k bt n utn jun-

WWKyM K q 1 bt n utn jun- x III VOL XL t N0 VJ PADUCAH KYV SATURDAY JANUARY 16 1904 10 CENTS PER WEEK I A GOOD CATCH f- JUM13 ODty Alias Jas Snlliva Arrested Today Had a Grip Full of Stolen Article Iud Had Broken Into Sew oral Places HE WAIVED EXAMINATIO 1 1JamaODar alias James Sullivan 1q tho name of supposed profosalona housebreaker arrested here last nigh by A F Walter night caller in tho south I 0 yards and In ODavs are rout the police think they have cap Lured a celebrated criminal and an round crook Every action and every speech ute lerod by ODay since his arrest goo to 1 1 show ho has been in custody before The nonchalant air ho assumed when waiving examination and tho genors careleetncM of his manner confirms the of loon suspicions that ho is a prc festional of more than ordinary Impoi tanco in criminal circles Mr Walter tbu caller II a license officer nod boars arms He makes a practice of enrolling every ono whet f ho Until in the railroad yards at night and this morning shortly before day- break ODay came staggering down n 1 tho tracks with a big grip chnckc f full of fttuff He introduced himself to Walter saying ho was from Louisville a railroad man and wanted to got homo Walter thou searched him and on opening tho grip was astounded to find it filled with boxes of cigari clothing razors hair clippers nool ties collars cuffs carpenter tool and many other articles Ho immediately suspected a bm glary aud placed ODay under arrest ThoCaler then telephoned Lieutenant Frank llarlan of his catch and asks If any bouses or stores had been brot en into At this juncture Lientenan llarlan was telephoned by Patrolma 1 Hike Dngan that E T McKinney1 saloon had been broken Into and Lion tenant Bar Ian instructed Oallor Waite to bring the suspect in which waR done Since the officers have been invcstl gating tho cue it has been found that several places hat boon entered The McKinney saloon near lltth anll y Broadway is one Out of this plac liquor cigars and tobaooo wore taken but no money missed William W Calvert colored wh runs a barber shop at 1 11th and Broad way identified property found in 0 Days grip and stated his shop bad been broken into The residence of R T Nelson at t 1218 Broadway was broken into and J I Stokes1 room entered Tbo grit found in the burglars possession wa stolen from Stokes along with severs articles of wearing apparel and sun- dry other things All places entered aro in the sam vicinity and ODay has been traced down from 11th and Broadway to the new yards south of the city whore bE was arrested J PollotJ warrants each charging housebreak fag road to him Ills bond was flxoc at 200 in each case and when th soot had finished ruading thorn tbe defendant stood up anti stated ho do sired to waive examination having ni attorney or witnesses and askod if the f 600 bond meant for all the other charges or for each separate offense Ho was informed that it was tho tote bond and asked if a cash bond would do ODay talked liko ho wa able to give a cash bond and when re marks wore made ubont the number 01 articles found in his possession hi smiled ami stated to n follow prisoner that ho wished ho know ho had all 1that stuff on him Walter the caller has been highli congratulated by tho local officers foi N his gcod work and think ho can so euro still another ohargo against the man Ho thinks ho might bo able to prefer a federal charge Walter lives at 137 Jackson street and Is a good k energetic worker t IS OUT FOR MORE Japan i is Dissatisfied Over Rus sias Note A Third of the Pembroke Murdero Gets a Death Sentence This Morning CHICAGO CHURCHES CLOSE JAPN NOT SATISFIED Now York Jan 16Tho Hornh says St Petersburg The sltnatlo may be summed up as follows Japan I is dissatisfied with tho Russian boto and returns it for amendment Ao cording to the declaration of a high official of the foreign office given to- me when tho last Russian reply wa sent to Japan Russia has conceded III she possibly can and while willlui to grant small conocsBlous to Japan In Korea she refuses to discuss the quo tlon of Manchuria with her Japan from what is known heroin stub I in pushing tho Manohurianopci door question as a sine qua non and also with equal insistence urging tba she should be given assurance of tho integrity of Korea and China to wbiol Russias consent is impossible Bus sia will reply in a similar tone and will lay her reasons before the power justifying her attitude MURE OUUROUES CLOSED Chicago III Jan l6Six church- es were closed today by order of tbo city building commissioner A dozen halls wore also ordered closed An inspection of the hospitals I is now prc grossing ANOTHER GETS DEATII Hopklnsvlllo Ky Jan 16Chicle Finch the third nsgr tried for the Pembroke murder was today de dared guilty and given a death sun tenoe There are six more to bo tried PROHIBITION NATIONAL CON VENTION Chicago Jan 16 Indianapolis was chosen by the Prohibition party for its national convention which wll bo held on Juno 29- ACQUITTED OF MURDER New Castle Ky Jan 16Th jury in the case of M H Ferguson charged with the murder last Juno of Dr F B Yanoey returned a verdio this morning acquitting him BOYSRELEASED They Were Charged With Steal ing Bottles Mr RC Oalllisl Recovered tho Good and tbo Youngsters Wero Dismissed Ira Neighbors Charles Meadow and Jack Meadows throe small toys under tho ago of ton were arralgnoi beforo Judge Sanders this morning for stealing empty beer bottles from thi front of the cold storago on First street near JofTVnon Tho bottles woro stored in cases nil not locked Tht boys matlo n raid 01 thorn and took four clues Tho bottle are worth f 10 or moro and nil Air Calient wanted to do was to rcoovo thom Tho youths stated thoy sold tho bottle to the Red Rook saloon for a penny each They were dismissed of the charge of potty larceny ot recommendation of Mr Oaliisi who did not care to prosecute Tho Meadows boys aro very bad It Is said and once their father attempt ed to havo thorn sent to tho reform school saying ho could not manage them y J ft t ti WEEKS NEWS IN THE BUSINESS WORLD Clearings this week 676871 Same week last year 679123 Increase 4343 Business has been very good the past week and counter business with the banks has boon atcive Wholesale trade reports conditions at very satisfactory with collections bettor than anticipated Retail trade is quiet but this is the rule at this season of the year fuel ¬ ness is I better than last year in a small degreeManufacturers report business as very satisfactory and bookings of or ¬ ders as good General outlook is good for tho year and some of tho local concerns aro overrun with orders Tho first car load of machinery has arrived from Niles Mich for the Rex Manufacturing company and is HE HADFUNDS Capture of a Noted Syindle After a Long Chase Citizens in Oklahoma Fall Out Owe Town Jealousy and They Fight POSTAL CLERK ARRESTED Denver Col Jan 16 Henry Her- bert Pigott who achieved notoriety in 1901 by eloping from Philadelpbi to Denver with Charlotte Bryan bll wifes niece disappearing it i olaimedwith funds estimated at more than 500000 has been arrested with the woman at Princeton B 0 Thi capture was effected after a long cbas on dog sleds through a wild moan tainons country Pigott asked to be given his liberty upon condition of giving tho documents but ho wa turned over to tho police Papers rep resenting 500000 were found by tto deteotlvClTOOK MANY STAMPS Chicago Jan 1C August O Brook er a postal clerk has been arreite on a charge of stealing postage stamp of large denominations from letter addressed to foreign countries Brook or admitted hawing taken stamps for more than a year the thefts not bein discovered sooner because he was tbe last person to handle tho foreign real before it was tied in bundles Brook or it is said declared bo wanted tht stamps to add to his collection HANGED AT ATLANTA Atlanta Ga Jan 16John Har ris colored was banged hero for the murder of Policeman Hans O Dras bath in this city October S 1903 Drasbaob bad arrested Harris and bad him in custody when the negro tabbed him with a knife LOST YOUGEST QUILL The many friends of Mr Eugene O Gleavcs formerly of Paducah bu now of Carthage Mo will regret to learn that ho anti Mrs Gloaves roster day lost their youngest child one year old SAD NEWS RELATIVE OF DR D G MUR nELL DIBS IN BVYOU OOULA LA Dr D G Mnrrell received a tele rsatu this morning announcing the death list night from dropsy at hit homo iu Bayou Gonla La of hit ooutfiu Mr John V Mnrrell a weal- thy sugar plnutcr and prominent oiti gen of the south He way born In AthoiM Teuu and was 70 years of age Ht was a coniln of Dr Mur rells father and was tbo last left of his generation of the Mnrrell family Ho waR an eXCoufoilorato soldier and was especially well known in his native state of Tcnncssoo being unloaded The curtain polo de- partment ¬ of the concern has been run ¬ ning for some time but shnt down to ¬ day until the machinery for the plo ¬ ture frames I is installed The board of directors of the city National Bank met this morning and reelected the following officers Sam ¬ uel B Hughes president i Joseph L Friedman vice president i James 3 Utterbaok cashier and C E Richard- son ¬ assistant cashier DANK STATEMENT Reserve inc 8494776 Reserve less U B inc 8641400 Loans ino 18403400 I Specie ino 16377200- Logals ino 2106400 1 Deposits ino a6666800 Circulation deo 920000 OVER THE STATE No Prosecution Against W W Morris Likely Boy Near Owensboro Accidental Shoots His MotherTo ¬ bacco Moving NEW ASYLUM IS WANTED Louisville Ky Jan UIA ahat tered idol worshipped even after it has fallen from Its narlne despoiled II I William W Morris tho defaulin chairman of tho widows and orphans I fund of the Chosen Friend Lodge ot Old Fellow Fully UO per cent of the 1800 mem ben of the order in this city aro op posed to the lodges taking any stop II toward a criminal prosecution The devotion to Mr Morris which was so marked when ho held a position o f honor and trust in the order is stil I unshaken and oven though nearly hal f of the charitable reserve fund of the lodge has been swept away by his do falcation it is almost certain that DO criminal proceeding will be against hire SOLD TOBACCO Cadiz Ky Jan 16l Frank Lady 1 and Sheriff Alex Wallace are the firs t here to sell their tobacoo this season Mr Latld got 5 per hundred and Mr Wallace who had two crops receiver i 560 per hundred for one crop and f II for the other one This is about 71 cents cheaper per hundred than the sauna quality of tobacco sold for last year FOR NEW ASYLUM Frankfort Ky Jan 16The bill I introduced for the building of an in- sane asylum at Beattyvillo at a cost of 160000 is having the support ot the members from tho mountain sec- tion lion R O Hill former repro sentaUvo from Leo and Estill counties h actively at work in behalf of the UtelluroTOBAOOO ON THE MOVE Owonsboro Ky Jan 16A tobao oo season has opened and business i Is making great strides Fifty loads were sold yesterday at fair prices Tho op- ening of tho market will relievo the congestion which has existed in local business houses during tho post ACCIDENTALLY SHOT MOTHER Owosuboro Ky Jan 16Mrs Thomas Church of this county was shot and fatally wounded by her son Will Church a boy of 16 years old Ho was playing with n pistol when i it was discharged Tho ball passed through his mothers stomach The state revenue authorities o t Mississippi have refunded to the nu nois Central 4000 it having been found that tho sum was unlawfully collected by the revenue officers a tiabvcrlto for jn i Sn Y AROUND THE SHOPS Meeting Held to Act on Dis charge of Foreman Dustin Dispatcher Bennett Again 111 and Die patohor North li in Charge of His Desk cYy OTHER RAILROAD NEWS Mr W L Bennett Mutant chief dispatcher of the Louisville divislo of the L 0 is ill again and unable to bo on duty Chief Dispatcher E F North who has been here for the pad week working in Mr Bennetts place will have to remain until some ono else can bo secured to handle tho office Mr North intended going homo to Louisville last night but wa delayed by Mr Bennetts illness He will have to go to Loitobfield to atteni court Monday and in the meantimi the company will secure a man to manage the local office if Mr Benuet has not recovered Last night Mr Harry Judd t a prominent Odd Fellow received s a telegram from St Louis saying that e a man named J A James wai killed In the railroad yards in St Louis a day or two ago and was a member of Mag- num lodgo of Odd Felbws at Paducah The telegram asked for Instruction relative to the disposition of the body Mr James death was mentioned yes- terday and ho had a brother hero who went to St Louis to take charge 01 the body Last night the boiler rakers held i a meeting to take some teuton in at- tempting to have the company restore Foreman A M Dustin to his former position but the result of the meet lug was not given out Mr Dustii is J Ar generally with the employee o i ± i shops and theY will do all they c1o b tto have him placed back in hll position Last night an electric feed wire broke at the I 0 passenger depot and lodged on the tracks running in Iron of the depot Fire flashed about for some time and linemen had to bo son for to pick the wire up and plaoo It out of the way 1Mr H 0 MoCourt assistant gen- eral manager of southern lines of the I0 arrived in the oily today from Cairo and went to Louisville on the I morulng > ocommodation train Dr Johnston Bau returned Iron Florence station this morning H had been to see his two daughters wbo are 111 of moasels They are better- S today Mr William McUreevy traveling engineer of the Memphis division of r the I 0 is in the oily START A- CIRCUS Reported That Messrs Terrell l are to Start Another Show They State That There Is Nothing i In the ReportNow in Circulation 1It has been reported for several days past that the Messrs Terrell of Pads cab contemplate starting a menagerie I or circus and put it on the road this I season but they deny that they haveI decided to do anything of tho kind According to one report they desire to get out a tbrooring circus and an other report is that it will be only an I animal show The Meiers Terrell are old hands in tho show business having had i a large circus for several years and for two or three seasons a wild west show If they decide to put out another show needless to say tbey will havo a largo one H LATE BALL NEWS Manager Sam Jackson Returns From Louisville 1 r Says Ho Did Not Want to Get Tats a Central League Will Get J Good Club I i OTHER BASEBALL NOTES Mr Sam Jackson owner of the Pa ducah K I T league baseball club l returned last night from Loulsvilla where ho had been conferring witk John S Ray who will be managUI this season of Padncabs team It was reported that Mr Jackson t had gone to Terre Haute Ind to at- tend ¬ a meeting of the Central LeagM and gain admittance into that league but Mr Jackson denies this strongly When Mr Weille was in the baseball i association here Mr Jiokson ex- plained we did apply for admittance into that league but now I have pur chased Mr Weillee stock and am lOt owner of the team and business heretl and do not want to got into that league From Lonisvillo I wired the Central league that I would not attest the meeting and did not care to putt my application for admittance and sot- to consider it It is a hard matter to droo a town from any league and I suppose the reason no other towu were taken in was for this reason d no town would drop out of the leagues Mr Jackson has secured his WaDI and is ready for the opening of the season He has secured players front all over the country and not in any in ¬ stance have two men been secured from the same town In organizing a team of this kind Mr Jaoksoa hopes to do away with disorganizing 1 1 which is prevalent among players from the same town We will have 1F harmony and a good hard working team Mr Jackson stated and I will have my men here on April li for trainingMr will out the middle steps out of the f grand stand and floor it in making more seating room Ha will mount a scorers stand in the oea ter and make other improvements ta the grand stand The suits this season will be light grey with white college caps Stripped stockings will be used and a flashy outfit worn by the Indians President Irwin Thompson of tin K LT league stated yesterdeay that the Kitty league would pay better for towns of Fadncahs size than large leagues and if Paducah got into any bigger league the salary limit rail ¬ i tread fare and officers salaries wo Id be doubled and the patronage re111I the same Paducah Cairo or any town of this size has got no businessr t trying to support a big league toaaI Dr Thompson declared Alonzo Hedges the local baseball pitcher loft last night for St LomI on business Hodges is wanted by Ute American league team of St Loafs and it is understood ho has gone then lto confer with managers Milwaukee reserved Hodges for this season bat there it talk of selling him One pa¬ per recently printed a report that f l Hodges had boon sold to CincinnatiY Y of the National league but Hedges had heard nothing of this matter A Charlie Doylo tho southpaw pitcher with Paduoah at the close of the sea ¬ son has accepted a position as brake man on tho N 0 and St L road Doyle does not know whether ho will play ball this season or not and stated yesterday that it was undecided what ho would do Doylo is being reserved by the local team r- I DIED SUDDENLY Lancaster Ky Jan 16Arter eat ¬ jl- ing a hearty dinner and sitting before the fire smoking his pipe and appar- ently ¬ in tho test of health Mr Joha Turner suddenly expired without ut ¬ boring a sound Ho was 56 yeara old A widow and two chlldrenJrurviTO 1 him l +

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bt n utn jun-x




f-JUM13 ODty Alias Jas Snlliva

Arrested Today

Had a Grip Full of Stolen Article

Iud Had Broken Into Sew

oral Places


11JamaODar alias James Sullivan1q tho name of supposed profosalonahousebreaker arrested here last nighby A F Walter night caller in thosouth I 0 yards and In ODavs are

rout the police think they have cap

Lured a celebrated criminal and anround crook

Every action and every speech ute

lerod by ODay since his arrest goo to1 1 show ho has been in custody before

The nonchalant air ho assumed whenwaiving examination and tho genorscareleetncM of his manner confirmsthe of loon suspicions that ho is a prcfestional of more than ordinary Impoitanco in criminal circles

Mr Walter tbu caller II a licenseofficer nod boars arms He makes apractice of enrolling every ono whet

f ho Until in the railroad yards at nightand this morning shortly before day-

break ODay came staggering down

n 1 tho tracks with a big grip chnckcf full of fttuff He introduced himself to

Walter saying ho was from Louisvillea railroad man and wanted to gothomo Walter thou searched him andon opening tho grip was astounded tofind it filled with boxes of cigariclothing razors hair clippers noolties collars cuffs carpenter tool andmany other articles

Ho immediately suspected a bmglary aud placed ODay under arrestThoCaler then telephoned LieutenantFrank llarlan of his catch and asksIf any bouses or stores had been broten into At this juncture Lientenanllarlan was telephoned by Patrolma

1 Hike Dngan that E T McKinney1saloon had been broken Into and Liontenant Bar Ian instructed Oallor Waiteto bring the suspect in which waR

doneSince the officers have been invcstl

gating tho cue it has been found thatseveral places hat boon entered TheMcKinney saloon near lltth anll

y Broadway is one Out of this placliquor cigars and tobaooo wore takenbut no money missed

William W Calvert colored whruns a barber shop at 111th and Broadway identified property found in 0Days grip and stated his shop bad

been broken intoThe residence of R T Nelson at

t 1218 Broadway was broken into andJ I Stokes1 room entered Tbo gritfound in the burglars possession wastolen from Stokes along with seversarticles of wearing apparel and sun-

dry other thingsAll places entered aro in the sam

vicinity and ODay has been traced

down from 11th and Broadway to thenew yards south of the city whore bE

was arrested

JPollotJwarrants each charging housebreakfag road to him Ills bond was flxoc

at 200 in each case and when thsoot had finished ruading thorn tbedefendant stood up anti stated ho do

sired to waive examination having niattorney or witnesses and askod if the

f 600 bond meant for all the othercharges or for each separate offenseHo was informed that it was tho totebond and asked if a cash bondwould do ODay talked liko ho waable to give a cash bond and when remarks wore made ubont the number 01

articles found in his possession hismiled ami stated to n follow prisoner

that ho wished ho know ho had all

1that stuff on himWalter the caller has been highli

congratulated by tho local officers foiN his gcod work and think ho can so

euro still another ohargo against theman Ho thinks ho might bo able toprefer a federal charge Walter livesat 137 Jackson street and Is a good

k energetic worker




Japan iis Dissatisfied Over Rus

sias Note

A Third of the Pembroke Murdero

Gets a Death Sentence This




Now York Jan 16Tho Hornhsays St Petersburg The sltnatlomay be summed up as follows JapanIis dissatisfied with tho Russian boto

and returns it for amendment Ao

cording to the declaration of a highofficial of the foreign office given to-

me when tho last Russian reply wa

sent to Japan Russia has conceded IIIshe possibly can and while willluito grant small conocsBlous to Japan In

Korea she refuses to discuss the quo

tlon of Manchuria with herJapan from what is known heroin

stubI in pushing tho Manohurianopcidoor question as a sine qua non andalso with equal insistence urging tbashe should be given assurance of thointegrity of Korea and China to wbiolRussias consent is impossible Bussia will reply in a similar tone andwill lay her reasons before the powerjustifying her attitude


Chicago III Jan l6Six church-

es were closed today by order of tbocity building commissioner A dozenhalls wore also ordered closed Aninspection of the hospitals Iis now prcgrossing


Hopklnsvlllo Ky Jan 16ChicleFinch the third nsgr tried for thePembroke murder was today de

dared guilty and given a death sun

tenoe There are six more to bo tried



Chicago Jan 16 Indianapolis waschosen by the Prohibition party forits national convention which wllbo held on Juno 29-


New Castle Ky Jan 16Thjury in the case of M H Fergusoncharged with the murder last Juno of

Dr F B Yanoey returned a verdiothis morning acquitting him


They Were Charged With Stealing Bottles

Mr RC Oalllisl Recovered tho Good

and tbo Youngsters Wero


Ira Neighbors Charles Meadowand Jack Meadows throe small toysunder tho ago of ton were arralgnoibeforo Judge Sanders this morning forstealing empty beer bottles from thifront of the cold storago on Firststreet near JofTVnon

Tho bottles woro stored in cases nilnot locked Tht boys matlo n raid 01

thorn and took four clues Tho bottleare worth f 10 or moro and nil AirCalient wanted to do was to rcoovothom Tho youths stated thoy sold

tho bottle to the Red Rook saloon for

a penny each They were dismissedof the charge of potty larceny otrecommendation of Mr Oaliisi whodid not care to prosecute

Tho Meadows boys aro very bad ItIs said and once their father attempted to havo thorn sent to tho reformschool saying ho could not managethem y

J ft t ti



Clearings this week 676871Same week last year 679123Increase 4343

Business has been very good thepast week and counter business withthe banks has boon atcive

Wholesale trade reports conditionsat very satisfactory with collectionsbettor than anticipated

Retail trade is quiet but this is therule at this season of the year fuel ¬

ness isI better than last year in a small

degreeManufacturersreport business as

very satisfactory and bookings of or ¬

ders as good General outlook is good

for tho year and some of tho local

concerns aro overrun with ordersTho first car load of machinery has

arrived from Niles Mich for theRex Manufacturing company and is


Capture of a Noted SyindleAfter a Long Chase

Citizens in Oklahoma Fall Out Owe

Town Jealousy and They



Denver Col Jan 16 Henry Her-

bert Pigott who achieved notorietyin 1901 by eloping from Philadelpbito Denver with Charlotte Bryan bllwifes niece disappearing it i

olaimedwith funds estimated at more

than 500000 has been arrested withthe woman at Princeton B 0 Thi

capture was effected after a long cbason dog sleds through a wild moantainons country Pigott asked to be

given his liberty upon condition of

giving tho documents but ho wa

turned over to tho police Papers rep

resenting 500000 were found by tto


Chicago Jan 1C August O Brooker a postal clerk has been arreiteon a charge of stealing postage stampof large denominations from letteraddressed to foreign countries Brookor admitted hawing taken stamps formore than a year the thefts not beindiscovered sooner because he was tbe

last person to handle tho foreign realbefore it was tied in bundles Brookor it is said declared bo wanted thtstamps to add to his collection

HANGED AT ATLANTAAtlanta Ga Jan 16John Har

ris colored was banged hero for themurder of Policeman Hans O Dras

bath in this city October S 1903

Drasbaob bad arrested Harris and badhim in custody when the negro tabbedhim with a knife

LOST YOUGEST QUILLThe many friends of Mr Eugene O

Gleavcs formerly of Paducah bunow of Carthage Mo will regret tolearn that ho anti Mrs Gloaves rosterday lost their youngest child one

year old




Dr D G Mnrrell received a tele

rsatu this morning announcing the

death list night from dropsy at hit

homo iu Bayou Gonla La of hitooutfiu Mr John V Mnrrell a weal-

thy sugar plnutcr and prominent oitigen of the south He way born In

AthoiM Teuu and was 70 years of

age Ht was a coniln of Dr Murrells father and was tbo last left of

his generation of the Mnrrell familyHo waR an eXCoufoilorato soldier andwas especially well known in hisnative state of Tcnncssoo

being unloaded The curtain polo de-


of the concern has been run ¬

ning for some time but shnt down to¬

day until the machinery for the plo ¬

ture frames Iis installedThe board of directors of the city

National Bank met this morning andreelected the following officers Sam ¬

uel B Hughes president i Joseph LFriedman vice president i James 3

Utterbaok cashier and C E Richard-son


assistant cashier


Reserve inc 8494776Reserve less U B inc 8641400Loans ino 18403400

I Specie ino 16377200-Logals ino 2106400

1 Deposits ino a6666800Circulation deo 920000


No Prosecution Against W W

Morris Likely

Boy Near Owensboro Accidental

Shoots His MotherTo ¬

bacco Moving


Louisville Ky Jan UIA ahattered idol worshipped even after ithas fallen from Its narlne despoiled III

William W Morris tho defaulinchairman of tho widows and orphans I

fund of the Chosen Friend Lodge otOld Fellow

Fully UO per cent of the 1800 memben of the order in this city aro op

posed to the lodges taking any stop II

toward a criminal prosecution Thedevotion to Mr Morris which was so

marked when ho held a position ofhonor and trust in the order is stil I

unshaken and oven though nearly hal fof the charitable reserve fund of thelodge has been swept away by his do

falcation it is almost certain that DO

criminal proceeding will be

against hire


Cadiz Ky Jan 16l Frank Lady1

and Sheriff Alex Wallace are the firs there to sell their tobacoo this seasonMr Latld got 5 per hundred and MrWallace who had two crops receiver i

560 per hundred for one crop and f II

for the other one This is about 71

cents cheaper per hundred than thesauna quality of tobacco sold for lastyear


Frankfort Ky Jan 16The billIintroduced for the building of an in-

sane asylum at Beattyvillo at a costof 160000 is having the support otthe members from tho mountain sec-

tion lion R O Hill former reprosentaUvo from Leo and Estill countiesh actively at work in behalf of the


Owonsboro Ky Jan 16A tobaooo season has opened and business iIs

making great strides Fifty loads weresold yesterday at fair prices Tho op-

ening of tho market will relievo thecongestion which has existed in localbusiness houses during tho post


Owosuboro Ky Jan 16MrsThomas Church of this county wasshot and fatally wounded by her sonWill Church a boy of 16 years oldHo was playing with n pistol when iitwas discharged Tho ball passedthrough his mothers stomach

The state revenue authorities otMississippi have refunded to the nunois Central 4000 it having beenfound that tho sum was unlawfullycollected by the revenue officers

atiabvcrlto for jn i Sn




Meeting Held to Act on Dis

charge of Foreman Dustin

Dispatcher Bennett Again 111 and Die

patohor North li in Charge of

His Desk



Mr W L Bennett Mutant chiefdispatcher of the Louisville divisloof the L 0 is ill again and unable tobo on duty Chief Dispatcher E FNorth who has been here for the padweek working in Mr Bennetts placewill have to remain until some ono

else can bo secured to handle thooffice Mr North intended goinghomo to Louisville last night but wadelayed by Mr Bennetts illness Hewill have to go to Loitobfield to attenicourt Monday and in the meantimithe company will secure a man tomanage the local office if Mr Benuethas not recovered

Last night Mr Harry Judd taprominent Odd Fellow received satelegram from St Louis saying that eaman named J A James wai killed In

the railroad yards in St Louis a dayor two ago and was a member of Mag-

num lodgo of Odd Felbws at PaducahThe telegram asked for Instructionrelative to the disposition of the bodyMr James death was mentioned yes-

terday and ho had a brother hero whowent to St Louis to take charge 01

the body

Last night the boiler rakers held iameeting to take some teuton in at-

tempting to have the company restoreForeman A M Dustin to his formerposition but the result of the meetlug was not given out Mr Dustiiis J Ar generally with the employee

oi ± i shops and theY will do all theyc1o

b tto have him placed back in hllposition

Last night an electric feed wirebroke at the I 0 passenger depot andlodged on the tracks running in Ironof the depot Fire flashed about forsome time and linemen had to bo son

for to pick the wire up and plaoo Itout of the way

1Mr H 0 MoCourt assistant gen-

eral manager of southern lines of theI 0 arrived in the oily today fromCairo and went to Louisville on theI

morulng >ocommodation train

Dr Johnston Bau returned IronFlorence station this morning Hhad been to see his two daughters wboare 111 of moasels They are better-


Mr William McUreevy travelingengineer of the Memphis division ofr

the I 0 is in the oily



Reported That Messrs Terrelll

are to Start Another Show

They State That There Is Nothing iIn

the ReportNow in Circulation

1It has been reported for several dayspast that the Messrs Terrell of Padscab contemplate starting a menagerie I

or circus and put it on the road thisI

season but they deny that they haveI

decided to do anything of tho kindAccording to one report they desire

to get out a tbrooring circus and another report is that it will be only anI

animal showThe Meiers Terrell are old hands

in tho show business having had ialarge circus for several years and fortwo or three seasons a wild west showIf they decide to put out anothershow needless to say tbey will havo alargo one



Manager Sam Jackson ReturnsFrom Louisville 1 r

Says Ho Did Not Want to Get Tats a

Central League Will Get J

Good Club Ii


Mr Sam Jackson owner of the Paducah K I T league baseball club lreturned last night from Loulsvillawhere ho had been conferring witkJohn S Ray who will be managUIthis season of Padncabs team

It was reported that Mr Jackson thad gone to Terre Haute Ind to at-


a meeting of the Central LeagMand gain admittance into that leaguebut Mr Jackson denies this strongly

When Mr Weille was in the baseball i

association here Mr Jiokson ex-

plained we did apply for admittanceinto that league but now I have purchased Mr Weillee stock and am lOtowner of the team and business heretland do not want to got into thatleague From Lonisvillo I wired theCentral league that I would not attestthe meeting and did not care to puttmy application for admittance and sot-

to consider it It is a hard matter todroo a town from any league and Isuppose the reason no other towuwere taken in was for this reason d

no town would drop out of the leaguesMr Jackson has secured his WaDI

and is ready for the opening of theseason He has secured players frontall over the country and not in any in¬

stance have two men been securedfrom the same town In organizing ateam of this kind Mr Jaoksoa hopesto do away with disorganizing 1


which is prevalent among playersfrom the same town We will have 1F

harmony and a good hard workingteam Mr Jackson stated and Iwill have my men here on April lifortrainingMr

will out the middlesteps out of the fgrand stand and floor

it in making more seating room Hawill mount a scorers stand in the oeater and make other improvements tathe grand stand

The suits this season will be lightgrey with white college caps Strippedstockings will be used and a flashy

outfit worn by the Indians

President Irwin Thompson of tinK L T league stated yesterdeay thatthe Kitty league would pay better fortowns of Fadncahs size than largeleagues and if Paducah got into anybigger league the salary limit rail¬ i

tread fare and officers salaries wo Idbe doubled and the patronage re111Ithe same Paducah Cairo or anytown of this size has got no businessrttrying to support a big league toaaIDr Thompson declared

Alonzo Hedges the local baseballpitcher loft last night for St LomIon business Hodges is wanted by UteAmerican league team of St Loafsand it is understood ho has gone then

lto confer with managers Milwaukeereserved Hodges for this season batthere it talk of selling him One pa¬

per recently printed a report that f lHodges had boon sold to CincinnatiYY

of the National league but Hedgeshad heard nothing of this matter A

Charlie Doylo tho southpaw pitcherwith Paduoah at the close of the sea ¬

son has accepted a position as brakeman on tho N 0 and St L roadDoyle does not know whether ho willplay ball this season or not and statedyesterday that it was undecided whatho would do Doylo is being reservedby the local team



Lancaster Ky Jan 16Arter eat¬ jl-ing a hearty dinner and sitting before

the fire smoking his pipe and appar-


in tho test of health Mr JohaTurner suddenly expired without ut¬

boring a sound Ho was 56 yeara oldA widow and two chlldrenJrurviTO 1

him l+