y., nccusod of shooting hla iion In-low,

    Frederick Bergman, wns held to ownlttba result of tho coroner's Inquest on Mon-day-—-Mrs. John Jacob Astorwon a cat-ioat TUCQ off Nowporfc, Hatllns tho boat

    hanolf. Five other society Indies gall mlentbnnts in tbo TODO— Pros 1 dort Cl«vo-land piuwd a qulst day at Gray Gablesmd waa reported as fooling bettor—-AJapBliloiitslBrB tbo birlfl hll

    Chmioollnr Vliicant delivered thacnlmirontn sonao'l liofor* th* C. K S. C,cine* tit ChmituuqUH Elate Senator Ed-

    , nmndO'Connoiof HlngbmntoB, N.Y., •!•I pressed hlmeolf in favor of Mr. FIUSI

    for goTwrnor Onooftho victims of 31:Butler, tho Miohlgnn poleoner, tells of herarimos——A largo consignment of thioufibbrtd homes orrlTcd at Now York tnJCnftlnnd AdTloen tmm fthmifihal tverotlmt tba J->panpso Intend fid BIIOTIIJ to at-tuck tho fortlflud city ot Wel-Hoi-Wol.The price of food In tbo war district fanrapidly riHon. Ilei'vy levlfla ofboon iiitidu The English crulsor Soa-mow VUB Jnjund 'n oolllilon A po^eistent fiprrud of cholera in several dis-tricts of l£ntit I'f uadlu was reportedTheaultnn'B tixnilis wore dofoatcd by therebellious Kabylcs at Nozagfin Ur.Frelro, minletcr 0* finanosof Brazil, hairesigned It Is said a t St. Futonburgtbat IlUBfila and other powers contlmiatheir eOortB to restore puooo between Chl-nn nnd Japun -Tho commciolal treat}bctWMQ Epaln nnd thu Argentine Ilopub-llo has boon oonoludod Tho AdamsproBB train No. 65 nnd tlie South Fn" hum (N. H.) accommodation oollldod,_ tho fralghtyorda at WoEtwstoc, Mass,

    Rev. J l r Cobb of Sprlngflold, Colo.,' wait supposed to have been lost In ths

    italns, has roturnod snfc and wellThe continued drought hos oausod much

    itlorlng to tho uWok and dainAfre to thops in tho neighborhood of Norwich, K,. Tbe CheuHiijjO river Is li>'

    hat buoii for BO yoflm.TpenUT, Ang. 3)1.

    Nearly 11,000 mill operatives In NewBedford, Mass., Joined In a strike nsainsta reduction of ̂ ngea of eplnnore andwoavorfl, ana mnny mills wore loroed toshut down President UabB of tboAmorlonn Knllwoj' union appeared bo fore

    national labor commission end roolturthistory of tha lat« itrlke. Ho said iti tlio fcdoral oourt and not tbo troopsloh dofatrtod tbo etilker*. Q<

    Pullman lias been asked to appear before

    •iho oomnilBalon -"Mrs. Ilobhlna," w L -iwlndled many Harvard man In Nii'ork lost May, ts under nrrost for similar

    ofTunsoa In Hartford Tbo aatiual campitltig «f tbo Ocoan Orovo oanoolotlot

    bugnn Tho New York constitutlonnconvention dlicussod tbo Judiciary article

    Wins Emma tJuhuftner, while drivingtn Central nark, Now York, was thrownfrom ber carriage nnd killed Bothhouses of congress wore la aosalon. In thesenate tlio four snpptoiuonlnTy tariff billswore reported bnckwlth amondnienta andplaced on tlio calendar. In tlio house only

    lurk famll)- " ritor, mot ' , . . ,tughter—of Gluninooro, N. J . ,ibbod hoiisoa ID western Now Jersey,lire dlscovorod in their lulr and foil ah tvo battles with oonstabU-g. The men 00-ipod, Lut tho wonion nnd a large quni

    (y of booty woro onpturod CI1I110111 a boots and wurelilpa are guarding tli

    Doitt of China to prevent the landing ofso truopx. A battle Is Iniminoi '

    in'Koron. Tho Jn pan ORO war loan hi

    iK-oii fully Buliscrlbud Tho Irish NiJonailfits In thohoufioof commons pbj 00 tc

    strunuoualy to tho guvorninont's a t t i tudetoward quostlons alfootlng Irish intorostH

    Uao mau wns »'.iot when ColonelUroeklnrldKo spoke nt Qoorgotomi, Ky.

    Euston takes tlie plaoe of A HUD townIn tho Pennsylvania Stnto leagueFive liundrud door wero killed during t h sDnC five days of tho Adirondack MQBOII

    Farmers In Stetibon county, N. Y,,iro Buffering from a plague of grflssliop-

    pars ami droimht "Tho mayor ot SiouxCity, In-, anys bo will not permit thoJackson-Corbott fight lo occur in that cityas arranged Tlio Sacngorfost, In con-

    itlon with tho Con tieotlout gaengor-nd, was boKun a t New Haven Hon.liah (Juincy roalgnod tho ohalnnanshlptho Massachusetts a tote Democratic^nmittoe Thruo children woru killed

    iy lightning at Clnyljpn, Ma Tho Newrereoy labor oongross ossemblod a tKl iza-foth, N. J FtQeldoot Ctevcland'B

    health continues to Improvo——Tho Ufasaving stations wero ordered opened Im-niodlntely Thomas Stock: comml tudenloldoAt Stamford, Conn,, by throwingllmsolf uader the wheels of »n express•nfn.

    Dur ingn rcsatta olTSt JohiiH. N . B., tbe•noht Pr im rose was sent to tha bottom byb BUddoti 8 Bobart KHl«ra.*DoTar H. I.





    Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron

    Roofing, Zino, Sheet Lead,

    Lead Pipe, Pomps, &o.




    Childrenwho are thin, hoHow-cbest-od| OP growing too fast, aremade Strong, Robust andHealthy by


    the Cream of Cod-Ilver Oil,It contains material for mak-ing healthy Flesh anil Bones.Cured Coughs, Colds andWeak Lungs.. Physiciant, theworld over, endorse It.

    Don't bB decolred bj Substitutes!to IMM * >o-u, H.X.

    Look through my poem

    you may possibly con-

    clude its the way to ob-

    tain value when wanting

    anything in the form of a

    good shoo. It is not one

    1 od at variance with the

    first cause of selecting

    reliable goods at a price

    rightly sung to their

    bonaildo quality.

    May 18th, 1894.

    J, 0. K A MINSK!,

    DOVER, N. J.

    A CAUTION!YTbeu you ask for Ballantlne'i Export, beire rou get it. Do not accept any othereer, because someone Bays It Is jUBt as good,small glass at tha gen